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ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643

Volume 8, Issue 1, December 2019


Wardah Zahra
English Education Department, Faculty of Teaching Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia

Rita Inderawati
English Education Department, Faculty of Teaching Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia

Ismail Petrus
English Education Department, Faculty of Teaching Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia

APA Citation: Zahra, W., Inderawati, R., & Petrus, I. (2019). The use of ICT in authentic assessment of the
students’ productive skills. English Review: Journal of English Education, 8(1), 81-90. doi:

Received: 24-09-2019 Accepted: 19-11-2019 Published: 01-12-2019

Abstract: Making use of ICT and applying authentic assessment in the teaching and learning activities
represent an obligatory from Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. This study aimed at finding out
types of ICT used in the authentic assessment of the productive skills, describing the implementation of ICT
in the authentic assessment of the productive skills, explaining the possible problems faced by the English
teachers in the implementation, and explaining the solution used by the teachers to solve the problems. This
study was a descriptive study with qualitative approach. The data were collected through interview,
observation, and documentation to three English teachers, a curriculum coordinator, a facility and
infrastructure administrator, and three students, were validated through methodological triangulations and
were analyzed using Miles and Huberman’s analysis model (1994), namely data reduction, data display and
conclusion, and verification. The results discovered that there were three types of ICT in the authentic
assessment of the productive skills, the teachers had different methods in implementing the three types of
ICT tools based on the types of authentic assessment concerning aspects of productive skills, they
encountered three main problems in the implementation, and they were educated and motivated to have their
solutions to overcome the difficulties.
Keywords: ICT; authentic assessment; ICT-based authentic assessment; speaking skill; writing skill.

INTRODUCTION real-world tasks as a purposeful implication of

An unprecedented revolution in information and knowledge and skills.
communication technologies (ICT) has been Categorically, Luo and Lei (2012) confirm
changing the standard and nature of the English that there are four different common types of ICT
language by imposing new practices that have in educational purposes, those are, (1)
been influencing how the students are evaluated educational networking: an educationally focused
in the current years. For the students growing up network which is accessed by online (Ning), (2)
in a culture of technology integration, ICT web-based learning: an internet-based
provides relevant new learning and assessment instructional delivery tool or online application or
chances that are in related to their real-world services allowing those who access the platform
activities. Similarly, Jonassen, Howland, and to have interactively collaboration in searching,
Marra (2009) point out that the use of technology accepting, organizing, and delivering educational
to support assessment is not only done by content (wiki, social bookmarking, blog, and
converting traditional forms of assessment into a podcast), (3) mobile learning: means of
digital format, but it can also be used to assess technologies conducted by portable devices
higher-order learning outcomes based on the real- aiding in educational activities (smartphones and
based situation as students have chances to laptop), and (4) classroom equipment: any
demonstrate what they learn. Mueller (2014) facilitation in the form of devices to support the
agrees that authentic assessment as a form of interaction between the teachers and the students
assessment which requires the students to achieve in classroom (projectors and speakers). Thus, the

Wardah Zahra, Rita Inderawati, & Ismail Petrus
The use of ICT in authentic assessment of the students’ productive skills

