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<h1 align="center"><font size="7"><font color="red">THE FALL OF THE THIRD

IMPERIUM</font> </font></h1>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><b>(Summary Of An Alternate History / Background
For 'Traveller: The New Era')</b> </font>
</p><p align="center"><b><big>By Ian Mackinder &nbsp;(Copyright,
2001)</big></b><font size="4"> </font>
</p><p align="center"><b><font size="4"></font></b>
<table border="3" cellspacing="6" cellpadding="6" align="center">
<p align="center"><b><font size="4">Dedicated to the memory of my friend,
Dennis Ashelford.&nbsp;</font> </b></p></td></tr></tbody></table></center>
</p><p><font size="4">&nbsp; <i><big>The following is condensed from
Samson - The Salvation &amp; Damnation Of The Third Imperium</strong> ", a
historical research paper authored by Dr. Daryenn haut-Plankwell, StarBridge
University, Newhaven, Regency Of Deneb, Y1210. &nbsp; Material here is derived
from findings at the Usdiki Palace and results of the Balukennan Expedition to
Old Capital/Core, as well as recently declassified data from the Reformation
Coalition.</big></i> </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; History records that the Imperium's
Civil War ended in Y622, when Arbellatra Alkhalikoi became Regent. &nbsp;Many
works on the period give the impression that most of the Imperium's problems
immediately ceased with that proclamation. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; This is untrue.&nbsp;&nbsp;The only
in the Imperium's favour was that its infrastructure was almost miraculously
untouched by decades of internal warfare. &nbsp;The Moot was fragmented and
squabbling; the Imperial Navy had taken heavy losses in both trained personnel
and fighting ships; the frontiers were under pressure from most of the
Imperium's neighbours; some factions within the Imperium were openly pushing
for&nbsp;secession; and morale within the Imperial military and civil service
was abysmal. &nbsp;As Regent, Arbellatra would resolve all of these problems
and, as Empress, lead the Imperium towards the zenith of its power - surely
proof of her formidable skills. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; As the long task of reconstruction
one concern in particular preyed on the Regent's mind. &nbsp;What exactly had
caused the Civil War, and what could be done to prevent it from ever happening
again? </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; She gathered a select group to find
answers. &nbsp;The members of the <strong>'Special Historical Research
Unit'</strong> (SHRU) were given top-ranking security clearances, a generous
budget and an eight month deadline. &nbsp;Their clear and remarkably far-sighted
findings came in three weeks ahead of schedule and eleven percent under budget.
&nbsp;Subsequently, all of SHRU's files and reports were classified
'<i>Emperor's Eyes Only</i>', with the final summary being flagged as "Highly
Recommended Reading" for all subsequent Emperors and their immediate heirs.
&nbsp;All of these designations were maintained until Y1116. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; SHRU's most telling conclusion was
that the
Civil War was a misnomer. &nbsp;Technically, the Imperium had&nbsp;not split or
divided. &nbsp;Rather, the only true hostilities had been between the forces of
rival claimants to the Iridium Throne, none possessing any regional loyalties or
powerbase worthy of note. &nbsp;Instead of a civil war, what had really happened
was a rapid succession of military coups. &nbsp;However, if anything like the
Illelish Revolt of two centuries past had also come to pass, then the Imperium
could have faced total collapse. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; A major contributor to the Imperium's
problems had been the inefficiency of its internal communications networks.
&nbsp;What&nbsp;existed at that time was a mish-mash of couriers, packet boats
and subsidized merchants - variously operated or sponsored by MegaCorporations;
business consortia; planetary, subsector and sector governments; several
Imperial departments and subdepartments; and even individual Nobles.
&nbsp;&nbsp;All of which operated to their own standards, timetables and
priorities. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; &nbsp;Some areas were ridiculously
over-serviced. &nbsp;The most notorious example (the Capital-Kaggushus link) had
three separate fast courier services (operated respectively by the Imperial
Navy, the Scout Service and the Makhidkarun megacorp) plus elements of at least
seven more (run by a number of concerns - with varying support from
corporations, local governments, the Duke of Kaggushus and even the Imperial
Army!). &nbsp;Rivalries meant that many of these groups went so far as to
restrict use of their facilities by others. &nbsp;The result was a system that
was complicated, sluggish, expensive to operate and featured considerable
duplication of effort. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; At the other extreme were frontier
whose only reliable contact with the Imperium was via monthly visits by the Navy
or the Scouts, plus a few subsectors forced to establish mail routes&nbsp;at
their own expense just to regularly communicate with their sector governments.
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp;&nbsp;With conditions such as these, it
no wonder that messages to and from the furthest reaches of the Imperium were
expensive and often faced lengthy delays. &nbsp;Most significantly, ... <b>twice
in two decades, a fleet had arrived at Capital from the Spinward Marches,
unauthorized and ahead of all warnings!</b> </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Something had to be done. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4"><img align="left"
width="40" height="160">&nbsp; In Y624, Arbellatra formally established the
Imperial Xboat
Network, "<i>... to be operated and administered by the Imperial Interstellar
Scout Service, and ultimately to extend to every world of the Imperium ...</i>".
&nbsp;There were objections from various quarters. &nbsp;The Imperial Navy had
sought control, citing that such a network was within their realm of
responsibility. &nbsp;Corporations saw their own networks being superceded.
&nbsp;Many in the Imperial Moot protested over the cost and sheer magnitude of
it all. &nbsp;However, for most Imperial citizens the new Xboat Network became a
symbol of the Imperium's rebirth. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; That symbol had a hidden side, known
to a few as '<b>Project: Samson</b>'. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; New computer software (Imperial
Standard IS
- 56310~ - 4390S - Sigma - 62285) was developed to be used by the xboat system
and, eventually, all IISS vessels and bases. &nbsp;Under the Regent's personal
direction and the strictest security imaginable, a unique "back door" was
engineered into the software. &nbsp;This would allow
specially-designed&nbsp;computer viruses to covertly infect any and all computer
systems and networks utlizing that software. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4"><img align="right"
width="107" height="45">&nbsp; The simplest virus types could seek out and erase
all database
references to a particular subject. &nbsp;More sophisticated versions could
selectively "edit" news reports. &nbsp;The most dangerous viruses could
irretreivably crash the computer systems they infected, usually on a timed basis
or when preset conditions had been met.&nbsp; The possibility of an
out-of-control SAMSON deeply worried the designers. &nbsp;So, several
independant 'safety factors' were engineered into the basic template,
restricting the capabilities of all SAMSON viruses. &nbsp;Whatever else
happened, they could only infect Scout Service software via the "back door", and
their lifespan was strictly limited.&nbsp; </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Arbellatra saw SAMSON as a long-term
safeguard against "real" civil wars. &nbsp;History had already shown how costly
rebellion could be, with the Illelish Revolt being the prime example. &nbsp;But,
with SAMSON, the reigning Emperor / Empress could selectively suppress
information or even totally shut down sections of&nbsp;the Xboat Network.
&nbsp;Even the most well-organized secession or revolution could abruptly be
transformed into a gaggle of isolated systems and fleets, then to be neutralized
by Imperial forces at their leisure. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The Regent's intention was that
ultimately&nbsp;only the Emperor / Empress (whomever that person would be) would
know of SAMSON's existance. &nbsp;To that end, the project was given the highest
security rating possible. &nbsp;Afterwards, all of the staff involved in the
system's design and development were subjected to hypno-psionic techniques,
altering all recollection of the work done. &nbsp;Several key individuals later
met mysterious deaths, but this seems to have been more the exception than the
rule.&nbsp; The software for creating and distributing SAMSON viruses was placed
in a specially-designed computer secretly built into the new Imperial Palace.
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Arbellatra's intelligence chief and
consort, Rhys ap Connor, pointed out that even the best concealment could not
always guard against accidental discovery. &nbsp;If the 'back door' was ever
found and exploited by criminals or enemies of the Imperium, or even abused by
an unstable Emperor, the consequences would be horrific. &nbsp;He saw the need
for a new intelligence organization, as free as possible of political and
inter-service rivalries, to guard against these possibilities. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; When Arbellatra was eventually crowned
Empress, her first act was to establish <strong>IRIS</strong>, the
<strong>I</strong>mperial <strong>R</strong>egency of
<strong>I</strong>ntelligence and <strong>S</strong> ecurity, with her consort
as its first head.&nbsp; From the very beginning, IRIS's responsibilities and
duties were set out in five mandates; all relating to safeguarding of Imperium,
Emperor and Line Of Succession. &nbsp;However, unknown to all except the
reigning Emperor / Empress and the highest levels of the agency, there was
always a sixth mandate. as well &nbsp;This mandate charged IRIS with maintaining
secrecy around SAMSON and other 'black' projects (known to have included,
amongst other things, &nbsp;nova trigger research, bioweapons, FTL
communications and high-level psionics)<b> " <i>... by any and all means
necessary ... </i>"</b>. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Some may argue that Arbellatra
intended to
use SAMSON (and IRIS) to seize permanent control of the Third Imperium.
