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by Lewis Smile

Train your team, recruit more people.

Word-perfect. Every time.

Copyright 2012 Lewis Smile

Visit for recruiting articles you
can use on your own website or blog to grow and train your

Objection 1. A job is more secure. Businesses fail.
Objection 2. I know someone who failed...
Objection 3. I don't do selling!
Objection 4. This sounds too good to be true
Objection 5. Isn't MLM just a pyramid scheme?
Objection 6. Can you guarantee me a large income?
Objection 7. I can't afford to run a business
Objection 8. I just don't have the time
Legally Steal All My Hard Work

"Maps encourage boldness. They make anything seem possible" - Mark

This book is split into several sections, each one dealing with a different
objection. You will find in each section not only the answer to the objection,
but the reasoning behind it. We get to the heart of what each objection is
really asking, and how to answer it in the most effective way.

Armed with this knowledge, you will be handling objections like a pro.

Hearing objections from prospects is not something you can avoid in

Network Marketing. In ANY business, for that matter. It is as inevitable as
dropped toast landing butter-side down, or a cat always landing on its feet (or
a cat with buttered toast tied to his back spinning rapidly, a foot above the
floor, incapable of landing). It is simply a fact you have to deal with.

The trouble is, most people in this business don't handle objections very well
and they end up losing people who were actually very close to signing up.
Company training courses usually focus on the positive side of the business
and don't address people's negative concerns, as if you can positive push
someone into doing what you want without addressing their issues. This is
sad because objections are merely part of the process, not an end to the
process, and they often cause recruiters to give up too soon.

You make your pitch to prospects, and they will come up with objections.
Why? Because they need to feel certain they are making the right decision.
Because they need to feel certain that you know what you are talking about.
Because perhaps you haven't addressed all the issues at stake. Or because
they just need to gather all the facts before doing anything.

While, for you, their objections may be as annoying as the child with her
apparently dismissible "Whhhhy?" to her parent, you must provide an answer
that's better than "Because I said so!"

You need to answer the question they are really asking, understand the issue
they are actually raising, and answer with confidence, raising the correct
points using the right words. The tool to accomplish this is precisely what
you hold in your hands right now. This very book. Together we will work
through each main objection, break it down into what issue is really being
raised, and answer it.

Take in the reasoning behind each objection, take in the message of each
answer, and make them your own. Take the words, chew them up, and spit
them back out onto a plate of your own. Both the message and the sincerity
of the delivery matter. Make it your own.


Remember: You're not trying to convince people who aren't right for your

In fact, you aren't trying to convince anyone of anything. You're not talking
people into something, you're simply finding the right people. When you
present your business opportunity to someone and they raise an objection it is
more an indication of them needing more information in order to make a
decision rather than them already having made up their mind. If they've made
their mind up and their mind says "No", then you will hear "No". If they are
asking questions or raising the objections addressed in this book, then they
simply require more information.

Onwards! And don't spare the horses!

Objection 1. A job is more secure. Businesses fail.

"If you can't find the key to success, pick the lock."

Despite the complete lack of control an employee has over the security of his
or her job, most people view a job as safer than owning a business. Why?
Because someone else is responsible for the money. Someone else holds the
calculator, and someone else has to monitor the profits and loss. Someone
else makes the decisions, and losses are someone else's fault and are not to be
worried about.

The trouble is this complete lack of control gives the exact opposite of

People think a business is less secure than a job because in a business they
would be solely responsible for any failure. In a traditional business you have
huge costs, work long hours, and have no guarantee of earning any money at
the end of the month.

Luckily, Network Marketing is not a traditional business.

The belief that a business is riskier is not completely unfounded, with plenty
of businesses failing even after years of being profitable, but the
unemployment figures, certainly in the recent recession years, tell a different

All that has to happen for your prospect to lose their job is for someone
higher up in their company to look at some unfavourable numbers and decide
that layoffs must be made. Your prospect could lose their job at a moments
notice, and they get no say in the matter.

