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A Collection of Essays:

Have Faith
In God?
By. Anthony Coleman
1. Introduction: The Invisible (Spiritual) War! - 3

2. Why Have Faith In God? - 4

3. The Equity Argument For God - 8



6. The Christian Faith Isn’t Meant To Be A Fact - 17

7. The Perfect Bible Verse For Those Seeking God - 19

8. Is The Bible Truly God's Message? - 21

9. Conclusion: Why The Christian Faith? - 24

10. BONUS: What Is God’s View On Homosexuality? - 25

Disclaimer: I will be honest and say that I don’t understand everything that’s in the
Bible, but I don’t think we need to in order to have faith. The main message is most
important! “The Scriptures (Bible) were written to teach and encourage us to have
hope.” - Romans 15:4
Introduction: The Invisible (Spiritual) War!
By. Anthony Coleman

You probably don’t realize this, but there’s been a spiritual war going on. The war is
about humanity, and since you are human, the war involves you!

Allow me to explain...

The Spirit of God (or God) and The Spirit of the World are fighting over you. The
fight is about the overall direction of your life. If you are wondering why, here’s what

In the beginning, God created humanity (created you) to share His love & glory with
Him for eternity in Heaven. However, The Spirit of the World wants to influence you
to ignore, reject, or lose interest in God. Why? Because it claims you are inherently
self-centered and can easily be distracted from God, which makes you unworthy of
Heaven and deserving of Hell (or eternal separation from God).

God says:
“Repent and turn to (have faith in) Me!”

The Spirit of the World says:

“Do whatever you want in your life,
as long as you don’t repent and turn to God (Jesus).”

Don’t overlook this! This war is real! This war is serious! The purpose of this
“Collection of Essays” is to share with you the reason why I personally chose to
repent and turn to God (Jesus)!

“Satan rules the world, and his spirit has power over
everyone who doesn’t follow God.”
- Ephesians 2:2

Why Have Faith In God?
By. Anthony Coleman

Why does God want you to have faith in Him? Because faith is a statement that you yearn for
perfect peace for all people throughout all time. (Perfect peace includes perfect love, goodness,
righteousness, justice, fairness, and unity.)

Perfect peace means you DO NOT tolerate any violation of what’s right, good and fair. Because of
love, the way we treat ourselves and each other should be with absolute honor, respect and
consideration with NO exceptions!

Now, you might say that’s impossible, but that’s the point! We have faith in God because we know
ONLY God can give perfect peace.

That’s why God is strongly against those who reject faith in Him. If we reject having faith in God
while living in this unjust world, we are basically saying “we reject perfect peace and we accept this
unjust world!”

Allow me to explain...

In our world, so many unjust acts were/are committed. Acts such as murder, lying, rape, theft,
torture, violence, verbal abuse, etc. Now, let’s say you stand against those acts. You might believe in
peace, but if you don’t have faith in God, then the peace you believe in is flawed. Why? Because
regardless if you believe in peace, those unjust acts have already happened and will continue to
happen. No amount of good that you do or experience will make up for all the injustice in this
world. You have to come to terms with that fact if you want to enjoy your life without having faith in

So, do you enjoy your life while rejecting faith in God? If so, then you’re someone who rejects
perfect peace and you accept this unjust world. Really think about that.

But how does having faith in God make a difference?

1. When we have faith in God, we know that we don’t belong to this world anymore, but belong to
God. (John 17:9)
2. Because of our faith, we become foreigners and strangers in this world. (1 Peter 2:11)
3. We’re to focus on God while living in this world. (Colossians 3:2)

When we have faith in God, we are basically saying “we DO NOT accept this unjust world!”

Why do you think there are many verses in the Bible about rejecting this world? Because this world
is unjust and we’re meant to embrace perfect peace!

“Don’t love the world or anything that belongs to the world. If you love the world, you cannot love God. Our foolish pride comes
from this world, and so do our selfish desires and our desire to have everything we see. None of this comes from God. The world
and the desires it causes are disappearing. But if we obey God, we will live forever.” - 1 John 2:15-17

“You people aren’t faithful to God! Don’t you know that if you love the world, you are God’s enemies? And if you decide to be a
friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God.” - James 4:4

“If you give your life to this world, you will lose it. If you give your life to God, you will be given eternal life.” - John 12:25

“Jesus said, ‘I am the light that has come into the world. No one who has faith in me will stay in this world’s darkness.’” - John

“Don’t be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think.” - Romans 12:2

As you can see, we are not meant to conform to this unjust world. We’re meant to reject this world.
To deny this world. To defeat this world!

“Every child of God can defeat the world, and our faith is what gives us this victory. No one can defeat the world without having
faith in Jesus as the Son of God.” - 1 John 5:4-5

Am I saying it’s wrong to enjoy life in this world? Of course not! There are obviously good qualities
in life, but to have those qualities blind you to all the injustice in the world isn’t right. Do not allow
your enjoyment of life to distract you from what’s most important. What’s most important? To have
perfect peace, which only God (Jesus) can give!

