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Effect of Milk Quality and Low Temperature Storage

on Cheese Y i e l d - A Summation 1

C. L. HICKS, C. O N U O R A H , 2 J. O ' L E A R Y ,
and B. E. L A N G L O I S
Department of Animal Sciences
Un}versity of Kentucky
Lexington 40546-0215

causing breakdown of proteins and fats.
The effect of low temperature storage Protein degradation was accompanied by
and milk quality on cheese yield was in- increased moisture in the curd. Cheese
vestigated. Raw milk was stored at 5, 7.5, quality decreased as psychrotrophic
and 10°C; grade A milk was stored for 6 populations increased. After pasteuriza-
to 12 d and manufacturing grade milk for tion high count stored raw milk con-
up to 6 d. At 1-d (manufacturing grade) tained enough psychrotrophs to dominate
and 2-d (grade A) intervals, aliquots from the aging process, producing gassy un-
each treatment were pasteurized and clean cheese. Stored milk cheese had a
manufactured into cheese, and the result- weak body with bitter flavors typical of
ing yield was compared with that ob- that produced by heat-stable proteolytic
tained on d 0 for manufacturing and enzymes.
grade A milks, respectively. Each treat-
ment was terminated when stored milk
coagulated when pasteurized. Increase in
total bacterial count ranged from one log Reduced yields and poor quality are prime
cycle for high count manufacturing grade concerns of the cheese industry because of t h e
milk to more than three log cycles for economic losses involved. Current techniques
low count grade A milk. Similar changes for handling raw milk often result in high
were observed for proteolytic and psy- psychrotrophic counts prior to cheese manufac-
chrotrophic populations. As stationary ture, which may decrease cheese yield. Manu-
populations were approached, essentially facturers receiving surplus grade A milk that has
all organisms were psychrotrophic, and been routed through a receiving station may be
most were proteolytic and lipolytic. purchasing milk more than 5 d old with bac-
Cheese yield was affected by initial terial populations approaching or exceeding
psychrotrophic populations and length 106 cfu/ml. Additional storage overnight prior
of time raw milk was stored. Recovery of to manufacture only increases the psychrotro-
cheese solids decreased by approximately phic activity. Also, manufacturers purchasing
.5% for manufacturing grade milk per day fresh high count cheese milk will have similar
of storage up to 4 d. Further storage in- psychrotrophic counts when milk is held
creased the loss of cheese solids, and loss through cleanup periods or nonoperating days.
of cheese yield correlated with increase Because psychrotrophs grow logarithmically at
in bacterial population. Yield loss ap- milk storage temperatures, the time milk may
peared to be due to exocellular enzymes be stored prior to spoilage is dependent upon
the initial milk quality (16, 29). As the statio-
nary growth phase is reached, the bacterial
population comprises essentially psychrotrophs.
Reduced yields due to psychrotrophs have been
Received February 8, 1985. reported in cottage cheese by Aylward et al. (4)
' Published with the approval of the Director of the and direct acid cheese by Hicks et al. (13) and
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station as Journal
Article Number 83-5-174. Yan et al. (36). Other investigators (1, 4, 5, 6,
2Department of Food Technology, Federal Poly- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
technic, Bruchi, Nigeria. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36,

