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1) Speak and elaborate your side of the story: not to be pushy. Humans are driven by
subconscious factors/impulses/instincts. People subconscious tell them to take care of
themselves i.e. what’s in it for me? Consciously, even if they’re good people. They’re
listening to you, but not hearing you- that’s what happens if you’re not a good sales person.
It’ll go auditory, but it won’t computer (“Theory of the mind”- every baby is “selfish”, don’t
care, if they don’t feel well, they’ll cry; (development of the theory of the mind)- they’ll be
like oh, maybe not cry so much; some people don’t grow past year of 6, has increased
narcissi massively since 2000); to be good at sales/closing/negotiation etc- speaking in a such
a way, to not only listen but HEAR you, to potentially change their buying habits. Speak their
language-in such a way they heard, at their inner core. Not pushy- probably didn’t expect to
buy the house less than worth. But knew how to communicate with them at their emotional
core and ended up getting the deal.
2) Sales=adaptation. “Stick to the script” model- that’s the white belt. But when you’re a black
belt, you’re adaptable- be like water my friend. Adapt your sales pitch- Tai: “Yell at the guy”-
if someone yelled at me, I would immediately never do business with them. He doesn’t have
your psyche, doesn’t have your psychometric personality type, from New York, different life
experiences – next thing “We’re either doing this time or you’re wasting my time, I’m never
going to call you back”, finally, the guy said “Let’s do this deal”. When you have “one
schtick”, one side of your personality- you’re a way less persuasive person. “When all you
have is a hammer, everything problem looks like a nail”. If all you have in your toolbelt is a
hammer, just start banging and destroy things. The hammer does not always fix the
problem. Have different tools in your toolbelts.
3) You need at least 4 tools in your toolbelt. You need to understand P.A.S.E: 1) Practical- set of
persuasion skills; 2) Action; 3) Social; 4) Emotional; these are different parts of your
personality. You got to get in people’s head in the way they listen and hear- hearing so they
take action; some people you need to take your practical side out i.e. practical people need
to “hear” – you need to bring out your practical side- i.e. they need numbers, logic, concrete
step by step. When you read a person and discover they’re a P- come in with a lot of logic
i.e. the reason you want to buy stuff from me is 4 features, 33% less, 18 different widgets
etc- speak slower, down to earth, practical people don’t like to be pushed; the As- they’re
ready to go i.e. the guy yelled at- you can be a little more aggressive, a little more mean, a
little more “Wolf of Wall Street”; when speaking to an A, you have to speak their language
i.e. adapt; you have all four sides of these personalities- it’s not faking; it’s expressing its true
essence in a different form; if you pour water in a pan- that’s not manipulating itself, the
water is just taking the shape of the vessel. “Come on, get with the programme etc”; S-
socials, are “jolly people”, nice people- they’re more concerned with building a relationship
with you, than buying from you; biggest you can do with an S, is be a P- get all the numbers;
they just want to play golf with you, just have a drink with you; they probably would have
bought from you- but they need to like you as a friend- their deep subconscious wiring of
their brain; the way Tai likes to live his life- half street smarts, half books smarts; E-
emotionality, primary one is ‘anxiety’, society is in all time high with ‘anxiety’– he have
urban living; low social dependence; low familiar dependence; we now migrate to places to
places we don’t know; Amish all lived in places they know- lowers anxiety; we live in a lot
more complex society; Amish- as you grew old, your kids took care of you; well, now they
“dump” you to retirement home; when you’re young- dad taught you, mom taught you,
neighbour had an apprenticeship-learn something; now, you have college debt, throw you to
the world with a million options, no training whatsoever, now you have debt and anxiety
goes up; the E-type people – don’t trigger their anxiety;
4) Learn to read people: so far, you know you need to adapt between the 4. Now you can learn
from body language and tonality. All sales principle- get them talking; Also, word-
based/vocabulary-based- they give you clues from the language they use, choice of
language; you can listen to people’s language, and learn a lot if they are a P/A/S/E- if you’re
trying to close a deal with an E, they’ll bring up an “fear”; P- soft spoken, slow to speak,
don’t interrupt you, they’re not afraid as they are computing, they’re more like “Spock” in
Star Trek, robot-type words, numbers; A- interrupts you, impatience, action-words, have no
fear, seize the moment; S-so jolly, they have no fear; pace them, whatever they’re feeling,
validate them what they feel/think- they switch to P, give them a solution; ultimate sales
situation is when they excited; when P meets P/when A meets A/when S meets S/when E
meets E- they understand each other; if someone hits you with an A, hit them with an A
vibe; matching the language in their brain- you become very persuasive to them
5) Strategy: cheesy mirroring and advanced mirroring; mirroring – cheesy mirroring, the
concept is: people are narcists, they want to see you themselves in you- a little bit of truth
and a lot of falsehood; opposites also attract; if you meet an E, they lean forward, speaking
fast- you do the same thing, you heighten their ‘anxiety’; there’s a time of ‘anti-mirroring’;
cheesy mirroring: it only points to a select few of times; they are just so many variations of
people, so you adapt to those variations- it’s not fixed/rigid. ABC (always be closing- but not
in the same way) i.e. pushy- primarily from A types and S types- they take action/be so jolly,
they give in eventually; Ps are like a rock; every good general needs when to retreat and call
them back- and close the deal then- natural progression of timeline to sales; always be
listening; always be reading people (ABRP)- know if they’re P.A.S.E;
6) Learn to use the internet: the goose that laid the golden egg; it becomes an extension; it
works when you’re sleeping; ask Facebook; the ad platform; ask Google; from ads; build a
funnel to generate leads; infusion software’s/sales force/CRMs- that was from ’02, that’s not
update; SMS marketing, chat bots, simple email lists (often, and they have to be frequent); a
365 funnel;
7) Game theory: learn the science of game theory; watch “Beautiful Mind”; every action has an
opposite and equal reaction; if you think very linearly, very simply, you miss all how the
human brain works; if call the people too much – it works on some people; in game of life,
does one strategy always work? No, you have to vary it up. always shooting 3 pointers, you
become predictable. Switch it up i.e. every action has an opposite and equal reaction. When
it comes to sales and persuasions, the real way, there is no one thing that works. Switch it
up- game theory- what you did in Africa, didn’t work in Europe- adapt to win the game; black
belt in adaptability; one way for that person to be persuaded to buy that “pen”; it can switch
mid-conversation- E person, if Tai was too emotional, stressed the word fear too much,
could’ve ruined the deal by “I get it, you’re afraid of tax, could be worse, the tax could go sky
high etc…” “OMG, I didn’t think about that, ….”- when you become too one sided, one
hammer, it begins to backfire on you, the defends switches up- so be like water, and you will
tremendous success in closing, persuasion, sales, negotiation.

What’s the progress/’if you have any questions/what are you as the HR manager looking for in an
candidate- evaluate P.A.S.E

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