“Jesus said, ‘I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. It isn’t like the peace that this world can give. My peace is far
beyond human understanding.’” - John 14:27, Philippians 4:7

Speaking of Jesus, why should we specifically have faith in Him? Because He gave us a chance to
be forgiven of ALL our violations of (Sins against) perfect peace! Right now, let’s humble ourselves
and acknowledge this simple truth: We have done wrong in our lives which has contributed to the
injustice in this world, and if we yearn for perfect peace, we will feel convicted of that truth. But
here’s the good news! Read verse:

“Jesus said, ‘I promise you that any of the sinful things you say or do can be forgiven, no matter how terrible those things are.’” -
Mark 3:28

Like I said before, it’s not wrong to enjoy life, but are we here to solely enjoy ourselves? Not at all!
We are here on a mission from God. We are to have faith in God’s light and to shine His light on
those who are lost (And looking for hope) in the darkness.
“You used to be like people living in the dark, but now you are people of the light because you belong to God. So act like people
of the light and make your light shine. The light represents goodness, justice, and truth.” - Ephesians 5:8-9

“You live among people who are in the dark, but you must not do what they do. Try to shine your light among the people of this
world, as you hold firmly to the good news that gives life.” - Philippians 2:15-16

“You’re to be a guide for the blind and a light for all who are in the dark.” - Romans 2:19

“God is offering peace and forgiveness (Light) to the people of this world, and He has given those who have faith in Him the work
of sharing His message about peace.” - 2 Corinthians 5:19

To conclude, there’s one question I want to answer, and that question is:
Why doesn’t God just reveal Himself to all of us for we wouldn’t have to rely on faith?

The answer: Because God wants to show all of Heaven and Earth that there are those of us who will
seek His perfect peace instead of conforming to an unjust world! And guess what? The moment
when we choose God will be the moment when we become His chosen ones, and He promised to
share His glory with us for eternity! (Romans 8:28-30, Romans 9:23-24, 1 Thessalonians 2:12, 1 Peter 5:10)

P.S. - A warning from one of God’s messengers:

“God’s messenger said, ‘I often warned you that many people have rejected God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Now, with tears in my
eyes, I warn you again that they are headed for Hell! They only care about satisfying their worldly desires. All they can think about
are the things of this world, even though God said He is going to punish this evil world and its people because of their sins. Only
those who have faith in Christ will be rescued from this evil world. We must tell them! We must plead with them to put their faith
in God (Jesus), give up their worldly desires now, and do what’s right! They must find and follow the road that leads to (perfect)
peace.’” - Philippians 3:18-19, 1 Peter 3:11, Galatians 1:4, Isaiah 13:11;26:3

Atheist: “I’m someone who values peace!”

Believer: “Oh really? Then what about those like Anne Frank and Emmitt Till? Anne Frank was a 15
year old girl who was killed during the Holocaust and Emmitt Till was a 14 year old boy who was
killed because of racism. Where was their opportunity of peace?“

Atheist: “What happened to them was really messed up, but that’s the past. There’s nothing we
can do about it.”

Believer: “Of course we can’t, but if you truly value peace, you would have faith in the One who
Why Have Faith In God?:
The Way To Perfect Peace

“Perfect peace is the time when all injustice, throughout all time,
will be rectified and goodness will prevail exclusively forever.”

1. Perfect peace is coming! Be prepared.

2. “When the time of perfection comes, everything that isn’t

perfect will come to an end.” - 1 Corinthians 13:10

3. To embrace perfect peace, you must be

perfect. If you’re not perfect, there’s hope!

4. “Because of what Jesus did, He has eternally perfected

everyone who He brings to God.” - Hebrews 10:14

5. Repent and turn to (have faith in) Jesus/God!

The Equity Argument For God
By. Anthony Coleman

Premise #1. All people throughout all time deserve justice and fairness.

Premise #2. All people throughout all time don’t experience justice and fairness.

Premise #3. Either justice and fairness for all people throughout all time is just wishful thinking, or
justice and fairness for all people throughout all time will eventually happen.

Premise #4. If justice and fairness for all people throughout all time is just wishful thinking, then
injustice and unfairness must be accepted as normal.

Premise #5. If justice and fairness for all people throughout all time will eventually happen, then
who has the power to establish justice and fairness for all people throughout all time?

Premise #6. In order for someone to establish justice and fairness for all people throughout all
time, that someone must be a Judge who is (at least) morally perfect, omnipotent, omniscient,
perfectly wise, omnipresent, sovereign, immutable, transcendent, & personal.

Premise #7. The standard to measure justice and fairness by must be a standard of perfect

Premise #8. Anyone who violates the standard of perfect goodness will be found guilty. Only those
who are perfect will be considered innocent.

Premise #9. If we are found guilty, then we can safely assume we will have to face harsh
consequences for violating the perfect standard of goodness.

Premise #10. However, there’s good news! Because the Judge is also loving, forgiving, merciful
and gracious, we can avoid facing the consequences! We have the option of becoming perfect
(Hebrews 10:14), which will make us innocent! In order to become perfect, there are 3 steps we
must take:

Step 1. Get to know the Judge. (Seek God.)

Step 2. Accept His pardon. (Repent and have faith in Jesus.)

