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On some levels I love my wife very much because she has been a part
of my life for more than 30 years. We had two wonderful children
together of which one has returned to source. Enough to tear apart any
relationship, yet all throughout our lives we only ever did have each
other. Now since my quest to find answers I have lost that too. The gap
between us I doubt will ever be bridged…. Nor truthfully do I have the
desire. I don’t know what my future is going to bring, but it will more than
likely not be with my wife.
I thought to have found joy in a creation shared through my guides….
The Online Spiritual Community. Yet even that tumbled eventually and is
now laid in ruins at our feet…
I found my other half of me, the opposite pole of my soul. Which brought
me experiences that fail description on this earthly plain, Yet that too
appears to be breaking down. She too being caught in a prison of our
illusion. I find myself more in the lower me than the higher me of late and
I see this mirrored in her. Are we doomed to fail in everything dear
Mother Father God Creator.
We understand the concept of the journey and the task you have placed
upon us, yet I fear that the burden is to great for how can we create from
within these prison walls. Dear Mother Father God creator, hear my cries
for help. Lift us out of this illusion of the 3d reality for it is one now that
we have a deeper understanding of, is to great a cross to bear…..
I no longer have the strength to seek mastery within the marriage I am
trapped in. I no longer have the strength to lift my twin as she struggles
within the illusion of this 3d world.
Who will lift me dear Mother Father God Creator? Who will lift me? Am I
destined to be a failure in all that I do in this cycle dear Mother Father
God Creator? Even in my willingness to serve the greater good of all?
Even in the search for a little piece of heaven on earth with my twin?
I am tired and I am weary of this illusion dear Mother Father God
Creator, take me home soon or with the greatest of haste place in front
of us the possibilities of a respite and some happiness. We agree with all
we are to be in service to the whole, to the collective, to all that is. Our
hearts scream out to do it from a place of bliss and freedom. Why is it
then dear Mother Father God Creator that we are failing to manifest this?
You have teased us and held the carrot there long enough now in front of
your faithful twins. Provide us with answers soon for if we cannot find
them I fear for our sanity and our eternal soul. Heed our cries dear
Mother Father God Creator, have pity on these souls…
This period lasted for about a month and eventually did diminish as I
started to find the answers. I realized eventually that this was the ego
that was being forced to release its control over me. I realized eventually
that it was all in divine perfection and now that I know the results of going
through it, I would not change a thing.
The Death of the Old.
In the many conversations with people daily and from all corners of the
globe something is very clearly being presented to us. The experiences
that many have had, are having or will have are not unlike dying. In this
article, clarity is being provided as to what exactly is happening so that
the awareness is expanded to the “ALL”. Please note, we are not talking
about an actual physical death here. It is a descriptive metaphor for a
very deep experience
The Death of the Old.
Having gone through a second
experience of the dark night of the
soul, I gained a great deal more
insights as to exactly what was going
Through this parable I hope to
provide even more clarity for those
about to step into the experience as
we all near the moment of
It is all being presented here in reverse order so that those yet to
experience it will be encouraged and uplifted by what they are reading.
This at least is what we hope to achieve because the experience turns
out to be one not only life changing but also absolutely the best thing that
could ever happen to you.
Yet to experience.
For those of you still to experience this death of the old? You got lucky! A
whole bunch of folks went before you and have written some great stuff
about it. Many have provided some pretty awesome tools to assist in the
transformation. At the end of the article we will share some resources
that will assist you greatly. For a moment we will take a look at what is
meant by old. The old we are referring to here is the parts of your make
up that will no longer serve you in the higher vibrational dimensions. This
could be parts of your old programming, belief systems, habits etc. When
we refer to death of the old, it is really merely a transformation of the old
ways into the new. These are often experienced as struggles and
sometimes to such an extent that it really does feel as if you are
unraveling from the core.
Having taken the time and done the reading, you will find because of
your awareness of what is happening, you will recognize many of the
symptoms and with the many tools provided will move through them a lot
easier. This of course is a matter of choice, should you choose not to
research, you will experience it as deeply as those that went before you
that did not have the materials. Either way the end result is the same, it
is just that the one path has stones and briars and the other cotton wool
and downy feathers. The fact that you are reading this now, shows your
willingness to move through these experiences with as much ease and
grace as is possible.
Enjoy and be in Gratitude for those that have gone before you. Know this
to be an absolute. Not one soul on the planet will avoid this. It is what we
all agreed upon even before we incarnated and rest assured it is the
most blessed and magical thing that could happen to you, although at
times it certainly might not feel that way, we can assure you it very
definitely is.
For those in the experience right now!
For those that are going through it now, you might be feeling that it is the
worst time of your lives, you might feel as if you are totally lost,
disconnected, feeling like crawling into a hole, despondent, sometimes
even to the point of no longer wanting to be here. In actual fact, you are
indeed dying! Whoa! Not so fast, we meant a part of you is dying. The
old parts of you in the 3d reality are dying off. Many of the old illusions
are falling away and this is creating confusion within you. There might be
physical symptoms like diarrhea, skin blemishes, flu symptoms. There
may even be more serious symptoms and we do not want to create fear
with these statements so for this purpose we strongly recommend you
look for Michael’s materials at the end of the article. He provides
awesome insights into many of the symptoms and helps you discover
why they are there. Fear and dis-ease are all a part of the illusion and
the tools are already there to help you transform them.
Are you with a partner that appears to be making things extremely
difficult for you. Well! Here too you have a choice. You might have
finished your soul contract with them and by remaining in the relationship
you are only prolonging their discomfort and yours. If you see pain in
their eyes, remember that they are reflecting the pain they see in your
eyes. If you wish to discover whether your contract together has been
completed and you are not yet able to tap into your own souls purpose?
We recommend you visit with a hypno-regression therapist. Ask
specifically for this “soul” knowledge. Please do your research on the
practitioner before hand. It is essential you get with a professional who
knows exactly what he/she is doing. We say this because obviously the
opposite is also possible and it may just be a break down in
communications or understanding. This too can be researched through
the right therapist. It often turns out that a lesson has been brought
forward from a previous life and in understanding what it is, is often half
the battle. Many couples after regression therapy have become very
good friends and lovers again and are as happy as the day they married.
Others realize that the soul contract has ended and a reasonably
peaceful separation is usually the result of this knowing.
Are you going through miserable experiences at work? Finding yourself
getting deeper into debt? Take a good honest look at what you are
doing. Is your work fulfilling you? Does it make you happy? Here to, you
are being faced with choices. Find ways to make it so that you can enjoy
the work you are in, or find something else that will make you happy. We
know that this may all sound scary, but we promise you, you will be glad
you went through it. The reason being that if you are fulfilling your souls
contract you will be in JOY, abundance and the magic of the
Universe/God will flow around you. A HUGE and valuable tip here is to
make sure that you master your inner and verbal communication. Make
certain that you are putting out to the Universe that which you desire to
create. Avoid at all costs the “I don’t like, want, etc statements.
