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Theor. Appl. Climatol.

61, 9±18 (1998)

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India

Climate Change: A Case Study Over India

A. K. Sahai

With 2 Figures

Received April 15, 1998

Summary conversation now also includes changing climate

A brief account of various causes of climate change in and the role of man's activities. Because there is
recent decades and climate change trends in the Indian concern regarding the impact of climate change
region is presented. It is of great importance to determine on the survivability and future development of
the in¯uence of human activities on the likely climate the human species, the question is being asked as
change during recent decades. Local temperature is one of to what extent the climate will change as a result
the major climatic elements to record the changes in the
atmospheric environment caused by industrialization and
of man's activity. The answer to this question lies
urbanization. It is mentioned in the literature that there is in understanding the mechanisms of climate
either a cooling tendency or cessation of warming after the change and how climate has behaved in the past.
late 1950s at most of the Indian industrial cities. A case Therefore a brief account of various causes of
study of Nagpur, a centrally located city in India, is done to climate change and the observed climate change
understand and the possible cause of cooling. Nagpur is the in few recent decades is presented in this
only city in India for which a long-term record of
temperature, for urban (Mayo Hospital) and relatively communication.
suburban (Sonegaon Airport) area, is available. The study World population is increasing very rapidly. A
of the diurnal asymmetry in maximum and minimum very important consequence of growing popula-
temperatures indicates that the role of suspended particulate tion is urbanization and industrialization which
matter dominates over that of increasing greenhouse gases. are spreading around the globe at an explosive
pace. A micro-scale example of climate change
is already occurring in urban areas. Local
1. Introduction
temperature is one of the major climatic elements
The variability of day-to-day weather is a to record the changes in the atmospheric
common topic of conversation everywhere environment in these areas. Therefore, a case
because of its direct, local and instant effect on study of Nagpur, a centrally located city in India,
daily life. However, in the last few years is done to study the effect of urbanization and
humankind's ever-expanding activities have industrialization in India. The study of asymme-
caused environmental changes that reach beyond try in daytime and night-time temperature may
localities and regions to become global and there give some clue regarding the relative role of
is a growing awareness of issues such as the warming due to increased greenhouse gases and
enhanced greenhouse gas effect and depletion of cooling due to increased concentrations of
ozone layer. Therefore the common topic of particulate matter in the atmosphere.
10 A. K. Sahai