Step 3. Become a part of His family. (Be a child of God.)

The Equity Argument: But Why God?

Again, in order for someone to enact justice and fairness for all
people throughout all time, that someone must be a Judge and
MUST have certain attributes. This Judge must (at least) be:

•Morally Perfect- You must be perfectly good in order to be absolutely qualified to

judge people for all their wrongdoings.

•Omnipotent- You must be absolutely powerful in order to hold all people throughout
all time accountable for all their wrongdoings.

•Omniscient- You must know absolutely everything in order to justly and fairly judge
every human being.

•Perfectly Wise- You must make the absolute, best decisions in all situations.

•Omnipresent- You must be absolutely aware of every situation of every human being
throughout all time in order to justly and fairly judge every human being.

•Sovereign- You must have absolute authority in order to judge every human being.

•Immutable- You must be absolutely consistent and impartial with the perfect
standard you will judge every human being by.

•Transcendent- You must be outside of time in order to completely see the end from
the beginning.

•Personal- You must be able to completely relate to the beauty of goodness and the
depravity of corruption.

The Equity Argument:
3 Questions Leading To God

1. Do all people throughout all time deserve justice and fairness?

1a. If your answer is “yes”, then you cherish goodness.

1b. If your answer is “no”, then you accept injustice and unfairness as normal.

2. Do all people throughout all time experience justice and fairness?

2a. If your answer is “yes”, then you are delusional and you don’t cherish goodness.

2b. If your answer is “no”, then you are honest and you cherish goodness.

3. What is the solution?

3a. If your answer is “I don’t care”, then you accept injustice and unfairness as normal.

3b. If your answer is “I don’t know”, then you don’t care enough to find out, which
means you accept injustice and unfairness as normal.

3c. If your answer is “God will enact justice and fairness for all”, then you know goodness
is objective, which means you know justice and fairness MUST happen!

By. Anthony Coleman

Here is a list of several unjust acts and/or results caused by injustice:

• Betrayal • Low Self-Esteem

• Brokenness • Lust
• Bullying • Murder
• Cheating • Overdose
• Coercion • Perversion
• Deception/Manipulation • Porn
• Denial • Promiscuity
• Depression/Loneliness • Prostitution
• Domestic Violence • Rape
• Drug Abuse • Revenge
• Drunkenness • Self-Harm
• Hate • Selfishness
• Indifference • Suicide
• Infatuation • Theft
• Insecurity • Torture
• Irresponsible Sex • Unwanted Pregnancy
• Lack Of Self-Control • Verbal Abuse
• Lies • Violence
Do you know why God created us in a reality where there’s so much injustice? Because He wants to
see who will cherish goodness to the point of actually seeking (and finding) hope in His justice for
all people throughout all time!

Allow me to explain...

We know that the list above is not right. Countless people have been/are/will be victims of this list
in one way or another. Out of all the countless people, we can safely assume that countless of them
have never experienced true justice (victims as well as wrongdoers).

Let’s look at just 3 examples of why God’s justice is necessary:

1. Let’s say a serial killer has murdered 30 people and got caught by the police. Since he is clearly guilty, the
judge sentences the serial killer one life sentence for each life that he took, which means he will be in prison
for 30 life sentences. Now, if you really think about it, does that make sense? Not about him getting
sentenced, but what the sentence is. He has 30 life sentences, but realistically speaking, how many life
sentences can he do? Just one! If that’s the case, how is that justice? How is that fair?

2. For this example, I’m going to change the serial killer scenario. Instead of getting sentenced 30 life
sentences, he gets the death penalty. Now, if murdering 30 people will get him the death penalty, what would
his sentence be if he murdered 300 people? It would still be the death penalty, but if you really think about it,
does that make sense? Not about him getting sentenced, but about how his sentence will always be the same,
regardless of how many people he murders. Plus, how does his one life equal the 300 lives he murdered? How
is that justice? How is that fair?

3. For this last example, I’m going to change the serial killer scenario again. Instead of getting 30 life
sentences or getting the death penalty, the serial killer actually commits suicide. If that’s the case, then he
basically evaded justice in this life. He was able to cause so much evil, pain, and suffering to people and when
he felt like he was satisfied with all the evil, pain and suffering he caused, he simply left this world on his own
terms. Now, I want to ask your conscience these questions: How is that true justice? How is that truly fair?

Allow me to explain further...

Do you know why the list above is so wrong? Because each and every unjust act is a violation of
love! Love is the essence of goodness, and all good values (such as respect, kindness, forgiveness,
honesty, justice, peace, etc.) stem from love. Love is absolutely invaluable to our humanity, and
guess what? Love is so invaluable that in the Bible, the verse 1 John 4:8 states, “God is love!” If
that’s the case, God isn’t just loving, but is actually the embodiment of love in its entirety. That
means that every violation of love (no matter how big or small) is actually a violation of God
Himself! That’s why there must be justice for all people throughout all time! God will (and must)
address EVERY thought, word, and action that has violated love.

