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1.1. Background.
Commemoration of National Education Day commemorated every May 2 Not merely
to commemorate the birthday of Kihajar Dewantara as the pioneer of the father of national
education, but it is also a momentum to further strengthen the nation's awareness and
commitment to the importance of quality education for the nation's future.
In order to strengthen national awareness and commitment, the importance of quality
education for the future of the nation and the realization of the mission of the Ministry of
Education and Culture for 2010-2013, as well as informing / appreciating policy outcomes
and appreciating outstanding education actors.

1.2. Formulation of the problem

In this discussion, the following issues will be discussed:
A. Historical background of the National Education Day
B. How far is education developing in Indonesia
C. How is the Quality of Education in Indonesia in the eyes of International / UNESCO
D. Like what Education actors in this case as Students / Teachers and Teachers
National Education Day

1.3. The Purpose of Writing Papers

A. Strengthening Commitment of all education stakeholders about the importance of
Education / Strategic Education for civilization and national competitiveness.
B. Communicate / socialize policies and results of the development of National Education

A. History of the Commemoration of National Education Day

May 2 is precisely the day of National Education. Day where education was born in
Indonesia. May 2 was made as National Education Day to coincide with the birth day of one
of our educational leaders, Ki Hajar Dewantara with real name: Raden Mas Soewardi.
Reviewing a little about the struggle to advance education on Indonesian soil, he had once
established a student park on July 3, 1922 for a community school in Yogyakarta. Then he
also had the opportunity to write various articles which essentially protested various policies
of the invaders (the Netherlands) which sometimes killed and inhibited the growth and
development of education in Indonesia.
Starting from the effort, hard work and sacrifice of himself through a decree of the
President of Republic of Indonesia No. 305 of 1959, on 28 November 1959 was named one of
the National Movement Heroes. Even more encouraging is that he is regarded as the Father of
Education for all Indonesians, this respect is evidenced by the establishment of May 2 as
National Education Day.
In order to realize and build the world of education in Indonesia which he is working
on in the occupation of the Dutch colonizers, he uses the semoboyan "Tut Wuri Handayani"
this slogan comes from the original expression "Ing Ngarsa Sung Tulada, Ing Madya Mangun
Karsa". This motto is still used in our education world until this reform era. Even with the
slogan, it has slightly changed the color of our education in Indonesia today.
B. Basic and National Education Objectives According to the 1945 Constitution
Basic Education
What is meant by the basis here is something that becomes a force for the establishment
of a building or another, such as a house or building, then the foundation
which is the basis. Similarly, education, the basis in question is the basis of its
implementation, which has an important role to play in implementing education in schools or
other educational institutions. The basic education in Indonesia in a formal juridical manner
has been formulated as follows: 1. Law on Education and Teaching No. 4 of 1950, Jo Number
2 of 1945, Chapter III Article 4 That reads: Education and teaching are based on principles
enshrined in Pancasila, the Indonesian Constitution and the culture of the Indonesian nation.
2. Decree of MPRS No. XXVII / MPRS / 1966 Chapter II Article 2 which reads: The basis of
education is the state philosophy of the Pancasila. [1] 3. In the 1973 GBHN, the 1978 GBHN,
1983 GBHN and 1988 GBHN Chapter IV section on education read: National Education
based on Pancasila ... …… 4.Tap MPR Number II / MPR / 1993 concerning GBHN in
Chapter IV of the Education section which reads: National Education (which is rooted in the
culture of the Indonesian nation and based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution ... ... 5. RI
Law No. 2 of 1989, concerning the National Education System based on Pancasila and the
1945 Constitution. 6. RI Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System
based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. [2] Thus it is clear that the basis of education in
Indonesia is Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution in accordance with UUSPN No. 2 of 1989
and National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003.   Educational Objectives The purpose of
education is a factor that is very very important in education, because the goal is the direction
to be achieved or that is intended to be addressed by education. Likewise with the
implementation of education that cannot be separated from a goal to be achieved. This is
evidenced by the implementation of education experienced by the Indonesian people. The
educational objectives that prevailed at the time of the Old Order differed from the New
Order. Likewise, since the New Order until now, the objective formula
education always changes from lamp to lamp in accordance with the demands of development
and the development of the life of the people and country of Indonesia. The formulation of
educational objectives stated in the MPRS and MPR Decrees and UUSPN No. 2 of 1989 are as
follows: 1.Tap MPRS No. XXVII / MPRS / 1996 Chapter II Article 3 is stated: "The purpose of
education forms a genuine Pancasila man based on the provisions as desired by the Preamble and
Contents of the 1945 Constitution". 2.Tap MPR No. IV / MPR / 1978 states "National Education
based on Pancasila and aims to increase piety towards God Almighty, intelligence, skills,
enhance character, strengthen personality, and strengthen the spirit of nationality, in order to
foster development human beings who can build themselves and jointly responsible for nation
building ". 3. In the MPR Decree No. II / MPR / 1988 said: "National education aims to improve
the quality of Indonesian people, namely people who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble
character, have personality, discipline, work hard, are strong, responsible, independent,
intelligent, and skilled and healthy physically and spiritually. "[3] 4. In Law No. 2 of 1989
concerning the National Education System, Chapter II article 4 stated: National Education aims
to educate the nation's life and develop Indonesian people as a whole, namely human beings who
believe and devote to God the Almighty and have noble character, knowledge and skills,
physical and spiritual health , a solid and independent personality and a sense of social and
national responsibility. [4] The Educational Objective Hierarchy in Indonesia is as follows: 1.
National Education Goals The purpose of this education is the highest level. In this purpose, the
hopes of the people or the state are described about the characteristics of a human being
produced by an educated or educated human process. The meaning of national education goals is
the general goal to be achieved by all Indonesian people and is a formulation of qualifications for
the formation of every citizen who is aspired together. The national education objectives
formally in Indonesia have undergone several times the formulation or change, and the
formulation of the last national education goals such as