2. Main Causes of Climate Change through powerful volcanic eruption, nuclear

in Recent Decades blasts, burning of aviation fuels, and on the
earth's surface through the use of agricultural
The driving force for weather and climate is
fertilisers, using chloro-¯uoro-carbons for refrig-
energy from the sun. The earth absorbs energy
eration and other purposes. Recent studies (Wang
(radiation) from the sun, mainly at the surface.
et al., 1993; Mohnen et al., 1993) have pointed to
This energy is then redistributed by the atmo-
the sensitivity of the climate system to vertical
sphere and ocean and re-radiated to space at
changes of tropospheric and stratospheric ozone.
longer wavelengths. The earth's climate has the
Changes in the aerosol content of the atmo-
potential to be changed on all time scales by the
sphere may occur either through volcanic
way in which short-wave solar radiation is
activity, changes in land use, or from the
scattered and absorbed, and thermal infrared
emission of aerosols because of human activity.
radiation is absorbed and emitted by the earth-
The effects of the changes due to the ®rst two
atmosphere system. Any factor that alters the
types is direct; the aerosols either absorb or
redistribution of energy within the climatic
re¯ect solar radiation directly. The effect of those
system (atmosphere, land, ocean, ice and bio-
due to human activities are more likely to be
sphere) will affect the climate. The main causes
indirect. Emissions of sulphur compounds create
of climate change in recent decades can be
sulphate aerosols which act as effective nuclei
summarized as:
for the condensation of water drops in clouds.
In over-polluted areas, therefore, clouds will
contain more droplets. They will possess a higher
2.1 Variation in Atmospheric Composition
albedo, and thus will reduce the warming. Over
(Mixing Ratios of Carbon Dioxide and Ozone,
the past few years researchers (Charlson et al.,
Aerosols Loading, etc.) due to Volcanic
1992; Kiehl and Brigleb, 1993 and Penner et al.,
Eruptions and Human Activity
1994) have suggested that historical changes of
The atmospheric chemical composition is an anthropogenic aerosols have caused a climate
important determinant of its thermal budget. CO2 forcing of opposite sign, but of comparable
is a principal greenhouse gas which absorbs magnitude to the forcing due to CO2 and other
signi®cantly long-wave terrestrial radiation. greenhouse gases.
Large changes in the total amount of CO2 in
the atmosphere would surely affect the climate of
2.2 Variation of the Land Surface
the earth. Its concentration is increasing due to
Characteristics due to Land use
the increased consumption of fossil fuel along
(Deforestation, Deserti®cation, etc.)
with industrialization. Various authors (Friedli
et al., 1986; Keeling et al., 1989; Neftel et al., The exponential growth of human population is
1985; Boden et al., 1990; Lorius et al., 1990) re¯ected in a progressively more severe impact
have computed the variation of CO2 in the past on the soil, water and plant resources upon which
two centuries and a strong correlation is observed all depend for survival. In turn it leads to a
in the climatic record between average atmo- variation of land surface characteristics due to
spheric temperature and CO2 concentration. land use. The climate effects of overgrazing,
The stratosphere is heated mainly through the deserti®cation, deforestation, irrigation and var-
absorption of solar ultraviolet radiation by ozone. ious other agricultural practices all have their
Variations in the ozone distribution govern the roots in how the surface and atmosphere energy
differential heating in the vertical which deter- budgets are modi®ed by these surface changes.
mines the static stability and to some extent the These surface changes affect surface albedo,
dynamics of stratospheric motions and which in vegetation cover, surface roughness and the
turn are likely to be re¯ected in the thermal hydrological cycle. Various authors (Nasrallah
structure and also the dynamical motions includ- and Balling, 1993; Otterman et al., 1993; Philips,
ing weather in the troposphere. The oxides of 1993; Sud et al., 1993; Xue and Shukla, 1993;
nitrogen and chlorine are destroyers of ozone. Zektser and Loaiciga, 1993; Paton et al., 1995;
These oxides are injected into the stratosphere and Williams and Balling, 1996) have studied
Climate Change: A Case Study Over India 11