1986 J Dairy Sci 69:649-657 649


37) observed the proteolytic and lipolytic (grade A) schedules by the procedure of Wilster
activity of psychrotrophs or degradation prod- et al. (33), except all manufacturing steps were
ucts in milk, cheese, and whey. These studies initiated when the pH reached the desirable
were undertaken to determine the amount of point. Whey was drained from the curd at pH
yield loss and quality changes that occur in the 6.1. Matted curd was stacked two high at pH
manufacture of Cheddar cheese from milk of 5.8 and three high at pH 5.6. Curd was milled
varying qualities stored at three temperatures. at pH 5.4. Two percent salt was added to the
Standard procedures (28) were used to
Grade A milk was obtained from the Univer- determine aerobic, psychrotrophic, and pro-
sity of Kentucky dairy farm immediately after teolytic counts of raw and pasteurized milk
the morning milking. This milk was a combina- samples. Raw milk samples were taken from the
tion of the preceding evening and current morn- vat pasteurizer before the steam was turned on,
ing milkings. Therefore, the oldest milk in the and pasteurized milk samples were taken prior
lot was less than 13 h old. The grade A milk to transferring the milk to the cheese vats. Sam-
averaged 3.57% fat. Manufacturing grade milk ples were refrigerated and plated within 4 h of
was from a route truck at a cheese plant located collection. Acid degree value (ADV), a measure
within 45 km of the University. Manufacturing of hydrolytic rancidity, was determined by the
grade milk was from a specified route truck procedure of Thomas et al. (30).
picking up milk on an alternate day schedule. Procedures of Wilster (33) were used for
Therefore, the oldest milk in the lot was ap- determination of fat and moisture of fresh
proximately 38 h old. Milk was from a single curd. Cheese samples were taken as the cheese
route to reduce variability in the milk supply. came from the press and analyzed the same
Manufacturing milk from this route averaged day.
2.2% fat, which suggested it had been adulte- Analysis for protein (total nitrogen) in raw
rated on one or more farms. All milk was milk, whey, and cheese was by micro-Kjeldahl.
received at the University dairy and separated Total nitrogen was multiplied by 6.38 to ob-
into three lots, which were stored at 5, 7.5, and tain protein. All samples were frozen at - 2 0 ° C
10°C. Unstandardized milk was used to manu- until analysis. Sample sizes were 1.8 ml for milk
facture all lots of cheese. and whey and 74 mg for cheese.

Cheese Cultures Experimental Design

Frozen bulk set lactic cultures (Miles A split-plot design was used to study yield
Laboratory, Inc., Madison, W1) were used as the losses under various milk storage conditions in
culture source to set all cheese vats during these the primary experiment. The design was three
experiments. Cultures LA2, KH, RGM, WP, and temperature treatments (5, 7.5, and 10°C)
MIL were assigned to each vat to reduce the times two milk qualities factorial in the whole
yield variation resulting from the use of differ- plot. The split plot contained batches of cheese
ent cultures. Cultures were stored at - 4 0 ° C made from the stored milk, which were manu-
until used. Fifty-one grams of frozen culture factured on a daily (manufacturing grade) or an
were added to each experimental vat of milk. alternate (grade A) day schedule until coagula-
tion occurred during pasteurization. Three
Manufacture of Experimental Cheese replications of each treatment were conducted.
Cheese was manufactured daily from milk The data were analyzed by the following statis-
stored at 5, 7.5, or 10°C until coagulation oc- tical model:
curred upon pasteurization. Milk was vat pas-
teurized at 63°C for 30 rain and cooled to 31°C
Yijkl = /'/ + Ri + Qj + Tk + (QT)jk
prior to cheese manufacture. Cheddar cheese
was manufactured from 181.8 kg of milk on + W(ijk ) + D 1 + (QD)jl + (TD)kl
daily (manufacturing grade) and alternate day + (QTD)jk I + E(ijkl)

