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Evolving to Divinity

Session 6-Cultivate the Lifeforce

Participants will be able to vitalize and balance the states of their Lifeforce.


Key Points
Participants will know the significance of Chakras.
Participants will learn the phases of the Lifeforce.
Participants will explain the Tree of Life and its importance.
Participants will know how to cultivate their Lifeforce.

Tree of Life
RA-diant Energy
“All things were formed of energy, arrangements of bundled light that were
subject to natural law. The awareness of this truth, defined to absolute
perfection, granted the mage-trained their influence. To know a thing, to
encompass its full measure in respect, was to hold its secrets in mastery. Life-
force was the basis of all power.”― Janny Wurts, The Curse of the Mistwraith.

Cultivate the Lifeforce means empowering its different phases. Lifeforce

empowerment, along with a Divine Self-Image, ensures well-being and
successful evolution to Divinity.

Know that the Mind through visual and verbal expression exerts direct control
of the Lifeforce. Your thoughts and ideas (the verbalization) and your mental
conviction are immediate controllers of your Spirit/Energy. If your thoughts,
beliefs, knowledge, opinions are in harmony with Universal Truths, you will
exist with successful outcomes. Lifeforce cultivation, plus a Divine Self-Image,
ensures well-being and successful evolution to Divinity.

The Lifeforce maintains all your physical and mental functions, including life,
heat, and health. Therefore, if your body is deficient in Lifeforce, he or she is
likely to become physically or mentally unwell. However, when your body has
plenty of Lifeforce, you are in good health.

Phases of the Lifeforce

Most people are miserable, work meaningless jobs, stress to pay bills, and
rely on drugs–both pharmaceutical and recreational to escape the dullness of
life. Worry about finances, children, love life, and or health can cause Lifeforce
to fade. As Lifeforce fades, they feel depressed and even indifferent about their
existence. This unfortunate condition is something that we may be unaware
of unless we are on the path to Divinity.

Fortunately, the ability to upgrade the different phases of the Lifeforce lies
within us. No need to worry. Having an empowered Lifeforce is a possibility
and blessing because it brings new opportunities and vitality.

The Lifeforce can be broken down into four phases:

 Replenishment
 Conservation
 Free Flow

 Balance


Replenishment of the Lifeforce comes from observing proper dietary

principles, alkalizing your body, taking vitamin and mineral supplements,
and body hydration.
Proper Dietary Principles

Following Proper Dietary Principles build optimum Spirit/Energy (let us call

this RA-diant Energy) health. The RA-diant health system enabled the ancient
elders to measure both vigor and freshness of foods.

From that perspective, we recognize the correct method of establishing diets

and medicines for balanced health maintenance. Instead of nutrition ideas
such as counting vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, calories, the ancient
sages treated people with Ra-diant Energy nutrition.

The Universal Truth of Vibration tells us that the Cosmos, and everything in
it, is vibrating Spirit/Energy. The world has no solidity. Spirit/Energy (RA-
diant Energy) is the one fundamental energy, originating from in the Material
World from solar flares of the sun and vibrating through the Cosmos and
Man, defining all things in our world.

You can measure the RA-diant Energy of one food to another by its specific
wavelength. The same is true for electromagnetic sub-atomic particles of
matter. Everything vibrates at a unique wavelength of light (photon) relative
to what it is; color, perfume, temperature, food, herbs, flowers, planets,
galaxies, etc.

The phenomenon of Ra-diant Energy emits a vibration (frequency) that

reflects the thoughts, foods, and medicines we consume and contributes to
our Lifeforce. It is essential to understand that this same Ra-diant Energy is
the basic unit of the Physical Body: the foundation that forms all the Physical
Body chemical, cellular, tissue, and organs. Life itself is nothing more than a
complex of Ra-diant Energy (Spirit/Energy) exchanges.

For example, green plants and some other organisms use RA-diant Energy to
produce foods from carbon dioxide and water. Reptiles must supplement RA-
diant Energy they get from their food by absorbing the heat of the sun.

