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4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4


1. Write the symbol of elements in Group 17.

Fluorine Chlorine Bromine Iodine Astatine

2. Group 17 elements are known as …………..………

3. Halogens exist as diatomic molecules.{ F2, Cl2, Br2, I2 }
4. Halogens have …..…… valence electrons.
5. All Group 17 elements are non-metals.
6. Shade in the boxes for all the element in Group 17 in the Periodic Table of Elements :

7. Write the proton number and electron arrangement : Going down the group :
Elements Proton number  Proton number : ………….…...
F 9 2.7  Number of protons : ……………
Cl 17 2.8.7
 Number of electrons : …………
Br 35
 Number of shells occupied with
I 53
electrons : …………...…
At 85
 Atomic size : ………………
8. Physical properties of elements in Group 17 :  Molecular size : ………………..

(i) Complete the table below :

Melting Boiling Physical
Proton Electron
Element Symbol point / point / state at Colour
Number Arrangement o o
C C room Temp.
Flourine F 9 -220 -188 Pale yellow

Chlorine Cl 17 -101 -34
Bromine 35 -7 59
Iodine 53 114 184

Chapter 4 14 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4

(ii) Physical state of halogens at room temperature, 25 oC :

Fluorine and chlorine are ............... , bromine is a ..................... and iodine is a ...............

(iii) The colour of the elements becomes paler / darker* going down the group.

(iv) Halogen have …………… melting and boiling points because their molecules are
attracted to each other by …………. inter-molecular forces. (Van der Waals force : force
of attraction between molecules).

(v) When going down the group, the melting and boiling points increases / decreases*.
This is because :
 the molecular size increases / decreases*.
 Forces of attraction between molecules becomes ………………………
 Need more / less* energy to overcome the forces of attraction between molecules.
 the melting and boiling points ……………………..

9. Chemical Properties

(a) React with water to produce two acids. In general :

Example : X2 + H2O → HX + HOX

Chlorine Halogen : F, Cl, Br, I

HX and HOX solutions are ……………...
HOX solution exhibits …………… properties.

Cl2 + H2O HCl + HOCl

Chlorine gas Hydrochloric acid Hypochlorus acid



Br2 + H2O +

……………………. …………………….

Chapter 4 15 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4



I2 + H2O +

……………………. …………………….

(b) React with hot iron/ferum to produce iron(III) halides.

Example :
Iron wool Combustion tube

Soda lime

hydrochloric acid Heat


2Fe + 3Cl2 2FeCl3

Iron(III) chloride Iron

2Fe + 3Br2

Iron(III) .....................
Solid Heat
2Fe + 3I2
Iron(III) .....................

Chapter 4 16 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4

(c) Halogen reacts with sodium hydroxide, NaOH solution to produce …………………,
…………………….. and water.

Example :


Sodium hydroxide

2NaOH + Cl2 NaCl + NaOCl + H 2O

Sodium Sodium
chloride chlorate(I)

2NaOH + Br2 + + H 2O

Potassium Potassium
bromide bromate(I)

2NaOH + I2 + + H 2O

Sodium Sodium
………….. ……………

Halogens have seven valence electrons in their outermost occupied shells.

Each of them reacts by receiving one electron in its outermost occupied shell to form an ion
with a charge of -1, or by sharing a pair of electrons thus achieving the stable electron
arrangement of the atom of noble gas.
Example :
F + e → F- Cl + e → Cl-
2.7 ........... 2.8.7 ………..

Complete the electron arrangement for the atoms and molecule of flourine below :


two fluorine atoms Fluorine molecule

( F2 )

 Exists as diatomic molecules [ 2 atoms of elements sharing a pair of its valence electron ]
to achive the stable octet electron arrangement.
Chapter 4 17 The Periodic Table of Elements
4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4

 Chemical properties of all elements are …………………………. because the number of

valence electrons are the same and attain/achive the Noble gas arrangement in a similar way.

