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Praise for Biodiversity and Climate Change: Transforming the Biosphere

“The evidence assembled in Biodiversity and Climate Change leaps out at us like a scene from a
3-D movie. It’s warning us—compelling us—to act. Nowhere is the science clearer or the
facts more compelling than in this meticulously researched volume. When conservationists
and scientists of Lovejoy’s and Hannah’s caliber warn that if we don’t press forward faster,
we’ll see greater species extinction, more ocean acidification, more biodiversity loss, more
strains on agriculture and fishing—let me tell you: we need to listen. This book isn’t just a
call to heed the science; it’s a call to citizens everywhere to live up to their responsibilities
and protect this fragile planet we share.”
—John Kerry, United States Secretary of State, 2013–2017

“Mankind’s heedless extraction and pollution of our planet’s resources is tearing apart the
web of natural systems that has sustained our species throughout the long course of human
development. Tom Lovejoy and Lee Hannah have assembled a book that chronicles these
emerging ecological and climatic disasters yet gives hope that we can still help Earth’s sys-
tems heal and blunt the suffering of coming generations.”
—Sheldon Whitehouse, United States Senator for Rhode Island

“Biodiversity and Climate Change: Transforming the Biosphere serves as a comprehensive account of this
greatest of threats to humanity’s future. It will serve both as a textbook and a call to action.”
—From the Foreword by Edward O. Wilson

“An authoritative analysis of the increasing speed and scale of climate-change impacts on
our biodiversity, together with an illuminating set of specific ways to use our biodiversity to
address climate change. A powerful coupling.”
—Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change, 2010–2016

“In Biodiversity and Climate Change, the renowned Tom Lovejoy and Lee Hannah blend leading
voices to form a clear case for climate action, highlighting a powerful though underutilized
natural defense: ecosystem restoration.”
—Henry M. Paulson Jr., Chairman of Paulson Institute, and United States Secretary of the
Treasury, 2006–2009

“Biodiversity and Climate Change lays out the latest science on the central challenges of our time.
It is clear, comprehensive, and utterly compelling—an essential addition to the literature.”
—Elizabeth Kolbert, author of The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
“We’ve all heard the clanging alarms about climate change. This book is an extraordinary
scientific portrait, expert, multifaceted, and up-to-date, of how those changes are affecting
biological diversity—upon which we humans depend, of which we are part. Don’t send to
know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for us.”
—David Quammen, author of The Tangled Tree: A Radical New History of Life

“Lovejoy and Hannah generate a compelling story of the species extinctions that will ac-
company ongoing, rapid changes in Earth’s climate, coupled with the unrelenting pressure
of human population growth.”
—William H. Schlesinger, President Emeritus of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

“As the global community prepares a post-2020 Global Deal for Nature, this book reminds
us of the importance of ecosystems and nature-based solutions to advance the Paris Agree-
ment, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the 2050 Biodiversity Vision.”
—Dr. Cristiana Paşca Palmer, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Sec-
retary of the Convention on Biological Diversity

“Come explore this comprehensive and insightful synthesis that underscores the intimately
interconnected nature of biodiversity and climate change—its past, present, and future.”
—Jane Lubchenco, Oregon State University

“Escape to Mars is not a realistic option for any species. Lovejoy and Hannah’s assessments
will help us chart a feasible pathway to preservation of our remarkable world.”
—James Hansen, Columbia University Earth Institute
Biodiversity and
Climate Change
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and E DI T E D BY

Transforming the Biosphere


N E W H AV E N & L O N D O N
Published with assistance from Gordon and Betty
Moore, Conservation International, and with assistance
from the foundation established in memory of Calvin
Chapin of the Class of 1788, Yale College.

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University.

All rights reserved.
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part, including illustrations, in any form (beyond that
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2018954278

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1 (paperback : alk. paper)

A catalogue record for this book is available from the

British Library.

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For Betsy, Kata, Annie, Tia, and Jay—
and the generations to come
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Foreword xi
Contents E DWA R D O . W I L S O N

Preface xiii

Acknowledgments xv

C L I M AT E C H A N G E B I O L O G Y ?

O N E Changing the Biosphere 3


T WO What Is Climate Change? 12


W E O B S E RV I N G ?

THREE Range and Abundance

Changes 25

Case Study 1: The Bering Sea and

Climate Change 39
L E E W. C O O P E R

F O U R Phenological Dynamics
in Pollinator-Plant Associations
Related to Climate Change 42

F I V E Coral Reefs: Megadiversity

Meets Unprecedented Environmental
Change 55
OV E H O E G H - G U L D B E R G

SIX Genetic Signatures of Historical

and Contemporary Responses to
Climate Change 66

Case Study 2: Climate Change and Salmon PA RT I V W H AT D O E S T H E

Populations 77 FUTUR E HOLD?
T W E LV E Modeling Species
SEVEN Rapid Broad-Scale Ecosystem and Vegetation Distribution under
Changes and Their Consequences for Climate Change 157
Biodiversity 80 PA B L O I M B A C H , P E P S E R R A - D I A Z ,
D AV I D D . B R E S H E A R S , J A S O N P. F I E L D , L E E H A N N A H , E M I LY F U N G , A N D
D A R I N J . L AW, J UA N C . V I L L E G A S , E L I Z A B E T H H . T. H I R OYA S U
JOHN B. BR ADFOR D Climate Change and
Marine Biodiversity 168
Case Study 3: Rapidly Diverging Population W I L L I A M W. L . C H E U N G A N D
Trends of Adélie Penguins Reveal Limits to M I R A N DA C . JON E S
a Flexible Species’ Adaptability to Anthropogenic
Climate Change 91 Case Study 5: Anticipating Climate-Driven
GRANT BALLARD AND Movement Routes 183

PA RT I I I W H AT D O E S T H E F O U R T E E N Impacts of Ocean
PA S T T E L L U S ? Acidification on Marine Biodiversity 185
J O A N A . K L E Y PA S
E I G H T A Paleoecological Perspective
on Sudden Climate Change and FIFTEEN Tropical Forests in a
Biodiversity Crises 97 Changing Climate 196
J E F F R E Y PA R K J A M E S E . M . WAT S O N , D A N I E L B .
N I N E Climate Change, Conservation,
and the Metaphor of Deep Time 114 Case Study 6: Postponing the Amazon
R IC H A R D B. A RONSON Tipping Point 208
Case Study 4: The Effects of Sea-Level Rise
on Habitats and Species 125 SIXTEEN Temperate and Boreal
C É L I N E BE L L A R D, Responses to Climate Change 211
C A M I L L E L E CL E RC , A N D L AU R E N B . B U C K L E Y A N D

TEN Past Abrupt Changes in SEVENTEEN Climate Change

Climate and Terrestrial Ecosystems 128 Impacts on Mountain Biodiversity 221
E L E V E N A Neotropical Perspective D ’A M E N , VA L E R I A D I C O L A , RU I
on Past Human-Climate Interactions F E R N A N D E S , S A R A H M . G R AY, RU B É N
and Biodiversity 142 G . M AT E O , E R I C P I N T O , J E A N -
S C H E R R E R , PA S C A L V I T T O Z , I S A L I N E
Case Study 7: Climate Change and Frost Effects Climate Change
T W E N T Y- F O U R
in Rocky Mountain Plant Communities 234 Mitigation Using Terrestrial
D AV I D I N O U Y E Ecosystems: Options and
Biodiversity Impacts 310
EIGHTEEN Climate Change: Final M O N I K A B E R T Z K Y, R E B E C C A C .
Arbiter of the Mass Extinction of BRO CK, L E R A M I L E S, A N D
Freshwater Fishes 237 VA L E R I E K A P O S
Case Study 10: Connectivity by Design: A
NINETEEN The Asymmetrical Multiobjective Ecological Network for
Impacts of Climate Change Biodiversity That Is Robust to Land Use and
on Food Webs 246 Regional Climate Change 323
L AU R E N J A RV I S , K E V I N M C C A N N , A N D R E W G O N Z A L E Z , C E C I L E A L B E R T,
A N D M A RY O ’C O N N O R B R O N W Y N R AY F I E L D , A N D
Case Study 8: Dynamic Spatial Management
in an Australian Tuna Fishery 255 Regreening the
T W E N T Y- F I V E
JA S ON R . H A RTO G A N D Emerald Planet: The Role of
A L I S TA I R J . H O B D AY Ecosystem Restoration in
Reducing Climate Change 326
TWENTY Invasive Species and T H O M A S E . L OV E J OY
Climate Change 258
E L I Z A B E T H H . T. H I R OYA S U A N D Case Study 11: Enlisting Ecological
JE S SICA J. H EL L M A NN Interactions among Animals to Balance
the Carbon Budget 332
T W E N T Y- O N E Climate Change O S WA L D J . S C H M I T Z
and Disease 270
L I N D S AY P. C A M P B E L L , A . T OW N S E N D Increasing Public
T W E N T Y- S I X
P E T E R S O N , A B D A L L A H M . S A M Y, A N D Awareness and Facilitating Behavior
C A R L O S YA Ñ E Z - A R E N A S Change: Two Guiding Heuristics 336
AND POLICY R E SPOND? T W E N T Y- S E V E N Climate Change,
Food, and Biodiversity 347
Management and Climate Change 283 OLA TVEITEREID WE STENGEN
PA B L O A . M A R Q U E T, J A N E T H
L E S S M A N N , A N D M . R E B E C C A S H AW Saving Biodiversity
T W E N T Y- E I G H T
in the Era of Human-Dominated
Case Study 9: Extinction Risk from Ecosystems 356
Climate Change 294 G . D AV I D T I L M A N , N I K O H A R T L I N E ,

T W E N T Y-T H R E E Ecosystem-Based List of Contributors 367

Adaptation 297
C A I T L I N L I T T L E FI E L D, E R I K N E L SON, Index 373
W I T H E Y, K AT I E K . A R K E M A , A N D Color plates follow page 174
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Biodiversity and Climate Change: Transforming the
Foreword Biosphere is the definitive statement com-
posed by a large percentage of the leading
scientific experts on the most urgent global
problem short of the destruction of Earth
by a planet-sized asteroid. A remark cited
in Biodiversity and Climate Change states the issue
cogently: if nothing is done about climate change,
you can forget about biodiversity. Let me expand
on that fundamental truth with different
words: you can forget about millions of
species, thus about the living part of nature,
about the stabilizing power of ecosystems,
and not least about an autonomously secure
future for the human species.
The world has already lost irrevocably a
substantial portion of the natural biosphere.
The consequences, now and increasingly
into the future, are outlined in this book.
To assist the nontechnical readers of the
current status, allow me to offer a primer
of some of the essential facts and concepts.
First, what is biodiversity? The word,
short for “biological diversity,” means the
commonality of all heritable (gene-based)
variation, both natural and domestic—in
other words, globally the biosphere. Biodi-
versity consists of a biological hierarchy. At
the top are the ecosystems, such as forest
patches, ponds, coral reefs, and the bac-
terial flora of your intestine. Next are the
species that compose the ecosystems; and
finally, at the base, are the genes that pre-
scribe the traits that define the species that
compose the ecosystems.
Species are the units on which conserva-
tion biology is most concretely based. Most
biological research starts with known spe-
cies and ends with them, including disci-
plines as different from each other as ecol-
ogy and molecular biology. Species further
have the greatest exactitude and the most
relevant information for conservation sci-
ence. In contrast, the boundaries of eco-
systems, which are vitally important to


understand, are nevertheless characteristi- ism HIPPO, with the position of each letter
cally more subjective. “Ecoregions,” which representing an extinction factor and (usu-
are based in part on geographic data, are ally) in the order of its importance: thus,
even more subjective and more difficult to habitat reduction, invasion by nonnative spe-
classify. cies, pollution of habitat, population increase of
How many species still exist on Earth? humanity, and overhunting by excessive fish-
A bit more than two million have been ing, or hunting, or removal for other pur-
discovered, formally named, and given a poses. Climate change is perhaps the most
Latinized name. (The common housefly is important dimension of pollution impact.
denoted, for example, as Musca domestica.) We Finally, how well are conservation proj-
recognize that understanding of this ele- ects doing? In the case of land-dwelling ver-
ment of biodiversity, begun by the Swed- tebrates globally assessed at the time of this
ish naturalist Carl Linnaeus in 1735, is still writing, approximately one-fifth of land-
woefully incomplete except for plants and dwelling vertebrate species are classified as
vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, am- threatened to some degree, and within that
phibians, fishes). The actual number of spe- only one-fifth of the one-fifth have been
cies on the planet, deduced statistically, is stabilized or improved in status.
roughly 10 million. The authors of the present work agree
Of the species known, how fast are spe- overall that climate change is the principal
cies disappearing due to human activity? threat to the survival of biodiversity even in
The estimates range between one hundred its early stages. Biodiversity and Climate Change:
and one thousand times the rate that existed Transforming the Biosphere serves as a compre-
before humanity spread around the world. hensive account of this greatest of threats
And it is accelerating. to humanity’s future. It will serve both as a
What exactly are the causes of extinction? textbook and a call to action.
They are often summarized by the initial-
The field of climate change biology dates to
Preface the mid-1980s, when the first symposium
was held on the subject at the National Zoo
in Washington, DC. The World Wildlife
Fund convened that meeting, and one re-
sult was the book Global Warming and Biodiver-
sity, edited by Robert L. Peters and Thomas
E. Lovejoy and published by Yale University
Press in 1992. At that point, the contribu-
tors and editors were largely confined to
examining how past biological responses
to climate change might predict change to
come. It was nonetheless clear, as one of us
remarked to Mostafa Tolba at a 1987 gather-
ing to help plan the Convention on Biologi-
cal Diversity, that if nothing was done about
climate change, one “could forget about
biological diversity.”
As the field grew and the imprint of cli-
mate change on the planet’s biodiversity
became more apparent, little more than a
decade after that initial meeting it was al-
ready clear that a completely new synthe-
sis of the field was in order. In 2001, we
began several years of gathering the best
authors and writing, a process that culmi-
nated in Climate Change and Biodiversity, which
we coedited and which was published by
Yale University Press in 2005. That volume
highlighted many of the numerous ways
climate change was affecting biodiversity
and biological systems. But change was still
happening, both in the real world and in
our understanding of impacts, faster than
it could be synthesized into print. Ocean
acidification was recognized as a major
global environmental problem by the time
the book appeared in bookstores, but it was
treated in part of only one chapter.
With the passage of another decade, a
truly staggering body of evidence suggested
that the planet was headed for serious bio-
logical trouble, so in 2014 we realized that
a new overview of this centrally impor-
tant topic was once again needed. Indeed,


what we first thought of as a second edi- chapters exploring possible biotic conse-
tion very quickly morphed into an entirely quences of change in a variety of systems.
new book. Today, as the world is pushed The evidence in these chapters suggests the
through the critical barrier of 1° centigrade importance of questioning the global target
of global warming, the fingerprints of cli- of limiting climate change to 2° centigrade.
mate change can be seen in biodiversity ev- Many systems will be past tipping points
erywhere. Already some major ecosystems or past acceptable limits of change at that
are experiencing abrupt change, and major point.
portions of the planet’s biology such as the Finally, we and our contributors exam-
Amazon are approaching tipping points. ine the importance of being more proac-
The impact of climate change in unfor- tive in conservation and policy. Where in
tunate synergy with other forms of human- the world can protected areas be placed for
driven change means that humanity is, in climate change? How should the protected-
fact, changing the biosphere. This picture area estate be redesigned to be resilient in the
is laid out well by this new team of lead- face of climate change? How can we man-
ing scholars in the following pages, as are age systems through extraordinary change,
some of the possible forms of adaptation and which policies are needed to facilitate
that might lessen the biological impact. that process? These chapters recognize the
This volume opens with an introduc- positive contribution that biodiversity can
tion to the topic and the relevant climate make; for instance, transforming the bio-
changes. Our chapter authors then look sphere through ecosystem restoration at a
at the world around us and the mounting planetary scale can reduce the amount of
body of evidence that climate change is climate change that biodiversity and hu-
already rewriting biological history. From manity must cope with in the future. The
hundreds of millions of tree deaths to mas- volume concludes by drawing all the pieces
sive mortality in coral reefs, the evidence of together at a planetary scale and asking how
climate change is already all around us, and we can feed the still-increasing billions of
it is writ large. people, maintain robust biodiversity, and
Placing these stunning changes in con- still accommodate change in both.
text requires understanding the past, and This book presents a current assess-
that perspective is provided by an out- ment of knowledge about climate change
standing set of paleoecological research- and biodiversity. More will continue to be
ers, examining both marine and terrestrial learned and understood on an ongoing ba-
realms. Movement has been the hallmark of sis about the interaction between human-
past biotic response to climate change, but driven climate change and the biological
genetic responses may manifest themselves fabric and systems of the planet. It is our
when bottlenecks are tight, as they will be fervent hope that this synthesis will lead to
in the future thanks to human conversion a widespread understanding that our planet
of natural habitats to other uses. works as a linked biological and physical
We then move from the past to the fu- system, and therefore will lead to less cli-
ture. Our learning from models of the fu- mate change and more surviving biological
ture and theory are explored in a series of diversity than would otherwise be the case.
We would like to extend our deepest thanks
Acknowledgments to all those who have contributed to the
creation of this book. The participants in a
special meeting called by the Science and
Technical Advisory Panel of the Global En-
vironment Facility provided inspiration,
including Camille Parmesan, Joshua Tewks-
bury, Gustavo Fonseca, Miguel Araújo, Mark
Bush, Rebecca Brock, Joanie Kleypas, Re-
becca Shaw, and Tom Hammond. Elizabeth
Hiroyasu went above and beyond, oversee-
ing and coordinating much of the produc-
tion of the book. Deepest thanks go to Jean
Thomson Black and Michael Deneen for
their support through the editing process.
We are indebted to Ed Wilson for his
continuing inspiration and insights con-
tained in the foreword to this book. We are
grateful to the Moore Center for Science and
the Climate Change Strategy Team at Con-
servation International for their insights
and support. For hard work on coordinat-
ing figures and assisting with graphics, we
thank Monica Pessino and the rest of the
Ocean o’ Graphics team at the University
of California, Santa Barbara. Funding from
Cary Brown and the Fiddlehead Fund has
supported many aspects of this project. The
National Science Foundation, the National
Science and Engineering Research Council
of Canada, and the Belmont Forum pro-
vided support that enabled major insights
in freshwater biology and ecological theory
presented here. Special thanks to Carmen
Thorndike for all that she does. And finally,
we thank a long list of colleagues, includ-
ing those who contributed chapters, with-
out which this endeavor would have been