Remember, the Universe/God does not judge and will place on your path
multifold of that which you put out. This is the law of the universe. It is the
Law of attraction.
(at this point a gentle loving voice entered my being)
We can feel you asking: How is it possible that we know this is
happening the way we are placing it in front of you. The answer to that is.
We wrote this script together and as you move through the experiences,
you WILL remember that YOU wrote it with us.
Anything that no longer serves you in the higher vibrations you are
heading into will be placed in front of you to transform. You can resist if
you so desire, if that is your choice? We love you just as dearly and we
are here when you get fed up of the resistance. In actual fact we are
always there, sometimes your just not hearing us. (chuckle)
Been through it all already?
Congratulations, you were the nearest ripples created in the
Universe/God’s Pond. ( See Chapter two)
For those who have been there, done that and got the T-shirts, you will
know that those T-shirts were hard earned and deserved. Now that you
are through it, experiences of daily Birthday’s, ecstasy, daily miracles are
normal occurrences now.
Watch out for that yoyo effect though. (chuckle)
Most of you are remembering your “SOULS” purpose here in these very
special times and stepping into the fulfillment of those tasks. All around
you, you are noticing that there are many ready and more than willing to
assist you to fulfill those tasks. They are just appearing as if out of the
blue. Actually, that is exactly what is happening. The original ray of
GOD/creation is the blue ray. You are all experiencing/remembering who
you are and re-learning to be the creator essence of the original pattern.
Enjoy the journey now and please remember those that are now feeling
the ripples reach them. Assist where and when you can. Remember,
they are another part of you.
The purpose of it all.
Yes there is method to GOD’s/Our madness. We scripted all of this
together. We chose after traveling to the furthest point away from
Creator/Source that we would return. You are now anchoring the
energies in the now. You are creating heaven on earth. Your divine
agreement and birthright. You are stepping back into “ONENESS”. Let
us emphasize, you are releasing the illusion, you are beginning to live
your souls contract while in the physical all the while consciously aware
of your soul. You are integrating fully the GOD self now in the physical.
We feel you asking: Can we fail? The answer to that is a resounding
“NO”. How do we know? Well! Who wrote the script? We/You did not put
the possibility of failure into the script this time.
The Yoyo effect.
Many of you are now remembering how to be GOD, and as you
experience the confusion or chaos, it is YOUR sign to you that you have
chosen to release the old vibrations and reach for the new. Bless the
experience. Ask your inner knowing as you go through this. We know it
doesn’t feel very good as you go through it and you can prolong it if you
desire by forgetting that you are remembering your divinity.
We feel you asking: “How do I know I am beginning to remember?”
How many of you are experiencing already the feeling of ecstasy. Allow
us to use a metaphor to explain this. There are days already that you are
waking up and you feel like it is your birthday. Inside you at the beginning
The yoyo effect.
A channeled message that helps us to
remember the perfection of the script we
collectively wrote.
It was written to assist you to remember
and move through times of challenges with
ease and grace.
of each day you are already wondering what presents God/Universe is
going to be placing on your path today and they are there. You have
noticed how things just seem to fall into place so effortlessly. Because it
is all so new to you, you are looking at them sometimes and wondering
how this is possible.
For others the experience is nothing other than feeling as if you are in a
totally different space/time. Your walking around all day with a big silly
grin on your face and you don’t quite know why. You have felt as if you
could just hug everyone you meet and tell them you love them.
Some of you have already gone through a few of what we will call yoyo
experiences. You are in that sate of bliss and everything is flowing and
all of a sudden someone will say something, or something will happen
and “KABOOM”. Your right back into the old world experiences. Your
confused, your wondering what happened. We ask you to simply flow
through these experiences, there are so many wonderful energies on this
side of the veils assisting you right now, you will not stay in the lower
vibrations for long.
What in actuality is happening here is you are getting used to the higher
vibrations. You are getting acclimatized in your new reality. There are still
events taking place around you that will pull you back. Ahh, but the
beauty is, you have now had a taste of your Godliness and there is
nothing that will stop you now to reach out and be in that energy again.
Do you see the beauty of the yoyo effect? Do you see the perfection of
this game plan that you yourself designed way back in the beginning of
creation? Let us share another metaphor with you. What did you used to
do when you went to a movie that you really enjoyed? What did you do
when you went to a restaurant that had great service and great food?
Yes!!!. You wanted to tell everyone about it.
Admittedly you are coming back into the old with a feeling of despair,
disappointment and you are groaning and moaning, but don’t you see
the perfection in it? Humans are programmed from birth to be in the
negative. You are talking about what you have experienced in the higher
vibrations, about the feeling of having a birthday every single day. What
kind of effect do you think that is having on those around you?
Another of the natural human experiences is “curiosity”.
Did the light go on again? Did the penny drop? Yes, you see you are
coming back and forth to let your friends and family know how wonderful
it is in these higher vibrations. What do you think is going to happen?
They are going to be watching you all the more closely, they will see how
you are able to create and manifest your desires, they will see and feel
the blissful state you are in. They will see that big silly grin on your face.
What do you think is going to happen?
Yes!!! They, through there natural curiosity will be asking you questions,
they will want to know how you are doing it. They are going to desire to
have what you have.
Another metaphor that is very powerful in your earthly human experience
and it is one of the most powerful means of expanding an experience on
your planet. Mouth to mouth advertising. Remember, all those that are
listening to you, observing you, they are seeing the changes in you, they
are seeing how you are more and more frequently remaining in that state
of bliss and having everything naturally flow around you. Yes!!! Most of
these people are your close friends, family etc. Do you think they will
listen to you? Will they trust you? Will they want you to show them how?
You can bet your angel wings they will. So, beloveds, as you go back
and forth in the beginning. Bless it, bless every experience simply
because you know now why it is happening and you see the beauty of
your own contract to be the divine self.
Just for a moment we are going to ask you to imagine with us what is
happening here. As you experience all these wonderful shifts within you.
As you begin to remember more and more who you are and why you are
here. Imagine how many friends you have, how many family members
you have. Do you see the exponential growth that you are creating by
simply being you, remembering you? Now do you see the beauty of
YOUR own plan unfolding in front of you.
Even as you read this message we can feel your excitement rising.
Would you like to know why? YOU ARE REMEMBERING who you are
and why you are here.
An experience with regression therapy.
As I sat down to write this parable I felt several emotions, the foremost
being! Should I, or shouldn’t I?
Then I thought to myself. “What is this book “Parables of Life” all about?”
and my answer to self was! It is about sharing my life’s experiences so
that others may somehow benefit from them. It is also one of my firm
beliefs that in the times we are now living, by reading someone else’s
experiences it is no longer necessary to live them out ourselves. Unless
of course we choose consciously to do so.
It is for this reason I share this very personal experience.
