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AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee www.amiestudycircle.


5'16: 1 FfI tCV 421 (1439)

Time :l'hree hours

lv{minum Morks: 100

Answer Ftvt,. questiotts, laking eruv lwo.frorn Group A,
ANYl'wo.form Group II and trtt. Jrom Group C"

All porls af a question ( a, b, etc. ) should be

annuered ut one place"

Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supple-

mented with rrcat sketches. Urmecessary {ong onswer mil))
result in loss oJ'ntarki.
Any missing or.wrong datu muy.bc assumed suitably
gtwng proper J us t tl t catrcn.

Figures <tn the right-hand sidc margin indicate.full marks"

Group A

l. (u) What are the major ecosystems on earth ? Explain

any two nannal ecosystems. 12

(b) Explain the pyramid of energy in an ecosystem with

aneatsketch. I
2. (a) What are the coiltmon sources ofwater pollution ? 12

(b) Flowisairpollutionclassifiedbysources? 8

J. (a) Whatarethemajoreffectsofwaterpollution? 12

(b) Write a note on the physico-chemical analysis of

water. 8

( Turn Over )

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

.$" fu?) Wha[ art: thr: ,,uarious g'pcs o{ <lernand in * city ? What are the maj or classifi cations ? Give ex.amples
Ilxplafui. importantproc$sses. 1,2
ftrr some ofthe

(I]) I-Isirrg ttre a-rithrneucal ins,:rease ntclhod. Iorec,ast L Write shortuotesonthc ftrllowing: 4x5
the population in the ir*xt clecade {or thc follov;iug
data: (a) Sewagepumps

Year : 1970 1980 19q0 2000 2010 (b) Spigot and socketjoints

Pcrpularion : 35,000 ,18,000 54,000 82.000 97,000 (c) Flushingtanls

tc') Dif"ferentiate between COD and i}OD" Find the @ Airreliefvalves.

EOD. at 20 "C of a wastewater sample,^if flre
BOD-when incubated for three davs at 30 "C is Group C
300 mll.. Assume,t:0.10 (base c,) at20 "C"
o Answerthefollowingin one ar two sentences: 10 x 2
Group B
(r) What is fire demand ?
5. (n) Differentiate between cliscrete and non-discrete
particles. I{ow will this afl'ect the sedirnentation (rr) What is the differenoe behveen a grit chamber and
process ? 10 adefitus tank ?

(e) A settling tank is designed for an overflow rate of (r,r) What is the major difference between a rapid sand
4000 lit/m2lh,'What. percentage of particles of filterand apressure filter ?
diameter (r) 0.05 mm and (rr) 0.02 rrum n,ill be
remove<i inihis tankat i0'C ? 10 (rv) Differentiate between hyrlraulic retention tirne and
mean cell rbsidence tirne.
6. {dr) Explain the irnprrtant actious that tz*e place during
Sltation t2 (u) Do anaerobic reactions need aeration ?

{&) \I/trat are the various minor methods of clisinfeo- (vi) Name four R's in solid waste management.
tion ?
iui4 How is noise level meastred ?
V. (a) Why is self-cleaning velociq, and non-scouring
velocity important in the design ofsewers ? Explain. (uiii) How is a cyclone settler different from prirnary
Give the mininrurn self*leaning and maximum non- sedimentationtank ?
scouringvalues. 8
(rx) IsBOD differentfrom COD ?
(6) Explaintheprincipleofaerubic hiologicd treatnrent.
(x) What is National Green Tribunal ?

!i'16: I FN : CV 421 (1439) (2) { Cantinued ) 5'16: I FN: CV 421 (1439) (3) AG-650

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

W'I6: 1 FN: CV 421 (14391

Time : Three hours

Macimum Marks : 100

Answer FrvE questiora, taking Al.ry wtofrom Group A,
AlIYTwo from Group B and lttt from Group C.

Att part s'f s houtd b e

:ffi':,'r:; t *;L'*l:;)
Answer should be brief and to-the-point and be supple-
mented with neat sketcfies. (lnneces-sary long
u arutwer m6y
result in loss of marki.
Any misstng olyong data may be apsumed suitably
gvrng proPer J us twcatton
Figures on the right-hand side maryin indicatefull marks.