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What Is Climate
Change Biology?
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CHAPTER ONE People are changing the biosphere. Expand-
ing agricultural production, growing cities,
Changing the and increasing resource use and disposal are
among the human activities that are hav-
Biosphere ing profound effects on our planet. Some
of these effects are exerted and felt locally,
THOMAS E. LOVEJOY AND LEE HANNAH whereas others have global reach. Some hu-
man impacts, such as pollution, have been
effectively addressed at local or national
scales, and others, such as depletion of the
ozone layer, have been effectively addressed
through global cooperation. But many of
the effects people are having on the bio-
sphere have not been fully addressed, and
some of these have global consequences of
unprecedented proportion.
Two global environmental problems—
biodiversity loss and climate change—are
the preeminent environmental issues of
this millennium. Biodiversity loss—the
extinction of millions of species—is a very
real consequence of increasing human use
of the planet. Climate change due to green-
house gas emissions threatens to alter the
composition of the atmosphere and the liv-
ing conditions on the surface of the planet
for both people and all other species.
The purpose of this book is to explore
multiple dimensions of the interaction be-
tween climate change and biodiversity. Cli-
mate change biology is an emerging disci-
pline that boasts an explosion of literature
reflecting the importance and abundance of
climate change effects on the natural world.
The great interest in this topic, and the
large number of research findings emerg-
ing about it, combine to make a synthesis
of the whole field invaluable for research-
ers and students, as well as for professionals
in land use and conservation who increas-
ingly need to understand the field in broad

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

4 OV E RV I E W: W H AT I S C L I M AT E C H A N G E B I O L O G Y ?

We present the fundamentals of cli- streams. The need for integrated response
mate change for biologists in Chapter 2. to climate change and biodiversity has
The headline is that human burning of fos- never been greater, because changes in the
sil fuels for heat, transportation, and other biological world have profound implica-
purposes, combined with releases of other tions for regional and global climate. The
pollutants, is altering the thermal balance of way in which people relate to nature will be
the atmosphere. These pollutants, including forever altered by climate change.
carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and others, A new synthesis is needed—a manage-
are collectively known as greenhouse gases, ment-relevant analysis of climate change
because they absorb and reradiate outgoing and biodiversity that transcends categories
longwave radiation, effectively warming the and conventions—to arrive at solutions that
Earth’s atmosphere. This warming has ef- provide a robust future for both people and
fects on atmospheric circulation, resulting in ecosystems. We now offer four themes that
a vast number of changes to climate, such as set the stage for the chapters that follow.
changes in precipitation, seasonality, storm
intensity and frequency, and many other fac-
tors, in addition to a pronounced warming of PL A N E TA RY BOU N DA R IE S
the planet’s surface. Increases in atmospheric
concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse Planetary boundaries represent the “safe op-
gases have been measured beyond question, erating space” for the Earth system (Rock-
and the warming of the atmosphere and its ström et al. 2009). Climate change and
consequences are now being observed. biodiversity are two of the nine planetary
The next twenty chapters address the boundaries defined to date and represent
past, present, and future of biodiversity re- half of the planetary boundaries that are es-
sponse to climate change. Plants and ani- timated to have already been exceeded (the
mals all have climatic conditions that limit others being deforestation and nitrogen de-
their distribution, so this major and com- position). The planetary boundary for bio-
plex change in climate will result in mas- diversity is being exceeded because we are
sive shifts in the distribution of species and losing genetic diversity and robust popula-
ecosystems across the planet. Many shifts tions of various species, which means there
in individual species are already being ob- are ongoing and expected extinctions (Ur-
served. Observations of changes in ecosys- ban et al. 2016; Steffen et al. 2015).
tems and changes in interactions between In many ways, all four of the planetary
species are more complicated and there- boundaries that have been exceeded to date
fore more difficult to document, but they are related to climate change and biodiver-
are now being recorded in many regions. sity. The third exceeded boundary (after
Marine, terrestrial, and freshwater systems climate and biodiversity) is deforestation,
are all being affected, and the conservation a major contributor to both climate change
consequences of these biological changes and biodiversity loss (Steffen et al. 2015).
are of major significance. The final exceeded boundary is disruption
We explore the conservation and pol- of nutrient cycles, especially that of nitro-
icy responses to these challenges in Part V gen. One of the leading causes of nitrogen
(Chapters 22–28). Understanding climate release into the atmosphere is the burning
change biology can be a complex task for of fossil fuels, and species loss is one of the
policy makers and resource managers, par- major consequences of a disrupted nitro-
ticularly when the international response to gen cycle. Nitrogen overuse in agriculture,
climate change and biodiversity loss is seg- especially in developed countries, is lead-
regated into separate international conven- ing to nitrogen runoff impacts on freshwa-
tions and separate national policy-response ter systems and massive dead zones in the
oceans. Biodiversity loss and climate change etal goals. There are many dimensions to
are thus strongly linked to deforestation and adaptation, including maintenance of living
the disruption of nutrient cycling. space in societies challenged by sea-level
In this most global sense, biodiversity rise, incomes for individuals and families
loss and climate change are intimately con- facing adverse impacts of climate change,
nected and affect all people on the planet. It and ecological functioning and services.
is important that we find solutions to these These dimensions are all often addressed
two great environmental problems that in isolation—for instance, through engi-
are commensurate with the global scale of neering responses such as building dams to
the problems and that integrated solutions respond to water shortage—but there are
are pursued, not solutions in isolation. Al- major advantages to addressing the needs
though local and regional solutions are crit- of people and nature in a more integrated
ical for affected populations, true success fashion.
in conserving biodiversity and combating Wherever they live, people have a rela-
climate change can be achieved only when tionship with nature. That relationship may
the results are measurable at a global scale. be close and intimate, as in communities
Extinction rates need to be lowered so that that grow or harvest their own food, or it
they are commensurate with background may be remote and less obvious, as in cit-
rates, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations ies or highly structured economies. What-
need to be rapidly stabilized and probably ever the relationship, people and nature are
gradually decreased thereafter. closely tied together, which involves food
We will see in the chapters that follow (produced locally or grown elsewhere and
that many parts of the solution space in- then transported to where we consume it),
clude both climate and biodiversity ben- living space, recreation, spiritual connect-
efits. For example, reducing deforestation edness, climatic conditions, and clean air
maintains habitats and also reduces CO2 and water.
releases into the atmosphere, while lower- Climate change will alter the relationship
ing greenhouse gas emissions mitigates cli- between people and nature everywhere on
mate change, which reduces the magnitude the planet. People in rural settings may find
of species range shifts and thus the conflict that the food they can grow and where they
between species needs for movement and can grow it are changed, resulting in differ-
human land uses, such as agriculture, that ent patterns of agricultural use and natural
stand in the way of those movements. lands. People in cities may find that there
Although the climate-biodiversity nexus are higher costs for importing fuel for heat-
is deep and affects all people on the planet, ing or cooling, and that supply chains for
this is only the first and highest-order di- goods that are consumed have greatly dif-
mension of the need for integrated re- ferent environmental impacts.
sponse. Integrated responses are needed Nature provides both tangible and in-
that address the global dimension but also tangible benefits that accrue to people near
the relationship of people with nature in lo- and far in complex ways. Nature may have
cal situations, where ecosystems are an ef- benefits for people far away (e.g., sequestra-
fective tool to meet adaptation needs. tion of carbon for climate stabilization, bio-
diversity existence value) at the same time
that it has benefits for people close at hand
PE OPL E A N D NAT U R E A DA PTI NG (e.g., fresh water, tourism revenue) (Kre-
TO GE T H E R men et al. 2000).
This makes understanding the effect of
Adaptation is a response to climate change climate change on the relationship between
that seeks to maintain individual or soci- people and nature complex and important.
6 OV E RV I E W: W H AT I S C L I M AT E C H A N G E B I O L O G Y ?

The effects of climate change occur in an nature understand how the best elements
already-dynamic situation, in which hu- of a relationship with nature can be main-
mans and their activities are intercon- tained to the greatest extent possible and
nected locally, nationally, regionally, and where new relationships with nature will
internationally. Maintaining positive out- be needed because of climate change.
comes for people and ecosystems across all
of these spheres as the climate changes is a
major goal for people and nature adapting E CO SYST E M-BASE D A DA P TATION
For example, communities living with One aspect of people and nature adapting
coral bleaching may need to adjust to both together is the use of ecosystems to help
reduced fisheries output and reduced op- meet human adaptation goals, or ecosystem-
portunities for tourism income. Although based adaptation (Jones et al. 2012). This is
the extent of coral bleaching suggests that a second example of the interaction of solu-
completely maintaining current levels of tions to both climate change and biodiver-
fishery output and tourism income may be sity loss. It is the special case of ecosystems
impossible, a new balance may be struck being a functional part of needed human
in which protecting reefs most able to sur- responses to climate change, with benefits
vive bleaching can help in the recovery of that are usually focused locally or regionally.
neighboring reefs and fisheries following Examples of ecosystem-based adapta-
bleaching while still maintaining tour- tion include coastal protection provided
ism revenues. Actions to create habitats for by mangroves and coral reefs, freshwater
remaining coral reef fish species may be provisioning provided by cloud forests,
important in maintaining fisheries produc- flood control provided by upland habitats,
tion. Life with climate change may look and drought resistance provided by healthy
considerably different for a community that range and natural wetlands. The scope of
is dependent on a coral reef. People’s rela- ecosystem-based adaptation literally covers
tionship with nature may change, through all ecosystems in all regions of the world,
changes in fisheries livelihoods and through even though it is only one small part of peo-
reduced reef extent. But a new relationship ple and nature adapting together.
may maintain some reef fishery, some reef Whereas the mechanisms of ecosystem-
tourism, and a coastal lifestyle with sound based adaptation are direct, the manage-
planning, whereas an unplanned response ment actions needed to maintain or improve
may result in total loss of the reef and its it may be complex (Vignola et al. 2009). For
tangible and intangible benefits. instance, offshore coral reefs provide pro-
Similar scenarios are played out across tection from rising sea levels and increas-
other coastal environments, rangelands, ing storm surges along many coastlines in
forests, lakes, and rivers. For instance, ar- the world. But coral bleaching also affects
eas denuded of mature trees due to climate- these reefs. Reef recovery after bleaching is
driven bark-beetle outbreaks may see tim- critical to the continued provision of coastal
ber revenues, recreational opportunities, protection services. After bleaching, reef re-
and habitat quality decline. A fundamental covery is a race between recolonizing cor-
restructuring of the relationship between als and the algae that grow on the dead reef
people and nature may be required on mul- (McClanahan et al. 2001). Healthy popula-
tiple levels in such settings. tions of fish that eat the algae are required to
Understanding the relationship between help the corals win the race and outcompete
people and nature and how it is affected algae in the battle to recolonize the dead
by climate change can help policy makers, reef. Large parrotfish are among the most
managers, and communities living with effective consumers of algae, but they are
also the targets of fishing. Helping protect together comes from the global race to
enough parrotfish to let corals recolonize protect the world’s last remaining natural
the reef maintains coastal protection and in habitats. As global population increases, the
the long run improves the overall fishery. footprint needed to feed the planet expands.
This example illustrates that sometimes As a result, the amount of natural habitat
there are trade-offs inherent in achieving remaining in the world is progressively dis-
ecosystem-based adaptation benefits. In appearing. The world’s population roughly
this case, a short-term reduction in fishing doubled between 1890 and 1950, doubled
is required to maintain both the long-term again by 1970 and again by 2010 (Gonzalo
health of the overall fishery and coastal pro- and Alfonseca 2016). The space required for
tection (McClanahan et al. 2001). Establish- people and their material needs is rapidly
ing mechanisms for benefits transfer across squeezing out space for natural habitats ev-
time and between beneficiaries can there- erywhere on the planet.
fore be critical to the success of ecosystem- At the same time, the world is moving
based adaptation. to protect natural habitats. The area of na-
Ecosystem-based adaptation approaches tional parks and other protected areas on
are now being combined with engineering the planet has doubled approximately ev-
approaches in “green-gray adaptation.” This ery 40 years, until now about 17 percent
combination allows for the delivery of ben- of the terrestrial surface of the planet is in
efits in the near and long terms, improving some form of protection (Costelloe et al.
utility through time and across generations 2016). Although this protection ensures the
(Bierbaum et al. 2013). An example might existence of remaining natural habitats, it
be the combination of upland forest pro- also reduces the amount of natural habi-
tection with a downstream flood-retention tat available for protection. So the amount
dam. The forest provides flood ameliora- of remaining natural habitat available for
tion benefits for small and medium-sized protection is a function of decreases due to
storms, whereas the retention dam provides habitat destruction to provide for agricul-
added capacity to cope with large storms. ture and other human needs and increases
In this setting, ecosystem-based adaptation in land that is already protected.
can provide part of the adaptation solution Climate change and biodiversity come
while capturing many biodiversity benefits. together in this race to protect remain-
Although ecosystem-based adaptation is ing natural habitat, because these habitats
just one dimension of people and nature are critical for the survival of species at
adapting together, it is a critically impor- the same time that they are critical stores
tant part of that spectrum, with the most of carbon for climate stabilization. When
obvious benefits for people who live in forests or other ecosystems are destroyed
close proximity to ecosystems. As ecosys- for conversion to agriculture or cities, the
tem-based adaptation matures, the benefits carbon contained in the vegetation often
of capitalizing on the nexus of biodiversity enters the atmosphere during burning as-
and climate change will become more ap- sociated with land clearing. Burning con-
parent, and the extension of this principle verts the carbon in vegetation to CO2 in
to broader elements of people and nature the atmosphere, a process that contributes
adapting together will emerge. about one-third of the greenhouse gases
entering the atmosphere each year. So by
protecting natural habitats from destruc-
RU N N I NG OU T OF TIM E tion, we can both avoid the extinction of
species living in those habitats and make a
A third example of mutual benefits from substantial contribution to constraining cli-
addressing biodiversity and climate change mate change.
8 OV E RV I E W: W H AT I S C L I M AT E C H A N G E B I O L O G Y ?

The time remaining to capture these dual tem-based adaptation, and the limited time
benefits is limited, however. Based on cur- for action are all examples of the challenges
rent rates of habitat loss to human uses and and synergies operating at the nexus of cli-
protection of habitat, the estimates are that mate change and biodiversity. Capitalizing
by 2050 or shortly thereafter, remaining on opportunities and responding to those
unprotected primary tropical habitat on the challenges involve science, awareness, pol-
planet will be gone (Hannah et al. 2018). icy, and management action. Action on each
Including secondary, recovering habitats of these fronts is needed to realize a world
extends the amount of time remaining to in which the relationship between people
protect habitat on the planet by 20 to 30 and nature remains positive.
years, but by the end of this century the Science creates the understanding of
window of opportunity for new protection biodiversity-climate relationships needed
will be closed in both primary and second- to generate awareness, policy, and manage-
ary habitats. ment action. The first sections of this book
After opportunities to protect large, land- are devoted to the insights that science has
sparing protected areas have closed, there already generated, from current observa-
will be opportunities to protect smaller tions to understanding of the past, and how
parcels of natural or seminatural habitat in those past and present insights can be ap-
productive landscapes. These land-sharing plied as we manage change. The chapters of
approaches are an important component the later sections look at how we can under-
in preserving biodiversity and responding stand and manage the future.
to climate change, as is land restoration. Many of our existing insights come from
Restoration of ecosystems (Chapter 25) is systems for which data are fortunately avail-
an important way to sequester carbon and able. For instance, our understandings of
provide more habitat for biodiversity. But as climate change responses of birds and but-
human populations continue to grow and terflies are particularly well understood be-
resource use intensifies, increasing pres- cause these taxa are particularly well stud-
sure will be put on productive landscapes ied, allowing for distributional responses to
and degraded lands. The window for these climate change to be tested. Despite a large
types of win-win activities for biodiversity number of biological responses to climate,
and climate change is closing as well un- however, these cases are not necessarily the
less we change our approach to planetary most important ones, either for people or
management. for biodiversity. There is an urgent need
Across conservation mechanisms, the to generate information about particularly
scope for constructive action to have bio- valuable systems and to generate policy and
diversity conservation and climate change management action based on those findings
mitigation and adaptation work together (see Box 1.1). For example, how elephants
will narrow as the century progresses. The respond to climate change is a complex
greatest opportunity to identify manage- mixture of habitat change due to climate
ment actions that help prevent extinctions change, changing human land uses, and an
and biodiversity loss while helping people often-delicate balance in human-elephant
adapt to climate change and reduce green- relations. Illegal hunting for the ivory trade
house gas emissions is therefore right now. may be the major threat to elephants in the
near term, but assuming that the threat of
illegal trade can be addressed, in the long
AC T ION F OR A N I N T E GR AT E D F U T U R E term it is habitat access and connectivity that
are likely to determine the number of el-
Staying within planetary boundaries, peo- ephants that can be sustained on the planet.
ple and nature adapting together, ecosys- Scientific understanding of these and other

Box 1.1. Ecosystem Experiments Are Important

Ecosystem experiments can be of ma- climate change will also include changes
jor value in revealing potential climate in precipitation, another experiment
change impacts and mechanisms. With- has involved simulating such changes in
out them we would be left in the defen- grasslands in northern California (Suttle,
sive position of being able to understand Thomsen, and Power 2007).
effects only as they occur rather than an- Other relevant ecosystem experiments
ticipate them with preemptive policies as have endeavored to understand the im-
well as adaptation measures. pacts that higher CO2 levels might have
In many senses ecosystem experi- on ecosystems. Will there or will there
ments came of age with the Hubbard not be a “fertilization” effect, or if there
Brook experiment (Holmes and Likens is one, will it be short-lived because the
2016), although there had been impor- ecosystem will encounter some other
tant precursors, such as the Brookhaven limitation (e.g., a key nutrient)? There
Irradiated Forest and the Luquillo Forest have been a number of such experi-
of Puerto Rico (Odum 1970). ments and some are ongoing. One Oak
The first climate change experiment Ridge experiment showed a short-lived
was initiated by John Harte at the Rocky fertilization response (Norby et al. 2010),
Mountain Biological Laboratory, where whereas others have not. The new free-air
an alpine meadow has been, and con- concentration enrichment (FACE) experi-
tinues to be, artificially warmed (Harte ment in the central Amazon may reveal
and Shaw 1955), revealing changes in the a similar nutrient constraint (in that case
plant community and soil biota. Since from phosphorous).

complex systems are needed to help guide more at stake than just bringing along the
stewardship of the planet through an era of full complement of nature’s bounty with us
unprecedented climate change. as we move into the future. At stake is the
Awareness is needed to complement sci- relationship of all humans with nature, the
entific understanding, both about climate ability to capitalize on ecosystems to help
change itself and especially about how cli- us adapt to climate change, and the ability
mate change and biodiversity interact. Be- to move quickly to realize the remaining
yond accepting the obvious—that climate scope for solutions before it is too late.
change is real and is having real impacts Policy is needed at the interface of these
today—the general public and policy mak- two great environmental concerns, to avoid
ers alike need to be aware that the inter- having climate change biology and its
face of biodiversity and climate change is consequences for people fall between the
complex and has a vitally important role to cracks. Since 1992, the world has had in-
play in shaping people’s relationship with ternational conventions that deal with bio-
nature. The latter sections of this book ex- diversity and with climate change. These
plore what is needed in policy, awareness, international conventions hold separate
and management action. meetings and are often administered by
Climate change biology is not just about separate agencies within individual coun-
the extinction of polar bears, or even just tries. What has been lacking in the policy
about extinction. Although the elevated risk world has been an ability to work between
of extinction due to climate change is a and across the conventions. Mitigation and
major international concern, there is much adaptation of climate change have massive
10 OV E RV I E W: W H AT I S C L I M AT E C H A N G E B I O L O G Y ?

