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Evolving to Divinity

Copyright © 2019 by Spearmangroup

Dallas, Texas 75237

All rights reserved. Photocopies or reproductions of any part of this manual

without written permission from the publisher are illegal. Moreover, no part
of this publication can be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted by any
means, or recorded or otherwise, without written permission from the

Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty

In preparing this manual, including research, development, and testing, the

publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions.
Neither publisher nor author assumes liability for damages resulting in the
use of this information.

Printed in the United States of America

Table of Contents

Pre-requisite Attitude





This guidebook is written for a learning experience where a training manual

will be the primary source of delivery. Recommended use is as a self-study
tool. The information herein is valid for a manual that compliments a
stand-up instructor or Internet-delivered training. However, the focus of the
content is a self-study manual. For more information about the Internet-
delivered training, see the presenter.

Pre-requisite Attitude

Participants who are objective with an open mind will receive profound,
high-value information from the material herein.

Every reader who wishes to take away real value from this manual should
test the information presented. It is an aggregation of ancient Eastern
Spiritual teachings. You will see nothing “new.” As the saying goes, “There is
nothing new under the sun, if it’s new, then it ain’t real if it’s real it ain’t

A beautiful proverb, meaning Truth is universal, singular, and eternal. It

has always been here and will always be here.

The purpose of this manual is to look into the past, learn from the ancient
Eastern elders, and capture as much of their sacred teachings as possible.
The benefit of this approach is to gain self-knowledge and discover practices
that enable serious participants to overcome life challenges and find peace
and happiness.

Why learn from the Ancient Eastern elders you ask? We respect the ancient
Eastern Savants by following their Spiritual teachings. Sacred learning
enabled them to evolve to Divinity and transform their society into the
prototype for all civilizations.

Only a person with eyes can see colors. Only a person with ears can enjoy
music. Similarly, only a person who has prospered from their Spiritual
teachings can show us how to prosper. The instruction worked for them;
they can work for us.


At the end of these sessions, you will be able to:

 Define God and explain other related information

 Clarify celestial and biological Man and additional relevant
 information
 Describe the development of the Cosmos and its bonding Truths
 Explain deep Spirit/Energy and its fundamental aspects
 Explain why replacing the limited Human Self-Knowledge Image with
the unlimited Divine Self-Image is crucial
 Vitalize and balance the phases of their Lifeforce
 Exercise Truth Initiations for the Universal Truths of Man.


Session 0: Before We Begin

Session 1: Know God

Session 2: Understand Man

Session 3: Comprehend the Cosmos

Session 4: Spirit/Energy Revisited

Session 5: Value Self-Image

Session 6: Cultivate the Lifeforce

Session 7: Practice Truth Initiations



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