these problems and concluded that (a) human the subsequent fall of global temperature,
activities have increased the albedo in drylands the regional temperature in India has shown
and this should have a direct effect of decreasing an increasing trend reaching a maximum in
temperature, precipitation and soil moisture, (b) the 1950s. In the latter 1950s, the tempera-
changes in vegetation cover depend on geogra- ture showed a falling trend which continued
phical location and climatic zone, which is to the mid seventies when warming began
negatively related to albedo and temperature again. The decades, 1971±80 and 1981±90,
and positively related to precipitation, (c) soil have shown greater warming rates than
moisture levels are directly related to vegetation other decades.
cover and precipitation and negatively related to (iii) The predominant warming has been in the
albedo and temperature. Recently Dale (1997) post-monsoon and winter seasons rather
has concluded that the role of land-use change is than in the summer.
much more effective on ecological variables than (iv) The signi®cant warming trends occurred
climate change. over the northern and southern parts of the
west coast, the interior peninsula (south of
20  N) and in the northern regions of the
2.3 The Urban Heat Island
Extensive efforts have been made to calculate the (v) The Indian summer monsoon has shown
amount of temperature rise due to urban heat remarkable stability over the past 120 years,
island effect and to separate this `spurious noise' but some decadal variations and large
from the larger, nonurbanized climate signal. It is interannual variability occur.
observed that about 0.05  C of the 0.45  C
warming seen over the last century may be
related to urbanization (Kukla et al., 1986; Karl 4. A New Perspective on Recent Global
and Jones, 1989; Jones et al., 1990; Tayanc and Warming
Toros, 1997). Today, urban observing stations are Greater attention is now being paid to the
excluded from calculations of mean global manifestations of global warming in terms of
temperatures. Ironically, in treating urban change day-time and night-time temperatures i.e., max-
as a ``bias'' to be isolated and removed, we may imum and minimum temperature trends, because
have been ignoring an important process (Chang- of their links to changes in cloudiness, humidity,
non, 1992). atmospheric mesoscale circulation patterns,
winds and soil-moisture which are likely to be
signi®cant over land areas.
3. Climate Change Trends in the Indian Region
(A) Global (Karl et al., 1991; Karl et al., 1993;
The works of various authors (Hingane et al., Mearns et al., 1995; Hansen et al., 1995):
1985; Pant and Hingane, 1988; Thapaliyal and
Studies over most parts of the Northern and
Kulshrestha, 1991; Rao and Kumar, 1992;
Southern Hemispheric land masses have shown
Rupkumar et al., 1992; Srivastava et al., 1992;
that minimum temperatures have generally
Parthasarathy et al., 1993; Parthasarathy et al.,
increased more rapidly than maximum tempera-
1994; Rao et al., 1996) on climate change trends
tures, leading to a decrease in diurnal tempera-
in Indian regions in the past few decades can be
ture range. A likely explanation is that day-time
summarised as below.
convection distributes the heat over most of the
(i) The annual mean surface air temperature troposphere, which reduces the amount of sur-
averaged over the land mass of India has face warming. The decrease in the diurnal
apparently warmed about 0.4  C in this temperature range is possibly due to the increase
century. in the cloud cover, including low clouds. The
(ii) The annual mean temperature showed a increase in cloud cover is indirectly related to the
0.15  C cooling from 1900 to 1920 rising observed global warming and increases of green-
in 1920 until it became equal to the mean, house gases, related to the indirect effects of
then falling 0.1  C in the 1930s. Contrary to increase in aerosols, simply a manifestation of
12 A. K. Sahai

natural climate variability or a combination of all temperature by using data from Nagpur, which is
three. a city in central India and can be thought to be
representative of India. Nagpur is the only city in
(B) Indian region (Rupakumar et al., 1994):
India for which long-term maximum and mini-
The increase in the mean temperatures over India mum temperatures for urban (Mayo Hospital)
has been almost solely due to the increase in and relatively rural (Sonegaon Airport) sites are
maximum temperatures with the minimum available. Since the urbanization of Nagpur is
temperature remaining practically trendless. suf®ciently rapid, the difference in warming
Consequently there is a general increase in the between urban and suburban areas (Urban Heat
diurnal temperature range over India, contrary to Island Effect) at Nagpur will also be studied.
the global trend.
5.2 Data and Data Processing
5. A Case Study: Differential Changes
Monthly mean maximum and minimum surface
in Maximum and Minimum Temperatures
air temperatures were obtained from the India
in Nagpur
Meteorological Department for Sonegaon Air-
port and Mayo Hospital situated in the sub-urban
5.1 Scope of this Study
and urban areas of Nagpur City, respectively. For
Rupakumar and Hingane (1988) have studied the suburban area, data were available from 1901
climate change in India, in the light of indus- to 1992 and for the urban area station from 1952
trialization and urbanization. In this study we to 1992. So the comparative study of warming
propose to extend the work on the temperature could use the suburban data between 1901±1951
changes due to urbanization considering the and 1952±1992. The 1952±1992 data could be
asymmetric trend in maximum and minimum used to compare suburban and urban area

Table 1. Linear Trends in Temperature

Month/Year/Season Temp. Trend ( C/100 yr)

Sub-urban Sub-urban Urban

(1901±1951) (1952±1992) (1952±1992)