implications for avoiding extinctions and form policy and management actions that
conserving biodiversity, whereas main- maintain a healthy balance between people
taining biodiversity has major implications and nature as the climate changes (Part V).
for managing the planet’s atmosphere and The combined power of these insights is to
helping people adjust their relationships give humanity the opportunity to create a
with nature and use ecosystems to adapt to healthy relationship with nature of multiple
climate change. scales—from planetary boundaries to eco-
Now that fundamental progress has system-based adaptation—that will endure
been made on each issue in its own right, as the climate changes.
it is particularly critical that collaborative
work at the interface of climate change and
biodiversity occur. Just as in science at the R E FE R E NCE S
interface, policy at this interface is begin-
ning to emerge. For instance, the Green Cli- Bierbaum, Rosina, Joel B. Smith, Arthur Lee, Maria Blair,
Lynne Carter, F. Stuart Chapin, Paul Fleming, Susan
mate Fund recognizes ecosystems as one of
Ruffo, Missy Stults, Shannon McNeeley, Emily Wasley,
the four pillars of climate adaptation. and Laura Verduzco. 2012. “A comprehensive review
Managers, scientists, policy makers, and of climate adaptation in the United States: More than
the public are not separate teams that lob before, but less than needed.” Mitigation and Adaptation
questions or insights back and forth to one Strategies for Global Change 18 (3, October): 361–406.
Costelloe, Brendan, Ben Collen, E. J. Milner-Gulland, Ian
another. Rather, they need to form a single
D. Craigie, Louise McRae, Carlo Rondinini, and Em-
integrated team in which scientific under- ily Nicholson. 2016. “Global biodiversity indicators
standing and awareness drive policy that reflect the modeled impacts of protected area policy
supports sound management action. Because change.” Conservation Letters 9 (1, January): 14–20.
of this need for integration, it is critical that Gonzalo, Julio A., and Manuel Alfonseca. 2016. “World
population growth.” World Population: Past, Present & Future
the climate change and biodiversity com-
munities work together for mutual under- Hannah, Lee, Patrick Roehrdanz, Guy Midgley, Jon
standing and for the evolution of awareness, Lovett, Pablo Marquet, Richard Corlett, Brian Enquist,
policy, and management that responds to the and Wendy Foden. “Last call for tropical protected ar-
full scope of the implications climate change eas.” In review.
Harte, John, and Rebecca Shaw. 1995. “Shifting domi-
carries for ecosystems and biodiversity.
nance within a montane vegetation community:
The role of climate change biology is to Results from a climate-warming experiment.” Science
provide an understanding of the responses 267: 876–880.
of the natural world to climate change. In- Holmes, Richard T., and Gene E. Likens. 2016. Hubbard
sights from changes already being observed Brook: The Story of a Forest Ecosystem. Yale University Press.
Jones, Holly P., David G. Hole, and Erika S. Zavaleta.
(Part II) put us on alert about possible dis-
2012. “Harnessing nature to help people adapt to cli-
ruptions to the balance in the relationship mate change.” Nature Climate Change 2 (7): 504.
between people and nature. Understand- Kremen, Claire, John O. Niles, M. G. Dalton, Gretchen
ing how species and ecosystems have re- C. Daily, Paul R. Ehrlich, John P. Fay, David Grewal,
sponded to past climate change, both in and R. Philip Guillery. 2000. “Economic incentives
for rain forest conservation across scales.” Science 288
deep time and in near time (Part III), pro-
(5472): 1828–1832.
vides a window onto how species and eco- McClanahan, T., N. Muthiga, and S. Mangi. 2001. “Coral
systems have responded in a fully natural and algal changes after the 1998 coral bleaching: In-
world, which we must now interpret, and teraction with reef management and herbivores on
landscapes increasingly dominated by hu- Kenyan reefs.” Coral Reefs 19 (4): 380–391.
Norby, Richard J., Jeffrey M. Warren, Colleen M. Iversen,
man land uses. Modeling and experimenta-
Belinda E. Medlyn, and Ross E. McMurtrie. 2010. “CO2
tion to estimate future change (Part IV) can enhancement of forest productivity constrained by
be combined with knowledge and models limited nitrogen availability.” Proceedings of the National
of changes in human production to help in- Academy of Sciences 107: 19368–19373.
Odum, Howard T. 1970. “Summary: An emerging view Suttle, K. B., Meredith E. Thomsen, and Mary E. Power.
of the ecological system at El Verde.” Tropical Rain Forest: 2007. “Species interactions reverse grassland re-
1191–1281. sponses to changing climate.” Science 315: 640–642.
Rockström, Johan, Will Steffen, Kevin Noone, Åsa Pers- Urban, M. C., G. Bocedi, A. P. Hendry, J. B. Mihoub,
son, F. Stuart Chapin III, Eric Lambin, Timothy Len- G. Pe’er, A. Singer, J. R. Bridle, L. G. Crozier, L. De
ton, et al. 2009. “Planetary boundaries: Exploring the Meester, W. Godsoe, and A. Gonzalez. 2016. “Im-
safe operating space for humanity.” Ecology and Society proving the forecast for biodiversity under climate
14 (2): art. 32. change.” Science 353 (6304): p.aad8466.
Steffen, Will, Katherine Richardson, Johan Rockström, Vignola, Raffaele, Bruno Locatelli, Celia Martinez, and
Sarah E. Cornell, Ingo Fetzer, Elena M. Bennett, Pablo Imbach. 2009. “Ecosystem-based adaptation to
Reinette Biggs, et al. 2015. “Planetary boundaries: climate change: What role for policy-makers, society
Guiding human development on a changing planet.” and scientists?” Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global
Science 347 (6223): art. 1259855. Change 14 (8): 691.
CHAPTER TWO Climate is the set of weather conditions pre-
vailing over a region over a period of time.
What Is Climate To be long enough to average across the nat-
ural, short-term variations of these condi-
Change? tions, the period over which the climate is
defined has generally been three decades—
MICHAEL C. MACCR ACK EN roughly a human generation. By contrast,
weather is the instantaneous state of the at-
mosphere; it is the statistical ensemble of
the weather that is used to quantify the state
of the climate. As some say, climate is what
you expect and weather is what you get.
Weather conditions (and so climatic
conditions, being the accumulated set of
weather conditions) are largely determined
by the dynamic interactions of the atmo-
sphere, the oceans, the land surface, and
the glaciers and ice sheets, which are often
collectively referred to as the components
of the climate system. For each location,
climate generally represents the conditions
with which a region is associated, such as
southern California being warm and dry
and the Pacific Northwest coast being cool
and wet. However, scientifically, the cli-
mate of a region also includes the seasonal,
annual, and longer variations and cycling
(e.g., El Niño and La Niña oscillations) that
result from the various internal intercou-
plings and linkages of the components of
the climate system.
In addition to internal variability, the
climate can also be affected by factors con-
sidered external to the climate system. Ex-
ternal factors that are capable of causing
changes in the system’s energy fluxes and
balances (generally referred to as radiative
forcings) include changes in incoming so-
lar radiation due to changes in solar out-
put and/or time-varying changes in the
distance to the Sun, aerosol injections into
the stratosphere resulting from major and

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

persistent volcanic eruptions, geological Among the most important positive (or
processes such as the shifting distribution amplifying) feedbacks to consider in these
of continents and mountain ranges, and analyses are water-vapor feedback (whereby
changes in composition of the atmosphere warming leads to an increase in atmo-
due to processes ranging from weather- spheric water vapor that then exerts fur-
ing to sequestration of carbon in swamps ther warming) and snow- and ice-albedo
or submergence of vegetation by sea-level (or reflectivity) feedbacks (whereby warm-
rise. Human activities of various types are ing leads to melting of snow and ice that
now, however, altering the Earth’s energy decreases surface reflectivity that, in turn,
balance in comparable ways. The largest allows for additional absorption of solar
warming influence is resulting from the radiation and so more warming). Counter-
increase in the CO2 concentration due to ing these amplifying processes are ones that
combustion of fossil fuels (i.e., coal, petro- moderate how much change can occur. For
leum, natural gas, oil shale-derived fuels) example, the infrared radiation emitted up-
and deforestation and soil disturbance. In ward from the surface is proportional to the
addition to CO2, human activities have been fourth power of the surface temperature, al-
increasing the atmospheric concentrations though this negative feedback is moderated
of methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), by a process referred to as the atmospheric
halocarbons (mainly chlorine containing greenhouse effect, whereby the atmosphere
compounds), and other gases that alter the absorbs much of the upward radiation from
Earth’s infrared (heat-related) gases (collec- the surface and lower atmosphere and then
tively, greenhouse gases). Human activities reradiates much of it (presently about 90
have also been adding to the atmospheric percent) back to the surface to induce fur-
loadings of dark aerosols like black carbon ther warming. Interacting together, these
(e.g., from diesel engine exhaust and coal- processes have created the range of climates
fired power plants) that absorb additional across the Earth to which we have become
sunlight and light-colored aerosols such as accustomed and on which society has be-
dust and sulfate (the latter created mainly come dependent.
from sulfur dioxide, SO2, emissions by
coal-fired power plants) that exert a cool-
ing influence by reflecting additional sun- L E S SONS F ROM E A RT H ’S C L IM ATIC
light back to space. Human activities have H ISTORY
also caused changes in land surface charac-
teristics such as deforestation, agriculture, Geological records, chemical and physi-
and urbanization, which can affect surface cal variations in ice cores, and many other
roughness and the rate of evaporation from types of evidence make it clear that the
soils. Earth’s climate has varied greatly over its
The responses of the climate system to history. Indeed, the most important les-
these forcings not only are direct, but the sons from the paleoclimatic record are that
direct responses also can trigger further in- significant climate change can occur, that
teractions and feedbacks among climate these changes occur as a result of identifi-
system components that can amplify or able changes in forcing rather than as a re-
moderate the direct response. Thus, work- sult of random fluctuations, and that large
ing out the net effects of these forcings on changes generally tend to result from accu-
temperature, precipitation, and the weather mulated changes over many millennia.
requires very careful quantitative analysis, An important example of the role of
especially in seeking to learn from what has climate forcings in altering the climate is
happened in the past and projecting for- evident in the glacial-interglacial cycling
ward what could happen in the future. that occurred over the past million years
14 OV E RV I E W: W H AT I S C L I M AT E C H A N G E B I O L O G Y ?

(Berger 2001). Roughly 125,000 years ago, but not experiencing extensive glaciation
the global average temperature during the over this period.
interglacial period before the present one During the Holocene, fluctuations in
was up to ~1ºC–2ºC higher than present, global average temperature have generally
and sea level is estimated to have been 4–8 been less than ~0.5ºC, driven primarily by
meters higher. This several-thousand-year extended periods of volcanic activity, small
warm interval was followed by transition changes in orbital forcing and solar activity,
into an increasingly glacial period that and changes in land cover and agriculture.
lasted ~100,000 years. At its coldest, the Although regional-scale fluctuations have
global average temperature was ~6ºC be- been somewhat larger, the relatively favor-
low present and sea level dropped by ~120 able global climatic conditions that have ex-
meters, exposing large areas of continen- isted well into the twentieth century have
tal shelves around the world, drying out allowed time for the maturing of ecosys-
the Mediterranean Sea, and creating a land tems and the development of agriculture,
bridge between North America and Asia. As communities, and civilizations around the
the global average temperature rose to its world.
present level about 6,000–8,000 years ago,
ice sheets melted and sea level rose at an av-
erage rate of ~1 meter per century for 120 H U M A N-I N DUC E D C L IM AT E C H A NGE
centuries. Large shifts in flora and fauna
occurred throughout this period, demon- The relative steadiness of the climate is now
strating that ecosystems on land and sea are being disrupted because of the changes in
closely tied to the prevailing climate, albeit atmospheric composition caused mainly
perhaps with a lag of centuries, and that by the use of coal, petroleum, and natural
such shifts can occur if climate change is gas to power industrialization and eco-
extended over relatively long periods. nomic growth, and alteration of the land-
These glacial-interglacial changes in the scape to allow for global agriculture. Fig-
climate were driven by cyclic changes in ure 2.1 shows the changes in the global
the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, which re- average surface air temperature from 1880
distributed incoming solar radiation by sea- to 2016 compiled by the National Oceano-
son and latitude in ways then amplified by a graphic and Atmospheric Administration.
wide range of mostly positive feedback pro- Detection-attribution analyses described
cesses, including a natural carbon feedback in IPCC’s Second Assessment Report made
that tended to amplify the orbitally induced it possible to initially conclude that “there
warming. As a result of quite fortuitous was a discernible human influence on the
timing of three important orbital periodici- global climate” (Santer et al. 1995). Analy-
ties (ellipticity of the orbit, tilt of the axis ses of over a dozen measures of climate
of rotation, and time of year of closest ap- change (e.g., changes in atmospheric mois-
proach to the Sun), seasonal and latitudinal ture; the height of the tropopause, which
patterns of incoming solar radiation have is the boundary between the troposphere
been relatively stable over the past several and stratosphere; regional patterns and tim-
thousand years, which is known as the Ho- ing of land and ocean warming) and more
locene epoch, and the astronomically deter- since that initial assessment now support
mined seasonal and global patterns of solar the much stronger conclusion that “it is ex-
radiation would be expected to vary little tremely likely that human influence has been
over the next several tens of thousands of the dominant cause of the observed warm-
years (Mysak 2008)—that is, absent human ing since the mid-20th century” (IPCC
activities, the world might be a bit cooler, 2013, emphasis in original). With human

Figure 2.1. Time history (1880–2016) of the change in sonal temperatures swing) is now equal to
global average temperature over time based on the av- about 15 percent of the 6°C warming from
erage of geographically weighted local departures of
annual-average surface air temperature (ºC) from the
the Last Interglacial Maximum to the pres-
20th century baseline; this compilation is maintained ent and about the same fraction of the simi-
by the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric lar difference between the temperatures of
Administration. The late 19th- and early 20th-century the present and the very warm Cretaceous,
values were depressed by a higher-than-average number when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
of significant volcanic eruptions; the mid-20th century
was roughly level as greenhouse gas–induced warming
Although international attention has fo-
was offset by an increased loading of sulfate aerosols cused on the change in the global average
and slowly declining solar irradiance; warming since temperature, changes in climate involve
the 1970s is mainly due to the rising concentrations of much more than simply a change in the
greenhouse gases. (Figure courtesy of NOAA.) average temperature (for details, see IPCC
2013; Cramer and Yohe 2014; for the United
forcing now emerging as the dominant States, see USGCRP 2017). Indeed, what
cause of climatic change, the period since people, plants, and wildlife experience is
roughly the mid-twentieth century is now not the mathematical construct that makes
being designated the Anthropocene epoch up the three-decade average; it is changes
(Steffen et al. 2011). in the intensity, occurrence, and patterns of
According to the most recent data, the the weather. As an example, in addition to
global average surface air temperature has recent changes in the average temperature,
increased nearly 1ºC since the mid-nine- the likelihood of warm and cool summers
teenth century (Plate 1), and suggestions over Northern Hemisphere land areas has
of a break in the rate of warming during been changing (Figure 2.2). Quite amaz-
the first decade of the twenty-first century ingly, in response to global warming of only
have proved mistaken (Santer et al. 2014). ~0.5ºC since the mid-twentieth century,
An increase of 1ºC may seem small in con- the likelihood of the very warmest sum-
trast to diurnal and seasonal swings in local mers occurring has increased by more than
temperature on the order of 20ºC in some three standard deviations from a likelihood
regions, but the global warming to date (so of less than 0.1 percent during the period
the baseline around which diurnal and sea- 1951–1980 to currently ~10 percent of the
16 OV E RV I E W: W H AT I S C L I M AT E C H A N G E B I O L O G Y ?

