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Question 1:.......................................................................................................................................2

Question 2:.......................................................................................................................................2

Question 3:.......................................................................................................................................3

Question 4:.......................................................................................................................................3

Question 5:.......................................................................................................................................4

Question 6:.......................................................................................................................................5

Question 7:.......................................................................................................................................5

Question 8:.......................................................................................................................................6


Question 1:

 It has been discussed earlier in the research proposal that the educational policies of

Pakistan has always been flawed.

 There have been no particular changes being made so that the entire spectrum of the

educational policies of Pakistan can be changed.

 This presents a case where the entire educational system of Pakistan has failed to educate

the citizens and bring forward the class of educated engineers, and skilled labor.

 Pakistan’s education system has been class divided, and there is a lack of unification

among the entire system (Fatima, 2017).

 The people belonging to the rich or high class are able to afford the A/O Levels

Cambridge education whereas the middle class is only able to send their kids to schools

who teach the Matric/Intermediate curriculum, and those who cannot afford anything

send their kids either earn them some bread or to the Madrassahs.

 The past problem of Pakistan is still something that seems to be not getting resolved.

 There have been changes added to make the Madrassah teach their students science and

mathematics subjects, however, there have not been any subsequent level training

programs laid down, which can improve the entire system (Fatima, 2017).

Question 2:

 In order to overcome the challenge of the education system in Pakistan can be done

through the help of the people working in the education system.

 The method that can and should be introduced should be the one keeping the Finland’s

plan in mind.

 Finland once faced is similar to what Pakistan faces, but the difference is that the

Finland’s government took notice, and understood how important education is in the

nation building.

 In order to overcome the challenges Finland faced once, they introduced massive reforms

which included; improving the existing infrastructure of schools, ensuring the schools

have a friendly environment so that students find school a platform to learn and enjoy.

 They also made sure the teachers are paid well and are well educated so that they are

respected within the society.

 Most important of all, Finland’s education system ensured that the school children will

not have to give the hefty exams which they students in Pakistan are suppose to do,

which in returns pushes them away from seeking education.

 In Finland, after the age of 14 or grade 7, only than the students are eligible to give

exams. Pakistan can learn a lot from the Finland’s educational model (Parelle, 2019).

Question 3:

 The universalization of the education system of Pakistan has long been debated, and

have been asked by the different educational ministers or the political parties to

include the necessary reforms.

 The entire education system from top to bottom is similar and includes the same

level of education which a person belonging to the wealthy class of Pakistan teaches

the person living in the poor or middle-class backgrounds.

 There need to be some swift actions so that the issue of universalization comes into


 The government of Pakistan has not yet considered it as a priority; the number one

cause being the lack of budget available.

 It is impossible to introduce the reforms necessary without having the Budget.

 The existing Budget only allows a few reforms at hand, and none much can be done

to counter all the challenges that are existing.

 Furthermore, to suggest, the privatization of education becoming a feasible solution

to ensure there is a class system where the government is independent of taking care

of what goes around them and what they understand the problem(s) might be.

 There should be a necessary consideration to keep the lobbies who support and earn

profit from privatized education to stay away (Fatima, 2017).

Question 4:

 The failure of primary education is a subject of its’ own.

 The students do not receive the amount of attention from their peers and tutors, which

they deserve.

 The quality of education is so weak that often schools rely on the Oxford printed books

rather than the curriculum assigned by the provincial board system.

 Furthermore, to this, the students are only taught a handful number(s) of the subject

where the system of ‘cramming’ screws their thinking capabilities.

 Unless there are reforms made by learning from the countries such as Singapore, Japan,

and Finland, where the education system has ensured the students do not have to go

through hefty amounts of peer pressure via the massive number of home-work they are

made to do.

 The school’s system shares their half of the burden, the teachers are paid well and are

highly respected in the society,

 The students are engaged more in physical activities and activities which ensures they

grow up being a successful businessman or a corporate employee.

 This is something Pakistan needs to learn because the education system that is in place

takes away the creativity of the students and young minds (Ashraf, 2018).

Question 5:

 Two of the primary reason for the failure of the education system in Pakistan is

directed on two things: lack of government level willingness, and low budget.

 Pakistan lies in an area or the region where it has to work hard to ensure the outside

threats are dealt with.

 No subsequent resources are provided to ensure that the people’s gathered amount of

the taxes are dissolved by the political figures or the military/defense department of


 While one cannot ignore the fact that the defense is crucial for Pakistan; however

there needs to be a better judgment and accountability format.

