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Universitas Negeri Medan
Evi Aisyah
Universitas Negeri Medan
Savitri Rahmadany
Universitas Negeri Medan
Seyu Fani
Universitas Negeri Medan

Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the word changing in the use of Gayo Language. This
study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research design. The data of this
research was the words changing in Bahasa, English, and Gayo. The sources was obtained by
develop the thirteen words of Gayo language. Conversation with the speakers (Gayonese
speakers) was involved as the method to gather the data. The basic technique used is the
fishing technique. It is supported by record techniques. The data was analyzed through these
several steps, first, finding 30 words changing in Gayo, second, translating into English and
Bahasa version, third, identifying the words changing in the use of Gayo language, fourth,
investigating why the words changing in the use of Gayo language, and fifth, explaining how
the words changing in the use of Gayo language. The result showed some of words of Gayo
language are changing. It can be change because influences from the other ethnics. For
example the word Gemaseh become Kasih Sayang, Kekuden become Kursi kayu, Kuren
become Panci, Galak become Suka.

Keywords: word; changing; Gayo Language

I. Introduction
In linguistics, a word of a spoken language can be defined as the smallest sequence
of phonemes that can be uttered in isolation with objective or practical meaning. For many
languages, words also correspond to sequences of graphemes (letters) in their
standard writing systems that are delimited by spaces wider than the normal inter-letter space,
or by other graphical conventions. The concept of "word" is usually distinguished from that
of a morpheme, which is the smallest unit of speech which has a meaning, even if it will not
stand on its own. The word is the part of lexical language.
Along with the development of the word era also changed. Word changing is the part of
language changing. We used words in language. Language change is a phenomenon in which
language features such as phonetic, lexis, syntax, and semantic vary as a result of the
changing needs. As a part of language, words used by many people throughout the world,
English has undergone a series of fascinating changes since the era of old English until now.
Language may change slowly or rapidly. Some scholars refer to it as language
evolution, and the cause of language evolution has been analyzed differently. A group of
theorists believes that language is an adaptation, that is, language needs to develop or evolve
in order for humans to adapt with others. One of the supporters of this theory is a
psycholinguist, Stephen Pinker (2000). In other words, language may evolve through natural
selection. The human cognitive ability also plays an important role in the improvement of
Mahoney (2008) has states that word as the part of language changes as a result of
social, economic, and political pressure. She added that the unique way that individuals speak
may also cause the language to change. Her argument is based on the fact that no two
individuals use a language in exactly the same way. The vocabulary and expressions people
use depend on their age, education level, place to live, social status and other factors.
Through social interaction, new words and sayings are picked up and integrated into
everyday speech.
Ellis (2008) suggested that language changes as a result of usage. He gave an example
of phonological change which is caused by the frequent usage of particular word. High
frequency of usage resulted in automaticity which leads to creative construction such as in the
example of gimme, which is the sound reduction of give me. The frequent usage also
underpins what Ellis labeled as grammatical erosion. The more frequent certain words are
used, the more likely they will get shortened or even omitted. For example, of, the. a, an, in,
to, is, was, I, you , he, be, it, to, for, with, by, on, at, that, which are the most frequently-used
words in English, are often dropped by the speakers. The most frequent words also tend to be
ambiguous in homophony and polysemy, such as to, too, two; their, they‟re, there; I, eye,
aye, (Ellis, 2008), so it is common to find their incorrect usage.
Gayo is an ethnic have the cultural and language as part from the culture, of course in
language itself have a aspect Language which inpotant to learn more and more to get the
Knowledge of Gayo Language. Gayo language area is geographically situated in central
region of Aceh which is located in the six regencies, namely (a) East Aceh Regency, (b)
Bener Meriah Regency, (c) Central Aceh Regency, (d) Gayo Luwes Regency, (e) South-East
Aceh Regency, and (f) Aceh Tamiang Regency. Affan Hasan (1980) states states that
Gayonese divided into four regions, they are; Gayo Laut or it is called as Gayo Laut Tawar,
Gayo Deret or Gayo Linge, Gayo Lues, and Gayo Serbe jadi. In Gayo language, passive
voice mostly used the vowel at the beginning of word such as Idere or in Bahasa means
dipukul (beaten), Itekar (discarded) and so on. There are some word also from the idiom
word such as bunge (flower) to bebunge kemang or in Bahasa bunga desa means that a
beautiful woman. The prefix in Gayo of verb mostly use ‘mu’ for example the word of cook
in Gayo jerang to be “mu+jerang” or in Bahasa memasak.
In fact, the researchers found some words changed in Gayo language. The words can
change to another Gayo language which they think is simpler or into Bahasa. It can be
influenced by the era of globalization, other ethnic, or another influence. For example,
previously to say the word Zaman (era) in the Gayo language was called Pudaha, but now it
changed to Zemena. Besides that, the word change in Gayo language also changed into
Bahasa, for example, in the past Gayo people used to say angles with Uken, but now they use
the Bahasa which is Sudut. Another example Luyang for say cave becomes Gua, Pudaha for
say ancient times became Zaman dahulu, and Senget for say difficult became Sulit.
From this problem, the researchers are interesting to analyze the word changing in the
use of Gayo language. Based on the problem of the study above, the researchers formulate
the research problems as follow:
1. What words are changing in the use of Gayo language?
2. Why are the words changing in the use of Gayo language?
3. How are the words changing in the use of Gayo language?
Based on the research problem of the study, the objectives of this study are:
1. To identify the words changing in the use of Gayo language.
2. To investigate why the words changing in the use of Gayo language.
3. To explain how the words changing in the use of Gayo language.
So, this study is focus to study the words changing in the use of Gayo language. The
words were consisting of thirteen words changing in Gayo language. The study expected as
theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this study can contribute knowledge about
Intertextuality on social media especially on twitter. Practically, the researchers expects that
the research be useful for readers, lecturers, and other researchers who are in interested in this
filed. Besides that this study also expected to be a reference in the subject study of

