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NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ____________

Unit Study Guide

(Unit 4)
Self-Check Write a checkmark ✔ next to the language you know. Return to the unit in your
Student’s Book to find and study the language you are not yet sure of.

GRAMMAR † dashboard Good driving behavior

† The past continuous † emergency brake † pay attention
(page 40) † gas pedal † observe the speed limit
† Direct object placement † gearshift † maintain a safe following
with phrasal verbs (page
42) † horn distance
† rearview mirror
Other language
† seat belt
VOCABULARY † steering wheel † rent
Car types † daily rate
† compact car Ways to show concern † shopping trip
† convertible † I’m so sorry. † business trip
† full-size sedan † Oh, no! † car accident
† luxury car † How awful! † have an accident
† minivan / van † I’m sorry to hear that.
† sports car † That’s terrible. SOCIAL LANGUAGE
† station wagon † Long time no see.
† SUV Phrasal verbs for talking
about cars
† I can’t complain.
† fill up † You can say that again!
Exterior car parts
† turn on † I had an accident.
† bumper
† turn off † Are you OK?
† door
† pick up † I’m fine.
† engine
† drop off † No one was hurt.
† headlight
† Thank goodness.
† hood
Bad driving behavior/ † What a relief!
† side-view mirror
habits † That’s good.
† sunroof
† flash lights at other drivers † How did it happen?
† taillight
† tire † gesture at other drivers † [The other driver] was
† trunk † honk their horns [tailgating].
† not stop at red lights † Was there much damage?
† turn signal light
† not signal when turning † I’ll only have to replace a
† window [taillight].
† windshield † pass in a no-passing zone
† speed † I’m dropping off my car.
† windshield wiper
† stare at other drivers † Was everything OK?
Interior car parts † tailgate † [The windshield wipers]
† brake pedal † talk on the phone aren’t working.
† clutch † text while driving † Any other problems?
† weave through traffic † No. That’s it.
† Is the gas tank full?
Top Notch 2, Third Edition Unit 4
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ____________

Unit Study Guide

(Unit 4)
Practice Write a new sentence or a short conversation with each grammar point, word, or
expression you didn’t check.

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Top Notch 2, Third Edition Unit 4
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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