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In epistemology, on the question of knowledge, which knowledge requires the testing of

A. A posteriori B. A priori C. Experimental D. revealed
2. What philosophical belief asserts that knowledge is impossible?
A. Agnosticicm B. Skepticism C. Altruism D. Empiricism
3. Critical thinking skill requires a teacher to support his/her clai with a ground that warrants the
reasonability of the conclusion. What major premise is needed to validly complete this
“but many moments in life are romantic events
Therefore, many romantic events are memorable.”
A. All moments in life are memorable C. Some in life are memorable
B. Romantic events are memorable moments in life D. None of the above
4. The nature of knowledge in the curriculum, its certainly and its objectivity is founded on what
branch of Philosophy?
A. metaphysics B. Epistemology C. Axiology D. logic
5. In ethics, Immanuel Kant divided actions into two: acts done from inclination- non-moral and
acts done froma sence of duty-moral. For him moraliry is closely bound up with one’s duties and
obligation. He also proposed the Categorical Imperatives: a. act only on the maxim that you can
will that it should become the universal law and b. act as to treat humanity as an end never as a
means. Which one below applies Kant’s moral philosophy?
A. One must search for knowledge for immorality is caused by ignorance
B. One must resolve before acting if one wants others to do the very action that one is about to
C. One must see to it that one’s action serves a particular purpose
D. One must make sure that his action results into pleasure and avoidance of pain
6. How do philosophers explain the existence of change and permanency? How is it that in spite of
the changes there is something that remains to be permanent? This is due to the principle of
A. Act and potency B. Essence and existence C. Cause and Effect D. Hylemorphism
7. Which view about truth is common to all pragmatists?
A. Truth is what all investigators will ultimately agree to
B. Truth is relative to place, time, and purpose
C. Truth is what works for the individual
D. Truth is unchanging
8. This is the systematic consistent explanation of all the facts of experience. Its technical term is
reason. It is considered as the best criterion of truth
A. Pragmatism B. Consistency C. Correspondence D. Coherence
9. “Every non-man is immortal since every mortal beings is man.” Suppose the premise is true, the
conclusion of this immediate inference will be
A. True B. False C. Doubtful D. invalid
10. To develop creative thinking skill the teacher asks “What if . . .” questions. To what metaphysical
principle is this grounded?
A. primary of existence B. Consciousness C. identity D. causality
11. What is the specific role of the teacher’s philosophy of education in the teaching-learning
A. It determines the aims, mission, and vision of the educative process
B. It influences the professional development that the teacher undertake
C. It qualifies the objective, the content, the methodology and the context of the teaching
D. It identifies what kind of learners the teacher is going to teach
12. This philosophy posits the knowability of the world and everything in it as they are in themselves
and their existence is independent of the human mind.
A. Existentialism B. Idealism C. Materialism D. Realism
13. What type of error in reasoning is found in this argument?
“This medicine works with rats; thus, it must surely work with human beings.”
A. Fallacy of Accident B. A Fortiori C. Ad Ignorantiam D. False Cause
14. Why is it that a teacher should address the uniqueness of each pupil, cater to individual interest,
and adapt the lesson to the experience of the learner?
A. Because of the axiom of causality
B. Because of the axiom of consciousness
C. Because of the axiom of identity
D. Because of the axiom of supremacy of existence
15. In the argument, “We cannot punish this man because he is the only one that supports his
family”, what is wrongly appealed to?
A. People B. Ignorance C. Advantage D. Pity
16. Aristotle contended that the good life is a life of happiness. Happiness is an activity not a goal
and men ought to behave so as to achieve happiness. Thus men must act moderately and they
must act so as to be striving for the mean between two extremes. As a teacher how are you
going to interpret this?
A. You will provide your students moral dilemmas
B. You will develop a sense of duty in your students
C. You will develop the cognitive ability of your students
D. You will provide your students opportunities to develop virtues
17. If the statement “Some philosophies are irrational” is true, what statement below will be false?
A. Some rational things are not philosophies C. No irrational thing is not philosophies
B. Some irrational things are philosophies D. No irrational thing is a philosophy
18. “Some scientists are religious” is false then it follows that
A. All scientists are religious is true C. Some scientists are not religious true
B. No scientist is religious is false D. Some non-religious people are non-scientists is true
19. What kind of opposition exists between the propositions “No mas is above the law” and “Some
men are not above the law”?
A. Contraries B. Sub-alternates C. Contradictories D. Sub-contraries
20. What logical equivalence exists between the statements “All books are reading materials” and
“Some non-books are non-reading materials”?
A. Converse B. obverse C. contraposit D. inverse
21. John Locke contented that the mind is a “white paper” or “tabula rasa” void of any characters
and without any ideas and all things anybody knows comes from experience. What would be the
logical implication of this tenet?
A. There is no inherent idea
B. We can only know our perception of reality and not reality itself
C. Reality is in the mind
D. Reality is what it appears to be.
22. What is the contraposit of the contradictory of the statement “Life is precious” and what is its
truth value?
A. Some precious things are life. False C. Some non-life is not precious. true
B. Some non-precious things are not death. False D. Some life is not precious. True
23. In the argument, “Some people are angry is true thus Some angry beings are not people is
false.” What kind of immediate inference exists here?
A. Valid conversion C. Valid conversion of the sub-contrary
B. Invalid conversion D. Invalid conversion of the sub-contrary
24. “My grades should be high for I got high grades in the final exam” What Fallacies are present in
this argument?
I. Division
II. Composition
III. False Cause
IV. A fortiori
V. Hasty Generalization
25. What major premise is needed to validly complete this argument? “but every idiot is a mentally
retarded person; therefore, no idiot is a scientist”
A. No mentally retarded person is a scientist
B. All scientists are not idiots
C. All mentally retarded persons are idiots
D. Mentally retarded persons are not to be scientists

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