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14-18. Documenti e immagini della Grande IT "Il progetto nazionale 14-18 Documenti e immagini della Grande Guerra,
guerra coordinato dall’Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane, è
nato nel 2005 con l’obiettivo di creare un grande archivio di immagini di particolare
interesse storico, documentario e artistico sulla Prima Guerra Mondiale riunendo
virtualmente le più importanti raccolte di documenti e testimonianze di guerra
costituite in Italia tra il 1915 e il 1918, grazie all’iniziativa dell’allora Comitato
nazionale per la storia del Risorgimento."
Aiap. Archivio storico del progetto grafico - IT "Nell'Archivio Storico del Progetto Grafico sono presenti alcuni archivi di progetto
CDPG (come gli archivi di Daniele Turchi e Ilio Negri, oltre quello dell'Associazione) una
serie di fondi e piccole collezioni, che in parte sono il risultato di donazioni e lasciti
di amici e grafici a cui l’Associazione ha dedicato iniziative e mostre.Altri sono l’
esito di un lavoro di ricerca e di acquisizione più sistematico iniziato a partire dal
AIGA Design Archives U.S.A. "The AIGA archives and special collections serve to identify, preserve, and make
collections of enduring value available to the public. With more than 20,000
selections dating back to 1924, the AIGA Design Archives is a vital record of all
disciplines of communication design."
AIGA on Google Arts and Culture U.S.A.
American Museum of National History U.S.A. "The National Museum of American History collects artifacts of all kinds—from
gowns to locomotives—to preserve for the American people an enduring record of
their past. The Museum has more than 3 million artifacts in its collection.
Information and photos of selected objects are available in the online collections
database. The database is a work-in-progress and new items will be added
Apice - Collezione '900 Sergio Reggi: IT "La "Collezione '900 Sergio Reggi", acquistata dall'Università degli Studi nel 2003,
periodici futuristi, opuscoli, manifesti rappresenta una delle più importanti raccolte bibliografiche sul Novecento italiano.
È costituita da tre sezioni: la prima dedicata alle prime edizioni di letteratura
italiana del '900, la seconda dedicata al futurismo e infine la sezione di oltre 2000
libri illustrati per l'infanzia. La sezione futurismo comprende circa 1250 pezzi tra
libri, riviste e manifesti originali.
Gli oltre 60 titoli dei periodici futuristi della Collezione percorrono un arco di tempo
che va dagli albori del movimento fino al secondo futurismo degli anni Trenta. Sono
comprese tutte le principali testate diffuse a livello nazionale più numeri unici e
Archivio di Nuova Scrittura IT "piattaforma web dedicata alla scoperta e allo studio delle ricerche verbo-visuali
documentate nell’Archivio di Nuova Scrittura (ANS) del collezionista Paolo Della
Grazia in deposito presso i musei di Rovereto e Bolzano."
Archivio Massimo Dolcini IT Schedatura dei lavori di Massimo Dolcini, purtoppo senza motore di ricerca
Archivio storico Pirelli IT "L’Archivio Storico Pirelli conserva oltre 3 km di documentazione sulla storia e l’
attività del gruppo dalla sua fondazione nel 1872 ad oggi. (...) documenti prodotti e
ricevuti dalle società del gruppo Pirelli nel corso di oltre 140 anni di storia, le
sezioni “fotografie”, “disegni e manifesti”, “audiovisivi”, la raccolta completa delle
riviste aziendali – tra cui la celebre rivista “Pirelli (...)."
