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i: From his thirty-year adventure as a tetepath with direct contact to ETs
Bateman has compited a fascinating spectrum of information. Ranging from
technotogy to the Trading Houses, psychic energy and aging he presents
ideas thai will impact your view of "realityr" past and future.

The Frequency Barrier physics. !n fact, it is useci aiong with lead as earthquakes and their corresponding UFO-
ver a period of time the people of radration shielding around a nuclear reactor sighting locations on l-os Angeles television;
the Elder Race came to admire the because it absorbs raciiaii,:n. revelation of the extraterrestrial means of
people of the fifth planet of this system. spacecraft propulsion (acclaimed by Wiliard
This planet was called Maidek. The Mai- Tne extraieri'estrials polnt ort that old Ubby, tlobel Prize winner in physics, the
blondes who haci age and radiation poisoning (radiation sick- A.E.C. and the Soviet Academy of Science);
dekians were fair-skinned
a "fast lane" attitude about life and ness) have the same symptorns. Some of the finding of Flight 19; explanations of live
deliberately inspired primal psychic excite- them are lack of pigmentatloi, (especially ir: stock mutilations and the 17'year pvramid re
search project. The mathematicai deductions
ment in those they came in contact with. hair"), steriiity, ancj the gradual deterioration
Eventually the Maldekians began to Sovern cf the circulatory system. The ETs say that were usd by a French/Egyptian archeologi"
the populations of the Earth whom they the cieuterium in our bodies, which we have cal team to locate a hidden chamber in the
later subjected and enslaved. accunrulated over our lifetirrles fr*rn ingest- Creat Pyramld of Ciza, and I was invited by
ing the toxic water of the Earth, absorbs anci the Egyptian Aniiquities Organization to
The planet Maldek at first was very retains radiation from the sun and other en- speak at a symposium in Cairo in December
O vircinrental 5ources. Therefore, we oi 1987.
receptive to this energy; then it began tc age
shudder. Buildings began to topple. Sud- Cue to the bioiogicai disruption brought
about by rarjiation damage. This radiation The Christ Reality
denly, the planet exploded into pieces'
What happened is similar to a singer sound- damage would not occur as severely as it Will there ever be a solirtion that w!!l
ing a musical note and breaking a glass dces if rve had no deuteriun-l in our bodies. free the psychically enslaved from their
goblet. The shattered remains of r\laldek Deuterium dces its bioioglcai damage cn other-side-of-the-wheel masters, the forces
then took up solar orbits betvreen ihe the celiular ie';cl, of darkness? The rePerfected ones
planets Mars and Jupiter. The chunks of respc,nded to this concerri with Lights of
debris are now called the asteroici belt. in tne republic of Ceorgia, a men-rber of Divlne Direction. By the process cf elimina-
the recentl'y formeci Feieration of Russian tion, the extraterrestrials eventually Iearned
Earth at one point in time passed in its Republics, is found a Sroup of peopie, the that the solution to ihis spiritual dilemma
orbit through a large hydrogen cloud that Hungas, rvho are famous for iiv'ing for well wolrld corne in the forr,r of a man, and that
formed due to the expiosion of Maldek. over i00 years. lt is reported that the men of man would be born in the Frequencl' Bar-
Thls cioud interacted with the Earth's rich this group are able to father chil<iren even rier of the planet Earth. Jesls lr;s that man,
ox)/gen atmosphere and electrical storm ac- after they reach an advanceci age. The quer He w,er;t irom birth to death on the crcss,
tiviry and formed enough water to fill our tion is. what is the great secret of Hunsa lon withoui putting a destiny distoriion into his
'ffre answel is the water they drink. aura. ln so cioing, he lnitiated the nelv
oceans to their present depths. The dif- gevity?
ference in the then newly created 'water They obain iheif lvatei from ancient mou+ reality, which is now reierred to as the
was that it contained the isotope of tain glaciers tl:at corriain very little deuteriur-rr' Ci-,r"ist Reality.

h;'drogen ca!led deuterium' The extrater- These g,laciers reflect a certain shade of blue.
restrals say that it is the deuterlum !n our This i.inique color corresponds io the color
irater that causes us to age. (wavelength) of a spectrai line that is emitted
or absorbecj by deuierium rvhen the aiom is ORDER YOUR. COPIES NOW!
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Friend or Foe?
Part I
by Wes Bateman

'-f-tni, is the Coddess of Black Lace. I Brom-Merlin uses this unique repetitious Sol 4 (Mars) . "Zone Rex" means king or
I .rr, mv mist across the Star of Sorrow. statement to introduce himself. The state ruler of all zones. At the time of this com-
I cast my Liight across the Valley of Death. ment, "l am black, I am silver" means that munication the Zone Rex is physically re
Castor flex sim vara gol vim larpa. Costina Brom-Merlin's basic aura color is black, in- siding on Mars. The title "Monitor Zero Big
blac sace mer mar rit trover. dicating a state of material perfection. By Red Four" belongs to the person who is
Interpretation: The Coddess of .Black the mention of the color silver in his aura, next in the chain of command to the Mar-
Lace is the name of an underground extra- Brom-Merlin has acknowledged that he tian Zone Rex. The communication also in-
terrestrial base located on the Earth in the possesses psychic energy that exceeds his forms us that the Martian Monitor Zero is
Panamint Mountains of Death Valley, Cali- needs and rvill bear the majority of the psy- at the present time residing physically on
fornia. Thus the reference to the Valley of chic energv cost for any continuing tele Sol 3 (Earth). The location of these two in-
Death. This ET base borders the secret test pathic communication, up to the time his dividuals is important because at the pre
site of the U.S. government known as Area excess energy' is spent and the silver ring sent time they are the two largest "psychic
51. The Star of Sorrow referred to is our disappears from his aura. pressures" in the vicinity of the telepathic
own sun, "5o1." The sorrow is for the de All Federation and Trading House Cop- communication who would voluntarily pro
struction of the onceexisting fifth planet of ies will give their aura colors prior to con- vide psychic energy or any other form of
this solar system, which was known as Mal- tinuing to communicate telepathically. assistance to the initial communicators.
dek, and for our sun's other planets that are They do this to give those with whom the "The Red Turn is not in motion" means that
unable to support any form of life. As rvell, communication rvill take place the opportu- telepathic levels of the Universal Life Field
feeling of sorrorr is I'elt by the ertrater- nity to decide not to participate rvith the are not being excessively used to conduct
^llhe ot tne naTsn dno rtr5trtci- initiator oi the communication. Those who Martian business with the Federation. The
!-'r,r,u,, Decause
are educated in the subject of aura color basic aura color of most Martians is a fiery
ing mental conditions that are imposed on
the people of the Earth by the Frequency values simply might not want to communi- red; thus the meaning of "Red Turn."
Barrier. The phrase that ends the above cate telepathically with a person who does From time to time and most unexpect-
quotation is the Universal Language of the not have the same aura color as their own. edly, a spiritual phenomenon occurs on the
Soul or "Sol-Tec." Though easily read and This is not snobbery or in any way demean- planet Mars. Holographic scenes of the
easily spoken, the phrase can be transmit- ing, because in some cases a particular planet's ancient past appear/ looking similar
ted and received only telepathically and only aura color or an unbalanced aura in one of to what we call a mirage but much more
by persons with exceptional telepathic abili- the communicators might drive the other "up vivid in visible and audille,detail. These
ties. Therefore, the phrase is a code or key the wall," so to speak. lf such a condition events (Red Chost Walkings) are of spiritual
insuring telepathic privacy and security should occur, any communication is really importance to the Martians. The fact that
against telepathic eavesdroppers. Specifically, worthless, and the psychic energy (charge no such event is occurring on Mars at the
the phrase is the mental security code for the force) that is involved would be wasted. time of communication is mentioned as an
commercial Tradlng House of Cre'ator. The phrase "Lord Copy 1'l to Cre'ator" assurance that the Martian Zone Rex and
This is One-One to Cre'ator. Lord Copy means that Brom-Merlin is thirteenth in the Monitor Zero are not currently being dir
Eleven. I am Brom-Merlin, I am black, I am line of succession to totally manage the tracted by spiritual obligations. "Darin" is
silver. Verify location Red Dragon Crown vast Trading House of the volcano on Mars that
Control is on 5ol Four, Location Monitor Cre'ator. He is preceded we of Earth call "Olympus
Zero Red Four is on Sol Three. Ihe Red by Lord Copies I through Mons." This volcano is as
10 who are themselves pre- large as the state of Mis
Turn is not in motion and the Red Chosrs
do not walk on Darin. ceded by Lord Copies souri.
lnterpretation: The number one next to Zero and Monitor Zero. There is a happy Cod-
"Red Dragon Crown of
dess who sits rn the city
another number one is, of course, eleven in
our Earthly number sysiem. This can be Control" is the identifica- Shamara, Shamara, the
taken as baby talk or as a joke (at least he tion sign for Rancercarr, City of the Sleeping Sea.
Her song is, "My brother
thinks it's humorous). The Lord Copy who is the Zone Rex of all
Jerrico sings with me. I
Wes Bateman is a telepath with dircct, open contact from the open state with have two children who play

)nd ti^it"d consciousness. Tl{.li!,1,i'^!1,"!i";:i,':{:;;;i:;fl,!:xi,:;xi

e,ioilll,,!'i,:xi:,2'i:#,:: Bateman has 30 years of ongoing information on
on the stairs to Vathitta.
the open state, the Federation, the Frequency Barrier and how humanity, ETs and euolution and a wide There is an orphan who
it affects
specirum of technical and scientific information, including mathematics, the universal symbolic language, and stands on the second ttep
the three Trading Houses of this system - all part of the true history of this section of the galaxy and beyond, and waits upon a light ln

-itDONA lournal of EMERCENC.'I ACTOBER 199J


any case, do not accept any calls: This is if preceded by "Castor flex sim vara gol vim "blind" means that these people are not
the Secret o{ the White Wizard. I am a larpa" and if copy identification is, "This is available for communication; it also means
Hunter Eagle, I am an orphan. My last call copy 67 of the Regulus; I am Rothaler; I am beware of impersonations. Another body
was from Drizneffel. I stand on the second blue." Accept all calls: This is the Caduceus. of mental communicators is called the
step of the stairs to Valhalla, seeking lights This is the Mother. The Caduceus is located "Cre'ator net." ln this case the net is being
to pass below the Jollenary Line - stay clear atVitron. All copies are Crey. monitored by a man named Adrian-Nero.
of our communicalon with this ship, as the lnterpretation: Brom-Merlin says that it Brom-Merlin tells us that he, too, is in corn-
Coddess seek a favorable holy Light to adopL is both possible and permissible to commu- munication with Adrian-Nero and the net.
Interpretation: The location of Brom- nicate mentally with any extraterrestrial lo Thus the. statement, "The Goddess now
Merlin was established as being at the un- cated at Black Arrow Station, an ET base in casts her light into the Cre'ator net." We
derground base at Death Valley called the South America, and also with the Throne of are told that Adrian-Nero will take over the
Coddess of Black Lace. ln this part of the Zeus, an ET base in Creece. This is also communication duties and will act as a re
communication he tells us that the Cod- true for any communication with the Moth- Iay for any communication we might want
dess is located in the ancient pre-Fre- ership Regulus located in orbit around Sol to conduct with the Trading House of
quency Barrier city of Shamara. The ex- 6 (Saturn) and the Mothership Caduceus Cre'ator which is headquartered on Nodia,
traterrestrials have been excavating this bur- that is in orbit around Vitron (Polara 4). the third planet of the binary star system
ied city for many years. He says that We are warned not to communicate men- we of Earth call Polara.
Shamara is the City of the Sleeping Sea be- tally rvith anyone aboard the Regulus with- This is One-One to Oe'ator- Lord Copy
cause in its original state it was located on out having first having the being cleared by Eleven to CLe'ator. I am Brom-Merlin. I am
the shores of a sea. The extraterrestrials say the Cre'ator mental security phrase (code). black. I am silver. I love your birth. lf you
that this sea is only sleeping because they He suggests that before talking to anyone should fall, may you fall upon silk"
expect that some day waters will once aboard the Regulus we first communicate Interpretation: After handing the corn-
again fill the valley and the sea will awaken. with a person lvith a blue aura named munication chores over to Adrian-Nero,
The reference to the Song of the Cod- Rothaler. Brom Merlln also tells us that the Brom-Merlin bows out of the picture. He
dess means that a variety of mental com- Mental Copies aboard the Mothership Ca- signs off with an endearing phrase. These
munications (songs) are being conducted duceus are all grey of aura (Nuets). A per- closing remarks are what is called a signa-
from that site. Communication of top pri- son's aura becomes grey when their soul- ture and they differ from copy to copy.
ority is currently being conducted behveen mate(s) have attained the "lnfinite Thought" Some of these closings are quite beautiful
another underground extraterrestrial base Zero and Monitor Zero of Federation to hear.
called Jerrico. Thus the statement, "My
are blind.Black Bow-Harp control reads lf you, the reader, heard the audible
brother Jerrico sings with me."
you true seven-zera in the neL Accept all voice of an extraterrestrial telepathically in
Brom-Merlin also tells us that the Cod-
calls: This is Adrian-Nero, Monitor Zero of your mind saying the things above, would
dess has two children (spacecraft) that play
the Cre'ator Net /am black I am silver. The you trust him?
on the stairs to Valhalla. The higher the
Coddess now casts her light into the I would, l'll tell you why in next month's
step, the higher is the craft's altitude.
These craft can come and go from the base
Cre'ator neL You have a relay to Cre'ator issue of Sedona lournalof EMERCENCE!

ithe Coddess) without requiring a Light of

contol Nodia. Adrian-Nero is that relay. Cancel passports. Angels need them
Di,,'ine Direction. The name Valhalla is the
Interpretation: The statement that Zero not. May you live till one day you cast no
ancient Norse or Viking, name for Heaven.
and Monitor Zero of the Federation are shadow. X
We are also informed that there is a
third spacecraft on the "slairc"; it is called
the Secret of the White Wizard. This craft
is rvaiting to receive a Light of Divine Direc-
tion that will allow it to be "adopted" and
therefore land at the Coddess Base. Until
this Hunter Eagle, or warship, is adopted it
is referred to as an orphan. We are told
that thls spacecraft came from a distant gal-
axy named Drizneffel and that it is cur-
rently located at a set altitude point (Jolle-
nary Line) that it will not go below without
a favorable Light of Divine Direction. We
are asked not to mentally converse with
anyone aboard that ship, as such communi-
cation might delay the reception of a favor-
able Light to land.
Accepl all calls: This is Black Arrow Sta- wow! FULL COLOR PTCTURES OF
tton, Sol 3. Accept all calls: This is the
Throne of Zeus. Accept only after verifica- MAGICAL POWER TOOISI
.s, tion that the copy is Red. Accept all calls:
I -,, rs rne xegurus. Tnrs ts ne ruotner. 7nr: Want to see what they look like? Just send a legal sized
is the Old Queen of the Stars but new stars S.A.S.E. to Angel Kisses, 2610 Jacks Canyon Rd., Sedona,
look also to my peaceful way. The Regulus
location is 5ol 6. Accept Regu!us calls only
AZ 86351, or call Hallie Deering ((AD 284-1550.

Buitding Your Homeopathic Medicine Chest

by Eileen Nauman, DlHom

An." they,ve experienced homeopa- chest. Withoutsomesuchamapthereme kind of bug bites or stings, particularly
f,-ril ;;J. p;;[ ;inrt" eo out and dies would be less than useful. Another al- wasp or bee stings. lts greatest sphere of
get the remedies associated with this com- ternative is to get in touch with the nearest action has to do with antiphalatic reac-
presi- tions - in other words, conditions that
[lementary medicine. There are over homeopathic siudy group, talk to the
),000 remedies in our U.S. pharmacopeia, dent of the group and get advice from her bring on the allergic condition of the throat
ail approved by the FDA. tieedless to say, or him. The National Center for Homeopa- swelling up and closing which can induce
anyone not familiar with homeopathy thy (NCl-l) has study groups nationwide, suffocation and death. Apis, when used in
would feel as lost as the proverbial babe in and if you want to, you can join and learn a highdose form such as- a 1 M, can mean
the woods! the baiics of homeopathy with likeminded the difference between life and death in an
However, there are many possibilities people who are also searching for a safer, antiphalatic/allergic reaction situation.
available nowadays. you can create your more natural system of medicine to help Arnica: ln a previo_us article, I dis
own firsr-aidfacute homeopathic home- them. You can call NCH at (703) 548- cussedtheimportanceofthisremedy. ltis
care medicine chest or buy one that is 7790. Ask for the nearest NCH study excellentforanykindoftissuetraum4beit
stocked with familiar, frequenily used reme- group and you'll be on your way! a bruise, a blorry to the body or a cut. lt is
dies. l,d like to coverco." oi these com- Aconite: Also known as Aconitum excellent for handling any trauma and
monly used remedies and give you an idea Napellus, this is a wonderful remedy for shock that are a part of the injury, espe
*fi"iin"v can be used f|r - with the un- shock and trauma. There is nothing better cially in the case of auto accidents or bad
derstanding that any homeopathic remedy for short-term help except the Bach Flower spills, no matter where they take
place. On
has much broader uses than those l've in- Remedy known as Rescue Remedy. Aco- the furthest end of the scale, in a chronic
cluded. To know all the uses of any rem- nite is for children who fall or old people case, hemophilia can be helped with this
a homeo -'t1iii]'J:I"io'tu, ^
;:lilJffJ::i^X"[:'carred xi:i:ff:il:"ffi':li:I?"i;x'':J3l remedv is better ,o,c
The Materia Medica is our Bible, in a dent; it is good for use after any kind of "spike" fevers or high fevers than this rem-
sense. There are any number of them avail- surgery. Taking the shock out of something edy. lt is a wonderful childhood remedy
able, but what the consumer has to under- is nitt tne battle because then the body can because it can deal with most types of f*
stand is that all of them were written either get on with the healing process. So often, vers, especially ones that come on fast and
in the late l g00s or the early 1 900s, so the shock interferes and slows down the body's ligtt. lt is of special use in cases of high
way a phrase is written can be quite differ- ability to respond to an injury. So getting fevers with convulsions in babies and
vernacular and a shock under control and dissofuing it is vital.
ent from our 20th century'Boericke's young children. lt is alsolsed with another
little off-putting at times. Materia Aconite is helpful to eye injuries of any childhood torment, otitis media or middle
Medica with Repertory is probably the sort. lf you're the type of person who ear infection. Using the remedy can meary
most commonly used. catches a cold after being in a draft, then potentially, no shunt operation. ln the "old
Another alternative, one that I recom- Aconite is your remedy; take a few pellets days" this remedy was used in tonsillitis.
mend to an interested beginnet isThe Fam- after getting back into the car or house, Adults can use this remedy for migraine
ily Cuide to Homeopatiy by Dr. Andrew and it will stave off a cold. E headaches.that begin at
from any bookstore. all is not well even before I^lIB-il of a scalding nature, re
Lockie's wilt be a "road map" for you to
coid is on. rraf gdv. tl is very useful with
look to for help and explanations when you
Apis: This is an indis- Ijllt*]E incontinence.
want to use your homeopathic medicine pensable remedy for any E
-?IlE carbo Vegetailis: Util-.

of of jrr, ,"
EileenNauman, DtHom, is a graduate of the British ln*itute Homeopathy. She has 550 hourc professiona! training,and is a ;rO
with BlH. Sfie ieaches iirtt-ui"A and acute homeopathy to those taking the BlH course, Adiunct Professor with The lJnion lnstitute, Cincinnati, OH,
Eiieei ias been a lay homspath for 23 years. Letteri may be sent to: Blue Turtle Publishing, PO Box 2513, Cottonwood, AZ 86326.