Group A
1. (a) Briefly explain the Structure and Function of an
Ecoqystem. 10

(6) Define Biodiversity. What are the major threats to

Biodiversity? 10

2. (a) Thbulate some ofthe major types of water pollu-

tants, theirm{or sources and effects. 12

(b) What are primary air pollutants ? Give some

exanples. 8

3. (a) What is IndoorAir Pollution ? Explain some sources

oflndoorairpollution. 12

(nrn Owr\

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

(6) What is meant by 'per capita' demand of water'7 7. (n) Name the differcnt modifications ofthe activated
Give a break up for: an average hrdiantown, as per sludge process. 6
Indian standard recommendati ons.
(b) Distinguish between low rate trickling filter and
4. (a) What is the need to forecast population in water highrate nickling filter. 6
supply engineering ? List some ofthe methods of
population forecasting. (c) Explain the principle of ion exchange treatrnent.
Where is it used ? 8
(b) Using the arithmetical increase method, forecast
the population in the next decade for the following 8. Write shortnotes onthe following :
(a) SefCleanfuEVelocity 5
Year ,97A 1980 1990 2000 2010
(D) PresstrereducingValves 5
Poptrlation 35,000 48,000 64,000 82,000 97,000
(c) JointingofHDPEPipes 5
(c) What is pH ? Determine the pFI ofa mixtune formed
by mixing the following two solutions : SolutionA: (d) Dgtermination of Storage Capacity of a reservoir
Volume 300m1 : pH:7; and Solution B : Volume usingmasscurve 5
700 ml : pH :5. 5
Group C
Group B
9. Answer the following tnone or two sentences each : l0 x 2
5. (a) Differentiate between discrete and non-discrete
particles. How will this affect the sedimentation (, What is aconfined aquifer?
process? l0
(ii) What is the use of a skimming tank ?
(b) Name some of the cornmon coagulants and give
their chemical compositions. At a watertreatment (nr) Why are Pressure filters used ?
plant, 12 mld ofwater is treated daily, using alum
aosage of I 6 gmlm'. Find the total quantity ofalum
(iv) Difference between Hydraulic Retention time and
Mean Cell residence time.
used daily and the amount of carbon dioxide
released. l0 (r) Wrat are gravity aerators ?

6. (a) Distinguish between slow sand filter and rapid (vi) Name the four "R's" in solidwaste management.
sand filter. 8
(vii) What is meantby noise level attenuation ?
(D) What are the requirements ofa good disinfectant ?
Name some ofthe disinfectants commonly used. t2

W'16:1FN:CY421(1439) (2) (Continued\ W'16: I FN:CY42l (1439) (3) (Turn Over)

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

(viii) Is a cyclone settler different from sedimen-

. tationtank?

(ir) What is the difference between theoretical

BOD and COD ?

(x) Whatisbiomedicalwaste ?

W'16:lFN:CY42l(1439) (4) AG-650

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

S'17: 1 FN: CV 4,21(1439)

Time : Three hours

Maximum Morks: 100

Answ er wv e que s t i o n s, t a ki n g ttNyl'woy'orz Group A,

ANYTwoy'orz Group B and atc flom Group C.

All parts of a question ( a, b, etc. ) should bc

answered at one place-

Answer should be brief ond to-the-point and be supple-

mented with neat sketches- Unnecessary long answer m$),
result in loss of marks.

Any missing or wrong dala mfiy be assumed suitably

giv i n g p rop e r j *s t ifi c ati on

Figures on the right-hund side margin indicatefull marks.


l. (a) Describe how our environment is adversely

a{fected due to various anthropological activities. 10

(6) Describe clearlythe meaningofecoloryincluding

ecad, adaptation, ecotlpe and ecosystem. l0
2. (a) Define Biodiversity. What are the major threats to
Biodiversity? r0

(6) Describe the economical considerations ofecology

to be observed for sustainable development. IO

(Ttot Aver )

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

J. (a) Describe ttrre procedure followed durtng implc- 6. (a) Describe with the help of a neat sketch a rapid
mentation of a water supply prnjecl
l0 Sayiryfilterrxeclinwaterlre.afinentplant. l0
(h) Describe the procedure fr:llowed for soiid waste (h) Design the filtertreds of arapidgravityfilterfcra
rnanagement ofa municipal tornn. l0 town with potrlulation 600000 and rate of water
4" (a) I{ow the particulate rnatters in t}re air is rneasuted supply 270 l.p.c.d. Assume suitable parametrers
with tlm lielp of a high vo.lume sanirler ? t0
requirecl fnrdesignpurposes. [0

(b) "fhe towns A, B, C and I) were developed in 'i. (u) State the desirable qualities ofa disinfectant tmed
similar situation as that of a new town 'X' uncler in water treatment plant" Also describe the theory
consideration whose pilst population records are ofdisinfectionbychlorine. I0
not available. The population in thousands of
differentdecades in: (D) Describe with the help of a neat sketchthe work_
ing oflime-soda process in softening ofhard water. l0
(,) City A w.$re 40, 53, 6tl and 73 in l9ll0,
I 990, 2f,00, 20 I 0 respectivedy. 8. (a) \Vrite a brief note on rural water supply and
(rr) City B rvere .40" 51, 61"5 and 73"5 in l9tl5, sanilation. 10
1995,2005 and 2015 respectivell,"
(6) How do you estimate the totai quantity of Iiquid
(rr', City C were 10,47.5,54, and 62"5 in 1983, waste fbr a city having cornbined sewerage l0
I993,2.003, and2Cf l3 respe,*ti'vely. and system.

(rv) City D, vi,ere 40, 45, 51, and 5"7 in 1984,

I 99 4, 2A04 a nd,l0 I 4 resper:t ivcl y"

If the popuiation of Oity X in 2010 was 40 in i.lior.r-

9. Answerail the questions. Choose the correctans\4,ers
szurd, predict itspopulation ln 2030. i0 li.,ommulti_choiceoptions: lx1$
GroulpB O TheBpeofzone,genemllyabsentinpond,is

(*) Draw the flolrr diagram of a modem sewage treat- (a) Liftcral
ment plant st.ating the fnrnctions of each trcatmer,rt
tnrit. 10 (6) t.imnetic
(&) Describe the tirnctions, "working anrJ design para- (c) Frofoundal
nreter of a grit chamber rvith the help of a neat
skctch. i0 (@ Noneofthese
S' l?:t FN:CV 4;11 t 1439) (2 ) (Oontiuuctl'') S"l7:l FN:CV 42t (1439) (J) (Turn Over')

