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Nursing has been called the oldest of the arts and the youngest of the professions.

It's a beautiful
helping profession. Florence Nightingale, (12 May 1820 – 13 August 1910) was founder and true
innovator of modern nursing Also, she was an English social reformer and statistician. Thanks
to her work to advance the nursing profession and health care we can now evaluate and improve
the quality of care provided. Patient satisfaction is of vital importance to investigate the quality
of care in the context of health care. Nursing is one of the most humanian jobs which include
cooperation with doctors and other teammates.

Definition of nursing

Virgina Henderson "The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in
the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to a peaceful death)
that he would perform unaided if he had a necessary strenght, will or knowledge. And to do this
in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible. "

Basic nursing priciples:

1. safety

2. therapeutic effectiveness

3. comfort

4. use of resourses

5. good workmanship

6. individuality

Essential professional vallues:

1. altuism (it's a concern for the well being of patient, community and other health care

2. autonomy (right to self determination)

3. human dignity (respect fot the inherent worth and uniqueness of individuals and populations)

4. integrity (is reflected in proffesional practice when the nurse is honest and provides care based
on an ethical frame work)

5. social justice (it's upholding moral, legal and humanistic principles)

Humour is an integral part of everyday life and therefore also a component of the care and treatment of
patients in the modern health care system.
Daily tasks of one nurse include:

1. to promote health (Nurses have a key role in providing that information in the form of health
teaching because of their close contact with the patient)

2. to prevent disease (in the quest for optimal health and wellness t reatment involves fixing the cause
of the condition, not just alleviating the symptoms).

3. to help ill-person to healing (The working place is not only in the hospital, but also in family,
community and whole society)

4. to ease suffering (to assist the dying patient to pass away with quietude, peace and dignity)

5. to accept the patient as a holistic human being ( is a form of healing that considers the whole person
-- body, mind, spirit, and emotions). 

Characteristics of the profession:

- nursing means caring

- is basically intelectual

- is based on a specialized body of knowlegde

- is practical rather than theoretical

- has a strong internal organisation of memebers

- it considering high level of individual responsability

- code of ethics (document may outline the mission and values of the health organisation, how
professionals are suposed to approach problems, the ethical principles based on human

The nurse has numerous roles and each is equally important. Caregiver role included all
activities that assist the patient physically and psychologicaly with al his needs. Communication
is an integral part of her work. Nurses daily communicate with patients, their famillies, other
health professionals and people in the community. A good communication skill is required in
many situations. Also nurses have a role to promote health because they are highly educated,
experienced health professionals. Nurses also can be counselor and that's the process of helping a
patient to recognize and fight with stressful psychologic or social problems. They play a major
role in assessing and treating patients but the healing process requires team collaboration .
Members of a multidisciplinary team have autonomy in desicion - making and practice but they
must following ethical principles.
At the end... to be the nurse means a lot, first of all they treats and educates patients. They
records the patient's medical history and symptoms, help perform diagnostic tests and analize the
results. Nurses operate medical equipment, administer treatment and medications and help
patient after hospitalisation. They can assist in surgeries or work with children in pediatrics.
Nurses feel the joy of seeing a new baby born as well as the pain of losing a long - term patient.
That's why emotianal stability is crucial in this profession. When a nurse notice something is not
right with a patient, they must be able to make desicion quickly and put their plans into action
instantly. That's very important ability, because a fraction of a second can mean the difference
between life and dead. Nursing is never ending job which includes empathy, compassion, loyalty
and love for the profession.

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