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Full name: RUDY W. CUEVA CUYO……………………………….


This/that/these /those (2 points)

Write sentences about the objects using this, that, these

0. This is a cell phone 1.this is a book

2.that is a book

3.those are keys

4.that is a umbrella

ADJECTIVES. Put the words in the right order. (2 points)

5. is /a /Brazil /country /beautiful Brazil is a beautiful country.
6. Buenos Aires /big /are /very /and /Lima/ cities Buenos Aires and Lima are very big cities
7. Karen /are /and /intelligent /Ana /very /students Karen and Ana are very intelligent students
8. expensive /cell /This/ is/ an /phone. This cell is an phone expensive.

IMPERATIVES, LET´S. Complete the sentences with a positive or negative verb or let´s + verb. (2 points)
You can use some of the verbs in the list: close, smoke, turn on, turn off, drink, have, go
9. don not close. the window. It´s very hot.
10. . Let´s go in class.
11. OK my friends. …let´s go to the movies this weekend.
12. turn off Your cell phones before we start the class.

VOCABULARY (6 points)
THINGS. Complete the sentences with an appropriate word. Use the
pictures to help you decide.
13. A chair is and object where we sit.
14. We put our ID card, credit card and money in a wallet
15. This is a photo of my family.
16. We use scissors to cut paper.

ADJECTIVES. Complete the sentences with an appropriate adjective

You can use some of the words in the list: happy, sad, slow, blue, high, low, safe, old, new, fast.
17. That is a very fast car. It can go at 600km/h.
18. My blue jeans are new.
19. Mount Everest is a very high. mountain.
20. You need a …new computer. Your computer is very old.

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FEELINGS. Complete the sentences with an appropriate adjective
You can use some of the words in the list: happy, tired, hot, cold, hungry, worried, thirsty
21. I need to drink something. I am very …thirsty.
22. I have an exam tomorrow and I didn´t study. I am really…tired
23. I am cold the temperature is 5°C below zero. (-5°C)
24. I am really hungry I work from seven in the morning to nine in the afternoon.

Where are English words from?
From Old English. Many English words come from Old English. Eg. England, house, woman, man, child, bird, water.
They sometimes have irregular pronunciation.
From Latin. Other English words come from Latin. Eg. family, wine, number, school, educate
From French. Some English words come from French. Eg. royal, hotel, menu, beef.
From other languages. Today English is an international language. Thousands of English words come from other
languages Eg. siesta from Spanish and judo from Japanese.
Technology. Every year hundreds of words come into English from new technology. Eg. internet, text message, e-
mail, IPod.

(04 points)
Read carefully and write where the word comes from.
25. Judo Japanese
26. Text message English …………………………………………………………………
27. Royal French
28. Siesta Spanish…………………………………………………………………
29. Family Latin
30. Woman Old English…………………………………………………………………
31. Educate Latin…………………………………………………………………
32. Menu French…………………………………………………………………

Listen. Circle the correct answer.
(4 points)

1. What is Mark´s last name? Rider / Wilder / Johnson

2. Where is the hotel? At the airport/ in the city center/ in the suburbs
3. Would Mark like a drink? Yes/ No
4. How do they go to the hotel? by taxi /by car / by bus

07/19 YKVS

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