Figure 2.2. The frequency of occurrence of local de- variable that trend statistics are not well es-
partures of June-July-August (summertime) surface tablished, but oceans are warmer, and there
air temperature (in standard deviations from the local
mean value) for land areas in the Northern Hemisphere
appears to be a greater likelihood that the
relative to the mean value for 1951–1980 (generally de- storms that do develop will have higher
scribed as the seasonal climatological value). The distri- peak winds and greater precipitation.
bution of frequencies of occurrence for the period 1951– Changes in mid-latitude weather patterns
1980 closely matches a normal (i.e., bell-shaped curve) illustrate how warming in high latitudes can
distribution (solid line), which is used to subdivide the
set into cool (dark gray), typical (white), and warm
drive shifts in the climate (e.g., Francis and
(light gray) occurrences, each subset having a probabil- Vavrus 2012; Francis and Skific 2015). The
ity of a third. The distribution of local summertime de- variable weather in Northern Hemisphere
partures from the 1951–1980 normal has shifted to the mid-latitudes is created by cold, dense Arc-
right as the three-decade climatology has moved closer tic air masses spreading southward and
to the present. What were once cool summers now oc-
cur much less frequently, and what were once warm and
interacting with warm, moist subtropical
extremely warm summers now occur much more fre- air masses pushing poleward. Convection
quently. (Redrawn from Hansen et al. 2012.) and storms occur where moist air is forced
to rise over colder air. When the equator-
time—so an increase in incidence of such pole temperature gradient is strong, the
extremes by over a factor of a hundred in atmospheric circulation sets up to most ef-
only about six decades (Hansen et al. 2012). ficiently move heat poleward and the Co-
Other aspects of human-induced change riolis effect (i.e., the turning eastward of
are also discernible. Broadly speaking, meridional, or south to north, winds result-
warming in the Arctic has been at least ing from the rotation of the Earth) leads to
twice as large as the global average, causing there being a stronger and more zonal (west
widespread impacts on ecosystems (Arctic to east) jet stream with fewer meanders and
Climate Impact Assessment 2004). Also, the faster west-to-east storm movement. With
dry subtropics have expanded poleward Arctic warming becoming strong and tropi-
and average precipitation has increased over cal warming limited by increased evapora-
mid- and high-latitude land areas. The like- tion, the equator-pole temperature gradient
lihood of intense rainfall has also increased, is decreasing, which is leading to greater
with a greater fraction of precipitation com- meandering of the zonal jet. The larger
ing in such events, causing increased runoff waves in the jet stream allow warm moist
and in turn causing higher river levels and air to push farther north and cold, Arctic air
increased potential for flooding at those to push farther south, increasing the range
times of year when stream flows are high. of possible conditions at any given location
With less precipitation occurring in small and slowing the eastward movement of wet
rain events, periods of high evaporation of and dry weather regimes.
soil moisture are now longer and warmer, For example, in the Great Plains of North
leading to faster and more frequent tran- America (the only continent extending
sitions to very dry and even drought con- from the subtropics to the Arctic without
ditions (USGCRP 2017). The occurrence an east-west mountain range to separate
of hurricanes and typhoons is so low and cold polar and warm, moist subtropical air
masses), the shifting weather conditions empirical understanding of how the cli-
allow for warm, more northward penetra- mate system functions and how all of the
tion of moist subtropical air, causing, in system variables and processes interact and
some years, heavier snowpacks and so in- link together to determine the climate that
creased springtime snowmelt runoff in the prevails. Thus, the models follow how so-
northern Great Plains. With its relatively lar radiation changes through the day and
flat geography and a history of less intense season and is reflected and absorbed by the
weather events, river channels have tended atmosphere, clouds, land, ice, and oceans.
to be shallow. Now, with rapid melting of The models also (1) simulate the flow of in-
the heavier snow amounts, major flood- frared (heat) radiation and its dependence
ing has become more frequent and severe. on temperature and atmospheric composi-
Thus, not only is the climate changing, but tion; (2) calculate the motions of the atmo-
the hydrogeography and land cover of re- sphere and oceans, both vertically and hori-
gions are also being affected by the chang- zontally; (3) treat the evaporation of water
ing weather. from the surface, the formation of clouds
and precipitation, and then accumulation of
soil moisture and loss by runoff; (4) treat
PROJ E CTIONS OF GLOBA L the buildup and loss of snow cover on land
WA R M I NG T H ROUGH T H E and the expansion and melting of sea ice on
T W E N T Y-F IR ST C E N T U RY the oceans; and more (see Figure 2.3). For
the atmospheric component of the system,
With global use of coal, petroleum, and the model is virtually the same as weather
natural gas still providing about 80 per- forecast models, but for the oceans, ice, and
cent of the world’s energy, the atmospheric land surface, the models are constructed
concentration of CO2 will continue to in- to include processes that affect cumula-
crease for some time, even with aggressive tive changes through seasons, years, de-
attempts to switch to deriving energy from cades, and longer. Given the influence of
renewable sources. Stopping the ongoing small-scale chaotic behavior, the nonlinear
increase in radiative forcing will require governing equations that are the basis of
CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions weather forecast models limit the potential
to decrease to near zero (so not just stop- predictability of specific large-scale weather
ping the growth in emissions); returning to situations to only 1–2 weeks. In contrast,
the preindustrial level of radiative forcing model simulations for past multidecadal to
would require not only this but also essen- multicentennial periods (e.g., the past two
tially the removal of roughly as much CO2 centuries) and distant periods in the past
from the atmosphere as has been added. have demonstrated that the climate system
That would include the amount that has models, with forcings prescribed as they
been taken up by the oceans and biosphere, changed over these periods, reasonably re-
because much of this carbon would return produce the climatic conditions that have
to the atmosphere as the atmospheric con- been reconstructed from observations and
centration was lowered from its current geological evidence.
level. In seeking to project how the climate is
Computer models of the climate sys- likely to evolve in the future, scenarios of
tem have been developed to project how the consequences of future societal choices
the climate will respond to the changing in terms of energy-generated emissions and
atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and other factors are used as boundary condi-
other climate-altering gases and aerosols tions for simulations using the state-of-the-
(i.e., particles). These models have been science climate models. Model results then
built to incorporate both theoretical and portray how the climate would be expected
18 OV E RV I E W: W H AT I S C L I M AT E C H A N G E B I O L O G Y ?

Figure 2.3. Schematic view of the components of the IPCC assessments for a description of global
global climate system (bold), their processes and inter- changes and impacts and the most recent
actions (thin arrows), and some aspects that may change
(bold arrows). Presently available models of the atmo-
US and World Bank assessments for more
sphere, oceans, and land, as well as snow and ice sur- detailed descriptions in particular regions
faces, generally divide each domain into quadrilateral (Melillo et al. 2014; USGCRP 2017; World
tiles that are about 100 km to 200 km on a side and sliced Bank 2013, 2014).
thin enough to represent vertical variations in each sys- As shown in Figure 2.4, the global-scale
tem. Variables such as temperature, water content, and
speed of movement are maintained for each tile in each
results indicate that the greater the emis-
climate system component. Flows and fluxes through the sions, the greater the global warming that
boundaries of every tile and across from one component will occur. These simulations generally
of the system to another are calculated for each process, indicate that a prolonged reliance on fos-
then used to update the values of each variable in each sil fuels would lead to the global average
tile to a new time using a time step typically measured
in minutes. With such a fine time step, climate system
temperature reaching 4ºC above its prein-
models are simulating the evolving “weather” of the dustrial level by 2100 and continuing up-
atmosphere-ocean-land-ice system and the results are ward thereafter, whereas a very aggressive
then time- and space-averaged to provide an indication shift to reliance on solar, wind, and other
of how the climate is changing in response to natural renewable energy technologies has the po-
internal fluctuations and the changing values of external
forcings. (Figure 1.1 from IPCC 2001: Climate Change 2001:
tential to limit the increase in the global
The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Third average temperature peaking at 2ºC–3ºC,
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.) depending on how rapidly the conversion
of the energy system occurs.
Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse
to evolve over coming decades and centu- gases not only cause climate change; many
ries. Because the model results are condi- of these gases also contribute to poor air
tional, being dependent on the scenarios, quality, widespread health effects (particu-
these results are called projections rather larly to women and children as a result of
than predictions. For further details, see the emissions from traditional cooking stoves),
Figure 2.4. Global projections of changes in the likeli- in likelihood of what were (B) the wettest consecutive
hood of important occurrences of moderately extreme five days and (D) the wettest 5% of days during the
weather. Graphs on the left show the time history from period 1986–2005. The projections are based on sce-
1960 to the present (based on observations) and to 2090 narios that remain mainly fossil fuel based (black line,
(based on projections) of the change in likelihood of RCP8.5), transition slowly away from fossil fuels (light
what were the days with daily maximum temperature gray, RCP4.5), and transition rapidly to energy technolo-
among the (A) coldest and (C) warmest 10% of days dur- gies that do not emit CO2 and other greenhouse gases
ing the period 1961–1990. Graphs on the right show the (dark gray). (TFE.9, Figure 1 from Stocker et al. 2013;
time history from 1960 to present (based on observa- IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, Working Group I, Techni-
tions) and to 2090 (based on projections) of the change cal Summary.)
20 OV E RV I E W: W H AT I S C L I M AT E C H A N G E B I O L O G Y ?

crop damage, water pollution, glacial melt- can also reduce near-term warming, and the
ing (due to warming and deposited black United States and China have taken the lead
carbon) and more. There are thus many rea- in doing so. There is thus the potential for
sons to limit climate-changing emissions. nations to make even greater and earlier cuts
Negotiations to cut emissions of CO2 in climate-warming emissions, including
and other long-lived greenhouse gases especially emissions of methane, precursors
have been the focus of international nego- of tropospheric ozone, and black carbon,
tiations through the annual Conference of but there is really very little time for such
the Parties (COP) since the UN Framework actions to be taken because of the warming
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) trajectory already created by past emissions.
was negotiated in 1992, with the most re- As serious as the overall warming would
cent agreement being negotiated in Paris be, the unprecedented pace of the warm-
in 2015. Based on the emissions-reduction ing is at least as serious because it shortens
commitments made in support of the Paris the time for forests and other ecosystems to
Agreement’s goal, the global average tem- keep up with the shifting of their preferred
perature is nonetheless still projected to be climatic zones. In addition to the rapid pace
between 3ºC and 4ºC above its preindustrial of warming, the accelerating pace of long-
level, which is well above the agreement’s term sea-level rise and the lowering of the
aspirational goal of 1.5ºC and 2ºC; scientific pH of ocean waters (i.e., acidification) as
studies suggest that preventing most of the the CO2 concentration rises are projected
adverse impacts will actually require re- to cause increasing inundation of coastlines
turning the increase in global average tem- and spreading disruption of marine ecosys-
perature to no more than 0.5ºC (equivalent tems, respectively.
to a CO2 concentration of 300–350 ppm;
e.g., see Hansen et al. 2016).
So, what more can be done? Greatly im- BE YON D T H E AV E R AGE
proving the efficiency in our use of energy
(which would result in also reducing emis- The focus of international climate change
sions of black carbon) and transitioning negotiations has primarily been on the pro-
to renewable energy sources (solar, wind, jected decade-to-decade changes in global
wave, tidal, water current, etc.) in order to average temperature, but the global aver-
reduce CO2 emissions are the most environ- age is really only a mathematical construct.
mentally benign ways of reducing human- Understandably, the multidecadal average
induced impacts on the climate. Reversing change will vary by latitude, season, and lo-
deforestation, even implementing affores- cal conditions, being greater in high than
tation, and rebuilding soil carbon will also in low latitudes, greater over land than over
be essential to limiting the rise in the atmo- the ocean, and greater at night than dur-
spheric CO2 concentration and later pulling ing the day as a result of greenhouse gases
CO2 back out of the atmosphere. Because absorbing outgoing longwave radiation re-
the atmospheric lifetime of methane is only radiating back toward the surface twenty-
about a decade, as compared to the multi- four hours a day. In the low latitudes, the
millennial persistence of the human-in- temperature increase is smaller than in
duced increase in the CO2 concentration, re- high latitudes because a greater fraction of
ducing leakage of methane from the global the available energy results in evaporation
energy system and its generation by global (and evapotranspiration). With the vertical
agriculture can help slow the pace of climate distribution of CO2-induced radiative forc-
change over the coming few decades (UNEP ing exerting a slight tendency to stabilize
2011; Shindell et al. 2012). Reducing emis- the troposphere, additional energy from
sions of the many halocarbon compounds condensation is needed to power convective
storms, which leads to the increasing occur- coming drier. Considering detailed changes
rence of intense precipitation. At the same in the weather is thus going to be essen-
time, warmer oceans are making addi- tial to understanding many biological re-
tional energy available to tropical cyclones sponses. Useful analyses will need to evalu-
(known as typhoons or hurricanes, depend- ate changes in the likelihood of various
ing on the region), powering an increase in weather types, especially including changes
storm intensity and so in damage, which is in the frequency, intensity, and duration of
then further compounded along vulnerable extreme conditions (e.g., heat waves, epi-
coastlines because of sea-level rise. sodes of intense precipitation and drought).
Individual organisms and ecosystems Figure 2.5 shows projections for the twenty-
experience the weather at the particular first century of changes in the frequency of
location that they occupy, making changes what were low-likelihood weather events
in the local weather more relevant than during the mid- to late twentieth century,
changes in long-term average conditions. showing a sharp increase in the occurrence
For example, in areas with variable terrain, of hot days and wet extremes and a sharp
intense rains may cause some areas to flood decrease in the occurrence of what were
while large-scale, flatter areas end up be- considered extremely cold days. The most
recent USGCRP assessment includes sub-
stantial new projections of changes in the
weather (USGCRP 2017).


While policy makers tend to focus on the

gradual increase in the global average tem-
perature, biologists will need to consider
the full statistical representation of change
in atmospheric behavior, including the
means, sequences, correlations, higher mo-
ments, and more. As change continues to
increase, considering only the slow, aver-
age changes will provide a less and less
adequate sense of the types and nature of
Figure 2.5. Time history of the global average surface air
temperature for the period 1900–2100 based on obser-
impacts on the environment and society.
vations for the period 1900–2013 and model projections With available ensembles of model projec-
to 2100 for an emissions scenario that remains strongly tions that have detail comparable to that of
fossil fuel based (upper band) or that assumes relatively weather forecasts, there is the potential for
aggressive conversion to energy technologies that do significantly improved environmental im-
not release CO2 and other climate-warming greenhouse
gases (lower band). For reference, a warming of 5ºC
pact analyses and more reliable insights for
from 1900 to 2100 (and continuing thereafter) would be building resilience and avoiding the most
just less than the warming that occurred from the peak significant consequences.
of the last ice age (~20,000 years ago) to the present and
the difference between the Cretaceous (>65M years ago)
and the present. Even the increase of ~2ºC would be very
significant, such warm conditions not having occurred R E FE R E NCE S
globally since well before Pleistocene glacial-interglacial
cycling began about 2 million years ago. (Box TS.5, Fig- Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. 2004. “Impacts of
ure 1 from Field et al. 2014; IPCC Fifth Assessment Re- a warming Arctic: Arctic climate impact assessment
port, Working Group II, Technical Summary.) overview report.” Cambridge University Press.
22 OV E RV I E W: W H AT I S C L I M AT E C H A N G E B I O L O G Y ?

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What Changes Are

We Observing?
This page intentionally left blank

Range and Humans have been altering species’ distri-

butions and influencing local population
Abundance Changes abundances for hundreds (perhaps thou-
sands) of years. Hunting pressures and habi-
CAMILLE PARME SAN tat alteration have frequently caused species
to disappear locally, often as a prelude to
global extinction. Given the magnitude of
these and other human activities, it is sur-
prising how many species are undergoing
changes in abundances and/or distributions
that can be linked in part or entirely to re-
cent anthropogenic climate change.
Detection and attribution of a climate
“signal” to observed changes in natural
systems has been a challenge for climate
change biologists. Further, because climate
change science has immediate policy rel-
evance, it is essential that the detection and
attribution processes be transparent. As this
issue is rarely tackled directly in the litera-
ture, I begin with a general discussion of
detection and attribution from a biologi-
cal perspective. From that brief founda-
tion, I proceed to review the impacts that
recent climate change has had on species’
distributions and local abundances, with
an emphasis on meta-analyses that seek out
common responses across many hundreds
of independent studies. As well as overall
patterns of response, I provide a few de-
tailed examples demonstrating the under-
lying mechanistic links between observed
changes in species’ distributions and abun-
dances and anthropogenic climate change.
I end with an example of the challenges of,
as well as potentials for, creative conserva-
tion planning for an endangered species al-
ready being affected by climate change.

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


DE T E CTION A N D AT T R I BU TION tation tolerances, climate variability

R E V ISIT E D or climate extremes and the study
Detection and attribution remain important
issues in climate change science and im- 3. Direct observations of the effects
pacts fields (Cramer et al. 2014). Here, when on the species or system of specific
I refer to attribution, I use the definition from weather and climate effects from
Parmesan et al. (2013, 60): “Climate Change long-term data sets
Attribution . . . is the process of attributing
some significant portion of an observed (de-
tected) biological change to detected trends GLOBA L LY COH E R E N T PAT T E R NS OF
in climate. Climate here is used broadly to SPE C IE S DIST R I BU TION SH I F TS
include not only changes in annual means,
but also, for example, in patterns of climate The difficulties of working with data from
variability. . . . Most notably, this type of natural systems have not impeded the
attribution study relates biological changes emergence of a climate change “signal” in
to climatic changes regardless of the cause global biological changes. In long-term ob-
of the climatic changes.” Attribution in the servational records, complexity of response
natural world is not an easy task. Whereas is found frequently at the population level,
many wild species have shifted their ranges but regional- or continental-scale studies
in concert with regional climate shifts, the generally have found simpler patterns of
leap from correlation to causation is partic- expected poleward and upward range shifts
ularly difficult to achieve. Other forces, par- for those species that have shown changes
ticularly changes in land use, have clearly in distribution.
affected the distributions of wild species Thus, conclusions by the scientific com-
over the twentieth century. It is important, munity that anthropogenic climate change
then, to consider the complicating influ- has affected natural systems derive their
ences of urbanization, conversion of land to robustness from being conducted at global
agriculture, contaminants, naturally occur- scales. The effects of many factors that are
ring pathogens, overgrazing, and invasion confounded with climate change operate at
by exotics from other continents. local or sometimes regional scales but are
The effects of each of these factors can not consistent over broader scales. At con-
rarely be quantified, especially across large tinental to global scales, confounding fac-
scales, so scientists have adopted an infer- tors tend to add to noise (i.e., make it more
ential approach using multiple lines of evi- difficult to detect overall climate change
dence to increase scientific rigor. Table 3.1 responses) but would not be expected to ei-
provides detailed examples of the use of mul- ther mimic or bias expected climate change
tiple lines of evidence for climate change at- responses. For example, many species have
tribution for two extreme cases: for a single ranges that span much of North America.
species (Euphydryas editha) and for a complex The destruction of habitat by urbanization
ecosystem (tropical coral reefs). Evidence is might cause localized loss of many species
broadly derived from the following: in and near cities, creating a patchwork of
“holes” in a species’ range. In contrast, in-
1. A large body of theory that links creased temperatures would be expected to
known regional climate changes to cause a general poleward shift in that range
observed changes in the system (or an elevational shift uphill). Thus, obser-
vations of poleward and uphill range shifts
2. Known fundamental mechanistic over continental scales are indicative of re-
links between thermal and precipi- sponse to general warming.
Table 3.1. Attribution and lines of evidence

Lines of evidence Tropical coral reefs Euphydryas editha butterfly

Paleo data: document associa- Over the past 490 my, coral reef NA: Vernon (2008)
tions between historical cli- die-off coincided with in-
mate change and ecological creases in CO2, methane, and/
responses or warm temperatures
Experiments: document a Laboratory experiments show Laboratory, greenhouse, and field
significant role of climate in corals bleach under stresses experiments of temperature ma-
species’ biology such as warm temperatures, nipulations show small increases
extreme salinities, and high in temperature increase pheno-
rates of sedimentation: Lesser logical asynchrony between the
(1997), Jones et al. (1998), butterfly and its host plant, driv-
Glynn and D’Croz (1990), ing increased pre-diapause larval
Anthony et al. (2007) mortality and affecting extinc-
tion and colonization dynamics:
Weiss et al. (1988), Hellmann
(2002), Boughton (1999)
Long-term observations: Coral bleaching events consis- >50 years of regular (often yearly)
significant and consistent tently follow warm sea sur- censuses across the species’ range
associations between a cli- face temperature events (e.g., document multiple population
mate variable and a species’ El Niño): Hoegh-Guldberg declines and extinctions fol-
response (1999) lowing drought and increased
variability in precipitation: Singer
(1971), Singer and Ehrlich (1979),
Ehrlich et al. (1980), McLaughlin
et al. (2002a), McLaughlin et al.
(2002b), Singer and Parmesan
(2010). Also early snowmelt (false
springs) and unseasonal frost:
Thomas et al. (1996)
Fingerprints: responses that First observations of mass tropi- Highest levels of population extinc-
uniquely implicate climate cal coral bleaching in 1979, tions along the southern range
change as causal factor concurrent with accelerating boundary and lowest levels of
SST warming: Hoegh-Guld- population extinctions along
berg (1999) northern and high-elevation
range boundaries, uniquely con-
sistent with regional warming
and not with local or regional
habitat degradation and destruc-
tion, urbanization, agricultural
expansion, or plant invasions:
Parmesan (1996), Parmesan
(2003), Parmesan (2005). There
is a significant downward step in
both proportion of population
extinctions and snowpack trends
above 2,400 m in the Sierra Ne-
vada mountain range: Parmesan
(1996), Johnson et al. (1999)

Table 3.1. (continued)

Lines of evidence Tropical coral reefs Euphydryas editha butterfly

Change in climate variable Ocean warming has been linked Warming and lifting snow lines
at relevant scale has been to GHG forcing with some across western North America
linked to GHG forcing GHG projections indicating have been linked to GHG forcing:
the Pacific will move toward Karl et al. (1996), Kapnick and
a more El Niño–like state: Hall (2012)
Hansen et al. (2006), Latif and
Keenlyside (2009), Fedorov
and Philander (2000)
Global coherence of responses 16% of tropical coral reefs lost NA
across taxa and regions globally in 1997–1998 El
Niño event: Hoegh-Guldberg
(1999), Wilkinson (2000)

Note: The stronger the evidence within each line, and the greater the number of different lines of evidence
that support a climate change interpretation, the greater is the confidence in attributing an observed
change in a particular population, species, or system to observed climate change. Effects of climate change
on coral reefs and on a butterfly provide examples of this approach to attribution. (Modified from Parme-
san et al. 2013.)