&nbsp;However, she had ample means, oppurtunity and popular support to take the
Iridium Throne immediately. &nbsp;Instead, she deliberately chose to become
Regent, and technically subject to the authority of the Imperial Moot. &nbsp;At
the time, there was no certainty that Arbellatra would be selected to become the
Imperium's next monarch. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; It should also be kept in mind that,
by the
most optimistic projections, the new Xboat Network would take over <b>fifty
years </b>to become operational. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Ultimately, most subsequent Emperors
little need for SAMSON. &nbsp;It seems that some were appalled by the concept,
and refused to have anything to do with it. &nbsp;Perhaps to their credit.
&nbsp;Others may have reacted more favourably, but had little oppurtunity for
its use. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="75" height="75"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The following list of "significant" uses
SAMSON was compiled from various sources, and is considered at least 95%
accurate. &nbsp;It is probably incomplete, since research has also turned up at
least eleven additional 'historical anomalies' that may have been
SAMSON-related, but no conclusive proof. &nbsp;Apparently, the secrecy was never
breached, by accident or design, until the very end. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; In the final analysis, SAMSON was an
unpredictable weapon... </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="360" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><b><big>Solomani Autonomous Region (IY 704+)</big></b><font
size="4"> </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Margaret I's establishment of the
Autonomous Region calmed the rising secessionist movement in that area, but
provoked a backlash elsewhere. &nbsp;Nobles in Illelish and Vland immediately
began talking of similar concessions for their own regions, and there was
concern over the Empress's perceived "weakness". </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; In response, Margaret initiated a
propaganda campaign which emphasized the "unique circumstances" of the Solomani
over the selfish demands of other areas. &nbsp;The low-level use of SAMSON
limited dissent to a (mostly) planetary scale, by invisibly censoring messages
and news reports carried on the Xboat Network. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="360" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><b><big>The Psionics Suppressions (IY 800 - 826)</big></b><font
size="4"> </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; By 799, the growing influence of the
Psionics Institutes came to be seen as a threat. &nbsp;The subsequent Psionics
Suppressions were intended to turn public opinion against the Zhodani, believed
to covertly support a few of the more radical psionics groups. &nbsp;It was
expected that all of the Psionics Institutes would be "brought into line" (read:
placed under direct Imperial control). </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The main propaganda effort was
augmented by
SAMSON, which edited news reports to inflame anti-psionic prejuedices throughout
the Imperium. &nbsp;Unfortunately, the strategy&nbsp;was based on inaccurate
psychohistory data, and therefore seriously flawed &nbsp;&nbsp;Unexpectedly,
<b>all</b> psi-groups were soon being targeted by panicked citizens, even those
known to be staunchly pro-Imperium. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Ultimately, a scant few psi-groups
under the control of IRIS or the Imperial Navy. &nbsp;The rest were either
exiled, massacred outright or forced into hiding. &nbsp;The Imperium's prejudice
against psionics became far more extreme and enduring than Empress Paula had
ever intended.&nbsp;&nbsp; </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="360" height="16">&nbsp; </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><b><big>The Third Frontier War (IY 979 - 986)</big></b><font
size="4"> </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Styryx, despite his early Marine
was probably one of the Imperium's more peaceable Emperors. &nbsp;For the early
years of his reign, the realm faced no significant threats. &nbsp;So the Emperor
felt free to leave much of the actual ruling to his subordinates, whilst he
pursued his interest in botany. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; In Y979, the revitalized Outworld
launched a massive invasion of the Spinward Marches, thus starting the Third
Frontier War. &nbsp; Styryx's panic led to him making the worst decisions
imaginable. &nbsp;Despite the 600+ day communications turnaround, and against
all advice, he insisted on directly commanding all Imperial forces from Capital,
rather than nominating a field commander. &nbsp;This led to no clear leadership
in the Marches - just a steady stream of vague and contradictory orders for
scattered fleets, captured worlds and stranded armies. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; As the situation deteriorated, Styryx
SAMSON to block all military-related data from Xboats in the warzone.
&nbsp;According to his later writings, the intention was to prevent civil panic
and deny intelligence to the enemy.&nbsp; In fact, the sudden data "blackout"
sparked off riots on some worlds, left others totally unprepared for attack and
did nothing to hinder the enemy. &nbsp;Ironically, the Xboat Network had been a
priority target for Coalition forces from the beginning, meaning the use of
SAMSON&nbsp;went almost unnoticed in the chaos. &nbsp;It is doubly ironic that
this may have actually&nbsp;<i>helped</i> Imperial forces, by forcing many
leaders and units to use their own initiative rather than wait for Styryx's
orders. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; A number of worlds seceded from the
Imperium and declared their neutrality, as an alternative to conquest by the
Coalition. &nbsp;Some remained independant beyond Y1117. &nbsp;Leaders in the
Spinward Marches sent pleas for assistance to the Deneb and Corridor sectors.
&nbsp;Response from the latter was rapid, since most local commanders did not
wait for Imperial authorization before "marching to the sound of guns". </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The Coalition advance was halted, and
territory even regained before the inevittable ceasefire. &nbsp;Examination of
declassified records over a century later showed that the leadership of the
Outworld Coalition were astounded by the spectacular successes of this conflict,
with nearly half of the Spinward Marches removed from Imperial control.
&nbsp;The Zhodani especially had expected only modest territorial gains. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; After the armistice, Styryx threatened
various military officers with court martial for "wilful insubordination".
&nbsp;But, even with SAMSON, he was unable to prevent news of the disaster from
reaching Capital. &nbsp;Demands for his abdication were inevitable.
&nbsp;Particularly worrying for the Emperor's aides was that Styryx displayed no
remorse and accepted no blame for his errors, instead becoming increasingly
unstable. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; In Y989, a coup involving the Moot,
and most of the Imperial Guard, forced Styryx to abdicate in favour of his son,
Gavin. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="360" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><b><big>Solomani Rim War (IY990 - 1002)</big></b><font size="4">
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Emperor Gavin barely maintained
secrecy after the debacle of FW3. &nbsp;Fortunately, what happened could be
blamed on 'fog of war', a treacherous (psionic) enemy, and his erratic father.
&nbsp;Gavin had little time to correct his father's blunders, but was quick to
learn from them. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; In Y990, the long-expected Solomani
Rim War
began, with Solomani forces advancing on a wide front to establish their Sphere.
