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The current, Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as the Internet of Things, means
total computerization of the industry, whose essential principle is connecting the
mechanisms and their systems to develop smart grids in the whole chain, where they
themselves can organize, control self-operating production processes, process large
volumes of information, which helps to analyze and optimize the production itself.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has a huge impact on society, the state and devel-
opment of the world. Its influence on people‘s lives and state processes will be even
greater than the First Industrial Revolutions. It will affect education and healthcare
systems, work, communication, self-expression, information receiving habits, lifestyle
habits and way of traveling. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is not only „smart fac-
tories“ and global digitalisation, it's also smartphones, nanotechnologies, renewable
energy sources, smart cities, robotics, self-propelled cars, 3D printers, which apply
not only in manufacturing but also in other areas.

The speed of the current digital revolution will mostly affect the system of science. We
need to think about what specialists we will need and get ready now. Perhaps some spe-
cialities have demands we probably can’t even imagine, but if we want to be competitive
in the world markets, we must not be afraid to change quickly. The role of researchers
is very important here, who, through their insights, discoveries and innovations, make a
significant contribution to the changes through cooperation with business.

In terms of the digital revolution the main thing is not to concentrate and not to close
it just inside of the country. It‘s a global process and no matter what size is one or the
other country. It’s important what it can create. The digital revolution is about the fact
that the problem of distance, transportation is coming to the second plan, because
it‘s possible to create products simultaneously in several countries, even in disagree-
ment with each other. It makes these processes so effective.

How will the Fourth Industrial Revolution be developed will depend on people, cul-
ture and values. New technologies, no matter how powerful they may look like, are
human-made tools for people. It should be kept in mind, to make sure that innova-
tions and technologies will continue to be created for people and not vice versa. Then
the breakthrough of technology will encourage a sustainable social development that
will benefit all its members.

1.2. The main elements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The wave of change in the Fourth Industrial Revolution differs from previous revolutions
in several important aspects and can be characterized by these key features:

Social media. Social media from traditional media such as television or radio is different
in its communication style. Communication through social media is interactive and digi-
tal. Examples of social media can be Facebook, Xing, or WhatsApp. The greatest benefit
of social media is the ability to easily exchange information between users and devices.


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