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Face-to-face learning is still relevant in this era

A learning process which basically involves two-way communication can be defined

as face-to-face learning (f2f learning) where this learning process normally consists of
classroom teaching environment. This classroom learning enables the students to have a
communication and questioning session with their teacher as well as other student. Bejerano
(2008), stated that teaching the theory in the class provides students own critique of the
theory, gives feedback to the topic and improves communication skills. However, Malaysia
has improved a lot and develops faster in technology sector. Besides that, the advancing of
technology in our life it also affect the way we learn which is online learning is one of the
learning method by using technology (IT). It had been argue that students play more with
their gadgets even though they are sitting face-to-face with one another. This is because
today’s generation prefers everything online compare to face-to-face, as for them it is more
comfortable to just sit in front of laptop and a cell phone. Technology advancements have
made the world a great and comfortable place to live in. It is undeniable that technology
facilities has makes our lives better, comfortable and easier, especially in the fields of
education. However, technology gives a negative impact on students. This is because
technology makes students practicing unhealthy lifestyle such as become more passive, lazy
and anti-social. Davies and Graff (2005) found that students who interacted and engaged
more in online discussion did not show a good academic achievement than students who were
less involved in face-to-face discussion. A research is been carried on by Kemp and Grieve
(2014), shows the studies using technology becomes widely growing in this era. Even though
technology is more widely develop in today era, but online learning method do not give a lot
of advantages unlike face-to-face learning. Fortune (2011), mentioned that face-to-face
learning can provide more knowledge, skills and experience compares to online learning. It
significant to summon up those students used to interact with each other before all the growth
in technology and science. They can respond and receives more instant feedback in face-to-
face learning rather than in online if there is interaction between students and discussion
teachers. Student’s prefers involve in face-to-face learning compare to online learning that
consist conversation and direct feedback (Kemp and Grieve, 2014). This term paper will
stress on three advantages of face-to-face learning that in this era which is physical
interaction lead to effectiveness of study, ability of students to interact with the learning
environment and improvement of employability skills in face-to-face learning.

One of the advantage of f2f learning is the physical interaction may lead to the
effectiveness of study in classroom learning. Physical interaction means that the act or
process of interacting (Harcourt, 2011). In general, in f2f learning, it’s more related to
communication between teacher and student and student with a student. According to Salah
Banna (2014), physical interaction is ways to learn and interact, and builds a memory. The
point is that with the strong relation made when spending time together can create meaningful
relationships through the interactions. Although our telecommunications has improved a lot,
but it is important to recall that before all the advanced technology continues growing,
student used to interact more (Salah Banna, 2014). Salah Banna states that it is really
important to have a communication with each other. That is why f2f learning still widely
practiced in most of the countries especially our country (Malaysia). Besides that, another
example of physical interaction is through body language. Body language is one of the ways
to interact physically. Body language defined as the movements and facial expressions by a
person which they express variety of mental, physical, or expressive states and talk
nonverbally with another (Harcourt, 2011). Salah Banna (2014) goes on to say that the
behaviour and body language is including the language, gestures, voices, and volume of
voice. Through this behaviour and body language, student can gain the richness of
information and memorable experiences. This interaction is effective as the f2f learning can
give a chance for student and lecturer to build bond, interact with one another, and increase
their comradeship (Salah Banna, 2014). The relationship between student and lecturer is very
important in order to give motivation for the students. Alonso Díaz and Blázquez Entonado
(2009) state that interaction between teachers and student is important as from the interaction
such as visual contact, will encourage and motivating students. Salah Banna (2014) further
explains that dynamic relationship between peer and student, and a student with lecturer is
one of the key elements of the learning process. Salah Banna (2014) strongly states that
dynamic relationship is really important for a good learning environment. The dynamic
relationship is the relations between people or group which is the contacts between them and
the way they behave towards each other (Harcourt, 2011). Teacher and students and students
with their peer who support each other in the learning environment can give a positive impact
on student’s social and academic outcomes. This teacher and student relationship is creating a
positive, affectionate and consideration in learning environment (Rachel Levy, 2016).
Therefore, this positive relationship makes students feel safe and secure and comfortable in
their learning environment which will influence their social and academic performance. Thus,

physical interaction is important in order to achieve a good performance of the student either
in academic or social performance.