&nbsp;After the inevitable Imperial counterattack, it became clear that there
would be no quick end to the war. &nbsp;Fighting wound down as both sides
consolidated. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The situation was tailor-made for
&nbsp;The Solomani xboats were still using Scout (SAMSON-vulnerable!) software,
enemy-held territory was clearly defined. &nbsp;Imperial forces steadily built
up as reinforcements arrived from elsewhere, and they were poised to seize any
advantage. &nbsp;The only problem was that all links with the Imperial Xboat
Network had been cut. &nbsp;Any SAMSON virus would have to be smuggled deep into
Solomani space. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; A group of pro-Solomani nobles had
for opening of negotiations. &nbsp;The Emperor had their ship's computers
infected with a customized SAMSON virus, and then sent them into Solomani space
on a diplomatic mission. &nbsp;The virus was a classic "time-bomb" - programmed
to silently infect the Solomani Xboat Network via routine communications then,
at a pre-set date, crash every system it had infected. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; It would be the first time that SAMSON
fully utilized.&nbsp; &nbsp;The Solomani would lose all of their main
communications network in a single day, and Imperial forces would begin a
massive offensive. &nbsp;The Imperial Navy had no inkling of the advantage they
were being handed, but were confident - perhaps overly so. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; As it turned out, the Solomani High
had no inkling of SAMSON's existance, but communications security was a major
concern. &nbsp;Plans had been enacted to replace all of their xboat software,
but the demands of the war had impeded this program.&nbsp; With the disastrous
Third Frontier War fresh in many minds, the possibility of the xboat network
being compromised had been seriously examined and thorough contingency plans
made. &nbsp;What did finally happen was the worst-case scenario for the
Solomani, but they were well-prepared. &nbsp;Those xboats refitted with new
software (and therefore immune to SAMSON) were mostly operating on essential
routes near the centre of the Sphere. &nbsp;Worlds and combat units isolated by
SAMSON were, at least, psychologically prepared for the event. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The Imperium's advantage was indeed
but neither as decisive nor as lasting as was expected. &nbsp;Solomani forces
were often out-gunned, but made up for this with a flair for innovation,
hit-and-run raids and occasional kamikaze tactics. &nbsp;Fighting continued for
over ten years, ending in ceasefire only after the Imperium's capture of
Earth/Sol, the so-called "Cradle of Humanity" and the very heart of the Solomani
Cause. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
md_clr.gif" width="95" height="85">&nbsp;</font></p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Unexpectedly to many on both sides, the
Solomani movement survived the loss of its Homeworld. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Post-war, Gavin was concerned that the
Solomani would discover SAMSON and turn it to their advantage. &nbsp;The virus
was deigned to self-destruct when its purpose had been achieved, but no chances
were taken. &nbsp;Covert operatives from IRIS tracked down the ship used to
infect the Solomani xboat system (stranded in the Kulkulkan system when the
offensive began), and eliminated all evidence. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The Emperor also put into motion a
of deception against the Solomani, code-named '<i>Sunset Delta</i>'. &nbsp;The
intention was to falsely give the impression that Solomani society was literally
flooded with elements still sympathetic to the Imperium. &nbsp;Originally, this
plan was to have been used as a negotiating tool, to convince the Solomani
leadership that allying with (and eventually rejoining) the Imperium was
inevitable and even in their best interests.&nbsp; As it happened, Gavin altered
the original plan so that the Solomani would blame Imperial sympathizers for
their setbacks, rather than look for other causes. &nbsp;Consequently, the
fledging SolSec (Solomani&nbsp;Security) organization was quickly enlarged, and
immediately embarked upon several purges of the Solomani hierarchy from Y1003 to
1005. &nbsp;This strengthened the more militant Solomani factions, and widened
the rift between Imperial and Solomani. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; At the same time as these purges,
considerable effort was put into expunging as much Imperial-based hardware and
software as was practical. &nbsp;The Solomani became immune to SAMSON without
ever suspecting its existance... </font>
<p align="justify">
<big>The Second Civil War (IY 1116+)</big>
<font size="4">
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; It is well-known that Strephon was
to revitalize the Imperium. &nbsp;It is likely that one way he sought to do this
was by using SAMSON to influence stock markets, edit news and alter data.
&nbsp;Any chance of success disappeared with the events of 132-1116. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; In the ensuing crisis, Lucan declared
himself Emperor. &nbsp;Characteristically, he began "solving" obvious problems -
and leaving after-effects to be&nbsp;dealt with by his underlings. &nbsp;During
his seizure of power, the Moot Spire was cordoned off and several influential
nobles detained. &nbsp;Many other nobles fled Capital to join other factions,
leaving&nbsp;too few to form a proper quorum. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Lucan prevented the Moot from opposing
but he also made it impossible for the Moot to provide any meaingful support.
&nbsp;There were other consequences as well. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The Moot was the cornerstone of the
Imperial succession, and not just in the legal or ceremonial sense. &nbsp;A
change to the official coronation ceremony made by Arbellatra was that each new
Emperor / Empress had to be granted full access to the Imperial Palace's
computer network (including SAMSON) by the Moot. &nbsp;This required a quorum,
with each member confirming access rights with a personal ID code. &nbsp;Similar
measures were necessary to bring in new members of the Moot, confirm successors
and expel disgraced members. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; With so many of the Moot in hiding or
fleeing Capital, gaining a quorum became impossible. &nbsp;Perhaps the greatest
irony of all - for all his pretensions, Lucan never had more than 'Privileged
Guest' access to his own Palace computers. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; What of IRIS? </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Simualtaneous with the Assassination,
Dulinor's agents attacked key IRIS facilities and personnel. &nbsp;Despite
strong suspicions within IRIS that Dulinor "was up to something", many of these
attacks succeeded, with IRIS's High Regent being just one casualty. &nbsp;It
quickly became clear to the new Regent that Lucan was, at best, unsuited to the
Irifium Throne and, at worst, at least as dangerous as the Archduke. &nbsp;The
worst case contingency&nbsp;plan, "<b><i>Omega Six</i></b>", was put into effect
from 093-1117. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; A large number of IRIS personnel
left Capital for the Spinward Marches, Antares, Delphi and the Solomanu Rim;
with orders to make their services available to the authorities there.
&nbsp;Those remaining behind began a series of covert operations against the
Imperial Palace. &nbsp;Over the course of &nbsp;several months, there were four
attempted assassinations of Lucan, all failing due to unexpected security
measures or sheer bad luck. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Officially, the so-called 'Brothers Of
Varian' faction&nbsp;was blamed for the attempts. &nbsp;Several purges of Palace
staff followed, along with a general fuelling of the Black Emperor's
paranoia.&nbsp; Other covert operations saw more success. &nbsp;At a severe cost
in resources and personnel, &nbsp;IRIS successfully retreived or destroyed
several databanks that could not be left within Lucan's reach. &nbsp;The SAMSON
computer was isolated from the Palace network, but follow-up attempts to remove
or destroy it all failed. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; In the end, the IRIS agent-in-charge
reluctantly decided that the only short-term option was to do nothing.
&nbsp;SAMSON was in a particularly well-concealed location. &nbsp;Short of
physically dismantling entire sections of the Palace, there was no way Lucan
could find the databank. &nbsp;Perhaps at a future date, the SAMSON databank
could be extracted but, in the meantime, it was safer in its undisturbed hiding
place. </font>
<p align="justify">
<font size="4">
&nbsp; It is not the intention of this author to recount the break-up
of the Third Imperium or the horrors of The Black War. &nbsp;Such details have
been adequately covered in a number of other works. &nbsp;Suffice to say that by
1126 the Imperium lay in ruins and most of the warring factions had fought to
utter exhaustion. </font>
<p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; With no prospect of victory, Lucan became
obsessed with the idea of superweapons lying just beyond his reach. &nbsp;To
that end, his forces began concentrating on the capture or "neutralization" of
known research facilties and Ancient sites. &nbsp;He also had experts brought in
to map and "crack" the Imperial Palace's computer network. &nbsp;Casualties
amongst these so-called volunteers were high, due to hidden security measures
installed by IRIS and previous Emperors;&nbsp;efforts by those few IRIS agents
still on Capital (mainly under the guise of the 'Brothers Of Varian' faction);
plus Lucan's notorious intolerance of delay, failure or excuses.&nbsp;&nbsp;
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; By mid-1127, despite all this, several
previously concealed databanks had been found, including SAMSON. &nbsp;These
items were transported under massive security to the Celetron research base for
decoding and analysis. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The experts assigned to SAMSON were
horrified by what they found. &nbsp;In the hands of Lucan, it was lethal beyond
belief. &nbsp;Security was tight enough that they were unable to destroy all of
the data, so the group instead chose to warn the other factions. &nbsp;Coded
messages were sent to allies for forwarding elsewhere, and several scientists
engineered successful escapes from the Celetron system.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rumours
persist that a lone IRIS agent was sited in the Celetron base and, whilst there
is no proof of this, it can be speculated that such an unknown could have played
a key role in what happened. &nbsp;Certainly, those warnings received by various
factions often arrived through IRIS sources. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Lucan's security forces were soon
the escapees, recapturing or eliminating several. &nbsp; The prevalent
assumption seemed to have been that this was a straightforward mass defection,
not so different to lesser incidents in the past, so investigating the full
motivations of "traitors" was not given the highest priority. &nbsp;Attempts to
reconstruct the traitors' work was poorly organized, mainly due to frictions and
rivalries within the Celetron base and various sub-groups of Lucan's
intelligence apparatus. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; By the time investigators on Celetron
pieced together the full story, it was too late ... </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The warning that ultimately got to
was garbled and incomplete, coming as it did from a so-called "defector"
assassinated by Lucan's spies before he could tell all. &nbsp;Misinterpreting
what little he did find out as proof of a horrific new bioweapon, the Black
Archduke hurriedly changed plans for his renewed offensive against Lucan.
&nbsp;Dulinor would personally command the main fleet, and the Celetron research
base was a priority target. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; All went comparitively well for
attack until arrival at Celetron. &nbsp;After a savage battle with the
defenders; his troops seized the base, searched for bioweapons - and hastily
downloaded files from the base's central computer (no IISS software) to their
flagship (partial IISS software). &nbsp;Unknown to all combatants, those files
included a number of inactive SAMSON viruses intended for analysis. &nbsp;When
transmitted to Dulinor's fleet (and incidentally received by other ships on both
sides as well), they circumvented any security measures that may have detected
and stopped them. &nbsp;At some point in that chaos, at least one and possibly
several of the SAMSON viruses contained in the transmitted data became active.