It is often hard for someone to admit that they could be fired for reasons not
related to them screwing up in some way, but this is of course the reality. In a
business, nobody can take your income away. In a business, nobody can limit
how much you earn. In a business, you aren't forced to work with people you
don't like. In a job... everything can vanish before your very eyes.
This objection is indicative of someone outsourcing the worry and business-
sense to someone else, and keeping their head down in order to collect a

And sometimes, for some people, those paychecks run out.

Objection... neutralized!

A job is more secure. Businesses fail.

Did you know 60% of people admit to being unhappy in their job? I'm
surprised the number isn't higher. Your income is secure... right up until
you're no longer needed. Then you're out on your own. You get no say over
who you work with, how many hours you work, if they fire you, when they
fire you, and how much your time is worth.

This means business-owners and self-employed people working from home

get far more control over their time and income than employees.

If someone else gets to decide on all the important elements of your income,
you don't have as much security as you might think.

If you still think job security exists, just cast your eyes to any newspaper, in
almost any part of the country, on any day of the week, in any week of the
year. You will be able to read stories of job losses, company closures, effects
of recessions and economic downturns, and rising unemployment. These
things are happening every day, and if you've been unaffected by these issues
then you've been very lucky so far.

How many months could you and your family survive if you lost your job

Most people have, at most, 3 month's living expenses in savings. This means
if they lost their jobs tomorrow they could survive for another 3 months
before their bank accounts start running on empty. This is when houses go
into foreclosure, yard sales start popping up, cars get sold, you start shopping
at discount stores, and will do anything to save money. This is a nightmare
situation to be in, living in fear every time the phone rings or the doorbell
chimes. Your life is all about debt collectors, Final Demands, and
Foreclosures, all because you had no backup options.
To stay in the game you've got to keep working, constantly. It's like you're in
one of those spinning hamster wheels, and you either keep on running or you
fail and go bankrupt.

You need to seize control yourself, because you can't rely on your job to
provide you with financial security.

You can begin by earning some portion of your income outside of your job,
even a small portion. If you had two, or three, or four different streams of
income, your financial prospects would look very different. When you are
able to turn your time into profits and not just wages you will see all kinds of
previously unconsidered possibilities open to you.

Looking for security is wise, of course. However, the only security we each
have is our ability to make a profit, either for ourselves or for someone else.
If in your job you're paid, say, $50,000, and you're generating any less than
that in value for your boss, you'll be gone. If you're not making a profit for
the company you currently work for, if you don't generate enough or more
value than they pay you for, you're simply not going to be kept around as a
matter of charity.

I'll say it again because it's important and not to be missed. The only security
we have is our ability to make a profit, either for ourselves or for someone

We can only rely on ourselves. It's the only security we have.

Objection 2. I know someone who failed...

"He would not fail in this, if human effort and perseverance could render
him successful" - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Your prospects may present you with this little nugget thinking that you will
get defensive about your opportunity, and be put into a tough situation having
to justify somebody else's failure.

Your answer should do neither of these 2 things.

You shouldn't ever get defensive about your opportunity. This is not how to
win friends and influence people. You also shouldn't attempt to explain away
somebody's failure. Somebody failing is not the same as the company failing,
and you should remind your prospect that people fail at everything.

Everything that it has ever been possible to do has been masterfully and
MASSIVELY failed at by somebody, somewhere.

Maybe your prospect's friend missed a key training, or didn't have a sponsor
like you to help them, or simply got their timing wrong, or maybe they were
given false promises before they even started and had very unreal
expectations about what it means to run your own business.

In handling this objection, using the answer below, you can make it clear to
your prospect that you know your business inside-out and that you know
what it takes to be successful.

You also get to make it clear that if they want to achieve the level of success
your business opportunity can bring, you can help them get it.

Objection... neutralized!

I know someone who failed...

I knew people who tried and failed high school. People who tried and failed
football. People who tried and failed Super Mario Bros! Of course you know
someone who failed at MLM, because people fail at everything. It's a fact,
but it's not a reason not to try.

The worst thing you can do is judge your own potential based on the stories
of others. And yes, that includes me! We are all capable of different things,
and we will all bring something different to any given situation.

