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 Joseph ran for President of his high school’s senior class.

  When Joseph’s
opponent, Sandra, won the election, he felt that the voting was rigged and that
the people
distributing ballots must have told students to vote for Sandra or they may have
bribed the voters with candy. 

Which one of the following fallacies most align with this statement?

Extravagant Hypothesis

 Mike left work 15 minutes early because everyone else seemed to leave at
least 15 minutes early on Fridays so he figured it must be okay to do. 

Which one of the following fallacies most align with this statement?

Bandwagon Appeal

 Formulating a complex or unlikely explanation for an event when a simpler

explanation would do. 

Which one of the following fallacies most align with this statement?

Extravagant Hypothesis

 The top four leaders of a University were chosen to work on a project

together.  Since they are the best leaders they should be the perfect team to
complete the project. 

Which one of the following fallacies most align with this statement?

The Fallacy of Composition

 This error occurs when we don’t acknowledge that there may be grey areas
that exist, both alternatives could be true, and other possibilities may exist.

Which one of the following fallacies most align with this statement?

Either/or Fallacy

 “You should not eat at fast food restaurants because if you do then soon that
is all you will be eating.”

Which one of the following fallacies most align with this statement?

Slippery Slope

Extravagant Hypothesis

False Analogy

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

 “Stanley Clarke is the best bassist ever because he is better at playing the
bass than anyone who has ever lived.”

Which one of the following fallacies most align with this statement?

Extravagant Hypothesis

Circular Reasoning

Fallacy of Division

False Analogy

 Putting two or more good things together does not necessarily mean they will
be good together.

Which one of the following fallacies most align with this statement?

Extravagant Hypothesis

Fallacy of Composition

Fallacy of Division

False Analogy

 “With the U.S. unemployment rate at 9.1%, every state, county, and city has
unemployment problems (Johnson, 2011).”

Which one of the following fallacies most align with this statement?

Slippery Slope

Extravagant Hypothesis

False Analogy

Hasty Generalization

 Saying something must be true (or false) because there is little-to-no evidence
to prove that it is not true (or not false).  

Which one of the following fallacies most align with this statement?

Appeal to Ignorance

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