</p><p><font size="4">&nbsp; There has been recent speculation that the Celetron
(as it became known) was not as accidental as previously believed.&nbsp;
Supposedly, the SAMSON viruses were totally inert, and it seems improbable that
they could somehow spontaneously self-activate.&nbsp; Which suggests that they
could have been re-programmed just before transmission, perhaps as a desperation
move by someone in the Celetron base (the lone IRIS agent?) to strike at either
or both sides.&nbsp; No proof has been uncovered, and nothing in various
survivors' accounts would seem to corroborate this claim, but the speculation
endures.&nbsp; The only certainty is that SAMSON's infection of&nbsp;every
compatible computer&nbsp;within the Celetron system took minimal time.</font>
<p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; By that stage of the Black War, the navies
of most combatants had been reduced to third and even fourth line warships.
&nbsp;A major supplier of hulls and components for these had been the Scout
Service. &nbsp;Additionally, many worlds and non-military starships now used
IISS-derived systems - bought, requisitioned, boot-legged, stolen, salvaged,
adapted or scavenged when more conventional (legal) supplies had been cut off.
&nbsp;Vessels of the support / logistics elements of the warring fleets were
particularly&nbsp;common users.&nbsp; </font>
<p align="justify">
<font size="4">
&nbsp; SAMSON would play one final role in the history of the Third
Imperium, far beyond the worst nightmares of its creators. &nbsp;Virus effects
were slow to emerge, and&nbsp;related anomalies were initially blamed on battle
damage or maintenance issues. &nbsp;But, the fleets of Dulinor and Lucan spread
the virus to several nodes in what was left of the Xboat Network. &nbsp;From
there, SAMSON spread like wildfire throughout most of Imperial space. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Those viruses liberated at Celetron
unstable, so effects were often unpredictable. &nbsp;But,&nbsp;the possibility
of an out-of-control SAMSON had led to the original designers building several
independant 'safety factors' into the original template, strictly limiting the
capabilities and lifespans of all SAMSON viruses. &nbsp;Therefore, the infection
was virulent and highly contagious for any computer using IISS software, but
very very short-lived - and totally harmless to all other computer systems.
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Effects of the 'SAMSON-Celetron'
viruses on
infected computers fell into the following three categories: </font>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>Minor Effects</b> - Random alterations to
data and/or programming. &nbsp;Depending on circumstances, the results could
be anywhere between mildly annoying and instantly lethal. &nbsp;Most computers
infected by the SAMSON-Celetron virus initially went through this stage,
before worsening to one of the other categories. &nbsp;Some systems remained
in this category - typically those with IISS software that had been heavily
modified.</font> </p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>Lobotomization</b> - Massive damage to
programming and data, especially those sections associated with input /
communications. &nbsp;Occasionally, the effects could be bizarre, such as
advanced computers "obsessing" over specific activities to the exclusion of
all else. &nbsp;In most cases, the computer was damaged enough as to become
totally inoperative. &nbsp;Overall, this was the most common end-result of the
SAMSON-Celetron virus.</font> </p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>Awakening</b> - The Imperial bias against
artifical intelligence meant that most computers had built-in inhibitors to
prevent them ever becoming truly self-aware. &nbsp;In rare cases, the
SAMSON-Celetron virus neutralized these inhibitors, opening the way for
higher-grade computers&nbsp;to achieve true sentience. &nbsp;Most of these AIs
were psychologically unstable, and suicided within a very short space of time.
&nbsp;Others were destroyed by panicked operators upon detection. &nbsp;But
there were a number of survivors.</font> </p></li></ul>
<p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; With the emergence of the SAMSON-Celetron
virus, warring factions were hit with the sudden crippling of up to sixty
percent of their navies and merchant fleets, and well over ninety percent of
their xboats and related facilities. &nbsp;Many planet-based computer systems
were also affected. &nbsp;Lucan and Dulinor were the worst hit; Vilani losses
proved almost as severe; Antares somewhat less so; and other factions harmed
comparitively mildly. &nbsp;Usdiki and Daibei were both compact enough in extent
that the loss of xboats was simply inconvenient. &nbsp;The Regency of Deneb was
virtually untouched, thanks to advance warning from Usdiki and Corridor.
&nbsp;The Vargr forces invading the Imperium suffered typically mixed effects (a
few had 'acquired' IISS software, most had not), sufficient for limited
disruption but not enough to stop them completely. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Casualties were particularly heavy
the courier, recon and support / logistics elements of the various navies; since
IISS ships were most commonly assigned there. &nbsp;The only capital ships
affected were those few originally from the IISS, plus a number of warime
construction hulls utilizing IISS systems (including Dulinor's then brand-new
flagship!). &nbsp;It is ironic that the largest and most powerful fighting ships
remained (technically) operational, but had their activities hereafter severely
curtailed - due to heavy losses of supporting vessels, plus massive disruption
of the economies supplying them.&nbsp;&nbsp; </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; There was a mere handful of isolated
incidents beyond Imperial borders, involving either Imperial-built computer
systems or pirated IISS software, but none of the Imperium's neighbours took
significant losses. &nbsp;For the most part, the SAMSON virus was confined to
the Imperium. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The Black War abruptly ceased, as
combatants found themselves barely having the means to survive, let alone make
war. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="360" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="5"><b><big>The New Era (IY 1200+)</big></b><font
size="+0"> </font></font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; After the Fall, a number of myths
sprang up
about SAMSON. &nbsp;Commonly, accounts of the Celetron event merged with the
horrors of the Black War, spawning tales of malevolent technology-based beings
with paranormal abilities and an implacable hatred of all organic life.
&nbsp;Several stories are of a "VIRUS" subverting or awakening "something" in
the 'Black Box' found in standard Imperial starship transponders. &nbsp;Even
now,&nbsp;monstrous robotic "Vampire Starships" supposedly plague the spaceways,
devastating entire worlds,&nbsp;enslaving or exterminating any biological
sophonts that they find.&nbsp; How this so-called "VIRUS" could possibly infect
any system lacking a transponder (<b>or</b> built to non-Imperial operating
standards!) has never been rationally explained, but a few isolated groups
remain so paranoid about this as to maintain incredibly strict quarantines
against potential&nbsp;threats from outside and (especially) anything with an
Imperial ID. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; To date, all alleged "Vampires" have
to be exaggerated accounts of Corsair / Space Viking groups - albeit with
occasional surprises. &nbsp;The classic example is the so-called "Fiery Spear
Squadron" of Massilia Sector, comprising naval vessels from various factions
(including a former IISS 'Kokirrak' class Dreadnought with a self-aware AI!).
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; All of the Imperial factions survived
Fall in one form or another. &nbsp;The Third Imperium's demise also had profound
effects on all of its neighbours, as one would expect. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>LUCAN&nbsp;(CORE) </b>- Typically, the Black
Emperor refused to face facts, with his forces hammering at "the enemy" even as
they dwindled beyond recovery. &nbsp;Not even the almost ludicrous death of
Dulinor could convince him that the war was efectively over. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; By 1132, only the Core
<b>subsector</b> was
under Lucan's control. &nbsp;By 1134, the Emperor's paranoia had led him to
near-total physical isolation within the Palace, with only "dumbots" to see to
his needs. &nbsp;Nobody dared enter Lucan's quarters uninvited - the staff
purges initiated after one "incident" (in which Lucan shot one maintenance
worker and had two others summarily executed) had seen to that. &nbsp;On
002-1135, after four weeks of total silence from their monarch, cautious Palace
staff finally entered his suite. &nbsp;Lucan's decaying body lay near the foot
of the Grand Staircase. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; It was surmised that he had died in a
but the autopsy revealed&nbsp;Lucan had survived the fall. &nbsp;He had suffered
various injuries - including a fractured jaw, several cracked ribs, a twisted
spine and dislocations of the right shoulder and hip. &nbsp;The Emperor had been
rendered unable to move, reach a comm unit, verbally activate a robot or even
simply call for help. &nbsp;Thirst and starvation drove Lucan to gnawing on his
own extremities before finally dying, twelve days later. &nbsp;At his order, the
robots in his suite lacked any programming for autonomous action, so they failed
to help him or even inform others of his situation. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The official inquest / inquiry was
and found no evidence of foul play, the general mood seemingly one of profound
relief. &nbsp;The Black Emperor had never married or designated a heir (at
least, no one that survived the vetting process or beyond his next bout of
paranoia), so what little remained of the Moot eventually chose to establish a
new political entity, now known as the Sylean Alliance. &nbsp;As with the
Imperium, individual member-worlds would be self-governing, with overall policy
determined by the Moot (renamed the Grand Council).&nbsp; </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Since then, the Alliance has worked
the restoration of former glories, and has "re-consolidated" most of Core
Sector. &nbsp;It remains openly hostile towards Dulinor's realm, and distinctly
cold towards Delphi. &nbsp; But, towards the other former Imperial factions, it
has taken an openly patronizing attitude, frequently pressing for
"reunification" of the Imperium. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp;<b>DULINOR (ILLELISH) </b>- Dulinor met his
final fate on Gakhu / Illelish, where the remnants of his fleet
gathered&nbsp;after the Celetron Event.&nbsp; His flagship's systems were
severely compromised by SAMSON and it is likely to have been a primary culprit
in spreading the virus into his realm - having transited at least two Xboat
termini during his retreat, and sending numerous messages to his
homewold.&nbsp;&nbsp; Whilst facing an angry crowd on Gakhu, he was killed by a
runaway agricultural machine.&nbsp; Apprently, the machine in question&nbsp;was
&nbsp;tied into a local computer network that was infected by SAMSON.&nbsp;
Dulinor was not the first victim of the Celetron Event, but he was perhaps the
highest ranking</font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp;&nbsp;The broadcast of&nbsp;Dulinor's
falsified&nbsp;(and grossly premature) declaration of victory&nbsp;just after
departure had initially led to&nbsp;celebration within his realm.&nbsp; This
quickly became confusion, then anger and disillusionment as&nbsp;the
truth&nbsp;spread and as the&nbsp;SAMSON virus&nbsp;attacked Illelish's
infrastructure.&nbsp; Despite the best efforts of Dulinor's family to maintain
comtrol, his realm quickly broke up.</font><font size="4">&nbsp;&nbsp;</font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp;&nbsp;Presently, the Black Archduke's
realm comprises four major political entities - Dlan / Illelish (still ruled by
the Archduke's daughter), Illelish / Illelish, Tripolis / Verge and an alliance
of several Droyne-dominated worlds (in Droyne: "<i>Lyupyokussay</i>").
