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Why main stream media hates Trump-comparison to the communism in Eastern


In a TV show REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER: OVERTIME from 19 th Jun 2015 (HBO),, Ann Coulter, conservative activist and writer has foreseen
the victory of Donald Trump, as well as the fact that Donald Trump would have much
harder time winning against the Bernie Sanders, than Hilary Clinton.
Of course, she was ridiculed and laughed at, and presented as a totally disconnected
with the reality.
According to Ann Coulter Bernie is much closer to the American middle class than
Hilary, because, although she is a representative of Democratic Party, she actually
behaves as a hardened Republican.
A year and a few months later it turned out that Ann Coulter was right, Donald Trump is
a President of USA.
It was presented as a shock on a political stage, almost as a cataclysm, although it was
not so much unexpected as the MSM (Main Stream Media) is presenting it.
There actually was no shock, just an outcry of the people that did not want any more to
be ruled by a same all same all people. The people that say one thing during a
campaign and do totally opposite while in office, to be ruled by two ruling families: Bush
and Clintons. Let us not forget that Bush family ruled USA for 16 years, Clintons 8
years, and wanted 8 years more, also Bush family had one more try-John Elis Bush was
promoted as a frontrunner for Republican party (8 years more) and also there were
battle cries, as well as actual work to promote Chelsea Clinton as a new hope of
Democratic party. Which would mean, if everything happened the way it was planned to
happen, USA would be ruled by two families for 48 years (24 years of Bush family and
24 years of Clintons). Amazing that USA has 323 million of people and only two families
capable of ruling it.
This system is much more resembling some Monarchy, or a Communistic dictatorship,
similar to North Korea, where there is only one family that can produce a Supreme
Leader. Considering that North Korea has 23 million people and it is ruled by one family,
USA, having 15 times more people should have at least 10 families, rather than two.
Now, to go back to the reason why main stream media hates Donald Trump.
Notwithstanding a fact that most of the MSM is owned by the people close to the
Democratic party, there is also a second reason for so much hatred. MSM considered
themselves God-given to decide who will be the president of USA. For years MSM was
telling the people why to wear, what to say, what to think, whom to elect, and also was
ruling the country by offering politicians a five minutes of more of glory, therefore
influencing their decisions, or even outright making the decisions for them.
Through an orchestrated campaign, MSM was determining the focuses of USA
domestic and foreign policies, allowing themselves to be in a position to manage the
lives of many, in USA and abroad. If the MSM decides that you are not adequate, there
is a full army attacking you, even without evidences, there are ‘’comedians’’ ridiculing
your every move, making ‘’investigations’’ about your conduct (Samantha Bee and her
investigation about Russian meddling is the most recent that comes to mind). You, your
family and your friends would be put in a spotlight and dragged through mud, or on the
other side, you can be made into a star, without even actually having some merit:
Emmanuel Macron was promoted into the leader of the West, just by making a firm
handshake, and his pools now in France are not so good (actually the worst approval
rate in years).
To be honest, Mr. Emmanuel Macron did not even want this kind of media attention, as
he is trying to solve much bigger problems, but this shows how the MSM was
influencing the political realm.
And then comes Mr. Donald Trump, he already had his five minutes of glory, he did not
play by the rules, he did not care about the MSM, actually he directly opposed them.
And there was his mortal sin, he could not be controlled, he could not be told what to
do, and people accepted that, and actually followed him.
And this was now a ‘’sacrilegious’’, as he was liberating the populace from the MSM
I am using this kind of expressions to emphasize the enormous gap between the MSM
and Mr. Donald Trump.
Especially because I am coming from the Eastern Europe, and was able to witness the
communistic media, and can actually tell that the behavior and methods of the
communist media was absolutely the same as the MSM is now doing in USA. Maybe
after the fall of the Berlin wall MSM outsourced its editors from former Soviet republics.
We had the same during communism, the party would elect who would represent the
people, and then the media would present them as historic achievements, as perfect, as
new, as energetic, as experienced, as incorruptible, as all-knowing, as experts of all
possible expertizes, and there would of course be a support from different communist
republics-states, endorsements from writers, actors, professors. Kind like there is now in
USA: Hollywood stars are telling the people about politics, MSM is presenting the
candidates that are making historic achievements-breaking the glass ceiling, although
Margaret Thatcher for instance was Prime Minister of UK from 1979 until 1990.
Also, the opposition candidates in communistic regimes would be presented as the
Devil himself, working for a foreign government, or as it was a custom of the
communistic media to say: ‘’this candidate is a foreign mercenary and domestic traitor’’.
Again, for some reason the main story covered in MSM in USA is somehow incredibly
reminding me of ‘’foreign mercenary and domestic traitor’’ representations.
No matter that according to the Constitution, and the Laws if somebody would actually
be a traitor he must be in jail, and not allowed to participate in elections.
Incredible, how we think we are so different, but are actually the same.
In communist days there was a saying ‘’Proletariat of the world, Unite!’’, now it has
probably changed to ‘’Main Stream Media of the world, Unite!”.
A bit of digression, Democratic Party in USA keeps loosing local elections, no matter the
money and MSM support, as the people keep on supporting Republican candidates.
But MSM cannot forgive and forget that all of this happened with Mr. Donald Trump, as
all other politicians were playing ball, if they touch upon a subject that the MSM does
not like, they get reprimanded in some shows and they “find the right way”.
Therefore CNN even tried to persuade its viewers that they do not have the right to form
their own opinion, and they must be accepting the opinion of CNN (Mr.Chris Cuomo
explains that people must not look at e-mails of Mr. John Podesta, as it would be a
crime-which is of course not true, and they must rely on CNN to explain the mails to
them, as in Mr. Chris Cuomo words: the laws do not apply to the media
This shows how MSM is far apart from reality, and how they cannot grasp that the
people could not be ordered what to think (Trust me communism tried this already, and
by doing the same things USA will only get the same result).
Also, who was the favorite candidate of MSM for the President of USA can be seen in
the next video HTTPS://YOUTU.BE/-33OQN4WUOU where the reporters are openly
saying that they are promoting Mrs. Clinton, even before she actually announced that
She will be running for the President.
MSM failed, and now they continue the struggle against Mr. Trump as they want to
make an example what will happen to the people who dare to go against the MSM.
What is certain, the fight will continue and the MSM attacks against Mr. Trump will not
stop, the only thing is they will need to find another angle of attack, as Russia story
obviously does not work.
Legally, event if there is a collusion, it is not a criminal offence, and there is nothing to
do about it.
So let us wait and see what would be next main story, or get ready for Mr. Trump
President in two mandates, if MSM continues with futile attacks.
But one thing is certain, if Soviets had some spies they are for sure working in MSM, as
all the tricks played by MSM in USA, are coming directly from the KGB playbook.
Just to explain, talking against the ‘’party’’ or a ‘’leader’’, or a group of people or idea
was a criminal offence and it was referred to as ‘’verbal delict’’, now it is called ‘’political

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