applicable achievement of the language learning that English teachers faced difficulties in
activities would help the students to bestow their constructing appropriate assessment instruments
knowledge into the real-life situation. to evaluate oral and written language skills. He
Productive skills—speaking and writing skills found that teachers were not confident in
have relation to authentic assessment since they describing the theory of authentic assessment as
may occur the opportunities to develop real-life they merely do not understand the authentic
activities relevantly. According to Harmer assessment. Trisanti (2014) also discovered that
(2015), productive skills are the skills in a some teachers did not have enough basic theory
language produced by the students. In other of authentic assessment. The application of
words, the students need to articulate and write scoring rubrics was unclear for them. Thus, the
words to generate language. Aspects of speaking low level of English proficiency probably comes
include fluency—the involvement of the speakers from lack ability of the teachers in administering
to be able to keep maintaining the utterance and evaluating the materials that would be
spontaneously and accuracy—vocabulary, responsible to low scores of the students’
grammar, and pronunciation. In writing, the productive skills.
aspects are handwriting, correct spelling, In line with the rationales, the writer decided
punctuation, and layout. (Harmer 2015; Nunan to have SMA LIGM as the further observed
2003). Specifically, authentic assessment school in discovering types of ICT in authentic
involving ICT in the speaking practices can be in assessment of productive skills in the academic
the form of oral practice or presentation using year 2019/2020, describing the implementation
computers, movie-based description, digital story the assessment to measure the students’ English
or text retelling, radio broadcasts, voice or video productive skills, elaborating the difficulties in
conferences, web-based video clips and digital implementing it and the solution used by the
oral directed report. In another productive skill, teachers to overcome those difficulties. Based on
writing skill practices, the assessment is the vision and mission of the school, the
classified into computer-based writing practices, implementation of authentic assessment together
a website learning and online publication, and with ICT is highlighted. Likewise, the curriculum
written presentation. (Thanyalak, 2012; Zhang & development of the school standardizes that
Han, 2012). teaching and learning activities must be based on
Indonesia, one of the non-English-speaking scientific approach and evaluated by conducting
countries, emphasizes on productive skills authentic assessment involving learning,
measured by authentic assessment together with motivation, and attitudes. Additionally, the
the use of ICT in its latest curriculum. According school intends to consider ICT in every aspect of
to the regulation of the Ministry of Education and teaching and learning activities aiming to create
Culture Numbers 27 and 22 Years 2017 and 2016 conducive learning situation. The utilization of
about graduate competency and process ICT is expected to result in the students to be
standards, teachers of English should specifically globally qualified in the workplaces.
focus on productive skills of English and
emphasize on the implementation of ICT to METHOD
improve efficiency and effectiveness in teaching This study was a descriptive qualitative study
and learning activities. In reality, there are still concerning the use of ICT in the processes of
several constraints in educational practice. The authentic assessment. Fraenkel and Wallen
most common problems in relation to the use of (2012) state that a descriptive method is a method
ICT in assessing the students of non-English- used to explain, analyze and classify something
speaking countries are the teachers are lack of through various techniques, survey, interview,
sufficient skills and knowledge about ICT, questionnaires, observation, and text. The
limited to ICT facilities, accessibilities, network qualitative approach resulted organized and
connection, time, and training. (UNESCO, 2011). authentic descriptions of the investigation of
In terms of ICT development, Indonesia is relationships, activities, situations and materials
ranked 111 out of 176 countries worldwide in descriptive phenomena such as words,
(International Telecommunication Union, 2017). sentences, and utterances.
Badan Akreditasi Nasional (2018) shows that the This study involved three English teachers at
standard of educators and education personnel SMA LIGM, a curriculum coordinator, a facility
are grouped in the three lowest standards. and infrastructure administrator, one student of
Identically, Zaim (2013) in his study found out science grade XI taught by teacher 1 (student A),

ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 8, Issue 1, December 2019

one student of social grade XI taught by teacher 2 assessing speaking skill assessment. She recorded
(student B), and one student of grade X taught by the students’ performance through her
teacher 3 (student C). The students that were smartphone and she shared the files to the
chosen were the representatives who got actively students. Later, the students had peer assessment
involved in the classroom activities of the about the recordings. Moreover, teacher 2
teachers. In the data collection, the teachers of involved the students to get in charge of
English, were interviewed (semi-structured) and designing both speaking and writing materials in
observed. Similarly, the curriculum coordinator, the form of PowerPoint through laptops to be
the facility and infrastructure administrator, and authentically assessed by the teacher 2. However,
the students were also interviewed with the there was only one lesson plan (about caption
unstructured questions. The last, some documents text) stated that mobile learning (smartphones) as
related to the activities during the investigation one of the learning media. It could probably
were reviewed. because the teachers were not aware about the
To validate the data, a methodological detailed lesson plans.
triangulation technique was used. Cohen, Throughout the authentic assessment activities
Manion, and Morrison (2011) determine this enabled the teachers to design innovative creation
technique as the use of more than one instrument of certain tasks on the basis of the students’ real-
in collecting data. It may involve interviews, life activities, Sharples et al. (2014) state that
questionnaires, observations, and documents. mobile learning allows the teachers to have
After the data were obtained, they were analyzed innovative practices and social learning
by using three steps of Miles and Huberman’s environment. Therefore, it can be said that by
(1994) analysis model, which include; data applying mobile learning as devices in measuring
reduction: focusing on the specified objectives of the students’ productive skills through authentic
this study to make a detailed interpretation; data assessment, the teachers creatively varied their
display and conclusion: displaying the analyzed kinds of means of authentic assessment focusing
data covering credible data in text and or tables to on the students’ outcomes.
confirm the conclusion; and verification: Classroom equipment
examining through reference to the writer Since classroom equipment refers to any
existing field notes and further data collection. supporting devices in the classroom used by both
the teachers and the students to construct
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION interaction between them, all the findings showed
The results of interviews, classroom observation, that the three teachers run the provided classroom
and documentation were analyzed into four main equipment in their assessment activities for the
objectives to draw conclusions. productive skills. In most assessment activities,
Types of ICT used in authentic assessment of the teachers frequently applied classroom
the students’ productive skills equipment that was available in every classroom.
Mobile learning The teachers engaged the students into both
In the productive skills, all the three teachers speaking and writing materials and stimulate
operated mobile learning—laptop and them to demonstrate the materials that then
smartphones and involved the students in the would be assessed by the teachers. Identically, all
classroom assessment as the subject of the of the teachers also listed the utilization of
assessment. In the interview, teachers 1 and 3 projectors in their lesson plans as one of the
frequently benefited smartphones and laptops to supporting tools in the classroom activities.
document and ask the students to do assignment Likewise, according to the facility and
in the speaking and writing skills assessment infrastructure administrator, the projector in each
activities. Teacher 3 specifically said that she classroom was in good quality as the projector
utilized some functions in students’ smartphones was completed by its supporting equipment. She
such as social media like in Whats-App group also mentioned about any other equipment that
and email to conduct the assessment in writing can be used by both the teachers and the students
skill. in the assessment activities such as the smart
Additionally, although teacher 2 did not board and the language laboratory that could be
mention about the implementation of the used in turns. In relation to this, American
smartphones as the media in the assessment Library Association (1998) states that the
activities during the interview, the observation practical use of available technologies around the
found out that she utilized the smartphones in students motivate the students to learn faster,

Wardah Zahra, Rita Inderawati, & Ismail Petrus
The use of ICT in authentic assessment of the students’ productive skills