Mammals and birds can generate their heat from the RA-diant Energy gained
from the food they eat and the air they breathe.

As living beings, it only makes sense to eat fresh, organic RA-diant Energy
foods cultivated with love to bring those vibrations into our bodies. When we
consume these frequencies of light, which hold the Spirit/Energy of God, we
can move through the challenges encountered on this planet with greater

If you wish to energize yourself and feel healthy, eat fruits, vegetables, grains,
nuts, beans, legumes, and oils that give off radiance higher than the normal
6,500 Angstroms. Instead of bringing vitality to the Physical Body, low-
radiance foods, such as meats, dairy, and bad bread, drain the Physical Body
of Lifeforce. That is why you feel heavy and devitalized after a non-radiant

We offer a dietary guide of RA-diant foods based upon their therapeutic effects
on the Physical Body and its Spirit/Energy systems. This offering divides diet
into five nourishing classes of foods:

 Fruits
 Vegetables
 Grains and Nuts
 Beans and Legumes
 Oils

From: Photo-Biogenics-The Ancient Egyptian Science of Healing with Radiant

Foods, Sawandi Tariq, M.H., June 2001

RA-diant Energy Foods

Alkalize Your Body

Alkalizing means to make or become alkaline (the opposite of acidic). Be sure

to alkalize your Physical Body. Your detoxification organs (the kidneys and
its mineral reserves) can handle acidic foods like sugar, food additives, meat,
rancid oils, Trans fats, and fried food in small amounts. However, acidity can
have damaging effects.

Excessive amounts of acid deplete oxygen, which every cell in your body needs
to function. It causes loss of energy, pain, excess weight, and many other
health issues. Acidity damages the mitochondria (the cells’ energy centers) so
that they will not have enough Spirit/Energy to perform their vital functions.
An excessive amount of acid can damage the brain and other cells when not

Acid can damage tissues, joints, organs, and glands, resulting in many
imbalances or dysfunction. Muscles and joints store the acid causing damage.
If you do not eliminate excessive amounts of acidity, it depletes alkaline
minerals stored in the body, calcium from bones, and magnesium from

To avoid these ailments, Alkalizing is crucial. Making your Physical Body

more alkaline is easy. Here are a few ways to do it for more Spirit/Energy and

 Start your day with a large glass of water with the juice of a whole,
squeezed lemon. While lemons may seem acidic, they have the opposite
effect on your body.
 Eat a large green salad tossed in lemon juice and olive oil. Greens are
among the best sources of alkaline minerals, like calcium. Snack on
raw, unsalted almonds because almonds contain natural alkaline
minerals like calcium and magnesium, which helps to balance out
acidity while balancing blood sugar.

 Drink a non-dairy milk and berry smoothie with added green powder
like spirulina, chlorella, or other greens. Choose non-dairy milk over
cow’s milk, since the latter is acid-forming.
 Go for a brisk walk or some other form of exercise every day. Exercise
helps move acidic waste products so your body can better eliminate
 Breathe, choose a spot that has fresh, oxygen-rich air. Stay away from
chemical-laden air fresheners and scented candles.
 Stick to a plant-based diet. The metabolism of meat leaves an acid
residue left behind.
 Skip the sugar-laden dessert or soda. Sugar is one of the most acidic
foods we consume. You need over 30 glasses of neutral water to
counterbalance the acidity of one can of soda.
 Add more veggies to your diet. No, potatoes do not count. However,
sweet potatoes are an excellent choice (provided you are not drowning
them in sweeteners or butter). Asparagus, squash, peppers, and other
vegetables are also excellent choices.
 Sprout it out. Add more sprouts to your daily diet. They are alkalizing
and supercharged with nutrients and energy-boosting enzymes.

Take Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Vitamins are organic substances (made by plants or animals), minerals are

inorganic elements that come from the soil and water and absorbed by plants
or eaten by animals. Your body needs more of some minerals, such as
calcium, to grow and stay healthy.

