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The Sacred Circle deck

in the Path to a Goal layout.

The Lovers
in the Health position.

Hidden health; physical and emotional.

The Lovers always indicates a difficult

choice, usually in matters of love, but
depending on surrounding cards it can be a
choice concerning your career, family, or
property. Spiritually, this card is a
messenger of the higher realms, telling you
of the importance of truth and the purest of


4 of Swords
in the Health position.

Visible health; physical and emotional.

This card indicates that you have just gone

through a period of great difficulty and that it
is now time to rest after your struggles and
gather your energies before you move on.

3 of Wands
in the Attitude position.

Hidden mental attitude.

The Three of Wands indicates that you are

entitled to celebrate the initial success of a
project. Things have gone well so far, and
you were lucky enough to be in the right
place at the right time.


King of Discs
in the Attitude position.

Visible mental attitude.

He is steady, methodical, and reliable. He

thinks carefully before he acts, and when he
does act, he follows the course he has set
for himself without deviation.

Ace of Swords
in the Relationships position.

Hidden relationships.

The Ace of Swords indicates an awakening

of mental powers, a surge of new ideas and
concepts that will change your view of the
world and your life forever.


9 of Swords - Reversed
in the Relationships position.

Visible relationships.

The Nine of Swords reversed indicates that

your fears have reached hysterical levels
and you have lost all sense of proportion. A
sympathetic counselor or therapist can help
you work through your problems.

6 of Discs
in the Career position.

Hidden career.

You will be the beneficiary of someone

else's bounty. This will put your financial
affairs on a firmer footing and restore your
waning faith in yourself. Remember that you
have been helped by the generosity of
another, and you should be generous with
your own time and advice when someone
needs it.


4 of Cups - Reversed
in the Career position.

Visible career.

You have been trying to gain transitory

satisfactions in life from seeking ever
greater novelties and excitements, but in
reality these have brought you little

9 of Wands - Reversed
in the Spirit position.

Visible spiritual path.

Your obstinacy and refusal to compromise

has put you in the position of having to
defend something that is really indefensible.
Unless you admit you are wrong, you stand
to lose a lot more than you imagine.

Queen of Swords - Reversed
in the Outcome position.

Outcome of the present path.

Be warned - she is repelled by excessive

displays of emotion and hates anyone
telling her what she should do and how she
should behave.


The Sacred Circle deck

in the Finding Animal Helpers layout.
4 of Swords - Reversed
in the Healing position.

Primary healing helpers.

The Four of Swords reversed indicates an

enforced seclusion, rather than a voluntary


8 of Swords - Reversed
in the Healing position.

Secondary healing helpers.

The Eight of Swords reversed indicates that

you can gain temporary relief from your
problems by distancing yourself from them,
rather than trying to solve them at this time.

10 of Discs - Reversed
in the Material position.

Primary material helpers.

The Ten of Discs reversed is warning you

that you have become stuck in a rut without
realizing it. Wake up and seek new


The Green Man

in the Material position.

Secondary material helpers.

If the Green Man appears in your spread, it

indicates that powerful forces are at work in
your life breaking down the old order so that
a new one may emerge. Spiritually you will
receive unexpected guidance and fresh
inspiration with experiences far beyond the
usual. Precisely what you seek is not yet
clear - you may greet the call with a mixture
of excitement and anxiety; it is a leap into
the dark.

9 of Discs
in the Protection position.

Primary protection helpers.

The Nine of Discs indicates considerable

financial gain. However, this does not bring
you the satisfaction you thought it would.
You feel restless and would like a new
challenge; you would like to change your
life, to travel and have adventures.


King of Discs
in the Protection position.

Secondary protection helpers.

He is steady, methodical, and reliable. He

thinks carefully before he acts, and when he
does act, he follows the course he has set
for himself without deviation.

The World Tree - Reversed
in the Talents position.

Primary talents helpers.

You are ignoring the lessons that life is

trying to teach you. When the World Tree
appears reversed in your spread, it is
warning you that a situation is not resolved
or a project finished, even though you might
think it is.


The Lady - Reversed

in the Talents position.

Secondary talents helpers.

The Lady reversed demonstrates your

unwillingness to recognize the cycles of
change - you are trying to hold onto what is
already passing away. You are preventing
your own growth with these attitudes - your
creativity is blocked and your spirit is

6 of Cups
in the Spiritual position.

Primary spiritual helpers.

You are trying to escape into the past,

which you are remembering as happy and
beautiful. Instead of wallowing in nostalgia,
use the knowledge you have gained from
the past to realize your ambitions in the


2 of Swords - Reversed
in the Spiritual position.

Secondary spiritual helpers.

The Two of Swords reversed indicates that

you have been given bad advice from a
source who is either misguided or


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