become problem-solvers and more self-regulated. The implementation of ICT in the authentic
Through the availability of the technologies assessment of productive skills of SMA LIGM
around the students discovered in the findings, students
therefore, the students would certainly get The implementation of mobile learning
positive contribution to their achievement. According to the interview and observation,
Web-based learning smartphones were applied by both teachers 1 and
In authentic assessment for writing skill, the three 2 in the same way. These two teachers asked the
teachers integrated the materials through internet- students to record their performances of the
based instructional delivery tool or internet authentic real-based material by means of the
services. As concerns to the results of the students’ smartphones into videos. They engaged
teachers’ interview, the teachers mainly focused the students to get involved in teaching and
on the internet-based materials in their authentic learning activities as advised by Sharples et al.
assessment activities which purposely involved (2014)—they said that mobile learning helps the
the students in the activities. Teacher 1 applied students to be more active. Specifically, the
the internet to stimulate the students to do some teachers recorded the students’ performance
practices regarding their writing tasks. Besides, through her smartphone and they shared the files
both teachers 2 and 3 accounted for the sources to the students. In the assessment activities, the
of their writing skill assessment from the internet. teachers measured the students’ speaking skill
Particularly, teacher 2 asked the students to based on the criteria or rubrics they have
browse the materials by themselves through the prepared. The benefits of mobile learning applied
internet such as blog and wiki and designed the by both the teachers and the students certainly
sources into some PowerPoint files to be facilitated them in having comprehendible
projected that were authentically assessed by the materials which were accessible and manageable.
teacher. In the writing skill, teacher 3 used the
Similarly, the findings of the observation smartphone to facilitate her in sending the
resulted that all the teachers browsed some sites students’ tasks. She asked the students to submit
on the internet to look for materials to the the tasks through e-mail and Whats-App group
students. The teachers used internet-based after the students finished demonstarating what
materials browsed from blogs and wiki. teacher 3 asked during the assessment activities.
Likewise, the teachers also asked the students to The tasks mostly about the students’ writing
browse additional information about the results of narrative text. Moreover, laptops were
materials. After searching the materials, both the also chosen by the teachers to be one of ICT tools
teachers and the students had brief discussions used by the students in typing the writing tasks
and assessment activities. In the lesson plans, the about narrative and explanation text. However in
sources of websites as sources of learning were the lesson plan, the only material stated mobile
listed. learning (smartphones) was about caption text. In
By means of this tool and the teachers’ the activities, the students were asked to upload
method, the students became more and send the tasks through social media.
independent—not waiting the materials only Therefore, although the teachers properly applied
from the teachers and they would have critical mobile learning, they were still not able to detail
minds and this made the teachers focus on what their appropriate method and media in the
the students were doing. It is in correlation with activities to be put in the lesson plans.
Wasim et al. (2014) has discovered in their study. The implementation of classroom equipment
They said that web-based learning helps the According to the all findings of the instruments,
teachers to easily control the students to be more the ICT that was available and utilized by the
independent in learning. Furthermore, it also English teachers and the students at each
connects with the regulation in 2013 curriculum. classroom of SMA LIGM was multimedia
According to Ministry of Education and Culture projector. The materials mostly were conferenced
Number 27 the Year 2016 about graduate through the projectors. After having the
competence standard, it says that active learning knowledge from what the teachers have taught,
should be centered to the students. the students were asked to design their own
PowerPoint that would be shared in front of the
class through the projectors. During the
presentation, the teachers assessed both the
students’ speaking and writing skill. The

ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 8, Issue 1, December 2019

students’ speaking skill was assessed while the both in speaking and writing skill. The teachers
students were having presentation and discussion asked the students to obtain many resources,
by means of projectors. The writing skill was discuss all of them in group, and design the
measured by the teachers through the PowerPoint materials designed by the students themselves.
that they had designed before the presentation. Then, the teachers would measure whether the
The materials chosen during the investigation sources were appropriate to the material or not.
were based on their real-life activities such as ICT and authentic assessment are requisite
designing announcement and caption texts, The significance of ICT and authentic assessment
describing certain objects around them to be has been noticed by the curriculum coordinator
critically analyzed in analytical exposition, and and three English teachers at SMA LIGM.
singing song lyrics. According to the curriculum coordinator in the
Furthermore, as the teachers constructed the interview, the necessity of ICT and authentic
innovative environment of the classroom by assessment in the teaching and learning activities
having attractive materials or slides and engaging has been regulated and the mandatory of 2013
the students to make ones, the students seemed to curriculum was also implemented in the school’s
easily understand the materials. It is in line with curriculum development. She also said that SMA
what Ozaslan and Maden (2013) have found in LIGM put 2013 curriculum as its fundamental
his study. They discovered that the interactive base of teaching and learning activities.
learning materials could help the students to learn Explicitly, she also mentioned that all of the
better. Related to this finding, it happened in the teachers at SMA LTI Indo Global Mandiri had
school since all the teachers were not bounded in understood the concept of the authentic
accessing classroom equipment and they were assessment.
aware of the benefits from integrating their Three teachers of English at SMA LTI Indo
teaching and learning activities including Global Mandiri also acknowledged in the
assessment. interview that the importance of ICT and
The implementation of web-based learning authentic assessment in their teaching and
Learning through websites means that the learning activities. The statements are also in line
participants in the classroom require internet and with the documentation and observation parts.
appropriate websites as the sources of learning in According to the curriculum development of the
the classroom. According to the findings of the school, every member of the school should
interview, observation, and documentation, the emphasize on the use of ICT and the involvement
teacers considered that the students have to look of authentic assessment involving learning,
for additional sources to be compared that would motivation, and attitudes in each aspect of the
be beneficial for their learning activities and it teaching and learning activities. In the
would bestow their knowledge into the real-life observation, the teachers perceived the
situation. significance of ICT and authentic assessment.
The teachers’ efforts in integrating web-based During their classroom activities, the teachers not
sources to the students were successfully make only engaged the students with ICT but also
the students be more independent and critical as assessed the students with real-life materials.
they have to look for other sources and try to Therefore, these findings are in agreement with
have their own perspectives. These were in the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation
coherence with what Wasim et al. (2014) found No. 23 (2016) which rules that the teachers or
in their study. According to them, as the teachers educators, school (satuan pendidikan) and
introduce the students to integrate web-based government or private institutions have to
learning in the teaching and learning activities, organize authentic assessment.
the students would be encouraged to be more The teachers concerned aspects of productive
very involved in the activities and it would lead skills in the authentic assessment
them to learning which are centered to the According to the results of the interview and
students. observation, it was found that the teachers
In the factual implementation, all of the considered aspects of productive skill in the
English teachers at that school involved all their authentic assessment activities. It is summarized
students to enrich the knowledge of the students into Table 2 below.
about the real-based mateials that they delivered

Wardah Zahra, Rita Inderawati, & Ismail Petrus
The use of ICT in authentic assessment of the students’ productive skills

Table 1. Aspects of productive skills concerned by the teachers

Productive Aspects of Productive skill
Skills Results of Interview Results of Observation
Speaking Teacher 1 Content Pronunciation and vocabulary
Skill use
Teacher 2 Fluency and pronunciation
Fluency and pronunciation
Teacher 3 Grammar
Writing Skill Teacher 1 Opening, body and closing Opening, body and closing
Teacher 2 She could not mention the aspects Spelling
Teacher 3 Grammar, words selection, spelling, Grammar, punctuation and
punctuation, and layout spelling.

Table 1 shows that all the teachers stated that what she needs to fill unless for filing. Although
they should consider four sub-aspects of speaking teacher 2 could not remember about the aspects
as suggested by Nunan (2003) in designing of writing in the interview, she considered certain
authentic assessment. Besides, teacher 1 in the aspects of writing in taking authentic assessment
interview indicated that she was more into the in her classroom. In the observation, she
content limitation of the materials which is considered the students’ spelling and punctuation
similar to theory of Gower, Philips, and Walter while having authentic assessment integrated
(1995). They suggest that the teachers should with ICT and she was frequently measured the
limit what should be assessed in their classrooms. students’ writing skill through self and peer
Therefore, it can be concluded that all the review.
teachers involved the appropriate aspects of In a like manner, four lesson plans, rubrics,
speaking skill. In writing skill, the results of the and the students’ works were analyzed. First,
interview and observation of teacher 1 and 3 lesson plans listed the same aspects of both
highlighted the aspects as suggested speaking and writing skills. In speaking skill, all
Correspondingly, these aspects were involved in of the teachers of English concerned intonation,
fundamental aspects of writing skill pronunciation, fluency, content, and vocabulary
recommended by Harmer (2015). Besides, as indicators of aspects of speaking skill.
teacher 2 could not mention the aspects of Moreover, in terms of writing skill, the teachers
writing skills in the interview session. It could be put layout, grammar, words selection, structure,
the results of unawareness of the teacher about and punctuation.