There was a time when all the vitamin and mineral supplements we needed
were in the food we ate. A well-rounded meal was enough to supply our bodies
with what it needs to maintain good health.

To replenish the soil, farmers rotated the crops.

However, times have changed. Industrial wastes such as harmful gases and
chemicals, agricultural pesticides, fertilizers, and insecticides poison the soil
and deplete the nutrients needed by our Physical Body. As a result, you
cannot consume the recommended amounts of Vitamin and Mineral
Supplements in a regular meal.

The bottom line is that we need to take vitamin/mineral supplements to

compensate for what is missing from conventional food sources.

Hydrate Your Body

Hydration is replacing water in the body. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your
body needs water to work. For example, your body uses water to maintain
temperature, remove waste, and lubricate joints. The path to improved
wellness includes water for overall good health.

Recognizing the signs of dehydration is essential. They include:

 Little or no urine
 Urine that is darker than usual
 Dry mouth
 Sleepiness or fatigue
 Extreme thirst
 A headache
 Confusion
 Dizziness or lightheadedness
 No tears when crying

Water makes up more than half of your body weight. You lose water each day
when you go to the bathroom, sweat, and even when you breathe. You lose
water even faster when the weather is hot, when you are physically active or
if you have a fever. Vomiting and diarrhea can also lead to rapid water loss.
If you do not replace the water you lose, you can become dehydrated.

You should drink water every day. Different people need varying amounts of
water to stay hydrated. Most healthy people can stay well hydrated by liquids
whenever they feel thirsty. For some, fewer than eight glasses may be enough.
Others may require over eight glasses each day. An excellent test of the
hydration level is the urine check. Proper hydration occurs when your urine
is colorless or light yellow. Dehydration occurs when your urine is a dark
yellow or amber color.

If staying hydrated is difficult for you, here are tips that can help:

 Keep a bottle of water with you during the day. To reduce your costs,
carry a reusable water bottle and fill it with water.

 If you dislike the taste of plain water, try adding a slice of lemon or lime
to your drink.
 Drink water before, during, and after a workout.
 Although drinking water will not satisfy the real craving, drink water
when you are feeling hungry. We often confuse thirst with hunger.
Drinking water may also contribute to a healthy weight-loss plan. Some
research suggests that drinking water can help you feel full.
 If you have trouble remembering to drink water, drink on a schedule.
For example, drink water when you wake up, at breakfast, lunch, and
dinner, and when you go to bed. Drink a small glass of water each hour.
 Drink water when you go to a restaurant. It will keep you hydrated,
and it is free.

Heat Your Physical Body

Heating of the Physical Body enhances the breakdown of food and its
transformation into Spirit/Energy processes. Higher cellular Spirit/Energy
production facilitates healing.

Viruses, tumors, and toxin-laden cells are weaker than healthy cells. They
cannot tolerate heat. Raising body temperature causes infections to heal
faster. Hyperthermia or fever therapy helps combat infections and even
cancer. Our bodies develop a fever when ill to enhance metabolism and help
kill germs.

Heat treatments (saunas) enhance circulation and oxygenate the tissues.

They open the nasal passages and assist the sinuses in draining. A primary
eliminative organ, most people's skin, is very inactive. Many do not sweat.
This condition may be because of synthetic or tight clothing that does not
Deskbound living and sun damage also inactivate the skin. Hundreds of
chemicals affect the skin from lotions, soaps, creams, and deodorants.
Others are cleaning solvents, detergent residues, and chemicals from bathing

Repeated hot sauna treatments restore skin elimination.

You can get rid of toxic chemicals and metals faster than any other method:
a habit that pays many dividends. Steam baths, sweat lodges, vigorous
exercise, and hot tubs are extreme and less effective.

