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Arsenal_Milliseconds_To_Upgrade_Purchase - Number of milliseconds to hold down the

A button when purchasing a weapon upgrade

Options: 1 = Enable, 2 = Show activity for weapon shadow set, 4 = Disable depth-
test for slice rendering.
Parallel lights are not included since they are always dynamic.
Research_Milliseconds_To_Upgrade_Purchase - Number of milliseconds to hold down the
A button when purchasing a suit upgrade
SDPS_NeverStagger - Never allows SDPS to go to Stagger
SDPS_timePerReaction - 1 - Time per reaction, 0 - Global timed Reactions
SWF_StatsGUI - Enables the SWF Statistics Gui display.
Slice triangles: blue<=16k, green<=64k, yellow<=256k, orange<=512k, red<=1M,
SteamMaxAppTicketAge - Milliseconds until game will refresh user's Steam App Ticket
View_Level_Fade_PPE - Defaults all infoLevelFade to be post process instead of set
by user
aa_DESIGN_AdhesionContributionPctMax - Max Adhesion Contribution Percentage (Value
must be in 0..1 range)
aa_DESIGN_AdhesionContributionPctMaxZoom - Max Adhesion Contribution Percentage
while in Zoom (Value must be in 0..1 range)
aa_DESIGN_AdhesionOptimalRadius - Optimal Distance for adhesion to take an effect
aa_DESIGN_FrictionMultiplierMax - Maximum Friction Scalar - Value must be in 0..1
and larger than corresponding min value
aa_DESIGN_FrictionMultiplierMaxZoom - Maximum Friction Scalar while in Zoom - Value
must be in 0..1 and larger than corresponding min value
aa_DESIGN_FrictionMultiplierMin - Minimum Friction Scalar - Value must be in 0..1
and smaller than corresponding max value
aa_DESIGN_FrictionMultiplierMinZoom - Minimum Friction Scalar while in Zoom - Value
must be in 0..1 and smaller than corresponding max value
aa_DESIGN_FrictionOptimalRadius - Optimal Distance for Friction to take an effect
aa_DESIGN_override - Allows designers to override the CVar override values.
aa_MagnetismWithHostileTarget - 0 vWill disable magnetism if your cursor is over an
enemy target.
aa_MagnetismWithoutAimAssist - If 1 then use bullet magnetism even when not using
aim assist (i.e. when using mouse+keyboard
aa_mpAdhesionOffInput - Option to use input to key off adhesion instead of movement
aa_targetAdhesionPlayerLookSpeedThreshold - Angular Speed Threshold in degrees/sec
that determines how fast the player needs to look around before adhesion is allowed
to kick in
aa_targetAdhesionPlayerSpeedThreshold - Speed Threshold that determines how fast
the player needs to move before adhesion is allowed to kick in
aa_targetForceUseDefaults - Forces the aim assist system to use the CVAR values
instead of the weapon values
aa_targetZoomSnapMode - 0 - Enables Linear Time based Zoom Snapping 1 - Full Snap (
Lock on )
aa_useMPAdhesion - Option to use a different adhesion method
aa_useMPBulletMagnetism - Option enables bullet magnetism
aa_useMPFriction - Option to use a different friction method
aas_alwaysRecacheRoutes - always recache routes - for debugging only
aas_debugReachable - 1 = render results of FindClosestReachableAreaNum
aas_debugSaveQuery -
aas_debugTraversals - if > 0, traversal debug info will be shown for value * 1000
aas_drawAreaFilled -
aas_drawAreaNums -
aas_drawAreaOutline -
aas_drawClosestAreaEdge -
aas_drawClusterNums -
aas_drawEdgeDirection -
aas_drawEdgeNums -
aas_drawNormals -
aas_drawReaches -
aas_drawVertexNums -
aas_history_enable - record aas changes made by game entities
aas_locationMemory - used to remember a particular location, set to 'current' to
store the current x,y,z location
aas_obstacleAvoidance_useHeight - use vertical data for obstacle avoidance
aas_obstacle_reachedEpsilon - replaces REACHED_EPSILON, how close path tree must be
to seek pos
aas_pullPlayer - pull the player to the specified area
aas_randomPullPlayer - pull the player to a random area
aas_showAreaBounds - draw area bounds
aas_showAreaNumber - show the specific area number set
aas_showAreas - 1 = show the player's current area in the test AAS using
aas_showAreasByCluster - 1 = draw areas, showing only the areas in the same cluster
as the player's current area
aas_showAreasInCluster - draw areas that are in the specified cluster
aas_showBadAreas - show bad AAS areas
aas_showCacheMisses - show cache misses and time to cache
aas_showCover - -1 = show all cover in the map
aas_showCoverNum - > -1 = show a particular cover node in the map
aas_showDisabledAreas - draw disabled areas
aas_showFloorTrace - 1 = show trace 1024 units out. > 1, show trace to cvar's value
aas_showFuncObstacles - show the AAS func_obstacles on the map
aas_showHeightTrace - 1 = show height trace
aas_showHopPath - show hop path to specified area
aas_showManualReachabilities - show manually placed reachabilities
aas_showNearestInsideArea - show the nearest area that is inside
aas_showObstacleAvoidance - shows obstacles along paths
aas_showObstaclePVS - show obstacle PVS for the given area
aas_showObstaclePVSClipModels -
aas_showObstacleScale - scale used when rendering the obstacles top down
aas_showOptimizedPath - show optimized walk path
aas_showPath - show the path to the walk specified area
aas_showPathTree - 1 = show the path tree when drawing obstacle avoidance
aas_showPushIntoArea - show an arrow going to the closest area
aas_showReachabilities - 1 = show reachability flags
aas_showReachabilityTravelTimes - 1 = show reachability travel times
aas_showTravelTime - print the travel time to the specified goal area (only when
aas_showAreas is set)
aas_showTraversals - < -1 = draw radius in -world units with depth test
aas_showTraversalsTypeFilter - 0 = draw traversals for all AI
aas_showWallEdgeNums - show the number of the edges of walls
aas_showWallEdges - show the edges of walls, 2 = project all to same height, 3 =
project onscreen
aas_skipObstacleAvoidance - ignore all dynamic obstacles along paths
aas_subdivisionSize - the size of subdivisions to use for debug drawing
aas_test - select which AAS to test (aas_monster48, etc)
aas_testArea - area to be used as the origin for path debug display. -1 = use
player position
aas_testObstacleAvoidance -
aas_timeClipGridToAreas - Time clip grid to areas. 0 - diable, 1 - enable.
aas_tree - tree number in the AAS to show
aas_useDebugTarget - 1 = use debug target's reachability flags for pathing
aas_useObstacleAvoidanceJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
aasgui - 0 = no AAS debug GUI, 1-9 = debug page
achievements_timeUpdateInterval - (ms) default value for how long we wait before
updating the in game stat achievement
actor_debugFailedDrop - 1 to draw volumes for failed actor drops
actor_forceHostileFootstep - Force footstep code to use non-friendly footsteps
actor_forceNonLocalFootstep - Force footstep code to use non-local footsteps
actormod_debugPrint - Prints debug text related to the actor modifier system
af_ballAndSocketJointConstraintTwistScale -
af_ballAndSocketJointTwistFriction - Default twist friction on a ball and socket
af_ballAndSocketJointTwistFrictionPassive - Hacked version of a friction
af_blendDuration - duration over which animation will blend into ragdoll once
ragdoll is active
af_body_overrideDensity - Use to override the density of each af body
af_body_overrideSelfCollision - Use to force 1 = on or 0 = off or -1 = decl
specific the af body self collision
af_collisionReductionMass - fraction of the original colliding mass that is removed
for the collision impulse, this only applied to car-car damage
af_constraintRampDuration - duration over which constraint tolerances will ramp
back up to normal values after a sync to animation ends
af_contactErrorReduction -
af_contactErrorReductionMax -
af_contactFrictionScale - scales the contact friction
af_contactLcpEpsilon -
af_debugNoclipBodies - Whether to print debug for when noclipbodies are
af_debugStartVelocity - Debug starting velocity of ragdolls
af_drawDebug - Enable debug draw for articulated figure animator
af_drawDebugBodies - 1 from bodies, 2 from joints, 3 overlapped
af_drawDebugCollision - Enable debug draw for articulated figure tree animator
af_drawDebugJointsFromBodies - Enable debug draw for joints from bodies of
articulated figure animator
af_drawDebugLocation - Enable debug draw for articulated figure tree animator
af_drawDebugTrail - Enable trail debug draw for articulated figure animator
af_errorReduction -
af_errorReductionMax -
af_expandLimits - Enable the expansion of constraint limits when the syncing
animation is outside the AF constraint limits
af_expandLimitsVerbose - Toggle verbose output of limit expansion
af_forceFriction - force the given friction value
af_forceScale -
af_gen_hingeLimitMode - 0 = the simple method that's always effective, 1 = the
proper accurate method
af_gen_massDensity - The default mass density for the af bodies
af_gen_minBodyWidth - The minimum width that the auto-gen af bodies are allowed to
af_highlightBody - name of the body to highlight
af_highlightConstraint - name of the constraint to highlight
af_hingeConstraintLimitScale - Hinge constraint scale limiter
af_hingeConstraintSpiralTwistScaleU - Default spiral twist scale for a hinge joint
af_hingeConstraintSpiralTwistScaleV - Default spiral twist scale for a hinge joint
af_inheritVelocity - 1 = allow ragdolls to inherit velocity from animation
af_jointFrictionScale - scales the joint friction
af_lcpEpsilon -
af_limitErrorReduction -
af_limitErrorReductionMax -
af_limitLcpEpsilon -
af_loadCached - Load cached setup if it exists when initializing articulated
af_maxAngularVelocity - maximum angular velocity
af_maxAuxiliaryConstraints - maximum number of auxiliary constraints on an
articulated figure
af_maxLcpEpsilon -
af_maxLinearVelocity - maximum linear velocity
af_maxTwistErrorReduction -
af_minBounceVelocity - Minimum velocity for bounces (anything less will stop
af_minTwistErrorReduction -
af_neverRest - never come to rest
af_serializeDebug - Debug AF serialization
af_serializeImpulses - Debug AF serialization
af_showActive - show tree-like structures of articulated figures not at rest
af_showBodies - show bodies
af_showBodyNames - show body names
af_showConstrainedBodies - show the two bodies constrained by the highlighted
af_showConstraintNames - show constraint names
af_showConstraints - show constraints
af_showInertia - show the inertia tensor of each body
af_showLimits - 1 = always show joint limits, 2 = show only violated limits
af_showMass - show the mass of each body
af_showPrimaryOnly - show primary constraints only
af_showTableResults - Show constraint values pulled from tables.
af_showTimings - show articulated figure cpu usage
af_showTotalMass - show the total mass of each articulated figure
af_showTrees - show tree-like structures
af_showTwist -
af_showTwistName -
af_showVelocity - show the velocity of each body
af_skipAirFriction - skip air friction
af_skipFriction - skip friction
af_skipLimits - skip joint limits
af_skipSelfCollision - skip self collision detection
af_skipSlicingContactConstraints - Skips contacts that are slicing through or
between two bodies
af_skipSlicingContactConstraintsVerbose - Reports when skipping contact constraints
af_skipTwistLimits - Toggle the tiwst limits on/off
af_spamJointWarnings - 1 - spam the console with joint warnings
af_spamUnmatchedAnimators - 1 - spam the console with animator mismatches
af_startRagdollFromFloor - Toggle to allow starting the ragdoll from collisions
with the floor during death animations
af_staticFrictionThreshold -
af_suspensionLcpEpsilon -
af_testSolid - Enable to test solid on start from pose
af_testSolidDebug - Debug AF solid testing
af_timeScale - scales the time
af_universalErrorReduction -
af_universalErrorReductionMax -
af_universalTorsionLcpEpsilon - amount of elasticity about the shaft of a universal
af_unsatisfiedStrength -
af_useDeferred - Debug AF solid testing
af_useHingeTwist -
af_useImpulseFriction - use impulse based contact friction
af_useJointImpulseFriction - use impulse based joint friction
af_useLinearTime - use linear time algorithm for tree-like structures
af_useSymmetry - use constraint matrix symmetry
af_useUVTwist -
af_violationThreshold -
aiCam_lerpScale - float
aiCam_scale - float
ai_CD_CanyonAngle - offset from the player where the hazard indicator changes color
ai_CD_CanyonWidth - offset from the player where the hazard indicator changes color
ai_CD_ChargeRocketArmLock - Milliseconds duration in which the arm no longer moves
before firing. This is the period of time it would take the player to run into the
offset position.
ai_CD_ChargeRocketPointBlankDist - Distance in which the CD will point blank fire
on the player.
ai_CD_ChargeRocketTelegraphTime - Milliseconds final telegraph to firing charged
rocket. The lasers turn from red to yellow and lock the offset.
ai_CD_ChargeRocketTotalAimTime - Total time once the CD has brought his arm into
the full aiming position. This includes the telegraph time.
ai_CD_ChargeRocketUsePointBlankStomp - Use stomp instead of point blank shot.
ai_CD_ChargeTrackingBuildup - Inverse scale for using player velocity in tracking
with quick burst
ai_CD_ChargeTrackingDecay - Scale for diminishing the tracking each frame
ai_CD_ForceAttackByNumber - This needs to match what is in the particle lifetime
ai_CD_StrafeAngleFromPlayerFacing - The unit distance buffer the CD will maintain
from AAS edges when dashing
ai_CD_StrafeMaxDistToPlayer - The unit distance buffer the CD will maintain from
AAS edges when dashing
ai_CD_StrafeMinDistToPlayer - The unit distance buffer the CD will maintain from
AAS edges when dashing
ai_CD_WallDuration - This needs to match what is in the particle lifetime
ai_CD_cumulativeDamageThreshold - Limit of damage that will be sustained before the
CD will attempt to move.
ai_CD_cumulativeDamageTimeLimit - Time limit for damage to contribute to the
cumulative damage test on the CD.
ai_CD_minTauntWaitTime - Minimum wait time between taunts.
ai_CD_walkAngle - Inverse scale for using player velocity in tracking with quick
ai_CD_walkTurnRate - Per frame turn rate.
ai_HKOffsetDist - extra distance from aas edges that hellknight model should be
ai_HKOffsetRate - rate that HK can change its model offset
ai_OG_ComboGKWeaponScale - Scaling on the staff for the combo guard during GK
ai_OG_shieldPushbackRadius - radius to test for pushback on the player
ai_OG_useShieldPushback - 1 = use constant shield pushback on the player
ai_SMM_ArgentCloudDuration - Duration for the argent cloud.
ai_SMM_ArgentCloudEndRadius - Final radius for the argent cloud.
ai_SMM_ArgentCloudFXRadius - Distance between the centers of the argent cloud FX
ai_SMM_ArgentCloudFadeTime - Duration for the argent cloud.
ai_SMM_ArgentCloudHeight - Height for the argent cloud.
ai_SMM_ArgentCloudPathBuffer - Distance between the centers of the argent cloud FX
ai_SMM_ArgentCloudStartRadius - Starting radius for the argent cloud.
ai_SMM_BrainBlendScaleMax - Max blend amount for brain additive playback
ai_SMM_BrainBlendScaleMin - Min blend amount for brain additive playback
ai_SMM_BrainDamageFeedbackMax - The amount of damage that needs to be done to a
region of the brain for full shader blending.
ai_SMM_BrainPlayRateMax - Max rate for brain additive playback
ai_SMM_BrainPlayRateMin - Min rate for brain additive playback
ai_SMM_BurstChargeDuration - Shots per second during the rapid fire attack.
ai_SMM_BurstFireDuration - Duration (MS) of rapid fire attack.
ai_SMM_CannonDisabledDuration -
ai_SMM_CeilingMineMaxSpeed - Speed for range mine projectile
ai_SMM_CeilingMineMinSpeed - Speed for range mine projectile
ai_SMM_ChainChargeDuration -
ai_SMM_ChainFireDuration -
ai_SMM_ChainMaxDist -
ai_SMM_ChainPillarIgniteTime -
ai_SMM_ForcedMeleeDistance - Distance to stop actions and force melee.
ai_SMM_LegStompWarningRadius - Radius of the leg stomp blast.
ai_SMM_LegStompWarningTime - Period of time for the leg stomp warning.
ai_SMM_MeleeMineInterval - Time (MS) between melee mine launches.
ai_SMM_MeleeMineSpeed - Speed for melee mine projectile
ai_SMM_MeleeRange - Min distance for SMM Melee
ai_SMM_PillarDestroyRadius - Distance where a pillar is destroyed by the SMM
ai_SMM_PillarEdgeBuffer - Distance from aas edges the pillars will not spawn
ai_SMM_PillarSpawnCount - Period of time between pillar spawns
ai_SMM_PillarSpawnPeriod - Period of time between pillar spawns
ai_SMM_PlayerOptimalPillarDist - Optimal radius to spawn pillars away from the
ai_SMM_RangeMineCount -
ai_SMM_RangeMineInterval - Time (MS) between melee mine launches.
ai_SMM_RangeMineSpeed - Speed for range mine projectile
ai_SMM_RapidFireDuration - Duration (MS) of rapid fire attack.
ai_SMM_RapidFireRate - Shots per second during the rapid fire attack.
ai_SMM_RapidFireSpreadAngle - Duration (MS) of rapid fire attack.
ai_SMM_RapidFireSpreadTime - Duration (MS) of rapid fire attack.
ai_SMM_RapidFire_BurstMaxShot - Max shots in a burst.
ai_SMM_RapidFire_BurstMaxWaitMS - Max wait time between bursts.
ai_SMM_RapidFire_BurstMinShot - Min shots in a burst.
ai_SMM_RapidFire_BurstMinWaitMS - Min wait time between bursts.
ai_SMM_SMMOptimalPillarDist - Optimal radius to spawn pillars away from the SMM
ai_SMM_ShortRangeMineMaxDist - Max distance for short range mine projectile
ai_SMM_ShortRangeMineMaxSpeed - Max speed for short range mine projectile
ai_SMM_ShortRangeMineMinDist - Min distance for short range mine projectile
ai_SMM_ShortRangeMineMinSpeed - Min speed for short range mine projectile
ai_SMM_SideLaserAngle -
ai_SMM_SideLaserSweepAngle -
ai_SMM_SideLaserSweepDuration -
ai_SMM_SideLaserTiltAdjustment -
ai_SMM_StaggerDuration -
ai_SMM_StrafeAngleFromPlayerFacing -
ai_SMM_StrafeInnerRadiusToPlayer -
ai_SMM_StrafeOuterRadiusToPlayer -
ai_SMM_TKChargeTime -
ai_SMM_TKFlySpeed -
ai_SMM_TKPullTime -
ai_SMM_TrackingBuildup - Scale for using generic player velocity in tracking
ai_SMM_TrackingDecay - Scale for diminishing the tracking each frame
ai_SMM_WoundedMeleeMaxRange - Max distance for SMM wounded Melee
ai_SMM_WoundedMeleeMinRange - Min distance for SMM wounded Melee
ai_SMM_WoundedTK_ForwardOffset -
ai_SMM_WoundedTK_Height -
ai_SMM_finalStaggerDamageBuffer - The amount of damage required to get the SMM
through each stage of the final stagger. This will also be replenished if stagger
is not used in time.
ai_SMM_minTauntWaitTimeMS - Minimum wait time between taunts.
ai_SMM_walkAngle - Inverse scale for using player velocity in tracking with quick
ai_SMM_walkTurnRate - Per frame turn rate.
ai_SMM_woundedWalkPushback - 1 = use constant SMM body pushback on the player
during wounded walk
ai_TGFlameSpinAccelDuration - Length of time it takes to accelerate
ai_TGFlameSpinMoveDuration - Duration of the spinning flame once moving at full
ai_TGFlameSpinStopDuration - Length of time the flames will stop when changing
ai_TGSaunterDelay - Length of time between saunters
ai_aasCacheMissCap - max number of allowed cache misses per frame for non-essential
ai_accuracy - set to >= 0 to force all AI to a specific accuracy rating
ai_alignToPointDist - if > 0 AI will orient to destination point over this
distance, if they have a straight path to the dest
ai_allowCollapse - 1 = allow AI to play collapse animations, otherwise they will
defer death until they're not in a solid.
ai_allowStaggerPain - 1 = allow AI to play staggering pains when appropriate
ai_alwaysStagger - Puts all AI into a constant stagger state
ai_animation_rateScale - scale all AI animations by this much
ai_animwebAbort_test - 1 = trigger abort failsafe functionality
ai_arrivalAngleInfluence -
ai_arrivalFallbackDistance - distance to destination under which any arrival will
be considered, no matter how bad
ai_arrivalMinAlignDot -
ai_attack_debugArcAlpha - arc alpha
ai_attack_timeout - any attack query will time out after this long and return
ai_attack_traversalMaxHeightDelta - ignore traversal attack endpoints over this
height delta from actual traversal endpoint
ai_attitude - override AIs attitude towards player faction
ai_autokill_z_enable - if true, auto kill AI when they fall below z height
specified on worldspawn
ai_autokill_z_override - if nonzero, use this value isntead of map specific value
ai_avoidObstacles - set to 1 to have AI use obstacle avoidance.
ai_avoidanceEnabled -
ai_baitTime - demonic bait time in secs. -1 = infinite. 0 = uses def time
ai_blendDurationCorrection - added to demoninator when calculating blend rate
ai_blendTreeName - name of blend tree to debug
ai_bodyOrientAccelRate - accel for body orientation
ai_boss_increasedFalterDamageScale - scale for increased damage scale on bosses
ai_cacodemonSnareTurnPlayer - 0 = disable player camera turn towards cacodemon, 1 =
enable camera turn
ai_chainsawPainMS - how long to loop stun pain for
ai_checkStuck - set to 0 to skip stuck checks
ai_clearEvents - 1 = clear pending anim web events before changing state... testing
ai_clipDeltaToNavGraph - 1 = clips AI into the valid AAS
ai_collision_pushablesClipDepth - extend clipmodel for pushables this far downward
from normal clipmodel
ai_collision_pushablesClipExpand - extend clipmodel for pushables this far in all
directions from normal clipmodel
ai_collision_pushablesDeltaScale - scale pushables query delta by this much,
relative to stepmove query delta
ai_combat_alwaysAllow - if true, don't delay entering combat for animation
presentation reasons
ai_cookGrenades - 1 = cook grenades when throwing them
ai_cornerCircleRadius - normal distance to circle around corners
ai_coverRadiusOverride - if not -1 this overrides all AI's cover radius
ai_cover_maxVerticalRatio - ignore cover with over this vertical slope to target
ai_cyberdemonBurstFireRate - Milliseconds between quick burst shots
ai_cyberdemonBurstTrackingBuildup - Scale for using player velocity in tracking
with quick burst
ai_cyberdemonBurstTrackingDecay - Scale for diminishing the tracking each frame
ai_cyberdemonBurstZOffset - Scale for using player velocity in tracking with quick
ai_cyberdemonChargeColorChangeDist - offset from the player where the hazard
indicator changes color
ai_cyberdemonChargeForwardOffset - offset from the player where the hazard
indicator changes color
ai_cyberdemonDashAASBuffer - The unit distance buffer the CD will maintain from AAS
edges when dashing
ai_cyberdemonDashDistance - The unit distance buffer the CD will maintain from AAS
edges when dashing
ai_cyberdemonDashTrackDivisor - Divide distance by this to get the tracking
multiplier...confusing but true
ai_cyberdemonFirewallCooldownMS - time (in MS) to allow the firewall attack to cool
ai_cyberdemonFirewallWalkDistance - distance the cyberdemon will walk forward after
making a firewall
ai_cyberdemonMBPAR_offset - Offset from the CD
ai_cyberdemonMBPAR_scale - Scale to apply to the parabola
ai_cyberdemonMBPAR_widthCoef - Coefficient for parabola width
ai_cyberdemonMBTopDown_PlayerSafeZoneRadius -
ai_cyberdemonMBTopDown_RowCount -
ai_cyberdemonMBTopDown_SafeZoneRadius -
ai_cyberdemonMBTopDown_overlapPercent -
ai_cyberdemonMBTopDown_postTargetingWait -
ai_cyberdemonMBTopDown_radius -
ai_cyberdemonMissileBarrageDropStagger - Missile Barrage launch stagger
ai_cyberdemonMissileBarrageLandingAngle - Angle from the center of the player's
view in which the first missile will land. This is or tweeking missile visibility
ai_cyberdemonMissileBarrageLandingDistance - Angle from the center of the player's
view in which the first missile will land. This is or tweeking missile visibility
ai_cyberdemonMissileBarrageLandingSwingAngle - Angle from the center of the
player's view in which the first missile will land. This is or tweeking missile
ai_cyberdemonMissileBarrageRotationDecrementPct - Max percentage to decrease the
rotation speed for longer travel times
ai_cyberdemonMissileBarrageRotationSpeed - Missile Barrage rotation speed
ai_cyberdemonMissileBarrageSpeed - Missile Barrage travel speed
ai_cyberdemonMissileBarrageSwirlArmLength - Angle from the center of the player's
view in which the first missile will land. This is or tweeking missile visibility
ai_cyberdemonMissileBarrageSwirlTime - Angle from the center of the player's view
in which the first missile will land. This is or tweeking missile visibility
ai_cyberdemonMissileBarrageTargetSpacing - Angle from the center of the player's
view in which the first missile will land. This is or tweeking missile visibility
ai_cyberdemonMissileBarrageTargetingDuration - Duration for the targeting phase of
the missile barrage
ai_cyberdemonStrafeFireRate - Milliseconds between strafe shots
ai_cyberdemonTrackingBuildup - Scale for using generic player velocity in tracking
ai_cyberdemonTrackingDecay - Scale for diminishing the tracking each frame
ai_cyberdemonWalkDistance - The unit distance buffer the CD will maintain from AAS
edges when dashing
ai_damageScale - forced ai damage scale
ai_deathAnimScale - scale death animation rate by this factor
ai_death_FadeDelay - Delayes the fade out of Dead AI
ai_death_delayForRagdollClear - if true, delays death anim until ragdoll is totally
clear of solid ( old rage style )
ai_death_disableVO_ms - don't allow VO to play if AI has been dead for over this
many ms
ai_death_modelFadePhysDisable - disable physics collision on dead AI when model
fade is lower than this
ai_death_removeMSAfterBurn - remove AI entity x ticks after burn away fx start
ai_death_revenant_forceJetpackDeath - forces revenant to always use jetpack death
ai_death_stopAllChannels - when sounds are stopped after death, stop all channels
ai_death_stopSoundsDelayMS_gib - stop sounds this long after death
ai_death_stopSoundsDelayMS_intact - stop sounds this long after death
ai_debugAASPosition - 1 = show debug markers for AAS position
ai_debugActionNodes - 1 = debug actions node animation selection, 2 = verbose
ai_debugActionScript - 1 = show debug info for action scripts
ai_debugAim - set to 1 to show aim point debug info
ai_debugAimRotationTracker - set to 1 to show debugging output for the aim focus
ai_debugAnimDeltaCorrection - entity number to display delta correction info on
ai_debugAnimDeltaCorrectionType - enable/disable debugging anim delta correction, 1
= translation 2 = rotation.
ai_debugAnimQueries -
ai_debugAnimValidityQueries - entity number of AI to show anim validity query debug
info for
ai_debugAnimWebTransitions -
ai_debugAnimWebTransitionsType - 1 = normal, 2 = include flag criteria
ai_debugAnimatorAimTracker - show information about animator aim tracker for a
given entity
ai_debugAreaVisibility - lifetime for area visibility display
ai_debugAreaVisibility_Detail - lifetime for area visibility display, detailed
ai_debugAttackIndex - index of attack to show debug info for
ai_debugAttacks - 1 = show debug info for debug entity's attacks, 2 = show chain
info only
ai_debugAvoid - true to show avoid decision lines
ai_debugBadZones - show info about selected AI bad zones
ai_debugBlendTree - >= 0, entity number of AI to debug the blend tree for
ai_debugCDHealth - 1 = show cyberdemon health debug information
ai_debugCacodemon - 1 = show cacodemon's debug information
ai_debugCacodemonHealth - 1 = show cacodemon's health debug information
ai_debugCam - enable debug camera
ai_debugCharge - 1 = debug AI charge reasons
ai_debugClimb - set to 1 to show debug information on climbing.
ai_debugCollision - Draw AI Collision Info; -1 to draw all, or entity number for
just that entity
ai_debugCover - show debug info for cover determination
ai_debugCoverActions - show cover action choice
ai_debugCoverEntityId - -1: debug cover for all entities, 0: debug cover for
current debug entity, > 0: debug cover for specified entity only
ai_debugCyberdemonComponent - entity number to debug CD component on
ai_debugCyberdemon_WallBackspace - Amount to send the wall Behind the cyberdemon
ai_debugDeath - 1 = show debug output for death
ai_debugDeathVolumes - 1 = show debug orientation for death volumes for ai's.
ai_debugDeltas - 1 = show info for AI animation deltas
ai_debugDodge - 1 to show dive resapons, 2 to show decision lines
ai_debugEncounterGroupRoles - 1: show encounter group role changes, 2: also draw
combat hints for current stage
ai_debugEnemy - 1 = show debug lines for enemy debugging, 2 = show console prints
ai_debugEnemyTargetSelector - set to -1 to show all enemy targeting weight factors,
or entity # to show just that AI
ai_debugEvents - 1 = show debug info for received AI events
ai_debugExtendedSenses - debug extended sense component
ai_debugEyePos - number of milliseconds to show AI eye position markers.
ai_debugFOV - 1 = show entity FOV checks.
ai_debugFlightMap - 0 = nothing, 1 = only path, 2 = path + affected volumes, >2 =
only volumes in this radius will be rendered
ai_debugFlightMapShowBlockers - set to 1 to show the blocked areas in the flight
ai_debugFlightMapShowChildren - set to 1 to show the children of the flight volumes
ai_debugFlightMap_RenderAlpha - alpha for the volume debug rendering
ai_debugForwardRunIndex - show the forward run index and blend
ai_debugFriendly - true to enable friendly debugging
ai_debugGameState - 1 = output AI game state debug information
ai_debugGoodWill - 1: show good will settings
ai_debugGore - 1 to debug gore at ai level, 2 to provide reasons why gore levels
not compatible
ai_debugGreetingDistance - if true, debug info will be shown when AIs consider
greeting players.
ai_debugGrenadeHints - 1: show encounter group grenade hint timimgs
ai_debugHealth - 1 = show health bar above ai, 2 = show text at damage location on
ai, 3 = show health text above ai
ai_debugHellknightComponent - entity number to debug HK component on
ai_debugInjured - 1 = show debug output for injured state
ai_debugLandingPoints - show information about landing points
ai_debugLevel - 1 = show debug models for errors only, 2 = show talking &
interaction state, 3 = show leg state, 4 = show torso state
ai_debugLocalPlayerPredictionTime - ai_debugLocalPlayerPredictionTime
ai_debugLook - set to 1 to show look point debug info
ai_debugLookRotationTracker - set to 1 to show debugging output for the look focus
ai_debugLostSoul - 1 = show lost soul's debug information
ai_debugMajorPositioning - entity number to visualize major position data
ai_debugMissileBarrage - entity number to debug missile barrage for
ai_debugMove - draws movement information for monsters
ai_debugMoveFSM -
ai_debugMoveFSMAvoidance -
ai_debugMovementIntents - show ai movement intents
ai_debugNewMelee - entity number to show new melee debug info for
ai_debugNewMeleeIndex - anim index to show visualization for ( -1 implies all )
ai_debugOliviasGuard - 1 = show olivia's guard debug information
ai_debugOliviasGuardApollyonReposition - 1 = show olivia's guard (apollyon)
reposition debug information
ai_debugOliviasGuardHealth - 1 = show olivia's guard health debug information
ai_debugOrientation - 1 - show body, 2 - show move, 3 - show both
ai_debugOriginSprings - 1 = show origin springs
ai_debugPain - 1 = show debug output for pain and death, 2 = show traces that
indicate if AI is at moving pain speed
ai_debugPathToEnemy - shows approach point from the enemy and path time
ai_debugPinky - set to 1 to see charge attack debug draw
ai_debugPositionComponent - entity number to show position awareness info for
ai_debugPositionDamage - entity number to show position awareness damage info for
ai_debugPositionVisibility - entity number to show position awareness vis info for
ai_debugPositioning - show positioning areas for the registered targets
ai_debugPushPlayer - 1 = show debug push lines to see which way ais are pushing the
ai_debugRage - 1 = show rage meter triggers, 2 = show rage meter current value
ai_debugReactionBasedMovement - set to 1 for movement obstacles for current ai, 2
for movement for all ai's.
ai_debugRetaliate - 1 = show retaliation debug info
ai_debugRezComponent - entity number to show resurrection info for
ai_debugRocketSpirals - debug rocket spirals visually
ai_debugSMMHealth - 1 = show spider mastermind health debug information
ai_debugScript - displays script calls for the specified monster entity number
ai_debugSearch - true to enable search debugging
ai_debugSilhouetteVisibility - entitynum to show silhouette visibility queries
ai_debugStagger - Shows Stagger time in bar form.
ai_debugState - 1 = show ai state information for debug entity, 2 = show for all
ai, 3 = break on state Enter, 4 = break on state Exit, 5 = break on state Work
ai_debugStrategy - entity to debug strategy component
ai_debugStuck - set to 1 to show check stuck conditions
ai_debugTakeOffPoints - show information about takeoff points
ai_debugTargetList - set to 1 to show ai targeting weights
ai_debugTracking - 1 = show aim and look tracking information
ai_debugTransientFocus - debug transient focus component
ai_debugTraversals - if > 0, show dynamic traversal visualization for value * 1000
ai_debugTwitch - 1 = show debug info for additive twitch pains
ai_debugVignettes - if true, show vignette debug info
ai_debugVisibility - draw visibility queries
ai_debugVoice - set to >= 1 to show voice calls, 2 for sound traces
ai_debugWaveBlast - entity number to debug wave blast attacks for
ai_debugWorldAnimQueries - entity number of world anim queries to debug
ai_debugWorldAnimQueries_ms - ms debug time
ai_debugWorldAnimQueries_type - 0 - none, 1 - muzzle traces, 2 - vis traces, 3-
bounds, 4 - all, 5 - silhouette
ai_debug_predictionAccuracy - if true, print out per-frame accuracy values
ai_debugmelee - if true, show meele attack direction and target extrapolation
ai_debugtransitiondirs - if true, show desired transition direciton
ai_defaultChainForceFrames - frames for forced blends between chains
ai_deltaCorrectionMinRatescale - lowest ratescale allowed during delta correction
ai_departureAngleInfluence -
ai_difficulty_accuracyWanderSeconds - seconds it takes AI to wander from one
accuracy sample to the next
ai_difficulty_predictionAccuracy - if >= 0.0f, how accurate AI target prediction is
ai_disableGKOutline - disables GK outline drawing
ai_disableRepositions - disable reposition transitions
ai_disableWander - disables wandering for ai
ai_displayHangoutDeadEnds - if true, display ugly pink spheres where hangout dead
ends were found
ai_drawBounds - 1 = draw AI bounds for debugging. 2 = only if alive.
ai_dropCookingProjectiles - drop projectiles that the fx are cooking for
ai_dropProjectilePainMS - random range for how long after pain taken to drop
ai_droppedLootDistance - the max distance the dropped item can be to auto loot it
ai_droppedProjectilePlayerAvoidanceAngle - degrees around player dropped
projectiles should avoid
ai_droppedProjectileSpeedMax - random interval applied to dropped projectiles speed
ai_droppedProjectileSpeedMin - random interval applied to dropped projectiles speed
ai_droppedProjectileZ - random interval applied to dropped projectiles z component
ai_enable - enable AI think
ai_enableAttacks - attacks
ai_enableAutoFocus - 0 = no auto focusing
ai_enableDeltaCorrection - 1 = enable delta correction anim events.
ai_enableDodge - 0 = disable diving/dodging
ai_enableDormancy - 1 = AI that is not rendered will stop thinking
ai_enableFSM - enable finite state machine updates
ai_enableFSMBreakpoints - 1 = enable FSM breakpoints
ai_enableHKScytheRemnants - allow spawning of sub-projectiles as scythe breaks up
ai_enableInfluenceTrails - if true will turn on influence spheres on spwan
ai_enableInjuredRuns - false to disable injured runs
ai_enableMovement - enable AI movement
ai_enableMovingDeaths - false to disable moving deaths
ai_enableMovingPains - false to disable moving pains (stumbles)
ai_enablePhysics - enable AI physics
ai_enablePositionAwareness - use position awareness functionality
ai_enablePreArrivals - enable or disable pre-arrival deceleration animations
ai_enableScrambles - true to enable AI scramble runs and transitions
ai_enableSenseVolumes - true to enable designer placed sense scale volumes, false
to disable for debugging
ai_enableWaveBlasts - whether AI can use wave blasts
ai_enableWorldState - enable AI world state updates
ai_explicitMissDegrees - temp
ai_exposedCoverCheckInterval - if > 0, time (in seconds) between exposed cover
ai_extendedSenses_numTraceSets - number of trace sets per frame, eacch set is 2
ai_faceFocus - true to have AI always look at focus
ai_faction_clearPerceptsWhenEmpty - if true, percepts against factions that are now
empty will be cleared
ai_faction_overrideDepth - override depth of faction graph, 0 for 'how it used to
ai_faction_overrideEmotion_ai - override emotion towards ai, 0=MIN 1=TERRIFIED
ai_faction_overrideEmotion_player - override emotion towards player, 0=MIN
ai_flashIfLootable - if true the ai flash when lootable like the props
ai_focus_maxFocusPointDeltaFraction - dont' let focus point travel per frame
farther than this fraction of actual distance to focus point
ai_forceBodyTurnRate - if != 0, force AI movement turn rates to ai_minTurnRate and
ai_forceCharge - force AI into locked charge role when they spawn
ai_forceDeathWebNode - force the specified death animweb node to be used
ai_forceHealth - maximum health of all AI, -1 for no change
ai_forceIdle - force all AI into idle state
ai_forceMoveSpeed - if > 0, force AI movement speeds to this value.
ai_forceNewAimTracker - set to 1 to have AI load up with the new aim tracker
ai_forceNoTransitions -
ai_forceStrafing - force AI to straf while moving
ai_forceWalk - forces the AI's walking state to the specified value
ai_freezeMovement - 1 = don't let AI move at all.
ai_fsmLog_enable - if true, log fsm changes
ai_fsm_allowCache - if true, allow new ai fsms to be initialized using cache
ai_groundFriction_ContactFriction - ground friction coefficient for AI
ai_hk_enableKnockdowns - block hellknight knockdown
ai_hk_runDistance - distance over which hellknight will start to run at target
ai_hk_scytheDestroyMode - if true, treat scytheDestroyRate as a fraction
ai_hk_scytheLifetime - seconds before scythes snuff themselves out
ai_hk_sprintDistance - distance over which hellknight will start to sprint at
ai_ignoreEvents - 1 = ai will ignore events from the AI event system
ai_ignorePathObstructions - 0 = AI ignore path obstructions. For testing only!
ai_interactionView_CorrectionDistance - if where we are and where we think we are
supposed to be exceeds this distance, correct
ai_interactionView_Distance - how far away from the ai
ai_interactionView_FOV - fov of interaction view
ai_interactionView_OffsetToPlayer - if true we just do between the ai and player,
if false, offset in ai look dir.
ai_interactionView_PitchOffset - how far to offset the pitch of the camera we want
when a job is offered
ai_interactionView_RollOffset - how far to offset the roll of the camera we want
when a job is offered
ai_interactionView_YawOffset - how far to offset the yaw of the camera we want when
a job is offered
ai_interactionView_keepPitch - keep the pitch of the interaction camera on player
camera. Note: pitch fails if player starts crouched.
ai_interactionView_useCamera - if true we look for interaction cameras, otherwise
we use code solution
ai_interactionView_xoffset - target offset x
ai_interactionView_yoffset - target offset y
ai_interactionView_zoffset - target offset z
ai_invulnerable - 1 = ai's health never goes down when damaged.
ai_keepShootingNoSight - number of milliseconds AI will shoot at last known enemy
ai_laserSweep_farDist - distance at which AI will use minimal beam sweep ratio
ai_laserSweep_minRatio - minimum blend of full sweep
ai_laserSweep_nearDist - distance at which AI will use maximum beam sweep ratio
ai_laser_sweep_arcRoll - arc of sweep, roll, in degrees, less than 0 implies use
anim event parms
ai_laser_sweep_arcYaw - arc of sweep, yaw, in degrees, less than 0 impliess use
anim event parms
ai_laser_sweep_prediction - enemy position predicted x seconds in future
ai_laser_sweep_rate - angular rate for sweep, degrees per sec
ai_laser_useSweep - laser soldier should use aim sweep instead of hold
ai_limitFSMUpdates - 1 = don't allow AI FSM logic to update faster than 10Hz
ai_locomotionForceFrames - frames for forced blends between locomotion anims, -1
for unused
ai_lookAtPlayer - npc looks at player when near
ai_lookRate - set to >= 0 to force all AI to a specific look rate
ai_lookTargetDropThreshold - dot product of angle where searching AI will stop
looking at a look target
ai_lookTargetThreshold - dot product of angle where searching AI will start looking
at a look target
ai_lootDelay - delay in seconds before dead AI can be looted
ai_lostSoulNoCharge - 1 = don't allow lost soul charges
ai_mancubus_armFix - turn on hack to fix mancubus arms in snap package builds
ai_maxBodyTurnRate - maximum turn rate if turn rate is forced
ai_maxCorpses - max number of corpses in world
ai_maxDeferDeathTime - maximum time in millseconds that an AI's death can be
defered due to them being in a solid.
ai_maxResurrectionProxies - maximum number of resurrection proxies
ai_midFrameJob - toggle mid frame job on ai manager ( only disable for bug
testing )
ai_midFrame_intents - run GenerateAIIntents() in midframe job
ai_midFrame_pathfinds - run SubmitPathfinds() immediately after AI prethinks finish
ai_midFrame_queries - run SubmitAnimQueries() in midframe job
ai_minBodyTurnRate - minimum turn rate if turn rate is forced
ai_minCornerCircleRadius - mininim distance to circle around corners
ai_minPathDelta - minimum movement along path, when very close to arrival point
ai_missileBarrageAppex1BaseRotation - Angle from the center of the player's view in
which the first missile will land. This is or tweeking missile visibility
ai_missileBarrageAppex1Rotation - Angle from the center of the player's view in
which the first missile will land. This is or tweeking missile visibility
ai_missileBarrageAppex2BaseRotation - Angle from the center of the player's view in
which the first missile will land. This is or tweeking missile visibility
ai_missileBarrageAppex2Rotation - Angle from the center of the player's view in
which the first missile will land. This is or tweeking missile visibility
ai_missileBarrageCount - Angle from the center of the player's view in which the
first missile will land. This is or tweeking missile visibility
ai_missileBarrageLandingSpread - Scale for the flanged spread at the beginning of
the landing pattern
ai_missileBarrageLaunchArc - Angle from the center of the player's view in which
the first missile will land. This is or tweeking missile visibility
ai_moveOrientAccelRate - accel for move orientation
ai_moveOrientTurnRate - turn speed for move orientation following path
ai_move_allowFakeMove - allow archvile to use a fake move
ai_move_allowSlowCorners - allow AI to slow down for corners ( if setup )
ai_move_assertDist - if >= 0, assert when destination is over this dist from origin
ai_move_badZoneRateMultiplier - when in fallback rates, multiply last bad zone max
rates by this
ai_move_defaultArrivalHeight - ai won't reach goal unless it is within this height
ai_move_fakeMoveCollapseInterval - particle collapse phase duration in ticks
ai_move_fakeMoveTimeoutInterval - how long particle ribbons will be updated and
phase out after a move stops
ai_move_maxIdleTime - if AI is moving and remains in idle for more than x seconds,
consider it an catastrophic move error
ai_move_minObstructedTime - AI must be obstructed for this many seconds before
failing a move
ai_network_client_safeDeathCheck - 1 = client checks if an enemy has died and
hasn't performed any death animations/ragdolls/gibs yet and forces ragdoll
ai_network_client_safeDeathCheckExcludesNonRagdoll - 1 = when safe death check is
enabled, this would exclude non-ragdoll enemies (e.g. cacodemon)
ai_network_debugAnims - 1 = print ai anim networking info
ai_network_usePath - 1 = serialize AI animweb paths instead of commands
ai_noDeath - take damage normally down to a 1 hit point minimum.
ai_nodeFailsafeTime - if AI linger in a node marked as failsafe for longer than
this many seconds, restart FSM
ai_openCombatCoverCheckInterval - if > 0, time (in seconds) between cover checks in
open combat
ai_originSpringExtrapolate - amount to extrapolate velocity in origin springs (0.1
seems to work)
ai_otherFactionAttitude - override AIs attitude towards all other factions
ai_painBlendFrames - number of blend frames for going into falter or stagger pains
ai_painStimulusScale - forced ai pain scale
ai_pain_allowFallbacks - if true, check stagger and falter pains to see if they
would translate off AAS and if so, play non-translating versions
ai_pain_forceFallbackPathSize - max path size for going to pains, not including
source and destination state
ai_pain_forcePainReaction - twitch = 1, heavy twitch = 2, light falter = 3,
interrupt = 4, stun_loop = 5, falter = 6, pushback = 7, stun = 8 ,stagger = 9,
stagger_vulnerable = 10, knockdown = 11, death = 12, gib = 13
ai_pain_movingImpulseWeight - add this much of normalized impulse to move dir
ai_pain_noStaggerOnSlope - don't allow stagger pains on slopes > 30 degrees
ai_pain_staggerEntryScale - overall stagger entry scale -- applied after everything
ai_pain_staggerTimescale - overall stagger animation timescale -- applied in
addition to everything else
ai_pathDebugDisplayTime - time to show path search debug info, in seconds
ai_pathLeanDistance - distance along path to track point for lean purposes
ai_pathManager_debug - debug path manager for debug entity
ai_pathNodesPerFrame - testing A*, number of nodes to visit each frame
ai_path_allowSpline - if true, archvile will use spline pathing
ai_path_badTraversalDistance - bias travel times of bad traversals by this much
ai_path_badTraversalScale - bias travel times of bad traversals by this much
ai_path_cardinalDistanceBias - multiply cardinal distance by this much in A*
( pulls heuristic towards goal )
ai_path_destroyBlockingObstacles - if true, AI should want to destroy blocking
ai_path_flatten_graph - if true, pathfinding ignores clusters
ai_path_immediateServiceTime_highPriority - any high priority pathfinds older than
this are immediately serviced
ai_path_immediateServiceTime_lowPriority - any low priority pathfinds older than
this are immediately serviced
ai_path_inline - if true, AI will use inline A* pathing ( this will be slow )
ai_path_maxPendingSearches - max number of pending searches we can support before
turning users away
ai_path_printNoAvailable - if true, print warnings whenever a pathfind is queued
but not added
ai_path_printQueueOverrun - if true, print warnings whenever a pathfind isn't even
queued because of too many pending
ai_path_showAStar - if true, show A * debug info
ai_path_show_execution_iterations - if true, print how many iterations of A* were
required to find the path
ai_path_snapDestToAASHeight - if true, snap pushed destination to near AAS height
ai_path_useJobs - if true, AI will use jobs if pathing is not inline
ai_path_useNew - if true, AI will use A * pathing
ai_perceptionRadiusOverride - > 0: overrides AI actor perception radius
ai_pinkyChargeArrivalHeight - Sets the height tolerance for the pinky arrival when
ai_playInteractionVoiceOver_defaultLeaveDistance - if there is no interaction decl,
default distance for this value
ai_pool_enable - use AI pooling if map is setup for it
ai_pool_reInitAF - if true, re-initialize the af instead of just restarting it
ai_position_areaDensity - position samples every x units
ai_position_cellSize - size of each cell in positioning raster
ai_position_debug - debug positioning queryies
ai_position_intentExpansionRadius - expand all intent attack radii by this much, if
using ai physics radius
ai_position_job - use a job for ai positioning raster generation
ai_position_rasterSize - height and width of positioning raster, per AI
ai_position_rasters_enable - if true, AI will use raster positioning system
ai_position_useMelee - if true, AI can use dynamic melee positioning
ai_positioningLevelDepth - depth of each level in the positioning system
ai_positioningMinimizeFragmentation - whether to try and find contiguous wedges
around an enemy
ai_possessionTime - demonic possession time in secs. -1 = infinite. 0 = uses def
ai_ppTraceMaxLength - artificially cap muzzle and eye traces from pp component to
this distance
ai_predictionBiasWindow - window of time in sample array that is given highest bias
ai_prediction_ConfidenceFactor - at 1.0, apply full dampening of predictions based
on confidence of prediction
ai_prediction_ConfidenceMaxVDelta - if the per-second velocities of actor change
more than this on average during prediction, 0.0 confidence
ai_prediction_ConfidenceMaxVDelta_Snap - if the per-second velocities of actor
change more than this on average during prediction, 0.0 confidence
ai_prediction_ConfidenceMinVDelta - if the per-second velocities of actor change
less than this on average during prediction, 1.0 confidence
ai_prediction_ConfidenceMinVDelta_Snap - if the per-second velocities of actor
change less than this on average during prediction, 1.0 confidence
ai_prediction_ConfidenceSampleBiasAge - any sample older that this, start to bias
against it, when determining confidence
ai_prediction_ConfidenceSampleWindow - sample history of actor this far back to
determine confidence
ai_prediction_SampleBiasAge - any sample older that this, start to bias against it
ai_prediction_SampleWindow - sample history of actor this far back
ai_prediction_normalizationSpeed - target speed at which accuracy values in
difficulty decls are applied at 1.0
ai_prediction_radialDist_Max - outside of this distance apply no circle straf
ai_prediction_radialDist_Min - within this distance apply full circle straf
ai_prediction_radialFactor - if target is circle strafing, multiple their velocity
by this much to trick prediction into hitting them
ai_prediction_radialRatio_Max - radial speed ratio over this is considered not
circle strafing at all
ai_prediction_radialRatio_Min - any radial speed ratio under this is considered
full circle strafing
ai_prediction_useAccuracy - if true, apply accuracy downgrade in prediction code
ai_prediction_useFixed - if true, use prediction code fixed to work properly with
adaptive tick
ai_prediction_useRandomSubSampling - if true, pick random accuracy sample from
within probability slice instead of raw value of slice
ai_prediction_velocityAdjust - tuning number, multiply predicted velocity by this
much to zero in on perfection
ai_prethink_animweb - 1 = run animweb update in prethink job
ai_prethink_fsms - 1 = run fsm update in prethink job
ai_prethink_job - use parallel jobs for running idAI2::PreThink()
ai_prethink_time - 1 = print total time for all AI prethinks each frame
ai_printDeltas - set to entity number to display ai's deltas from animation
ai_prototypeType - 1 = linear flare attack, 2 = flare spike attack, 4 = souls
ai_pushVelocityTolerance - linear velocity tolerance for push velocity
ai_radar_forwardBlockedDist - when near obstacles, use higher turn rates if forward
radar is less than this
ai_ragdollKillLimit - AI can only kill AI when less than this number of ragdolls
are active or syncing
ai_recordFSMSnapshots - if true, record per-frame fsm snapshots to view in aigui
ai_repulsors_show - 1 = show AI repulsors
ai_rez_debugType - 1 - show proxy enemy vis traces, 2 - show build position vis
ai_rez_enable - use summoning
ai_rez_flyingZOffset - spawn flying AI this high up when summoning
ai_rez_numUngroupedSpawns - number of guys to spawn when not in an encounter group
ai_rez_ribbonZadd - ask jake
ai_rez_riftVisBias - increase rift build speed by this much when player is visible
ai_rez_summonGridSize - ask jake
ai_rez_tracesPerFrame_buildPositions - total traces we can do per frame for
continual tracking of build site visibility to enemies
ai_rez_tracesPerFrame_init - total traces we can do per frame for initialization of
summon system
ai_rez_tracesPerFrame_riftPositions - total traces we can do per frame for
continual tracking of rift site visibility to enemies
ai_rotationTrackerSwapTime_Parms - time to blend between rotation tracker instances
when changing tracker parms
ai_rotationTrackerSwapTime_Tags - time to blend between rotation tracker instances
when changing focus or orientation tags
ai_runCycleBlendMode - set the blend mode for ai run cycles: 0: linear, 1: easein,
2: easeout, 3: easeinout
ai_runMod - forces AI to use the specified aiWalkModifier_t state when walking
ai_scrambleTime - ms for AI to scramble after being shot at
ai_searchToStimDist - how far from a search stimulus AI will first search to that
ai_senses_aggregation_debug - debug aggregation senses
ai_senses_consolidation_job - sensory aggregation should run in a job
ai_senses_debug - set to true to debug sense traces of current debug AI
ai_senses_enable - set to true to turn on ai senses
ai_senses_forcePriority - 1 = background, 2 = interested, 3 = focused
ai_senses_jitterScale - amount of jitter in sensory traces
ai_senses_perceptTimeout - individual percepts collapse into aggreggates after this
ai_senses_tracesPerFrame - maximum number of load-balanced sensory traces per frame
( visibility )
ai_showAASName - shows the name of the AAS that AI are using
ai_showBlendTree - active md6 nodes from entire blend tree during aigui
ai_showBlendTreeWeb - active md6 nodes from animweb during aigui
ai_showDeathInfo - 1 = show pain info on death
ai_showGoalInfo - 1 = show info about the AIs current goal (entity/position)
ai_showObstacleAvoidance - draws obstacle avoidance information. 2,4 = draw
obstacles for player, 3,4 = top-down view
ai_showPath - set to entity number to show AAS path, or -1 to show all paths.
ai_showSearchPath - shows the search path calculated by AIs
ai_showTeam - 1 = Show the team of each AI in the game.
ai_showVisTrace - 1 to show visibility traces, 2 only against player
ai_silhouetteMaxTraceLength - artificially cap silhouette traces to this length
ai_slideToIdleMagicFactor - magic number AI multiplies with time it takes to slide
to idle
ai_spawnTeleportFXBackoff - start teleport enter fx this far from spawn time
ai_speed_applicationDist - use speed bias for OA within this radius
ai_speed_inertia - inertia for OA speed bias
ai_speed_normalizationSpeed - normalize speed for OA bias to 1, at this actual
ai_spewTagMismatchWarnings - set to true to see tag mismatch warnings for run and
ai_stagger_rateOverride - if >= 0, override existing stagger playback rate with
this value
ai_stagger_rateScale - multiply existing stagger playback rate by this value
ai_stairRunRate - sets the rate to scale run animations when on stairs
ai_stairWalkRate - sets the rate to scale walk animations when on stairs
ai_standingTraversalReservationTime - AI reserve any traversal within their bounds
every x ticks
ai_stuckCheckMinTranslationLength - ignore stuck status if our accumulated actual
delta is above this
ai_stuckDistanceFraction -
ai_suicideCheck_aasDistXY - override distance for suicide invalid, lateral
ai_suicideCheck_aasDistZ - override distance for suicide invalid, vertical
ai_suicideCheck_aiCountToTest - number of AI remaining before an encounter should
start testing for suicide
ai_suicideCheck_disable - disable AI invalid suicide checks
ai_suicideCheck_noSightSeconds - if ai is part of a waiting encounter, and hasn't
seen player in x seconds, kill itself
ai_suicideCheck_numStrikes - override number of strikes required before an invalid
ai_suicide_trap - if true, stoptime and set debug entity when AI suicides
ai_sync_allowKillPlayer - enables sync kills against player
ai_sync_blendSeconds - time in seconds to blend into a sync anim
ai_sync_interaction_frame_buffer - the number of frames to remember the last valid
synce for
ai_sync_onlyDieFromGK - enables deaths ONLY from sync kills
ai_testLeanBlends - for testing run lean stuff
ai_testmove_lookAheadForce - force test moving AI to look ahead on path
ai_thinkTrace - trace AI think
ai_token_overrideCap_easy - only allow this many more tokens in override conditions
ai_token_overrideCap_normal - only allow this many more tokens in override
ai_token_overrideDebug - display debug info for token override system
ai_token_overrideDist - dist to players for an override
ai_token_overrideEnable - enable override token system
ai_token_overrideFOV - degrees in player's view for an override
ai_token_overrideNum - number of AI selected to get override token chances, max 4
ai_trackHistory - start tracking, 1 == fsm, movement, misc, 2 = also animation
calls, 3 = also animweb debugging
ai_trajectory_boxSize - 0 == no box, 1 = 16x16, 2 = 24x24, 3 = 32x32
ai_trajectory_closeTargetDist - when targets are closer than this, try not to use
highest trajectories
ai_trajectory_job - use job with inline traces for trajectory tests
ai_trajectory_overrideNumQueries - if > 0, use this number of steps in parabolic
trajectory calculations
ai_trapCatastrophicMoveErrors - stoptime and draw bounds where it happens
ai_trapTraversalIssues - force a stoptime when guys get stuck in traversals
ai_traversalReservationDistance - distance in front of traverals to start reserving
ai_traversalReservationTime - time AI reserve traversals ahead of them
( continuously )
ai_traversal_enableIK - allow AI to use IK in traversals
ai_traversal_groundCheckDepth - depth into ground ( and above ) the AI will trace
to find true traversal endpoint
ai_turnAngleInfluence -
ai_unawareDamageScale - Damage scale for unaware AI
ai_updateRoleInterval - if > 0, this overloads the interval (in seconds) for role
changes for ALL encounter groups
ai_useAimTracker - 0 = disable aim tracking
ai_useAnimBasedMovement - enable/disable anim based movement.
ai_useBrakingTurns - enable/disable braking turns.
ai_useCombatGroupingCoverFilter - if true prune cover queries to current combat
ai_useCombatSubtitles - set to = 1 to show combat subtitles
ai_useDeathAnims - 0 = force AI to go straight to ragdoll upon dying.
ai_useDeferredFiring - if true will use the deferred fire method for the AI fire
ai_useFormationCover - 1 - formation cover, such as behind regime shield units
ai_useGrenades - 0 = ai will never throw grenades
ai_useInternalSim -
ai_useLeapAttacks - 1 = ai will use leap attacks
ai_useLookTracker - 0 = disable look tracking
ai_useMovingAim - enable/disable moving aim.
ai_useOAAnimQueries - enable/disable AI using oa job for anim queries
ai_useOriginFrameLookAhead - 1 = get origin deltas looking forward
ai_useOriginSprings -
ai_useRocketTag - if true use the rocket tag, if false use the joint
ai_useStageCoverFilter - if true prune cover queries to active encounter group
stage cover
ai_useStartTransitions - 1 = use transitions from stop to moving if they exist
ai_useStepTransitions - enable/disable step transitions.
ai_useStopTransitions - 1 = use transitions from moving to stopped if they exist
ai_useSyncInitialPhase - if true, AI will init sync phase based on starting pose
ai_useThrowAttacks - 1 = ai will throw projectiles
ai_useTokenManager - If true, AI reserve behavior tokens, limiting the number of AI
that can do any particular behavior.
ai_useWeaponSpread - set to 1 to add spread to aim model
ai_useWeaponTracker - 0 = disable weapon tracking
ai_visAreaNodesPerFrame - max number of vis nodes evaluated per frame
ai_visAreaTracesPerFrame - max number of vis area traces per frame
ai_visArea_job - use job with inline traces for vis area updates
ai_visArea_maxTraceDist - consider vis area traces beyond this dist to be automatic
failures, since AI shouldn't even stand that far away
ai_visArea_nonDitherUpdateTime - vis area points that don't have dithering
visibility, update this often
ai_visRasterDebugDist - distance to display debug info for vis rasters
ai_visRasterRadius - default radius for vis culling raster boxes
ai_visRasterTraceResolutionPerFrame - max number of vis raster traces per frame,
one dimension of resolution ( square to get total )
ai_visRasters_Enable - use vis raster system to speed up AI vis queries
ai_visTraceOutsideFOV - 1: vis trace to entities that are outside FOV
ai_visibilitySenseScale - scale of AI visual sensory input
ai_voFadeTime - time in seconds VO will fade when walking away from a conversation
ai_walkLerpScale - sets the rate at which the AI's blends between directional walk
ai_walkMod - forces AI to use the specified aiWalkModifier_t state when walking
ai_walkRate - sets the rate to scale walk animations
ai_waveblast_particleCleanupTimeout - ms after a wave is done, to clean up spawned
particle models
ai_waveblast_tracesPerFrame_fx_summoner - if > -1, maximum traces per frame that
summoner waveblast is allowed to use for sampling fx points
ai_waveblast_tracesPerFrame_vis_summoner - if > -1, maximum traces per frame that
summoner waveblast is allowed to use for checking vis to predicted target position
ai_weaponKick - true to apply weapon kick to AI aiming.
ai_worldAnimQueries_aasPushDist - push anim query endpoints onto aas up to this far
ai_worldAnimQueries_btContactHeight - push contact type bounds expansion this far
ai_worldAnimQueries_maxBoundsTranslations - maximum bounds translations per frame
ai_worldAnimQueries_maxContentsChecks - maximum contents checks per frame
ai_worldAnimQueries_maxPathfinds - maximum pathfinds per frame
ai_worldAnimQueries_maxTraces - maximum traces per frame
ai_worldAnimQueries_maxTrajectories - maximum trajectory tests per frame
ai_worldAnimQueries_useEyeBox - use a single 16 x 16 box translation for eye
visibility check
ai_worldAnimQueries_useMuzzleBox - use a single 16 x 16 box translation for muzzle
visibility check
ai_zeroRollInTracking - if true, remove roll when determining focus tracking
ai_zeroVelocityFramesBeforeStuck - number of frames with no velocity before ai is
considered stuck
aic_allowRunningHordeZombies - 1 = Enable zombies that are part of a horde to run
at the player.
aic_debug - 1 = Enable debugging of AI Conductor.
aic_debugIntensity - Debug player intensity tracking.
aic_defaultDifficulty - Default difficulty of ai conductor.
aic_lockCurrentDifficulty - 1 = Don't increment AI Conductor difficultly.
aic_minDistFromEntsForSpawnNodeWithAnims - trying to see if spawn nodes with anims
on them need to have the same min dist as those without
aic_pause - 1 = Enable pausing of AI Conductor spawning. 2 = all conductor systems
are paused.
aic_showAIEncounterID - -1 = OFF. 0 = ON for all encounters. > 0 = show only AI
with matching encounterID
aic_showAIType - 1 = Show the type/role of each AI in the game.
aic_showActiveAreaCylinder - 1 = Show the Active Area Cylinder around the player(s)
aic_showHiddenAI - 0 = OFF. 1 = show AIC hidden AI.