&nbsp;Skirmishes and shifting alliances are frequent, as each strives to gain an
upper hand over the others. &nbsp;Presently, the Droyne appear to hold the
balance of power.&nbsp; </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>MARGARET (DELPHI) &nbsp;</b>- Over many years,
officials of the Tukera megacorporation merged with the nobility of Delphi,
until there was basically no differance. &nbsp;The Archduchy's recovery from The
Fall was rapid, thanks to Tukera's fleet of Jump-6 xboats (which did NOT use
IISS systems). </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; With the aid of anagathics, Margaret
reigns, but is very reliant on her advisors and now may be little more than a
figurehead. &nbsp;Many nobles and citizens, including her grandchildren and
great-grandchildren, are becoming openly restless&nbsp;&nbsp;and press for a
greater say in decisions. &nbsp;The Archduchy of Delphi dominates the Delphi
sector, and is expanding into the Glimmerdrift Reaches. &nbsp;Since the K'Kree
are also expanding into this sector, future conflict seems likely. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><img align="right"
width="40" height="160"><b>STREPHON </b>- By 1124, the Real Strephon's realm had
shrunk to a
tiny group of worlds around Usdiki / Gushemege. &nbsp;When the Regency cruiser
'<i>Arrival Vengeance</i>' visited in 1126, it found the realm in remarkably
good order. &nbsp;Records are vague as to what happened after The Fall, but it
appears that Strephon formally abdicated in 1143, and his realm became the
Usdiki Confederacy. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The Confederacy endures as a small
democratic state, with strong ties to the Regency. &nbsp;The Emperor's Palace on
Usdiki has been converted for use by the Confederacy government, but areas of
historic interest (including Strephon's quarters) have been carefully preserved.
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Many questions about Strephon remain.
&nbsp;With recent&nbsp;research, answers are now emerging. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4"><i>&nbsp;Was he really the Emperor?</i>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Analysis of files from the Palaces at
Capital and Usdiki now give a high likelihood that he was. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4"><i>&nbsp;Where was he during The
Assassination?</i> </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4"><i>&nbsp; </i>The "official" account was that
Strephon was on a secret inspection of the Gushemege Naval Depot. &nbsp;However,
according to Imperial Palace records, he received a maximum-priority message in
early 1116 from Lishun Sector. &nbsp;The import of this message is unknown,
since all copies of it were destroyed at his personal order, but a number of
secondary sources refer to connections with a special project called
'<i>LONGBOW</i>'.&nbsp;&nbsp;Furthermore, just&nbsp;one day after the message
was received, the 403rd Fast Patrol Squadron suddenly departed Capital, under
strict security and in considerable haste, for an unspecified destination.
&nbsp;After The Assassination, the 403rd &nbsp;reappeared as part of the forces
at Usdiki. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4"><i>&nbsp; Who was really killed?</i> </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4"><i>&nbsp; </i>Strephon is now known to have
use of both robotic and human look-alikes. &nbsp;If there was a double at The
Assassination, he was presumably human and the resemblance&nbsp;good enough to
stand up to close inspection at the autopsy and state funeral. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4"><i>&nbsp; Why was Strephon in Lishun Sector?
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4"><i>&nbsp;</i> Obviously, something had
apparently relating to <i>LONGBOW</i>. &nbsp;Something that warranted the
Emperor's personal and immediate attention under strict security, but his
writings at Usdiki on this subject are so vague as to be useless. &nbsp;We can
speculate that it was something with profound significance for the Imperium.
&nbsp;Strephon was trying to 'revitalize' his realm, so perhaps he had finally
found the way - a new energy source, hyperspace communications, a psionic
breakthrough, or something else entirely. &nbsp;Maybe it was a warning or
revelation of some kind. &nbsp;Who is to say? &nbsp;Whatever "it" was, Strephon
apparently did not benefit from it at Usdiki, nor have the Vargr in Lishun
discovered anything since. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; <i>What was Project LONGBOW?</i>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Unknown. &nbsp; The project is
believed to
have been initiated by Strephon very early on in his reign, with a security
ranking placing it within IRIS's sixth mandate, and with elements distributed
over a wide swathe of Imperial space, mainly to Spinward. &nbsp;It absorbed a
sizable chunk of the Imperium's "Special Projects" budget for many years, and
apparently was considered something of a failure when completed.
&nbsp;<i>LONGBOW</i>'s successor, <i>LONGBOW II</i>, seems to have been even
more secretive and expensive. &nbsp;There does seem to have been a correlation
between both <i>LONGBOWs</i> and intelligence-gathering relating to the Zhodani
Core Expeditions, but the significance of this remains
unknown.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4"><i>&nbsp; Why did Strephon not simply come
immediately after the Assassination?</i> </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4"><i>&nbsp; </i>Whatever his original
the Emperor was a long way from Capital when it happened, and at least several
weeks passed before the news got to him. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Probably the only people on Capital
knew of his absence at the time were his immediate family, a few trusted aides,
and the High Regent of IRIS. &nbsp;His family and the Regent were killed by
Dulinor and his agents, anybody remaining could have been killed or forced into
hiding in the following chaos. &nbsp;Then too, there is the enormous personal
shock of having his family murdered and his realm split by a man he considered a
very close friend. &nbsp;Such things would have broken many other individuals.
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Later on, others could have discovered
deduced the truth. &nbsp;Both Lucan and Dulinor&nbsp;were publicly contemptuous
of 'The Real Strephon', but remained clearly intent on his elimination,
committing forces that arguably would have achieved far more elsewhere.