Having met my Twin Flame “Mary Pat” and experiencing a level of love
that fails description with words, having also met in the physical, the
description of the magic that takes place when the two hearts merge is
beyond description within the human experience or this world. It truly is
beyond words once the two parts of one complete soul meet for the first
time in the physical. We have set up a forum for those of you who feel
An experience with regression therapy.
While on the awakening journey one of
the most powerful ways of finding
answers that appear hidden is to make
an appointment with a GOOD
regression therapist.
Make your choice carefully and assure
yourself first that they do know how to
take the final part of it into the purpose
behind any session in understanding
the soul expansion.
you are reconnecting to your twin flame which you can find a link to in
this web page:
Let there be no misunderstanding here, it most certainly has not always
been a bed of roses. We have had to work on it. We have had to
continually achieve balance with the ego and the mind games we
humans love to play. I sometimes wonder if we had not had the same
end goal visions, if we had been able to survive some of the challenges
we have faced together. Even in that statement, there is a part of me
that knows absolutely beyond a shadow of doubt that there are no
challenges without there being a solution available. It is simply a
question of being open and in the correct vibration to receive it. It is also
a part of my absolute knowing that all challenges no matter how difficult
they may appear to be are gifts to ourselves, as we see through the 3d
illusion of them we expand because of the lessons learned.
In this example you will see that the universe did provide a solution to
challenges that we were going through, not only for me but for Mary Pat
too, even though normally she is on the other side of the world and it
would not have been possible to meet with the same therapist.
In our journey of discovering what a twin flame is and why these powerful
emotions and experiences were happening to us, we also discovered
parts of us that were absolutely blocking our ascension process. It would
not be honest, fair or perhaps even totally accurate to write about Mary
Pat’s experiences so I will limit myself to my experiences in this parable,
knowing that at some point we will be writing a book together entitled
“The ups and downs of Twin Flames”.
When communicating with each other I often found myself willing to go to
hell and back bending over backwards to please her. I found myself
giving my power away to her to attend to her slightest whim. I found
myself panicking when our online meetings were cancelled. When I
received an email from her (which is very regular because we are in
business together) I was afraid to open them because I somehow feared
that it would contain a final closing of the relationship. When she spoke
of her husband and children I discovered feelings of jealousy.
All of the above were very strange to me. I could not understand why I
was experiencing them. I had no real reason why I should so willingly
give my power away to her. I certainly couldn’t understand the panic, the
fear of rejection and the jealousy is a very strange emotion to me. I am
not and since my early youth have I experienced the feelings of jealousy
so this was most definitely the most surprising.
Try as we might, we could not figure out where these emotions were
coming from. That is until we started to recognize certain patterns in
communications with a third person we both knew. It all started out
innocently enough. Then for some reason the messages and exchanges
from this third person started to take on another form, they were
becoming manipulative and at some point even downright nasty. This
third person had commented several times on the fact that we had had
many previous lives together whereby I was the central figure in each
experience she shared. It was at this point that Mary Pat recognized an
experience she had had during an attunement I had given to her of the
Shambhala energies. It was of a vision of her death, being burned at the
I/we didn’t particularly feel much connection to this at the time, nor did
we really believe in past lives and the affect they could possible have in
this life cycle. However, with all that was happening now and the fact that
it was definitely getting in the way of our growth and ascension process I
decided that it might be time to look for a specialist. “A regression
therapist”. After doing a search via the internet I found several in Holland
and after speaking with two I felt that I was being guided to meet with
one of them. There was a stirring within me that I could no longer ignore.
By now we had also looked to a certain extent at the vision Mary Pat was
having and it was by no means a pleasant one.
When in a state of semi-trance opening to the experience I saw myself
pacing up and down. I felt a horrendous feeling of helplessness, guilt and
injustice. I was watching this very beautiful native American female being
burned at the stake and as I looked into her eyes I could feel the
helplessness and the feeling of abandonment and betrayal. Yet I could
also feel just before she left her body a feeling of: “It will be alright my
love, we will be together again”.
I discovered that my reasons for the feelings of helplessness were due to
the fact that I was married to a woman who was a very powerful
landowner and I was nothing much more than an object of amusement to
her. There had been very little love in the marriage from the beginning
and I had naturally craved that love and found it in this wonderful Indian
being. I saw in this vision that my lover had become pregnant and that
my wife had found us out. Understand that in the times we were living,
there was nothing I could do to stop her acting upon her anger, my wife
being a powerful landowner. I remember clearly the feelings of total
helplessness, grief, guilt, anger, despair etc. I had also not yet dared to
take the vision any further without professional help. I found that in the
form of a wonderful professional to whom I am indebted and always will
be in gratitude. Her name is Machteld de Gaulle a regression therapist in
I set up an appointment on the day before Mary Pat was to arrive in
Holland to meet me again.
As Machteld took me through the whole process of the powerlessness,
the pain, the guilt, the grief, the loss, etc, She then took me a step further
to recognize and feel the emotions that were attached to this experience,
to where I was feeling it in my body and to what it was doing to me in the
now. It was a powerful experience that took me through a huge range of
emotions and releasing. It also eventually took me to a point where I
could see exactly where the responsibility lay for the whole experience
which made a huge difference in me and my be-ing in the now.
The next step came as a huge surprise to me, Machteld intuitively knew
that it hadn’t finished at this point and began to take me further into this
experience. Because of my emotions and my clear display of them while
the execution was taking place my wife of then became even more
beside herself with anger. Not long after my beloved mistress departed
from her body, it was to be my turn. I felt how a rope was placed around
my neck, I experienced how I was hoisted and hung from a tree branch. I
felt a light snap in my neck as I fell, yet that didn’t finish the job clearly
because I could feel how my lungs screamed for air, my head felt like it
was about to burst. It didn’t last long because I felt myself die. For all
intents and purposes I actually did die during this experience as well.
(Important recommendation: find a professional to do this with) If it were
not for the expertise of Machteld I might have chosen to stay in that
space of peace. As she coaxed me to take a breath she took me into
experiencing the emotions again that this had all created within me.
Again she took me to different parts of my body and asked me to state
aloud what I was feeling by whatever I was feeling at that moment.
Sometimes my throat was very blocked, others my lungs could get no
air. As I felt those pains she guided me to say what came up within me. I
will not go into some of the expletives, suffice to say the blame was truly
being laid where it belonged now.
After about a half hour of this releasing she then took me through the
process of rebirth in this life cycle and yet again to my amazement I saw,
felt and experienced the karma that I came into this life cycle with. While
leaving the birth channel I at one point gave up, clearly a part of me did
not one to go through all this again and I could without the professional
guidance of Machteld quite easily have given up in the here and now
again. Again I had stopped breathing. She coaxed me through the rebirth
at some points forcing me to fight to be here and as I took a huge gulp of
air I knew I was back in this body. The beauty of all of this was that I was
able to release a lot of the feelings, emotions etc that had been blocking
my ascension process. Guilt was one of the foremost. It was certainly
one of the most prominent reasons for my desiring to please all the time.