Table 3. Scoring rubrics and Instrument from the lesson plans

Competency Productive skills
Main Focus
Domains Speaking Writing
Affective The students’ growth in emotional field Observation checklist Observation checklist
Cognitive Knowledge in the learning process Scoring guideliness
Psychomotor Physical skills Intonation, pronunciation, coherence, grammar,
fluency, content and accuracy and content

ICT simplifies teaching, learning, and assessing ICT is proven by the documentation and
activities observation. The teachers’ assessment
In reference to teachers’ interview, all the instruments integrated by the ICT tools became
teachers said that the classroom activities more practical to the students as the teachers
supported by ICT would very sure simplify could simply deliver the assessment instruments
nowadays pedagogy. Peculiarly, teachers 1. 2 and to the students with a few problems and ICT
3 believed that the simplified ICT-integrated positively affected the students’ products. The
materials were properly functioned and products implied the sophisticated outcomes of
accessible as a means of authentic assessment the students. Further, the benefits experienced by
practices. UNESCO (2011) also supports that the teachers are similar like what Selwyn (2003)
ICT and internet can improve the effiency and has been stated that ICT applied nowadays is
effectiveness of education and they increase the currently being used to make the all the activities
better changes of educational transformation. of teaching and learning activities become more
Correspondingly, the convenience brought by the effective and efficient.
ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 8, Issue 1, December 2019

The use of ICT in authentic assessment classroom on the whole without any problems
influences the students’ performances including the lack of time.
All of English teachers at SMA LIGM in the Further, the lesson plans depicted that all of
interview agreed that integrating ICT in authentic the teachers have allocated exact time while
assessment would positively motivate the having ICT as one of their teaching, learning, and
students to strive for valuable performances. assessing aids. Surprisingly, the observations
According to interview, the teachers stated that held to all of the teachers revealed that all of the
could the students provide reliable sources to teachers faced the same problems—lack of time
smarten their performances as a part of authentic when integrating ICT in their classrooms. All of
assessment in the classroom, the students would them indicated that they did not follow the time
get additional scores. During the process of the allocation they arranged in their lesson plans. In
observation which were in line with the interview addition, during the observation, teacher 1
sessions, the teachers attempted to positively seemed to be difficult to manage her time when it
stimulate the students with ICT integrated into came to applying ICT in her classroom.
the assessment materials in the classrooms by Afterward, she frequently exceeded the time
connecting every aspect of the assessment with allocation regulated by the school. She often took
their real-life and integrating it with ICT. The the students’ break time to continue her activities
teachers carried out specific indicators with the with the students in the classrooms.
help of some strategies written in their lesson Network connection
plans to direct the students in getting additional Based on the observation done, it was found that
information with curiosity. Also, the students’ the issues on the network connection was one of
works showed that the teachers’ efforts in the problems faced by the teachers. Moreover,
stimulating the students with certain assessment according to UNESCO (2011), network and
activities integrated with ICT influenced the connection failure is included to one of possible
students’ works. As the teachers involved the variables that could be considered in the use of
students into activities which required the ICT at the classroom. During the observation, all
students’ higher order thinking skill through the tree teachers were found that they had
productive skills’ assessment integrated with ICT troubles in connecting their and the students’
in such a way, it surely influenced the students’ devices to internet or network available at the
performances. Dudeney (2000) states that the use school. Teacher 1 discovered that she could not
of ICT tools have potency to benefit the students turn on the available multimedia projector in the
in developing their English skills. classroom. It was assumed that there was any
failure in the connection related to the cables or
The problems the electric socket. Teacher 2 observed that as she
Limited time sent the materials through email, some of the
Insufficient time becomes one of the major issues students didn’t have internet connection.
in integrating ICT to the materials. UNESCO Moreover, teacher 3 also experienced in
(2011) agrees that limited time in the classroom disconecting to internet network. The website
would affect the teachers’ readiness in their showed by teacher 3 cannot be frequently loaded.
preparation. Sicilia (2005) revealed in her study Lack of ICT awareness
that most of her participants were struggled by During the interview, teacher 2 admitted that she
adequate time. In relation to this, two from the got inadequate awareness of ICT integration to
English teachers at SMA LIGM expressed in teaching, learning and assessing materials as she
their interview that ICT limited their time. confessed that she was not an innovative teacher.
Teachers 2 and 3 in the interview compared that She mentioned that she would prefer choosing
the integration of ICT for either teaching or traditional methods than developing new ideas in
assessing activities in her classroom took more having sophisticated materials in her classroom
time and the integration of ICT for the teaching, and she planned to have her resignation soon.
learning, and assessing activities was shortened Further, she was observed that she was mostly
their effective time in delivering the materials in unprepared to the activities which should be
the classroom. Specifically, they stated that sets integrated into ICT as she stated in her interview
of the ICT preparation in the classroom needed a session at the first. It is assumed that teacher 2
lot of time. Regardless of the two teachers was not aware of what technology brings to
mentioned above, teacher 1 was certain in her education even though the facilities and
interview that ICT supported her activities in the infrastructures have surely supported the teachers