10. Reactivity of Group 17 elements :

When going down Group 17,

 the proton number are ………………………

 the number of shells occupied with electrons are ………………………
 the atomic size of atoms are ………………………………
 the outermost occupied shell of each halogen atoms becomes ……………… away
from the nucleus.
 the nuclei attraction forces to attract one electron into the outermost occupied shell by
the nucleus becomes ………………………
 it is …………………… for the atom to attract one electron to achieve stable
octet/duplet electron arrangement of the atom of Noble gas.
 The strength of halogen atom to attract electron decrease from Fluorine to Astatine
[Electronegativity decreases]
 this causes the reactivity decreases down the group.

Activity 5 :-

1 Chlorine, bromine and iodine have similar chemical properties.

 Do you know WHY???

Chlorine, bromine and iodine have …………………. number of valence electrons.

When halogens take part in chemical reactions, their atom always gain …………….
electron to achieve …………………. electron arrangement / a stable electron

2 The reactivity of halogens decrease down the group.

 Do you know WHY???

The explanation ……

 The atomic size increases/decreases* down the group.

 The distance of the outermost shell becomes …………………… from the nucleus.
 The force of attraction of the nucleus on the electrons of the outermost shell increase/
 The tendency of an atom to receive one/two/three* electron to achieve an octet electron
arrangement increases/decrease*.

Chapter 4 18 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4

3 Why flourine atom forms a negative ion more easily

than chlorine?

The explanation ……

 The atomic size of flourine is smaller than chlorine.

 The force of attraction between nucleus and valence electrons of fluorine atom are
 Fluorine atom can accept electron easily.

Safety precautions in handling Group 17 elements

1. The vapour of flourine, chlorine and bromine are …………………

2. The following precaution should be taken when handling halogen :

(a) Halogen gas and liquid should be handled inside a ……………………
(b) Wear safety ………………… when handling halogen fumes.
(c) Wear safety ………………… when handling halogen materials.

Activity 6 :-

1. Elements X, Y and Z are in the same group in the Periodic Table of Elements.

Element X Y Z
Proton number 9 17 35

(a) What is the valence electron of the elements X,Y and Z?


(b) Which group in the periodic table can you find the elements X,Y and Z?


(c) Element Y can react with water.

State two chemical properties of the solution produced?



(d) Write an equation for the reaction between element Z and hot iron.

Chapter 4 19 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4

2. (a) List all halogen elements from the top to the bottom of Group 17.


(b) Which are the most reactive and least reactive halogen?
 Most reactive : …………………………, least reactive : .……………………………............

3. Write the chemical equations for the following reaction :

(a) Chlorine with water : ……………………………………………………...

(b) bromine with iron : ……………………………………………………...

(c) iodine with sodium hydroxide : ……………………………………………………...

4. Explain the changes to the reactivity of halogens when going down Group 17.

 The atomic size of halogen …………………….. down the group.

 The distance of the outermost shell becomes ……………………… from the nucleus.
 Therefore, the force of attraction by the nucleus on the electrons in the outermost shell
becomes ………………………
 The tendency of an atom to …………………………. one electron to achieve an octet
electron arrangement decrease.
 This causes the reactivity increases / decreases* down the group.

5. Explain the changes to the electronegativity of halogens when going down Group 17.

 The atomic size of halogen …………………….. down the group.

 The distance of the outermost shell becomes ……………………… from the nucleus.
 Therefore, the force of attraction by the nucleus on the electrons in the outermost shell
becomes ………………………
 The tendency of an atom to …………………………. one electron to achieve an octet
electron arrangement decrease.
 This causes the electronegativity increases / decreases* down the group.

Chapter 4 20 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4

6 (a) Figure 6A and 6B shows the diagrams of electron arrangement for atoms of element X
and element Y.