aic_showSpawnInhibitZones - 1 = Show the spawn inhibit zones in the map ( if they
exist )
aic_showSpawnPoints - 0 = OFF. 1 = show AIC potential spawn points.
aic_showTraceBlockers - 0 = OFF. 1 = show AIC trace blockers.
aic_skipAICountChecks - 1 = Skip all AIC management of AI counts. Allows infinite
number of AI to spawn.
aic_spawnManager_debug - 1 = Enable debugging of AI Conductors spawn manager.
aic_spawnManager_testDifficulty - test setting the encounter difficulty to a
specific level.
aievents_print - 1 to print AI events to the console.
aievents_show - 1 to show ai event origins, 2 to show event bounds, > 2 =
millseconds to show event bounds
aigui - 0 = no AI debug GUI, 1-9 = debug page
aigui_keyboardUse - 0 = no keys, 1 = arrow keys, 2 = arrows and NumPad
aigui_scale - scale for AI GUI text
aigui_titleSafe - title safe ratio region
aimAssist_Debug - Debug Drawing for Aim Assist
aimAssist_DebugAdhession - Debug Drawing for Aim Assist Adhesion
aimAssist_DebugFriction - Debug Drawing for Aim Assist Friction
aimAssist_DebugTracking - Debug Drawing for Aim Assist Tracking
aimAssist_Debug_Show_DeclSettings - Debug Drawing for Aim Assist - Shows Current
Decl Settings
aimAssist_InterpolateValues - Interpolate the friction / Adhesion
aimAssist_InterpolateValues_Rate - The Rate in which we Interpolate the friction /
aimAssist_adhes_LookSpeedThreshold - Speed Threshold that determines how fast the
assistee needs to look before adhesion is allowed to kick in
aimAssist_ignoreAimAssistModifiers - Ignore any active aim assist modifiers
aimCompensationScalar_hitscan - Scale the things with the stuff
aimCompensationScalar_projectile - Scale the things with the stuff
aimTarget_altViewAngleScoring - If true, view angle score will be computed on a
linear curve similar to distance.
aimTarget_debug - Enables Debug drawing for aim Target system
aimTarget_debug_currentSelection - Shows the currently selected point
aimTarget_debug_showAllTargetSpheres - Shows the collision spheres for all targets
aimTarget_debug_showSelectionSize - Shows the selection radius of target points
aimTarget_debug_showSyncMelee - Shows the Sync Melee Spheres
aimTarget_debug_showUsableSelecton - Shows the current Usable item Selection
aimTarget_debug_showWeights - Shows the weighting values for targets
aimTarget_maxTargetPoints - What is the maximum allowed number of target points.
aimTarget_trace_debug - Enables Debug drawing of aim targeting systems trace
aimTarget_viewAngleimportance - How important view angle is to our target scoring
aimTarget_viewAngleimportanceGK - How important view angle is to our target scoring
function (used for GLory Kills)
aimtarget_maxDistance - The Max Distance a target can be from the player to be
considered a target
aitest_freezeTracker - for testing ai rotation trackers
alignedEnt_animIsDoneFrames - Default number of frames to look ahead to test
whether an animation is 'done'
alignedEnt_debugfc - > 0 = show frame commands callbacks
alignedEnt_debugweb - 1 = show debug info for hands anim web
alignedEnt_defaultAdditiveAlphaRate - Default blend duration, in frames
alignedEnt_defaultAnimBlendDurationFrames - Default blend duration, in frames
alignedEnt_defaultCameraBlendDurationMS - Default blend duration, in MS
alignedEnt_defaultCameraViewConeDeg - Default View Cone Degrees if Camera Animation
Events specify an invalid value
alignedEnt_drawAlignJoint - Draw the entity's align joint
alignedEnt_drawTargetJoint - Draw the target joint to align to
alignedEnt_jointModTaperDistance - Taper the joint mod inward by the given distance
during ledge grabs
alignedEnt_traceAlign - Traces the data through the align process (1 for trans, 2
for rot, 3 for both)
alignedEnt_traceAnims - Traces the anims played on all aligned entities
alignedEnt_traceOriginDeltas - Outputs the origin deltas to the console (1 for
trans, 2 for rot, 3 for both)
alignedEnt_tracePos - Traces the entity position
alignedEnt_useJointMods - Use the jointMod_t to set the positions of the hands
alignedEnt_useRandomHandOffsets - Use to provide quasi-random hand position offsets
(only works with jointMods)
alignedEnt_useTAanimDeltaLogic - Use the tree animator's anim delta translation and
rotation logic
allowTaunts - if set will allow taunts to be used in game
amqp_baseRetryConnectionDelay - Base interval at which AMQP library tries to
reconnect to a server.
amqp_connectionURI - AMQP connection URI for the AMQP server ... preferably
amqp_enable - Enables the AMQP traffic
amqp_heartbeatDelay - heartbeat delay, in seconds - the client attempts to
negotiate the heartbeat rate with the server on connect ( 0 = no heartbeats )
amqp_maxChannels - highest channel number permitted by server ( 0 = no specific
limit )
amqp_maxFrameSize - frame size maximum, in bytes - the client can ask for a lower
size than the server supports but not larger ( 0 = no specific limit )
amqp_maxRetryConnectionAttempts - Number of attempts AMQP library will make to
connect to a server. ( -1=indefinite, 0=no retry )
amqp_verbose - Control AMQP library and client(s) chattiness.
anim_DisableDuckAnimEvents - disable duck animation events for testing
anim_SerializeBlendTreeMem - Serialize the animstack blend tree memory.
anim_allowDefaultedBinaryAnims - If set to 1, allows defaulted binary anims to be
written. This should only be set as a last resort for building resource packages.
anim_autoWebTrace - 1 = automatically perform a PIX trace when the source and dest
paths match
anim_blendSnapshotDebug - Debug events in idAnimStack::BlendSnapshot
anim_blendSnapshotNoLerp - Dont lerp between serialized animstacks, for testing
anim_debugEvents - 1 = show triggered events
anim_debugEvents_Name - optional animation to debug animevents for
anim_debugFilterLogic - This outputs debugging information on the selection logic
for idMD6BestLeaf and idMD6TagFilter
anim_debugFilterLogicCode - This outputs debugging information on the selection
logic for idMD6BestLeaf and idMD6TagFilter
anim_debugSpawnId - if set only show event debugging for the entity with this spawn
id, -1 = show output for all webs
anim_debugTorsoTracker - 1 = show 3D debug info
anim_debugWeb - 1 = output animweb debug info, filtered by anim_debugSpawnId
anim_debugWebEventHandler - 1 = show debug info for the animweb event handler
anim_debugWebPrintAlreadyThere - Whether to debug print web state changes that are
'already there'
anim_debugWebSerialization - 1 = output animweb replication state change debug info
anim_destPath - dest path for anim web timing trace
anim_drawPose - draw current animated pose
anim_enableSynchronization - use synchronization in anim stack
anim_events_useActual - if true, track real prior frame in md6 leaves rather than
anim_forceCompression - If >= 0, force animation compression values to this
anim_fxDeclName - fxDecl to use when testing in the model editor
anim_generatorNumThreads - Num threads to use for anim generation (0 = generated
anim_meshKitMethod -
anim_removeDefaultedAnimFiles - If set to 1, any generated binary .bmd6anim files
that have the defaulted flag set on load are deleted from the generated cache.
anim_showJointTrace - name of joint to show traces for, filtered by
anim_showJointTraceTime - number of seconds to show joint traces for
anim_showPlayerBlendTreeWeb - 1 = draws the anim blend tree of the player. 2 =
draws hands anim blend tree of the player.
anim_skipAdditives - skip applying all additives on joints
anim_skipJointMods - skip applying all joint mods
anim_skipModulus - Represents the number of frames we will compute animation for.
ex: 1: every frame, 5: every 5th frame.
anim_sourcePath - source path for anim web timing trace
anim_torsoApplyOffsetToEndJointOnly - 1 = apply extra offset in torso trackers only
to the end joint in the head tracking group
anim_torsoTrackerZeroPitch - 1 = clear torso tracker pitch each frame
anim_torsoTrackerZeroYaw - 1 = clear torso tracker yaw each frame
anim_trackParents - track parentage in md6 anim system
anim_tracker_disable - 1 = show 3D debug info
anim_verifyPaths - 1 = verify paths for every change state at time of request
anim_webTimeThreshold - warn if a path exceeds this threshold
animatedAttachment_animIsDoneFrames - Default number of frames to look ahead to
test whether an animation is 'done'
animatedAttachment_defaultBlendDurationFrames - Default blend duration, in frames
animatedAttachment_traceAnims - Traces the anims played on all animated Attachments
animweb_skipWritingSubWebAnims - semi-colon delimited list of subwebs that won't
have their anims saved.
ar_targeting_disable_GK_KillGate - Disables the num kills vulnerability gating
ar_targeting_distanceScale - Distance scale value applied to AR GUI objects
ar_targeting_enable - Enables AR targeting.
ar_targeting_infoViewAngleCos - View angle cosine that will for info target de-
ar_targeting_maxScale - Maximum scale value for AR GUI objects. A 0 value will
scale infinitely.
ar_targeting_minScale - Minimum scale value for AR GUI objects. A 0 value will
scale infinitely.
arcadeEnd_LevelCompleteTime - How long this screen stays up before transitioning
arcadeEnd_MedalDisplayTime - How long this screen stays up before transitioning
arcadeEnd_ScoreInterpolateTimeSec - How long it takes for score to interpolate.
arcadeEnd_ScorebreakdownTime - How long this screen stays up before transitioning
arcadeFuse_Debug - Turns on print statements to debug arcade fuse.
arcadeMedals_streaknum - How many medals is considered a streak
arcadeModeMaxFrameTime - (ms) default value for how long a frame can be any others
indicate paused game
arcadeModeMaxNumLives - the max num of lives per level in arcade mode
arcadeMode_Lock - Whether or not arcade mode is locked until beating entire game
arcadePersonalStats - turn on personal stats
arcade_scoreIncreaseLerpTimeSec - How long to lerp to currect score, in seconds
atlas_printFilter - fikter usage print by atlas id
atlas_printUsage - set to 1 print out how much of the atlas has been used during
audioLog_TimeOutSec - How long before the audiolog times out
autoMap_Awareness_Geo_Radius - Radius of geo to reveal around progression items
autoMap_Item_Audio_Notification - Play an audio notification when an item is
autoMap_Joy_DeadZone -
autoMap_KeyPanSpeed - scales the pan movement of the keyboard input
autoMap_MousePanSpeed - scales the pan movement of the mouse
autoMap_MousePitchScale -
autoMap_MouseYawScale -
autoMap_ObjectiveBounceHeight -
autoMap_ObjectiveBounceRate -
autoMap_ObjectiveRotateRate -
autoMap_Objective_rotation - how much to rotate the objective models when in top
down view
autoMap_OrbitPitch - Pitch in orbit mode
autoMap_PanRate -
autoMap_PitchRate -
autoMap_Pitch_Default -
autoMap_Pitch_Max -
autoMap_Pitch_Min -
autoMap_PlayerScale_Max -
autoMap_PlayerScale_Min -
autoMap_SectionWidth -
autoMap_Show_Awareness_radius - Visually represent the awareness radius on the
autoMap_Toggle - toggle the test automap on and off
autoMap_TouchPadPanRate -
autoMap_TouchPadYawScale -
autoMap_VerticalPanRate_3D -
autoMap_View_Transition_Time - Transition time between top down and orbit view
autoMap_YawRate -
autoMap_Zoom_Far -
autoMap_Zoom_Near -
autoMap_Zoom_Rate_3D -
autoMap_Zoom_Rate_Mouse_3D -
autoMap_Zoom_Rate_TouchPad -
autoMap_awareness_radius_base - Non-upgraded awareness radius
autoMap_awareness_radius_upgrade - Upgraded awareness radius
autoMap_player_icon_maxScale - maximum scale for player icon
autoMap_player_icon_minScale - minimum scale for player icon
automap_AlwaysShowObjectives - Animate from objective every time the automap opens
automap_BaseAlpha - Minimum alpha for automap surfaces during highlight layer
automap_FloorFadeLength -
automap_FogOfWarUpdate - Number of frames between fog of war updates
automap_InteractableBaseAlpha - Base alpha value for map Interactables and
automap_Max_Zoom -
automap_Min_Zoom -
automap_Objective_Transition_Time -
automap_Ortho_Max_Zoom -
automap_Ortho_Min_Zoom -
automap_Ortho_Pitch -
automap_Pan_Speed - Scalar applied to lerp between mapPan and camera.targetPan
automap_Pan_Tolerance - Distance to snap mapPan to camera.targetPan
automap_Show_Objective_Time -
automap_Show_Secrets - Show or hide secrets on the automap
automap_TopDownPitch - Pitch in top down mode
automap_UI_FadeTime - How long it takes for the UI to fade in and out when toggled
automap_UseSoftEdges -
automap_ViewRadius -
automap_ViewradiusScalar - Set to scale the viewdistance, tilewidth and height
automap_ZRangeScale - Scalar for z range of projection matrix
automap_fog_tile_min_height - Minimum height of fog of war tiles
automap_fog_tile_min_width - Minimum width of fog of war tiles
automap_mouseLerp - Percentage to lerp per frame
automap_orbit_offset - map camera offset length for orbit view
automap_revealAll - Set to reveal all geometry
automap_topdown_offset - map camera offset length for top down view
awcmd_debug - debug animweb commands, 1 for all, > 1 for specific entity num
awcmd_debugLevel - options:
awcmd_disableDeltaCorrection - 1 = disable all code driven delta correction
baron_chargeAnimBlendTime - How long to blend in/out between run and charge anim
baron_chargeAutoStartMinSpeed - Min Speed to start charging automatically
baron_chargeEnableBlur - Blur FX while charging
baron_chargeEnableBlurForce - Force the blur FX while charging on
baron_chargeFOV - FOV while charging
baron_chargeMinForwardInput - How far forward does player have to press to validate
charge (0-127)
baron_chargeMinSpeed - Minimum speed that must be maintained to start or continue
baron_chargeMinValueForBob - How far into the charge blend must we be to be
consider 'sprinting' for the hands bob
baron_chargeRightMoveModifier - How much of the left/right movement to limit while
baron_chargeTurnRateModifier - How much of the turning to limit while charging
baron_debugCharge - Whether do debug the damage done by baron charging
baron_debugGroundPound - Debug ground pound
baron_debugLeapAttackLockoutTime - Debug test for how long to lockout the player
from firing after a leap
baron_groundLeapGravityScale - Scalar for gravity while leaping (for a better arc)
baron_groundLeapMaxDistance - Max distance a baron can leap (new secondary)
baron_groundLeapMaxVertical - Max vertical height the baron can leap
baron_groundLeapSpeedScale - Horizontal Speed scalar when you are leaping
baron_groundPoundAirControlForward - Air control acceleration (per sec) for
forward/backward during ground pound
baron_groundPoundAirControlLateral - Air control acceleration (per sec) for
left/right during ground pound
baron_groundPoundBlocksSyncTarget - Whether being in a ground pound blocks being
the glory kill victim
baron_groundPoundCenterPitch - Pitch in degs to act as center point of view
constraint during ground pound
baron_groundPoundConstrainRate - Rate in degs/sec to constrain the view during
ground pound
baron_groundPoundContrainPos - Whether to constrain the baron's position during
ground pounds
baron_groundPoundContrainView - Whether to constrain the view during ground pounds
baron_groundPoundDefaultTargetDist - If we're not using targeting, how far out do
we leap by default
baron_groundPoundEnableLine - 0 = never line, 1 = always line
baron_groundPoundForceOrigin - Force the origin to the one given to us rather than
using the Baron's current physics origin
baron_groundPoundFramesBehind - How many frames behind we are during ground pound
baron_groundPoundLineParentCheck - 0 = no parent check. 1 = check wave and column.
2 = check just wave.
baron_groundPoundLineRange - How far out to send spikes when we do it in a line
baron_groundPoundLineSpikeSpacing - How far between each row/column in the line?
baron_groundPoundLineWidth - How wide to send spikes when we do it in a line
baron_groundPoundMaxDeltaPitch - Max change in pitch in degs while constraining
view during ground pound
baron_groundPoundMaxDeltaYaw - Max change in yaw in degs while constraining view
during ground pound
baron_groundPoundMaxForwardSpeed - Max forward speed during ground pound air
baron_groundPoundMaxGroundHeight - Max Ground Height to allow when performing
ground pound
baron_groundPoundMaxLateralSpeed - Max lateral speed during ground pound air
baron_groundPoundMaxTimeForButton - Milliseconds that can elapse since last trigger
push and still perform ground pound
baron_groundPoundMinForwardSpeed - Min forward speed during ground pound air
baron_groundPoundRefireDelay - Time that must elapse after a ground pound finishes
before you can do another
baron_groundPoundSpikeAlignToNormal - Should the spikes align to the surface
baron_groundPoundSpikeCheckContents - How to contents check the spike position
baron_groundPoundSpikeCheckContentsZ - How far up to put the clip to contents check
baron_groundPoundSpikeCheckLOS - Whether to do the LOS check for each spike (0=off,
1=to parent, 2=to viewpos)
baron_groundPoundSpikeCheckLOSDirect - Whether to do the LOS check from spike to
spike or do an additional check up/down to the tallest then across
baron_groundPoundSpikeClimbDown - How low can can a spike climb from its parent
baron_groundPoundSpikeClimbUp - How high can can a spike climb from its parent
baron_groundPoundSpikeDebug - Whether to debug ground pound spikes
baron_groundPoundSpikeDebugContents - Debug contents checks
baron_groundPoundSpikeDebugHeight - Height of debug arrows for spikes
baron_groundPoundSpikeDebugLifetime - How long to display the debug info
baron_groundPoundSpikeDebugParents - Whether to debug ground pound spikes parent
baron_groundPoundSpikeLOSHeight - At what height do I check LOS on the spike?
baron_groundPoundSpikeLifetime - How long do spikes last, in milliseconds
baron_groundPoundSpikeMinNormalDot - Min surface normal dot product off up a spike
can appear on.
baron_groundPoundSpikePointsInWave - How many points in each wave of the arc
baron_groundPoundSpikeRandRangeAngle - Random max degrees offset to use when
placing spikes
baron_groundPoundSpikeSpacing - How far between each spike?
baron_groundPoundSpikeWaveTime - How many MS between waves
baron_groundPoundStandingDistance - Max distance you can aim to and still do a
standing ground pound
baron_groundPoundTargetEnable - Whether to use the ground pound target or not
baron_meleeAnimDuration - Duration of melee attack anim
baron_meleeDisableSwipe - Disable melee swipe on sync melee miss
baron_meleeMaxTimeForButton - Milliseconds that can elapse since last trigger push
and still perform melee
baron_meleeRefireDelay - Time that must elapse before melee can fire again
baron_meleeSyncAttemptTime - How much time in MS to continue to attempt a sync
melee while swiping
baron_meleeTargetTransitionTime - Time in game time(close to MS) it takes to
transition reticle spread when switching targets
baron_meleeWindupTime - How much time in MS do we spend in the windup without a
valid response from server for syncmelee
baron_minForwardForGroundPoundLeap - Minimum forward stick input to choose leaping
ground pound over standing
berzerkAttack_debug - debug berzerk attack
berzerk_retryPreviousWeaponTimeSec - Amount of time to wait before trying to return
player's previous weapon.
bfgarc_debug - debugging bfg arc and chains
bgl_debug - Set to 1 for console spew
bgl_preallocateOversized - if true preallocate all oversized assets
bindset - value of current bind set
binkGUIGlobalMultiplier - global multiplier to bring the binks down, I love
bringing the binks down
bink_GotoFrameInsteadOfNextFrame - Use BinkGoto Instead of BinkNextFrame, because
of com_fixedTic
bink_UseBruteForcePlayback - Use BruteForce Playback
bink_audioScale - bink specific volume slider
bink_audioScaleCinematic - cinematic audio volume scale
bink_debug - dump information
bink_ioK - larger buffers for less seeks during load
bink_ioMegs - larger buffers for less seeks during load
bink_lerpInAudioFrames - number of frames to ramp up the audio over
bink_lerpOutAudioFrames - number of frames to ramp down the audio over
blendTree_maxNodeSpacing - maximum distance to offset nodes
blendTree_panZoomEnable - disables dynamic sizing and instead allows panning and
zooming around the blend tree
blendTree_panZoomFixedDepth - allows a fixed depth to be specified, to prevent
dynamic resizing of blend tree
blendTree_panZoomNodeWidth - fixed node width for pan and zoom
blendTree_panZoomScale - scale value for pan and zoom
blendTree_panZoomXOffset - additional x offset for pan and zoom
blendTree_panZoomYOffset - additional y offset for pan and zoom
blendTree_scale - scale multiplier form blend tree rendering
blendTree_x - x offset for blend tree rendering
blendTree_y - y offset for blend tree rendering
botGUI - 0 = no Bot debug GUI, 1 - 7 = Bot Info Debug Page
bot_addAllAtOnce - if true, multiple empty players slots will be filled all in one
bot_aimSkill - If > -1, use this value for bot aim skill ( instead of the bot_skill
cvar/match parms ).
bot_allowFallBackAASLoading - 1 = Allow the fallback loading of a monster AAS file,
if the bots AAS doesn't exist.
bot_allowGrabItems - If true - allow bots to grab items in the map ( static and
dynamic ).
bot_allowJumping - 1 = Bots can jump when moving. 0 = bots can never jump. Useful
for testing.
bot_allowLedgeGrabbing - 1 = Bots can use ledge grabbing.
bot_allowPlayerEscorting - If true, bots can escort players.
bot_allowWeapons - If false, bot won't fire any weapons.
bot_alwaysShowErrors - 1 = will always show bot related errors/warnings, even if
idStudio isn't active.
bot_debugMoveCmds - 1 = Show the bots move cmds.
bot_debugTraceManager - draws trace manager debug information
bot_disableWorldState - -1 = All bots worldstate is enabled. 0 = No bots pick
enemies. > 0 == bot with matching clientNum doesn't update
bot_drawBounds - 1 = draw bot's bounds.
bot_drawHealth - 1 = draw bots health/armor as two bar over its head. 2 = draw bots
health/armor as two numbers over its head.
bot_drawRoamGoal - 1 = draw the bots roam goal location in the world.
bot_enable - If true - load bot systems if allowed in MP and SNAP. If false - won't
try to load bots at all in MP and SNAP.
bot_enableCoverManager - 1 = Enable Bot cover manager.
bot_enableMoveDebugging - If true, allow debugging tools that can control/override
bot movement.
bot_enable_sp - If true - load bot systems if allowed in SP. If false - won't try
to load bots at all in SP.
bot_entityManagerDebug - 1 = show all entities the bots entity manager is aware of
bot_fakePing - If 1, show fake pings for bots in-game. Just for testing.
bot_followBot - >= 1 - follow the bot with this entity number. Useful for testing.
Will complain if you set it to the entNum of a player.
bot_followPlayer - 1 = all bots follow Player 0 - useful for testing.
bot_forceCrouch - 1 = Force all bots to crouch.
bot_forceEquipmentThrowTimeMS - > 0 = time between throws in MS - bots throw
whatever equipment they have, over and over.
bot_forceFireWeapon - If true, bot will be forced to fire its weapon.
bot_forceJumping - 1 = Force all bots to jump around.
bot_forceMelee - 1 = Force all bots to melee.
bot_forceRespawnTime - 0 = instant respawn. > 0, the time in seconds, that the bot
will respawn.
bot_forceWeaponSlotSelect - Forces bot to use weapon in particular loadout slot. 0
= OFF. 1 = Primary. 2 = Secondary. > 2 = Misc Slot
bot_freezeMovement - 1 = Freeze the bot in place. 2 = Same as 1, but bot always
considers itself as having reached its goal
bot_goalManagerTickRate - Set the tick rate, in msec, of the bots goal manager
bot_ignoreAimRequests - If 1, will always just look straight ahead. Debugging only
bot_minClients - Keep a minimum number of clients on the server with bots and
humans. 0 to disable. > 1 = Num clients to always keep in game.
bot_numBotsToProtectPlayer - >=1 - num friendly bots to escort player around.
Useful for testing.
bot_pathManagerDebugRoutes - 1 = show the route nodes in the world
bot_pathManagerShowPath - > 0 = how long to show the bots node path in the world.
bot_pause - Pause all bot thinking
bot_perfectAim - If set, never miss.
bot_printSpawnDebug - If true, report bot spawning debug output.
bot_recordTrace - Record a CPU trace on the 360 of: 0 = Nothing. 1 = Bot Systems. 2
= Bot Thinking. 3 = Player Think ( minus bot thinking ). 4 = Bot WorldState. 5 =
Bot MoveState. 6 = Bot BehaviorTree. 7 = Bot TrajectoryManager
bot_regressionReporting - 0 = no regression reporting, 1 = basic regression
reporting. 2 = complete regression reporting
bot_runMapAndModeChecks - if true, bots can only load on supported maps/modes.
bot_showAimPoint - Set to 1 to show all bot aim points, or the bot number for a
specific bot's aim point.
bot_showPOIEntities - > 0 = dist to show all of the POI entities in the world.
bot_showPath - Set to the client number of the bot that you want to show paths.
bot_skill - Sets the bots default skill. 0 = EASY, 1 = NORMAL, 2 = HARD, 3 = EXPERT
bot_standardName - If not empty: '1' = Use id standard testing name. '2' = id
internal MP standard testing name. Any other string = use that as the standard name
bot_targetAIOnly - 1 = will only target AI as enemies.
bot_targetBotsOnly - 1 = will only target bot players as enemies.
bot_targetEnemyHead - If 1, will always target the head. ONLY intended for testing!
bot_targetHumansOnly - 1 = will only target human players as enemies.
bot_targetMaxDist - 0 = disabled. > 0, max dist will select targets in world.
bot_trackPlayer - 1 = force bot to always look at player 0.
bot_useADS - If true, bot will use ADS on weapons that support it.
bot_useCover - 1 = Bot uses cover when it thinks best.
bot_useGrenades - 1 = bots use grenades. 0 = bots never use grenades.
bot_useMelee - 1 = bots use melee. 0 = bots never use melee.
bot_useObstacleAvoidance - 1 = use obstacle avoidance. 0 = use pathfinder only. 2 =
use OA only if it returns a valid point, else use pathfinder.
bp_debug - Debug bullet penetration
breakable_NoFadeAndRemove - Dont fade and remove breakables.
breakable_debugGoreEquations - Print debug information for gore equations
breakable_jobPhysics - Use Job system for breakable Physics.
breakable_useImpulseForExplosions - Use Apply Impulse instead of Adding another
build_binaryCorrelation - binary build correlation
build_binaryName - forge binary build name
build_binaryRelevantChangelists - binary relevant Perforce changelists
build_binaryRequestor - forge binary build requestor
build_binarySource - forge binary build type
build_binaryURL - forge binary build url
build_binaryVersion - binary build version
build_candidateDiscNumber - forge candidate disc number
build_candidateName - forge candidate build name
build_discLayoutName - forge disc layout build name
build_packageCorrelation - package build correlation
build_packageMapSet - forge package map set
build_packageName - forge package build name
build_packageRelevantChangelists - package relevant Perforce changelists
build_packageRequestor - forge package build requestor
build_packageSource - forge package build type
build_packageURL - forge package build url
cacodemon_debugSnareAttack - Enable debugging of cacodemon snare attack
cacodemon_meleeSyncAttackDebugTime - How long to show debug information on
targeting a potential sync attack victim
cacodemon_meleeSyncAttackMinLengthSqr - The min length squared of the remaining
path to avoid degenerate tests
cacodemon_meleeSyncAttackRotationTime - How long to take to rotate
cacodemon_meleeSyncAttackWeightAlongPath - The scalar to weigh the fractional
distance along the path the target is from the Cacodemon
cacodemon_meleeSyncAttackWeightFromPath - The scalar to weigh the fractional
distance from the target to the Cacodemon's path
cacodemon_meleeSyncStopDistance - How far to stop infront of target
cacodemon_requiresCharge - Requires charge to shoot
cacodemon_spawnOffset - How high to spawn the cacodemon above the player
cacodemon_summonCameraOffset - How high the summon camera is, used to offset
spawning to line up the cacodemon
cam_accelerateMultiplier - free camera acceleration multiplier
cam_debugOverTheShoulder - renders debug information for the over the shoulder cam.
1 - current look target, ideal look target, and worst case position. 2 - ideal
camera position from worst case perspective
cam_decelerateMultiplier - free camera deceleration multiplier
cam_demoPlaybackHackRotateMultiplier - In free cam mode in demos, multiplies input
this much.
cam_lerpRate - follow camera lerp rate
cam_maxDist - max distance a utility camera can be from its target.
cam_minDist - min distance a utility camera wants to be from its target.
cam_minDistFromFocalPoint - min distance a utility camera can be from its target.
cam_otsFadeBeginDistance - camera distance from player to begin fade transition
cam_otsFadeEndDistance - camera distance from player to end fade transition
cam_otsFadeMinAlpha - minimum alpha to use for distance based fading
cam_otsIdealEyeOffsetX - ideal cam position offset from the target's eyes
cam_otsIdealEyeOffsetY - ideal cam position offset from the target's eyes
cam_otsIdealEyeOffsetZ - ideal cam position offset from the target's eyes
cam_otsLookTargetOffsetX - the camera's focal point offset from the target's eyes
cam_otsLookTargetOffsetY - the camera's focal point offset from the target's eyes
cam_otsLookTargetOffsetZ - the camera's focal point offset from the target's eyes
cam_otsWorstEyeOffsetX - worst case cam position offset from the target's eyes
cam_spectateInterpolationBuffer - Length of the interpolation buffer compared to
previous snapshot interval.
cam_spectateInterpolationBufferLerp - The lerp rate every frame towards the
interpolation buffer.
cam_spectateInterpolationMaxDelta - The largest interval size in milliseconds to
consider for lerp positions.
cam_spectateInterpolationMaxTravel - The most distance in snap intervals a player
can lerp towards the target.
cam_targetLerpRate - follow camera's target lerp rate
campaign_AllowMenuShellActivation - Allow the shell to be activated or not
ce_corpseEditorDamageMode - Toggles between move / damage when in corpse editor
ce_corpseEditorMoveEntity - Toggles move entity mode
ce_corpseEditorMoveJoint - Toggles move joint mode
ce_corpseEditorRotateJoint - Toggles rotate joint mode
cg_predictProjectileExpire - Time in seconds until client predicted presentable
will expire if the server version has not arrived yet.
cg_predictProjectiles - Predict projectile spawning on clients
cg_projectile_clientAuthoritative -
cg_projectile_clientAuthoritative_maxCatchup - Maximum amount of milliseconds the
server will simulate projectiles to catch up with the client that launched it.
cg_showPresentableInfo - If true, shows info of nearby presentables.
cg_showSnapSerializePerformance - Print snapshot serialize timings
cg_tracerMuzzleAxisError - the min cosine of the angle between the projectile dir
and the muzzle axis to allow a tracer to be added
cg_tracerSoundDebug - if one, it will show in the world where the tracer sound is
located and print out the name of the sound shader
cg_useGuiReferencePath - Render the reference path ui
ch_animateTime - time for ch to animate from top to bottom
ch_debug - Display debug info
ch_drawCrosshairAlways - If false we only draw the crosshair when there is a valid
ch_drawDebugVisuals - Draw debug 3rd person crosshair
ch_drawVisuals - Draw the 3rd person crosshair
ch_ignoreFaction - Ignores factions .. targets everyone.
ch_lockangle - Max angle for target locking
ch_lockdist - Max distance for target locking (0 = use decl value .. 4500 default
decl value)
ch_locktodead - Lock to 'non lockable' objects (ie: dead things / empty vehicles /
ammo pickups...) [ for debugging ]
ch_movespeed - Move speed when user is controlling
ch_shoottolock - Shooting activates target lock
ch_targetspeed - Move speed when target is locked
ch_unlockpitch - Max pitch before unlocking from target
ch_unlockyaw - Max yaw before unlocking from target
ch_unlockzoomedpitch - Max pitch before unlocking from target when zoomed
ch_unlockzoomedyaw - Max yaw before unlocking from target when zoomed
ch_usemouse - Makes using crosshair easier with mouse
chain_aiImpulse - testing ai impulse
chain_aiImpulseZ - testing ai impulse Z
chain_debug - show debug info
chain_dragBailoutTimeMS - stop dragging after this time passes (stuck or something)
chaingun_QuickSpinupBlend - MP only quicker spinup blending
chainsaw_AttackAnimAlphaBlendSpringK - spring constant for blend alpha
chainsaw_EnableAttackFinisher - Enables or disables the chainsaw finisher animation
chainsaw_RevSpringK - Spring constant for rev spring
chainsaw_autoStart - 0 = plays pull cord animation to start, 1 = starts
automatically without pull cord animation
chainsaw_chainJitterAmmount - How much does the chain advance when it jitters.
Random value with this as the max
chainsaw_chainJitterRandVal - Random value that determines how often the chain
jitters. Lower values = higher frequency
chainsaw_debugCanRun - -1=ignored, 0=not allowed to start or run, 1=allowed to
start and run
chainsaw_debugSounds - Print debug information about the chainsaw sounds
chainsaw_debugStates - Print debug information about the chainsaw states (1==actual
state, 2==base state, 3==both
chainsaw_debugTraceCuttingKicks - if true, then cutting kick info will be output to
the console
chainsaw_forceChainSpeed - override speed for chainsaw chain, -1 to use procedural
chainsaw_gloryKillsCostNoAmmo - If true then glory kills are free
chainsaw_kickPosAccuracy - Allows the kick to move the player toward a point this
far from the actual ideal kick position
chainsaw_kickPosImpulse - Strength of kick impulse on attacker and target during
chainsaw attacking
chainsaw_kickPosIntervalMaxMS - maximum interval between kicks during cutting
chainsaw_kickPosIntervalMinMS - minimum interval between kicks during cutting
chainsaw_kickPosSeparation - how far apart should the attacker and target be kicked
from each other?
chainsaw_kickViewPitchDegs - maximum pitch kick during cutting, in degrees
chainsaw_kickViewRollDegs - maximum roll kick during cutting, in degrees
chainsaw_kickViewYawDegs - maximum yaw kick during cutting, in degrees
chainsaw_wWiseSounds - use wWise to handle sounds
challenge_noFail - if true, hell challenge won't fail
challengesAlwaysShowProgress - shows all progress on challenges rather then only at
certain completion percentages.
challengesDisplayTime - time to show challenges.
chargeAttack_debug - show helper arrows and text for charge attack
chargeball_alwaysUseInitialSpawns - forces chargeball to always use initial spawn
chargeball_ballClearRadiusOverride - outside of the radius a ball is considered
cleared of the goal
chargeball_ballThrowEnabled - Enables throwing for the chargeball
chargeball_ballVisionBlendTime - Blend time in milliseconds to and from ball
chargeball_ballVisionDelayTime - Delay in milliseconds before the ball vision
starts to blend in.
chargeball_bannerInitialMessageDuration - how long to show the initial score
chargeball_debug - 0 - disabled, 1 - debug chargeball state, 2 - debugs chargeball
chargeball_debugPortalsDisplayDuration - how long in ms to display portal debug
information (negative values disables)
chargeball_enablePersistentAdditiveAnimations - enables persistant additive anims
on the chargeball weapon (blink, eg.)
chargeball_enableQuickPass - enables quick pass targeting (a lateral pass that
disregards thrower fov)
chargeball_goalPoiCenterDuration - time to force the goal poi to the center after a
respawn in milliseconds
chargeball_goalScoreLogEnabled - Enables scoring log for goal based chargeball
chargeball_groundNormalCheck - Min Cos for the chargeball to be considered grounded
chargeball_halftimeDebugScores - Overrides halftime scoring with debug values for
easier testing. TEAM_TWO always trails by one point.
chargeball_halftimeFadeDuration - how long to keep the screen black during halftime
chargeball_halftimeFadeInTime - how quickly to fade back from black at the end of
chargeball_halftimeFadeOutTime - how quickly to fade to black at the start of
chargeball_halftimeRecapDuration - how long to display score recap during halftime
chargeball_initialFireRestrictionMS - the amount of time to ignore fire input on
the chargeball
chargeball_inventoryLogging - turns on logging related to inventory changes incited
by chargeball
chargeball_invertGoalColors - Invert the color of the goal material and POI on just
the client-side for user options.
chargeball_maxAssistTimeSecondsOverride - max time a pass will be considered for an
chargeball_maxSeekTargetStep - how far a target can move between frames before we
give up
chargeball_minLinearVelocity - the minimum velocity the chargeball can be moving to
be considered in motion
chargeball_minTimeBeforeReequipMS - amount of time before the ball can be picked up
again by the previous carrier
chargeball_personalTeleporterDebug - turns on logging related to personal
teleporter and chargeball usage
chargeball_pointTargetSeekOffset - the vertical offset from a target origin to seek
towards (if an old target invalidated itself)
chargeball_portalTestStepDistance - how far to look ahead when doing collision
testing for portal creation
chargeball_postThrowStowAnimRate - Bring down/stow animation rate override just
after a throw.
chargeball_resetOutOfBoundsMode - Reset the chargeball
chargeball_respawnTimeOverrideMS - overrides default respawn time for players
chargeball_scoreBannerDelay - how long the score banner will show
chargeball_scoreBannerDuration - how long the score banner will show
chargeball_scoreOnEnemy - score on the enemy's goal instead when enabled.
chargeball_scoringType - Type of scoring to use for chargeball. 0 - score while
possessing ball, amount and frequency are based on charge. 1 - score only when the
ball reaches full charge. 2 - score using goals
chargeball_seekArrivalRadius - when a ball is within this radius stop seeking
chargeball_threateningScoreRadiusOverride - radius in which a team is considered in
position to score (used for clearing logic)
chargeball_throwerPickupDelay - Delay before the thrower can pickup the ball after
throwing it
chargeball_xRayDesiredIntensity - The intensity of the x-ray vision at full power.
chargeball_xRayMaxDistance - Max distance the x-ray vision for the carrier.
chroma_debug - Show Debug Output for the chroma keyboard library
cine_cam_debug - debug cinematic camera
cine_captureFrames - set to 1 to capture the cinematic frames to jpgs/tgas
clientGame_ImpactDist - the distance that must be in between impact effects
clip_coopGranularity - The number of model gathers to handle per cooperative job
step. Higher for lower overhead, lower for better load balancing.
clip_submitCollisionQueryMethod - Which method to use for collision query
submission: 0 = original, 1 = chasing (coop)
clip_useDeferredClipGraph - 1 to use the deferred clip graph code, 0 to use the
original path
clip_useSweptBoxGathers - For translation checks that pass a clip model, use=1 or
do-not-use=0 swept box checks for the model gather process.
cloth_WeaponTraceMultiplier - Used to tune the response of the weapon knockback
value on the cloth
cloth_explosionScale - strength of weapon traces
cloth_playerCollisionSize - size of player's collision with flags
cloth_weaponPower - strength of weapon traces
cloth_windVelocityX - X component of the global wind velocity
cloth_windVelocityY - Y component of the global wind velocity
cloth_windVelocityZ - Z component of the global wind velocity
clothsim_useJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
cm_DisableCollisionQueryStats - Print collision query stats when failure happens
cm_backFaceCull - cull back facing polygons
cm_catchLargeQueries - Catch queries which intersect more than this many submodels
cm_catchLargeQueriesDrawTime - How long to draw the large query submodels for.
cm_catchLargeQueriesMode - The Drawing mode for Catching Large Queries. 0 - No
Draw, 1 - Simple Draw, 2 - Complex Draw, 3 - Draw Both
cm_debugCollision - debug the collision detection
cm_debugRotation - debug rotation failure
cm_debugSetParms - debug set parameters
cm_debugTimeoutError - When the debug timeout occurs on a collision query, Error
(1) or Warn (0) that it occurred.
cm_debugTimeoutWaitingForQueryResults - MS to wait before giving up on collision
query results; 0 = never stop waiting
cm_debugTranslation - debug translation failure
cm_depthTest - depth test the collision model primitives
cm_drawArrows - 1 = draw edges as arrows, 0 = draw edges as lines
cm_drawColor - color used to draw the collision models
cm_drawFilled - draw filled polygons
cm_drawIndexScale - scale of primitive indices
cm_drawIndices - draw primitive indices
cm_drawInternal - draw internal edges green
cm_drawMask - collision mask
cm_drawNormals - draw polygon and edge normals
cm_drawSubModelBounds - draw sub model bounds
cm_drawSurfaceColor - draw filled polygons with the surface color stored on the
cm_enableStreaming - enable streaming
cm_memoryMap - enable the memory mapped file streaming
cm_showCollisionModelMaterial - Material to use when debug rendering collisionmodel
cm_showDependencies -
cm_showMemory -
cm_showProfile -
cm_showStreamedData - 1 = show not streamed, 2 = show streaming, 3 = show streamed
cm_testAngle -
cm_testBox -
cm_testBoxRotation -
cm_testCollision -
cm_testLength -
cm_testModel -
cm_testOrigin -
cm_testQueries -
cm_testRadius -
cm_testRandomMany -
cm_testReset -
cm_testRotation -
cm_testTimes -
cm_testTranslation -
cm_testWalk -
cm_useJobs - 0 = off, 1 = job chain, 2 = coop job
cm_useSubModelQueries -
codexReplaceTime - Time for codex, collectible, and classic maps notifications to
be shown when there is another notification in the wings
codexShowTime - Time for codex, collectible, and classic map notifications to be on
collectible_allUnlocked - All Collectibles are unlocked
com_BethesdaMarketingEmailURI - https uri to send end-user emails
com_CrashOnFatal - if enabled we will crash on a fatal rather than throwing an
com_InstallCheck - Check if chunk is installed when doing map transitions
com_adaptiveTick - adapt the game hz dynamically
com_adaptiveTickAdjHz - hz adjustment going up/down
com_adaptiveTickImmediateMode - immediately adjust game hz based on last frame's
com_adaptiveTickMaxHz - max game hz
com_adaptiveTickMinHz - min game hz
com_adaptiveTickSettleMS - how long in ms to stay at an adjusted hz before trying
to go back up
com_adaptiveTick_MaxRate - when hz is adjusted up or down, only allow
gameTimePerSec rate to vary by this much per frame
com_adaptiveTick_StressTest - stress test to find bugs with adaptive tick
com_adaptiveTick_StressTest_BaseHZ - base HZ value to deviate from
com_adaptiveTick_StressTest_RandomHZAdjust - stress test HZ deviation amount +/-
com_adaptiveTick_StressTest_RandomHZAdjustDelay - delay for adjust stress test HZ
com_allowRefreshOnPrint - 0 = never force a render frame during a console print
com_assertOnce - Only assert once per assert instance (file/line combination)
com_assertOutOfDebugger - by default, do not assert while not running under the
com_assertSkipsDialogInDebugger - whether to pop up the break, continue, ignore
dialog or just break when an assert is hit
com_breakableDialogBoxOnPCFatalError - Whether to pop up a dialog box that allows
breaking into the debugger for fatal errors - PC only.
com_canSkipLoadingVideo - Can you skip the inital loading video
com_captureFrameCount - number of frames to capture if com_captureFrames is 2
com_captureFrames - 1 to capture each frame and output it
com_capturePath - optional outpath for screenshots, this path is appended to
com_captureSamples - set to number of samples for screenshots
com_captureSounds - set to 1 to start capture, 2 while capturing, 0 when disabled
com_captureStartIn - number of frames to start capturing in
com_captureTGA - format for capture screenshots, 0 = JPG, 1 = TGA
com_cleanGeneratedFolder - set on command line to disable cleaning generated
folders - temporary cvar until cooked assets stale check fixed
com_cookedReloadWritableOnly - This will only allow reload of files that are
writable on your system while using cooked assets.
com_debugFixedTic -
com_debugHUD - 1 = show debug HUD
com_debugSnapShotInterpolation -
com_demoPlaybackRate - Rate to playback demos, 0 for realtime
com_demoPlaybackScale - Scales playback time of demos
com_demoStats - Print stats on demo compression rates
com_deviceZeroOverride - change input routing for device 0 to poll a different
com_disableGameScripts - disable script loading
com_displayReferenceStrings - if set, shows the reference strings (ie:
#str_blah_blah) rather than the language strings
com_drawThreadSpeeds - 1 = dynamic draw, 2 = static draw, 3 = dynamic draw until
com_editorActive - 1 when an editor has focus
com_enableCmdSystemTypoSuggestions - If enabled, the command system will suggest
possible commands and/or cvars if the input text is unrecognized.
com_enableCrashHandler - enable the crash exception handler
com_exitAfterTests - if set, exits game after regression tests complete (not part
of the testing framework)
com_exitProcessOnError - Exits the process on a com_error.
com_finishFeedbackMaxTimeInSeconds -
com_fixedTic - run a single game frame per render frame
com_forceAllMapLayersToLoad -
com_forceCookedInBuildGame - This will force buildGame to always use the cooked
version of the assets.
com_forceLatestSnap -
com_forceProductionCvars - Set to force production cvars to specific values during
com_forceSound - Force sound to play even if not the focused app
com_forceSoundOnlyInPID - When >-1, sound will only play for a certain PID. Useful
for multile instance sound debugging
com_frameStampPrints - print frame number on each console print
com_gameDLLPath - path for game DLL to pull from
com_gameModuleRestarts - allow restarts when switching game modes
com_gameType - Request a particular game type
com_gaugeHeartbeat - time between subsequent gauge pushes across the wire.
com_hidePrintWarnings - Disables showing Warnings from calls to PrintWarnings()
(called during initialization)
com_hitchThresholdMS - sets com_drawThreadSpeeds to 2 if a frame takes longer than
this time in milliseconds
com_ignoreFixedTicClamp -
com_loadlooseLanguages - if 1 loads the language files loosly
com_maxResidualGameFrames - if non zero only run this many residual game frames
com_memStampPrints - print total memory usage on each console print
com_overrideDOF -
com_override_dof -
com_override_dof_far -
com_override_dof_focus -
com_override_dof_intensity -
com_override_dof_near -
com_pid - process id
com_preloadSnapEdit - If true will preload snap editor
com_printFilter - print only if the filter is present in the print message.
com_printWarning - whether to show development warning
com_prod_regression - Regression tests require certain functionality in production
com_production - Used to enable and/or inhibit specific behaviour during production
building mode. All demo and retail builds are built with this on.
com_removeVmtrOnLoad - remove the default vmtr on load.
com_requireNonProductionSignIn - If true, will require sign in, even on non
production builds.
com_resetResidualTime -
com_safemode - deletes the video.cfg & rageConfig.cfg and reverts video settings to
game default
com_saveAttemptTimeout - timeout to drop a recurring save that is stuck because the
savegamemanager is already working
com_screenshotMode - 1 = allow dof overrides using the shell_dof_* cvars
com_sendSnapshots - For debugging, will not send snapshots when false.
com_showCameraPosition - Shows the camera's position and rotation.
com_showConsumerPerfMetrics - shows consumer friendly performance metrics
com_showFPS - show frames rendered per second, 3 == retail version of show FPS
com_showMapLoadStatus - show level load pacifier text
com_showMemoryUsage - show memory usage. 1 = always, 2 = only with com_showFPS. 3 =
only show usage of currently active heap.
com_showReminders - whether to show development reminders
com_skipGameRenderView - skip generating the GUIs
com_skipGuiStartFrame - 1 to skip gui start frame
com_skipInputRouting -
com_skipIntroVideo - skips the intro video
com_skipJoystickRumble - Whether to skip adding joystick rumble in common_frame or
com_skipKeyPressOnLoadScreens - skips keypress on load screens
com_skipSignInManager -
com_sleepGame - sleep for this many milliseconds between frames to simulate long
game frames.
com_snapLoadScreen - Use the load screen code while waiting on the host (0: safer,
use a dialog instead)
com_snapMapUseMapHeap - SnapMap uses the map heap
com_sourceControl - name of the source control dll to load
com_speeds - show engine timings. 1 = print on console, 2 = print on screen, 3 =
also show graph, 4 = retail version of graphs
com_statsFile - logfile name
com_structuredLogFileName - File name relative to the save path for the human
readable structured log
com_superScriptDLLPath - path for superscript to pull from
com_syncToTime -
com_threadSpeedScale - Time to screen scale
com_timeStampPrints - print time with each console print, 1 = sec, 2 = msec, 3 =
actual time
com_timer - replaces FPS with a seconds counter, set to -1 to start, set to 0 to
turn off
com_useCookedAssets - set on command line to enable loading of cooked assets
com_useCookedMD6Anims - set on command line to enable loading of cooked MD6 anims
com_useCookedMaterials - set on command line to enable loading of cooked materials
com_useCookedModels - set on command line to enable loading of cooked models
com_useCookedPreCompressedBvimages - set on command line to enable loading of
cooked pre-compressed bvimages
com_useEntitiesFiles - if set use .entities files instead of .map files for
production and buildgame loads
com_useMapHeap - Use a separate heap for each map load
com_waitForSavegames - during map heap reset, wait for the savegames to complete
com_warningSeverityFilter - print only if the severity of a warning is greater than
com_writeMissingDeclFiles - write out any missing decls for a specific decl type,
using the default decl (hit tab to display supported decl types)
compass_ObjectiveFadeTime - milliseconds for the objective marker to fade out when
shown in world
compass_ShowObjectiveTime - how long to show objectives in world when player
presses Y
compass_showObjectivesDelayTime - MS to delay before showing objectives when Y is
con_cpuUtilizationFrequency - The number of times per second to query CPU
utilization. Higher frequencies make the numbers less accurate.
con_fontSize - Use con_fontName at this many pixels wide per char
con_logThreadSpeeds - log the thread speeds for offline graphing
con_noPrint - print on the console but not onscreen when console is pulled up
con_notifyTime - time messages are displayed onscreen when console is pulled up
con_speed - speed at which the console moves up and down
cone_lerpRate -
cone_limit -
cone_segmentLen -
coop_dmgRumbleDurHigh - Rumble high duration when taking damage in coop
coop_dmgRumbleDurLow - Rumble high duration when taking damage in coop
coop_dmgRumbleScalarHigh - Rumble high scalar when taking damage in coop
coop_dmgRumbleScalarLow - Rumble high scalar when taking damage in coop
corpseManager_Debug - Debug Information for the Corpse Manager
corpseManager_MaxEntities - The max number of corpse entities to allow in the game,
-1 indicates use default from entity decl
corpseManager_MaxTime - The max time allowed for a corpse to remain in the game, -1
indicates use default from entity decl
corpse_optimzationStartTime - When can we start checking to turn things off
corpse_useEntityPool - Determines whether corpses will be created using entity
crosshair_UseDeferredTrace -
cu_enable - enable CUDA support
custom_player_rot -
cyberdemon_offsetScale - scale applied to target offsets
cyberdemon_swarmMissilesTrackEnemy - swarm missile will track player while in
cyberdemon_trackingScale - tracking scale as missile nears player
cyberdemon_trackingTransitionScale - tracking scale as missile re-aligns to target
cyberdemon_useTestTarget - use test pos as final target
cyberdemon_userDeferredFiring - uses deferred firing
deathHistory_Debug - Prints debug info about death history.
debugDeferredWorldRefresh - Toggle a box around the AI's head which indicates the
results of his refresh update.
debugDeferredWorldState - Toggle a box around the AI's head which indicates the
results of his sense update.
debugHud_textScale - Com_DebugHUD text Scale
debugIgnoreCustomRequirements - Whether or not to check custom requirements on
unlockable updates.
debugLevelScoreBreakDown - prints out the score breakdown for a level when calling
compute score
debugMapSpecificChallenges - print the name of the completed map specific
debug_channelWeight - enable Animator_ChannelWeight debug info for the specified
entity number
debug_playerVelocity - turns on player velocity debug line and uses the value as
the time to display in seconds
debug_print_game_settings - 1 = prints out gameSettings whenever the engine Cvars
get set.
debug_snapDialogRequestEnabled - Used only during debug environment. 1 = handle
vote requests
debug_weaponTrace -
decal_DrawGroup - Draw decal groups holding closest decals together.
decal_ForceFadeOutDuration - How long to take when fading a killed decal
decal_MaxDecalGroupingRadius - Max Radius we use to group decals
decal_MaxDecalsInRadius - How many decals are allowed in the radius
decal_goreBloodPoolPriority - the priority for the decal blood pools used to ensure
we create and rendering order
decal_skipDecals - Don't add decals for testing
declOverride_verbose - Print debug information regarding decl overriding
decl_mergeGenericMaterials - set to 0 to not merge generic materials on model load
decl_useTransparentUberShader - set to 1 to use the transparent uber shader
demo_ignoreBuildCheck - Normally demos will only play for the appropriate build.
This ignores that check. WARNING: Enabling this can result in strange behaviors and
demo_netdebug_buildSnapshotSummary - When starting playback, should the demo
manager build a summary of the snapshot data in the file?
demo_netdebug_largeSnapshotSize - In bytes, how big a snapshot should we call out
from the snapshot summary?
demo_netdebug_slowSnapshotDelay - In milliseconds, how far apart should snapshot be
for us to call out a warning from the snapshot summary?
demo_numPacketsPerCheckpoint - How many packets are used to store checkpoints?
Must be enough to store a complete base state for a full level.
demo_overrideLoadingScreen - Name of the loading screen GUI to use when loading a
demo_pause - Pauses the demo at the current point. Not a true pause, just an
interpolation pause (good enough for now)
demo_processPauseBreakType - During playback, which type of pause break should we
pause on? 0 = NONE, 1 = BAD SPAWN, 2 = FAILED GLORY KILL, 3 = BAD TELEPORT, 4 =
demo_processStoredReliables - During playback, should we process stored reliables?