January Max. 0.1 0.4 ÿ5.0

Min. 1.2 2.8 1.0
Mean 0.7 1.6 ÿ2.0
DTR ÿ1.1 ÿ2.3 ÿ6.0
May Max. 1.3 ÿ0.7 ÿ2.1
Min. 2.7 ÿ1.3 ÿ0.3
Mean 2.0 ÿ1.0 ÿ1.2
DTR ÿ1.4 0.6 ÿ1.8
Annual Max. 0.1 1.1 ÿ3.0
Min. 0.4 1.4 ÿ0.1
Mean 0.3 1.2 ÿ1.5
DTR ÿ0.3 ÿ0.3 ÿ2.9
Winter (DJF) Max. 0.8 ÿ1.0 ÿ4.7
Min. ÿ0.01 2.1 1.3
Mean 0.4 0.5 ÿ1.8
Pre-Monsoon (MAM) Max. 0.3 0.3 ÿ4.3
Min. 1.2 0.8 ÿ0.5
Mean 0.7 0.6 ÿ2.4
Monsoon (JJAS) Max. ÿ0.7 1.1 ÿ1.6
Min. ÿ0.01 0.3 ÿ1.8
Mean ÿ0.3 0.7 ÿ1.7
Post-Monsoon (On) Max. ÿ0.5 3.2 ÿ0.001
Min. 0.8 3.2 4.3
Mean 0.1 3.2 2.1
Climate Change: A Case Study Over India 13

differences. The mean monthly diurnal tempera-

ture range (DTR) is de®ned as the difference
between the mean monthly maximum and
minimum temperatures. The monthly mean
temperature is de®ned as the arithmetic mean
of monthly maximum and minimum tempera-
ture. The representative months for Winter and
Summer are taken as January and May respec-
tively. Also the year is divided into four seasons
as follows: Winter (December, January, Febru-
ary), Pre-monsoon (March, April, May), Mon-
soon (June, July, August, September) and Post-
monsoon (October, November).

5.3 Results
5.3.1 The Differential Trends of Maximum
and Minimum Temperatures
A simple linear regression analysis was applied
to quantify the trend in temperature against time;
see Table 1 and Figs. 1 and 2. The values
obtained in Table 1 are sometimes as large as
5  C/100 years, which appears very high, but
since we are discussing a particular location, the
values agree well with Karl et al. (1993), Xie and
Cao (1996) and Tayanc and Toros (1997). The
following points can be noted from Table 1:
(a) In January, the DTR is less, due to a
signi®cant decrease in maximum tempera-
ture (5.0  C) for the urban area and an
increase in minimum temperature between
1901±1951 (2.8  C); and between 1952±1992
(1.2  C) for the suburban area. The mean Fig. 1. Variation of (a) maximum temperature and (b)
temperature in the suburban area increased at minimum temperature with trend (- - -) and mean (Ð) for
the rate of 1.6  C while that in the urban area January, May and Annual series. (Nagpur urban)
decreased at the rate of 2.0  C. In the
suburban area itself, the rate of warming (c) On an annual basis the mean temperature
between 1901±1951 was signi®cantly less decreased (1.5  C) in the urban area, due
than the warming between 1952±1992 due to mainly to the decrease in maximum tem-
the increase in minimum temperature. perature. In the suburban area the mean
(b) During May, in the suburban area, between temperature increased signi®cantly (1.2  C)
1901±1951 the minimum temperature between 1952±1992 and less so between
increased signi®cantly more than the maxi- 1901±1951; this increase results from
mum temperature, causing a decrease in changes in both maximum and minimum
DTR, while between 1952±1992 the mini- temperatures. The DTR decreased in both
mum temperature decreased signi®cantly urban and suburban areas but in the suburban
more than the maximum temperature, result- area it decreased due to an increase in
ing in an increase of DTR. In the urban area, minimum temperature; in the urban area the
the decrease in DTR is mostly due to the decrease was mainly due to a decrease in
decrease in maximum temperature. maximum temperature.
14 A. K. Sahai

Fig. 2. Variation of (a) maximum

temperature and (b) minimum
temperature with trend (- - -) and
mean (Ð) for Winter, Pre-mon-
soon, Monsoon and Post-mon-
soon series (Nagpur urban)