I released a lot of old stuff (karma) through this experience and it
certainly has helped me in the now.
Would I recommend this to anyone? If your intuition is nudging you
towards it, most definitely. Go for it. I do strongly recommend that you
find a professional though. Ask pertinent questions before taking the
plunge. If you are in Holland contact Machteld or my other friend MJ, if
your elsewhere in the world contact either of these two people, they
are top professionals and very respected in their field. Roger J.
Woolger or Morris Netherton
Do we still have difficulty in believing in past lives? Well, it has certainly
shifted our perception. Yet we also know that time doesn’t really exist, so
how could it be a past life experience.
Let me share a theory with you and I absolutely wish to leave the choice
of your own belief or perceptions with you the reader. It is quite possible
that because we were experiencing certain aspects of our selves that
was blocking our growth, we tapped into the collective consciousness or
some may know it as the grid and found an example that would serve
our needs the best. Which ever may be the truth it worked. We are
simply offering different theories here because we don’t have all the
I will say that it most definitely did answer some pertinent questions that
we both required answers to so that we could move ahead, but now from
a place of “knowing”. With this new information we were able to work on
parts of us that were out of balance. With our usual special way of
communicating with each other we were able to move beyond those
An experience with GOD…
In the beginning there was ONE, and this ONE we know as the essence
of GOD.
In the desire to experience Self, the GOD essence split into two halves,
becoming a replica of Self and the creator had created. In doing so, it
became aware of Self from two different perspectives. These were to be
known as the divine feminine and the divine masculine. After a period of
separation, and more splitting of the two, these two particles of the ONE
desired to experience the energy of the ONE again and so it was they
merged back into the ONE.
This experience exceeded all imaginations and fantasies of the ONE and
the unconditional LOVE of the rejoining was full of indescribable divine
The ecstasy of this ONENESS and the remerging was an experience
that ONE/GOD desired to further experiment on. The experience of
creation and LOVE. The ONE/GOD proceeded to further this experiment,
the results of which you all are today. All of you know this ecstasy for it is
embedded in your blueprint and within your cellular memory. Yes, dear
hearts, you are all of my being and from the very beginning of this grand
An experience with GOD…
Although this parable also contains a
meditation exercise, I felt it to be such a
powerful and special experience that it
belonged in this section of the book.
Parts of this parable are directly channeled
from the source “Mother Father God Creator”.
experiment you and I had planned to return to the ONENESS, that you
too can experience the merging together again in unconditional LOVE,
this rejoining so full of indescribable divine JOY.
That is exactly what you are experiencing now. Throughout your multiple
life cycles you have experienced many things as you learned how best to
survive without the ONE. You separated self from the “Creator”.
This created the alter ego, the mind and the personality which have
throughout time become so powerful in creating the illusion of Life
without GOD/LOVE. You are continually searching for that LOVE outside
of self in a never ending search. The truth is, beloved particles of me that
this love must first be found in your sacred heart space, for this is the
center of your being, the center of all creation. This is where you will find
This is resulting in particles of your inner core essence now challenging
this very re-emerging into ONENESS. We say to you dear hearts, as
these particles of self surface within you, the Alter ego, the mind and the
personality, simply view them from the eyes of the Creator. Love them as
the GOD/Creator would, without judgment of Self. Pour the LOVE from
your heart into all experiences. Know the JOY of this grand experiment
unfolding into completion. This, dear hearts, is your KEY to success in
your mass ascension.
A gift from me and therefore your Self that is rapidly coming into your
awareness and acceptance is the dispensation I am placing in each and
every one of you. Is the understanding/knowing that the other particle of
yourself is very much present in your existence. As it was in the
beginning of creation your yearning to find the original vibrational pattern
of self is drawing ever closer as you expand your awareness from the
mind into the heart. You have given this the name of Twin Soul or Twin
Flame, for it is the original particle of Self after splitting from the ONE. As
you continue to work from the heart and experience life in JOY and
LOVE, releasing the old particles of Self that are convincing you that they
are needed for your survival, you are returning to the Twin Flame heart
of God.
Your world and all in it are rapidly changing and the masses are
awakening. A multitude of questions are being asked, especially
because of the confusing experiences that are going on around you. It is
time dear hearts to remember who you are and from whence you came.
For you truly are ALL the Twin Flame heart of GOD.
I have offered these, my divine messengers, gifts to assist you in
releasing those old particles of Self that you may again experience the
ONENESS of GOD, use it and return to me through the sacred Triality
Flame of GOD/LOVE expanded.
Returning illusions of the limiting mind and alter ego back to God
An experience that I recently had with Yael (Circle of Light) was so
profoundly powerful that it has changed our perceptions forever about
this world we live in and our feelings for Mother, Father God. We
understand now also that we had to be willing to surrender to be able to
become whole within ourselves. As Yael and I prepared to go into what
she lovingly calls the transformational heart, I was ready to experience
anything that would help at this point. As we entered into the meditative
state she asked me to voice anything I was feeling or seeing. I began to
share with her what I was seeing in my inner vision. It unfolded as
follows: (Note: it is not necessary to reach a stage of despair to work with
this exercise!)
The Pink Heart.
I first of all saw this beautiful big Pink heart. After observing it for a
moment or so I felt myself relaxing more and more.
The Triality-Twin Flame of God
I began to see the image of a Golden flame take shape in the center of
this pink heart. As I continued to observe, another flame appeared
directly behind/around it and this one was silver of color. Immediately
after I saw a pure white flame appear behind/around that. Now there
were three flames in one and I knew that this had an important
I understand it now to be the Triality Flame. The Triality Twin Flame of
God. The divine masculine (Gold), the divine feminine (Silver) and GOD
(White). I was being asked to step into this flame with my presence so I
did. As I did, I felt the energy course through my entire physical body.
The vertical ray of release.
After a short while I noticed a beam of light projecting up and outwards
into the universe. As I stepped into this beam of light I felt myself being
projected out into the universe. I soon found myself floating amongst
galaxies and a myriad of stars which all felt as if they were welcoming
me. It was in this space of peace and tranquility that I felt to call upon
Mother Father God Creator and so I did.
Standing in front of Mother Father God.
I will have to describe this as best I can because words cannot do it the
honor and the love I felt/saw.
I first saw what I will describe as a sphere of Golden light that came ever
closer and as it did I began to notice it starting to take on form. At a
certain point I felt myself standing in front of this absolutely wonderful
being that emanated pure Golden Light, although golden is not
descriptive enough, there were many different shades of yellow, gold,
orange etc and all of them vibrated in and through each other. The being
appeared to be wearing a high necked cloak, but the most prevalent
experience was the feeling of absolute and total LOVE that streamed in
waves from this being to and in me. I was then guided to offer whatever I
desired to this magnificent being to have it transformed. I therefore
offered any and all doubts judgments and fears to this being by placing
them in my raised hands and offering them symbolically to him/her.