The ever-increasing number of indi- urchins, limpets) and across diverse ecosys-
vidual studies of climate change impacts tems (from temperate terrestrial grasslands
in natural systems has allowed the emer- to tropical cloud forest, and from coastal
gence of new studies that merge data from estuaries to open ocean). It appears that
many different publications into “meta- (unexpectedly) strong responses to cur-
analyses” able to detect common trends rent warming trends are swamping other,
when all species are brought together into potentially counteractive forces of global
a single analysis. There are now five major change. Thus, the more visible aspects of
global meta-analyses assessing changes in human impacts on species’ distributions,
distributions and abundances of individual such as habitat loss, are not masking the
species in recent decades (Table 3.2). These impacts of climate change.
analyses showed that about half of species Three meta-analyses estimated rate of
(for which long-term data exist) exhibited range boundary changes (Table 3.3). Ter-
significant changes in their distributions restrial meta-analyses differed somewhat,
over the past 20 to 140 years. These changes with Parmesan and Yohe (2003) estimat-
are not random but are systematically in the ing a 6.1 km/decade shift of poleward and
direction expected from regional changes upward range boundaries, and Chen et al.
in the climate. One of the major additions (2011) estimating a 19.2 km/decade shift of
to the literature since Parmesan (2005a) poleward range boundaries. The latter num-
are documentations of response to climate ber was recalculated by Parmesan from the
change in marine species at a global scale supplemental data file, taking only data from
(Poloczanska et al. 2013). the poleward range boundary and excluding
The most remarkable outcome is the data on shifts in centroids to make it com-
consistency of response across diverse spe- parable to Parmesan and Yohe’s analysis. But
cies and regions. Responses have now been these studies are also fundamentally differ-
documented in every taxonomic group for ent in that Chen et al. used the mean shift of
which long-term data exist (e.g., birds, but- all species for a given region as their individ-
terflies, trees, mountain flowers, fish, sea ual data points (a taxa region mean), whereas
Table 3.2. Global fingerprints of climate change impacts across wild species

Changes con-
sistent with
For those with local or regional
Species or stud- long-term climate change,
ies focused on distribution or % of all species
distribution or abundance data, that showed
Species in abundance data: % (n) of species change regard-
N: species and given system % (n) of total in showing signifi- less of type of
Study functional groups (%) study cant change change
Parmesan and 1,598 T: 85.2% 58% (n = 920) 50% (n = 84%a
Yohe 2003 M: 13.5% 460/920)
F: 1.3%
Root et al. 2003 1,468 T: 94% 58% (n = 926) 52% (n = 82.3%a
M: 5.4% 483/926)
F: 0.6%
Rosenzweig et 55 studies (~100– T: 65%b 33% (n = 18 — 90%c
al. 2008 200 species) M: 13%b studies)
F: 22%b
Poloczanska et 857 sp = 1,735 T: 0% 80% (n = 63% (279/446 83%a
al. 2013 sp × trait M: 100% 1,060/1,323 total for
combinationsd F: 0% total distribu- distributions
tions + abun- only)

Note: For species in given system, T = terrestrial, M = marine, and F = freshwater. For changes consistent with
local or regional climate change, type of change includes phenological changes. For each data set, a response for
an individual species or functional group was classified as (1) no response (no significant change in the measured
trait over time), or (2) if a significant change was found, the response was classified as either consistent or not
consistent with expectations from local or regional climate trends. Percentages are approximate and estimated
for the studies as analyses across each of the studies may differ. The specific metrics of climate change analyzed
for associations with biological change vary somewhat across studies, but most use changes in local or regional
temperatures (e.g., mean monthly T or mean annual T), with some using precipitation metrics (e.g., total annual
rainfall). For example, a consistent response would be poleward range shifts in warming areas. Probability (P) of
getting the observed ratio of consistent to not consistent responses by chance was <10–13 for Parmesan and Yohe
2003; Root et al. 2003; Root et al. 2005; and Poloczanska et al. 2013; it was <0.001 for Rosenzweig et al. 2008.
Test were all binomial tests against p = 0.5, performed by Parmesan.
P < 0.01 × 10–13.
Individual species were analyzed by Rosenzweig et al., but data on species not provided in publication—percent-
ages shown are based on numbers of studies.
P < 0.001 (from binomial test against random expectation of 50%-50% chance of change in either direction—
either consistent or not consistent with local or regional climate change).
For a few species, data were available on multiple traits (e.g., both the leading and the trailing edges of a spe-
cies’ range), such that those species are represented more than once in the analysis. These are the minority, but
as numbers given here are based on species × trait combinations, the totals are greater than the total number of
species for this analysis.

Parmesan and Yohe used each individual out the Northern Hemisphere (most from
species as data points. Thus the difference North America and Europe, but a scattering
in estimate of rates of shift may simply stem from Asia and Africa), whereas 76 percent
from differences in how data were com- of the species in Chen et al. were from two
piled. There are two more likely candidates quite northerly countries (the United King-
for these differences: first, Chen et al. (2011) dom and Finland), geographically situated in
included data from the most recent decade, regions that have experienced greater warm-
largely absent from Parmesan and Yohe ing than the global average.
(2003), and the 2000s was the hottest decade More notable is that estimated expan-
on record; hence, it might be expected that sion of leading edges derived from marine
range shifts would have accelerated during systems is several times greater than either
this record hot time period; and second, the terrestrial estimate: at ~72 km/decade (Po-
data from Parmesan and Yohe were distrib- loczanska et al. 2013). This may at first seem
uted more globally than those of Chen et al., counterintuitive, because warming has
with the former including studies through- been less than half as much in the oceans as

Table 3.3. Rates of change in distribution from meta-analyses of marine and terrestrial systems

Shift (mean n Realm (%

Study Observation ±s.e.m.) studies n studies) Data criteria
Poloczanska Leading and 30.6 ± 5.2 36 360 species Marine 100% Singlea and multispecies
et al. 2013 trailing km/dec × trait studies, climate change
edges plus combi- inferred
center nations
Poloczanska Trailing edge 15.4 ± 8.7 11 106 species Marine 100% Singlea and multispecies
et al. 2013 km/dec studies, climate change
Poloczanska Leading edge 72.0 ± 13.5 27 111 species Marine 100% Singleb and multispecies
et al. 2013 km/dec studies, climate change
Parmesan and Leading edge 6.1 ± 2.4 4 99 species Terrestrial Multispecies studies only,
Yohe 2003 km/dec 100% climate change inferred
Chen et al. Leading edge 19.7 ± 3.7 3 16 region Terrestrial Multispecies studies (>3
2011 km/decc × taxon 83%, species) that infer climate
groups freshwater change. Datapoints are
15%, ma- each a mean (mean of
rine 3% average response of taxo-
nomic group in a given
region), so estimate of
shift is a mean of means
Przeslawski Leading edge 10.6 ± 5.3 12 87 species Marine 100% Multispecies studies only
et al. 2012 km/decc

Note: The number of studies and number of observations (taxonomic or functional groups) from studies are
given, together with a breakdown of studies by realm. The criteria for data inclusion are outlined for each study.
Seabirds, anadromous fish, and polar bears were counted as marine. Wading birds were counted as freshwater
birds. Minimum time span of observations within studies is 19 years, unless stated otherwise. Multispecies stud-
ies include two or more species unless stated otherwise. (Modified from Poloczanska et al. 2013.)
<4% of total number of observations from single-species studies.
<10% of total number of observations from single-species studies.
Recalculated using only leading-edge (cold limit) observations spanning >18 years, and with data after 1990.
on land. But a new measure, called veloc- shifts are emerging. For example, recent
ity of climate change (VoCC; Loarie et al. large-scale analyses indicate an increasing
2009), seems to explain this discrepancy. scrub encroachment into Arctic tundra that
Technically, VoCC is a speed measured as is consistent with regional climate change
the ratio of the temporal gradient to the (Serreze et al. 2000; Dial et al. 2016).
spatial gradient, given a particular time
frame and emission scenario. So VoCC
measures the geographic shift of tempera- DI F F E R E N TI ATI NG DI AGNO STIC
ture isotherms through time as the climate PAT T E R NS
warms. A more intuitive way to understand
this is that VoCC is the speed required to Important diagnostic patterns, specific to
move across the surface of the Earth if you climate change impacts, helped implicate
are trying to maintain a constant tempera- global warming as the driver of the observed
ture under a given level of temperature changes in natural systems (defined in Par-
change. Temperatures in the ocean do not mesan and Yohe 2003). These patterns in-
change quickly with geographic distance clude differential responses of cold-adapted
(i.e., they have a shallow temperature gra- and warm-adapted species at the same loca-
dient), whereas on land temperatures can tion and the tracking of decadal tempera-
change quite quickly over space, especially ture swings. For the latter, long time series
in mountainous regions. So, for example, if are essential (>70 years). A typical pattern
the ocean and land both warm by an equal observed in Britain, Sweden, and Finland
amount, a fish must travel much farther was northward shift of the northern range
poleward to maintain the same tempera- boundaries of birds and butterflies during
ture than would a small mammal on the two twentieth-century warming periods
nearby coast (at the same latitude). (1930–1945 and 1975–1999), and southward
The absolute rate of temperature rise has shifts during the intervening cooling period
been about three times greater on land than (1950–1970). There were no instances of the
in the oceans (0.24°C/decade versus 0.7°C/ opposite pattern (i.e., boundaries shifting
decade, respectively; Burrows et al. 2011), southward in warm decades and northward
but VoCC gives a different picture. Recent in cool decades). In total, such diagnostic
global analyses of VoCC estimates are simi- “sign-switching” responses were observed
lar between oceans and land, especially in 294 species by Parmesan and Yohe (2003)
when comparing latitudes where both land and in 24 species by Poloczanska et al. (2013)
and ocean are found (i.e., between 50°S spread across the globe and ranging from
and 80°N), with oceanic isotherms shifting oceanic fish to tropical birds to European
at a rate of 27.5 km/decade and terrestrial butterflies. These specific patterns of biologi-
isotherms shifting at 27.4 km/decade (Bur- cal trends are uniquely predicted by climate
rows et al. 2011). Further, although absolute trends—no other known driver would cause
temperature change and VoCC are both these specific patterns of response to emerge.
stronger at the highest latitudes, VoCC is un-
like absolute temperature change in being
strong in the tropics, particularly in tropical OBSE RV E D C H A NGE S I N I N DI V IDUA L
oceans (Burrows et al. 2011). Not surpris- SPE C IE S A N D I N COM M U N ITIE S
ingly, VoCC metrics provide a better match
to observed range shifts in both marine and In spite of the inherent difficulties in de-
terrestrial systems than does absolute tem- tecting climate change impacts in natural
perature change (Burrows et al. 2011; Poloc- systems, studies showing impacts on indi-
zanska et al. 2013). In regions where VoCC vidual species are numerous (>800 at the
is strongest, indications of whole biome time of Parmesan 2006) and increasing

every year. The scales of study have varied COM PL E X ITI E S OF CONSE RVATION
from local, to regional, to continental, and PL A N N I NG W H E N A SYST E M IS
from 20 years to more than 100 years. As- DY NA M IC : A N E X A M PL E F ROM
signing climate change as the cause of the EUPH Y DRYAS EDITH A
observed biotic changes often has a deeper
basis (see Table 3.1), such as a known mech- E. editha as a Sensitive Indicator of Climate
anistic link between climatic variables and Change Impacts
biology of the study species (reviewed by Having been studied for more than 60 years
Parmesan et al. 2000; Easterling, Evans, et by dozens of researchers, Edith’s check-
al. 2000; Easterling, Meehl, et al. 2000; Ot- erspot butterfly presents a model example
tersen et al. 2001; Walther et al. 2002). In- of how knowledge at many different lev-
dividual studies are too numerous to review els can be integrated to answer complex
exhaustively, and there are many examples questions concerning response to climate
in other chapters of this volume; therefore, change. In particular, a great deal is known
I focus here on a few examples that provide about the effects of weather and yearly cli-
insight into mechanistic understanding of mate variability on individual fitness and on
the role of climate change on shaping spe- population dynamics, and there is a long
cies distributions. (For more examples of history of coupling such long-term obser-
distribution and abundance changes, see vations with experimental manipulations
case study 5 in this volume). in laboratories, greenhouses, and natural
Geographic and taxonomic differences populations. This rich knowledge base al-
in rates of response have emerged from lowed for a mechanistic link to be made
the relative wealth of phenological data, between large-scale patterns of distribution
but long-term observations of the biogeo- change in E. editha and long-term climate
graphic dynamics of species are generally trends (over the twentieth century) (Table
too sparse to detect such differences. Nev- 3.1; Parmesan 2005b; Parmesan et al. 2013).
ertheless, a few patterns are emerging. For Here, I provide a brief summary of the
example, Poloczanska et al. (2013) com- how researchers have been able to link ob-
pared dynamics at the leading and trail- served population extinctions to extreme
ing range boundaries for marine species weather and climate events (reviewed in
(not always of the same species) and found Parmesan et al. 2013). In some populations,
leading edges to be expanding nearly five phenological asynchrony is the mechanistic
times as fast as trailing edges were contract- basis for climate sensitivity. Field observa-
ing (see Table 3.3). This asymmetrical pat- tions and experimental manipulations, per-
tern of range boundary shifts qualitatively formed over many decades, have repeatedly
matches that found for European butter- shown that phenological mismatches be-
flies, in which nearly 67 percent of species tween E. editha and annual host plants rou-
expanded their northern range boundaries tinely cause larvae to starve when hosts se-
but <20 percent contracted their southern nesce before the insects are ready to diapause
range boundaries (Parmesan et al. 1999). (Singer 1972; Weiss et al. 1988; Boughton
The reasons for these asymmetrical re- 1999; Hellmann 2002; Singer and McBride
sponses are not clear, but a likely candidate 2012). These mismatches existed prior to
is simply that while range expansion can the onset of current warming but render
occur rapidly (in a single year), population such populations vulnerable to warming
extinctions tend to lag behind deterioration conditions as even a small advancement of
of the environment, especially for long- plant senescence dramatically increases lar-
lived species. This process, termed extinction val mortality (Singer and Parmesan 2010).
debt, is a well-developed concept in the eco- However, shifts in the relative timing of
logical literature (Tilman et al. 1994). insect development and host senescence are
not the only mechanisms related to climate son et al. 1999). The regional extinction of
change that have caused population extinc- a suite of E. editha populations occurred at
tions of this species. Observed responses of 2,300 m, caused by frequent false springs
different ecotypes of this butterfly living consistent with this overall shift toward
in different habitat types have been highly earlier snowmelt at this elevation.
diverse (Ehrlich et al. 1980; Thomas et al. In sum, three different mechanisms of
1996), and population extinctions have oc- climate change–caused population extinc-
curred in response to diverse but specific tion were observed in a single butterfly spe-
climatic conditions, particularly extreme cies: shifts in insect and host phenological
weather and extreme climate years. synchrony caused by hot years, different
In late winter at low to middle elevations dormancy responses by plants and insects
(500 m–1000 m) in the southern half of to drought, and direct mortality of both
this species’ range (~29°N to 45°N), many plants and insects caused by a series of false
populations specialize on annual hosts, seeds springs. All three of these extreme climate
normally germinate in response to rainfall, events either have increased, or are ex-
and larvae emerge from their overwintering pected to increase, with anthropogenic cli-
dormant phase (diapause) in response to a mate change (Easterling, Evans et al. 2000).
combination of winter chilling and rainfall. But even though E. editha populations are
There are levels of drought at which the lar- climate sensitive, this butterfly also, ironi-
vae emerge from winter diapause, but the cally, exhibits traits that appear to make it
plants do not germinate: this caused several resilient to changes in climate. First, there
butterfly population extinctions in the 1970s is large interpopulation variation in heri-
(Ehrlich et al. 1980). At higher elevations table behaviors that have a strong influence
(>1,500 m), both seeds and larvae break dor- on microtemperatures of eggs and early-
mancy at snowmelt, so milder winters and stage offspring (Bennett et al. 2015). Female
reduced snowpack have advanced both plant E. editha show interpopulation variation in
and insect activity to the point where both egg placement, exposing their offspring to
are vulnerable to “false springs.” False springs diverse thermal environments, from 3°C
occur when late winter is warm enough that cooler to 20°C hotter than ambient air.
plants and animals respond to this false cue Second, the species’ single flight season is
and emerge from winter dormancy, only placed at different times of year across its
to be exposed to (and often killed by) later range, with flight in midsummer in cool
freezing temperatures as typical winter con- climates and diapause through summer in
ditions prevail. A series of false springs drove hot climates. Further, whereas both traits
a set of E. editha populations at 2,300 m to are highly heritable, the species contains
extinction in the 1980s and 1990s (Thomas substantial genetic variation in these traits;
et al. 1996; Boughton 1999). therefore, modification of both phenology
Anthropogenic climate change has in- and egg placement are possible. This eco-
creased the frequencies of false springs at logical and evolutionary flexibility provide
lower montane elevations throughout the options for populations of this species to
world, where snowpack has been gradually mitigate future changes in regional climate.
declining and melting earlier (Mote et al.
2005; Stewart 2009; Beniston 2012). Specifi-
E. editha quino Has Demonstrated Resilience
cally, in the Sierra Nevada, which contains
to Climate Change Impacts
the highest elevation populations of E. editha,
snowpack dynamics showed a shift at 2,400 The Quino checkerspot, an endangered
m, showing no significant change above subspecies of Edith’s checkerspot, is cur-
2,400 m but becoming thinner and melting rently illustrating remarkable resilience to
two weeks earlier below 2,400 m (John- anthropogenic climate change, despite its