SEDONA Journal of EMERCTNCE! 78 oc-toBER 1993

called in for her chiropractic appointment. I wanted to do something-anythinS-to belligerent tone, "You need to be healed!"
There was no way she could have been stop this. But it was Ellen's group. Then to Then without my permission it/she
conditioned to expect anything, usual or my further astonishment, Ellen agreed to seized my hands forcefully, then my knees.
u nusual. the demands of the entity that the whole Then it put one hand on my forehead, all
I was growing more and more uneasy group be healed, one by one.
by the moment because of what I was see- The entity, or Jan, started on the other I": Jl l"r, ;1'''$?":'"",:" l'"T 1?'::"', ifr'D
irrg and I wondered why Ellen didn't do side of the circle about eight people away stuck her damn fingers in my mouth!
something. But she did nothing. Whether from me. Jan/the entity stood in front of That was it for me and I started to react.
it was out of fear, ignorance or curiosity, l'll each person reciting what seemed to me It then quickly went on to the person sitting
never know. ln the beginning, rve in the senseless incantations, then grasped them to my right.
group had agreed, at EIlen's insistence, that in rvrestling positions and poked her fingers I still could barely believe what was
she was to be the total leader, the control into their mouths and ears. She made each transpiring. No one argued with or resisted
of the group, with no interference from us. person stand, sit or lie in contorted posi- the entity, not even Ellen. The possessed
She was a kind but strong-willed, decisrre tions, all the while making powerful hand woman went all the way around the circle,
woman. and arm gestures. "She" continued to rave finishing with the last person. Jan then
Over a period of twenty minutes, lan those crazy, quasi-religious phrases. She went to the center of the circle taking more
had gone from a patient, serene, relaled lvas coming closer to me, person by per- defiant body postures and loudly preaching
and softly smiling lady waiting to be called son. I felt trapped and very nervous. Fi- more religious-sounding gibberish.
in for her appointmerrt to a rvoman w'ho nally it rvas my ti.rrn. The entity demanded Jan was now looking ill, in fact, deathly
was now sitting ram-rod stiff u,'ith a stern in a bellorvinB tone if I wanted to be ill. Her face had become a colorless white
vindictive scowl on her face. Her bod; healed. Quickiy, I repled with a flat no. I mask with a corpselike palJor to ir Clearly,
was making violent jerking motions rvhile then added, "You are not going to do any- the situation was becoming extremely seri-
she tried in vain to sit quietly in her chair. lt thing to me! Don't even touch me!" I was ous. Finally, Ellen realized the severity of
was scary as hell to watch this, and I knerv the only one in the room who refused a the situation and decisively took control.
by then what was happening. I rvondered "h ealin g." Ellen got to her feet and made Jan sit down.
what was going to haPPen next. The possessed woman stood statuelike Ellen would not let Jan speak. A blanket
This once-serene woman jerked rio- rvrth an absolutely wild and confused ex- was spread on the floor and Jan was made
lently a few times and then abruptly leapt pression on her face. My refusal had been to lie on her back. She looked horrible.
to her feet. To the stunned surprise ani completely unexpected. Several times, as There were a few people in the room who
shock of the group, she began roaring dis- she stood there, the woman's face began had some experience with possession.
connected phrases in a polverful and husky' to transform back to normal. There was a There was, coincidentally, an excellent
male-sounding voice. lt was scary. lf you battle going on inside of her for possession chapter in The Teaching of the lnner AilsL .
saw the movie fhe ExorcisL you have a of her body. on possession and whJt to do about it if {D
pretty accurate idea of what was going on I have to mention here that I am not occurred.
in that room, albeit on a lesser scale. The making up one word of this, or exaggerat- It took over an hour to get Jan back to
woman stomped into the center of our cir' ing the incident even a little. lt was wit- what one would consider normal. When
cle and began preaching to us with power- nessed by seventeen other people who fee! herself again, she
she finally got to her
ful hand, fist and arm gestures. Quoting saw the same thing I saw. looked stunned and exhausted and was
unintelligible religious-sounding phrases, it The possessed woman was speechless white as a sheeL She went home without
sounded like she/he/it felt we were all for a few moments. The entity had not at all keeping her chiropractic appointment
messed up and needed a healing, and that anticipated my reaction. As she stood This situation nevercwould have oc-
she/he/it was just the one to perform the bending over me, staring wildly into my curred lf Jan had had'even an elemental
service. eyes, I could clearly see two different per- knowledge of discarnate beings and pos
She turned to the nearest person seated sonalities in the one body. Jan's eyes session and of her absolute right to her
in the circle, a woman (there were only would go from gentle to angry, like a switch own "space." She walked into that room
about five men in the group), and ex- being slowly flicked on and off. There was wide open. But if one knows that possession
claimed to her that she/he was going to do a struggle for dominance between the can be real and understands it somewhat no
a healing on her and was she ready. I think body's owner and the intruder. one ever needs to be affected by it
the woman was too shocked to do anY- I took the opportunity to speak to the I might add that if you have a theme of
thing but agree. This moments-before gen- possessing entity while it was off balance. I goodness in your life, believe in Spirit,
tle, softspoken woman had transformed said calmly, "You have no right to be in this know who you are and believe in and are
into a raving belligerent, inconsolate old woman's body. Why don't you get out of happy with who you are, you will never
man. She was making stiff, jerky body ges- her body and leave her alone?" The entity have to worry about any kind of dark or
tures like those of an agitated old man and was suddenly back in control. lt rational- negative force, however it might be per-
she poked the air wildly when he/she ized in disconnected phrases: "Yes - no - ceived. X
wanted to make a point. Then Jan/he be- she - because- because I - I am - I will -
gan speaking more clearly and we under- I want - I want to - I must." lt went on this
stood, in a fashion, what he/she wanted. way for a minute or more. Several times
No one moved. Everyone was spellbound, Jan's face took on a desperate, pleading ex-
riveted to their seats. pression as she momentarily regained con-
I wasn't sure about the others, but I was trol of her own body. Talking to Jan I said,
getting increasingly angry and offended. "Do you want the entity to leave Your
The entity, whoever or whatever it was, had body? Demand itl" lt was then that the en-
no right in any way to do what it was doing. tity, returning to dominance, shouted in a

THE PAMNORMAL, Tom Dongo 75 ocroBER 1993


any case, do not accept any calls: This is if preceded by "Castor flex sim vara gol vim "blind" means that these people are not
the Secret of the White Wizard. ! am a larp4" and if copy identification is, "This is available for communication; it also means
Hunter Eagle, I am an orphan. My last call copy 67 of the Regulus; I am Rothaler; I am beware of impersonations. Another body
- was from Drizneffel. I stand on the second blue." Accept all calls: This is the Caduceus. of mental communicators is called the
nu1 of the stairs to Valhall4 seeking lights
-) to pass below the lollenary Line
This is the Mother. The Caduceus is located "Cre'atot net." ln this case the net is being
- stay clear atViton. All copies are Crey. monitored by a man named Adrian-Nero.
of our comrnunication with this ship, as the lnterpretation: Brom-Merlin says that it Brom-Merlin tells us that hg too, is in com-
Coddess seek a favorable holy Light to adopt is both possible and permissible to commu- munication with Adrian-Nero and the net.
lnterpretation: The location of Brom- nicate mentally rvith any extraterrestrial lo Thus the statement, "The Coddess now
Merlin was established as being at the un- cated at Black Arrow Station, an ET base in casts her light into the Cre'ator net." We
derground base at Death Valley called the South America, and also with the Throne of are told that Adrian-Nero will take over the
Coddess of Black Lace. ln this part of the Zevs, an ET base in Creece. This is also communication duties and will act as a re
communication he tells us that the Cod- true for any communication with the Moth- lay for any communication we might want
dess is located in the ancient pre-Fre- ership Regulus located in orbit around Sol to conduct with the Trading House of
quency Barrier city of Shamara. The ex- 6 (Saturn) and the Mothership Caduceus Cre'ator which is headquartered on Nodia,
traterrestrials have been excavating this bur-
that is in orbit around Vitron (Polara 4). the third planet of the binary star system
ied city for many years. He says that We are warned not to communicate men- we of Earth call Polara.
Shamara is the City of the Sleeping Sea be tally rvith anyone aboard the
Regulus with- This is One-One to Ge'ator. Lord Copy
cause in its original state it was located on out having first having the being cleared by Eleven to Cre'ator. I am Brom-Merlin. I am
the shores of a sea. The extraterrestrials say the Cre'ator mental security phrase (code). black. I am silver. I love your birth. lf you
that this sea is only sleeping because they He suggests that before talking to anyone should fall, may you fall upon silk"
expect that some day waters will once aboard the Regulus we first communicate lnterpretation: After handing the com-
again fill the valley and the sea will awaken.
with a person rvith a blue aura named munication chores over to Adrian-Nero,
The reference to the Song of the Cod-
Rothaler. Brom Merlin also tells us that the Brom-Merlin bows out of the picture. He
dess means ihat a variety oimental com-
Mental Copies aboard the Mothership Ca- signs off with an endearing phrase. These
munications (songs) are being conducted
duceus are all grey of aura (Nuets). A per- closing remarks are what is called a signa-
from that site. Communication of top pri-
son's aura becomes grey when their soul- ture and they differ from copy to copy.
ority is currently being conducted between
mate(s) have at-tained the "lnfinite Thought" Some of these closings are quite beautiful
another underground extraterrestrial base
Zero and Monitor Zero of Federation to hear.
called Jerrico. Thus the statement, "My
'brother are blind. Black Bow-Harp control reads lf you, the reader, heard the audible
Jerrico sings with me."
you true seven-zero in the neL Accept all voice of an extraterrestrial telepathically in
Brom-Merlin also tells us that the Cod-
dess has two children (spacecraft) that play
calls: This is Adrian-Nero. Monitor Zero of your mind saying the things above, would
the Cre'ator NeL / am black, I am silver. The you trust him?
on the stairs to Valhalla. The higher the
step, the higher is the craft's altitude. Coddess now casts her light into the lwould, l'll tell you why in next month's
These craft can come and go from the base Cre'ator neL You have a relay to Cre'ator issue of Sedona lournalof EMERGENCE
(the Coddess) without requiring a Light of control Nodia. Adrian-Nero is that relay. Cancel passports. Angels need them
Diiine Direction. The name Valhalla is the
lnterpretation: The statement that Zero not. May you live till one day you cast no
ancient Norse or Viking name for Heaven. and Monitor Zero of the Federation are shadow. {(
We are also informed that there is a
third spacecraft on the "stairs"; it is called
the Secret of the White Wizard. This craft
is rvaiting to receive a Light of Divine Direc-
tion that will allow it to be "adopted" and
therefore land at the Coddess Base. Until
this Hunter Eagle, or warship, is adopted it
is referred to as an orphan. We are told
that this spacecraft came from a distant gal-
axy named Drizneffel and that it is cur-
rently located at a set altitude point (Jolle-
nary Line) that it will not go below without
a favorable Light of Divine Direction. We
are asked not to mentally converse with
anyone aboard that ship, as such communi-
cation might delay the reception of a favor-
able Light to land.
Accepl all calls: This is Black Arrow Sta- WOW! FULL COLOR PICTURES OF
tion, Sol 3. Accept all calls: This is the
Throne of Zeus. Accept only after verifica- MAGICAL POWER TOOISI
! tion that the copy is Red. Accept all calls:
This is the Regulus. This is the Mother. This
is the Old Queen of the Stars but new stars
look also to my peaceful way. The Regulus
Want to see what they look like? Just send a legal sized
S.A.S.E. to Angel Kisses, 2610 Jacks Canyon Rd., Sedona,
location is Sol 6. Accept Regulus calls only AZ 86351, or call Hallie Deering (602) 284-1550
ffi**-tf nl$;.,,"

by Wesley H. Bateman, Federation Telepath

f n tne past several years, numerous per- automobile through some vague memories that some.
Isons have claimed to have been ab- remote area. ln all such thing strange and alien has
ducted by aliens, taken aboard a space cases the abductee feels happened to him. This be-
craft and then subjected to medical ex- powerless and rarely re lief is compounded by the
aminations and procedures that are later sists his abductors. fact that small objects (re-
remembered as being horrifically frighten- The aliens are de, ferred to as implants) are
ing and painful. lt has been estimated that scribed as being about physically detectable under
hundreds of thousands of individuals have four feet tall and hairless the skin or in some body
now claimed to have had these over- and having an ashen cavity (usually the nasal
whelming and (in some cases) life-shatter- gray<olored skin. They passages). Upon surgical
ing experiences. are also described as removal the implants ap-
The subject of alien abduction is be- havin g trian gular-shaped pear to be shaped like pyra-
coming so widely known that Disneyland heads with pointed mids, cones/ or convex
is planning a UFO presentation that will chins, no noticeable Wesley H. Bateman lenses. Analysis of the
deal mostly with the "abduction phe- ears, a slit for a mouth 902 W. Portland St composition of some of
nomenon." Disney recently aired a televi- (with no lips), and two Phoenix, AZ 85007 these implants reveal that
(602) 2s6-20s4
sion program entitled "Alien Encounters." small holes located in a they are composed mostly
According to narrator Robert Urich, Dis- very small nose. Most of silicone and some other
ney's interest in this subject is educational memorable are the alien's large black unidentifiable materials. Experiments
and is based on the belief that one in five eyes, which seem to wrap around the face might subject an implant (still within the
an abduction experi- (similar to wraparound sun-glasses). body) to strong magnetic fields, causing
- ence within the next seven to ten years. ln some cases these little gray<olored the subject extreme mental stress and dis-
Why and how they arrived at these aliens are replaced by frightening reptilian orientation for days after the experiment is
astonishing conclusions was not men- or insectlike beings. concluded.
tioned during the program. Urich went ln all cases the aliens communicate ln rare cases, pregnant women report
on to present information that directly ac- with the abductee by means of telepathy ha,rng their unborn fetuses removed by
cused the federal government of lying to (thou ght transference). their abductorsi some of these women be-
the public about the existence of UFOs. The medical examinations and proce- lieve that their pregnancies were initiated
I was amazed to hear these govern- dures are carried out while the subject is by the aliens during a prior abduction.
ment-damning accusations being made strapped to an examination table (or in Hundreds of thousands of alien abduc-
publicly by a mainstream corporation some other way subdued). Strange me- tions of the first type, with hundreds of
such as Disney. What do they hope to chanical devices are roughly and thus thousands more expected to occur within
gain by evoking the ire of the U.S. govern- painfully inserted into every existing body the next seven to ten years? This would
ment? Or are they really causing the gov- cavity. After these grotesque, humiliating mean that hundreds of thousands of un-
ernment any concern at all? After some procedures are completed, the abductee observed UFO flights (not to count any
thought I have concluded that Disney and is set free. The abductee's memory of the required landings) have taken place for
the U.S. government are jointly undertak- event seems to be deliberately sup- the purpose of abducting earthlings.
ing a course of action to educate the pub- pressed by the aliens prior to his release. When we consider this alien activity in
lic and prepare them for inevitable alien After some time passes, the abductee terms of work, the time involved runs into
abduction experiences, which the govern- is nagged by strange dreams and anxi- millions of hours. When we consider the
ment has no power to protect them from. eties, and notices the presence of marks Disney (government?) prediction that the
(lt is not difficult to accept that the U.S. or scars on the body that cannot be re aliens are going to continue their diaboli-
government is now allied with Disney as called as being caused by any accident or cal abduction activities for some time to
far as UFOs are concerned; after all, they other natural event. come/ we have to conclude that whatever
have had a Mickey Mouse attitude about Sometimes abductees recall the par- the aliens are up to relates to a very ambi-
the subject for years.) ticulars of their alien abductions on their tious, timeconsuming project. The next
own. Some have been assisted in recall- question is, Why do they need to biologi-
, TypicalAbduction Cases ing their abduction experience by means cally probe hundreds of thousands of hu-
There are two typesof abduction of hypnosis. man specimens?
cases. Type one usually involves the sub- The second type of alien abduction ex- When I inquired of my extraterrestrial
ject being taken into custody by aliens perience is never vividly recalled. ln this contacts as to how it was possible to ab-
either while in bed or while driving an type, the subject is mentally tormented by duct hundreds of thousands of people
THE ROM MASTERS, Robert Morning Sky 37 )uLY 199s
without being physically detected or ob- when necessan', anv extraterrestrial can and quite difficult for Earth people to pas-
served doing so, they replied, "l'.lot every' call upon the stored mental data and be- sively mentally di gest.
thing is as it seems." They thereafter de come a. insiant expert on any subject Scars and marks appearing on the .,*-
scribed what is really taking place. I wili per:a "i:q io that planet, even though he typeone abductee's body are attributed [{
present their lengthy explanation as b:ieir c' i.e -a! nerer have set foot on it or to the deep state of hypnosis that the per-
as possible. 'ea '. ^a'.e known where it is located in son was in during the reception of the
:-a -- ,e'se. alien ROM. The deepest state of hypno-
What's Really Happening? '.'=^ia; ROMs are used for extraterres- sis is called somnambulism. lt is known
ln order to uno'ersianc ",^a: : -:= '.'z er.jcational and recreational pur- that if a person in this hypnotic state is
happening, it is necessa-' :: -:-- :-:; . ::e: {n example of a recreational men- told that he or she has burned a finger, a
several extraterrestrial-:'e'a:e: :-: ::'j'- :a ROM would be one that contains the blister rvill immediately arise, which will in
those readers rvho ma'' :. ---t- :' '. '- E\gerience of a person watching a fire- some cases later form a scar. This can be
them and refresh tne -=-:":i ,' :-:!. ','orks display. The ROM reader can ex- compared to the stigmata experience, in
aIia :- -::a :-:- serience everything the mental ROM which people manifest the various

who have prror i'<^c,\ I

jects. The subjec''-. :' ,', - :- r-.:. :': raker did while he or she was watching wounds of the crucified Christ. I
(1) Extraterresl'. ; l'.', - --: :'= the display, just as if the reader were the The abductee in a mental ROM sce I
quencvBarre' a-: : '-: ---:';=:-':= original observer (ROM maker). The nario is always set free. The reason, of I