The one thing you can be sure of is this: If you want to succeed, you can.
This opportunity is built for people to apply themselves to. With the proper
training, which you'll get, you can do as much or as little as you like. Some
people choose to do a lot, some people choose to do a little.

When 2 people can sign up to the same business opportunity and achieve
wildly different levels of success, it is more of a comment on the individual
than the opportunity.

If your friend became disenchanted and quit, they were likely given false
expectations before they even began...

You shouldn't be surprised to learn that this isn't how I run my business. I
will tell you EXACTLY what it takes to be successful.

I'm not going to tell you it will be a cakewalk.

I'm not going to tell you I will do it for you.
I'm not going to tell you it will take none of your time.
But I will tell you... it will absolutely be worth it.

You can't look at someone else's success or failure as a determining factor of

your own success or failure. This is just like everything else in life. It is what
you make it. It's an opportunity.

Price Pritchett, the author of over 20 books, notes that failure is simply a part
of the process:

"Everything looks like a failure in the middle. You can't bake a cake without
getting the kitchen messy. Half way through surgery it looks like there's been
a murder in the operating room. If you send a rocket to the moon, about 90%
of the time it's off course - it "fails" its way to the moon."

So long as you're not planning on quitting there's no such thing as a failure -

only feedback.

Do not look at someone else's failure as an indicator of your own abilities,

and do not get stuck in a past not of your own making.

You can acheive whatever level of success you desire.

Objection 3. I don't do selling

"You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what
they want." - Zig Ziglar

If your prospect "doesn't do selling", and they believe MLM to be a sales job,
you won't sign them up with all the money in the world.

Most people imagine salespeople to be sleazy, pushy and immoral; dishonest

at worst and insincere at best. That does not sound like a list of qualities
anybody would want to sign their name to, and if this is what your prospect
has in mind while you're discussing your opportunity... goodbye and good

This is an important objection to learn how to handle.

You need to tell your prospect that their lack of sales training is a benefit.
Yep... just flip the whole objection on its head!

Your job is not to talk people in to doing things they don't want to do. Your
job is to find the people who want what you're offering. Make sure you are
very clear on this.

Talk about how many people, from all walks of life, are involved in this
business, and how many have succeeded with nothing whatsoever in the form
of sales training.

This objection could be rooted in their dislike for pushy sales tactics, but they
could also simply be concerned that they won't be able to succeed in this
business without the skills they obviously lack. Will they be able to run the
business without sales training? If so, tell them this.

"There are people just like you", you say, "who have built very large
organizations with no sales training whatsoever. It is not a requirement for
success. You can do this."

Objection... neutralized!

I don't do selling

You can't do selling? Great! Guess what... neither can I.

I can't sell now, and I couldn't when I joined. It's just not who I am.

What I can do is educate people about the choices they have. We all do that
every day anyway. I can direct people to my website for more information. I
can share what I've learned so far. I can tell people about how I started with a
little bit of spare time and a little bit of money, and now have more spare time
and more money. I can tell people how I'm a customer of the products and
why I use them.

What we do is share the message. We don't try and talk people into things.

This means you don't have to be a sleazy salesperson to make money.

We have every kind of person imaginable involved in this business, from 18

year olds fresh out of school, to college kids. From single parents and full
time workers, to retired and elderly pensioners. We have everybody.

Only a tiny few have a sales background, and even fewer would consider
themselves "natural salespeople".

My job isn't to talk people into something they don't want to do. I'm simply
not looking for those people. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything.
I am looking for the people who will see in this opportunity what I saw in it;
the ability to break free from the traditional 9-5 working for a boss and live a
life of your own choosing.

Not only is sales training potentially detrimental to success in this business,

but the whole philosophy of the company is that we help OTHERS get and
achieve what THEY want. This isn't about pushing people who don't want it.
It's about finding those who do. It's marketing, not sales. It's helping, not

It is of absolutely no use to me to turn all "salesey" and talk people into doing
something they wouldn't normally do. I am building a business for the long-
term, with the big picture in mind, and such short-term tactics simply waste
everybody's time. People talked into it will simply quit, and I don't want
those people.