Figure 3.1. Map showing timing of first observation of were not well adapted to it (Parmesan et al.
Quino populations relative to elevation. Topography 2015). The moral drawn from this is that
is depicted by higher elevations having a lighter back-
individuals do not need to be preadapted
ground color. A small number of the northernmost ex-
tinct sites lie outside the map area. (From Parmesan et al. to novel environments, or to exhibit rapid
2015.) evolution, in order to colonize beyond his-
torical range boundaries. They merely need
geographical location at the species’ equa- to survive.
torial range limit (Parmesan et al. 2015).
Quino has recently begun colonizing higher
Short-Term Success, but Long-Term
elevations than those historically inhabited
by this subspecies, shifting from an average
elevation of 360 m throughout most of the Quino highlights the difficulty of plan-
twentieth century to an average of 1,164 m ning for future climate change impacts. In
by the 2010 decade (Figures 3.1 and 3.2). the near term, an upward range shift has
But, because Quino was historically already already been encouraged by adding pro-
at the upper elevational limits of its tradi- tection to areas into which the butterfly is
tional host plants (principally species of an- expanding on its own. However, projected
nual Plantago), to colonize higher elevations distributions indicate that, even in the
it had to switch its principal host to another medium term (next 40 years), Quino likely
species, Collinsia concolor, which inhabited will lose all suitable climate space in the
the mountain regions around Los Angeles region of its current distribution (Figure
and San Diego. There is no evidence that 3.3). For long-term persistence of Quino,
this host switch was driven by evolution- conservation managers will again need to
ary changes, and colonies on the novel host consider assisted colonization. With respect

Figure 3.2. Scatter plot of elevations of populations shifts have been observed in many species,
against year that population was first discovered (first with few shifts toward the equator. Species
recorded). Populations were placed into one of three
groups depending on whether they were first discovered
compositions within communities have
in the period 1890–1997, 1998–2009, or 2010–2013. The generally altered in concert with local tem-
mean elevation for each grouping is indicated with a bar. perature rise. At single sites, species from
Elevation and year of first discovery are highly signifi- lower latitudes and elevations have tended
cantly correlated (r = 0.60, df = 116, p < 0.0001). (From to increase in abundance as those residing
Parmesan et al. 2015.)
predominately at higher latitudes and el-
evations suffer local declines. Consistency
to shifting geographic boundaries of spe- across studies indicates that local and re-
cies as they attempt to track climate change, gional trends reflect global trends.
the type of stepping-stone approach we These types of distributional changes,
advocated for Quino is likely to aid other first documented in the 1990s and continu-
endangered species as well. True adaptive ing to be documented at ever increasing
management, with regular and frequent rates, differ idiosyncratically in the exact
reassessments of conservation needs and patterns of colonizations and extinctions
priorities, will become increasingly neces- across regions. Further, not all species re-
sary in a time of rapid climate change. At- spond to climate change by shifting their
tention to real-time dynamics, then, can be distributions. This individualism in species’
used to reduce current uncertainty in future responses to climate change, resulting in
projections, both in climate and in species’ asynchronous range shifts, has led to early
responses, by informing managers as to signs of altered species interactions as spe-
which future (projected) pathway appears cies shift geographically (e.g., the Quino
to be emerging for their species. butterfly as a novel herbivore to Collinisa con-
color). Individual species’ range shifts have
begun to manifest as shifts in major bi-
SU M M A RY omes, particularly in areas of the greatest
magnitude of climate change. Traditional
Global coherency in patterns of biological conservation models are rapidly being
change, a substantial literature linking cli- transformed by an accelerating documenta-
mate variables with ecological and physi- tion of changes in wild systems that have
ological processes, combined with telltale been linked to climatic trends. Although
diagnostic fingerprints allow a causal link many effects have been relatively minor,
to be made between twentieth-century cli- and even benign, the most sensitive species
mate change and biological impacts. The and systems already are being harmed se-
patterns of change alone are evidence of verely (Parmesan 2006). It is clear that the
a climate change signal (reviewed in Par- continuation of observed trends is likely
mesan 2006; Pecl 2017). Poleward range to have profound impacts on wild species

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The Bering Sea and Climate Change

Lee W. Cooper

The Bering and Chukchi Seas encompass an extensive continental shelf to the north and east
of the deep Bering Sea, which is oceanographically an extension of the North Pacific. Sea-
ice cover extends typically south to the boundary between the shallow shelf and the deeper
basin in the Bering Sea from November to June. The Chukchi Sea has much more extensive
ice cover, which melts back to a minimum in September. In recent years, the retreat of sea-
sonal sea ice in late summer has often receded so that there is ice only over the deep Arctic
Ocean (Figure CS1.1).

In the Bering Sea, the shallow shelf can tween St. Matthew Island and St. Lawrence
be divided into two ecosystems. To the Island no significant decreases or, in some
south, a fish-dominated pelagic system cases, modest increases in sea-ice persis-
persists that is a globally important fishery, tence have been observed. It is thought
including Alaskan pollock (Gadus chalcogram- that where sea ice has diminished, such as
mus); snow, tanner, and king crab (Chion- in the northern Bering Sea and the Chuk-
oecetes opilio, Chionoecetes tanneri, and Paralithodes chi Sea, major ecological shifts to a more
camtschaticus); as well as Pacific salmon (five pelagic ecosystem can be expected (Greb-
species in the genus Oncorhynchus). To the meier et al. 2006), as illustrated by Figure
north and east, cold-water temperatures CS1.2. For example, walrus feed on abun-
(~0°C) occur year-round, influenced by dant clam populations in the Chukchi Sea
winter sea-ice formation, and these tem- shelf in the summer and use remnant sea
peratures inhibit reproduction of most fish ice as a resting offshore platform, but sea
species found farther south. A key ecologi- ice is now often persisting only over deeper
cal organizing principle for the northern waters of the Arctic Ocean in late summer,
Bering Sea and the adjoining Chukchi Sea beyond the diving capacity of walruses and
north of Bering Strait is that the shallow at depths where no significant food is pres-
productive waters lead to strong pelagic- ent on the seafloor. Once ice has retreated
benthic coupling to the seafloor and depo- so that it is only over deep water, walrus
sition of fresh chlorophyll coinciding with must come ashore in Alaska and Russia and
the spring bloom. This northern ecosystem swim much farther distances to offshore
is dominated by marine macroinvertebrates feeding grounds (Figure CS1.2).
(e.g., clams, polychaetes, sipunculids, crus- Changes to the northern Bering Sea and
taceans) that feed on the high production Chukchi Sea benthos has been well studied
deposited rapidly to the seafloor, which in over the past several decades (Grebmeier
turn serve as food resources for diving birds et al. 2006), and it is clear that dynamic
and mammals such as gray whales (Eschrich- biomass changes are occurring and that
tius robustus), bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus), decreases in biomass could be having an
eiders (genus Somateria), and walruses (Odo- impact on marine mammal and seabird
benus rosmarus). North of the Bering Strait in populations. In addition to changes in sea
the Chukchi Sea, and between St. Lawrence temperature and the spatial distribution of
Island and Bering Strait, the persistence of
seasonal sea ice has significantly declined Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.
over the past three decades, although be- ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


Figure CS1.1. Persistence of sea ice (in days per year) for tions southwest of St. Lawrence Island with
the Bering and Chukchi Seas, 2003–2010. Presence of sea polychaetes that may be less vulnerable to
ice is defined as more than a 15% sea-ice concentration
threshold in each pixel analyzed, using the Advanced
seasonal acidification. The area south of St.
Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) satellite Lawrence Island is known to be important
time series. (Analysis and figure courtesy of Karen Frey, foraging areas for spectacled eiders (Somate-
Graduate School of Geography, Clark University. Pre- ria fischeri) and walruses, which heavily de-
pared by Lee Cooper.) pend on bivalves for food.
The possibility that commercial fisheries
the cold-water pool that inhibits northward in the southeastern Bering Sea, which are
migration of many fish, already-seasonally- the largest by biomass in the United States,
persistent low pH in parts of the northern could eventually move northward onto the
Bering Sea are likely to be further affected shallow northern shelf now dominated by
by ocean acidification due to cold tempera- soft, bottom benthic animals is understood
tures and freshwater melt. This may be in- by fisheries managers. For example, the
fluencing the replacement of clam popula- North Pacific Fisheries Management Council,

Figure CS1.2. It is thought that where sea ice has dimin- possibility of fisheries expansion as the cli-
ished, as in the northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea, mate warms, even though limited scientific
major ecological shifts can be expected (Grebmeier et
al. 2006), as shown in the twin diagrams. Less exten-
trawling and sampling of the bottom by US
sive sea ice will lead to lower deposition of sea ice and and Japanese scientists continues to monitor
spring-bloom algae (bottom), and a lower biomass ben- for possible shifts in commercially harvest-
thic community. Fish and zooplankton will increase in able fish and shellfish populations.
importance, and pelagic feeding whales such as orcas
and humpbacks will become more important than sea-
ice-associated bowheads and benthic feeding pinnipeds.
(Prepared by Lee Cooper.) R E FE R E NCE

Grebmeier, Jacqueline M., Lee W. Cooper, Howard M.

which regulates fisheries in the Bering Sea, Feder, and Boris I. Sirenko. 2006. “Ecosystem dynam-
has restricted potentially destructive trawl- ics of the Pacific-influenced Northern Bering and
ing of the bottom and other activities north Chukchi Seas in the Amerasian Arctic.” Progress in Ocean-
and south of St. Lawrence Island in recog- ography 71 (2–4): 331–361.
nition of the dependence of predators such .pocean.2006.10.001.
as walruses and spectacled eiders on healthy
populations of organisms on the seafloor.
The two Siberian Yupik communities on St.
Lawrence Island, Savoonga and Gambell, are
in turn dependent on subsistence harvests of
walruses and bearded seals, in addition to
other marine mammals. These subsistence-
based communities look warily toward the

Phenological Organisms that inhabit seasonal environ-

ments—and some that inhabit aseasonal
Dynamics in environments—typically display life-his-
tory traits characterized by the importance
Pollinator-Plant of the timing of their expression. Examples
include the annual timing of migration,
Associations Related nesting, and egg laying in birds; emer-
gence, calling, and egg laying in frogs and
to Climate Change toads; emergence, flowering, and fruit or
seed set in plants; emergence and ground or
ERIC POST AND MICHAEL AVERY aerial activity in insects; and migration and
offspring production in some mammals.
The timing of expression of such life-
history events in any given season or an-
nual period of production is an inherently
individual-level phenomenon governed by
the interaction between abiotic and biotic
constraints and drivers acting as selective
forces on the evolution of life-history traits
(Post 2013). On an individual basis, sea-
sonal changes in biological activity in indi-
vidual organisms may be cued by changes
in diel light-to-dark ratios, daily maximum
or minimum temperatures, or resource
availability. In a simplistic sense, then, the
timing of life-history events concerned
with, for example, offspring production by
individuals in seasonal environments can
be viewed as balancing the costs of failed
reproduction due to adverse environmental
conditions with the benefits of reproducing
earlier in the season than conspecifics with
which competition for resources will in-
crease later in the season (Iwasa and Levin
1995; Post et al. 2001). Despite the obvious
fitness relevance of this perspective to the
individual, seasonal and interannual varia-
tions in the timing of life-history events are
commonly studied or observed at the pop-
ulation level and comprise the discipline

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

of phenology (Schwartz 2003; Post 2013). In contrast to regional-scale satellite ob-
Hence, phenology may be regarded as the servations that are blind to individual spe-
seasonal timing of expression of life-history cies, studies conducted at local sites have in
traits concerned with growth, reproduc- some instances documented substantially
tion, and survival. greater trends in plant phenology. Among
24 species of perennial plants occurring
at a study site in Mediterranean Spain, the
R E C E N T T R E N DS I N PH E NOLO GY timing of leaf unfolding advanced between
R E L AT E D TO C L IM AT E C H A NGE 1943 and 2003 at a mean rate of –4.8 days
per decade (Gordo and Sanz 2009). How-
The most intuitive biological indicators of ever, rates of advance in 20 percent of these
climate change are trends in phenology. species were as high as –7 to –7.5 days per
Examples of earlier (i.e., advancing) timing decade (Gordo and Sanz 2009). Among 232
of spring events are abundant, but those plant species monitored over a 27-year pe-
most commonly reported concern the tim- riod on the island of Guernsey in the Eng-
ing of plant phenology, including green-up lish Channel, annual first-flowering date ad-
and flowering. Estimates of rates of plant vanced on average by –5.2 days per decade,
phenological advance through time, de- but this rate was as high as –13.7 days per
noted as trends, and rates of plant pheno- decade for the subset of species comprising
logical advance in response to temperature evergreens (Bock et al. 2014). Similarly, cli-
increase or changes in other abiotic factors matic sensitivity in this study averaged –9.7
such as timing of snowmelt, denoted as days of advance in first flowering per de-
climatic sensitivity, vary greatly over scales of gree of warming among all species but was
observation and levels of biological organi- greatest for evergreen species, at –10.9 days
zation (Parmesan 2007). Observations de- of advance per degree of warming (Bock
riving from satellite imagery covering vast et al. 2014).
spatial scales and combining multiple spe- Trends in first-flowering dates since the
cies can produce widely differing rates of early 1930s for 24 species at a site near Mo-
phenological advance, even when obtained honk Lake, New York, in the northeastern
for a single region. For instance, MODIS United States, varied from as low as –0.05
satellite observations over the Svalbard ar- days per decade to –1.5 days per decade,
chipelago in High Arctic Norway revealed with some species, such as painted trillium
no trend in the onset of the plant-growing (Trillium undulatum), displaying significant
season between 2000 and 2013 (Karlsen et delays in the onset of flowering by up to
al. 2014). During the same period, MODIS 1.6 days per decade (Cook et al. 2008). In
satellite data covering four subzones of the contrast to these modest rates of advance,
Yamal Peninsula in Arctic Russia revealed or in some instances delays, record-warm
variation in trends in the start of the plant- spring temperatures in Massachusetts, also
growing season among these subzones in northeastern United States, and in Wis-
from an advance of –5.3 days per decade to consin, in the northern Midwest United
a delay of 18.9 days per decade (Zeng, Jia, States, were accompanied by record-early
and Forbes 2013). Over the entire North- flowering in some species of plants at long-
ern Hemisphere, the timing of onset of the term phenological monitoring sites in both
annual plant-growing season as detected locations (Ellwood et al. 2013). In Massa-
by satellite observations advanced by –5.2 chusetts, flowering occurred 21 days ear-
days per decade between the years 1982 lier during the record-warm spring of 2010
and 1999, but this rate slowed to –0.2 days than during the mid-nineteenth century,
per decade between 2000 and 2008 (Jeong whereas in Wisconsin, flowering occurred
et al. 2011). 24 days earlier in the record-warm spring

of 2012 than during the mid 1930s (Ell- PH E NOLO GIC A L DY NA M IC S

wood et al. 2013). I N CONSU M E R-R E S OU RC E
The greatest community-averaged rates IN T E R ACTIONS
of phenological advance yet reported de-
rive from multiannual studies in the Arctic. When species interact in a consumer-re-
From 1996 to 2005, the average timing of source relationship, the seasonal timing
flowering at the community level at Zack- of activity or seasonal timing of the local
enberg in High Arctic Greenland advanced presence of the interacting species may be
by –13.7 days per decade (Høye et al. 2007). of critical importance to the survival and
More recently, the estimated rate of advance reproductive success of both consumer and
of flowering at this site was reduced to –8.7 resource. If the seasonal timing of life-his-
days per decade with the inclusion of data tory events in consumer and resource spe-
through 2011 (Iler, Høye, et al. 2013). At a cies responds differently to abiotic cues that
Low Arctic site near Kangerlussuaq, Green- covary with climate change, such as local
land, the onset of the plant-growing season seasonal or mean annual temperature, then
at the community level advanced between the phenological dynamics of consumer
2002 and 2013 at a rate of –24 days per de- and resource may become uncoupled. In
cade (Post et al. 2016). At both sites, spe- such instances, phenology is studied as tro-
cies displayed highly individualistic rates phic match-mismatch (Stenseth and Mys-
of phenological advance. For instance, at terud 2002; Miller-Rushing et al. 2010).
Zackenberg, rates of advance in the tim- Empirical investigations of trophic
ing of flowering varied from insignificant match-mismatch in terrestrial systems have
in Saxifraga oppositifolia to approximately –30 typically focused on situations in which the
days per decade in Silene acaulis (Høye et al. seasonal timing of reproduction by consum-
2007). In Kangerlussuaq, rates of advance ers is cued by factors that differ from those
in the timing of onset of spring growth that cue the seasonal timing of activity in re-
varied from insignificant in Salix glauca to source species (Visser and Both 2005). Such
approximately –29 days per decade in Py- studies have revealed that trophic mismatch
rola grandiflora (Post et al. 2016). In such in- associated with recent climate change tends
stances, when species undergo highly id- to arise when resource phenology advances
iosyncratic rates of phenological advance, while consumer phenology does not, or
the phenological community may become when it advances at a greater rate than that
reorganized, with species that are more re- of consumer phenology (Both, Bijlsma, and
sponsive to the alleviation of abiotic con- Visser 2005; Both et al. 2009; Plard et al.
straints by climate change assuming earlier 2014; Post and Forchhammer 2008; Kerby,
positions in the sequence of emergence or Wilmers, and Post 2013; Miller-Rushing et
flowering (Post 2013; Post et al. 2016). Such al. 2010). Migratory birds such as the pied
shifts in plant phenology related to climate flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) that breed in
change that alter the timing, sequence, and Northern Europe, for instance, have not
overlap of co-occurring plant species may advanced their breeding dates at the same
have consequences for reproduction and rate at which the emergence phenology of
survival of consumers dependent on the their caterpillar prey have advanced (Both
predictability in time and space of plant re- et al. 2006; Both, Bijlsma, and Visser 2005),
source availability. Next, we provide a brief a mismatch that has resulted in declines in
overview of consequences of differential fledging success and population abundance
phenological shifts at adjacent trophic levels in the affected populations (Both et al.
for consumer-resource interactions before 2006). Similarly, Western roe deer (Capreolus
proceeding with a review of such interac- capreolus) in a population in France have not
tions in pollinator-plant systems. shifted to earlier annual offspring produc-
tion while the phenology of their forage tions when one species or group of species
plants has advanced (Plard et al. 2014). This in the association undergoes a decline that,
has contributed to a decline in reproductive in turn, has the potential to drive declines
success and individual fitness over the lon- in the associated species or species group.
ger term in the focal roe deer population General patterns in insect pollinator de-
(Plard et al. 2014). clines and their causes are elusive, but can-
In cases such as these, there is potential didate drivers include changes in agricul-
for declines in populations of consumer tural practices, use of pesticides, pathogens,
species driven by their inability to adjust and climate change (Potts et al. 2010; Wil-
their reproductive phenology apace with liams, Araújo, and Rasmont 2007; Hegland
rapid advances in the phenology of their et al. 2009). In this chapter, we avoid pre-
resource species in response to climate senting arguments that favor one potential
change. In mutualistic interactions, how- driver of pollinator declines over others.
ever, both species function as consumers of Rather, we review the evidence for a role of
and resources for the other, and they may climate change in phenological dynamics
depend on each other for survival and re- of pollinator-plant associations. The intent
production. The potential for phenological of this review is to stimulate thinking about
mismatches in such associations may have the biodiversity implications of climate
implications for the persistence of both spe- change for pollinator-plant associations
cies involved, with magnified consequences through disruption of phenological associa-
for diversity loss. Hence, the main focus for tions in these mutualisms.
the rest of this chapter is on phenological One of the most taxonomically and
responses to climate change in mutualistic temporally comprehensive analyses of de-
species interactions typified by pollinator- clines in insect pollinators examined trends
plant associations. in abundance of bees in the northeastern
United States, analyzing trends and drivers
of them in 438 species over a 140-year span
IM PL IC ATIONS OF DIF F E R E N TI A L (Bartomeus et al. 2013). Of the ecological
PH E NOLO GIC A L A DVA NC E I N drivers of changes in abundance included
POL L I NATOR-PL A N T AS SO C I ATIONS in the analysis, narrow dietary breadth and
narrow phenological breadth (indexed as
Recent declines in abundance and species the species-specific annual number of days
richness of insect pollinators, in particular of adult activity) best predicted species-level
wild and domestic bees (Potts et al. 2010; declines in abundance (Bartomeus et al.
Ollerton et al. 2014; Bartomeus et al. 2013), 2013). As well, the timing of peak seasonal
have raised concerns about the implications activity in pollinator species groups may
for ecosystem services they provide, both influence their vulnerability to extreme cli-
natural and agricultural (Thomann et al. matic events. Bumblebees, for instance, may
2013; Kudo 2014; Burkle and Alarcon 2011). be particularly vulnerable to heat waves,
One such implication that has attracted which typically occur late in summer when
considerable attention is the potential for bumblebee activity is greatest (Rasmont and
pollinator declines and extinctions to in- Iserbyt 2012). Despite widespread pollinator
crease pollen limitation in flowering plants, declines and a basis for associating such de-
thereby reducing reproductive success of clines with climate change–driven disrup-
plants, their abundance, or their role in the tion of phenological associations between
productivity of natural and agricultural sys- plants and pollinators, there is limited evi-
tems (Thomann et al. 2013; Hegland et al. dence to date in support of a direct role of
2009). As a result, coupled pollinator-plant climate change in either pollinator declines
associations face dual biodiversity implica- or declines in pollinator-dependent plant