\\E U -
\{ ^ ^i.^- :-.--
= -1
- j :
RO w
- ,(

reader will truly see the bursting pyrotech-
nics, hear the explosions, smell the burnt
powder on the wind and even feel the
::yT;;::x1':r[],"i""iil'l,il,'llll t
scratcntni !'-:-: -- : -::'- -:'ess- wind and its temperature at the time. ii
ing tne- - -.:- : the maker had an itch or rras c ::.^ I' r-r
insect, the ROM reade: "': - : -:= :^at
itch or bite. The fire,'C-^.: I Sl a. pr}
a"i: -. :10 gram might hare taie- -: -':'-- :i-orm.
To the ROM rea::':-:.':-= =-;:- of
time appears :c - j.: - i::: - :- : -;- in
fact he 91 5hs ',rc- I ":: -: ': :a€^ e^-
gaged with tle -i-'= ; - "'::- -i --'
just a few'
The er:'a:=--=i-'l: : ': . :
made men:a Rl,,' - -,t.,r- ::,-- :"!.- :r
r^l DAr -.----:::-.- -:--.-'-:_
Ldi]\\J\:-: ---
Cefta ^ -=- ''" ' -
,1 ..: 'e'- ;:-: : :€ - ' :'-i'1
Lrie:e::: i-.:-: -:-ii ::-::'a
e^c.E- ::'a":a .a :-: :':,::'!: :--n-
,,--i-, : c-'----::: 3 : ') -= t

aD0UCieC Ct a e-! -;::a: :^e' -a!e

ceen suDjecled :c :'a:!-::el lental

StanCS :C' 'ai- - :

i.O rts of real aco'ci o. €r €.'.-<. These
;,C\1s na\e been r:ace ;:oi-l a real ab- i:ffixr':rJfT::[JiliJ;r ;Hrii:: I
more than lae ..::' :-- - ' :
- - :::e's experiences. ln er ery case the
- -.: i''grtening scenarios are used in
,: -:^tal ROMs: aliens walking
Iff:?'"1?,ff;iJ:j::;#li f,.:.'"#:
tions of why more and more people are
t t
produce in a lt;e: -= -; - ,\ l : -eotii an and insectlike be- receiving these transmitted alien ROMs -l
The extraterres:- a : :'a 3: :3-: : - .'.' - - -' ^. :-= :edica' e\aminations and why the government expects more tJ
lion years ahead oi us : s:. - -: 1- I ':r,.', - 'i:= :'= - .,a-' :ase scecial elteCts people to be affected by them in the fu- !
ing information. Ther are ca3:. = :' ;':'- - 5 1- a +.-l:, 1--':^" 3S Rectiles ture rvill be answered after we review the I
and retrieving it menalh' cr r.a" :- . - :- ; a.ious physical characteristics of the Fre-
mind/ROM interfacing device con:a I .i

::-'-- ---.-= - -:-i-::..':"i-i ^ c-encv Barrier.

ROMs as small as aspirin tablets. Tre -:.'ii-- :i.- i : : i.: :-. ': ::--
,':a =' :=-.- :*-t'-- 1= -=-': i-"' The Frequency Barrier
amount of mental data, such as visual im'
ages/ sounds, smells, tastes, feelings oi \\'ith the explosion of Maldek, once
touch and emotional sensations, that can be --'l---
Ldlr\ .. d >c :=
tne fifth planet of our solar system, the I
stored on one mental ROM is astronomical. The rnenta ::;:s r', :- g'a\- Earth was shocked by energy and debris.
- :-:"' ;-=-.': a-: :-e This event which occurred in the very dis-
ET mental ROMs can be edited, and skinned aliens |
most autnentic - tre' a-s -:: ::ac a. i
beefed-up, so to speak, with special effects.
Extraterrestrials use experts
known field to view, study, and mental-
in every fects; these beings ac:La,.' =\:i. :e ,i:'
ROM makers obviouslv consioer tnese
j:::i3x1",1,T?'l[:: :,;tly*? e

ten core to oscillate erratically. The r.rn-


ROM-record their observations about a creatures to need no enhancement, that natural oscillations caused the human in-
planet such as its flora and fauna. Later, they are scary enough in their own right habitants of the planet to mutate biologi-

SEDONA lournal of EMERCENCE! i8 luLY 199s

cally and to drastically diminish in mental The Charge Force tist. But things like the painful drilling of
capacity. Because the core oscillations in- In the early 1950s the extraterrestrial teeth are never used in a ROM because
with brain-wave activity and thus pre
- .terferehumans Federation forced the closure of the there is no way to produce physical evi-
'L\"nt of the Earth from using nigher Dulce, New Mexico, biological labora- dence (by way of a ROM) that such a pro-
mental frequencies thev rvouid ce oi^e'- tory, nrhich was established and operated cedure was ever conducted.
wise capable of generatl'1 :^: -- :-: :'-- iry.' a group of malenolent exfiaterrestrials. The other reason the malevolent aliens
dition is callec :^: :-::,=- -. l.- =- Because thb later group was restricted nare for transmitting their abduction
Ot'ertiile =.'itl-iri! :'a .a:a- : frorn physically operating on the Earth, R.O.rts is to generate mistrust in Earth peo-
activiN ha',e :e=- a,rc stiil arel causing they decided to take advantage of the ae to: anv tvpe of extraterrestrial
- even
the fracir:es ri :ne planet's crust to slowly weakened sEte of the Frequency Barrirer :^ -s. ,.,,:r :he most benign intentions.
close ani tne detrimental core vibrations and reap a trernendous profrt of Efe{orce
to dirninish proportionately. This is per- energy (charge force) from unsuspecting Some Implant-Abduction Cases
mitting the humans of the Earth to simulta- and ignorant Earth people. Are Real
neously re-evolve biologicall.v and men- We as humans obtain lifeforce energf Some peocie a:e convinced that they
tally relative to the present strenSth of the (charge force) in numerous ways (covered were abducted ci aliens rvho for some
Frequency Barrier. in Knowledge from the Stars). The ma- reason inserted smail derices (called im-
Extraterrestrials have bee^ - -- '.." levolent extraterrestrials don't care how a plants) in their bodies. Some of these
ing the effects of the Frequenc. l.-'=' person acquires the psychic charge forte; people are type-one (RO,!1j abductees
on Earth humans for hundrecis .' :-: -' dreir interest is only in how they can get and have been programmed to think they
sands of years. They keep track :' --: rori to give it to them. We spend our received implants during the incident.
Barrier's progress (diminishmenti . ' ::' cJu-ge force through emotions such as Others, the type-two abductees, do in fact
serving earthquakes and other gec . !- bre. #ectbn, anger, envy, jealousy and contain physically detectable alien im-
cal activities. This subject is coverec - ftr. Ihe subiect of our emotions is the plants in their bodies. A recent article that
more detail in my book Knowledge f'c- rEi-rof the energy. has come into my possession accuses the
the Stars. +rrr e*gned method of instigating an United States government of assisting the
As the Freouenc,- Barrier diminisne. : -r ; :': - a^ observer or partici- extraterrestrials in a worldwide program of
more and rnc'= !arth people are beco-- - '; ::; _-'-.1:,eticle. Forexam- inserting implants into numerous people.
junctioning :-":-.;: ararge force to
ing ca:a:: -i c-
mentally' The reason the extraterrestrials have
L'; -
=- :. a ; :' ce'ception or, in o:'=' !: 1--' - -i ! - ie.s and sports for implanting devices into the bodies of
., ,'.r, o, higher planes of awareness -o', e us. This Earth people is quite complex and too
t The U.S. government is aware c, -.-= : e ao rmances. lengthy to include in this article. Again,
existence of the Frequency Barrier a-: : -:. ':i :"119 emO- not everything is as it seems.
the extraterrestrial interest in it. T^ ! r . : - - -:' :e^efits its These cases might be the subject of a
dent in the statement made ir t^e _ i . future articie which might also include
Force Academy textbook, \.,-.- .;-e! : .'eason rvays for counteracting the diabolical in-
fourteen-page chapter on UFOs: -\\ nr -c :-ersmit- fringement of detrimental mental ROMs
contact? That question is easy to ans\\e: - ^a ab- on our important, newly awakening men-
in any of several ways: (1) we may be tl-e
object of intensive sociological and ps,,-
ju j,- tal lel'els of consciousness.
:s . One can envision an audience of ex-
chological study, and in such studies voi traterrestrials waiting while an emcee an-
usually avoid disturbing the test subjec:: nounces, "And in the category of best
environmenU (2) you do not "contac:' ,, mental ROM for the purpose of scaring
colony of ants, and humans may see- 1_: the hell out of Earth people . . . may I have
ants to any aliens; (3) such contac: -." : :s ,..eii. This the envelope, please"!
have already taken place secretlv; oi : -::-: s:imulation Remember, "Even a whisper on a
such contact might have taken place :- . .'-" t., tnose that mountain of stars will be heard in every
different plane of awareness and rr.e a-- r ::, : --s s a form of valley of eternity." X
not yet sensitive to communications c-
such a plane."
I have emphasized the latter portio^ :'
this statement to accentuate the fact :i-e:
tne Air Force is subtly placing on reco.:
its knowledge of the existence of the F-e.
quencv Barrier and the fact that its dim
ishment will someday permit us of t::
- a^: r:-:::,, !e- Etr'NEEHT, ON CASSETTE
Earth to mentally function on differe;-: a::-::a: :, qiue.
planes of awareness s.-+ aa(:s aliens in- SEND $10 TO
Over the past several years the Fre- :e^: o^ ca,rii.jiiY prob. UNX-RESEARCH
quency Barrier has diminished sufficientlr rng tneir cocies? P.O.. BOX 2684
to permit transmitted alien mental ROMs \1any people get NEW SMYRNA BCH, FL 3217A-2684
upset just thinking
to be received by some sensitive Earth hu-
mans during sleep. about a trip to the den-
THE ROM MASTERS, Robert Morning Sky 39 luLY 1995
Sasha through Lyssa Royal
March 25, 1995
Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

reetings to you. This is Sasha. What a always been that way and it shall always be that
pleasure to be here this day with you. So way. For when you want the answer outside of
much energy, so much going on. We know you you, you will find it within. lt is the same land-
can feel that. From our point of view the scape; it is simply a mirror.
Pleiadian point of view, this time period on your T.hose of you who know us know that we
planet is a pivotal point for all of you. All of you don't often get this esoteric; however, this is a
who are here doing the work you are doing have vety, vety, very important point, because in all
incarnated now for this time. The lifetime you the work we have done, talking with you about
have incarnated - it doesn't matter when you extraterrestrial contact, we have never wanted
were born - you were waiting for this time now you to assume that we are putting your atten-
The time is here. We would like you never to tion outside of yourself. lt is all within you. We
question that you are being of service, that you are not telling you to look out in the sky and
are helping. Whatever small way -you feel you shut down the looking within; we are telling you
can help is always appropriate and powerful, and Lys* Royal they are one and the same. And truly, to make
we encourage you to continue. c/o Royal Priest Research contact with the extraterrestrial family means
You have heard, perhaps, about the 26,000- P.O. Box 3097i you must first go within and make contact with
year galactic cycle. This is a time when any civili- Phoeni* AZ 85046 yourself. And so all that we talk about of an
zation in your galaxy goes through a period of interpersonal nature in terms of growth and con-
sleepfulness and wakefulness. This is a natural pArt of galactic tact has to do ultimately with contacting yourself -your higher
evolution; there's nothing wrong with this. Up until now your self, your godself, your total self, whatever you wish to call it; it's
people have been in the part of the cycle where you've been in all one and the same thing. For the universe is not fragmented,
slumber. But you've now passed a certain point on the cycle though the illusion is. That is the way it is.
and have begun to awaken. All civilizations go through this on So now you are here in the land of the Maya, a people who,
various levels. What this awakening means is that, both in the in the ancient past, recognized their star connections, knew
external world and in the internal world, you will be discovering. them quite strongly, did not question them, and integrated them
ln the external world you will be discovering the stars, you will into their lives. And that knowledge of what was outside of
be discovering each other, you will be discovering new ele- themselves in the cosmos aided their daily life, helped the sub-
ments, new scientific knowledge, new tangible things to add to stance of their. lives, helped them know they were supported all
the collection of your knowledge. But all of this will be balanced around them by a cosmic family. lt was very literal; they knew
by the discoveries that you make within. For you will be discov- this. At times they were visited, quite frequently, and
ering the internal landscape, the inner workings of the human never a big deal.
mind and spirit. And when those two cycles of discovery, inter-
nal and external, are balanced, integrated, then your evolution- The Mayan Connection
ary cycle will begin to move more rapidly and you will begin an Now you are finding here in Mexico that this is beginning
integration process to get you to the next level of the spiral of again - that the brothers and sisters of the stars are beginning to
evolution. Right now it is very important that you balance the make their presence known here, and the ancient memory of
internal discoveries with the external ones. As you know on the Maya is being reactivated again. There is not a lot of shock,
your world, there is a little bit of an imbalance toward the exter- not a lot of fear regarding this, because the Mayan energy is so
nal discoveries, but all of you are doing so much work on inter- strong. It is helping to soften that awakening. All of you, as
nal discovery that you are rapidly closing the gap between the two. representations of the Maya now, going back to your homeland,
This means that you're going to be discovering things within bring this Mayan energy of cosmic awareness and cosmic knowl-
yourself that have counterparts outside of you. For instance, edge back to your homes. lt will be felt, and you will in a sense
you're going to be discovering your own higher aspects within be as a beacon sending the energy out to those around you, and
you - your own "godself" or your own "more evolved self," they will begin resonating to that frequency.
You're going to be discovering your own inner remembrances of The key here, in terms of opening your own hom-eland to its
your star connections, and that will be correlated with your ex- cosmic connections, is not force. You cannot wait for your rne-
ternal discoveries of those from the stars who have been here all dia or your Clinton to announce it. Because you will be blue in
along but with whom you've not yet really connected. The the face, if you hold your breath. For it is important to remem-
deeper you go within, the more you discover without. lt has ber that they are a pro.iection of you. And if you wait for them,