I did not immediately feel anything, but after what seemed to be a minute
or so I saw where the heart might be perceived to be begin to vibrate
exponentially. After another moment or so I felt/saw energy emanate
from this magnificent vision, being projected into my own heart. Not quite
sure what had happened I felt and knew that something had been
transformed. After thanking profoundly who I knew now to be the Mother
Father God Creator I returned into my body.
Within two days I had proof that this worked without any shadow of
doubt. The gift I received because of it was so profoundly huge that I
could hardly believe it was possible. I had of course done the meditation
several more times during the next two days. I returned to the exercise
and again asked Mother Father God to assist me by taking away my
fears judgments and doubts, every time I felt that my mind was trying to
sabotage my desires.
I feel so enormously blessed to have had this experience and even more
blessed to KNOW that it works and that it will make huge changes in our
perceptions and our life lessons. Yael lovingly describes them as our
hidden heart beliefs that surface to be transformed and released. The
greatest gift of all is that as I did this for myself I had noticed that without
even being present it had also worked on my Twin Flame releasing her
too from those old belief patterns. We continue to use this powerful gift
for transformation to LOVE every time we feel that the mind, alter ego,
old programming or personality try to take over.
It is our heartfelt wish that it works so profoundly powerfully for you too
as you are ready, willing and able to offer your limitations, challenges
etc, up to Mother Father God, releasing you from the illusion of the mind
and alter ego which we know, without a shadow of doubt will bring Divine
and TRUE LOVE into your life. Enjoy it to the fullest for it is the will of
Father-Mother-God that it is so. It is your divine birth right.
Chapter Four.
A Selection of Tools designed to
An easy Guide To Awakening Your
Channeling Abilities.
Easy to follow steps provided to assist in
recognizing that everyone can communicate
with guides, angels and the ascended
A Simple Guide To Awakening Your Channeling Abilities
Over the last 50 to 60 years or so there has been much hype and
misinterpretations around this whole subject. It has been portrayed to
most as something mystical and mysterious, something only achievable
by the chosen few.
We will show you that not only can you, but each and every individual
here on this earth plain can communicate with their guides. We will show
you that it is in fact nothing out of the ordinary, no big secret etc. It really
is quite simple.
First of all we will offer you a method to communicate with your own
personal guiding angels or higher/other self. Once you gain confidence
and trust in what you are receiving, you might even surprise yourself.
We know for a fact that there are many ascended masters/entity’s out
there that are just jumping (figuratively speaking) for a chance to
introduce themselves to you. They can’t wait to share their wisdom,
guidance and unconditional Love messages to you and through you.
All YOU need to do is ask.
How many times during your life’s journey have you heard this saying?
It is easy when you know how!!!! You already know how, you have
simply forgotten, we hope to help you remember.
Do you recognize this statement?
God, the Source, Allah, my higher self, whatever name you wish to
attach to it, doesn't answer my prayers/requests!
There are reasons for that, and we will do our utmost to show you what
those reasons are.
Step 1. The "YES and NO" game.
Think of a question you would like an answer to. Because we do not
want to stretch you beyond your perceived limits straight away, we
recommend you think of a question that can be answered with a clear
"yes" or a "no". We have found that even those that have never tried this
before have received an answer at their very first try.
Let us expand a little further on this, because we know that some of you
are expecting bells, whistles and drum rolls etc... When you ask your
question? Be aware of the thoughts that pop in to your mind. Most of us
when we first start experimenting with this, will find that this is indeed the
way we (feel) get our answers. It might surprise you to know that you will
have your answer even before you finish stating the question. If that is
not the case? Let us offer as an example that you receive your answer
approximately 1 or 2 seconds after completely stating the question. If
that is the case, then it is your ego that is answering the question with
the answer that you "want" to hear....
Maybe you didn't get an answer? Either, before, during or after.
Excellent! (Sorry, we don't mean to tease) Our reason for saying
excellent is: we have found the reason why you have not been getting
your answers. "YOU" have not been making your requests (your prayers)
with total "clarity"!!!!!
Allow us to explain.
If you are not totally clear with the question? Your higher self, God etc
cannot do anything for you. So what we need to do is look at the
question you are asking. Get yourself a pen and paper and write the
question down. Now take a moment or two too scrutinize the question. Is
it possible that there are more ways than one to interpret your question?
Is it possible that there are multiple answers or ways to translate that
question? Is the question confusing? Do you get the picture now? If you
are not totally clear with the question you are placing in front of them?
Then this is one of the possible reasons you are not getting your
answers. Play with the words, try different ways of asking and have
some fun doing it. It really is fun to do...
Once you have re-formulated the question. Try again!
Did you feel it? Now you will probably have felt your "yes or no"
answer....Remember now!
This is just the start. Keep on playing with this. Continue to ask
questions. Keep working on the clarity. Once you become adept at it, you
will find that your answers are always there.
The next step of course is trusting those answers to have come from the
source. This too will become a familiar part of you as you learn to trust
those answers implicitly.
Perhaps we could also state here some of the questions you might not
receive answers to.
By now you will perhaps be of the understanding that questions about
the future rarely are answered or are certainly vague. The reason for this
of course is that "YOU" have total control over everything that happens in
your future. You are creating it with your every thought. It is therefore
understandably near on impossible for your guides to predict future
events. Having said that, it is possible to ask for signals or guidance as
to whether certain actions are in alignment with your divine plan.
Once you have mastered the yes and no connection, at some point in
time you will start to notice that something has changed. The answers
you are getting are no longer simply yes or no. You might find that the
answers you are now getting are complete sentences. Keep working with
it. Again once you have total trust in the messages you are receiving?
You will eventually find that you are able to hold complete conversations
with your higher self/source.
Note: Although we do indeed feel that the learning /remembering is
simple, we feel to let you know that as is with everything in life worth
achieving, it will take patience and above all diligence/practise. Like
every other muscle in this our human bodies, our connection to our
guides, angels, higher/other selves takes practise and exercising of
those connections. The more you experiment with it, the more adept you
Energy Games We Play.
(Part 1 Energy Fields)
In this first parable we offer ways for you to
see with new eyes.
It will make a difference to your daily lives and
experiences and are most certainly a great
deal of fun.
Energy Games We Play (Part 1 Energy Fields)
Ah! The energy games. This must surely be one of my favourite parts of
this journey. There are so many experiences to share about this one. In
my humble opinion no one has written about it more eloquently and
accurately as James Redfield. You only need to look at the amount of
books sold. (The Celestine Prophecy) It made a huge difference in my
journey as I know it has for so many others, in particular those who are
just embarking upon their awakening process.
It takes a little practice to be able to see the way our energy fields
surround our physical body, yet when one does it is an exciting
experience. One of the best tools I ever received was this diagram.