As human beings, we are to embrace love in its entirety! If we do, then the list above would cease
to exist. However, we aren’t perfect and we don’t live in a perfect reality, but that shouldn’t
discourage us. Why? Because perfection is exactly what God (Jesus) wants for us! He wants to
make us perfect and bring us to a perfect reality of love! (But He can’t unless we accept Him!)

Remember, we are to seek (and find) hope in God’s justice for all people throughout all time, but if
we don’t believe all people throughout all time will experience justice, then obviously we don’t
truly cherish goodness and won’t accept God. Plus, God (Jesus) isn’t looking for those of us who
will ignore, normalize, or try to escape from the injustice of this world. He is looking for those of us
who are looking for the solution, and the solution is found in Him! (Also, it’s okay to have faith in
God and not fully understand His ways. Just don’t lose hope!)

By. Anthony Coleman

Let’s begin with a question:

Let’s say you were walking down a street while talking on your phone. A random guy comes from
behind you, takes your phone, throws it to the ground and your phone breaks. Naturally, you would
want justice for what that random guy did. Now, here’s the question: Could you get justice for the
guy breaking your phone before he takes your phone? Of course not! In order to get justice for
anything, something unjust must happen first!

There’s no doubt that our world is full of injustice, and there are many people who reject God
because they think that injustice wouldn’t exist if God existed, since He would’ve stopped it. That
seems to make sense, but if you really think about it, it doesn’t.

Allow me to explain...

According to the Christian faith, God created human beings to have free will in order to choose
love or reject love. If God was to stop the injustice in the world, He would have to take our free will
away, which will take away our ability to choose love. God wouldn’t do that because that would
defeat the purpose of creating us in the first place.

Trust me, I understand that it’s hard to imagine an All-Powerful and All-Loving God allowing
injustice to happen. However, we can’t say the Christian faith is false because God doesn’t stop
injustice right now. Why? Because the Christian faith is about God promising to establish justice
and fairness for all people throughout all time, but only after all is said and done. If you don’t
believe me, read it for yourself. Here are some Bible verses about God’s perspective on justice and

“God is perfect and He works towards justice. He is a God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He.” -
Deuteronomy 32:4

“Everyone who has wronged or was wronged will receive God’s justice.” - Job 36:6

“God will judge the world with justice and fairness.” - Psalm 9:8

“God always does right and wants justice done.” - Psalm 11:7

“God loves justice and fairness.” - Psalm 33:5

“God loves justice.” - Psalm 37:28

“God will bring about justice because He loves justice.” - Psalm 45:6-7

“God will rule the Earth with justice.” - Psalm 58:11

“God has set a time to judge with fairness.” - Psalm 75:2

“God’s kingdom is ruled by justice and fairness.” - Psalm 89:14

“God will make sure justice and fairness will go hand in hand.” - Psalm 94:15

“God is coming to judge all people on Earth with fairness and justice.” - Psalm 96:13

“God’s throne is supported by justice and fairness.” - Psalm 97:2

“God is a lover of fairness and He sees that justice is done.” - Psalm 99:4

“God does what is right. He will bring fairness and justice for all the oppressed.” - Psalm 103:6

“God will make sure that justice is done.” - Proverbs 2:8

“Everywhere on Earth there’s violence and injustice instead of fairness and justice. So God has set a time and a place to judge
everyone.” - Ecclesiastes 3:16-17

“God will set up a kingdom of love on Earth and will rule with fairness. He will do what is right and quickly bring about justice.” -
Isaiah 16:5

“For God is a God of justice.” - Isaiah 30:18

“In Heaven, God makes sure that honesty and justice will prosper, and that justice will produce lasting peace and security.” -
Isaiah 32:16-17

“God won’t quit or give up. He will bring about justice everywhere on Earth.” - Isaiah 42:4

“Only God can bring about justice.” - Isaiah 45:24

“God despises injustice.” - Isaiah 59:15

“God loves justice and despises injustice.” - Isaiah 61:8

“God wants kindness, justice, and mercy for everyone on Earth.” - Jeremiah 9:24

“In God’s kingdom, everyone will experience peace because God will rule with justice. He is the God who gives justice.” -
Jeremiah 23:5-6

“God is against those who don’t care about justice.” - Amos 5:7

“God has set a day when He will judge all the people of this world with fairness.” - Acts 17:31

“God promised to establish a new Heaven and a new Earth. That’s where justice will rule.” - 2 Peter 3:13

As you can see, God takes justice and fairness very seriously. If God is love (according to the Bible
verse 1 John 4:8), then He has no choice but to take justice and fairness seriously. Why? Because
love isn’t meant to coexist with evil & injustice!

(I’ll be honest: I wouldn't want to live in this world anymore if I was convinced that love always has to coexist with evil & injustice. I
would absolutely refuse to live in a world like that. That’s why I thank God He is love!)

Justice (and fairness) is proof that love isn’t meant to coexist with evil & injustice, but since we do
live in a world where love coexists with evil & injustice, we can confidently conclude that this world
we live in isn’t right! There will (and must) be a time when evil & injustice will cease to exist and I
thank God for that time!