If not, we'll skip them.
demo_recording_globaldisable - Flat-out disable demo recording from being initiated
(won't stop in-progress demos)
demo_timeScale - Scales the demo speed based on this value
demonCam_debug - Debug the DemonPlayerCamera
demonCam_enableKick - Whether to apply weapon kick at the camera level or not
demonCam_lerpScale - Scale the position lerp
demonCam_scale - Scale the forward camera axis
demonCrush_AllowAnyMove - Allow the player to swap any two tiles
demonCrush_HighScoreScale - How much to scale the floating text when > 1000
demonCrush_flashTime - How long a tile should flash before dying in MS
demonCrush_startingX - base X Offset of the game board
demonCrush_startingY - base Y Offset of the game board
demonCrush_tileHeight - How far should each tile be incremented in the X Axis
demonCrush_tileWidth - How far should each tile be incremented in the X Axis
demonCrush_useDirtyTileCheck - Use dirty tile check or check the whole board every
demonHands_bobCycleBlendAlphaSpringK - spring constant for blend alpha
demonHands_bobCycleCanFireWhileSprinting - If true, then the sprint anims will
immediately blend to the sprint shoot anims when attacking. If false, then the
sprint attack anims will not be used and the bob cycle will track when the sprint
cycle is finished blending out
demonHands_bobCycleChangeDelay - timeout on blending bob cycle between states to
slow down fast transitioning
demonHands_bobCycleDebug - enables debugging for the bob cycle animweb
demonHands_bobCycleDebugForwardMove - forced forwardmove for debugging
demonHands_bobCycleDebugRightMove - forced rightmove for debugging
demonHands_bobCycleDebugWeb - dumps trace info about the hands bob cycle animweb
demonHands_bobCycleDirectionSpringK - spring constant for direction spring
demonHands_bobCycleDoubleJumpIdleDelayMS - timeout on blending bob cycle back to
idle after double jumping
demonHands_bobCycleEnable - enables the bob cycle animweb
demonHands_bobCycleFallIdleDelayMS - timeout on blending bob cycle back to idle
after falling without jumping
demonHands_bobCycleFootStepEventTimeoutMS - timeout on footstep events to allow
bogus events to be rejected
demonHands_bobCycleIdleCmdTimeThreshold - no-input time in MS before before
switching to idle bob cycle
demonHands_bobCycleJumpIdleDelayMS - timeout on blending bob cycle back to idle
after jumping
demonHands_bobCycleShowBlendTree - draws the blend tree for the animated hands bob
demonHands_bobCycleSprintEnable - enables the bob cycle sprint animweb
demonHands_bobCycleSprintMinForward - min forward input for the bob cycle sprint
demonHands_debugLag - enable debugging for demon hands lag
demonHands_debugMeleeImpactDecal - enable debugging for demon hands melee impacts
demonHands_hitReactionsDebugTraceStates - dumps trace info about the demon hands
hit reaction states
demonHands_hitReactionsDebugWeb - dumps trace info about the demon hands hit
reaction animweb
demonHands_hitReactionsEnable - enables the hit reaction animweb
demonHands_hitReactionsTimeoutMs - timeout after a hit reaction plays before
another can play
demonHands_hitReactionsYawSmoothSpringK - spring constant for smoothing the hit
direction yaw
demonHands_lagEnable - enable demon hands lag
demonHands_lagForwardBackEnable - enable forward/back lag
demonHands_lagPitchEnable - enable pitch lag
demonHands_lagStrafeEnable - enable strafe lag
demonHands_lagYawEnable - enable yaw lag
demonHands_meleeUsesTagData - Whether demon melee uses the tag data or just damages
in front of the viewPos
demonHands_meleeVerticalOffsetCheck - How much to check up and down during each
melee trace update
demonLockCam_debug - Debug demon lock cam
demonLockCam_lockDistance - Distance for camera to follow player
demonLockCam_offsetDist - Distance to move the eye backwards
demonLockCam_turnBlendTime - Blend time to turn the camera in MS
devMode_enable - Enable entering developer mode
devMode_fatalErrorOnEnter - FatalError rather than enter Dev Mode
devMode_skipCorruptedSaves - Skip entering developer mode when loading corrupted
dev_allowAllUnlocks - If true, every unlock ( inventory, armor, vanity, etc ) is
permissible for use regardless of unlock condition.
devgui - 0 = disable DevGUI, 1 = enable DevGUI, 2 = enable DevGUI with key legend
devgui_aasTestType - AAS type we want to debug.
devgui_botTeamNum - -1 = random, 0 = team_one. 1 = team_two
devgui_botToGiveItem - Bot to give item
devgui_color - If empty, will use default color. Anything else will be parse as a
comma delimited RGBA color. EX: '0, 0, 1, .5' creates a blue colored menu.
devgui_curDebugLightingValue - debug lighting cvar only for devGUI
devgui_currentSyncMeleeAINum - 0 = disable, 1 - 7, show a different AI and its
various sync styles.
devgui_currentSyncMeleeNum - 0 = disable, 1 - n, show a different AI sync melee
devgui_demonNumToGive - N/A
devgui_drawClipType - Draw Clip Types By Name
devgui_forceAITeam - Force AI team
devgui_killBotNum - -1 = enemy, 0 = friendly. > 1 = clientNum of bot to teleport
devgui_powerUpNumToGive - N/A
devgui_showAASObstacles - 1 = show state of AAS obstacles in game.
devgui_showClipMaterialName - Show Clip Materials By Name
devgui_showSessionStats - 1 = session stat overlay
devgui_teleportAI - 1 = Spawn AI in teleporting
devgui_teleportBotNum - -1 = enemy, 0 = friendly. > 1 = clientNum of bot to
devlist_conan - Conan Build
dialog_saveClearLevel1 - Time required to show short message
dialog_saveClearLevel2 - Time required to show long message
dialog_useNewSaveIndicator -
dict_debugCheckSum - debug the checksum process for the dictionary
dict_strictSaveRules - if true it does not allow pre/post white spaces in sentences
on the saved files, data can result in checksum fail
dlts_cookiesGracePeriodMS - Time after a cookie expires that it will still be
dof_blur -
dof_far -
dof_focus -
dof_focusScale -
dof_lerpPerFrame -
dof_near -
dof_useFocusScale -
dossierOnlyShowMission - Should hide all pages except mission?
dossierSelectorInterpTime - Interp time for selector
dossierShowCodex - Should we show the codex tab in the Dossier?
dossier_dof_enable - Enable DoF change when weapon wheel is brought up
dossier_dof_fadein - Weapon Wheel DOF Fade In time in MS
dossier_dof_fadeout - Weapon Wheel DOF Fade Out time in MS
dossier_dof_far - Weapon Wheel DOF far field distance - temporary cvar for debug
dossier_dof_focus - Weapon Wheel DOF focal distance - temporary cvar for debug
dossier_dof_near - Weapon Wheel DOF near field distance - temporary cvar for debug
dossier_model_bobheight - Dossier Model Bob Speed
dossier_model_bobspeed - Dossier Model Bob Speed
dossier_model_deadzone - How Fast we rotate the weapons
dossier_model_pitch_clamp - Clamp Pitch Rotation
dossier_model_return_speed - How Fast we rotate back the weapons original rotation
dossier_model_rot_pitch_speed - How Fast we rotate the weapons
dossier_model_rot_yaw_speed - How Fast we rotate the weapons
dossier_model_yaw_clamp - Clamp Yaw Rotation
dossier_noNavigation - Dont allow Navigation within the Dossier
dossier_test_research_project_states - Keep one research project locked, another
active and the rest unlocked to test all states
dossier_timeoutMS - Length of time in MS after closing dossier before it can be
opened again
dossier_weapon_bobheight - Dossier Weapon Bob Speed
dossier_weapon_bobspeed - Dossier Weapon Bob Speed
dossier_weapon_deadzone - How Fast we rotate the weapons
dossier_weapon_pitch_clamp - Clamp Pitch Rotation
dossier_weapon_return_speed - How Fast we rotate back the weapons original rotation
dossier_weapon_rot_pitch_speed - How Fast we rotate the weapons
dossier_weapon_rot_yaw_speed - How Fast we rotate the weapons
dossier_weapon_yaw_clamp - Clamp Yaw Rotation
dp_aimFireAxisDebug - Debug fire axis for all demons
dp_aimFireAxisMinDot - When debugging the fire axis, warn if the dot product
between the view and fire axis drops below
dp_aimMuzzlePosDebug - Whether to display debug information on the aim vs muzzle
pos when testing for obstructed firing
dp_aimMuzzlePosDistSqr - Max Dist Sqr between aim target pos and muzzle to target
trace endpos
dp_aimTrackerDebug - Debug aim trackers for all demons
dp_aimTrackerDisableBlendTime - Milliseconds of time to blend aim trackers on/off
dp_aimTrackerEnable - Whether aim trackers are enabled for demons at all
dp_aimViewMuzzlePercentDiff - Percent diff required between muzzle trace and view
trace before fire pos moves to center of screen.
dp_allowDemonPlayerCorpses - Allow demon player corpses. Off for the dedicated
dp_allowForceCameraPitch - Test to turn off camera pitching
dp_animInitialState - the starting sub-web state for the demon player
dp_animLeanLerpRate - Maximum percentage lean blend can change per frame
dp_animLeanMinSpeed - Minimum speed required for leaning while running
dp_animWebLerpRate - Demon's anim web scalars max lerp change from 0.0 to 1.0
dp_animWebLerpScale - anim web lerp scale
dp_controlTimeToAddDueToSpawn - Milliseconds to add to control time to account for
spawn duration
dp_critHitFXDebug - Whether to debug the crit hit fx or not
dp_deadHideDemonTime - Default Duration in MS the demon stays dead before hiding
the demon body and creating a corpse
dp_deadMaxSpeedForStationary - Max speed to play stationary anim
dp_deadRemoveDemonTime - Duration in MS the demon stays dead before removing the
demon body
dp_debugCameraDistance - Debug distance to move out the floater camera
dp_debugCameraYawOffset - Debug Camera rotation around the demon
dp_debugControlTime - Debug demon control time
dp_debugControlTimeOverrideMS - Debug milliseconds control time before reverting to
dp_debugDeath - Debug DemonPlayer dying sequence
dp_debugDemonPickup - 1 = Log state of spawning/dropping demon pickups
dp_debugDemonPickupOpening - Debug opening/closing spawn points
dp_debugFSM - Debug DemonPlayerFSM for all demons
dp_debugInterpolation - Debug physics interpolation for all demon's
dp_debugMeleeTag - shows melee_trace tag in world space
dp_debugMeleeTargetPoints - Debug the melee target points on the target
dp_debugPoint - shows focus point
dp_debugRuneSpawnForceOpening - If >= 0.0, will force the rune opening
dp_debugRuneSpawnForceOpeningIdx - Index into spawnPoints list of which
dp_debugRuneSpawnForceOpening affects
dp_debugRuneSpawnPlayOpening - Play the rune spawn opening and closing
dp_debugScalars - Turn on to see debug for demons 3rd person anims
dp_debugScalarsPrint - Turn on to see debug for demons 3rd person anims output to
dp_debugSpawning - Whether to debug DemonPlayer spawning sequence
dp_debugTurningAnims - Debug turning animation choices
dp_demonVisionDisable - Debug to disable demon vision across the board for whatever
dp_disableMeleeGloryKill - Disallow melee glory kills by all demons. They should
just swipe.
dp_enableLavaDeathAnim - Enable special lava death anim
dp_enableThirdPersonWalkAnimData - Enables an alternate code path that scales the
motion playback to an exact set of speeds.
dp_enableWalkIK - Simple cvar that specifies if the demonplayer should ever have
walk ik on
dp_filterAnimBodyVelocity - Controls whether or not the DemonPlayer animweb is
driven off of filtered velocities
dp_freezePhysicsDuringSync - Whether to freeze the physics of DemonPlayer during a
sync interaction
dp_fsmAllowQueuing - Whether the DemonPlayerFSM allows queuing of states or
instantly transitions upon recieving the msg
dp_fsmPreserveQueued - Whether queued states should typically be preserved when
SetState is called
dp_fxDebug - List out start fx conditions on the active demonPlayer
dp_fxLimitThirdPerson - Whether to limit third person FX while in 1st person
dp_gloryKillDemonDamageTakenMultiplier - When in a glory kill(as the instigator),
what ratio of normal damage do mp demons take?
dp_gloryKillMaxAllowableDistanceForRandom - When choosing a random glory kill, how
close must it be to the best one to be valid.
dp_groundHeightCheckDebug - Output debug from ground height checks
dp_groundHeightCheckDistance - Distance to check down for ground under the demon to
determine lastValidPickupPosition & our ground heigh trace
dp_groundHeightCheckInAirDistance - Distance by which we're considered 'in air' for
the idle anim and which we look for ground for footsteps
dp_handsChannelBlendMs - Demon hands channel animator blend time
dp_hideCorpseOnLavaDeath - Enable hiding the corpse if you die in lava
dp_hornsDebug - Debug demon horns
dp_invulnerabilityOnSpawnDuration - Duration in MS the demon is invulnerable after
dp_jumpDebug - Output debug data for the demon's jump
dp_jumpLaunchDuration - MS duration after jumping before we can leave that anim to
play movement/turning anims
dp_jumpTraversalMinApexHeight - Min apex height from the higher of starting or
landing pos
dp_ledgeGrabDebug - Enable/disable ledge grab debugging
dp_ledgeGrabHeightCheckDistance - Distance which we look for ground for ledge grab
dp_maxHealthScalar - MP specific demon max health scalar
dp_meleeAutoLunge - How much movement to automatically move foward
dp_meleeDo2dLunge - Whether to limit the melee lunge to 2D or allow 3D
dp_meshHideDistance - aiCamera distance to hide the demon mesh at
dp_minAirTimeForJump - Duration in MS the demon has to be in the air before
transitioning out
dp_modelRotationBiasDot - Which direction to bias towards if the modelAxis and
modelIdealDir are in opposite directions
dp_modelRotationRate - Rotation rate while moving in degrees per sec
dp_modelScaleOverride - Override for demon's render model scale
dp_movePlayerToSpawnPos - Move the Player to the DemonPlayer's position while in
the Spawn state for the demon
dp_moveSpeedThresholdStart - How fast does the demon have to move to start
animating his movement
dp_moveSpeedThresholdStop - How slow does the demon have to move to stop animating
dp_painAdditiveAlpha -
dp_painAnim - Anim to force play for pain demonplayer
dp_painAnimDebug - Debug demonplayer pain animations
dp_painAnimDelay - Required delay before playing next pain anims on demonplayer
dp_painAnimEnabled - Enable pain anims on demonplayer
dp_painAnimForce - Force using dp_painAnim for pain animations. For debugging
dp_painBlendInTimeMS - Blend in time in MS on pain anims on demonplayer
dp_painBlendOutTimeMS - Blend out time in MS on pain anims on demonplayer
dp_painSoundDelay - Required delay before playing next pain sounds on demonplayer
dp_printDemonPlayerData - Print out demonplayer data when spawned in
dp_printDmg - prints out dmg and health value when damaged
dp_ragdollDeath - Whether to do a ragdoll-driven instead of an animation-driven
dp_runeOverrideRespawnTimeMs - Override the demon rune respawn time.
dp_runeSpawnClosingTime - Time in MS it takes for the rune spawner cracks to close
dp_runeSpawnOpeningTime - Time in MS it takes for the rune spawner cracks to open
dp_runeTimerStartOnPlayerDeath - Preserve behavior of starting rune timer on player
dp_spawnClipDebug - Debug using the smaller spawn clip model
dp_spawnClipEnableMode - 0 = Always use full sized clip. 1 = Start with smaller
clip then switch when big one fits. 2 = Always use smaller clip.
dp_spawnDamageMitigationDebug - Should we debug damage mitigation damage
immediately after spawn
dp_spawnDamageMitigationEnable - Should we mitigate damage immediately after spawn
dp_spawnHeight - Offset to spawn above the player to avoid collision problems.
dp_strafeThreshold - Cos of angle to transition into strafe animations
dp_timeOutDuration - How many seconds before we time out do we start the time out
sequence of fx
dp_validPickupCheckAAS - Whether to check AAS when validating
lastValidPickupPosition. Default is off until maps are closer to final.
dp_validPickupCheckAASBounds - Whether to check if the point is within the AAS area
dp_validPickupCheckAASDistanceZ - When checking if the lastValidPickupPosition is
on AAS, how far off in the Z direciton do we allow.
dp_validPickupClipHeight - Height to use for valid pickup contents check
dp_validPickupClipTaperWidth - Width to use for valid pickup contents check on the
tapered bottom
dp_validPickupClipWidth - Width to use for valid pickup contents check
dp_validPickupDebug - Output debug from checks for the lastValidPickupPosition
dp_validPickupDebugAAS - Show the area we validated
dp_validPickupIgnoreContentsHeight - When our ground trace exceeds this height,
ignore the contents check.
dp_validPickupNormalCheck - Min Cos of ground plane normal to be valid for
dp_visionOutline_BaseColor_B - Base Color for the enemy player hightlight
dp_visionOutline_BaseColor_G - Base Color for the enemy player hightlight
dp_visionOutline_BaseColor_R - Base Color for the enemy player hightlight
dp_visionOutline_ColorScale - Scalar to multiply the color by so they can be
brightend uniformly.
dp_visionOutline_Debug - Debug mode for enemy highlight colors. 1 == invis, 2 =
quad, 3 = haste, 4 = regen
dp_visionOutline_HasteColor_B - Haste Color for the enemy player hightlight
dp_visionOutline_HasteColor_G - Haste Color for the enemy player hightlight
dp_visionOutline_HasteColor_R - Haste Color for the enemy player hightlight
dp_visionOutline_QuadColor_B - Quad Damage Color for the enemy player hightlight
dp_visionOutline_QuadColor_G - Quad Damage Color for the enemy player hightlight
dp_visionOutline_QuadColor_R - Quad Damage Color for the enemy player hightlight
dp_visionOutline_RegenColor_B - Regen Color for the enemy player hightlight
dp_visionOutline_RegenColor_G - Regen Color for the enemy player hightlight
dp_visionOutline_RegenColor_R - Regen Color for the enemy player hightlight
dp_walkRunBlendWindowSize - Percentage of the difference between targetWalkSpeed
and targetRunSpeed to use as a blend window
dp_walkRunBlendWindowStart - Percentage of the difference between targetWalkSpeed
and targetRunSpeed to start the blend window
dplg_AnimBlendFrames - Animation blend frames
dplg_BlockCheckUse8x8 - If set, then the block check uses an 8x8 cube instead of a
dplg_CheckStandHeightOffsetZ - Fudge value to help with small geometry issue with
contents checks for where we can stand at the end of the grab
dplg_CheckVerticalVelocity - Enables preventing ledge grab if vertical velocity
would take us above the ledge
dplg_Debug - 1=Debug player ledge grab behavior, 2=verbose output
dplg_DebugActivateNoQueryUpdateOnGrab - If true then freeze the query at the next
dplg_DebugCylinderDurationMS - How long the debug cylinder that shows the player's
resulting position lasts
dplg_DebugNoQueryUpdate - Update the query or not
dplg_DebugTextForwardDist - Debug text in world positioning
dplg_DebugTextOffset - Debug text in world positioning
dplg_DebugTextResultsOffset - Debug text in world positioning
dplg_DebugTextSideSpacing - Debug text in world positioning
dplg_DebugTraceStates - 1=Debug trace the player ledge grab states, 2=verbose
dplg_Enable - Enable or disable player contextual ledge grab behavior
dplg_EnableDeferredTraces - 0 = inline traces, 1 = deferred traces, 2 = deferred
and inline traces for comparison error checking
dplg_EnableRailingAboveLedgeGrab - This enables or disables the ability to climb a
railing above a ledge
dplg_ForceState - Force the ledge grab to use a particular state. Use for viewing
all states.
dplg_InitiateLookATMaxAngle - maximum angle in degrees between the player view
direction and the line from the view to the ledge grab position
dplg_InitiateMaxAngle - maximum angle in degrees between the ledge face normal and
the player heading to validate a ledge for grabbing
dplg_LedgeFaceMaxDegsFromVertical - Maximum degrees away from vertical the ledge
face is allowed to be
dplg_LedgeSurfaceMaxDegsFromHorizontal - Maximum degrees away from horizontal the
ledge surface is allowed to be
dplg_MinInputToInitiate - The minimum forward input to initiate a grab (0-1)
dplg_NoGrabTimeMS - This many MS after releasing before player can grab again
dplg_OutputDeltaMove - How many delta moves to output
dplg_RequireLookAtLedge - Require player to look at the ledge in order to grab it
dplg_UseAnyValidPos - If true, a ledge grab can be performed if ANY of the center,
right, or left positions validate. Otherwise, ALL of those positions must validate.
dpp_debug - Debug demonplayer presence
dpp_debugDistance - Debug demonplayer presence distance to demon
dpp_debugFXPosition - Debug demonplayer presence fx positions
dpp_debugFXPositionLifetime - Debug demonplayer presence fx position lifetime
dpp_enable - Enable or disable demonplayer presence
dpp_fxAroundDemonChance - Percent chance of spawning fx around the demon
dpp_fxAroundDemonPitchRange - Degrees to +/- around demon to spawn fx
dpp_fxAroundDemonYawRange - Degrees to +/- around demon to spawn fx
dpp_fxLOSChecksEnabled - FX does LOS checks to player before validating position
dpp_fxMaxValidCheckDirection - Max number of attempts we try to not collide with
other decals
dpp_fxMinLifetimeMs - Minimum FX lifetime allowed
dpp_fxRandomBellCurveAccuracy - Higher number means our randomness will more
closely approximate a bell curve
dpp_fxRandomPitchRange - Degrees to +/- onto current view pitch when selecting a
random direction to spawn FX
dpp_fxRandomYawRange - Degrees to +/- onto current view yaw when selecting a random
direction to spawn FX
dpp_fxSpacingCloseAngle - Close angle to use when distance to fx <=
dpp_fxSpacingCloseDistance - Close distance to use when lerping between
dpp_fxSpacingCloseAngle and dpp_fxSpacingFarAngle
dpp_fxSpacingFarAngle - Far angle to use when distance to fx >=
dpp_fxSpacingFarDistance - Far distance to use when lerping between
dpp_fxSpacingCloseAngle and dpp_fxSpacingFarAngle
dpp_fxValidFailedDelay - Ms to delay trying again for a slot
dpp_spacingDist - Distance fx need to be from each other
dpp_useNormalDistCheck - Whether to check the dist from the center of the fx to
where the new fx line intersects the normal plane for spacing distance
dpp_useOcclusion - Presence uses sound occlusion for distance to demon rather than
a straight line check
dpp_useSpacingDistCheck - Whether to use the angle check or the distance check to
determine if the fx are too close to one another
dsDoor_Debug - if true show debug info on screen for the designsystems door
dsTurret_ClampRotation - 0: none. 1: clamp yaw. 2: clamp pitch. 3: clamp yaw &
dsTurret_Debug -
dsTurret_DebugFiring -
dsTurret_DebugPlayerTurning -
dsTurret_DebugTurning -
dsTurret_NoReloadTimer - Instant Reloads
dsTurret_ShowAngles -
dsTurret_TargetPlayer -
dsTurret_UseDeferredFiring - set to use deferred firing
ds_contextMenuDisabled - disables/enables the interactive context menu
ds_debug - if true show debug info on screen for the designsystems entities
ds_disableOutlineModels - disables outlines on design systems entities
ds_turnoffthink - if true we try to turn off the think flags on designsystem
dtls_cipherSuitesPreference - List of cipher suites in decreasing order of
preference separated by ','.
dtls_cookiesCallsLimit - Number of calls before a new cookie secret needs to be
generated (must be > than COOKIE_CALLS_MINIMUM)
dtls_cookiesLifetimeMS - Time before the cookie secret needs to be generated
dtls_enableAlternateSignatureAlgorithms - DTLS enable alternate signature
dtls_enableCertificateTypes - DTLS enable sending non-x509 certificates
dtls_enableEncryptThenMAC - DTLS enable encrypt then MAC extension (more secure)
dtls_enableHeartbeatRequests - DTLS enable being sent heartbeat request messages
dtls_enableHeartbeats - DTLS enable heartbeat messages (helps determine PTMU)
dtls_enableRenegotiationInfo - DTLS enable renegotiation info extension (secures
dtls_enableTruncatedHMAC - DTLS enable trucated HMAC values extension (first 80
bits instead of full value)
dtls_maxCbcExtraPaddingBlocks - Maximum number of padding blocks to add when using
CBC mode (up to 14)
dtls_maximumFragmentLength - DTLS Maximum Fragment Length extension value (0 =
2**14, 1 = 2**9, 2 = 2**10, 3 = 2**11, 4 = 2**12)
dtls_maximumHandshakeMessageRetransmit - Maximum number of handshake message
retransmits before aborting the connection
dtls_verbose - Controls logging dtls messages (0 = none, 1 = debug, 2 = trace)
echo_glitch_value - the echo glitch distortion value
economy_debug - Enables Debug Display for Player Economy
elimination_assistBonusOverride - lives to award for assist, -1 indicates use value
from data
elimination_barStartLagSeconds - How long the secondary bar should wait to begin
its tween
elimination_barTransitionSeconds - How long the secondary bar should take to catch
elimination_clientJoinGraceTime - how long new clients are allowed to join the
match, game mode is guaranteed to persist at least this long
elimination_deathPenaltyOverride - lives to penalize for death, -1 indicates use
value from data
elimination_debugHudEnabled - enables game state hud (debug version)
elimination_decayAppliesToDeadPlayers - is decay applied to dead players?
elimination_decayOverride - sets one decay for the entire match
elimination_enableOverTheShoulderSpectatorCamera - enables the ots spectator cam in
elimination_gameModeOverride - 0 - standard elimination, 1 - global culling timer,
lives are culled. 2 - global culling timer, max lives are culled. 3 - personal
culling timer
elimination_hideNameplateUntilFrenzy - should nameplates be hidden until frenzy
mode happens?
elimination_initialArmorBonus - armor to grant players on spawn
elimination_initialNumberOfLivesOverride - number of lives players get at beginning
of round
elimination_killBonusOverride - lives to award for kill, -1 indicates use value
from data
elimination_maxNumberOfLivesOverride - override max life count
elimination_nameplateDisplayMode - 0 - 'x lives', 1 - '* * *'
elimination_numKillsToEarnBonusLifeOverride - override number of kills to earn
bonus life
elimination_remainingDisplayOverride - used to debug remaining player count
display, < 0 to disable
elimination_secondsPerBarPulse - how fast to pulse the bar
elimination_suppressEndGame - prevents the game from ending for any reason
enableLeaderboards - turn off to disable leaderboard callbacks
enableSnapPostMatchStats - 0 to stop posting stats
enableSnapShareProfile - 0 to stop sharing profiles
encounterScript_debug - debug info for the encounter script
encounterScript_debugCombatGroups - debug info for the encounter manager spawner
encounterScript_debugSpawners - debug info for the encounter manager spawner
encounterScript_debugSpawners_PauseUpdates - debug info for the encounter manager
encounterScript_disable - disable update and spawning routines for encounter
encounterScript_globalMaxAI - Max number of AI that will be allowed through the
encounter system
energyshield_EnableDebug - Enables debug drawing for the energyshield
energyshield_MaxTargets - How many targets we can gather for energyshield
energyshield_ParryAlways - Parry will always succeed
energyshield_ReflectPlayerForward - Projectile reflection goes to player's forward
energyshield_ShowProjectileArc - Enables debug drawing for the energyshield
energyshield_lerpAmount - How fast the projectile lerps to reflection
entity_enterDormancyCheckFrequency - How often to perform full enter dormancy
checks. Set to 1 to disable.
entity_leaveDormancyCheckFrequency - How often to perform full leave dormancy
checks. Set to 1 to disable.
envShot_conservation_bias - balance for power scaling
envSuit_dbgReviveFromProps - turn on info about reviving the player using health
envSuit_debugHazards - Enables Designers to see what their intervals are doing
envSuit_debugSavingThrow - prints debug info for saving throw
envSuit_disableHazardMeter - disables the environmental hazards, 1 - HUD meter
still damages, 2 - HUD Meter no damage
eol_Conan - Go Back to Dev Menu on End of Level
face_animFrameOffset - animation frame offset
face_blinkScale - scale blink intervals by this much
face_debug - 1 = show debugging info for face / lip-sync animation
face_debugEyes - 1 = show debugging info for eye alignment
face_debugFluff - entity number to display debug info regarding facial fluff
face_debugTextEvent - break when the text in a text event matches this value
face_debugTime - if true, so debugging info for timing
face_debugWeights - 1 = show unnormalized weights for each frame
face_enableFidgeting - enable fidgeting
face_enableGlancing - enable glancing
face_eyeDampen - dampen factor for eye tracking
face_eyeJitter - maximum jitter offset at a distance of eyeJitterMinDist
face_eyeSpreadScale - scale to apply to the delta between the AI's eyes when
offsetting the left eye's focus point
face_eyeZOffset - offset to apply to focus Z
face_fidgetIntervalMax - maximum interval between fidgets
face_fidgetIntervalMin - minimum interval between fidgets
face_fluffIntervalMax - maximum min interval between any fluff
face_fluffIntervalMin - minimum min interval between any fluff
face_glanceIntervalMax - maximum interval between glances
face_glanceIntervalMin - minimum interval between glances
face_jitterMinDist - distance at which eye jitter clamps to minimum
face_lipsyncWeight - max weight for lips
face_mapWeightsToSine - if true, alpha values for visemes are mapped to sine waves
for to ease blends in and out
face_serialize - Serialize face animators
face_skipBlink - 1 = don't blink
face_skipGestures - 1 = don't play gestures
face_skipHead - 1 = don't play head anims
face_skipLidDeform - 1 = don't do eye lid deformation
face_skipLipsync - 1 = don't do eye lip syncing
face_skipMood - 1 = don't play mood anims
face_skipProcedural - 1 = don't play procedurally triggered anims (blink, lid
deform, lip sync, and mood )
face_syncToGameTime - if true, sync lipsync and gestures to game time instead of
real time
face_syncToRealTime - if true, sync lipsync and gestures to real time instead of
game time
face_voStreamDelay - delay ( in ms ) to suspend vo starts to accommodate sound
fc_checkHdcTimestamps - If zero, don't clear the hard disk cache when timestamps
are dirty
fc_hardDiskNoSeekOffset - number of cache lines that can be skipped without seeking
fc_hardDiskRequestTimeOut - milliseconds after which a request times out
fc_maxCacheMemoryMB - Maximum cache size in megabytes
fc_minCacheMemoryMB - Minumum cache size in megabytes, take this much even if over
fc_opticalDiskNoSeekOffset - number of cache lines that can be skipped without
fc_opticalDiskRequestTimeOut - milliseconds after which a request times out
fc_opticalDiskSkipOffset - keep on reading if the next cache line is less than this
many lines ahead
fc_periodicStreamControlJobFrequency - Frequency of stream control job
fc_printProcessRequestsPerformanceWarning - print the
"idStreamControlThread::ProcessRequests() took x msec" performance warning
fc_useHdc - 1 = enable hard hard cache, 2 = force hard disk cache
fc_usePeriodicJob - Use periodic job instead of thread for stream control
fc_verifyCacheReadData - Compare every cache read with an actual ReadOfs
flightmap_useBinaryFiles - read and write binary flightmaps
flightmap_useOptimized - use optimized flight map building
fnc_show - distance to render flight nav voxels
focus_defaultUsableDistance - Distance threshold to display and perform usable
forge_currentNetwork - Location for forge network traffic routing.
forge_taskName - forge task name
forge_userId - forge user identifier
fpArmorAdjustments - Turn on code path for 1st person armor piece offsets
fpArmorLeftArmOffsetPosX - 1st person armor LeftForeArmRoll1 offset x
fpArmorLeftArmOffsetPosY - 1st person armor LeftForeArmRoll1 offset y
fpArmorLeftArmOffsetPosZ - 1st person armor LeftForeArmRoll1 offset z
fpArmorLeftArmOffsetRotX - 1st person armor LeftForeArmRoll1 rotation x
fpArmorLeftArmOffsetRotY - 1st person armor LeftForeArmRoll1 rotation y
fpArmorLeftArmOffsetRotZ - 1st person armor LeftForeArmRoll1 rotation z
fpArmorLeftHandOffsetPosX - 1st person armor LeftHand offset x
fpArmorLeftHandOffsetPosY - 1st person armor LeftHand offset y
fpArmorLeftHandOffsetPosZ - 1st person armor LeftHand offset z
fpArmorLeftHandOffsetRotX - 1st person armor LeftHand rotation x
fpArmorLeftHandOffsetRotY - 1st person armor LeftHand rotation y
fpArmorLeftHandOffsetRotZ - 1st person armor LeftHand rotation z
fpArmorRightArmOffsetPosX - 1st person armor RightForeArmRoll1 offset x
fpArmorRightArmOffsetPosY - 1st person armor RightForeArmRoll1 offset y
fpArmorRightArmOffsetPosZ - 1st person armor RightForeArmRoll1 offset z
fpArmorRightArmOffsetRotX - 1st person armor RightForeArmRoll1 rotation x
fpArmorRightArmOffsetRotY - 1st person armor RightForeArmRoll1 rotation y
fpArmorRightArmOffsetRotZ - 1st person armor RightForeArmRoll1 rotation z
fpArmorRightHandOffsetPosX - 1st person armor RightHand offset x
fpArmorRightHandOffsetPosY - 1st person armor RightHand offset y
fpArmorRightHandOffsetPosZ - 1st person armor RightHand offset z
fpArmorRightHandOffsetRotX - 1st person armor RightHand rotation x
fpArmorRightHandOffsetRotY - 1st person armor RightHand rotation y
fpArmorRightHandOffsetRotZ - 1st person armor RightHand rotation z
fs_OnDemandZipReads - Closes opened zip files after they're opened and re-opens
them when file IO needs to take place
fs_arbitraryZipSupport - default = 1, 0 = will not load zip files
fs_atomicFileWrite - Return idFile_AtomicWrite instead of idFile_Permanent on
fs_basepath - (Read Only) Location for game files
fs_benchmarkSeekMicroseconds - If benchmark < this, assume HD
fs_cachepath - (Read/Write) Location for temporary files
fs_caseSensitiveFS -
fs_copyfiles - If set will copy all files opened for read to this path, i.e.
'fs_copyfiles x:/work/d00m/' may be set on the command line or post engine load
fs_debug -
fs_generatedPath - Location of generated data
fs_installpath - (Read/Write) Location for installed files
fs_mtpWholeReadThreshold - if an mtp file size is less than this threshold, block
read the entire thing and return a memory file
fs_nfsRetries - nfs connection error retries before failure, -1 for infinite
fs_nfsRetryWait - nfs connection error wait before retry in seconds
fs_noCheckout - 1 = chmod local files for writing/deleting instead of checking out
fs_noOverlappedIO - default = 0, 1 = uses blocking reads instead of overlapped
fs_pathDeclOverride - (Read Only) Secondary Location for decl game files
fs_readOnly - default = 0, 1 = will set file system to read only
fs_reportReads - Report every filesystem reads
fs_savepath - (Read/Write) Location for development storage files, overwrites the
default savegame path as well for the PC
fs_shareRetry - default = 0, 1 = retry opening files when encountering a sharing
fs_sourceControlEnable - enable automatic source control gets for missing files
fs_sourceControlGetWholeFolders - update the entire folder on a source control get,
only gets files with the same extension, currently excludes tgas
fs_sourceControlWorkspace - use an explicit workspace for source control operations
fs_sourcepath - (Read Only) Location for source files
fx_skipSounds - Don't play FX sounds
fx_verbose - print verbose warnings for fx
g_AmmoScalar - Scales max ammo capacity
g_EBoltDamageEpsilon - Margin of error for entity collisions
g_EnableGore - 0 = only blood particles unless overridden, 1 = gore, 2 = no gore at
g_EntityShowSpawns - 1 = show everything that spawns, 0 - dont.
g_EnvironmentDamageDebug - used for debugging environmental damage
g_LootDropOffsetLength - How much to offset entities being dropped by loot crates
g_SetShowWeaknessIndicator - Set ShowWeaknessIndicator on weapons using
g_SpawnablePropShotImpulse - impulse to apply when shot
g_TestClothComponentWind -
g_VolumeClientDeath - If true, will predict death on clients that fall into kill
volumes before server authorizes the death
g_VolumeDebug - used for debugging volumes
g_VolumeUMBFriendlyCheck - Perform the friendly check on the Unstable Matter Ball
volume player slowing
g_VolumeVirtualGUINumDebugPoints - how many points to create for debugging
g_aiIncomingDamageScale_DIFFICULTY_EASY - Difficulty Scaling
g_aiIncomingDamageScale_DIFFICULTY_HARD - Difficulty Scaling
g_aiIncomingDamageScale_DIFFICULTY_MEDIUM - Difficulty Scaling
g_aiIncomingDamageScale_DIFFICULTY_NIGHTMARE - Difficulty Scaling
g_aiSpawnFilter - if set to an entity name, only AI with the specified name will be
spawned. Intended for debugging problem AI in isolation.
g_allowDemonPickup - If true, this will allow the demon pickup to work normally. If
false, you will not become the demon
g_allowReloadsWhenFull - allow weapon reloads even when weapon is full
g_allowSingleEntityDebug - Allows system to debug on a single entity basis which is
more expensive since each has to be checked
g_allowWeaponSwitchToEmpty - Allow the player to cycle through empty weapons
g_ammoDropScale - scales amount of ammo you get that was dropped by AI. if -1 use
the tables from the game
g_ammoPickupScale - scales amount of ammo you get from pickups manually placed in
maps. if -1 use the tables from the game
g_armorDropScale - scales amount of armor you get that was dropped by AI. if -1 use
the tables from the game
g_armorPickupScale - scales amount of armor you get from pickups manually placed in
maps. if -1 use the tables from the game
g_attackPauseMSAfterDemonPossession - MS after demon possession ends before
attacking is allowed, to demon input being mistaken for player input
g_autoDOFOnGK - Enables Auto DOF for GloryKills
g_autoDOFOnGK_FadeoutTime - Auto DOF for GloryKills - Fadeout Time
g_autoDOFOnGK_Far - Auto DOF for GloryKills- Far Plane
g_autoDOFOnGK_Focus - Auto DOF for GloryKills - Focus Plane
g_autoDOFOnGK_Near - Auto DOF for GloryKills - Near Plane
g_autoEquipNewWeapon - When a new weapon is picked up, automatically equip it
g_autoMotionBlurOnGK - turn on motion blur during glory kills
g_badSpawnDamageDealtTime - After spawning, if player deals damage under this time.
Send bad spawn event.
g_badSpawnDamageReceivedTime - After spawning, if player receives damage under this
time. Send bad spawn event.
g_badSpawnDeathTime - After spawning, if player dies under this time. Send bad
spawn event.
g_berserkMode - 0 - latest mode, 1 - latest test mode
g_bfgAmmoDropScale - scales amount of BFG ammo you get that was dropped by AI. if
-1 use the tables from the game
g_bfgAmmoPickupScale - scales amount of BFG ammo you get from pickups manually
placed in maps. if -1 use the tables from the game
g_blendRoot - name of animator to treat as root for g_showBlendTree
g_blendedZoom_disable - Globally disable blended zoom for all weapons.
g_blendedZoom_fovDelay - When using a blended zoom, we delay the FOV lerp by this
amount to compensate for the lack of zoom animation
g_blendedZoom_nonLinear - Do a non linear blended lerp for
g_bloodEffects - show blood splats, sprays and gibs
g_bloodSphereScale - Maximum amount to scale a blood sphere compared to the size of
the incoming blood sphere radius
g_breakableAngular -
g_breakableDebugDecals -
g_breakableDebugIslands -
g_breakableDebugPos - Render debug positions of breakable rigid bodies
g_breakableDuration -
g_breakableExplosionImpulseScale -
g_breakableFXRandomPercentage - if > 0.0f, this value will override the percentage
in the decl
g_breakableImpulseScale -
g_breakableMass -
g_breakableMaxHeightDifference - max delta from base to body in z for the body to
g_breakableOffset -
g_breakableRadius -
g_breakableRayUpPercent -
g_breakableSpin -
g_breakablefloorsplatfromceiling -
g_breathDamageDuration - number of seconds the damage sounds, heartbeat or
breathing lasts
g_cameraPlayerHack - true = force player 0 for camera
g_checkForClientDeleteVerificationAmount - When first and last obj id awaiting
deletion verification are this far apart, run a check (could just be 2 objects if
the numbers are far apart.
g_clientDrop_Dist - if this should show the ribbon
g_clientDrop_debug - if this should show the ribbon
g_clientFire_checkDeathDebug - Debug messages about dead clients doing damage
g_clientFire_checkDeathMode - 0=Always allow hit msgs. Fairest (but still unfair)
for HPB but results in more double deaths. 1=Server interpolated time; favors LPBs,
less double kills. 2=Server absolute time. Highly favors LPBs, no double kills
g_clientFire_clientHitScanOnDeath - If true, we will send a hitscan message even if
the entity is already dead
g_clientFire_damageMessageCutoffMs - Hit messages with a server time of hit larger
than this (in Ms) behind current time will get rejected and not apply the damage
from them
g_clientFire_useBackupWeapon - If ClientWeaponFire shows a NULL weapon, attempt to
figure out which weapon the client actually fired and use that.
g_clientUpdateInfoAllowIfWrongSpawnId - if true, idPlayers and idDemonPlayers will
allow clientToServerUpdateInfo for the wrong spawnId
g_clonePortalRendermodels -
g_conveyorUseRendezvousForSpawn - Should we used estimated rendezvous points when
choosing a spawn point?
g_coop_revivePCT - PCT of health to revive to in coop (player to player)
g_damageHealthLimitHeavy - health level to start heartbeat
g_damageHealthLimitMedium - health level to start medium breathing
g_damageImpulseMultiplier - A multiplier to apply to damage numbers to get physics
impulses for props.
g_damageSave - reduces damage taken based on percentage of health vs maxhealth
g_damageScale - scale final damage on player by this factor
g_damage_debugExpansion - show expansion
g_damage_overrideExpansionSpeed - override expansion speed, -1.0 for default
g_damage_useExpansionSpeed - use expansion speed with radius damage
g_damageablePowerBase -
g_damageablePowerScale -
g_deactivatedEntityPruneThreshold - [-?..0] = disable, >0 triggers a prune of the
activeEntities list for every N entities that are removed
g_deathCamDataManagerUpdateRateHz - Update rate in Hz
g_debugAISpawnNodes - 1 = debug AI spawn nodes
g_debugActorModifierComponents - Prints out debug information regarding actor
modifier components
g_debugActorModifiers - Draw debug actor modifier info to the HUD
g_debugActorRepulsors - 1 = debug actor repulsors
g_debugAnim - displays information on which animations are playing on the specified
entity number. set to -1 to disable.
g_debugBinaryModelControllerRadius - Draw a sphere to represent the radius of
binary model controller entities.
g_debugBinaryModelControllerTargetBounds - Draw the bounds that were calculated
from the target binary models; used for toggleOffScreen.
g_debugChargeablePistol - print debug information about pistol states
g_debugCheatCodes - used to debug cheat codes being used
g_debugClothAxis -
g_debugClothComponent -
g_debugCombatScoring - Turns on the combat scoring system.
g_debugCounts - print debug information about entity counts and calls to expensive
g_debugDamage - print debug information about damage taken (armor / health /
g_debugDamageGroup - Show damage information for damage groups
g_debugDeviation - if true draws debug info about projectile deviation
g_debugDormancy - show when entities begin and end dormancy
g_debugDrawEntityInterpolation - will draw the debug interpolation info
g_debugEBolt -
g_debugEjectShells - debug the ejected shells
g_debugEntityInactiveForClient - print out debug text when a server authoritative
entity becomes inactive on the client
g_debugEntityInterpolation - will print out the entity interpolation calculations
g_debugEventQueue - 1-prints a message if event queue num exceeds this amount, 2-
Prints the information for each event processed
g_debugEventQueueDuplicates - 1-prints message if events of the same type are sent
to the same object per frame, 2-prints a message if exact event is found in queue
multiple times per frame
g_debugFX - 1 = fx start/stop debug, 2 = verbose start/stop debug, 3 = distance
debug, 4+ = serialization
g_debugFireManager - show fire manager debug visualization
g_debugFireSounds - 1: Print debugging info about fire sounds, 2: verbose spew
g_debugFixedSpreadRandomDecals - shows where the damage traces are hitting
g_debugFootStepEffect - print debug information about footstep impact effects
g_debugGore - 1 = output enableGore() results to screen, 2 = visualize gore cloth,
3 = visualize gib spray
g_debugHologram - print debug information about the hologram
g_debugHologramLifetimeMS - debug for lifetime of hologram
g_debugImpactEffect - print debug information about projectile impact effects
g_debugImpactMgr - impact manager debug
g_debugLaserSight - if true draws debug info for the player/ai laser sight
g_debugLayerChanges - shows info on layer changes
g_debugLayers - print information about layer changes during play
g_debugLines - 1 = show debug points as lines
g_debugManagedObjectRegistration - Turn on printf debuging for managed objects
register and unregister
g_debugMeleeTraces - 1 = show melee traces. 2 = show melee traces and bounds
g_debugMeleeTracesLifetime - How long to leave visible the debugMeleeTraces
g_debugMove - print debug information about player movement (sets
g_debugMover - print debug information about movers moving
g_debugMoverModifiers - if true, will print debug information on mover modifiers
g_debugMoverMods - show information about specified mover modifier.
g_debugMoverSpeedSoundBindings - if true, will print debug information on mover
g_debugOldSlicerUI - Show the old slicer UI
g_debugParametricMM - debug parametricMM movement
g_debugParametricSplineAngles - Debug spline angular movement
g_debugParametricSplineMovement - Debug spline movement
g_debugParametricSplineVelocity - Debug spline angular movement
g_debugParry_farPlane - far plane to use for parry
g_debugParry_fov - fov to use for parry (default: 0, uses g_fov)
g_debugParry_maxHeight - max height to use for parry
g_debugParry_nearPlane - near plane to use for parry
g_debugParry_time - amount of time (secs) parry lasts
g_debugPlayer - Player for debug commands like noclip. If -1, it will use the local
g_debugPlayerZoom - Debug zoom values
g_debugPowerWeaponPickup - 1 = Log state of spawning/dropping GBF pickups
g_debugProjectileProximityMine - Show debug logging for idProjectileProximityMine
g_debugPushBounds - Display push bounds
g_debugRagdollImpulses - Prints and draws debug information for ragdoll impulses
g_debugRenderForceDepthTest - if true, then debug render geometry will always depth
g_debugRewards - 1 = prints out in game rewards, 0 = off
g_debugScript - print debug information about threads being created and destroyed
g_debugShowMoverAttachmentAxis - show axis for the mover entities
g_debugSiphon - Debug damage -> health transfer.
g_debugSiphonRadius - Show expanding siphon radius.
g_debugSnapMapIssues - 1 = debug snapmap issues.
g_debugSounds - shows start and stop info and channel for all entity sounds.
g_debugSphereModelTrace - time to show debug info for sphere model traces
g_debugStaticCannon - print debug information about static cannon states
g_debugSyncEntity - debug sync entities
g_debugTeleporterPath - If non zero, will show results of teleporter collision
tests for X ms. Where x is the value of this variable
g_debugTeslaRadius - Show tesla damage radius.
g_debugThreatSensorOrientation - Show threat sensor axis.
g_debugTriggers - print 'x activated by y' when a trigger activates something
g_debugWeapon - print debug information about weapon states, also draws lines when
monsters are alerted and shows melee range
g_debugWeaponDisplayDuration - Duration to display weapon debug visuals
g_debugWeaponDrift - 1 = print weapon drift debug info.
g_debugWeaponJointHits - Show joint hit
g_debugWeaponKick - Debug weapon kick
g_debugWeaponMagnetism - if true will display weapon magnetism data for the local
g_debugWeaponStats - prints debug strings for weapon stats
g_debugWeaponSwitch - Debug weapon switch
g_debugZoomBlur - Debug zoom blur values
g_debug_overdrive - Enables debug text for overdrive
g_debug_static_damage_impulse -
g_debug_static_damage_springs -
g_demoAmmo - If true, will fully replenish all weapon ammo in inventory every time
player picks up any ammo
g_demoDevMode - demo mode used for main menu with a dev map list
g_demoHealth - if set the player should never take enough damage to die
g_demoMode - demo mode used for main menu
g_demoModeCyberDemonDamageScale - scale cyberdemon damage to player by this in VC (
demo mode )
g_demonPickupDebug - If true, will output lots of info about the
g_demonPickupOverrideIncomingTimeMS - if >= 0 will override
g_demon_KillCountRequired - Number of kills required activate demon
g_disableBFG - If true then any BFG in the inventory will be removed.
g_disableParticleGeneratedBinaries - If true; will not generate and read binary
data for particles
g_disablePressButtonToFadeIn - disable the map load fade in button
g_disablePropAttraction - If true, prevents the attraction component from moving
items closer to players that are within range
g_disableSyncPlayerDeaths -
g_disasm - disassemble script into base/script/disasm.txt on the local drive when
script is compiled
g_dominationPointMinTeamControl - A team controlling a control point that's
underdispute needs to still have this much control (out of 1.0) for it to influence
g_dpadCyclesEquipment - if true, DPAD left/right cycles between equipment.
Otherwise, specific DPAD buttons select specific equipment items.
g_dragDamping - set the damping force for g_dragEntity (0 makes object 'snap' to
the cursor, 1 makes it more springy)
g_dragEntity - allows dragging physics objects around by placing the crosshair over
them and holding the fire button
g_dragEntityViewOffset - Offset the view trace for drag entity by this much.
g_dragShowSelection - draw the bounding box of the selected entity
g_drawAASAroundPlayer - > 0 = draw AAS areas around player in radius defined by
this cvar.
g_drawAASCentersAroundPlayer - > 0 = draw AAS area centers around player in radius
defined by this cvar.
g_drawAASIslandsAroundPlayer - > 0 = draw AAS island areas around player in radius
defined by this cvar.
g_drawBob - draw a graph of view bob ( angle and offset )
g_drawCrouch - draw a graph of crouch correction
g_drawDPSFromPlayer - Draw the damage per second inflicted by the player
g_drawDPSFromPlayerHeight - How far above each entity's origin to draw the DPS text
g_drawDPSFromPlayerScale - How large to draw the DPS text
g_drawObstructedNavmesh - 2 = draw Navmesh areas that are obstructed by geometry.
g_drawPlayerAngles - shows the player view angles
g_drawPlayerGround - shows the player ground height
g_drawPlayerHealth - shows the player health and max health
g_drawPlayerInput - shows the current player input
g_drawPlayerInventory - draws the player inventory
g_drawPlayerModelTransform - 1 = shows the players origin/axis according to the
g_drawPlayerPos - 1 = shows the player position, 2 = also draws the player origin
in the world
g_drawPlayerSpeed - shows the player speed (scalar)
g_drawPlayerUpgradeInfo - shows the players current upgrades
g_drawPlayerVel - shows the player velocity (vector)
g_drawPlayerViewAngles - shows the player view angles
g_drawPlayerViewPos - shows the player view position
g_drawPlayerWeaponEngagementInfo - 1 = draws the engagement info for the players
current weapon in hand. 2 = same as 1, but also shows the aim assist params.
g_drawReachabilitiesAroundPlayer - > 0 = draw AAS reachabilities around player.
g_drawSway - draw a graph of hands sway
g_drawTVSafe - draws a tv-save overlay on the HUD
g_drawUCmdTracker1ViewAngles - draw the umdTracker1 angles
g_drawUCmdTracker2ViewAngles - draw the umdTracker2 angles
g_drawWeaponLineAngleIncrement - the weapon line increment to use for drawing
weapon lines
g_drawWeaponLines - shows weapon model lines
g_droppableMaxRange - max droppable range before they disassemble
g_droppedLootDistance - max distance the lootable can be away from its owner to
loot both
g_dumpActiveEntities - Dump the names of the active entities to the console
g_dumpActors - Dump the names of actors to the console
g_dumpSpawnedEntities - Dump the names of spawned entities to the console
g_eboltDebug - 1=display wireframe brightness, 2=display wireframe gradient,
3=display wireframe bolt reveal
g_echoPulseTimeScalar - Scales the speed of the echo pulse
g_editEntityCloneDist - how far from the camera the newly cloned entity is placed,
default = 128
g_editEntityGridSize - snap to grid for entity dragging, default = 0
g_editEntityMode - 0 = off
g_editEntityMouseDrag - 0 = use bound keys + LMB to drag entity around, 1 = use LMB
+ drag to move entities
g_effectPhysicsBoxFountain -
g_effectPhysicsRespawnTime -
g_ejectShells - eject shells
g_enableARGui - enable ar targeting GUI
g_enableChainedGloryKills - If true perform an automatic glory kill
g_enableClothSim -
g_enableCombatScoring - Turns on the combat scoring system.
g_enableDamageRecording - Enable recording of damage for DPS debugging
g_enableGameTimeScaling - Enables or Disables Scaling of Game Time via the
GameTimeManager-Turning this off disables slow motion throughout the game
g_enableGoreOnDemonPossession - If true, gore the player when he becomes a demon
g_enableHologramTraces - enable/disable additional traces for hologram flickering
g_enableMPGloryKills - If true perform glory kills in PvP.
g_enableMPGloryKillsMaxSpeed - Max speed target can be moving forward to be able to
glory kill in PVP
g_enableMPGloryKillsMaxSpeedDebug - Show debug spheres for GK speed checks
g_enableMPGloryKillsMaxSpeedTime - Time in MS that must elapse after going
exceeding the glory kill speed before you can be glory killed
g_enablePistol - If on, then player will always have a pistol sidearm, which can be
selected with D-pad down
g_endOfMatchHackModuleRewards - How many hack modules to give players at the end of
a match
g_entityPerf_DrawEnts - 0 - Thinking, 1 - Running Physics, 2 - Animating
g_entityPoolLog - Display entity pool timings.
g_entityPoolMode - 0 = off, 1 = per-def pools, 2 = shared (per-type) pools
g_entityPoolTypeInfoClone - Use TypeInfo cloning to instantiate entities in entity
pool (requires map restart).
g_entity_forceFillUpdateList - if true, force FillEntityUpdateList() to run every
g_eventTimeThreshold - only show times for events that exceed this
g_explodeOldestProximityProjectileOnNew - When max reached, explode oldest and
create new one. If false, ban creation until an existing one explodes.
g_explodeOriginEnts - spread out all entities at world origin
g_explodeProjectilesOnAltFire - explodes all launched projectiles when Alt Fire is
g_explodeProximityProjectilesOnDeath - Explodes launched proximity mine projectiles
when player dies. If false, just removes them on death.
g_fixupForAdaptiveTick - fix
g_fixupForAdaptiveTick_PrecisionMode - 0 == use old on all, 1 == precise for AI, 2
== precise for all
g_focusedEntityNumber - Specify a specific focus entity
g_forceWeaponSwitchOnDryFire - Force a weapon switch on a dry fire
g_fov - camera field of view
g_freeCam - enable free camera
g_freezeTime - 1 = stop all game time and go into free camera mode
g_gameDifficulty - the difficulty setting for the game, if -1 will not use the cvar
but the var in gameLocal currentGameDifficulty ( 0: easy, 1: medium, 2: hard, 3:
ultra-violent, 4: nightmare )
g_glideHudPosX - g_glideHudPosX
g_glideHudPosY - g_glideHudPosY
g_globalBounds - bounds to show for info/bounds
g_goreBloodSphereExpandDistance - Maximum distance for one blood sphere to expand
to encompass another
g_goreClippingSpheres - Enables debug drawing for the gore index's gore clipping
g_goreDamageMultiplier - Increases the damage given to Limbs/Gore Pieces
g_goreDeadDamageMultiplier - Increases the damage given to Limbs/Gore Pieces when
owner is dead
g_goreEnableWoundsImplicitly - Allows wounds to automaticaly enable, rather than
waiting for pain reaction
g_goreForceGibs - Allows wounds to automaticaly enable, rather than waiting for
pain reaction
g_goreJointRadius - Joint sphere radius for wound activation
g_goreJointRadiusSplash - Joint sphere radius for splash damage wound activation
g_goreNoFullBodyGibs - If True, no FBG will be executed.
g_goreSpawnChunksOnInit - if true, gore entities are spawned then removed on map
load and AI spawn
g_goreSplashJointsUsed - How many get used for splash damage splatters
g_goreSplatterDecalTime - How long before another splatter decal can be spawned.
g_gravity - control the force of gravity on physics objects
g_healthDropScale - scales amount of health you get that was dropped by AI. if -1
use the tables from the game
g_healthPickupScale - scales amount of health you get from pickups manually placed
in maps. if -1 use the tables from the game
g_heartBeatIntervals - time in MS to wait between player heartbeats
g_hideTutorialsOnDifficulty - Whether or not to disable tutorials if difficulty is
ultraviolent or higher.
g_ignoreQuickUseCooldown - Override all quick use cooldown timer.
g_impactSoundInterval - if nonzero this overrides soundInterval specified in
impactSound decls
g_infiniteAmmo - 1 = infinite ammunition
g_infiniteClips - 1 = infinite clips
g_infiniteEnergy - Infinite Energy
g_infinitePossession - can cast possession while others are still possessed
g_infiniteThrowItems - 1 = infinite throw items (grenades)
g_inhibitAI -
g_invulnerabilityOnRespawnDurationSeconds - Length of time, in seconds, a player is
invulnerable for after respawning
g_kickAmplitude - scale how far a damage kick to the view angles moves
g_kickBarrelProjectileLift - The increase in height when kicking barrel
g_kickBarrelProjectileSpeed - The initial speed of the projectile when barrel
g_kickTime - scale how long a damage kick to the view angles lasts
g_killStreak_KillCountRequired - Number of sequential kills per life required
activate an active ability
g_knockback - If -1, use knockback value from damage decl. If > -1, this cvar will
override the damage decl's knockback value.
g_laserSightEmitterOffsetX - laser sight emitter x offset
g_laserSightEmitterOffsetY - laser sight emitter y offset
g_laserSightEmitterOffsetZ - laser sight emitter z offset
g_laserSightEmitterScaleX - laser sight emitter x scale
g_laserSightEmitterScaleY - laser sight emitter y scale
g_laserSightEmitterScaleZ - laser sight emitter z scale
g_laser_fadeout_delta - deviation from view direction for laser fadeout
g_laser_fadeout_distancesq - distance threshold for laser fadeout
g_loadAllLayers - 1 = loads all entities in all layers
g_loadingPacifier - Show loading Pacifier
g_lootDropMovementDelayAddition - Increases the randomness of loot drop delays
g_lootDropMovementLingerTime - Time to linger in the air before attracting
g_lootDropPopUpVelocity - How far we popup for.
g_lootDropPopupTime - How long we popup for.
g_lotteryDropChance - Chance that additional armor shards will drop from lottery
g_maxNetLagToUnpauseClientsMs - Max time (in MS) between snapshots we must get
below before we'll unpause the client
g_maxPlayerMeleeWeapons - maximum number of melee weapons the player is allowed to
carry at one time
g_maxPlayerWeapons - maximum number of weapons the player is allowed to carry at
one time
g_maxSpawnLocations - Approximate limit to generated spawn locations.
g_maxTurretPitch -
g_maxTurretYaw -
g_meleeTracePreviousPositionUpdate - Melee traces - previous position is updated to
be current position (sweep test)
g_minLoadMapTimeMs - To test loading screen
g_minNetLagToPauseClientsMs - Min time (in MS) since the last snapshot before we
decide to pause the client
g_mpGloryKillDamageTakenMultiplier - When in a glory kill(as the instigator), what
ratio of normal damage do multiplayer players take?
g_mpLevelUpRewardMethod - How level up rewards are given. 0 = random roll from
tables (old way), 1 = specific items per level (new way)
g_noCoopPlayerCollision - allow co-op players to clip through one another.
g_noFadeIn -
g_noFiringSpread - 1 = disable firing spread.
g_noWeaponDrift - 1 = disable weapon drift.
g_noWeaponOverheat - 1 = disable weapon overheating.
g_onlineDebug - Print online debug text.
g_overdrive_PointsRequired - Number of overdrive points required activate overdrive
g_penetrationScale - the ammount to scale the damage by per penetration
g_permaGodMode - player never loses god mode
g_playerHealthAndArmorScale_DIFFICULTY_EASY - Difficulty Scaling
g_playerHealthAndArmorScale_DIFFICULTY_HARD - Difficulty Scaling
g_playerHealthAndArmorScale_DIFFICULTY_MEDIUM - Difficulty Scaling
g_playerHealthAndArmorScale_DIFFICULTY_NIGHTMARE - Difficulty Scaling
g_playerHealthRegenDelay - seconds we wait after last damage to give health back to
g_playerHealthRegenInterval - once regenerating health how often to increment
g_playerHealthRegenRate - if regenerating health is enabled in mode settings, how
much we give per second
g_playerIncomingDamageScale_DIFFICULTY_EASY - Difficulty Scaling
g_playerIncomingDamageScale_DIFFICULTY_HARD - Difficulty Scaling
g_playerIncomingDamageScale_DIFFICULTY_MEDIUM - Difficulty Scaling
g_playerIncomingDamageScale_DIFFICULTY_NIGHTMARE - Difficulty Scaling
g_playerShieldRegenDelay - seconds we wait after last damage to give shield back to
g_playerShieldRegenInterval - once regenerating shield how often to increment
g_playerShieldRegenRate - once regenerating shield, how much we give per second
g_playerShowStats - detailed view of new player metrics system
g_postSerializeReadUsesSpawnedList - Whether PostSerializeRead calls all spawned
entities or just those serialized this frame
g_powerWeaponDropHeight - How high above the player's physics origin they will drop
prop2's upon death
g_predictHit - If true, client will predict hits and do the hit flash beep
g_predictUseDamageDeclClientAuth - If true, use the damage decl's
hitClientAuthoritative functionality
g_printSlowGameFrames - when non-zero, shows info about game frames that exceed #
of milliseconds specified
g_projectileAdjustStart - the offset dir from the trace point
g_projectileClientAuthoritative - If true, client will send reliables when his
projectiles hit enemies.
g_projectileClientDontMove - Debug projectiles
g_projectileDebug - Debug projectiles
g_projectileDebugLifetime - Debug draw lifetime in milliseconds
g_projectileDebugStuck - Debug projectile getting stuck
g_projectileEMPstick -
g_projectileHologramTrace - submit collision queries against holograms to make them
g_projectileImpactDistance - how far we should test to see what surf type the
explosion would hit
g_projectileImpale - to allow rockets to impale AI on contact
g_projectileRocketImpactDistance - how far we should test to see what surf type the
rocket explosion would hit
g_projectileTraceSeek - trace the seek behavior
g_projectileUnStuck - If true, projectiles will attempt to prevent a stuck
g_prop2DebugMovement - If true, prop will draw its movement radius when active, if
tracking towards someone it will show an arrow
g_propDropPlayerVelMod - Percent of velocity from the player to be applied to the
dropped prop
g_propDropVelocity - Velocity to apply to the prop in the dropping player's view
g_propOverrideRespawnTimeMs - Override the respawn time for all props controlled by
g_pvsLocationMemory - used to store a position that will be checked against the
players PVS. Set to 'current' to tag your current pos, or 'clear' to clear.
g_radiusDamageHitProjectiles - if true radius damage can hit projectiles in the
world causing them to explode
g_radiusDamageMultiplier - Damage multiplier to all RadiusDamage() calls.
g_radiusDamageRadiusMultiplier - Radius multiplier to all RadiusDamage() calls.
g_radiusDamageUseSimpleHitMsg - if true radius damage will only send a single hit
trace across the network
g_ragdollLootImpulse - impulse to apply to AI ragdolls when looting
g_railSearchThreshold - Threshold used to determine when to stop searching for
closeset point on a rail.
g_railSpeed - Speed to move when player is on a rail. (units / sec)
g_recordDamageSecs - How many seconds of damage should be recorded
g_reticleIndicatorsUseMP - Whether or not to use an alternative swf for mp reticle
g_reticleMode - How to draw the reticles. 0 - Full, 1 - Dot, 2 - hide
g_reticleModeMP - How to draw the reticles in multiplayer. 0 - Full, 1 - Dot, 2 -
g_runFrames - you can set g_runFrames while g_stopTime is set to have the game run
that many frames, then stop again
g_scoreboardSplashTimeMS - Number of milliseconds to display the results splash
screen. In PVP, this includes the victory/defeat, then team scores, then podium.