SEDONA Journalof EMERCENCE! 40 luLY 1995

f;-T Cor.h.L *t*s f' 4-o,,-*-- (cr '**-1"'d


tir" iiiriqi;
@ sffH$ Lflrff &ruffi rEwffiS $ffi f,ffiffitr
Werlay fl. Balsmon
"There is a meiody of Ear& with q'ords that speak of love: ,Oh hare no rvay ol knowing horv it rvill come about, I am certain that
s\veet mysrery of life, at last i've found you.' yes, lifs exists because of there rvill come a dme d,rlng rhe developmenr of the Creator,s \,las-
love. The iove of the Creator and the elohims' love for the Creator. ter Plan rhat the "lion rvill Iie dorvn rvith rhe lamb.,,
Third-dimensional life provides us \a.ith a mear$ to express and Humans hare been gir,en dominion over all animal life,.but rhey
receive the warm glow of emotional love thatwe yearn desperately to *iolate rhe rvill ol the elohim rvhen they interlere rvith the lives of any
express while in the other ]evels of the universal life lield. We can feel
iove when we exist in those other dimensions, but we cannot share or lorm of animel, or iorally destroy an1, 2ni*r, species or irs habitat.
Such mindless actions (usuaily based on economics) are common-
express it, nor can we experience &e joy we ger from &e happiness place on.Earth roday Only through rhe efiorts ol thoie of rhe plane-
our love brings ro orhers. This, then, I say: Live and love. Suih witt toids of rhe Sumer Radiar (Sarurnians) anci some persons of Eaith
gready please the elohim. I am Coe-sempter of Danerkee.,, manl' species of animals once condemned to exrincrion still sun{,e.
'i lt{tnatt aitll nilulEl,
Some ol these. sun,ive only in rhe form of biological DNA samples
*'ill someday be regenerated by rhe extraterresirials into lii,ing, repro-
,1\ white buffalo was born in the midu,esrern United Srates in ducing crearures. I have hesitated to re*eal ihe benign acti'idEs ofthe
/t the spring of 1995. To many Narirr Americans rhis was a Sumerians, as this might encourage the destroyers-to continue their
/{ iong-awaiteci event. Many made pilgrimaga to be in the inconsiderate rvays lor ihe sake of acquiring wealth, assuring them-
-L Lpresence of the crearure and offered pmyers to the Great selves, "\Vhat can it hurt? The Sumerians ivil1 prevent any real blo_
Spirit- Based on wisdom repeatedly passed to them from ancient logical disaster from occurring, rvon'r rhe),?', Suih thlnkin[ rvould be
tiTrs, they inrerpreted the birth of the white buffaio ro be a siga fore- erroneous, because the destruction of the animal and plant lite of
:"I'rg the beginning of a new era in which many wondrous chang., Earih is happening lasrer than the Sumerians can sar,e ir.
ry'fi m upon Earth. They are right to believe this, for the psycllc R.asng animais lor lbod, han esiing sea life or planr life for lood is
,qnFfrp that animates this
buffalo's body has been ordained ro live ln a right given to humans by the El of the planet. But these life lorms
ry irnar iE a p€rson who will have a slroug spiritual link to rhe Ei must not be wasted and must be allorved to replenish. Remember that
ilGlrlrr SclEili vho spiritualty governs a1l rhings naturai on Earth. the meat, iori.l, Iish and plants we eat come io our dining tables only
{m'hrfuE rcmb
embodied is a humanbeinfl he orshewiii evea- after being occupied anC psvchicall;' animared by rhe holy .rr.n.. of
uuullM oeqr rs a uceptional spiritual leader in the manner of the the Lord God (E1) ivho does quire rvell rn keeping rhe Earth a most
flmmilh@ d oB- c as }loses qs te the Israelites. bountiful ri,orld Thrs neri'lv accluired knorvledge Jhould enhance the
;ilflidti.'nx ac *rirnll<
-921 is, all but fhat one which is white meaning of Th:.nksgi\ ing and restore ihe saying of grace prior to eat_
flmtdhm, Uh @ryEE ctarrm is a "special aniael-" Speciai animels irg ri.nat ::e !l ras unsellish11, provided of irself. In rhe ipirit of rhe
y think .,,,,.,' :i.e El pic;::es. dunng
rhe Lasr Supper the Christ bioke breacl
,r..: ii,,. t: l-. nis disciples, sa1,ing, "This is my body; ear of ir.,,
l::el:',' :rr animals must no longer be tolerated. We have the intel-
..g:::e:nd cornputer models to study disease. Anyone using animals
.' .r -i --:',:a'tt Ci .i: -- ,:- rr-.r neoicai experiments is either ignorant of or too srupid io under-
* - -: :!>a:,ai li:n aeu:"- :a:-i::s -: -.
stani these alternate humane methods of biological research. The
..1 ire: en :.. - . :s a bottom line for the emplol,rnent of animals in medical research is sim-
- .-:. :-,'.-s ani iheir reiation- ply due to the fact that animals cost less money than computers, soft-
-- ::a s:::ctll ihe business riare and the time it takes to understand these high-tech tools.
-4.]l:. Remember, only humans have the choice of lir,ing life in either a nat-
-:.3i ..-.: iIdll\' ural or unnatural manner, and because ol money, too many choose
.:: .,-ls:s tn the the unnatural when it comes ro dealing rvith animal life.
\Vhen humans do not a11orv an
animal food source ro be replen-

ff" ished, or in some rvay mishandle it

:r' doing such things as polluring
1:.( animal s habirat, rhe species
'.ti-l recorne scarce, because the El
iilLili .',.r.1 nor provide rhe psychic
:;:enca to animale the species in
iluilr,, ,ffiiltllilftili I rltilflt lllulllllr Luiltrflliti,illt LL t;,il

n, llwlllf,llf,l$ffimltlnllilllffir rMililLlulfltir tlltilllwrI

rffirmmdsllilHmi]lllrlllrwu$ ilrnM r"

r Wesley H, Bolomsn
1lffilr r!{mllrrflmu, .fiiiitrirxi lu, ,ri, t.,
310i Broodrvoy
rtsilffiillllliffififlriihfi,., * rllilIjll[fiyrf,,
-c! i!ta5 l\v ljv )

great number. lt seems that only when an economic loss looms rvere written about by the ancient Greeks. In other parts of the
r the horizon are earnest conservation measures taken. the if ancient world, and in some cases toda),, totems are important rel!
species has no economic value, threats to its welfare are mostly gious symbols. The word "totem" comes to us from the language ol
ignored except by those rvho can sense the spiritual alarm on the the Ojibwa Indians of North America. A totem is an animal, plant,
These so-cailed "bleeding hearts" are armed only with love and object or a natural phenomenon such as r.vind, rain or lightning.
have little or no money or physical assistance. One of these coura- Groups that practice roremism are generally divided inro clans,
geous persons is Roxanne Kremer*, who is struggling to preserve the which adopt the name of the totem (salmon, dog, wolf, eagle, bear or
beautiful pink dolphins (animels) of the upper Amazon River in Peru. turtle and so on). The clan members beliei,e that they are related ro
These creatures are being caught by fishermen, and in some cases the totem by ancient ancestry. If the totem is an animal, members of
their [aces are being fashioned inro masks and sold rhroughour South certain clans will never eat rhat animal. This form of reslraint rvas
America for use in rituals of black magic. These creatures cannot sur- not practiced in all totemistic cultures -in facr, some are their totem
vile off Eanh and cannot easily survive at any other latitude on the to gain spiritual strength from it; for example, the horn o[ the rhi-
planet. Their present habitat is three degrees south of the equator. If noceros is thought today to contain the power to restore male sexu-
they are moved north or south of rhis latitude, they rvill be subjected al potency.
to stronger grai,itational effects exrremely difficult for them to toler- Totem poles thar rvere (and stili are) carved by the Indian tribes in
ate. Roxanne has related that the fishermen and other types of plnk the northwestern United States were usualiy erected to memorialize
dolphin hunters are at times frightened away by the slght of brighr irn-portant historical events. These massive carvings generally depict
lights descending from the sky and landing in rhejungle close to the a lamily history ivhere the dead are represented as carved animali or
rirer's edge. The extraterrestrials are obviously dorng all they can to humans rvho norv live among the spirits. Fraternal orders such as the
assist in the preservation of these unique creatures. N,loose or Elks hai,e adopted lhe concept of rotemisric clans.
The efforts of Roxanne Kremer parallei those of Diane Fossey, who Both Polynesians and aborigines of Australia believe that spirits
almost singlehandedly sought to preseF/e the rare, endangered moun- can enier the bodies of animals or manifest as animals. When this
::ur gorillas of Rwanda, until December 27,1985, rvhen she ivas mur- occurs it is beliei'ed that humans (usually only priests, shamans, med-
::red at her Karisoke Research Center by those rvho want to hll or icine men or sorcerers) can communicate to them and request their
-:::'ire these magnificent creatures for profit. assistance.
.:,.,.'as known in the most ancient times on Earth that the holy spir- The knowledge rhat a pordon of the total psychic essence of the El
, :.sence of the E1 animated the physical forms o[ all animals. inhabits every type of living animai has always existed in the subcon-
:.-. knorvledge many ancient cultures worshiped the El through scious of el,ery human since the Frequency Barrier began on Earth.
.- - .:jmals (or images of animals) that represented a smail facet This basic knowledge has inlluenced the practice of animal and torem
-..r:e personality and power of the animal's creator. Evidence worship throughout rhe ages. Prior to the Frequency Barrier the
' I : :: ::lous practices is found in the form of animais painted on Elder Race o[ Earth had no doubr about t]re El's relationship to all ani-
-. ' :,'.'es once inhabited by ancient humans. mal 1ife. This applies ro every extraterresrrial race before or during
Frequency Barrier tirnes. Therein a major problem of universal propor-
C0,1tBlNAIl0t{ B0Dy f0R,1t5 tion exists.
: ilis and lions with human heads fashioned by arri
' , :rd other cultures of ancient Mesopotamia repre- acil\,ffit, 0f lt{f DAR|( fiDI
-:i certain kings to the powerful life essence o[ rhe Those ol the "dark side," knorving full well that the psychic
- .: :r. and animated the animal portion of, the total essence of the E1 provides 1lfe to animals, wanr ro use rhis fact to
,:::--rpriate to mention here that the standard unit enhance their personal pow€rs. Those of the dark side have for eons
- ,. -Lruct the temples and palaces o[ ancient continuousiy conducted biological experiments aimed at combining
- . i is r.he "e1." The name of this measuring unil human body parts to the body parts of animals, thus producing a
: - , . -:i1ce, because it has been linked to the nat- hybrid fonn that can reproduce itself. Their efforts to date have
-.- -j '-ut nature (the EI) uses to describe itself resulted only in sterile creatures, such as the Grays (corts). (See pre-
vious article, "Autopsy of a Cori.")
rr griffin possessed the combined
as the It is uruversally known that if the biological barriers exisring
marrifs5ting the idea that bombined between one species of animal and another or the barriers that pre-
cr aagic. The individual consciousness vent humans from mating with animals are physically overcome,
rco leeel of the universal life fieid. many universal laws wiil automatically change to adjust for the nerv
*W [
times of Egrpt the combined
ryEseured the lorm of the goils. The
reality,. Those responsible for the creation of such a new reality will
acquire creative universal powers that have been previously used only
L- iiLlllt.l
r ms rpresented by the body ol a man
hr:ix- ?m There was Ha&or, goddess
t, -:., ',t.:rr had the body of a
by the elohim and the Supreme Creator.
Even if a reproducing human-animal hybrid is created (rvith a
considerable life span), the question is, will the creature be more
: : -::.itneci human-arumal animal than human? I[ it is more animal, the psychic essence of an
. -: _ _ r.-t]]:t--us to list here, The El must inhabit the life lorm and be subservient to the crearure's
utlllli illt:: - --: _, ::-,:=:.:i:n. The Sphinx creator(s). The El inhabitation of the lile lorm will make it immor-
. : - - -, - ::ei lrom the base tal. This can be compared to having a genie in a bottle. If the
: - -: :t::,_l:l iO haYe been hybrid is more human than animal, by universal law a human psy-
--, - _:a:.-. Cunng ihe che must provide the ani.mating essence. Again, the creature would
be immortal.
'Jffi'**,,i-,*il, The human soul hA9 a unique relationship to the Creator of AII
rillillriirilniil' rltinti
: :-::se . inino- That Is. This relationship transcends any relationships thathumans
1 ilrlir it[llll ilil] $ ,,- : :::-- 1o31'' hai,e to the elohim. Supreme creative powers beyond those o[ the e1o-

i ti 'l
:::r:. by universal law esublished by rhe Supreme Crearor, musr be flBflt{Atfl lfl[) ,ACR[[ GI[,tltIRy
:::,.*wed on (shared with) the crealure's creator(s). Those of the
;rk side know thar if any universal larv is *,;;h*;;:;;; il Thebasicdataaboutthemathematicsof naturehavebeenkno,in
:::preme Creator, the univeise rvill cease ro exisr. r, r*rfa U. "
tor centuries. The ltalian mathematician Leonardo Bigollo Fibonacci.
^rif who was born in Pisa in iI79 AD., introduced rhe firsimodern obser-
iupreme Crearor commlrred suicrdr \\:hat a .h;. ,h;;l;'*H vations' He acquired hls knowledge in North Africa (probabh, in
creationi's existence and rhe exisrence ol all
where he raveied as a young man with his merchanr faiher
A perfect balance of human and animal biolosy in a hvbrid is !UnO,
Fibonacci is also credited with the introductionrn Europe of the
undesirable because the body of such u .r.u*r.''*iil noi;;; tua-
(Hindu) system olnumbers I to 9 and 0 (zero).
(tolerate) the psychic .rr.n.. of either an El or u lic
human. There are marry complexlties that are eas
ry understood by exrrarerresrriars who riue in rhi
"Those af the darh :;ffi"i:*.:T:L'#,ffi}'ffi:ffi.I]13,'I3lii"
-:)^1^-^^-._ t7_ _ -
open, unrestricted mental state. Without any tion. Fibonacci,bycarefullyobservingandmeasur-
dbubt I know that rhe exrrarerrestriats auemptin[ Side hnOW thAt if i"g';iri prrlirreni of leaves on the srEms o[ p]anrs,
to create human-animal hybrids and those'who , , " found that they grew in the most efficient location
oppose them rake the subject very seriously. Ir hal Any Uniygf SAl IAW for obtaining unJbstructed ru"figni ne inrroduced
been said that those engaged in these biological aa , ,he very irnportanl nunber 1.618033989, rvhich is
experiments have creatJd-biological byprod"ucts iS nOt Adhgfgd tO symbolued_by the capimlized version o[ rhe Greeli
that endanger human heahh and repioduction. letter phi (@). Thedecimal portion of this number

:ffi:.f,H'#'t?1.'li'lfi:l KH;'*11':j:: bv the supreme !fffi'U;'#:.".'f.'iJl:XJ:ffifi:ffi'j:;

the Frequency Barrier to c.iut. a frjrtile liuman-ani-
creator, the iT:lT:';:!i!':g':'ffIi$^;5';";
Fibonacciratios are
Uniyef sg ,,,i71 ,
Will CeASe nr*r.r,
mal hybrid. (Refer to "Autopsy of a Cort, ,na *i ribonacci
into each other, FJr exampte: 2
bookKnowledgeJromtheSlarsunder"Dulce,Horv t- t,,, 5+3:1.666; 8*5:l.6andso
Sweet ls It?') t0 gflSt, on. Continuing in this manner, the value of dre
Little boys and girls on the Earth play at belns 1e|u]ting ratio rvill eventuaily manifest as
astronauts ind nuris and are often hJai ,o rrf-;ivt.n I grorv . 1.61!033989 (phr) A11 divisioni of consecurive
up r:1 , rumbers beyond the first will result
I'm going to be an asrronaur" or "t'm going to 'b. , ;;;r; ?
:o;; ,lPl*t:Fibonacci in the phi rario, ro
extriterristrials (regardless of age) serio'usly phyt ;, il*
--- o *"0, ""r :{lT'y
o--1 n*
numbers, ralios and the numerical value known as
ing that when they;grow up" th-ey wiil be gfd
how these numbers, ratios and phi were empioyeJ ly-rrut
r. t tr,.
Those who ascribe ro the rheory of evolution srare thar planrs 4]:'.*1
wh1 h,e
evolved by adapting themselves ro eildronmenrrr .onluionl'i.itt*r,.i such a great interest in these numbers and ratios, he
replied, "Someday these numbers will unlock the mysteries of narure
and by atiracting iisects to pollinate ihem. lt ir ,*. ,f,ri"*'r..r*rJ
variations can afTect the biolog,, of plants *a rr*ar,'U;;;';;;;;- 1d
revea]why a drone bee does not have a father." In Ocrober 1975
it^wz's realized that Fibonacci's mathematical reveiations were
lurion o[ flowers that depend*on ior..r, to, pottinar,tn, only a
tions arise that evolutionisrs avoid: wrrut * ;";;;;r";;
,'h+rr* |]::3fl:1f:::.L:i]l4.mathematical system that determines
even.the dynamic- functlons ol the elements (atoms)
alter its biolog,, by developing subsrances ,o tr..;; il, il This system of mathematics is presently called rhe Ra System and
lill its needs?"'How does li.o* that insecrs^r,.'u., ."ir, .rj-.rr-",*,ii ,
the,units ol measure derived from the system are referred to as the
interact with ir? Horv were the miliions or pr^"t ip..i.r ;i;'.;.;; Rod,s of Amon Ra. This natural system of mathematics is the frame-
op these reproducrive methods fasr enough to ;.;;;il;;;; rvork o[ rvhat rs called sacred geometry. It was this form of geometry
lihe latter question is based on rhe belief tt,ut .uoluii-on^;;;;;:;;;-
aboui;;dlJi;;;; :1"#,tr111il[j3';gJj1,,]:1Tjil:1il3fli;Trr::*n:
es take miliions if not birlions of years to bring
avoiding is the ract rhar nature ]l::dfrgr.Englandtno*iarstonehenge.rhis.samegeomerrywas
the.layout and design of the pyramids and buildrngs lound in
operares within the boundaries of an
o d.;i;;"ilffii;;;
inteltig&, D-'' }t^t1ln
the pre-Columbian cities o[ Teotihuacan and Palenque, Mexico, as
there must be an intelllgent
The form of each piant and animal rhat exisrs on the Earrh (or 1ell as tfg a.ncl-elt city of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia. Recent research has
anpvhere else in the universe) can be easily;J;il;;;i also.establlshed that the Ra system rvas used in the layout and design
.uily. The numbers and mathematical ratios ,r-,., ,.i^i. i" lrr. ot the rarious structures, the five-sided pyrarnid and the immense
humanoid face located on the Cydonia plain of the planet Mars.
shapes and dynamic functions of every living ririn! ;;.;;;";";'' A description of the Ra sysrem and its relation tosacred geometry
and so blatanrly evident that they *ut e o,oiurio;;;;;;;.;;
can rhe shape of every living thing be dicrared by';rili?'**;;:
-as well as its use in ancient architecture can be founC in my*four-voi-

matical flormala, when evoluiion, u, .u.t., , ;;;"ilil; The Rods oJ Amon Ra. This extraterrestrial-inspired research
pendently? if independenr evolurion t .r. t..uti, u fl;a;;; il;;
nt:*k, years to comprehend and record. These volumes are
being updated rvith new knowledge and understandings,
ivould be no mathematical similarities exisun!iri ,;;;i1o,.},;
of every species of ptant and animat life. rn .r.h ;'.;i;;;';;;
and will be published soon.
The extraterrestrials tell us that plant forms are not occupied by
,.J againsiany marhernatical similariries in the forms ,f;;;;;,;;; ,
the essence of an Ei or any other internal psychic presence
w"ould be gr.ut.. rhan the odds o[ picking numbers ;; il#il -psychic
are ui^reality biiichemical units that function unde. the exrernal
predictingi the exacr order they ivould"b. drrrrn^-;r,;o;;;;j ]hey
oaar. inlluence oi the El of the world on which they exist. Each species of