Archivio Triennale Milano IT
non ben organizzato - limitate possibilità
di ricerca
Archivo Lafuente Spagna "The Lafuente Archive brings together a comprehensive documentary collection
specializing in the history of 20th century art in Europe, Latin America and the
United States, with particular emphasis on Spain. Experimentation in writing and
transformations of the visible substance of language throughout the 20th century
constitute the Archive’s main thematic line."
nome/name paese/countrydescrizione/description url note tag
Art Institute of Chicago - digital collections, U.S.A. "Focusing on progressive thinking and practice across all design disciplines, the Art
Gustav Klutsis,
Architecture and Design Institute’s Department of Architecture and Design comprises more than 250,000
objects dating from the 1870s to the present day. It represents the many diverse
voices that have shaped and continue to shape the fields of architecture and
design, from Daniel H. Burnham, Marion Mahony Griffin, and Ludwig Mies van der
Rohe to Armin Hofmann, Louis Kahn, and Lauretta Vinciarelli and on to
contemporary pioneers such as Stan Allen, Irma Boom, Studio Gang, and Yuri
ArtCenter Archives and the Hoffmitz USA "online catalog for the ArtCenter Archives and the Hoffmitz Milken Center for
Milken Center for Typography (HMCT) Typography (HMCT) Archives
Archives This site contains photographs, publications, video, and finding aids from the
collections." Includes work by April Greiman
Associazione Archivio Storico Olivetti IT "L'Associazione Archivio Storico Olivetti svolge un'attività di raccolta, studio e
promozione del vasto patrimonio documentale della Società e delle personalità
della Famiglia Olivetti."
Berlinische Galerie. Museum für moderne DE Contiene opere e documenti Dada
Kunst. Collection Online
Biblioteca digitale delle donne IT "La Biblioteca Digitale delle Donne è un progetto che comprende opere a stampa di
diverse epoche relative alla memoria storica, culturale, politica e sociale delle
donne italiane e dei loro movimenti di emancipazione e liberazione dall'Ottocento
ad oggi."
Biblioteca nazionale centrale - Firenze - Italia "La collezione comprende fotografie, illustrazioni, cartoline, manifesti dalla prima
Iconografia della prima guerra mondiale guerra mondiale della Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze"
Bibliothèque Kandinsky - Centre Pompidou Francia La collezione di stampati della Bibliothèque Kandinsky comprende libri
appartenenti agli ambiti delle arti, del cinema sperimentale, del video, dei nuovi
media, dell’architettura e del design, riviste (oltre 7000 titoli, e una riserva di libri
rari e d’artista composta da circa 18000 opere. Parte di questa collezione (tra cui
diversi libri del Bauhaus, The Next Call di Werman, e altri ancora) è stata
digitalizzata e può essere scaricata in formato PDF.
Bibliothèque Nationale de France / Gallica Francia "Gallica è la biblioteca digitale della Bibliothèque nationale de France e dei suoi
partner. On line dal 1997, viene arricchita ogni settimana da migliaia di novità e
offre accesso a diversi milioni di documenti"
Bijzondere Collecties - Special Collections NL "From medieval manuscripts, Blaeu atlases and manuscripts by Hooft and Multatuli
Universiteit van Amsterdam. Image to wall charts, font designs, cookery books, cartoons and Arnon Grunberg's archive:
databases the Special Collections are home to the material heritage of the University of
Canada Modern Canada "Canada Modern is a physical and digital archive of Canadian graphic design, with
modernism central to its glowing heart."
Carnegie Mellon Swiss Poster Collection U.S.A. "The Swiss Poster Collection is a critical selection of posters dating from 1970 to
2009. It was established by Swiss graphic designer Ruedi Ruegg and Professor
Daniel Boyarski in 1985 as a teaching collection. Ruegg selected the posters and
added to the Collection each year. The Collection contains works by designers such
as Bill, Bruhwiler, Kulling, Leupin, Muller-Brockmann, Pfund, Ruegg, Troxler, and
Cary Graphic Arts Collection - RIT U.S.A. "The Cary Collection is one of the country's premier libraries on graphic
communication history and practices"
Cat'zArts - Ecole Nationale des Beaux arts Francia "Cat’zArts, qui tire son nom du bal des Quat’z-arts organisé par les élèves des
de Paris quatre sections de l’Ecole, est un catalogue informatique qui présente les œuvres
des collections de l’Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts." contiene i materiali
dell'Atelier Populaire (maggio 1968)
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Chicago Design Archive USA "The Chicago Design Archive is an exclusive and permanent online record featuring
Chicago-related experiential, graphic, and product design created from the 1920s
to the present. The CDA provides a means for Chicago design firms and clients to
showcase their creative effort to a worldwide audience."
