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EpiDoc 450

April 30, 1976

Seattle, W A






“Personal immortality seems to be highly probable and largely proportionate to one's influence
on living persons and their memories, when extended through records.”
Stuart C. Dodd, PhD 1900-1975


Pan Acts Theism

I Culture, Model and Science

All human cultures have a model of the universe. Primitive societies embody their
models in mythology and modern societies define their models with science. Such models
serve important psychological and social functions.

1) They define the origin and structure of the world.

2) They provide the basic framework for social relations.
3) They explain the stages of life which most people experience.
4) They reveal the relationship between normal consciousness and altered states of

Models can be compared for complexity, coherence, processes, structures, and the
social systems which result. Such models are essential to human society regardless of their
exact content.1
These cultural models have several common features. The universe is thought to
have different levels. There may be only a few levels or there may be many. Distinction is
often drawn between the realm of the living and the nonliving. The world of everyday
objects is often contrasted with another level where the ordinary distinctions of space, time,
and identity dissolve. Another common feature is a set of key processes including creation,
destruction and balance. Perhaps the most important similarity is the concept of unity in
diversity. All the levels and all the processes are seen as parts of an integrated whole.
Two examples of such models are the Tarot and the Holotheme. The Tarot is a deck
of cards which represent pieces of a complex system. Its origins are lost in antiquity but it
definitely existed in Europe during the 14th Century. It contains a system of 10 levels which
reach from a transcendental Source through various cosmic realms to the mundane Earth.
It also contains four suits which represent four basic processes operating throughout the 10
levels.2 The Holotheme was developed by J.L. Jolly and published in 1968. It contains 8
levels which extend from abstract patterns of information through space, energy, matter,
life, creatures, societies and nations to the planetary level. It emphasizes four key
processes which operate within each of the levels.3 Both of these models ultimately view
the universe as an integrated whole.
My field is sociology and much of my career has been devoted to the application of
multidimensional scales to modeling sociological phenomena. Early in my investigations, I
assigned different dimensions to actions, actors, times, places, and values. By placing
these dimensions at right angles, I constructed a matrix. The cells of the matrix represent
possible occurrences. In time, I extended this matrix to eight dimensions for comprehensive
-sociological analysis. I also developed other matrices for explanation, prediction and
I have made considerable use of statistical concepts in my modeling. Statistics forms
a bridge between continua and discrete entities. The Normal curve is quite well known. The
norm defines a class of entities while the spread of the curve allows the inclusion of the
variability between the entities. The Entropic growth curve is less well known. The curve
has an s shape and represents processes which first accelerate and then decelerate. The
Helix curve is a useful method for dealing with cyclic changes. The Combinatoric curve
deals with combinations and permutations of entities which are the result of numbers and

Pan Acts Theism

relationships. These four curves appear to be important tools for understanding the
activities and nature of entities.
I am a scientist and I follow the four aims of science. The first aim of science is the
description of our world. Science seeks a system of categories which will capture the
essential aspects of the entities under study. The second aim of science is the explanation
of the origin of the entities. Science seeks to know the causes of the entities under study.
The third aim of science is the prediction of the future. Science searches for accurate
methods of predicting future events and structures of interest. The fourth aim of science is a
general understanding. Science attempts to find basic structures and processes which
model the behavior of entities at all levels and times. These four aims of science have been
guides for my work in cosmic modeling.
The foundation of my model is an abstract point space of randomly interacting
elements which I call primons. These random bits evolve through eight levels of
organization. The first level is that of pure organization in terms of binary choices and its
element is the curvon. The second level is that of empty curved space and its element is
the gravon. The third level is energy and its basic element is the photon. The fourth level is
matter and its element is the neutron. The fifth level is life and its basic element is the cell.
The sixth level contains all multicellular creatures and plants and the element is an entity.
The seventh level is society and its element is the social group. The eighth level is that of
culture and its element is the concept. This level contains the symbolic representation of all
the other levels.
Physicists have found action to be more basic that energy, space or time. I define an
actant as any entity under scientific study. As actants of any level interact, they build up the
entities of the next higher level. The Gompertz growth curve represents the way that such
growth proceeds in time. The actants brought into existence by this process display
variability which converges on a normal distribution for large numbers of actants. As
conditions of such growth recur, the growth will recur. Such cycles of recurrence can be
represented by a helix. The basic behavior of such interacting actants is always covered by
the ideas of combination including permutation and repetition. These can be represented by
the Sterling combinatoric curve. As the actants evolve up through the levels of organization,
there is a simultaneous devolving back down. These processes balance each other and the
whole universe can be seen as a balanced whole. I call this integrated sphere of activity the
Cosmos or the total of all things being studied by science.
This paper is organized into six sections. The first section has been devoted to some
background ideas and an exploration of the basic levels and elements of my theory which I
call the Pan-Acts model of the Cosmos. The second section will deal with describing the
present nature of groups of actants through the normal curve. The third section will explain
the past origins of the actants by the Gompertz curve of growth and decay. The fourth
section will deal with predicting future cycles of behavior by the Euler helix curve. The fifth
section will cover the understanding of interactions at any time through the Sterling
combinatoric curve. The sixth section will contain some thoughts on the significance and
uses of the Pan-Acts model. Thus the four aims of science will be linked with the four core
processes that govern the interactions of actants through out the Cosmos.

Pan Acts Theism

II Describing the Present

A. Hierarchic Periodicity

In his attempts to describe the universe, the scientist struggles to go beyond

qualitative differences into quantitative relationships. A set of eight levels is mentioned
above. Many models converge upon this basic set, but no other model attempts to
define the quantitative relationship between levels.
As the Pan-Acts model was being developed, the typical actants of the different
levels were ranked according to their masses. It became evident that there existed a
constant step between levels, such that each higher level exceeded the previous level
by a ratio of 1011 on a scale of tons.
The primary determinant of the eight levels was not mass, but rather
organization. Each level is more complex than the preceding level. A two dimensional
grid is needed to represent complexity versus mass.
When graphed in Cartesian coordinates, order of complexity is the ordinate and
mass is the abscissa. If semi-log scales are used, then a straight line appears which
shows a constant rate of changing organization versus changing mass. This line is
called the Creatant in Pan-Acts.

(Plate 1)

B. Trials Confirmed

This periodicity of mass versus organization was originally observed with respect
to the material and biological actant. Extending the Creatant line downward into smaller
and simpler actant yielded a unit actant for curved space which was named the gravon
because of its connection to gravity. Below the space level lays some sort of pre-space.
The actant of this level was called the curvon because the basic process of this level
consists of the emergence of order out of randomness through rotating vectors.
Ultimately, there is a primordial zone of un-patterned random activity whose
actants are called primons.
Extending the Creatant line upwards yields the social group as an actant and at
cultural level, humanity is the actant. Both of these levels are more complex and more
massive than the biological level of cells.
This system was developed by the empirical observation of a regular jump
between actons representing a set of commonly recognized levels. When the standard
interval is marked off along the Creatant line, the resulting masses fit the empirical
observations quite closely.


C. Nested Curves

If the Creatant is pivoted around the point representing the cultural level, then an
inverted "V" shape is formed. Then, as mass increases, organization decreases. This

Pan Acts Theism

represents the levels of astronomical activity. As size becomes larger, the actants
become simpler and more elemental. Ultimately, the stage upon which the entire
universe rests consists of primons in random constant motion.
Taking common projections of the age of the various actants, a relationship
between time and organization emerges. Basically, older actants are simpler. Both mass
and organization are seen to increase from the remote past to the present. However,
when the cultural level of the present is passed, the pattern inverts and organization
decreases as the future is entered. In the far reaches of the future, the most elemental
actants are found.
At a particular level, the actants are distributed over a normal curve with respect
to variation. The normal curve emerges at each level as the basic form. If the normal
curves for all the levels are nested and rectified, a triangle figure appears which is called
the Mass Time Triangle.


D. MTT Graph

This Mass Time Triangle (MTT) is an excellent graphic device for compact
expression of the Pan-Acts model. It makes the important relationships visual and is a
great aid in understanding the model.
The sizes of actants of various levels are ranked on a scale which ranges from
10-77 tons to 1099 tons. The kinds of actants represented include primons, curvons of
patterning, gravons of space, quanta of energy, atoms of matter, living cells,
multicellular entities, communities of entities and symbol-using cultures.
The span of time reaches 1018 centuries into the past and future, covering a total
span of 1036 centuries. The range of organization reaches from the totally random
primon level to the totally ordered unit symbol for the whole universe, (U0 =1).
Special stages of time, which represent two level jumps, are the Motional,
Material, Vital and Verbal. Special zones of organization are the Spatial, Material,
Human, and Real Universe. These zones interpenetrate to a great degree.


E. Key Periodic Table

Scientists have pinpointed a number of key constants. These include i (square

root of a minus one), γ (inverse of the Euler-Maseroni constant), r (statistical constant),
h (one half of the coefficient of Planck's constant), and π (ratio of circumference of a
circle to the diameter). Pan-Acts has shown that these five constants can be derived as
basic functions of the Creatant line, C.
Four basic combinatoric formulas have been found to be useful in deriving further
core constants for scientific use. These four formulas are 2n (self-sum), n2 (self-
products), 2n (set-powers), nn (self-powers).
The result of applying the four formulas to the five key constants yields a
systematic table of major cosmic constants including the Speed of Light, Gravitational

Pan Acts Theism

Constant, Faraday’s Constant, Fine Structure Constant, Planck's Constant and many
more. The fit of the generated constants to the commonly accepted values is within .4%.
It is such a close fit that this system of generation must be an important insight into the
nature of our universe.
This periodic table of constants helps to predict the spectrum of radiant energy,
the periodic table of the elements, the DNA double helix, .stochastic processes and
other important scientific concepts.


Pan Acts Theism

III Explaining The Past

A. Pair Permuted Interacts

In order to explain the origin of space, the Pan-Acts model postulates a cloud of
10 infinitesimal bits of energy 10-71ergs each. These primons are in constant random

motion. Any unit vector drawn from any origin point establishes an ordering of the
primons through which it passes. Given the random motion, the order and hence the
vector will be reversed in a finite period of time, (t). In a time equal to 2t, the order and
the vector will reverse again and return to the original orientation with a probability of
unity. Thus, a cloud of random primons will generate an oriented vector space.
When the unit vector is reversed, each pair of points is transposed and thus the
process can be expressed in terms of the gamma function for permutations, Γ(n) = n!/n.
The reversal represents a half cycle which can also be expressed in radians, Γ2(1/2) = π
radians. Upon full reversal, the expression becomes π + π = 2π. Repeating c cycles
forms a super cycle of radius c equal to 2πc. If the new unit radius is taken to be c, then
the new cycle is 2π. Taking the self product of the cycle (c = 1) gives 4π 2 which is equal
to the Gravitational constant, G = 4π 2.
Thus, randomly interacting primons will generate an oriented vector space and
self products of the vector space generate a curved space with gravity.


B. Entropic Processes

The first levels of the Pan-Acts model are seen to be connected by cyclic self
products. The general equation y = e-2 develops the entropic curves of growth and
decay as studied by Gompertz. This ∫ shaped curve illustrates the accelerating and
decelerating change found in self-related growth and decay of biological systems.
The Pan-Acts model states that each successive higher level is the result of pair-
permuting or entropic growth process from the preceding level. Taking eight stages of
operation, the eight levels of the model are developed. This process is reversible and
higher levels are seen to devolve into lower levels via the same equation with a reversal
of sign in the exponent.
This model explains the origin of a given level as the operation of the Gompertz
entropic process at work on an adjacent level. Lower levels organize into higher levels
by negentropic growth and higher levels disorganize into lower levels by entropic decay.


C. Reiterings Matrix

The four rows of the Reiterings Matrix develop, respectively, symbols, syntax, key
processes and cosmic laws. The first row explains the origin of symbols through
repetition of any actant; combination of the actant -with a name; permutation of the order

Pan Acts Theism

of the name and the actant; and interacting these operations in the activity of speech.
The second row explains syntax through listing into sets; adding into sums; multiplying
into products; and self-multiplying into powers. The third row explains four key
processes in terms of self-sums or pairs; self-products or squares; pair-powers or
norms; and self-powers or fulfillments. The fourth row yields four cosmic laws of
predicting the future; describing the present; explaining the past; and understanding the
operation of the Cosmos.
The four columns of the Reiterings Matrix develop, respectively, prediction,
description, explanation and control. The first column deals with predicting future
consequences through repetition of actants; listing into sets; self-summing into pairs
(2n); and creating a helix of future cycles [(eπi)2n]. The second column deals with
describing present contents through combining actants with names; adding into sums;
self-multiplying into squares (n2); and creating a normal distribution of present
probabilities [(e-.5)n ]. The third column deals with explaining past causes through
permuting the order of actants and names; multiplying into products; pair-powering into
norms (2n); and creating entropic-curves of past growth [(e)2 ]. The fourth column deals
with controlling changes through interacting of speech elements; self-multiplying into
powers; self-powering into fulfillments (nn); and n creating combinatoric curves of self-
governing [(e)n ].
The log factors of 2n,n2,2n,and nn in row three reveal the profound connection
between past, present, future and eternity. Rows and columns are developed from
previous rows and columns by definite operations.


D. Unit Cube

The Unit Cube is an aid to visualization of the Pan-Acts model. The three axes of
the Unit Cube are Activity, Organization, and Time. The Activity axis extends over 10100
primons. The Organization axis measures in bits the nine levels of cosmic phenomena.
The Time axis is 1032 years. Each axis in log terms is taken to be unity with any position
on any axis dividing it into fractions P and Q which add to equal unity,(P+Q=1).
With each edge as unity, each face diagonal is equal to √2 and the cube diagonal
_ _ _ _
is equal to√3. These three root numbers (√1,√2,√3 ) build up the key constants. In a
general n-dimensional, √n represents the n-dimensional diagonal of the unit rectangular,
rectilinear polyhedron.
The graph is illustrated by the Unit Cube to be an integrated whole. Action is
seen as organized energy (c) in time (t), (a/ct=1). This compact model explains the
evolving and devolving of the Cosmos in terms of three related axes and fractional
ratios. Any particular phenomena whatever can be represented by a point or region in
the Cube.


Pan Acts Theism

E. Gambit Benchmarks
The diagonal of the Unit Cube is √3 which will be designated as γ 1. When γ 1 is
self-multiplied to an integer power m (m=1, 2, 3, 4), the result is called a gam ( γ 1m). This
_ _ _
power series of √3 yields 1, √3, 3, 3√3, 9.
When gams are exponentiated to the base 2, a series of single gambits is
-- 0
m √3
generated, (2γ 1 ). The first gambit is 2 = 2 and represents the basic bit or binary
-- 1
choice. The second gambit is 2 = 3.32193 and is called the Root Creatant (h) which is
the bits log of 10 (h=lg 10) and measures the relation between base 2 and base 10
-- 2
number systems. The third gambit is 2 = 8 which shows the number of real levels in
the Cosmos as well as other phenomena which contain octaves. The fourth gambit is
-- 3
2 = 36.651 called the Cubit which is the cube of the Root Creatant (h3) and equal to
the creation rate expressed in bits which measures the inter-level quantum jump
-- 4
throughout the hierarchic Cosmos. The fifth gambit is 2 = 512 which is the bits log of
the real spatial universe of seven levels.
When gambits are exponentiated to the base 2, a series of double gambits is
generated. The first double gambit is 22=4 which is the simplest unit of the Gompertz
growth and decay curves. The second double gambit is 2h=10 which is the root of the
decimal number system. The third double gambit is 28=256 which measures the Top
Atom or the bits log of the half-universe; the real and rising spatial universe. The fourth
double gambit is 2 = 1011 which is the speed of light in the standardized Pan-Acts units
of millimeters, tons and thirds of a second. The fifth double gambit s 2 =10154 which is
the size of the spatial universe.
Thus the gambits generate with rising powers of m, ten constants or benchmarks
on a rising log gradient of bits or organization of Cosmic action. The single gambits deal
with logs, systems and sets. The double gambits deal with natural numbers, subsystems
and elements of sets.