Keep it Moving with Exercise

Exercise is an activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or

improve the Physical Body. The best exercises are those that have a higher
purpose in life that keep you active and working daily to develop yourself and
the world. For example, in ancient Kemet, godmen on earth is what workers
aspired to be. They manifested this desire by identifying with a Divine Self-
Image and cultivating their Lifeforce.

Western ideas on exercise focus on bodily processes and the chemistry of

living matter. Eastern thought comes from the perspective of Spirit/Energy,
like all other things and events in the world.

Exercise is not the goal in life. Instead, think Spirit/Energy movement, along
with proper breathing techniques, to promote the vitality of the Lifeforce. The
activity should be physical and mental, improving Spirit/Energy flow to the
Chakras of both the Mind and Physical Body: giving balance to the related
psychological phases of the Mind and organs in the Physical Body.

Physical and mental wellness is the basis of Spiritual health. A fit Physical
Body means a healthy body temple capable of maintaining Spiritual practices
that bring about an evolution to Divinity.

Exercise also supports the removal of disease by helping the circulatory and
lymphatic systems move impurities into the excretory (waste removing)

Best Exercise Habits

The best time to exercise is early in the day when your body is warm. A proper
exercise strategy deals with flexibility, strength, and circulatory system body
conditioning. It does not require a gym or spa. You can do simple exercises in
your bedroom, such as:

 Knee Bends
 Sit-ups

 Push-ups
 Running in place
 Daily walk
 Other callisthenic and aerobic activities including Qi Gong, Yoga, and
Tai Chi

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is a condition of the Mind and Physical Body that repeats for several
hours every night, in which the nervous system is still, the eyes closed, the
muscles relaxed, and Consciousness suspended.

The way you feel while you are awake depends, in part, on what happened
while you were sleeping. During sleep, your body is working to support
healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. In children and
teens, sleep also helps support growth and development.

Linked to a lack of sleep is an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease,

high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. The damage from sleep deficiency
can occur in an instant (such as a car crash), or it can harm you. For example,
an ongoing sleep deficiency can raise your risk of some chronic health
problems. It can also affect how well you think, react, work, learn, and get
along with others.

Sleep plays a crucial role in your physical health throughout your life: for
example, in the healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Getting
enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health,
physical health, quality of life, and safety.

Things to do to improve sleep habits include:

 Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day. Have a set bedtime
and a bedtime routine for children. Do not use the child's bedroom for
timeouts or punishment.
 Keep the same sleep schedule on weeknights and weekends. The time
differences should be only an hour: use the hour before bed as quiet
Do not indulge in bright light or strenuous exercise; they signal the
brain that it is wake up time.

 Avoid large meals within two hours of bedtime. (Having a light snack is
okay.) Also, avoid alcoholic drinks before bed.
 Avoid cigarettes (or any form of nicotine and caffeine, including
caffeinated soda, coffee, tea, and chocolate). They are all stimulants,
substances that can interfere with sleep.
 Be physically active and spend time outside every day (when possible).
Keep your bedroom quiet, cool, and dark.
 Use relaxation techniques or take a hot bath before bed.


Cleansing the body means sanitizing the blood. Sanitation occurs when you
remove impurities from the blood and the liver. The Physical Body also
eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system,
and skin. Cleansing your Physical Body through proper diet, fasting, and
eating are essential parts of cultivating your Lifeforce.

If you maintain eating habits as discussed under Replenishment, your

Physical Body will cleanse itself, and rigorous fasting practices will not be


Periodic Fasting

Periodic fasting is the self-denial of all or some foods or drinks for a set period.
There are many ways to fast, most between 24 to 72 hours. Intermittent
fasting involves cycling between periods of eating and not eating, ranging from
a few hours to a few days at a time. Many health benefits, from increased
weight loss to better brain function, come from fasting.

Despite its recent surge in popularity, fasting is a practice that dates back
centuries and plays a central role in many cultures and religions.
There are many fasts, making it easy to find a method that fits your lifestyle.
Here are a few of the most common types of fasts:

 Water fasting: involves drinking only water for a set amount of time
 Juice fasting: entails just drinking vegetable or fruit juice for a
specified period
 Intermittent fasting: it restricts intake for a few hours up to a few
days at a time. At other times, resume a healthy diet.