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

(vi) ofa reservoir capacitv p generallv

(rD ln Biological clocks the following agent is emplo-
(a) ShortlivedPlarfs
(D) hnglivedPlants
@) +0
(c) Ionglivedanimals rth

(@ Allofthese @ +o
The fottowing may be a surface water source
$iA rlh
(a) Tirbewells
(c) o
(b) SPnnP
(c) Artesianwells @ra
(4 Rain
(uii) Gravity conduits for carrying water from the
(iv) For measuring groundwater discharge' the for- source are
mula used generallY basod on
(a) Cauls
(a) Irflarning:sformula
(D) Fhnnes
(D) IlarerFWilliamequdion
(c) Aqueducts
(c) DarcY'slaw
(d) Allofihese
(4 Noneofthese
(vrlr) Ifthe total head of a p^ump of 5.0! m3/troutput is
\-/ An earth fonnation which althotrgh porous. and '""' 20 *, *a tn purnp dffrciL.ncy is 50olo'
the power
tanable of absorbing water does not provlde an requirernent of the PumP wttl be
ap'preciable supply to wells, is known
(a) 10.5 kW
(a) aquifer
(6) 20.5 kw
(b) aquiclude
(c) 5a.5 kW
G) aquifitge
(d) loe kw
(d) None of these
(1439) (5) (Turn Over \
S'17:l FN:CV 421
S"t7:l FN:CV 421 (1439) (4) {Continued)

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

(rr) Aeration ofwater is done mainiy for removal of ("ull) The sewer which resist maximurn sulphide corro-
(a) Flanfuress

(6) tubidity (a) Brick sewer

(c) C.olour (b) Cast iron sewer
(rfl Odour (c) l{.C.C" se\ rer
(x) Forremovalofalgae,mostefftctivechemicalis (rl) Stoneware sewer

(a) AIwn (xiu) Iflhe flrune ofa rniner's safety lamp in a manhole
ertingui.she$ within 5 minutes, the sewer certainly
(&) Coppersulphare contains
(c) I-irne (a) [{ydrogensulphide
(d) Bleachingpowcler (6) Carbon<Iioxide
(xr) Fenxarent hardness can be rcmovcci bv (c) Methane

(u) addingalum (e/) Oxygen

(&) zeolitepro$ess (xv) If w is the weigtrt in kg per cubic meffe, p is the
discharge in ctrmecs and FJ is tlre total head in
(c) byboiiing rnefu'os, thc rcquired rvater horse power crf the
(d) Allofrlrcse purnpr, is

(xrf) If 'D' is the diameter of upper circular par1, the (a) _T

overall depth of a standrad e gg-shaped,r**i i,r-

(a) D wOH
(#) 1.2s D
(b) :fr_
(c) l.5D
(a t.7sD (c.)

ft/r tTo
S'17:l FN:CV 4zl (1439) (6) (Continued )
S'l'7:l FN;CV 421 (1439) (7 ) (Twrn Over \

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

(xui) Whi_ch is not considered as a sewer appurtenan- (xx) The design pcriod of ser.vage treatment plants is
ces ? generally recommcnclcd as

(a) Ivfanhole (a) 5 years

(6) Tiicklingfilter (D) l 5 ycars
(c) Invertedsyphon (c) 2-5 ycars
(4 Sheetinlet (r/) -50 ycars

(xuil) The watcr content ol-sewagc is about

(a) e096

(h) e4%
(c) 97%
(d) ee.e%
(rufii)If the D.O. concentration falls down to zero in
any nahral drainage, it indicates

(a)'lnne of degradation
(b) Znne ofactive decomposition

(c) Tnneofrecovery
(d) Zrine afclearer watcr

(xix) Instabilizationponds,
sludge accumulation rate in
m3/capita/yearf may be taken as

(a) 0.01
(b) 0.7
(c) 2.0
(d) 10.0
S'17:l FN:CV 421 (1439) (8) (Continued \ S'17: I IrN:CV 421 (1439) (e) AG-1,000

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

W'17:1 FN: CV 421(1439)


Time :Tfuee hours

Maximun Marks: 100

Answer FwE questions, taHng ANYlvoy'om Group A,

ANyrwoy'orn GroupBand ett- {rom GroupC.

All parts of a question (a, b, etc.) should he

answered at one Place.

Answer should be brief and to-the'point and be supple'

mentedwith neat sketches. Unnecessary long answer may
result in loss of morks.

Any missing or wrong data may be assumed suitably

giving proper i us tifi cat i o n

Figures anthe right-hand side margin indicatefull marks-

Group A

1. The environmental problems as they prevail to-day, ac-

cording to many, could be considered as the crises of

excesses namely; Excess (and also growing) populatiorl
excess consumption ofthe resources, excess generation
oftrash and wastes, excess encrclachment on lands, pas-
tures, waterbodiesand forests besides therising greeds
of man Environmental Planning along with the Doctine
of 4R(eg. reduce, tre-use, recyclq recover)couldplaya
rnajor role to confi",ont the crises ofexcesses-elaborate
briefly. 6+6+8


AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

7. Narne the rrriiior pollutants that are polluting and con-

Descrrte briefly the mmpling nrethodolory with the help
tarninating tire urbam air, say, ofmajor toivns and citics in
india. Identify thc sources arrd also slate the adverse i:f- of an example or case problem (ifrequired) with stress
fects ofthes* on tnan andvegetation. 7 +7 +6 on selection of site, collection of field data storage and
hansportationofthedatatothe(field)laboratory. 20
J. (a) Describe the global hydrolngical cycle and state in
briefwhether pollution has any adverse effect(s)
on the local hydroiogical cycle. 4+4 (a) It is knownthat huge quantity ofgroundwata is be-
ing prunped out dailyparticularly in the dry and arid
(&) Estimate the eneqgy needed to cause the entire rain- region inthe planet. There are various impacts of
fall over the giobe annually. And also compare this
this groundwater boom on ttre aquifers, envfuonment
energy with the energy consumption of the entire
society and on econorny-briefly elahrate (an ex-
planet and also with average sunliglit that stikes the
ample/case problem may be used, if needed). 10
surface ofthe Earth- The followingparticulars are
available: (6) A sarnple trban community with a population of
Estimated averege annual rainfall of I (m) over the about I lakh possess a plot of 2 (ha) of land meant
entire surfaceofEarth (5.1 x 1Ora m2); to diqpose solid wastes. The compacted refrrse could
be dumped around a depth of4 (m) or so. Deter-
Energy requirement to vaporise I (kg) of watcr at
mine the useftrl life ofthe landfill site. (Given : a fa-
l5'C 2465 (kJ) per (kg);
mily of4 use 3 cans (each capacity of225 (L) ) per
Avemge annual surface ternperature over the gJcbe week to collect the garbage; density of the
l5,c; uncompacted and compacted garbage respectively
Average estimated eoergy consurnption globally are 120 (kdm) and 480 tkg/rn). r0
over a year 4.17 x I0'7 (kJ) (2003-2005);
6. (c) Of late food processing industries are coming up in
Average enerry ofthe sunlight striking the Earth large numbers" Identify the various wastes prcduced
168 (W) per (m2) (this energr drives the annual in the food processing plants (eg. vegetables, dai-
globalhydrologicalcycle). 12 ries, meat fish, etc.) tnatlikely would contaminated
tireenvironment l0
4" For any study to knorv and assess the characteristics of (6) A food processing industry releases wastewater
aphysical systern (eg. urban air qr-lality, watc quality of
@ 2.1 (MLd) containing a BOD load of 1600
asueam/river, etc.) sampling is essential and important"
(Mg/L) into a rnunicipal drainage network

W'17:lFN:CV4Zl(1439) (2) (Continued )

W'17:lFN:CV42l(1439) (3) (Trrn Over)

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

Determine the Population F4uivalent ofthe waste- GrroupC

u,ater flow (assume a BOD load of 80 (g) per
person per day). Comment, if any on the result.
9. (.0 Surtc vr{rcther the fullorttng sentence s ar* T}ue ar
10 I;a l.s e and justify your ilnswur :

7" (a) Manspendsalarge amountoftimeindoor. Sothe (a) Exploitation onrse oflimited (public) resotmes
indoor air quality (or IAQ) is very important for without regularity control or gate keeping
his comfort and well being. Speciff the IAQ rvould r.urlikely lead to chaos and un-
requirements for living room and pharmaceutical sutainability. l+'2
rnanufacturinguniB. l0
(D) Environmental Equiry implies equal adapta-
(r) 50 people are smoking @2 cigarettes per hour
tion ofthe Environmental Laws and reduction
perperson inapublic bar (volume ofthe room 500
ofrisks hazards ofall seetion cfcommrmities.l +l
(m') ).Eachcigarette emits about 1.4 (mg) offor-
rnaldehyde (IICHO), which eventually mixes with (c) SOr, f{O* are not the rnajor contributors to
air converts into CQ with a reaction rate of 0.40
acidrain. l+1
perlrour. To maintainventilation insidethe room fiesh
air is introduced at the rate of 1000 (m3) per hour (d) Croundwater is the pimary source ofdrinking
and the stale air is also exhausted at the same rate. rvater for one-ttfnd ofglobal poptrlation tcday.,
Assuming complete mixing and steady state find the
concentationlevelofFlCHOinsidetheroom. l0 (//) Findtheproperanswer " 2x 4

8. Writeshortnotes onanyfour : 5x4 (a) A wastewater treahnent plant eflluent has an

organic concentrati*n of30 (rmdi,) ata flow
(a) DAIR
of 0.027 (m3/s)" llow much organic is dis-
(D) Disposalofhazardouswastes charged in a day by the cfliuent ?
(c) Odorcontol
(D) Design the size of a lagoon system of3"S (m)
(d) CarbonFootprint
deep used to treat wastewater flow of 32.2
(e) EnvironmentalAudit (m3/O with a detention period of 2 days.
0 Wastetoenergy (c) The primary inlluent (BOD), and primary
(g) e-wastes effluent (BOD), for a system are 235 (mg)
(h) EnvirorunentalBacklash and 169 (mg) per litre respectively. What is
thepercentrunoval ?
(r) Globalwarming
W'17:lFN:CV42l(1439) (4) (Continued ) W'17:lFN:Cv42t(1439) (5) {Turn Over )

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

(O Asquare filter box is to be designed for a

filtration system for a rate of 2.8 (L) per
square metre. Detenninethe size ofthe filter
box ifthe flowrate is 6 MId)-

(ID Sate the signifi cance ofEcological Fooprinr

W'17: I FN:CV42l(1439) (6 ) AG-800

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

$''18: 'l FN: CV 421 (14391

Time: Three hours
Muimum Marks : ](N
Answer rwe ques tions, taking AI\ry rwoy'om Grcup A,
ANY Twoftm Group B and eul from Group C.