(PLATE 10)

Pan Acts Theism

IV Predicting the Future

A. Polar Versus Rectangular Coordinates

The classical Cartesian coordinate system expresses interacting variables in

terms of two perpendicular axes. Coordinates and curves can be translated into the
system of polar coordinates by the formula e2πirt= cos 2πrt + i sin 2πrt. One dimension
becomes a set of concentric rings measuring angle and the other dimension becomes a
set of radiating lines measuring distance.
When the Creatant line is restated in polar coordinates, it becomes a cycle. This
cycle can be expressed as 2πr where r is the radius. It can also be expressed as 2π
times r unit cycles. Now the Creatant line is a helical coil where each turn represents a
level of Cosmic action. Thus we arrive at a projection system where recurrence of
conditions brings recurrence of patterns of action.
The relationship between polar coordinates and rectangular coordinates parallels
a number of interesting relationships. One such relationship is that between logarithms
and integers where a curve line on an integer plot becomes a straight line on a log plot.
Other interesting relationships include the curval versus the linear, multiplication versus
addition, sensation versus cognition and log time versus antilog time.

(PLATE 11)

B. Schwarzschild Dimensional Ratios

Mass, length and time are fundamental to our understanding of physics.

Schwarzschild derives these concepts from a set of constants including the Gravitational
constant (G), the speed of light (C), and Planck's constant (h).
The unit of free mass is Mu = √Ch/G = 5.45707 X 10-5. The unit free radius of Mu
is Lu = √Ch/G3 = 4.04989 X 10-33. The Shuster period of Mu with Lu is Tu = 2π√Ch/G5 =
8.48795 X 10-43.
Taking the ratios of Mu, Lu and Tu yields powers of unit free velocity (Vu ). In
section III-A, G was shown to be equivalent to 4π2. Vu = Lu\Tu = (GhC5/C322π2Gh).5=
2 3
(C/2π)1. Vu = Mu/Lu = (ChC3/GGh).5 = (C/2π)2. Vu = Mu/Tu = (ChC5/GGh22π2).5 =
4 2 5 3
(C/2π)3. Vu = MuLu/Tu = Fu which is force. Vu = MuLu/Tu = Pu which is power. Thus we
can represent velocity, force and power in unit free dimensions as a power series of Vu
, (m =1,2,3,4,5).
m m m
A three axis matrix can be formed where Mu , Lu , and Tu are the axes. Since
every formula of physics can be re-expressed in unit free dimensions and since this
solid matrix MIII has a cell for every possible integer dimensional formula, the matrix can
be seen as a periodic table for physical formula.
Taking a log unit cycle (e2πi =1) as the sun time, Tu can be equated to 1. Solving
the Schwarzschild ratios as a set of simultaneous equations, then Lu = Tu . Solving for
Mu, Mu= Lu . The log relationship of length to time is logLu = 2logTu. A series of binary
powers can be associated with these log relationships so that 1 is time (20), 2 is length

Pan Acts Theism

(21), and 8 is mass (23). These binary numbers can be used to calculate a binary
number N (2N bits) for each logarithm dimensional formula in physics. These binary
numbers can be associated with each cell in the three axis matrix, MIII in the same way
that the atomic numbers fit in the periodic table of elements.
By shifting our language, all formulas of physics can be freed of the number and
nature of their particular units by being re-expressed as dimensional formula. The new
formulas can be re-expressed again in interdimensional units of set theory and
combinatoric algebra as the power set 2m. For large m, 2m measures the area under the
binomial and normal curves. Forming normal curves begins to organize law and order
out of random actants at every level of the Mass-Time Triangle which measures Cosmic
evolution and devolution.

(PLATE 12)

C. DNA Helix

The structure and function of living beings are defined by the chromosomes in the
nuclei of their cells. The chromosomes contain genes which are composed of DNA
molecules. These molecules are shaped like ladders twisted into double helical coils.
The sides of the ladder are alternating deoxyribose and phosphate units. The rungs of
the ladder are pairs of four bases which are adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. It
is the sequences of these four bases which forms the genetic code. When taken in
triplets, these bases select a particular amino acid from the set of 20 amino acids which
are the building blocks of all proteins. Although there are 64 possible triplet codes, there
are only 20 amino acids. More than one code sequence can designate the same amino
RNA is the translation mechanism which reads the DNA code and then organizes
amino acids into the proper sequences to form the proteins which act as structures and
organic catalysts called enzymes in the living being. Each protein has its own unique
sequence of amino acids and the average protein contains 100 amino acids. An
average DNA molecule in a bacterium can contain codes for 330,000 amino acids which
could specify 3,300 different proteins. The possible number of different proteins is 20100
which is a number so great that the universe does not contain enough matter to form on
copy of every single possible protein. The actual number of biologically useful proteins is
between 5,000 and 10,000. This is, of course, an estimation based upon our knowledge
of Earth biology. The possibility exists that other planetary environments might utilize
other sets of proteins. The estimated number of possible proteins and possible planets
is so great that one is forced to conclude that life is a universal and diverse
phenomenon in the universe.

(PLATE 13)

D. Staggered Cohorts Hypothesis

The concept of feedback' is extremely important to the understanding of dynamic

Pan Acts Theism

processes where the output of the process influences the functioning. Feedback plays a
vital role in automation engineering, ecology, biology, psychology and many other fields.
A set of actants in subsets called cohorts are defined by successive periods in
which they start a set, of sequenced acts called phases within a set of time periods
called a cycle. Interacts in one period of more mature cohorts upon less mature cohorts
defines feedback in the Pan-Acts model. Interacts in one period of less mature cohorts
upon more mature cohorts defines feedforward. Interacts in one period of equally
mature cohorts upon each other defines feedin. Thus sets of N randomly interacting
actants in time sequences will naturally organize orderly stochastic laws in reiterant
patterns, measurable in bits of action.
The staggered cohorts hypothesis predicts the cybernetic processes of feedback
and feedforward which are so important in understanding time dependant processes
which are self-influencing.

(PLATE 14)

E. Pan-acts-theism

Pan-act-heism is an attempt to provide a scientific basis for religious concepts.

Religions deal with some ultimate power, usually called God, which organizes and
maintains the Cosmos.
The Pan-Acts model states that all actants interact randomly, ceaselessly and
reiterantly, forming and unforming in their overlapping cohort life cycles all their nn
possible combinations, permutations and repetitions. They continually organize the
Cosmos and all actants therein as hierarchic normal distributions at nine levels. The
Cosmos is self built by vast stochastic processes at a Creatant rate C = lg210 = 11
during each cohorts life cycle of 1032 or e ' ' years. Pan-act-theism equates the ultimate
God with the Cosmos itself.
This view of the Cosmos contains the following implications. The Cosmos is self-
creating by the past interacting of actants through successive self-products in Gompertz
curves of ± entropy. The Cosmos is self-maintaining by present combinatoric interacting
of actants as described by binomial and Gaussian normal probability curves. The
Cosmos is self-directing by future cycles of actants as predicted by ruler's helix curve.
The Cosmos is self-fulfilling by anytime reiterant organizing of actants as controlled by
Sterling's combinatoric formula. The Cosmos is self-sufficient as summarized by Dodd's
rectified Pan-Acts equation, a/ct= 1=U0
It is hoped that Pan-act-theism can assist the integration of religion and science
in the service of humanity. Science could become the intellectual research about what is
most important to man while religion becomes the emotional motivator of all man's
active decision making for a positive future.

(PLATE 15)

Pan Acts Theism

IV Predicting the Future

A. Combinatoric Interactions

The behavior of all actants at all levels in the Cosmos follows a small set of
regular processes. These processes have been described in III-C under the Reiterings
Matrix. The general behavior of the Cosmos can be understood in terms of these self-
Self-sets deal with all counting and all ordered pairs of actants,(n0). Self-sums
represent the simplest combining of Cosmic infrastructure, (2n). Self-products yield the
transition formula between levels of the Cosmos, (n2). Pair-powers produce the set of all
combinings of n things or the family of subsets of a set of n actants, (2n). Self-powers
exhaust the fulfilling of all combinatoric possibilities of a set of n actants, including all
combinations, permutations, and repetitions, (nn).
Self-cycling of the log of base eπi produces the helix of n coils in the DNA of all
living creatures, (eπi)2n. Self-squaring of the log of base e-.5 produces the standard
normal curve which can be rectified into the MTT graphing all Cosmic actants, (e-.5)n .
Successive self-squaring e explains the Cosmic evolution and devolution of each cohort
of actants, (e)2 . Self-powering the log of base e produces a self-governing model which
fulfills all the nn combinatoric possibilities latent in any n actants, (e)n .
Therefore, nn represents the fulfillment or design of the Cosmos. All Cosmic
actants interacting at the Creation rate through four stages of time measure, make and
manage the Cosmos.

(PLATE 16)

B. Constant Features

Science has discovered four important constants of the material

universe. The number of particles (Nu) in the universe is estimated to be 14 X 1078. The
force constant (Fu), which is the ratio of the nuclear strong force to the gravitational
force, is estimated to be 2.3 X 1039. The age of the universe (Tu) in atomic time units
(1022 = 1 second) is estimated to be 3.2 X 1039. The Gravitational constant (G) is equal
to 39.4784 in astronomical units. These four constants seem to be fundamental to the
nature of the universe we inhabit.
The Gravitational constant (G) seems to be of central significance in this group of
constants. The logs of the other three constants are as follows; log Nu = 39.5682, log Fu
= 39.3617, log Tu = 39.5051. The average of these logs is found to be 39.4783. This
average is only one part in one million different from 39.4782 which is the value of G. In
view of the fact that these numbers are based on accepted estimates, it is interesting to
note such a close fit.
These four constants can be translated into combinatoric terms of the Mass-Time
Triangle. The square root of the number of particles can be represented as the number
of material actants (AD) at level D measuring Cosmic action. The force constant can be
represented as the bits-log difference between Phase D and Phase H which is a

Pan Acts Theism

measure of Cosmic organization (OrD). The age of the material universe can be
represented as the time interval between the present and the beginning of the material
universe. The Gravitational constant can be represented as the Cosmic Quantum of
hierarchy (Q) which measures the interlevel interval in the MTT. Thus, the stochastic
evolutionary gravitational process is tightly related to the total content, organization and
age of our universe as explained in the Pan-Acts model.

(PLATE 17)

C. Social Modeling

The Pan-Acts model of the Cosmos can be translated into sociological terms for
use in social modeling and planning. The symbolic level becomes symbolic records. The
social level becomes valuation in all preferences and policies. The human level
becomes the people involved. The life level becomes activities. The material level
becomes all equipment and materials. The energy level becomes the timing of
schedules and sequences. The spatial level becomes all locations. The curval level is
reserved for residual circumstances not covered by the other categories.
A community can be analyzed in terms of eight institutional groups. The family
concerns itself with populations. Education utilizes media in shaping opinions.
Economics covers industrial activity. Politics involves intergroup relations, including
military. Religion includes ethical and philosophical questions. Health reveals the
physical welfare of the population. Recreation covers entertainment and the arts.
Science is the domain of technology. These eight institutional sectors permit a
comprehensive approach to community.
The set of personal transacts translated from the Cosmic levels can be arrayed
on an axis. The set of eight institutions can be arranged on an axis perpendicular to the
first axis. A third perpendicular axis can be constructed from a division of time into four
sections. The past section is dedicated to explanation. The present section is dedicated
to description. The future section is dedicated to prediction. The final section extends to
all time and is dedicated to control. The resulting matrix permits the analysis of the
behavior of a society in detail.

(PLATE 18)

D. Applications of the Power Parameter

The transcendental log factor m seems to measure the power parameter of the
Cosmos. M grows by integers to 4 (m=0, 1, 2, 3, 4) and denotes the first five powers or
the successive self-products of its basal actant (A). This measures the successive
stages of organizing all Cosmic interactions, (log A). The Pan-Acts model contains a
dozen domains that have been analyzed in terms of the log factor m.
This subsection deals with some of those domains and the order of factors
mentioned will follow the sequence of powers of m. In terms of moments of frequency
distribution, the sequence yields the frequency or area, the mean or central tendency,
the variance or dispersion, the skewness or asymmetry, and the kurtosis or unimodality.

Pan Acts Theism

With respect to categories of systems theory, the sequence yields qualities, quantities,
relations, systems, and supersystems. In scientific disciplines, the sequence found is
chaos theory and cybernetics, geometry and astronomy, physics and chemistry, biology
and psychology, social science and semiotics. In the sphere of societal ideals, the
sequence can be freedom, progress, equality, justice and unity. The power series of m
can be crossed with the dozen domains to yield a matrix of 60 cells of systemic cross
M seems to be a simple integer exponent governing the universal development of
everything namable. M measures broadly the steps in evolving and devolving of every
cohort of actants in the Cosmos. It implies that logarithms measure Cosmic organization
or that the Cosmos seems logarithmic.

(PLATE 19)

E. Testing the Model

It is explicitly understood that the models of science are continuously being tested
and improved. No model is seen as being ultimate or complete. When two or more
models cover the same phenomena, they can be distinguished by relative accuracy,
elegance and utility. Throughout the development of the Pan-Acts model, it has been
comprehensively tested in a number of ways.
Consistency tests measure the internal logical agreement in the statements of the
model. The Pan-Acts model contains a high level of internal consistency which reveals
an elegant set of relationships between Cosmic processes. Correspondence tests
measure the external empirical agreement between expectations of the model and
experimental results. The Pan-Acts model has been shown to be accurate in many
predictions to a few parts in a million. Concordance tests measure the agreement
across time between the model's performance and the aims of science. The Pan-Acts
model provides many useful tools for explanation, description, prediction and control.
Convergence tests measure the percentage of full agreement among all the tests of the
model. The Pan-Acts model scores well on all the tests.
The Pan-Acts model of the Cosmos goes beyond all other published models of
the Cosmos. It has specified more empirical quantities more accurately. It has revealed
more principles of operation and their interconnection. It has formulated more useful
applications. It has been stated in more forms and in more levels from overview to
detail. In general, the Pan-Acts model has been critically tested in depth by its creator
far beyond any other comprehensive model of the universe.