Partial fasting: eliminate from the diet for a set period, certain foods, or
drinks such as processed foods, animal products, and caffeine.

Despite the lengthy list of health benefits associated with fasting, it may not
be right for everyone.

If you try fasting, be sure to hydrate and fill your diet with RA-diant Energy
packed foods during your eating periods to maximize the potential health

If fasting for extended periods, try to minimize intense physical activity and
get plenty of rest.

Conscious Breathing

Conscious Breathing is the practice of inhalation with awareness, intention,

and attention, acting as a bridge between your Spirit/Energy, Mind, and

It is taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by

exhalation. Conscious Breathing connects your Consciousness and Lifeforce.
It is to Spirit/Energy what physical exercise is to the body. Take a deep breath
into your body, and the lifeless feeling and thoughts that live there can then
shift. This change gives stagnant Spirit/Energy the momentum to discharge
for a better purpose.

Conscious Breathing is essential because it strengthens your Spiritual

muscles. The breath is our link to God and one way we bring Lifeforce into
our body. It enables the experience of Spirit/Energy.

To help the Lifeforce flow throughout your body, try the following breathing

Breathing Technique 1

Close your eyes:

 Inhale through your nose and for a count of 8

 Pause for a count of 3
 Exhale through your nose for a count of 8
 Pause for a count of 3
 Repeat 10 to 15 times

Breathing Technique 2

With your eyes closed and lying flat on your back in bed:

 Inhale through your nose for a count of six

 Pause for a count of 3
 Exhale through your nose for a count of 6
 Pause for a count of 3
 Inhale through your nose for a count of 8
 Pause for a count of 3
 Exhale through your nose for a count of 8

Repeat the steps, each time increasing the count by two until you stretch your
breath out for as many counts as you can (try to get to 12)! Once you have
done that, repeat ten times.

Breathing Technique 3

Close your eyes:

 Inhale five times through your nose without exhaling

 Pause for a count of 5
 Exhale through your mouth as if you are fogging up a window-slowly
 Pause for a count of 5
 Repeat 15 times

Control your breathing. Control of breath is a practice used before and during
Meditation since it acts to harmonize energies of the Mind. It is an effective
way to store and accumulate Lifeforce in the Physical Body.

Other methods include; control of emotions, sensuality, thoughts, actions,

Breathing Control Exercise

 Close your eyes and allow your belly to expand as you breathe in
 Visualize yourself taking in Lifeforce along with the air
 See the Lifeforce staying in your Physical Body as you expel the air
 Visualize that the air’s nutrients carry impurities away


Balance of the Lifeforce occurs when there is equilibrium between its four
modes of expression. The classical modes are:

 Fire
 Earth
 Water
 Air

The ancients taught that the four modes (elements) were the way to classify
all things because they made up all matter in the Material World. Each mode
is self-sustaining, yet cannot exist without the other three. The four modes
balance each other and the Lifeforce.

When one mode is over or underactive, you feel the imbalance (as
excessiveness or deficiency). For instance:

 Too much Fire and you are angry. Not enough Fire, and you let people
step all over you.
 Too much Water means indecisiveness. Not enough Water and you are
 Too much Air and you are spacey. Not enough Air and you are
 Too much Earth means excessive tediousness. Not enough earth and
you are sarcastic.

With Fire, Water, Air, and Earth in equilibrium, it brings about healing in the
Higher and Lower Mind, Lifeforce, and Physical Body.

Besides fluctuation, a balanced Lifeforce requires correct timing. The table
below displays the elder’s timing model for harmonizing with the daily cycle
of the Lifeforce.

From one extreme (Fire) to the other extreme (Water), with cooling and
moisturizing, our Lifeforce fluctuates. In between fluctuations, there are the
cold and dry (Earth), and hot and moist (Air) modes (see diagram below).