II. Review of Literature

2.1 Language Change
Understanding changes in gayo language, it is necessary to understand Comparative
Historical Linguistics that can be used to examine forms of language change, especially in
collections of cognate languages, namely between one language with another relative's
language and in this case, between the etimon in Gayo and in PAN ( Proto-Austronesian
language). Through the comparative method accompanied by a comparison method
(Sudaryanto, 1993: 13), we will get the basis for the formation of existing words and function
to match or harmonize the Gayo language as a derivative language with PAN as the
determining element. This comparison method is expanded by the involvement of the
articulator phonetic method; Articulatory phonetics refers to all human speech techniques
produced by the activity of speech organs in producing various forms of linguistic sound.
This articulatory phonetic method is then followed by linking and comparing techniques and
contrast equation techniques. We try to find similarities and differences between PAN and
Gayo languages. Thus, the results of the comparison illustrate the similarities and differences
between the determining elements and the determined elements. For example,
1. Vocal phonemes * a> / a / can be read as follows
: PAN BS GLOSS English
*asu asu anjing 'dog'.

The rules in (1) can be learned by using the technique of comparative equations (or
techniques of connecting and comparing) with vowel phonemes in a medial position
undergoing a process of linear inheritance in their derivative languages, namely * a remains a
/ a / in Gayo. This reflection can be described as follows: * / a // a / Rules are written in the
following format: * / a /> / a / #_.
In fact, besides having different vocal pronunciations, gayo people also have
differences in the pronunciation of consonants, all of which are the wealth of the gayo
language. In speaking words the community also has its own way as we also recognize the
level of politeness shown by speech (calling someone) with a different calling. This shows
manners, courtesy, respect, appreciation, and affection. For example in using the word for
parents, will have a different speech with children. We can give an example, the use of ko
and kam, both of which means you (you) are usually used from parents and / or older calls to
younger people, on the contrary, it feels awkward or disrespectful when young people use
this word to more people old. The word kam itself is more polite than ko. Besides that, this
camp shows the plural meaning and intimate call between husband and wife. In addition, the
Gayo Lut language is considered more polite and refined compared to other Gayo languages.
2.2 Generative Of Language
The generative theory of language morphology has an important place in the basic
formation of morphological words. This is marked by Chomsky's invitation since 1970 to
pursue the field of morphology, with his writing Remaks on Nominalization. This theoretical
idea then provides new options for other lexicalists such as Halle (1973), Aronoff (1976),
Scalise (1984) and Dardjowidjojo (1988).
Morris Halle was the first linguist to introduce morphological theory derived from
Chomsky's (transformational generative transformational grammar theory (TGT)), Aspects of
the theory of Syntax. Halle (1973) with his writing "Morphology in a Generative Grammar"
was first published in 1972. It then changed its title to "Proglegomena to a Theory of Word
Formation" in 1973. Dardjowidjojo (1988: 32) states that the interest in morphology
Generative was first stated by Morris Halle in "Morphology in a Generative Grammar",
presented at the 1972 congress of Linguist in Bologna which was published the following
year under the title "Prolegomena to a Theory of Word Formation" and became the basis of