The scoreboard is on the following screen after this timer expires.
g_screenshots - Take screenshots for this many successive frames
g_sendAllReliables - Should we record data about reliable game messages
g_sendEntityCountIntervalMS - How often to send entity counts to telemetry
g_setCombatScore - Sets a score value for the ui.
g_setNumHellChallengesRuneProgress - Sets number of hell challenges finished for
perk slot purposes
g_setting_aim_assist - 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = singleplayer only, 3 = multiplayer
only, 4 = joystick only
g_setting_boss_health - Show or hide the boss health
g_setting_combatScoring - show or hide the combat scoring on the hud
g_setting_compass - Show or hide the compass
g_setting_gk_highlight - show or hide the GK highlight
g_setting_hudNotifications - show or hide the hud notifications
g_setting_hud_show - Show or hide the hud
g_setting_interact_prompt - show or hid the interact prompt
g_setting_mp_challenge - show or hide challenge notifications in mp
g_setting_mp_rating - show or hide rating notifications in mp
g_setting_mp_score - show or hide score in mp
g_setting_objectiveMarkers - show or hide the objective markers
g_setting_objectiveUpdate - show or hide the objective updates
g_setting_photomode - enable/disable photomode
g_setting_razerChroma - Use Razer Chroma effects
g_setting_subtitles - show or hide the subtitles
g_setting_tutorials - show or hide the tutorials
g_shouldReturnToRace - temporary stores return state for main menu
g_showAASUnderPlayerCrosshair - 1 = show AAS where you're looking.
g_showActiveEntities - draws boxes around thinking entities. dormant entities
(outside of pvs) are drawn yellow. non-dormant are green.
g_showAllPlayerInfo - shows player information for All players.
g_showBlendTree - shows the blend tree for the entity with the specified number, if
the entity has a blend tree
g_showBreakableCollision -
g_showChallenges - whether to show the challenges ui
g_showCloth - shows cloth springs and points. 1 = show points, 2 = show springs, 3
= show collisions, 4 = show all
g_showClothBounds -
g_showCollisionDistance - maximum distance collision geometry will draw when
g_showCollisionWorld or g_showCollisionModels is used
g_showCollisionModels - draws the collision geometry for models
g_showCollisionNoSkipEntity - if set to 1, g_showcollisionModels will not skip any
entity (including current)
g_showCollisionQueries -
g_showCollisionQueryName - 1 to show the query name, 0 to show the type of query
g_showCollisionSpheres - draws the collision geometry for sphere models
g_showCollisionStreamAreas - 1 = show all collision stream areas. 2 = show active
collision stream area. 0 = OFF
g_showCollisionSubModels - show complete sub models
g_showCollisionSurfaces - show collision surface info, 1 = for all content types, 2
= for only content shotclip
g_showCollisionSurfacesDistance - Distance to trace when showing collision surfaces
g_showCollisionSurfacesFilled - show filled collision surface info, 1 = for all
content types, 2 = for only content shotclip
g_showCollisionTraces - print statistics from the collision system every frame
g_showCollisionWorld - draws the collision geometry for the world (bsp geometry)
g_showCrosshair - if true we draw the crosshair
g_showCrosshairInfo - 1 = Show dist to entity we have our crosshair over. 2 = Show
dist to whatever colliding surface we have our crosshair over. 3 = Same as 2, but
skip everything but the world for the trace
g_showDormant - if true, show entities entering and leaving dormancy.
g_showEditEntityDepthTested - draws the debug bounds in edit mode with depth
g_showEditEntityDialog - enabled poping up the editor window after edit entity
g_showEditEntityInfo - draws debug info when editing entities with g_editEntityMode
> 0
g_showEditEntityLocalAxes - draws the local axes of the selected entity instead of
world axes
g_showEditLayerNames - draws the layer names when g_editEntityMode is enabled
g_showEffectsModelRecyclerStats -
g_showEntityInfo - draws boxes around all entities. cyan for actors, orange for
triggers, green for solid, grey for everything else. also prints the entity name
and number in the box
g_showEntityWarnings - set to 1 to see entities that are incorrectly
g_showEventTimes - 1 = show execution times for game events
g_showFlareDebug - 1 = render flare debug, 2 = render flare debug depth-tested
g_showFxResourceErrors - print fx resource errors (such as out of slots). 0 = off,
1 = all, 2 = lights only, 3 = particles only, 4 = static models only
g_showFxResourceLights - debug render active lights
g_showFxResourceParticles - debug render active particles
g_showFxResourceStats - print fx resource usage
g_showGameDeclHeapWarnings - Issues warnings for game decls that are allocated on
the global heap
g_showGuis - enables drawing of GUI elements other then HUD
g_showHud - enables drawing of HUD elements
g_showLightEntities - includes light entities when editing sounds
( g_editEntityMode == 2 )
g_showMapUpdate - enable target objective map update
g_showMoverMods - show information about specified mover modifier.
g_showNumActiveEntities - If true it displays the number of currently active
g_showPieceCollision -
g_showPlayerArmorFX - If on, show the player armor FX
g_showPlayerInfo - enables drawing of Player Information elements in the HUD (e.g.
name and health).
g_showPlayerModuleLocation - 1 = show which snapmap module that player is in.
g_showPlayerShadow - enables shadow of player model
g_showPlayerSprintInfo - 1 = Show info about player sprinting ( stamina amount,
time, dist, etc ).
g_showPoiInfo - enables drawing of Poi Information elements in the HUD (e.g.
leader, base, flag).
g_showPowerLineBounds -
g_showPushHits - Shows traces for pushers applying impulses on colliding objects
g_showPushes - Shows pushes
g_showSpeeds - shows the speed for the player with the specified entity number
g_showSpread - draws a debug circle to show the spread on the weapon
g_showStatics - draws boxes around func/static entities.
g_showSwarmSplines - show the splines of swarm mover
g_showTargets - draws entities and their targets. hidden entities are drawn gray.
g_showThinks - show entity thinks
g_showTrajectories - 1 = show projectile trajectory tests.
g_showTrajectoryStats - 1 = show statistics about trajectories
g_showTrajectoryTime - how long in MS to display the trajectories
g_showTriggers - draws trigger entities (orange) and thier targets (green).
disabled triggers are drawn grey.
g_showWaterDebug - render water surface debug
g_showXPGainInfo - If true, shows info about XP gain for clients.
g_skipAnimEventSounds - skip anim event sounds
g_skipBreakableParticles -
g_skipCloth - skips cloth simulation
g_skipFXManager - skip fx
g_skipFlightVolumesOnLoad - Skip flight volume generation on map load. Flying
creature will not work. This is meant for quick iteration and should not be
g_skipImpacts - skip impacts
g_skipViewEffects - skip damage and other view effects
g_skipWaterSim - skips water surface simulation
g_sleep - Testing tool to force longer game frames
g_slicerAlignmentTimeMs - Time in ms for slicer to align to movement vector
g_slicerAvoidanceTargetThreshold - If the avoidance collision happens within this
close to the target, don't avoid.
g_slicerDebugDuration - Debug slicer mine vectors duration.
g_slicerDebugLaser - Debug the slicer mine laser beam.
g_slicerDebugPlaneFunc - 0: Singular Value Decomp, 1: Closest points
g_slicerDebugWeaponCollide - Debug the slicer mine when it collides on deploy.
g_slicerDebugWeaponLaunched - Debug the slicer mine when it's launched.
g_slicerDebugWeaponRecollide - Debug the slicer mine when it recollide on first
g_slicerDebugWeaponTriggered - Debug the slicer mine when it's triggered.
g_slicerLOSInsetScale - Percentage in from the extent top and bottom that line-of-
sight will be shot at
g_slicerLaserRotSpeed - Rotation speed on laser scan effect.
g_slicerLaserScaleX - Fixup scale on laser to be 1 unit in size in X dimension
g_slicerLaserScaleY - Fixup scale on laser to be 1 unit in size in Y dimension
g_slicerLaserScaleZ - Fixup scale on laser to be 1 unit in size in Z dimension
g_slicerLaunchClearanceRatio - When slicer launches toward a player, this is a
fraction of slicer radius over which it will initially collide with nothing.
g_slicerMaxForwardTraceRatio - After primary collision, maximum fraction of slicer
radius to search forward for placement collision.
g_slicerMaxPlacementQueries - Number of raycast samples to use for detecting
g_slicerMinThrowDistance - Minimum distance you can throw the slicer without
recolliding from the player position to ensure we don't hit walls
g_slicerNormalVarianceThresh - The amount the avg primary trace normal must be
greater than secondary to be used.
g_slicerTraceDepthRatio - When creating salvo of trace samples, how far forward to
test for collisions, as fraction of slicer radius.
g_slicerTraceRadialRatio - When creating salvo of trace samples, how far out along
radial to test for collisions, as fraction of slicer radius.
g_spawnDebugInfluencerGroup - Enables debug drawing for spawn influencers with
matching debugGroup (specified on the decl). -1 disables
g_spawnDebugLevel - Amount of detail to show when drawing system debugging
information. 0 = only scores, 1 = locations, 2 = volumes, 3 = LoS checks
g_spawnDebugPauseBotsWhenSpawn - If on, whenever the debug player respawns, pause
all bots
g_spawnDebugRenderDuration - How long debug spawn render lines stick around
g_spawnDebugShowInfluencerRanges - Enables more detailed visualization for spawn
g_spawnDebugShowSpawnNodes - Show spawn point cylinders
g_spawnJitter - Amount of random variation in spawn location values.
g_spectatorAllowFrozenLocalPlayerTargets - allow spectating of frozen player
targets who are the local player
g_spectatorAllowFrozenRemotePlayerTargets - allow spectating of frozen player
targets who are not the local player
g_splatterMaterial - -1 random, 0+ index in splatter goregraph
g_splinePause - Debug spline angular movement
g_spreadRNG - 0 = idRandom, 1 = idRandomMersenne, 2 = idRandomWELL1024
g_spread_noSpread - Toggles Weapon Spread On/Off for debugging
g_stopTime - 1 - stops all entity updating, but the player can still run around, 2
- stop all entity updating, including player uses free cam
g_suppressFriendlyFireImpactEffects - If true, friendly fire impact effects won't
g_swfFloatingTextScale - 0 = off, 100 = full size
g_tauntLengthMS - length of player taunts
g_tauntRespawnWindowMS - window after respawning when you cannot taunt, so mashing
x button to respawn doesn't put you in a taunt
g_teleporterPressToReleaseTime - How long between press and release to register a
teleporter activation.
g_teleporterSecondsDelayAfterUse - After activating the personal teleporter, how
many seconds before you will actually get teleported.
g_tempProjectileTest - if true we try the new system for detecting throwing through
g_testDeath - disable fading and respawning when you die so you can see what
happens when you die
g_testEffects - testing effect for jeremy
g_testFxName - fx decl name used for the testFx command in absence of a name
g_testMaterial - name of material to draw over screen
g_testNightmareProgress - test the nightmare progress system outside of the
nightmare mode
g_testParticleName - particle decl name used for the testParticle command in
absence of a name parameter
g_testPlayerTrail -
g_testPlayerTrailLengthScale -
g_threadedSubmitCollisionQueries - Use parallel job to submit collision queries
g_timeEntities - when non-zero, shows entities whose think functions exceeded the #
of milliseconds specified
g_timer - set to 1 to start timing, set back to 0 to stop timing and report the
g_tracePlayerAccel - outputs the player acceleration to the console every frame
g_tracePlayerAngles - outputs the player angles to the console every frame
g_tracePlayerDamage - outputs the incoming damage to the player
g_tracePlayerPos - outputs the player position to the console every frame
g_tracePlayerVel - outputs the player velocity to the console every frame
g_tracePlayerViewAngles - outputs the player view angles to the console every frame
g_tracePlayerViewPos - outputs the player view pos to the console every frame
g_trackXPGain - Enable tracking of xp events
g_trackXPGainDamage - Enable tracking of xp events for damage gain (g_trackXPGain
must also be enabled)
g_trackedChallenge_declName - The unlockable decl name (path) of the challenge the
user is tracking
g_trackedChallenge_pinned - Whether to pin or always update the tracked challenge
g_trackedChallenge_tierIndex - The tierIndex of the challenge being tracked
g_trajectoryArcSegments - decompose parabolic trajectories into this many segments
prior to trace discretization
g_trajectoryTimestep - time in milliseconds for each timestep during trajectory
g_ultraNightmareMinDistance - The minimum distance between shown ultra nightmare
helmets. Negative values disable the check.
g_universalAmmoDirectToClip - If true, universal ammo pickups will load directly
into weapon clips, bypassing inventory.
g_unlockChallengeGate - if set, challenges are never gated
g_useAutoMapManager - Whether to create the autoMapManager
g_useDeferredDecalManagerForWeapons - If true, bullet decals will go through
deferred decal manager and will get removed if they overlap.
g_useGaussianAimSpread - Player weapons use approximated gaussian spread (0 uses
uniform linear spread)
g_useImageBlackList - 0 = ignore the image blacklist and load everything. 1 =
filter out files based on a blacklist
g_useImpactColor - if true, pass through the trace point surface color for an
impact to the impact particle
g_useMPReferenceHUD - Runs MP hud through reference path that skips as much SWF as
g_useMPReferenceHUD_Death - Run death message reference
g_useRadialTracePattern - 0 = use sphere point tests (expensive), 1 = trace hard
coded patterns against collinear planes
g_useResourceBlackList - 0 = ignore the model blacklist and load everything. 1 =
filter out files based on a blacklist
g_useReverseRadialTraces - 1 = do traces from target->explosion, not explosion-
>target, where possible. Only works with g_useRadialTracePattern and not on AF
g_useSpawnInfluencers - If on, use the new spawn influencers system.
g_useSpreadMagnetism - If true, adjusts hitscan traces during weapon spread
g_verboseImageBlackList - 0 = be silent. 1 = print exclusion information to the
console for each file
g_verboseResourceBlackList - 0 = be silent. 1 = print exclusion information to the
console for each file
g_viewNodalX - eye distance from the neck in the x direction
g_viewNodalZ - eye distance from the neck in the z direction
g_viewNoteDevTrack - default viewnote devtrack setting
g_viewNotePriority - default viewnote priority setting
g_viewNoteRepeat - default viewnote repeatability setting
g_viewNoteType - default viewnote type setting
g_visorHeavyDamageThreshold - damage amount to be considered heavy
g_waterForceGenerate - force water surfaces to regenerate
g_weaponAutoSwitchOnEmpty - 0 - no auto switching, 1 - auto switch as soon as the
weapon is empty
g_weaponAutoSwitchRequiresEmpty - If this is true, weapons will not autoswitch on
dryfire unless they have no ammo at all for any fire mode
g_weaponChangeMinIntervalMS - This is the smallest interval allowed between weapon
g_weaponDoomClassicPose - 0 for default angled pose, 1 for centered Doom classic
weapon pose
g_weaponDoomClassicPoseMP - 0 for default angled pose, 1 for centered Doom classic
weapon pose in multiplayer
g_weaponDoomClassicPoseSM - 0 for default angled pose, 1 for centered Doom classic
weapon pose in SnapMap
g_weaponDoomMPUseDoomHands - 0 for default hands in MP & SnapMap, 1 for Doom
Praetor hands
g_weaponKickBackRatio - Changes the ratio how far back/up we get pushed
g_weaponShowRibbon - if this should show the ribbon
g_weaponSkipSound - if true will skip fire sounds.
g_weaponSpreadScale - Global player weapon spread scale
g_weaponUpdateLaser - if true will update the laser (Rage version)
g_weaponkick - apply first person weapon kick
gameMode_defaultComponent - Number for the component that should start by default.
0 = OFF.
gamedate -
gc_autoRecordDemos - When 1, automatically records demos for each match in
PRODUCTION (packaged) builds. When 2, automatically records demos for each match
in all builds.
gc_avengerTimeLimit - Time allowed for kill to counted as an Avenger Kill.
gc_bleedOutDamage - How much damage is applied every gc_bleedOutDamageInterval
gc_bleedOutDamageInterval - How often bleed out damage is applied while in the
bleed-out state
gc_bloodthirst_deniedDistance - Distance in world units needed for a 'Denied' kill
in Bloodthirst
gc_carryStatusSpeedScaleOverride - Override the speed modifier for carrying an
gc_closeAndPersonalDistance - Distance in world units needed for a kill to be
awarded for an 'Up Close And Personal' kill with the Double Barrel Shotgun
gc_coop_assistPct - Percentage of damage a player must do to get an assist (while
not getting killing blow)
gc_coop_defendTime - Time in MS after an AI melees a player where the other player
can register a defend kill
gc_coop_killStreakTimeLimit - Time allowed for consecutive kills to be counted as a
streak (in seconds).
gc_criticalDamageCountsForKillTimeLimit - Time in MS a player has to kill after
doing critical damage for kill to count as critical
gc_criticismTimeLimit - Time in MS a player has to get a second critical kill in
order to be awarded the criticism medal
gc_debugGameEventCallouts - Toggle debug text when playing callouts.
gc_doubleHelixCapturePointFadeInTime - The transition time capture points will fade
in for.
gc_doubleHelixCapturePointFadeOutTime - The transition time capture points will
fade out for.
gc_doubleHelixCapturePointOffsetZ - The vertical offset applied to the capture
gc_doubleHelixCaterpillarDistance - Distance between extra zones.
gc_doubleHelixDebugGround - Debug spline objects snapping to the ground
gc_doubleHelixDisplaySpline - Show Double Helix spline
gc_doubleHelixFXTime - Looping time between spline FX being triggered
gc_doubleHelixFlagIncomingTime - The time before a flag respawns to begin
displaying the POI.
gc_doubleHelixFlagRespawnTime - The time after capture before a flag respawns.
gc_doubleHelixGroundDistanceBetweenSamples - Spline distance for ground tests
gc_doubleHelixGroundLerpStyle - Spline lerp style 0-Cosine 1-Linear 2-Per Frame
gc_doubleHelixMaxSnapDist - Max distance to snap spline objects
gc_doubleHelixPathDebugRender - If TRUE, render debug geometry for the spline path.
gc_doubleHelixRenderDeliveryTrail - If TRUE, render flag delivery trail.
gc_doubleHelixShouldSnapToGround - Are spline objects snapped to the ground
gc_doubleHelixShowCapturedFlagProp - Show a captured flag prop for the remainder of
the delivery sequence after the animation completes
gc_doubleHelixSpeedScale - How fast spline moves.
gc_doubleHelixSplineGradientPower - The length of the gradient effect.
gc_doubleHelixSplinePercentageOfTotalLength - The length of each gradient as a
percentage of the total spline length.
gc_enablePowerUpAndWeaponCallouts - If on, gameeventcallouts will occur for all
power ups and power weapons in MP
gc_enablePowerUpAndWeaponPOIs - If on, POIs will show for all power ups and power
weapons in MP
gc_enableRoundScoreDisplay - Should round scores be displayed at the end of each
gc_ffaSplashIdleMS - num ms for FFA match-end splash screen to display
gc_flagAutoReturnTime - How long a flag may remain uncaptured before returning to
gc_flagCarriedGlowFactor - Flag emissive glow multiplier when carried
gc_flagDeliveryAnimTime - Ms from animation start to end
gc_flagDeliveryPointPOIFocusTime - Time the delivery point POI stays in focus upon
flag pick-up.
gc_flagDeliverySequenceOverrideTime - Ms from delivery sequence start to end, 0 to
disable override and use decl value
gc_flagDeliveryShakeTime - Ms from animation start to play screen shake
gc_flagDeliveryUseShake - Play screen shake for flag delivery animation
gc_flagDeliveryUseVFX - Play VFX for flag delivery animation
gc_flagDeliveryVFXTime - Ms from animation start to play VFX. -1 uses editor
defined flagDeliveryFXTime
gc_flagDroppedGlowFactor - Flag emissive glow multiplier when dropped
gc_flagPickupArmorBonus - Armor to give to flag carrier upon pickup.
gc_flagPickupHudStyle - Set to 0 to display pickup overlay, set 1 to focus delivery
POI, and set to 2 to do both.
gc_flagPickupVisualsMask - Flag pickup visuals multiplier applied when flag is
gc_flagPoiSonarCurve - 0 for linear sonar pulse and 1 for an inverse exponential
decay sonar pulse.
gc_flagPoiSonarFreqMs - Flag carrier POI sonar frequency override in Ms
gc_flagPoiUseSonar - Does the flag carrier POI use a sonar effect
gc_flagResetToNearestGround - When the flag hits a kill volume, will it reset to
the nearest ground position instead of returning to the spawn
gc_flagShowOnlyRelevantBasePOIs - Display only relevant base POIs or all flag base
POIs at all times.
gc_flagVisionBlendTime - Blend time in seconds to and from flag vision.
gc_forceTeamColors - Player models will be colored according to teams in team based
gc_freezetag_multiThawTimeLimit - Time in MS a player has to thaw a second player
to get the multithaw medal
gc_ft_debugPlayerDeath - Prints for debugging player death handling
gc_gameOverEndDurationMS - Duration of time between game over starting and the
round results.
gc_genocideMinPlayerCount - Minimum number of enemy players needed for a player to
be awarded the genocide medal
gc_globalCalloutTicker - Toggle using the objective ticker on the right for global
gc_humiliatorTimeLimit - Time in MS a player has to perform a taunt after a kill to
get the humiliator medal
gc_incapacitatedStartingHealth - How much health we start with when we're
gc_killStreakTimeLimit - Time allowed for consecutive kills to be counted as a
streak (in seconds).
gc_killStreakTimeLimitChainsaw - Time allowed for consecutive chainsaw kills to be
counted as a streak (in seconds).
gc_longshotDistance - Distance in world units needed for a kill to be awarded a
Longshot medal
gc_matchOutroSeconds - num seconds for the match ended outro screen
gc_matchSplashSeconds - num seconds for the match splash
gc_minPlayersInPrivateMatch - If greater than 1, private matches will end if player
count drops below this number
gc_oneHitKillDamageAmount - Minimum amount of damage the attacker must deal for a
kill to count as a one hit kill
gc_oneHitKillTimeLimit - The attacker must not have damaged this victim for this
number of MS before the kill to qualify for a one hit kill
gc_podiumAllowTaunts - allow taunting in the podium
gc_podiumFadeOutMS - num ms for podium screen to fade out at end
gc_podiumSeconds - num seconds for podium screen
gc_powerItemCalloutTimeBeforeSpawnSec - Time in seconds before power item spawns
that callout plays
gc_powerItemRespawnTimeMultiplier - If > 0, multiplies respawn time for power items
gc_powerItemsAlternate - If on, power item spawners are forced to spawn one at a
gc_powerSeekerShowsHolderPOI - If on, power seeker will show POI over holders of
power items
gc_powerWeaponKillsPerMatch - Minimum number of kills with a power weapon a player
needs during a match to qualify for the corresponding challenge
gc_preGameDurationMS - Duration of pre-game in milliseconds. Controls the entire
duration of pre-game, including intro, loadout selection and remainder of
gc_protectorTimeLimit - Time allowed for kill to counted as a Protector Kill.
gc_runebaitDistance - Distance in units a player needs to be near a rune for the
killer to qualify for the Rune Bait medal
gc_showPickupTimesForEveryone - If on, everyone in MP will see pickup timers (as if
they had time management hack module)
gc_surpriseTimeLimit - Time in MS a player has to get a kill after teleporting to
get the 'Surprise!' medal
gc_survivorHealthLimit - Maximum health for a kill to be counted as a survivor kill
gc_timeUntilAllowRespawn - How long to wait after dying before allowing respawn
gc_timeUntilHackModuleSelect - How long to wait after dying before allowing hack
module select in milliseconds
gc_timeUntilLoadoutSelect - How long to wait after dying before allowing weapon
loadout select
gc_totalReviveTimeRequired - Amount of time required to revive a player before he
actually revives
giveXP - if set will show XP in game and allow it to be gained
gl_debugServerClientFrameParms - Turn on to debug the server/client frame parms
gl_threadWaitSelection - How long to wait for serialization jobs to finish. 0 =
shortest. wait immediately, 1 = middle. wait at the end of ReadSnapshot, 2 =
longest. wait until right before PostSerializeRead
glass_useJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
globalCursor_RayLength - Length of the trace used for the global cursor.
globalEncounterScript_debug - debug info for the global encounter script manager
goreGUI - Enables the Gore Editing Gui display.
gore_disable_BFG_fullBodyGib - Disables Full Body Gibbing when using the BFG.
gore_enable_fullBodyGib - Enables Full Body Gibbing.
gore_maxLivingGoreEnts - How many gore entities can be out in the world at one time
gore_minDistanceforDirectionCalc - If the inflictor distance is less than this, we
dont check direction
gore_neverFadeAndRemove - Prevent gore entities from being removed and fading away
groundPound_debug - show timing marks for ground pound
hackModuleAdrenalineInvertalSeconds - how long to apply speed burst for adrenaline
hackModuleAlarmAudioInterval - how long in milliseconds before next audio cue is
hackModuleAlarmDistance - base distance to check for enemy players to play audio
hackModuleAlarmHorizontalFOV - alarm horizontal fov degree to see hostile players
hackModuleAlarmVerticalFOV - alarm vertical fov degree to see hostile players
hackModuleDemonHunterShowClockTier - specify which tier value to show demon hunter
hackModuleDemonHunterShowPOITier - specify which tier value to show demon hunter
hackModuleInputStartWaitTime - how long to wait when first holding button to move
hack select
hackModuleInputWaitTime - how long to wait after first holding button to move hack
hackModuleManHuntTargetMinDeathTime - minimum time to wait until target player is
dead before getting new target
hackModuleMaxSpeedPercentage - max speed percentage to limit speed demon and
hackModuleMinAnalogStickMove - minimum recognized input for analog stick control
hackModuleMinTimeToExpire - minimum time to set if you die to allow respawn with
that hack module active
hackModulePlayUseSound - toggle playing use effect sound
hackModuleTestRangeFirst - first hack module in range to force give hack modules
hackModuleTestRangeLast - last hack module in range to force give hack modules
hackModuleTimeBetweenStartAndUseEffect - how long to let the start effect play
before allowing it to be interrupted by use effects
hackModuleTimeWarning - time left to show time warning
hackModuleUseEffectCooldownTime - cooldown time before can play use sound again
hackModuleUseEffectTime - minimum amount of time between showing use effect
hackModuleWaitToShowTime - how long to wait after dying before showing hack select
hackModulesExpire - if true, hack modules will expire during matches when their
timer runs out
hackModulesGetSpent - if true, hack modules get spent when they are equipped in
hack_ownsPhoenixDemo - Temporary hack for Phoenix. 0 - has not downloaded free
demo, 1 - has downloaded free demo
hack_ownsPhoenixFullGame - Temporary hack for Phoenix. 0 - does not own paid Game,
1 - owns paid Game
handsBobCycle_AttackHoldTimeMS - how long the gun remains in attack pose after
attacking stops
handsBobCycle_AttackSpringK - spring constant for spring controlling blend from
relax to attack
handsBobCycle_BlendAlphaSpringK - spring constant for blend alpha
handsBobCycle_CanAttackWhileSprinting - If true, then the sprint anims will
immediately blend to the sprint shoot anims when attacking. If false, then the
sprint attack anims will not be used and the bob cycle will track when the sprint
cycle is finished blending out
handsBobCycle_Debug - enables debugging for the bob cycle animweb
handsBobCycle_DebugForwardMove - forced forwardmove for debugging
handsBobCycle_DebugRightMove - forced rightmove for debugging
handsBobCycle_DebugTraceStates - traces debugging info to the console
handsBobCycle_DebugWeb - dumps trace info about the hands bob cycle animweb
handsBobCycle_DirectionSpringK - spring constant for direction spring
handsBobCycle_DoubleJumpIdleDelayMS - timeout on blending bob cycle back to idle
after double jumping
handsBobCycle_Enable - enables the bob cycle animweb
handsBobCycle_FallIdleDelayMS - timeout on blending bob cycle back to idle after
falling without jumping
handsBobCycle_FootStepEventTimeoutMS - timeout on footstep events to allow bogus
events to be rejected
handsBobCycle_IdleCmdTimeThreshold - no-input time in MS before before switching to
idle bob cycle
handsBobCycle_JumpIdleDelayMS - timeout on blending bob cycle back to idle after
handsBobCycle_RelaxSpringK - spring constant for spring controlling blend from
attack to relax
handsBobCycle_ShowBlendTree - draws the blend tree for the animated hands bob cycle
hands_FovScale - scale the fov for gun models by this float value
hands_NoIntroBringup - ShouldPlayIntroBringup always returns false if enabled
hands_additiveAnimBlendMS - blend duration for additive channel animator
hands_additiveAnimBlendOutMS - Default blend out duration
hands_additiveAnimIsDoneFrames - Default number of frames to look ahead to test
whether an animation is 'done'
hands_additiveOffsetBlendDurationMS - If >= 0, this overrides any other blend
duration for the additive offset
hands_additiveShootAnimEnable - enable the additive shoot (shake) anim
hands_adjustFirePosDistCheck - Min units difference between aim position and trace
endpos required to adjust firePos to viewPos from muzzlePos
hands_allowMeleeInterrupt - Allows melee to interrupt the transition back to idle
hands_allowMeleeWhileTriggerPulled - Allow melee to interrupt trigger pulling for
hands_allowQueuedFireFromSprint - Allow queued firing from spint
hands_applyAnimationDeltas - apply animation deltas from hands anims
hands_autoDryfire - allows auto-fire weapons to also auto-dryfire when empty
hands_blendIntoCustomLength - the number of frames to blend during a transition to
the custom hand state while shooting
hands_chainsawAttack1StabInsteadOfSwipe - if true then attack1 will be a stab, if
false it will be the 2-stage swipes
hands_chainsawDebugCutting - pumps out debug info related to cutting
hands_chainsawDebugInstaGib - if true then force chainsaw to do instagibs against
hands_chainsawDefaultShake - default shake to use when engine is running
hands_chainsawIdleRelaxSpringK - spring constant for transition from stab to
hands_chainsawIdleStabEnable - enable the chainsaw idle stab behavior
hands_chainsawIdleStabSpringK - spring constant for transition from relaxed to stab
hands_chainsawJitterScaleMaxLoad - Strength of jitter animation at maximum cutting
hands_chainsawJitterScaleMinLoad - Strength of jitter animation at minimum cutting
hands_chainsawMeleeJitterScale - scale to apply to the alpha on the additive jitter
hands_chainsawMeleeRateScaleMaxLoad - rate scale to use at maximum cutting load
hands_chainsawMeleeRateScaleMinLoad - rate scale to use at minimum cutting load
hands_chainsawMeleeScaleCut - rate scale to use during chainsaw cutting
hands_chainsawMeleeScaleCutDurationMaxMS - maximum duration of a single cutting
hands_chainsawMeleeScaleCutDurationMinMS - minimum duration of a single cutting
hands_chainsawMeleeScaleCutIntervalMaxMS - maximum interval between cutting
hands_chainsawMeleeScaleCutIntervalMinMS - minimum interval between cutting
hands_chainsawMeleeScaleSpringK - spring k for chainsaw melee rate scale
hands_chainsawMeleeScaleSurge - rate scale to use during chainsaw surging
hands_chainsawUseMeleeScaleSpring - if true then values are smoothed with a spring
and if false they are immediate
hands_debugAlignment - >= 1 draws axis for hands alignment debugging.
hands_debugFire - true to display debugging into related to firing
hands_debugFireFlags - Prints the current state of the fire flags when updating the
hands_debugFiringInterval - Prints numbers of milliseconds between weapon fires
hands_debugFrustumDepth - Depth of debug frustum, drawn when hands_updatePos = 0
hands_debugOutputShowFrames - use 0 to output frame info and 1 to output MS info
hands_debugProjectileTrajectory - enable / disable debug display of projectile
trajectories with debug lines
hands_debugTraceNextFireTime - trace the next fire time
hands_debuganimTime - 1 = show debug info for hands anim web
hands_debugfc - > 0 = show frame commands callbacks
hands_debugflags - 1 = show debug info for hands flags
hands_debugstates - 1 = show debug info for hands anim states, 2 = also show
hands_debugtracepos - trace hands position
hands_debugtracestates - 1 = trace hands anim states
hands_debugweapon - 1 = show debug info for the current weapon
hands_debugweb - 1 = show debug info for hands anim web, 2 = also show web var info
hands_debugwebvars - 1 = show debug info for hands anim web variables
hands_depthHack - tweak to avoid hands / weapons being clipped by world
hands_directionalMeleeDegs - How wide an angular sector to test for directional
melee enemies
hands_directionalMeleeDist - How far out to test for directional melee enemies
hands_directionalMeleeForceSelect - If >=0, force the directional melee to select
the specified strike
hands_directionalMeleeForwardDegs - Angular size of the forward cone where enemies
will be directionally meleed with the FORWARD directional melee attack
hands_directionalMeleeSideAttackBias - Scale the side dist to bias selection of
side attacks against vertical attacks
hands_doCosmeticReloads - if true, play a cosmetic reload animation to transition
an empty weapon to a full state instead of doing an ugly instant snap
hands_drawMuzzlePos - 1 = draw the muzzle position and orientation
hands_drawShellEjectPos - 1 = draw the shell eject position and orientation
hands_drawThrowItemHoldTime - 1 = draw the throw item hold time
hands_endDofLerpTime - Milliseconds to lerp out DoF when weapon intro animations
are interrupted
hands_envReactionsAlphaRate - alpha rate for animator, 0 for instantaneous
hands_envReactionsDebug - enables debugging for the environmental reaction animweb
hands_envReactionsDebugWeb - dumps trace info about the hands environmental
reaction animweb
hands_envReactionsDrawReactionDir - if true, draw the dominant reaction dir
hands_envReactionsEnable - enables the environmental reaction animweb
hands_envReactionsForceReactionByName - the name of the reaction to force
hands_envReactionsForceReactionByType - -1 = don't force anything, 0 = force no
reaction, 1 = force steam, 2 = force smoke, 3 = force gag, 4 = force poison gas, 5
= force quake
hands_envReactionsForceReactionRadius - the radius to use for calculating strength
for a forced reaction
hands_envReactionsForceReactionStrength - the strength of the forced reaction
hands_envReactionsYawSmoothSpringK - spring constant for smoothing the reaction
hands_forceDryfire - force the weapon to dryfire
hands_forceFire - force the weapon to fire, 1=primary, 2=secondary
hands_forceInterruptibleTransition - forces all transitions to be interruptible
hands_forceIntroAccentBringup - forces all bringups to use the intro accent bringup
if it exists
hands_forceIntroBringup - forces all bringups to use the intro bringup if it exists
hands_forceReloadFromEmpty - 1 = set 'isReloadingFromEmpty'
hands_forceWeaponLoadedAppearance - 0 = off, 1 = force unloaded appearance, 2 =
force loaded appearance (for weapons with different loaded and unloaded
hands_fovVerticalScaleHack - Hands vertical FOV multiplier
hands_genericlHideBlendFrames - Frame duration for the generic hide
hands_grenade_allowCook - Allow grenade cooking
hands_grenade_debugThrowDelay - Prints numbers of milliseconds from letting go of
throw button to spawning projectile
hands_grenade_pitchOffsetOverride - If greater than -1, will use this value instead
of the value in the throwable decl for pitchOffsetForPlayer
hands_hitReactionsDebugTraceStates - dumps trace info about the hands hit reaction
hands_hitReactionsDebugWeb - dumps trace info about the hands hit reaction animweb
hands_hitReactionsEnable - enables the hit reaction animweb
hands_hitReactionsTimeoutMs - timeout after a hit reaction plays before another can
hands_hitReactionsYawSmoothSpringK - spring constant for smoothing the hit
direction yaw
hands_ignoreTagCheckOnMeleeLunge - Ignores the tag distance check for melee lunge
hands_landAnimsCannotInterupt - If false, landing anims can never interupt another
active state (requires idle to play)
hands_loopingShootStateSpringK - spring constant for looping shoot state anim
hands_loopingShootStateUpdateIntervalMaxMS - maximum update interval for gross
weapon pose in looping shoot state, in MS
hands_loopingShootStateUpdateIntervalMinMS - minimum update interval for gross
weapon pose in looping shoot state, in MS
hands_meleeAllowOneHitKill - If true, allow a one hit kill on players
hands_meleeFromLungeDistance - How far away from the target we must be to start
playing the melee strike animation from the lunge
hands_meleeOneHitConeTestRadius - Cone radius used for checking player position and
facing for one-hit-kill melee
hands_meleeOneHitIsBehindDegrees - Angle for checking attacker's relative position
to target for one-hit-kill melee (Is attacker behind target?)
hands_meleeOneHitIsFacingDegrees - Angle for checking attacker's facing relative to
target for one-hit-kill melee (Is attacker facing target?)
hands_mpMeleeMinimumTimeMS - Minimum time (in ms) between melee strikes (MP only)
hands_offsetForCrosshairFireHeightScale - Scale the offset value for the fire axis
hands_offsetForCrosshairFirePitchScale - Scale the offset value for the fire axis
hands_offsetForCrosshairModelHeightScale - Scale the offset value for the model
hands_offsetForCrosshairModelPitchScale - Scale the offset value for the model
hands_offsetPitch - extra pitch
hands_offsetRoll - extra roll
hands_offsetX - position of the gun in the x coordinate
hands_offsetY - position of the gun in the y coordinate
hands_offsetYaw - extra yaw
hands_offsetZ - position of the gun in the z coordinate
hands_pendingActionTimeout - If >= 0, this determines how long an action can stay
pending before being cleared
hands_show - 1 = show gun
hands_showBlendTree - 1 = show the blend tree for the hands animweb, 2=show the
blend tree for the right hand item, 3= show the blend tree for the left hand item,
4=show the blend tree for the entire hands animstack
hands_show_mp - 1 = show gun - (MP Only), should override 'hands_show' when in MP
hands_startMeleeFromLungeScaler - Scale when we start the melee from the lunge, the
base distance is how far the tag is from the origin of the gun
hands_syncMeleeInterruptsAll - Whether syncMelee attacks can interrupt anything or
are part of the regular melee system
hands_timeInSprintForSprintMelee - how long in MS the player has to be in sprint to
do a sprint melee
hands_updateAnim - 1 = update hands animations
hands_updatePos - 1 = update position to match player view, 0 = leave hands where
they currently are
hands_useDeferredFire - 0 - always use non-deferred fire, 1 = always use deferred
fire, 2 = use non-deferred on the first fire and deferred after that
hands_useLastProcessAnimEventTime - Keep track of the last time we actually
processed anim events and use it instead of always using the previous frame's game
hands_useThrowBranch - Should we use the 'throwbranch' code or simpler 'throw' path
hands_usecvars - Use cvars for hand movement/rotation
hands_weaponChangeTimingScheme - 0 - weapon change time = bringdown time (cur
weapon ) + bringup time (next weapon), 1 - weapon change time = bringup time (next
hands_weaponLagDebug - enable debugging for weapon lag
hands_weaponLagEnable - enable weapon lag
hands_weaponLagForwardBackEnable - enable forward/back lag
hands_weaponLagIntegrationMethod - Toggles between the various integration methods
(ie 0 = Euler, 1 = RK4)
hands_weaponLagPitchEnable - enable pitch lag
hands_weaponLagStrafeEnable - enable strafe lag
hands_weaponLagYawEnable - enable yaw lag
hands_weaponLoadedBlendSpringK - spring constant for weaponLoadedBlendVal
hands_weaponZoomPCTPower - the power for the weapon zoom pct
hansoft_forgeNetwork - AMQP Forge network topic to use when sending messages to
Forge; defaults to forge_currentNetwork or AMQP vhost
harvester_beamEnableSmoothing - Enable Harvester ribbon smoothing for the beam
harvester_beamMaxRangeDitherDist - How much to dither down from the normal max
harvester_beamOnlyShowHit - Only show the 'hit' beam when we hit
harvester_beamRibbonPointCount - Number of points in the beam ribbon. Minimum of 2
(start and end)
harvester_debugDetonate - Enable debug display of detonate ability
harvester_detonateAllowMovement - Whether to allow movement during the detonate
harvester_detonateAsProjectile - Whether to use the projectiles or the AE
harvester_detonateBallDebug - Whether to show the debug for harvester's detonate
harvester_detonateBallDebugDepthTest - Harvester's detonate ball debug depth test
harvester_detonateBallDebugFilled - Whether to show the debug for harvester's
detonate ball filled
harvester_detonateBallDebugLifetime - Harvester's detonate ball debug lifetime
harvester_detonateFireDelay - How many milliseconds until the Harvester can fire
again after a detonate. 0 = immediate.
harvester_detonateInvalidInputTime - How many milliseconds do we hold the
invalidInput UI on screen
harvester_detonateProjectilePattern - Which pattern to use 0 = single forward. 1 =
front arc. 2 = 360
harvester_detonateRefireDelay - How many milliseconds until the Harvester can
detonate again. 0 = immediate.
harvester_detonateTime - How many milliseconds until the Harvester detonates after
pulling trigger
harvester_enableClimbTraversal - Allow the harvester to do the climb traversals
harvester_enableJumpTraversal - Allow the harvester to do the jump traversals
harvester_energyMinForVisuals - Min energy value to start ramping visuals
harvester_energyMultiplier - Multiplier to use for damage to energy conversion
harvester_fireForceLookForward - Force the harvester to look forward while firing
harvester_forceEnergyPercent - Force an amount of energy towards maxEnergy to test
harvester_forceFireHandedness - Force the harvester to fire using one hand or the
other (0=right, 1=left, -1=off)
harvester_forceStopFireSound - When we StopFireSound, force it to stop rather than
relying on the stopFireSound wwise event
harvester_groundFXEnable - Whether to enable the harvester ground fx
harvester_groundFXFadeTime - Time the ground fx stay after leaving the ground
harvester_groundFXMaxHeight - Furthest off the ground the harvester can be to have
ground fx
harvester_handsChannelBlendMs - Hands channel animator blend time
harvester_minTimeToRemainInFire - Min time harvester must remain firing after
starting fire
healthRegen_debug - show helper arrows and text for charge attack
heap_forceProductionReset - Force the map heap to follow the production path when
http_connectTimeout - Default HTTP connection timeout in MS
http_receiveTimeout - Default HTTP receive timeout in MS
http_resolveTimeout - Default HTTP resolve timeout in MS (0 = infinite)
http_sendTimeout - Default HTTP send timeout in MS
http_useProxy - Control whether to use system proxy configuration
http_verbose - Control HTTP client chattiness
hud_WeaponRotation -
hud_WeaponScale - Scale of the equipped weapon's render model.
hud_XPTweenRollOffTime - time for the xp to perform its tweens
hud_XPTweenRollOnTime - time for the xp to perform its tweens
hud_advDamageNumberAnimScaleMax - Maximum multiplier to use on the damage number
font size scale
hud_advDamageNumberAnimScaleMin - Minimum multiplier to use on the damage number
font size scale
hud_advDamageNumberAnimTimeScale - The time scale to use when animating the damage
number font size scale
hud_advDamageNumberArcGravityMax - Maximum gravity to use for animating damage
numbers down
hud_advDamageNumberArcGravityMin - Minimum gravity to use for animating damage
numbers down
hud_advDamageNumberArcMaxVelocityX - Maximum damage number velocity on the
horizontal plane
hud_advDamageNumberArcMaxVelocityY - Maximum damage number velocity in the vertical
hud_advDamageNumberArcMinVelocityX - Minimum damage number velocity on the
horizontal plane
hud_advDamageNumberArcMinVelocityY - Minimum damage number velocity in the vertical
hud_advDamageNumberArcSafeDegrees - The maximum angle (in degrees) from the
player's view under which we will try to keep the damage numbers visible
hud_advDamageNumberDistanceScaleMax - The maximum percentage that damage numbers
are allowed to be scaled, regardless of how close they are
hud_advDamageNumberDistanceScaleMin - The minimum percentage that damage numbers
are allowed to be scaled, regardless of how far away they are
hud_advDamageNumberEnabled - If true, world space damage numbers will be used,
rather than the 2D damage number system
hud_advDamageNumberPosCorrectionDemonDistance - The distance at which damage
numbers will begin having their positions adjusted when damaging demons.
hud_advDamageNumberPosCorrectionEnabled - If true, damage numbers will have their
positions adjusted to try to keep them on screen.
hud_advDamageNumberPosCorrectionPlayerDistance - The distance at which damage
numbers will begin having their positions adjusted when damaging players.
hud_advDamageNumberPosCorrectionVerticalOffset - Vertical offset to add to the
final calculated corrected damage number position.
hud_advDamageNumberScaleFarDistance - The distance from the player at which damage
numbers should be fully scaled to their minimum
hud_advDamageNumberScaleMaxRadians - The maximum angle (in radians) that the font
scale is allowed to be before it is clamped
hud_advDamageNumberScaleNearDistance - The distance from the player at which damage
numbers should be fully scaled to their maximum
hud_alliesAliveOverride - how many alive allies to display in allies enemies info
hud_allyTotalOverride - how many allies to display in allies enemies info
hud_always_show_adrenaline - Always sets adrenaline bar alpha to 1.0
hud_arAnalysisScreenPosX - temp - analysis widget screen pos x
hud_arAnalysisScreenPosY - temp - analysis widget screen pos y
hud_arTargetMoverDuration - duration of the target mover icon move
hud_automapDownloadTime - time it takes to download automap data
hud_bottomScale - scale of the bottom hud manager
hud_cardPoseScale - scale of card pose tree animator
hud_centerScale - scale for the center hud
hud_challengesBannerDuration - how long the challenges banner update should stay on
hud_cinematic_scale - scale for the fullscreen cinematic
hud_compass_FOV_offset_High - vertical offset for adjusting FoV at highest setting
hud_compass_FOV_offset_Low - vertical offset for adjusting FoV at lowest setting
hud_compass_OT_auto_rollup - roll up automatically after
hud_compass_OT_max_hangtime.GetFloat milliseconds
hud_compass_OT_distance_offset - Offset for distance test against in world
hud_compass_OT_max_hangtime - how long to be in the world before objectives float
up to the compass
hud_compass_OT_max_scale_distance - The maximum distance it will scale the world
gui model
hud_compass_OT_minimum_orientation - how closely does the player need to look at a
marker until its acknowledged?
hud_compass_OT_minimum_scale_factor - the minimum amount it will scale the world
hud_compass_OT_transition_time - How many MS should the objective marker take to
travel from world to compass?
hud_compass_OT_world_hangtime - how long to be in the world before objectives
respond to player input
hud_compass_OT_world_scale - How should the Objective marker be scaled when it's in
hud_compass_OT_zValue - Z Value to set normalized device coordinates to
hud_compass_marker_scale - Scale of the compass markers
hud_compass_objective_show_distance - How far away should an objective be before it
shows up in world?
hud_compass_objective_width_offset - scale horizontal location of objective markers
hud_compass_scale - Scale amount for the compas element
hud_compass_secretPingInnerRadius - radius for fast ping speed when near secret
hud_compass_secretPingMidRadius - radius for medium ping speed when near secret
hud_compass_secretPingOuterRadius - radius for slow ping speed when near secret
hud_compass_secretPingVerticalityZone - How far above or below should it be to show
the verticality indicators?
hud_compass_vertical_fudge - Vertical Detector fudge
hud_conan_build - Turn this on to disable select notifications for conan the
hud_coopLeftScale - left hud display scale
hud_damageNumberArmorColor - Color used to draw the armor damage numbers
hud_damageNumberCombineEnabled - If true, damage numbers will never be combined.
hud_damageNumberDirXMax - X Force max
hud_damageNumberDirXMin - X Force min
hud_damageNumberDirYMax - Y Force max
hud_damageNumberDirYMin - Y Force min
hud_damageNumberEquipmentColor - Color used to draw the equipment damage numbers
hud_damageNumberFadeTime - Time for number to fade out in seconds
hud_damageNumberFallRate - Rate at which damage numbers fall
hud_damageNumberHeadshotColor - Color used to draw the headshot damage numbers
hud_damageNumberHealthColor - Color used to draw the health damage numbers
hud_damageNumberHideRender - Whether or not we want to hide the rendering of the
damage numbers
hud_damageNumberShowCritText - Whether or not to show the 'crit' text on critical
hud_damageNumberShowDamgeText - Whether or not to show the damage text on hits
hud_debugMedals - log medals when they are shown
hud_debugSpawnVerbosityDistance - The distance that you must be closer than to get
detailed information on spawn scoring
hud_demonHealthTextScale - Text scale for Allied/Enemy Demon Health label
hud_demonHealthTextXOffset - Text X offset for Allied/Enemy Demon Health label
hud_demonHealthTextYOffset - Text Y offset for Allied/Enemy Demon Health label
hud_disableHudNotifications - if true, we dont show any Hud Notifications
hud_disableLowAmmoIndicator - Disables the low ammo indicator.
hud_drawSpectatorHud - Draw the spectator HUD when spectating (demo timeline etc)
hud_enableForcedGUISurfaceRemoval - Whether or not to enable forced GUI surface
hud_enemiesAliveOverride - how many alive enemies to display in allies enemies info
hud_enemyDamageCritFontSize - font size for critical hit (headshot) floating enemy
damage numbers
hud_enemyDamageDurationMS - floating enemy damage numbers speed floating up
hud_enemyDamageFollowTarget - Do enemy damage numbers follow the target damaged?
hud_enemyDamageFontSize - font size for floating enemy damage numbers
hud_enemyTotalOverride - how many enemies to display in allies enemies info
hud_flagDeliveryWarningDistance - distance in meters between the flag carrier and
delivery zone before the status text glows
hud_forceCrosshairType - override the type of crosshair being used
hud_gameChallengeDuration - how long the game challenge banner update should stay
on screen
hud_gameChallengeRapidDuration - how long the game challenge rapid banner update
should stay on screen
hud_globalAlpha - Alpha value for all HUD Elements.
hud_globalCalloutDuration - how long the global callout stays on screen
hud_health_lowWarning - percent at which the low warning indicator shows
hud_health_lowWarning_sound_delay - How long before the sound plays again when
player is tipped into low health.
hud_hideAllExceptReticle - Hide everything in the in-game hud except for the
hud_hideDamageNumbers - 0 = Show damage numbers; 1 = hide damage numbers
hud_hideNotifications - Whether to hide HUD notificiations
hud_hide_bfg_meter - Whether or not the BFG meter should show
hud_invalidWeaponInputDisplayTime - Time it takes for invalid input clip to fade
hud_killCalloutDuration - how long the you killed callout stays on screen
hud_killCardScale - scale of the kill card display
hud_killCardWaitTime - How long to wait after dying before showing kill card
hud_killEventTimeMaxMS - how long to show kill messages (max time, for when no
other kill messages are pending)
hud_killEventTimeMinMS - how long to show kill messages (min time, for when
multiple kill messages are pending)
hud_killFeedMaxTotalPlayerNameLength - If player names (killer + assister + victim)
have more than this many characters, drop the assister. Set to <= 0 to disable.
hud_levelUpBannerDuration - how long the level up banner update should stay on
hud_matchRankScale - match rank display scale
hud_medalBetweenTime - time to wait between showing medal icons
hud_medalDisplayTime - time to show medal icons
hud_medalShowName - should medal name and xp be shown
hud_medalTimeoutMS - time since the medal is added for it to be removed if it
hasn't been shown
hud_medalsEnabled - Whether or not to display XP medals
hud_missileImpacts_scale - scale of missile impact decls
hud_mpIntroScale - scale of the mp intro hud manager
hud_msgBottomScale - scale for the bottom message on the hud
hud_objectiveBannerDuration - how long the objective banner update should stay on
hud_objectiveProgressUpdateDuration - how long the objective progress update should
stay on screen
hud_objective_adjustScale - scale to adjust the objective indicator window by
hud_objective_displayTime - length of time that the objective displays for
hud_objective_fadeStartPercent - percentage when indicator starts to fade in
hud_objective_maxScale - scale of the in world objective indicator when at max
hud_objective_maxXBounds - maximum horizontal display area for objective icon
hud_objective_maxYBounds - maximum vertical display area for objective icon
hud_objective_maxZDistance - max zdepth into the screen for the objective indicator
hud_objective_minScale - min scale of in world objective indicator
hud_objective_showDistance - max radius at which to show/hide the objective
indicator in world
hud_onWeaponDisplay_Scale - scale for the on weapon display
hud_personalCalloutDuration - how long the personal callout stays on screen
hud_playerInfoScale - player info display scale
hud_playerPickupProgressTextScale - Text scale for player pickup progress text
hud_playerPickupProgressYOffset - Text Y offset for player pickup progress text
hud_playerVitalTweenTime - tween time for player vital animations
hud_playerVitalsShowAbsoluteValue - whether to show player vital's text as absolute
values or percentages
hud_podiumScale - scale of the podium hud manager
hud_pointNumberColor - Color used to draw points
hud_printEnemyDmgMsgText - Print enemy damage msg debug text
hud_renderDiagnosticGauge - Display a diagnostic telemetry gauge(if telemetry
enabled) on screen. 0 = Off. 1 = Positioning Error.
hud_renderPlayerNamesUnderCrosshair - Toggle showing enemy names under crosshair.
hud_resourceNumberColor - Color used to draw resource
hud_reticleDisableShowUse - Disable the Press Use to blah
hud_reticleFadeTime - How long to wait (in milliseconds) before fading the reticles
after they have brightened
hud_reticle_animSpeed - speed at which the reticle grows and shirnks for spread
hud_reticle_critical_a - alpha channel of critical hit reticle
hud_reticle_critical_b - blue color channel of critical hit reticle
hud_reticle_critical_g - green color channel of critical hit reticle
hud_reticle_critical_r - red color channel of critical hit reticle
hud_reticle_hide_chainsaw_pips - Turn off the ammo pips for insufficient ammo with
the chainsaw
hud_reticle_indicators_scale - scale of the reticle indicators display
hud_reticle_scale - scale of the reticle display
hud_reticle_scaler - speed at which the reticle grows and shirnks for spread
hud_reticle_scalerZoomed - speed at which the reticle grows and shirnks for spread
hud_showAdrenalineMeter - if true we draw the adrenaline meter
hud_showDamageNumbersInWorld - 0 = Show xp callouts on hud, 1 = show damage above
hud_showDamageXPCallouts - 1 - Show XP Callouts, 0 - Don't show XP Callouts
hud_showDemonicEnergy - whether to show the player's demonic energy (campaign only)
hud_showGameFacts - Whether or not to show game fact tool tips while loading maps
hud_showObjectiveTracker - if true we draw the objective tracker
hud_showSkillpointReminder - Whether to show the skill point reminder or not.
hud_showUsernameInModeInfo - show local user name instead of mode info in top left
hud_showXPGainsInPrivateMatch - if true, xp gains will be shown in private match
(even though they won't count)
hud_show_intro_bink - Should we show the bink on level start?
hud_skip_cinematics - skips intro cinematics after load
hud_teamScoreCalloutDurationMS - how long the team score callout stays on screen
hud_testRenderX - value for testing debug hud element placement
hud_testRenderY - value for testing debug hud element placement
hud_tickerFadeTime - time it takes a message to fade out
hud_tickerMessageTime - time to display an individual ticker message for before
fade out time
hud_tickerMessageTimeSelf - time to display an individual ticker message for before
fade out time for self
hud_topLeftScale - scale for the top left hud
hud_tutorialNotificationDelay - Delay for other notifications to appear after a
tutorial pops up
hud_updateMedalsWhileDead - if true, medals will continue to be udpated while the
player is dead
hud_upgradeTimer - temp
hud_useFXModel - use the fx model for the visor
hud_vegaCallout_MaxDistance - min scale for the vega in world callouts
hud_vegaCallout_MaxScale - max scale for the vega in world callouts
hud_vegaCallout_MinDistance - min scale for the vega in world callouts
hud_vegaCallout_MinScale - min scale for the vega in world callouts
hud_vegaVo_scale - scale for the vega vo
hud_weaponDisplayScale - weapon display ( barb ) scale
hud_weaponInfoScale - weapon info display scale
hud_weaponInfo_tweenTime - tween time for weapon info fade out
hurtSurface_bounds_x -
hurtSurface_bounds_y -
hurtSurface_bounds_z -
hurtSurface_debug -
hurtSurface_offset_x -
hurtSurface_offset_y -
hurtSurface_offset_z -
hurtSurface_particleIndex -
hydra_dedicatedServerRegionString - String recorded in a hydra match as
hydra_dedicatedServerUseMatchTelemetryChance - Chance that a dedicated server will
enable match telemetry (0 to 1)
hydra_enabled - Turn on to save and load profile to/from Hydra
hydra_overrideHydraAPIKey - Override the hydra API key
hydra_overrideHydraURL - Override the hydra URL
hydra_profileMP_enable - If true, store the MP parts of the player profile on
hydra_signInWhenOnline - 1: Sign in to hydra when the user is online, -1: don't
auto sign in, 0: Don't sign in ever
hydra_useMatchTelemetry - 1 = use match telemetry
hydra_verbose - If true, will display all hydra messages.
idNetTelemetry_disabled - disable system
idNetTelemetry_intervalTime - how long should we track
idNetTelemetry_maxTimePerInterval - if a single client has taken up too much time
in an interval drop him
idStudio_enableAutoReloadModels - Enables reloading of models automatically as soon
as any change is detected.
ik_debug - show IK debug lines
ik_enable - enable IK
ik_enableSmoothing - enable IK smoothing
ik_pullBackMode - How to handle WalkIK 'pull back from edge': 0 - Disable; 1 - Pull
back directly towards center; 2 - Try to pull back on the X or Y planes
ik_waistDebugTime - ms to show previous waist positions
image_BC6Hcompressor - Set to choose which compressor is used for BC6H ( 0 = intel,
1 = amd )
image_BC7compressor - Set to choose which compressor is used for BC7 ( 0 = intel, 1
= amd )
image_BCCompressionQuality - Compression quality for BC* 0-5 ( 0 = best -- 4 =
fastest ) ship with 0, develop with 2
image_anisotropy - set the maximum texture anisotropy if available
image_filter - changes texture filtering on mipmapped images
image_ignoreHQCompression - ignore hq and use fast image compression
image_lodbias - change lod bias on mipmapped images
image_mipFilter - 0 = Old filter, 1 = Cubic, 2 = Mitchell, 3 = Lanczos
image_screenshotQuality - sets the compression quality for jpeg screenshots, 100 is
best quality
image_useDxtEncodeJobs - Set to use jobs for DXT encoding
image_watermark - places a watermark each image with a watermark
in_MarkJoystickInactiveOnMouseInput - 1 - Will mark joystick inactive on mouse
input events 0 - will not mark inactive
in_anglespeedkey - angle change scale when holding down _speed button
in_controlInactiveWindow - allow joystick input to control game instances that
don't have win focus
in_invertLook - inverts the look controls so the forward looks up (flight controls)
in_joystick - enables joystick input
in_joystickRumble - enables joystick rumble
in_mouse - enable mouse input
in_noFocusJoystickInput - allow joystick on a specific input even when there is no
in_pitchspeed - pitch change speed when holding down look _lookUp or _lookDown
in_requireGameWindowActive - true - input will be cleared when game window loses
focus, false - input present when window lost focus will repeat
in_testJoystickRumble - enables joystick rumble testing from console and key
binding via 'playRumble'
in_unlockMouseInMenus - If true, the mouse cursor can move outside the game window
while in menus.
in_yawspeed - yaw change speed when holding down _left or _right button
input_maxBindings - maximum number of bindings an action can have
interactDoor_Debug - if true show debug info on screen for the interact door
interactable_MoveableDebug - debug acceleration
interactable_alwaysAnimate - Use this only in desperate measures
interactable_debug - Draws debug information for interactables. 1 = CurrentState
intro_debug_output - Show MP intro debug output
intro_debug_spoof_team - If > 1, spoofs extra players to fill team by copying first
player data
intro_default_avatar_animweb - Animweb used by the player models in intro screen
intro_default_avatar_md6 - Default md6 for player models in intro screen
intro_default_spawn_fx - Default spawn fx for intro avatars
intro_fov - Intro screen field of view
intro_hud_dist_x - intro screen distance from viewer x
intro_hud_dist_y - intro screen distance from viewer y
intro_hud_dist_z - intro screen distance from viewer z
intro_hud_scale - intro screen scale factor
intro_model_depth_hack - Depth hack for intro models
intro_model_scale - Scale for player models
intro_model_transition_speed - Speed models transition
intro_model_transition_threshold - Unary dist from next player transition before
can go to next
intro_show_ffa_name_pois - Show gamer tags above avatars, of players that are above
the max team size.
intro_show_name_pois - Show gamer tags above avatars
intro_spawn_delay - Time after FX starts that player actually appears
intro_spawn_depth - Spawn FX depth
intro_spawn_spacing - Time gap between each player spawning in
intro_spawn_start - Earliest time avatars can appear
intro_team_bravo_flag - Bravo team's flag entity
intro_team_echo_flag - Echo team's flag entity
inventory_serialize_debug - Debug inventory serializiation
invis_springK - Spring constant for the repeater recoil spring
jobs_JPUBackgroundAlpha - alpha value of the background rectangles (per JPU row.)
jobs_allowCore6 - Only for consoles. Do or do not allow worker threads to be
scheduled onto core 6.
jobs_backdropAlpha - Alpha for the backdrop.
jobs_drawDebugGUI - 0 = off, 1 = dynamic stats, 2 = umbra only
jobs_enableBackdrop - Enable (1) or Disable (0) the a black backdrop to enhance the
debug view (for screenshots.)
jobs_enableCollection - enables or disabled job timing data collection
jobs_enableLogging - Enable or disable job system logging entirely.
jobs_filterByName - Filter to only show results for a particular job chain. (case
jobs_forceSingleThreaded - Force the job system to run single threaded, executing
them immediately upon being submitted.
jobs_frameTimeTargetMs - target frame time in milliseconds. time beyond this value
is rendered with a yellow background.
jobs_globalAlpha - Global alpha multiplier for the job system debug window.
jobs_largeFontSize - job system debugger large font size
jobs_logLevel - Sets the logging level of the job system. 0=None, 1=Error,
2=Warnings, 3=Debug, 4=Everything
jobs_longJobMicroSec - Print a warning for jobs that take more than this number of
jobs_maxJobChainTime - The maximum amount of time, in seconds, to wait for a job
chain before giving up.
jobs_mediumFontSize - job system debugger medium font size
jobs_numThreads - The number of threads used to crunch through jobs. if -1, use
the maximum number of hyperthreads, minus one for main.
jobs_packageTestFirstCore - The index of the first core to schedule on. The last
core is jobs_jobs_packageTestNumCores + this.
jobs_packageTestNumCores - The number of cores to use for the package separation
jobs_packageTestNumIterations - The number of iterations to make in each test. For
example, a single test pass normalizes this amount of vectors.
jobs_packageTestNumPasses - The number of passes to make in each test. For
example, each test includes this number of runs, which are averaged together for
the final timing. Higher is better, but slower to run.
jobs_packageTestNumTestRuns - The number of times to run the tests
jobs_showFrameOverrun - color excess frame time (see jobs_frameTimeTargetMs) as
yellow for the exceeded portion of the frame.
jobs_showJPUBar - Show/hide the JPU bar
jobs_smallFontSize - job system debugger small font size
jobs_smoothingRate - Smoothing rate, or how many iterations are considered for data
jobs_stepCollectionFrame - collects job timing data for one frame, displaying the
jobs_testNumLights - Number of rays to run in the job system test
jobs_testNumRays - Number of rays to run in the job system test
jobs_varyJobColor - Vary the colors of the jobs
jobs_waitModifiesPriority - When a wait or try-wait occurs on a job chain, it will
set the priority to high (does not take effect until the next group is scheduled.)
jostle_DebugBounds -
joy_circleToSquare - Convert view input from circle to square to prevent diag
joy_circleToSquarePower - Power exponent for the circle to square lerp
joy_dampenLook - Do not allow full acceleration on look
joy_deadZone - specifies how large the dead-zone is on the joystick
joy_deltaPerMSLook - Max amount to be added on look per MS
joy_edgeAccelerationAcceleration - Max turn acceleration when edge acceleration is
joy_edgeAccelerationScalar - Percentage of max turn rate to add when edge
acceleration is active (0.0 does nothing; 1.0 doubles turn speed)
joy_edgeAccelerationThreshold - Percentage of joystick deflection needed before
edge acceleration kicks in
joy_gammaLook - use a log curve instead of a power curve for movement
joy_mergedDeadZoneAngle - If joy_mergedThreshold is enabled, this value is used as
an angular dead zone
joy_mergedThreshold - If the thresholds aren't merged, you drift more off center
joy_pitchSpeed - pitch speed when pressing left or right on the joystick
joy_powerScale - Raise joystick values to this power
joy_range - allow full range to be mapped to a smaller offset
joy_smoothingAcceleration - Max turn acceleration
joy_smoothingEnabled - Enable look smoothing
joy_smoothingSensitivityScalar - Additional joystick sensitivity scalar when
smoothing is enabled
joy_triggerThreshold - how far the joystick triggers have to be pressed before they
register as down
joy_useGameDeltaTime - Use game delta time instead of immediate system queried
delta time
joy_yawSpeed - yaw speed when pressing left or right on the joystick
kc_DebugModelBounds -
kc_QuickItemModel -
kc_QuickItemRotation -
kc_WeaponModel -
kc_armorAddAlways -
kc_armorDepthHack -
kc_armorNeverCull -
kc_humanSize - Default size of vertical bound for human player
kc_killerDetailsEnabled -
kc_largeKillerModelDepthOffset - Depth offset to use when rendering the killer
kc_largeKillerModelHorizontalOffset - Horizontal offset to use when rendering the
killer model
kc_largeKillerModelScale - Scale to use when rendering the killer model
kc_largeKillerModelVerticalOffset - Vertical offset to use when rendering the
killer model
kc_largeKillerModelXRotationOffset - Additional rotation (around the forward axis)
to apply the large rendering of the killer model
kc_largeKillerModelYRotationOffset - Additional rotation (around the left axis) to
apply the large rendering of the killer model
kc_largeKillerModelZRotationOffset - Additional rotation (around the up axis) to
apply the large rendering of the killer model
kc_lightColor0 -
kc_lightColor1 -
kc_lightColor2 -
kc_lightColor3 -
kc_lightRadius - Killer card light radius
kc_pitch -
kc_roll -
kc_showKillerModel - Enables / Disables showing the 3D model of the character who
killed the player
kc_showPlayerCustomization - Shows the player customization in the kill card.
kc_smallKillerModelDepthOffset - Depth offset to use when rendering the killer
kc_smallKillerModelHorizontalOffset - Horizontal offset to use when rendering the
killer model
kc_smallKillerModelScale - Scale to use when rendering the killer model
kc_smallKillerModelVerticalOffset - Vertical offset to use when rendering the
killer model
kc_smallKillerModelXRotationOffset - Additional rotation (around the forward axis)
to apply the small rendering of the killer model
kc_smallKillerModelYRotationOffset - Additional rotation (around the left axis) to
apply the small rendering of the killer model
kc_smallKillerModelZRotationOffset - Additional rotation (around the up axis) to
apply the small rendering of the killer model
kc_useDetailedKillerInfoForSuicides -
kc_yaw -
key_debugBinds - if 1 then prints debug info as bind commands are received
key_deviceBindOverride - if > -1 will use that device to exec bind commmands on
lang_displayReferenceStrings - if set, shows the reference strings (ie:
#str_blah_blah) rather than the language strings
lang_maskLocalizedStrings - Masks all localized strings to help debugging. When
set will replace strings with an equal length of W's and ending in an X. Note: The
masking occurs at string table load time.
launcher_launchId - id of the current launch instance
launcher_launcherId - id of the Forge launcher running the game
lcp_showFailures - show LCP solver failures
lobby_FinalCountdownSec -
lobby_IntermissionSecMax -
lobby_IntermissionSecMin -
lobby_MinPlayersToStartCountdown -
lobby_MinPlayersToStartCountdownCoop -
lobby_MinPlayersToStartGame -
lobby_MinPlayersToStartGameCoop -
lobby_MinPlayersToStartGamePrivate -
lobby_VoteSec - Duration, in seconds, of the vote in a lobby. Must be <=
intermission time.
lobby_alwaysReportFull - The lobby host always behaves as though the lobby was full
so external clients are unable to join.
lobby_autoReady - Just mark a user as ready to play as soon as they're added by the
lobby controller.
lobby_emulatePrivateAsPublic - Enable to make private match lobbies work like
public ones - intermission timer, final countdown, ready up to start early.
lobby_enableInitialTeamAssignment - If enabled the lobby controller will assign an
initial team; otherwise it takes what the lobby user has set.
lobby_forceSpinOnSearch - Force the session to spin in the searching state; even if
it has found something to connect to. ( For debug purposes only )
lobby_listAllPublicLobbies - Make the game browser list all public games instead of
friends games. Set to 1 for dev purposes only.
lobby_localUserForceSpectate - Force the local user to be a non-participant
lobby_localUserInitialTeam - Force the local users to an initial team when joining
a lobby. Must be used in conjunction with lobby_enableInitialTeamAssignment = 0 on
the host.
lobby_reservedUserTimeout - The max amount of time a lobby user can be reserved
lobby_timeBetweenGameAndPartyLobbyParityCheck - How often the party host checks the
game lobby to see if a party client is missing and then fix that.