Atom X Atom Y


(i) Write the electron arrangement for the atoms of element X and element Y.
Name the elements.
[ 2 marks]

(ii) Compare the attractive forces between the nuclei and the valence electrons in
the atoms of element X and element Y and relate this to their respectively
[ 6 marks]

(iii) Element Z :
 A black coloured solid.
 In the same group with element X and element Y in the
Periodic Table of Elements
 Located below element X and element Y in the Periodic
Table of Elements.

Write a chemical equation for the reaction between element Z with water.
Predict the reactivity of element Z in its reaction with water compared to that
of the element Y.
[ 3 marks]

(b) Figure 6.2 shows the set-up of apparatus to investigate the reaction of element Y with
iron wool.
Iron wool

hydrochloric acid
Sodium hydroxide
Bahagian G Bahagian H
manganate(VII) Section G Section H
Section F

Chapter 4 21 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4

(i) State two precaution steps that must be taken while carrying out the experiment.
[ 2 marks]

(ii) What is the function of sodium hydroxide in this experiment?

[ 1 mark]

(iii) Explain the observations for the reaction occured in Section G and Section
H. Name the products formed in every section.
Write the chemical equation for the reaction in Section G and Section H.
[ 8 marks]

Chapter 4 22 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4

Properties of elements in Period 3

Element of Period 3 Na Mg Ar

Proton number 11 12 18

Electron arrangement 2.8.1 2.8.8

Valence electron 1
[ Group ] [1]

Atomic size

Physical state at room




 The trends of changes across Period 3 (from left to right)

1. The proton number increases by …………………… unit from one element to the next

2. All the atoms of the elements have ……………………… shells occupied/filled with electrons.

3. The number of valence electrons in each atom increases from ……………to ……………..

4. The atomic radius/size of atom of the elements …………………………..

 This is due to increasing of nuclei attraction force on the electrons.

5. The electronegativity of elements ……………………………

 This is also due to the …………………..of the nuclei attraction force on the ………………

in the outermost shell and the …………………… in atomic size.

6. All the elements in Period 3 exist as ……….…………. except chlorine and argon which are


Chapter 4 23 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4

 ACID-BASE properties of oxides of elements in Period 3.

Na2O MgO Al2O3 SiO2 P4O10 SO2 Cl2O7

(Basic oxides) Amphoteric oxide (Acidic oxides)

 Basic oxides reacts with acids to form ………………. and ……………………..

Example :
Na2O + 2HNO3 → 2NaNO3 + H2O

 Acidic oxides reacts with alkalis to form ………………. and ……………………..

Example :
SO2 + 2NaOH → Na2SO3 + H2O

 Amphoteric oxides can react with both acids and alkalis.

Na & Mg are ………………., Al is metalloid, Si, P, S & Cl are ………………………….
The elements change from metals to metalloid and finally to non-metals across the period.

 Uses of semi-metals (metalloids) in Industry

 Semi-metals or metalloids are weak conductors of electricity. Semi-metals such as silicon and
germanium are used as semiconductors.
 Semiconductors are used to make diodes and transistors that widely used in the making of
microchips for the manufacture of electrical and microelectronic equipments such as
computers, mobile phones, televisions and video recorders.

e.g : silicon and germanium

used to make

……………………. and …………………….

widely used in the making of …………………………..

for the manufacture of :

 ………………………………………………………………………………

Chapter 4 24 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4

Activity 7 :-

1 Table below shows the symbol of element, proton number and atomic radius of
elements in Period 3.
Element Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

Proton number 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Atomic radius 0.156 0.136 0.125 0.117 0.111 0.104 0.099 -


(a) Complete the electron arrangement in the above table.

(b) When crossing the period from left to right, the atomic size decreases. Explain why.






(c) Classify the elements into metal, metalloid and non-metal.

Metal Metalloid Non-metal

(d) Table below shows the symbol of oxide compound when the elements in period 3 are reacted
with oxygen.

Na2O MgO Al2O3 P4O10 SO2

Classify the oxides into basic oxide, acidic oxide and amphoteric oxide.