So not only are sales skills unnecessary, but they could very well be

To succeed in this business you have to have just one thing: The desire to
help yourself only if it helps others. We in this business are farmers and not
hunters. We are helpers and not bullies. We are team players, and we are not
predatory sharks.
Objection 4. This sounds too good to be true

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and

looks like hard work." - Thomas Edison

This objection is a slippery one because it is non-specific.

Your prospect saying this objection, as if it's meant to convince you of

something, is like them saying "According to my limited knowledge of the
business world, I don't understand how profits work. I don't understand why a
company would pay me money in exchange for me performing a task."

When stated like this you can see how utterly ridiculous it is.

But obviously, getting defensive (um, as I have just done...) is not the answer.
Your prospect raising this objection could indicate that you haven't made
clear how much hard work they actually have to put in. Nobody says a job is
too good to be true, because it's pretty clear that you are paid money in
exchange for tasks. If they are told to imagine more money than they've ever
earned, then told they could have it if they would only hurry up and sign the
forms to join, it's no surprise they might see this business opportunity as
unrealistic and too good to be true.

Reiterating that this business opportunity is something that they will have to
work hard at, telling them exactly what they need to do in order to be
successful, you can prove that you know the facts of the matter better than
they do, and enough to reassure them. They want to know if the whole thing
is bullshit.

It helps immeasurably, as you will see below, to bring in some 3rd party
credibility to back you up. Newspaper articles about your company will help,
as will anything else that shows that Network Marketing is an established
force in the business world, and that your company is an established force in
your particular industry.

Objection... neutralized!

This sounds too good to be true

Every great thing ever created sounded "too good to be true" to somebody.

People make millions trading currencies against each other. People buy
houses and flip them days later, spending none of their own money and
pocketing thousands of dollars in profits. People short-sell stocks, and make
millions when the share price goes DOWN. The financial instruments people
use to make fortunes are often fantastical, but are very real. Something
sounding good is certainly not a reason not to investigate it further. Network
Marketing is simply one form of doing business. A very popular and
legitimate form of doing business!

The proposition of Network Marketing is this: Work hard, build a profitable

business, get rewarded with the profits for years to come. A larger company
provides the products, you provide the marketing and promotion. You are in
a partnership with the company, and together you both make money.

This isn't a lottery. This is a business you'll be running, with real products,
real people, and real profits. This isn't a golden envelope with a blank check
inside. Network Marketing exists for you right now as an invitation to
something bigger, something far more profitable, than traditional

Network Marketing sits firmly between the traditional business model and
the franchise model (used by companies like McDonalds, Subway, and
Burger King).

Network Marketing involves you with companies whose shares are traded on
the stock market, companies who are household names, companies who have
global footprints, and companies with top-quality products. It is a mighty
club to be a part of.
Lord Rees Mogg, the former Financial Editor-in-Chief of the respected
British newspaper 'The Times', said of Network Marketing:

"A generation ago most people settled down into a career which was thought
would last them for life and some people worked their whole life for the same
employer. That type of security no longer exists. People have to find their
own way through the competitive world of employment and self-
employment. Network Marketing has become an extremely important way of
giving people independence, and independence can give people security."

Another quote is from Success Magazine, which says:

"Today franchises make up a major part of the western world's gross national
product (e.g. McDonalds, Kall Kwik). It is predicted that Network Marketing
as a means of distribution will have an even greater impact on global market
places. Network Marketing attracts all types of people from all walks of life.
Once the domain of housewives and blue-collar workers, Network Marketing
today attracts corporate management, stockbrokers and accountants."

Network Marketing may sound too good to be true, but as a business model it
supports millions of people around the world, in lifestyles they would not be
able to achieve with traditional jobs.

Network Marketing is a way for companies to reach millions of people they

would not have otherwise reached, and for you to earn an income you would
not have otherwise earned.

Something sounding too good to be true is no reason to stop investigating.

Objection 5. Isn't MLM just a pyramid scheme?

"As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the
best information." - Benjamin Disraeli

Your prospect doesn't want to be part of something illegal. They've heard

negative things about pyramid schemes and pyramid selling, and what you
just drew on the back of that napkin looks an awful lot like a pyramid...

