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Sandoval Solarte Jhon Alexander

Ficha de formación: 2104827

Instructores Olga Katherine Espinosa Celemín – Juan

Carlos Quintero Henao

Programa De Negociación internacional

Fecha de realización: 26 de mayo del 2020

Santiago de Cali

Actividad de aprendizaje Fase de análisis

Actividad de aprendizaje 1
Evidencia 1: Summary “Approach to diagnostics of marketing complex of industrial enterprise”

Actividad de aprendizaje 1

Evidencia 1: Summary “Approach to diagnostics of marketing complex of industrial enterprise”

Gran parte de los documentos importantes relacionados con el desarrollo de este programa de
formación, vienen en inglés y para muchos la herramienta del traductor se convierte en el único
medio para entenderlos. Lamentablemente, esta herramienta no provee con exactitud el
verdadero significado del mensaje que se quiere transmitir en el texto, es por eso que el
resumen se convierte en una forma de comprender un texto de manera significativa.

Para dar cumplimiento al propósito de esta evidencia realice lo siguiente:

 Lea y analice el material complementario denominado Guidelines for writing a summary with
in-text citations, de esta actividad de aprendizaje.
 Posteriormente y basados en dicho material, elabore un resumen en inglés sobre el texto que
encuentra en el documento denominado Approach to diagnostics of marketing complex of
industrial enterprise, disponible también en el material complementario. Desarrolle esta
evidencia con la herramienta de su preferencia y envíe el archivo al instructor a través de la
plataforma virtual de aprendizaje.

Tatiana Maksimova, Elena Shapran Volodymyr Dal East-Ukrainian National

University, Lugansk, Ukraine The development of the economic system in
Ukraine and competition relations between its subjects needs the decision of
tasks, among which the question of diagnostics of enterprise’s marketing activity
occupies the special place. Its basic content is an estimation of the state of
economic subjects in the conditions of incomplete information with the purpose of

exposure of problems and perspective directions of their decision, and also
consequences of acceptance of current administrative decisions. There are a few
scientific works of domestic scientists, devoted to this problem. Fewness of such
researches does not allow talking about the presence of the unique approach to
diagnostic activity of enterprise. Actuality of this question is confirmed also by the
fact that the determination of current status of subject of economic activity
depends on working of plan package, recommendations, and procedures,
directed on the improvement of this state or warning of unfortunate events for its
functioning. Especially it concerns to diagnostics of marketing complex of
enterprise, concrete content of which is, in particular, the authentication of the
real state and properties of analysable object, that is the marketing complex;
exposure of changes in consisting of object of the sentinel measuring;
establishment of basic factors, which caused these changes, and accounts of
their influence; development of recommendations in relation to the improvement
of this state.

The diagnosis of marketing activity in Ukraine and competitive relations depends

on decision-making, and thanks to an estimate subject to incomplete information
for the purpose of exposing the problems and directions their perspective, in
addition to the decisions they make and consequences that these bring.

No talk about the presence of the unique approach to diagnostic activity of
Enterprise, for lack of scientific Works devoted to this problem and the fact tha
the determination of current status of subjet of economic activity depends on
working of plan package, to diagnostics of marketing complexo of entreprise, in
particular, the authentication of the real state and properties of analysable

According to the investigations there is almost no single approach to the

company, it refers to the diagnosis of the company's marketing complex, whose
specific content, the authentication of the real state and the analyzable
properties, marketing; exposure of consistent changes; establishment of basic
factors that caused these changes and explanations of their influence;
development of recommendations regarding the improvement of this state and
The development of companies in the industrial marketing activity in Ukraine
isbasic, the lack of educating the entrepreneur and generating confidence in
theproduct; led to problems and bad perspective directions to possess at a good
level;also the consequences of the acceptance of the current administrative
decisionsare not well oriented.It is important to take into account a good
diagnosis so that it brings to a successfulconclusion the real state of the
company. With the initial and main help of a good handling of industrial marketing
in supportwith social networks and other technologies that support in a very good
way therecognition of an entity.

Blackboard Sena

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