mentioned in Republic of Indonesia Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning National Education System
Chapter II Article 3 which reads: The purpose of national education is the development of
potential students to become human beings who believe and fear the Almighty, noble, healthy,
knowledgeable, capable creative, independent and a democratic and responsible citizen. The
formulation of the national education goals can provide clear direction for every education
business in Indonesia. To be able to achieve the objectives of national education, educational
institutions are needed, each of which has its own objectives, which are in line with national
goals. Therefore, any education effort in Indonesia must not conflict with the objectives of
national education, even must support or support the achievement of these objectives.    2.
Institutional Goals Institutional goals are the general formulation of behavior patterns and
patterns of ability that must be possessed by different educational institutions in accordance with
the functions and tasks that must be borne by each institution in order to produce graduates with
certain abilities and skills. As a national education subsystem, the institutional goals for each
educational institution cannot be separated from the national education goals. This is because
every educational institution wants to produce graduates who will support the dignity of the
nation and its country, who are determined to maintain the philosophy of Pancasila as the basis
of the State, in addition to certain abilities and skills in accordance with the specificity of each
institution. Thus, the formulation of institutional objectives is influenced by three things: (a)
National Education Objectives (b) Specificity of each institution; and (c) Age level of students
Institutional goals are achieved through the provision of various learning experiences to students.
[8] 3. Curricular Objectives Curricular objectives are goals formally formulated in curricular
activities that exist in educational institutions. Curricular objectives are more specific when
compared to institutional goals, but may not deviate from institutional objectives. For example,
the curriculum objectives in schools have different citizenship subjects compared to junior high
The purpose of the subjects for Citizenship in these schools is called curricular goals in
accordance with the curriculum in each school. Curricular goals are the elaboration of
institutional goals, which means more specifically than institutional goals.   4. Instructional
Objectives Instructional Objectives are the objectives to be achieved after the completion of the
teaching and learning process / teaching program. This goal is an elaboration of curricular
objectives, which is a change in attitude or behavior clearly. Instructional objectives can be
divided into two, namely the General Instructional Objectives (TIU) and the Special Instructional
Objectives (ICT). In formulating these instructional objectives, especially the specific
instructional goals must be oriented to students, or to output-oriented. Instructional objectives
will influence the selection of material, methods, strategies, and others in order to achieve the
instructional objectives that have been formulated. In accordance with the vision and mission of
National education, the purpose of education must reflect the ability of the National education
system to accommodate various demands for multi-dimensional roles. In general, education must
be able to produce human beings as individuals and members of a healthy and intelligent society
by: (1). Strong, religious personality and upholding noble culture (2). Democratic awareness in
community, national and state life (3). High legal moral awareness and (4). A prosperous and
prosperous life. UNESCO in 1996 launched important pillars in education, namely that education
should develop learning skills to learn (learning to know), learning to do (learning to do),
learning to be someone (learning to be), and learning to live life together (learning to live
together). In the Indonesian context, the application of the concept of the pillars of education is
that the National education system is obliged to prepare all citizens to be able to play an active
role in all sectors of life in order to realize a smart, active, creative life and prioritizing unity and
unity. [9] C. National and UNESCO Educational Objectives National Education Objectives in
the 1945 Constitution (Amendment version)
(1) Article 31, paragraph 3 states, "The Government undertakes and organizes a national
education system, which enhances the faith and piety and noble character in order to educate the
nation's life, which is regulated by law." (2) Article 31, paragraph 5 said, "The government
promotes science and technology by supporting high religious values and national unity for the
advancement of civilization and the welfare of mankind." The National Education Objectives in
the National Education System Law: The provisions of the 1945 Constitution concerning
education are stated in Law No. 20, 2003. Article 3 states, "National education functions to
develop capabilities and form dignified national character and civilization in order to educate the
nation's life, aiming at developing potential students to become human beings who believe and
fear the Almighty God, noble , healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and a
democratic and responsible citizen. " Educational Objectives According to UNESCO: In an
effort to improve the quality of a nation, there is no other way except through improving the
quality of education. Departing from that idea, the United Nations (UN) through UNESCO
institutions (United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations) launched four
pillars of education both for the present and the future, namely: (1) learning to Know, (2)
learning to do (3) learning to be, and (4) learning to live together. Where the four pillars of
education combine the goals of IQ, EQ and SQ         D. Vision, Mission, Functions, Objectives,
and National Education Strategies The national education system is the whole educational
component that is interrelated in an integrated manner to achieve national education goals.
UUSPN from No. 2 of 1989 was replaced by Law No. 20 of 2003, carried out in order to renew
the vision, mission and strategy of the national education. The renewal of the national education
system includes the elimination of discrimination between formal education and non-formal
education. The vision of national education is to empower all Indonesian citizens, so that they
can develop into quality human beings who are able to compete and at the same time compete in
the challenges of the times. The mission of national education is
Strive to expand and equalize opportunities to obtain quality education for all
Indonesian people.
- Helping and facilitating the development of the potential of the nation as a whole from an early
age to the end of life in order to realize a learning society.
- Increase the readiness of input and the quality of the educational process to optimize the
formation of a moral personality.
- Increasing professionalism and accountability of educational institutions as a center for
civilization, science, skills, experience, attitudes, and values based on national and global
- Empowering community participation in conducting education based on the principle of
autonomy in the context of the NKRI.