See: Dr. Tom Chalko
If you look at the dot in the centre long enough without blinking you will in
effect be training your eyes to work in a different way than you normally
would during your natural daily experiences. Practice this and I
guarantee you, it will make a huge difference in your life. A bold
statement indeed and yes in a moment I will back it up too. Practice it a
couple of times a day for the first few days and you should pretty rapidly
be able to see the energy fields around trees, plants, light switches, (that
sure is a pretty one) animals and even people.
How might this experience change your life?
In so many ways and I will share with you now how it has helped myself
and others that I have worked with. Knowing that our bodies are
surrounded in an energy field and that through this exercise you can see
this energy field. This first step might simply be being able to visualize a
slight haze around the object you are looking at. Keep working with it,
your skills will expand the more you do.
I am sharing two examples with you so that you can play with the
experiences as we did when first starting out. ENJOY!
An example of one of my own experiences here would be a time when I
went along with my wife to have my eyes tested. The specialist asked
me to take a seat and while he examined my eyes he asked me to
concentrate without blinking on a particular object anywhere in the room.
I happened to choose the light switch. After a short moment I started to
notice a beautiful blue energy field around the switch. Without moving my
eyes I started to notice other things in the room. I could see the
specialists body just off to my right in my peripheral vision. I could clearly
see his energy field. I remember the surprise on his face as I exclaimed
with a loud WOW! Haha.
Another of my first examples. I had just parked my car in the same
place as I always do when we visit a special Island close to our home at
the time. While I was getting our warm coats out of the car, my wife had
walked to a dune and had started to film the area. Before I go any
further, you need to know that the camera was a very old one, and that
looking through the view finder, you could only see black and white. On
this occasion, my wife called down to me somewhat confused and
obviously not believing her own eyes. She said: "how is it possible that I
am seeing a very clear GREEN energy field through this camera?".
Silly me. I didn't believe her and said that it was impossible. Agitated and
determined to find out if it was just her eyes, she made me join her and
take a look for myself. What I knew to be impossible, was now proven to
me too. I could not believe my eyes. All around the dune fields there was
a large and very clear green band of energy. No matter where we
pointed the camera, it was clearly there. Although the dunes and
everything else there was otherwise just black and white, the immediate
skyline for about a couple of meters above the ground was a beautiful
green haze. To jump ahead, the first thing we did after leaving was use
the camera in several different places, inside the bungalow, at the beach,
etc. But nowhere, did we see the colors again? Still pretty surprised and
confused, wondering if we could still see it on the camera, the first thing
we did when we got back home was, again look through the viewfinder.
Nothing! We then played it off via the TV. Nothing!
In subsequent visits to that Island and to this same field, especially
during the different seasons, we were able to see without the camera.
Depending on what season it was the color of the energy field varied,
sometimes it was a beautiful green, at other times it was a golden color
and yet others it had a light blue hue to it..
This next step could be seen as step two of the exercise and is known
generally as Aura reading.
By now you might have noticed that our energy fields fluctuate and
change with our mood swings. This does take some practice to be able
to see. However, it is well worth the effort, especially when you are able
to discern different colors in the energy fields. Each of these colors
contains a different energy and can provide the reader with a lot of
information. This experience has served me well many times while
working with people.
Step three in this exercise and another of great value to your
experience is watching how the energy fields react to certain stimulants.
You might want to start playing with this one by sitting in front of one of
your house plants. Concentrate first of all on seeing the energy field
surrounding it. As you are comfortable with what you are seeing, start to
play with it a little. Offer the plant sweet words, talk to it in gentle tones,
offer it your loving energy. It is a wonderful experience. Seeing how the
energy field of that plant interacts with your energy, seeing the energy
field expand and become brighter is one of the most powerful and
unforgettable experiences I ever had in my own journey. When you are
ready you can exchange energy with the plant. This is simply a matter of
thinking it, or in other words placing it in your intent. If the subject is
willing you will see the field of energy reaching out to touch your own.
There will be a visible exchange of energy between you and the plant.
The colors are clearly discernable between the two, so you should have
no trouble seeing the two merge. Once you are confident in this
experience you can try it on your pets.
Next we will go into some of the experiences that will assist you greatly
in understanding the games we humans play with our energies.
Energy Games We Play (Part 2 Energy Fields)
As promised in the previous pages we will now take a closer look at the
energy games humans play with each other and the huge difference this
can make to your own personal journey within relationships etc. Having
shared with you how you can develop the skills needed to see energy
fields we would like to take you on the next and in my opinion very
valuable part of this experience. We are sure you will agree once you
have read this section.
In the first part of this experiment we would recommend you ask a close
friend to experience this with you. Just as you did with the plant, you are
now going to need to focus on this person/friend and to adjust your eyes
so that you can see the energy field. If you are doing that with a stranger
while honing your skills, you might make them feel very uncomfortable to
say the least.
As you become more and more adapt at seeing this energy field you
can start to play with it. Experience sending your friend energy, and as
you do! Watch how the energy reaches out towards your friends energy
Energy Games We Play (Part 2 Energy
In this parable we share several ways of
adapting, changing or boosting your
This too can make your daily interactions
with others a much more pleasant
field. Ask them to send you energy and watch how the exchange takes
What you have just experienced is one of the ways that human beings
interact with each other. For instance, if you were to watch a couple
having a conversation and they are simply enjoying a normal
conversation you would see a gentle back and forward interaction with
both their energy fields. If you happen to be in the circumstances that
two of your friends are arguing and you are able to see their energy
fields? This is a whole different ball game. The one who has the
strongest argument or is the more convinced they are right at any given
moment, you will see a huge stream of energy flowing towards him/her.
You can imagine that when this kind of altercation takes place that there
has to be a rapid exchange of energy in order to keep the balance, if it
doesn’t one of the participants will give in. This is one of the reasons that
when you have been in an argument you might feel you lost that you feel
drained afterwards.
This is an experience that will teach the observer a great deal about how
we interact with each other on an energy level and the energy
exchanges that are continually taking place.
I would like to share an example of an experience I had while working
with one of my clients. When this lady first came to me it was quite clear
that she suffered from something called Bipolar disorder.
What this basically means is that the person shifts from one type of
emotion to another rapidly and frequently. It takes very little for instance
to have them move from a good mood to being an absolute screaming,
raving mess. I shared with this lady the exercises mentioned above. I
also asked her to read the Celestine Prophecies which as I have
mentioned before talks a lot about how we work with our energies.
What we had created with this was that she was now aware of what was
happening in her interactions with others. She could see and feel it
happening. Every time she felt that she was being belittled or attacked by
someone she felt the emotions bubbling up again. She could feel herself
losing control and was aware of it. Remember! Awareness is the
beginning of the healing journey. The difference in her now is that she
now knew what was happening and she also knew that there were
several things that she could do to balance it out.