(PLATE 20)

Pan Acts Theism

IV Pan Acts Culture

The last four sections of this paper have dealt with the four aims of science. In the
second section, an attempt was made to describe the present nature of the universe in
terms of normal distributions. In the third section, the past development of the universe was
approached in terms of exponential growth and decay. In the fourth section, the future
evolution of the universe was projected through helical cycles of recurrence. The fifth
section covered the combinatoric principles that govern all universal processes through
time. Thus, the four aims of science were connected to specific mathematical tools.
The first section of this paper discussed the four social functions of a Cosmic model.
With respect to the four aims of science, the model must serve these four aims in each of
the four social functions. The universe must be described, explained, predicted and
controlled. The social fabric must be described, explained, predicted and controlled. The
development of the individual must be described, explained, predicted and controlled.
Finally, the integration of waking consciousness and altered states of consciousness must
be described, explained, predicted and controlled. The last section of this paper will develop
this integration of the aims of science and the functions of a Cosmic model.
Any functional society must have some model of the actual world in which it exists.
As a society increases in complexity, size and technology, the model must develop in a
similar fashion. In a huge industrialized society, the model of the universe must be a very
accurate representation. Science serves as the universal model for industrialized nations.
The Pan-Acts model of the Cosmos is an extension of science. It covers all
phenomena studied by the sciences and employs a rigorous mathematical foundation. The
Cosmos is described in terms of nine levels of activity. On each level, large numbers of
actants yield a normal probability distribution with respect to a particular characteristic
under study. The origin of the present systems is explained as the integration of actants into
higher level actants or the disintegration of an actant into lower level actants. These
processes are governed by entropic growth and decay curves. The future behavior of the
Cosmos is predicted in terms of helical cycles of repetition where repeating circumstances
yield repeating effects. Throughout past, present and future, the behavior of the Cosmos is
controlled by the laws of combinatorics. Actants combine, permute, and repeat in the
exploration of possibilities inherent in a group of actants.
Pan-Acts modeling sees the Cosmos as a continuously evolving and devolving
whole which covers all possible combinations of actants. The Cosmos is self-governing,
self-creating and self-fulfilling. This model is sufficiently comprehensive to permit
interdisciplinary integration of the sciences and simultaneously sufficiently detailed enough
to permit further development of specific technologies.
A society is partially defined in terms of the role structures and interaction patterns of
its members. As societies grow in complexity, more roles are required and interactions must
be developed in greater detail. The big nations of the earth employ a variety of social
systems. Some are the result of historical tradition and some are the result of historical
accident. All have been shaped by the efforts of those in power to redesign the role system
to permit necessary social change. There is no agreed upon framework for an optimum or
even satisfactory social framework.
The Pan-Acts model contains a submodel for sociological systems as given in

Pan Acts Theism

subsection V-C above. No particular social role system is given by the Pan-Acts model. The
framework of transacts which mirrors the nine Cosmic levels and the eight institutions which
detail a community are parts of a methodology for exploring any societal system. Any
descriptions of a social system will include normal probability distributions of characteristics
across individuals and institutions which preserves the variability inherent in the Cosmos.
Explanations of existing social systems will reveal entropic growth and decay processes
which create and destroy social organizations. When a particular social situation is
repeated in great detail, the model predicts that the results will be repeated also. All social
systems and situations are influenced by combinatoric processes which explore various
possibilities inherent in them.
Perhaps there exists no optimum or universally acceptable social system. The Pan-
Acts model provides the basis for analysis and synthesis of any number of different social
systems. It also permits cross comparison of different systems. The greatest benefit of the
Pan-Acts model for sociology lies in its ability to facilitate the exploration of different social
systems in an ongoing effort to discover better ways of organizing human societies.
The integration of the individual into society is another function of a societal model.
In simple small societies, such integration is easy and effective. As societies increase in
size and complexity, such integration becomes a growing problem. As each individual
develops, a sequence of important changes marks off different stages of life which involve
different roles. These changes include birth, puberty, marriage, membership and death. It is
vital for the mental health of the individual that these stages are clearly understood and
accepted in terms of the societal model.
The Pan-Acts model describes individuals in terms of characteristics which are found
to form normal distributions across large numbers of individuals. This reveals individuals
variability as a natural consequence of the function of the Cosmos. The origin of the
individual is explained in terms of exponential growth of cells under the guidance of DNA.
The death of an individual could be an entropic decay of cellular processes. The Pan-Acts
model predicts that the same developmental changes will usually result in the same stage
being reached. Throughout the development of an individual, combinatoric processes guide
the working out of the potential of the individual. The basic principles of interaction in the
model are reflected in such personal interactions as marriage and membership in families
and other social groups.
The Pan-Acts model provides a rich framework for the individual's personal
development and integration into society. It permits the individual to see the function of
Cosmic laws in personal development and social relations while preserving that individual's
unique nature and fulfillment of potential.
Most societies recognize the existence of different states of consciousness. Most
social interaction takes place in the ordinary waking state. Important personal and social
events can take place in other states of consciousness. Dreaming, delirium, drugged and
contemplative states of consciousness are linked to creative insights in the arts, sciences,
philosophies, and religions. The last important function for a societal model is the revelation
of the relationship between ordinary consciousness and these altered states.
Pan-Acts modeling provides unique opportunities for consciousness exploration
through a framework which includes all physical and psychological entities and events.
Detailed description of states of consciousness with respect to different variables will yield a
normal distribution across time and individuals. This approach will emphasize the variability

Pan Acts Theism

of consciousness in a particular state. Explanation of personality integration and

disintegration can be approached as growth and decay of particular connected sets of
consciousness variables. The model predicts that recurrence of a constellation of variables
will lead to a recurrence of a particular state of consciousness. Across time, the
combinatoric approach suggests that consciousness is the ability to be aware of a particular
pattern in a Cosmos which contains many potential patterns.
The Pan-Acts model contains nine levels of Cosmic phenomena. Ordinary
consciousness is that state which focuses upon the local actants of the nine levels and the
socially approved manner of dealing with them. Altered states of consciousness range
beyond this local orientation to explore other patterns in the Cosmos. Such exploration may
be of ultimate benefit or harm to the world of ordinary consciousness but such exploration is
vital for the evolution of society in a changing world. Pan-Acts modeling is well suited to
directing this exploration in a comprehensive and coherent manner.
The growing movement in General Systems modeling is extremely important to
humanity in this era. Only comprehensive models such as the Pan-Acts system have the
necessary scope and integration to serve as the framework for a planetary social system. It
is the belief of the authors of this paper that Pan-Acts modeling can make valuable
contributions in all areas of social function for the development of a humane, ecological and
evolving planetary society.

Pan Acts Theism


Pan Acts Theism

Plate 1: How Arraying Masses Discovers Cosmic Periodicity,

Log Cn = c =. 11

SD: 69-26R by S.C. Dodd

EpiDoc 154R Univ. of Wash
June 1973 Seattle, 98105

This graph discovers a periodicity, or "quantum-like" jumps of 11 log cycles of mass

(called "Cn") between smallest entities in the 4-level range of material organization from
-3 1
minimal at the electron (10-33 = Cn ) to maximal in society (100 to 1011 or Cn )
This Cn - factor seems to measure the inter-level jumps in average organization of
cosmic actants. It seems to represent one eon or log century of Earth years interpreted so it
produces a constant cosmic Creation Rate Cn=10c= =. 1011 of actants organized per level or
eon. Then ±c defines the slopes or 2 sides of the Mass-Time Triangle.
At the Electron Point (D' in the MTT) this Cn=1011 translates into the Speed of Light (in
mm per third of a second units) by Einstein's formula E/M=C2, expressing a transition ratio
between radiant energy and the threshold unit (called an "acton") of mass.

Pan Acts Theism

Pan Acts Theism

Plate 2: Plotting Material Entities by Mass vs. Organization Rank

S D : 69- 27 b y S . C. D od d
E pi d oc 1 55 U ni v . Of W ash
Ju n e 1 9 69 S ea tt l e, 98 1 0 5

Thi s dev el o ps :
1) A ca rdi nal scal e of c osm ic organi zatio n (i n bit s l g a ), t he ord i nat e;
2) Extendible to an 8 level universe (where t=8, as below);
3) C or r el at e d w i t h p a s t t i m e p eri o d s ( o r a g e s , t , t o d at e );
4) Yi el di ng a con st an t l og g ro wt h rat e, c, (= l og c n = l g 2 10= 11. 03 522);
5) Their synthesis in the epicosm equation, a t = ct, which says: cosmic
activity, α, at any level t, equals its growth rate c, x time taken, t.

Pan Acts Theism

Plates 3 & 4: The Mass-Time Triangle (MTT) Model of the Cosmos = U0 =1

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 5a: The Key Periodic Table, sks, Generating Cosmic Constants”

By Stuart C. Dodd, Ph.D., Emeritus Research Professor of Sociology,

University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98105
A paper for the International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems at Oxford
August 28 – September 3, 1972

If cosmos is defined as the universal set, U0 = 1, of all things-namable, called “actants,”

and if each actant is viewed as an item of organized Action(= Energy X Time, dimensionally),
then the resulting Key Periodic Table, sKs, (see below) describes the current contents of the
cosmos in a 5 X 4 matrix (within a half percent tolerances of discrepancies in fits), Its 20 cells
systematize the major cosmic constants (e.g. e, π, i, γ; G(gravity), C(light), F(Faraday’s
constant), α (Fine Structure constant), h (Planck’s constant), etc.).
This matrix generates invariant combinatoric patterns of interactants (called “constants”)
as explained by the set-product or intersect of:

5 input Key constants, i.e., Ks = { γ, π, h, r, I }; and

4 thruput Key operations or cycles of cumulative reiterating, i.e. Ks = { Self-sums, 2n;

Self-products, n2; Set-powers, 2n; Self-powers, nn }; with

20 output cells recording 20 “core” constants -- and systematizing many more.

This Key Periodic Table, bounding four periods of cosmic evolution in every cohort of
actants, helps to predict (in cells, arrays, or compounds):

a) the physicist’s spectrum of radiant energy

b) the chemist’s periodic table of atomic elements,
c) the biologist’s double helix in the DNA chain molecules of all living cells,
d) the statistician’s random stochastic processes,
e) the semanticist’s complex number algebra for speech and consequent mental

These Key constants are basic functions of the Creatant Rate, c.

_ r .
y 2
(i.e., c = 41/ 0 = π π = h = 2 ' =. i-16r = logCn = 11.03522)
c controls continual creation and perpetual cybernetic operating of the cosmos by the
“Epicosm Equation”, U0 = 1 = a/ct (a = log of the number of actants at the tth period).

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 5b: Scientific Aims

SCIENTIFIC AIMS of this “Epicosm Modeling”

These semiotic keys, k, may help scientists in:
Describing cosmos, u0 = a/ct = 1, as self-sums:
self 2n
Explaining cosmic, as self-powers:
powers: n
Predicting mind & matter, as self-powers:
self 2n lg n
Controlling cosmos more, as self-fulfillings:
self nn
5 Key constants bound 5 stages of cosmic evolving
5 stages Their rank Their Min. action 5 SKey Constants
in cosmic in age in in ton as syntactic predictors
evolving and complexity Years equivalents
T M Names Formulas Converters
Verbal Stage a b c d e f real to i
Symbol Level Ai 100 1011+11i = imaginary imaginary
Society Level A I 102 1011 = √-1 Cartesian to polar
104 100 i = eπi/2 coordinates
Vital Stage • = “crux” creatant
Man's Level B 106 10 -11
. to bits
= lg C =. √12
Life Level C II 108

10-22 r = lg cL / h
to δ
= 3.46404
Material Stage = root--
Matter Level D 1010 10-33 "creatant" tens to
Energy Level E III 1012 10-44 h = lg 10
twos or
bits, lg2

Motional Stage = Pi negative to

Gravity Level F
Entropy Level G
10-66 π = Γ2(1/2)
diameter to
Infinitesimal Stage =Euler’s
Euler’s Continuous to
Primal level H
V? 1018 2256 γ -2

parameters of
5 binomial curves Key
are shown in 5 Time constants Name, Domain
stage rows Cycles bounding formula and converters from
Org bits Actant sets stages size of key, K base B1 to B2
Plate 5c: Derivation

Dimension of Cosmos

The 5 Key Constants DERIVATION: This TABLE IA shows a set product of 5 “key
below can all be derived constants”, SK, x 4 self-reiterant “key operations", KS, as simplest
from the enumerative combinatoric processes if m = 2 in repeating (mn& mm), permuting
generator: EG (nm), combining (mn).
4 Key Operation, KS
EG = ((n+1)/n)n self –sums self-product pair powers self powers
As below Pairings Squarings Normings Fulfilling
If n is large
EB = e = 2.71828 2n n2 2n nn
If n = -.5 g h Ii j
EG = ((-.5+1)/-.5)-.5 i 2i 12 2i ii
=1/i = paired image. = sq. image. = polar bit = fulfilled
= 2i = -1 =2 = e- π/2
= (1+i)2 =√1 = 1 “i-bit” = ci=ii(-16)=ce
If n = +.5 r 2r r2 2r rr
EG = ((+.5+1)/+.5)+.5 r ="paired crux” =rectangular =crux-bits. =fulfilled r
=√ 3 = 6.92808 variance ratio = c=11.03522 =73.96387
= γ, 2γ =r =lgc2=lg4r =12 r
cn=102 = c102h =lg cn 2=2h3
= lg2c =c , 2h
If n = +.5 2h h2 2h hh
EG = ((+.5+1)/+.5)+.5 h =Planck’s =”creatant” =ten-in-bits =fulfilled h
=√3 constant = c=lg2 = =10.00000 =53.95409
= γ, 2γ = h = 6.64386 11.03522 =2lg10 =10 =10√2 =√2 rh
hp 2h =cL=10 h = 10c
If n = +.5 2π π2 2π ππ
EG = = γ,= γ-1 π = circumference = sq. circle = 1/10 log of =fulfilled π
π/3 = = 6.28318 = 9.86960 complete univ. = 36.46023
γ3/3 + γ5/5- γ7/7 =ce =e2π * 4 = π2=πΓ2(1/2) = 10.00000 cL/3 h3
=2 lg 10=10
-2 -4 -2
If n = +.5 (i.e. minimal) 2γ γ γ-2 --2γ
2 γ
EG = ((+.5+1)/+.5)+.5 γ = paired squared =discrete =inv. γ 2 bits
=√ 3 = γ gamma converter -4 =fulfilled γ—2
=23 = 8 = 33 = 27
=2*3=6 =3 =9 (γ/2)
=r√3 = (r / 2) 4 =2 = (lg2h) lg h

If n is -1 EG is 0 Threshold of Variance of Areas under Fulfilled cycles

0 1 each stage each normal normal curves of N actants
1 2 “quantums” curve
-2 4

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 5d: Social Uses

SOCIAL USES of this man-symbol-thing system:
These keys may help society to unlock better know-how re n actants interacting in nn ways
depending on their internal organization levels & external relevant context from past to
future & on better symbolizing to help fulfill man: nnp
Key How simplest * compound keys fit # empiric constants
Con- *2 out of 100+ now known #with 99.6% + agreement
2n2 4n2 e
= paired squares = squared pairs 5 key constants
=stage meanings =stage ranges as empiric predicteds
Names % misfits Exact values of eK
k l m n o p
2i2 = -2 4i2 = -4 def. 2
0 % Δ : = 4i = -4, a bit bit
i = speech bit = speech bit bit = I = knowledge unit constant
=naming a name.
2r2 = 24 4r2 = 48 +.08% Δ
log 2N 0 (also lg F
r N0= Avogadro faraday's
=F = lg Faraday’s Constant

number constant= F)
2h, = 2c= 4h,2 = 4c= +.32% Δ = c-c, c,=11= lg 1011
“macro-crux” 4 log (rate of
h =f(log(2c)!) creation) = =Cn = Speed of Light in mm/sec/3
=22.07044 44.14088
2π2 4π2 +0% Δ = 4π2= (2 π)2= u4

=2Γ (1/2) =universal
=19.73921 gravitational constant =G= Gravitation Constant
=39.47842 in astronomical units
-4 -4
2γ 4γ -.02% Δ = .57721 =1/√ 3

γ =γ, = Euler- Mascheroni Constant

= 2√ 3 = 3r
=18 (γ =.57721) average of 5 Δ’s . 0 7 % or 99.93% agreement
= 36
2 5 5
2n =prin. 4σ2 = K subsystems show: 5 c isomorphs in 5
Quant. No. Range in binomial diagonal cells in column h,i: Kh –Kl = I; Kh–Kh-
in Atomic distribution 1
Periodic Table Where C = 2 π(π /2) = h 2 = 2 r = i 1 (-2 π ). 5
sums of 4K2S = Products of 3 K’s = powers of
top K = Size of Universe –
γ2 + π2+h2+r2 = π * h * r = 36 = r4/4 = ¼ log
Cn13 entropons

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 6a: The Permutive Gravity Hypothesis, G = [2r2(U0/2)] = 4π2

SD: 72-14 by S.C. Dodd

EpiDoc 244 Univ. of Wash.
Seattle 98105 Apr. 11, 1972

How the total Energy of the Universe U0 , when analyzed down to a set of n near-infinitesimals
nn possible ways total Energy of the Universe, U6, when analyzed down to a set of n near-
(called "primons"), each 10-71 erg, if resynthesized by permuting' within their (as specified
below) could constantly form a curved space and action of gravity.