If you noticed, with all those verses about God’s perspective on justice and fairness, there wasn’t
one verse that said God will stop injustice (and evil) before it happens. That’s why atheists cannot
judge the Christian faith on the fact that God doesn’t stop injustice right now because He never
said He would. He said there will be a time where He will bring about justice and fairness to
everyone who is responsible for all the injustice in the world.

Also, I realized that atheists, who reject God because He doesn’t stop all the injustice in the world,
overlook a very important detail. If they believe that God doesn’t exist, then they don’t believe that
there will be justice and fairness for all people throughout all time. If that’s the case, any atheist
who claims to enjoy life without God has to accept (be okay with) all the injustice in the world, since
they don’t believe everyone will experience justice and fairness in the end.

Again, I understand that God doesn’t stop all the injustice in the world right now. However, I would
rather believe that one day He will bring about justice and fairness to all people throughout all
time than believe justice and fairness for all people throughout all time is just wishful thinking. I
guess that’s why I have faith.

God’s Action/Reaction Towards Evil
By. Anthony Coleman

So, here’s the problem: If God is love, then He would stop all the evil in the world. Since evil is still
happening, then God either doesn’t exist, or He isn’t love. However, is stopping evil from
happening the only way to express love? Allow me to explain...

Let’s say you are a parent who was waiting to pick up your daughter from her school. While waiting
in front of the school, you see your daughter getting into a heated argument with other students
and it looked like it could get violent. Before it got to that point, you immediately stepped in to
break it up. Now, would you say you expressed love by stepping in? Of course! That is what I call
Immediate Prevention.

Immediate Prevention is stopping any evil/bad/wrong act before it happens. If you embrace love,
then you will obviously choose Immediate Prevention if you are able to. But what if you aren’t able

Let’s look at the same scenario from before, but instead of immediately stepping in, you didn’t
notice your daughter arguing with the other students. In this situation, one of the students actually
slapped your daughter and ran away. After that happened, your daughter walks to your car, crying.
Now, because you weren’t able to immediately prevent your daughter from being slapped, does
that mean you aren’t able to express love in that situation? Of course not! You are still able to get
justice by talking to the principal, talking to the parents of the student who slapped your daughter,
and/or calling the police. That is what I call Eventual Justice.

Eventual Justice is seeking to address and rectify any evil/bad/wrong act after it happens. If you
embrace love, then you will obviously choose Eventual Justice if you aren’t able to choose
Immediate Prevention.

As you can see, when it comes to evil, love MUST act/react! If someone does nothing to stop or
address evil, then that’s evidence that they don’t represent love. However, can we claim God isn’t
love just because He doesn’t immediately prevent evil? No because God could still establish
Eventual Justice, and guess what? God promises to establish Eventual Justice!

Yes, I can be honest and say that it would be great for God to immediately prevent evil right now,
but I have faith there’s a reason why He doesn’t and I know He will eventually bring justice for all
evil throughout all time. He has to! Love demands justice if immediate prevention is denied!

So, the question is, will you have faith in God’s love?

The Christian Faith Isn’t
Meant To Be A Fact
By. Anthony Coleman

To begin, let’s define faith and fact:

Faith: To believe in something without having irrefutable proof that it’s true.

Fact: To have irrefutable proof that something is true.

Throughout the world, there are those (atheists) who reject the Christian faith because there is no
irrefutable proof that it’s true. However, that shows their lack of understanding of faith because
based on the definition of faith, we aren’t supposed to have irrefutable proof that it’s true!

Here are just two verses from the Bible that explains how the Christian faith is meant to rely on

“Jesus said, ‘Thomas, do you have faith because you have seen me? The people who have faith in
me without seeing me are the ones who are really blessed!’” - John 20:29

“You have never seen Jesus, and you don’t see him now. But still you love him and have faith in
him.” - 1 Peter 1:8

But why does the Christian faith rely on faith instead of fact?

Let’s say you were a teacher and you wanted to play a game with your students. The game is about
solving a mystery. The goal of the game is to find out which character is the criminal and for
students to find the answer, they have to find clues hidden throughout the classroom.

Now, let’s say a student sneaks and reads in your notes which character is the criminal and yells the
answer out to the rest of the students. That student would ruin the game because now there’s no
reason to play anymore.

Even though the journey of the Christian faith isn’t a game, we are still meant to find the evidence
(clues) for why we believe the Christian faith is true. If we are to somehow find out that the Christian
faith is a fact, that will take away from our journey of finding the evidence, which will defeat the
purpose of having faith. We are to find evidence for why we believe that the Christian faith is true,
not find irrefutable proof for why we know the Christian faith is a fact. Know the difference!

What is the evidence for the Christian faith being true?

There’s a lot of evidence for the Christian faith, but the one that we absolutely need to find is the
evidence of love! What is love? Love is the essence of goodness, and all good values (such as
respect, honesty, selflessness, empathy, peace, justice, fairness, courage, etc.) stem from love.

Now, you might say that you don’t need God in order to love. That is true, but to a certain extent.
You might be able to experience love in your life, but your experiences of love doesn’t mean that
all is right in the world. Would you say you only focus on the love you experience in your life while
ignoring all the injustice in the world? If so, then I will believe the love that you experience in your
life is partial, which is unfortunate because love is meant to be whole!