Collezione di manifesti svizzeri Svizzera "Nell’ambito di questo progetto hanno potuto essere digitalizzati, catalogati e
integrati nella banca dati Swiss Poster Collection 34 000 manifesti provenienti dalle
collezioni della Biblioteca nazionale svizzera (BN), della Biblioteca di Ginevra (BGE),
della Biblioteca pubblica e universitaria di Neuchâtel (BPU NE), della Mediateca
Vallese e del Museo svizzero dei trasporti. Anche il Museum für Gestaltung di
Zurigo e la Schule für Gestaltung di Basilea hanno collaborato al progetto."
Collezione Salce IT Catalogo on line del Museo nazionale Collezione Salce di Treviso, che raccoglie circa
25.000 manifesti
Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design U.S.A. "This website represents Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum’s diverse
Museum Collection - Drawings, Prints and collection, spanning thirty centuries of historic and contemporary design (...) This
Graphic Design Department is a kind of living document, meaning that development is ongoing — object
research is being added, bugs are being fixed, and erroneous terms are being
revised. In spite of the eccentricities of raw data, you can begin exploring the
collection and discovering unexpected connections among objects and designers."
Cornell University Library digital collections U.S.A.

Cranbrook Art Museum U.S.A. "Cranbrook Art Museum’s collections document outstanding examples of art,
architecture, craft, and design from the 20th and 21st centuries, with a special
interest in recognizing the history and innovations of Cranbrook and the
achievements of its artists."
Csac - Centro studi e archivio della IT "Nella Sezione Media si conservano bozzetti di manifesti pubblicitari e politici,
comunicazione - sezione Media manifesti cinematografici di autori come Ballester, Acerbo, Cesselon, Ciriello,
Manno, disegni di satira e fumetto e disegni per illustrazione di autori come Pericoli
e Chiappori, quelli del gruppo de "Il Male" (Angese, Giuliano, Perini, Vincino), quelli
del gruppo di "La Repubblica" (Bevilacqua, Bucchi, Alain Denis, Eletti, Jezek,
Micheli), e poi ancora Galantara e Bisi, oltre agli archivi di Brunetta Mateldi. Da
ricordare gli importantissimi archivi di Carboni, Iliprandi, Provinciali, Sepo, Tovaglia
e Vitale."
DAvid Rumsey Historical Map Collection U.S.A. "The David Rumsey Map Collection was started over 30 years ago and contains
more than 150,000 maps. The collection focuses on rare 16th through 21st century
maps of North and South America, as well as maps of the World, Asia, Africa,
Europe, and Oceania. The collection includes atlases, wall maps, globes, school
geographies, pocket maps, books of exploration, maritime charts, and a variety of
cartographic materials including pocket, wall, children's, and manuscript maps.
Items range in date from about 1550 to the present."
Denver Art Museum - Architecture, deisgn USA
and graphics digital collections
Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek DE "The goal of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB) is to offer everyone
unrestricted access to Germany’s cultural and scientific heritage, that is, access to
millions of books, archived items, images, sculptures, pieces of music and other
sound documents, as well as films and scores, from all over Germany. As a central,
national portal, the DDB is aiming to bring together and network digital content
from all of Germany’s cultural and scientific institutions"
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Digital Bodleian UK "Digital.bodleian is an effort to make portions of the Bodleian’s extraordinary
library collections open to a wide variety of users from around the world for
learning, teaching and research." Comprende tra l'altro una collezione di stampati
effimeri del 18° secolo e di manifesti politici britannici
Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and USA "The Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture collects and
Material Culture - University of Wisconsin- creates electronic resources for study and research of the decorative arts, with a
Madison Libraries particular focus on Early America. Included are electronic texts and journals, image
databases, and information on organizations, museums and research facilities."
Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse NL "The Digital Library for Dutch Literature (DBNL) is a digital collection of texts that
Letteren belong to Dutch literature, linguistics and cultural history from the earliest days to
the present. The collection represents the entire Dutch language area and is the
result of a collaboration between the Taalunie, the Flemish Heritage Library and
the Royal Library in The Hague."