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 69, No. 3, 1986


bial populations were approximately 2,000
cfu/ml. As expected, the time that milk could
Y = Yield, dependent variable,
be stored decreased as the storage temperature
/~ = Overall mean,
increased from 5 to 10°C (Table 1). Other in-
R i = Replication, i = i to 3 (random),
vestigators (5, 37) have observed similar storage
Qj = Effect of milk quality, j = 1, 2
times for various milk qualities. Therefore,
maximum times that should be considered for
Tk = Effect of storage to temperature,
storing raw milk before manufacturing cheese
k = 1 to 3 (fixed),
are illustrated in Table 1.
W(ijk ) = Pooled block × whole plot treat-
ment interaction,
D 1 = Effect of day, 1 = 1 to njk, Microbial Growth
E(ijkl) = Pooled block × split-block effect
Total, psychrotrophic, and proteolytic
counts are presented in Figures 1 to 3. Microbial
growth was logarithmic until maximum popu-
Data were analyzed by the regression programs
lations (108-109 cfu/ml) were approached, at
of the Statistical Analysis System (27).
which time coagulation occurred during pasteu-
rization. Total counts on grade A milk initially
comprised 5 to 10% psychrotrophs but were
essentially all psychrotrophs by coagulation.
Milk Storage
Most psychrotrophs were proteolytic. Manu-
The time milk could be stored before coagu- facturing milk had high total counts that
lation occurred during pasteurization depended initially contained 50% psychrotrophs. Psychro-
upon the quality of the initial milk and storage trophic growth continued to predominate to
temperature (Table 1). Grade A milk with an the coagulation point. Because psychrotrophs
initial microbial population of less than 20,000 would be expected to cause most of the pro-
cfu/ml at the time of milking could be stored teolytic and lipolytic degradation in raw milk,
for 9 to 10 d at 5°C before coagulation oc- the high count manufacturing milk should
curred upon pasteurization. Storage time for result in lower yields and poorer quality cheese
manufacturing grade milk was from time of than low count milk. Heat-labile enzymes
pickup at the manufacturing plant to the time would be active up to pasteurization, and heat-
of coagulation. Because manufacturing grade stable enzymes would be active past coagula-
milk was delivered by a route truck on an tion. Therefore, as enzymes are produced (5,
alternate day schedule, part of the route milk 12, 19, 20, 22, 34), actual yield loss should be a
was 38 h old at the time of pickup from the function of enzymatic activity from the time
manufacturing plant. This additional holding they are liberated from the cell until milk solids
time should be considered when viewing the are converted into cheese curd. Cheese quality
following data for manufacturing milk. In other would then be more dependent on the heat-
studies (16, 35, 36), additional storage time up resistant enzymes, psychrotrophs, and spores
to 12 d could be achieved when initial micro- that survive pasteurization.

TABLE 1. Influence of storage temperature on shelf-life of raw milk.

Milk storage time before

coagulation occurred
Milk quality 5° C 7.5° C 10° C

Grade A milk, averaged 1300 cfu/ml 1 9 8 6

Manufacturing grade, more than 104 cfu/mF 5 4 3

Initial total aerobic plate counts.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 69, No. 3, 1986

652 HICKS E T A L .

TOTAL COUNT tioned. Although temperature probably

9 selected the dominant types of psychrotrophs
.1.o and the length of time that milk could be
stored (Table 1), little change in cheese yield
8 could be determined during the early to middle

jo// storage period.

Because enzymatic activity was similar at all
storage temperatures for manufacturing milk,
milk stored at the lowest temperature should
have had a higher protease and lipase concentra-
tion to show equal activity. Stored grade A
milk appeared to have protease activities simi-
lar to those described by Yan et al. (36) who
reported higher protease activities at higher
storage temperatures for high quality milk.
4 I I I I I I I i I
Because few or no differences were determined
0 2 4 6 8 I0 for the effect of temperature on cheese yield,
STORAGE TIME (days) the average of the temperature data will be
presented for all parameters discussed in this
Figure 1. Effect of milk storage time on total aero- paper.
bic count. ( e - e ) Manufacturing grade milk, ( o - o )
grade A milk. Each data point is an average of nine
Cheese Y i e l d

Gross cheese yield (weight of the cheese

taken from the cheese press) increased with
Effect of Storage Temperature
milk storage time. The increase was reflected in
Storage temperatures of 5, 7.5, and 10°C for the moisture content of the curd (Figure 4),
manufacturing grade milk did not significantly but actual milk solids (dry matter) that entered
affect the recovery of milk solids in cheese. into the cheese mass decreased, as shown in
Evidently, psychrotrophic populations were so Figure 5. Gross cheese yield increased linearly
great that milk coagulation occurred before with raw milk storage time because manufac-
recovery differences could be distinguished. turing conditons were held constant throughout
Grade A milk showed significant differences the experiment; therefore, the additional bound
among yield losses at the temperatures men- water was not expelled. In earlier work, Hicks


I ~ o
b S.' o .11.. o

°/I O
_J •J 5

~ / I I I I I I I I I 3 I I I I I I I I I I
30 2 4 6 8 I0 2 4 6 8 I0
Figure 2. Effect of milk storage time on psychro- Figure 3. Effect of milk storage time on proteoly-
trophic count. ( e - e ) Manufacturing grade milk, tic count. (e--e) Manufacturing grade milk, ( o - o )
( o - o ) grade A milk. Each data point is an average of grade A milk. Each data point is an average of nine
nine observations. observations.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 69, No. 3, 1986