It is natural for people to want success and happiness. Secular and Spiritual
teachings clarify that success and happiness result from a cultivated
Lifeforce. The following tables present the four Lifeforce modes in more detail.

Everything we do depends on and affects one of these modes of Lifeforce
expression. Observe the Universal Truth of Rhythm, be moderate in your
activities, and time events in alignment with the cyclical manifestation of
these modes.

The Chakra/Man Connection

Lifeforce is a part of the Spirit/Energy in your body. Chakras that rotate

inside of us are Man’s centers of Spirit/Energy. The seven major Chakras live
within Man’s Spirit/Energy components and are not physical. You cannot see
them on an X-ray machine. They are aspects of Spirit/Energy that connect
immaterial and material elements through the endocrine and nervous

Each of the seven endocrine glands and a particular group of nerves called a
plexus form a link to the seven major Chakras. Each Chakra corresponds
with specific parts of the Physical Body, making them essential elements in

The Higher Mind houses the Heart Chakra, which links to the following:

 Universal Truth of Man 6-Freedom and Self-Reliance

 Universal Truth of Man 5-Justice and Protection
 Universal Truth of Man 4-Order

The Lower Mind houses the Solar Plexus Chakra, which links to the following:

 Universal Truth of Man 9-Transcendence

 Universal Truth of Man 8-Precedents to Guide and Expedite
 Universal Truth of Man 7-Pleasure and Creativity

The Lifeforce part of Man houses the Sacral Chakra, which links to the upper
half of Universal Truth of Man10-Proof.

1. Cultivate the Lifeforce means _____________________.

___ Weakening its different phases

__ Enhancing its different phases
___ Spirit/Energy is in the world and you
___ Using premises based on solid rock
___ None of the above

2. What are the four phases of the Lifeforce? (Fill in the blanks)

1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________

3. If you wish to energize yourself and feel healthy, eat fruits, vegetables,
grains, nuts, beans, legumes, and oils that give off radiance higher than
your normal 6,500 Angstroms. Instead of bringing vitality to the
Physical Body, low-radiance foods, such as meats, dairy, and bad
bread, drain the Physical Body of Lifeforce. (True or False)

___ True ___ False

4. The four elements (modes) comprise some matter in the Material World.
(True or False)

___ True ___ False

5. A Charka’s function is to bridge the _________ and ____________ through

the endocrine and nervous systems. (Fill in the blanks)

___ Spirit/Energy
___ Components
___ Physical Body
___ Immaterial
___ Material Worlds
___ None of the above

6. The ___________ enabled the ancient Eastern elders to measure the vigor
and freshness of foods. (Fill in the blank)

___ Spirit/Energy
___ RA-diant Health System
___ Vitamins, minerals, etc. count
___ Alkalization
___ Hydration
___ None of the above

7. RA-diant Energy emits a vibration that reflects the thoughts, foods, and
medicines we consume, as well as contributes to the Lifeforce. (True or

___ True ___ False

8. Alkalizing means to make or become alkaline (the ________ of acidic).

(Fill in the blank)

___ Synonym
___ Detox
___ Spirit/Energy
___ Opposite
___ Hydration
___ None of the above

9. Minerals are organic substances made by plants or animals. (True or


___ True ___ False

10. Diverse people need ________ amounts of water to stay hydrated. (Fill
in the blank)

___ Similar
___ Healthy
___ Fewer
___ Different
___ None of the above

11. Exercise is not the goal in life. Instead, think _______ along with
Conscious Breathing techniques, to promote the vitality of the
Lifeforce. (Fill in the blank)

___ Physical and mental

___ Chakras
___ Spirit/Energy movement
___ Balance
___ None of the above

12. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your
mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. (True or

___ True ___ False

13. Balance of the Lifeforce occurs when there is an equilibrium between

its four modes of expression. The Classical modes are: (Fill in the



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