Good news. This objection is easily answered with some clear definitions and
a lot of 3rd party credibility. Even if you simply point at how pyramid
schemes are illegal and Network Marketing is alive and well, you can begin
to separate the two.

And separate you must! This objection is something your new recruits will
likely hear from their concerned friends and family, who are no doubt
worried they have lost their loved one forever to some weird pyramid scheme

Mentioning Harvard Business School, mentioning well-known companies,

and mentioning how you asked the very same question about pyramid
schemes, will each help create a well-informed answer to one of the most
common objections to Network Marketing.

Objection... neutralized!

Isn't MLM just a pyramid scheme?

Nope. It's a common misconception, one that I believed myself before I

learned the facts.

Firstly, pyramid schemes are illegal. 100% illegal. People go to jail for
starting and running pyramid schemes.

In contrast, Network Marketing is a recognized marketing method, and has

even been taught at Harvard Business School since 1991. It is a method of
marketing that both new and large companies adopt because of its
effectiveness, its ability to reach a mass market without a large advertising
budget, and because the best people to promote their products are those who
use them every day.

Network Marketing has so far allowed millions of people to escape their

boring jobs and set their own direction, and will help millions more in the
coming years.

In Network Marketing you make money when your customers buy the
product from you, or when people you introduce to the business make sales
of their own. It is all ultimately built on people consuming a product, and you
getting paid for it.

Typically in a pyramid scheme there is no product, and the entire thing is

simply an exercise in getting new people to give their money to existing
people. In a Pyramid Scheme you can only earn money by signing other
people up to the scheme, who in turn can only earn money by signing other
people up, who can in turn only earn money by signing other people up... It
wouldn't take long for a scheme like this to require more people than actually
exist on earth!

You can easily see how you would need an infinite number of people for this
to work for everybody involved. Because not everybody can succeed, and
because the whole setup is doomed right from the start, voila, pyramid
schemes are illegal.

This is where Network Marketing is VERY different. Network Marketing is

rooted in actual customers buying actual products, and is a firmly established

You would be right in pointing out that the structure your network marketing
business will take will be a pyramid, but there isn't anything wrong with the
actual SHAPE. A pyramid is the strongest shape known to man. It's the
structure of your family tree. It's the structure of management at the company
you work at. It's the structure of government, and of the military. There isn't
anything wrong with the structure. It is the natural shape for a growing
organisation to take.

So where does the money come from in Network Marketing?

The marketing budget.

Charles Givens, author of Wealth Without Risk, claims that 80 percent of the
money spent getting a product to consumers is the result of marketing
expenses. Network Marketing is a way for companies to dramatically cut
these marketing costs, and get their products in the hands of consumers
without using the expensive traditional methods. And they're willing to pay
YOU handsomely to accomplish it.

Did you know the following companies sell some or all of their products
through this exact process:

General Motors
General Electric
and Coca Cola!

A lot of people confuse Network Marketing with the illegal pyramid schemes
just because of the pyramid shape, but Network Marketing is a legitimate and
regulated industry. There are many differences between network marketing
and a pyramid scheme, and they are two very different beasts entirely.

Pyramid schemes always end badly. The incredible power of network

marketing as a legitimate business opportunity changes lives.
Objection 6. Can you guarantee me a large income?

"If you know where you're going and you keep walking, you will get to
your destination - one step at a time." - P. T. Barnum

Coming from traditional employment, a lot of people will feel uneasy about
putting in time and effort that they're not getting paid for. They are used to
dollars per hour, or annual salary, or a set rate for a set project. The vast
majority of people have never worked for commission only, and they never
will. "If you don't produce you don't get paid" simply sounds too risky for
most people. Of course the motto for employment is also precisely that, "If
you don't produce you don't get paid", only with a slightly longer lag time...
until you get fired.

Most people don't think of their job in this way, so it would be useful to point
out that the only security we have is our ability to make a profit, either for
ourselves or for someone else.

If they can't guarantee their effort, you can't guarantee the income. You can
absolutely guarantee that the business does work, but you can't guarantee that
they will.

Nobody ever started a business with a guaranteed income, and they're not
going to be the first.