For love to be whole, there must be peace, but if injustice gets in the way of peace, then there must
be justice. Since we know all people throughout all time don’t experience justice, it would seem
like we can never attain true peace. However, that’s why we believe in the Christian faith! Who has
the power and authority to establish justice for all people throughout all time? God!

We have faith in God because we believe in the evidence of love, peace and justice, but if we knew
that the Christian faith is a fact, then we wouldn’t need to believe in love, peace and justice. It
wouldn’t matter what we believe in, since what we believe in wouldn’t change a fact, but that’s why
God (Jesus) wants us to have faith! He wants us to believe in (and cherish) love, peace and justice
because the evidence matters to Him.

“No one can please God without faith.” - Hebrews 11:6

It’s really unfortunate to witness atheists reject the Christian faith because of the lack of irrefutable
proof. Why? Because they have to first reject perfect love, peace, and justice in order to reject
God. In other words, when they reject God, they are actually rejecting hope.

Hope is what truly separates those who have faith from those who don’t because while an atheist
can say, “We are to make the best of what we have in this life”, a believer can say, “We are to make
the best of what we have in this life while having hope that God will correct everything in the end.”

“God is my Rock, and so in Him I put my hope. He is good to those who wait on Him,
to those who search for Him. So, let’s wait patiently for His salvation!”
- Lamentations 3:24-26

The Perfect Bible Verse
For Those Seeking God
By. Anthony Coleman

As someone who believes in the Christian faith, I want to be honest and admit this
quick point:

• It’s true that the existence of God is not clearly evident in this world.

Keep in mind that this point should NOT discourage us from having/seeking faith in
God. Now that’s out of the way, let’s begin!

So, what is the perfect Bible verse that I am referring to?

“From Heaven the Lord looks down to see

if anyone is wise enough to search for Him.”
- Psalm 14:2

But what makes this verse perfect? Allow me to explain the verse in detail.

1. “From Heaven...”
If Heaven exist, then we can conclude that Heaven is the true reality and not this reality on Earth.
That actually makes sense because this reality on Earth is full of evil, injustice and suffering, which
means those things must end.

2. “... the Lord...”

Lord means someone who is an authority. God (Jesus) is the only Being who has the authority over
this reality on Earth and the reality in Heaven. (Because God is the authority, we can conclude that
He is the One who will end all the evil, injustice and suffering on Earth.)

3. “...looks down to see...”

In order for God to have authority, He must be aware of absolutely everything and everyone on
4. “...if anyone...”
Anyone means open to everyone. (Every human being throughout all time must have an

5. “ wise enough...”

Wisdom means to discern what’s right from wrong. If we want wisdom, then we must learn to
cherish what’s right (goodness). It makes sense that we need wisdom because God said He loves
righteousness. (Also, this proves that morality is objective, and because God loves righteousness,
He must judge everyone with justice and fairness.)

6. “ search for Him.”

In order to search for something, that means what we are looking for is hidden. The reason why
God isn’t clearly evident in this world is because He is hidden, and ONLY those who are truly
seeking Him will find Him.

Is The Bible Truly God's Message?
By. Anthony Coleman

When it comes to sharing the Christian faith, I always make sure I add my disclaimer. Here’s what I

“Disclaimer: I will be honest and say that I don’t understand everything that’s in the Bible, but I don’t think we need to in order to
have faith. The main message is most important!”

I refuse to blindly accept the whole Bible as inerrant just because I have faith in God’s message. I
focus on God’s message being truth, not the whole Bible itself.

Allow me to explain...

If my faith was solely dependent on the Bible, then my faith will be dependent on my knowledge of
the Bible. That means I would have to understand the Bible completely because if there’s a
question or objection about the Bible that I cannot address, then my faith would waver.

Do you honestly think that’s the purpose of the Bible? To be our foundation? If so, you are
mistaken! The whole purpose of the Bible is to give us the material we need in order to build our
faith. What is that material? Hope!

“The Scriptures (Bible) were written to teach and encourage us to have hope.” - Romans 15:4

(Just to clarify: Hope is NOT wishful thinking. Hope is the certainty of something that hasn’t been
realized yet.)

The Bible is for those of us who are looking for hope, but before we have faith, before we open the
Bible, before we even start seeking God, there’s a foundation we need to establish first! What is
that foundation? Love!

Have you ever heard people say, “You don’t need God, the Bible, or Christianity to love others”?
Well, guess what? They are right, but only to a certain extent. You can express love without God,
but the love you express without God must always coexist with evil & injustice. If you truly
understood what love is, you would know love isn’t meant to coexist with evil & injustice. Love is
meant to be perfectly exclusive, and that’s why God’s message in the Bible gives us hope!

Let’s talk about love...

If you are someone who generally pursues being a “good” person, then on your journey, I believe
you will soon come to realize two points:

• When love is present, goodness exist.
• When love is absent, evil & injustice exist.

But why is that? Because of what love is:

“Love is the essence of goodness, and all good values (such as respect, honesty, justice, fairness,
empathy, righteousness, forgiveness, etc.) stem from love.”

