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Cost control aims at ensuring that resources are used to the that the cost of the building is kept within the agreed cost
best advantage. In these days of ever-increasing costs the limits. Building cost can be considered as a medium relating
majority of promoters of building work are insisting on purpose and design and it certainly forms an important aspect
projects being designed and executed to give maximum value of design. A client is very much concerned with quality, cost
for money. Hence, quantity surveyors are employed to an and time: he wants the building to be soundly constructed
increasing extent during the design stage to advise architects at a reasonable cost and within a specified period of time.
on the probable cost implications of their design decisions. As The term 'cost' which is used extensively throughout this book
buildings become more complex and building clients more signifies cost to the client as distinct from the cost oflabour,
exacting in their requirements, so it becomes necessary to plant and materials incurred by contracting and sub-
improve and refine the cost control tools. Rising prices, restric- contracting organisations. Hence it signifies the amount which
tions on the use of capital and high interest rates have caused the client will have to pay the contractor to construct the
building clients to demand that their professional advisers building, but not the actual cost to the contractor of building
should accept cost as an element in deSign, and that they it. Skoyles4 has identified some confusion that arises between
should ensure SUitably balanced costs throughout all parts of the terms 'price' and 'cost' and suggests that 'price' should
the building, as well as an accurately forecast overall cost. be used when describing the cost to the client and 'cost'
The report of the Special (Future of the Profession) Com- when dealing with contracting costs. In practice this would
mittee of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors! involve a drastic change in most commonly used building cost
describes how many building clients now adopt cost limits for control terminology which is now widely used and under-
projects and are instrumental in spreading an awareness of stood. The difference between cost and price became very
efficiency and value for money in building; and this presages apparent in the United Kingdom in 1981, when annual
greater use of the quantity surveyor in establishing cost inflation amounted to 12 per cent but house prices only rose
targets, in the appraisal of alternative solutions, and in cost on average by 1 per cent, highlighting the interaction of
control as a continuous process. This theme was reiterated in market forces.
the SITE Report,2 which defines the role of the quantity
surveyor as ensuring that the resources of the construction
industry are used efficiently to serve the best interests of HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF COST CONTROL
society. PROCESSES
An RICS study group3 also highlighted the fact that part
of the quantity surveyor's function is concerned with ensuring Grafton 28 has described how cost planning, as at present
that his client receives value for money in building work. Thus operated, is the logical extension of a process which has con-
advice may be given on the strategic planning of a project tinued since the days of the eighteenth-century measurers,
which will affect the decision whether or not to build, where who were employed to measure and value the cost of work
to build, how quicl4y to build and the effect of time on costs after it was both designed and executed. Thus the measurers
or prices and on profitability. During the design stage, advice were involved after the building was erected, to measure and
is needed on the relationship of capital costs to maintenance value, and to argue with the client and architect on behalf of
costs and on the cost implications of design variables and groups of tradesmen, who at that time had not been brought
differing constructional techniques. The cost control process together under a main contractor. The main contractor
should be continued through the construction period to ensure system, which became fully operative in the early nineteenth

I. H. Seeley, Building Economics

© I. H. Seeley 1983
2 Building Economics

century, implied price competition before construction which contractors' claims; cost control; cost analysis; costs in use and
previously was a rare happening. The measurers soon realised cost benefit studies.
that a new function was required and that they possessed the Kenyon 30 , expressing the architect's viewpoint, considered
necessary skills to undertake it. It was in response to this that the quantity surveyor was now required to be an encyclo-
situation that they developed the skills of premeasuring, of paedia of information on every aspect of building costs. With
taking off quantities from the drawings before construction new methods of construction and new materials continuously
started and assembling them in a bill of quantities to provide being introduced, he must be fully informed on them and able
a rational basis for competition. At that time it constituted to advise on comparative costs. He must work with the
an extremely valuable contribution to the building process. architect and other specialists and plan the costs simul-
Hence, with the development of the quantity surveying pro- taneously with the planning of the building. To be a building
fession, the work was measured and priced before execution, economist, Higgin 31 holds the view that the quantity surveyor
but after design. will need to develop understandings and techniques of a kind
The next development was the introduction of approximate that will deal, not just with the items that go into the account-
estimating techniques which attempted to give a forecast of 'ancy of a particular building, but with the forces, economic
the probable tender figure, although the basis of the com- and others, which have determined the nature and relation-
putations often left much to be desired. It was subsequently ships of building costs, and which determine the trends they
realised that by the use of cost planning techniques and the show. Economics, in effect, is a study of all the forces which
methods of cost analysis on which they depend, probable cost determine the present functioning and probable future trends
can be reasonably accurately determined early in the design of a whole industrial or financial system. The building
process, and sometimes even before the design is commenced, economist will need to know the effects of private and public
and can be identified with the client's own required limit of investment policies and aesthetic and planning factors, all of
cost in the sure knowledge that the development of the design which play some part in determining the whole system of
can be controlled to accord with it. Grafton 28 has described economic forces which lie behind the. building process.
how 'cost planning is a process of precosting which attempts Fulcher s describing current Australian practice believes that
to represent the total picture of anticipated cost in a way as the emphasis moves towards cost consultancy, quantity
which provides a clear statement of the issues and isolates the surveyors must be fully cognisant of all relevant cost factors,
courses of action and their relative cost, so as to provide a in addition to providing the traditional quantity surveying
guide to decision making'. services.
CanneU 29 has traced the increasing complexity of building
projects and the many specialist skills now associated with
their design. The host of alternative solutions occasioned by NEED FOR COST CONTROL
the many specialisations now involved have created vastly
different problems from those of prewar days. Clients require, It is vital to operate an effective cost control procedure during
and are entitled to expect, positive assurance that their money the design stage of a project to keep the total cost of the job
is being spent wisely and well. In the wider sphere, if this within the building client's budget. Where the lowest tender is
country is to continue to prosper in a highly competitive substantially above the initial estimate, the design may have to
world, we must as a nation increase our earning power and to be modified considerably or, even worse, the project may have
this end our national resources must be used to their optimum to be abandoned. Pressures from seven main sources have
effectiveness. The quantity surveyor has a vital role to play combined to stress the importance of effectively controlling
as financial adviser to the building industry in producing building costs at the design stage. The need to continue the
economically viable solutions to many kinds of building and monitoring of costs throughout the construction stage is
development problems; preparing budget estimates; cost described in chapter 7.
planning; the appraisal of alternative cost solutions, contrac- (1) There is greater urgency for the completion of projects,
tual arrangements and tendering procedures; preparing and few building clients have sufficient time for the redesign
contract and subcontract documents; advising on acceptable of schemes consequent upon the receipt of excessively high
financial relationships between contractor and client; price tenders.
negotiation for both traditional and system building; cost (2) Building clients' needs are becoming more complicated,
checking; forecasting anticipated final costs; settlement of more consultants are being engaged and the estimation of

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