"PRIMON HYP: If the ...permute, internally ...then they

PERMUTINGS cosmic set of n and externally and constantly form a
ORGANIZE primons, in m successively (as dynamic curved
GRAVITY" staggered cohorts, specified below)... space &
at t phases of their gravitational action.
as 1 of 4 subsystems or life cycles...
stages of a cosmo-cycle [2r2(1/2)]2
by the Mass-Time U0/2=1/2 ... 4π2=G
Triangle or Epicosm if permuted in &
Equation Each half-universe... between halves… ...produces the G
a/ct=1= U0

STEP 1: Ordering STEP 2: Reversing an ordering STEP 3: Repeating a

Randomness forms a forms a half circle (or a permuted reversal forms a full cycle
vector length n = n half set of radius n of diameter 2n
Γ(1/2)n = πn πn+ πn=2 πn

π π

Dimension of Cosmos

STEP 4: Repeating t cycles STEP 5: A Self-product of a cycle STEPS 5+ : (Further

forms a supercycle of radius forms its square or the gravitation steps)
constant G t successive self-products
r = 2πrt form the t levels of cosmic
G = 2π x 2π = 4π2 (2π2) organization
n=rt, all integers (See Mass-Time Triangle)
y = (2π)2

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 6b: The Permutive Gravity Hypothesis Explained

SD: 72-14A EpiDoc 244

This page tries to tell in simple prose and equations (like 0 = 4n2) how random primal
actants, or near-infinitesimals of energy, can (simply by permuting or rearranging themselves)
continually form and maintain a dynamic curved space and gravitational interaction (and later
compound into all other levels of cosmic interaction or organization).

Step 1 – Order randomness forms a radius-vector, n

From any random point in a randomly moving set or "swarm" of actant-points, or near-
infinitesimals of energy (hereafter called “primons”) pass a randomly directed radius-vector, n.
The n actant-points falling along this vector at any one instant fixes a random permutation or
orders of those n points. If this baseline random ordering is identified by naming its n points by
the natural numbers 1 to n, then changes in the ordering, called “permutings” can be measured
in units of pair-interchanges called “transpositions” (as when two marbles roll around each
other and change their AB order to BA.

Step 2 - Reversing an Ordering forms a half cycle, π n

A reversal of the ordering of n points in a line can be measured in transposition units

(i.e., pair-permuted units) by the gamma function Γ (n) = n!/n = (n-1) (n-2) (n-3)--3•2•1 (for
integer n). It can be graphed as if each point moved along a semi-circle of radius n, i.e., as π n;
or as a vector rotating thru an angle of 180° or π radians. Its formula for all actant-elements in
the cosmos, U0, is Γ(U0/2) • Γ(U0/2) = Γ2(1/2) = π. This π stands for a half-cycle, a transition
from an active randomness in a period to an aligned and reversed ordering at one instant, a
reversal of sign, a 180° rotation (among many other meanings of π ).

The cosmos is here operationally defined as the universal set (U0 = 1) of all things
namable, called "actants". This includes both itself and the null set since these are namable. It
includes anything non-existent at least as an existent act of speech whether its referent is null
or not. Primal actants are the prime or unorganized subset of actants.

Step 3- Repeating a reversal forms a full cycle, 2 π n

Step 3 repeats the internal permutings of Steps 1 and 2 in the other half of the cosmos.
This doubles the semicircle's reversal (2π) of a random permutation (or ordering of n elements
(=πn)). It thus forms a full "cosmo-cycle", measured and expressed in algebraic letter and
number symbols, as 2πn or 2π U0. In word symbols, 2πn translates into "the measure of the
circumference of a circle" (where "the measured of" means "compared with a multiple of a
standard unit" which goes back to the natural numbers which in turn can be derived from, or
built up by, the reitering rule of speech behavior). 2πn can also be viewed as a permutation of
n things (which are reversal operations or n's here) when taken m at a time by the formula, nm,
for permuting (with repetitions allowed) in the starting case when n is minimal at 2 and m at 1

Dimension of Cosmos

so 21 (πn) = 2πn. Its numerical value is 2 x 3.14159n = 6.28318n.

Step 4 - Factoring the radius. n forms t subcycles. each of radius r. if n=rt. (2πr)t

Step 4 continues these permutings by repeating t times the cycle of radius r. If n is

factored into r • t (all integers), this "generalized cycle" formula, 2πn = (2πr)t, can be graphed
either as 1 cycle of radius r (where both r and t are natural numbers) or as t cycles of radius 1.
This factoring flexibly develops cycles into subcycles and supercycles. These can represent
almost any set of actants, its subsets and elements, all as circles in a curved, or totally circular,

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 6c: The Permutive Gravity Hypothesis Explained (Con.)

SD: 72-14A EpiDoc 244

Step 5 - Squaring the cycle forms the Gravitation Constant (2π)2 = G

If the permutings thru Step 4 (forming a cycle) are repeated they will form:
a unit cycle squared (2π)2 = 4π2 , or
a self-product of actants, 2πn in number, or
a pair-permuting, or
the universal gravitation constant G = 4π2 in astronomical units as a
dimensionless pure number, the squared circumference of a circle.

G represents the summarizing and invariant interactions called "gravitational action."

Gravity includes its many subforms called "spinning," "orbiting," "circling," "cycling," "rotating,"
"falling," "accelerating (toward a center)," "attracting (between 2 masses)," "escaping from
orbit," "forming waves (in large sets by alternating semicycles)," and other consequences of
dynamic curved space.

This curved space in turn becomes further organized by simple permutings of "gravons"
into photons, particles, atoms, molecules, DNA helices, etc. (as spelled out in the Mass-Time

Further Steps, #6 -Successive self-products form all higher cosmic levels (of actant cohorts,
continually organized by negative entropy, in due life-cycles, and
disorganized by positive entropy)

Further cumulating of t successive pair-permutings or squarings forms the higher levels

of cosmic organization, (2π)
t successive squarings, or t serial self-products, of any n set of actants, n , as started in
Step 5, develops the Gompertz growth and decay curve. This is the law of negative entropy, or
information (H = Σpi lg pi, or n lg n = lg nn = the self-power in bits = the fulfillment" of all
combinatorial possibilities in any n-set of actants.

Negative entropy can, according to the Mass-Time Triangle, account for the further
organizing of the next three stages in cosmic evolution within every cohort's cosmocycle of
actants. (See the Cosmosphere graphed in EpiDoc181R).

Dimension of Cosmos

A first trial version of this descriptive semiotic formulation here called a "Permutive
Gravity Hypothesis" is:

[2Γ2(U0/a)]2 = [2Γ2(1/2)]2 = (2π)2 = 4π2 = G = the universal gravitation constant in natural

astronomical units. This series of algebraic formulas asserts as one of several alternative
prose versions:

"If all n primal actants* interact permutively as spelled out# by the gamma function and t
successive self-products (i.e., squarings or pair-permutings), in y = [2Γ2(U0/a)]2t, then they
continually form a curved space and the consequent interactions of gravitation."

* These "primons" of Action or near-infinitesimals of energy-in-time (where A=ET=ML2T-1) are

estimated by the Mass-Time Triangle (MTT),& Epicosm Equation, a/ct=1, (where c =. 11= log
"Creatant" rate) to be each 10-71 erg in mass and 10+77 in number within the real and rising
As usual in combinatoric algebra, other alternative derivations or formulations are possible
and confirmatory. Note that:
1) π/2 = Π (4n2/4n2-1).
2) or π/4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 +
3) or arctan x = x - x3/3 + x5/5 = x7/7 + .................. -1 ≤ x ≤ 1. (If x = 1, 1 results)
4) If x = 1/√ 3, π is exact to 70 decimals.

Footnote: By the Gregory series (1971) p. 92, History of Mathematics by H. Eves, 1969, Holt,
Rinehart, and Winston.

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 6d: Hypotheses about Sub-Gravity Levels Explained

How many levels best specify the cosmic hierarchy of actants? Do 8 or 9 levels, one
Creatant apart, best describe the present structuring of cosmic activity, or best explain its past
generating, or best predict its future functioning?
Towards answering this question as to whether the bottom (or also the top).of the Mass-
Time Triangle is open closed (and if closed, at what boundary?) at least two hypotheses, A and
B, are sketched herewith.

The earlier Hypothesis A uses 8 levels (see EpiDoc301) starting at Level G in the MTT.
It assumes a curved space as the start of the stochastic organizing of everything. Curved
space is measured by the unit-cycle (=2π) or half-cycle (=π) as its elemental actant.
The later-developed Hypothesis B (see EpiDoc306) uses 9 levels, starting one level
lower at Level H in MTT. It assumes the randomly acting set of primons, or near-infinitesimals
of energy, as the start (and also the end) of every cohort's cosmocycle. The gamma function of
any random half set, Γ2(U0/2)= π measures the reversal of any random ordering. But let Table 5
compare their specifications further:

(See table 5 below)

Both Hypotheses A and B support the entropic, or permutive, submodel for the cosmos,
y=e2 . This explains all cosmic organization from level to level by its n actons equably forming
(and unforming in their life cycles) all their pair-permutings or self-products called "successive
parings" (shown in Table 5), as graphed by the Gompertz S-shaped growth and decay curve,
pe1-go •
Its first derivative or rate of organizing in bits is dptidt=4c2qtlgqt=-.48046 lg expressing in
bits a self-power or fulfillment of its actants.
The 8-levels Hypothesis A predicts, better than B, this binary numbers system of
exponents (=2n) in that it neatly subdivides each cosmocycle into 2 half-lives, 4 eras, 8 stages
& 16 eons (=the 16 levels of organization), predicting their recurrence in every recurring cohort
of octants.
The 9-levels Hypothesis B explains, better than A, the start of each cosmocycle by
analyzing the curved space (assumed as the given in Hypothesis A) still further as a permuting
within and between halves of the random primons as measured by the gamma function of any
half-set (=U°/2),
Namely 1-2(00/2)4(1/2) = n. Thus Hypothesis B explains how the orderly permutative
organization of the whole cosmos perpetually arises from randomness at the nadir that both
ends and begins every cohort cosmocycle (with the continuous creation of curved space and
the consequent interactions of gravity).
Any Universe, U, within the cosmos can be specified by its subscript, stating by a
number how many half-cycles it includes and by letters its top and bottom levels--thus
U7AG=the real and rising spatial universe, while U18AiH = the whole 18-half-levels of the complex
rising-and-falling universe. (See EpiDoc26)

Dimension of Cosmos

Table 5 The Lowest Level Specifications

Letter Its Acton's Its Its Its Its Its New Its Key Constant in terms of Its Assumed Its
of Mass equiv. Former New New Primon Phase Start or Base Formula
Level in tons Name Name Acton
Power ..t π h,r y
2 2 y
2 2 y 2 ' Squared, or
F 10-55 Gravity Gravity Gravon Cn = 102c 2 4π2=G r2h ' Pair-permuted G=(2π)2
Curved Space,
Entropy Curvity Curvon 1 2π y /2
or Pair-per-
G 10-66 Cn = 101c 1 r√h 2y 2 '
' 2π=Γ2(1/2)
muted primons.

Random Energy
10-77 0 0 2 2
infinitesimals, E N=σzέ = Σσ6
E (none) Primity Primon 0
Cn = 10 √2y 2 '
y /2
(2-256) √2π
=1 √r√h '
C = 11.03522 . y
π =. √3h = y √2 ' = 3.14159n = pi
' '
The"-on" y
2 h = 2 ' = 3.32193 = the “Root-Creatant”
Fixed by flags = h = lg2 10 '
projecting Hyp. A. Hyp. A. the '
Creation =8-level =9-level threshol r . r = 2y = 3.46410 = √12 = lg c= lg Cn = the “Crux”
line universe universe d actant 2 _=. (r+1)
' '
downwards at π π , π =3.51 = “co pi”
a level y = √3 = 1/.57721 ± .02%
'2y y
2 ' = 4 ' = “Life Constant” (DNA)

Cn = 10C = the Creation Rate in tons organized per eon or log century
= the interlevel quantum jump in the Mass-Time Triangle
=. the speed of light in Epicosm standard and simplifying units of millimeters, tons & thirds of a second.
=graphed as the slope of the left side of MTT

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 7a: Four Cosmic Laws of Organization as Stochastic Processes

Name of the Its formula. Its Key, Ks, Aim of Tense Input Thruput factors Output
law and and equation process or scientists of transfactor Trans x Timings produce product,
discoverer number self-reiter- served cosmic Actors X Interactings x T End-States
ant log activity P X A g V
a b governor c d e f h i j
Euler's y=e =1 2n•π predicts the future as Interacting In t Forms (if the helix of t
HELIX = cos2πn a self-sum of πn organizing of cosmic n by Successive n is coils
Laws +isin2πn activity random combining Cycles of an
Eq 33a actants & permuting radius r integer)
in unit life (rt=n)
Gauss’ y=1/ue.5(x ) x2 describes Present as Interacting t times forms (if The normal
NORMAL un = √2πn a self- the organ- cosmic n jointly as in area curve
law Eq 33b product of x izing of activity all-or-none (p+q)t = σ = 1)
2 actants
Gompertz t 2t explains the cosmic as interacting t forms the
ENTROPIC y=e2 a pair-power, organ- activity n as self- successive entropic
Law Eq 33c the Power set izing of ceaseless products or times as growth (and
3 actants squarings e(2 ) decay)
Stirling's (nn) nn controls anytime as interacting Simul- forms The
COMBINAT a self-power the organ- cosmic n by taneously combinat-
ORIC law, izing of activity reiterant combining (nn) oric of self-
u as in e
actants permuting & fulfilling
4 Eq 33d repeating curves
Dodd’s y = e(K ) = eθ Ks Models the All time as Interacting simul- forms The Mass-
Self- (2n,n2,2n,nn) organizing of cosmic n in up to nn taneously Time
or A=Ct (Ks)
Reiterant = the 4 “self- activity actants or ways as in e Triangle
laws, in C and t reiterants” things - (log scales)
5 units namable
Eq 33e

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 7b: Four Theses in Epicosm Modeling

SD: 70-34A by S.C. Dodd

EpiDoc195A Univ of Wash
June 1, 1970 Seattle,

The four theses (below) in Epicosm modeling may be tentatively asserted for trial and
testing as hypotheses at first. Ultimately any confirmed hypotheses become a
synthesis or model which is an operationally defined integrative theory of the cosmos.
The "Epicosm Features Matrix" below orders the chief terms in these theses by increasing
complexity or completeness downwards and rightwards. The matrix lists and orders (in
Col. 1) the set of four terms in the theses composing the Epicosm theory, with their new
definitive and summarizing concepts (in Col. 2) together with the associated aims of
scientists (in Col. 3) and the chief submodels or means thereto (in Col. 4). The four rows
expand the four theses in correlated terms.

(See Table 1)

The four theses can be jointly summarized in one sentence that states (see EpiDoc
195) a semiotic version of the Epicosm theory for the material and mental universes as
"If one describes cosmic activity in terms of CONCURRENT CYCLES of INTERACTS
by ACTANTS, then one explains and predicts it better than in other terms."
The Epicosm Model's formula, at = ct, where at = actants at Level t; c = Creatant constant;
t = time -- all as graphed in the Mass-Time Triangle.