 The Budget which is lacked or the education system lacks goes through or is


 Furthermore, to add to the government’s unwillingness is the massive amounts of

corruption within the education ministry and departments.

 People who are to ensure there are tutors and teachers available in the schools, and

also the schools have appropriate number of facilities that the children can get

educated and become a stronger individual in the future.


 The lack of facilities is a dangerous mix and causing the utter failure of the entire

educational system of Pakistan, hampering growth (Fatima, 2017).

Question 6:

 The government of Pakistan has not yet introduced any reforms to ensure that all of

the children go to school.

 There is no subsequent level of willingness that can be seen from what is going on.

 It has been understood that the people working within the departments of the

educational system have to go through a series of hassles and pain.

 The entire system is flawed, and there has not much being done to ensure that the

people working within the education system are treated with the respect they deserve.

 Pakistan’s failure in economic growth is directed towards its failure in the education


 However, in the province of KPK, some changes have been made, and it can be easily

seen because the people even belonging to the upper class have sent their children to

local government schools.

 This is because the changes that were introduced started from improving the pay-

scale of the teaching staff, ensuring.

 The complaints of the parents are being met, there is No to the teachers raising hands

on the students.

 Most importantly ensuring the hygiene of schools is sufficient enough so that the

students studying are exposed to a better environment in which they can grow and

excel (Ashraf, 2018).


Question 7:

 Primary school teachers have one of the most critical roles to bring about in any school.

 They have a prime role; a one which can either make or break a student, and in a longer

perspective, an entire generation.

 Primary school teachers first need to ensure their attendance is being met with the merit

of the school.

 The people working in the primary schools have ensured that the growth of the students

is being met with the standards that or which the country has set.

 It is critical to suggest that the people working within the education ministry ensure that

the primary school teachers do not raise hands on the children.

 As well as they get all the benefits that are needed to ensure their living standards, as

well as, their entire spectrum of education is met to a level that ensures the growth of the


 The school teachers also have to ensure firstly that they have the subsequent level of

education that is required to teach a particular subject to the children.

 All of the above mentioned suggests can improve a school and the teaching faculty

(Mahmood, 2018).

Question 8:

 In order to improve the entire education system of Pakistan and ensure that the

students excel in the field.

 The entire board of the students must work together and help the country excel.

 Pakistani people, as well as the government all, need to take a stand, it is essential

firstly to introduce a universal curriculum.


 A one that is same to that of in Finland, and in Singapore which has proven over

the time and time again that the physical health of the students is as important as

the mental health is (Fatima, 2017).

 The education system in Pakistan is something that only makes them learn a thing

or a concept for the time being.

 Once they excel the exam, the previous concepts do not matter to them, this entire

system of cramming needs to come to an end.

 Pakistan needs to introduce the improvement in the Budget as well as the

improvement in the willingness of the people who are to introduce the reforms

that are necessary to make sure that the students do not undergo unnecessary


 Their willingness to become a successful person only grows stronger (Farooq,


Question 9

 Despite several reforms in the educational sector, not a lot of things are changed in

the educational system.

 Many of the educational institutes in Pakistan run on the same antiquated systems and

schedules that were once conducive to an agrarian society.

 The teachers do not need any specific degree to teach students at primary or

secondary level.

 Government and private sector has initiated different teaching programs.

 In the entire country but still majority of the teachers are unfamiliar in adopting the

right teaching methodology.


Question 10

 Majority of the government schools in Pakistan have funding issues.

 The government schools are not equipped with latest technological tools.

 Moreover, poor infrastructure of government schools affects the learning process of


 The government has failed to provide funding to the educational institutes which

results in as poor learning abilities of students, lack of interest from teachers, poor

teaching methodology and much more.



Farooq, M. S., & Kai, Y. T. (2017). A Review of Pakistan School System. Journal of Education

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Mahmood, S., Ahmed, S., Zubair, M., Ali, Q., & Khan, H. (2016). Educational system of

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Ashraf, A., Zhu, X., & Rauf, Q. (2018, December). Inclusive Education Management Evaluation

System IEMES Model for Special Needs Institutes of Pakistan and China. In Proceedings of the

2018 International Conference on Education Technology Management (pp. 15-23). ACM.

Fatima, H., & Fatima, A. (2017). A Critically Review of Pakistan Education system compare

with Iran Education system. International Journal of Social Science, 6(4), 233-244.

Parella, J. F. (2019). The Success of the Finnish Model: An Economic Analysis. Journal of

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