species (Potts et al. 2010). In part, this may one common species of flowering plant
be attributed to a scarcity of case studies, in the High Arctic, mountain avens (Dryas
because currently only a few investigations sp.) (Tiusanen et al. 2016). Seasonal over-
have focused on testing this hypothesis lap between the phenology of bee pollina-
(Rafferty et al. 2013). Nonetheless, evidence tors and their flowering-plant mutualists
of differential phenological shifts in polli- was also disrupted during an anomalously
nator versus flowering-plant phenology in- warm spring in a mid-latitude alpine sys-
dicates the potential for climate change to tem (Kudo 2014). In the United Kingdom,
disrupt such associations. species of bumblebees currently in decline
In many specialized plant-pollinator as- are those presumed to have narrow cli-
sociations, the flowering phenology of the matic niches (Williams, Araújo, and Ras-
focal plant species typically precedes that mont 2007; Williams, Colla, and Xie 2009),
of the timing of pollinator activity on a whereas, generally, pollinator-plant asso-
seasonal basis, and plant-flowering phe- ciations expected to persist under climate
nology advances more quickly in response change are those that display generalized
to warming than does pollinator phenol- adaptations to climatic conditions and spe-
ogy (Forrest and Thomson 2011; Solga, cies associations (Burkle and Alarcon 2011).
Harmon, and Ganguli 2014; Kudo and Ida A recent and comprehensive examination
2013). In parts of Northern Europe, spe- of the consequences for pollinator species’
cialists and sedentary species of bee and richness of changes in floral plant phenol-
syrphid fly pollinators have declined since ogy focused on associations involving 665
1980, but generalists and highly mobile species of insect pollinators and the phe-
species have not (Potts et al. 2010). Among nological dynamics of 132 species of their
plants in the same areas, insect-pollinated plant hosts in a Mediterranean community
species have undergone greater declines near Athens, Greece (Petanidou et al. 2014).
than have wind- and self-pollinated species This study classified floral resources accord-
(Potts et al. 2010). Whether or not recent ing to few- versus many-flowered plant
climate change has contributed to these species and annual versus perennial plant
patterns, they indicate the consequences of species, and it quantified the numbers of
phenological niche conservatism or narrow insect pollinators visiting each plant species
phenological niche breadth for species un- over 4 years. Pollinators comprised bees,
able to adjust to rapid shifts in environmen- muscoid flies, hoverflies, beetles, wasps,
tal conditions (sensu Bartomeus et al. 2013). butterflies, and true bugs. The numbers of
Some data indicate that specialized pol- pollinator species observed visiting plants
linators are more likely than generalists to were compared to the annual deviation in
suffer resource loss from phenological mis- plant flowering phenology from the 4-year
match with their plant mutualists if they mean to analyze consequences for pollina-
do not keep pace with advancing timing tor richness of advances or delays in flower-
of flowering in response to climate change ing phenology.
(Hegland et al. 2009). For example, an ob- This analysis revealed, at the scale of the
servational study based on 14 years of data entire plant community, a positive associa-
documented a decline in abundance of tion between onset of flowering and pol-
pollinator species of muscid flies and chi- linator richness but a negative association
ronomid midges associated with a shorter between flowering duration and pollinator
flowering season at a High Arctic site in richness (Figure 4.1).
Greenland (Høye et al. 2013). The decline These relationships suggest that earlier
in muscid fly abundance at the site is par- onset of flowering, and prolonged flower-
ticularly troublesome considering that they ing across the community, were associated
are the key pollinator group for at least with visits by fewer species of insect polli-

Figure 4.1. Magnitude and direction of correlations be- bers and then transferring them to outdoor
tween insect pollinator richness and the onset (gray col- plots with plants in an ambient phenologi-
umns) and duration (black columns) of flowering across
all plant species, and individually among few-flowered
cal state (Forrest 2015). Results of such ex-
species, many-flowered species, annuals, and perenni- periments have been mixed, with observa-
als in a Mediterranean community near Athens, Greece. tions of both increased (Rafferty and Ives
(Adapted from Petanidou et al. 2014.) 2011) and reduced (Parsche, Frund, and
Tscharntke 2011) pollinator visitation of
nators. The same associations were evident experimentally advanced plants compared
for few-flowered species, many-flowered to phenologically ambient plants. Multiple
species, annuals, and perennials individu- observational studies have demonstrated
ally (Figure 4.1). However, the associations more rapid phenological advance in flow-
were strongest for few-flowered species, ering plants than in their insect mutualists
and the negative correlation between flow- in response to warming (Iler, Inouye, et al.
ering duration and pollinator richness was 2013; Kudo and Ida 2013; Solga, Harmon,
not significant for perennials (Petanidou and Ganguli 2014; Forrest and Thomson
et al. 2014). Because onset and duration of 2011; Rafferty and Ives 2012; Warren, Bahn,
flowering were negatively correlated for and Bradford 2011). Reduced pollinator ef-
the entire community and each category fectiveness may be expected to result from
of flowering plants individually, the rela- increasing phenological mismatch involv-
tionships between flowering duration and ing specialists in such cases (Rafferty et al.
pollinator species richness may actually be 2013; Rafferty and Ives 2011; Kudo and Ida
driven by the negative response of pollina- 2013). However, integrity of pollination
tor richness to earlier onset of flowering services to plants can be maintained despite
(Petanidou et al. 2014). phenological shifts in response to climate
Evidence deriving primarily from obser- change in associations involving generalist
vational studies illustrates the potential for pollinators or pollinators that advance their
development of phenological mismatches timing apace with changes in flowering
between insect pollinators and flowering phenology (Cleland et al. 2012; Bartomeus
plants as a result of climate change. Ex- et al. 2011; Iler, Inouye, et al. 2013; Solga,
perimental studies on this topic have, by Harmon, and Ganguli 2014; Gilman et al.
contrast, been few to date and primarily 2012).
“temporal transplants” (Forrest 2015). Such At least one observational study has
experiments have focused on advancing shown that temporal overlap between in-
the phenology of plants in growth cham- sect pollinators and their floral resources

may remain intact even when species at flowering plants and syrphid fly pollinators
each trophic level respond differentially varied by more than twofold between the
to climate change. This analysis used a 20- earliest and latest dates of annual snowmelt
year record of timing of flowering by nine (Iler, Inouye, et al. 2013).
plant species and timing of emergence at As noted earlier, Høye et al. (2013) docu-
the community level by syrphid flies com- mented declines in the abundance of insect
prising at least 15 flower-visiting species at pollinators resulting from phenological
an alpine site at Rocky Mountain Biologi- mismatch with advancement and spatial
cal Station in Colorado (Iler, Inouye, et al. compression of flowering by the plants they
2013). Flowering phenology at this site visit. Importantly, plants themselves may
was associated strongly with the timing of suffer adverse consequences of advancing
snowmelt and generally preceded timing of flowering phenology that outpaces shifts in
emergence by syrphid pollinators. As a con- the timing of activity by their insect polli-
sequence, earlier annual snowmelt was ac- nators. A review of six studies of plant phe-
companied by earlier flowering across plant nological dynamics comprising between 19
species, and flowering phenology advanced and 385 species each, and of four studies
at a higher rate in association with earlier of phenological dynamics of insect pollina-
snowmelt than did fly emergence (Figure tors comprising between 10 and 35 species
4.2). Similarly, the termination of the flow- each, concluded that species-level responses
ering season advanced more strongly with to climate change are highly individualistic,
earlier snowmelt than did the end of the with few general patterns (Solga, Harmon,
annual period of fly activity (Figure 4.2). and Ganguli 2014).
Because syrphid flies at the study site This megareview highlighted three ex-
generally terminated activity prior to the amples of plant species that experienced ad-
end of the annual flowering season, these
differential rates of phenological advance
in response to earlier snowmelt resulted Figure 4.2. Model coefficients quantifying the rate of
phenological advance in flowering onset, onset of syr-
in greater overall phenological overlap be- phid fly activity, end of flowering, and end of syrphid
tween flowers and syrphid flies in years fly activity in relation to the annual timing of snowmelt
with early compared to late snowmelt (Iler, over a 20-year observational study at Rocky Mountain
Inouye, et al. 2013). Across the range of dates Biological Laboratory, Colorado, United States. Aster-
isks indicate statistical significance (p < 0.05) of taxa ×
observed in this 20-year study, the number
snowmelt coefficients. (Adapted from Iler, Inouye, et al.
of days of phenological overlap between 2013b.)
verse consequences of the loss of pollinator 130 years and compared the rates of ad-
services as a result of mismatches deriving vance in springtime activity by those spe-
from differential phenological responses to cies to published estimates of rates of ad-
climate change. A species of glacier lily (Er- vance in flowering dates by 38 species of
ythronium grandiflorum) in a subalpine meadow plants from the same region. Particularly
in Colorado suffered pollen limitation early noteworthy features of this analysis include
in the flowering season due to an absence the length of the time series for both taxo-
of active bumblebee pollinators that early nomic groups, the temporal and spatial
in the season (Thomson 2010). Similarly, a coherence among the pollinator and flow-
species of star-of-Bethlehem (Gagea lutea) in ering plant data sets, and the restriction of
Japan advanced its flowering phenology in this analysis to plant species visited by the
response to warmer spring temperatures to species of pollinators included in the study
an extent that rendered it unavailable to its (Bartomeus et al. 2011). Across the entire
bee pollinator (Kudo et al. 2004). Finally, time series, the 10 species of bees in this
the flowering plant yan hu suo (Corydalis am- study advanced their emergence phenology
bigua) exhibited reduced seed set at a site in by approximately –0.8 days per decade, but
Japan following an advancement of its flow- the rate of advance has nearly doubled since
ering phenology in response to springtime 1970, indicating a response to accelerated
warming because its bee pollinator did not warming (Bartomeus et al. 2011).
undergo an advancement of its emergence Analyses of pooled data spanning the en-
phenology (Kudo et al. 2004). Although tire time series revealed that the rates of ad-
these examples apply to flowering plants vance of springtime activity by bees and the
with specialist pollinators or plant species timing of flowering by plants in this region
that are visited primarily by a single spe- have largely paralleled each other, suggest-
cies of pollinator, generalist pollinators can ing an absence of evidence of developing
apparently replace other pollinators whose mismatch (Bartomeus et al. 2011). Further-
phenology does not advance in nonspecial- more, the plant species in this comparison
ist associations (Solga, Harmon, and Gan- exhibited greater rates of advancement in
guli 2014). Similarly, generalist pollinators flowering phenology since 1970, and for
that show preference for some plant species both bees and plants, early-active species
may switch their preference to other species displayed more rapid phenological advance-
if they become phenologically mismatched ment than those active later in the season
from their preferred resources (Forrest and (Bartomeus et al. 2011). These observations
Thomson 2011). suggest that a phenological mismatch be-
As is evident in the examples here, phe- tween bee pollinators and flowering plants
nological mismatch is commonly studied in the same general region has not yet de-
as an outcome of differential rates of ad- veloped, but the authors caution that such
vance in springtime events between floral a mismatch could develop with additional
resources and pollinators in general or be- warming in the future (Bartomeus et al.
tween pollinators classified as specialists or 2011).
generalists. In our final example, we review That a mismatch is likely for at least
a study of species-specific phenological dy- some of the species in this study is sug-
namics in paired pollinator-plant associa- gested by a comparison of rates of advance
tions to examine interactions at the species by individual bee species and the plant spe-
level. cies they visit (Figure 4.3). We plotted rates
Bartomeus et al. (2011) analyzed data on of advance in springtime activity by each of
the emergence phenology of 10 species of the 10 bee species in this study versus rates
generalist bees in the northeastern United of advance in flowering phenology only for
States and southeastern Canada spanning those species visited by each of them in the

-0.35 -0.25 -0.15 -0.05 0.05 0.15 0.25 gence phenology lagged behind advances

Rate of Advance in Bee Emergence Phenology

in flowering phenology in 14 species pairs,
whereas rates of bee advancement exceeded
rates of flowering advancement in 7 species
-0.05 pairs (Figure 4.4, middle panel). In con-
(days per year)

trast, bee species belonging to the genera

Osmia and Colletes displayed rates of pheno-
logical advance that largely exceeded those
of the plant species they visit, with 10 spe-
cies pairs showing greater rates of advance
in bees than in plants and 4 species pairs
-0.13 indicating the opposite (Figure 4.4, bottom
panel). For purposes of this comparison, we
-0.15 considered a rate differential equal to or less
Rate of Change Flowering Phenology
(days per year) than 0.20 as indicative of approximate par-
ity in rates of advance between bee species
Figure 4.3. Rates of advance in emergence phenology of and their associated plant species. Three of
10 species of bee pollinators plotted against rates of ad- 25 (12 percent) species pairs showed equiv-
vance in flowering phenology of the species they visit
in northeastern United States and southeastern Canada.
alent rates of advance for the genus Andrena,
Rates are expressed as days per year and were estimated 5 of 26 (19 percent) species pairs approxi-
using linear regression of dates of emergence or flower- mated parity in rates of advance for the ge-
ing against year. The solid trend line is for the pooled nus Bombus, whereas 5 of 19 (26 percent)
scatter across all species pairs. The dashed line represents species pairs in the genera Osmia and Col-
parity (i.e., equal rates of advance by bee and plant spe-
cies pairs). (Plotted from coefficients reported in Bar-
letes exhibited rates of phenological advance
tomeus et al. 2011.) equivalent to those of the plant species they
pollinate. Together these results suggest that
these three species of Andrena bees may be
region where they occur. The slope of the at greatest risk of suffering mismatch with
pooled scatter plot (Figure 4.3, solid line) floral resources under future warming, but
deviates substantially from parity (Figure plant species visited by the species of Osmia
4.3, dashed line), which suggests that the and Colletes in this study may have the great-
bee species have lagged behind rates of phe- est prospects for avoiding loss of pollinator
nological advance in the plant species. services with future warming.
By contrast, when we plot pairwise dif-
ferences in the rates of advance by individ-
ual plant species and the rates of advance CONC LUSIONS
by individual species of bees visiting them,
there is considerable variation within each In applying insights developed from this re-
bee species in the extent to which its rate of view, we can arrive at several conclusions
phenological advance has lagged, exceeded, regarding the biodiversity implications of
or matched that of the plant species it uses climate change for pollinator-plant associa-
(Figure 4.4). Among species of bees in the tions. There appears to be considerable po-
genus Andrena, rates of advance in emergence tential for mismatch to develop in pollinator-
phenology lagged behind rates of advance plant mutualisms, or to become exacerbated
in flowering phenology in 13 species pairs, where it already exists, as Earth’s climate
whereas rates of bee advancement exceeded continues to warm. This would seem to be
those of flowering advancement in 9 species most likely in associations involving species
pairs (Figure 4.4, top panel). For species of that become active early in the season and
bees in the genus Bombus, advances in emer- in those involving species with narrow phe-


Uvularia grandifolia Sanguinaria Canadensis
Trillium erectum Sanguinaria Canadensis
Lithospermum canescens
Aquilegia Canadensis Caltha palustris
Geranium maculatum Polygala paucifolia Amelanchier arborea
Dicentra cucullarria Amelanchier arborea Conus florida

O. atriventris
Dicentra cucullarria
Sanguinaria Canadensis
Uvularia grandifolia Antennaria neglecta
Dicentra cucullarria Amelanchier laevis
Caltha palustris
Trillium grandiflorum
Geranium maculatum Uvularia grandifolia
A. carlini

Phlox divaricata
Amelanchier laevis

O. bucephala
Lupinus perennis Aquilegia Canadensis

vance between bees and the plants they visit, expressed

nus the rate of advance in bee emergence (days per de-

cade). Bee genera include Andrena (top), Bombus (middle), and
Figure 4.4. Differences in the rate of phenological ad-

as the rate of advance in flowering (days per decade) mi-

Anemone Canadensis
Geranium maculatum
Erythronium americanum B. bimaculatus Amelanchier arborea
Dodecatheon meadia
Cornus florida Antennaria neglecta
A. crataegi

Amelanchier laevis
Uvularia grandifolia Aquilegia Canadensis

O. lignaria
Prunus virginiana
Dicentra cucullarria
Geranium maculatum
Polygala paucifolia Rosa Carolina
Lupinus perennis Uvularia grandifolia
Lithospermum canescens Caltha palustris
Oxalis violacea
A. miserabilis

O. pumila
Phlox divaricata Amelanchier arborea

Viola predate Cornus florida

Amelanchier arborea Aquilegia Canadensis
Geranium maculatum Antennaria neglecta
Dodecatheon meadia Caltha palustri

ing slopes reported in Bartomeus et al. 2011.)