&nbsp;IRIS could have proven his identity but, by the time they were in a
position to do so, it probably would have made little differance. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4"><i>&nbsp; What happened after his abdication
1143?</i> </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Yet again, official records are
infuriatingly vague. &nbsp;It is certain that the abdication was his decision
alone, since the Usdiki government made repeated pleas for him to continue his
rule. &nbsp;He remained at the Usdiki Palace until 1145, overseeing the
foundation of the Usdiki Confederacy. &nbsp;Strephon then left that world for an
unknown destination in the '<i>Marakir'</i>, a modified '<i>Gionetti</i>'-Class
cruiser manned by a volunteer crew. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; In the decades since, Strephon has
"sighted" in religious retreats, working as a deckhand on a Regency trader, in
cold sleep in&nbsp;secret bases, and as a secluded prisoner
or&nbsp;guest&nbsp;of assorted people of note. &nbsp;Similarly, items from
'<i>Marakir</i>' have been 'found' in areas as far afield as the Vargr Extents
and Aldebaran. &nbsp;The ship itself has been everything from a wreck on a
forgotten world, to a mysterious benefactor, to a hyperspace "ghost", to the
flagship of a new Imperium just outside of Known Space. &nbsp;None of these
stories have ever been proven.&nbsp; </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; One can hope that Emperor Strephon
eventually found some measure of peace. &nbsp;Perhaps he continued to aid his
people in a small but useful fashion even after giving up the Throne, just as
Cleon II did. &nbsp;Maybe he somehow continues to do so, just as the stories
say. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Sadly, we may never know. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16">&nbsp;</font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>DAIBEI </b>- Under the leadership of Duchess
Alicia (Duke Craig's oldest surviving granddaughter), this group of worlds
continues to survive, albeit with a comparatively small Navy. &nbsp;After years
of tension prior to the War, relations with the Aslan Hierate&nbsp;have become
very friendly, and some expect that the two states may get even closer. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>VILANI </b>- SAMSON, plus Vargr incursions
before and afterwards, hit the <i>Ziru Sirka</i> hard. &nbsp;Their territory was
reduced to less than one subsector in size, centred on Vland. &nbsp;Since then,
they have fought back admirably, retaking most of Vland Sector.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Unfortunately, a mindset has developed whereby Vland's hard times are mainly
blamed on "cultural contamination" from outside, especially from Sylea and
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Now dominating Vilani politics are the
Racheleans, an extremist (and former terrorist) group previously believed to be
wiped out by the Third Imperium, but which has undergone a major revival since
The Fall. &nbsp;Supposedly, it is dedicated to reestablishing the First Imperium
in its entirety, and to "restoring" classic Vilani culture. &nbsp;The Vilani
military is now being built up at a speed that worries many neighbours. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>DENEB </b></font><font size="4">- The survival
Imperial culture in the Spinward Marches has been
well-documented.&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks to the steady leadership of Norris and his
heirs, the region's isolation and advance warning from Usdiki and Corridor;
SAMSON never got there and the realm has prospered since. &nbsp;The Regency's
self-imposed quarantine had one negative result, encouraging a siege mentality
that has only recently begun to fade. &nbsp;This isolationism was reinforced by
tragedies such as the attack on Trin / Trin's Veil (later renamed Trin's Shroud)
by one of Lucan's last warships. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Relations with the Zhodani Consulate,
Darrian Confederation, the Sword Worlds, the Federation of Arden, the
ComSentient Alliance and bordering Vargr states have remained largely peaceful.
&nbsp;Regency starships are now travelling further afield; with formal
diplomatic relations now established with the Usdiki Confederacy, the Julian
&nbsp;Protectorate, the Vilani and the Sylean Alliance. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><img align="left"
width="72" height="45"><b>VARGR</b> - Unquestionably the only true winners to
emerge from The
Fall, the Vargr now dominate most of the Corridor, Lishun, Antares and Empty
Quarter sectors. &nbsp;Typically, most of the anti-Imperial groups responsible
have long since fallen apart or been supplanted, and further large-scale
expansion seems very improbable. &nbsp;This has not stifled the hopes of some,
with Vargr now routinely found as far away as Hiver Space. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Interestingly, the formerly pro-
Thoengling Empire has also prospered, and continues to enjoy cordial relations
with the Regency. &nbsp;A major reason could be that very few anti-Human Vargr
remain in the "old" Extents - most invaded the Imperium during or after The
Fall, and few have returned. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Vargr now compete with the K'Kree and
Vilani for new territory. &nbsp;Given the general outlooks of all three,
conflict seems not merely likely, but inevitable. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>K'KREE&nbsp;</b>- During The Fall, K'Kree
forces invaded the Gateway and Ley Sectors, and the Glimmerdrift Reaches.
&nbsp;But they critically underestimated the degree of resistance offered by the
inhabitants. &nbsp;Results since have been what could best be described as an
"interstellar guerilla war", with heavy casualties and increasingly ruthless
tactics. &nbsp; Fears are growing that it will become a repeat of the Black War.
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp;The mainly Human resistance is being
reinforced by the Vargr, with technological assistance originating from the
Hiver Federation. &nbsp;The Centaurs' Warrior Caste has taken especially heavy
losses over the years, forcing the use of 'subject races' in many roles
previously denied them. &nbsp;Also, some clans have become sufficiently
disaffected by the war that they are now openly demanding that the K'Kree
withdraw from these areas entirely. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>ANTARES &amp; THE JULIAN PROTECTORATE </b>-
When the League of Antares (formerly the Imperium's Domain of Antares) formally
joined the Julian Protectorate, things began to change in both realms. &nbsp;The
new addition, plus a steady influx of Imperial refugees, forced several major
shifts in Julian's economy and politics with their traditional stance of
isolationist neutrality no longer possible. &nbsp;Antares's later assertion of
independance later came as a rude shock to the Julian citizenry, forcing many to
reassess the Protectorate's policies even further. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; SAMSON hit Antares hard, but left
unscathed, due to the latter's long-standing policy of not using Imperial-based
technology. &nbsp;Archduke Brzk's assassination, at around the same time, was an
added blow for the League. &nbsp;The Julian Protectorate immediately launched a
massive aid and reconstruction effort for Antares - promoting much good will and
ultimately leading to Antares's merger with the Protectorate in 1139. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; &nbsp;Julian's distinctive solar-
merchant ships are now frequently seen trading well outside of Protectorate
space. &nbsp; The reemergence of their long-standing foes, the Vilani, as an
expansionist interstellar power is causing a great deal of concern, leading to
the Protectorate tentatively seeking closer diplomatic ties with other powers.
&nbsp;K'Kree expansionism to Trailing is also a worry.&nbsp; </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>SOLOMANI </b>- The factionalizing of the Third
Imperium (and Lucan's redeployment of several major fleets towards Illelish) was
a unique oppurtunity for the Confederation, long sworn to the liberation of
Terra and the "restoration" of the Solomani Sphere. The Solomani were quick to
seize upon this opening; invading the Solomani Rim, Daibei, Old Expanses and
Diapora sectors from 1117 onwards. &nbsp;Even with the Imperial forces weakened,
most of these thrusts were soon blunted into attritional pounding matches
against various pockets of Imperial resistance. &nbsp;The re-taking of Terra
seemed to mark a new Solomani resurgence, despite the heavy
cost.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Even before the Third Imperium's
the Solomani Party was splitting over the question of what a 'True' Solomani
was.&nbsp;&nbsp; Solomani conservatives naturally stuck with the classic
definition - Humans of "pure" Terran ancestry. &nbsp;However, questions and
debates over the precise statuses of geneered and./or non-Solomani Humans, as
well as those of certain non-humans (notably AIs, Dolphins, Simians and Vargr)
had become more and more heated.&nbsp;&nbsp; Add to this the inherent social
problems that came with "reintegrating" literally millions of
"liberated"&nbsp;(/former Imperial) citizens into the Sphere.&nbsp; Not all of
these necessarily willing at that, and even the many&nbsp;who were tending to
have&nbsp;very outdated (and often romanticized) notions about the
Confederation.&nbsp; Plus there was the&nbsp;inevitable 'Alien Question' - what
to do about the not inconsiderable number of non-Human aliens&nbsp;now residing
in what had suddenly become Solomani territory. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Then came the SAMSON-Celetron virus.
&nbsp;The Solomani Sphere was mostly untouched by this catastrophe, but their
traditional foe was abruptly gone - and with it the main reason for Solomani
unity. &nbsp;Despite the best efforts of the Party and SolSec, the Confederation
began losing cohesion as many blocs and factions began looking at new
directions.&nbsp; Disagreements at all Party levels, over the&nbsp;Solomani
"reintegration" of Terra and former Imperial worlds, only added to the
problem.&nbsp;&nbsp; </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; In 1135, the Solomani Secretariat held
first meeting on "liberated" Earth in over a century. &nbsp;That meeting never
concluded. &nbsp;On 327-1135, at the height of a particularly acrimonious
debate, a large conventional bomb detonated in the assembly hall.&nbsp;
Casualties were high,&nbsp;numbering almost a thousand dead overall (including
most of the Secretariat and&nbsp;staff) with&nbsp;the venue, the second United
Nations building in Geneva,&nbsp;totally destroyed. &nbsp;The Confederation's
High Council declared a full state of<img align="right"
width="100" height="100"> emergency, and SolSec began making arrests all over the
Confederation. &nbsp;During the crackdown, rumours persisted that the bomb had
been planted &nbsp;and detonated by SolSec agents at the order of the High
Council. &nbsp;Many groups and worlds began making plans. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp;&nbsp; The Solomani Civil War
began on 079-1136, when elements of the Solomani Grand Fleet arrived in the New
Slavic Solidarity in Magyar Sector. &nbsp;For reasons still unclear, and with
claims of authorization even more dubious, the commanding Admiral attempted to
oust the Solidarity government and seize military control of the region.