All parts af a questign (q b, _etc-) should be

awwercdat onc place.
Ansuter slnuld be brief arul to-the-ooint and be suople-
mentedwith ruat skcrcfies. Unnecesiary tong answ:ei may
rcsult inloss ofmoks.
Any missing olryrcng data may be asswned suitably
giving proper jus t iJic ation

Figwes on tle right-hand side margin indicatefull muks.

Gwup A

1. (a) List the air polhrtants ofanthropogenic origin and

mention their sounces. 7

(b) Distinguish between unater quatity requirements

and water quality standards. How water quality
affect the health ofhrman beings ?

(c) A water supply scheme has to be dsigned for a

city having a population of 1,00,0fr). Estimate
(r) ttrc maximum daily draft and (fi) Tlre ma:ci-
mumbourly draft, if average water consumption
is 250lpcd.

(Turn Over)

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

2" (a) Write an explanatory not* on "Pollutant Stan- Group B

rJard Index*. 5

5. (a) Explain the tenns: unit operations and nnit pro-
Expand BOD, COD andTOC. What is their sig-
ni{icance in olganics ? How they are related ? 7
cesses. Give example foieach 7

(6) What is coagulation ? Why it is needed ? How it

{c) Cornpute the population for the year 2030 of a
be done ? List the materials used. 7
town, whnse population in the year 1960 was
25,CI00 and in the year 2000 was 47,000. Make
(c) A sample ofsewage from a town is f,ound to have
use of gecrnetric insrease rneth.od. ?
a BOD after 5d (BODr) of 180 mg&. Estinnate
the ultimate BOD (BODL) ofthe sewage. Assume
3. (a) Eistinguish between environmental shategies
that constant representing rate of BOD reaction,
and environrnent tactics. 6 t
lakes are not
te) po!trtilod., but
6. (rz) Explain briefly the primary, secondary and ter-
pollutinn conlributes to euthrophication"--zub- n
stantiate the statemcnt. t tiary waste water treatment systems. 7

(D) List the rninimum water treaturents required for

(c) The initial volume of a rnass of a solid uiaste is
rural water supply. 7
15m3" After compactiorq tfue volume is reduced
to 3un3. Conrpute the percentage of reduction and
(c) A sewage treatnent plant inlluent has an aver-
cornpaction ratio. 7
age total suspended solids (TSS) concentration
of 250 mglL.If the average effluent TSS con-
4" (d) Sfhat is lead poisoning ? How it happens ? ll/hat
centration is 20 mg/L, what is the removal effi-
are its bad effocts and its syrnptoms ?
cienry forTSS ? If the flowrate is 5MUd how
many kgs of suspended solids are discharyed in
(fr) Exptain the irnportflnce of population foreeast- 4
theptanteffIuent eashday? 6
ing" Narrate any two rnethods. r

7. (a) Explaintheworkingofatypical gravityflowfil-

{r) fim weight of ernpty evaporating dish is 40.525
' ter.
g" After water sannple is fihered 100 {nl of the
sample is evaporated frorn the dish. The weight
(&) Explain the terms: equalization and neuhaliza-
of dish plus &ied residue i5 rt0.545 g. Conrput* , water. 6
tion of waste
the totai rtissotrvst solicls {TDS) ecrnc,entation. 6

S'18: I trN:{JV,121t1439) tX t (Corcrr'*rec{)

(1439) (3) (Turd Over\
S'18:1 FN:CV42l

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

(B) Complete the Scntences: 10x1

qr:i .,!n?'j,ir soii;titn of m s*u":*,?* sa,-ngrlur is isl*uhnr*il
(0 of
Global environment consists
tkx'5 days at . {)"C" Thc ttrepieli$n *f c',sJgen wa$
(rr) When industrial wastes are discharged into
fomna.l to tre 4 ppm. ffeteff:dlr+r ti:e BOIII,rf the
'iewfige" rnunicipal rvaste water system, it rnust be
pretrrxted because-
{t" lm) l.,!&ar. is "sulahh slmuchalaya'' as used iil nffal
*u.nitatiom Oive iLs wrlrkiag anei advantages.
(iii) Factors affecting s{rearn standards fbr wa-
i&) tist tft.* factom to tm c*r:sidsreri in clesign oi
(fu) Streams get self purifted in relatively
{c} An sctivatedsludge mn}e is 3{.lm long, i$m w:ide shorter/lesser time in flunmsr as compared
aruX has an SWS of4rn. Tlrc r*'aste rnrat*r fiorrr is to winter
4lv{Llday and ths raw 5 day BOD is 2th} nr6&. I

the mixed l{quor suspended solids $dL$S) con"