Can you guarantee me a large income?

Can I guarantee you a large income?


(I bet you weren't expecting that)

I can't guarantee you a large income just as you can't guarantee me your
effort. This opportunity is like everything else in life - you get out of it what
you put in. There is no other way. There is a reason it's called a business
"opportunity" - because it's there to be seized.

I can absolutely guarantee that the business does work, but I can't guarantee
that you will.

There are no guarantees in anything worth doing, and this is no exception,

and anyone who tells you any different doesn't deserve your trust.

This is the case with all opportunities worth seizing, and this is exactly how it
should be.

Instead of looking for guarantees that don't, and won't ever, exist, you can
instead plan your actions all the way to your goal. If you've decided where
you want to end up, you can work out what you need to do each month in
order to get there, based on the actions of people who have done it before.

I can't guarantee what you'll get out based on what you put in, but I can
guarantee that you'll certainly get nothing out if you put nothing in. I can also
guarantee that this business works. But again, I can't guarantee that you will.

If you aren't presented with unreal expectations, the kind that a lot of people
in this business love to provide, you won't be overwhelmed by twists and
turns and ups and downs. I can guarantee, twists and turns and ups and downs
will always happen, like the ebb and flow of the tide. The key to success here
is not to feel deflated with setbacks and not to be overwhelmed by successes.
Take everything in your stride, because it's all part of building a business.

Looking for some kind of guarantee is actually wise, because it shows you
are security conscious. Most people are employees instead of business
owners for this simple reason - security.

However, the only security we each have is our ability to make a profit, either
for ourselves or for someone else.

If you're paid, say, $50,000, and you're generating any less than that in value
for your boss, you'll be gone.

If you're not making a profit for the company you currently work for, if you
don't generate enough or more value than they pay you for, you're simply not
going to be kept around as a matter of charity.

I'll say it again because it's important and not to be missed. The only security
we have is our ability to make a profit, either for ourselves or for someone

My suggestion: start making the profits for yourself.

Objection 7. I can't afford to run a business

"It's up to us to take control and responsibility for the type of life we want
to lead." - Nigel Marsh.


When you talk about your business, your prospect is instinctively imagining a
complex beast, requiring thousands of dollars invested, requiring all their
time. Why? Because that's every other business they've ever seen or run or
worked for. They imagine themselves having to do the same job, with the
same hours, that they see their boss or business-owning friends doing. They
need more money and more time, not to spend the little of both they currently
have. Most people imagine a high level of risk, and months or possibly years
until they see a penny of profit.

This objection isn't about the actual cost of running your business, it's about
the imagined cost. It's also not just about the money. This objection is your
prospect saying they're not going to commit to something that will give them
less control. They don't want an albatross hung around their neck, a business
sapping their bank accounts dry. An objection about cost is simply your
opportunity to show how they will completely control how much time and
money they invest.

They are worried that not only is their initial signup fee at risk, but that they
will be "on the hook" for hundreds more dollars each month. Tell them this is
not the case.

Show them how they will profit long term, of course, but don't neglect the
short term gains. Talking of fast cars and big houses is fine... but for most
people, simply showing them how they can earn back their initial investment
will do a lot to allay their fears of joining in the first place.

The business, in their mind is large, expensive, time-consuming and risky.

Your job is to show them how it's simple, profitable, flexible, and safe.

I can't afford to run a business

You can't afford not to.

What would you do, starting tomorrow, if you had to earn an extra $10,000
per year? Would you try and impress your boss to get a promotion? Would
you beg for a raise?

I would suggest you start your own home business.

You only have to watch the news for 3 minutes to know that the entire nation
is in the grip of doom and gloom. It seems like almost every company out
there is firing employees. There is now a record number of people without
jobs, and without incomes, and the reality is setting in of a winter with no
money to even pay the bills let alone buy christmas gifts. It's pretty grim out

Despite the terrible economy, there is a growing number of people who are
largely immune to these mass-firings and insane unemployment figures.

They are the Network Marketers, and you can join their ranks.

You really can start and run this business at a fraction of the cost you're
probably imagining. It's not the same as running a traditional business where
you need to invest heavily in stock, premises, staff, advertising, pension
schemes, etc etc.