loc_sendStringUsageTelemetry - enables the uploading of string usage telemetry to
the forge telemetry data
loc_updateStringTableWithStringLengthsFromGuis - on load of a swf we update the
string table with strings max length
logFile - 1 = buffer log, 2 = flush after each print
logFileName - name of log file, if empty, qconsole.log will be used
logFilePathType - 0 = FSPATH_SAVE, 1 = FSPATH_BASE
logFilePersistent - If the qconsole log should persist between launches
loot_debug - Output debug info
loot_enable - Enable loot dropping
loot_noAmmoDrops - Disable ammo loot drops
loot_noDropChance - Drops will always spawn, no random chance
loot_teamRestrictedDrops - Drops will/won't be restricted to a team preventing
friendly pickup
loot_tracking - Enabled the loot tracking system
loot_trackingDebug - Debug output for loot tracking system
m_menu_sensitivity - mouse menu sensitivity used because using the same unscaled
mouse view sensitivity is way to high
m_pitch - mouse pitch scale
m_sensitivity - mouse view sensitivity
m_showMouseRate - shows mouse movement
m_smooth - number of samples blended for mouse viewing
m_smoothing - enable mouse smoothing
m_yaw - mouse yaw scale
managedChannelAnimator_animBlendInMS - Default blend in duration
managedChannelAnimator_animBlendOutMS - Default blend out duration
managedChannelAnimator_animIsDoneFrames - Default number of frames to look ahead to
test whether an animation is 'done'
mancubusSteam_checkContents - Whether to do the contents check for each child
mancubusSteam_checkLOS - Whether to do the los check for each child
mancubusSteam_contentsCheckSize - How big is the box we check contents for
mancubusSteam_debug - Whether to debug mancubus steam volumes
mancubusSteam_debugChecks - Whether to debug mancubus steam contents checks
mancubusSteam_debugGrid - Whether to display the mancubus steam grid for debugging
mancubusSteam_debugLifetime - How long to display the debug info for mancubus steam
mancubusSteam_enableDiagonal - Does the steam grow diagonally
mancubus_climbCameraDistance - How far back to slide the camera while climbing (0
to remain in first person)
mancubus_climbCameraSlideTime - How long in ms to slide the camera out for third
person transitions
mancubus_climbThrustSpeed - How fast is the Mancubus ascending while performing a
climb traversal (units/sec)
mancubus_deadGKHideDemonTime - Duration in MS the mancubus ragdolls before
exploding after a glory kill
mancubus_deadHideDemonTime - Duration in MS the mancubus ragdolls before exploding
mancubus_deadLavaHideDemonTime - Duration in MS the mancubus ragdolls before hiding
after a lava death
mancubus_fireAllowedFromBounce - Whether the Mancubus can fire in the air after
being launched from a bounce pad
mancubus_fireBurstCount - Number of paired shots to fire in a burst
mancubus_fireBurstDelay - Delay (in milliseconds) between paired shots in a burst
mancubus_fireRequiresGroundContact - Whether the Mancubus must be on the ground
(not falling/jumping) to fire its weapons
mancubus_fireToVentDelayMS - How long in MS before the mancubus can vent after a
mancubus_handsChannelBlendMs - Hands channel animator blend time
mancubus_heatDebug - Displays debug information for Mancubus heat
mancubus_heatDrainPerSec - Amount of heat dissipated from the Mancubus rockets
without venting
mancubus_heatInitial - Amount of heat that Mancubus should spawn with
mancubus_heatMax - Maximum amount of heat the Mancubus can sustain without
mancubus_heatPerShot - Amount of heat generated with each Mancubus rocket volley
mancubus_heatVentCanStop - Whether venting can be stopped by releasing the trigger
before all heat is drained
mancubus_heatVentDrainPerSec - Amount of heat dissipated from the Mancubus rockets
when venting per second
mancubus_heatVentMin - Minimal amount of heat accumulated before venting is allowed
mancubus_heatVentMinOverheated - Minimal amount of heat remaining before venting is
allowed while overheating
mancubus_noHeat - When this is set, heat is not generated by firing and is only
used for venting cooldown
mancubus_normalAccelerationRate - Acceleration while running normally
mancubus_ventCameraDistance - How far back to slide the camera while venting (0 to
remain in first person)
mancubus_ventCameraSlideTime - How long in ms to slide the camera out for third
person transitions
mancubus_ventInvalidInputTime - How long in MS do we hold the invalidInput UI on
mancubus_ventToFireDelayMS - How long in MS before the mancubus can fire after a
mancubus_ventToVentDelayMS - How long in MS before the mancubus can vent after a
meleeLunge_abortRecoverySpeed - if melee lunge aborts with player at over this
speed, stomp to this speed
meleeLunge_canBecomeSyncMelee - Whether an active melee that's lunging should try
to become a syncMelee
meleeLunge_debugTargetPoints - Renders the targets that were tested when using
meleeLunge_do2dLunge - Limit melee lunge to xy axis, leaving vertical speed alone
meleeLunge_dotCutoff - Dot product cutoff for melee lunge
meleeLunge_dotDistCutoff - Distance at with dot product cutoff happens
meleeLunge_snapViewToTarget - True if we should snap our view to the melee lunge
meleeLunge_viewAngleLerp - How much we should lerp our view to the target when
mem_UseTwoDiffusePools - Use two diffuse pools for the wastelands
mem_findStalePointers - Run the heap pointer checking before resetMapHeap
mem_guardMapHeap - Don't destroy map heaps on exit, guard them instead (64 bit
build required)
mem_phyMemBlockSizeM - Size (in MB) of the physical memory block
mem_printAllocsOnMapHeapDestroy - Print out any unfreed allocations on map heap
mem_trackMax - 1 = track max ever allocated
menu_advanced_AllowAllSettings - Whether we allow all settings to be picked for
testing purposes
menu_allowButtonBarForCredits - Enables / Disables Button Bar for End of Game
menu_allowPrivateMatch - allow private match in FTP
menu_browser_onlyJoinSelf - If true, will not see server results for servers that
don't have your gamer tag.
menu_challengePostMatchAnimationDelay - Time, in milliseconds, until the challenge
progress animation starts playing
menu_challengePostMatchAnimationTime - Time, in milliseconds, to animate the
challenge progress bar from empty to full
menu_controller_default_smoothing - Default amount of look smoothing
menu_controller_max_smoothing - max amount of look smoothing
menu_controller_min_smoothing - min amount of look smoothing
menu_coreunlockInfo_positionOffset -
menu_debug - show additional menu debug info. 0 = off, 1 = warnings, 2 =
additional info
menu_disableActionRepeater - whether to turn off repeat actions (useful for when
menu_echelon_test - Uses the name of the player to determine the echelon display
(for testing purposes)
menu_echelon_test_level - Test the level on the echelon widget (-1 = off)
menu_echelon_test_local_player - Force the entries to display as if they are/are
not the local player. -1 - disable, 0 - force off, 1 - force on
menu_echelon_test_progress - Test the progress on the echelon widget (-1.0f = off)
menu_enableBrightnessCalibration - Enable the brightness calibration at the start
of the game
menu_enableMatchSettings - Enable match settings for the host.
menu_enableModelsInLoadoutScreens - True - Enable render models in the loadout
screens, False - Use the big icons from the associated unlock decls
menu_enableShuffleTeams - Enable shuffle teams button for host.
menu_forceRosterLobby -
menu_liveTileEnabled -
menu_liveTileForceLocal - force use of offline live tile json file
menu_liveTileLocalPathOverride -
menu_liveTileSpacing -
menu_liveTileTweenDuration - In milliseconds
menu_liveTileTweenEaseFunction -
menu_loadouts_preGamePromptWarnTime - The duration before game start to show the
prompt warnings
menu_mapModeVoteDev - Dev only
menu_mapModeVoteEnabled - Enable map + mode voting in public lobbies
menu_matchSettings_showChangedGameSettings -
menu_mpNetworkHelpURL - The URL for the network help bar
menu_mpPopup_showCustomizationDialog -
menu_mpPopup_showFreeDialog -
menu_mpPopup_showLoadoutsDialog -
menu_mpPopup_showMigrationDialogs -
menu_mpPopup_showPhoenixDialogs -
menu_mpPopup_showRunesDialog -
menu_onlineLevelOverride - Override for the visual MP level in menus - not
supported in all menus
menu_pms_newItemFadeInDuration - In milliseconds
menu_pms_newItemFadeInEaseFunction -
menu_pms_newItemScrollDuration - In milliseconds
menu_pms_newItemScrollEaseFunction -
menu_pms_newItemSpacing -
menu_pms_newItemUserScrollDuration - In milliseconds
menu_postmatch_bottomSectionDelayDuration - Delay time between bottom sections
menu_postmatch_xpBarFullAnimationDuration - The time it takes to animate a full XP
menu_postmatch_xpForegroundBarDurationScalar -
menu_rootModeSpacing -
menu_showHackMods - if set will show hack mods in the menu and in-game prompts
menu_showLobbyAvatars - Show lobby avatars. 0 = only you. 1 = full lobby. 2 = full
lobby, highlighted user up front. 3 = full lobby, camera moves to highlighted user.
menu_showMapVideoAsBackdrop -
menu_skipSounds - 1 = don't play any sounds/music in the menu.
menu_snapDemo - if set will hide non-Snap menu options
menu_snapPlayerProfileChallengeAnimationDelay - Time, in milliseconds, until the
challenge progress animation starts playing
menu_snapPlayerProfileChallengeAnimationTime - Time, in milliseconds, to animate
the challenge progress bar from empty to full
menu_startMatchAlwaysAllowed -
menu_startScreenProfileName - Profile name to test start screen functionality
menu_stats_favoriteWeaponOverride - Override the favorite weapon with an index into
the weapon list.
menu_unlockInfo_hackOffset -
menu_veteranBadgeMaskOverride -
menu_xpBar_xpTextMode - 0 = Current XP / Next Level XP, 1 = Current XP - Current
Level XP / Next Level XP - Current Level XP, 2 = XP Remaining
metrics_allowStatsAndXPInPrivateMatch -
metrics_xpMultiplier - Scalar modification for our xp
mm_savedDevMenuDecl - saved dev menu decl
mm_savedDevMenuIndex - saved index into the dev menu decl.
mm_savedDevMenuLaunchType - saved type of launch 0 is slow combo map, 1 is devmap
mmf_debug - print during operation
modelEditor_entityDef - Default entity def to use for footstep sounds and other
modelViewer_distance_persec - How many units per second do we move in and out.
modelViewer_dofEnd - End of the Model Viewer DOF
modelViewer_dofStart - Start of the Model Viewer DOF
modelViewer_height_persec - How many units per second do we move up and down
modelViewer_rotation_persec - How many degrees per second do we rotate.
modelViewer_weapon_dofEnd - End DoF for weapon models
modelViewer_weapon_dofStart - Start DoF for weapon models
motd_forceStoreToProductId - When not empty, the MOTD store option will be forced
to this product id
motd_useFallbackLanguage - Use default language if localized version not found
motd_verbose - Print debug information regarding the message of the day
mountedTurret_useDeferredFiring - set to use deferred firing
mover_SyncMaximumTime - the time difference we must meet between snapshots that can
be considered normal before we stop execution due to server not responding
mover_SyncMinimumTime - the time difference we must meet in order to be considered
out of sync and do a sync across server and client
mover_immediateStageChange - Set to 1 to perform an immediate stage change, instead
of waiting a frame
mpHud_pinnedChallengeDisplayTime - time to show completed pinned challenges.
mpSErverCloudInstance_setupTimeoutExitCode - Exit code returned by the process when
failing to setup timer expires
mpServerCloudClient_connectTimeout - Initial timeout for clients connecting to
Forge MP Cloud
mpServerCloudClient_httpConnectionURI - Address of the http endpoint in URI format
mpServerCloudClient_id - Client Id used when communicating to the MP Server Cloud;
defaults to UUID4.Generate()
mpServerCloudClient_initialTimeout - initial time to wait for a server response in
mpServerCloudClient_verbose - You know what this does
mpServerCloudInstance_amqpConnectionURI - AMQP connection URI for to use when
talking to the Forge MP Cloud AMQP server; defaults to amqp_connectionURI
mpServerCloudInstance_connectionInfo - Connection string to send for clients to
connect to this instance, defaults to net_ip:net_dedicatedPort
mpServerCloudInstance_enable - Flag used to enable a dedicated server to join a MP
Server Cloud.
mpServerCloudInstance_exit - Flag controlling whether to exit the game after a
dedicated server match
mpServerCloudInstance_exitCode - Process exit code used after a match if
mpServerCloudInstance_exit is set
mpServerCloudInstance_id - Game Server Id used when communicating over AMQP;
defaults to UUID4.Generate()
mpServerCloudInstance_idleMaintenanceExitCode - Exit code returned by the process
when maintenance file detected while idle
mpServerCloudInstance_idleMaintenanceFile - Path to file to check if we should exit
mpServerCloudInstance_idleMaintenanceFileCheckFrequency - Frequency (in frames) to
check for the idle maintenance file.
mpServerCloudInstance_idleTimeout - Time in ms before an idle server shuts itself
mpServerCloudInstance_idleTimeoutExitCode - Exit code returned by the process when
the idle timeout expires
mpServerCloudInstance_reserveTimeout - Timeout before a claimed offer expires.
mpServerCloudInstance_setupTimeout - Time in ms before a server without a game
lobby shuts itself down.
mpServerCloudInstance_splunkHeartbeat - delay between splunk heartbeat updates. Set
to 0 to disable.
mpServerCloudInstance_verbose - Controls whether to output log messages for the MP
Server Cloud Instance
mp_LoadScreenTipsTime - In milliseconds, how long to keep tips up on the loading
screen.(MP ONLY)
mp_RadialBarDivisionsOverride - Override the number of divisions in the circle.
mp_bot_input_override - Override local input routing for bot control
mp_cg_soundDebug -
mp_crosshairHitbeep - Toggle showing hit X when hitting another player in an MP
mp_debugFailedSpawn - Print detailed spawn manager information on failed commands.
mp_enableJoinInProgress - If true, join in progress is enabled by default.
mp_logMapModeVotes - (TSS cvar) when turned on, map/mode vote counts will be
mp_maxPlayerIdleTimeBeforeKickInSeconds - 0 = Disable. > 0 = Number of seconds that
will pass with player AFK before getting kicked from an MP match.
mp_maxPlayerSpawnFriendlyDistance - Max friendly distance.
mp_maxPlayerSpawnHostileDistance - Max danger distance.
mp_maxPlayerSpawnKillerDistance - Any spawn location closer than this to the killer
will be devalued.
mp_maxPlayerSpawnLastDistance - Any spawn location closer than this to the last
spawn will be devalued.
mp_minPlayerSpawnFriendlyDistance - Min friendly distance.
mp_minPlayerSpawnHostileDistance - Min danger distance.
mp_minPlayerSpawnKillerDistance - Any spawn location closer than this to the killer
won't be considered.
mp_minPlayerSpawnLastDistance - Any spawn location closer than this to the last
spawn won't be considered.
mp_playerSpawnLookAheadTime - Number of seconds that is used to predict future
enemies locations for a LOS check
mp_radialBar_AlwaysGenerate - Re-generate radial progress bar verts on every draw.
mp_radialBar_DrawBackdrop - Draw backdrop on radial bar.
mp_spawnVerbose - Print detailed spawn manager information for debugging.
mt_genPageCompression - Compression method for generated pages.
mt_genVmtrCompression - Compression method for generated Vmtrs.
mt_sizeOverride - Override the default landscape resolution, specified in
mtp_server - IP Address of the MTP server
mtp_writeSize - per write size for mtp writes to server
multiView_60Hz - 0 = alternate frame rendering, 1 = render both each frame
narrativeDirector_Debug - Turns narrative director debug on/off
narrativeDirector_DirtyWaitTick - How many ticks to wait before we can process to
link eval.
net_AWSFirehoseLoggerEndpoint - Web server to send Firehose logging reports
(defaults to discovery value)
net_AWSFirehoseLoggerRegion - AWS region to send Firehose logging reports (defaults
to discovery value)
net_AWSKinesisClientAddress - Client address to send of the header in every Kinesis
event (defaults to discovery value)
net_AWSKinesisLoggerAccessKey - Access key to use when sending Kinesis logging
events (defaults to title storage value)
net_AWSKinesisLoggerEndpoint - Web server to send Kinesis logging reports (defaults
to discovery value)
net_AWSKinesisLoggerRegion - AWS region to send Kinesis logging reports (defaults
to discovery value)
net_AWSKinesisLoggerSecret - Secret to use when sending Kinesis logging events
(defaults to title storage value)
net_BNetLoggerEndpoint - Web server to send BNet logging events (defaults to title
storage value)
net_BNetLoggerProductID - Product ID to use when sending BNet logging events
(defaults to title storage value)
net_BNetLoggerSecret - Secret to use when sending BNet logging events (defaults to
title storage value)
net_DebugEntityPriority - if true will debug print data for priority sorting
net_ForceWriteSnap - If true, server will create snapshots even if there are no
peers (for debugging)
net_ForceWriteSnapAckMS - Ack net_ForceWriteSnap snapshots every x MS
net_ForceWriteSnapAckSEQ - Ack net_ForceWriteSnap snapshots this many seqs behind
net_KinesisDebug - Enable debugging information for kinesis events
net_KinesisDiscoveryEndpoint - Web server to discover Kinesis endpoints and regions
(defaults to title storage value)
net_LobbyCoalesceTimeInSeconds - Time in seconds when a lobby will try to coalesce
with another lobby when there is only one user.
net_LobbyRandomCoalesceTimeInSeconds - Random time to add to
net_MPCloudGobblerAPIKey - API key to use when sending MP Cloud Gobbler events
net_MPCloudGobblerAllowFrequencyOverride - Allow the MP Cloud Gobbler server to set
override the send frequency
net_MPCloudGobblerAllowRemoteDisable - Allow the MP Cloud Gobbler server to disable
the log listener
net_MPCloudGobblerAllowRemoteLevelSetting - Allow the MP Cloud Gobbler sever to
override the log level
net_MPCloudGobblerEndpoint - Web server to send MP Cloud Gobbler events
net_REST_timeoutMS - Time before a REST job will timeout.
net_allowMultiplePacketsSentAtOnce - Allow multiple packets to be sent in the same
net_bw_test_host_timeout_ms - How long host will wait in MS to hear bw results from
net_bw_test_interval_ms - MS - how often to send packets in bandwidth test
net_bw_test_numPackets - Number of bandwidth challenge packets to send
net_bw_test_packetSizeBytes - Size of each packet to send out
net_bw_test_throttle_byte_pct - Min byte % a peer must match in bandwidth challenge
before being throttled. 1.0=perfect (received everything) 0.0=Received nothing
net_bw_test_throttle_rate_pct - Min rate % a peer must match in bandwidth challenge
before being throttled. 1.0=perfect, 0.0=received nothing
net_bw_test_throttle_seq_pct - Min sequence % a peer must match in bandwidth test
before being throttled. 1.0=perfect. This score will be more adversely affected by
packet loss than byte %
net_bw_test_timeout_ms - MS after receiving a bw test packet that client will time
net_checkReliableMessageSize - will check all reliable messages agenst the goal
size. 0 == off, 1 == on
net_checkVersion - Check for matching version when clients connect. 0: normal
rules, 1: force check, otherwise no check (pass always)
net_clientSnapshotPrioritization_Debug - Log life-cycle of snapshots (pending ->
compressor -> packetprocessor -> sent) with peer info to make sure peers are
equally treated.
net_clientSnapshotReception_Debug - Log reception of snapshots to try and see why
telemetry doesn't seem to match demo or what server sends.
net_coalesceInviteWaitInSeconds - Time in seconds when a lobby will try to coalesce
with another lobby, after sending out invites.
net_connectTimeoutInSeconds - timeout (in seconds) while connecting
net_debugBaseStates - Log out base state information
net_debugHandlePackets -
net_debugHud_ResetAggregationTimeMS - How long before the aggregation (min/max/avg)
should reset
net_debugHud_ShowIncomingSnaps - Show incoming snapshots on the net debug hud 3
net_debugNetworkLights -
net_debugPriorityForPeer - debug this peers priority list.
net_debugSteamLobby -
net_debug_snapShotTime -
net_debughud3_bps_max - Highest factor of server base snapRate that a client can be
net_dedicatedPort - host port number
net_dedicatedServerAttempts - Number of attempts to acquire a dedicated server
net_dedicatedServerGate_CheckTimeoutInSeconds - Time between dedicated server gate
status checks
net_dedicatedServerGate_Debug - Enable to debug dedicated server gate check
net_dedicatedServerGate_Enable - Enable if we are checking to see if dedicated
servers are available first
net_dedicatedServerGate_EnableEndpointPingCheck - If true, we will check if we have
a valid region before allowing multiplayer
net_dedicatedServerGate_ForceReturnCode - Force dedicated server return code to
this value
net_dedicatedServerGate_SuccessCode - Desired code for the dedicated server gate
net_dedicatedServerGate_URIString - URI of the dedicated server gate to query
net_dedicatedServer_requirePlatformValidation - When TRUE, failure to validate
client will invalidate dedicated lobby
net_detectServiceDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds - Timeout in seconds before a service
disconnect is detected
net_disableSnapJob - disable snap jobs
net_drawDebugHud - Shows various network debug information
net_drawDebugPriorityForPeer -
net_dropClientUpdates - Drop some client updates to test networking (0-100)
net_effectiveSnapRateDebug - Debug
net_effectiveSnapRateEnable - Dynamically adjust client snaprate
net_enableSnapshotTemplates - If true, delta against snapshot templates to try to
save bandwidth for new objects.
net_entityInterpolationBuffer - The time in MS it will add on to an entity
interpolations to make it smooth and seamless
net_entityInterpolationBufferLerp - the amount to lerp to the goal delta every
net_entityInterpolationMaxBuffer - the max allowed delta
net_errorSmoothingDecay - Rate at which error smoothing decays (in percent per game
net_errorSmoothingMaxDecay - Max rate at which origin error smoothing decays (in
units per game frame)
net_fakeSearchDelay - Frames to artificially delay searching for lobby
net_findOrCreateGameLobbyTimeLogInterval - How long between logging when the user
is still searching for a match
net_fixHiddenDeletes - In CopyLatestObjects, attempt to catch hidden deletes (due
to single-packet object life)
net_forceLatency - Simulate network latency (milliseconds round trip time - applied
equally on the receive and on the send)
net_forceLatencyRange - Used with net_forceLatency. This cvar specifies a random
latency value from -x to +x where x is this cvar and is added to net_forcelatency.
net_forceStartMatchRatioPeersLoaded - Ratio of peers required before allowing force
starting a match.
net_forceStartMatchTimeLimit - Max amount of time before allowing force starting a
net_forceUpstream - Force a maximum upstream in kB/s (256kbps <-> 32kB/s)
net_forceUpstreamQueue - How much data is queued when enforcing upstream (in kB)
net_goalReliableMessageSize - the goal size for reliable message to be under
net_ignoreConnects - Test as if no one can connect to me. 0 = off, 1 = ignore with
no reply, 2 = send goodbye
net_ignoreStartMatch - Skips starting a match. Only on dedicated servers.
net_interpolationBaseRate - Scale interpolationg rate when we fall behind
net_interpolationCatchupRate - Scale interpolationg rate when we fall behind
net_interpolationFallbackRate - Scale interpolationg rate when we fall behind
net_interpolationSlowdownStart - Scale interpolation rate when we fall behind
net_ip - local IP address
net_levelDataSend - Strategy for sending the level data. 0: legacy, 1: new.
net_maxBufferedSnapMS - Max time to allow for interpolation cushion
net_maxExtrapolationInMS - Max time in MS that extrapolation is allowed to occur.
net_maxFailedPingRecoveries - Max failed ping recoveries before we stop trying
net_maxLocalUsers - The maximum allowed local user count. Set to 2+ for splitscreen
net_maxRate - max send rate in kilobytes per second
net_max_party_lobby_members - Maximum users allowed in a single party
net_migration_enable - enable host migration. no effect unless net_qos_enable > 0.
net_migration_forcePeer - When set to >-1, it forces that peer number to be the new
host during migration
net_migration_hostPick - How to pick a migration fallback host. 0: legacy ping
based only, 1: use host picks exclusively (new code, no legacy), 2: use host picks,
fallback to legacy for MP only, 3: use host picks and fallback for legacy both MP
and snaps
net_migration_legacyUsesPing - Whether to consider pings when comparing hosts using
legacy ping
net_migration_skipPickHostTimeout - Wait forever while picking migration host.
net_minBufferedSnapPCT_Static - Min amount of snapshot buffer time we want need to
net_minBufferedSnapWinPCT_Static - Min amount of snapshot buffer time we want need
to buffer
net_minTimeToDismissScoreRating - Minimum time required to play before considering
score as part of rating.
net_min_ping_in_ms - Ping has to be higher than this before we consider throttling
to recover
net_mpCloudGobblerHeartbeatPeriodMs - Time in MS between MP Cloud Gobbler heartbeat
net_nonHostAdmin_enable - enable switching to non-host admin if poor uprate. no
effect unless net_qos_enable > 0.
net_numPorts - Number of ports to try to open or broadcast for non-platform backend
net_offlineTransitionThreshold - Time, in milliseconds, to wait before kicking back
to the main menu when a profile losses backend connection during an online game
net_optimalDynamic - How fast to add to our optimal time buffer when we are playing
snapshots faster than server is feeding them to us
net_optimalSnapTime - How fast to add to our optimal time buffer when we are
playing snapshots faster than server is feeding them to us
net_optimalSnapWindow -
net_outputLogInfo - 0 - warnings and errors, 1 - initialization info, socket opens
and tcp listens, 2 - everything
net_overrideProfanityFilterAPIKey - Override the profanity filter API key
net_overrideProfanityFilterURL - Override the profanity filter URL
net_packetStall_maxTime - how much total time allowed total to handle packets -ms
net_partialSnapShotDeltaSize - Optimal size of snapshot delta msgs.
net_peerTimeoutDisabled - Completely disable CheckHeartBeats and
IsLosingConnectionToHost checks that use net_peerTimeoutInSeconds
net_peerTimeoutDuringLoadMS - Time in ms before we stop waiting for peer during map
load and go ahead into game without them
net_peerTimeoutInSeconds - If the host hasn't received a response from a peer in
this amount of time (in seconds), the peer will be disconnected.
net_peerTimeoutInSeconds_Lobby - If the host hasn't received a response from a peer
in this amount of time (in seconds), the peer will be disconnected.
net_peer_throttle_bps_decay - If peer exceeds this number of queued snap deltas,
then throttle his effective snap rate
net_peer_throttle_bps_duration - If peer exceeds this number of queued snap deltas,
then throttle his effective snap rate
net_peer_throttle_bps_host_threshold - Min outgoing bps of host for bps based
throttling to be considered
net_peer_throttle_bps_peer_threshold_pct - Min reported incoming bps % of sent from
host that a peer must maintain before throttling kicks in
net_peer_throttle_maxSnapRate - Highest factor of server base snapRate that a
client can be throttled
net_peer_throttle_minSnapSeq - Minimum number of snapshot exchanges before
throttling can be triggered
net_peer_throttle_mode - = 0 off, 1 = enable fixed, 2 = absolute, 3 = both
net_pingIncPercentBeforeRecover - Percentage change increase of ping before we try
to recover
net_pingRecoveryThrottleTimeInSeconds - Throttle snaps for this amount of time in
seconds to recover from ping spike.
net_port - non platform backend port number
net_print_ucmds_outgoing -
net_prioritySnapDeltaSize - Optimal size of snapshot delta msgs.
net_qos_enable - bandwidth and connectivity checks: 0 - disable, 1 - enable in
snapmaps, 2 - enable always.
net_qos_forceAdmin - Set to 1 to force prompting for switching to a non-admin host.
Will pick the best suited peer, even if local host would be ok.
net_queueSnapAcks -
net_queuedreliableWarningThreshold - Controls the number of reliables to test
against to be considered too much
net_realPhysicsRadius - If any interpolated entities are within this radius of a
local player, the interpolated entity will evaluate real physics.
net_reduceThrottlePingMultiplier - For every level of throttle (1x the common
snaprate), if ping drops below level * this cvar, reduce throttle. If < 0 do not
reduce throttle.
net_reliable_glorykillRequest_serverVerification - Should the server do extra
verification for glory kill requests? 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 = For
demonPlayerInstigators only, 3 = for all except AI targets
net_remoteAvailability_forceBestRegionId - Force the best region id to this value
(set negative to disable)
net_sendCompletedPendingSnapsEarly - Turn this off to fallback to sending
updating/sending snaps at the end of the frame; snaps will fail to be set if off
net_sendCustomizationReliable - Send the customizations over the network.
net_showReliableCompression - Show reliable compression ratio.
net_skipClientDeltaAppend - Simulate delta receive buffer overflowing
net_skipEntitlementUpdate -
net_skipGoodbye -
net_skipRecentEntitlementUpdate - if set, skips the recent entitlements.
net_snapRate -
net_snap_bw_test_throttle_max_scale - When clamping bandwidth to reported values,
scale reported value by this
net_snap_redundant_resend_in_ms - Delay between redundantly sending snaps during
initial snap exchange
net_snapreport_warnsize - Print snapshot report if final compressed delta is > than
this (bytes)
net_snapshot_metrics - Draw snapshot metrics on screen. 1 = dynamic draw, 2 =
static draw, 3 = dynamic raw for largest delta, 4 = draw on fragmentation
net_snapshot_metrics_peer - Peer to show with net_snapshot_metrics
net_snapshot_metrics_report_fragment - Report snapshot metrics when delta fragments
net_snapshot_metrics_report_netrole - Who should do the reporting. 0=No one,
1=Server only, 2=Clients only, 3=Both
net_snapshot_metrics_report_once_per_deltaseq - If true, only generate reports one
time per base sequence per peer. Prevents spam if base states arent being ACKd
net_snapshot_metrics_report_seq - Minimum snap sequence to report. Used to not
report initial snapshots
net_snapshot_metrics_report_size - Report snapshot metrics snapshot delta is
greater than this size
net_snapshot_metrics_report_wait - Minimum time to wait between generating snapshot
net_snapshot_metrics_skipZero - Skips objects that didnt change in metric report
net_snapshot_send_warntime - Print warning messages if we take longer than this to
send a client a snapshot.
net_ssTemplateDebug - Debug snapshot template states
net_ssTemplateDebugObject - Will dump template data to console for the
corresponding object ID.
net_ssTemplatePrint - Prints the raw data whenever a snapshot template is used.
net_testPartyMemberConnectFail - Force this party member index to fail to connect
to games.
net_tracerMgrDebug - net_tracerMgrDebug
net_useCMap - Use cmap for multiplayer maps
net_userCmdRate -
net_verboseSimulatedTraffic - Print some stats about simulated traffic (net_force*
net_verboseSnapshot - Verbose snapshot code to help debug snapshot problems.
Greater the number greater the spam
net_verboseSnapshotCompression - Verbose snapshot code to help debug snapshot
problems. Greater the number greater the spam
net_verboseSnapshotObject - this will help with the spam from net_verboseSnapshot,
if -1 will spam like normal, if >= 0 will only print out data for objID ==
net_verboseSnapshotReport - Verbose snapshot code to help debug snapshot problems.
Greater the number greater the spam
net_verbose_Throttling_Snapshot - if true will debug print data for snapshot
net_verifyReliableQueue - 0: warn only, 1: error, 2: fixup, 3: fixup and verbose,
4: force test
net_versionChecksum - Allows specifying a NetVersionChecksum from the command line
net_visCullSnapshots - Culls snapshots based on visiblity (currently only using
screen coverage)
net_visMaxDistance - distance based visibility (developer use)
net_voice - Enable or disable voice chat
net_voiceDebug - View debug output for voice specific things
net_voiceDevice - Which audio device to use for voice output (listVoiceDevices to
list, -1 for default)
net_voicePerformanceData - Show Steam XAudio2 performance data
net_voicePushToTalk - Enable or disable push to talk
net_voiceTalkTimeMS - Time (ms) since last data from talker before talker
considered silent
net_voiceTrackMicStatus - If on, track whether or not players have a mic and report
to others
net_voiceVolume - Set the voice playback volume level. 0.0f - 2.0f (0.0f is
net_voice_throttleStart - Throttle steam voice start by x ms to avoid timing bugs
net_waitOnPeerToLoadTimer_Seconds - After a client joins, how long to wait for the
rest of the clients to join before just starting the game.
net_waitOnPeersToLoadMinimumCount - How many clients needed before we are allowed
to force everyone into the game when other peers are taking forever
net_waitOnSnaps - wait on snaps
nightmarcadeScoring_lockare_lock - Whether or not arcade mode is locked until game
is completed
nightmare_lock - Whether or not nightmare mode is locked until BKA is complete
outlineModel_FullSpeed - QuickFlash scan Full model speed
outlineModel_FullTime - QuickFlash scan Full model duration
outlineModel_IRcolor_A - In Range Alpha Value
outlineModel_IRcolor_B - In Range Blue Value
outlineModel_IRcolor_G - In Range Green Value
outlineModel_IRcolor_R - In Range Red Value
outlineModel_OORcolor_A - Out of Range Alpha Value
outlineModel_OORcolor_B - Out of Range Blue Value
outlineModel_OORcolor_G - Out of Range Green Value
outlineModel_OORcolor_R - Out of Range Red Value
outlineModel_QuickFlashScroll - Speed at which the quickflash scrolls
outlineModel_QuickFlashStart - Quickflash time start
outlineModel_QuickFlashTime - QuickFlash duration
outlineModel_QuickFlashWidth - QuickFlash scan width
outlineModel_Use_CVar_Colors - Allow outline colors to be set by CVars
outlineModel_disabled - Disable all outline models on entities
outlineModel_pulseBloom - Pulse bloom power
outlineModel_pulseFast - Fast Glorykill pulse
outlineModel_pulseSlow - Slow Glorykill pulse
outlineModel_pulseSwitch - Percent to switch from slow to fast pulse
outlineModel_pulseWidthEnd - Ending width of the pulse
outlineModel_pulseWidthStart - Starting width of the pulse
outlineModel_showSobel - Enable display of sobel filter
p_ForceFov - Anything other than -1.0f will force the FoV to that value. Blended
during syncAnims so geo doesn't look wonky
p_allowPlayerCorpses - Allow creation of player corpses
p_allowRocketJumpWithoutJumping - allow rocket jump without rocket jumping
p_alwaysSyncOnMeleeInit - If true, a sync melee is attempted whenever a melee is
initiated, regardless of whether there's a valid meleeLunge target
p_applyAnimatedCamera - Use animated camera data in the hands anims
p_applyAnimatedCameraFov - Use animated camera fov data in the hands anims
p_assistCuttoffTime - Cuttoff time (in milliseconds) a player can be granted with
an assist.
p_carriedUsesThirdPersonView - Whether to use third-person view, like
pm_thirdPerson, when being carried
p_debugAnimatedCamera - Output debugging info about animated camera
p_debugHostileTarget - Shows debug spheres for hostile target queries
p_debugHudBackgroundA - player debug hud background A component
p_debugHudBackgroundB - player debug hud background B component
p_debugHudBackgroundG - player debug hud background G component
p_debugHudBackgroundR - player debug hud background R component
p_debugHudFirstFrame - Bandaid to suppress the debug hud for a few frames after
loading until menus and HUD no longer break during load
p_debugHudForegroundA - player debug hud foreground A component
p_debugHudForegroundB - player debug hud foreground B component
p_debugHudForegroundG - player debug hud foreground G component
p_debugHudForegroundR - player debug hud foreground R component
p_drawLastValidPowerWeaponPos - If true, draw the last valid power weapon position
p_drawLastValidPowerWeaponPos_Size - Width to use for valid pickup draw
p_echoPulseDistance - distance the echo needs to travel
p_echoPulseTime - time it takes for the echo to finish in milliseconds
p_fire_clientAmmoDebug - Debug Client Ammo
p_fire_clientFire - Allow ClientFires
p_fire_clientFireDebug - Debug ClientFires
p_fire_clientHitscans - Allow Client authoritative hitscans
p_fire_clientHitscansNotify - Displays markers where local client hitscan hits
p_forceTPBodyToRespawnEverytime - Force thirdPersonBody to Spawn fresh everytime we
p_helmetOffsetForward - offset used by SP for helmet to compensate for FOV change
p_helmetOffsetUp - offset used by SP for helmet to compensate for FOV change
p_helmetSpringDamageScale - scales the magnitude of incoming damage applied to the
p_helmetSpringEnable - enable or disable the bouncy helmet
p_helmetSpringKickScale - scales the magnitude of the weapon kick applied to the
p_helmetSpringPosK - spring coefficient for positional helmet spring
p_helmetSpringPosScale - scales the magnitude of the helmet translation
p_helmetSpringRotScale - scales the magnitude of the helmet rotation due to
p_helmetSpringRotationOffsetFwd - how far forward the helmet CG is relative to the
rotation point
p_helmetSpringRotationOffsetUp - how far up the helmet CG is relative to the
rotation point
p_helmetSpringViewAngK - spring coefficient for the helmet view angles spring
p_helmetSpringViewAngScale - scales the magnitude of the helmet view angles spring
p_hideCorpseOnLavaDeath - Hide player corpses if they die to lava
p_holdToUseMS - amount of time use needs to be held to use item
p_killCuttoffTime - Cuttoff time (in milliseconds) a player will be granted a kill
if the target dies from self damage or environment.
p_melee_autoLunge - mp only - auto lunge when in melee (1-127)
p_melee_autoLungePlayersOnly - mp only - only melee auto lunge against player
p_playAdditiveCrouchAnims - Play additive crouch anims on hands
p_powerWeaponCutoffTime - Time (in ms) a player will be considered to be in
possession of a power weapon for purposes of awarding medals.
p_shieldAmountToStartFlash - The amount of shield when we need to flash the shield
low FX
p_showFootstepParticles - Play particle effect on player footstep
p_showHelmet - whether or not to show the players helmet
p_spRespawnOnDeath - The player will respawn rather than have to reload the map in
p_stepUpHandsSpringK - Spring constant for step-up and crouch spring on hands
p_stepUpViewSpringK - Spring constant for step-up and crouch spring on view
p_tauntCameraLerpTime - Maximum time (in ms) for camera to lerp from 3rd to 1st
person after concluding a taunt animation.
p_thirdPersonCameraClipSize - How large the 3rd person camera clip volume is; Valid
values are 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 96
p_thirdPersonSequenceCameraLerpTime - Maximum time (in ms) for camera to lerp from
3rd to 1st person after concluding a animation.
p_updateHelmetPos - whether or not the position of the helmet gets updated
p_useNonDeferredView - Debug test
p_useStepUpSprings - Use springs instead of the procedural bob cycle to smooth view
and hands movement when stepping up or crouching
pause_addRestartMap - Adds a restart map option
pause_conan - Conan Build
perkSwitcher_DPadCycle - If true then the DPad will cycle through perks as the same
direction is pressed
perkSwitcher_autoGivePerk - Automatically give a perk if you don't have it.
perkSwitcher_debugHeight -
perkSwitcher_debugWidth -
perkSwitcher_debugX -
perkSwitcher_debugY -
perkSwitcher_enabled - Enables the perk Switcher.
perkSwitcher_fontScale -
perkSwitcher_nextSwitchPerkTime - how long it takes before you can switch mods
perkSwitcher_selectLagTime - how long it takes before it selects
perkSwitcher_showHandsTime - how long it takes before it brings hands back up
perkSwitcher_useDPad - use the Dpad for switching.
perk_debug - if true show debug info on screen for the upgrade tree and upgrades
personalRadar_prototype - show personal radar prototype graphics
personalRadar_prototype_screen_h - personal radar prototype graphics rectangle,
normalized height
personalRadar_prototype_screen_w - personal radar prototype graphics rectangle,
normalized width
personalRadar_prototype_screen_x - personal radar prototype graphics rectangle,
normalized left x
personalRadar_prototype_screen_y - personal radar prototype graphics rectangle,
normalized top y
phys_rigidbody3DOFDebug - Draws Debug information for rigid body 3DOF
pickup_tractorAccel - acceleration to frac along pickup-to-player
pickup_tractorInitialRate - starting frac along pickup-to-player
pickup_tractorRange - distance of the tractor test
pinky_bullRushDebug - Enables debug display for the Pinky Bull rush attack
pinky_cloakEnabled - Enables pinky cloak mechanic
pinky_cloakOpacityOverride - Overrides pinky's cloak opacity render parameter if >=
0 [expected range 0.0 - 1.0]
pinky_meleeAnimDuration - Duration of melee attack anim
pinky_meleeTargetTransitionTime - Time in game time(close to MS) it takes to
transition reticle spread when switching targets
plasma_puddleCheckLOS - Whether to do the LOS check for each puddle
plasma_puddleDebug - Whether to debug plasma puddles
plasma_puddleDebugLifetime - How long to display the debug info for puddles
plasma_puddleLOSHeight - At what height do I check LOS on the puddle?
plasma_puddleMaxZOffset - How much extra height do I include for testing where the
ground is under the puddle?
playerBodyReactions_AllowInMP - Are body reactions allowed in MP
playerBodyReactions_ConstrainedViewAnglesRate - Rate for the entry into the
constrained view range, if restriction is necessary (degs/sec)
playerBodyReactions_alphaRate - Default alpha blend rate
playerBodyReactions_blendDurationMS - default blend duration for forced webAnimator
playerBodyReactions_clipCameraHeight - the height of the cylinder to use to clip
the camera movement
playerBodyReactions_clipCameraRadius - the radius of the cylinder to use to clip
the camera movement
playerBodyReactions_debug - print debug information to the screen.
playerBodyReactions_debugTraceStates - trace state information to the console.
playerBodyReactions_dontCheckGroundMS - Don't check for ground impacts for this
long after starting a reaction
playerBodyReactions_enable - enable or disable the body reaction system.
playerBodyReactions_forceRandomSelect - force the value of the random variation
selector, or -1 to ignore.
playerBodyReactions_useDeferredPositions - use deferred positions for third person
playerCheat_disableProtection - disable protections but still tracks
playerCheat_disableSpecificFlags - Allow us to disable specific cheat protections
playerCheat_disableSpecificReactions - Allow us to disable specific cheat
playerCheat_forceDenials - use to test cheat detection by denying every action
playerMetrics_Verbose -
playerMetrics_allowAchievementsDuringPvp -
playerMetrics_cacodemonTimeOffGroundWaitTime - how long to wait after player
transforms as cacodemon to start off ground check
playerMetrics_prowlerTimeOffGroundWaitTime - how long to wait after player
transforms as prowler to start off ground check
playerMetrics_statNetworkDebug -
player_GKHintMaxEnemies - How many Guys we must GK before hint goes away -1 = never
player_LootCheck -
player_damageFeedbackMinimum -
player_damageFeedbackScale -
player_damageFeedbackVerbose - Print damage names
player_debugShake - 1 = display debugging info for camera shakes
player_demonSpikeDamageFeedbackScale -
player_focusCausesRumble - Toggles whether to rumble controller when hovering over
a usable item
player_focusCrosshairEntityTime - Amount of time, in milliseconds, entity name will
appear in crosshair after focus is lost.
player_focusDebug - 1 = Highlights focus entity in cyan. 2 = Highlights usable
entity in orange
player_focusMaxHistory - Max Amount of frames we keep in history
player_interactableRumbleDurHigh - Sets Controller rumble high magnitude on
player_interactableRumbleDurLow - Sets Controller rumble high magnitude on
player_interactableRumbleMagHigh - Sets Controller rumble high magnitude on
player_interactableRumbleMagLow - Sets Controller rumble low magnitude on
player_minHealthMapTransition - The minimum health the player is allowed to start a
player_profile_rot -
player_showHealth - spam current player health to the console
player_spikeDamageFeedbackScale -
player_testScreenDamageEffectScale -
player_updateFocus - 1 to enable updating the player's focus icon
player_weaponDamageDataTimeLimit - The time to consider weapon damage part of the
death breakdown
player_whiplash_friction_frac - frac speed that slows overall whiplash
player_whiplash_min_velocity_len - min velocity required to activate whiplash
player_whiplash_update_frac - update frac per frame (partial updates)
player_whiplash_velocity_frac - frac speed that whiplash cycles back and forth
playlists_useFallbackLanguage - Use default language if localized version not found
playlists_verbose - Print debug information regarding playlists
plog_cumulative - don't flush records, keep a running tab
plog_drillDownMode - 0 = none, 1 = print entire child tree for any item that passes
plog_drillDownStartDepth - depth at which to start looking at drill down mode
plog_forcePrint - force one print of plog info
plog_gameThreshold - only shows data from a game frame that exceeds this time
plog_holdPrint - don't print plog info
plog_itemThreshold - only shows individual items that exceed this threshold
plog_mode - global performance log mode, 0 = list, 1 = call graph
plog_sortMode - sort mode (0 = normal, 1 = sort by time)
plog_threshold - only shows the global log if the total time exceeds this threshold
plog_totalThreshold - only shows any items if total of all filtered groups exceeds
this ms
pm_ThrusterSyncMeleeDistance - Thruster Sync Melee Distance
pm_adsRate - Lerp scale for blending player movement anims
pm_airMoveKeepDropSpeedCollision - Allow the player to keep the speed while falling
and hitting steep inclines, 0-Off, 1-real speed, 2-average squares
pm_allowFatalFallDamage - if true - player CAN die from a fatal fall
pm_allowInfiniteDoubleJumps - enables infinite double jumping (use to test cheat
pm_allowRagdoll - Simple cvar that specifies if the player can ragdoll
pm_alwaysAllowDoubleJump - Set to true to ignore any restrictions preventing double
pm_animMoveBlendScale - Lerp scale for blending back/right player movement anims
pm_animTurnBlendScale - Lerp scale for blending player turn orientation
pm_animWalkRunBlendScale - Lerp scale for blending walk/run player movement anims
pm_antigravity_gravity -
pm_applyWeaponCustomizations - If true, apply weapon customizations to 1st and 3rd
person weapons.
pm_armorActivateDecayRate - rate armor activation FX decays
pm_armorDamagedDecayRate - rate armor damaged FX decays
pm_armorDeacticateDecayRate - rate armor deactivation FX decays
pm_backSpeedRatio - ratio of player max backward speed to forward speed
pm_bboxwidth - x/y size of player's bounding box
pm_bfgVisionAlwaysShowDemons - True - Demons are always visible in bfg vision;
False - Demons follow same rules as players for visibility
pm_bfgVisionPingDuration - How long players are highlighted by pings (seconds)
pm_bfgVisionPingPeriod - Time between highlight pings (seconds); 0 disables pings
pm_bfgVisionPingSpeed - How fast the ping wave moves (units/second)
pm_bfgVisionPingTileRateZDepth - How often to tile based on depth.
pm_bfgVisionPingTileRateZHeight - How often to tile based on height.
pm_bfgVisionPingVisualExponent - Parameter fed into the bfg vision ping shader to
control what the ping looks like
pm_bodyAnim_EnableForLocalViewPlayers - Turn on to activate third person animations
for local view players
pm_bodyAnim_EnableTorsoAdditives - Enable/disable additive torso animations
pm_bodyAnim_EnableTorsoSwitchWeaponAdditives - Enable/disable additive torso weapon
switch animations
pm_bodyAnim_additivePainAlpha -
pm_bodyAnim_debug - This will print out to com_debughud all of the third-person
animation values for the player index specified (0-15)
pm_bodyAnim_enableLavaDeath - Turn on special lava death animation
pm_bodyAnim_fireBlendInTimeMS - rate at which the player model will align to
velocity direction
pm_bodyAnim_fireBlendOutTimeMS - temp
pm_bodyAnim_ledgeAnimEnabled -
pm_bodyAnim_ledgeGrabDebug - Enable/disable ledge grab debugging
pm_bodyAnim_painAnim - temp
pm_bodyAnim_painAnimDebug - debug player pain animations
pm_bodyAnim_painAnimDelay - Required delay before playing next pain anims on player
pm_bodyAnim_painAnimEnabled -
pm_bodyAnim_painBlendInTimeMS - temp
pm_bodyAnim_painBlendOutTimeMS - temp
pm_bodyAnim_speedThresholdForMovement - the speed threshold that the player has to
reach before movement anims and rotation are considered
pm_bodyAnim_upperBodyAnimRateScale - torso rate scale
pm_bodyAnim_upperBodyBlendInTimeMS - rate at which the player model will align to
velocity direction
pm_bodyAnim_upperBodyBlendOutTimeMS - rate at which the player model will align to
velocity direction
pm_bodyDebug - Debug player body animation
pm_bodyRateScale_Hands -
pm_bodyRateScale_Pistol -
pm_boxRepulsorScalar - How much to push the player when he's in the box
pm_bufferTimeForPlayerOriginInterpolation - How much of a buffer to add to the
interpolation time range
pm_clientAuthoritative_debug -
pm_clientUseThrottleTime - how long to wait untill we can send the next use
message to the server
pm_clientZoomInDelay -
pm_consistentRandomArmorTheme - If on, bots random armor will have a single theme.
pm_crouchToggle - crouch works as a toggle
pm_crouchheight - height of player's bounding box while crouched
pm_crouchspeed - speed the player can move while crouched
pm_crouchviewheight - height of player's view while crouched
pm_ct_checkDist - Forward distance to check for player model collision
pm_ct_debug - PlayerModel CollisionTest Debug
pm_ct_jumpEndOffset - The end trace test vertical offset from the player origin
pm_ct_jumpStartOffset - The start trace test vertical offset from the player origin
pm_ct_jump_debug - if true will draw bedug info
pm_ct_jump_framesBeforeLand - Number of frames without ground contact before we are
prepared to play a land animation
pm_ct_push_decayIn - Player Model decay in
pm_ct_push_decayOut - Player model decay out
pm_ct_push_dist - Desired distance to keep clear infront of model
pm_customizationDirtExponent - Armor customization dirt exponent
pm_customizationDirtOverride - If value is >= 0.0f, override the dirt value of all
player customization.
pm_customizationScratchesExponent - Armor customization scratches exponent
pm_customizationScratchesOverride - If value is >= 0.0f, override the scratches
value of all player customization.
pm_deadClipModel - Use clipModel_dead when player is dead
pm_deadClipModel_mp - Uses clipModel_dead in MP but treats it as a second clipmodel
for player focus instead of replacing the physics default clip model
pm_deadheight - height of player's bounding box while dead
pm_deathCam_activateAnalysisTimeDelayMS - How long before we activate the kill
analysis in ms
pm_deathCam_analysisMaxTimeAllowedMS - How long we can be in the death cam
analysis, before we're kicked back to the game.
pm_deathCam_analysis_debug - turn on to debug.
pm_deathCam_analysis_enabled - 1 = enable death cam analysis in mp
pm_deathCam_analysis_killerAvatarBehavior - 0 = Show all avatars. 1 = Skip 'final'
avatar. 2 = skip all avatars.
pm_deathCam_analysis_minDistBetweenAvatars - The min dist between avatar snapshots
in world
pm_deathCam_analysis_minStartingOffset - min distance away from the killed player
the death cam analysis will start at.
pm_deathCam_analysis_orbitMaxDist - The max dist we can be from the camera orbit
pm_deathCam_analysis_orbitMinDist - The min dist we must be from the camera orbit
pm_deathCam_analysis_startingOffset - The distance away from the killed player the
death cam analysis will start at.
pm_deathCam_analysis_startingZOffset - The height offset applied to the death cam
analysis cam position.
pm_deathCam_analysis_timeBetweenAvatarSnapshotsMS - The time in ms between avatar
snapshots in world
pm_deathCam_analysis_victimAvatarBehavior - 0 = Show all avatars. 1 = Skip 'final'
avatar. 2 = skip all avatars.
pm_deathCam_checkedViewPitchRoll - The maximal pitch/roll before we assert
pm_deathCam_drawKillersOutline - 1 = draw killers outline when killed in mp
pm_deathCam_enabled - 1= enable death cam in mp
pm_deathCam_followVictim - 1 = track the victims body as he rolls around in mp
pm_deathCam_gloryKillStartingOffset - Distance used when glory killed.
pm_deathCam_gloryKillZOffset - Z offset used for glory kills
pm_deathCam_orbitCam_centerSmoothFactor - A smoothing factor per frame applied to
the camera orbit target centering, range 0.01 - 1.0 recommended
pm_deathCam_orbitCam_debugDuration - Duration to draw orbit cam debug points and
pm_deathCam_orbitCam_dollySmoothFactor - A smoothing factor per frame applied to
the camera distance, range 0.01 - 1.0 recommended
pm_deathCam_orbitCam_enabled - Enable the orbit camera for use as the death cam
pm_deathCam_orbitCam_lerpSeconds - Number of seconds that the orbit cam will take
to lerp to its ideal position.
pm_deathCam_orbitCam_maxPitch - Maximum pitch angle for the orbit death camera.
pm_deathCam_orbitCam_minPitch - Minimum pitch angle for the orbit death camera.
pm_deathCam_orbitCam_orbitDist - Ideal distance for the death orbit camera to be
pm_deathCam_orbitCam_orbitMinDist - Distance for the death orbit camera to start
pm_deathCam_orbitCam_showDebug - Draw debug orbit target and center points + sync
camera invalidation raycast
pm_deathCam_orbitCam_targetZOffset - Z position offset when tracking the target.
pm_deathCam_orbitCam_trackKillerPitchOffset - Pitch angle offset when tracking the
pm_deathCam_orbitCam_trackKillerTimeMS - Amount of time to track the target.
pm_deathCam_orbitCam_trackSmoothFactor - A smoothing factor per frame applied to
the camera rotation, range 0.01 - 1.0 recommended
pm_deathCam_startingOffset - The distance away from the killed player the death cam
will start at.
pm_deathCam_startingViewPosZOffset - The distance in Z the death cam is offset by
pm_deathCam_syncCam_enabled - Enable the animator-defined sync camera for use as
the death cam when in a Glory Kill
pm_deathCam_trackKiller - 1 = track the killer as he moves around in mp
pm_debugAnim - if Greater than 0 will print out the current animation with debug
pm_debugPlayerRotate - Debug the rotation being given to the player
pm_debugRepulsion - 1 = show debugging for player repulsion
pm_debugTouchingBounds - Render debug touching bounds for N frames or 0 to disable
pm_debugTouchingBoundsColor - Debug touching bounds color
pm_debugView - if true will draw debug info for player view calculations
pm_debugYaw - Print info about desired and actual yaw
pm_defaultEnemyTeamColors - If the player is an enemy of the player, turn off use
of customization masks.
pm_deferredSlideMoveAccelScale -
pm_demonOutlineShade - Shade of demon outlines.
pm_disableFallDamage - if true - player takes no damage from falls
pm_disableNighmareGodMode - disable reducing health in nightmare god mode
pm_dodgeOnButtonPress - Support player dodge as an explicit button press 1 = normal
dodge, 2 = circle strafe target, 3 - back ramping
pm_doom4BobCycle - use the Doom4 additive animated bob cycle
pm_doubleJumpAirEnglishScale - air english is scale by this amount
pm_doubleJumpCooldown - Minimum allowed time between subsequent double jumps
pm_doubleJumpFriction - friction parameter applied during double jump
pm_doubleJumpHeight - approximate additional height the player can double jump
pm_doubleJumpInputInfluence - how much double jump direction is affected by input
direction [0..1]
pm_doubleJumpSpeedScale - current speed is scaled by this amount
pm_doubleJumpViewPitchChange - the view pitch change during the double jump
pm_doubleJumpViewPitchDuration - how long the view pitch variation takes
pm_doubleJumpWindowDuration - duration in MS of the double jump window
pm_doubleJumpWindowOffset - offset in MS from the start of the initial jump until
the start of the double jump window
pm_drawLocoParams - Draw player's Locomotion Parameters
pm_enableCustomPlayerRepulsors - enables custom repulsors for ai vs player clipping
pm_enableJumpExtension - enable jump extension from ledges
pm_enableLadderPhysics - Whether to have player physics try to detect ladders.
pm_enableThirdPersonWalkAnimData - Enables an alternate code path that scales the
motion playback to an exact set of speeds.
pm_enemyRepulsorRadius - radius for repulsors for enemies. 0.0 for none.
pm_enemyRepulsorStyle - Repulsor style used for enemies. 0-TangentToCircle; 1-
HardStop; 2-SoftSpring
pm_equippedItemLogging - Enables player equipped item logging
pm_fall_frames - Number of frames without ground contact before we play a fall
pm_firePoseRate - Lerp scale for blending player movement anims
pm_firePoseRateIn - Lerp scale for blending player movement anims
pm_firePoseTime - Lerp scale for blending player movement anims
pm_footstepTimeout3rdPersonMS - amount of time required between footstep events
pm_forceExplicitMotionClip - clip the forced move
pm_forceExplicitMotionX - x value of explicit motion to force
pm_forceExplicitMotionY - y value of explicit motion to force
pm_forceExplicitMotionZ - z value of explicit motion to force
pm_friendlyRepulseOnlyOnGround - Whether to only repulse friendlies if they're on
the ground
pm_friendlyRepulsorRadius - radius for repulsors for friendlies. 0.0 for none.
pm_friendlyRepulsorStyle - Repulsor style used for friendlies. 0-TangentToCircle;
1-HardStop; 2-SoftSpring
pm_gradualSensitivityScaleTimeSec - Gradually gives the player look control over
this time.
pm_gradualSyncViewReset - 0 - Off, 1 - only pitch 2 - yaw/pitch 3 - constant pitch
pm_gradualSyncViewResetTime - Gradually moves the player's view back to original
pm_gravityInterpolationSpeed -
pm_idleFramesRequiredForImmediateBlend -
pm_ignoreSprintButton - if true, the sprint button will be ignored as a requirement
for sprinting
pm_jumpChangeDirectionScalar - How much jumping is allowed to change player's
direction; 0.0 = no change in direction when jumping; 1.0 = instantly change
pm_jumpExtensionDebug - enable jump extension spheres & bounds
pm_jumpExtensionDebugTimeSec - seconds to retain jump extension debug info
pm_jumpExtensionHeight - distance down from ledge that a regular jump can be
pm_jumpExtensionLength - distance out from ledge that a regular jump can be
pm_jumpExtensionUpHeight - distance up from ledge that a regular jump can be
activated (fixes ledge extension at top of slopes)
pm_jumpheight - approximate height the player can jump
pm_knockbackPredictClampFrontBack -
pm_knockbackPredictClampSides -
pm_knockbackPredictClampStrength -
pm_knockbackPredictClampUpDown -
pm_knockbackPredictDebug -
pm_knockbackPredictMaxTime -
pm_knockbackPredictMinTime -
pm_knockbackPredictedZOnly -
pm_lookUpTweak - Depress the view this much when looking up to avoid clipping into
pm_lungeHorizontalDirectionScalar - Scalar to adjust how much horizontal speed
boost jumps get
pm_maxRunAnimRate - maximum rate player's run anim will play at.
pm_maxScaledRunSpeed - maximum player run speed allowed after all modifiers
(powerups, weapons, hack mods, etc); 0.0 = no limit
pm_maxSprintRate - maximum rate player's run anim will play at.
pm_maxWalkAnimRate - maximum rate player's walk anim will play at.
pm_maxviewpitch - amount player's view can look down
pm_minPhysSpeed - Minimum physics speed where direction is still reliable. If
physics is < than this, we use cmd velocity or previous velocity to determine
animation direction
pm_minRunAnimRate - minimum rate player's run anim will play at.
pm_minWalkAnimRate - minimum rate player's walk anim will play at.
pm_minviewpitch - amount player's view can look up (negative values are up)
pm_modelRotationBiasDot -
pm_modelRotationRate - rate at which the player model will align to velocity
pm_modelRotationRate_AnimBigThresh - rate at which the player model will align to
velocity direction
pm_modelRotationRate_TurnMax - rate at which the player model will align to
velocity direction
pm_modelRotationRate_TurnMin - rate at which the player model will align to
velocity direction
pm_modelRotationTurnThresh -
pm_modelRotationTurnThreshEnd -
pm_modelRotation_AnimBased - rate at which the player model will align to velocity
pm_modelRotation_disableTorsoAim - rate at which the player model will align to
velocity direction
pm_mpAllowAirControlOnFirstJump - Turn on to allow air control on first and second
jump in MP
pm_netMaxNetworkDelta - If the distance between origins is greater than this value,
players in network mode will snap to their destinations instead of running any kind
of physics to get there.
pm_net_error_debug - if true we will print debug network interpolation error on
pm_noBob - turns off view bob and weapon sway
pm_noclipspeed - speed the player can move while in noclip
pm_normalViewHeight - height of player's view while standing
pm_normalheight - height of player's bounding box while standing
pm_pencilCollisionAngle - If players are using pencil collision, this is the angle
of the tip.
pm_pencilCollisionTaperRadius - If players are using pencil collision, this is the
radius of the tip.
pm_photoModeBoundSize - the size of the bounds during photo mode
pm_photoModeFriction - the air friction to use in photo mode, the higher the
tighter it is
pm_photoModeHeight - the height of the bounds during photo mode
pm_photoModeMaxDist - the max distance we can deviate from the initial place in
photo mode
pm_playerCollisionStyle - 0 = bounding box; 1 = cylinder approximation; 2 = pencil
pm_playerRepulsion - 1 = enable player repulsion
pm_predict -
pm_predictKnockback - If true, knockback will be predicted on network clients
pm_predict_db -
pm_pusherDislodgeMultiplier - the multiplier of the velocity to use when we are
trying to dislodge a player from its contact
pm_pusherWalkMoveCushion - The number of units we are not allowed to go near a
pusher wall while standing on the pusher
pm_randomColorSmoothnessRange - Max random value color smoothness will have. Max
pm_randomDirtRange - Max random value dirt will have. Max 1.0
pm_randomSpecifyMaterialType - For random customization, specify the color material
type. Any material type = -1, Matte = 0, Glossy = 1, Metallic = 2.
pm_randomSpecifyPatternType - For random customization, specify the pattern type.