Dimension of Cosmos

Table 1 16 Epicosm Features (out of 64 in full matrix)

8 Features of Cosmic Activity 8 Features of Cosmists' Activity

4 Theses
= cosmos

of the cosmos new in Epicosm of Cosmists or hypotheses

Modeling by tense by tense


Abscissa in def. the present distribution
of actants

Mass-Time = any thing -namable (Gauss' formula)

Triangle 2=unit of actants, 2
y = e-.5x

Unit=1•Actant 1 bit, a pair, an


θ = lg A = a = all "reiterating" the past growth and decay

Unit = 1 bit operations (Gompertz' formula)


y = √3=means, t

' y = e2
standard actant
=constant of
o r g an i zi n g


t= ±lg A c = 1g210 = log C the future (Euler's formula)
Unit = 1 Cycle = 11.03522 y = e2πit

= 2π • 1 = constant log
Creation Rate

π=the half-cycle,
unit of time


Complexity: . at any time interacts
= lg r! =. lg c
H = A lg A = At (Stirling's formula)
Creation Rate: = 3.46 =. √12 n n = en!n√2πn
. . = self-power

Cn = 10 c =. 10 1 1 r = N/σN =. 2π/√h
& concurrently

= "Fulfillment"

of actants
r is where uniquely

combinations =
2πy, = πr=standard
cosmic level

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 8: The 4 X 4 Reiteratings Matrix

Row 1
f o rm s e v e r y s y m b o l m a n u s e s ;
and so helps to describe the cosmos interactively
and and defines a unit called a

4 Factors in of any it with In any In three

the element of
a reitering
thing-namable, a name, order speech acts, all language
“re-“ = “reit-“ = “reiter-“ = ”reitering-“

Row 2
f orms all syntax men use;
and so helps to explain the cosm os relatively

4 Rounds in into into into into SYNTAX

a reitering
SETS, SUMS PRODUCTS POWERS i.e., all language
,,,, + X |X & math

Dimension of Cosmos

Row 3
forms 4 KEY processes;
and so hel ps to predict the cosmos quantitatively


4 or or or or 4 KEY

2n n2 2n nn

Row 4
forms 4 submodels;
and so helps to control the cosmos systematically

Predicting Describe Explaining Controlling Produces
future cycles past growths Anytime (by tense of time)
(eπ2)2n n
.5 n
(e ) n

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 9: The Unital Cosmos

EpiDoc 267 by S. C. Dodd
Mar. 6, 1973 Univ. of Wash.
Seattle 98105

Graphed as a unit cube on 3 axes (a/ct = 1/1.1 = 1)

This page builds on the Mass-Time Triangle and aims to unify that modeling:
A) by defining cosmos as the universal set of all things-namable, called "actants," each
taken as an item of compounding Action or organized Energy in Time, so A = ET, or
A/ET = 1.
B) by symbolizing cosmos, like any set, in units of itself so U1/U1 = U1-1 = U0 = 1. This
derives the zero exponent notation for any set or intersect. Thus X0 as a factor
qualifies its products without changing any quantity. Words of any sentence qualify
1=n 0 0
each other, forming better specified units of thought. Π (X i ) = X n = 1. This zero
exponent could outdo zero digits in making man's qualified thinking more exact.
C) by graphing the cosmos as a unit cube (below) with 3 axes and 9 Levels (overleaf)
__ _ _
wherein each Edge = √-1 = ±1; Face diagonals = √2; and Cube diagonals = √3
= y,. These 3 simplest Root-Integers build up the Key constants, Periodic Table,
_ 3 5 7 y
etc., etc. Thus y, = √3 = 1/y, = 1/.5772; arctan y, = y, - y /3 + y /5 - y /7 ---; h = 2 '; r
' ' '
2 h 2 2 2
= 2y ; c = 2 , 10 = 2 ; and 4π = G (Gravity); 2h = C (Light); 4r = lg F (Faraday),
D) by testing formulas via unital equations, like a/ct = 1, formed by dividing, by one side,
any equating of hypothesis to fact, of possible factors to their product, of prediction
to outcome, etc., in order to measure fits as a % of 1.
E) by every Acton (= smallest actant at a level) splitting its unit axis into 2 proportions or
cumulative probabilities, such that p + q = 1.

Dimension of Cosmos

Dimension of Cosmos

Dimension of Cosmos

Actant = any thing-namable
Acton = smallest actant at a Level (=Ai---H)
Primon = acton at H=10-77 =. 2-256 ton equiv.
Cohort = coeval set of actons
Reiter = combine, permute, repeat
Creatant=log Creation Rate=log Cn= c = lg210=h2=2r=π π =4y =. 11
Spatial Univ. = 8 Levels Ai-H p + q = 1 = U
Rising portion + Complement = Whole Axis

4 unital subprocesses, if viewed from Now, generate 4 stochastic Cosmic Laws, thus:
a) In the present, cosmic contents, as structured by actants
interacting in their 2 half-lives, are described by the
Binomial and NORMAL Probability Laws: (p + q)n = 1n = 1
b) In the past first half-life, cosmic causation, as t successive
self-products, or squarings, with a growth and decay rate
measured by bits of fulfillment, nlgn=lgnil, is explained by the
ENTROPIC Law of cosmic evolving and devolving: ∫ lg pp dt = 1
c) In the future tense, cosmic consequences, reitering under
reitering conditions, are predicted by the single (and double
2πira t
for DNA) HELIX Law as: at = (e ) s = 1rt = 1
d) At any time, cosmic on-going, as all n actants interact, equably,
reiteratingly, and ceaselessly, forming and unforming in their
cohort life-cycles, all their possible na fulfillments is controlled
n n .
by Stirling's SELF-POWER Law: e n!/n √2πn =. 1

These 4 unital laws, fulfilling the 4 aims of scientists (underlined above) analyze and
exactly resynthesize cosmos as a vast stochastic and ergodic process which (whatever its
internal fluctuations) seems overall cyclically constant, self-creating, and eternally existent.

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 10a: How Gambits Organize Cosmos

thru the m-powers of Root-3 acting as bits, or exponents, fixing bench marks for surveying the

Let: "Actant" = anything-namable (in erg-seconds)

"Cosmos" - universal set of actants (=U° = 1)
Let: m = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; γ 1= /T = 1.73205; y = “a gam”
ym 2y
Y = 2 ' = lg Y2 = "GAMBIT = 2 ' = "GAMBIT
sub-one " Y2 = 2 ' 2
sub-one "
The Gambits hypothesis by analyzing the cosmos into "Curvons" of Action, A (each 10-
erg-seconds) and resynthesizing its Organization, 0 = lgA, via powers-of-gamma bits (called
"gambits" here) expects system-metric "indices" to describe and explain, to predict and control
cosmic acts better than rival models do. In this Y matrix read up and rightwards just as actants
interact in permuting or forming self-products by at = u, (u, =√2π•1 = 2.50662.)

This Gambit generates, as the power, m, rises, 10 constants, Y, or cosmic bench-marks on

a rising lg gradient of bits of Organization, (=1gA) of cosmic Action, A, (= no. of actant's) in the
Mass-Time Triangle defined by a/ct = 1 = U0 which is the "Pan-Acts" formula for the cosmos.

Dimension of Cosmos

The Real Spatial Universe (of t - 7 Levels, A-G) within cosmos omits the extended top
and bottom levels in MTT, namely: the Imaginary Level, Ai, of Speech Symboling and the
sub-spatial Level H of unorganized, or random, primal actant-elements (each C-8 = 10-88 erg-

Mass-Time Triangle (of 9 levels)

Spatial Univ. t = 7
(Imaged Level: Ai and Subspatial Level H omitted)

0 = 256

G A= 2 512

Dimension of Cosmos

Much as in Pascal's Triangle, each matrix cell here is formed from the cell below it, as a
"gambit" or first move, by raising m, the power of y, 1 unit; and from the left hand cell by
exponentiating to the base 2.(Roman column numeral denotes tier of logs)
m y Cosmic Bench Marks
Powers '
Powers of 5 Single Gambits 5 Double Gambits
√3 Formulas Y1 Names Formulas Y2
4 y4
y 2
2 ' 512 2 ' 10154
Bits in the U Spatial

Macro Units
9 y4
4 4
y =9
Universe 2
2 2
2 ' Universe
' 2 h '
3 y3
5/9 y 2
2 ' 36.651 2 ' 1011
Creatant C Speed of
' 3 y3
3 3
y = 3√ 3 y Rate 2h '
2 ' Light
' 23√3 8'
2 y2
y 2
2 ' 8 2 ' 256

8 No. of 256 Top
2 2
y =3 23 h'
Real Levels 2
8 2
2 '
1 y1
1.73205 y 2
2 ' 3.32193 2 ' 101
1 h Bits in Ten 10 Tens
y1 = √ 3 ' 2
1 2y = r = √3 y
2 2 ' Modulus

Micro Units
' ' 2 2 '
0 y0
y 2
2 ' 2.0 2 ' 4
2 4
0 2 y0
0 y1 =1 1 Bits 2 2 ' Bitbits

Five Organization Five Organization

Bench Marks Bench Marks
= θ = lg A = bits A = Actants

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 10b & c: Explanation of the Gambits Bench Marks

The Pan-Act Model, a/ct = 1, as Background

The Gambit Formula, Y„ presented in the matrix overleaf, defines 10 bench marks, or
constants of the cosmos serving as reference points for surveying briefly all cosmic Action
(=A), its Organization (= 8 = lg A) and Timing (T = Σ|θ|) according to the Pan-Acts Model
reviewed herewith:
Let "actant" = any thing-namable, viewed as an item of action or Energy x Time (so A =
ET = ML2T-1 dimensionally).
Let "cosmos" = the universal set (= U° = 1) of all actants. (Let the zero exponent denote
"the set of ---" (whatever its base stands for).)
Then the Pan-Acts Model, or system of testable hypotheses, states: "If all n actants
interact in all nn ways, then they fulfill all their possibilities and so form the cosmos and all its
This Acts model for the cosmos is graphed and specified in more detail in the Mass-
Time Triangle (=MTT) and summarized in the Pan-Act formula, a/ct = 1, where a = actants at
Level t, c = the Creatant Rate C. 11), and t = any of the 9 levels of cosmic organization.

When m = 0, Y, =
2 ' 20 A bit of organization is a dynamic unit of
2 Bit Becoming, i.e., 2 possibilities becoming 1
1 outcome.

In 2n = N or lg N = n, n stands for the number of bits, the log; capital N stands for the
antilog which is also the number of combinations of n things taken 0 to n at a time. N = the total
frequency or area under the binomial curve (or a normal curve for n large). N = subsets in an
Let "a bit of information" denote two possibilities becoming one outcome when in the
past tense with outcome known--like work energy in physics;
Let "a bit of decision" refer to that unit of becoming in the present tense while the
outcome is in the process like kinetic energy currently flowing;
Let "a bit of uncertainty" stand for the bit in the future tense where the outcome is
unknown, or potential, paralleling potential energy that has not yet happened;
Let "a bit of complexity" denote, regardless of tense, the formula H = lg -Σ pi where any
unit set (= S0 = 1) is divided into m subsets each of any size or number of elements;
Let "a bit of organization" denote the regular case where the m subsets are equal with
n/m elements and so that each of these unit subsets is 1/mth of the set and each element is
1/nth of the set. Here H = lg n = θ = "Organization."

Dimension of Cosmos

When m = 1, Y, = y . _ . .
1 h = 2 ' = 2√3- = 3.32193 =. π ! =. Γ(u ) =.
y ' '
2 ' 3.32193 2 _

Bits in Ten σ 2π = √c = √π π = 2 r / 2 = lg 10, = the

' "Root-Creatant"
2√3 2'

This Root-Creatant is the Square root of the Creatant constant, c (= 11.03522) = h2; =
r y h
2 ' = r ! = 2π+1/ π = 4 '. It is also the bits log of ten (h = lg 10 or 2 '= 10) and so converts all
' '
man's cultural custom of computing in tens (because of our 10 fingers) into nature's practice
of combining mostly in pairs. The Creatant, in turn is the empirically observed interlevel or
macro-unit of cosmic organization. c is the slope in MTT and is the constant rate of
continual self-organizing of the cosmos.

When m = 2, Y, =
2 2
y y y
2 ' 8 8, the Octave = 2 ' = h '
8 No. of Real = number of the real levels in MTT,
23 h' Levels = a basic unit of organization.

e.g., the 8 x 8 Mendelyev Table, the octave on the piano, the Buddhists' Eight-Fold
Path, the B cosmic levels, etc., etc. (see Genesa). 8 is the maximal value of t, the number of
eons of time, in the Pan-Acts log formula for the real cosmos, namely, a=ct, or in unital form,
a/ct=1. These eight eons as 1 full cycles comprising their 16 rising and falling half-lives
constitute the real cosmocycle of 2 half-lives, 4 "eras," 8 "stages," or 16 "eons" of time, T. The
cosmocycle T16 then equals 10 2 • 16 = 1032 = e ' ' = years by MTT readings. Note that this
cosmocycle measures in nits the self-fulfillment, r ', of the universal or standardized actant, r .
' '
(i.e., r, = √12 = 3.46410 is the actant in standard deviation terms since in a rectangular
distribution of actants σ A = A/r so A/σA = A /A/r = r .)
' ' '

When m = 3, Y, =
3 3 3y
y y y
2 ' 36.651 h 3 =2 ' = 8 ' = 2 ' = 36.651
3 "the Cubit." This bench mark in cosmic
h Creatant
' Rate organization is the cube of the Root-
y Creatant. It is thus the cubed bits in 10
23√3 8'
and named for short a "cubit."

This revives an archaic unit to use as modern technical measure of the log number of actants

Dimension of Cosmos

in 1 cosmic period of Action, A, (= 1 Level of Organization, θ (= lg A); or 1 eon of Time, T (Σ | θ

|). Note that a cubit in bits equals a Creatant in "decits" or common logs, i.e., 2 = 2hc = 10C =
Cn = 10lg2 10 = 1011.03522, the Creation Rate. So the Creation Rate expressed in bits is lg en = h3
= 1 cubit = 36.651 bits (of erg-seconds of Action).

4 3y
When m = 4, Y, = y
3 29 = 512 = 2 ' = h ' = 83
2 ' 512 Bits in = the lg U14, the bits logs of the real spatial
512 Universe universe of 7 levels or 7 full eons.
29 h ' (Levels G thru A in the MTT.)

This real spatial universe does not include the top or imaginary Level of Speech Acts (Ai
in MTT) nor the bottom pre-spatial, or unorganized, Level H of Primons. Primons (=Level H)
are the randomly acting ultimate elements of energy, each estimated at 2-256 or 10-71 equivalent
erg-seconds at the nadir.
The Gambits Sub-Model Y = 2 ' with y = √3 as Core Element
' '
The square root of 3 = y = √3 = 1.73205, is the inverse (within .02%) of the Euler-
Mascheroni constant, y0 = .57721 =. 1/y . The English letter y, is here used to stand for the
root of three, √3
(1) to distinguish it from the Euler constant
(2) to be more typewritable, and
(3) to denote the basic unit-log or unit of exponent along the vertical ordinate measuring
the degree of Organization in the Mass-Time Triangle.
n+1 n
It can be derived from the Enumerative Generator, ( n ) = EG at the minimal limit when n =
1/2, EG = √3.
y serves as a log converter between discrete and continuous variables, between the finite and
the infinitesimals, by the formula: Σn-1 = In (n + .5) + y0 .
(a) One (permutive) operation--self-multiplying y, to an integer power m (= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)--
defines a "gam" = ym.
(b) A second (combinative) operation--exponentiating any gam to the base 2--defines
the Single Gambit, Y = 2 ' .
(c) A third (repetitive) operation--repeating that exponentiating--defines the Double
Gambit, Y = 2 '.
These 3 forms of interacting build the Gambits model, Y .
The explication of the five Double Gambits, Y = 2 ' in a paragraph each (as exhibited

Dimension of Cosmos

here for the Single Gambits, Y = 2 ' = lg Y ) is omitted here in the Second Printing of this 64
' ''
Exhibits Booklet) to make way for the newly developed EpiDoc 305:11, page 4, on the
"Gambits Grid Cylinder."

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 11: The Permutive Gravity Hypothesis, G = [2r2(U0/2)] = 4π2

SD: 72-14 by S.C. Dodd

EpiDoc 244 Univ. of Wash.
Seattle 98105 Apr. 11, 1972

How the total Energy of the Universe U0 , when analyzed down to a set of n near-
infinitesimals nn possible ways total Energy of the Universe, U6, when analyzed down to a set
of n near- (called "primons"), each 10-71 erg, if resynthesized by permuting' within their
(as specified below) could constantly form a curved space and action of gravity.