Based on the vision and mission of the national education, the function of national education is
to develop capabilities and form a dignified character and national civilization in order to educate
the life of the nation. The aim of national education is to develop the potential of students who
become faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative,
independent and become a democratic and responsible citizen.
The national education strategy is:
- Implementation of religious education and noble character.
- Development and implementation of competency-based curcums.
- Learning processes that are educational and dialogical.
- Empowering education evaluation, accreditation and certification.
- Increased professionalism of educators and education staff.
- Provision of educational learning tools.
- Financing education in accordance with the principle of equity and justice.
- Organizing open and equitable education.
- Implementation of compulsory education.
- Implementation of education management autonomy.
- Empowering the role of the community.
- Center for civilization and community development.
- Implementation of supervision in the national education system.
Education is essentially a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and
learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual
strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble ahklak, and the skills needed by society,
nation and state. National education is education based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution
which is rooted in religious values, Indonesian national culture, and responsive to changing
times. The functions and objectives of national education are listed in Law No. 20 of 2003
chapter II article 3.


A. Conclusion.

We as Students Should Have Appreciated the Meaning of National Education Day as a

measure of an educational quality that can be explained even more with the quality of
international standard education, and can and can interpret National Education Day with
positive things not with things can harm yourself or can harm the nation and state in the eyes
of the International Education. Hopefully the Indonesian education world will be the best
from year to year by carrying out the spirit of the 1945 Constitution. And Can Meet the
expectations of the Father of National Education in the Past.


All of the material in this paper are cited from various sources: • http://malpekanbaru- • • •
nasional/ •

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