Any material type = -1, Abstract = 0, Camo = 1, Symbol = 2.
pm_randomWeatheringRange - Max random value weathering will have. Max 1.0
pm_remoteInputAvgDeltaCount - The amount of remote input time values that the time
delta should be avg'd against
pm_rest - Lerp scale for blending player movement anims
pm_restFrameDebug - Debug
pm_restFrameThresh - Number of frames of no cmd movement to consider player at rest
and transition to idle
pm_restRate - Lerp scale for blending player movement anims
pm_restTime -
pm_restWalkScale - Lerp scale for blending player movement anims
pm_rest_alphaRate - Lerp scale for blending player movement anims
pm_rest_maxAlpha - Lerp scale for blending player movement anims
pm_rest_maxRate - Lerp scale for blending player movement anims
pm_rest_minAlpha - Lerp scale for blending player movement anims
pm_rest_minRate - Lerp scale for blending player movement anims
pm_runspeed - speed the player can move while running
pm_screenParticleOffset - forward offset when placing screen particles
pm_skipAnimation - If true, skip updating the player animation state - only for
debugging animations in isolation
pm_softSpringRepulsorVelMax - Maximum spring velocity for SoftSpring repulsors
pm_softSpringRepulsorVelMin - Minimum spring velocity for SoftSpring repulsors
pm_sprintAngle - the angle the player has to stay in with their forward movement
pm_sprintBackSpeedRatio - ratio of player max sprint backward speed to forward
pm_sprintChargeTime - how many ms to fully recharge sprint
pm_sprintEnabled - Turn Actionable sprinting on
pm_sprintMaxTime - how many ms the player can sprint
pm_sprintMode - 0 = Constant sprint speed, 1 = Ramp up to top speed
pm_sprintNoInputStopTime - how long there has to be no input before sprinting stops
pm_sprintStatsOverride - If turned on, ignore sprintStats in player's entitydef and
use cvars instead
pm_sprintStatsRampUpTime - time it takes to go from initial to max sprint speed
pm_sprintStatsSpeedInitial - initial spring speed (at start ramp up time)
pm_sprintStatsSpeedMax - maximum sprint speed (after ramp up time)
pm_sprintStatsSpeedMaxAnimRate - maximum anim rate scale for sprint
pm_sprintStickDeadZone - how far the movement stick has to be pressed forward
before we allow sprint to kick in max is 120 because full stick max is 127
pm_sprintStrafe - allow sprint strafing
pm_sprintStrafeAndWeaponFire - allow full weapon use while sprinting and allow
strafe sprinting
pm_sprintspeed - speed the player can move while sprinting
pm_stepsize - maximum height the player can step up without jumping
pm_strafeSpeedRatio - ratio of run speed player can strafe; 1.0 allows strafing at
full run speed
pm_strafe_threshold - Cos of angle to transition into strafe animations
pm_subWeb - sub-web postfix for the player - this is for testing only
pm_thirdPerson - enables third person view
pm_thirdPersonAngle - direction of camera from player in 3rd person in degrees (0 =
behind player, 180 = in front)
pm_thirdPersonClip - clip third person view into world space
pm_thirdPersonClipContents - 0 = MASK_OPAQUE (what SP has been using); 1 = OPAQUE|
is using)
pm_thirdPersonFocusJoint - focus joint of the third person camera
pm_thirdPersonHeight - height of camera from normal view height in 3rd person
pm_thirdPersonRange - camera distance from player in 3rd person
pm_thrusterSprintAngle - the angle the player has to stay in with their forward
pm_thrusterSprintBackSpeedRatio - ratio of player max sprint backward speed to
forward speed for thruster sprint
pm_thrusterSprintChargeTime - how many ms to fully recharge thruster sprint
pm_thrusterSprintDelayTime - how many ms to delay before sprinting is possible
pm_thrusterSprintEnable - enable thruster sprint instead of old sprint
pm_thrusterSprintMaxTime - how many ms the player can thruster sprint
pm_thrusterSprintRechargeFromEmpty - if true, the recharge always starts from empty
regardless of how much sprint time was actually used
pm_thrusterSprintStickDeadZone - how far the movement stick has to be pressed
forward before we allow thruster sprint to kick in max is 120 because full stick
max is 127
pm_thrusterSprintStopOnlyWhenDepleted - if true, thruster sprint cannot be turned
off and remains on until fully depleted
pm_thrusterSprintStrafeAndWeaponFire - allow full weapon use while thruster
sprinting and allow strafe sprinting
pm_thrustersprintspeed - speed the player can move while thruster sprinting
pm_toggleThrusterSprint - if true will use the toggle thruster sprint on PC
pm_togglesprint - if true will use the toggle sprint on PC
pm_torsoAimBlendTimeMS - time to blend between different aim anims
pm_torsoDebug - Debug torso aiming of this player
pm_torsoDisable - Debug torso aiming of this player
pm_torsoDisableBlendMS - Debug torso aiming of this player
pm_torsoPitchClamp - max angle torso can turn from body forward around pitch axis
pm_torsoPitchClampAiming - max angle torso can turn from body forward around pitch
axis (when using aim anims)
pm_torsoTrackRate - max rate that torso will track to client view angle
pm_torsoUseIndependentConstraints - true to use independent pitch and yaw
constraints on torso
pm_torsoYawClamp - max angle torso can turn from body forward around yaw axis
pm_traceExplicitMotion - 0=off, 1=trace the explicit motion deltas, 2=trace nonzero
deltas only
pm_trackPlayerPos - Draw spheres at player origin
pm_trackPlayerUcmdStartStopPos - Num = Client that you want to see when they
started/stopped moving, based on their ucmds
pm_turnTolerance -
pm_useArmorPiecesAsAttachments - If true, stop using tree animator sub-meshes for
armor pieces.
pm_useClampUserCmdInterpPercentage - Disable for testing user commands that don't
have a clamped percentage
pm_useFootPhaseSyncing -
pm_useWalkIK - Simple cvar that specifies if the player should have walk ik on
pm_walkAccelRateOverride - Acceleration rate for player walk movement; -1 = use
default; Note: only updates after respawn
pm_walkFrictionOverride - Ground friction for player walk movement; -1 = use
default; Note: only updates after respawn
pm_walkIKBlendInMS - Blend in time for player leg IK after jumping
pm_walkMoveStickToGround - Only projects velocity along the ground plane if our
velocity to ground normal is greater than pm_walkMoveStickToGroundDot.
pm_walkMoveStickToGroundDot - Velocity dot ground normal must be greater than this
in order to stick to plane.
pm_walkRunRangeScale - percentage of the range between walk and run speeds where
the walk and run animations will blend
pm_walkspeed - speed the player can move while walking
pm_walkthreshold - user command threshold where we transition from walking /
sneaking to running.
pm_waterSurfaceLevel_Emerge_Thresh -
pm_waterSurfaceLevel_SurfaceLevel -
pm_waterSurfaceLevel_Trans -
pm_waterSurfaceLevel_Trans_Delta -
pm_webDebug - Lerp scale for blending player movement anims
pm_webRunJumpThreshold - The run-to-walk percentage that we check against when
deciding if we should do a running jump
pm_zeroG_FloatUp -
pm_zeroG_Friction - How fast the players speed is reduced in no gravity
pm_zeroG_MoveScale -
pmec_ApplyAnimDeltasForceClip - Force the anim deltas to clipped against geometry
pmec_ApplyAnimDeltasForceNoClip - Force the anim deltas to ignore clipping with
pmec_ApplyAnimDeltasToPlayer - Can be set to 0 to disable application of anim
deltas to player
pmec_BlockCheckUse8x8 - If set, then the block check uses an 8x8 cube instead of a
pmec_BodyForceUseDeferredPosition - Force the deferred position handling as follows
-1: don't force anything, 0: force non deferred handling, 1: force deferred
pmec_DebugCollisionTraces - Outputs numbers of inline and deferred traces per frame
pmec_EnableAdvancedMovementInMP - Enable ledge grab in MP game modes
pmec_EnableThirdPersonBody - Enable the 3rd person body
pmec_ForceShowThirdPersonBody - Always draw the 3rd person body
pmec_TraceBodyAngles - Traces the third person body angles (1=post-values, 2=pre
and post-values
pmec_TraceBodyAnimDeltas - Traces the third person body anim deltas (1 for trans, 2
for rot, 3 for both)
pmec_TraceBodyAnims - Traces the animation calls on the body to the debug console
pmec_TraceBodyPos - Traces the third person body position (1=post-values, 2=pre and
pmec_TraceHandsAnims - Traces the animation calls on the hands to the debug console
pmec_cl_BlendIntoCoverEndDist - How far from cover for anims to reach their fully
blended values
pmec_cl_BlendIntoCoverStartDist - How far from cover to start blending anims into
cover anims
pmec_cl_BlendLeanInDist - Over what distance away from cover to transition anims
from center to fully leaned
pmec_cl_BlendLeanOutDist - Over what distance farther away from cover to transition
anims from fully leaned back to center
pmec_cl_BlendLeanOutDistUp - Over what distance upward away from cover to
transition anims from fully leaned back to center
pmec_cl_CoverDist - Maximum distance forward the blockage can be to qualify as
pmec_cl_CoverPoseDelayMS - How long should the weapon wait when in cover before
starting to blend to the cover pose
pmec_cl_Debug - Debug player auto-cover-lean behavior
pmec_cl_DebugNoQueryUpdate - Update the query or not
pmec_cl_DebugNumRays - How many debug rays to put out
pmec_cl_DebugOverride - -1=no override, 0=not in cover, 1 = cover, 2 = wall, 3 =
peekL, 4 = peekR, 5 = peekU
pmec_cl_DebugRayNum - Draw only this debug ray, or -1 to draw them all up to the
limit of pmec_cl_DebugNumRays
pmec_cl_DisableForward - Disable the forward block check
pmec_cl_DisableLeft - Disable the edge check to the left
pmec_cl_DisableRight - Disable the edge check to the right
pmec_cl_DisableUp - Disable the edge check up
pmec_cl_EdgeTestDist - How far sideways or up to test for an edge
pmec_cl_Enable - Enable player auto-cover-lean mechanic
pmec_cl_FixedDistance - Only step out at a fixed distance
pmec_cl_ForwardTestBackupDist - How far to back up the forward test rays
pmec_cl_ForwardTestDist - How far forward to test the world
pmec_cl_ForwardTestSpacing - How fine the sample grid is for the forward tests
pmec_cl_InCoverPower - Exponent for the in-cover anim spring curve
pmec_cl_InCoverSpeed - Max speed for the spring that controls how fast the cur
inCover value seeks the desired value
pmec_cl_InCoverSpringK - Spring constant for the in-cover anim spring
pmec_cl_InCrouchCoverPower - Exponent for the in-crouch-cover anim spring curve
pmec_cl_LeanLRSpringK - Spring constant for the lean left/right anim spring
pmec_cl_LeanPower - Exponent for the lean fade curve
pmec_cl_LeanSpeed - Max speed for the spring that controls how fast the cur lean
val seeks the desired lean val
pmec_cl_LeanUSpringK - Spring constant for the lean up anim spring
pmec_cl_MaxRoll - How much to roll the camera at the extremes of the lean range
pmec_cl_MinBlockDist - Minimum distance ahead to consider a block valid. Otherwise
it's a false result behind the player
pmec_cl_MinDot - Minimum dot product with blocking face in order to consider it
pmec_cl_PeekPastEdgeSideDist - How far sideways beyond the edge of cover to allow
pmec_cl_PeekPastEdgeUpDist - How far up beyond the edge of cover to allow peeking
pmec_cl_PlayZoomThreshold - Minimum 'inCover' and 'readyToPeek' values in order to
play zooms (0-1)
pmec_cl_RayTestDepth - How far inside a blocking surface to test for the edge of
pmec_cl_ReadyToPeekRange - Range of distances from the ready to peek dist to blend
into or out of the ready to peek pose
pmec_cl_ReadyToPeekSpeed - Max speed for the spring that controls how the cur
readyToPeek value seeks the desired value
pmec_cl_ReadyToPeekSpringK - Spring constant for the ready-to-peek anim spring
pmec_cl_RequireBackedUpBlockage - Either require blockage at the first backed-up
test, or allow the first blockage to occur farther along in the edge test direction
pmec_cl_SuppressTime - Length of time to suppress the 'ready to peek' variable
after player fires a weapon or moves
pmec_cl_ZoomPeekSideDistMax - Maximum distance to peek out to either side when
zooming from side cover
pmec_cl_pil_BlendLeanInDist - Over what distance away from cover to transition
anims from center to fully leaned, for peeks instead of leans
pmec_cl_pil_BlendLeanOutDist - Over what distance farther away from cover to
transition anims from fully leaned back to center, for peeks instead of leans
pmec_cl_pil_CoverDistCrouchAutoPeek - Maximum distance forward the blockage can be
to qualify as crouch peek cover
pmec_cl_pil_CrouchAutoPeek - If true, the player will auto-peek when moving forward
against a crouch cover surface
pmec_cl_pil_Enable - The new peek scheme has the appearance of the player leaning
around the edge of cover with the weapon lagging behind
pmec_cl_pil_InCoverPower - Exponent for the in-cover anim spring curve, in new
peeks instead of leans scheme
pmec_cl_pil_PeekPastEdgeSideDist - How far sideways beyond the edge of cover to
allow peeking, in new peeks instead of leans scheme
pmec_cl_pil_PeekPastEdgeUpPartialDist - How far up beyond the edge of cover to
allow peeking when doing a partial peek
pmec_cl_pil_PeekSideClipOffset - Specifies how far to the side the clip model
should be offset when peeking
pmec_cl_pil_Power - Exponent for the peek fade curve
pmec_cl_pil_StickyPlaneMaxDegs - Max angle in degrees between input direction and
normal to cover surface to 'stick' to the surface instead of sliding, when zooming
or peeking from crouch cover
pmec_cl_pil_ViewMotionScaleSpringK - Spring constant for view motion scale spring
pmec_lad_AlignPhysicsAtTopDist - How far below the top of the ladder to align the
player physics object
pmec_lad_AlignToTopDist - How far below the top of the ladder to align the 3rd
person model
pmec_lad_AlwaysAllowDismountTopForward - If true then always allow top dismounts in
the forward direction.
pmec_lad_AlwaysAllowDismountTopLeft - If true then always allow top dismounts in
the left direction.
pmec_lad_AlwaysAllowDismountTopRight - If true then always allow top dismounts in
the right direction.
pmec_lad_AnimBlendFrames - Animation blend frames
pmec_lad_AtBottomDist - How far above the bottom of the ladder to consider player
'at bottom'
pmec_lad_AtCeilingDist - How far below the 'ceiling' the player's physics object is
allowed to be
pmec_lad_AtTopDist - How far below the top of the ladder to consider player 'at
pmec_lad_AveragedBodyRotationK - Spring constant for averaging the body rotation
pmec_lad_ConstrainedViewAnglesRate - Rate for the entry into the constrained view
range, if restriction is necessary (degs/sec)
pmec_lad_Debug - Debug player contextual ladder behavior
pmec_lad_DebugNoQueryUpdate - Update the query or not
pmec_lad_DebugTestAnim - Test an animation
pmec_lad_DebugTraceStates - Trace the ladder states
pmec_lad_DismountMidVel - How much velocity to apply to the player to push away
from the ladder
pmec_lad_Enable - Enable player contextual ladder behavior
pmec_lad_EnableBodyRotation - Enables additive anims to simulate body rotation
pmec_lad_ForwardTestBackupDist - How far to back up the forward test rays
pmec_lad_ForwardTestDist - How far forward to test the world
pmec_lad_InitiateInputTime - How long in ms to attempt interaction with ladder
before interaction begins
pmec_lad_InitiateMaxAngle - Maximum angle in degrees between the ladder normal and
the player heading to interact with the ladder
pmec_lad_InputDeadZone - Dead zone for ladder input
pmec_lad_InputSlideThreshold - Input required to initiate slide behavior
pmec_lad_MaxDeltaPitch - Maximum delta pitch, relative to ladder normal
pmec_lad_MaxDeltaYaw - Maximum delta yaw, relative to ladder normal
pmec_lad_MinLadderWidth - Minimum width to allow a sides of ladder brushes to be
pmec_lad_MountBotOffsetX - X offset for top mount
pmec_lad_MountBotOffsetY - Y offset for top mount
pmec_lad_MountBotOffsetZ - Z offset for top mount
pmec_lad_MountMidOffsetX - X offset for top mount
pmec_lad_MountMidOffsetY - Y offset for top mount
pmec_lad_MountMidOffsetZ - Z offset for top mount
pmec_lad_MountTopOffsetX - X offset for top mount
pmec_lad_MountTopOffsetY - Y offset for top mount
pmec_lad_MountTopOffsetZ - Z offset for top mount
pmec_lad_NoRemountTimeMS - This many MS after dismounting before player can mount
pmec_lad_NormalSpeedScale - Speed scale allowed while not sprinting
pmec_lad_OutputDeltaMove - How many delta moves to output
pmec_lad_OutputDeltaZ - Same as output delta move, except only z info is reported
pmec_lad_PlayTransitionAnims - If true then transition anims are played going to
and from the idle state.
pmec_lad_RayTestDepth - How far inside a blocking surface to test
pmec_lad_SideTestDist - How far sideways or up to test for a ladder
pmec_lad_SpeedScaleSpringK - Spring constant for speed spring scale
pmec_lad_SprintSpeedScale - Speed scale allowed while sprinting
pmec_lad_VerticalTestDist - How far up or down to test for the ladder top and
pmec_lg_AgilePlayerAnimationScale - With the agile perk, what to scale the ledge
grab animation by.
pmec_lg_AnimBlendFrames - Animation blend frames
pmec_lg_AnimSpeedScaleMP - Scale factor for ledge grab animation in MP
pmec_lg_AssumeAlwaysForwardPress - Don't require pressing forward for ledge grab.
pmec_lg_CheckVerticalVelocity - Enables preventing ledge grab if vertical velocity
would take us above the ledge
pmec_lg_ConstrainedViewAnglesRate - Rate for the entry into the constrained view
range, if restriction is necessary (degs/sec)
pmec_lg_Debug - Debug player ledge grab behavior
pmec_lg_DebugActivateNoQueryUpdateOnGrab - If true then freeze the query at the
next grab
pmec_lg_DebugAllowWhileNoClipping - If true then this mechanic will be possible
while noclipping
pmec_lg_DebugCylinderDurationMS - How long the debug cylinder that shows the
player's resulting position lasts
pmec_lg_DebugNoQueryUpdate - Update the query or not
pmec_lg_DebugTraceStates - 1=Debug trace the player ledge grab states, 2=verbose
pmec_lg_EnableFootGrab - This enables or disables the foot grab
pmec_lg_EnableRailingAboveLedgeGrab - This enables or disables the ability to climb
a railing above a ledge
pmec_lg_FootGrabAlignDist - How far from the ledge pos to get before considering
the movement finished
pmec_lg_FootGrabAlignHeightOffset - How far above the ledge for the point where the
player shifts into position
pmec_lg_FootGrabAlignSpeed - How fast the player moves to the ledge pos during the
foot grab
pmec_lg_InitiateLookATMaxAngle - maximum angle in degrees between the player view
direction and the line from the view to the ledge grab position
pmec_lg_InitiateMaxAngle - maximum angle in degrees between the ledge face normal
and the player heading to validate a ledge for grabbing
pmec_lg_InputDeadZone - Dead zone for input
pmec_lg_LedgeFaceMaxDegsFromVertical - Maximum degrees away from vertical the ledge
face is allowed to be
pmec_lg_LedgeSurfaceMaxDegsFromHorizontal - Maximum degrees away from horizontal
the ledge surface is allowed to be
pmec_lg_MaxDeltaPitchDown - Maximum delta pitch (down), relative to ledge face
pmec_lg_MaxDeltaPitchUp - Minimum delta pitch (up), relative to ledge face normal
pmec_lg_MaxDeltaYaw - Maximum delta yaw, relative to ledge face normal
pmec_lg_MinInputToInitiate - The minimum forward input to initiate a grab (0-1)
pmec_lg_NoGrabTimeMS - This many MS after releasing before player can grab again
pmec_lg_OutputDeltaMove - How many delta moves to output
pmec_lg_RequireLookAtLedge - Require player to look at the ledge in order to grab
pmec_lg_SpeedScaleSpringK - Spring constant for speed spring scale
pmec_lg_SprintSpeedScale - Speed scale allowed while sprinting
pmec_lg_UseAnyValidPos - If true, a ledge grab can be performed if ANY of the
center, right, or left positions validate. Otherwise, ALL of those positions must
pmec_lg_debugBadLedgeGrab - If true, will attempt to check distances between ledge
grab start and end to track down bad ledge grabs that teleport players to origin.
pmec_lg_debugPos - Debug and draw valid ledge positions
pmec_lg_enableDeferredTraces - 0 = inline traces, 1 = deferred traces, 2 = deferred
and inline traces for comparison error checking
pmec_lg_enableParallelJob - Enable parallel job to check surroundings (don't use
until collision traces are threadsafe).
pmec_lg_randomizeDetectionInputs - 0 - randomized cosmetic hand placement,
additional cost, consistent behavior in a given situation, 1 - randomized detection
inputs, no additional cost, possible inconsistent behavior in a given situation
pmec_lg_randomizeHandPlacement - 0 - don't randomize hand placement, 1 - do
randomize hand placement
pmec_rr_clampViewPitch - Max pitch player can look around on rail
pmec_rr_clampViewYaw - Max yaw player can look around on rail
pmec_rr_debug - Debug player contextual rail behavior
pmec_rr_debugAllowRailRide - Allows wall grab whether the inventory item is present
or not
pmec_rr_debugAvailableRails - Debug available rails
pmec_rr_debugMovement - Debug movement along rail
pmec_rr_enable - Enable player contextual rail behavior
pmec_rr_railForwardAdjust - Rate at which view adjusts to desired rail forward
pmec_rr_rollClamp - Roll is clamped to this value
pmec_rr_rollScale - For determining amount of roll on curves
pmec_rr_rollSettleScale - Roll velocity is reduced each frame (to center roll at 0)
pmec_rr_rollVelocityScale - Amount roll velocity is reduced each frame
pmec_rr_slopeMinAngle - Minimum angle for the slope to affect speed
pmec_rr_slopeScale - For determining slope speed, scale * slope angle (cos)
pmec_rr_speedFriction - Decrease in speed / per sec
pmec_rr_traceDistance - Distance to search for rails near current rail
pmec_sync_enable - Enable or disable syncs
pmec_vg_Debug - Display debug info for this system
pmec_vg_DebugAllowAllActions - Allow all actions
pmec_vg_DebugSpheres - Show debug spheres for hotspots
pmec_vg_DebugTraceStates - Prints the state changes
pmec_vg_HandsSpringK - Spring constant for hands spring
pmec_vg_ParallelDistWeight - Weight scale for the parallel distance from the
current selection along the desired direction
pmec_vg_PerpendicularDistWeight - Weight scale for the parallel distance from the
current selection along the desired direction
pmec_wg_Debug - Debug player contextual wallGrab behavior
pmec_wg_DebugAdditiveAnims - Debug additive anim behavior
pmec_wg_DebugAllowWallGrab - Allows wall grab whether the inventory item is present
or not
pmec_wg_DebugDrawWallGrabPoint - Draw the wallGrab coord system at the wallGrab
pmec_wg_DebugNoQueryUpdate - Update the query or not
pmec_wg_DebugReflectViewOnMount - Debug the view reflect functionality
pmec_wg_DebugTraceStates - Trace the wallGrab states
pmec_wg_Enable - Enable player contextual wallGrab behavior
pmec_wg_ReflectViewOnMountConeDegs - Size of cone around the reflected angle to
constrain the view to during the reflect period
pmec_wg_ReflectViewOnMountExtraMS - Extra time added according to size of angle
being swept. Full value is for 180 degrees and smaller angles have accordingly
scaled extra time
pmec_wg_ReflectViewOnMountMS - Length of time during which the view will reflect on
mount relative to the angle of approach
podium_AlwaysShow - Whether or not to always show the podium screen
podium_Enable - Whether or not to enable the podium screen
podium_ModelDepthHack - Depth hack for podium models
podium_animTauntBlend - blend in time for podium taunt anim
podium_fov - Podium field of view
poiPlayer_coop_lowHealthThreshold - Health ratio value considered low health
poiPlayer_coop_medHealthThreshold - Health ratio value considered medium health
poi_AlphaScale - Scale the alpha when the POI is behind another object
poi_AlphaScalePerFrame - How much to scale the alpha when going visible or
poi_AngularScale - Toggle angular scale on POI hud objects
poi_ArtificialPOILimit - Although we allocate space for additional POIs past this,
we will throw an error if we get this many POIs - so we can evaluate how many we
actually need.
poi_BlindedHeightOffset -
poi_BotBuddyIconHeightOffset -
poi_Debug -
poi_DemonPlayerIconScreenOffsetY - Offset above player's head for demon player icon
poi_DemonPlayerNameScreenOffsetY - Offset above player's head for demon player name
poi_EnemyDemonPlayerNameScreenOffsetY - Offset above player's head for enemy demon
player name
poi_EnemyPlayerNameScreenOffsetY - Offset above player's head for enemy player name
poi_FadeDelay - Time a poi is displayed before it begins fade
poi_FadeLength - Time it takes the poi to fade out
poi_ForceOffscreen -
poi_FrozenTeammateHeightOffset -
poi_GoalHeightOffset -
poi_GravestoneHeightOffset -
poi_HeightScaling -
poi_HologramBaseOffset - Offset above a hologram's head for the nameplate
poi_IconSize -
poi_IconSizeSplitscreen -
poi_MPIntroAvatarBaseOffset - Offset above an mp intro avatar's head for the
poi_PVPEnemyDemonNamePlateDistanceThreshold - Distance at which to start fading
enemy demon nameplates.
poi_PVPEnemyNameMaxAlpha - Enemy names can't go beyond this alpha
poi_PVPEnemyNameMaxDeg - This angle or higher shows at full opacity
poi_PVPEnemyNameMinAlpha - Enemy names can't go below this alpha
poi_PVPEnemyNameMinDeg - This angle or lower is invisible
poi_PVPEnemyNamePlateDistanceThreshold - Distance at which to start fading enemy
poi_PVPEnemyNamePlateFadeDistance - Distance to fading enemy nameplates.
poi_PVPEnemyPlayerNameplateOcclusion - Toggle to use or ignore occlusion query data
with POIs on player nameplates
poi_PVPNameplateStyle - 0 = off, 1 = old style, 2 = new style
poi_PVPShowEnemyPlayerNameplate - Toggle displaying enemy nameplates in PVP
poi_PVPTeammateNameMaxAlpha - Teammate names can't go beyond this alpha
poi_PVPTeammateNameMaxDeg - This angle or higher shows at full opacity
poi_PVPTeammateNameMinAlpha - Teammate names can't go below this alpha
poi_PVPTeammateNameMinDeg - This angle or lower is invisible
poi_PVPTeammateNamePlateDistanceThreshold - Distance at which to start fading
teammate nameplates.
poi_PVPTeammateNamePlateFadeDistance - Distance to fading teammate nameplates.
poi_PivotTest -
poi_PlayerBaseOffset -
poi_PlayerNameScreenOffsetY - Offset above player's head for player name
poi_RayCast - Toggle ray casting from viewer to POI entity position
poi_RayCastEpsilon - Allow for some amount of threshold on the raycast fraction
poi_ScreenPercentage - Percentage of total screen height taken by a POI icon, at
poi_SummonedDemonHeightOffset -
poi_VerbScreenOffsetY - Offset above icon for verb text
poi_allow3rdPersonEnemyNameplates -
poi_becomeDemonPickupMaxFriendlyRange - How close must you be to the demon pickup
POI in order to see the POI if it is a 'friendly' pickup.
poi_becomeDemonPickupMaxNeutralRange - How close must you be to the demon pickup
POI in order to see the POI if it is a neutral pickup.
poi_becomeDemonPickupScaleMinimum - Percentage scale minimum for become demon
pickup POIs
poi_becomeDemonPickupTextScaleMax - Max scale for text above become demon pickup
poi_becomeDemonPickupTextScaleMin - Min scale for text above become demon pickup
poi_becomeDemonPickupZOffset - Become demon pickup POIs offset in z
poi_borderScale -
poi_borderScaleX -
poi_borderScaleX_VDM -
poi_borderScaleY -
poi_borderScaleY_VDM -
poi_borderSplitscreenScaleX -
poi_borderSplitscreenScaleY -
poi_borderSteps - Number of points generated on the border ellipse.
poi_borderStepsSplitscreen - Number of points generated on the border ellipse in
poi_botBuddyIconEnable - 1 = allow bots to show their 'buddy' icon when they follow
you around.
poi_chargeballOffscreenScale - Chargeball POIs offscreen scaling.
poi_chargeballScreenOffset - Screen offset POI above a loose chargeball
poi_chargeballWorldOffset - World offset POI above a loose chargeball
poi_coopCapturePointZOffset - coop capture point POIs offset in z
poi_coopTargetScreenOffsetY - Offset above entity's head for target icon
poi_demonRuneOffset - Number of units in world space the demon rune's position will
be offset in the z direction when used to determine the POI position.
poi_directionSideScale - Scales the position of the POI horizontally to prevent it
from being on the top and bottom of the screen
poi_directionSideSmoothScale - Scales the speed at which the POI lerps out to the
scaled POI position
poi_distanceTextRelativeScale - For poi distance text, this value scales that text
relative to the other verb text
poi_drawPoints -
poi_focusPointOffset - Distance to offset the focus point for the POI vertically.
poi_focusPointSwfOffset - Focus pois start centered at (0.5,0.5), this will add to
the vertical amount of the poi. Positive numbers will move it down.
poi_focusSmoothingRange - Distance to smooth the lerp of a POI going from focused
to non-focused
poi_focusTransitionDuration - MS to focus/unfocus
poi_forceAllPoiToPlayer - Poi testing cvar to turn all POI to player POI
poi_forcePlayerDown - Poi testing cvar
poi_headcaseHeadScaleMinimum - Percentage scale minimum for headcase POIs
poi_lastHitTimeout - Time in milliseconds until enemy player nameplate stops
rendering after being hit.
poi_noEnemies -
poi_playerDownPulseRate -
poi_playerScaleMinimum - Percentage scale minimum for player POIs
poi_powerSeekerPickupZOffset - Power seeker pickup POIs offset in z
poi_powerSeekerTextScale - For time display on power seeker poi.
poi_powerupOffset - Number of units in world space the power up/weapon position
will be offset in the z direction when used to determine the POI position.
poi_presentationVIPIconHeightOffset -
poi_renderThirdPersonDemonHealthBar - If on, render the third-person demon health
poi_renderThirdPersonDemonHealthBarOnlyWhenGK - If on, render the third-person
demon health bar only when it's glory killable
poi_reviveIconHeightOffset -
poi_reviveIconScale -
poi_roundedRectRadius -
poi_roundedRectStepsPerQuad -
poi_scaleMinimum - Percentage scale minimum for POI
poi_showHealthBarForEnemyDemons - If set and player can see enemy demon, show
enemy's health bar.
poi_snapAiBaseOffset -
poi_snapEntityBaseOffset -
poi_snapPlayerBaseOffset -
poi_usePVPPlayerNames - Use the new pvp poi player name code
poi_useSwfPVPPlayerNameplates - Should player nameplates use the old or new (swf)
poi system?
popupDialog_debug - display debug spam
possession_disableLastStandingEffect - should last human standing not receive
associated buff?
possession_overrideDemon - enable alternate prowler for demon.
possession_playSpawnCallouts - should spawn callouts play the first time a player
spawns as a demon?
possession_suppressSubsequentSpawnAnims - should transformation anim only play the
first time a player spawns as a demon?
presentableWeapon_debug - Debug PresentableWeapons
presentableWeapon_debugFire - Debug PresentableWeapons interpolated fire
presentableWeapon_loopingSoundEnd - Debug PresentableWeapons
presentableWeapon_minFireTime - Debug PresentableWeapons
presentableWeapon_roll_endAccel - Debug PresentableWeapons
presentableWeapon_roll_endTime - Debug PresentableWeapons
presentableWeapon_roll_startAccel - Debug PresentableWeapons
presentableWeapon_roll_topSpeed - Debug PresentableWeapons
presentableWeapon_serializeLocal - Debug PresentableWeapons
presentableWeapon_timeBeforeReleaseTrigger - Debug PresentableWeapons
profile_MPDemonPackEntitlementId - Force the entitlement ID to a certain value
profile_forceDeclLoadouts - Force the loadout selections to come from decl. Ignore
the profile.
profile_giveMPDemonPackEntitlement - Test cvar to force the game to believe you
have the MP entitlement granted
profile_hackmodule_autoEquip_keepPrevious - should auto equip try to replace empty
slots with the same as previous hack module
profile_hackmodule_maxType - max hack modules to store per type
profile_recoverStats - try to recover stats when version number increases
profile_securityCheck - checks to make sure we are on a valid map before we save
stats to profile or update achievements
profile_showNewItemsInShell - disable to hide new item notifications in the shell
profile_verbose - Turns on debug spam for profiles
proj_emp_debug - Enable projectile EMP debug info.
prop_debugLifetime - Debug output for the life cycle of all props
prop_debugTouch - Debug prop touch to track down the issue where they can't be
picked up
prop_forceRegenUpkeepWhenFull - for debugging. forces the upkeep even if the player
is full
prop_guiDistanceToShow - how far away to show the prop guis
prop_jobThinks - Use the Job system for Prop2 Thinks
prop_magnetizedCaptureDist - distance to capture pickup as its magnetized to the
prop_magnetizedDist - distance of the magnetized test
prop_magnetizedDuration - how long the prop will magnetize to the player, after it
expires the prop is awarded to player
prop_magnetizedMaxDist - max distance to lerp to player
prop_magnetizedSpeedFraction - how fast the pickup flies to the player as a
fraction for lerping also based on time
prop_magnetizedVerticalOffset - vertical offset from player's origin for collision
prop_showAtGameStart - start showing props at match start rather than round start
prowlerCam_allowRotationInThirdPersonView - Allow player input to rotate prowler
carry camera
prowlerCam_distance - Distance for prowler carry camera
prowlerCam_followCameraAbsolutePitch - Pitch for prowler carry camera
prowlerCam_freezeOnStartSync - Freeze the camera when the sync kill startss
prowler_DripMaxHeight - Maximum distance checked for the ground below the Prowler
for the drip pool
prowler_boostMode - how is the prowler boost handled: 0 - no boost 1 - on/off based
on time 2 - boost wears down over time
prowler_boostTime - time (in ms) that the prowler boost after teleporting to the
ground is in effect
prowler_damageBreaksPerch - Does taking damage remove us from the perch
prowler_debugActorStateMachine - Debug actor state changes
prowler_enableTeleportSyncAttack - Should the Prowler try to enter a sync attack
with an enemy in its teleport path?
prowler_enableTeleportTargetRibbon - Whether to display a ribbon from the viewPos
to the target
prowler_handsChannelBlendMs - Hands channel animator blend time
prowler_maxRunAnimRate - maximum rate prowler's run anim will play at when speed is
near runSpeed
prowler_maxWalkAnimRate - maximum rate prowler's walk anim will play at when speed
is near walkSpeed
prowler_meleeAnimDuration - Duration of melee attack anim
prowler_meleeDirectionRandom - How to perturb the swipe decals from directly view
prowler_meleeDisableSwipe - Disable melee swipes all together
prowler_meleeMaxTimeForButton - Milliseconds that can elapse since last trigger
push and still perform melee
prowler_meleeRefireDelay - Duration of delay between melee attacks starting
prowler_meleeRequireHandsReady - Whether melee requires the hands to be in a ready
state or not
prowler_meleeSyncAttemptTime - How much time in MS to continue to attempt a sync
melee while swiping
prowler_meleeTargetTransitionTime - Time in game time(close to MS) it takes to
transition reticle spread when switching targets
prowler_meleeWindupTime - How much time in MS do we spend in the windup without a
valid response from server for syncmelee
prowler_minRunAnimRate - minimum rate prowler's run anim will play at when speed is
near walkSpeed
prowler_minWalkAnimRate - minimum rate prowler's walk anim will play at when speed
is near 0
prowler_movementSpeedDampener - Air friction to apply if the max XY speed is
exceeded - this value is effectively the inverse of how long, in seconds, it would
take to come to a stop (1/dampener seconds to stop)
prowler_movementSpeedMax - Max XY speed the Prowler can move at before we start
applying air friction to dampen
prowler_normalAccelerationRate - Acceleration while running normally
prowler_perchAttachmentDebug - Whether to display debug information for the
attachment traces
prowler_perchAttachmentDebugTime - How long should any rendered debug persist
prowler_perchAttachmentTraceDist - How far towards the surface should we check for
something solid for the Prowler to attach to
prowler_perchDripPoolFXLifetime - Lifetime in MS of the Prowler perch drip pool FX
after the Prowler has left the perch
prowler_perchFXLifetime - Lifetime in MS of the Prowler perch FX after the Prowler
has left
prowler_perchFXWallOffsetXY - Offset in positive surface normal to move the perch
FX out from the wall
prowler_perchFXWallOffsetZ - Offset in positive Z to move the perch FX up the wall
prowler_perchModelLerpTime - How much time is spent lerping the render model when
entering/exiting a perch
prowler_perchOnSolid - Whether we should attempt to move the Prowler's render model
to the physical wall rather than just clip
prowler_perchPlacementDebug - Whether to show debug information about placing the
Prowler on a perch
prowler_perchPlacementDebugTime - How long should perch placement debug be visible
prowler_perchSurfaceNormalMode - 0 - Use/default to the normal from the initial
trace (to clip); 1 - Use/default to the surface normal from the solid surface
trace; 2/3 - Use the average of normals of the attach points
prowler_perchSurfaceTraceDist - How far back from player clip to solid should we
trace when placing the perched render model
prowler_perchSurfaceTraceOffset - How much do we back off the start of the traces
to solid to ensure we don't miss the surface
prowler_perchViewFollowsModel - Whether the first-person Prowler camera follows the
render model when perchOnSolid is set
prowler_postWorldTeleportRefireDelay - Delay before being able to teleport again,
in MS, after exiting a world teleporter
prowler_snatchDebug - Whether to should debug information about the Prowler's
attempts at snatching victims
prowler_snatchDebugTime - How long should any rendered debug persist
prowler_snatchLerpClampDuration - How long, in ms, is the clamp from full lerp
radius to no lerp allowed at the end of the path
prowler_snatchLerpDebug - Whether to display debug for the lerp towards a
telepounce target
prowler_snatchLerpDebugTime - How long to display debug for the lerp towards a
telepounce target
prowler_snatchLerpRadius - How far from the teleport path will the Prowler deviate
when trying to snatch a victim
prowler_snatchLerpRate - The rate at which the Prowler will lerp from its teleport
path (units/s)
prowler_snatchLerpTraceDebug - Whether to show the lerp traces
prowler_snatchLerpTraceDebugTime - How long to show the lerp traces
prowler_snatchedVictimDestRadiusSqr - The square of the distance from the
destination the victim can be before we break the bind
prowler_snatchedVictimsUseDeathCam - Whether victims being carried by the Prowler
should pull out to third person using the death cam
prowler_teleportAltContentCheckDist - How far back we should check for a valid alt
content position
prowler_teleportAltTraceFromSticky - Whether we should try to trace around the
sticky target when looking down at the ground
prowler_teleportAltTraceMinDot - The minimal dot product between the view angle and
the trace to the wall
prowler_teleportAltTraceToWall - Whether we should try to trace straight ahead when
looking down at the ground
prowler_teleportArriveTimeGround - Time before you can exit when arriving to ground
prowler_teleportDestinationFXInTransit - Whether to start teleport destination FX
on depart rather than arrival
prowler_teleportInputWindowTime - Window of time after receiving a trigger edge to
travel to a valid target
prowler_teleportLOSCheckEnable - Enable LOS checks on teleport targets
prowler_teleportLOSDebug - Enable debug for LOS checks on teleport targets
prowler_teleportMaxDist - Max distance to focus on teleport targets
prowler_teleportMaxSegmentDist - Max distance for a segment size we can break
teleport checks into
prowler_teleportMinDist - Min distance to focus on teleport targets
prowler_teleportRefireDelay - Delay before being able to teleport again, in MS
prowler_teleportRotateDuringTravel - During travel, rotate the render model while
prowler_teleportShieldWallDebug - Whether to show debug information while testing
for intersection with shield walls
prowler_teleportShieldWallDebugTime - How long to show debug information while
testing for intersection with shield walls
prowler_teleportShieldWallLookAhead - How far ahead the Prowler's position while
traveling do we stop for a shield wall (scaled by fraction of travel speed the
Prowler is moving)
prowler_teleportShieldWallLookAheadNonExplicit -
prowler_teleportShieldWallLookAhead for non-explicit move
prowler_teleportSurfaceDotMaxCeiling - Maximal dot product between a target surface
and up to be considered a ceiling target
prowler_teleportSurfaceDotMinFloor - Minimal dot product between a target surface
and up to be considered a ground target
prowler_teleportSyncAttackCameraLimitAngle - The max angle, in degrees, deviation
allowed from the direction of the carried victim
prowler_teleportSyncAttackCameraLimitRate - Degrees/second to move the camera to
within the limit when a victim has been snatched
prowler_teleportSyncAttackDebug - Whether to show debug information on targeting a
potential sync attack victim
prowler_teleportSyncAttackDebugTime - How long to show debug information on
targeting a potential sync attack victim
prowler_teleportSyncAttackMinLengthSqr - The min length squared of the remaining
path to avoid degenerate tests
prowler_teleportSyncAttackRequireLOS - Whether we should pass a LOS check to a
telepounce target before we perform the snatch
prowler_teleportSyncAttackRequirePassThrough - Whether the Prowler must pass
through its victim for a teleport sync attack
prowler_teleportSyncAttackUseCarryOffset - Use the offset (instead of tags ) for
the victim in 3rd person
prowler_teleportSyncAttackUseCarryOffsetLocal - Use the offset (instead of tags )
for the victim in 1st person
prowler_teleportSyncAttackWeightAlongPath - The scalar to weigh the fractional
distance along the path the target is from the Prowler
prowler_teleportSyncAttackWeightFromPath - The scalar to weigh the fractional
distance from the target to the Prowler's path
prowler_teleportTargetDebug - Debug the prowler teleport target
prowler_teleportTargetFeedbackTime - How long to display the result of a failed
teleport attempt on the screen
prowler_teleportToTeleporterDebug - Whether to display debug information for the
targeting of teleporters
prowler_teleportToTeleporterZOffset - The Z offset from the center of the trigger
to use when targeting a teleporter
prowler_teleportTraceUseClip - Whether to use a clip model to ensure the teleport
target can be traveled to without clipping
prowler_teleportTravelAccelPerc - Percentage of teleport travel to
prowler_teleportTravelDebug - Show debug info for teleport traveling
prowler_teleportTravelDropCooldown - How long does the Prowler need to wait before
canceling the next teleport travel
prowler_teleportTravelDropEnabled - Whether the Prowler can 'drop' out of teleport
travel, keeping its momentum
prowler_teleportTravelMinTime - Min teleport travel time
prowler_teleportTravelTeleportAllowed - Whether the Prowler can retarget and change
paths during teleport travel
prowler_teleportUseExplicitMove - Use ApplyExplicitMove during telepounce. Off by
default since causes sync issues with bound victim player.
prowler_teleportWallPerchDotCurrentMax - Max value of the dot product for wall
targets compared with current perch (must be >= 0)
prowler_teleportWallPerchParallelDistMin - Minimal distance along the wall normal
for a parallel perch to be considered valid
prowler_victimHeadTraceDebug - Whether to display debug information for the
headsmash traces
prowler_victimHeadTraceDist - How far towards the surface should we check for
something solid to smash the victim's head on
prowler_victimheadTraceDebugTime - How long should any rendered debug persist
prowler_visionHighlightDebug - Whether to show debug information for the Prowler
vision highlights
prowler_visionHighlightDirectDotMin - Minimum dot product between a ray cast to the
player from the Prowler's eyes and its viewAxis to consider the player in his
direct sight
prowler_visionHighlightDotMin - Minimum dot product between a ray cast to the
player from the Prowler's eyes and its viewAxis to consider the player in his sight
prowler_walkRunRangeScale - percentage of the range between walkSpeed and runSpeed
where the anims will blend
prowler_wallhackOnlyWhenPerched - Whether the Prowler can only see through walls
when perched
prowler_wallhackWhenPerchedDelay - Delay (in MS) between the Prowler perching and
demon vision becoming available
pt_trackPlayerClipEdges - Enables tracking of whether the teleporter has entered
player clip volumes. Used to decide what is 'inside' mesh collision.
qc_onlyDeathmatch - QuakeCon cvar - only deathmatch
qc_resetPlayerSettingsAfterMatch - Clear/Reset player settings after each match.
qc_shipAndDLC1Demons - QuakeCon - Only show the DLC1 demons and the shipping demons
r_EndOfLevel_depth_offset - model sort offset of the end of level GUI
r_RibbonManagerDebugging - Enable/disable ribbon manager debugging
r_SSDO - 0 - off, 1 - enables screen space directional occlusion
r_SSDODepthBias - SSDO Depth Bias. To mitigate depth precision artifacts
r_SSDODiffuseOcclusion - SSDO diffuse occlusion scale
r_SSDOInnerRad - SSDO inner radius scale
r_SSDOInnerRadFp - SSDO inner radius scale for first person arms
r_SSDOMaxRadiusWs - SSDO maximum radius in world coordinates
r_SSDOMaxRadiusWsFp - SSDO maximum radius in world coordinates for first person
r_SSDONormalBias - SSDO Normal Bias. To mitigate depth precision artifacts
r_SSDOOuterRad - SSDO outer radius scale
r_SSDOOuterRadFp - SSDO outer radius scale for first person arms
r_SSDOQuality - 0 - low, 1 - medium, 2 - high
r_SSDOSpecularOcclusion - SSDO specular occlusion scale
r_SSDOTemporalAA - Enable/disable SSDO temporal AA
r_SSDOTemporalAABlendRatio - SSDO temporal AA blend ratio
r_SSR - 1: Enable screen space reflections pass
r_SSRMinSmoothness - Set minimum smoothness for SSR to blend
r_SSRQuality - 0 - low, 1 - medium, 2 - high
r_TAAClearAccumulationBuffer - Clears the accumulation buffer
r_TAALowPassResolveFilter - Resolve filter type. 0: Box, 1: Triangle, 2: Gaussian,
3: Mitchel, 4: B-spline, 5: Catmul-rom, 6: Smoothstep, 7: Hanning, 8: Hamming, 9:
BlackMan, 10: Blackman-Harris, 11: Lanczos
r_TAALowPassSharpening - Kernel filter width. Increasing value, increases
sharpening. Decreasing increases smoothness
r_TAAResolveFilter - Resolve filter type. 0: Box, 1: Triangle, 2: Gaussian, 3:
Mitchel, 4: B-spline, 5: Catmul-rom, 6: Smoothstep, 7: Hanning, 8: Hamming, 9:
BlackMan, 10: Blackman-Harris, 11: Lanczos
r_TAASafeMode - 0 = Disabled, 1 = enable safe mode, disable anything relying on
temporal accumulation
r_TAASharpening - Kernel filter width. Increasing value, increases sharpening.
Decreasing increases smoothness
r_TAATransparentsK - Transparents weight scale
r_ambientAtlasDepth - Ambient Octree atlas depth. This should not go over 256.
r_ambientAtlasHeight - Ambient Octree atlas height. This should not go over 256.
r_ambientAtlasWidth - Ambient Octree atlas width. This should not go over 256.
r_ambientBottomScale - Scales the ambient light contribution from below
r_ambientChannelScale - Scales the ambient light contribution
r_ambientSHAtlasDepth - Ambient SH atlas depth.
r_ambientSHAtlasHeight - Ambient SH atlas height.
r_ambientSHAtlasWidth - Ambient SH atlas width.
r_ambientUseGPU - Apply irradiance volumes contribution to dynamic geometry on the
r_antialiasing - 0 = Disabled, 1 = FXAA, 2 = SMAA, 3 = TAA (1TX), 4 = FXAA (1TX), 5
= SMAA (1TX), 6 = TSSAA (8TX), 7 = TSSAA (2X_8TX), 8 = TSSAA (4X_8TX), 9 = TSSAA
r_asyncClears - Use async clear for non-esram/uncompressed color targets
(currently: object motion vectors target )
r_augmentSilhouette - 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled (default)
r_beamsOrientTravelDir - use the beam direction to compute each segment's tangent
r_blurGaussian - 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Force
r_blurRadial - 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
r_brightness - changes the brightness value
r_buffersForceSyncMap -
r_calibrateGamma - if > 0 draw a swatch at a specific luminance for calibrating
r_calibrateGammaLum - luminance to display for calibrating gamma [0,255]
r_calibrateGammaMode - 0=measure total luminance, 1=measure red, 2=measure green,
3=measure blue
r_characterRimLightDiffuseColorB - Strength of the fresnel power for the rimlight
r_characterRimLightDiffuseColorG - Strength of the fresnel power for the rimlight
r_characterRimLightDiffuseColorR - Strength of the fresnel power for the rimlight
r_characterRimLightFadeEndDistance - Fade End Distance for character rim lighting
r_characterRimLightFadeStartDistance - Fade Start Distance for character rim
r_characterRimLightFresnelPow - Strength of the fresnel power for the rimlight
r_characterRimLightOverallFade - Overall alpha fade applied to rimlight [0.0f,
r_characterRimLight_EnableForDemons - Fade Start Distance for character rim
r_checkBounds - compare all surface bounds with precalculated ones
r_chromaticAberration - enable chromatic aberration
r_chromaticAberrationLimit - enable chromatic aberration
r_clampToEdgeRenderView - Clamp edge of framebuffer to emulate fullscreen sampling
while using resolution scaling. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
r_clear - force screen clear every frame, 1 = purple, 2 = black, 'r g b' = custom
r_clearColorTarget - used to enforce a color clear e.g. in editor views with no
full color target overdraw
r_clearTargetsAfterScaleDown - Clear target that are affected by resolution scaling
to prevent artifacts. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
r_clusteredDecalsClippedBounds - 1: clips decal volume to frustum. 0 no clipping
r_clusteredDecalsRegisterMode - 0: default, OBB screen projection and zmin/zmax, 1:
enable volumes registration refinement step
r_clusteredLightingDebug - 0: disabled, 1: cluster parent frustums in world space
2: clusters frustums in world space 3: clusters frustums in screen space
r_clusteredLightingFarZ - Set pseudo far z to be used for zslices distribution
r_clusteredLightingNearZ - Set pseudo near z to be used for zslices distribution
r_clusteredLightingRegisterMode - 0: default, OBB screen projection and zmin/zmax,
1: enable volumes registration refinement step, 2: compute based, 3: async compute
r_clusteredLightingShowStall - Print duration of wait on cluster jobs, if any.
r_clusteredLightingTilesX - Clustered lighting tile count in frustum X direction
r_clusteredLightingTilesY - Clustered lighting tile count in frustum Y direction
r_clusteredLightingTilesZ - Clustered lighting tile count in frustum Z direction
r_clusteredLightingUseJob - Use jobs to register lights
r_colorBlindMode - Enable color blind modes. 1: Protanopia, 2: Deuteranopia, 3:
Tritanopia. ( tbd: Protanomaly, Deuteranomaly, Tritanomaly ). Disabled by default =
r_colorCorrection - enable color correction
r_computeDeferredComposite - 1: Enable deferred passes compute path
r_computeDeferredPasses - 1: Enable deferred passes ( SSDO / SSR ) compute path
r_computeDeferredProbes - 1: Enable deferred passes compute path for environment
r_computePostProcess - Use compute shaders for post process instead of full screen
pixel shaders. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
r_contrast - changes the contrast value
r_currentMaterial - current material name from r_showSurfaceInfo
r_debugArrowStep - step size of arrow cone line rotation in degrees
r_debugContext - Init context for ARB_debug_output extension, 2 = force sync mode,
3 = also low priority messages
r_debugDrawAlpha - alpha for r_show* debug tools, where implemented and applicable
r_debugFlareOcclusionQuad - display occlusion quad debug
r_debugHitTraceModels - +/-1: draws hit test spheres on test, +/-2: draws every
frame, < 0 for depth test
r_debugLineDepthTest - perform depth test on debug lines
r_debugLineWidth - width of debug lines
r_debugMakeGpuBound - on/off
r_debugParticleStages - debug the particle stages, prints warning about particle
r_debugPolyDepthTest - perform depth test on debug polys
r_debugPolygonFilled - draw a filled polygon
r_debugSphereDist - Distance from camera of testCubeImage sphere
r_debugTransientDecals - Print how many decals are active and in what range
r_decalClusteringNumDecalsPerJob - Ideal number of decals per job
r_decalClusteringUseJob - Use jobs to compute decal bounds
r_decalDistanceExtendedFadeStart - Start fading out extended decals at this range.
r_decalDistanceFadeMultiplier - Decal fade distance multiplier.
r_decalDistanceFadeStart - Start fading out all decals at this range.
r_decalFadeCulling - 1. Starts culling decals based on area of visibility on screen
after the distance specified on r_decalDistanceFadeStart. Culling starts once decal
has r_decalPixelThresholdFadeStart on screen and ends when it reaches
r_decalPixelThresholdFadeEnd pixels. 2 - Also cull decals that face normals facing
away from player.
r_decalFadeCullingAngle - Threshold value for the dot product between decal normal
and player view direction. Range is [-1,1].
r_decalFadeFilterId - Displays just the decal id wanted.
r_decalFilteringQuality - 0 - Low (trilinear). 1 - Medium (aniso 2x). 2 - High
(aniso 4x). 3 - Ultra (aniso 8x). 4 - Nightmare (aniso 16x)
r_decalLifetimeMultiplier - Global lifetime multiplier for timed decals.
r_decalPixelThresholdFadeEnd - Number of width pixels at which the decal will be
completely faded out.
r_decalPixelThresholdFadeStart - Number of width pixels at which the decal will
start fading out.
r_decalRenderedDebug - 1. Show how many decals are rendered. 2. Draws the OBB and
normal. 3. Draws the id.
r_decals - enable decal rendering
r_defaultDepthBias - default polygonOffset units
r_defaultSlopeScaleDepthBias - default polygonOffset factor
r_depthTestCollisionSpheres - 1 = use depth test to render collision spheres
r_detailDistance - Distance at which to start culling detail geometry
r_detailFadeDistMax - detail models will be completely faded out at this range
r_detailGenJobsPerSubTree -
r_dialogIconX - horizontal screen fraction at which the loading icon is placed
r_dialogIconY - vertical screen fraction at which the loading icon is placed
r_directChannelScale - Scales the direct light contribution
r_disableDebugRender - if true disable all debug render lines, boxes, etc
r_discretemodel_freecpudata - Free Discrete Animatation model CPU data
r_displayRefresh - optional display refresh rate option for vid mode
r_dof - 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 == force
r_dofNumTapsSideBlur -
r_dofNumTapsSideFloodFill -
r_dofTAA - 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
r_dofTAABlendRatio - DOF Temporal AA blend ratio
r_drawFCATBar - Enable drawing of FCAT bar
r_drawLoadedImages - Draw loaded images scaled on the screen
r_drawLoadedImagesScale - Shrink factor for r_drawLoadedImages
r_driverDebugLayerVerbosity - 0 = disabled, 1 = print low severity (info, all
warnings, errors), 2 = print medium severity (performance warnings and errors), 3 =
print high severity (errors or dangerous undefined behavior)
r_dumpGeneratedGLSL - If true, will dump out shader text into base/generated.
r_dynamicLightingScale - Scales all approximated lighting on dynamic models
r_enableBlendShapes - 0 to disable, 1 to enable
r_enableEmitterVelocityParticles - enables all emitter velocity code / re-
allocation of stage tables.
r_envBlendPowerFilterSize - Radius of specular power bleeding filter
r_envBlendShow - report the dynamic blend factors
r_envBlendTime - if >= 0, the seconds to completely fade out an old environment
r_environmentProbes - 0 - off, 1 - enable specular environment probes. 2- also
enable diffuse environment probes. 3 - probe generation preview mode
r_excludeModel - exclude only this model
r_explosivesDebug - draws debug geometry for idProp_Exposive based entities
r_feedbackBGRA - use BGRA instead of RGBA for the feedback buffer
r_fencePoolSize - Size of the GPU fence ring buffer
r_filmGrainRatio - Film grain - allow overriding art settings
r_finishEveryDraw - call glFinish() or equivalent after each draw call. Does not
work with r_useSMP = 2.
r_fixObjMaterialPath - temp hack fix for material paths being jumbled up for objs
coming out of modo
r_flaresQuality - Flares quality (resolution & format precision). 0: 1/2 res
(64bit), 1: 1/4 res (32bit), 2: 1/8 res (32bit)
r_flatShadeOnMapLoad - set to flat shade on all map loads
r_flatShadeOnMissingMegas - draw missing megatextures as flat shaded upon loading
r_foliageBigFadeDistMax - all foliage will be completely faded out at this range
r_foliageSmallFadeDistMax - small foliage will be completely faded out at this
r_foliageStartFadeDist - start fading foliage out at this range
r_forceFullVirtualTextureLoad - force each frame to do a full virtual texture load
for capturing video, etc * SLOW *
r_forceLightingModel - Force use of a different lighting model
r_forceNonDeferredAnimBlend - 1 = force non-deferred animation blending
r_forceOcclusionBoxQueries - force the use of occlusion query boxes
r_forceReferencesOnCommit - Never skip the reference update
r_forceTwoSided - Force two sided rendering for everything
r_freeTriangleCPUData - dump the CPU data after building vertex buffers
r_fullscreen - 0 = windowed, 1 = full screen
r_gamma - changes the user defined gamma value of the display device - the default
value 1.0 has no effect on the brightness of the image
r_generateMipMaps - 0 = overlapped downsample, 1 = glGenerateMipMap
r_generatedRenderprogPath - if set will output binary renderprogs to this path
r_glMajorVersion - OpenGL Major Version
r_glMinorVersion - OpenGL Minor Version
r_glUseBufferStorage - Use the GL_ARB_buffer_storage extension if available
r_glUseDirectStateAccess - Use the GL_EXT_direct_state_access for buffer management
r_globalShadowsCoordinateBias - Bias to the shadow check coordinate calculation
r_globalShadowsDepthBias - Bias to the shadow check depth calculation
r_gpuParticleLargeEmitterParticleCount - Number of particles that can be used by
large GPU particle systems
r_gpuParticleLargeEmitterSystemCount - Number of large GPU particle systems that
can be in flight simultaneously
r_gpuParticleMediumEmitterParticleCount - Number of particles that can be used by
medium GPU particle systems
r_gpuParticleMediumEmitterSystemCount - Number of medium GPU particle systems that
can be in flight simultaneously
r_gpuParticleSmallEmitterParticleCount - Number of particles that can be used by
small GPU particle systems
r_gpuParticleSmallEmitterSystemCount - Number of small GPU particle systems that
can be in flight simultaneously
r_gpuParticleStats -
r_guiDebug - Provides debug output in idRenderModelGui code
r_hdrAutoExposureBase - 0.01 (default). Set base exposure adjustment. Helpful for
screenshots and fine tunning automated exposure behavior.
r_hdrAutoExposureRatio - 1.0 = use full adjustment. 0 = use base exposure
adjustment. Helpful for screenshots and fine tunning automated exposure behavior.
r_hdrAutoExposureSpeed - 0 = disable, 1.0 = 16.5 ms (default), 2.0 = 8.25 ms, etc
r_hdrBloom - 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled (default)
r_hdrBloomRatio - 0 = disable, 0.03 = 3.0% (default)
r_hdrBloomThreshold - Luminance threshold for bloom. -1 = all pixels contribute for
r_hdrDebug - 0 = Disabled, 1 = Non-tonemapped gamma corrected output, 2 = debug
view (red = nans, green = negative, grayscale = valid), 3 = range debug (red =
above max range, blue = bellow min range), 4 = Auto Exposure + Bloom debug
r_hdrDebugRangeMax - Max range used for r_hdrDebug mode 3
r_hdrDebugRangeMin - Min range used for r_hdrDebug mode 3
r_hdrPostProcess - 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled (default)
r_hdrShutterSpeed - Set camera shutter speed. Default = 10 (1/10 th of a second)
r_highlightFrequency - Hz of highlight pulse
r_highlightFrequencyFast - Hz of highlight pulse
r_highlightSynchronized - All highlights in phase
r_hotPatchWarningsAreErrors - set to 1 to throw a resource ERROR if hot patching
materials fails.
r_ignoreGLErrors - 1 = ignore except forcePrint, 2 = ignore GL errors, -1 = fatal
r_imageAtlasMaxAniso - Max aniso for atlas textures.
r_imageCompareMultiplier - This is a multiplier for the difference between the two
images in the ImageCompare command
r_initialModeHeight - Default Vertical Resolution on first start ever - Only gets
used if r_mode = -2
r_initialModeWidth - Default Horizontal Resolution on first start ever - Only gets
used if r_mode = -2
r_initialMonitor - -1 = auto detect default monitor, >= 0 specific monitor index
used to initialize the render system
r_jitter - randomly subpixel jitter the projection matrix
r_jointAxisScale - scale of joint axes
r_jointName - name of model joint to render
r_jointNameOffset - offset of joint names when r_showskel is set to 1
r_jointNameScale - size of joint names when r_showskel is set to 1
r_jointSubString - render all joints with this substring in the name
r_lazyBindBuffers - lazy buffer binds
r_lazyBindImageBuffers - lazy buffer image binds
r_lazyBindParms - lazy update of render parms
r_lazyBindPrograms - lazy program binds
r_lazyBindTextures - lazy texture binds
r_lensDirtRatio - Set ratio for lens dirt composition
r_lensFlaresRatio - Set ratio for lens flare composition
r_lightDistanceFadeMultiplier - Light fade distance multiplier.
r_loadPrecompiledShaders - If true, cache compiled shaders to generated directory.
r_loadingIconSize - size of the loading icon
r_loadingIconSpeed - rotation speed of the loading icon
r_lockView - lock the current view
r_logFile - number of frames to emit render logs
r_logGLExtensionInfo - 1 - print GL extension info to the console
r_logLightTris - if 0 do nothing, if 1 print all light triangle interaction
numbers, if > 1 print light interactions more than nK triangles. r_logLightTris 100
will print interactions touching more than 100K triangles
r_manifoldMaxDetailWidth -
r_mergeModelSurfaces - combine model surfaces with the same material
r_mergeWorldGeometryBuffers - Merge render world vertex and index buffers into one
r_mip3Border - use clampToBorder for the mip3 buffers
r_mode - Select the resolution and monitor to use in fullscreen mode (hit TAB to
view available modes)
r_modelToIndexGranularity - The number of models to process in a single coop job
r_motionBlurQuality - Set motion blur quality. 2: high, 1; medium, 0: low
r_motionblur - 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
r_multiSamples - number of anti-aliasing samples (0 = no multi-sampled FBO)
r_noBreakableShadows - if 1, don't allow any dimshadows on breakables
r_opaqueSurfacesSortMode - 0 = render program; 1 = depth; 2 = model
r_parallelHQDXTEncode - Use parallel jobs for very slow HQ DXT encoding
r_parallelTextureStreamingUpdate - Run the UpdateTextureStreaming job in parallel
with rendering
r_particleCoopJobCount - The number of jobs to break the particle coop work up into
r_particleFadeQualityMultiplier -
r_particleMaxParticleLights - max number of visible particle lights
r_particleTrail_timeStep - particle trail time step in MS (non-zero value uses
r_particlesCullByVertexAlpha - if particle alpha in vertex shader is below epsilon,
the particle will be culled
r_particlesEmissionScale_FarDist - Far emitter distance triggering emission rate
r_particlesEmissionScale_FarScale - Particles min alpha threshold for discarding
(0-255 sRGB range )
r_particlesEmissionScale_ForceDefaultRate - Force default rate on all emitters
r_particlesEmissionScale_NearDist - Near emitter distance triggering emission rate
r_particlesEmissionScale_NearScale - Near emission rate scaling factor
r_particlesLightAtlas - Particles light atlas update. 0 disables update
r_particlesLightAtlasDebug - Draw particle quads. 1 - Green - LOD0, yellow - LOD1,
brown - LOD2, red - LOD3. 2 shows tile occupancy inside the bands.
r_particlesLightAtlasHeight - Particles light atlas height
r_particlesLightAtlasQuality - Particles light atlas quality. 0 - low, 1 - medium,
2 - high, 3 - ultra.
r_particlesLightAtlasVTSThreashold - Tile size for particle light atlas decreases
after this threshold.
r_particlesLightAtlasWidth - Particles light atlas width
r_particlesMinAlpha - Particles min alpha threshold for discarding (0-255 sRGB
range )
r_pbrDebug - 0 = Disabled, 1 = albedo, 2 = tbd...
r_pbrDebugAlbedoMax - Albedo max luminance (sRGB) to compare against
r_pbrDebugAlbedoMetalThreshold - Albedo max luminance (sRGB) to compare against,
for metals
r_pbrDebugAlbedoMin - Albedo min luminance (sRGB) to compare against
r_pbrDebugAlbedoMultiplier - For debugging purposes, apply multiplier to albedo
r_pbrDebugAlbedoNonMetalThreshold - Albedo max luminance (sRGB) to compare against,
for non-metals
r_pbrDebugFogDensityScale - Apply a scale to fog density - for debugging purposes
r_pbrDebugLightingSaturation - For debugging purposes, apply lighting saturation.