HYP: If the cosmic ...permute, internally ...then they constantly
"PRIMON set of n primons, in and externally and form a dynamic
PERMUTINGS m staggered cohorts, successively (as curved space &
ORGANIZE GRAVITY" at t phases of their specified below)... gravitational action.
life cycles...
as 1 of 4 subsystems
or stages of a cosmo- U0/2=1/2 [2r2(1/2)]2 4π2=G
cycle by the Mass- ...
Time Triangle or Each half-universe... if permuted in & ...produces the G
Epicosm Equation between halves… constant.

a/ct=1= U0

STEP 1: Ordering STEP 2: Reversing an ordering STEP 3: Repeating a

Randomness forms a forms a half circle (or a permuted reversal forms a full cycle
vector length n = n half set of radius n of diameter 2n
Γ(1/2)n = πn πn+ πn=2 πn

π π

Dimension of Cosmos

STEP 4: Repeating t cycles STEP 5: A Self-product of a cycle STEPS 5+ : (Further

forms a supercycle of radius forms its square or the gravitation steps)
constant G t successive self-products
r = 2πrt form the t levels of cosmic
G = 2π x 2π = 4π2 (2π2) organization
n=rt, all integers (See Mass-Time Triangle)
y = (2π)2

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 12: Bits Seem Inter-dimensional Units

EpiDoc 401 by S.C. Dodd

Nov. 25, 1974 Univ. of Wash.
From EpiDoc 294R Seattle 98195

Or = n = lg N = lg 2n = “Or” = Organizational index

= ordinate in Mass-Time Triangle

I. Unit-free Dimensions (i.e., Schwarzchild’s) Mu, Lu, Tu, Du (density) are defined by :
A. Mu = √Ch/G = 5.45707 x 10-5 = the unit-free mass (“cosmo-mass?)
B. Lu = √Gh/C3 = 4.049895 x 10-33 = the unit-free Schwarzchild radius of Mu
C. Tu = 2π√Gh/C5 = 8.48795 x 10-43 = the Shuster period of Mu and Lu
D. Du = 3C5/4πG2h = 11.96128 x 1092 = the mass density of a sphere of mass
Mu and Lu
II. Their Rations, permitting relative solutions, yields power of unit-free velocity, Vu , thus:
A. Lu/ Tu = (Gh•C5/C322π2Gh).5 = (C/2π)1 = Vu = First power (or moment?) of Velocityu
B. Mu/ Lu = (Ch•C3/G•Gh).5 = (C/2π)1 = Vu = Second power (or moment?) of
C. Mu/ Tu = (Ch•C5/G•Gh 22π2).5 = (C/2π)1= Vu = Third power (or moment?) of Velocityu
3 1 2 4
D. Vu • Vu = Mu • Lu/Tu • Tu = MuLu /Tu = Vu = Fu = Forceu , as a Fourth power of Vu
4 1 3 5
E. Vu • Vu = MuLu • Lu/Tu • Tu = MuLu /Tu = Vu = Pu = Poweru , as a Fifth power of Vu
Vu m = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
III. The 3-Axis Matrix , M is the Vu array when bordered in turn by its products with
t l m t l m
integer powers of Time, Tu ; of Length, Lu and of Mass, Mu , so MIII = Tu x Lu x Mu .
Since every formula of Physics can be re-expressed in dimensional formula (with loss of
information as to the nature and number of units) and since this solid matrix, MIII has a
cell for every
possible integer dimensional formula, this 3-axis matrix seems to become a Periodic
Table for Physical Formulas.
IV. A Binary Number, N (= 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc.) = (20, 21, 22, 23, ---) = 2n = the Power Set
of all possible subsets of any set of n elements), or a number of bits, n, can be
associated with each cell of this matrix, much like the atomic numbers (of protons)
associated with each cell of the Periodic Table for the Chemical atoms. Thus by taking a
log unit cycle, e2πi = 1 (of unspecified radius, called "the unit cycle") as the "Sun Time"
unit, Tu = 1, and 2 as the log relation of Length to Time, i.e., L = T2 so log L = 2 log T
(see Feynman, et al, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.,
1964, p.5-1 the log Mass will be 23 = 8 by II. B. & C. above. Then the Binary Numbers
are 1 for Time, 2 for Length (4 for area, L2) and 8 for Mass. Then every log dimensional
formula, being a product of integer powers of these three, will have a binary number, N

Dimension of Cosmos

(= 2n bits) associated with it.

V. Bits can Re-express All Dimensional Formula in Timeless Terms
Thus in the unit-free Schwarzschild formula, (C/2π)m = Vu (Eq. 1) for all
dimensional formulas of Physics, let C be expressed in "Alpha-meters, αm ," defined by
C/e8π = αm/2. So Eq. 1 becomes (e8π2π)m in alpha-meter units of length, each
7.29188698 mm (=α + 7.49 ppm).Then translating this atom-time term, e8π, into its sun-
time equivalent transforms Eq. 1 into bits thus:
Vu = (C/2π)m = (e8π/2r)m in αm units (8π/2π)m = 4m = (22)m =
(2m)2 = N2.
The m in 2m is the number of bits in the binary numbers, N (= 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc.).
Thus by shifting our language, or symbolizing customs, all formulas of Physics when
freed of the nature and number of their particular units by being re-expressed as
dimensional formulas, can be again re-expressed in interdimensional units of set theory
and combinatoric algebra as the power set, 2 , and its square, 4m. 2m has a dozen
meanings including being the measure of the area under the binomial and normal
curves (for m large). Forming normal curves begins to organize law and order out of
random actons at every level of the Mass-Time Triangle that graphs the continuous and
perpetual evolving and concurrent devolving of the whole cosmos. See EpiDocs 310, pp
2-3; 311; 312.
VI. Bits offer a semiotic Unified Field Theory, the MTT, for all sciences
Note that this self-power or "fulfillment," formula (22)m, semantically unifies, or
offers a semiotic unified field theory, for:
A. All formulas of Physics or Levels D, E, and below in the Mass-Time Triangle (which
graphs the Pan-Acts Model, a = ct, for the cosmos);
B. All DNA cell nucleotide patterns of heredity in Biology or Levels C & above in MTT.

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 13: The Helix Submodel

The HELIX SUBMODEL or Col. 1 in Row 4 of the Reiterating Matrix.

When the self-sum, 2n, is exponentiated to eπi (= -1) as base it becomes, e2πin = +1, the
formula (if n is an integer) for either the helix of one cycle or coil with radius n, or a helix of n
cycles each of unit radius. (The i factor in the exponent converts rectangular to polar
coordinates.) The helix also expresses the single random process and since it equals unity, a
constant, it also represents a stochastic process wherein each total state, or set of subsets,
probabilistically determines the next total state however much shifting may go on among the
subsets. If one assumes the cosmos to be compounded from a random set of all elements of
energy, as the Epicosm model does, then the helix predicts perpetual recycling of the total
random cycle of permuting.
Readings of the Mass-Time Triangle tentatively assign a cosmic cohort cycle of C7 =
5 r
. 2 e .
1077+1 =. 2256 primon units of real activity and a total cohort life cycle of 1032 (=10 = 10 =.
u __
10 ; u1 = √2π = 2.50) earth years, i.e., a log half-life of ten quadrillion years (= 1016). Thus the
helix applied to a cosmic cohort cycle predicts the perpetual recurrence of such cycles as its
future tense or long run prospect for the cosmos as a whole. This pictures a perpetually self-
renewing constant cosmos with no sudden creation ever. (This non-expanding cosmos is harmonized
with the red shift by the semantic hypothesis of antilog time scaling.)
Note that the helix formula formulates the start of each of the four eras, or quarter
phases, in the cosmocycle of every cohort of actants. Its coils can reflect the essence of every
law of science, namely: that the particular action asserted by a particular law will recur (or
continue) under recurring (or continuing) conditions. This "axiom of the uniformity of nature" as
it has been called, implicitly underlies all scientific laws. It might also be called the law of all
laws as it represents the principle common to every empiric law--"under like conditions, expect
like results." Each coil or recycling of the helix measures such recurring.
Thus the formula for the single random stochastic process, E = eitx, in polar coordinates
can be re-expressed in helix form. The formula for the double helix of DNA molecules
describes in every living cell its inheritable patterns. So the helix represents the start of the
inorganic and organic eras within the first and the second half life of every cosmocycle, as
systemed in the Pan-Acts model.

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 14: Time Axis, T of the cosmos (= U0 = 1) in Epicosm Models

SD: 71-30 by S.C. Dodd

EpiDoc 230 Univ. of Wash.
August 1971 Seattle 98195

graphing 4 cosmic cycles of an actant cohort, on rectangular & polar coordinates,

subdividing cycles into 2 Half-Lives, 4 Eras, 8 Stages & 16 Eons as _t = 1,2,3,4 in 2-t

3 Versions of the EPICOSM Model:

Prose version: All n actants in nn interacts organize cosmos & all therein

Algebraic version: a = ct 1
a = actants at t
c = Creatant Rate = lg210
t = time taken (from Now)

Geometric version: See Graph of the Mass-Time Triangle (-MTT) for cosmos

Operational Definitions:

Actant, A = any thing-namable

Apex = max. θ; tip of MTT; the "Now" point
Atom-clock time = at = antilog of usual sun-clock time
Cohort = a set of like-aged actants
Cosmos = the set of all actants = U0 = 1
Interacts = all nn combinings, permutings, or repeatings
Nadir = min. θ; start of θ cycle
Organization = 8 = lg A = bits of actants
Usual sun-clock time, to = ts log in at = ets

eternity of ts to finite

Eons F G
Eons D E
Logs convert

Eons B C
= 16 Eons
Cycle 4


Eons Ai A
Eons Ai A
Eons B C

Eons D E
Eons F G
Motion IV
Material III
Vital Stage II
= 8 Stages
Cycle 3


Verbal Stage I
Verbal Stage I
Dimension of Cosmos

Vital Stage II
Material III
Motion IV

Era 2
Cycle 2

= 4 Eras

Era 1

Era 1
Era 2
Entropy =

2 Half-Lives
standard cycles, ts,

Cycle 1

Half-Life II
TME = a count of

Half-Life I
Organizing =
e.g. years

Dimension of Cosmos


1. Antilog Time Hypothesis: at = e s

A constant, non-expanding universe, consistent with the red shift, seems now
testably specifiable by means of the antilog time scales, at

2. Cyclic Combinatorics Hypothesis:

Continual self-renewal by cyclic, combinatorial interacting of random actants can

replace sudden creation theories. This seems now testably specifiable by single and
double helix formulas. These broadly predict future action of an eternal cosmos.

3. Permutive-Gravity Hypothesis: Γ 2(p) = π

Random permutings measure the circlings, orbits, spins & similar cyclic action called
"gravity"--making curved space.


1. Axes: A=ML2/T; θ = IgA; T = Σ | θ |

2. Euler's Helix, eθi =cos θ +I sin θ = ± 1; ± I as θ = 2π, π; π/2 , 3 π/2
3. The stochastic single random process has Φ (u)=E(eiux) as characteristic function
4. Note: 2πn=1 circle of radius n, or n circles of radius 1 or if n = rt (both integers) 2πn = t
circles of radius r.
5. Compare time spans: ts at
Observed at Apex: 0 1
vs at. Nadir (Start) -∞ 0
Past cosmic span = - ∞ 1
6. In C=L/T, red shift implies:
Expanding universe in suntime, ts
Constant universe in atomtime, at
7. 0 exponent means "a set of-" n0/2 = half-sets of n elements
The gamma function measures Γ(p)Γ(q) = π cscπp; (p+q=1) Γ2(n0/2) = π (csc π/2 = 1)
8. Eon boundaries (see MTT) of 16 levels (each a log-century of organizing or
disorganizing cosmic actions) are at ±(102) t years from Now (t = 1,2,3 --- 8)

Dimension of Cosmos

A cosmic helix showing 4 cosmic cohort cycles e2πi4, each = to 1032 years (from MMT
graph) or 10 quadrillion years, - & + from Now.

As all points on AB permute, reversing their ordering, AB rotates π radians, (a half cycle) thus
becoming BA. 2nd permuting = unit cycle = 2π. This graphs the PERMUTATIVE GRAVITY

Dimension of Cosmos

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 15: Ultimate Cosmic Questions and Pan-Act Answers (Abstract)

EpiDoc 403A by S.C.Dodd

Jan. 1975 Univ. of Wash
300 W ords Seattle, 98195

Perennial issues in philosophy and Cosmology can now be answered better than
hitherto with the emerging semiotic sciences, studying man x symbol x thing relations. These
include set theory and systems theory, combinatorial and stochastic statistics, dimensional and
transactional analysis, operational and holistic synthesis. This assay in semiotics presents
answers to some ultimate questions as seen thru Pan-Acts Modeling compared with other

Definitions: "Cosmos" = all actants (= U° = 1); "Actant" = any thing-namable, viewed as an

organized item or energy
mythical scientific hypothesized Pan-Act
answers answers answers
from the Past in the Present for Future Testing

WHO? God, Natural forces Cosmos (=Pantheist's God) Person-

made the anthropomorphically continually and cyclically ification
Creator personified renews itself. or God

WHAT? makes God Law-abiding processes n actants interacting in all Agency

all things go? Rules maintain everything possible nn ways
WHY? God Towards evolving of Towards actants' cyclic Destiny
Willed everything fulfillment of their nn
It possibilities
WHERE? Within Within man's Wherever actants pair- Location
was cosmos Mans Instrumented permute, thus building
made sight observability
WHEN? In seven days Some 1010 years ago Thruout every cosmocycle, Timing
Was Cosmos r
made? T =1032 = e years --
r =√12 (so In Tu = rr
= the standardized actant
WHICH? Earth, 1078 sub-atomic Every phase's actants, Substance
Materials Water, particles pair-permuted,
Make up Air, stochastically generate later
cosmos? Fire phases

Dimension of Cosmos

WHICH? Genesis I Operationally-defined Pan-Actant terms Knowledge

Symbols terms scientific terms measurably
make cosmos improve cosmic explanation
known to and prediction
Ignored Further Unknown Unknown causation is Unknowns
HOW ELSE? in myths phenomena exist measured by k2 in
(beyond#1-7 (r2 + k2 = 1)
1 word 2 words 4 words 8 words

The answers here expand as the binary numbers (1, 2, 4, and 8) with time, becoming more

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 16: The Pan-Acts Model In Set Theory Terms*

A semiotic** theory of the cosmos translated from its particular language into the universal language of sets.