Most people grow their businesses faster by simply reinvesting the profits
from their first year in business. This keeps the costs very predictable, doesn't
take money out of your pocket each month, and allows you to grow
something that will eventually take over your job income and set you free
from having to work for other people.
You have the option right now to work on your own fortune, instead of for
the wages your boss decides you're worth.

Most people start their Network Marketing businesses part time, or just in
their spare time, and build up their income. Then when their Business Income
overtakes their Job Income... Goodbye Boss!

Starting your own business in this way turns the traditional process on its
head. You're not spending all your time and all your money trying to scratch
together a profit after years of slaving away. You are instead turning your
spare time into cash. You grow your business around your existing
commitments and you turn your dead time into profitable time.

This business obviously has the joining fee which gets you the start-up
package and company training, but after that it's completely up to you how
much money you invest in business tools and marketing each month. You can
grow your business (indeed, many people have) with no monthly costs

Beyond the start-up costs, everything is optional.

It's of course up to you how much money you want to invest in running your
network marketing business.

If you can't afford to invest a single dime in your new venture, that's perfectly
fine. If you want to invest $100 a month in advertising and promotion, that's
fine too. This is your business, and you can build it at whatever pace you like.
You just need to look at where you are, look at where you want to be, and
come up with a sustainable plan to bridge that gap. And we do that together,
by the way, to set realistic goals. So you know exactly what to expect.

Re-investing your profits for the first year means that no matter how much or
how little you choose to invest out of your own pocket, you can make this
business work for you.

Let me say that again...

You can make this business work for you.

We stick to the fundamentals, we build solid foundations, and you can go at

your own pace. Invest only the time and money you feel comfortable
investing, and don't feel pressured to go beyond your means.

Network Marketing can be an extremely profitable business model for you,

and is extremely affordable to start.

If you can't afford to run a traditional business, yet still want the high income
a business can bring, this is what you've been waiting for!
Objection 8. I just don't have the time

"Being rich is having money. Being wealthy is having time. And being a
Network Marketer is having both!" - Lewis Smile

When a prospect says to you "I don't have the time to do something like this"
what they are actually saying is:

"Right now, I choose to spend my time doing other things. This business
opportunity isn't important enough for me to push something else off my list."

This objection is nothing to do with them looking at their clock trying to fit in
20 minutes a night to build their business. This objection is about priority.

They have the same amount of time as you and everybody else, and they
choose to spend it their own way. This means the issue is not that they don't
have the time, but that your business is not a high enough priority for them
right now.

In order to get your prospect to make your business opportunity a priority in

his or her life, you need to make a stronger case for the freedoms it can bring,
the profits it can offer, and how you will help them succeed.

To demonstrate this it helps to point out that they are in exactly the same boat
as everyone else, and how they spend their time is completely up to them.
Sure, they can give up various things and make sacrifices, but the whole point
of this business is that it allows you to have more freedom and to do more of
what you want, not less. So answering this objection is like carefully walking
a tightrope. You don't simply want to tell them to make sacrifices, you don't
just want to launch into a speech about how important the business is, and
you don't want to simply tell them how much free time they WILL have if
they only work at the business for the next 4 years. You must mix the
message and bring them to the easily believable conclusion that your business
opportunity should be a priority and will bring them more of what they want.

Weave all this together and you've got yourself an answer.

Objection... neutralized!

I just don't have the time

It's not a matter of time. It's a matter of priority.

Everyone who has ever achieved anything, great or small, started with
nothing but 24 hours a day. This is where I am. This is where you are. This is
where all 100 Billion humans who have ever lived have been. Everyone who
has ever lived had exactly what you have now. Bill Gates, and tramp on the
street corner. Everyone starts with 24 units of the same currency.

It's not that you don't have the time. It's all about how you spend it. You
make room. You push out something less important to fit in something more
important, and before long you're spending time with people you like best,
doing the things you most enjoy, and working on interesting problems.

You can't afford not to invest in your future in a real and tangible way, or
you'll end up selling your whole life to your boss. And no matter who you
are, I know your boss really doesn't pay you enough to deserve that!