Digitale Sammlungen der DE "Here you will find the digital copies made available by various institutions at the
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Bauhaus University Weimar, which usually come from older, copyright-free
collections. The University Library's digital collections are based on its historical
holdings, beginning with the collection of the Grand Ducal School of Art founded in
Digitalisierte Sammlungen DE "Here you will find digital copies of books, manuscripts and other media that are
Staaatsbibliothek zu Berlin physically in the Staatsbibliothek Berlin's collection. Currently there are 161988
works in total."
Embassy of the Free Mind - Ritman Library NL "The Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica and the House with the Heads are
Collection inseparably linked with Amsterdam and its history of tolerance, freedom of
expression and freedom of the press. The library is a treasure house and a
knowledge centre of the tradition of Christian-Hermetic Gnosis in Europe. As a
‘House of Living Books’ it tells the many-faceted, eventful and still largely unknown
story of this spiritual tradition, in which self-knowledge and knowledge of nature
provide the key to achieve knowledge of God.The Ritman Library made an
international name for itself as a scholarly research library with its research
institute, publishing house, its collection of some 25,000 titles and its wide range of
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco U.S.A. Catalogo delle collezioni di due musei di San Francisco, de Young e Legion of Honor
Florida Crate Labels, 1920s-1950s U.S.A. Collezione di Harold Haskins, donata alla Biblioteca di Stato della Florida, di
etichette di aziende produttrici di agrumi in Florida tra gli anni Venti e gli anni
Fondazione Cirulli IT "Cartelloni pubblicitari, bozzetti, packaging, libri e riviste ripercorrono la storia della
grafica e della pubblicità italiana, dai primi anni del Novecento agli anni Sessanta. L’
estesa collezione di manifesti comprende opere dei principali illustratori, grafici e
artisti italiani (da Marcello Dudovich a Fortunato Depero, da Gino Boccasile a
Leonetto Cappiello, da Bruno Munari a Erberto Carboni), spesso a servizio delle
grandi imprese italiane (Alemagna, Barilla, Campari, Cisitalia, Fiat, Motta, Pirelli):
dai cartelloni stampati su pietra secondo l’antico procedimento litografico a quelli
realizzati con tecnologie di stampa offset. Un importante fondo di manifesti
proviene dall’Archivio Arti grafiche Ricordi."
Fondazione Memofonte - Futurismo IT Archivio digitale di documenti futuristi (manifesti e cataloghi di esposizioni)
provenienti dalle pubblicazioni anastatiche realizzate tra il 1977 e il 1980 dalla casa
editrice SPES
Fototeca Gilardi IT "‘Fototeca Storica Nazionale Ando Gilardi’ custodisce oltre 500.000 immagini, tra
cui fotografie, fotocollografie, litografie, cromolitografie, xilografie, calcografie,
dipinti, documentazione editoriale. "
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Futurismus - Schriften und Dokumente - DE - IT "Questa collezione comprende stampati, manoscritti, manoscritti, documenti
Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz fotografici e simili del periodo futurista, che si trovano nella biblioteca del
Kunsthistorisches Institut e delle istituzioni cooperanti."
Geheugen van Nederland - Memory of the NL "The Memory of the Netherlands is a database containing paintings, drawings,
Netherlands photographs, sculptures, ceramics, stamps, posters and newspaper clippings from
more than a hundred Dutch museums, archives and libraries. You can roam about
in The Memory of the Netherlands, but you can also search the database for
images about specific subjects."
Grand Valley State University Digital U.S.A. Collezioni da segnalare: Incunabula, Decorated Publishers' Bindings, Insel-Bücherei
Collections Series, GVSU Concert & Event Posters, Native American Publication Collection
Harvard Art Museum U.S.A. Possiede una collezione di opere e documeti del Bauhaus
Iconen van de Post NL "Design has long played an important role in PostNL's communications. Every
Dutchman comes into daily contact, consciously or unconsciously, with the designs
of stamps, letterboxes, company clothing and buildings. With these designs on
Icons van de Post, PostNL wants to radiate quality, customer focus and innovative
With this well thought-out design policy, PostNL has played a driving role in the
development of design and the cultural climate in the Netherlands. The highlights
of this special design policy are now housed in this virtual museum of PostNL."