Bellow 1.0 desaturates.
r_pbrDebugSmoothnessGamma - For debugging purposes, apply gamma curve to smoothness
r_pbrDebugSmoothnessMultiplier - For debugging purposes, apply multiplier to
r_perfSaveFile - Name of output file for r_perfSaveStatsToFile, if empty,
PerfStats.txt will be used
r_perfSaveStatsToFile - Writes the current perf stats to a file
r_physicalPagesAspectRatio - Set to change the aspect ratio of physical pages for
the uniquemap.
r_portalCullWithUmbra - include use of Umbra in culling algorithm
r_primeLightScale - Scales prime light contribution
r_printHotPatchWarnings - set to 1 to spam hotpatch warnings.
r_queryThreshold - minimum return value from a query
r_rebuildRenderprogs - 0 - none, 1 - All platforms, 2 - pcd3d, 3 - ps4, 4 - xb1
r_refractionForceRefreshThreshold - Surfaces whose depth delta is smaller than this
value will share the same refraction
r_refractionMaxUpdates -
r_refractionUpdatesDebug -
r_renderAPI - Graphics API to use. 0 = OGL, 1 = Vulkan
r_renderGatherDecalsGranularity - The number of decals a worker thread will consume
on each pass. Too low and memory contention becomes an issue. Too high and
completion times spike.
r_renderGatherMode - render gather mode: 0 = Parallelized, 1 = Parallel code, but
called serially
r_renderGatherWorldAreaGranularity - The number of areas a worker thread will
consume on each pass. Too low and memory contention becomes an issue. Too high
and completion times spike.
r_renderMode - Set rendering mode. 0 : default, 1: realistic, 2: cinematic, 3:
original doom
r_renderModeHDRMaxExposure - Set max HDR exposure
r_renderModeHDRSceneKeyScale - Set scale for HDR scene key, when render modes
r_renderProgAttribUsageReport - 0 = no output, 1 = info, 2 = warning, 3 = error
r_renderProgResourceUsageWarnings - 0 = no output, 1 = warnings, 2 = error
r_renderThreadIdealProcessor - HACK for NVIDIA only - Forces an ideal thread for
render thread to mitigate driver issues
r_renderThreadStackSizeKB - Render thread stack size
r_saturation - changes the saturation value
r_sb_depthBias - depth bias units for drawing shadow buffer
r_sb_depthOffset - depth offset for drawing shadow buffer
r_sb_occluderFacing - 0 = front faces, 1 = back faces, 2 = front and back sides
separately with polygon offset
r_sb_parallelDepthBias - depth bias for drawing parallel light shadow buffer
r_sb_parallelSlopeScaleDepthBias - slope scale depth bias for drawing parallel
light shadow buffer
r_sb_playerShadowShrink - scale of projected player shadow map
r_sb_sliceRampScale - larger values perform a faster dithered lerp between slices
r_sb_sliceStep - initial ortho size for first slice
r_sb_slopeScaleDepthBias - slope scale depth bias for drawing shadow buffer
r_serializeDynamicEnvironments - Allow dynamic environments to be serialized
r_shaderLimits_blendedSurfaces_VSLockThreshold -
r_shaderLimits_blendedSurfaces_numLateAlloc -
r_shaderLimits_blendedSurfaces_numPS -
r_shaderLimits_blendedSurfaces_numVS -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_dynamicModels_PSLockThreshold -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_dynamicModels_VSLockThreshold -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_dynamicModels_numLateAlloc -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_dynamicModels_numPS -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_dynamicModels_numVS -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_viewModels_PSLockThreshold -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_viewModels_VSLockThreshold -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_viewModels_numLateAlloc -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_viewModels_numPS -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_viewModels_numVS -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_world_PSLockThreshold -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_world_VSLockThreshold -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_world_numLateAlloc -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_world_numPS -
r_shaderLimits_renderOpaque_world_numVS -
r_shadowAssumeNumTriDynamic - kilo-triangles to assume when a shadow has no known
triangle count.
r_shadowAssumeNumTriStatic - kilo-triangles to assume when a shadow has no known
triangle count.
r_shadowAtlasHeight - Shadow map atlas height
r_shadowAtlasTileSize - Shadow map atlas tile size
r_shadowAtlasWidth - Shadow map atlas width
r_shadowDirtyWarningTreshold - Warn if a model intersects more than this number of
r_shadowDurangoDebug - Debug!
r_shadowDurangoESRAM - Render to ESRAM if true, otherwise directly to atlas
r_shadowDurangoESRAMComposite - Render composite in ESRAM if true, otherwise
directly to atlas
r_shadowDurangoESRAMMaxMip - Render directly to atlas if mip > ESRAMMaxMip
r_shadowFadeRangeAdd - Global add for the user defined per-light shadow fade range
r_shadowFadeRangeScale - Global scale for the user defined per-light shadow fade
r_shadowFitDepthToCasterBounds - fits depth ranges of shadowmaps to the included
casters to increase stability
r_shadowForceDynLights - always update for dynamic lights
r_shadowHardLimitPixels - Shadow per-frame pixels hard cap in kilo-pixels.
r_shadowHardLimitTriangles - Shadow per-frame triangles soft cap in kilo-triangles.
r_shadowKeepStaticMipsMask - Bit mask that represent mip levels of static cached
shadow maps that won't get deleted when the current mip is lowered.
r_shadowLODAdjustThreshold - Cached shadows are discarded if the wanted float
shadow level differs this many LOD levels from the cached shadow.
r_shadowLODProjectionSizeFactor - Projection size lod scale
r_shadowLogBase - The size of shadow cascades calculated by pow(r_shadowLogBase,
r_shadowMaxStaleFrames - Max stale frames for spots/point lights per mip level.
(0=60hz, 1=30hz, 2=20hz, etc..)
r_shadowMinStaticMip - Mip at which the static caching is applied, idea is that the
more shadows -> lower mips -> more vertex pressure -> static caching
r_shadowOcclusionMinRadius - Lights with radius greater than this value will use
occlusion culling for shadow buffer rendering. (set before loading map)
r_shadowParallelCompositeAllEntitiesMaxSlice - All non-worldspawn shadows are
rendered as dynamics into the composite for slices <= this value. (set to -1 to
r_shadowParallelMaxStaleFrames - Max stale frames for parallel lights per cascade.
(0=60hz, 1=30hz, 2=20hz, etc..)
r_shadowParallelMoveMargin - Parallel light: static cache move margin. (in units)
r_shadowPlayerCullRadius - Approximate radius for the player first person models
used for culling shadows.
r_shadowPlayerCullSlice - Cull player shadows per slice.
r_shadowPlayerLOD - Shadow LOD level for player/weapon shadows.
r_shadowPlayerMaxStaleFrames - Max throttling for weapon shadows.
r_shadowRenderDepthCopy - Copy depth using rasterizer.
r_shadowSkipSliceViewCull - Skip culling point light slices against main view.
r_shadowSoftLimitPixels - Shadow per-frame pixels soft cap in kilo-pixels.
r_shadowSoftLimitTriangles - Shadow per-frame triangles soft cap in kilo-triangles.
r_shadowStaticMipTriThresholds - kTri thresholds for using static caching for each
mip level. (-1=off)
r_shadowStaticMode - Select heuristic for static caching. 0 = Use
r_shadowMinStaticMip, 1 = Use r_shadowStaticMipTriThresholds
r_shadowStats - 0=Off, 1=Trace stats, 2=Record stats, 3=Trace recorded data and set
to 0.
r_shadowTopOffenders - List the top N most expensive shadow casting lights.
(disables soft caps)
r_shadowUpdateDynamicOnly - just shadowmaps that include moving objects or from
moving lightsources are updated
r_shadowUseStaticGeometry - Use preprocessed static shadow geometry for shadow
maps. (set before loading map)
r_shadowVSMSmoothness - biases the smoothness of VSM shadows
r_shadowsDistanceFadeMultiplier - Shadows fade distance multiplier.
r_sharpening - Sharpening filter, applied after all rendering
r_showAmbientLighting - Draw boxes for all the ambient samples, and lines from all
dynamic models to their ambient. Note: due to how debug views are rendered at this
point, these boxes are not affected by tone mapping - for more accurate ambient
color view, disable tone mapping via r_hdrDebug 1
r_showAnimatedBounds - displays the bounding boxes of all animated models (1 =
frame, 2 = normalized, 4 = translated)
r_showAutoNavModel -
r_showBlendedSurfOverdraw - if > 0 show overdraw from all blended surfaces
r_showBlendedSurfOverdrawMax - overdraw >= this value is white
r_showBuffers -
r_showCommits - report model and light commits and ref counts
r_showCracks - display cracks less that the given number of pixels wide
r_showCurvature - Show the deviation between interpolated normals and facet normals
r_showDebugTools - Show debug lines/text/etc
r_showDecalsByExpense - prints a list of currently processed decals, sorted by
their impact on rendering time
r_showDecalsByExpenseCount - shows the slowest n decals r_showDecalsByExpense
r_showDecalsByExpenseSensitivity - higher values reduce the variance of
r_showDecalsByExpenseTextScale - scales the text showing the timings of
r_showDeltaStats - report render stat deltas
r_showDepth - display the contents of the depth buffer and the depth range
r_showDestinationAlpha - draw destination alpha
r_showDetailNodeBounds - show the individual detail model bounds
r_showDisaster - 1 shadow/motion blur updating objects
r_showDrawColor - specifies the draw color for r_showTris mode 4
r_showDuplicateTriangles - show duplicate triangles, 2 = reload map genmodel
r_showDynamic - report stats on dynamic surface generation
r_showDynamicLighting - Draw lines to lights for each dynamic model, 3 = draw
bounds of problem models and lights affecting them
r_showDynamicLightingSingleModel - suppress show dynamic lighting on all but one
model specified with this model index
r_showEdges - draw the sil edges
r_showEmitterVelDebug - debug visuals for emitterSpaceVelocity
r_showEnvs - displays the bounding boxes of all the dynamic environments
r_showExpandedWorld -
r_showFoliageNodeBounds - show the individual foliage bounds - 0 = off, 1 = just
the bounds, 2 = bounds + position and size
r_showFoliageSubTreeBounds - show the bounds of the specified subtree
r_showFoliageSubTreeNodes - show the nodes of the specified subtree
r_showGlobalShadows - 1 = display the map as an image, 2 = draw the dynamics with
the global shadow contributino
r_showGuiOverdraw -
r_showGuiTris -
r_showHotPatchModelMaterials - set to 1 to show details on materials in the patch
r_showIntensity - draw the screen colors based on intensity, red = 0, green = 128,
blue = 255
r_showLightCenter - Draw light axis and center.
r_showLightCount - 1 = color dkgreen to green for lights below 5 surfaces and color
yellow to red for lights with more than 5 surfaces, white is more than 12, 2 =
colors surfaces based on light count touching the surface
r_showLightOcclusion - Light index, -1 == Off
r_showLightOcclusionSlice - Light slice index for point lights. [0..5]
r_showLightOverdraw - 1 = print light overdraw
r_showLightRelinkDirty - Show light shadow dirty mask due to light relinking.
r_showLights - 1 = just print volumes numbers, highlighting ones covering the view,
2 = also draw planes of each volume, 3 = spews a one-time list of the names of
active lights
r_showLightsByExpense - prints a list of currently processed lights, sorted by
their impact on rendering time
r_showLightsByExpenseSensitivity - higher values reduce the variance of
r_showLightsMode - 0 = Show all, 1 = Show non-static, 2 = Show non-static shadow
casters, 3 = Show only in static shadow index range. (r_showLightsSSMin/Max)
r_showLightsSSMax - Max static shadow slice for r_showLights & r_showStaticShadows.
r_showLightsSSMin - Min static shadow slice index for r_showLights &
r_showMagnifier -
r_showManifolds - 0 = off, 1 = all manifolds, 2 = significant manifolds, 3 = omni-
significant manifolds, 4 = show detail manifolds, 5 = show pipe manifolds, 6 =
subdivided world manifolds
r_showModelGroupMasters - draw lines from from models that use another model's
origin for lighting and shadowing (1 = visible models, 2 = all models)
r_showModels - 1 = displays the bounding boxes of all view models, 2 = print index
r_showNavPortals -
r_showNavVolumes -
r_showNavVoxels -
r_showNoDrawSurfaceInfo - allow th r_showSurfaceInfo to intersect materials that
don't draw ( "isdrawn 0" )
r_showNonTwoManifoldEdges - draw edges that are not shared by exactly two triangles
r_showNormals - draws wireframe normals
r_showOcclusionBaseModel - show sound BSP base occlusion model
r_showOcclusionBoxes -
r_showPIDInTitle - 1 = show process ID in window title. 0 = don't.
r_showPVS -
r_showParms - print all world / view parmBlock assignments
r_showParticleBounds - draw particle bounds
r_showParticleDistVol - visualize the distribution volume for each stage of the
r_showParticleInfo - 1 = show particle counts depth-tested, 2 = show particle
counts non-depth-tested, 3 = dump particle info to console
r_showParticleVectorFields - draw particle vector fields
r_showPortalFrustums - draw portal frustum outlines
r_showPortalStats -
r_showPortals - draw portal outlines in color based on passed / not passed
r_showPrimitives - report drawsurf/index/vertex counts
r_showQueries - reports the number of occlusion queries per frame
r_showRefPose - selects the pose to draw with r_showskel, 0 = draw the final pose,
1 = draw the reference pose
r_showReferenceUpdates - show rendermodels which have their references updated
r_showRenderLog - report stats
r_showRuler -
r_showShadowActivity - Shows shadow slice dirty tag (red lines from dynamic models,
the orange boxes) and color-coded rendering cost.
r_showShadowCache - Show shadow cache status.
r_showShadowSliceViewCull - Log culling point light slices against main view.
r_showShadows - Show shadow geometry. (1 = Static, 2 = Static bounds, 4 = Shadow
view surfaces (#define ID_SHADOWVIEWDEBUG needs to be enabled) )
r_showShadowsSlice - Limit shadow display to a specific slice. -1 = Show all.
r_showSkel - draw the skeleton when model animates, 1 = draw model with skeleton, 2
= draw skeleton only
r_showSpecularTriangles - show specular triangles
r_showStats - report render stats
r_showStencil - display the contents of the stencil buffer
r_showSurfaceBounds - 1 = displays the bounding boxes of all model surfaces
r_showSurfaceInfo - show surface material name under crosshair
r_showTJunctions - 0 = off, 1 = all t-junctions, 2 = t-junctions on significant
occluders, 3 = j-junctions with vertices between two colinear edges, 4 = = j-
junctions with vertices between two colinear edges on significant occluders
r_showTangentSpace - shade triangles by tangent space, 1 = use 1st tangent vector,
2 = use 2nd tangent vector, 3 = use normal vector
r_showTexelDensity - shade triangles by texel density. Set > 0 to scale range by
specified amount. Colors mean: 0: black, 1: purple, 2: blue, 3: green, 4: yellow,
5: orange, 6: red, 7+: white.
r_showTexelDensitySmooth - Turn on for gradient colored rendering of the texel
r_showTextureDistortion - shade triangles based on UV stretching
r_showTextureIslands - 0 = off, 1 = all manifolds
r_showTexturePolarity - shade triangles by texture area polarity
r_showTextureSpace - shade triangles by texture space
r_showTextureValues - Report the texture channel numbers under the crosshair
r_showTotalSurfaceArea - print the total surface area of all static surfaces
(2=include non-statics too)
r_showTrace - show the intersection of an eye trace with the world
r_showTraceWorld - show traceworld info under crosshair
r_showTransSortOverdraw - if > 0 show overdraw from transparency sorted surfaces
r_showTransparencyStats - 1 = print stats
r_showTriangleInfo - show vertex numbers and tangents of the triangle the crosshair
is over
r_showTris - enables wireframe rendering of the world, 1 = only draw visible ones,
2 = draw all front facing, 3 = draw all, 4 = only visible ones with blended lines,
5 = draw all front facing non-static
r_showTwoSided - outline two sided geometry
r_showUmbraStats - 0 = off, 1 = visible world areas, 2 = culling details, 3 =
combine timing
r_showVertexColor - draws all triangles with the solid vertex color
r_showVisibleInfluenceSpheres - show the visible influence spheres
r_showVoxels -
r_showWorldAreaBounds - 0 = off, 1 = subspace, 2 = geometry
r_showWorldAreas - 0 = 0ff, 1 = show world areas, 2 = lock view and show world
r_singleFlareModel - suppress all but one flare
r_singleGuiSurface - suppress all but one surface on gui model
r_singleLight - suppress all but one light
r_singleModel - suppress all but one model
r_singlePortalArea - suppress all but one portal area
r_singleSurface - suppress all but one surface on each model
r_singleTriangle - only draw a single triangle per primitive
r_singleWorldArea - suppress all but one world area
r_skipAddAlways - skip rendering add-always models
r_skipAfterPostProcessSurfaces - skip surfaces that need to be rendered after the
post process
r_skipAnalyze - skip the feedback analysis
r_skipAreaCPUCulling - skip CPU MVP culling of world areas
r_skipAreaGPUCulling - skip GPU occlusion testing of world areas
r_skipAugment - skip rendering augment models
r_skipBeams - skip render model beam system
r_skipBlendedSurfaces - skip blended surfaces
r_skipCloth - 1 = skip cloth rendering
r_skipCommits - 1 = don't accept any entity or light updates, making everything
r_skipDecalCulling - skip decal culling
r_skipDecals - skip decal rendering
r_skipDepthFixupSurfaces - skip depth fixup surfaces
r_skipDetail - Completely disable detail model
r_skipDetailTris - skip all detail triangles
r_skipDistortionSurfaces - skip distortion surfaces
r_skipEffectParticles - 1 = skip all particle, 2 = skip all non-transsort
particles, 3 = skip all transsort particles
r_skipFeedbackCapture - skip capturing feedback
r_skipFlares - skip rendering flare models
r_skipFog - skip rendering fog
r_skipFoliage - Completely disable foliage models
r_skipGPUParticleSort -
r_skipGPUParticles -
r_skipGbfVision - skip gbf vision
r_skipGeoBlendSurfaces - blended geo surfaces
r_skipGlass - skip glass
r_skipGuis - skip rendering all guis
r_skipHotPatchDuringModelLoad - set to 1 to skip hot patching of vmtrs
r_skipInGameGuis - skip rendering in-game guis
r_skipLightCPUCulling - skip CPU MVP culling of lights
r_skipLightGPUCulling - skip GPU occlusion testing of lights. Note: This is forced
enabled in slowmap mode.
r_skipLightRangeCulling - allow lights to be removed at distance
r_skipLights - skip rendering all dynamic lights
r_skipMergeMeshes - skip combining rendermodel surface to reduce the batch count
r_skipModelCPUCulling - skip CPU MVP culling of models
r_skipModelGPUCulling - skip GPU occlusion testing of models
r_skipModelRangeCulling - allow models to be removed at distance
r_skipModels - skip rendering all dynamic models
r_skipNodeCPUCulling - skip CPU MVP culling of world nodes
r_skipNodeGPUCulling - skip GPU occlusion testing of world nodes
r_skipOcclusionBaseModel - use sound BSP derived model to cover up missed occlusion
r_skipOcclusionSurfaces - skip occlusion surfaces
r_skipOpaqueSurfaces - skip opaque surfaces
r_skipParticles - 1 = skip all particle, 2 = skip all non-transsort particles, 3 =
skip all transsort particles
r_skipPlayerShadow - skip casting shadows from player hands+weapons on self
r_skipPostProcess - skip post processing
r_skipRenderTools - skip rendering all render tools
r_skipShadowDirtyTag - Skip shadow dirty tagging in render world (1=static,
r_skipShadowMipFlickerLimit - Disable mip-map flicker limiter
r_skipShadowModelCPUCulling - skip CPU culling of shadow casting models. (1=Light
bound+Light MVP, 2=Main view MVP, 4=Shadow MVP)
r_skipShadowModelOcclusionCulling - skip occlusion culling of shadow casting models
r_skipShadowModelSort - render unsorted models to the shadow buffer
r_skipShadowParallelTickOffset - Disables update frame offset mechanism for
parallel lights.
r_skipShadowSurfaceCPUCulling - skip CPU MVP culling of shadow casting surfaces
r_skipShadowSurfaceOcclusionCulling - skip occlusion culling of shadow casting
r_skipShadowThrottle - Disable low-frequency updates of shadows when soft limits
are exceeded.
r_skipShadows - just use the existing depth texture contents
r_skipSuppress - ignore the per-view suppressions
r_skipSurfaceCPUCulling - skip CPU MVP culling of model surfaces
r_skipTracers - skip tracers
r_skipTransparentDepthSort - skips setup for depth based sort of drawcalls
r_skipUpdateInView - skip world update in view call
r_skipViewParms - don't use the parmBlock in idRenderView
r_skipVmtrs - 1 = skip loading of vmtrs
r_skipWater - 1 = skip render update of all water surfaces
r_skipWatermark - Skip adding fullscreen watermark.
r_skipWorld - skip v all world geometry
r_skipWorldViews - skip rendering all world views
r_skipXRayVision - skip xray vision
r_sleep - Sleep for this many milliseconds to simulate low frame rates.
r_slopNormal - merge normals that dot less than this
r_slopTexCoord - merge texture coordinates this far apart
r_slopVertex - merge xyz coordinates this far apart
r_slowMapWorldAmbient - amount of ambient lighting to use on the world in slow map
r_staticModelTriStrips - build tristrips for static models
r_staticTransparencyFadeMaxDist - completely faded out at this range
r_staticTransparencyFadeStartDist - start fading out at this range
r_stripFragmentBranches - strip branches from fragment programs
r_swapInterval - Changes vsync settings. 0 = off, 1 = vsync 60Hz, -1 = swap-tear
r_taaNegativeLodBiasVT - Enable negative lod bias for virtual textures, when TAA
modes enabled
r_takingScreenshot - set when inside the screenshot command
r_testAutosprites - display the autosprited geometry
r_testGamma - if > 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels
r_testGammaBias - if > 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels
r_testImageIntensity - The a multiplier to increase/decrease the brightness of the
test image
r_testImageLayer - Which slice (layer) to display in a texture array
r_testImageOffsetX - TestImage Offset in the X direction, system values range
r_testImageOffsetY - TestImage Offset in the Y direction, system values range
r_testImageScale - TestImage Scale
r_testMegaTexture - draw the entire megatexture as a flat quad
r_testMorphMaps -
r_testTextureReconstruct -
r_testVMTR - if > 0 displays the vmtr specified by r_currentMaterial centered on
the screen
r_testVMTRLod - which LOD of the vmtr to display
r_threadedCommit -
r_threadedRenderGui - Use a parallel job to render the GUI
r_threadedUpdateInView - 0 = single threaded, 1 = job chain, 2 = coop job
r_transparencyHalfRes - Enables half-resolution transparency. 0: Disabled. 1:
Automatic. 2: Always.
r_transparencyHalfRes_ConstantCostEstimation - Estimation of the constant cost of
using half-res particles (ms)
r_transparencyHalfRes_DebugRender - Transparency half-resolution debug rendering
r_transparencyHalfRes_DropDuration - Switch to half-resolution rendering when the
blend pass takes longer that this value (ms)
r_transparencyHalfRes_MaxDistance - Max distance at which half-resolution
transparency is supported
r_transparencyHalfRes_MaxSettleTime - Never keep rendering in half-resolution for
longer than this unless we absolutely have to (ms)
r_transparencyHalfRes_RaiseDuration - Come back to full-resolution rendering if we
estimate that the blend pass will take less than this value (ms)
r_transparencyHalfRes_SettleTime - Time to wait before considering to go back to
full res (ms)
r_transparencyHalfRes_SpeedupEstimation - Estimated speedup factor for rendering
particles in half-resolution
r_transparencyProfileModels - Insert a profiler block for each individual
transparent surface
r_transparencyShowSurfaces - 1: Show all transparent surfaces being rendered in the
world. 2: Show prog name. 3: Show material name. 4: Show model name. 5: Show stage
r_umbraAccurateOcclusionThreshold - LOD bias. A higher value results in more
accurate culling over distance but also in higher CPU cost
r_umbraAccurateOcclusionThresholdStep - The maximum LOD bias. A higher value
results in more accurate culling over distance but also in higher CPU cost
r_umbraAdaptiveOcclusionThreshold - Set to use the adaptive occlusion threshold to
balance framerate with accuracy.
r_umbraAdaptiveOcclusionThresholdMsec - The maximum number of millseconds to let
job(s) run before scaling down culling distance.
r_umbraDebugAdaptiveOcclusionThreshold - Set to debug the adaptive occlusion
r_umbraJobKickoff - Submit the RenderCull request early? 0=no, 1=early, 2=super
early, 3=deferred
r_umbraJobsPerWorker - Multiplies the number of worker threads by this value to
obtain the number of jobs to run (limited by r_umbraMaxJobCount.) The higher this
value, the more granular the jobs and the better they'll dynamically balance, but
the more overhead per job due to job scheduling.
r_umbraMaxAccurateOcclusionThreshold - The maximum LOD bias. A higher value results
in more accurate culling over distance but also in higher CPU cost
r_umbraMaxJobCount - The maximum number of jobs to split queries into. This is
limited by Umbra to 16, so setting it higher will cause queries to fail.
r_umbraMaxShadowQueriesInvisible - Max non-visible lights shadow occlusion jobs per
r_umbraMaxShadowQueriesVisible - Max visible lights shadow occlusion jobs per frame
r_umbraMinAccurateOcclusionThreshold - The maximum LOD bias. A higher value results
in more accurate culling over distance but also in higher CPU cost
r_umbraShowOcclusionBuffer - 1 = histogram, 2 = depth, 3 = leaks to infinity, 4 =
potential leaks (mostly false positives)
r_umbraShowShadowJobs - Show shadow occlusion jobs
r_umbraSkipLocalLightQuery - Disables local light queries
r_umbraTiming - Spam umbra timing
r_umbraYieldToCollisionJobs - HACK: Ensure the collision jobs have completed before
starting umbra jobs so the main thread doesn't stall for the length of umbra when
there are only a couple of collision jobs left.
r_useAnimBlendJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
r_useCompressedLightProbes - 0 == use the uncompressed F16 lightprobes, 1 == use
the compressed BC6H lightprobes
r_useCubeMapSeamless - Enable GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS
r_useDetailGenJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
r_useDistanceFont - 1 - the game uses distance fonts instead of coverage fonts -
Note: This cvar should only be set from command line and toggled at run time
r_useDynamicEnvironment - generate a new environment map every frame
r_useDynamicLightingJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
r_useFoliageGenJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
r_useGPUTimer - Use the GL_ext_timer_query extension
r_useGeneratedRenderprogs - Use the pre-translated renderprog files for faster
r_useGlobalShadows - If false, always return 1.0 for shadow tests
r_useHardwareTextures - Use hardware textures instead of virtual textures for
implicit gui images
r_useInfluenceSphereCullJob - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
r_useInfluenceSpheres - enable influence spheres
r_usePBOTextureFeedback - use async pixel buffer read for texture feedback query
r_useParticleGenJobs - 0 = off, 1 = job chain, 2 = coop job
r_usePortalCulling - enable portal culling for SnapMap
r_useSMP - 1 = run the renderer in a separate thread
r_useStateCaching - avoid redundant state changes in GL_*() calls
r_useStaticTransparencyGenJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
r_useTransparencyEmissivePass - render quads marked emissive to the emissive pass
r_useTransparencySort - 0 = do not sort the transparency quads
r_useTransparencySortJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
r_useUmbraCulling - enable Umbra occlusion culling and computation
r_useUmbraSubspaceOcclusion - 0 = off, 1 = enable subspace bounds sorting and
occlusion (no nodes), 2 = no sorting
r_useVSM - variance shadow maps
r_useWaterSimulationJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
r_useZiplineGenJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
r_validateRenderProgs - Validates shaders and points out potential shader patch
r_vignette - enable vignetting
r_vmtrPhysicalPagesAspectRatio - Set to change the aspect ratio of physical pages
for the vmtr.
r_waitForQuery - Stall until occlusion query returns
r_waitForVirtualMaterialFinishFeedback - forces the finish feedback function to
wait rather than timeout
r_watermarkDelay - The number of milliseconds between watermark position changes
r_windowHeight - window height when running in a window
r_windowPosX - window X position when running in a window
r_windowPosY - window Y position when running in a window
r_windowWidth - window width when running in a window
r_writePackedMaterials - debug option to write all the packed materials out to
viewable tga files as they are retrieved
r_zfar - far Z clip plane distance, 0 = infinity
r_znear - near Z clip plane distance
railTurret_ClampRotation - 0: none. 1: clamp yaw. 2: clamp pitch. 3: clamp yaw &
railTurret_Debug -
railTurret_DebugFiring -
railTurret_DebugMovement -
railTurret_DebugPlayerTurning -
railTurret_DebugTurning -
railTurret_ShowAngles -
railTurret_TargetPlayer -
railTurret_UseDeferredFiring - set to use deferred firing
rb_showActive - show rigid bodies that are not at rest
rb_showBodies - show rigid bodies
rb_showInertia - show the inertia tensor of each rigid body
rb_showMass - show the mass of each rigid body
rb_showTimings - show rigid body cpu usage
rb_showVelocity - show the velocity of each rigid body
reg_excludeList - optional file for specifying list of tests/paths to skip, which
override reg_includeList
reg_includeList - optional file for specifying list of tests/paths to run
repeater_fireRecoilSpringK - Spring constant for the repeater recoil spring
repeater_fireSpringAddition - How much to add to the movable end of the fire spring
resource_bootVideo - video to load during initial ( not restart ) boot cycle
resource_clearUserCmdGen - toggle to clear userCmdGen at the end of load screens
resource_debugLevel - Set to 1 for huge console spew
resource_debugName - name of resource to debug
resource_debugPersistHeap - set to use the play heap
resource_disableBGL - disable the background loader, not good for speed
resource_disableBGLForLargeFiles - don't run files larger than the ring buffer
through the BGL
resource_dontPreloadBCMForSnap - don't preload bcms in snap
resource_errorInGame - 0 - Nothing. 1 - Warning. 2 - Fatal Error - if loaded during
resource_errorOnResolveFailure - 1 = errors on failure to resolve code resources, 0
= just warnings
resource_ignoreLayers - ignore layer bits and load all layers during map loads
resource_loadLooseAssets - check for loose assets when satisfying file io from a
resource file
resource_onDemandStaticModels - if 1 will not preload static geo in all cases
resource_outPath - Optional output path for resource files
resource_printMatchingId - If non 0, will print the name of the resource that
matches this id when idResourceList::GenerateResourceIDForName() is called on it
resource_progressVideo - video to load during restart boot cycle
resource_restartVideo - video to load during restart boot cycle
resource_showLoads - 1 = show all loads, 2 = show all finds
resource_showLocalized - 1 = show all localized resource names
resource_snap - if 1 will not preload static geo so snap has enough memory on
resource_snapLoadOnDemand - tomes and bcm load on demand
resource_spamDeclNotFound - 0 = don't spam decl files not found in production
builds, in many cases this is valid, 1 = spam
resource_spamLoads - 0 = don't spam files loaded in production builds, in many
cases this is valid, 1 = spam
resource_spamNoTextForDecl - 0 = don't spam no text for decls, in many cases this
is valid, 1 = spam
resource_spewPakSpam - print verbose information when updating the cache table from
a pak file or remvoing preload entries
resource_trackLoadTimes - 1 = track the time spent on loading resources and basic
statistics per resource list, 2 = time stale checks as well
resource_updatePakCacheTable - update the resource index file for pak files
resource_usePersistHeap - set to use the play heap
resource_usePreloadModels - don't read models from disc if we are just going to
dump the surfaces right after
resource_virtualTexturePreload - run the virtual texture preloader in parallel with
game init
resource_writePreloadModels - write out the common preload list
revenant_airTimeForMedal - How long (in ms) do I have to have been in the air to
count a kill as an in-air kill.
revenant_forceWeakenedState - Force the revenant into a weakened state without
needing to be hit
revenant_handsChannelBlendMs - Hands channel animator blend time
revenant_jetPackBoostToHoverSwitch - At what upward velocity do we switch from
boost to hover?
revenant_jetPackBoostVelocityGain - At low or negative upward velocities, how much
velocity does the revenant jetpack add per frame?
revenant_jetPackFallToMaxRate - When climbing too quickly (above
revenant_jetPackMaxUpwardVelocity) at what velocity per frame do we return to that?
revenant_jetPackHoverVelocityGain - At higher upward velocities, how much velocity
does the revenant jetpack add per frame?
revenant_jetPackInfinite - Enable infinite revenant jetpack
revenant_jetPackMaxUpwardVelocity - Above this upward velocity, we actually drain
some velocity to get to a hover point.
revenant_trailFXMaxTime - Max time between revenant trail fx if they haven't moved
revenant_trailFXMinStepDist - Min dist between the revenant trail fx
revenant_weakStateAccumDamage - Min accumulated damage required to disable the jet
pack when hitting the weak spot
revenant_weakStateClearDamageTime - Time in MS to clear our weak spot accumulated
damage if it hasn't been hit
revenant_weakStateDisableTime - Time in MS to disable recharge of jet pack after
the weak spot was hit
rig_alignerClampChainOffsets - Hybrid Rig aligner chain offsets clamped by root's
min reach
rig_alignerExpandRootOffset - Hybrid Rig aligner root offset expanded to account
for chain compression
rig_alignerGroundTraceMultiplier - Hybrid Rig aligner ground trace multiplier
rig_alignerRootOffset - Hybrid Rig aligner root offset debug add
rig_alignerTracerNumWaitFrames - Hybrid Rig Tracer num of frames to wait before
stop tracing
rig_draw - Draw Rig
rig_drawAligner - 1 = draw rig aligner
rig_skip - Skip Rig processing
rig_skipAligner - Skip Hybrid Rig aligner
rig_skipIk2Pole - Skip Rig Ik2 Pole computation
rig_skipTwist - Skip Rig Twist computation
roundScores_oldScoreDisplayMillisecondsOverride - override of
oldScoreDisplayMilliseconds, 0 to disable
roundScores_reasonDisplayMillisecondsOverride - override of reasonDisplaySeconds
(except in MS), 0 to disable
roundScores_resortDelayMillisecondsOverride - override of resortDelayMilliseconds,
0 to disable
roundScores_scoreAddMillisecondsOverride - override of scoreAddMilliseconds, 0 to
rs_debug - Resolution scale debug modes. 1 = Alternate between 50%/100% each other
rs_debugView - Enable debug view for resolution scaling
rs_display - 0 - percentages, 1 - pixels per frame
rs_dropFraction - Drop the resolution in increments of this
rs_dropMilliseconds - Drop the resolution when GPU time exceeds this
rs_enable - Enable dynamic resolution scaling, 0 - off, 1 - horz only, 2 - vert
only, 3 - both (horz first, then vert)
rs_forceFractionX - Force a specific 0.0 to 1.0 horizontal resolution scale
rs_forceFractionY - Force a specific 0.0 to 1.0 vertical resolution scale
rs_minimumResolutionScale - Never go below this
rs_raiseFraction - Raise the resolution in increments of this
rs_raiseFrames - Require this many frames below rs_raiseMilliseconds
rs_raiseMilliseconds - Raise the resolution when GPU time is below this for several
rs_showResolutionChanges - 1 = Print whenever the resolution scale changes, 2 =
rumble_debug - Prints the rumble data we're asked to play
rumble_leftRightTriggerScale - Scale left/right trigger values by this much.
rumble_screenShakeToRumbleMultiplier - How much rumble to add if there's screen
runeTrialTimer - time for runetrial countdown
s_allowMultipleListener - Allow multiple listeners in splitscreen
s_apuMemoryHeapSize - Size in megs of the APU memory pool
s_calcOcclusionVolume - override wwise occlusion volume with
s_constantAmplitude -
s_customScheduling - If true use custom scheduling
s_customSchedulingPeriod - Custom scheduling period in milliseconds
s_debugFontSize - Size of the font used on the debug pages
s_drawSounds - draws sounds in the world
s_enableOrbisFlexibleMemory - enable the orbis flexible memory allocator
s_enableXboxOneWwiseProfiler - enabled the wwise profiler on xbox one
s_environmentalFadeTime - How many seconds it takes to fade environmental sounds
when crossing portals
s_forceListener - force the listener to the origin
s_forcePreLoadSoundBanks - enable to force the soundbanks to load before the main
menu initialisation
s_forceSoundChannelAny - Force SND_CHANNEL_ANY to be used for all sounds
s_lockListener - lock listener updates
s_muteSound - mute all sounds coming from this object
s_noSound - returns NULL for all sounds loaded and does not update the sound
s_numberOfVoiceRefills - set the number of voice refills 2 is double-buffered, 3 is
triple, 4 is quad
s_occlusionDistance - distance over which to fade occlusion
s_playSoundInBackground - forces the sound engine to keep running when the game no
longer has focus
s_restartVirtualizedSounds - stop and restart virtualized sounds
s_showAmplitude - show sound amplitude
s_showAreas - 1 = render faces of the listener area, 2 = draw all area faces
s_showAudioRenderTime - Default to 0, if set to 1 prints out the system time of an
audio render
s_showBigAreas - render faces of areas which exceed MAX_SOUND_BSP_AREA_FACES
s_showFadeSound - print debug information about sound fading
s_showGameObjectRegistration -
s_showPaths - show paths from listener to all sounds, purple means the sound is in
s_showPortals - render faces between areas with different environments
s_showSoundBus - shows the bus of the current playing sound and dry and aux send
s_showSoundFilter - substring shader name filter for s_showStartSound
s_showStartSound - print debug information about sound starting, if 2 will also
show literal sound object deletion
s_showStartSoundLocality - show sound locality
s_showStats - Show sound info
s_showStopSound - print debug information about sound stopping
s_soloSound - mute all sounds but those coming from this object
s_soundCommandQueueSizeMegs - Size in MB of the WWise Event Queue. You must issue
an s_restart command or restart the engine for this to take effect; no longer
s_soundHardwareMode - 0 - auto detect, 1 - stereo, 2 - 5.1, 3 - 7.1
s_soundLowEngineMegs - Size in megs of the WWise Low Engine memory
s_soundPoolCount - The amount of pools we allocate with WWise.
s_soundPoolMegs - Size in megs of the WWise Sound Pool. You must issue an s_restart
command or restart the engine for this to take effect; it is archived so sticks to
the conifg
s_streamGranularityKB - how granular wwise streaming is in KB
s_streamMgrSizeMB - Size in megs of the WWise Stream Manager. set this in startup
s_streamPoolSizeMB - Size in megs of the WWise Stream Sound Pool. set this in
startup console
s_streamUseCache - if true wwize will attempt to reuse stream from the pool
s_turretDebugMuzzle - makes the weapon statics always fire
s_turretTurnScale - adjusts the player turn speed of emplaced turret
s_unpauseFadeInTime - When unpausing a sound world, milliseconds to fade sounds in
s_useOcclusion -
s_usePortalReverbs - enabled / disable portal reverbs
s_useSoundOcclusionJobs -
s_useSoundThread - Enable the sound thread
s_virtualizeEnvironmentalSounds - 0 - leave it up to wwise. 1 - virtualize sounds
based on attenuation, 2 - same as 1 but will spam info about virtualizing and un-
s_virtualizeLengthMS - length in MS of one-shot sounds to virtualize, i.e. any one-
shot shorter than this outside of attenuation distance will be entirely ignored
s_virtualizeSounds - 0 - leave it up to wwise. 1 - virtualize sounds based on
attenuation, 2 - same as 1 but will spam info about virtualizing and un-
s_volume_ambient - Ambient sounds volume, in DB
s_volume_dB - volume in dB
s_volume_mpvo - MP VO volume, in DB
s_volume_music - Music volume, in DB
s_volume_sfx - SFX volume, in DB
s_volume_vo - VO volume, in DB
s_writeEventFile - produce a new events file for quicker loading
s_wwiseNoPrint - Defaults to 0, if set to 1 wwise will not print error messages
s_wwise_AuxBusVolume - forced aux bus volume
s_wwise_EnvPercent - forced aux bus volume
s_wwise_debugInfo - print wwise debug info, api calls etc.
s_wwise_defaultAuxSendLevel - set default aux send level to this dry level for
sound objects
s_wwise_defaultDryLevel - set output bus volume to this dry level for sound objects
s_wwise_forceEnvironment - force a wwise game bus (environment)
s_wwise_ignoreVolumeAndPitchRTPC - If set, don't set volume and pitch rtpcs
s_wwise_localitySwitchContainerName - The name of the locality switch container
s_wwise_localitySwitchContainerName_firstPerson - The first-person option name of
the locality switch container
s_wwise_localitySwitchContainerName_thirdPerson - The third-person option name of
the locality switch container
s_wwise_onlyUseListenerAreas - If set, only send sounds in the same area as
listener to aux busses
s_wwise_stopAllEventsOnObjects - If set, wwise will stop all events on an object
when a stopsound is called (old behaviour)
s_wwise_useAttenuationScalingWhileOccluded - when a sound is occluded also scale
it's attenuation
s_wwise_useVirtualOriginWhileOccluded - when a sound is occluded set the hardware
position to the virtual occluded origin
safehouse_ActiveTimeOverride - Override time that safehouse locations are active in
Ms. 0 - uses editor value
safehouse_HiddenTimeOverride - Override time that safehouse locations are hidden in
Ms. 0 - uses editor value
safehouse_IncomingTimeOverride - Override time that safehouse locations are
incoming in Ms. 0 - uses editor value
safehouse_LockdownTimeOverride - Override time that safehouse locations are locked
down in Ms. 0 - uses editor value
safehouse_ShutoutTimeOverride - Override time that safehouse locations remain after
a shutout in Ms. 0 - uses editor value
safehouse_StartNextDuringLockdown - Should safehouse locations start the next
location while the current one is in lockdown
safehouse_UseLockdown - Should safehouse locations use a lockdown time
safehouse_UsePlayerSpawnInfluencers - Is player spawning influenced by the active
safehouse_UseRegeneration - Should a regeneration effect be applied to players by
the active locations
safehouse_UseShutout - Should locations use the shutout time when only one team is
left during lockdown
safehouse_VolumeSetToUse - Index in m_safehouseVolumeDefs to use when spawning
safehouse_barStartLagSeconds - How long the secondary bar should wait to begin its
safehouse_barTransitionSeconds - How long the secondary bar should take to catch up
safehouse_debugHud - Show debug HUD for the Safehouse game mode
safehouse_scoreDisplaySeconds - How long the score widget is displayed
saveGame_enable - are savegames enabled
saveGame_verbose - debug spam
savegame_error - Combination of bits that will simulate an error, see
'savegamePrintErrors'. 0 = no error
savegame_minRequiredStorage - minimum bytes required to start a new game
savegame_winInduceDelay - on windows, this is a delay induced before any file
operation occurs
sc_client - client used to access perforce server (aka P4CLIENT)
sc_maxVerbosity - 0 = errors only, 1 = minimal output, 2 = maximum verbosity from
perforce api commands
sc_serverAddress - address used to access perforce server (aka P4PORT)
sc_username - username used to access perforce server (aka P4USER)
scannerBot_debugIOI - Debug Items Of Interest
scoreboard_spectatorBGAlphaAdd -
sector_BoundaryColorTransitionSec -
sector_BoundaryIntroTransitionSec -
sector_BoundaryOutroTransitionSec -
sector_DoesContestedHillMove - Allows expired hills to move while contested
sector_DoesContestingScore - Allows contested hills to contribute to score
sector_DoesTimerReset - Does recapturing a hill reset the timer?
sector_HillCaptureTime - How long it takes to capture a hill in Ms
sector_HillCountdownTime - Time before a hill expiration to start countdown
sector_HillEndBonus - Additional score awarded when a hill is fully depleted
sector_HillLimitType - Type of limit hills use. 0-Time, 1-Score
sector_HillMaxDistance - When selecting a new hill, this is the maximum distance
from hills that are already spawned.
sector_HillMinDistance - When selecting a new hill, this is the minimum distance
from hills that are already spawned.
sector_HillPointRate - How often points are awarded for captured hills in Ms
sector_HillScoreLimit - How many points a hill awards after being captured
sector_HillScoringType - When do hills score. 0-Instant, 1-End, 2-Per Second
sector_HillSpawnHistorySize - How many hill locations to keep in the spawn history.
Hills in history will not be selected.
sector_HillTimeLimit - How long a hill lasts after being captured in Ms
sector_InitialHillDelay - Time before initial hill in Ms
sector_IsInstantCapture - Are the hills captured instantly upon entering? Overrides
sector_IsInstantDecay - Are the hills reverted to neutral instantly upon exiting?
sector_IsInstantRecapture - Are the hills recaptured instantly?
sector_MaxHills - How many hills can be spawned simultaneously
sector_NearingVictoryPoints - How many points until Nearing Victory message is
sector_NextHillDelay - Time before next hill in Ms. Hills will overlap with
negative values
sector_NextHillHiddenTime - Time before next hill starts incoming in Ms.
sector_PointsPerUpdate - How many points are awarded for each captured hill, per
sector_ShadowHeightOffset -
sector_ShowDebugRadius -
sector_UseHillDistanceLimits - Are hill spawns limited by sector_HillMinDistance
and sector_HillMaxDistance
sector_UsePlayerSpawnInfluencers - Is player spawning influenced by Sector control
sector_VerboseSpawnInfluence -
security_defaultFlyHackReactThreshold - How long the player must be off the ground
to be considered flying in seconds for reacting/deflecting
security_defaultFlyHackReportThreshold - How long the player must be off the ground
to be considered flying in seconds for reporting
shell_backdrop_angles_p -
shell_backdrop_angles_r -
shell_backdrop_angles_y -
shell_backdrop_origin_x -
shell_backdrop_origin_y -
shell_backdrop_origin_z -
shell_backdrop_pause_scale -
shell_backdrop_pause_xoffset -
shell_backdrop_scale -
shell_backdrop_testbink -
shell_cameraSpeed -
shell_changeViewWithControls - If true, the controller will be able to control the
camera menu
shell_cheatTextOverride - Testing only - text override for displaying the cheat
shell_customizationScreenCameraEntityStr -
shell_customization_alwaysShowUnlockInfo -
shell_customization_doomMarineArmor - loadoutArmor decl to use for praetor suit
shell_customization_joystickDeadZone -
shell_customization_mouseDeadZone -
shell_customization_mouseRotationScalar -
shell_customization_mouseScalar -
shell_customization_player_animation_aliashandle - Animation aliasHandle played by
the player model
shell_customization_player_animation_length_ms -
shell_customization_player_animation_speed - change the speed of animation
shell_customization_player_cameraBottomOffset - Height above the player origin to
clamp the camera bottom at
shell_customization_player_panSpeed - Distance per second
shell_customization_player_zoomCameraForwardRotation - In degrees
shell_customization_player_zoomInMax - Distance along the zoom vector from camera
start position
shell_customization_player_zoomMouseWheelDistance - Distance per mouse wheel event
shell_customization_player_zoomOutMax - Distance along the zoom vector from camera
start position
shell_customization_player_zoomSpeed - Distance per second
shell_customization_rotationDegreesPerSecond -
shell_customization_triggerDeadZone -
shell_customization_weapon_bobheight -
shell_customization_weapon_bobspeed -
shell_customization_weapon_camera_str -
shell_customization_weapon_default_scale -
shell_customization_weapon_rotation -
shell_customization_weapon_shiny_chance - Probability of getting weapon without
scratches and dust when randomizing weapon details [0-1]
shell_customization_weapon_zoomHorizontalRotation - In degrees
shell_customization_weapon_zoomInMax - Distance along the zoom vector from camera
start position
shell_customization_weapon_zoomOutMax - Distance along the zoom vector from camera
start position
shell_customization_weapon_zoomVerticalRotation - In degrees
shell_demonSelect_maxHeight -
shell_demonSelect_maxWidth -
shell_dof -
shell_dof_far -
shell_dof_focus -
shell_dof_near -
shell_equipmentSelect_maxHeight -
shell_equipmentSelect_maxWidth -
shell_fov -
shell_gameLobby_zoomOutMax - Distance along the zoom vector from camera start
shell_gameLobby_zoomVerticalRotation - In degrees
shell_loadCustomizationRoomOnLaunch - Start the game with the customization room
shell_loadoutListDebugPoints -
shell_loadoutListModelOffset -
shell_loadouts_bobHeight -
shell_loadouts_bobSpeed -
shell_resetProfileOnNewGame - Reset the profile on each new game
shell_showMigrationDialog - Should show the migration dialogue when migrating.
shell_useEntityPos -
shell_useGameModuleSpecificShell - Use module specific shell files.
shell_viewangles_p -
shell_viewangles_r -
shell_viewangles_y -
shell_vieworigin_x -
shell_vieworigin_y -
shell_vieworigin_z -
shell_weaponSelect_maxHeight -
shell_weaponSelect_maxWidth -
shockblast_EnableDebug - Enables debug drawing for the shockblast
shockblast_MaxTargets - How many targets we can gather for shock blast
shockblast_ParryAlways - Parry will always succeed
shockblast_ReflectPlayerForward - Projectile reflection goes to player's forward
shockblast_ShowDamageArc - Enables debug drawing for the shockblast
shockblast_ShowProjectileArc - Enables debug drawing for the shockblast
shockblast_fillWithPrctOfDamage - Successful parry use percentage of max damage
shockblast_lerpAmount - How fast the projectile lerps to reflection
shockblast_pushDistance - How far to push enemies back
showProgression - if set will show progression on the post match results screen and
in game challenge progress
si_challengeRespawnSpot - name of the spawn spot to use when reloading from a
failed challenge (TEMPORARY)
si_checkpointName - name of the checkpoint to load with the map command
si_devInventoryLoadoutOverride - name of dev inventory loadout override
si_forcePlayerRespawn - for save/load regressions, after loading a savegame, we
force the player to respawn which activates the triggers associated with the new
spawn spot
si_nextlayeractive - game play layers to use with map the map command
si_simAllCheckPoints - If true all checkpoints in dev mode are simulated
si_spawnspot - name of the spawn spot to use with the map command
si_splitscreen - force splitscreen
slowmocam_activateonkill - for prototyping. activate the slowmo camera when the
player kills an ai.
sm_buildAmbientFast - builds the ambient nodes approximately 40% faster on snap
sm_buildDynamicNavmesh - if true - builds the navmesh for the map. ONLY FOR
sm_cacheAmbient - Toggles between caching the build ambient nodes and not
sm_graph_compressed_limit - Normalize the graph(s)
sm_graph_object_priority - Normalize the graph(s)
sm_graph_object_size - Normalize the graph(s)
sm_graph_reliable_io_limit - Normalize the graph(s)
sm_graph_total_incoming_limit - Normalize the graph(s)
sm_graph_total_outgoing_limit -
sm_graph_uncompressed_limit - Normalize the graph(s)
sm_reportSnapBuildTimes - Toggles the snap map build time reporting on/off
sm_testIslandModulePvsFix - Enables testing of the island module PVS fix (set from
command-line only)
sm_testObstaclePvsMergeFix - Enables testing of the obstacle PVS merge fix (set
BEFORE you play the map)
sm_testPortalSystem - Enables testing of the portal system (set from command-line
smtp_debug - Show SMTP messages.
smtp_sendAttachments - sends attachments on emails, for viewnotes
snapAddEntity_dofFar - What value to use for DoF far
snapAddEntity_dofFocus - What value to use for DoF focus
snapAddEntity_dofNear - What value to use for DoF near
snapBrowser_cloudInfo - 1 = show cloud save info in browser
snapBrowser_debugInfo - 1 = show debug info for maps in browser
snapBrowser_mapInfo - 1 = show map info in browser, used to allow map unpublish
snapBrowser_recommendDays - Number of days to limit recommend queue with. 0 = no
snapDebug_testMapAlwaysCorrupted - 1 = map is always returned as corrupt
snapEdit_SWF_Input_Delay - delay after the initial button press when a button is
snapEdit_SWF_Input_InitialDelay - delay on first button press before we continue to
scroll on button held
snapEdit_SWF_MessageToast_DisplayTime - how long to show the toast for before it
goes away
snapEdit_SWF_PropertyMenuSlider_Acceleration - multiplier on slider after input on
joystick is held for 10 ticks
snapEdit_SWF_PropertyMenu_Delay - delay after the initial button press when a
button is held
snapEdit_SWF_PropertyMenu_InitialDelay - delay on first button press before we
continue to scroll on button held
snapEdit_SWF_colorPickerDeadZone - dead zone value for joystick input
snapEdit_SWF_colorPickerMaxDeadZone - maximum dead zone value for joystick input
snapEdit_SWF_platformTest - -1 = disabled, 0 = XBOX, 1 = PS, 2 = PC
snapEdit_SWF_radialMenuDeadZone - dead zone value for joystick input
snapEdit_actionActivationFrameLimit - number of times a snapmap action can activate
per frame
snapEdit_allowDof -
snapEdit_allowLocStrings - 1 = Can put loc strings in publish flow.
snapEdit_allowReservedTags - 1 = Can put reserved tags in publish flow.
snapEdit_autosaveInterval - interval to autosave in seconds. set to 0 to disable
snapEdit_blueprintTransition - 0 - 1: point in transitional time where blueprint
effect kicks in (above the value for skyview, below for fps view)
snapEdit_bottomCutOffPlaneHeight - the height of the bottom cut off plane for
snapEdit_viewSingleFloorMode 2
snapEdit_bustedIndObservation - 1 = allow loading of broken
snapEdit_bustedIndObservation module so we can fix it
snapEdit_cameraDistanceLimit - distance allowable for the camera in snapEditor
snapEdit_cameraLightRadius - light radius for fps camerea headlight
snapEdit_consoleRenameMapHack - 1 = uses existing name and bypass the requirement
to rename. Remove when console keyboard is online
snapEdit_deadzone - deadzone for stick and hold button operations
snapEdit_debugEditorEntityModels - debug editor entity models in the editor
snapEdit_debugEntityBounds - 1 = show all entity bounds. 2 = show only placeable
entity bounds. 3 = show only editable entity bounds
snapEdit_debugLights - 1 = show all lights in the editor. 2 = Show only point
lights. 3 = show only spot lights. 4 = show only parallel lights. 5 = show only
light probes. 6 = show only area lights.
snapEdit_debugModuleBounds - 1 = show all module bounds.
snapEdit_debugModulePortalBounds - 1 = show all module portal bounds.
snapEdit_defaultEntitySortFilter - 0 = Category
snapEdit_defaultModuleSortFilter - 0:Function 1:Num Portals 2:Size 3:Motif 4:Floor
Diff 5:Palette Name 6:Type, 7:Theme 8:Decl Path 9:Deliverable Category
snapEdit_defaultPublishDataForNewMaps - 1 = clear publish data for new and branched
snapEdit_descPosChangeHideTime - MS to hide description box when it changes
snapEdit_dev - enable development code paths
snapEdit_devMaps - 1 = all maps that are created are dev maps and all searches
return dev maps in addition to normal results
snapEdit_disablePlacementArrow - 1 = don't entity placement arrow.
snapEdit_disablePortalIcons - 1 = don't draw colored portal icons.
snapEdit_dlc1Maps - 1 = all maps that are created are dlc maps
snapEdit_doubleTapThreshold - time threshold for key double tap (press/release) in
snapEdit_drawAllTargetConnections - 1 = draw all target connections. 0 = draw
target connections when highlighting an entity.
snapEdit_drawEntityBounds - 0 = never show bounds.
snapEdit_drawEntityCollision - 1 = show all module contents. > 0 = draw only module
collision matching the passed in contents mask.
snapEdit_drawModuleCollision - 1 = show all module contents. > 0 = draw only module
collision matching the passed in contents mask.
snapEdit_editLogicRotateScale - scale to multiply rotation speed by
snapEdit_editLogicZoomScale - scale to multiply fpsDollySpeed by
snapEdit_editPropertiesControlScheme - control scheme to use for edit properties
snapEdit_enableAugmentHighlights - 1 = enable render model augments in the editor.
snapEdit_enableCopyPaste - enable copy paste functionality
snapEdit_enableDevLayer - enable dev layer
snapEdit_enableGrid - 0 = disable grid. 1 = enable grid.
snapEdit_entityLabelOffset - Offset from the top of the entity's bounding box.
snapEdit_entityPickingDistance - Entity picking raycast distance.
snapEdit_entitySpacingDistance - spacing distance between logic related entities
snapEdit_entityStateIconOffset - Offset from the top of the entity's bounding box
(current icon size is 32).
snapEdit_environmentFogBounds - distance from center bounds for fog to be absent in
snapEdit_environmentModuleBounds - module distance from center bounds in snapEditor
snapEdit_floorColorFadeHeightOffset -
snapEdit_floorFadeOutLength - the fade out length above and below the cut off
planes for floor viewing mode
snapEdit_floorHeight - The difference in height between floors
snapEdit_floorNumFloorsForColorRange -
snapEdit_floorOutlineSize - size of the outline in both cutoff planes
snapEdit_forceEntityDefUpdateOnSave - force entity def update on save even if
entity is not dirty
snapEdit_forceNewCloudSave - 1 = forces a new cloud save on every save.
snapEdit_forceRuntimeSimpleGeoGen - 1 - force runtime generation of simple module
snapEdit_forceSPLimits - 1 = put the limits in 'SP mode' - which disables all
network/MP limits.
snapEdit_fpsBlueprint - 0 = disable blueprint effect for fps mode. 1 = enable
blueprint effect for fps mode.
snapEdit_fpsDollySpeed - float value for the dolly speed of the fps-logic view.
snapEdit_fpsGravity - float value for the strength of gravity in the fps view.
snapEdit_fpsLerpSpeed - float value for the min speed to lerp in fps-logic view.
snapEdit_fpsLerpTime - float value for the max time to lerp in fps-logic view.
snapEdit_fpsLogicSpeedScale - scale speed by this factor when holding LT in fps-
snapEdit_fpsMaxDistance - float value for the max distance camera can be away from
entity in fps-logic view. Cannot be less than 1
snapEdit_fpsMoveSpeed - float value for the move speed in the fps view.
snapEdit_fpsOrbitSpeed - float value for the orbit speed of the fps-logic view.
snapEdit_fpsTiltSpeed - float value for the dolly speed of the fps-logic view.
snapEdit_fpsVerticalTime - float value for the time till max speed is achieved for
vertical movement in FPS
snapEdit_fpsVisualOutlineOpacity - outline opacity
snapEdit_fpsVisualOutlineWidth - outline width
snapEdit_hideLogicInBlueprint - 1 = don't draw logic in blueprint mode.
snapEdit_labelFadeOver - floating label fade range
snapEdit_labelFadeStart - floating label fade start
snapEdit_labelsOnHighlightedEntities - enables showing of entity labels only on
highlighted entities
snapEdit_layoutChargeDistance - max charge influence distance
snapEdit_layoutEntityCharge - entity charge
snapEdit_layoutEntityWeight - entity node weight
snapEdit_layoutFilterCharge - filter charge
snapEdit_layoutFilterWeight - filter node weight
snapEdit_layoutFriction - position verlet integration friction
snapEdit_layoutInputCharge - input charge
snapEdit_layoutInputStrength - entity->output constraint strength
snapEdit_layoutInputWeight - input node weight
snapEdit_layoutJitterDistance - distance to push nodes that are coincident and
snapEdit_layoutLogicStrength - (output|filter)->(filter|input) constraint strength
snapEdit_layoutOutputCharge - output charge
snapEdit_layoutOutputStrength - input->entity constraint strength
snapEdit_layoutOutputWeight - output node weight
snapEdit_layoutSpacingDistance - distance to try and keep entities away from logic
snapEdit_layoutSteps - the number of refinements steps do do when updating auto
snapEdit_layouteCoincidentTolerance - tolerance to determine when repulsive nodes
are considered coincident
snapEdit_lerpModuleDuration - Lerp duration in seconds for modules
snapEdit_lerpValue - 0 <= x < 1: float value for the 'float-y' effect, higher is
more float-y, should not be 1.
snapEdit_limitRecommendPublish - 1 = only allow 1 map for recommend
snapEdit_logicHangTimeLimitSec - Amount of time a single frame is allowed to go
before exiting play to prevent player made hangs.
snapEdit_logicRadialExitInputDelay - How long to before we reenable input for user
snapEdit_logicSuccessFadeoutMS - 0 = instant
snapEdit_magnetLerpSpeed - float value for the min speed to lerp with magnets
snapEdit_magnetLerpTime - float value for the max time to lerp with magnets
snapEdit_magnetThreshold - Distance Squared threshold for magnet snapping
snapEdit_maxBlueprintFloor - maximum allowable floor in snapEditor
snapEdit_minBlueprintFloor - minimal allowable floor in snapEditor
snapEdit_modulePickingDistance - Module picking raycast distance.
snapEdit_mwd_inspectMaxViewDistScalar - fraction of module size to set as the max
dolly distance
snapEdit_mwd_inspectMinViewDistScalar - fraction of module size to set as the min
dolly distance
snapEdit_mwd_inspectPitchMaxAngle - max pitch angle
snapEdit_mwd_inspectPitchMinAngle - min pitch angle
snapEdit_mwd_inspectViewFocusOffsetScalar - larger value = move focal point down
snapEdit_orbitDollySpeed - float value for the dolly speed of the orbit view.