By wanting to be a good person, you know peace & unity is ideal for the world, and based on the
definition of love, you know it’s love that will lead us to peace & unity.

However, what about those who reject love? Since love is a choice, we have to choose love in order
to achieve peace & unity. Unfortunately, instead of love, there are people who choose evil,
injustice, disrespect, corruption, lies, selfishness, revenge, hate, indifference, etc. How can we
achieve peace & unity with people like that? With all the evil & injustice that has happened, is
happening, and will happen, isn’t it kinda pointless to yearn for peace & unity in the world? Without
God, yes it would!

Without God, love is relative. Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter if you want peace & unity. Evil &
injustice will always coexist with love. You might want peace & unity, but if someone else wants to
do evil, what are you going to do? You cannot force people to choose love.

With God, love is absolute! It absolutely DOES matter if you want peace & unity. Because of God,
evil & injustice will (must) eventually cease to exist! How do I know?

That’s where God’s message in the Bible comes in! Look at what the Bible says:

“God is love, and He created men and women to be like Himself. He gave them His blessing and called them human beings. The
most important commandment God gave human beings is, ‘Love God and love each other’, but anyone who sins and rejects God
will not prosper or live very long.” - (1 John 4:8, Genesis 5:1-2, 1 John 4:21, Ecclesiastes 8:13)

Can you understand now? Love is the foundation of our faith and hope in God! We are able to
understand God’s message in the Bible because of the foundation of love, and it’s because of
God’s message we know that there will be a time when love will be forever separated from evil &
injustice! However, if you don’t truly know and embrace love, you will never find hope in the Bible
and will never have faith in God.

“Out of faith, hope and love, love is most important. Love is more important than anything else. It is what ties everything
completely together.” - 1 Corinthians 13:13, Colossians 3:14

That’s why I pity the atheists who reject the whole Bible because of the parts in the Bible that they
can’t accept (or don’t understand). That’s like buying a bag of 10 apples and then throwing away

the whole bag just because you found 3 that were rotten. It’s really discouraging because in order
to reject the whole Bible, you have to be ignorant (or indifferent) towards love and hope.

So, is the Bible truly God's message?

My answer: I rather say the Bible truly contains God’s message! (I personally don’t think we have to
accept the inerrancy of the Bible in order to accept that the Bible is Inspired by God.)

The Foolish Message Of God

“Don’t be deceived! If any of you think you are wise in the things of this world, then
God sees you as a fool for the world. Why? Because God considers the wisdom of
this world to be foolish. However, when you have the wisdom of God, it’s the world
that will see you as a fool. In that case, be a fool for God!

God won’t allow the people of this world to use their wisdom to learn about Him.
That’s why God’s message doesn’t make sense to them. Instead, God shows Himself
to (and saves) those who are willing to believe His foolish message.

The world cannot lead us to true wisdom, but God’s Spirit can! The people of the
world are not led by God’s Spirit, which is why they think God’s message is foolish.

But God chose the foolish things of this world to put the wise to shame. He chose the
weak things of this world to put the powerful to shame. What the world thinks is
worthless, useless, and nothing at all is what God has used to destroy what the world
considers important. So, be a fool for God (Jesus)!”

- 1 Corinthians 1:18; 1:21; 1:27-28; 2:13-14; 3:18-19; 4:10

Conclusion: Why The Christian Faith?
By. Anthony Coleman

1. A perfect, eternal God of love & goodness exist!

2. God created humanity in His image for we can represent and share His love & goodness for

3. Satan (A fallen angel) accused humanity of being unworthy of eternal love & goodness because he
states that we would only choose love & goodness out of convenience, not conviction.

4. Satan concluded that humanity will not seek God’s Light (Love & goodness) if we are surrounded by
darkness (Evil & corruption) because the darkness will tempt us to reject/ignore God’s Light and will
lead us to embrace sin.

5. God created our world to show all of Heaven and Earth that His children (Those who will have faith)
will find their way to His Light through the darkness!

Why Jesus?
6. Since God is perfect, we also need to be perfect in order to be with Him. However, we all have
sinned and became unworthy of being with God.

7. It would seem that Satan was right about us, but Jesus proved otherwise! Jesus was God’s (only)
plan to forgive us and to make us perfect, which is why we place our faith in Him!

8. Jesus represents God’s love & goodness, and when we have faith in Him, it’s not out of
convenience because we don’t see Him. Our faith is out of conviction because we yearn for God’s
love & goodness!

9. Satan constantly tries to either stop us from having faith in God (Jesus) or cause us to lose faith
in God (Jesus). He is always ready to accuse us of being unworthy.

10. To find your way to God’s Light through the darkness, you must acknowledge two things:

10a. You have fallen into the ditch of sin and you cannot escape on your own. Without faith in
God (Jesus), we are guilty and will face God’s justice (Judgment)!

10b. Because God (Jesus) loves you, He extends His hand into the ditch for you can be saved.
With faith in God (Jesus), we are innocent and have become children of God!

What Is God’s View On Homosexuality?
By. Anthony Coleman


To begin, let’s define homosexuality:

“Homosexuality is the quality of (romantically and sexually) pursuing same sex/gender

attractions.” (I don’t believe struggling with same sex/gender attractions makes someone a
homosexual. A homosexual is someone who actually pursues same sex/gender attractions.)