JANU.{RY 19;a
has irs own unique El-creaied DNA palrern rhai reacts to rhe uonic sensors) of a poll,graph (1ie derecror) io the leaves o[ plants.
ol the El. These commands reach rhe plants rhrough cer- Baxter detected remarkable changes in the electrical conducrii,iq, o[
ialn subfie1ds ol
iain sullhelds o[ tne omnipresenr, allpermeating
the omnlpresenl, unn'ersal Ife
all-permearing unilersal [te lield.
field. the ieaves, rvhich obviously corresponded to the rhoughrs and emo-
These subfields are generaily
rnese suDlleios generaliy relerred to as L-lields.
referred ro L-llelds. (lnformarion
llnlormatton per- tions of certain persons ur the vicinity. When live shrimp rvere placed
taining to L-fields can be lound in Ficlds +I-rJe b,v Dr. Sa-xon Burr, iruo boiling r,r,arer, planrs iocared ciose by caused rhe recording pens
published in the late '60s.) L-fieids have been detected by measuring of the pollgraph to record a simukaneous sharp increase in eleitrical
the elecrrical activiryr in the bark and ]ear,es of trees rvlien the sap is activity. Thls is similar to the gah,anic skin response linked ro human
rising, or in the ovaries o[ animals such as rabbirs jusi belore ovula- emotions and srages of hlpnosis. The extraterrestrials rell us rhar a
tion. A circadian cycle is one in r'.,hicl.i biological acrivities begin and plant's reacrion to rhe deaih ol shrimp is due ro rhe lact thar rhe
end in a time period of one plancrarv dav (abour 24 hours on Earth). departing psychic essence of the El who gave life to the shrimp influ-
Biorhythms, especially rhe 28 drrv huntan emolional cycle, are very enceci the local universal life field as well as the plant's auric fkld.
important, because the1, 6o.ra1rr. r'arious organs and systems o[ the The auric lield of planrs has been photographed by means o[ Kir-
hurnan body ro rhe universal lile field. Bior\rhms regulate and bal- lian photography. Both still and rnoving Kirlian picrures rvhich show
ance the effects of L-fields on e\.erv iife form. If these DNA-pro- enersy our]ines thar surround living as tyell as inanimate objects can
grammed cycles did not regulaie biological acti\.ities, sap r,ould be offered as evidence ro support rhe idea that the charge lorce (life
ahvays be rising in eyery tree, and every living lemale animai and force) can be transferr-ed from one person to another, and m inani
human lvould be coniinuousll, ovularing. mate objects rvhen the energy flou, is generared by emotion. When a
L-field effects play a parr in t]re pracrice o[ acupuncrure. Narr.rral portlon of a planr leaf i; cur olf and a Kirlian phorograph is made ol
ELF (exiremely lorv-frequency) rvaves are rhe bvproducrs of lighrning the 1eaf, the energi outline ol rhe uncut leaf is seen, as if rhe missing
sirokes that occur conrinuously around rhe Eanh. The exlraterrestri- part \vere stll1 preseni. This is cailed the "phanrom leaf effect.,'
als recommend rhat these narurally produced FLF *'aves be induced Because rhe shape and proporrions of planis and trees conrain
electronicalll, into acupuncture needles to achier.e greater universal informaiion rhar can be undersrood by urilizing the language of math-
life lield arrunemenr and thus grearer medical benefirs**. They go on ematics, the ancient idea arose that a "rree ofknolvledge" existed and
to say that even rhese medical procedures can be further enhanced by that anl,one rvho ate its fruir rvould acquire great knon ledge and rvis-
elixirs that are the combined derivatives of planrs formulated as dom. The line lrom rhe poern "Trees" byJoyce I(ilmer comes ro mind:
directed by the Ra system o[ marhemaiics. Theie elxirs rvill possess "A tree that looks ar God all day and lifrs its lea$, arms ro pray."
the one ingredient no medicine o[ the Earrh presend;' conrains: the
healing power of the 81. }fillD0}Is 0t ltIA'/tt{
Plant life serv'es the purposes of the El in several rval's. It is a food The extraterresrials rell us rhat the stars (suns) are really the "rvin-
for other forms o{ life and a source ol medicine. Plants act at rimes dorvs olhearen." These celestial bodies exist and function only by the
a medium for rhe El to sense the planetarl. environmenr and to u,ill of the Creator of All That Is. These objects of awesome phl,sical
from m-acro level of perception inro rhe rhird- porier provide light and lile glving energy ro any planer or radiar sys-
1}o*nrr..ate ,the-
- dimensional, molar level o[ perception. It is reported that plants of tem existing rvithin their individual influence. Light provides rhe pri-
one planet actually exchange informarion ryith planrs of other planets mary energr that inreracrs ti,ith rhe biochemistry of plants. Only by
rhrough the universal life field. The exrrarerrestrials tvho follorv rhe means ol this process (phorosynrhesis) can plants grow and thrive.
rvays of the universal Master Plan consider it blaspheml, to ea\iesdrop Therefore it is correcr ro say rhar plants reach out (pray) roward the
on or try to intelpret the meaning of these cosmic conversarions. light-giving Sun, rvhich is provided by rhe Crearor of A11 Things. The
Since anclent times people olrarious cuhures hav.e unsuccessful- sunflorver, u.,hich ph1'sically turns ro follorv the Sun from darvn ro
ly sought tlie elixirs of life that they subconsciousiy knerv could be dusk, has seeds rhat are arranged in Fibonacci spitals, some ro the lefi
lormulated from various combinations of plant deri..,arives. The and some to the right. The ratio betr,,,een those spirals is the prime
extraterrestrials of the Federation o[\Vorlds have finally brought us ro number of the elohim, rvhich is 1.6i8033989 (phi). The elohim lov-
the end of that age-old quest by providing us u'ith a riay to under- ing11, lvorship the Supreme Creator of All That Is.

- stand the intelligent design o[ the unirerse. When I asked rhem thy Sun lvorship by humans has been pracriced throughour hisrory.
they imparted this information to us of Earrh ar rhis rime, rhey rele- The Egl,ptian pharoah Akhenaren, u'ho ruled Eglpr from 1379 to ]362
pathically replied, "lt is the wlll of the Crearor of All That Is Who has B.C., abolished the human-animal gods and proclaimed rhar rhere
given us an affirmative white light of divine direction' ro do so." rvas only one god, the god of the Sun, rvhom he called Aten. Akhen-
aten's name means "beneflcial to Aten." Akhenaten was called rhe
IRtt t{0Rfi{lP heretic pharaoh, and rias rer,iled afrer his dearh. His images and the
The druids of ancient England soughr both rhe eh-xir of life and temples o[ Aten rvere deinolished, his successors reesrablishing rhe
communication rvith the divine spirit of narure (El). The latter they o1d gods as the spiritual guardians of Egipt.
auempied by worshlping trees such as rhe oak. Their rituals of rvor- .{khenaten rvas physically' deformed and is believed to have been a
ship included decorating the trees rvith fetishes and iorems. The idea hermaphrodite (having features ol both sexes). Ii is possible thar he
ol "knocking on wood" to obrain good luck comes ro us from the was the product of an evil extraterrestrial experiment gone tvrong or
druids. The four-letter u,ord norv used to vulgar\. describe the sexu- a biological throivback rhat stemmed from such an experiment. 1[ he
al act, in Old English (spoken by druids) meanr ro caress or sofrly rvas in some rvay ihe product o[ manipulated bio]ogl it rvould be iron-
strike a tree. The Romans rvho occupied England during druidic ic for him to hai'e chosen the Sun to rvorship, which is the Supreme
times demeaned rhe word to rhe pornr that it rook on iis presenr Creator's vehicle for giving lighr and lile to rhe Earrh. Manipulated
meaning. The practice of decorating Christmas rrees comes ro us blology is not in the Masrer Plan of the Supreme Crearor or acceptable
lfrom Gcrmany, but has its roots in druidic religious rituals. This prac- to the elohim.
ltice pleases the elohim, as it relates their realiry io rhe newly deveiop- In some ancient culiures Sun worship included human sacrifice.
ing Christ reality. lt has become a pracrice of some persons ol rhe The original purpose,for human sacrifice was noi to please but rc
New Age to embrace and tenderly stroke a rree. dellberately displease the Creator. The iriea o[ angering rhe Sutreme
Researchers such as Clive Ba:iter artached the electrodes (elec- Creator rvas a product of minds that rvere grearly affected b1, the irll-
i::,:r::.:- ::.;j.:,r.;Barrier, anil io my rvay of thinking mosl justifica- gready surpass ours on Earth, which is subjected to the Frequenc)'
rri:.r::.;r;;-;ri.res. The original prrlroi. olhuman-sacrifiiewas to
Barrier. Their different lifesryles and spiritual goals wouid thus be
,;.-:; :l: iriar.-rr ro i1bolish cilath. i" a srrange way this request might
understandably incomprehensible to even the most inteiligent people
:::,. r :.ern irnsr,, ered ivhen rhc Creator allorved the human body of his
on our planet.
l.go,,.n Son" ro be sacrificed. One purpose of that sacrifice
1l on. e*tratert.strial culture \!ere,to be compared to another
i r1i '1po"n
Lhe manifesprion o[ the Chnst rei]iry{ abolish rhe need for
extraterrestrial culture, it rvould be difficult. rc telepatirically relate ,
h:.rman ph,vsicai dearh irom the Crearor's lvlaster Plan. such information in detail to any receiver on Earrh.--The energy and
the aniienr occulr name o[ rhe Supreme Crearor is A1. This syl-
time required to receive this information telepathically'"vould be con-
labie is appropriarely found in such siderabie, and little would be ga-ined
:rords as nil'''oiu''"'"'oJl,',"'.TX,K-
;onaiil., describes horv a
the birth of someane
"Bet'are in HU?r:ilin:HI Hi[*:l:"il:
cs rhai part o[ the Creatoi he or she i ,
1 1, -1-- -1 _..1 1 _ unir,'erse. A Martian friend, Sharmarie,
resenrs. The number of phi Any thifd-dimgnSiOnful WOfLd, A has humrrously said, "it's easy ro com-
(1.618033989) is rhe key number of ihe - ' . r. Oote the l\'tartian culture to any other

;'Ji'* H-*:f ;:X3*]i,'i:

buman entity first separotes "
f*:UX*;:*".ffi,;1'l*,,' 'n' t'*y
i}lhlli*iil:ll1;fil,;:f.f,:'l^fl the consciousness of its parentEl *-il,'J;H'#;:|xilXTlJffiT::;
rraction) and a transce'*fi^*::t:J snd leayes the mactl level to enter uoo''
(beyond the range of hu ff;,*,1#i.$IyJ'lf,fi31}

phi,thekeynumberof theelohim,but _,:. --.^-^l 1:{^ t:^"1 ) -t1, ---r:t. T.5andBfeerformales. Armandleg
rhe dynamic functions ;i rh. il;; UnivgfSAllit'e fteld. The entity', willvary rhere can be rour ro

i;:'"'ilffi?'i:l^lJ.''';t!,';il:1.",j carries wrth ft b,vo El-inJllLenced

il:'li?,?"tr$i'*"f'1":lt *1
humans apari from animals and gives us uncommon. Webbed fingers and toes
theabiliryrorhink. (Forfunherii[orma- fACtOfS: AhASiC AU1A COIOf And thg can be features of some"persons who

book Knowredse
ume one olTheRods
An ,lo1;;?li#l total knowledge 0f everything.
" ffi':'.'"::ij'::;til'?ffi:?f iffj:
becomes avaiiable). cat's clarvs). Some races use their feer to
Before the birth ol someone in anY grasp things like rve use our hands.
third-dimensionai world, a human entlry first separales from the con- Some extraterrestrial races possess three or four kidneys. lt is also
sciousness of im parent E1 and leaves the macro level to enter the reported that some extraterrestrials have trvo hearts and some have
micro level o[ the universal life field. The entiry carries with it two E1- dree. (The third heart is called the "sleeper's hearC' and becomes
influenced facrors: A basic aura coior and the tltal knowlcdge of every' actii,e only ivhen the person is asleep and the other two are totalll' 31
thing. ln the micro ievel the human entity then di'ides into male and rest.) Skin, halr and eye color might be any rainbow hue. Bodi' hair
femile parts. In some cases ihe lemale parts t'ii1 divide into as many is mostly nonexisient, but more than 80o/o of the extraterrestrial races
as seven smaller pans (not alrvays equal). The number of female sub- have hair on their heads. Eyelashes (when they exist) cal be up to
dil.isions is prearranged by rhe E1 and varies from u'orld to rvorld. five inches in length. Ferver than one-hundredth o[ l01o o[ exlraler-
The male and any number of female dlvisions (one to seven) that once restrials are covered lvith hair, although this feature is prominent in
composed the single human entity are called soulmates. The male races under four feet in height.
and iemaie psyches (soulmates) eventually leave the micro leve1 and Ears, noses and mouths can be so small that they appear to be
are physically born into the third-dimensional molar level of the uni- nothing more than slits. Some nostrils are very wide apart and are
versal iife field. A human body is the medium the psyche (soul) uses siruated belorv each eye. Some races have ears as large as their heads
to locus its spiritual essence. The body also provides the psyche rvith (Ferengi-iike). All humans have the same number oi teeth, wirich are
rhe fi,e basii sense perceptions it requires to lunction in the molar identicai in shape, but sized relative to the persons head size ln
level. The male/female microlevel divisions instill the srong desire some cases the canine teeth are larger. Teeth that are lost are natu-
in the male and iemale psyches to reunite into the balanced entity rally regenerated.
they once rvere. This psychlc desire is represented by sexual desire at A11 iaces have the same genitalia' Al1 but two unlversal human
the moiar level and guarantees the El rhat molar-level reproduction blood trpes (rvhich are totally incompatibier,vith the Frequency Bar-
rvill occur. rier) can be found on the Eanh today. The most common exlrater-
restrial blood type is also the most common on Earth, t,vpe O.
ut{rvrR,al +luilal{ LlIt ouItlDI Tl{t IRtQufilcy BARRIIR Human DNA patterns are unique, differing greatly from race to race'
Human life is found throughout the vast unit'erse. A physical count The body temperature of extraterrestrials ranges from 98.6'F plus or
of rhe number o[ universal human cultures and their individua] mem- minus 2 degrees, close to that of Earth humans.
bers rvould take millions of years to determine. On the surface many The majority (about 68%) of extraterrestrial humans look exactl,v
o[ these cultures rve call extraterrestria] are similar in lifesryle, but rvith like us, and generally have the same number and type of internal
study, subtle differences unique to each culture can be discerned. organs. The only exceptions are that most are taller and sometimes
Every extraterrestrial culture definitely knorvs without doubt that have skin and eyg coloring that differ from ours, and their five molar-
the Supreme Creator and the elohim exist. Some have highly level senses have'a wider range, that is, they hear sounds rve can't and
adr.,anced technologies, but all have unrestricted mental abilities that see colors in the infrared and deep ultraviolet. Their senses of taste,