centratioo is 2S00 neg,{," Assueruing that 35YE of
(v) Man rnade air pollution includes
naw B0tr) is rernoved f,mru grirmarv cXarifi*r, cour-
p,ute t!rc fooqt to mi*roorganism ratio of the sys-
(irO Process of'aeration is not required for sur-
tern. face u'ater because
Gruup C (ruu) Waste water collection systems conrmonly
used arE
9" (A) &tatch fhe fhllowiug: I0x I
Sct-X -set*Y
(4 Layiag ofrraser distritrution pipas. {a} adsorbe,nt (vfff) Secondftry treatmenl of municipal w,ast€
(ir) Frcvcrrfs hack flow fwffirr in pipe $) cobalt srair; water inclucle
{ilr) Cocwunityard environment (ci oro systenn
{ir} Colour of,rryfrr in uleflsured (d) ioa *exc{range unit
(rl) B{)l} of trwed r.nter (*) lir**"-sorla asii pr*oex (rlr.! lligh concentration of ftruorides in drinking
{vi, [*xne use oofterrtrs t0 gn{i irom rystetrl water when used continuously cause .-.*
{vi$ .Acfivmdcarkn (g) o*e nilinute
(vdr$ tlOI) of weak sewage {y'l} reflux v*lve
(x) hon eonaentration. in exoess of 0.3mg/l rnay
(ir) ,4rEqge dcte&riou priod of xuragr
irrgrildllarnbcr {r) sutprtrur dioxicle cause
{s} Chemicalprccip,ltatiou fu) nl!
(le! 2r}{l$ mg/litn: I

S'tr8:li;:rV4?l(t439) (s ) AG--85CI

S'Xft : I lrl,l : {lV 4.?l (1439} {4} {i-.',iufrlued !

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

W'l8:1 FN: CV 421 (1439)

Time : Three hours

Maximum Marlrs : 1A0

Answer FIvE questions, taking ANy rwofrom Group A,

ANY Two.from Group B and ltrt from Group C.

All parts of a question (a, b, etc. ) should be

answered at one place.

Answer should be brief and to+he-point and be supple-

mented with neat sketches. Unnecessary long onswer
mcry result in loss of marks.

Any missing ar.w.rang data may be assumed suitably

giv ing prop er j us t ifi c ati o n.

Figwres on the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.


1. (a) Describe in brief the scope and duties of an

environmental engineer.

( 6 ) Describe how water pollution is caused due to

anthropogenic activities.

( c ) Write a short note on ecology including therein

ecological factors.

( Turn Over'1

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

2. ( a) Describe the Ambient Air Quality Standards in 6. ( a) Describe with the help of a neat sketch the con-
residential areas. structional detail and operation of a rapid gravity
filter. 8
( b ) Describe the variation of water quality in the
hydrologic cycle. (b ) Design arapid gravity sand filter including under
drainage system having treatment plant capacity
(c ) State the tolerance limits of some important
of 15 x 106 l.p.d.Assume suitable design para-
pollutants for Inland Surface V/aters.
meters. 12

3. ( a ) How do you determine the dissolved oxygen of a

glven sample of water by Winkler Method ? l0
7. ( a) Drawthe flow diagram of amodern conventional
water treafrnent plant indicating therein the fimc-
( b ) Describe the method ofmeasurement ofparticu- tions ofeach unit. l0
late matters in air by HighVolume Sampler. l0 (b ) Describe how would you prepare a project report
for aproposed water supply scheme. 10
4. ( a) Describe the sources and characteristics of solid
waste ofa municipal town. r0
8. ( a) Describe in brief about Rural Water Supply and
( b ) Describe different methods of population fore- Sanitation l0
casting indicating therein the applicability of each
one under different conditions. 10
(b ) Describe with the help of neat sketches the
working of (f) An Inverted syphon and (ii) A
Grease and Oil Trap. 10
Group B 'l

5. (a) Describe the theory design parameters and Group C

working procedure ofa gnt chamber. l0
9. Answer all thequestions : 1x20
(b ) Design a detritus tank for 35 mld average sewage (r) Water borne bacillary dysentery is caused by which
' flow for removing grit of 0.15 mm at 20 'C. pathogen ?
Assume the overflow rate of 0.15 mm grit in a
liquid at a temperature of I 0 oC is 1300 #
ldln*. 10 (ii) In a rural community where house sen'ice connec-
tion is not contemplated, what should be the per
capita water supply rate ?

W'18:1FN:CV 421 (1439) (2) ( Continued ) W' I 8: IFN:CV 421 (1439') (3) |'l'urn Over \

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

(rO In a students hostel what should be the per capita (xiv) If the area to be served is vast and oblong in
water supply rule? shape, what type of water distribution network
is recommended ?
(ru) When the past population recordsare not available,
which method can be adopted for determining the
(xv) What is known as a sloped floor of a manhole
on both sides of the channel, on which a man
futurepopulationofatown? can stand for cleaning the sewer ?
(v) What are the rneanings, generally tsed for (a) PPR (xvi) Hardy-Closs method is used for which purpose ?
and(b) DPRinengine€ring fields ?
(xvii) In rural areas which type of latrines are recom-
(uf) Name any four types ofimpurities we may encoun- mended ?
ter in ground water sources.
(tcviii) In environmental engineering, where we come
(vfi) Orttrotolidine method is employed for determi- across the tbrm' Schmutzdecke' ?
nation ofurhichtest ?
(xix) Methemoglobinemia may cause due to which
(uiii)What is the full form ofEDTA and for which test it pollrfant?
is used ? i (rr) Under which situation superchlorination is em-
ployed ?
(ffi) What is the molecular formula offilter alum gene-
rally used in coagulation ?

(r) Name two disinfectants other than chlorine, used

in water fteatnrent.

(xr) What is the main function of a comminutor in a

sewage treatnent plant ?

(xti) What are the main purposes of aeration in water

heatnrent plant ?

(riii)What are the material content of zeolite used in

water softening ?