Secondly, the advantage is the student able to interact with the learning environment
in f2f learning. Students and teacher that participate in the learning process are able to
interact with each other with the help of the surroundings to improve the way of learning.
Student significantly favoured f2f instruction because they have confidence that this style of
environment expands their ability to gain understanding and that f2f is a better way for them
to acquire knowledge course materials (Fortune, 2011). The process of study will be easily
captivated with the content material if they feel comfortable such as in classroom situation,
which student feel at ease and focus on the subject compare to online study which rely on
technology surroundings. For a better learning outcome, a better preparation is needed so the
class environment went smoothly. Davies and Graff (2005) stated that in f2f learning, the
teacher need to have previous mental preparation content which needs theoretical explanation
while they also mention that online presentation has their own structure subjects before
started the class activities. Preparation for learning material for f2f learning need an early
preparation while online method the structure of the content already been prepared according
to the framework so students can freely study with greater input of learning. However
technology cannot beat f2f learning even though both teaching has the same interaction but as
the outcome f2f shows more success toward student’s result. Salah Banna (2014) show his
concerns regard the quality of education and online training observed to have less
effectiveness than f2f study.
Furthermore, the distance gap between the lecturer and students effect the environment of
study. This distance often affects students' understandings and achievement toward their
education. F2f learners can easily contact with one another because of the close distance
while online students are actually separated from faculty, friend, and campus life (Bejerano,
2008). In my view, f2f learning students gain more experiences by adapted easily in campus
surrounding that will deliver their understanding and challenge in education content to obtain
experiences through learning. Moreover, study environment is important where we have
friends and teacher beside us. We can ask, teach and communicate among us to learn new
things faster and do not need to wait for response. Kemp and Grieve (2014) investigate show
that most students’ responses that they felt more engaged through classroom activities which
contrast to online teaching because student can generate ideas creatively with no formal and
exact answer. Students develop their understanding, and contribute to their fulfilment with

the course to learn more with the help of f2f environment (Fortune, 2011). Therefore
environment factor is important in any situation to indicate that students need to adapt to the
surrounding to help with their study.

The third advantages why we support f2f learning are student can develop
employability skills. The employability skill is defined as skills for students to develop and
obtain in order to increase their opportunity and to obtain job in the future. That is why
students should perform well in their roles in the workplace once they have found
employment (Suriyakumari, 2016). According to Suriyakumari (2016), experienced teaching
f2f in higher education institutions since 1980, this f2f type of lessons gives ability to the
students to improve oral communication skills, the skill of independent with our stance to
respond to questions in seminar discussions and solve problem solving skills. In class, student
experience in working together with their peer. Students will get involved by answering
questions in small groups. This will give an opportunity for the student to develop team
working skills during class discussion (Suriyakumari, 2016). Suriyakumari (2016) argued
that this education enables students to learn more than academic subject-matter, but also to
develop the interpersonal and teamwork knowledge necessary for teamwork, for develop
leadership and boost communication skills. Students can use all of the skills that they have
learned in classroom learning for future use. Dacre Pool (2013) further argued that those
engaging with lesson in the classroom and student communications will give advantage to
them to obtain learning development workers and careers guidance. Another example of
employability skills is leadership skills. A leadership skill is important for the student to
experience when they are in f2f learning in order for them to build their confidence in their
workplace in future. Wilcox (1997) state that leadership consists of activities that help the
group member to finish the tasks successfully and retain the efficient working relationships
between its fellows friends. Francisco Dao (2008) further explains that leadership is about
having the strong self-confidence to make decisions. One who has confidence will be able to
make spontaneous decisions without having doubt and without being afraid to commit to the
conclusions (Reddy, 2015). Moreover, other example of employability skills is good time
management. Student who are in f2f classroom are good in time management. Suriyakumari
(2016) state that students had to submit assignments of different subjects, where the deadlines
were close to each other so that we can properly manage our time. Therefore, students who
are in f2f classroom can manage their time wisely. Obviously, employability skills would be
useful for the student in their future career.

In conclusion, f2f learning is more reliable and superior mode of education. Iwano
(2007) state that f2f communication is a productive way to learn, get better opportunity in
sharing information, knowledge and for collaboration between the student. In f2f learning,
students get social advantages in social interaction with other people who are from different
background and culture. Salah Banna (2014) further explain that by the physical f2f method
of preparation, students should be able to get additional experience in both terms of
communication, social, and interaction skills in this type of learning. There are so many
advantages and reason of f2f learning that had been discussed in this essay and this advantage
cannot be denied no matter how fast this era of technology is growing. Lastly, it is not likely
that electronic devices will replace teachers in the future because of current limitations in
technology. So, the teachers need to maintain good teaching technique in the classroom
learning. Therefore, f2f learning that had already discussed gives advantages in physical
interaction, ability of students to interact with the surrounding environment and development
of employability skills. Thus, we strongly agree with f2f learning is still relevant in this era.


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