Imperial War Museum, Londra UK "IWM’s collection covers all aspects of conflict involving Britain, its former Empire
vasta collezione di materiali di
and the Commonwealth, from the First World War to the present day. As well as propaganda relizzati nel Regno Unito e
objects, it includes a range of media, from art, film and, photographs to printed non solo
materials, documents and sound."
Internet Culturale IT Cataloghi e collezioni digitali delle biblioteche italiane
Iowa Digital Library - Fluxus West Digital USA
Iowa Digital Library - William Morris USA
Joseph A. Labadie Collection - University of U.S.A. "A collection documenting the history of social protest movements and
Michigan marginalized political communities from the 19th century to the present. graphics,
In the 1930s, the U-M Library’s Joseph A. Labadie Collection — the oldest publicly poltical
accessible archive of its kind in America — was called “probably the most complete graphics
record of the social unrest of our times that has ever been assembled.""
La Rinascente - Archives IT "La sezione Archivio raccoglie documenti (atti, scritture, fotografie, manifesti,
grafiche) in versione digitale, relativi a la Rinascente e divisi per ente di
provenienza. Sono presenti inoltre schede con rimandi a materiale video.
Questa sezione sarà continuamente aggiornata con i materiali che di volta in volta
verranno reperiti, anche grazie al contributo degli utenti."
LA84 Digital Library Collections - Olympic USA "Olympic Games official reports are the most comprehensive historical documents
Official Reports Collection of each Olympic Games. Prepared by the host organizing committee, the report
typically provides detailed information on Games, planning, construction,
operations, budget, Olympic-related cultural activities, and competition results. In
most cases, the report also is a rich source of Games photography. The Olympic
Games Official Reports Collection includes the report of every modern Olympic
Games since inception in 1896. You can search the entire collection using
keywords, or select a specific Olympic Games reports from the list below."
LACMA - Los Angeles County Art Museum - U.S.A.
Prints and Drawings collection
nome/name paese/countrydescrizione/description url note tag
London Transport Museum UK "The collection at London Transport Museum comprises more than 450,000 objects
utili in particolare le sezioni sui
which cover all aspects of public transport in London from 1800 to the present day. manifesti, le mappe e la segnaletica
Manifesti cinematografici dal secondo IT "La presente collezione, costituita da 10.500 manifesti cinematografici, è parte di
dopoguerra agli anni settanta del un più ampio fondo costituito da 40.000 documenti posseduti dalla Biblioteca
novecento - Biblioteca provinciale La provinciale di Foggia. "
Magna Capitana
Manifesti politici - Fondazione Gramsci IT Avviato nel 2000, consiste oggi in una grande banca dati online che rende
Emilia Romagna consultabili più di 14.000 manifesti politici e sociali provenienti da diverse raccolte,
datati dai primi anni del Novecento fino ai giorni nostri; più recentemente si è
avviata l’immissione anche di volantini e cartoline, sempre a carattere politico e
MCAD Library (Flicker) U.S.A. La pagina Flickr della biblioteca del Minneapolis College of Art and Design.
Comprende un'ampia collezione di manifesti tra fine 800 e primi del 900
MCAD Library (Flickr) U.S.A. "The Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) Library holds 50,000 volumes,
1,700 CDs and DVDs, and a slide library of more than 145,000 images. A top-
ranking resource, the library also has subscriptions to hundreds of periodicals and
access to eight online databases."