If you don't design your life, someone else is going to do it for you. I would
certainly prefer to plan my own life than have a boss or company do it for me
because I have an especially hard time imagining they would spend even a
single minute considering my best interests...

If we play by their rules our whole lives we would be condemned to look

longingly at the choices of those who are not so foolish. If you're constantly
saying to yourself and others "I don't have time for that", that's probably an
indicator of the quality of choices you're currently making.

You don't even need to commit the hundreds of hours you're probably
imagining in order to start your own Network Marketing business from
home. What matters more than how much you can put in right now is how
much you can put in consistently, over time, slowly chipping away at the
necessary tasks. You start in your spare time, you build up your business and
your income, and eventually the profits will support you and your family and
all the crazy dreams you will finally have the freedom to act on.

Home business magazine points out the magic of starting part-time:

"Making Network Marketing attractive as a home business are its minimal

investment, low overhead, and ability to be operated part-time around one's
"day job". Those who work hard and build a strong network can earn
enormous amounts of money and can transition to full time - the power of

If you currently don't have 30 minutes free each day, or just 3 - 4 hours a
week, you're doing it wrong! We all allocate our time and effort to the things
important to us, and if building your own business isn't high enough on that
scale of importance I would recommend looking very hard at the number of
hours you spend in work, away from the people and the activities you love.

If you're not happy with your current path, heading for your current goal, I
recommend trying a new plan. For half an hour a day.

"Press on. Nothing can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; the
world is full of unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not;
unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world
is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are
omnipotent." - Calvin Coolidge
We have reached the end of our trip into the world of MLM objections. Well
done, you clever scamp.

You know have an understanding of the objections and their answers, not just
a rote memorization of some stock lines and phrases. You have the ability
now to respond to objections in a way that is both confident and natural. You
know the reasons behind each objection, you've seen a carefully woven
answer for each, and you can reassure your prospects and sign up more
people than ever.

Half of what you need to answer an objection is an understanding of the

motivation behind it, the other half is confidence. This book has given you
the first half, and the second half will simply come with practice.

REMEMBER: Recruiting isn't something you do to people. It's something

you help people decide for themselves. You're not trying to talk people in to
signing up, you are instead looking for people who want to sign up.

You don't need to try and help someone if they don't want it. You're not
trying to change people. You are merely sharing what you've got.

Now you can build a downline that never stops growing, and build it with
confidence, and with... objections neutralized!

[Read on to find out how to legally steal my other MLM writings to grow
your business...]
Legally Steal All My Hard Work

"I feel a little guilty taking credit for your work, Lewis!"
Recruit from home, in your PJs (or your favorite underpants),
using the superpowers of the Internet.

The internet is the greatest marketing tool ever created. In the entire history
of business and capitalism, there has never been a better tool to reach more
people in a faster time than the humble little computer screen sat on your
desk right now.

There are over 2 Billion email users on earth. Over one tenth of humanity is
on Facebook. Google handles over 1 Billion searches every day. There are
more people online than ever before, and tomorrow the number of connected
people will rise, and continue to rise...

The fact that all these people are a mere click away is simply mindboggling!

If you are not already using this awesome reach to recruit new people into
your business, you are missing out massively. Billions of people are online,
searching and clicking and browsing, and when someone searches for your
company name, or for your products... they find your competitors! Hmph.

People are searching Google right now for home business ideas, for info
about your MLM company, for advice on starting a business, or even just for
how to make a little bit of extra money each month.

You need to make sure they can find YOU.

As leads, they're like ripe apples on a tree, ready for picking.

At I have tried to make this as easy to accomplish as

possible. I have written collections of articles you can download and use for
your own recruiting. Hundreds of them. Put your own name on the articles,
and your own web address or phone number, and start publishing them to
your blog or social networking sites. It's like having me writing content so
you can recruit more people online.
If you don't have much experience writing your own content this is perfect
for you. The articles become yours. Your name, your link, your leads.

You can download a free pack (right now) from

Do it.

Do it.

P.S. You can email me at if you have any funny

jokes or questions you'd like to share.

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