Many people, (both homosexuals and heterosexuals), have a huge problem with the Christian faith.
Why? Because the Bible condemns homosexuality and to be honest, I understand why people,
especially homosexuals, are upset about that. Let’s look at it from their perspective: If the Bible is
God’s Word, then that basically means God is against them and will send them to Hell simply for
(romantically and sexually) loving someone of the same sex/gender. How could God, who claims to
be love, condemn people for that? Like I said, it makes sense why they would be upset.

However, this topic isn’t one that can simply be understood by looking at the surface. Many
people, especially homosexuals, must dig deeper than the surface in order to truly understand this
topic, and that’s why I wrote this essay!

Let’s start digging...

God created human beings in His image, which means we were created to reflect the core
principle of who God is. So, before anything else, we are to find our identity and worth in our
humanity in order to embrace God’s core principle.

Homosexuals are human beings, but when they start to place their identity and worth in their
homosexuality, it becomes a serious problem. When God condemns homosexuals, He isn’t
condemning them for their identity and worth (their humanity), but for their willingness to replace
their humanity for their homosexuality! Please understand the difference!

But why is it wrong for homosexuals to place their identity and worth in their homosexuality?
Because they have to reject God’s core principle to do so.

What is God’s core principle? It’s the principle of Truth & Love!

“Truth: The absolute standard of what’s right.”

“Love: The essence of goodness. (And all good values such as respect, honesty, justice, fairness, empathy,
righteousness, forgiveness, etc., stem from love.)”

As human beings, not only do our identity and worth originate from the core principle of Truth &
Love, but so does our purpose! We are created to represent Truth & Love in our lives!

But what does that mean? It means that our lives are meant to go in a certain direction in life, which
also means that any other direction is false!

Allow me to give an example:

As human beings, we are created with eyes in order to see. However, there are people who are
born blind. Now, if someone was born blind, does that mean God intended for them to be blind,
or that it’s unfortunate that they were born that way?

Let’s look at homosexuality: As human beings, we, as men and women, are created to be attracted
to each other to unite in a (romantic and sexual) marriage relationship. (And that’s why we can
procreate together!) However, there are people who are born with same sex/gender attractions.
Now, if someone was born with same sex/gender attractions, does that mean God intended for
them to have same sex/gender attractions, or it’s unfortunate that they are born that way?

If it isn’t ideal for someone to be born blind because human beings were created to see, then it
isn’t ideal for someone to be born with same sex/gender attractions because human beings, as
men and women, are created to be attracted to each other to unite in a (romantic and sexual)
marriage relationship.

If people who are blind have to struggle with being blind, why do homosexuals think they don’t
have to struggle with their same sex/gender attractions? I’m not saying we should seek to
struggle, but I’m saying that the life we live in isn’t fair and sometimes we have no choice but to
accept our struggle. If God created humanity with eyes to see, life would seem unfair to someone
who was born blind. However, the same applies to homosexuals! If God created human beings, as
men and women, to be attracted to each other in order to unite in a (romantic and sexual) marriage
relationship, life would seem unfair to someone who was born with same sex/gender attractions.

(But wait! Why would I even try to compare being born blind with being born with same sex/gender attractions? To show that
being born a certain way does NOT mean that is what God intended!)

Again, God created humanity to go in a certain direction. If that’s the case, how do you think God
would feel if humanity willingly rejected His direction to go their own way? In our society
nowadays, same sex/gender attractions isn’t viewed as a struggle to accept (and overcome if
possible), but a quality to be proud of. That’s ultimately the issue! Why? Because if you give in to

same sex/gender attractions, you will embrace homosexuality, and homosexuality is the rejection
of God’s direction for our lives.

Also, let’s be clear! Homosexuality isn’t an exclusive issue. According to the Bible verse 1
Corinthians 6:9-10, God is against other issues as well. Here is the list:

• Those who are immoral.

• Those who worship idols.
• Those who are unfaithful in marriage.
• Those who are perverts.
• Those who are homosexuals.
• Those who are thieves.
• Those who are greedy.
• Those who are drunkards.
• Those who curses and cheat others.

God is against those issues because they directly violate His core principle of Truth & Love! That’s
why we aren’t supposed to embrace them. We’re supposed to fight against them! (Also, according
to 1 Corinthians 6:11, God is willing to forgive anyone who have had experiences with those issues,
and I absolutely thank Jesus (God) for His forgiveness!)

Remember, God created us, as humanity, to reflect Truth & Love, but we cannot reflect Truth & Love
if we don’t follow God’s direction! We aren’t meant to be prideful and go our own way, but are
meant to be humble and go in the direction God created us to follow, even if we have to struggle!

“Jesus (God) said, ‘Blessed are those who are persecuted (and struggle)
for doing what’s right. They belong to the Kingdom of Heaven.’”
- Matthew 5:10

If you are interested in reading more, please read
my second Collection of Essays and my booklet
by scrolling down this webpage:

If you want to talk about faith in God (Jesus),

then please contact me:

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