MDZ - Munich DigitiZation Centre / DE Centro di digitalizzazione della Bayerische Staatstbibliothek di Monaco di Baviera
Bayerische Staatstbibliothek
Merril C. Berman Collection U.S.A. "The collection is strong in twentieth century European art of the interwar period
(1918-1939)—Dada, Bauhaus, Futurism, Neue Sachlichkeit, Russian
Constructivism—but it also includes work of adjacent periods and geographical
regions as they relate to key collecting interests. The collection includes well-
known artists such as John Heartfield, Gustav Klutsis, Valentina Kulagina, El
Lissitzky, E. McKnight Kauffer, Aleksandr Rodchenko, and Jan Tschichold"
Metropolitan Museum of Art - Poster U.S.A.!/search?department=9&perPage=20&material=Posters&showOnly=wit
Milton Glaser Design Study Center and U.S.A. "The Milton Glaser Design Study Center and Archives is dedicated to preserving and American
Archives making accessible significant works by designers, illustrators and art directors who graphic
have close ties to the School of Visual Arts. The collections represent the artistic design
and intellectual vitality of the SVA community and provide an invaluable resource
to students, designers and researchers who wish to study the breadth of a
designer's work. Among the media available are sketches and original art, posters,
printed samples and ephemera, audio and video recordings and photographic
material. The Glaser Archives is a division of the Visual Arts Foundation, Inc., a not-
for-profit entity." Available collections: Gail Anderson Collection, Ed Benguiat
Collection, Chermayeff & Geismar Collection, Seymour Chwast Collection, The
Design of Dissent Collection, Heinz Edelmann Collection, Louise Fili Collection, Cris
Gianakos Collection, Milton Glaser Collection, Steven Heller Collection, David
Mazzucchelli Collection, Ed McCabe Collection, James McMullan Collection, Stefan
Sagmeister Collection, Paul Sahre Collection, Deborah Sussman Collection, Fred
Troller Collection, George Tscherny Collection, Henry Wolf Collection
MoMA - The Collection U.S.A. Il MoMA possiede quasi 6000 opere di graphic design catalogate on line, di cui più✓&q=&classifications=34&date_begin=Pre-1850&date_end=2018&
scheda con autore,
di 4000 sono pubblicate con immagine. La collezione viene costantemente ampliata tecnica e misure. se
con nuove acquisizioni, anche di opere digitali. esposta in une mostra
può esserci anche la
didascalia e le foto
MUMOK - Online collections
nome/name paese/countrydescrizione/description url note tag
Musée de l'imprimerie de Lyon / Corpus Francia "Le Corpus typographique français recense les polices de caractères dessinées en
typographique français France entre 1850 et aujourd’hui. Il se veut une illustration de la création française
dans ce domaine."
Musée des Arts Décoratifs de Paris - Francia Collezione di pubblicità e grafica del Museo delle arti decorative di Parigi
Collection Publicité-Graphisme
Museo del Cinema di Torino - Collezione IT "La collezione ammonta a circa 535.000 esemplari tra manifesti, locandine,
manifesti e materiali pubblicitari materiali promozionali vari realizzati per il lancio dei film e documenta la storia del
cinema e della cartellonistica, dal muto fino alle produzioni più recenti."
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya Spagna -
Museum Folkwang DE
Museum für Gestaltung, Zurich CH "The Museum für Gestaltung Zürich is the leading Swiss museum for design and
visual communication. Since its foundation in 1875, the museum has included what
has taken effect as design. Its internationally acclaimed collection comprises over
half a million objects from the history of design."
Museum of Fine Arts Boston / Prints and U.S.A.
Museum of London UK "The Museum of London collects a huge variety of objects relating to London, its
history and its people, past and present."
NCSU Design Library Image Collection U.S.A. "The Design Library Image Collection is an evolving collection of images made
accessible through Luna, a dynamic web-based digital library with tools for working edu/guides/design/luna
with images. The collection contains about 150,000 digital images covering art,
architecture, landscape architecture, industrial design and graphic design."