Let the word "cosmos" stand for "all things namable." #1 Let "cosmos" denote the universal set (= U°) of all
namable elements

Let the word "actant" stand for "any thing-namable." #2 Let "actant" (= A°) denote any namable element or subset
of the cosmos Note that this implies any element may be
taken (i.e., re-viewed or further analyzed) as a subset of
lower order elements
IF all n actants interact (= the Hypotheses) #3 Insofar as all n actants interact (i.e., intersect)
randomly, #4 Equably, i.e., with equal and independent ability
ceaselessly and #5 in perpetual cycling (observed as finite samples, or time
reiterantly #6 and in four subsets of elemental operations, namely:
by LISTING (= itemizing) elements into sets (="re-")
or ADDING (= counting) elements into sums (="-it-")
or MULTIPLYING (= re-adding sums into products)
or EMPOWERING (= re-multiplying) products into
powers (="-ant")
#7 (Note that this union, or sum, of the set of 4 alternative and
cumulating operations is here named "reiterant.")
in all their possible n ways of #8 In all their superset of n combinatoric possibilities of
combining i.e., by combining n elements into m subsets,
= mn (=nn if m n)
permuting or i.e., by permuting n elements taken a subset m at a time, =
n (=nn if m=n)
Dimension of Cosmos
repeating i.e., by repeating m elements interacting in subsets of m,
= mm (=nn if m=n)
while continually forming #9 while perpetually organizing and disorganizing
and unforming compounded actants in every cohort (i.e., coeval subset of
in cohort life-cycles, actants) in the first and second half-life phases (or subset of
time elements) within each cosmocycle,
THEN (= the conclusions)
ACTANTS' INTERACTS #10 in just so far
ORGANIZE COSMOS elements or subsets of the universal set form that whole set
and all its parts called "the cosmos."
(Note that the verb "form" here could be replaced by
synonyms like “organize," "shape," "formulate," or "inform.")
as a HIERARCHY of subsets #11 This hierarchy describes exactly (i.e., measures) the
cosmos in the present tense as to its contents or structuring
of nine complex levels (8 real & 1 imaginary), at nine cumulative complex number (=a+ai) levels or
one Creatant constant, c, a part subsets of actants
each a normal distribution of its i.e., 8 real levels of things-named (=a) (See MTT) and
actants, individually called: Primity, Curvity, Gravity, Photity,
Massity, Biolity, Personality, Society, Symbolity with
threshold actants here called Primons, Curvons,
Gravons, Photons, Massons, Bions, Persons,
Societons, Symbolons and 1 imaginary top
level of their names (= ai) which comprises all the set
of symbolizing actants, i.e., all speech and
consequent communicable mental activity. Each level
being a normal distribution of its mean actants (by the
Central Limit Theorem)
#12 The threshold actants called actons are one c apart.
formed at a CREATANT RATE, c, that is overall #13 This Creatant Rate (of actants organized one
constant, c (= lg 10)2 = 11.03520 level per eon or log century) explains the cosmos
also c = h2 = lg2 10 = 3.321932 in the past tense as to its causes or genesis
. r 2y y .
=. 2 ' = 2 ' = 4 ' =. r ! where as nine successive rounds of self-products, i.e., intersects,
c = standard actant squarinqs or pair-permutings, n2. These together in

Dimension of Cosmos
= √12 = 3.46410) sequence as(((q.) ) )"' 2 t = q2 E. , define the Gompertz
growth and decay curves of negative and positive
entropy which measure all cosmic evolving and
devolving cycles.
during each COHORT COSMOCYCLE of time #14 This Cohort Cosmocycle measures the cosmos in the future
tense as to probable, cyclic, cohort, sequences of
stochastic Changing within each cosmocyclee, Tu, estimated
. er r r
by MTT at T = 1032 =. 10 = e years i.e., In Tu = r ' = the
. .
fulfilled standard actant, r, √12 = 3.46410 =. lq c =. lg r! = 2√
3 = 2y)) by converting some of the potential supersets into
the actual set of actants.
each cycle trending with time towards fuller #15 This trend to fulfillment controls the cosmos in any tense as
self-FULFILLMENT, nn to its inferred design, or destiny, of eternal cycling that
seems required if one assumes conservation of energy
and no creation from nothing.
--all as algebraically formulated in the Pan-Acts #16 --All this is restatable in algebraic versions as the reiterant
Equation a = ct compounding of elements in a universal set as specified
where a = actants at level t overall by the Pan-Acts Equation, at = ct, (graphed by MTT)

--and as geometrically graphed by the Mass-Time #17 --All this is restatable in geometric versions as the Mass-
Triangle (=MTT) as a nest of 9 rectified normal Time Triangle, scaled on a "Gambit-Grid" of unit
probability curves equilateral triangles of side 2 1 (= bit) altitude √3 (= 1
"gam" = y, = 1.73205), perimeter 6 (= 2y,2 = r, • y,) and
area y. = √3 = lglq 10 or any constant multiple of these.

IN SUMMARY #18 The system called "COSMOS" is here defined as:

A SYSTEM is here defined, universally
& operationally, in Set Theory terms as:
a) a set of elements with specifiable a) the universal set (U° = 1) of all namable elements called
"actants" (110'
b) subsets and b) with its nine subsets, called "levels" (#11, 12)

Dimension of Cosmos

c) supersets, their c) and supersets of actants that are potential (i.e.,

coming after) the present actual cohorts (#15)
d) intersects and d) with a major intersect, or subset in common, as the
growth rate, c, called "the Creatant" (#13)
e) sequences e) all sequenced within their cosmocycles (#14)

*This prose statement should be read with its graph (called the Mass-Time Triangle, "MTT") alongside.
** Semiotics is here defined as the science of man x symbol x thing systems.

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 17a: How Arraying Masses Discovers Cosmic Periodicity,

Log Cn = c =. 11

SD:69-26R by S.C. Dodd

EpiDoc 154R Univ. of Wash
June 1973 Seattle, 98105

This graph discovers a periodicity, or "quantum-like" jumps of 11 log cycles of mass

(called "Cn") between smallest entities in the 4-level range of material organization from
-3 1
minimal at the electron (10-33 = Cn ) to maximal in society (100 to 1011 or Cn ).This Cn - factor
seems to measure the inter-level jumps in average organization of cosmic actants. It seems to
represent one eon or log century of Earth years interpreted so it produces a constant cosmic
c lg 10 .
Creation Rate Cn=10 =10 =. 1011 of actants organized per level or eon. Then ±c defines the
slopes or 2 sides of the Mass-Time Triangle.
At the Electron Point (D' in the MTT) this Cn=1011 translates into the Speed of Light (in
mm per third of a second units) by Einstein's formula E/M=C2, expressing a transition ratio
between radiant energy and the threshold unit (called an "acton") of mass.

Dimension of Cosmos

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 17b: Plotting Material Entities by Mass vs. Organization Rank

SD: 69-27 by S.C. Dodd

EpiDoc 155 Univ. of Wash
June 1969 Seattle, 98105

This develops:
I) a cardinal scale of cosmic organization (in bits lg a), the ordinate;
2 ) Extendible to an 8 level universe (where t=8, as below);
3 ) Correlated with past time periods (or ages, t, to date);
4) Yielding a constant log growth rate, c, (=log cn= lg210=11.03522);
5) Their synthesis in the epicosm equation, at = ct, which says: cosmic activity, α, at
any level t, equals its growth rate c, x time taken, t."

Dimension of Cosmos

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 17c: The Mass-Time Triangle Extended Through the Radiation Spectrum
EpiDoc 66 SD:63 – 107
A Trial at Charting Levels D, E & F of Matter, Energy and Gravity

E = MC = fhp

1 billion years ago

C = λf
E = Energy
M = Rest mass
C = Speed of Light = 2.9979 x 1011mm/sec Level D of Matter
9 2 22 D'
C = 10 λ = Wave length in mm ic
sm (Mass Dominates)
f = frequency in cycles in 1/3 second o
Eons in Log Centuries

m Electron

f, Frequency in cycles per 1/3 second

18 a
10 G -11 -1
Diameter = 10 mm = C mm
ay -33
Mass = .91 x 10 tons
-R c
X se
100 brillion years ago

14 t /3
10 gh /1
Li m
d 11
re 10
rf a =
In C
Level E of Energy
11 1
C = 10
11 E'
Cosmic Age,

a r
ad ht “Mid-Photon” (Time factor Dominates)
R Lig 0 0
? Wave length, λ = 10 = 1 = C mm
ity Frequency, f = 1011 = C’ cycles/ 1/3
s loc
6 e e sec
10 av tv -44
t an Mass equiv. = 10 tons
W ns
io co
10 trillion years ago

e “Gravon”
R Th
3 10 11 . 1
10 Diameter of Earth’s magnetic field = 8 x 1.27 x 10 mm = 1.016 x 10 =. C mm
0 0 -55
Frequency λ, = 10 = C = 1 cycle/ 1/3 second Mass equiv. = 10 tons
C mm
Level F of Gravity
0 F' , Wavelength in millimeters
C =1
11 9 6 3 0 -3 -6 -9
of 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 (Curved space factor Dominates)
ine nta
L ua Kilometer Meter

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 17d: Distribution by Mass of Smallest Living Entities

SD: 69-28 by S.C. Dodd

EpiDoc 156 Univ. of Wash
June 1969 Seattle, 98105

of fact = mean of 100 studies, published up to 1983 :1022.25 tons

Testing the fit
vs. theory = mass-time graph of a=ct, the Epicosm equation, :1021.96 tons
where a =lg210 =11.03522; t = 1, from origin at electron, :10-33 tons
10-29 = 1.4%

The discrepancy was .29 of a log10 cycle or 1.4% in logs, 98.8% agreement between expected & observed
logs (of masses of smallest living entities). .

Discovering good fit of the observed boundary between the living vs. non-living actants & the prediction of it
by the mass-time triangle, graphing the Epicosm model of the cosmos, U0= 1 = a/ct.

Dimension of Cosmos

threshold of
life by MTT

Mean of non-living Mean of Quasi- Observed Mean Mean of Living

Entities (proteins) entities (viruses) of all entities entities (cells)

Data N Mean σ
Group A, Living Cells N A = 27 10-20.23 1.13
Group B, Quasi-Living Cells N B = 66 10-23.02 1.02
Group C, Non-Living Cells NC = 7 10-24.32 0.09
Over-All N o =100 10-22.27 0.01

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 18a: Dimensions of Societal Planning, S

SD – 72-15 by S.C. Dodd

EpiDoc 245 Univ. of Wash.
April 11, 1972 Seattle, 98105

A Conspectus of the “ACT/S” Matrix building macro-sociology

(a sub-matrix of the Epicosm Model, a/ct = 1 for the Cosmos)

This matrix of ACT/S (=1) in 3 axes can record the data for macro-Sociology to help
predict and control the acts and value-systems of society, in dimensional form, as:
[A8 ; C8 ; T4 ;] = S0256 = Society = all Activity, A within a Culture, C and Time T.
Planners seek to analyze and resynthesize present society (in desired ways that help to build
on its past, predict its future, and improve its self-direction) measurably better.
This transact data model, or methodological theory for systematizing sociological
behavior hypothesizes that: Insofar as an earlier Transact Tr1 matches a later Transact Tr2,
feature for feature, in just so far Tr1 correlate with and predict Tr2. If changes in their features
are also matches, when all else is unchanged, then Tr1 also controls Tr2. This ACT/S model
seems widely applicable, practical, testable in principle, and flexible for specific cases, thru
subdividing into sub-matrices and condensing into super-matrixes as needed and inserting
indices as desired in the cells.

Dimension of Cosmos


hypothese, which, from past trends &

y g
ic e ting etin uen an

goals and control outcomes toward

Societal Indices

man's desires can predicts futures

: ds po lle u g s g l pl
S= g
in or s,
q ct
o ec bu se tri ci ia n

These four periods can produce

(here in eight
nn rec ce to p ex & ng, dis tan soc

scientific expreiments, testing

institutional a
pl all ren ff & ing uli s, s =
groups) in in efe sta ing uip ed fice cum ve

Near Future, Programs, Prediction

Interatcting rs g r n q h f ir o
cto izin s, p from lan l e , sc g o l C t ab
together record a l p ia s n a c
sf bo ing ple of ter ng ati idu sa
a community an ym alu eo cts Ma imi Loc es ran

human fulfillment.

Present, Decisions, Description

=T =S =V =P =A = =T = =R T
S V P A M T L R =Tr

Past, Causes, Explanation

Cultural Axix, C

Indices & Sub-matrices must

Economics-Indus fill out t hese 256 cells (=16 2 =
Political-Military 44 = 28 ) in reiteraed ways

fo f a q u n g d s
& s o s e c h a a n a te
which can build rules in this

tc i n s e ,
, e e s e s ts
te r, , ds d

n g g oc ac
an , n, e f
Religion-Ethics 8x8x4 solid matrix recording

pl es i o c o
r a av i o i ons pee r ds ;

ni sta pr of
rc ct en e
probable acts of people in time s,

h at s o

be ler ns, rec


ce tio is

ac r a ax

du e

& tim
All=Community Personal Transact Axis, A
A Transact = S V P A M T L R = Tr = a "recorded-act-in-full-
context" as ordered in matrices
Locational Acts
Symbolic Acts

Residual Acts
Valuing Acts

Material Acts
People Acts
Animal Acts

Timing Acts

in Context

In these 8 Powers of “transfactors”, Dimensional Powers=cumulative reiterings:

institutional, or categories called X0 = a set, a list of elements: A Quality
universal yet variant, “dimensions” of every XI = a sum, a count of sets: A Quantity
people act, interact, transaction are: XII= a product, repeated sums: A Relation
m and role-act to get, 1) Factors, not addends; XIII=a power, self-product: = A System
or to keep most of 2) Necessary by the Transact-systems 3 “features” : Output
what they want most “vanishing intersect” 8-“Transfactors”, modified by :Input
of their lives. test: 4=”facets” or corner-scripts: Thruput
s s
People act as 3) Sufficient (i.e. sXs , all connected by 4 “functors” or reiterant
a person = P0=1 in accounting for 100 per “Thruput” operators like (+/=)(;), i.e.
a 1-cell matrix: or cent of the variance) by
Plurals = PI, a 1- the “multiple r-near-1” Listings Self-multiplying
array matrix, of tests: and Qualities S S = Systems
one sub-axis or 4) translatable into 8
Groups= PII in a 2- levels of the organized
Addings S S Multiplyings
axis matrix; or cosmos. =SUMS = PRODUCTS
Organization= PIII Quantities Relations

in 3 axes.

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 18b: Social Transfactors Equated to Cosmic Levels

EpiDoc 342 by S. C. Dodd

April 11, 1974 Univ. of Wash.
Seattle 98195
Equating of 8 Cultural Transfactors in the Transact Model for Human Society
to 8 Cosmic Levels in the Pan-Acts Model for the Cosmos

The 8 TRANSFACTORS The 8 cosmic LEVELS The 8 newly emerging Rank, R, of Level
or factors of culture of cumulating inter- dimensions, each in Complexity,
here taken to analyze action or increasing created as self- H, of interaction.
man's activity as organization, hypothesized products or squarings,
learned by interaction with to build up continually in 8 of the Level below it, in
fellow men and eons of time. "negentropy."
all else.
Name and Letter Name and Letter Name and Letter RH
Symbols S Symbolic Action Ai "Symbolons" S 1
Values, cultural V Societal Action A "Familons" V 2
Persons P Man's (Physiol.) B Persons P 3
Acts A Life Action C "Animons" A 4
Materials M Material Action D Mass (Electrons, etc.) M 5
Time T Energial Action E Time (Photons) T 6
Space L Gravitational F Space ("Crayons") L 7
Residual C Entropic Action G
Number ("Cyclons") N 8
Circumstances (at completion)

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 19a: Twelve Applications of the Pan-Acts Model of the Cosmos

EpiDoc 294R by S.C. Dodd
Dec.1, 1973 Univ. of Wash.
Seattle 98195

A quantic matrix for testing the Pan-Acts Hypothesis a = ct = θ, m

and discovering the “Power Parameter”, m, of the Cosmos.

ABSTRACT (in 50 words): This Quantic Matrix, mθ1, discovers the governing and
transcendental log factor, m. m seems to measure the power parameter of the cosmos. m also
measures cosmic time in eons (= log century factors). m is isolated for further testing by indices
of consistency, correspondence to fact, and concordance with scientific aims.

The 60 cell entries in this Quantic Table were both induced and deduced as an
intersect, or set product, of two factor sets, θ and m. θ is the set of 12 column domains (below)
measured in bits (=θ = lgX) when cross-classified by m, the set of 5 row powers, measured by
integer bits (much like the mantissa and characteristic of common logs).
The power parameter, m, is here both a constant and a variable. It is a constant over the
12 columns below that sample domains of human knowledge as named in the column
headings and formulas. m is a variable with five values over the five rows of this Quantic
Matrix. m thus appears here as constant within rows and variable between row, while θ is
oppositely a constant between row and variable within rows. m grows by integers—m=0, 1, 2,
3, 4. m denotes (1) the first five powers, or (2) the successive self-products of its basal actant
(=A), or (3) the cumulated rounds of "the interacting of actants that organizes the cosmos."
(This quote is a brief statement of the Pan-Acts Model, a=ct (=θm here)--see expansion
m seems thus a simple integer exponent governing, as a central tendency, the universal
development of everything namable. m is a ± log broadly measuring the steps in evolving
and devolving of every cohort of cosmic octants. It implies the proposition, testable in principle,
that: "Logarithms measure cosmic organization," or, more loosely, "Cosmos seems
Note that the empirical induction here of log periods (or integer powers or quantum
jumps of exponent) is supported in another dozen domains that have been similarly analyzed
and resynthesized. Further support for this "log-periodic" view of a hierarchic cosmos appears
in the direct observing of periods in the Mass-Time Triangle.