(d) During the winter season in the urban area, maximum and minimum temperature.
the mean temperature decreased (1.8  C) due Between 1901±1951 the mean temperature
to a considerable decrease in maximum did not change much in the suburban
temperature. In the suburban region the region.
mean temperature increased between 1901±
1951; this was due to an increase in maxi-
mum temperature and in 1952±1992, to an 5.3.2 Decadal Change in Temperature
increase in minimum temperature.
The decadal average of minimum, maximum,
(e) During the Pre-monsoon season, the mean
mean and DTR are given in Table 2. The
temperature increased due to increases in
following features can be summarized from this:
both maximum and minimum temperature in
the suburban area but the increase in (A) For the Suburban Area
minimum temperature dominated. In the (a) The 1940s and the 1980s were the warmest
urban area the features are almost the same decades with 27  C and 27.1  C mean
as in the Winter season except that the temperature respectively.
minimum temperature also decreased. (b) Between these two decades, temperatures
(f) During the Monsoon season in the suburban decreased in the 1950s and the 1960s and
area, the mean temperature decreased then started rising in the 1970s.
between 1901±1951 due to a signi®cant (c) The DTR decreased in January during the
decrease in maximum temperature but 1940s and the 1980s but in May it decreased
increased between 1952±1992 due to a during the 1940s and was steady in the
signi®cant increase in the maximum tem- 1980s.
perature. In the urban area the mean tem- (d) In the 1940s there was a sharp increase in the
perature decreased (1.7  C) which is almost mean temperature trend in May but in the
equally contributed by decreases in both 1980s there was a sharp increase in January.
maximum and minimum temperatures. Thus the warming in the 1980s happened in
(g) In the Post-Monsoon season, the mean the Winters, but in Summers in the 1940s.
temperature increased in both the urban and (e) In the 1940s the warming was due to changes
suburban areas between 1952±1992, but in in maximum and minimum temperatures, the
the urban area this was solely due to an minimum being more prominent while in the
increase in the minimum temperature; in the 1980s it was due principally to changes in
suburban area it was due to increases in minimum temperature.
Climate Change: A Case Study Over India 15

Table 2. Decadal Means of Temperatures ( C)

Month/ Temp. 1901±1909 1910±1919 1920±1929 1930±1939 1940±1949 1950±1959 1960±1969 1970±1979 1980±1989
Year [ C] [ C] [ C] [ C] [ C] [ C] [ C] [ C] [ C]

JAN Min. 13.2 12.7 13.5 13.0 14.1 12.7 12.3 12.1 14.0
(13.5) (13.0) (13.9) (14.3)
Mean 21.0 20.5 21.1 21.2 21.3 20.8 20.4 20.3 21.4
(21.5) (21.2) (21.3) (20.8)
Max. 28.9 28.3 28.6 29.4 28.5 28.9 28.4 28.5 28.8
(29.4) (28.6) (28.8) (27.4)
DTR 15.7 15.6 15.1 16.4 14.4 16.2 16.2 16.4 14.8
(15.9) (14.7) (15.0) (13.1)
MAY Min. 27.8 27.3 28.3 27.9 29.2 28.5 27.2 27.9 28.1
(28.5) (28.4) (29.0) (28.6)
Mean 35.2 34.6 35.3 35.1 36.2 35.7 34.7 35.2 35.4
(35.7) (35.5) (35.7) (35.6)
Max. 42.7 41.8 42.3 42.4 43.2 42.8 42.1 42.6 42.8
(43.0) (42.6) (42.4) (42.5)
DTR 14.9 14.6 14.0 14.5 13.9 14.3 14.9 14.7 14.7
(14.5) (14.2) (13.4) (13.9)
YEAR Min. 20.3 20.2 20.4 20.1 20.7 20.2 19.9 20.2 20.5
(20.9) (21.1) (21.5) (21.0)
Mean 26.8 26.6 26.9 26.7 27.0 26.9 26.7 26.8 27.1
(27.5) (27.5) (27.5) (27.1)
Max. 33.4 33.0 33.3 33.2 33.4 33.5 33.6 33.5 33.6
(34.0) (33.8) (33.5) (33.2)
Values in the bracket ( ) are for Urban area and without brackets are for Sub-urban area.