a particular plant would be dependent upon

50 those factors that preselect the type of psychro-
trophs present in the raw milk supply. The type
of psychrotroph that tends to dominate the
45 microflora in commercial milk is generally very
J e o o
?_ proteolytic and lip•lyric in nature (17, 19, 20).
(/) Effect of psychrotrophs on cheese yield has
4° q been observed in several other studies (14, 17,
18, 24, 36) in our laboratory over several sea-
sons using many different qualities of milk.
35 i I I i I I I I i I Although the solids of the manufacturing milk
0 2 4 6 8 I0
in this experiment were extremely low, rate of
yield loss was similar to that reported by Hicks
Figure 4. Cheese moisture as affected by milk et al. (14, 15, 18, 24) for manufacturing milk
storage time. (e -) Manufacturing grade milk, (o-o) with a normal solids content and equal psychro-
grade A milk. Each data point is an average of nine trophic count.
The effect of psychrotrophs on cheese yield
can be summed up as follows. 1) The lower the
initial bacterial count in the raw milk the longer
the storage time before cheese yield losses are
noted (see Figure 5). 2) Psychrotrophs that be-
et al. (17) suggested that proteolysis of casein come dominant in raw milk during storage are
caused production of peptides that bind greater generally proteolytic and lipolytic in nature
quantities of water, thus increasing the mois- (17, 20). 3) Normally, yield losses have been
ture content of the curd. Chapman et al. (5) significant when total plate count or psychro-
and Yan et al. (36) also noted an increase in trophic count reaches 106 cfu/ml prior to
moisture content of the curd after the milk was pasteurization (see Figures 1 and 5). Therefore,
stored 3 d or more. routine counts of raw milk in the receiving silos
The type of psychrotrophs dominant during should be taken to estimate yield losses under
milk storage probably determine the rate of current operating conditions. 4) Yield loss is a
proteolysis and lipolysis. Earlier work (13, 23) function of protease and lipase activity and not
suggested large differences in cheese solids lost necessarily storage time (17, 36). Therefore,
among different genera of psychrotrophic larger yield losses would be expected in stored
organisms. Nelson and Marshall (23) tested
their culture collection of psychrotrophic
organisms and observed that some organisms
~ 6.5
would decrease yield and other, less proteolytic
ones had little or no effect on cheese yield.
Hicks et al. (13) noted that Pseudomonas
~, 6.0 o.,,,
produced greater cheese losses than Bacillus
organisms. Law et al. ( 1 9 ) t e s t e d several Pseu- >'~ 5.5
dora•has organisms for their effect on cheese Iv
yield and quality and concluded that little or
"~ 5.0
no changes would ocr.ur under commercial ~o.-...2~.
conditions. Cousin and Marth (9) reported a
Cheddar cheese experiment where a specific 4.5 I I I I I
psychrotroph-inoculated milk gave a greater 0 2 4 6 8 I0
cheese yield than control milk. However, these
data reflected a small shift in pH, which accord-
ing to All et al. (2), could have caused the in- Figure 5. Effect of milk storage time on yield of
cheese solids. ( e - . ) Manufacturing grade milk, (o-o)
creased yield if the psychrotroph had little or grade A milk. Initial yield differences are due to
no effect on the yield. Therefore, the actual different total solid concentrations in the milk. Each
cheese yield loss that might be encountered in data point is an average of nine observations.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 69, No. 3, 1986