all morphological research until currently. Aronoff's (1976) theory of generative morphology
is contained in the results of his writing entitled Word Formation in Generative Grammar.
Furthermore Aronoff (1976: 39, Štekauer and Lieber, 2005: 157) argues that the word (word)
is a minimal form that is used as a basis for word decline, known by the approach The Word-
Based Hypothesis. In contrast to Halle who considers morpheme (morpheme) as a minimal
form of word reduction. In other words, the basic units of the lexicon are morphemes (the
basic units of the lexicon are morphemes) (Halle 1973: 24, Štekauer and Lieber, 2005). The
Halle and Aronoff approaches have differences. Both have different opinions about the basic
units of the word formation lexicon. Halle prefers morpheme as the basic unit of the lexicon
in the morphological process.
According to Halle the lexicon base unit (morphemes) consists of certain categories,
such as bound words (stems) and free base words (bases) and affixes that have relational
information in the word formation process and are stored in the morpheme list component
(DM). While Aronoff prefers words as the basic unit in the process of word formation,
because words already have information on certain syntactic categories such as base nouns
(Np), base verbs (Vp) and base adjectives (Ap) are also placed in the list of morpheme (DM)
and KPK components . However, both of these approaches contribute to word formation,
because they both have similarities especially in the application of the principle of generative
form which is the creative nature of the ability of native speakers to produce new sentences
and words in the morphological process.
2.3 Gayo Language
All languages in the world have high levels of kinship, or cognates, especially those
which live in certain close areas, for instance, between languages in Aceh and North Sumatra.
The cognates might be found in their lexical similarity of forms and meanings since the two
have a direct inheritance.
Gayo language that is found in the central part of Aceh province, the Gayo Lut
language is the native language of the Gayo tribe, which is a sub-ethnic or sub-ethnic group
that lives in Central Aceh and Bener Meriah districts, Takengon, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
(NAD) Province. According to Baihaqi, et all (1981) The use of the Gayo language includes
several Gayo tribes (1) Gayo Lut, who inhabit the area around Lauttawar (2) Gayo Deret,
who inhabit the sub-district of lingga (3) Gayo Lues, who inhabit the former Belang
Keujeuren tribunal, Aceh Tenggara (4) Gayo Lukup / Serbejadi East Aceh District (5) and
Gayo Kalul, who inhabit the eastern regions of East Aceh district.
Affan Hasan (1980) states that Gayonese divided into four regions, they are; Gayo Laut
or it is called as Gayo Laut Tawar who lives around Lake Laut Tawar, Gayo Deret or Gayo
Linge who live around Linge area, Gayo Lues who lives around Gayo Lues, and Gayo
Serbejadi who lives around Serbejadi-Sembuang Lookup area. Gayo language is the language
used in daily activity by Gayo people. Gayo language has a relation with Karonese in North
Gayo people have clan, but they rarely put it in their name, only some of them who
put clan in their last name. The clans in Gayonese are Ariga, Cibero, Linge, Melala, Munte,
Tebe, Alga, Bukit, Jongok, Gunung, and Kala. Gayo dialect variations; there are a number of
Gayo sub-tribes mentioned above. Even so, between the dialects can be said to be the same or
very close. In terms of its speakers, the Gayo language functions actively as a communication
tool in its community. The Gayo language also plays a significant role, especially in social
and cultural contexts, namely as an expression of individual feelings and also as a means of
reasoning, as in the customary ceremonies of the murip "marriage" and sinte mate "death"
(Zainuddin, 2001).