NGA National Gallery of Australia Australia
Online Katalog: Museum Ulm - HfG Archiv DE L'archivio della Hochschule für Gestaltung di Ulm - digitalizzato solo in minima
al momento contiene solo un numero
parte, ma dovrebbe essere ampliato nel corso del tempo. molto ridotto di fotografie
Paris Musées - Collections en ligne FR
Paul Klee – Bildnerische Form- und CH Archivio digitale di più di 3900 pagine di appunti didattici di Paul Klee, relativi al suo design
Gestaltungslehre - Zentrum Paul Klee insegnamento al Bauhaus dal 1921 al 1931 education
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection U.S.A. "The Perry–Castañeda Library Map Collection is an extensive map collection owned
by the Perry–Castañeda Library at The University of Texas at Austin.
Many of the maps in the collection have been scanned and are available online,
and most of these maps are public domain."
Piccolo Teatro di Milano - archivio Italia
multimediale - manifesti
Princeton University Library - Graphic Arts U.S.A. "The Graphic Arts Collection began in 1940, when Elmer Adler brought his https://www.princeton.
Collection collection of 8,000 books and 4,000 prints to Princeton for an experiment in the edu/~graphicarts/index.
study and teaching of graphic arts. Today the collection holds closer to 60,000 html
prints, drawings, photographs, paintings, sculpture, and printed ephemera along
with an international book collection specializing in fine press, artists’ books, and
illustrated editions. [More] Research collections support the study of paper and
papermaking, printing, printmaking, typography, and book design. A world-class
reference collection holds over 600 volumes on all aspects of printing and print
Raccolta Bertarelli MIlano / Grafiche in Italia "La biblioteca virtuale della grafica e dell'illustrazione libraria del Comune di scheda completa con
Comune Milano" bibliografia
nome/name paese/countrydescrizione/description url note tag
Rare Book & Manuscript Library - Columbia U.S.A. "The Rare Book & Manuscript Library (RBML) is Columbia's principal repository for
University Library primary sources. The range of collections in RBML span more than 4,000 years and
comprise rare printed works, cylinder seals, cuneiform tablets, papyri, and Coptic
ostraca; medieval and renaissance manuscripts; as well as art, realia and born-
digital objects. Some 500,000 printed books and 90,000 linear feet (17 miles) of
manuscripts, personal papers, and records form the core of the RBML holdings.
One can find manuscripts from as early as the 14th century to the modern archives
relating to Herman Wouk, Erica Jong, Serge Prokofiev, and Arthur Mitchell.
Archives as varied as the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Random
House, and Amnesty International-USA, and the archives of Columbia University
are available for research."
RIT Libraries - Rochester Institute of U.S.A. "The Graphic Design Archives at RIT document and preserve the work of significant
Technology - Graphic design archive online American graphic designers active from the 1920s to the 1950s. In addition,
selected contemporary designers working in the modernist traditions are also
Rivers Campus Library - Rochester U.S.A.
University - Rare Books & special
Robert Brownjohn U.S.A. Archivio parziale dei lavori di Brownjohn, gestito dalle eredi. contiene alcuni testi
tratti dalla monigrafia di Emily King su Brownjohn
Robert L. M. Camden Collection. U.S.A. "The Camden Collection consists of the artwork and personal materials of artist and
Athaeneum of Philadelphia graphic designer Robert L. M. Camden (1855-1922). It includes drawings, prints,
photographs, and manuscripts. Examples of his work include cigar box designs,
notepad covers, lettering and company logos. For most of his career, Camden
worked as a solo artist and illustrator based in Philadelphia. In 1887, he briefly
partnered with René Théophile de Quélin as "Camden & Quelin Artists, Designers &
Science History Institute - Digital U.S.A. 7,432 of digitized items: artifacts, photographs, advertisements, letters, rare books,
collections oral histories, and more.
Seymour Chwast archive U.S.A. "Established in 2015, the Seymour Chwast Archive is a digital repository for his
often groundbreaking, frequently humorous, and constantly expanding body of
work. Featuring selections from the designer’s personal collection, the site includes
posters, books, packaging, typography, painting, sculpture, editorial illustrations,
and ephemera from the 1940s to the present."
