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For all we know that the most important thing upon delivery is the skin to skin contact of

the newborn and the mother as it is the first essential newborn care and to promote bonding and

warmth. All health care providers who are in charge of the delivery and newborn wore their

gloves (sterile) prior to the baby. So, how can we be sure that the mother’s body is clean

enough that the baby will not be infected? Will be the first contact of the baby to the mother can

be the primary cause of infection since the mother is the first contact of the baby? Does the

mother is well groomed and with proper hygiene by the time she was admitted at the labour

room? And skin to skin contact is a big help for the newborn to initiate breastfeeding as he/she



First and foremost, we as a student nurse must not choose whom we will be endorsed to

as their student nurse of the day and so with the patients, vice versa. In ward setting especially

OB ward, I want to know how will the mothers and male student nurse communicate without

hesitation especially that the mothers needed to assist every now and then prior to their

delivery(CS or NSD), change of their pads if soaked, demonstrate how to stimulate milk from

breast, removing of catheter and other stuff. Will they decline the offered help of males and call

for a female student nurse instead? I want to know how this to be addressed to the males is.

Man to Man: Reaction Paper

Based from the 2005 historical drama film “Man to Man” that was directed by

Regis Wargnier, a failed study of anthropologists who were able to capture pygmies from

Africa and able to bring them for the purpose of their study back in Europe and as part of

their research involving the theory of evolution of man as for scientific purposes. They

treat the two as if they are not human, but some kind of link between man and ape. It's a

painful story of an era in time in which western society thought itself to be superior over

other races. The real savages are not the pygmy couple, but those that don't want to

accept that they are just as human as themselves. It's also about how science can

become dangerous when scientists lose their empathy for the persons they are testing

and how that can lead to inhumane situations. The film presents some interesting

observations on societal issues as well as the central humanistic drama. It excoriates the

notion of man's inhumanity, or humanity, towards his fellow man. 

It highlights many aspects of humanity. Is it right to sacrifice human life for the

advancement of science? What rights should living beings get? How do we balance the

satisfaction of curiosity and the exploitation of "exotic" individuals? Is it OK to blame a

murder someone else to achieve the big picture? However, I think it leaves a great deal

about life, morality and ethical issues to reflect upon. It is a touching and thought

provoking film.

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