37 JANUARY 1996
.ouch and smell are thousands of times more sensirive rhan ours. sexual practices, diet and rhe prelerred relarlonship benr.een i.u:n::i.j
Every type o[ human, regardless ol ph;sioiogy. or planer of origin, and animal and plant iife, and the limimrions of human aherarirrn oi
can mate wirh any other human and produce a child ri.hich can, in rveather or phy,sical features of rheir planet. These spirirual reslncrions
turn, produce oflspring wirh any other race. lnrercultural mating ri,as could be called mboos. Today certain onhodox religions ofEarrh pro-
widespread among rhe extraterresrrials in ages past, bul ceased ro be hibit incest, the eating of pork or rhe consumption of alcohol. \t&en
a common practice afrer it Was learned rhat it "does not please the elo- one considers that there are a count.less number o[ piants ancl animals
him." There are man)r other physioiogrcal differences berrveen extra- on other worlds thar cannor be compared to any on Earth, it can be
terrestrial races, bur further descriptions ri ill not help us understand undersrood yhy rhe E1 of parricular world might have rules rotaliy dif-
the.pracricesof a particular culture on its home planei, or its dealings ferent from rhose o[ another Ei in dealing rvitli their own unique iypes
with of[rvorld cuitures. of life forms. Out of the rnany dillering spiritual directives oi th. eto-
Some cultures are subjecr to greater or lesser gravitational forces him, several come to mind:- Some Els prohibit any human from riding
on their home rvorlds. Tfrose living on planers a hundred times big- an animal or using it to perform physical tasks. k is also raboo to coof
ger or even somervha! smaller than Earth weigh httle more or less thin the flesh oI an animal in its mother's milk. (This latter raboo has been
they would on Earth. This is because planenry gravitational fields are voiced by some on Earth rrained in the an of cooking.) On some
dictated by a combination o[ the weak nuclear force (one of four worlds it is a raboo to wear certain colored clothing or aiy clothing at
forces existing in all mauer) and rhe planet's magnetii field. The all. In some cultures the use o[ machinery and elictronics are raboo.
strengrh ofa planeCs gravitational lield is relative ro borh rhe srrengrh (This- is slmilar to the practices of the Amish religious sect locared
of irs magneric field and the degree rhat rhe magneric-field lines"of mainly in Pennsl,'ivania and Ohio.) Some exrrarerreitriai culrures have
force blend (polarize) t'ith rhe lines of the weak nuclear lorce, rvhich ferv or no rules esublished by their panicular Els.
is a producr o[ the planer's mass. Therefore a planer much larger than These factors play an importanr pari in how the Federation of
Earth could have a gravirational lield weaker than thar ol the iarth, or Worlds deals diplomarically wirh its affiliated cukures. The vast dif-
a pianet smaller than Earrh could have a gravitarional field somewhat ferences betrveen extraterresirial cultures is one o[ trvo of the basic rea-
stronger rhan Earth s. This knolvledge played a grear parr in the devel_ sons for the exisrence of the Federation's prime Directive o[ noninte:-
opment of the propulsion systems of all types oi extrarerrestrial ference. The second reason for rhis direcdve is thar if a culture is lefr
spacecraft. (For further information or extraterrestrial spacecraft to develop on iLs own, rvithout any outside influence (unless reguesi-
propuision sysrems, see my book Dragons and Chsriou. ed), unique undersundings penaining to life and rhe Masrer plan can
Gravirarional fields generared by suns (stars) or radiars (like manifesi that might not do so i[ the natural ways of the culture had
Jupiter, Sarurn, Uranus and Neptune) are tremendous; rhis, plus other been subjecred to off-world influences. Off world associarlons are
factors, make rheir surfaces very inhospirable to human or any orher ahvays determined to be the wil1 of rhe culture's El by the Federation,
form of life. (I just heard [November 2, lgg5] a television ne*i repon through an affirmative or negarive "light of divine direction."
abour a currenr space-shutrle flight rhar menrioned a creiv member,s About 87olo of a1l rhe extraterresrrial cultures within the range o[
*mHT: XH,H1',:L::XJ# &:',Ttl',f,tiiift ff il'#;
Federation influence are members of the Federadon. Even so, a imall
percentage of some of rhe remaining nonmember cultures affiliate in
on Earth's surface than mini-marshmallorvs, but apparently rveigh iess minor rva1,s rvirh Federation-based trading houses. It has been esti-
when located some distance from the planet's surface.) mated that 42o/o of a]l Federarlon members have developed far-rang-
Mosr extrarerresrrials require a considerable percenuge of orygen ing space travel prior to rheir initial Federarlon contaci. Most cukures
in their atmosphere and breathe as lve do on Earth. A smaller number of this qpe had inrerplanemry -and a smaller number had interstel-
of extraterresrrials breathe other gases and dnnk other liquids rhat have lar -space travel. Intergalactic space travel is a technology that orig-
the same atomic and molecular energy equivalents that oxygen and inated with the Nodian rrading houses. This technologr is used un]-
u,ater have on Eanh. The extraterresrriais stare that the chemical char- versally even by those of the dark side.
acteris{cs of ceruin elements and molecules can differ from their char- The Federadon members, though different in so many ways, have
acteristics on Earrh. These differences are due ro the elements being united for their common good for prorecrion from the dark side.
influenced by, and inreracting with, phenomeru not easily described or They share informarion and surplus products to better function with-
even believed to exisi by Eanh scienrisrs. The extraterrestrials offer as in the Masrer PIan of the Creator and to please rhe elohim.
evidence the fact that the physiology ol a diver r.vho operares ar consid- There are some [hings all humans share no matter what culture
erable depths for some length of time mighr selecr nirogen over oxygen they exist in or psychically come [rom. These common characteris-
to "oxidize" the blood. We know rhe derimenial physical eflecrs of tics are dictated by rhe Master PIan of the Crearor of All That Is. The
such gas selection as the bends, or nitrogen psychosis. The euphoric follow hctors connecr all human iife: (1) All contain within their
feeiing that accompanies rhis rype ofphysical reacrion has been called individual psyches rhe same universal language; (2) ali either acquire
"the rapture of the deep." Some extraterrestrials naturally use ni[ogen or spend psychic energi by way of rheir identical rypes o[ emotions;
in the blood without any ill effecs, but could switch to orygen after (3) all are subjecr ro rhe same universal laws of reembodiment
some minor discomfon or after a period of adjusrment in an ordinary (rebirth); (4) all are subjected ro rhe universal iatus of personal des-
pressure chamber thar also utilizes certain specilically blended physical ttny; (5) ail have the abiliry to menrally conceive and therefore phys-
forces. A]l Federation spacecraft contain what is called a "rad atmos- ically manilest inro the third-dimensionai level of perception (moiar
phere," which has a unique chemical lbrmulation energized in a specil- level) any one or ail realities that presenrly exisr oniy in rhe higher
ic way. lt is said that "rad air" is rhe easiesr to breathe by ail humans levels oi the universal life field; and (6) all have rhe
Jree will ro pur-
and animals (even a fish out of warer). sue the "infinite thoughC' and rejoln rhe consciousness o[ ihe Cre-
ator. By various means, (3) and (,1) are persona\ circumvented by
most who pracrice the rvays of the dark side. This type of person
The next major set 'PIRIIUAI.
of differences berween extraterresrrial cultures chooses to ignore (6).
relates to the "exclusive spirirual directives" of the El rhat governs the (l) There are morespoken languages in the universe rhan there are
lunctions of nature (rhe ecology) of a particular extrateriesrrial cul- extraterrestriai cultures. For example, numerous languages are spo-
ture's home planer. Many of the spiritual direcrives of an EI pertain to ken on the Earth today; and some cultures speak sweral languages

SEDONA"]ournal of EMERGENCE! 38
I:::r. ii ,'.-. :.:.;:.,: :.:::, ii: j- :=-aiary neighbor. I have heard
':! i:,::r'.Is i:':ii!- i.: ::.n tnli:.i3ges are spoken by perSonS
of cUltUres lll,rtlll tl$ llfilm ffi tltQlEilty B&nlEn
Of the highest
;jl,jlr. tii.* :.tij::1j: .I,r!:e!i by the nixt loweriaste and so on,lntil Humans who live on Earth roday are subjected
[o lhe same gener-
.: lr,-r,i':: :: ijti :iit.ii: ,::jl3 ire al universal.laws that apply ro all exiraterr.r,iirl
permitted to Speak Only one langUage. hu*unr, bur nor nec-
r;*.'i, :",;i.r,,'
;.r',:; :x-.e..,.it this arrangement could be se,ere- essarty ro rhe spiritual directives of Earth s El. The
spirituar directives
;. ::,-t:',:"i,r;a;. t: :.::*ts;ic.e 'iolates
in control
practices in a fash-
of the El are applicable only ro rhose who ara *riu.
,o this planet.
.-:. ,,.:i:,.:: i:r
' :. .:":,. *:: il
il:a ancient Roman elite, rvho spoke.patrician:, The question is, of course, how does , pe.ron fiurg
i::,: tit crxreron person spoke the Larin r.ulgate. Some menral srare (inside the Freqlency Barrier)
;, ;h. ;;;;
know if h'e
o[ us
:.:i: :r:,: .:-i,riil lc remember the time tvhen a medical chically native to Earth or,nori am sorry !o reporr that this qr;;;;
doctor rvrote _l
:"::{-:t:::iirli i'' l-atin to keep the patient ignorant of fhe prescrlp- cannot be answered unril rhe Frequency Barrier is
totally gon. t o*
l, " :-;' j. .nr1*ils. Ir is believed by some scholirs the planet and each person has toral , of
that the t igh_lo.n it tn.i, plr*rlf 3r,gi" .rj
.ii-rirrr:: ig'pt spoke the sacred language and used a complere memory of every liferime they
have lived. tr lr raliro ruu
the sacred mea_
: i:.1:1. i:rs ol the gods, whereas th os J ofIower tnat odds are ovenvhermingry against the reader
station spoke .,profane,, o[ this anicre being 'a
;.:ics arrd used "profane" measurements. psychic native of planet Eirtf, This staremenr is based on the
Dilfereni extrarerresrrlals mlking ar .nce rvouid extraterrestriar reporr that "our of the esdmated
rival the bibricar 5.5 billion humans
accounr of rhe conrounding of human speech that rMng on rarrh ar rhe presenl dme, only about
occurred after the 75 mil]ion are psychic
desrruction of the Torver of Babel. But even rhough natives of the planet." The ma.;ority of off-worlJ
tt .i. ,pot .n *oiJ,
are different, their thoughr_parrerns u,ould be'absolutely ed to this planet due ro the-phyiical presence
psyches u.. u,i*
idenriJ anJ sptitual ciemand of
These thought parrerns cin be view,ed on , DNA that originated on theii home planet.
,....n like rhat ot, .o*- Human reproducrion ,

puter or relevision. It has been learned that increases this demand day after day_
certain rpoi<en woras p.o_ There are more people livinj
duce patterns on the screen identical to those today than those rvho euei died on the Earth.
ofa panicular thought
form. The reason rhat the thought fo* *a
,pofi.n *o.a puti.."* Just because snirituar directives or an Er exist, no human
is bound
match perfectly is because *
*ep, human being, regardless ;ipil;; to follow rhem. ihe unique relationsirip f,umrns-frave
ro rhe Creator
o{ origin,,rhere narurally exists the roul knowiedge"of includes t!.e
the unirersal 1U!t of humans to practiie free
races-usually follow rhe spiritual directives
will. Exrrarerresrrial
Enguage known as Sol Tec and rhe macro-level
language of *re elohim of rheir pareru El because
called.Pi Cora it makes Lhem feel good when they do things
Sol Tec words ur. th. *oir._li*f .quiuri.nt, rhur; pi..r. rhe elohirnl
r ne ma;onty o[ extraterrestrials suggest
thoughts produced in the motar_tevet
numan rrund, which is.pan of the micro level of perception.
;i,; any world is to fol]ow the Gorden Rulel-"Do
that the best way to live on
Sol i_ec is unro orhers ur you *outa
o1 te]eqa&f. No mauer what the spoken do unro you.,' Bur when it .o*., ,o a[owing yorrr.iiio
teteparhic sender is, his or her rhoughts wrll
language o[ the 3:::1.:*
De mt luenced or conrrolled by the
be formed of S"ol iec men forces of darkness, resisi it with all
ral patterns that create the same p-rtt..n, in the even rf you have to grve you, pt ysicai iife ,.r ,f,.
terepathia r.aa*..i :,f^fl-l T]gh,, pro..rr.
mind (not brain). The receiver,s brain translates rhese r\onres.lstance will only result in psychic slavery
universal So1
Tec mental pauerns into the language in As the frequency Barrier progiesiively diminlshes,
which rhey usually thlnk. more and more
Soi Tec is the official language o[ the Federation people of Earth will become ible ro mentaly reach higher
of Worlds. t'tost rwels of the
persons of the Federadon learn to speak Sol Tec universal lile field. some can already do so,
to avoid molar_level and o"rhers *ill iik;t
misunderstandings and by thinking in this language establish menral conracr with personi who share
become betrer their world ol psy-
telepaths. chic origin. some rvill establish menral contacrwith
evil masters who
e"y human being from any world in the uruverse can alrracr controlled and directed them in many past .open
12) state,, lives.
and accumulate psychic energy by counrless methods (both (Adolph Hitler was connected mentaily toan
evil open-stare source of
beffi communicarion; so rms
and malevolent) and can spend.his psychic energy Jim Jones, whose diabolicil actions at Jones-
universal channels of emotion that exrs*virhin rii ,U
through ril;;t town, Guyana, are very well known.)
the fact rhar controlled emorion saves precious psychic
K;;i;ig;;f it been long believed by rhe visiting exrraterresrrials (as
.nerj,'i1rrl ,has well as
can be used in more creative *up .uur.i the thar during.rhe closing years of"rhe Frequency Barrier,
early, ivriter of Star Treh .Tf:1,0, life
to assign this characteristic to rhe fictitious vulcan culture would be menrally disturbing and very chaotic TLe
and the extraterrestrials
are now certain that this wiil not be the case.
character of Mr. Spock. They now state that
although earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will increase,
Because psychic energy (the life force) is unlversal, no major
has established it as rhe basis of rheir economic sysrem.
the Federation mental problems will occur in h.umans iiving on Earth tt. ;ilri
some extra- days." What they now know rvill happen isihat over period
terrestrial cultures rorally employ rhis economic system; a of a few
others use weeks, all persons regain mtal past-life recall and
only the Federation system in dearings with extraterrestriar be able to use micro_
cultures. level mental abilities such a-s telepathy. The first
sometimes an extraterrestrial curtur&i[ use a variation ro gain past-life recall
of the Fed- and micro-level abilities will be ihose psychicaily
gyti-on sysrem on their world along with one or more other compati- n"urr. ,o Earth, fol-
low-ed rnmediately^by groups of ttrose of spgciiic
ble-Iorms o[economics. Sometime"s multiple economies tasic aura colors
are suggest-
ed by the Federation.
r nls remrnds me ol rvords. lrom the old
spiritual: ,,There,s gonna be a
great geuing up morning."
What is rare and valuabie to one cuhure might be abundant
of no economic varue to another. For example,"a Fed.eration
and I hope rhis in{ormation will be of some value ro you. *
house could deliver gold or any orher so_iattea p,;;;;
Earth in such vast amounrs thar these metals
woulh d"kiy;;.;;; *For those rvho
wish ro learn more about rhe pink dolphins and help in
worrhless lr is rhe responsibiriry of every Federarion.iudi,;h;;;;
their presewation, please nrite to Roxanne Kremer, 3302
such nor happen und thur ."..y pir#,rry N. Burton Are.,
nomrc system in which-rhey are involved smys
viable and provides the
Rosemead, CA 9i770.
**Narural ELF-wave
grearest benefits for the pranet's inhabitants. acupuncture is available. For further information
The most valuable contact Lance A Donatello, DIpL. Ac. O.N.D., Acupuncture and Oriental Med-
things in the universe have been identi-iied by all
extrater..rrriuirl, icine Clinic, 10243 N. Scousdale Roacl, Suire 2, icottsdale,
life, health and knowledge M 55253, {6A2)

JANU-AflY iqge
.An Orion B.irg Tulkt aboul
Ii[. on Euttl, At a H,r-an
Tr.J" Dt"rte tLro,rgL RoL"tt
March I0, 1998

have available to me a wtde range of academic

)'name is Tsade Dieste. I am here from
Orion present. I have been given a very skills. What I
cannot readily access myself is
special job and privilege to be here. I accessed through what I would call a hypersonrc
am required to appear in every way to link located right here lpointing to left temple,
be one of you. Our people from Orion do not high on cheek bone.l It allows me to connect to
have the capaclty for such body changes mole- wrsdom centers where our teachers live, which is
cular changes and so on
but we have consul- a significantly higher dimension than my people
tants, guides and teachers who, because of the live on in Orion.
nature of mv assignment, have altered my body Thus I appear to the average individual to be
and the alteration will last for about I50 years. It very smart and have solutions to difficuit prob-
will go through a cycle during that i50 years. It lerns. I do not alwals have the solution (so as to
is now about halfway through that c1'613, during not to be too obvious), but I have enough solu-
which I will appear to age and be just like others. tions enough of the time to be valued. It is my job

o*t fi:Tilffiiffil:#'#; mv beard wilrget to observe mostly your social interactions to see i[
damage has been done. I would have to say that
I am here because of thirgs done by people so far the only major damage I have seen is in the
from my galaxy on your world for malevolent response between parent and child.
purposes. Some of this has been discussed by There have always been those times when chil-
others and references are in your Explorer Race dren grow up and need to create a separate iden- "Yes, I go to
and Shining the Light books. I have been allowed titl', known as adolescence. That is part of your concerts, I go
to come to observe as closely as possible and with natural cycle here. But in recent years (the past dancing, I like
as much intirnacy as posslble (involving friends, 60 years or so) there has been a cycle of experi-
family and so on with Earth people) to see how bowling and I
ence where parents themselves have to or/are dri-
deeply this action by these so-called negative ven to create a separate identity and sometimes like to go to
beings from Orion has affected your social envi' feel as if they need to get away from the family baseball games
ronment" I've also been placed ln a position This is an impact that is caused at leasi 50 percent and sometimes
where I have considerable access to high-tech by the negative influence from those Orion beings basketball
knowledge of different countries. I am able to see who wish to break down your family conditions games. I do
things, go places, do things. in order to ultimately destabilize your societies.
I am not accessing government secrets any- what Earth
It is not my job [o correct this, but once my
where, but because people do. I
mission is complete (when I can return to my
of the nature o[ my go out to eat.
native planet by using a device I would rather not
expertise, which I I like spaghetti.
mention), I will then be able to return here and
will not mention (l
speak of these things. I wili be in a different I like Italian
do not want to be
form, still looking human but not the way I do food very
easlly flound out), I
now, and will discuss this with various individu-
\lr-s$r'rrtsx \ \s.\r\. \\rxtr
a'ls in your United Nations who work to supporl
wide circle of
the viability and the sacredness of the family
Robert Shapiro friends in the
P.O. Box 2849 places I go."
Sedona. AZ 86339 This mission I am on now will come to a close
(520) 282-s883 within five years. It might be as little as three and


one-ha1f years or less, but no more than five, I have been told. tlow long is your life cycle by Earth years?
I have observed that there are no longer any of these beings It varies from 700 to I200 years.
with malevolent intentions from Orion anpvhere on this
pianet. I am able to observe underground and on the surface, How old were you when you left?

and I have not seen any. No one is in a body, in any event. Oh, a couple of hundred [iaughs]. '

There is a brain preserved, with the thought that some infor-

How long are your children called children?
mation might be accessed from that brain (I might add that it
is the brain and spinal column), but that technology is really It is similar. Childhood there, in terms of compararive
not available to you. So it is more of a curiosity than what I Earth years, i.s about 25 years, so it is similar (I am extending
would call a useful intellectuai delrce. childhood to what is 17 years here). Most youngsters are no
So that's who I am. O[ course, the name I have given you Ionger really considered children here when they are 17, but
is my real name, nol the name I go by on this planet. from our perspective they are still forming, so they would be
considered children and on our planet would have the privi-
Do you hatc memoie s oJ your lije on your houe planet?
leges of children.
Oh yes. My total life cycle is not quite half over. As I say, Our people have simiiar appearance to yours. We are a lit-
I am from Orion present. tle taller on average (using your average height); there are cer-
tainly people on this planet who are as tall as we are. We
Can you say what plantt?
average about 6'8" tall. You are not that yet, though maybe
I u,ill see if I can phonetically put it in your alphabet. sorneday. We are essentially humanoid. We have a little more
flexibility in our knee and elbow joints. When you have iock-
What star is it connected to, os Jar as u'e hnou uhat Onon is? Or does it circle
out in yourjoints and can bend back no farther, we can bend
a stsr we hate fuard oJ?
back a little farther than you on both legs and ln all joinrs
This is the name o[ the planet lwrites]. I think this is the including fingers. Thus we have more flexibility. Our crani-
best I can do: Pharasedt. ums are not like the Zetas', but they are bigger than yours in
order to suppoil about 25 percent more brain and neural
If we looh up in the heayets, wt clon't see this stdr whue your home plonet is?
mass. Your brain is hemispherical, and it is clear where the
No. For simplicitys sake it is on the far side of the galaxl' brain stops and the spinal column begins. Our brain conrin-
from the Earth orbit" You can't see it from where you
a',vay ues down where your second and third vertebrae are. We
have tougher tissue there, but not bone. Bone doesn't begin
until right around what is your fourth vertebra.
What was your liJestyk there? What did you do? How did what you do bal up
ro this assignment? So we haye bwically the same intffior anatomy?