(B) For the Urban Area 5.3.3 The Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE)
(a) The 1980s were the coldest decade since the
The city of Nagpur has expanded considerably in
recent years. It is known that, due to the very
(b) The decadal mean annual temperature fell
high levels of energy consumption, a signi®cant
suddenly in the 1980s. This fall was due
amount of waste heat is stored in the walls of
mainly to Winter daytime cooling.
buildings, streets etc., which is released during
(c) Overall the DTR decreased.
the night thereby increasing minimum tempera-
The trends in the decadal means of tempera- tures.
ture for the urban and suburban areas agree well The temperature difference between the urban
with the linear trend. and suburban areas in Nagpur is investigated in

Table 3. Difference between Urban and Sub-urban Temperatures (T ˆ T [Urban] ± T [Suburban])
Month/Year T 1950±1959 [ C] 1960±1969[ C] 1970±1979 [ C] 1980±1989 [ C]
JAN Min. 0.8 1.6 1.7 0.3
Mean 0.7 0.8 1.0 ÿ0.6
Max. 0.5 0.2 0.3 ÿ1.4
DTR ÿ0.3 ÿ1.5 ÿ1.4 ÿ1.7
MAY Min. 0.0 1.2 1.1 0.5
Mean 0.0 0.8 0.5 0.2
Max. 0.2 0.5 ÿ0.2 ÿ0.3
DTR 0.2 0.7 ÿ1.3 ÿ0.8
YEAR Min. 0.7 1.2 1.3 0.5
Mean 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.0
Max. 0.5 0.2 0.0 ÿ0.4
16 A. K. Sahai

this subsection. This difference T (temperature to Rupkumar et al. (1994) for several Indian
in urban area ± corresponding temperature in urban sites for the period 1951±87. The decrease
suburban area) which is usually de®ned as the in DTR and mean temperature in urban areas is
UHIE, is shown in Table 3. The chief features are mainly due to the decrease in maximum tempera-
as follows: ture. Thus the decrease of day-time temperature
is the dominant factor in urban areas.
(a) The UHIE in minimum, maximum and mean
A likely explanation for the results is as
temperatures has been decreasing since the
Night-time temperature: These have been
(b) The UHIE retains most of the basic features
rising over recent decades as part of the global
of the temperature characteristics of the
trend (due to increasing concentration of green-
urban area. This indicates that some local
house gases) and because the urban heat island
factors must have contributed to the tem-
has been intensifying.
perature trends observed at the urban area.
Day-time temperature: These have been
decreasing because of increasing concentrations
of suspended particulate matter (increasing
6. Discussion and Conclusion
urbanization and industrialization).
The above results show that the suburban area of Thus we can conclude that on an annual basis
Nagpur is warming as expected because of global the role of suspended particulate matter dom-
warming but some local factors resulted in inates over greenhouse gas global warming.
cooling in the urban area. This feature was very Therefore the mean temperature has a decreasing
much enhanced in the 1980s. Rupakumar and trend resulting in relative cooling of Nagpur city,
Hingane (1988) had shown that since the 1960s and indeed of most other Indian cities.
except in Madras, all other ®ve major cities
(Calcutta, Bombay, Delhi, Pune and Bangalore)
have either cooled or if warmed then the rate of Acknowledgements
warming has been less than that of their sur- The author is grateful to Dr. G. B. Pant, Director, Indian
rounding suburbs. The result for Nagpur are Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) for providing
similar. The cooling at the Nagpur urban site is various facilities to carry out this study, and to Dr. M.K.
greatest in the Pre-monsoon season, followed by Soman, Assistant Director, IITM for valuable suggestions
Winter and Monsoon with warming in the Post and discussions. He thanks the Indian meteorological
Department for providing the necessary data. This
monsoon. These features are also in agreement work was carried out under Climate Research Project
with Rupakumar and Hingane (1988) for most funded by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of
Indian cities between 1958±1986. India
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