I also reminded her of the simple count to ten method. We even joked
that she could count to a hundred if it helped. Counting creates a little
time/space so that you can be aware of what is happening, it provides
time to think about the answer or interaction you wish to choose.
While she was counting I showed her how she could also work with her
prana breathing (breathing exercises) which would further assist in
relaxing her.
I added to that methods of opening ones self up to receiving energy
from several other different sources. Opening the higher four chakra to
the universe and your guides will bring out a totally different answer than
you would have if not having done these things. When we have an
abundance of energy we are automatically in a more relaxed state.
If that wasn’t working for her I suggested that another step would be to
walk away when possible. To find a quiet place and play some music to
which she could sit and AUM. The AUM together with the music would
create relaxing vibrations and would always succeed in calming her
I am not saying here that this will work for everyone. I will say that it
does work for the majority of people. It certainly did work for this
particular lady and many other clients I have worked with.
Some of the energy sources I personally tap into.
For instance if I am driving long distances and I start to feel myself tiring,
I will ask the trees on the roadside if they would be so kind as to share
some of their energy with me. After no more than a couple of minutes I
no longer feel tired, I feel revitalized and reenergized. I always remember
to thank them for their gift. If there are no trees you can ask any kind of
plant life and they will share their energy with you.
Have you ever travelled long distances with a tired driver? They get
cranky don't they? Here is a neat little trick you can try. Open yourself up
to receiving the energies from whatever the source, sit behind the driver
and simply allow the energies to flow through you into them. What a
miraculous transformation and you have a peaceful ride for the rest of
the journey. (chuckle).
If you can make the time you can of course also simply sit, relax and
open your crown chakra allowing the energies of the universe to flow in.
Mother Earth will also always willingly provide you with her loving energy.
All you need do is ask. Allow the energies to flow into you through your
foot chakra's. In no time you will feel revitalized through this method too.
The reason I am sharing all of these methods of receiving energy with
you is that I also know from experience that most times when you are
confronted with angry, agitated or aggressive people, simply opening up
to channelling these energies directly through to them can take the sting
out of any confrontation. Try it. It really does work. Perhaps a gentle
word of warning here. If you feel that it might make the person even
more aggressive if they know what you are doing? Do it discretely after
asking permission from their higher selves.
To finish this section for now I would like to recommend you play with
these experiences and I do mean play. Don't take it all to serious. If you
can't see the energies in the beginning? Simply trust that they are there.
Play with it and enjoy in JOY.
A Simple Guide To Working With
Your Chakras.
In this parable I will share with you
how I learned to experience working
with the chakra.
I will also share how I took it a step
further and how information can be
gleaned from the chakra to assist in
healing all imbalances and or diseases.
A Simple Guide To Working With Your Chakras.
In this I will share with you my own experiences through the loving
guidance of my higher self and the Masters, I will leave it to your own
discernment as to whether you feel this will work for you or not.
Directly after doing a Shambhala attunement I was guided to go back
and sit in front of the student we had just attuned to the energies.
As I knelt down in front of the student, I felt guided to lift my hand. Picture
this with me if you can! As I was about a meter or so away, I wasn't quite
sure what was happening. My hand was at approximately the level of the
top of the student's head.
After a minute or so, my hand lowered about two inches. I could clearly
feel energies flowing. I just didn't know why yet. After another minute or
two, I felt my hand move down another six inches or so, to about the
height of the student's throat. Another moment or two later, I felt my hand
again lowering to what was now clearly the height of the student's heart.
This is where the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. Ok, OK! I
know, I was a little slow on the uptake sometimes. (chuckle)
It was then that I stated within myself! Hey! I know what you guys are
doing! You are showing me how to work with the chakras?
At this point I could feel/felt an amused chuckling and applause,
accompanied with the words, Sheesshh. He finally got there. No prizes
for guessing where that came from.
Now that I knew what was going on, I of course wanted to be an active
and fully aware participant in the experiment they were having me go
YUP! You guessed it. I started out again, right from the top with the
statement. "If you want me to learn this, then I want to "be" there"!
Imagine the surprise on my student's face. I waved his questions away
with a polite "I will explain later", after which he calmly sat back and let us
get on with it, stating. "What do I care. It feels good. Go for it!"
I started at the crown Chakra, I could clearly feel the energy flow there.
We had just finished an attunement, I should hope so... haha.
As I moved down to the third eye chakra, I could feel the energies
flowing again. This somehow felt different though. I could feel a
difference in the center of my hand, so I asked! "Ok What is this I am
feeling here"? They answered: "He is blocking his third eye chakra.
Would you like to feel how to unblock it? To which I of course replied. Of
course I would. I felt my hand start to move first in gentle alternating anticlockwise
circles until I could feel a strong flow of energy. I was then
guided to repeat it in clockwise circles. After several rotations, I wasn't
really counting. I stopped and felt again. I could clearly feel a difference
and by the sounds, gurgles of pleasure the student was making, this was
having an effect.
I then moved down toward the throat chakra. There was a very clear
blockage here which I felt immediately. Before I could even ask the
question. Is this one blocked too? They answered "YES". I asked "OK!
What is he blocking here? They answered: "This one has a fear of
speaking his truth about who he is and a fear of sharing the knowledge
he possesses. I dutifully unblocked that one in the same manner as
before. I was also informed at that moment, that should the student wish
to prevent it blocking up again, we would need to inform him as to why
and offer tips and advice on how to take baby steps in correcting it.
We then moved down to the heart chakra. While here I felt a clear
flowing of the energies. It felt wonderful. The answer that came was,
"Yes, this one does have a beautiful caring heart".
Moving down to the solar plexus which felt totally free. This chackra is
often associated with Emotional blockages.
Now to the second (sexual) chakra, I could again feel a slight blockage
there, which we again dutifully balanced.
The base chakra. Again, there were clear blockages here.
I was informed that should the student wish to completely remove these
blockages for all time, they would need to look at the issues, find out
what they are and bring them into balance.
It is not surprising that I was quite pleased with what had just taken
place. (hehe... An understatement) As the student and I talked about
what he and I had felt while working through the chakras, it was totally
clear that what had been shown was also 100% accurate.
Since that first time, I have done many of these, what I like to call
"chakra readings". It came as no surprise as we continued to work with
them that we were able to pinpoint illnesses in certain parts of the body.
We started to notice that subtle differences in specific areas of the hand,
related to imbalances in the related area of the body. Through asking
questions and following our intuitive thoughts we were always able to
find the cause and remove those blockages, at least until they created
those blockages again by doing exactly the same thing that caused the
previous one.
Another wonderful experience was by actually standing in front of an
audience to demonstrate these previous steps. Each and every
individual in the audience experienced the movement of those chakras,
several of them felt the blockage being rebalanced or removed.