&nbsp;The Solomani fleet was repelled by unexpectedly well-armed local forces,
supposedly aided when several Grand Fleet units switched loyalties.&nbsp; Both
sides sustained heavy losses, and the Solidarity proclaimed its independance
immediately thereafter. &nbsp;In the face of this new crisis, many Confederation
worlds suddenly began finding reasons why their militaries could not be released
for use by the Confederation . </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4"><img align="left"
width="100" height="53">&nbsp;&nbsp; Further battles followed, mostly between
(pro-Federation) and rebel (pro-independance) factions. However, there were also
many&nbsp;instances where supposedly loyalist units and groups openly clashed
amongst themselves over what were basically doctrinal issues.&nbsp; Further
worlds and blocs seceded. &nbsp;The loss of Earth (to the Terran Federation) was
a particularly savage&nbsp;blow, sparking a renewed surge of secessions and
calling into further doubt the legitimacy of the Solomani Cause. &nbsp;By 1148,
the Solomani Confederation was reduced in extent to most of Aldebaran sector,
centring on the long-time "administrative" capital of Home. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; In 1150, a general cease-fire was
agreed to
by the Confederation government and major secessionist groups, which has mostly
held ever since. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The worlds and groupings that gained
independance from the Confederation have since achieved a fragile equilibrium,
forming a complex web of blocs and alliances. &nbsp;Mostly, these political
entities still express support for the Solomani Cause but, in reality, virtually
all have began following different paths. &nbsp;SolSec is just a shadow of what
it once was, but is said to still have loyal agents throughout the former
Solomani Sphere. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><img align="left"
md_clr.gif" width="95" height="85"><strong>TERRA / SOL </strong>- During a century
of Imperial
occupation, Terran sympathies for the Solomani Cause had endured, with a warm
(if cautious) heroes' welcome offered to the arriving Solomani liberators.
&nbsp;But, as the euphoria of "Liberation Day" wore off, things rapidly soured.
&nbsp;Much of the Imperial occupation had been deliberately kept low-key.
&nbsp;By contrast, the Confederation forces deployed on Terra to " <i>... aid in
reconstruction and the necessary maintenance of civil order ... </i>" seemed far
more intent on " <i>... reinstating traditional Solomani values ... </i>" and "
<i>... neutralizing anti-Human elements ...</i> " (all quotes from the original
SolSec directive). &nbsp; </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; With hindsight, it is difficult to
find any
way in which the Solomani actually showed good judgement in their actions on
Terra. &nbsp;Administration of the planet was dominated by Solomani hardliners,
who evidently believed that pro-Imperial terrorists lurked in every doorway.
&nbsp;Strict curfews, censorship and other restrictions were enforced with a
noticeably heavy hand.&nbsp; &nbsp;The accompanying propaganda campaign was
equally unsubtle, seemingly geared more towards the rest of the Sphere rather
than the Terrans themselves. &nbsp;The Solomani Party established a large number
of "cultural restorationist teams", which immediately set out to expunge Terra
of all physical traces of the Imperial occupation. &nbsp; Using little more than
their own preconceptions of Solomani culture, these teams arbitrarily demolished
or defaced numerous structures, including several monuments and other public
works, frequently ignoring pleas and protests from local communities. &nbsp;That
a number of the damaged structures in fact <b>pre-dated</b> both the Solomani
Movement and the Imperium caused much bitterness.</font> </p>
<p><font size="4">&nbsp; Worse was to come.</font></p>
<p><font size="4">&nbsp; When the Imperial Garrison surrendered, terms had
included fair treatment for the large number of former Imperial citizens
remaining on Terra. &nbsp;But, within a month of arrival, SolSec began detaining
large numbers of Imperials, with&nbsp;two public mass-executions of 'Imperial
sympathizers' following. &nbsp;Predictably, this act led to protests, but
Terra's new administration was alarmed by the scale - with large and mainly
peaceful demonstrations appearing in most cities on Earth, and on other worlds
of the Sol system (accompanied by assorted graffiti and
hand-outs).&nbsp;&nbsp;Predictably,&nbsp;security forces&nbsp;suppressed this
resistance but, in several well-publicized instances, the measures used against
unarmed and predominantly well-behaved citizens&nbsp;could only be called
<p><font size="4">&nbsp; Faced with an escalating situation, the Terran
administration belatedly tried to calm things down. &nbsp;The SolSec field
commander publicly blamed for the original atrocity was arrested,
court-martialled on various charges, found guilty and executed - all in very
obvious haste.&nbsp; As a further attempted sop to Terran sensibilities, certain
of the "cultural restorationist teams" were reprimanded for their
"...<i>understandable, but clearly mistaken and overzealous conduct</i>..."
(another SolSec quote).&nbsp; These actions highlighted growing divisions within
the Solomani Party, as factions openly squabbled amd expressed widely differing
views about the entire affair.</font></p>
<p><font size="4">&nbsp; However, the damage had been done. &nbsp;Recalling a
hated group from the Pre-Atomic Era, Terrans began referring to SolSec as the
"S.S.", and to the Solomani Party as "Solo-Nazis".&nbsp; Terran experiences with
the Imperial occupation was to prove even more effective in dealing with their
so-called "lliberators".&nbsp; There were no more large demonstrations, but the
graffiti continued - along with numerous minor acts of&nbsp;sabotage and
harassment.&nbsp; Individually, each act was little more than nuisance value,
but the sheer quantity was worrying.&nbsp; Several Terran groups went so far as
to conceal "traitors" and Imperial "sympathizers" sought by the authorities,
and,even smuggle them offworld.&nbsp; It became evident that neither the Party,
SolSec or the Confederation military could solve the problem - though each was
quick to blame the others for what was happening.&nbsp; The occupation forces
had to be continually reinforced and expanded just to maintain the status
quo.&nbsp;&nbsp;Morale in the Solomani rank-and-file, most of whom had arrived
on Terra expecting&nbsp;easy duty, soon was abysmal; inevitably leading
to&nbsp;widespread corruption,&nbsp;ever-increasing&nbsp;desertion rates and
several notable instances of insubordination.&nbsp; None of which went unnoticed
by the people&nbsp;that the occupation force was supposed to be
<p><font size="4">&nbsp; The events of 1135 and thereafter sparked off additional
security crackdowns. &nbsp;Terrans began actively resisting the occupation
force&nbsp;and its strictures..&nbsp; Naturally, this led to further crackdowns,
inevitably provoking further resistance!</font></p>
<p><font size="4">&nbsp; Aid for Terra soon arrivved from an unexpected direction.
&nbsp;The Vegan Concordance was a conclave of worlds around the Vega system, one
of the last remnants of the Third Imperium. &nbsp; When the Solomani retook
their Sphere, the Vegans were able to hold out in a state of near-total siege
for a number of years. &nbsp;A cease-fire had eventually been called, shortly
before the Celetron Event (which had minimal direct impact on them), but it was
very clear that&nbsp;the Vegans were on their own. &nbsp;The sudden crumbling of
the Solomani Sphere was an unexpected chance for survival, if the Concordance
chose to seize it. &nbsp;Representatives from Vega and Sol were soon meeting in
<p><font size="4">&nbsp; In 1147, in one of history's greatest ever ironies,
resistance groups joined forces with the Concordance in a lightning campaign
that ousted the Solomani Confederation from Terra and the rest of the Sol
system. &nbsp;'The Cradle of Humanity' then formally unified with the Vegan
Concordance and several other worlds to form a new entity called the Terran
<p><font size="4">&nbsp; The Federation government remains a hodge-podge of
Imperial nobility, the megacorporations Hortalez et Cie and Instellarms,
disaffected ex-Solomani, and elected officals from both Vega and Sol.
&nbsp;Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the Terran Federation has proven
remarkably stable and progressive.</font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4">&nbsp; <img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>ZHODANI </b>- The Zhodani's psionic nobility
suffered a major setback in 1127, when first contacting the starfaring race
known as the Primordials. &nbsp;As is now known, the Primordials are a peaceful
race, but their psionics are so powerful that they unknowingly "burnt-out" every
Human psionic that came within range. &nbsp;Faced with what looked like an
invasion, the Consulate Navy kept attacking the Primordial fleet - and losing.
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Eventually, a group of (psi-null)
adventurers from the Regency made peaceful contact with the Primordials, and
convinced them to alter course away from Consulate worlds. &nbsp;Since then, the
Zhodani has been struggling to rebuild its decimated nobility and fleet.
&nbsp;To that end, limited numbers of "outsiders" - mainly Aslan and Vargr
mercenaries - have been employed for less essential tasks on the frontier.