U0 = 1 = a/ct [tc = mθ1]

The Pan-Acts Hypothesis The Quantic Matrix Subhypothesis

Dimension of Cosmos

USES of mθ: Towards UNDERSTANDING the cosmos this Quantic Table, mθ, may be used
as a broad operationally-defined guide to help order and systematize human thinking about a
unitary World View or Cosmology. It produces 22 versions, or symbolic ways, for analyzing
and resynthesizing everything-namable—which defines the cosmos here. This produces
improved understanding of the cosmos by modeling it with the excellence of that modeling
measured by "system-metric" indices likes improved reliability, precision, comprehensiveness,
lawfulness, ordering, testability, etc., etc.
This Quantic Matrix ISOLATES for testing the power parameter, m. This seems to
measure (in ordinal steps at least) the successive stages of organizing (=θ=lgA) all cosmic
interactions. It also seems to measure the Time sequences of eon subcycles, or 8 phases of
the ordered cosmocycle (estimated as 1032 = e years). This, in universalizing dimensional
form that is free, of arbitrary empirical units, expresses all cosmic on-going or existence along
three axes called Action(=A=number of actants-Energy X Time so A=ET), Organization (θ=lgA
in class intervals of c), and Timing (=T=ΣIθI.= m here). So a=ct=θm.
THE TESTING of any model, or symbolized system, should measure is system-metric indices
of the internal consistency--(eg What % of its parts are interconnected by equations?); external
correspondence to fact (eg What of its parts are equated to facts?); and general concordance
with the aims of science (specified below) (eg What is its %- of maximal fruit-fullness—by a
specified set of system-metric indices?). The aims of science are taken as: "To describe
currently whatever is studied so as to explain its past, to predict its future, and to control it ever
better for man's ends." (Note that the qualifying limits needed in the above seem unknown still.

(Editor’s Note: The following pages contain a table that was difficult to read in the original
which was printed in landscape mode on a single sheet of paper. I have expanded the original
by taking the first 6 columns plus the last column of the original as the first set and then taking
the first column and the last 6 columns as the second set. The first and last columns are
general explanatory columns so they were needed for both sets of columns.)

Dimension of Cosmos
of the 12 OPERATIONS of frequency of knowledge the MENTAL of Mechanics TORIC FORMULAS
formulas "Reiterings." distributions organized by parameters, Schwarzschild powers of FOR ROWS
defining the (discrete & operations i.e. Imaging sphere system bitbits, In bits of
categories central) of Col. 1 & 2 22m = 4rn mg Organization
LIFE formula = θ = lg xm
FORMULAS Sm Xm Am Jm (C/2π)m+1 4m = (22)m Xm
Bits-log2s m lg S m lg X m lg A m lg J (m+1) lg (C/2 π ) m lg4 = 2m θ = m lg X
Col. 0 Col.1 Col. 2 Col.3 Col. 4 Col. 5 Col. 6 Col. 13
Descending SIV , Ss X4 AIV i4 = i 1 • i3 = 1 (C/2π)5 44 X4
2 3
levels of = "TIERING” FOURTH SUPER- NAME and = M 0L 0/ T 0 = 256 θ4 = m lg X4
θ = lg A m
Kurtosis Parameter i.e. explicit = P0 = V0 FULFILLED POWER
4 eg e2 πi = 1 Compounds intersect
Unimodality = POWER
of Cpd units
SIII , Ss X3 AIII i3 = -i = 1/i (C/2π)4 43 X3
MULTIPLYING Skewness parameter only 4 = BITBIT A THIRD
3 Into POWERS Asymmetry i.e. Cpd units i.e. Referent = F0 = V0 CUBED P OW E R
eg (e2πi)t = 1t = FORCE
SII , Ss X2 AII i2 = -1 (C/2π)3 42 X2
0 0 0
PRODUCTS Variance i.e. Syntax Metalanguage a Self-product P OW E R
eg a/ct = 1 Dispersion Parameter

SI , sS X1 i AI _ (C/2π)2 41 X1
i =
1 = ADDING FIRST MOMENT QUANTITIES 1 √1 = M 0/ L 0 = 4 = BITBIT θ1 = m lg X1
into SUMS Mean Central parameter NAME 2 = Fulfilled bit A FIRST
= V0
eg Σpi = 1 Tendency i.e. Mathematics only 4 = (2,2) = 2+2 P OW E R
S0 = 1 , sS = 1 X0 A0 i0 = 1 (C/2π)1 40 X0
into SETS MOMENT parameter Name and 1 =A BITBIT SET A ZEROTH
= V0
0 eg U0 = 1 Frequency, N i.e. language Thing –named = A foursome P OW E R
Universe merged = VELOCITY unit, quarter
Area Unit

Dimension of Cosmos
formula Bits as “the Crux" In STAGES & as Fractions in nit cycles measurable by FOR ROWS
Dimensions of Power Series HIERARCHY of of a log six moments f In bits of
mechanics SCIENCES by cosmocycle, TU desiderata Cf Organization
NORMALITY size of Acton A (TU =10 years) US Constitution = θ = lg x
m m r m-4 m
FORMULAS 2 r h 2m mr %Tc = 2 2 πi __
Antilogs ' ' Cn =2 eθi=e =E=1 v

m lg 2 = m
m l g r + Igh 2 r m-4 in log cycles
Bits-log2s m (lg Cn ) = mr lg ln E = m +lg π 4
m (lg v ) θ = m lg X
Col.7 Col.8 Col.9 Col.10 Col.11 Col.12 Col. 13
Descending 24 = 16 4
4r Stage I T U = 2 4-4
= 1 2πi • 8 m = 4 m=4 X

' ' 4
levels of = 4 BITS 296 bit primons COSMOCYCLE = EON 0 Kurtosis θ4 = m lg X
organization = FORCE0 478.3576458 Level Ai = =10 years = 1 STAGE No bimodality A FOURTH
5 r
θ = lg A = MOMENTUM =U13 -.378 %Δ SEMIOTICS 2 e = 8 natural = UNITY POWER
0 = 10 = 10
if L0 = 2, T0 =1 =SIZE OF Level A = r r cycles
23 = 8 rh
3 r
3r Stage II
TC = 2 = 1/2 2πi • 4 m = 3 m=3 X

' ' 3
= 3 BITS 222 bit primons 1st HALF- = EON θ3 = m lg X
= MASS0 =138.0399578 Level B = LIFE ln Ce = 8π 0 Skewness A THIRD
3 if L0 = 2, T0 =1
0 = α - .767% Δ PSYCHOLOGY = 1016 years SPEED of = JUSTICE POW ER
= FINE st nd
. Level C = = 1 & 2 Era LIGHT
22 = 4 rh
2 r
2r Stage III TU = 22-4 = 1/4 2πi • 2 m = 2 m=2 X

' ' 2 2
= 2 BITS 148 bit primons 1st ERA = SEMIEON N =0:EQUALIT θ2 = m lg X
= Fulfilled bit =39.86313715 Level D = = 10 years = 2 natural Y of A SECOND
= 1 & 2 Stage
cycles opportunity POW ER
= PRESSURE0 = GRAVITY Level E = r12 = 1: LAW
0 constant
if L0 = 2, T0 =1 PHYSICS and ORDER
2 1
2 =4 rh
1r Stage IV TU = 21-4 = 1/8 2πi • 2 m = 2 m=1 X

' ' 1 1
= 2 BITS 74 bit primons 1st STAGE = QUADREON ΣV /N=0:MEA θ1 = m lg X
1 = Fulfilled bit =11.50749648 Level F = = 10 years = 1 natural cycle N of A FIRST
= 1 & 2 Eons
opportunity POW ER
= PRESSURE0 = SPEED OF Level G = r12 = 1: LAW
0 LIGHT (in mm)
if L0 = 2, T0 =1 GEOMETRY and ORDER
0 0-
2 =1 r h
0r Stage V TU = 20-4 = 1/16 πi m = 0 m=0 X
st 0
= the SET ' ' 0 bit primons = 1 EON OCTEON 0
Σv /N = N/N = 1 θ0 = m lg X
0 of BITS. 3.32193 lg 10 =RANDOMNESS = 10 years = ½ natural cycle Frequency of A ZEROTH
st nd
= TIME0 as ROOT of ENTROPY =1 & 2 = Permutive Alternatives POW ER
the unit of CREATANT at nadir of semieon unit of reverse N-1 degrees
DENSITY0 constant cohort cycle order of FREEDOM

Dimension of Cosmos


m = integer "Powers"= (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

A="actants" defined as things-namable
= (Hyp) Action = Energy x Time = ML2/T
y = "Root-3"= √3 = 1.73205 = r/2
y .
h = "Root-Creatant" = lg 10 = 2 ' = 3.32193 = √c =. σ2(2π)
r = “Crux" constant = lg c = √12 = 3.46110 = lg r !
' '
C = Speed of Light = 3 x 1010 mm/sec/3
Cn = Creation Rate = 10c mm/sec/3
S = any symbol
1q = Schwarzschild system
10=."Zero exponent" denotes a set, a quality, a kind

The PAN-ACTS M0DEL for the cosmos develops the sixty cells values above. This model
states in a 4-word version: "ACTANTS' INTERACT ORGANIZE COSMOS”. More fully in 40
words it claims for testing: "If all n actants interact in all their possible nn ways, then they
. 2y
produce the cosmos and all its parts--at a Creatant of √c =. 11 = 2 ' in 8 normal “space”
levels within each cosmic cohort cycle (of 1032 years). This model is spelled out in the Pan-Acts
equation a/ct = 1 (where a = log actants, c = creatant rate and t = Time) and is graphed in the
Mass-Time triangle.

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 19b: Fruitage by Fields

EpiDoc 316:4R by S. C. Dodd

Univ. of Wash.


Specialists in the fields below may find the Conspectus pages cited below of most interest

(Editor’s Note: This table and the page numbers are from another volume in the Dodd Memorial Library series: Dimension
of Cosmos. This table is included here for consistency, thoroughness and to show the breadth of application of Dodd’s

Field Exhibit A Page Exhibits B Page

1 Mathematicians: Rectifying Distributions 365 Rectifying Normal Curve 372
2 Astronomers: Permutive Gravity 292 Lowest MTT Levels 297
3 Physicists: Bits = interdimensional 324 Radiation Spectrum 312
4 Gravity Physicists: units
Permutive Gravity 294 Perm. Grav. Exposition 294
5 Chemists: Key Periodic Table 272 Key Periodic Table 273-275
6 Biologists: Fit of Living Cells 313 Serial Squaring 357
7 Psychologists: Organization is 300 Motivating Conditions 379
8 Social Scientists: Transact Matrix 381 Momental Models 338
9 Statisticians: Random Organizing 326 Building the Moments 340
10 Sociologists: Counteractance 336 Transact Organization 305
11 Political Scientists: Synthesizing Self, etc. 393 US Constitution 370
12 Semanticists: Zero Exponent 346 Preamble
a + bi = Any Symbol 355
13 Linguists: TILP 414 Cosmic Units 260
14 Journalists: Logistic Diffusion 334 Creative Fulfillment 392
15 Religionists: Pan-act-theism 264 What is Liked Most 268
16 Social Actionists: Future Molding Game 362 Societal Planning 377
17 Methodologists: Testing Consistency 399 About the Modeling 321
18 Measurers: 3 Axes & 9 Dimensions 355 Testing a Fits 401

Dimension of Cosmos

19 Graphists: Unital Cube 252 Cosmosphere 246

20 Chronologists: Anti-log Time 327 Time Axis 328
21 Hierarchists: Periodicity Tested 308 Creatant Line Found 310
22 Isomorphists: Trans factors & Levels 380 Transition Equations 394
23 Set Theorists: Pan-Acts in Sets 368 Pan-Acts in Sets 369
24 Structuralists: Explanation. of Gambits 382 Explanation of Gambits 383
25 Functionalists: 4 Stochastic Laws 302 4 Theses in Pan-Acts 303
26 Evolutionists: Ultimate Questions 266 Gambits Grid Cylinder 286
27 Systemists: 3-Axis Cosmos 319 64 Features 316
28 Metaphysicists: How Actants Unify 258 Cosmic Hypotheses 242
29 Ontologists: Gambits Chart 278 Mass-Time Triangle 241
30 Cosmologists: 15 Versions 248 Epicosm Theory 238
31 All Scientists: Consequences 396 Pan-Acts Theory 317
32 Philosophers: 12 Applications 405 Fruitage by Fields 411

Dimension of Cosmos

Plate 20: Testing Epicosm Models of the Cosmos

EpiDoc 196
by S. C. Dodd
June 16, 1970
Univ. of Wash.

(Table 1*). This page reports: A Consistency Test on the 4 real Key Constants, K (= r, h„ n, 3)
showing them
interconvertible within .1% (as tabled below).
A scientific model (or operationally specified theory) of some activity, A, is here called "a
theory of A," or just "Model A." The Epicosm models study the activity (i.e., phenomena) of the
whole cosmos. The cosmos is operationally defined as the universal set (= U° = 1) of all
namable elements (called "actants"). The cosmist tries to analyze the cosmos in such terms
that their re-synthesis, if by operationally specified formulas, will restore the mole unitary
cosmos, fully and exactly.
To assure and measure this resynthesis, four sorts of tests are used as follows:
1. Consistency tests measure the internal logical agreement in the statement of Activity A
among its symbols whether concepts or sentences, units or scales, relations or
operators, a system and its sub- and super-systems, etc.
2. Correspondence tests (called "validity") measure the external empirical: agreement
between the theory and the facts, between the supposed vs. the actual referents of the
symbols, between expectations by the model vs. experimental outcomes.
3. Concordance tests measure the telic agreement across time between the model's
performance and the prior aims of scientists (to so describe as to explain, predict, and
control better).
4. Convergence tests measure the percentage of full agreement among all the tests of the
model's analysis and resynthesis of the cosmos.
In this Table 1, the Key constant in each row is converted into the Key constant of the
column by a formula involving only: the 4 Key constants, the 4 Key operations on them, and a
percentage discrepancy called the "slip." This slip measuring the approximation to the row
constant is the third entry in each cell. In exploring the Epicosm submodels, slip up to .4% is
tolerated. The average slip in this Table is .1% or one part in a thousand. One might say: The
Key constants appear to be 99.9% interconsistent by this interconversion test.
For fuller specifying of theory testing generally and scientific methods used in Epicosm
modeling, see S. C. Dodd, "Scient-Scales for Measuring Excellence cf Research Methodology,"
American Behavioral Scientist, June,1966 , Vol. IX, No. 10.

Dimension of Cosmos

s -2
K cy π h r
Key Constant
Formula Name Euler's Constant Pi "Root Creatant" "Crux"
r = 3.45986 r = 2cy = 2π/√h = π +1/ r = 2 lg h ___
def ' r = N/σN = =
= N/σN=N/N/r + .00424 or π + .00418 or √12
= r = √12 .1% r + .01250 or .1% r √12
.36% r + .0000 or
.00% r
-1 r/2
h = 3.32193 h = 2cy h = r lg3 / lg π h = lg 10 h =2
' ' ' ' '
= lg 10 + .00100 or + .00145 or + .00000 or + .00481 or
.03% h .04% h .00% h .14% h
' ' ' '
r/h 2 r/h
π = 3.14159 π =3 ' π = Γ(1/2) π = r√h /2 π =3 '
def 2
= Γ(1/2) '
+ .00159 or + .00000 + .01141or + .00159 or
.05% π or .36% π .05% π
.00% π
-2 -2 -2 h /r -2 -2
cy = 3.0 cy = Γ d(1)* cy = π ' cy = (lg h )2 cy = (r/2)2
def -2 '
= ln y + .00000 or + .00100 or + .00010 or + .00734 or
-2 -2 -2
.00% cy .03 % cy -2 .2 % cy
.003 % cy

* Illegible in original

Dimension of Cosmos

1. MYTHS TO LIVE BY by Joseph Campbell, Bantam 1973
2. BOOK OF THOTH by Aleister Crowley, Weiser 1944
3. DATA STUDY by J.L. Jolly, McGraw Hill 1968

Dimension of Cosmos


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