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The Honorable Charles E. Grassley

Committee on Finance JUN 1O2020
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Ron Johnson

Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Chairmen Grassley and Johnson,

I am writing in response to your 22 May 2020 letter seeking the declassification of Annex
A of the 30 December 2016 Intelligence Community (IC) Assessment titled Assessing Russian
Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections and the 22 March 2018 report from the House
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) titled Report on Russian Active Measures.

We have a shared interest in public transparency consistent with the need to protect
classified information. To that end, I have reviewed Annex A to the 2016 IC Assessment and
have concluded, in consultation with Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and
Central Intelligence Agency, that it can be publicly released with minimal redactions. I have
enclosed a declassified version of that document.

The 2018 HPSCI report is a Congressional record. To ensure that the IC does not
encroach on Congressional prerogatives, I have requested that the Chairman of HPSCI share a
copy of the report with me so that the IC can conduct a classification review.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Ryan Crumpler, ODNI
Director, Legislative Affairs at 703-275-2032 (unsecure).

Intelligence Community Assessment Annex A, Additional Reporting From an FBI Source on
Russian Influence Efforts, Declassified on 09 June 2020 (U)


Acting Chairman Marco Rubio
Vice Chairman Mark R. W amer

DECLASSIFIED by DNI Ratdiffe on 9 June 2020

(U) AnnexA

~ lllon.-.1 Rrpo rting ftom ¥1 fBJ .__.,e 00 lb.lUIMl lnflUNKe Efforts

- r... n FBI ,o,ne, usmg both idel'ltlflf'd Mid UIIIMl'ltmcd 1ub~e. vOluntttered hlghly
..tM o1e tn!orma\Jon IYOm tM sunvner tI> ~ raN of 2016 on Ru:;gM influe!nce efforts aimed at ttlf' US
preSldenttal etl!Ction. We have only ltmited corroboratioo c1' ~ source's reporbng m ttll case and did not
u~e It tx> reKtl the.- .-alytlc Lunc!us10ns of U'lr CIA/flll/NSA asstSsmtnt.
T, !;Ot.11 e 15 an t-xKutJlle ot a pm,ae ~ness 1rull1gence furn and a tonne,
employtt t'I • fnffldty forel9JI 1nb!lllgfflee serw:e wl'K> h.lS l>ttn cornc>f'f\;ated to, prN10u,
11:portmo ~ the pc:1:.t tn,tt year'... ~ :,ource m.ltJlns and collect5 inf01mat10n from a
IIYtJed nt'twolk of iden!Jlled and 1..111dentitied subsources, some al which ~ bttn
corroboratrd ,n the past The ~rce collected ttus information on b ~ of pnvilb! cllt-nb
and wa~ not co~ns.aed for It t,v IN F81.

• - T~c !.OU~s rf'P(lttlnO •PPHrs tD ~ bttn acqu,1«1 Oy mutbpl,! Westrm P,U ~

o,g n,z;tt;on_ -~ Ill Octrlbt!r.

of the fBI ~ ce ~ reportmg ~ lOl'Ul~ttnt w!Ul ~ jUdgment m th!~
. for et.afflllle. ttlat ed tt1f' inlluence effort Witt! ttle' Mm ot

o.;cow·~ aim ,n •~ campaign wa~ ID upend tJ,c ,!onaf hbetal order ~ Wll:tl furopNO illks. 5hllt US policy on key R\Wlafl 1nmests, ano undf'rmm,•
US l)Ollllcs fl'OMdle--..s ot tlW l!lfod:of,ij re;ult,

• - ~ f61 ~<e .i-.o ~ a !.UbSOWU wt10 !;,]KJ thit ~ k1emlm WM 1>10Yld1nv d

~l«t numbef of lhr~'¼'ln JOUINII Witt\ pmnleged access to pre-publ -hcct Wtluleau
m.tenal 011 Cbnb>n and othe, Drmoai!bc h rty offl«itls, and that Ru:;sran iournali:;ts were
being Pl'esliUred not to publish er ~ pieas on~ Pr~.idmt-riN:t 01 favorable ~ on
Cltrltm\ can~ nt with ow iWcwncots ot RW5Sloiln control Of the media ll10 ~
ckmons1Jab!d preftrfflCe ta !ht Pr~ dent-elKt

. fBI soo,c~ aso

outcry '" the

- h~ ma..t polllbcally senStbvc c.141ms by the FBI source ~ a Close rel•tK>R;hlp bclWttn l1le
o, ·, ••elt'Ct ¥Id th<e kll!'l'nlin. Th~ sowc.e d cllfflNS that Ule Prei<INll~rct ancl his tDp ~
ad,cer;:, rlO' 1mg1·, ,•,orli ed ·.... 1t11 Ru;;;:,1an olf1m ,: ·c bcl;:er h1;:, ch.tnce; ::,r beat! g So:-ertt ,,,. C111to
ruuv l now ledge~DI or Ru:;· i Otrc"<tJon o h:akea Democr • ematt;; ano were o e red rina nnc11
C<>mpenci\ Cfl trom M XON

•- Ile flll ;:,cur<e cl 1mec1 1at !1li' 1<.r 1,n nlcJ cw r:ateo tilt l'1e;aoen -elect to• n leJ. 1·.ie
•,ear_;, had fed im and hi: team ,n ell,gcnce .lb t ~cCJctary O mton and o e, c,ppor1enc fo r ~ c~r~. J110
agreed ~o u·e W i ~i lea_li~ ,n return -0/ polK ror re;;,on· b•/ tho? P•~ ~dent-elect--d ;;uming he won e
electioll--On tlATO nd r ne.
•- he FBI; rce 1' • cl11med Ru;:1,1n authorit:1e: ;;e!~ed COllll)r<0mr:11 g mateml on he
Pre: lddlt- elect ~ adJ e: .,,hen he v.'iL ,n Ru:~ia a; well a;" comoio"l'l,.j,nQ do~;ier on Secre a,,,.
C:hnton::, poll ·ca1 activrtJe~ at wa__; con•10 <!cl bv the t r<M!kn nd oo• :harffi v,rth e Pre.adcn -eleci: 01
h1; e arn.
• - - - - -he f8l; ru cla1m..-d that :i'cret meeting; ~-"een tile Kremhn an<l th e P1e:;1den -~lect :
~ an t?d bv ~on e thi' Pre.; e-, t -elect::, ad.-i;e1;, ~ a;t one of ~,horn v, a; a egedl·,
off« e<i i1 ncl.ll remunention fllr a po lie~• ctrnige I ing ;anction; on Au:;~1a.

- he : me ,; ·ur e prO'JJded aadltional m~m tlon not oe,·e~ped 1:,1 ne laie•t d

; ull.;aurce nt-twor~. Th-e fBI :;.ource cavea N1 .t hough ~nv:IM t,o p 1e-,1oo; lv pro•., ,ded rep ng in
~e, 111, ol co e 1 t~ .cu Lt' •.r.·a~ un tl4e to ·rouctl f or e a.:lo lcnJI tnfCITllil'..IOll ~ ; r w i,g
Hence ~ 1rvc rm tJor> ,; oot llldUded rn oouct

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