Basic oxide Acidic oxide Amphoteric oxide

Chapter 4 25 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4


1. Elements from Group ……………. to Group ………………. in the Periodic Table.

2. All transition elements are ……………………., thus, these elements have the following
properties :
 solids with shiny surfaces.  high melting and boiling points
 ductile  high densities
 malleable  good conductors of heat and
 high tensile strength electricity

3. Special Characteristics / Superior Properties of Transition Elements

(i) Have different oxidation numbers in their compounds.
(ii) Form coloured ions or compounds.
(iii) Acts as catalysts in certain reactions.

 Different Oxidation Numbers

Transition elements can form ions with different oxidation numbers when forming compounds.
Transition Oxidation Example of compound
Name of ion Ionic symbol
Element Number Formula Name
+2 Iron(II) ion Fe2+ FeCl2 Iron(II) chloride
Iron, Fe
+3 Fe3+ Iron(III) chloride
+1 Copper(I) ion Cu2O
Copper, Cu
+2 Cu2+ Copper(II) oxide
+2 Ni(NO3)2
Nickel, Ni
+3 Ni3+ Ni(NO3)3

 Coloured Ions or Compounds

The colours of some aqueous solutions of ions of transition elements :
Name of Ion Formula of Ion Colour
of transition element of transition element in aqueous solution
Chromate ion CrO42- Yellow
Dichromate ion Cr2O72- Orange
Manganate(VII) ion MnO4- Purple
Fe2+ Green
Iron(III) ion Fe3+ Brown
Cu2+ Blue
Co2+ Pink
Manganese(II) ion Mn2+ Pink
Chromium(III) ion Cr3+ Green
Ni2+ Green

Chapter 4 26 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4

Examples of some precious stones and the transition elements present which give their
distinctive colours :
Transition Element
Precious Stone Colour
Ruby Red Chromium
Sapphire Blue Iron and titanium
Emerald Green Chromium
Amethyst Purple Manganese

 Act as Catalysts
Transition elements or its compounds can act as catalysts in certain reactions.
Catalysts are chemicals which can increase the rate of a reaction.
Example :
Transition element used as
Industrial Process Product
Haber Process Iron (ferum), Fe

Sulphuric acid

Ostwald Process Nickel, Ni // Platinum, Pt

Chapter 4 27 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4

Activity 8 :-

1 Figure 1 below shows part of the Periodic Table of Elements.

H He
Mg Al


Based on Figure 1 above, answer the following questions :

(a) What is the element represented by the symbol Fe?


(b) In figure above, mark ‘X’ in the boxes for all the transition element.

(c) State one specific characteristic of transition element.


(d) Write the electron arrangement for the Mg atom.


(e) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between aluminium and oxygen gas.


Helium Gas Hydrogen Gas

 light  light
 not reactive  flammable
 colourless  colourless

(f) Based on the above informations, which gas is more suitable to be used in
meteorological balloons?
Give one reason.



Chapter 4 28 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4

2 Table 2 shows the proton numbers of element P, Q, R, S and T.

Element Proton number Electron arrangement
P 3 2.1
Q 6 2.4
R 9 2.7
S 11 2.8.1
T 17 2.8.7
(a) In which Group is element S located in the Periodic Table of Elements?


(b) State two elements in Table 2 that shows the same chemical properties.

… ……………………………………..…………………………….

(c) (i) Between elements P and S, which one is more reactive?

Explain your answer.






(d) Arrange the elements P, Q, R, S and T in order of increasing of atomic size.

Chapter 5
(e) Elements P and R reacts to formed compound X.
(i) What type of chemical bond is found in compound X?


(ii) Draw the electron arrangement of compound X.

Chapter 4 29 The Periodic Table of Elements

4541 CHEMISTRY Chapter 4

(f) Element Q and T also reacts to formed compound Y.

(i) Draw the electron arrangement of compound Y.

(ii) State one physical property of compound Y.



Chapter 4 30 The Periodic Table of Elements

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