Wardah Zahra, Rita Inderawati, & Ismail Petrus
The use of ICT in authentic assessment of the students’ productive skills

to be aware and have knowledge about ICT. by ICT in the classroom. Preferably, the teachers
Moreover, teachers who are lack of ICT prefered to provide internet connection by
awareness would negatively impact the students’ themselves rather than letting the students
concept of learning as stated by Thakur (2014) in learning without any connection. By covering up
his study. the network by themselves, the teachers could
incorporate ICT to their assessment and prevent
The solutions the minor problem in the classroom.
Some barriers related to ICT resulting from lack
of training activities have been noticed by an CONCLUSION
expert. According to UNESCO (2011), This study conducted to describe the types and
insufficient training activities is one of major the implementation of ICT used on the authentic
causes of teachers’ problems in using ICT. The assessment of the productive skills of the
first solution disclosed by the curriculum students, the problems faced by the English
coordinator and the teachers in the interview was teachers and the solutions from the teachers in
that the school set up training which was using ICT in the authentic assessment in the
specialized to ICT to all teachers of the school. productive skills. First of all, it is determined
The training involved the school’s IT teachers to from the results of the study that the teachers
be the professional instructor in the training and made use of three types of ICT which were
who are responsible to help other teachers who mobile learning, classroom equipment, and web-
would face certain problems in using ICT in their based learning creatively based on their specific
classrooms. Through the training, the teachers purposes. Second, most of the teachers had a
had an appropriate understanding of ICT. In the significant understanding about authentic
observation, it seemed that the teachers purposely assessment and they were mostly ICT literate
managed the students to purposely get involved since both authentic assessment and ICT are
in the assessment activities that were integrated necessary. With these intentions, the teachers had
with ICT. various methods in implementing the three types
As all of the teachers of English dealt with a of ICT tools based on the types of authentic
limited amount of time when they integrated assessment concerning aspects of productive
assessment materials with ICT, they lengthen skills that they were teaching for the purposes of
their activities in the classrooms into one or two simplifying assessment activities and influencing
additional meetings and added their duration in the students’ performances. Third, they went
each meeting to cover all the activities she through three main difficulties in using ICT and
arranged in her lesson plan. Certainly, this made constructing authentic assessment by the
some discrepancy between the allocated time in integration of ICT. The last, they were educated
the lesson plans and in the real implementation. and motivated to have their solutions to
However, teacher 2 claimed that it would perhaps overcome the difficulties.
negatively influence the students’ performances
in certain aspects; therefore, she decided to REFERENCES
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ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 8, Issue 1, December 2019

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The use of ICT in authentic assessment of the students’ productive skills


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