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Professional English Final Project

Most people choose a profession for what another person says or what their
parents are worried about, but this is not my case.
since I was a young age I was always interested in computers as they work,
the internet, as it is possible that everything is in This network, despite the fact
that I have always been attracted to other things such as music, singing and
acting, IT has never gone out of my head.
I studied in a technical bachelor at ITESA Salesian Technical Institute where I
specify in the area of The computer science there taught me programming,
some information networks and computer architecture at the hardware and
software level.
after graduating from ITESA.I immediately started to study information networks
at the Instituto Tecnico de las americas ITLA where I learn CCNA modules and
operating systems, finished in December 2015 but graduated in August 2016
and already started UNIBE which starts in January 2017.
in June Of that same a, or I got a job in a company that sells Software for the
management of companies, I've been in the company for a year and 2 months, I
like what I do and what I study is interesting that it changes so fast but I see as
a way to help people in the future.
classes in universities some are very theoretical others not, the truth is there are
classes in which you practice everything learned but there are others that do
not, I would like For the career and greater learning to make trips and
excuersions to another country to institutions like Google, Cisco, Facebook, to
see how they work and how they implement the technologies, also to go to the
most technological cities of the world because that opens the minds of the
Students and makes him see things in different ways to what they are
accustomed to see.
See the world other cultures and other environment opens the student's mind to
new ideas that could revolutionize the country and maybe the world so I think it
is important to implement this dynamics, just to get to know, I think it would be
of much benefit to school and UNIBE just as they do with other careers at the
As I like what I do but it is kind of difficult and tedious to study I always tell
myself Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep into yourself to
conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got to keep going. And
that will lead you to conquer everything you need and desire in life.

Sebastian A. Rodriguez

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