2.4 Relevant Study

First, basically language can change and develop by itself slowly. Language can
change and develop due to adaptation of development and changes in patterns and systems of
people's lives, such as the level of education, social, culture and technological mastery.
Changes and language development can occur internally and externally. In this article,
internal changes in language will be reviewed by looking at changes based on historical and
language development based on the process of development. While external changes and
developments will be explored through looking at changes and developments that language is
influenced by socio-cultural factors that occur in society. The change that will be seen is from
the behavior of the speakers in their daily lives to adjust to each other, and followed by a
tendency to innovate in groups of people who are already familiar, then followed by other
changes, which ultimately make the languages different from each other (Harya, 2016).
Second, this article will also attempt to map out the problems of finding new
guidelines in the study of language change on their basis. Especially the literature on the
relationship between the evolution of language change, together with research articles
describing language change have been used as source material by involving the exchange of
ideas about the mechanism of language change. besides this article also to create a theoretical
framework that is able to explain the process of language change as a selection process in
studying the language development of the ancestral language in this case that is the gayo
language (Lehtinen, 2009).

III. Research Method

This study was conducted by using descriptive with qualitative method. Qualitative
research was related to assist in describing the common elements of the various forms of
qualitative methods. Creswell (2014:254) said that the descriptive qualitative study aimed at
investigating detail rendering of people, places, or events in a setting in qualitative approach.
It meant this research did not intend to find a new theory, but to find new evidence through
the truth of certain theories.The analysis of this study was supported by the references of
library research. This method was carried out by selecting the theories, sources, from relevant
books and journals that supported the analysis of Intertextuality.
Data collection is an action taken to obtain correct data and guaranteed expertise. In
data collection obtained oral data and written data. Written data is looking for articles in
journals, books that are sources of data. In the oral data collection used the interview method.
In this method the researcher is directly involved in conversation with the speakers (Gayo
speakers). On the topic of discussion the researcher tried to bring up the prospective data
while recording the conversation (Sudaryanto, 1993).
Data was obtained by holding conversations between researchers and speakers. The
basic technique used in the conversational method is the fishing technique. With fishing
techniques, researchers lure the speakers to bring up the desired data. The application of
fishing techniques is supported by record techniques and record techniques. The note taking
technique is the technique used by recording data obtained from conversations or dialogs
while the recording technique is collecting data by recording using a cellphones.
The data of this research was words in Bahasa, English, and Gayo. The sources data of
this study was obtained by develop the thirteen words of Gayo Language. The data of this
research was analyzed through these following steps:
1. Finding 30 words changing in Gayo.
2. Translating into English and Bahasa version.
3. Identifying the words changing in the use of Gayo language.
4. Investigating why the words changing in the use of Gayo language.
5. Explaining how the words changing in the use of Gayo language.

IV. Discussion
In this part, the researchers presented the results and discussion of the data after the
researcher analyzed it. The data was collected from the observation. The result of data
analysis is answered the problem in the part one. In Gayo language, there are some words that
change time by time; it caused of human’s necessity and environmental influences from
outside. Many words are extinct and some are still in use but changing to be different form.
The words changing consist of verb, adjective, and nouns. The researchers presented thirty
words changing in Gayonese language below:

NO Gayo Language Bahasa English

1 Uken Sudut Corner
2 Luyang Goa Cave
3 Pudaha Zaman Era
4 Senget Sulit Difficult
5 Gerenanceng Luar Biasa Amazing
6 Gesit Cepat Fast
7 Blang Lapangan Field
8 Slalu Lanjut Continue
9 Bale Gardu Guard House
10 Teniron Permintaan Demand
11 Pemen Menantu Daughter-in-line
12 Tungu Tungku Api Fire Furnace
13 Jekat Lengket Sticky
14 Redek Banjir Flood
15 Tamok Bunga Flower
16 Gemaseh Kasih Sayang Affection
17 Kekuden Kursi kayu Wooden Seat
18 Kuren Panci Pan
19 Galak Suka Love
20 Jema Tue Orang Tua yang dihormati Old man
21 Puwe Sinte Pemilik Rumah/Tempat Householder
22 Gerlok Bongkar Take apart
23 Geldok Lubang Hole
24 Kiyamoten Penakut Coward
25 Murense Sengsara Miserable
26 Berloken Rakus Greedy
27 Pemitet Penyangga Buffer
28 Tekona Sakit Sick
29 Mugah Luka Injury
30 Uyem Kayu Wood