W'I8:IFN:CV42l(1439) (4) (Continued) W'I8:IFN:CV 421 (1439) (5) AG-900

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

S'IS : 1 fN : #V 4PI t14$91


Time : T?wee hours

Mwimwn A,,{wfu: l#0

Answer FIvE questions, takingAxy wa{rurn Greup A,
ANy rwo frorn Grsup B aad ALL $rom Grcup C'

All parts of a qaestiow (a, h, etc. ! stwwtd b*

sruswered *f one place.

Answer shoutd be brief ond to"tlw-Wint sytd be supple-

mented with neat sfutelws" {fnnecessmryf long 6{t?sw,8r ,wtry
" result inloss of rnarks.
Any missing *.yong dnta r?t&y &e uwwd suitably
giv W prop er j ustifieatio n-

Figures on the right-hsnd side rnwgin iwlicstefilll prnFfis'.

Group A
l. (a ) Elaborate the item wise brcak qp ofwatsrdennand
for domestic, nondommtic and indusmies foran
urban city as psr Indian Standards" Also discuss
the factors affwting urater consryption inacosr-
mrnrity. t0
(b') What is the iurportance of public water supply
schEmes i:n the prresent day civil tife ? Dmw ttrc
flow diagram ofa f5pisat rnrater supply schsme
nn impourff resmnoir as flre soutre ofsryp
ply and slrow th€reinths dttre,,men* raros.{is involqd- 3 0

{,Turzs &ner }

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

mf an
(c ) Define the biotic and *hictic csmponents
2. { s } Dwribe the rruater qmlity cxiteria for drir,rking us€ ecosystem witfu examples" Arso exprain
in brief
and fudustria} use.'{hbutratetlre sources, effec& and the impact sfhrxrrans ontfue biosphere"
permissible limits ofsignifimnt tnase prarnete,rs of a

above trse. IO

{e } \IIhy ispopulation fcrecast nffiessary inthe desigr

s. (a ) pnopose flow diagra*s for water treatment in
ofpublic wder mryply sstrcilne ? Estimnte ttre popu*
sase of,-
lation ofatoum using census data shourn below in
ye afl050 by two most appropriate methods : 10 (f) Ground water sCIurcs havrng excessive
Year 1960 1970 1980 1990
(rfl surface water sotrce having fiuctuatingfi$hi-
Population 2500CI0 480500 550300 638600 695200
" dtty,*to*andhi$alkalinitY
Mentionthe re€$ons fcr selecting psqegtive
3, (a ) Describe the standard proeedure, chemistry and
proce*u *&or unit operation and tabulate their
significaffiof x0
, resPective desiEr criteria
(0 Hardness test
(b ) Desigir grit charrrber with parshall flurne to con-
{r) C.O.D test 14
trot reto"ity offlow. The maximtrm'
average and

(e ) Which do you think is a greatc danger to rnan :
m3ld, 32500 m3/d and 15300m3ldrespmtively"
psticides used by farnem and householders, or
toxic substances discharged into the air and eids
6. ( c ) Enlist the types ofcoagulants and coas,txins
wrterbyindus,uial plants ? Erplain. 6 Describe
used in tuater or waste watertreafinenf
the mechanism af coagutration and how
4. t a ) Tabulatethe sourceq charmteristics, perrnissible dose ofcoagulant irn
you determine the optimum
concentration and health etrects on hlrnran beings l0
ald animals ofmajor air pollutants srrch as Oxides
iaboratorY ?
. ofSulphr:rand0xides ofNiuogen 7
(b ) [n relation to screening, explaintk following :

{ e }'Write adetaild cnassification ofsolid waste along (f) Classifietion

' withtheir sources and ctrracteristics. 7
(O H*Oloss
(rO qdattity ofscreening

{ Turn Over

S'19:l FN:CV 421 (1439) (3)

5'19:1 FN:CV 428 {t439} (2} { Continued')

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

Also draw s labeltd diagr,am of hand (6 ) Sanitarys€wage
brsmenwithevaflowblpssarrangementr , \n-,1
lc ) titonnsewage
7. (a) Describedeflailcdclassificdionoffilters.Explain

tlprnechanimofstswsaodfittnationalongwitha ( Allofthse
nedlabelledsketell l0
(") Fornralsanitation systemis
(e) elistthecriteriaqfagooddisinfectantandthe.
fuilrsaffbcirrgdishffir l0 (o\ Watercarriage system
S. (a) Explainthenecresiityofprovidingsewerappur- $) Septictanks
tmarrcs*nthe ffiwer lirrc. Mffltionvarisus serv$r t.. .

(e) Pourftshlauines
@ $sed ir[ e sevpsftrgs sc]renre ancl state
thelrycatlonardutiliryofereh. 7 td) Senriceprivies

(A) Ditr€laaliEtc bctsrE€o. thc ospended gowth

ftowth (rrD Tbe followiag cabon compourd gas is Dost
: 6ctt&a UuOgrnoc.oled daf.b€d
foces{nieiryfilEr} 7 Fis@otls
(c) wtie*o r.,Eosr e (s) CQ
O lutexcnogsDloGcsE (r) CHI
.(n) e*-i'E (c) CO
(fi, A&cpticedA.rdkn (d) ttidrocabo
. GittrpC
(rv) Cladflocolaomae
9. (A)
'' AtrrtYlralll[EqucdfuEs.(hooselhE cort€st ms-
(a,, LrtlxrsepEclels
rtsfiomrdrbbcbi:o6ios: lx l0
,--46,. out
. (, lbe que6[y dllolw.L'r is.- gEn€rded d* of
( D ) Blchgulasctric'"nk"
,.- . . rifofillfoI@ruc (c) Coagulation cum for
.' \{atsrtle8hlot
(a ) D@rctiElctrzgE
( d) N@Pofth€se