low count grade A milk than high count manu- type of enzymes being liberated, which were
facturing milk after the total count reached 106 not general proteolytic types expected from a
cfu/ml in both milks. Because the grade A milk natural microflora. To compensate for the
takes longer to reach one million bacteria, there changes in clot time and curd firmness, rennet
is usually a higher enzymatic activity occurring concentrations were adjusted in this study to
at this point in storage and a yield loss is keep coagulation times between 25 and 30 rain.
greater. 5) In all four major studies conducted This procedure should have reduced protein
at this university a slight (not significant) in- losses due to other phenomena.
crease in cheese yield was observed for milk
stored 24 to 36 h (see Figure 5). This phenome- Fat Loss
non was reported by Ali et al. (2, 3) to be a
Fat loss may be monitored as ADV in the
change in casein solubility during the initial milk prior to cheese making and to some extent
storage period due to /3-casein solubility as as total fat within the cheese mass and whey.
affected by temperature and pH. Although Ali Losses resulting from hydrolysis due to lipase
et al. (2) did not report psychrotrophic growth action are most easily monitored by deter-
during milk storage, casein solubility decreased mining the ADV of the milk prior to manufac-
with pH down to 6.6. Storage of high quality turing cheese. Acid degree values increased
milk where initial psychrotrophic counts com- from 1.2 to 1.4 (manufacturing grade) and 1.0
pose 10 to 20% of the total counts results in a to 1.7 (grade A) in the milk when fat decreased
gradual decrease in pH overcoming the tempera- within the cheese mass (Figure 6) as milk
ture effect and may cause the slight increase in storage time increased.
yield. Rate of lipase hydrolysis is a function of
time and temperature in Cheddar cheese (20).
Protein Loss The action of these enzymes would be expected
to accelerate during ripening prior to coagula-
Measurement of protein change is difficult
tion of the cheese solids. Therefore, the actual
to monitor except that found in the whey as
ADV would be somewhat higher than those
total nitrogen. Whey total nitrogen increased
reported here because the samples were col-
with storage time (P<.01). Whey total nitrogen
lected at the time that the milk was added to
represents a composite of cellular nitrogen,
the vat.
whey proteins, hydrolyzed casein and peptides,
and nonprotein nitrogen. When other types of
Prediction Equations
protein or nonprotein nitrogen measurements
are determined the information is relatively use- Cheese yield loss from high count manufac-
less. Other researchers (4, 10, 21, 23, 37) have turing grade milk or milk of an undetermined
observed similar increases in whey nitrogen
when psychrotrophs are present in stored milk.
Yan et at. (35, 36) noted that tyrosine equi-
valent correlated inversely with decreasing yield
and suggested this method for estimating yield o-''----'o~ o~
losses. The tyrosine equivalent increased up to
222% as yield losses were incurred. A 30

Hicks et al. (17), Ali et al. (3), Chapman et

al. (5), and Cousin and Marth (7) have observed
that coagulation time increases with storage
time, and a softer curd is produced in milk con-
taining natural psychrotrophic microflora. Ali
20~ I I I I 1 I I I I t
et al. (3) reported that the change in curd 2 4 6 8 I0
rigidity affected cheese yield. Cousin and Marth STORAGE TIME (days)
(7) observed curd tension to increase with
storage time when a specific organism was Figure 6. Effect of milk storage time on percent
fat in cheese. (e o) Manufacturing grade milk, (o-o)
inoculated in the milk prior to storage. How- grade A milk. Each data point is an average of nine
ever, these observations probably reflect the observations.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 69, No. 3, 1986


age may be approximated for each day's storage 1 d of milk storage. Cheese quality rapidly
within the manufacturing plant from the fol- decreased after this time. Cheese manufactured
lowing simplified formula: from milk stored longer than 6 d were generally
gassy (Figure 8) with pasty body. Flavor
-.368 (d) became fruity to extremely unclean with
Cheese yield loss - 6.1 [1] increased bitterness. Many cheeses from milk
near maximum storage limits contained
Where d = storage rime (d) that the milk is held bleached areas and areas with red discoloration,
in the manufacturing plant after receiving it. indicating the presence and dominance of
Yield loss for low count grade A milk can be specific organisms. McKinnon and Pettipher
approximated, assuming that the age of the (22) reported and Collins (6) reviewed the sur-
oldest milk in the farm bulk tank is known, by vival and growth of spore-forming psychro-
the following formula: trophs capable of causing these changes. Yan et
al. (35) reported that pasteurization decreased
.526 d - .16 (d) 2 the total count by 3 to 4 log cycles. Therefore,
Cheese yield loss = 6.1 [2 ]
when the psychrotrophic counts are greater
than 106 sufficient vegetative cells, spores and
Where d = the total milk storage time (d) of the heat stable enzymes are present to dominate
oldest milk in the receiving silo; e.g., from time the aging process. In addition, heat stable
of milking to time of cheese manufacturing. enzymes were probably responsible for the
Formula [1] assumes milk is of poor quality pasty textures and development of bitter fla-
at the time it is placed into the receiving silo vors. Several researchers (5, 20) have suggested
and that sufficient degradative enzymes are that curd retains enough heat stable lipases and
present to cause this rate of yield loss. A simi- proteases from psychrotrophs in heavily con-
lar equation was determined in earlier work taminated milk to affect the body and texture
(17) for manufacturing milk with normal total of the cheese during aging and cause quality
solids. Therefore, formula [1] should approxi- lOSSeS.
mate yield losses for poor quality milk of vary-
ing total solids. Surplus grade A milk that has
been shipped through a receiving station and Economic Losses
most manufacturing milk would fit the quality The equation for calculating yield losses
criteria for using this formula. Milk with a from manufacturing milk suggests that .6% of
known storage history that is shipped directly the maximum yield is lost per day of low tem-
to the cheese plant is of sufficiently high perature storage. Cheese plants that store milk
quality to estimate yield loss using formula [2].
However, manufacturers should be cautious
when using formula [2] if initial bacterial
counts are greater than 30,000 cfu/ml. In ex- I0
tremely high quality milk, Yan et al. (36) ob-
served that when initial bacterial counts were
less than 1,000 cfu/ml an extended lag period
was observed prior to any losses being noted.
Therefore, these formulas should be used as DE
practical guides to improve operating proce- \,
dures while estimating cheese yield losses. 8 ~ o