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"><font color="red">[<b>NOTE: </b>&nbsp;This is
a crude
outline of what the Traveller's Digest Group had planned for a major adventure /
event in the Traveller Universe. &nbsp;Unfortunately, after all the exceptional
work already done, GDW suddenly yanked the license. &nbsp;However, some TNE
supplements seemed to take up the story line. &nbsp;Go figure.]</font> </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>ASLAN </b>- There have been few major changes
for the Aslan.&nbsp;&nbsp;With no significant threats on any of the Hierate's
borders, the Tlaukhu (High Council) now spends more time overseeing internal
matters rather than deciding external policy. The <i>ihatei</i> that migrated to
the Trojan Reach sector are now well-established and mostly integrated with the
Regency. &nbsp;The Reaver's Deep sector has been all but fully absorbed into the
Hierate; and trade is routinely conducted with the Regency, Daibei and various
ex-Solomani worlds. &nbsp;Aslan mercenary groups tend to be smaller than during
the Third Imperium, and can be found in the Regency, some ex-Solomani blocs,
Hiver space and the Zhodani Consulate. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Because of Dulinor's murder of the
Yerlyaruiwo ambassador in 1116, the Aslan still consider themselves to be
technically at war with Illelish. &nbsp;To that end, raiding vessels are
regularly sent to that region. &nbsp;Most do not return. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>HIVERS </b>- The Hivers spent the early part
the Black War trying to preserve elements of Imperial / Human culture. &nbsp;As
the war escalated, and they began losing personnel and ships, the Hivers finally
withdrew&nbsp;from Imperial space. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Since The Fall, the Hivers have
a number of Human client-states, supplying them with technical advice and even
starships. &nbsp;Several are helping to curtail K'Kree expansion, whilst others
are reestablishing contact with other empires. &nbsp;The largest and most
notable of these&nbsp;client-states is the Reformation Coalition, centred in the
Old Expanses sector. &nbsp;Interestingly, Hiver assistance often does not extend
to providing accurate information about the current state of affairs elsewhere.
&nbsp;Many Coalition citizens remain convinced that the rest of the Galaxy has
fallen into barbarism and ruin, victim of a mythical computer super-"Virus".
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; Hiver computer technology continues to
the most advanced of any known race. &nbsp;The Hivers now run a lucrative trade
selling 'special upgrades' for Imperial computers and software, rendering them
totally immune to SAMSON. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><b>TRAVELLER'S AID SOCIETY </b>- As the Imperium
fragmented, so did the TAS. &nbsp;Despite censorship, seizure of property by
Lucan and Dulinor, and Lucan's revocation of its Imperial Charter in 1127, the
society continued to function as best it could. &nbsp;TAS now has only minimal
facilities in Core and Illelish sectors, and the branches in Delphi and Vilani
sectors are effectively government-controlled agencies. </font>
</p><p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp; The TAS branches outside of Imperial
were essential to keeping the Society unified and functioning. &nbsp;Except for
those sectors already mentioned, TAS membership remains valid throughout known
space. </font>
</p><p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"><img align="middle"
width="425" height="16"> </font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"><img align="left"
width="100" height="75"><b>&nbsp;MEGACORPORATIONS </b>- All of the Imperium's
survived The Fall in one form or another.&nbsp;&nbsp; The&nbsp;centralized
elements of the Vilani Bureaux&nbsp;continued to rule the Vilani
worlds,&nbsp;purging&nbsp;themselves of Sylean "contamination"&nbsp;in the
process.&nbsp;&nbsp; Likewise, the largest&nbsp;part of Tukera
was&nbsp;ultimately merged&nbsp;with the nobility and government of
<p align="justify"><font size="4">&nbsp;&nbsp;The loss of dependable communications
split most&nbsp;Megacorporations&nbsp;(and the more isolated branches of Tukera
nad the Vilani Bureaux) into multiple separate entites - many of which went on
to merge with, be absorbed into or taken over by other organizations.&nbsp; This
has led to a number of almost ludicrous situations, as various of these
"sub-MegaCorps" have expanded, only to encounter rivals and opponents&nbsp;that
use the exact same logo and/or designation.&nbsp;&nbsp; Ongoing conflict seems
inevitable on a number of fronts, as the stronger of these new corporations seek
to "reassert ownership rights" over former subsidiaries and holdings.</font></p>
<p align="justify"><font size="4"></font><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p align="center"><font size="4">&nbsp;&nbsp;</font><font size="4"><img
width="425" height="16"></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="4"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p><font size="4"><strong>AIs </strong>- An unknown number of self-aware artifical
intelligences are now, essentially, at large in the Known Galaxy. Most began as
starship computers, several as planet-based networks, and a few as robots of
various types.&nbsp; AI intelligence and personality frequently relates to the
complexity and programming of the original computer, but this is not a wholly
reliable guide to subsequent behaviour.&nbsp; Regarding intelligence, logic,
motivations, ethics, psychological stability and capacity to relate with other
intelligences; 'Samson'-created AIs vary at least as much as any other group of
sentient beings. </font></p>
<p><font size="4">Two notable examples of AIs follow:</font> </p>
<p><font size="4"><strong>Lukushirral </strong>- A 'Kokirrak' class dreadnought
transferred from the Imperial Navy to the Scout Service in 1085, Lukushirral
served with Lucan's forces during the Black War.&nbsp; When the Celetron Event
occurred, a secondary computer on the warship's Flag Bridge attained sentience
and was able to take limited control of the rest of the ship.&nbsp; It
instigated a successful mutiny amongst the crew and, after offloading surviving
non-mutineers at a remote outpost, headed for parts unknown.&nbsp; When
Lukushirral reappeared some years later, it was at the head of a squadron of
renegades in the Massilia Sector whose main priorirty appears to be
empire-building, having taken control of several systems and seeking to expand
further.&nbsp; This particular AI has little tolerance for other AIs within iits
sphere of influence, possibly regarding them as potemtial competition.&nbsp;
Relations with humans are much friendlier.&nbsp; With the citizenry of its
pocket empire, the AI has something close to a partnership - Lukushirral in the
dominant role and overseeing strategy and external policy; the humans providing
support, handling internal matters and otherwise permitted to manage their own
affairs.</font> </p>
<p><font size="4"><strong>Dav </strong>- Part of the global computer network on
Corast / Core, Dav seems to exist in a disembodied state within that system,, a
"ghost in the machine" as some have put it.&nbsp; At times, the AI seems to have
been active in several different places at once, at other times, it disappears
entirely from view.&nbsp; There is no indication as to which computer within the
planetary network "is" Dav, and there has been speculation that he may actually
be more than one being.&nbsp; It is&nbsp;assumed that Dav was created by the
Celetron Event, since the AI first became known to users of the network only a
few months afterwards.&nbsp; Fortunately for the citizens of Corast, Dav is a
benign, almost childlike entity that often seeks to aid anyone using the network
it resides in. &nbsp;Corast's government was initially wary but, for the most
part,&nbsp;seems to have accepted Dav, as has most of the citizens - an attitude
that has led to strained relations with neighbouring systems.
<p><font size="4">&nbsp; Relations between AIs and organic intelligences are
varied.&nbsp; The cultural aversion to artificial intelligences of any kind, and
the Celetron Event itself, have fuelled anti-AI prejudice in many regions
formerly part of the Third Imperium.&nbsp; A number of worlds and groups
maintain a "destroy on sight" mindset as regards any and all AIs found.&nbsp;
Several extend this measure to anything that MIGHT become an AI - specifically
any and all robots, computers and other automated systems.&nbsp; Other worlds
may not ban AIs as such, but do not recognize them as anything but property -
thereby meaning that any AIs there do not have sentient rights.&nbsp; Very few
worlds have come anywhere near granting&nbsp;specific rights to AIs, thus
far.</font> </p>

<p align="left"><font size="4"><b>ELSEWHERE </b>- The Black War and The Fall left
many areas in ruins, with entire populations exterminated or falling into
barbarism. &nbsp;Dagudashaag, Fornast, Zarushagar and Massilia sectors remain
dangerous and chaotic places to this day. &nbsp;Corsairs and renegades abound
but, even there, a few worlds have begun the long task of rebuilding. </font>
</p><p align="left"><font size="4">&nbsp; The Third Imperium has gone the way of
predecessors. &nbsp;As always, one can only hope that future generations can
learn from its example. &nbsp;Perhaps the greatest tragedy of all centres around
Empress Arbellatra. &nbsp;She was undoubtedly the Third Imperium's greatest
leader, but she also planted the seeds for its final destruction. </font>

INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 04:47:12 Jun 22, 2020.


SECTION 108(a)(3)).

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