S'19:[FN:CY42]tI439] (4] S'19;tFN:CV42l(1439) (5)


{Continued) (Turn}ver)

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

(v) The preseribed hardness timit of potable water (uffi) The gpit and silt of the grit chamber may not be
rallges between for
( a) 50 to 75 pprn
{a) Raisinglowlirnetneasbydumpin
(e) 75to 115ppm (e ) Concreting
(c) l00to l5CIppm ( c ) Both (aland {b)
( d) 150 to 200 ppm ( d ) Neither {a)nor (b)

(vr) trn the biotis sutgroup of ecological factor, the (rd The screens are fixed
{ a} Perpendicularto the direction offlow
(a ) Aenosphmictennperafuue .

(D ) Parallel to the direction offlow

( & ) tvticpopantsrns
( c ) At an angle 30o to 60,.to the direction of
( c ) Grc-chenaical properues ofsoil flow

{ d ) Attitude ofthe plaee ( d) None ofthese

(vrQ Choose the correct statement in the foliowing :
(x) Forrural areas VIP latines meErns
Presence ofhigher algal content in water indicates
( a) Very importantpersons latrines

(a) HavinghighB.O.D. (b) Ve,rrtilated improvedpitlarines

(b ) Havinglo:vB.O.D. Vault and inverted siphonpit latines

( d) None ofthese

(B) Explainthefollowingtems : 2xS

(r) Ecology, Ecosystem, Environment and Body

'19:IFN:CV421(1439) " ':' (6) , (Continued) s'19:lFN:Cv42l(1439) {7) (Turnover.}

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

AIso draw a labelld diagram of hand cleaned ( b ) Sanitarysewage

bar s*rcen with overffolnb)ry#ffss arrangemen{' 10
(c) Stormsewage
T. ( c ) Describe dmailed cfimmlfic*ien r:ffilters. Explein
( d)

*,re meclamaisn of, slow s@md filtretion along with a
rmlabell&ds}rctt&. 10
(,0 For ruml sanitation recommended rystem is
{e } En}ist, ths criteria gf a g$sd disinfectant and the
l0 (s )' S/atercarriage rystern
#. { a } Exp}ain the necesbi,ty ofXncvidimg sewer appur- i ) Septic tanks

temarmes on the ffi.\firet lire. &'{emtion vmifius sswer ( e ) Pourftrshlaffines

@ uffiX tri e Wgo mherne ancl state
tlretosationandutiliryofeach. 7 t d) Service privies

{e } Differemtiate benreen the suspended growth

(rr0 Thg following carbon comporurd gas is rnost
(Aetirratd $ludge Fr,offiss] and attached frourth
pr@ingFitt€n). 7
(a) Co,
(e) Writeshortnctesn: 6

t) Ionexchange prffi-tss (b) cq

(E] tututhg (c) Co
tfff) Adsorption andAenetion td; Hydrocarbon
GrcupC (rv) Clariflocculators are
y. (A) Ansurer all the questiorls* Choosethe comect slts- ( a) Circular septic tanks :

weffii fron! nruttipte choice oPiens :

( b ) Rectangular septic tanks
(4 The quantity of fiow that is generated out of
, a
reinfa$ islcnoum as (c ) Coagulation cum sedimentatittn.tank for
' (alDome$tiesetvege : e

( d) None ofthese

S- n9: I FN:CY 4?I t 1439) (4) { Continued I S'19:l FN:CV 421(1439) (s) ( Turn Over )

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

(p) The presoribed hardnffiss limit of potable

raffiges between (vr,) The grit and silt of the grit charnber
may' not be
{a} S0 ro TS ppm used for
(o) T5toIISppm {, ) Raising lowryrng are,rs by durnping

( e ) Concrering
(c) t00to tSCIppm
( c ) Both (aland
( d) tSO ro 200 ppm {b}
( d ) Neither (qlnor (b)
(vD [n the biotic sutgroup of ecologicatr factoq
&ItrowingisinvoXved (rrr) The screens are fixed

(c ) Afirmsphmictennperafune {, } perpendicurarto the direetion offlow

(&) Miryorgpnr$ns ( b ) Parailer to the direction
(c Geo-chemicarpropertiesofsoil ( c ) At an angle 30o to 60,.to
the direction of
{d} Alrirude ofrhe plaee
( d) None ofthese
(vii't Choose the eorrect statement in the following
Fresence ofhigher algal content in water
(r) Forrural areas vlp latines meiurs
that water is
t a ) verl, irnportant persons ratrines
(a) FfuringhighB.O.D.
{b ) ventilatedimprovdpirrahines
(e ) HavinglowB.O.D.
( c ) vault and inverted siphonpit
(c ) Saturatedwithoxygen
d) None ofrhese
( d) Freeftomoxygen
(B) Explainthefollowingrenns i

tx 5
(r) Ecolo {y, Ecosystem, Environment
and Body
S'19:IFN:CV42l(t439) ., .:. (6) ; ( Continued )
S' 19: I FN:CV 4Zt ( 1439)
{7) ( Turn Over )

AMIE Study Material & Admission Packages AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee

(rr) Primary and Secondary airpoltrutants

(rO Enerry flowinecosYstem

(rv) Super-chlorination

(u) Discrete andFlocculentparticles


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