Cheese Quality I 1 I I I t 1 I 1 I
0 2 4 6 s i0
Cheese quality as determined by two graders STORAGE TIME (days)
decreased as storage time increased (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Effect of milk storage time on cheese
In all studies conducted in our laboratories (4, quality at 30 d of age. (o-o) Manufacturing grade
14, 15, 17, 18, 24), cheese quality increased milk, (o-o) grade A milk. Each data point is an aver-
slightly (nonsignificant) after approximately age of nine observations from two graders.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 69, No. 3, 1986


ment were pasteurized and manufactured into

cheese, and resulting yields were compared with
those obtained on d 0 for manufacturing and
grade A milk. Each treatment was terminated
when stored milk coagulated when pasteurized.
Increase in total bacterial count ranged from
one log cycle for high count manufacturing
grade to more than three log cycles for low
count grade A milk. Similar changes were
observed for proteolytic and psychrotrophic
populations. As stationary populations were
approached essentially all organisms were
psychrotrophic and most were proteolytic and
lipolytic in activity. Cheese yield was affected
by initial psychrotrophic populations and
Figure 8. Effect of milk storage time on cheese length of time that raw milk was stored. Losses
texture at 6 mo of age. were significant when aerobic counts exceeded
1 0 6 cfu/ml. Recovery of cheese solids decreased
by approximately .6% for manufacturing grade
for an additional day before manufacturing milk per day of storage up to 4 d. Further stor-
cheese would lose 8.7¢/cwt assuming a cheese age gave much greater losses of cheese solids
price of $1.45/lb (.454 kg) and a moisture con- and correlated with attainment of maximum
tent of 39%. Using the formula for high quality bacterial populations. Protein degradation was
milk, yield loss from surplus grade A milk accompanied by increased moisture content in
stored and transported for 5 d would be .2 lb the curd. Cheese quality decreased as psychro-
(.09 kg) cheese/cwt and a loss of 29~/cwt milk trophic populations increased. Stored milk
handled. cheeses were gassy with red and bleached out
areas and had a weak body with bitter flavors
Manufacture Recommendations typical of that produced by heat stable pro-
teolytic enzymes.
Some general management practices that will
Cheese plants purchasing high count manu-
reduce or eliminate cheese yield losses are to:
facturing milk or surplus grade A milk, or
storing milk for cheese manufacturing purposes
1. Reduce milk storage time.
2. Encourage production of higher quality milk, where aerobic counts prior to pasteurization
and rapid cooling. exceed 1 0 6 cfu/ml, will sustain substantial yield
3. Pick up milk daily if herd size is large enough and quality losses. Cheese manufacturing prac-
tices should be modified to encourage the use
to warrant it.
4. Store milk at 2°C. of low count milk or to penalize the use of high
count milk. Milk storage should be minimized,
5. Reduce ripening time when practical.
reducing the time that milk is stored at re-
6. Ship surplus grade A milk directly to the
ceiving stations or manufacturing plants.
cheese manufacturing plant.
7. Do not contaminate storage silos containing
high quality, low count milk with high count
surplus grade A milk. REFERENCES

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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 69, No. 3, 1986

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