snapEdit_orbitRotateSpeed - float value for the rotate speed of the free orbit
snapEdit_orbitTiltSpeed - float value for the tilt speed of the free orbit view.
snapEdit_overrideChmod - ignore chmod restrictions
snapEdit_overwritePublishedMaps - 1 = overwrite previously publish map instead of
creating a new one
snapEdit_paletteGroupDef - Set the name of the snap editor palette definition to
snapEdit_placementDefaultDistance - float value for the default distance of
entities in placement
snapEdit_placementFloorDistance - Drop to floor max distance
snapEdit_placementForwardSpeed - float value for the forward speed of entities in
snapEdit_placementLineScale - scale for the placement line
snapEdit_placementLineSpeed - placement line texture scroll speed
snapEdit_placementLineTextureScale - placement line texture sizing scale
snapEdit_placementLockedRotateThreshold - Deadzone to prevent accidental locked
rotation during placement.
snapEdit_placementMinDistance - float value for the min distance of entities in
snapEdit_placementPushThroughDistance - float value for the distance before
entities push through walls
snapEdit_placementRotateSpeed - Placement rotate angles per seconds
snapEdit_placementRotateThreshold - Deadzone to prevent accidental rotation during
snapEdit_placementSurfaceDistance - Surface align max distance
snapEdit_placementUpSpeed - float value for the upward speed of entities in
snapEdit_playInModuleSounds - 0 = off. 1 = play in-module speakers/sounds in the
snapEdit_radialMouseLerp - float value for the lerp in the radial menu when using a
snapEdit_renderCullDist - how far away to start culling render models in the
snapeditor. 0 = don't cull.
snapEdit_restrictedModules - Semi-Colon delimited list of module names to restrict.
ex: maps/modules/ind_medium/a_ind_long_hall_wide.decl
snapEdit_showCameraLocation - 1 = show the location of the camera in world space.
snapEdit_showChmod - show chmod debug info
snapEdit_showEntityInfo - 1 = show all entities in the editor, around the camera. 2
= Same as 1, pluse show editor decl name as well.
snapEdit_showEntityModelNames - 1 = show entity model names. Will highlight in red
if defaulted/broken/missing
snapEdit_showHoverEntity - show the current hover entity
snapEdit_showModule - show module debug info
snapEdit_showModuleStatus - 0 = disable 1 = show the development status of the
module the player is standing in ( whether in the editor or game ).
snapEdit_showNavMeshBounds - 1 = show all of the navMesh bounds in the map as solid
snapEdit_showNavMeshType - 0 = AAS48, 1 = AAS96, 2 = AAS128
snapEdit_showTutorial - show tutorial debug info
snapEdit_showlimits - show limits
snapEdit_simpleGeoBottomColorMod - color modulation of simple geo bottoms
snapEdit_simpleGeoFloorColorMod - color modulation of simple geo floors
snapEdit_simpleGeoWallColorMod - color modulation of simple geo walls
snapEdit_simpleModuleSortFilters - Use only simple module sort filters
snapEdit_skipCategoryCheck - 1 = Skip checking of categories in publish flow
snapEdit_skipDecals - Skip loading decals in the Snap Editor.
snapEdit_skipLimits - 1 = skip all editor limits - keep building until the game
snapEdit_skipPlacableNavMeshTest - 1 = place entities anywhere, skipping the
navmesh test
snapEdit_skipRenameOnSave - 1 = allows map to be saved without renaming. (dev only)
snapEdit_skyDollySpeed - float value for the dolly speed of the sky view.
snapEdit_skyPanSpeed - float value for the pan speed of the sky view.
snapEdit_skySpeedScale - scale speed by this factor when holding LT in skyview
snapEdit_skyViewBlueprint - 0 = disable blueprint effect for sky view mode. 1 =
enable blueprint effect for sky view mode.
snapEdit_startModule - path name of a module from the maps folder
snapEdit_tapThreshold - time threshold for key tap (press/release) in microseconds
snapEdit_targetConnectionScale - target connection texture sizing scale
snapEdit_targetConnectionSpeed - connection texture scroll speed
snapEdit_target_connector_scale - scale for the entity connection lines
snapEdit_teleportObstructionZOffset - Amount to adjust teleport obstruction checks
in the z.
snapEdit_topCutOffPlaneHeight - the height of the top cut off plane for
snapEdit_viewSingleFloorMode 2
snapEdit_traceContentsTest - -1 = all contents. > 0 = trace mask you want to test
for in the editor. Will trace a line out in front of the camera, stopping when
hiting a surface with matching contents.
snapEdit_useSlowMapInEditor - 1 = use slowmap in the editor when running snapEditor
snapEdit_useSlowMapInGame - 1 = use slowmap in the game when running snapEditor
snapEdit_viewSingleFloorMode - 0 = no floor fade out, 1 = fade out according to
which floor you're on, 2 = custom fadeout heights, 3 = fancy lerpy fade in
snapEdit_wallCullAll -
snapEdit_wallHidingLimit -
snapEdit_wallOutlineAlphaMultiplier -
snapEdit_wallOutlineThickness -
snapEdit_wallThickness -
snapHub_useTileBrowser - 1 = use the tile browser instead of the list browser
snapLobby_AdminTimeoutDurationMS - Time before the lobby is removed from
snapLobby_MatchMakingRestoreDelayMS - After a lobby has timed out, how long before
making it public again.
snapLogicPicker_dofFar - What value to use for DoF far
snapLogicPicker_dofFocus - What value to use for DoF focus
snapLogicPicker_dofNear - What value to use for DoF near
snapMap_getMapDelay - Time, in milliseconds, before we ask hydra for published map
snapMap_pacifierStartTime - Time, in milliseconds, before starting the SnapMap
snapShortcutPicker_dofFar - What value to use for DoF far
snapShortcutPicker_dofFocus - What value to use for DoF focus
snapShortcutPicker_dofNear - What value to use for DoF near
snap_alwaysShowRecommend - 1 = always show the recommend dialog after play/complete
of snapmap
snap_debugDroppableHud - used for testing snap droppables hud info
snap_debugLockDownDoor - used for debugging lock down doors
snap_demonPlayerToPlayer_damageScalar - Snapmap specific demon damage scalar
snap_demonPlayer_healthScalar - Snapmap specific demon health scalar
snap_droppableDisablePrevOwnerTime - how long before allowing the player who
dropped the droppable to pick up the droppable again. In Milliseconds
snap_forceFirstTimeToolTips - always show the first time tool tips even if we have
seen them
snap_hintSpawn_maxRespawnDelayMS - The max delay before a respawnable item is
snap_hintSpawn_minRespawnDelayMS - The min delay before a respawnable item is
snap_hintSpawn_obstructZOffset - The offset for spawn obstruction
snap_loadTypeInfoCacheOnStartup - If true, load the snap type info cache on startup
instead of just in snap maps
snap_minWorldTextFadeWindowMultiplier - multiplier for a fade window with culling
distances that are less than the default fade window
snap_profile_player_offsetX -
snap_profile_player_offsetY -
snap_profile_player_offsetZ -
snap_profile_player_rot -
snap_recommendCount - Number of recommendations needed to promote a map
snap_showRecommend - Shows the recommend dialog when voting instead of normal vote
snap_skipCreateUser - skip the dialog that forces users to create an account to
enter snap map
snap_weaponDropReuseTimeMS - When dropping a weapon, player must wait this much
time before being able to pick it up again.
snap_worldTextFadeWindow - default fade window for world texts fading away distance
snap_worldTextScale - a scale for world texts
snap_worldText_borderPadding - padding for the border on world texts
snap_worldText_borderSize - size of the border line when using borders on world
snapedit_screenshotFormat - format for snap screenshots. 0 = TGA, 1 = JPG, 2 = PNG
snapedit_screenshotFrameDelay - number of frames to wait before taking screenshot
snapmap_skipVersionChecks - Skip version checks during snap map building
snapmaps_enterModuleRequiredDistSqr - Distance required to be from a portal to be
counted as entering a module.
soundBSPBuilderError - Used to report sound bsp build errors to the build wizard
sound_enablePlayerKillSounds - Enables or disables playing death sounds for
sound_wwise_forceNewFireSound -
sound_wwise_useUniqueSeedEveryTime - If enabled, wwise will generate a unique sound
seed for every sound object.
spectator_allowRotationInThirdPersonView - If true, then when spectating a 3rd
person view of someone, allow camera rotation.
spectator_canOnlyViewScoreboard - Force the spectator to only view the scoreboard
spectator_deadFollowTargetTimeoutSeconds - Timeout, in milliseconds, for auto-
switching to a new spectator target after the previous one dies.
spectator_followCameraAbsolutePitch - Maximum absolute pitch angle from horizon for
the spectator follow camera.
spectator_followCameraInvertPitch - Invert pitch control for spectator follow
spectator_followCameraInvertYaw - Invert yaw control for spectator follow cameras
spectator_useAnimBodyViewDirForFirstPerson - force the first person camera to use
the replicated forwardDir
spl_disablePathing - Disables vehicle AI pathing.
spl_gen_showNodes - Prints each node a spline is associated with.
spl_gen_updateTracker - Spline tracker is updated between recalcs.
spl_qn_addDistToStep - add the distance to the closest spline to the spline step
spl_qn_debug - Debug the quest navigation splines
spl_qn_graph - Draw spline graph
spl_qn_pathVectorStep_Long - Long Dist from start to get forward vector
spl_qn_pathVectorStep_Long_Max - Long Dist from start to get forward vector
spl_qn_pathVectorStep_Medium - Medium Dist from start to get forward vector
spl_qn_pathVectorStep_Medium_Max - Medium Dist from start to get forward vector
spl_qn_pathVectorStep_Override - Over ride Dist from start to get forward vector
spl_qn_pathVectorStep_Short - Short Dist from start to get forward vector
spl_qn_pathVectorStep_Short_Max - Short Dist from start to get forward vector
spl_qn_pathVectorStep_Should_Override - <= 0 no override, 1 short override, 2
medium override, 3 long override, >= 4 cvar override
spl_qn_pathVectorStep_VeryLong - Long Dist from start to get forward vector
spl_qn_pathVectorStep_VeryLong_Max - Long Dist from start to get forward vector
spl_qn_pathbonus - bonus for being within the bounds of the spline
spl_qn_searchMult - scales spline width by this value -- used as search distance
spl_qn_showAllPaths - Display all quest nav splines
spl_qn_showPathBounds - Show spline bounds
spl_qn_timer - Show spline timing
spl_qn_zpenelty - additional penalty for z differences
spl_showFurthestPositionSamples - Draw furthest pos sample info
spl_testClosestDist - Testing closest dist to spline calculation.
spl_updateTracker_distance - Distance at which spline position will be totally
recalculated (rather than simply adjusted).
spl_updateTracker_rateMS - Min MS between update (assumes 60hz)
spl_useBuildGameList - Uses navSplineList_BuildGame (for testing)
springCam_AlwaysSnap - always snap position and orientation to desired values
springCam_AutoCenterSpringC - spring C value for auto center spring
springCam_AutoCenterSpringK - spring K value for auto center spring ( can be
overridden per anim )
springCam_AutoCenterSpringM - spring M value for auto center spring
springCam_BlendSpringK - spring constant for blend spring controlling blend to and
from the player view
springCam_ClipTestMovement - clip test the camera's movement against solid geometry
springCam_ConstraintConeDegs - angle of LOOK_ADD_HEADING and
LOOK_ADD_HEADING_AUTOCENTER mode constraint cone in degrees, centered on animated
forward direction
springCam_Debug - show debug info on the spring cam
springCam_DebugFollowBlendSpring - debug the follow blend spring
springCam_DebugParentInfo - trace the updates due to parent movement
springCam_DebugTraceBlend - trace the camera blending (0=off, 1=positions only,
2=angles only, 3=positions and angles)
springCam_DebugTraceStates - trace the camera states to the console
springCam_ForceBlendDurationMS - forces the blend duration
springCam_ForceCalcViewStage - 0=STAGE_DEFAULT, 1=STAGE_UPDATE, 2=STAGE_DRAW
springCam_ForceFollowBlendMode - force the blend mode, or -1 to ignore (0=SMOOTH,
springCam_ForceLookBlendMode - force the blend mode, or -1 to ignore (0=SMOOTH,
springCam_ForceLookMode - force the look mode, or -1 to ignore (0=NONE, 1=HEADING,
springCam_UpdateView - should the spring cam update the view?
ss_debugAction - command for the superscirpt AI utility: select, idle, move,
moveto, cleargoal, kill, killfriend, restart, remove, find, run, saveplayerpos,
restoreplayerpos, show, hide, showthreat, showactiveai, showtargets
stat_debugAggregation - Print the aggregate values for a stat [1-except distance
and time, 2-all]
statusEffect_clearPreviousOnPickUp - Removes the previous status effects if we add
a new one
statusEffect_debugEnable - Shows debug information of all effects on the player
statusEffect_lifetimeSec - If non-zero, amount of time a status effect can live
steam_achievements_enable - enable steam achievements
steam_privateKey - The key you got from the guy to do the thing that one time..
stereoRender_guiOffset - shift guis so they don't appear at infinity in HMDs
stereoRender_screenSeparation - screen units from center to eyes
stereoRender_separation - world units from center to eyes
stereoRender_swapEyes - swap target buffers for left and right eyes
string_forceSystemPool - force all atomic strings to be put in system pool
subtitles_DefaultDistance - How far we do subtitles for sounds
summonManager_SecPerHealthOnDeath - debug info for the encounter manager
summonManager_SecPerHealthOnSpawn - debug info for the encounter manager
summoner_debugTeleport - Enable debug display for the summoner teleport ability
summoner_teleportClipModelBorderScaler - Scaler applied to the clip model's
bounding box when looking for a valid teleport position
summoner_teleportClipModelMinBorder - Minimum border amount when looking for a
valid teleport position
summoner_teleportQueryStepDown - The step down amount if using the step query
summoner_teleportQueryStepUp - The step up amount if using the step query
summoner_teleportTargetAimAtOriginMinZ - How far below horizontal the aim contact
normal must be to use eye offset instead of just aiming at the origin
summoner_teleportTargetLookAtWeight - Weighting value for how forward look at
targets are preferred over ground plane targets
summoner_teleportUseStepQuery - Toggles whether to use a step query or a regular
translation query
swarmMissile_launchRadius - distance from launch pos to position each missile
swf_challengeSelectUnlockAllLevels - set to show all challenges in challenge select
swf_classicMapSelectUnlockAllLevels - set to show all challenges in challenge
select menu
swf_combatSubtitleRange - distance a which combat subtitles no longer appear (note:
for AI's this is overridden by their idDeclAIBehavior).
swf_connectionNumber - Test
swf_debug - debug swf scripts. 1 shows traces/errors. 2 also shows warnings. 3
also shows disassembly. 4 shows parameters in the disassembly.
swf_debugInvoke - debug swf functions being called from game.
swf_debugMouseCoords - Display where the idSWF thinks the mouse is in swf
swf_dossier_UseNewWeaponSelect - 0 - old, 1 = 8 slot wheel, 2 = 4 Slot Wheel, 0
>Use new weapon select
swf_dossier_UseStickySelection - Sticky Selection
swf_dossier_WeaponSelectDeadZone - Weapon Select DeadZone
swf_dossier_WeaponSelectScale - Scale for the weapon select render model
swf_dossier_WeaponSelectStick - 0 = Left, 1 >= Right
swf_dossier_bg_scale - Scale of the dossier render models
swf_dossier_depthHack - tweak to avoid dossier being clipped by hands / weapon /
swf_dossier_infoTweenTime - time to tween info panels
swf_dossier_interpolateSpeed - time to interpolate between screens in dossier
swf_dossier_maxPitch - max pitch value for changing the menu
swf_dossier_maxYaw - max yaw value for changing the menu
swf_dossier_ringsSpeed - speed at which the rings transition
swf_dossier_scale - Scale of the dossier render models
swf_dossier_upgradeYawPercent - yaw of the upgrade screen
swf_enableTweening - If false, all tweening will be skipped
swf_forceAlpha - force an alpha value on all elements, useful to show invisible
animating elements
swf_hud_component_speed - speed hud components interpolate
swf_hud_depthHack - tweak to avoid hud being clipped by hands / weapon / world
swf_hud_rounds_dist_x - mp rounds screen x
swf_hud_rounds_dist_y - mp rounds screen y
swf_hud_rounds_dist_z - mp rounds screen z
swf_hud_rounds_scale - mp rounds screen scale
swf_imageCompressor - 1 = extremely slow high quality compressor
swf_isClassicMap - set when the player is in a classic map
swf_loadBinary - used to set whether to load binary swf from generated
swf_loadScreenAlternate - alternate loadscreen to use
swf_logShapeParserWarnings - Print warnings for shape parsing which no one ever
reads or cares about
swf_maxUpdatesPerFrame - The maximum number of times that UI elements can be
updated per frame
swf_missionSelectUnlockAllLevels - set to select all missions in mission select
swf_openBatchRenderingEarly - Allow More things to be batch rendered
swf_platformOverride - used to force which buttons are displayed for testing UI 0 -
xbox, 1 - ps, 2 - pc
swf_playerVitalsDebug - whether to show debug info on player vitals UI
swf_purgeUnusedImages - purge atlas images when a swf is not being rendered
swf_safeFrame - space between UI elements and screen edge
swf_shell - The SWF to use for the main shell
swf_shell_snap - The SWF to use for the main shell
swf_shell_sp_mp - The SWF to use for the main shell
swf_showRegisterResourceTimes - print swf resource load times to the console
swf_skipAltGlyphs - skips setting any alt glyphs for a font
swf_skipFilesNotMatching - skips rendering any SWFs that don't match this string
swf_skipRender - skips attempting to render any SWF
swf_skipRenderMask - skip rendering masks
swf_skipRenderText - skips attempting to render any SWF editTexts
swf_skipTooltipIcons - skips attempting to replace tooltips in SWF editText
swf_snapScrollbar_useCalculatedHeight - use the calculated height instead of the
hardcoded height
swf_splitScreenScale - Scale certain swf guis globally by this in split screen
swf_stopat - stop at a specific frame
swf_subtitleEarlyTrans - early time out to switch the line
swf_subtitleExtraTime - time after subtitles vo is complete
swf_subtitleLengthGuess - early time out to switch the line
swf_subtitlePause - number of seconds before a pause is considered
swf_subtitleRange - distance a which subtitles no longer appear (note: for AI's
this is overridden by their idDeclAIBehavior).
swf_tag_infoFadeEnd - distance at which the tag context info is at 0
swf_tag_infoFadeStart - distance at which the tag context info starts to fade out
swf_textAllowSelection - whether or not text selection is allowed with shift
swf_textMaxInputLength - max number of characters that can go into the input line
swf_textParagraphInc - scroll speed for text
swf_textParagraphSpeed - scroll speed for text
swf_textRndLetterDelay - scroll speed for text
swf_textRndLetterSpeed - scroll speed for text
swf_textScrollSpeed - scroll speed for text
swf_timescale - timescale for swf files
swf_tutorial_dismiss_prompt_delay - Delay in milliseconds until the dismiss prompt
is shown on the tutorial
swf_tutorial_interpTime - time to interpolate from entity to hud
swf_tutorial_maxYaw - max yaw value for changing the menu
swf_tutorial_scale - scale of the tutorial hud model
swf_tutorial_upgradeYawPercent - yaw of the upgrade screen
swf_upgradeStation_MoveTime - scale on the model for the upgrade station guis
swf_upgradeStation_Scale - scale on the model for the upgrade station guis
swf_useFullBlur - 1: use full single pass blur (VERY NOT PERFORMANT) for
transparent blurred swf shapes, 0: use horizontal single pass separable blur for
transparent blurred swf shapes
swf_useRenderJobs - 0 = run on the main thread, 1 = use a job chain, 2 = use coop
swf_useSubtitles - set to override the profile setting
swf_weaponCycleWait - wait time before the weapon cycle accepts
swf_weaponSelect_clearTime - Delay before our current selection is cleared
swf_weaponSelect_displayCentered - Should the weapon select menu be drawn centered
swf_weaponSelect_maxPitch - max pitch for the weapon select
swf_weaponSelect_maxYaw - max yaw for the weapon select
swf_weaponSelect_mouseMaxRange - Range for the mouse
swf_weaponSelect_setTime - Delay before our current selection is set ( reduces
noise on stick release )
swf_weaponSelect_slowTime - Slow motion when weapon select is active
swf_weaponSelect_slowTimeDelayMS - Delay in MS before slow time gets activated if
slow time is available
swf_weaponSelect_slowTimeScale - Slow motion time scale value
syncAttack_MaxTracesPerFrame - The Amount of Translation Traces we can do per frame
syncGUI - Enables the sync Gui display.
sync_JeffsFOVHottness - Lets try out a different way of doing FOV lerp.
sync_JeffsFOVTime - How long to interpolate for.
sync_PollingTime - How long the sync attack system polls for after the initial
sync_UseFocusHistory - Use Focus History instead of Insta-Focus
sync_alwaysChooseAnim - Always Choose this animation for random.
sync_alwaysSlowMo - Always slow motion the syncInteractions.
sync_autoFOV - Force the FOV for local player performing glory kill
sync_autoFOVEndBufferTimeMS - Time in ms between end of fov blend and end of anim
sync_autoFOVLerpTimeMS - Time in ms to blend back to original FOV after glory kill
sync_autoFOVValue - FOV to force to during glory kill
sync_bindPlayer - true player bound false player Not bound
sync_cleanInteractables - remove old sync entities at interactables
sync_clipPlayerViewRadius - Radius to use for clipping player view against geo, or
-1 for no clipping
sync_debug - show sync entity debuging, 0 = off, 1 = basic selection, 2 = movement,
3 = camera, 4 = head smash, 5 = player physics, 6 = sync skel, 7 = end sync lerp
skel, 8 = draw sync data, 9 = draw preferred sync
sync_debugBlockAnimEventsAfterAbort - After aborting a sync, we block certain anim
events on the participants (like ragdoll). If this is set, provide debugging info
about that.
sync_debugWeb - show animweb debugging info
sync_debug_allowonly_state - if set, only allow this synch entity state
sync_debug_autoDisconnectInstigator_FrameNumber - If >= 0, will cause a locally-
controlled instigator in a sync melee to disconnect from the game at this frame
sync_debug_autoDisconnectVictim_FrameNumber - If >= 0, will cause a locally-
controlled victim in a sync melee to disconnect from the game at this frame number.
sync_debug_force_state - if set, force this state to trigger
sync_debug_inputWindows - if set, print status of input windows
sync_debug_show_shouldBe2DWarnings - if set, print warnings if an attempt to rotate
a sync entity fails and we think it should be in 2D
sync_debug_time - show sync entity debuging
sync_disable - Disables Sync Melee.
sync_disablePlayerInterpolationSnap - Turns off player interpolation during snapmap
sync_enableAlwaysAllowChainsawGloryKillWithCVar - if true then can always chainsaw
GK enemies that have alwaysAllowChainsawGloryKillWithCVar
sync_findIdealLocation - Allow Sync Entity to find a better location if it is
deemed within geometry
sync_forceBypassPlayerPhysics - Always bypass player physics while sync entities
are running. Otherwise use the decl value.
sync_history_maxHistory - How many entries to keep per animWeb
sync_ignoreHealth - Ignores the health ratio for sync interactions
sync_lastEnemyEncounterSlowMo - Perform slowmo on last enemy in encounter
sync_lastValidMaxTime - The Amount of time the last valid sync stays valid
sync_markTreeDirty - if true, mark anim tree dirty when master animator is removed
sync_meleedebug_force_headstomp - if true treat the ai as always being in a
headstompable state
sync_noAdaptiveTick - if true, override all syncs to disable adaptive tick changes
while any participant is active
sync_noDeltaCorrection - do not use delta correction
sync_noSlideValidation - No Slide move validation... trust that the AI is in a good
sync_onlyAllowedInteractionName - When this is set, only allow the named sync
interaction to run.
sync_postStartSync - Always post an event to start a sync melee.
sync_printInteractionAndAnimationName - When starting a sync, print interaction
name to log.
sync_removeTimeInSeconds - remove sync entity x seconds after
sync_semiRandom - Shifts the focus groups of the syncs based on what you looked at
sync_serverDemonLungeDistValidationBuffer - When validating a sync on the server
instigated by a demon, add this value to the lunge distance checks.
sync_serverPlayerLungeDistValidationBuffer - When validating a sync on the server
instigated by a player, add this value to the lunge distance checks.
sync_serverValidateFinalAttackerPosition - When validating a sync on the server,
make sure the attacker isn't in the wall at the end.
sync_stagger_pulseThreshold - stagger - When do we apply pulse speed.
sync_thinkBeforePlayer - Ensure idSyncEntity Thinks before idPlayer or any other
participants do.
sync_treatUnValidatedFinalAttackerPositionAsSuccess - When validating the final
attacker position of a sync on the server, if we can't find the position (missing
from an animation perhaps?) treat it as a success anyway.
sync_unittest_dumpDataDuringTest - When doing a sync unit test, dump info as the
test progresses (more than the basic test info).
sync_unittest_dumpDataOnSuccess - When doing a sync unit test, when a valid sync is
found, dump the full interaction data.
sync_unittest_playInteraction - When doing a sync unit test, when a valid sync is
found, play the interaction.
sync_unittest_playInteractionImmediately - Whenever you get a valid interaction
(unit test or not), attempt to play right away.
sync_useLights - 0 - use the def value, 1 - always use lighting, 2 - never use
sync_useNoPlayerDeath - Set the instigator idPlayer to noPlayerDeath during sync
sync_useVisualCue - Shows, by default, the highlights on potential victims
sys_cpustring -
sys_installToHDD - if 1, allow streaming install to HDD
sys_japanRegion - uses to store if we are using japanese or not so we don't have to
do a string compare
sys_lang -
sys_langJapanese - uses to store if we are using japanese or not so we don't have
to do a string compare when rendering text
sys_langOverride - if 1, skips steam override the system language - useful for loc
testing builds not distributed via the steam client
sys_langPlatform - the actual language code supplied by the system at load time.
Useful in a few platform-specific cases.
sys_langPolish - uses to store if we are using polish or not so we don't have to do
a string compare when rendering text
sys_localization - if 1, strings and vo can live outside a retail package
sys_showInstallProgress - if 1, show install progress
sys_sleepSoftYield - If 0, all uses of Sys_SoftYield() will use a thread yield,
otherwise a thread sleep with the given ms delay.
tag_lockon_pulseDuration - length of time the lock on flashes
targetWeaponFire_height - height above ground to spawn
targetWeaponFire_numShots - override number of shots to fire
targetWeaponFire_shootTime - override number of seconds to fire
targetWeaponFire_showWeaponModel - force show weapon model
target_bmcLockState - Locks all binary model controllers to their current state.
While active, the player will be ignored.
taunt_player_rot -
tcam_controllerNum - controller number to use
tcam_dofAdjustment - change dof by this much per frame when adjusting using the
tcam controller
tcam_hidePlayer - hide player body
tcam_showButtons - controller number to use
tcam_targetViewAngle - if tcam_useTargretView is enabled then offset the view
oriented follow cam by this many degrees
tcam_thisIsABugScaleRightXAxisForSecondController - artifically scale right joy x
value due to bug in input code
tcam_thisIsABugScaleRightYAxisForSecondController - artifically scale right joy y
value due to bug in input code
tcam_useTargretView - if targeting an entity default initial view to that entities
forward view
telemetry_enableCampaignStats - Enable tracking of sp campaign game data to Forge.
telemetry_enableFootTraffic - Enable metric recording of player/bot foot traffic.
telemetry_enableFramePerformance - Enable tracking of general frame performance
data to Forge.
telemetry_enableHydraBalancing - Enable tracking of game balancing data to Hydra.
telemetry_enableMPCloudMetrics - Enable telemetry tracking of dedicated server
metrics to Forge.
telemetry_enableNetworkPerformance - Enable tracking of networking performance data
to Forge.
telemetry_enableRendererPerformance - Enable tracking of renderer performance data
to Forge.
telemetry_enableVTPerformance - Enable tracking of virtual texture system
performance data to Forge.
telemetry_footTrafficHeartbeat - The amount of time between foot traffic metric
snapshots in milliseconds
telemetry_forgeNetwork - AMQP Forge network topic to use when sending messages to
Forge; defaults to forge_currentNetwork or AMQP vhost
telemetry_mpCloudMetricHeartbeat - delay between server metric updates
telemetry_mpCloudMetricPrefix - configurable string prefix for the server metric
telemetry_pushAtEndOfMatch - Push telemetry logs at the end of a match.
telemetry_reportMachineSpecToHydra - Push client machine spec to hydra user data.
telemetry_snapshotBufferSize - Buffer size for telemetry snapshot transport
telemetry_snapshotVerbose - Controls verbosity of snapshot telemetry transport
telemetry_transport - Message transport to use for publishing telemetry; 0 = none,
1 = AMQP, 2 = UDP, 3 = Snapshot
telemetry_udpMetricPrefixName - Metric correlation name
telemetry_udpServer - host and port to receive UDP telemetry messages
telemetry_unknownPlayerIDPrefix - Default player prefix for generated player IDs
temp_playlistEntitlementMaskDLC1 - User wants to use DLC1 matchmaking.
temp_playlistEntitlementMaskShipping - User wants to use shipping matchmaking.
testBase64Str - sample base64 string used by testBase64
test_behavior - TBD
test_dist - TBD
threatPulse_soundAlly - Hear ally threat pulses
threatPulse_soundEnemy - Hear enemy threat pulses
timescale - scales the time
tm_blendInTime - the time (in milliseconds) that animations played on a test model
will take to blend in
tm_custom_dirtScale -
tm_custom_enable - Enable Customization Overrides
tm_custom_patternSmoothness0 -
tm_custom_patternSmoothness1 -
tm_custom_primary_smoothness -
tm_custom_scratchScale -
tm_custom_secondary_smoothness -
tm_joint - name of joint to display the model-space location of
tm_jointTime - amount of time in millseconds that joint positions will remain
tm_maxLoops - number of loops to play after tm_loop is executed. -1 means loop
tm_modifyRenderModel - 0 = modify the physics origin / axis, 1 = modify the render
model origin / axis
tm_onGround - 0 = place model directly in front of view point, 1 = place model in
front of view point, but on the ground.
tm_pitchOffset - extra offset to apply around pitch axis
tm_pitchRate - rate to rotate model around pitch ( in degrees per second ).
tm_removeCurrentOnSpawn - 1 = remove last test model when a new one is spawned, 0 =
don't remove.
tm_rollOffset - extra offset to apply around roll axis
tm_rollRate - rate to rotate model around roll ( in degrees per second ).
tm_scale - scale of test model
tm_showDeltas - 1 = show translation and rotation deltas for each loop, 2 = also so
deltas each frame, 0 = don't show any delta info.
tm_showOrigin - 0 = don't show origin position and rotation
tm_showOriginFudge - 0 = don't show origin position and rotation
tm_useDeferredPosition - 1 = render the model with most recent origin
tm_useQuats - 1 = use quaternion version of ApplyOriginDeltas
tm_yawOffset - extra offset to apply around yaw axis
tm_yawRate - rate to rotate model around yaw ( in degrees per second ).
tss_binaryFile_timeoutMS - Time before a REST job will timeout.
tss_enable - Enable/Disable title storage updates.
tss_hydra_channelSlugOverride - Hydra broadcast slug used to select title storage
tss_hydra_enable - Enable loading title storage from hydra.
tss_hydra_required - Whether loading title storage from hydra is required.
turret_ShowAngles -
turret_debug -
turret_debugTargeting -
turret_debugTurning -
turret_useDeferredFiring - set to use deferred firing
tutorial_processInputAfterMS - Cannot Process input after this amount of MS
tw_fovScale - sets the scale for the test weapon's field of view
tw_offsetX - sets the x axis offset for the test weapon
tw_offsetY - sets the y axis offset for the test weapon
tw_offsetZ - sets the z axis offset for the test weapon
tw_pitch - sets the pitch for the test weapon
tw_roll - sets the roll for the test weapon
tw_yaw - sets the yaw for the test weapon
typeinfo_listAlloc - 0 = allocate each node in ParsePath, 1 = use a list to
preallocate memory
typeinfo_warnOnObsoleteVariable - If true, a warning will output if a variable in a
typeinfo file is found to be obsolete
ucmd_useSensitivityTable - if true will use the sensitivity table set up in the
ui_creditsScrollOffset - Spacing between credit roll entries
ui_creditsScrollRate - Scroll rate
upgrade_debug - if true show debug info on screen for the upgrade tree and upgrades
v_compress - Vehicle spring compress (-1 for default)
v_damping - Vehicle spring damping (-1 for default)
vai_timer - Show vehicle AI timing.
values above 1 are treated as a radius in world units
video_default_fov - Default amount of fov, as a percentage between video_min_fov
and video_max_fov
video_max_brightness - Max amount of brightness.
video_max_contrast - Max amount of brightness.
video_max_fov - Max amount of fov.
video_max_gamma - Max amount of gamma.
video_min_brightness - Minimum amount of brightness.
video_min_contrast - Minimum amount of brightness.
video_min_fov - Minimum amount of fov.
video_min_gamma - Minimum amount of gamma.
viewChartManagerCollectingData - Allow the view chart managers to collect data
view_Enable2DGrenadeIndicators - Enables the old 2D grenade threat indicators
view_EnableCorrectedReticlePositioning - If true, the reticle position will be
corrected during camera shake.
view_EnableSinglePlayerHelmetFX - Whether or not to display single player
directional damage helmet effects.
view_ReticalAllowZoomSpread - Whether or not to allow the reticle to continue
displaying the current spread state while zooming.
view_ReticalFocalDistance - Focal distance to use for the reticle when negating
camera shake
view_SWFTargetVerticalResolution - The target resolution at which SWF files for the
UI are authored for.
view_UseBrokenReticleSWFScaling - For legacy reasons, enabling this will use the
old (broken) calculations for scaling the reticle SWF
view_allowFullScreenFlash - Allow a full-screen flash when health gets low
view_amountToFade - Amount to fade the full-screen damage tint
view_blurRadius - What value to return to when ending Blur
view_blurTime_max - view blur time from damage in seconds
view_blurTime_min - view blur time from damage in seconds
view_blur_max - view blur from damage
view_blur_min - view blur from damage
view_damageBlur - show blur when taking damage
view_damageEffectRandomTextureFlip -
view_damageFeedbackMeleeOnly -
view_damageOverlayParmBaseCooldownRate - Base cooldown rate for overlay intensity
view_damageOverlayParmEffectiveMaxHeath - Value to use for MaxHealth in
view_damageOverlayParmExtraCooldownForHealth - How much current health contributes
to overlay cooldown
view_damageOverlayParmMaxIntensityClamp - The maximum value the overlay intensity
can be
view_damageOverlayParmMinDamageToAffectOverlay - Smallest amount of damage that
will increase overlay intensity
view_damageOverlayParmMinToAdd - Minimum amount to increase overlay intensity when
view_damageOverlayParmScalarForCurrentHealth - How much current health contributes
to increasing overlay intensity
view_damageOverlayParmScalarForDamage - How much to scale intensity increased from
view_damageOverlayUseAlternateVersion - An alternate version of controlling the
low-health overlay based on damage and health
view_damageRing3DEnabled - If true, the 3D version of the threat indicator ring
will be used
view_damageRingArrowBackScale - The scale at which to draw the damage indicator
when it is pointing directly behind the player
view_damageRingArrowBackScaleCosMaxAngle - The cosine of the maximum angle behind
the player at which the threat indicators will be at their 'BackScale' size
view_damageRingArrowBackScaleCosMinAngle - The cosine of the minimum angle behind
the player at which to begin interpolating the threat indicators to their
'BackScale' size
view_damageRingArrowCorrectionEnabled - Whether or not to apply rotational
correction to the threat indicator arrow
view_damageRingArrowCorrectionFrontArea - Defines the inner angle of the cone used
to determine if the threat indicator arrow is pointing directly forward or directly
view_damageRingArrowCorrectionVisibilityLimit - The cosine of the minimum angle
between two points on the arrow plane at which the threat indicator arrow will need
to be corrected for visibility
view_damageRingArrowIntensityRampExp - Exponent to use for ramping the damage
threat indicator intensity value
view_damageRingArrowModelScale - Scale to use for the 3D model version of the
damage ring arrow
view_damageRingArrowModelsEnabled - If true, model geometry will be used for the 3D
threat indicators instead of the debug triangles
view_damageRingArrowSize - Size of the arrows used for indicating damage direction
view_damageRingArrowUnitsPerScreenPercentX - The number of world-units to move the
damage arrow per percentage of the screen that its maximum extent extends off of
the edge of the screen.
view_damageRingArrowUnitsPerScreenPercentY - The number of world-units to move the
damage arrow per percentage of the screen that its maximum extent extends off of
the edge of the screen.
view_damageRingArrowXCorrectionPercentage - Defines the desired percentage of the
threat indicator arrow to keep visible at any given time by rotating on the arrow's
forward axis
view_damageRingArrowYCorrectionPercentage - Defines the desired percentage of the
threat indicator arrow to keep visible at any given time by rotating on the arrow's
left axis
view_damageRingDemonArrowCorrectionFrontArea - Defines the inner angle of the cone
used to determine if the demon indicator arrow is pointing directly forward or
directly backwards
view_damageRingDemonArrowCorrectionVisibilityLimit - The cosine of the minimum
angle between two points on the arrow plane at which the demon indicator arrow will
need to be corrected for visibility
view_damageRingDemonArrowSize - Size of the arrows used for indicating demon
view_damageRingDemonArrowXCorrectionPercentage - Defines the desired percentage of
the demon indicator arrow to keep visible at any given time by rotating on the
arrow's forward axis
view_damageRingDemonArrowYCorrectionPercentage - Defines the desired percentage of
the demon indicator arrow to keep visible at any given time by rotating on the
arrow's left axis
view_damageRingDemonDown - Downward offset for the origin of the demon arrow ring
view_damageRingDemonForward - Forward offset for the origin of the demon arrow ring
view_damageRingDemonIndicatorAnimLoopSeconds - The amount of time (in seconds) for
a single loop of the demon proximity arrow bounce animation.
view_damageRingDemonIndicatorEnabled - Whether or not to display the demon threat
indicator for the 3D threat indicator ring
view_damageRingDemonInnerRadius - The radius of the demon arrow ring
view_damageRingDemonOuterRadius - The radius of the demon arrow ring
view_damageRingDemonThreatDistance - The minimum distance from the player the demon
must be before an indicator is shown for them
view_damageRingDemonTrackingCutoff - The amount of time (in seconds) after which a
demon that has not been seen in a while will be forgotten.
view_damageRingDistanceModifier - Modifier to determine at what distance threat
indicator arrows will no longer be shown
view_damageRingDown - Downward offset for the origin of the damage ring
view_damageRingForward - Forward offset for the origin of the damage ring
view_damageRingGrenadeArrowCorrectionFrontArea - Defines the inner angle of the
cone used to determine if the grenade threat indicator arrow is pointing directly
forward or directly backwards
view_damageRingGrenadeArrowOffScreenModelScale - The size of the arrows used for
the off-screen grenade threat indicators
view_damageRingGrenadeArrowOnScreenModelScale - The size of the arrows used for the
on-screen grenade threat indicators
view_damageRingGrenadeArrowSize - The size of the arrows used for the grenade
threat indicators
view_damageRingGrenadeArrowXCorrectionPercentage - Defines the desired percentage
of the grenade threat indicator arrow to keep visible at any given time by rotating
on the arrow's forward axis
view_damageRingGrenadeArrowYCorrectionPercentage - Defines the desired percentage
of the grenade threat indicator arrow to keep visible at any given time by rotating
on the arrow's left axis
view_damageRingGrenadeBackScale - The scale at which to draw the grenade indicator
when it is pointing directly behind the player
view_damageRingGrenadeCorrectionVisibilityLimit - The cosine of the minimum angle
between two points on the arrow plane at which the grenade threat indicator arrow
will need to be corrected for visibility
view_damageRingGrenadeDown - Downward offset for the origin of the damage ring for
grenade threat indicators
view_damageRingGrenadeForward - Forward offset for the origin of the damage ring
for grenade threat indicators
view_damageRingGrenadeIndicatorsEnabled - Whether or not to display the grenade
threat indicators for the 3D threat indicator ring
view_damageRingGrenadeInnerRadius - The radius of the damage ring for grenade
threat indicators
view_damageRingGrenadeIntensityRampExp - Exponent to use for ramping the grenade
threat indicator intensity value
view_damageRingGrenadeOuterRadius - The radius of the damage ring for grenade
threat indicators
view_damageRingGrenadeTrackingCutoff - The amount of time (in seconds) after which
a grenade that has not been seen in a while will be forgotten.
view_damageRingGrenadeTrackingMax - The amount of time (in seconds) after which a
grenade will be considered 'fully' tracked.
view_damageRingInnerFalloffModifier - Determines at what angle damage arrows begin
to fade out
view_damageRingInnerRadius - The radius of the damage ring
view_damageRingOuterFalloffModifier - Determines at what angle damage arrows should
be completely faded out
view_damageRingOuterRadius - The radius of the damage ring
view_damageRingOvalFactor - The Width/Height ratio of the damage ring
view_damageRingSlicerArrowCorrectionFrontArea - Defines the inner angle of the cone
used to determine if the grenade threat indicator arrow is pointing directly
forward or directly backwards
view_damageRingSlicerArrowOffScreenModelScale - The size of the arrows used for the
off-screen grenade threat indicators
view_damageRingSlicerArrowOnScreenModelScale - The size of the arrows used for the
on-screen grenade threat indicators
view_damageRingSlicerArrowSize - The size of the arrows used for the grenade threat
view_damageRingSlicerArrowXCorrectionPercentage - Defines the desired percentage of
the grenade threat indicator arrow to keep visible at any given time by rotating on
the arrow's forward axis
view_damageRingSlicerArrowYCorrectionPercentage - Defines the desired percentage of
the grenade threat indicator arrow to keep visible at any given time by rotating on
the arrow's left axis
view_damageRingSlicerCorrectionVisibilityLimit - The cosine of the minimum angle
between two points on the arrow plane at which the grenade threat indicator arrow
will need to be corrected for visibility
view_damageRingSlicerDown - Downward offset for the origin of the damage ring for
grenade threat indicators
view_damageRingSlicerForward - Forward offset for the origin of the damage ring for
grenade threat indicators
view_damageRingSlicerIndicatorsEnabled - Whether or not to display the grenade
threat indicators for the 3D threat indicator ring
view_damageRingSlicerInnerRadius - The radius of the damage ring for grenade threat
view_damageRingSlicerIntensityRampExp - Exponent to use for ramping the grenade
threat indicator intensity value
view_damageRingSlicerOuterRadius - The radius of the damage ring for grenade threat
view_damageRingSlicerTrackingCutoff - The amount of time (in seconds) after which a
grenade that has not been seen in a while will be forgotten.
view_damageRingSlicerTrackingMax - The amount of time (in seconds) after which a
grenade will be considered 'fully' tracked.
view_damageRingThreatDeathDelay - The amount of time threat indicators are allowed
to linger (in game ticks) after the player has died.
view_damageRingThreatIconScale - The scale of the icons used in conjunction with
the threat indicator arrows
view_damageRingThreatIconXOffset - The distance to offset the threat indicator icon
from the indicator arrow on the X axis
view_damageRingThreatIconYOffset - The maximum distance to offset the threat
indicator icon from the indicator arrow on the Y axis
view_damage_maxScale - highest visual effect.
view_damage_minScale - lowest visual effect
view_damage_rescalePostClamp - Rescales the damage scale after clamping between min
and max
view_debugDMG - Prints out damage debug information
view_dofBlendIn - Blend in depth of field by changing bokeh disc radius instead of
moving focus plane
view_dofReturnFar - What value to return to when ending DoF
view_dofReturnFocus - What value to return to when ending DoF
view_dofReturnNear - What value to return to when ending DoF
view_doubleVision - show double vision when taking damage
view_doubleVisionPeriod - how many ms for a full period
view_doubleVisionPeriodEffect - how big an effect the period has on the double
view_doubleVisionTime_max - view double vision amount from damage
view_doubleVisionTime_min - view double vision amount from damage
view_doubleVision_max - view double vision amount from damage
view_doubleVision_min - view double vision amount from damage
view_drawDMG - Draws damage feedback textures
view_gloryKillHealth - At what health should we worry about glory kills?
view_healthPostProcessEnable - Uses a post process effect for low health state
tweaked via idDeclPlayerProps::damageFeedback_t::healthToStartFullScreenFlash
view_healthPostProcessRampDelta - How fast should we ramp to/from the low
health/glory kill state
view_hudSkewLeftModifier - Modifier to use for 'skewing' the left side of the HUD
view_hudSkewModifiersEnabled - Whether or not to allow modification to the 'skew'
of the HUD elements
view_hudSkewRightModifier - Modifier to use for 'skewing' the right side of the HUD
view_kickAmplitudeRotation_max - view kick rotation amplitude from explosive damage
view_kickAmplitudeRotation_min - view kick rotation amplitude from explosive damage
view_kickAmplitude_max - view kick amplitude from damage
view_kickAmplitude_min - view kick amplitude from damage
view_kickLerpOutElapsed - Ratio between lerping out and lerping back in for the
view_kickOffset - Enables view kick offset
view_kickOffsetAmplitude_max - Offset distance from damage in game units. This
distance will be used if you take an amount of damage equal to your maximum health.
view_kickOffsetAmplitude_min - Offset distance from damage in game units. This
distance will be used if you take 1 damage.
view_kickOffsetTime_max - Offset time from damage in seconds. Offset will last this
long if you take an amount of damage equal to your maximum health.
view_kickOffsetTime_min - Offset time from damage in seconds. Offset will last this
long even if you take 1 damage.
view_kickTime_max - view kick time from damage in seconds
view_kickTime_min - view kick time from damage in seconds
view_kickUpFromFront - If true, damage from your front will kick your view up.
Otherwise, it will go down. (note: from the back it's the opposite)
view_maxDamageForFullDamageFeedback -
view_maxTimeBetweenFullScreenFlashMS -
view_minTimeBetweenFullScreenFlashMS -
view_mpViewKick - MP view kick method
view_outerDamageAlternateDirectHitAngle - Damage vectors on unit circle within this
angle will be shaded
view_outerDamageAlternateDirectHitAngleBleedOver - Maximum bleedover from direct
hit angle
view_outerDamageAlternateOverlay - If true, will use an alternate overlay specified
in postprocess.mrpr
view_outerDamageMinimumBleedOverIntensity - Past what intensity should the bleed
over angle be used.
view_screenCrackFadeTime - The time (in seconds) it takes for screen cracks to fade
view_screenCrackHeavyThreshold - The amount of health under which to consider the
player critically damaged.
view_screenCrackLightThreshold - The amount of health under which to consider the
player lightly damaged.
view_screenCrackMediumThreshold - The amount of health under which to consider the
player somewhat damaged.
view_screenCracksEnabled - Whether or not to enable screen cracks when players are
view_screenCracksFXEnabled - Whether or not to start / stop FX events for various
screen crack damage levels.
view_screenDamageBloodSplatterTime - The amount of time to leave blood splatters on
screen before they fade out.
view_screenDamageEnableLowHealthWarning - Whether or not to display the low-health
flashes when the player's health is low
view_screenDamageEnabled - Whether or not to enable screen damage effects (blood
splatter, helmet cracks).
view_screenDamageFrontRadius - The half-angle (in radians) in front of the player
at which damage will be considered to be coming from both the left and right for
screen damage effect purposes.
view_screenDamageHeavyDamageThreshold - The amount of damage to consider heavy, for
displaying blood splatter when damaged.
view_screenDamageMediumDamageThreshold - The amount of damage to consider medium,
for displaying blood splatter when damaged.
view_screenDamageOverheatBarEnabled - Whether or not to show the 'warning' bar over
the 'low health' warning when taking radiation damage.
view_screenDamageUseFXBlood - If enabled, the VFX system will be used for blood
splatter instead of flash.
view_showPlayerDamageViewEffect -
view_skipBlur - Don't use the view Blur lerpers
view_skipDamageEffect - skip the screen damage effects
view_skipDof - Don't use the view DOF lerpers
view_skipKicks - If true, skip view kicks
view_skipShakes - If true, skip view shakes
view_skipShakesForArcade - If true, skip view shakes (arcade mode only)
view_timeBetweenFadeMS - Amount of time in MS until the next fade increment
view_timeUntilFade - Amount of time without damage until the damage indicators fade
vo_extraVisemeDuration - extra duration to add to visemes
vo_genSimpleVisemes - 1 = use simple, one peak visemes, 0 = use visemes that store
a weight per-frame
vo_lipsyncToolPath - location of the lip sync command line tool
vo_mergeVisemes - 1 = merge overlapping visemes of the same type
vo_showFrames - 1 = show frame numbers for GetEvents()
vt_autoReloadBinaryVirtualMaterials - Automatically reload bvmaterials when changed
vt_autoReloadBinaryVirtualMaterialsDelay - Automatically reload bvmaterials when
vt_autoReloadSuspendReloadOnMaterialChange - Stop reloading of vmtr when material
checksum is changed
vt_binaryVirtualMaterialsAsync - Set to load binary virtual materials in the
vt_containers - Set to enable loading from containers
vt_dumpHDPData - set to enable writing of all compressed data to the hard drive for
vt_eliminateSeamsInVmtr - Worse packing to eliminate black borders in vmtrs.
vt_enablePRT - Set to enable PRT mode
vt_errorOnNoPageFile - Fatal error if page file is missing or can't be created
vt_feedbackHighWater - More than this percentage of pages needed this frame and we
consider ourselves oversubscribed.
vt_feedbackLODIncrement - Base increment value for adjusting dynamic LOD bias.
vt_feedbackLodBias - Additional floating point bias for feedback LOD
vt_feedbackLowWater - Less than this percentage of pages needed this frame and we
consider ourselves undersubscribed.
vt_filePath - Path for the virtual texture
vt_filePathVmtrOverride - Optionally get vmtr files from a different source than
vt_filter - filter physical images, 0 = off, 1 = bilinear, 2 = trilinear
vt_genMissingPages - Gen a page in memory for pages that don't exist on disk.
vt_loadMegaTexture2 - Allow loading of the new megatexture file format.
vt_lockExplicitPages - Set to true to lock pages
vt_lodBias - Additional floating point bias for virtual texture page tables
vt_logPageWrites - write out log file entries when virtual texture pages are
created and written
vt_maxAniso - Floating point max ansio for physical textures.
vt_maxLockedPagesPercent - Amount of physical page pool to lock in percent; -1 =
use default, [0..50] = use that percentage
vt_maxLod - Set the coarsest mip that can be accessed.
vt_maxPPF - maximum number of transcoded pages per frame
vt_maxPageFileLod - Set the coarsest mip that can be accessed by the pagefile.
vt_maxPhysicalPRTPages - Maximum number of resident PRT pages.
vt_minLockedVmtrLOD - Lock from coarsest LOD down to this LOD level in the vmtr
physical page pool; [0..10] = lock from coarsest(11) down to this mip LOD
vt_minLod - Set the finest mip that can be accessed.
vt_minMipLevelInstalled - minimum mip level installed on the hard disk (2 = all
mips except finest two installed, 16 = no mips installed)
vt_noSeekCacheLines - number of cache lines we can skip without seeking
vt_nopreload -
vt_numAnalyzeJobs - Number of analyze jobs to run if vt_useAnalyzeJobs = 2
vt_numMega2Chunks - Log2 of number of chunks.
vt_packPageFiles - Use the virtual texture file name without any suffixes
vt_pageBorderAdjust - Debug adjustment of a page's mapping about it's center
vt_pageFadeInSteps -
vt_pageImageSizeUnique - Dimensions of the physical page images. vt_restart after
changing this.
vt_pageImageSizeVmtr - Dimensions of the physical page images. vt_restart after
changing this.
vt_pageImageSizeVmtrUnique - Dimensions of the physical page images.
vt_printInfo - Print virtual texture information during initialization, likely only
interesting to rendering and engine coders
vt_productionFilePath - path appended for virtual textures in production builds
vt_qualityBC6HLightmap - 0 = highest, 1 = high, 2 = medium, 3 = low, 4 = lowest
vt_qualityBC7ColorMask - 0 = highest, 1 = high, 2 = medium, 3 = low, 4 = lowest
vt_qualityBC7ColorMaskTranscode - BC7 quality when transcoding. 0 = highest, 1 =
high, 2 = medium, 3 = low, 4 = lowest
vt_qualityHDPDiffuse - amount of quantization to apply in the range [0-255] where
lower is better quality
vt_qualityHDPLightmap - amount of quantization to apply in the range [0-255] where
lower is better quality
vt_qualityHDPLossless - force lossless HD-Photo compression
vt_qualityHDPNormal - amount of quantization to apply in the range [0-255] where
lower is better quality
vt_qualityHDPPower - amount of quantization to apply in the range [0-255] where
lower is better quality
vt_qualityHDPSpecular - amount of quantization to apply in the range [0-255] where
lower is better quality
vt_qualityLightmapRoundDenominator - Lightmap round factor 1.0/val. <= 0 to turn it
vt_recordStats - record virtual texture system statistics to the given file name
vt_regionHashBucketSize - Number of region hash buckets on a side
vt_scaleNormalsBySpecularCutoff - cutoff for the specular below which the normals
start getting blended to blue
vt_shapePPF - Shape maximum number of transcoded pages per frame
vt_showBinaryVirtualMaterialsTimings - Set to show the timinigs of the virtual
material system
vt_showExplicitPages - Report the number of explicit pages each frame.
vt_showFeedbackAnalysis - Report all the unique pages visible
vt_showFeedbackBuffer - visualize the feedback buffer
vt_showFeedbackStreaming - Display the feedback pages as they are streamed in
vt_showLockedPages - Colorize locked pages
vt_showMissingBvimages - Set to show missing bvimages
vt_showPageBorders - Shows the page borders
vt_showPageColors - use a random color for each page
vt_showPageInfo - Shows page info: source #, layout #, compression, mono/color
vt_showPageLoads - Print each page that is loaded
vt_showPageMips - Colorize pages by virtual mip level, if > 1, only color pages
beyond that level-1
vt_showPageNumbers - Draw page numbers
vt_showPageSizes - Draw page sizes (1 = show size in bytes, 2 = color green to red
from small to large)
vt_showPageSources - Shades vmtr and unique pages differently
vt_showPageUsage - color each page from red to green based on the percentage of the
page texels that are actually visible
vt_showStats - show virtual texture system statistics
vt_showVmtrAccesses - shows all vmtr accesses in feedback buffer
vt_singleStep - single step through the transcode process
vt_skipBVImages - set to skip upload of bvimages
vt_skipExplicitPageFeedback - don't append explicit pages from gui surfaces.
vt_skipLZDecompress - Skips the LZW decode
vt_skipPhysicalTextureUploads -
vt_skipStreaming - Skip streaming but still transcode and update the page tables
vt_skipTranscode - Skip transcoding (but don't skip reading)
vt_skipUpdatePageImages - Skip updating page table and physical images on the PC
(but still read/transcode)
vt_skipVirtualMaterials - 1 = Don't load virtual materials - ONLY FOR TESTING!
vt_stopOnWriteErrors - error out when encountering write errors
vt_stripPageBorders - Strip the page border by upscaling the center
vt_supressCpuVmtrs - Set to use supress cpuvmtr building and loading entirely
vt_uncompressedPhysicalImages - Use uncompressed physical page images. vt_restart
after changing this.
vt_uncompressedVmtr - Use uncompressed vmtr page file. Only read at startup.
vt_useAnalyzeJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded, 2 = threaded, multiple sequential jobs
vt_useBinaryVirtualMaterials - Set to use binary virtual materials in the feedback
vt_useDLCVmtrPageFiles - Loads the dlc vmtr list for storing pages in the dlc
vt_useIntroVmtrPageFiles - Loads the intro vmtr list for storing pages in the first
vt_useLZ4Compression - Use LZ4 instead of LZW
vt_useLightmapScale - scale the lightmap to avoid DXT quantization errors
vt_useMinLodTexture - Use a min-LOD texture to gradually adjust the LOD when new
texture pages become resident
vt_useNetworkPagesWithPreload - Use the network page files and vmtr even when using
linear preload files
vt_useNonBufferedIO - use non-buffered IO
vt_usePageFileCache - Use the pageFileCache for all reads
vt_usePageMinLodJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
vt_usePageSortJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
vt_usePageTablePBOs - use the PBOs for page table updates on the PC
vt_usePersistentPBO - Use persistent PBOs for virtual texturing uploads
vt_useSpecularScale - scale the specular to avoid DXT quantization errors
vt_useTranscodeJobs - 0 = off, 1 = threaded
vt_useUnsynchronizedPageTablePBOs - use unsynchronized PBOs for page table updates
on the PC
vt_useVmtrPageFiles - Enable or disable reading and writing to the vmtr page files.
vt_virtualSizeLog2 - Log2 of the virtualTexture dimensions for general texture
allocation. Must be set on the command line.
vt_writeDebugImage - 1 = write out vmtr debug image
weaponEnt_printTimeStampCheck - prints the fire timestamp versus interpolated
server time
weaponEnt_useTimeStampCheck - use the fire timestamp check when firing other client
weapon_BFG_DoubleTapMS - If nonzero then a double tap of the supermeter button
within this many MS will toggle the BFG, and a press without the double tap will
toggle the chainsaw
weapon_BFG_HoldMS - If nonzero then holding the supermeter button for this many MS
will toggle the BFG, and holding it for less than this length of time will toggle
the chainsaw
weapon_OpenWeaponWheelDelay - Button Press Delay time in MS for switch last weapon
weapon_QuickFlipDeadzone - Dead zone Weapon quick flip switching
weapon_QuickFlipEnable - 0 = Disable QuickFlip 1 = Enable QuickFlip
weapon_SelectLastWeaponDelay - Button Press Delay time in MS for switch last weapon
weapon_UseNewWeaponKick - Toggle New Weapon Kick ons
weapon_Wheel_Activation_delay - How long should we wait to bring up the weapon
wheel if the player switches to a power weapon and continues to hold the button
weapon_additiveAnimBlendMS - blend duration for additive channel animator
weapon_additivePausedAnimBlendMS - blend duration for additive paused channel
weapon_allowWeaponSwitchWheel - Allow the weapon switch wheel. On in SP, Off in MP.
weapon_changeCurrentToReserve - If true, when a new weapon is selected current
weapon moves to reserve, if false, reserve is left alone.
weapon_debugCharge - debug the weapon charge behavior
weapon_debugDrawHud - whether to draw the debug hud for weapon
weapon_debugDrawMeshIndex - if >= 0, then only draw the mesh with this index
weapon_debugDrawTargets - Draw all the debug targets
weapon_debugShowHideMeshes - Prints info about shown and hidden weapon meshes
weapon_debugTargeting - debug the weapon targeting (requires com_debugHUD 1)
weapon_fireConsumesRemainingAmmo - Shots that require more than 1 ammo still fire
and consume remaining ammo if not enough exists
weapon_ignoreChargeTimeout - ignore any charge timeout or cooldown
weapon_overrideSensitivityWhileFiring - < 0.0 use sensitivityWhileFiring value from
weapon decl, >= 0.0 ignore decl and use this value to scale sensitivity
weapon_reloadTogglesFireMode - if true then reload toggles the fire mode
weapon_skipMuzzleFlash - Skip muzzle flashes
weapon_traceDeferredFire - trace the deferred fire commands
weapon_useForcedReload - 0 - no forced reload. 1 - forced reload based on hands
update. 2 - weapon::NeedsReload() returns true
weapon_useTargetingVer - targeting version to use. 1 - 3
weapon_wheel_deadZone - Weapon Wheel Dead Zone for Mouse.
weapon_wheel_dof_enable - Enable DoF change when weapon wheel is brought up
weapon_wheel_dof_fadein - Weapon Wheel DOF Fade In time in MS
weapon_wheel_dof_fadeout - Weapon Wheel DOF Fade Out time in MS
weapon_wheel_dof_far - Weapon Wheel DOF far field distance - temporary cvar for
weapon_wheel_dof_focus - Weapon Wheel DOF focal distance - temporary cvar for debug
weapon_wheel_dof_near - Weapon Wheel DOF near field distance - temporary cvar for
weapon_xAxisOffset -
weapon_zAxisOffset -
weaponmodbot_codexdelayMS - How long to wait before giving the codex
win_allowMultipleInstances - set on command line to allow multiple instances at the
same time
win_consoleVisibility - 0 = hidden, 1 = normal, 2 = minimized
win_crashDmp_enable - enable crash dumps in the windows exception handler
win_crashDmp_path - Override path to save windows crash minidmps. If empty, save to
save path. Must include ending \
win_defaultGamerTagToUsername - default the gamerTag to the windows username rather
than machine name
win_emulateCircleAsAccept - If 1, emulates PC as if circle were accept (JP PS4
win_floatExceptions - enable floating point exceptions
win_hideMouseWithSetCursor - Hides the mouse cursor with SetCursor, rather than
win_joystickRumbleFrameDelay - How many frames to wait until we set rumble. XBone
controllers can freak out if we call SetState too quickly after connecting.
win_notaskkeys - disable windows task keys
win_outputDebugString - enable output to debugger
win_silentCrash - crash without showing the Windows crash dialog. 0: show 1: silent
with no crash written 2: silent with crash written
win_spinOnCrash - spins on a crash
win_terminateOnCrash - immediate terminate process on crash
win_viewlog -
worlddestructible_baseForce - Base value for impulse scalar
worlddestructible_debug - Debug for idWorldDestructibleEntity
worlddestructible_forceRange - Added value to baseForce to get max force
zgm_controlScheme - different control schemes
zgm_forwardAccelSpeed - speed at which device accelerates forwards / backwards
zgm_forwardDecelRate - speed at which device decelerates forwards / backwards
zgm_pitchAccelSpeed - speed at which device pitch accelerates
zgm_pitchDecelRate - speed at which device pitch decelerates
zgm_rollAccelSpeed - speed at which device roll accelerates
zgm_rollDecelRate - speed at which device roll decelerates
zgm_rotationAccelSpeed - speed at which device rotation accelerates
zgm_rotationDecelRate - speed at which device rotation decelerates
zgm_weaponDamageScale - weapon damage scale
zgm_weaponFireAtCrosshair - fire at crosshair, rather than straight out of mover
zgm_weaponForwardOffset - weapon forward offset
zgm_weaponRightOffset - weapon right offset
zgm_weaponUpOffset - weapon right offset

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