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c is a reemarkbble set of language degine orriginally by the set of denish ritches

woorking at AT&T bell laboratories in a has increased in use untill now
it may be one of most wrritencomputer language in the world. c is a structure
language .it is a structure of programe in small modeules it is easy debbuing
testing if a language is a steructure language it allows varity of programe inn
small modulus testing and main tance of a languge is a structure one
1. stracture of ac programe
=> include header file section
globle declaration section
declartion part
exection Part
user define functions
usre defined function

include header file section

=>c programe defined upon header file for function define that are that are used in
a programe that define header file by defalut is extended with.h the header file
should be include using # include direction as given here
globle declariation this section declare some varible that are used in more than
one function these variable are known as globle varible this section must be
declaretion o utside of all the function
function main
=> every programs written in c language must contain main() function a starting pnt
of the execution alway begin within the function main()
declartion part
=>the declaration part declare the entire varible thaat are used in executable part
the intillisation of varible are also done in this section
intialisation means providing intial value to the variable
exectable part
=>this part contaions the statements following the deecration of the varible.this
part contain a set of statement these statement are enclosed between the braces
user define function
=> the function define by the user are called user defined function these function
are generally defined after the main() function
steps for executing the programe
1.creation of the programe
=>program shoulg be written in c editior the file name does notnecesserly include
extention c the default extension is c
2.compilation of a programe statement should be translated into object programe
which is suitable for execution by the computer the translated into object programe
which is suitable for execution by the computer the translated is done after
corection each statement if there is no error compilation proceeds and translated
progrme are store in same file name with extension "obj".

3.exection of the programe

=>after the compilation the execution object code will be loaded in the compilation
main memeory in the computer main memmory and the computer main memmory and the
program is executed
character set
letters digits whitespace

capital all decimal blankspace

AtoZ digit0 to 9 horizantalspace
, verticlal
tab,newline,form feed
specials characters
, comma
. dot
; semicolon
"quotation mark
!execlamtion mark
|vertical bar
- underscore
?qustion mark
<less than
>greater than
()pranthesis left/right
[]bracket left/right
{}braces left /right
#number sign or hash
@at the rate

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