SFMOMA San Francisco Museum of U.S.A. The collection contains works by Corita Kent, Barbara Stauffacher Solomon, Victor
Modern Art - Collections Moscoso, April Greiman, Wes Wilson
Smithsonian American Art Museum U.S.A. "The Smithsonian American Art Museum, the nation’s first collection of American
art, is an unparalleled record of the American experience. The collection captures
the aspirations, character, and imagination of the American people throughout
three centuries. The museum is the home to one of the largest and most inclusive
collections of American art in the world. Its artworks reveal key aspects of America’
s rich artistic and cultural history from the colonial period to today."
Smithsonian Libraries / Digital collections U.S.A. "Database of over 150,000 files on artists, art collectives, galleries, and museums
held in our Art and Design and History and Culture libraries."
Sprengel Museum Hannover – Sammlung DE Collezione digitale del museo Sprengel di Hannover, che conserva tra gli altri gli
online archivi di Kurt Schwitters
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam - Collection DE
nome/name paese/countrydescrizione/description url note tag
The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript U.S.A. "The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library is one of the world's largest libraries
Library - Yale University devoted entirely to rare books and manuscripts and is Yale's principal repository for
literary archives, early manuscripts, and rare books."
The Freedom Archive U.S.A. "The Freedom Archives contains over 12,000 hours of audio and video recordings
which date from the late-1960s to the mid-90s and chronicle the progressive
history of the Bay Area, the United States, and international movements. We are
also in the process of scanning and uploading thousands of historical documents
which enrich our media holdings."
The International Dada Archive: Digital U.S.A. "The Digital Dada Library provides links to scanned images of original Dada-era
Dada Library Collection. The University of publication in the International Dada Archive. These books, pamphlets, and
Iowa periodicals are housed in the Special Collections Department of The University of
Iowa Libraries. "
Trésor - TU Delft Library DE "The Trésor is the treasury of the TU Delft Library for historical books, magazines,
maps, photographs and prints from before 1900. They are particularly special
because of their age and rarity. The Trésor also collects the production of TU Delft,
such as speeches, dissertations and lecture notes. The collection comprises
approximately 50,000 volumes. This site contains the digitised works."
UMMA - University of Michigan Museum U.S.A.
of Art - Collections
University of Florida Digital Collections U.S.A. "The University of Florida Digital Collections (UFDC) hosts more than 300
outstanding digital collections, containing over 13 million pages, covering over 78
thousand subjects in rare books, manuscripts, antique maps, children's literature,
newspapers, theses and dissertations, data sets, photographs, oral histories, and
more for permanent access and preservation. Through UFDC, users have free and
Open Access to full unique and rare materials held by the University of Florida and
partner institutions."
Victoria & Albert Museum UK "The V&A is the world’s leading museum of art and design, housing a permanent
collection of over 2.3 million objects that span over 5,000 years of human
Vignelli Center for Design Studies. College U.S.A. "The Center houses the archive of the couple’s (Lella & Massimo VignellI) award-
of Art and Design winning work. It serves also as an international hub for design education,
Rochester Institute of Technology preservation, collaboration, advocacy, public good and globalism. The Vignelli
archive includes an extensive collection of original source materials along with
many examples of their finished work including corporate identity campaigns for
Xerox, American Airlines, Bloomingdales and Ford Motor Co. "
World War II Poster Collection at U.S.A. "View more than 300 World War II-era posters issued by various U.S. government
Northwestern University Library agencies. They represent the government's effort, through art, illustration and
photographs, to unite the American people in a time of adversity."
Yale University Library - Online Exhibits U.S.A. "The Yale University Library maintains an astonishing collection of material in a
wide array of formats, from ancient papyri and early printed books to photographs,
video, audio, data, maps and ephemera. Online Exhibits provides Yale University
with a platform to quickly and easily build compelling digital exhibitions using the
magnificent collections of the Yale University Library."
Yellowbacks. Athaeneum of Philadelphia U.S.A. Contiene il materiale della mostra "Yellowbacks: Don’t Judge These Victorian Books grafica
by Their Covers" tenutasi nel 2015, dedicata ai libri popolari vittoriani e alle loro vittoriana
copertine illustrate di cul l'Athaeneum ha una collezione di 100 esemplari

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