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Catarman Northern Samar


NAME: George M. Bendanillo COURSE& SECTION : G. Bocobo

I. Direction : Choose the best answer.

1. “Once a teacher, forever a student “What does the statement imply about quality personal and
professional development for teachers?
a. The teacher is able to teach his/ her students.
b. The Teacher learns from his / her students
c. It is continuing.
d. Personal and Professional development calls for teacher’s exposure to students.

2. The Domain on Social regard for Learning in the NCBTS focuses on teachers’ actions and demonstrating value
for learning. Which are the indicators for these actions?
I. Model the value of Punctuality
II. Consider the influence of Teachers behavior on learners
III. Use cooperative learning activities
IV. Communicate higher learning expectations

a. III and IV b. I and II c. I and III d. II and IV

3. As a professional teacher you must be a good at interactive communication. What does interactive communication
I. Person- to- person e-mail correspondence
II. Interaction through simulations and models
III. Electronic mailing list, Video conferencing, chat rooms
Iv. Group interactions in virtual learning space or audio communications

a. I and II b. II and III c. I, II, and III d. I, II, III, and IV

4. International educators propose a definition of the term global competence. What is the most appropriate
characteristics of a global individual?
a. Having an open mind while actively seeking to understand norms and work effectively outside ones environment
b. Ability to become familiar with a new culture and work environment
c. Having the intercultural facility of effective two-way communication
d. having the professional competence to speak a foreign language

5. As a community leader, which one may a teacher NOT do?

a. Solicits donation from Philanthropists in the community
b. Plays an active part in the activities of the community
c. Supports effort of the community to improve their status in life
d. Makes herself aloof to ensure that her decisions will not be influenced by community politics

6. The professional teacher is not “the sage on stage “but “ the guide from the side “. This implies that teachers
a. act as facilitators of learning
b. serve dispensers of knowledge
c. project an “Almighty- Omniscient image
d. cling to their power to impose rules
7. The adoption of a national language by the 1987 Constitution is designed primarily to _______.
a. does away with colonial mentality
b. officially adopts Tagalog as a national Language
c. Facilitate communication among diverse linguistic groups
d. counteract elitism

8. What is the BEST meaning of collaboration in schools?

a. It is support for the beginning teachers
b. It is identifying mentors among the experienced teachers
c. It is working interdependently to analyze professional practice,
d. It is working independently to determine impact of practice.
9. Which of these statements is the most effective way of communicating the vision- mission of the school?
a. Share vision- mission among stakeholders
b. Form committees to develop and /or revise the vision- mission statement.
c. Align activities, program and projects to the school vision-mission.
d. memorizes the vision-mission statement.

10. Which of these school practices helps create a positive learning climate?
a. Giving recognition or appreciation for teacher’s/ staff accomplishments
b. Giving clear expectations to the academic community
c. Encouraging everyone to participate in accomplishing school goals and objectives
d. Encouraging only high performing teachers to apply for promotion.


1. Hypermedia provides autonomous learning. How is this better than the

traditional learning? How is this better than the traditional classroom learning,
which often fails to consider the case of slow and poor individual learners?
How can the teacher help slow and poor learners using the traditional teaching
methods? ( 20 pts. )

Hypermedia provided autonomous learning which is good because it considers
the learning styles and learning capabilities of the learners. Learners will learn on his
own pace. Not only it considers the poor and slow individual learners, it also considers
those who are visual and audio learners who can best learn challenging materials
through various visuals, audios and multimedia mediums.
The teacher can help slow and poor learners using the advantage of traditional
learning is students are able to interact with their teacher and peers face to face, In
traditional learning a greater availability of advance study and physical group project.

2. What is Cooperative Learning with the Computer? Find the socio economic
differences of each ASEAN countries using the data base of the Asean ( from the
Internet of Library source ) for this task. ( 20 pts.)

Cooperative or collaborative learning is a task compose of small groups of
students who work together in t he same learning task. there are five elements: a
common goal, interdependence, interaction, individual accountability and social skills.

the cooperative learning with the computer is a learning that improve the personal
and social development of students on how they were going to cooperate with the
use of computer like assigning students to mixed-ability teams, establishing positive
interdependence, teaching cooperative social skills, ensuring individual accountability
and helping groups process information. it enhances the knowledge of students to
share and adapt individuals’ ideas.

 How do we deal with copyright issues in relation to using music for advanced
Under the copyright law from the very beginner we already reject that law,
from our MV we/I’m using and 3 mins audio that exceed the minimum of 30 sec
limited for copyright restrictions if the audio/music use to reproduce same act
will applied with the violations ..

 On part of your music video presentation does have an Informative?

Inspirational? Persuasive? And Demonstrative?
About for my MV presentations its all about my daily routine in that current
date and the you can say famous building/spots or tourist attractions .

 What topic of your presentation must need to match the overall tone and
My own overall simple message that not all frontlines are waring protective
equipment’s most of our time as an WEB developer we are updating and securing
the security in web .

 Pinpoint the design of your presentation & think about the feelings was it
want them to be crying with laughter? Moved to tears? Motivated into taking
action? What makes you choose the right template and make the best video

Laughter that I walk almost 15 mins in my destination and still giving all...
About for my MV editor that I use , even for the rush time that we are not
allowed to use CP devices in our lab, base on my MV that even for limited time
we/ I can make any video best my its content.



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