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Public Speaking as a Liberal Art

When we say that public speaking is a liberal art, we mean that the knowledge
and skills you gain by studying public speaking are general knowledge and
essential skills that will help you participate effectively as an engaged citizen in
our democratic society.
The Role of Public Speaking Education in Democracies
Public speaking was central to a liberal education because it was the means by
which free men conducted business, made public decisions, and gained and
maintained power.Today, effective public speakers continue to reap rewards in
personal relationships, the work world, and the public sphere. Learning to think
critically and behave ethically as you prepare and present your own speeches
also equips you to analyze the messages offered by others. All of these
activities are critical mental disciplines you can apply to a wide variety of issues
and settings.
Ethical Principles for Public Speaking
Ethics: are moral principles that a society, group, or individual hold that
differentiate right from wrong and good behavior from bad behavior.
Honesty: tell the truth.
Integrity: practice what they preach.
Fairness: report all sides of an issue.
Respect: other´s feelings and opinions.
Responsibility: accountable for own actions and words.

Understanding the Rhetorical Situation

A Rhetorical Situation is merely the context, or setting, of a rhetorical act. It is
comprised of a speaker or writer( the rhetor), an issue or problem ( exigency), a
method of communication (Written, oral, etc.) and an aundience of one of more
1. Audience: the specific group of people to whom a speech is directed.
a. Before giving the speech, audience analysis involves the study of the
diverse characteristics of audience members, and then, based on those
characteristics, the making of predictions about how audience members
are apt to listen to, understand, and be motivated to act in response to a

2. Speaker: source or originator of the speech. Choices of topic,

organization, and language will reflect the speaker’s interests, beliefs,
background, and experience, along with presentational goals for the

3. The occasion: The occasion is the setting in which the speech is given.
It encompasses the purpose for which the audience is gathered, their
shared expectations about what is to happen there. The physical location
and layout of the event, as well as potential constraints arising from any of


1. Engaged (enˈgājd)- Compremetido(a)

2. Citizen (sitizən)- Ciudadano
3. Struggle(strəgəl)- Lucha
4. assess (əˈses)- Evaluar
5. Thrive(THrīv)- Prosperar
6. Fulfilling(fo͝olˈfiliNG)- Cumpliendo
7. Empower(emˈpou(-ə)r)- Autorizar
8. self-sufficient- autosuficiente
9. Plagiarism(plājəˌrizəm)-Plagio
10. Accurately- Precisamente
11. issues – Cuestiones
12. Truthful(tro͞oTHfəl)- verdadero
13. Sadly(sadlē)- Tristemente
14. acknowledged(akˈnälijd)- Admitido
15. survey – Encuesta
16. Respectfully – Respetosamente
17. Effectiveness(iˈfektivnis)- Eficacia
18. rhetorical situation- situación retorica
19. Injured(injərd)- Lastimado
20. Advocate- Abogado(a)

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