There I was involved initially in teaching children. In our Simiiar. Our lung capacity is a little grearer. Our heart has
society we not only teach the children but we are stimulated an extra chamber (from your perspective) located in the same
by them. We encourage the children to be self-expressive, nor part of the physical body. We have six roes per foot, but only
uniike your own schools in some respects, at least in some five fingers, so I think our balance is a little bit beuer, physi-
societies. When the children say something new or different, cally speaking. We have slightly less inresrine than you have
we are able to spot trends. In this way we can adapt our edu- several feet less, so our waists might be proportionally a
cational system to fit the needs of the children as the needs
-iittle smaller than yours. Our diaphragms are not quite as big
emerge rather than adapt children to fit the system. It was as yours.
from this educational system that I was picked to come here. ls your diet similar?
Our planet is very involved with family structures, nurtur-
We do eat mear as you know it, or fish, but we eat plant
lng and support. I was picked by our governing body for this
[ood, yes. We eat fruits and vegetables.
mission because I had not yet begun my own family so was
not needed there so much, and also because of our pianet's Do you haw wild snimals or aninals oJ any hind?
interests we wished to study the rmpact our ancestors had on
We have animals; we just do not consume them. We have
your planet with the intention ultimately of resolving it. the capacity to communicate with them for our sake. More
So I was picked to come and do what I am doing. I might important, they have the capacity to communicate with us.
add that I am sometimes able to speak to youngsters here. I We have received so much guidance, support, occasionaliy in
find that your educational system might benefit from our our history even warnings when someone or something was
methods, and I will eventualiy speak to people in the Unired coming, toward which it would be best to take action.
Nati.ons about that. For example, once there was an asteroid that was going to
Befort you lu';e or after you come bach?
impact our planet, and one o[ the animals spoke to a scientist
there about I50 years beforehand and said that it would
After 1 come back. require about a 75-year norice ro deflect the asteroid in the

Tsade Dieste/R. Shapiro, An Orion Being Talhs about LiJe . . . 57 MAY 1998
gentlest possible way so as to not harm it yet have it miss ground beings and then perhaps some underground beings
everything in its orbit. It was deflected through the use of
what you would call mind power, but it took 75 years o[ an
added meditation or prayer for the scientiflic community to
will manifest there. I have passed this on to our council.
ls therd atything else you haw learned while you
will bneJit you when you go bach home to stay?
hav e been ot this Plarct that !
accomplish this.
Oh, a great deal. I have learned very much from the chil-
The scientific community there is closely interlocked with
dren of Earth their curiosities. I arn so very impressed by
the sacred community, so science is a sacred pursuit and -
their adaptability. They are so quick to adapt to unexpected
sacredness is a scientific pursuit. In this way science benefits
changes compared to our children. Our children need time
people without harming anyone. Spirit benefits everyone_yet
to adapt. Certainly you have some children that also need
itill-has some structure that is associated with predictability,
time to adapt, and those that need the most time to adapt are
this being the scientific influence.
probably related to us in some way. But your children are so
What dimension are you in? [ast, I am impressed.
We are in dimension five. Also, your children learn quickly and can contain a great
deal of information, . Sometimes that's good. Other times I
Do your bodies, leel as solid to you as ours do to us?
think that your children are given too much information that
Yes. To be in this dimension in the beginning was a strain. really is unnecessary for them to know, such as the dates of
I feltas if I were carrying a huge book bag around like young- this or that. This is only useful i[ you're understanding
sters do on campus, and I couldnt get rid of it. trends in world history but it is entirely unnecessary to learn

- someone's birthday and so on.

as an arbitrary date What's
I am intcresrcd in the animals. Are there any similar to what we have on this
the point? You wdnt to know your parents' birthdays and
your ovm birthdayi, but I don't see the point of knowing the
We have an animal that is similar to your deer but has birthdays of the presidens. So I feel that there is a lot of
slightly larger ears. It looks similar, but in different seasons unnecessary information required of the youngsters here to
its-coat changes. Sometimes its coat is more greenish when learn that simply takes up capacity in their minds that could
the animal (l say animal for the sake o[ simplicity) is in its be used in some better way.
reproductive cycle. This lasts for (by comparison) a few
Could you take a breah vrithout ruining your train of thoaght? I thinh the
months of the year. Then the coat is more iight gray, a pow-
recorder butery neeils ta be replwed
der-gray color.
They will sometimes come very close. Imagine the back It is all right, but I can change if you like. Get one. I
Tech. I don't
yard of a home; the animal would come right into the back
yard. They are loved and appreciated and valuable members
know what to do
- remember, I am Mr. High
think it's supposed to be red all the time. I will fix it. Put the
of our planet not exactly of our society directlll but indi- battery here. lt was a 9-volt battery
rectly, as one would relate to someone from another country You would be surprised how unusual it is in many soci-
respecting each civilization. eties to have clever battery poles; one feels one way and one
There is food grown in every yard that is the kind of food feels another way. You could change that battery the dark. ii
these animals like to eat. Whether they come to eat lt or not, Some societies have visited or have heard of don't 'even
the people do not ever eat this food. It is just there for the think of this, Often it's because they know instinctually
animals if they wish to have it. If they are not hungry okay, where things go and what, but when they have visitors from
but it is a way to honor them and show them they are wel- other societies it is not easy to adapt to the technology.
come and that their presence on our planet is appreciated. I believe it is because on your planet you have so much
How many sptcks oJ animals are there?
variety that things need to be simplified. On other worlds
variery needs to be added, and so some other worlds will add
There are at least 67 kinds of animals. We have water like complications to create variery not just to confuse peoples
you do and we have some beings in the water. There is not as lives. Here you have so much that you must simplify things
much variety as you have here you have an almost unbe- and make batteries that can be installed without even look-
lievable variety of beings. Even today with all of your pollu- ing at it because the poles feel different.
tion it is still astonishing the variety you have. I have been
Haw you lisited other planets? Ot your plarct do you ha've space tra'tel to
fortunate enough to have been communicated to by many of other parts oJ Oion?
your animai species here and have learned a great deal"
For example, we do not have earthworms, but earthworms Our people do, yes. It is not my job, but yes, wherever
have spoken to me on numerous occasions, discussing the societies are involved with children or setting up education-
value of their being and discussing underground living. Our al practices or passing on their philosophy to childretr. This
people do not live underground on our planet, nor do we is something we do. Our people arcvery involved with chil- t
havi animals that live underground, but the earthworms dren wherever tffe go, and we are the consultants for such
mentioned to me that we might want to welcome under- things in our galaxy. We are also the liaison for such things'

to other galaxies who have their own people who do that, but children alive today who will be alive during the time of
we are liaison for our galaxy should there be intergalactic con- inner- space exploration.
(, ferences, which there often are about one thing or another.
So you are aware oJ the purpose of the Explorer Race?
So we will gnin g rut wisdom when you come bach ond start lectuing obout chil-
dren, nght? Oh, yes. The reason I say yes is that beyond this planet
almost everyone is aware of it. It is understood that you have
Yes, I will go right to the United Nations because even not been so aware of it so that you would not feei compelled
today in its infancy it is perceived to be the most hopeful sign by what you are doing, but come about it in your own natur-
of world unity on your planet and the most benevolent gov- al cycle.
erning body available. The United Nations is designed is it
So there you were on your plarct, doing your job, loving your liJe. Do you hare
not, to support humanity in whatever way it can? It is not
a mother and Jather, brothers and sisterc, Jiends and nerything?
designed to control. I might add that I've noticed when the
United Nations must go on a military mission, it does so as Yes, but not, as you say, wife and children yet. That's why
beautifully and with as little impact as possrble. "Miiitary" is I was available for such an assignment.
not a term that the United Nations is comfortable with. They What is the process lry which you were made to looh human? Was it cosnretics
do so, but not happily. or surgery?
This does not mean that there is anything wrong with your
Neither. We do not have this capacity, For a long time our
societies or your military Ultimately, though, your military
societies had discussed our regrets and wishes that this
will be more involved in adventure, space travel and even
ancient culture that tried to influence your culture to a nega-
inner-space travel, which will require molecular changes in
tive degree hadn't done so. We were to1d, however, that it was
consciousness and body form to allow, for instance, the tran-
necessary for your evolution through your growth cycle. But
sit of an inner-space astronaut. Such an astronaut would
when we are identified wrth something, even though it didnt
become perhaps the size o[ an atom, then be injected into
have anything to do with us in our society they were from
our gaiary, so we felt uncomfortable with it.-
some material mass that you find interesting, such as oil or
stone or ore of some form, to interact while traveling through
'the We had the desire for a long time to put it right, so even-
spaces of the atoms to discover the makeup and function
tually our teachers said, "Now is the time. You can study it,
of different materials in order to increase communication
and soon after the studying is over you can offer the advice"
between human beings and materials, but also to find more
But you can't put it dght. You can only offer aduce." This is
efficient ways to use the materials.
what I will do at the U.N. someday.
Right now you are utilizing sunlight to make electricity in
We said, "We would like to do this, but how can we go
a limited way. When you learn how to interact with the atom-
there with the way the people are now? They will be upset by
ic level of sunlight, you will be able to convert that into as
our appearance, though we don't iook that different from you.
much power as you need for all your power needs heating,
cooling, transportation and so on.
- We are enough different that we would be considered at least
And that will be done by enteing the atoms oJ sunlight? Our teachers sard, "We will pick one of your number and
Inner-space exploration is considered a valuable tool. transform the person's physical body into a temporary Earth
Some of these technologies will be granted to you as your cycle. We will create, not a birth through a human being, but
societies move past self-destructive behaviors, but at the same what people on Earth wouid think of as a foundling." So I am
time you will not simply be given these tools. They willbe considered an orphan. I was raised for the first few years as
given to you in such a way that you can appreciate them, but an orphan in an orphanage. Even though I was a couple hun-
you will discover the techniques used by those who discov- dred years o1d, I went through childhood on Earth myself.
ered the appiications. In this way you will be educated if you How else could I understand the children here? So I can trace
wrsh on how this is done and why. You will learn commu- my heritage, Earthwise, back to an orphanage, you see. ln
nicative skills between yourselfl and the consciousness o[ this way it was possible to pass me off as an Earth person.
materials. In this way you wili iearn how to work with mate- You came here as a child and you were brought here in this gadget that is going
a rials in ways that are benevolent for both you as a people and to tohe you home?
the rlaterials. Yes. As in the storybooks, I was left on the doorstep of an
For instance, there are many materials you are very short orphanage, looking like a baby
on and would iike more for exampie, chromium. You use
this and would like to have
more. When you have better How did you Jed? You wue totally conscious and hnew *ho 1'ou were? Thct
must haye been an incredible exyeience!
communication with chromium and learn what it wants from
you in terms of respect, then you will be abie to encourage it It was most unusual. The children on our planet have
to become more manifest. This is also at the ievel of your cre- more telepathic contact with their parents, so their needs are
atorship training, but you do not have to wait a long time for easily met. But here, where telepathic contact for most of
this. This is in your not-too-distant future. There are some 1'our societies is discouraged, I am amazed that as many chil-

Tsade Diest6/R. Shapiro, AnOrionBetngTalhs aboutLiJe . . . 59 MAY 1998

dren suryive as they do. Certainly one learns very quickly malevolent influence; the white and the native people's soci-
that the opportunity for communication with one's parents is eties would have come together much quicker than they did
at least limited. Since out of necessity I was not raised wrth but for that manipularion. Even though it appears that the
parents so that there would be no manipulation with a native peoples suffered the most, in the long run the white
woman and a man, we did not wish to disturb a natural fam- peoples suffered the most because they were unable to assim-
ily Even so, with the adults I was raised around (eventually ilate the benevoient cuiture of the narive peoples unril jusr
I was in a foster home and then adopted and so on) the com- now when its really beginning to happen. "Benevolent cul- -
munication was difficult. i was able to observe other chii- ture" refers to the way parents interacr with children and chil-
dren, and going through that cycle myself, it was very unusu- dren interact with parents. White society missed out for a
al. I have the utmosr admiration for the children and parents Iong time on such benevolent ex?osure.
of Earth to be able to get along as well as you do with such
Do you hnow when in our time the malaolent Oions came?
iimited communications.
So you were telrpathic and hnew what they were thinhing, but they didn't hnow
Yes, they started coming around 1910. I think they were
whcrt you were thinhing? not primarily, perhaps less than 10 percent, responsible for
prompting Worid War I.
No, no, you don't understand. Telepathy, the way we do it,
So they also aligntd then with $hat )re haye been calling the secret go\ternmenr?
is the ability to let other people know what you are thinking,
not to know what they are rhinking when they are not think- Yes. But the drfference between them and the members of
ing to you. Telepathy is, I am sending you a message . . . the SSG is that these beings, our ancestors (obviously not all
50 it\ a connunication . . .
of our ancestors, really more of what you would cali a sect),
could not be on rhe surface of the planet pasr I think it was
. . Yes, it is a communication. When you are sending me about 100 hours without graduaily berng altered. They-
a message, I understand it, but it is not knowing what every- -
would be affected by the Sun, you see, so rhey would usually
body is thinking a1l the time. We have discovered that that is try to stay out of the sunlighr. It was nor because their skin
not good. would be harmed, bur because ir is in rhe cycle of the Sun that
. . . \\hs lour body transt'ormed into tht body that is now here, or did your soul they would be transformed philosophically by rhe interacrion
tome into a body that was already here? of the sunlight on their psyche. Even now your people are
affected by the sunlight on your psyche. It is a cheik,ir you
My body was transformed into the childs body. Yes, no
sa1', a balance to somerimes keeping you from being more ielf-
child was interfered with here.
As you said, your totul molecular maheup was changed to haw this Earth cycle? For exampie, there are people on your planet v,,ho are suf-
fering a great deal, such as people in prisbns or people who
Yes. W'e do not have that capacity, but our teachers do.
are very ii1. To the extent that these people ger to experience
Who uere your teachers?
sunlight they are less self-destrucrive, less likely to end their
Our teachers are mostly in the seventh and ninth drmen- lives or the lives of others. The Sun has a fantastic capacity
srons. They have the capacity to interact with ali materials in to nurture life on this planet even rhrough difficult times.
a mutually beneficial and cooperative way. They teach us So our people in this sect tried to keep out of the sunlighr,
these things, and I feel your inner-space astronauts will have but because of the nature of their work, somerimes they had
such great adventures tn the fluture because we have learned to go into the sunlight. By the time they went anpvhere close
thls. Some of these things are understood by your shamans to 97 hours, they wouid begin ro transform. Some of them
and mystical people here on the Earth, bur we are taught this transformed completely and wandered off and joined your
regularly by our reachers, and we hope to share it with your societies. Their sect had learned how ro look like you. They
peoples as well. would join your society and perhaps become manual laboreri.
Now ll me the story oJ the ne gatite beings who came hue , what they
They forgot who they were and led whar you call invisible
Ie did. This
is part oJ our history that we don'thnow that much about. Iives, perhaps becoming farm laborers, for example, They
had quiet lives and forgot where they came from. Not remem-
I can't say much about it because our society and our peo- bering a childhood on Earrh, they really had very little to ralk
ple do not have the capacity to experience much self-destruc- about, but they became very sarisfied with a simple life. Some
tiveness even today. Even in my cycle here on Earth I don't
of them even went into religion and became -onks. Farming
watch programs for entertainment that are violent. Humor was a lot of them wenr inro. They didn't become
yes, but not violence" I find it uncomfortable.
actual farmers; they didn't have that capacity but would
What I know is what you would call a sketchy srory I become laborers doing simple repetitive tasks.
know they came here. I know rhey artempted to influence
Why would they lose their intelligence?
several world governments: England, France, United States,
Russia, Poland and a few others, and some country in Africa. The Sun would transform them. Remember, their society
I think it used to be Rhodesia. There was unfortunatelv some was by its very nature self-destructive because they excluded