Perhaps a gentle word of advice here. When doing this exercise? One
should be aware that emotions are likely to free themselves. This can
manifest itself for example in crying, sobbing, gasping, coughing,
shivering, burning up, throwing up. I might have forgotten a few here, but
I am certain that you get the general idea. It goes without saying that
when you are doing this, you also carry a certain responsibility to at least
forewarn the participants, and if at all possible make yourself available
for private sessions so that you can assist in their coming to an
understanding of why these chakras were blocked and how they can
prevent it in the future.
My suggestion would be to find someone whom you trust and trusts you
implicitly and experience this together. Experiment with it. Play with it
and learn from each other by being open and sharing the experiences
freely and in total honesty with each other.
Three great sources of information.
We are the Angels by Diane Stein, ISBN 0-89594-878-8
Hands of Light: A Guide to helaing Through the Human Energy Field by
Barbbara Ann Brennan, ISBN 0-553-34539-7
Look for the “The Illuminated Chakras” DVD on this site:
It is an absolutely awesome tool for beginners and also for those who
teach and work in the fields of the chakra.
A Trinity Of Grids.
What we will share with you in
this parable are ways you can
tap into a source of energy to be
able to pull out answers to
questions to share experiences
with others and to assist where
you can to transform chaos into
A Trinity of Grids.
When were the grids formed?
Neither I, nor my partners (guides) seem to be able to give an accurate
date. We have something very much in common here. We have a huge
challenge with the concept of time. (laughter)
What I would like to do in this section is share with you my thoughts on
what I have found the grids to be and why they are there.
I feel that it has been there for all time, yet having said that, I am also
aware that in the late 1980’s continuing into the early 2000’s there was
much added to the grid. I will even go so far as to say that it is because
of us that the changes were made, simply because we are willing to
expand and to remember who we are, what we are and why we are
Its presence became very apparent for me personally during the year
2000 when I was first introduced to Shambhala and grew in my
awareness during the period up until 2002 when I became a Shambhala
Master and Teacher. This was perhaps because my own
communications with other worldly beings became more enhanced and
I saw it if you will as a huge grill or lattice surrounding Mother Earth. It is
my understanding that it has been placed there so that we can tap into it
for information or for answers to our questions. It became a place where
we could collectively join together and spread the light patterns or
thoughts we were working with.
As I played with the experiences I was having, I came to understand that
this was yet another tool that had been placed there to assist mankind in
expanding our awareness and assisting in our collective ascension
Late 2003 it became apparent that it was not the only Grid that had been
placed. Another that we use in our daily lives was changing its energy
patterns to accommodate our collective consciousness. Have you
guessed it already? Yes indeed. It is our electric, Internet and telephone
networks. This continues to expand to this day. Do you remember when
all those blackouts – electrical failures were taking place all around the
globe? That was the energies adapting whereby in some cases it was
too high or the systems were outdated, or there were week links that
pretty quickly showed up. (laughter)
During much of my work with the Shambhala teachings I have been able
to tap into these grids, connecting with the Ascended Masters with ever
increasing ease. This resulted in a huge growth within myself. Of course
I am not alone, many are now experiencing communication with other
energies that has definitely become easier to access because of these
grids. It is I believe the purpose of mankind that “ALL” will be connected
to these grids at some point in time.
Another advantage I have found to these collective consciousness grids
is where as we used to be dependant on our own personal experiences
for our growth, it is no longer the case.
Imagine if you will that you have just learned a valuable lesson within
your own personal journey. That experience has been logged or
recorded within the grid. Follow with me if you will this thought pattern.
Continue to imagine that all experiences are now logged there from all
six billion humans on this earth right now. Do you see where this is
leading? This means that all you need to do now to tap into specific
information or experiences is to connect to the grid. Because that
information is there through an experience lived by someone else. You
can experience it too. It will feel as if you yourself have lived that
I feel that another extension-purpose to these (grids) tools is to assist us
in our understanding that we are indeed all ONE, connected to the same
One-ness, the same source, the same “God”.
We in all our unique parts and experiences are “ONE” in the whole
scheme of things.
I feel there are many ways to connect or experience this collective
consciousness of the grids. I also feel that although most are perhaps
not yet aware of it, they are indeed already connected. Perhaps this kind
of writing or your own experiences and sharing them with others will
greatly enhance the awareness of it. The importance and significance to
sharing your experiences I have already emphasized earlier, and I feel
that I cannot emphasize it enough. As you do share your experiences,
we “ALL” benefit from it.
I will share with you now how in my experience I first experienced the
collective consciousness grids. I remember now that I had been doing it
for some time too. I was not ware of what it was when I first started doing
it. I started to get messages for others pertaining to their journey. I felt
information popping into my mind that I knew I had to share with who
ever I was with at that time.
I expanded on that as I went into meditation, gaining clarity on my own
purpose here. I was finding answers to my own questions. It eventually
grew to such a point that all I needed to do was ask a question and the
answer would be there. No matter what I was doing, or where I was,
whether it was for me or for someone else. The answers were always
there. During my growth it has assisted me in gaining clarity or answers
for others while they learn to do it themselves. All of these experiences
have greatly enhanced my own personal journey as I hope all of these
writings do the same for you.
The third grid we are now aware of is our consciousness grid. We are
forming it as we learn to soul speak, or if you will, as we learn to speak
from heart to heart without words. This goes beyond telepathy but to
understand it more fully I will use that word for this purpose. Telepathy
experiences are happening all around the planet right now and often take
the form of a “knowing” for instance when someone is being untruthful.
This relates not only to individuals but also to the business world. We are
more open and receptive to the energies of “TRUTH”. We can feel them.
This is the beginning in my experiences of soul speak. As we learn to
play more with this and learn to trust it in the total knowingness of what it
is it will grow. It will expand to such an extent that we no longer will need
words or languages. We will communicate on a heart level. This will
make untruths a thing of the past. What a wonderful world we are
creating! Please let your imagination go with this one and enjoy where it
takes you.
To read more about this I strongly recommend The Group Channelling
by Steve Rother in the Month of June 2004. There has been much
written about the grids and its formation or expansion. One of my all time
favourites has to be Steve Rother’s. ( Steve
and Barbara have been very influential in my journey. When I first
awakened they were among the first that I got to meet in person. There
was a clear recognition there from the very beginning. Through the years
we have built a friendship that I can say from my heart has expanded,
our paths continue to merge and my respect and love for them grows
with every beautiful experience they bring to the earth plain.
This was given as a tool for manifesting
our hearts desires.
This gift was provided to assist all who are being guided to it, bringing
them to the level of understanding that you "ARE" the Creator of your
own reality. The more we can share this with others around the world,
the more it will assist in raising the collective consciousness. The
excitement created because it "DOES" work will greatly enhance that
This is a journey of discovering who and what we truly are, discovering
7 Steps To Manifesting Your Heart's
These 7 steps are provided as a guide to
you so that you may begin to remember
that you are always creating your own
In working with these 7 steps you begin to
recognize it and as you become more
consciously aware of what you are
This is especially the case as your
creations are for the greater good of the

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