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Executive Summary Las officially contacted on July 25, 2019 by Mr. Jefey Trant, Director ofthe Office of Safe Environment and Victim Assistance ofthe Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield to conduct an “independent and outside” investigation respecting allegations made by a certain individual of sexual abuse committed upon him by the lete Bishop Christopher J, Weldon ‘The purpose ofthe investigation was (a) io astess and ultimately determine the erdibility of the individual's allegations (b) analyze how the complaint was processed by the Diocesan personnel responsible for protecting children and vulnerable adults. That analysis was to include the ‘quality, depth and integrity ofthe processing ofthe complaint from the inception ofthe investigative stages tothe ultimate conclusion purportedly reached by a review board and finally 10 (help identify opportunities for improvement in how the diocese handles these mater. ‘To that end the investigation included a series of interviews starting with the complainant and including members ofthe Review Board present atthe hearing ofthe complaint on June 13, 2018. Principally interviewed were Diocesan employees who fielded the erginl complaint. ‘Also included were interviews and discussions with a) Bishop Mitchell T. Rozanski, (b) the Diocesan investigator, () other Diovesan employees, (8) persons with relevant information concerning geographical locations, (2) members of the complainant's support group (former altar boys and (g) other individuals referenced in my final report ‘The methodology employed in our pursuit ofthe truth closely followed the customary investigative protocols and procedures attendant to gathering and identifying relevant evidence, ‘The evidence was analyzed for the purpose of determining an ultimate conclusion in accordance ‘with judicial consideration ‘The processing ofthe complaint was replete with diffeing evaluations ofthe allegations and {included conflicting analyses, opinions and conclusions. This reflected a clear lack of industry and concem forthe quality of the entire process in terms of the scope of the investigation, ‘It was clearin my examination thatthe process included an inexplicable modification and "manipulation of the reports received hy and seted on by the Diocesan Review Roard ‘Additionally the complaint process was compromised in that mandatory reporters failed in thet duties to report the allegations to prosecutorial authorities, Significantly, in evaluating the actions of those involved in the Weldon assessment, I found that there was a reluctance to fervently pursue an evaluation of allegations against him due to his prominence and revered legacy in the religious community, ‘Therefore, in response to my charge in assessing how the Diocese responded to the complainant, Teonclude from the myriad of evidentiary Factors expressed in my final report that from the inception ofthe complaint through the follow-up process, the procedure was greatly flawed, Teonducted an intensive and in-depth investigation. Concomitant with it was a haunting consciousness of Bishop Weldon’s inability to refute the complainant’ allegations. Consequently, I conducted the process in the light most favorable to him, However, notwithetanding, T stil reaches an informed and indisputable conclusion T found the allegations of the complainant concerning the late Bishop Christopher J. Weldon to be unequivocally credible, ‘Now turning to the charge where I was directed to identity opportunities to establish and improve policy, procedure, and practice in the handing of complaints. In essence, I was requested to provide constructive recommendations of concepts forthe Diocese to practically implement and strictly adhere to in the future processing of complains. In that regard, I made recommendations primarily based upon the results ofthe entire investigation. These recommendations evolved from factors that emanated particularly ftom my duties pursuant to my charge and the knowledge, training and experience of Investigator 0°Connor and myself, Additionally, we researched policies, practices, and procedures currently existing within religious entities that particularly focused on the investigative protocol component. ‘Therefore, we are recommending a system based on checks and balances, replete with ‘wansparency and accountability thats confirmed by action and not just words. This includes, amongst other things, the appointment of an Administrative Supervisor of Investigations whose ‘domain will be to oversee the investigative process and the preservation ofthe product of the investigation Additionally, the system would include as prerequisites documentation of procedures and protocols in strict adherence with Dallas Norms and compliance with the laws of the ‘Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Additionally, the concept of experienced forensic investigators coupled with a detailed protocol is included as an Appendix to this report. ‘The investigation revealed the existence of a parallel universe of order priests and women of religion which while operating within the diocese, fall ouside ofthe authority of the Bishop to implement disciplinary measures. It was clearly nevessary to address what I found tobe a salient and problematic concept. I strongly recommended that a convener be established to address this anomaly. Significantly it s noted that when the concept was expressed to Mr, Joffrey Tran, Director ofthe Office of Safe Environment and Victim Assistance, he immediately implemented my suggestion, ‘These and other concepts are enumerated and offered as suggested guidelines tobe utilized and implemented, All ofthese recommendations willbe addressed through a newly appointed task force chaired by Judge Daniel A. Ford (et) and Ms, Irene Woods. We strongly suggest that Chairperson Ford and his task force adopt the proposals se forth in this report, am confident thatthe members of the task force wil draw upon and share their vast ‘knowledge, training and experience and competently effectuate there recommendations in a timely manner. SIGNED: Hay WA a he Hon, Peter A. Veli (Ret) he

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