a great deal of the beauty of Orion culture, which to us would betweetparerts and children. How did they do that?
be self-destructive. They wished to usurp and control your
They linked up quite quickly with elemens of society you
societies, and by so doing inflicted harm, on people of the
\} would call the criminal element. They also did everything
Earth if not directly, then indirectly. That is also self-destruc- 'they could to
support a society that is materialistically con-
tive. But when exposed to the Sun, that self-destructiveness
could not maintain itselfl.
- not to suggest
the United States is evil
that the ponsumer society in
to make it become more greedy.
And there wdsn't much tlse thrre For example, Chriistmas- was. originally entirely associated
That's right. Their personalities and intellect were totally with religion with Christ and began as a way to cement the
interlocked with that self-destructiveness, and when that family together to create famrly activities. That was the ori-
went away it was like they had amnesia. But they could func-
gin of the celebration of Christmas. They were very influen-
tion in simple ways. tial, I am sorry to say, in turning Christmas into something
materialistic gifs, what people want, what they dont want.
They time-trareled to gtt hcre becaust they came Jrom Oion pat, right? They were involved.
they arrived on vehicles that essentially dropped them
Yes, A lot of them tried to influence (I don't want to say how
off. The vehicles did not stay. When they came in 1910, you because those techniques are still available, and some of your
understand, you didn't have the kind of Air Defense people are tryidg to do those things today) people in adver-
Command you have now, and they could land. And there tising, in politics and famous individuals not the individu-
were many fewer people. They could land someplace com- als themselves, not the movie stars themselves for instance, -
pletely unnoticed and drop people off. but people who were in contact with them.
Do you hnow how many? So how did it work.? It aetually sounds like an incredible ailveature. You get sey-
eral thousatdmdlevolent Onons t'romwhu, the third ilimeasion?
Many thousands. When they were transformed by the
I would say yes.
Sun, they did not have their normal 1i[e cycies, so they would
just live the cycle of Earth human and die, and that would be All nght, they're dropped off with nothing except whot they can carry?
that. Yes.
What percentage of thtm transJotmed? Atd thq are sent all oyer the Earth ilto different countries uith differett la/.
guages to get into different occupations to bnng down the planetary structure
At least 97 percent. Because of the nature of the self- -
ail get rid oJ the pecple?
destructiveness of their philosophll some of them did not live
a normal duration of life. People were born into that sect, you Yes, not unlike an intelligence operation spies and so
understand, and they would not live any more than, say, 100 on, very much like that! -
Earth years. Some died because of the self-destructive narure Wne they highly intellignt?
of the philosophy of that sect and others because of the neces-
sity to go out in the daylight to do what they were doing. They were not so intelligent. I dont think there was an IQ
They would, after a while [aughs] transform and wander off. above 135 for any of them.
There was no attempt to bring them back when they wan- Yet they were able to get in aad da the hind oJ desfiuctior jou are talhing about?
dered off because there would be no point in it. Once they
You have to remember, people didn't know who they were.
had been rmpacted by the Sun, they wandered o[f. If they
They had some inside information. They were able to say
were in the middle of a job, then the sect would send some-
what would happen in the future, so they were able to gather
body to complete the job if possible. Very often jobs didn't get
wealth that they could then hand out to others they would
completed, so you see it was not a very efficient operation.
bribe. It was a very insidious operation. And they had some
But uhat was tht notiye oJ the people who planned it? Did they drop them ot'J technological instruments that were far beyond what people
in 1910, then plan to come bach and get them? Or did they plan to rejoin thtm had in those days, but what today would not be considered
or vthat?
advanced or perhaps it would be considered borderline
They hoped to influence your society to develop weapons
science fiction by today's standards.
of mass destruction that would not impact the planet (they Where were they dropped, at difJerent ptaces all owr the planet?
weren't behind the atomic bomb) such as poison gas or radi-
ation \ reapons, but not explosive ones, only weapons that In remote places, yes,
would cause vour people to die out. They wanted to colonize So some oJ them anheil it New Yoth City otd some of them aniveil in . . .
the planet. They would cause your people to die out but not
Not in New York City. It had to be places that had wide-
damage the material things.
open spaces where . . .
Thel' thought thost Jew thousand would do it? lhnaw,but some af them nentually got toNew Yorh City.
..-, They believed they could. Oh yes, New York, Washington places of po*J,
'Whela you
[irst started you tolhed about ho:v;, the1, dannged the relationship Moscow, Paris, London, Rome. . . - .: -,
Tsade Dieste4i. Shapiro, An OrionBdnglalhs aboutLiJe . . . 6I MAY i998
What hind oJ Juture hnowledge did they have? ln time trawl they would have body to look completely different. Then there will be anoth-
been able to go to the future?
er way of connecting with persons in the U.N.
They had knowledge of the future they were attempting to Oh, another wayT
create. Remember, futures are flexible, especially here where
I won't say how.
you are changing times. You change your futures and even
your past, to some degree. They were attempting to build a Herehaw you manied?
future that didn't exist for the people of the Earth. So they Oh, no, that wouldn't be proper. It wouidn't be fair, would
attempted, working as one being, to create a future of their it? I can't take an Earth family with me.
own vision that would ultimately lead to the destruction of
Cat you haw rdationships?
the human race.
They had a lot of details about that future, so they would I have friends. I try not to develop intimate reiationships
encourage wars, corruption, anything like that. They would so that no one's feelingswill be hurt, but I have friends and go
try to encourage the breakdown of the family in any way they places and do things and have fun. When I go back home
could. They would encourage alcoholism not that people eventually, I will start my family, but by our standards I am
don't do that on their own, but they would encourage it. I am
- still young. There is plenty of time.
not saying that drinking wrne is a bad thing, but they would You are going to haye stones to tell Jor the next thousand years.
encourage people to overdo it. They are not the one and only
beings to blame for things, but they would observe the "bad We1l, I might have some tall tales.
habits" of Earth people and attempt to exacerbate the situa- What is your lnel oJ telepathicability? You art hffe to leatn as much as you
tion to its greatest degree. can without intading anyone's pitacy, but can ylu . ..

For instance, one of them would walk down a farm road Sometimes when people have thoughts you know,
and a flriendly farmer or ranch hand wou]d say, "Oh, this when you are desperately unhappy and not praying, but just -
neighbor keeps letting his cattle break our wire" and so on. thinking "Can't somebody help me?" I might say a prayer for
They would do whatever it took; they would stop even if they you. I might sometimes be able to overhear that. I don't do
were on a mission from one place to another to try to create a
it if it is a private thought, but if it is a thought for help that
situation and make it as bad as possible. And rvhen it got so is, from my understanding of your total being, really a cry for
bad that it was moving on its orm and there rvere grudges help to your guides and teachers and is considered acceptable
back and forth, they would go on.
Did any of them s\er get in the news? Hat,e we n'er heord about them in the
b1' the standards and ethics of my society, I am able to hear
that and then understand your difficulties and challenges
nrwspapers? more. The biggest challenge on Earth now is your lack of
As all spy agencies know, the best spies are those who are communication. You do have the skills to do what we do tele-
not known. They were never in the news, although I have to pathically, They have just been forgotten, but they can be
make an exception. When they became transformed, occa- very quickly learned. It is easier to teach a child these benev-
sionaliy there might be one in a daze who got hit by a train or olent telepathic communication techniques than it is to teach
something. It would be something like "unknown person hit a child how to operate its first rudimentary computer that
by a train." But other than that, no, they were very careful your youngsters learn. It is not difficult.
never to become known in any way. As any sp1' organization Really? Is that part oJ what you will be binging bath to talh about on Earth?
knows, those are the most successful operations.
Oh, yes. I will talk about societies and families and struc-
So 3 percmt didn't transJorm? Are they still here or did thty die? tures and about things to nurrure families and children and al1
They died in a natural cycle.
the governments. In your world the United Nations is the
most weil-known for that. They are interested in that. They
There is nothingleJt oJ this group.
even have whole branches of their structure devoted to that.
They are not here anymore; only their legacy is here. How old rrere you when you were dropped olJ? Lihe a six-month-old baby?
That's what I have been sent here to study in my field of
No, you would consider it two weeks. Yes, little. One o[
expertise. Then I will
have the opportunity to come back
my people just snuck up in the early hours o[ the morning
later and work wrth individuals in the United Nations to help
(from'my perspective) put that to rights. and deposited me in an out-of-the-way spot at an orphanage,
out of the way enough to be sa[e, but noticeable enough so
So bilween three and one-haf and Jfie yurs Jrom now, you haw a pie ee of tch- that when the person who came off the night shift would see
nology that will get you homt. Then thq will .. .
I don't have it, but it willbe made available to me. And you were conscious of your mission ot that time?

Then you will simply have a vacation and they will restructure your body. Then Oh, yes. But I still could enjoy sports when I was growing
you will cone bath?
up. I could be conscious of my mission and still piay base-
I will have a little time off, not much, and restructure my ball.


7 And 1'ou ttent to college?

Yes. of course.
Andyou truvel now as part oJ

I travel now for my job, yes.

your job?.
your standards. Extremist political groups are not tolerated
weil on Earth either, even with the variety available here. So
they had basically been put on notice to disband, to leave, to
The Orion culture said, "Disband or emigrate," so they
said, "We will emigrate." They developed a philosophy of
That rnlly sounds liht an advetture.
possessiveness about Earth and decided, "We will make Earth
It has been fun. Then there have been times when it's been our home, and in transit will take our wives and families and
hard. gather up any other beings who seem to be amiable to our
Say mort about that.
philosophy. In transit we will have more children and so on
(l don't want to mention all the ways they gathered mem-
It has been hard to see people suffer. I know your souls bers). The main thing is, by the time they got here they had
wrl1 not be permanently damaged by it, but it is still hard to a couple thousand.
see. I have been to parts of the world where many people
But whot happened to tht ones who dropped them oJJ? Whre did they go?
have suffered so much, and it's hard.
Right now you cre in your t'iJties or so?
It was more like a freight-hauling service. They continued
their business. It was a commercial venture for those who
I won't say. I've already said quite a bit. The field could be dropped them off.
narrowed considerably by what I have said so far, but if there
It wasn't that the leaders dropped oJJ the people , but they all came, inclutling the
was ever a danger of my being found out, I would be imme-
diately spirited back. My mission is considered important
enough that there is what I would call a safety net for me. Everyone. It was either disband or emigrate, so everyone
That's another reason I dont get too involved with people. I rn that sect emigrated. About 1500 years ago the emigration
began and it took awhile to get here
don't want to make anybody too sad when I am not here any-
- about 1200 years -
but they didn't land right away. They went though several
generations and the flounding members weren't alive by the
"You are so sensitive.
time the vehrcle got here.
It's important to think abour these things, because people
So they didn't tratel in timt?
do have feelings, and even men or women can become such
great friends that you miss vour friend terribly. So I don't They didn't travel in time.
become too great a friend with an,v one indir,rdual so that my They didn't haw that hind oJ techrolog?
absence would not be such a tragedy.
No. No one with that kind of technology would consider
And you have ntver talhed through another human lihe this?
taking malevolent berngs to someplace benign or at least
Never. someplace like this to do a malevolent job. A commercial
entelprise took them.
How do you find that?
Zoosh in one oJ tht Explorer Rarr- boohs says that oter 300,000 yurs ago btings
It is interesting. It's not unlike making a phone ca1l.
Jrom Oion came with tht idu oJ controlling. This has been going on a long
are not thst of his body, then, just time?
lLaughs.] What an onalogy! You conscious
the ability to communicstt?
You will have to ask Zoosh about that. I am only cognizant
Yes. And I do know if it becomes uncomfortable, though of the one I am referring to.
the being Zoosh is primarily responsible for his comfort in So Jor enjoyment and Jun you do what humans do? You listen to music . . .

such circumstances.
Yes, I go to concerts, I go dancing, I like bowling and I like
Yes, he tohes care of him. So how Jar bach in the past arc we talhing about, in
to go to baseball games and sometimes basketball games. I do
tetms oJ this malevolmt sect Jrom Oion who camt to EarthT Etet though our
years don't relatc to your system, use Eath years, Was it 100,000 years ago,4 what Earth people do. I go out to eat. I like spaghetti. I like
million years ago, 2000 years ago? What hind oJ time Jrame? Italian food very much. I have a wrde circle of fnends in the
places I go. I belong to a church. Sometimes I go places with
For sake of simplicity, I rvould say that the sect existed
my church group.
reallyior only a couple of hundred of years of comparative
time. It came about as a result of the founding members of That's wonderJull 5o these are mtmoies that you wil! tahe bach hone. This is
an incredible thing, isn't it?
the sect discovering that Earth, as you experience it now, was
originally in the Sirius star system. When they found that Yes, I think so flaughs].
out, these five original founding members decided they You have had a chance to watch humans, so what would you lihe to tell thcm?
would never be happy in Orion because their sect was barely
tolerated. Even then when it was small, five members, the Just this. On the Earth at this tlme you have many chai-
group would be considered an extremist political group by lenges, many distractions, many things and events and cir-

Tsade Diest6/R. Shapiro, An Orion BeingTalhs about Lit'e . . . 63 MAY 1998

cumstances snatching at your personality for immediate hatural abilities, and to the extent that you are not does not
attention. Remember that the most important things are to mean that you are unnatural. It probably means you have
seek and practice peace, to seek and practice love and benev- things that need to be resolved and nurtured. You can be stu-
olence. Remember that your families are important. If your dioui and still be natural, you can have serious moments and
families are not benevolent to you, then find a family, when still be natural. But people who are serious and even
you can, that is. If it is not a mother and father and sisters depressed has more to do with the unhappy attributes of their
and brothers then find a group that will be benevolent for you family and circle of friends. Do what you can to be happy and
and do what you can to support benevolence in that group. encourage happiness in others in the most benevolent way for
Know that it is the nature of the human being on Earth to you and them, and you will be able to restructure in time your
be friendly, loving, huppy, cheerful and active. Those areyour natural cycle of personality characteristics. )K

,,rl^nli',,,'[X,;:::ir;?,:;::r,fr:';';';i;:;2',' Reodv vourrelver,-vou of i;;?i';"y',i:':,?!:i::,^';l:il;7:l'],::,
ters. This fioup of extratenestnils, collectit,ely lhe WOfld COlled [Oflh human liJetime I lived nearly 600 Earth
of --:"'', years: My deal\ did.not occur naturally,
referedtokth'e Committee,includes Serbatin ."- ,','-;';,'-"-' 'and,the
iee,Tillabretof Emaritt,ombotaof Nlars,Krfie fOf lhOl lime lOOnlO ciuse of tho.tdeathwillbe descnbid
of Dacsa,Yilasin of Trahe, Prancacotta oJ sumer, I lL - l. :-. .,.:, at some later point'
iatmigful of Coruay and Rendowlou oi Nodio. (ome wnen Ine ,Kle, wlll
rporkle with the
?,i:,:,'l#'#{#:il::::#T'!,hiffr:i';tr: l:u,un:u pllRlfitfil,R 0t .ARIRISS
hat,eactuallybeen_bomintoanylit'etimelnthis Of OhOll Of flOflhipf. leOf r Lrrt
planet. Planets that have their own sotellites,
nol, ";
they call radiars, andin their vocabulary Jupiter "-'' who [ :1 itttrr' time my home was honored
'-l t,lhore
nor Wgr,hip
isthe Reltradiar;Satumthe Sumerradior,Nep- ---r-', Illy^visitfromtheNodianLordRen-
tune the kahe radiar and l1ranus the Hamp coure lham lo wing obout. I'l af*u". while he was
present a great

'r\* o*^ooowtan. As youhnow, ,t i, orroun, l{now lhot lhair ore ;:"r'f"TT}j#*l':il,*,Tt*f[l1f.',l

no sr.'ter axol}ed thon. '*J.:l:H',Ij
'J#iJi';:,"t;,ry,';:x;:,t;:,r{:*':,r,::;il night, rrom his
presently ttue oJJ the Earti. ill thrv persnns your, ond lhol they
will home,world of Nodia took u little more
lhan three Earth days to complete. If this
liv ed their Jirst lives more or less duing the same
600-year prnod. The Committee hl6s decided (0me ln Pe0(e. flight had taken place during my first life-
,,i1iiryitr,,:,,,;r:;-;;,,1;,;!:,i,;:;k - rbbarrae of rrlekror 3#1rj,["xiiJtTixiKH::T'#l;
only. Th'ose ofus who hid a direct personil expeience have been met with suspicion and possibly
oJ ary major nent thdt occurred iithin the open upon
state 0r considerable hostility Such was the case when the first
the Earth witl initially descibe that nent. The will
rest of us spacecraft from another world landed on our planet and its
interject only iJ we can add something of worth.
sigtiJicant occupants came iqrc' contact with our astonished and fearful
Dunng lives that t'ollowed our t'irst liJetimes, we each
hat'e reaction.
been sonttwhat aware of what was l'tappening on the Frequency During ius r,rsit Retdnwlan rtqLiested that I tell you about
Barrier-auected Earth,- We will atteipt to chronicle the Fre- this encounter and the subsequent conditions that have
quency Iiirrier .frrnn its begiming to the present in the
this way affecteci m) nany lifetimes- ever since. I am pleased to do so,
ttmes'oJ tht gol'den ages *tlb, slated aciurotely. The lpen-stile and n-r1 spirit quickens at being elevated to such a degree of
reaction t0 c.ertain eyents that occuwed dttir,gthehistory of rhe itnportance.


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