Table above showed thirty words changing in Gayonese. The words change because
of some factors such as the environment influences, the knowledge, the modern era, and the
mix language of other ethnics. Almost of words above are dying because young generation of
Gayo people do not know the words and never use in daily conversation, some of them
change to be the new word. The first factor is the parents, they do not teach their children the
local language at home; they only use Indonesia/Bahasa to communicate each other. The
parents argue that local language is not suitable to use in this era because it is not modern, the
really proud if the children speak in English than local language. This is unfortunate because
local language as the asset from the ancestors and should be maintained. The next factor
comes from other ethnic; in several years ago, only Gayonese who live in the region. Even
though there some ethnic came such as Javanese but they keep use Gayo language in
communication. But time by time, it was change, many other ethnic came to the area and it
not only Javanese, they are Melayu, Bataknese, Sundanese, and others. It was difficult for
Gayonese to use Gayo language in daily activity. So to make it is easier, they use the one
language namely Indonesia. It will not happen if Gayonese people keep use the Gayo
language, the came to there are and it is better to create the obligation if they should speak
Gayo. There is should the regulation in the area. The dying language is heard not really
important but actually that is the really important to be discussed and maintained.
Some of words in Gayo are changing because it replaced to be the word in Bahasa
like Uken was changed to be sudut. Gayo people in old time used the word of uken that refers
to corner but right now they say it “Sudut”. The words that totally dying because it changed
to be a new word in Gayo language and change to be Bahasa like Luyang have died because
no one use that word again, it have changed to be Gue (Cave), Tungu to be tungku (Fire
Furnace), Jekat changed tobe lengket (sticky), Gemaseh to be Kaseh (affection). Pudaha
changed to be Zemen (era), Senget to be Susah (difficult) and the word of Senget change to be
Bahasa. Those words are the representative of words dying in the table above. The words that
still used from the table above are Pemen, Galak, and Jema tue. Only three words that still
exist but the words are rarely used. Mostly Gayo people use Indonesia than local language
and some of them teach their children the English not Gayo language. Another case is when
the young generations of Gayonese people go to other area or city to continue their
educations; they never use Gayo language there. Even though they live with gayonese people
in other city but they forget the gayo language and use the Bahasa or another language.

V. Conclusion and Suggestion

5.1 Conclusion
Language changes time by time and it is inevitable. The word changing is one of the
factors that caused the language extinction or it is called as dying language. Most of local
languages in Indonesia are dying; the villager or local people do not use the language in daily
activity. Different from old era, where the parents teach the local language to their children
and use it in daily communication. Nowadays, rarely the parents teach the children the local
language because the times and technology. They argue that local language does not suitable
to use right now, they should to be modern one and follow the current development.
From the analyzing of this research, it found thirty words in Gayo language. Almost
of them are not used anymore or dying and most of young generation in Gayonese do not
know the words in this research. Some of words are changing to be Bahasa because
influences from the other ethnics, they live in mix ethnic in one area and difficult for them to
use the different local language in communication. When the researcher asked one word such
as ‘kuren”, they did not know it. But, when the researcher asked the slang language (panci)
and English (pan), they can answer it. So, the local word changing influences the local
language change and it is one of the factor that caused the language extinction. It will become
extinct if it is not preserved.

5.2 Suggestion
Word changing is one of the factors that caused language extinction especially in
local language. The researchers suggest if we as Indonesian should keep our local language.
In Indonesia, there are various local languages that should be maintained by us. We must
respect the ancestor by preserving the local languages. It is an asset that we should be proud
and that is one of the wealth of the Indonesian. The researchers suggest the young generation
to learn about their own local language and use it in daily communication with people who
has the same background and ethnic. The researchers also suggest the parents to teach the
children the local language from they were child in order the children will mastery the local
language and it is one of the way to maintain the local language. Even though we are
Indonesian and should speak Indonesia, but we also should the local language because it is as
the native language, we can use the local language at home. For Bahasa, we can use it with
friend from different tribe such as at school, office, and other places. We can be modern
people but do not forget the local asset from the ancestors.

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