C. inaequalis
Amelanchier laevis Phlox philosa Amelanchier laevis

Lupinus perennis Rosa carolina Prunus virginiana

lagged behind flowers, whereas negative values indicate

bee emergence phenology advanced more rapidly than
Colletes and Osmia (bottom). Positive values indicate bees

flowering phenology for any species pair. (Estimated us-


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CHAPTER FIVE The most distinguishing feature of our
planet is the presence of liquid water cov-
Coral Reefs: ering 71 percent of its surface. This ocean
nurtured the beginnings of life, and today
Megadiversity Meets it is essential for its maintenance and future.
The ocean performs a vital regulatory role,
Unprecedented stabilizing planetary temperature, regulat-
ing the gas content of the atmosphere, and
Environmental determining the climate and weather sys-
tems on which life depends. In many ways,
Change the ocean represents the heart and lungs of
our planet, and life as we know it would not
OVE HOEGH-GULDBERG be possible without its presence.
Unfortunately, the latest science tells us
that we are starting to change the ocean in
fundamental ways that threaten its ability
to provide the ecosystem goods and ser-
vices on which much of humanity lives.
These changes have been highlighted in the
latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC), which included several
new chapters on the potential response of
the ocean to rapid changes in global cli-
mate (Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2014; Pörtner
et al. 2014). These chapters have established
a consensus that concludes that unprec-
edented and rapid changes are occurring
in ocean temperature, volume, structure,
chemistry, and therefore life itself.
The ocean plays a crucial role in stabi-
lizing planetary conditions, mainly due to
its size and enormous capacity to absorb
carbon dioxide (CO2) and heat with mini-
mal change in temperature. As a result, the
ocean has absorbed 93 percent of the extra
energy from the enhanced greenhouse ef-
fect, and approximately 30 percent of the
CO2 generated by human activities. These
changes have been essential in reducing
the rate at which warming has manifested
itself over the 150 years since the Indus-
trial Revolution, when human activities

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


began to drive ever-increasing amounts of well as a range of other ecosystem goods

CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the and services (Burke et al. 2011).
atmosphere. Coral reefs provide a stark example of
Absorbing this extra heat and CO2, the connection among climate change, bio-
however, has had an impact on the ocean. diversity, changing ecosystems, and human
Ocean temperatures have increased, leading well-being. The present chapter focuses on
to rapid sea-level rise, decrease in sea-ice coral reefs and describes the physiologi-
extent, changes in ocean structure and gas cal, ecological, and economic challenges
content, and impacts on the planet’s hydro- of a rapidly warming and acidifying ocean,
logical cycle. At the same time, ocean pH with many of the messages being transfer-
has dropped rapidly, along with changes in able to other ecosystems and regions.
the concentration of key ion species such as
carbonate and bicarbonate.
Not surprisingly, life in the ocean has PH YSIC A L A N D C H E M IC A L C H A NGE S
responded to these fundamental changes. IN THE OCEAN
More than 80 percent of the studies lengthy
enough to detect discernible changes in the Earth’s ocean is a vast region that stretches
distribution and abundance of species have from the high-tide mark to the deepest
reported rapid changes in the direction ocean trench (11,030 m) and occupies a vol-
expected by climate change (e.g., shifts to ume of 1.3 billion km3. Most of the ocean
higher latitudes as warming occurs). Other is difficult to visit, requiring advanced tech-
studies reveal that the combination of lo- nologies to venture anywhere below 40 m
cal and global factors drive down the oxy- from the surface. Consequently, most of the
gen content of deeper areas of the ocean, ocean is unexplored, with the common as-
to such an extent that oxygen-dependent sertion that we know more about the sur-
life-forms are beginning to disappear from faces of Mars or the Moon than we do about
many deeper-water regions. These are now the deep ocean. Until recently, an order of
being referred to as “dead zones.” In other magnitude more papers were being pub-
parts of the ocean, rates of primary pro- lished on land-based change as opposed to
ductivity are either decreasing or increas- that occurring in the ocean (Hoegh-Guld-
ing, driven by conditions such as retreating berg and Bruno 2010). Knowing so little
sea ice, warming, and other factors such as about the ocean is a major vulnerability in
changing winds and nutrient concentra- terms of our understanding of planetary
tions (Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2014; Pörtner systems and how they are likely to change
et al. 2014). as the average global surface temperature
Some ecosystems shift more quickly and and ocean pH change.
are showing greater changes than others. In Many early studies concluded that climate
these cases, ecosystems are fundamentally change was unlikely to influence the ocean
changing in terms of their distribution and by much given its size and thermal inertia
abundance. In the case of coral reefs, this (i.e., it takes a lot of heat to change ocean
contraction poses a serious threat to the temperature). The ocean is highly structured,
biological diversity of the ocean, given that however, and as a consequence, the upper
coral reefs provide habitat for at least 25 layers of the ocean (a relatively thin layer
percent of all marine species on the planet. of several hundred meters) acts somewhat
In turn, the loss of coral reefs presents a independently of the rest of the ocean. As
major challenge to the 850 million people a consequence, changes in the temperature
who live within 100 km of tropical coast- of the surface layer of the ocean are not too
lines and derive a number of key benefits, far behind that of the surface temperature
such as food and livelihood from them, as of the planet as a whole (IPCC 2013). While
average global temperature has increased increase in the concentration of protons
by approximately 0.7°C since 1950, aver- (Caldeira and Wickett 2003). The current
age global average sea surface temperatures rate at which CO2, and hence ocean chem-
(SSTs) in the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific istry, is changing is faster than at any other
Oceans have increased by 0.65°C, 0.41°C, time in 65 million years, if not 300 mil-
and 0.31°C, respectively (Hoegh-Guldberg lion years (Hönisch et al. 2012; Pachauri et
et al. 2014). Naturally, changes in average sea al. 2014). As several authors have observed,
surface temperature vary geographically and these changes are pushing organisms and
may have higher or lower values on average, ecosystems like coral reefs outside the en-
depending on the local oceanographic dy- velope of environmental conditions under
namics as well as the relative influence of which they have evolved (Figure 5.1B).
long-term patterns of variability (Hoegh-
Guldberg et al. 2014, table 30-1). Figure 5.1. (A) Linkages between the buildup of atmo-
At the same time that the ocean has been spheric CO2 and the slowing of coral calcification due to
warming, ocean chemistry has changed in ocean acidification. Approximately 25% of CO2 emitted
response to the unprecedented inward flux by humans in the period 2000 to 2006 was taken up by
of CO2. These changes arise from the fact the ocean where it combined with water to produce car-
bonic acid, which releases a proton that combines with
that CO2 reacts with water upon entering a carbonate ion. This decreases the concentration of car-
the ocean, forming dilute carbonic acid bonate, making it unavailable to marine calcifiers such
(Figure 5.1A). Carbonic acid molecules sub- as corals. (B) Temperature, [CO2]atm, and carbonate-ion
sequently disassociate, releasing protons, concentrations reconstructed for the past 420,000 years.
which causes a decrease in pH as well as Carbonate concentrations were calculated from CO2 atm
and temperature deviations from today’s conditions
the conversion of carbonate ions into bicar- with the Vostok Ice Core data set, assuming constant
bonate (Caldeira and Wickett 2003; Hoegh- salinity (34 parts per trillion), mean sea temperature
Guldberg et al. 2007; Kleypas, Buddemeier, (25°C), and total alkalinity (2300 mmol kg-1). Further
et al. 1999). These changes have consider- details of these calculations are in the SOM. Acidity of
able implications for a range of physiologi- the ocean varies by ±0.1 pH units over the past 420,000
years (individual values not shown). The thresholds for
cal systems, from the gas exchange of fish major changes to coral communities are indicated for
to the calcifying abilities of corals and many thermal stress (+2°C) and carbonate-ion concentrations
other organisms that make shells and skel- ([carbonate] = 200 μmol kg-1, approximate aragonite sat-
etons by precipitating calcium carbonate uration ~Ωaragonite = 3.3; [CO2]atm = 480 ppm). Coral Reef
from seawater (Gattuso et al. 2014; Kroeker Scenarios CRS-A, CRS-B, and CRS-C are indicated as A,
B, and C, respectively, with analogs from extant reefs de-
et al. 2013; Pörtner et al. 2014). The increase picted in Figure 5.5. Arrows pointing progressively to-
of anthropogenic CO2 has lowered ocean ward the right-hand top square indicate the pathway that
pH by 0.1 units—equivalent to a 26 percent is being followed toward [CO2]atm of more than 500 ppm.

BIOLO GIC A L R E SPONSE S TO R A PI D ganisms. The results are startling by any

O C E A N C H A NGE measure. Approximately 80 percent of the
papers examined exhibited trends among
To some, the changes in temperature and marine organisms consistent with climate
chemistry might seem too small to signifi- change, suggesting that life in the ocean is
cantly affect organisms and ecosystems at already responding to the changes in ocean
first. There is now abundant evidence, how- temperature, structure, pH, and carbonate
ever, that life in the ocean is undergoing a chemistry (Poloczanska et al. 2014; Poloc-
series of fundamental changes in response
to the changes in temperature and chem-
istry that have occurred already and that Figure 5.2. Ranges of change in distribution (km/decade)
for marine taxonomic groups, measured at the leading
will occur in the future. Poloczanska and
edges (circles) and trailing edges (triangles). Average dis-
colleagues (Poloczanska et al. 2014; Poloc- tribution shifts were calculated using all data, regardless
zanska et al. 2013) examined a global data- of range location, and are shown as squares. Distribution
base of 208 peer-reviewed papers, record- shifts have been square-root transformed; standard er-
ing observed responses from more than rors may be asymmetric as a result. Positive distribution
changes are consistent with warming (into previously
800 species or assemblages across a range
cooler waters, generally poleward). Means ± standard
of regions and taxonomic groups, from error are shown, along with number of observations.
phytoplankton to marine mammals, in the Non-bony fishes include sharks, rays, lampreys, and hag-
distribution and abundance of marine or- fish. (From Poloczanska et al. 2013.)
zanska et al. 2013). In some cases, highly of ocean chemistry (Pörtner et al. 2014).
mobile creatures such as phytoplankton and We are only beginning to understand the
zooplankton have been moving at the rates full ramifications of these types of changes
of 10 km–40 km per year toward higher on organisms, and we fully appreciated
latitudes as the waters have been warming the impact of rising levels of CO2 on ma-
(Figure 5.2). Less mobile organisms such rine systems as little as only 15 years ago
as mollusks, benthic algae, and cnidarians (Kleypas, Buddemeier, et al. 1999).
have been traveling at rates between 0 km
and 2 km per year.
These differential changes in the loca- COR A L R E E F E COSYST E MS:
tion of particular organisms as a function M E GA DI V E R SIT Y U N DE R PR E S SU R E
of their relative mobility toward warming
higher latitudes suggests that substantial Although coral reefs only occupy less than
changes are likely in the composition of eco- 0.1 percent of the Earth’s surface, they
systems (Hoegh-Guldberg and Bruno 2010; provide habitat for one in every four spe-
Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2014; Poloczanska et cies of marine organisms. Although a large
al. 2014; Poloczanska et al. 2013). In basic number of species remain to be discovered,
terms, less mobile organisms will be able studies have attempted to estimate the bio-
to keep up with more mobile ones, lead- logical diversity of coral reefs on the basis
ing to novel ecosystems looms (e.g., coral of the observed rate of discovery and as-
fish with corals) and creating challenges in sumptions about the drivers of biodiversity.
terms of managing rapidly moving organ- These types of analysis suggest that any-
isms and ecosystems. Although we have where from 1 million to 9 million species
some insight into the sorts of changes that live in and around coral reefs (Reaka-Kudla
are likely, it is hard to anticipate how these 1997). Other studies such as the Census of
changes are likely to play out over the com- Marine Life (Costello et al. 2010) may yield
ing decades and century. even higher estimates when they are com-
Biological responses are not restricted plete. While this megadiversity on its own
only to changes in sea temperature per se. is an important legacy of evolution, it has
Changes in ocean temperature drive a range significant, mostly unexplored benefits to
of other phenomena, from changes in the humanity (e.g., pharmaceuticals). Coral
volume and height of the ocean to changes reefs provide a range of other benefits to
in the relative stability of the ocean water humanity in the form of food, income (e.g.,
column (IPCC 2013). At the same time, tourism, fisheries), cultural services, rec-
many ocean organisms and ecosystems are reation, and coastal protection (i.e., coral
sensitive to recent and projected changes reefs build coastal barrier systems that pro-
in pH and carbonate chemistry (Gattuso et tect entire coastlines) (Cinner et al. 2009;
al. 2014; Kroeker et al. 2013; Pörtner et al. Costanza et al. 2014; Burke et al. 2011; Mo-
2014). Changes to pH, CO2, and carbonate berg and Folke 1999).
ion concentration have been found to be Coral reefs have long been a prominent
important to the developing stages of some feature of coastal ecosystems and are typi-
organisms, as well as the ability to form fied by the presence of large numbers of
shells and skeletons in others (Kroeker et al. Scleractinian or other reef-building cor-
2013; Pörtner et al. 2014). At more funda- als. The Scleractinian corals first appeared
mental levels, there is evidence that neural around 237 million years ago, about 40
systems of some organisms such as fish, as million years after the Permian mass ex-
well as the respiratory systems of organisms tinction event (Stanley and Fautin 2001).
such as cephalopods, can be seriously af- The presence of Scleractinian corals within
fected by changing pH and related aspects the fossil record is characterized by periods

in which carbonate reef systems were pres- whether or not carbonate coral reefs ex-
ent and others, referred to as “gaps,” where ist. Areas such as the eastern Pacific, where
coral reefs were absent as significant reef upwelling waters at the equator are rich in
builders for millions of years (Veron 2008). CO2 and low in pH and carbonate, do not
Notably, reef gaps were typically associated have significant carbonate reef development
with the five major mass extinction events (Manzello et al. 2008). However, aragonite
linked to high CO2 concentrations that built saturation states of 3.3 or higher are gener-
up over thousands, if not millions, of years ally associated with coral reef communities
in the Earth’s atmosphere (Berner and Ko- that can form significant calcium carbon-
thavala 2001). As a result of these changes, ate structures (Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2007;
Scleractinian corals and many other organ- Kleypas, McManus, et al. 1999).
isms underwent significant decreases in di- The contribution of Scleractinian corals
versity and abundance (Veron 2008). to reef building is strongly dependent on an
Coral reefs are dominated by Scleractin- ancient symbiosis with dinoflagellate pro-
ian corals that form extensive ecosystems in tists from the genus Symbiodinium (Muscatine
tropical regions (warm-water coral reefs), 1990; Muscatine and Porter 1977; Stanley
as well as ecosystems in deeper, low-light and Fautin 2001). The dinoflagellates are
habitats (so-called mesophotic coral reefs located within the gastrodermal tissues of
(Bongaerts et al. 2011) and in deep (down corals, where they continue to photosyn-
to 3000 m) locations (cold-water coral thesize (as any free-living dinoflagellate
reefs; Freiwald et al. 2004). Below 200 m would), providing as much as 95 percent
depth there is so little light that photosyn- of the organic carbon produced by the host.
thesis is no longer possible, and hence reefs In return, the coral host supplies inorganic
are made of corals that do not form symbio- nitrogen and phosphorus to the dinoflagel-
ses with single-celled dinoflagellates. All of lates, compounds that are usually at low
these coral communities, however, attract concentrations in the clear tropical and
and provide habitat for significant ecosys- subtropical waters in which corals and their
tems, many of which are very important dinoflagellates exist (Muscatine and Porter
for fisheries and human livelihoods. Given 1977). This mutualistic symbiosis is highly
space constraints, the rest of this chapter fo- efficient and leads to the internal recycling
cuses on warm-water coral reefs. of inorganic compounds between primary
Today, most warm-water coral reefs are producer and consumer. Corals also feed on
found in sunlit and low-nutrient coastal wa- particles suspended in the water column,
ters between the latitudes 30°N and 33°S. adding yet another source of nutrients and
Tropical and subtropical waters that accom- energy to the otherwise oligotrophic waters
modate warm-water coral reefs are also typical of most coral reefs. The capacity for
saturated with respect to the calcium and polytrophic behavior has been important to
carbonate ions necessary for skeletal forma- the success of corals, and hence coral reefs,
tion by corals and other organisms. The ra- over tens of millions of years of existence
tio of calcium carbonate to the saturation (Stanley and Fautin 2001).
constant of aragonite (the principal form of As a result of access to large quantities
calcium carbonate in coral skeletons) is a of organic carbon and energy, corals are
critical variable (Caldeira and Wickett 2003; able to precipitate large amounts of calcium
Kleypas, Buddemeier, et al. 1999). If too carbonate and build up significant skeletal
low, calcium carbonate deposition (calcifi- structures. These skeletal structures remain
cation) is unable to keep up with calcium after corals have died and are glued together
carbonate erosion and dissolution (decal- by the calcifying activities of other organ-
cification). The ratio of these two broad isms such as encrusting calcareous red al-
ecological processes ultimately determines gae. Other organisms, such as calcifying
invertebrates, plankton, and plants, also Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2007). These pro-
contribute significant amounts of calcium jections are borne out by a growing list
carbonate to reef systems as they develop. of long-term studies that are reporting a
Over time, these limestone-like deposits serious contraction in reef-building cor-
build up three-dimensional reef structures als over the past 30–50 years (Bruno and
and, over the longer term, form islands Selig 2007; De’ath et al. 2012; Gardner et al.
and coastal barrier systems. The three-di- 2003). Given the central role of massive cor-
mensional nature of coral reefs provides a als to reefs, this is also associated with the
complex habitat for the tens of thousands of loss of the three-dimensional structure of
species that live in and around typical coral coral reefs. In addition, mesocosm studies
reefs. like that of Dove et al. (2013) reveal rapid
loss of three-dimensional structure as cor-
als disappear under the pressure of future
LO C A L A N D GLOBA L O C E A N concentrations of atmospheric CO2.
WA R M I NG A N D AC IDIF IC ATION There is little doubt to many experts
that the greatest threat to coral reefs and
Coral reefs have experienced relatively small the hundreds of millions of people that de-
shifts in temperature and seawater chem- pend on them is rapid ocean warming and
istry over the past 420,000 years at least acidification, due to the vulnerability of the
(Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2007) (Figure 5.1B). mutualistic symbiosis between Symbiodin-
When compared to the current rapid pace ium and reef-building corals (Gattuso et al.
of change in a number of environmental 2014; Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2014; Pörtner
parameters, even the shifts between ice age et al. 2014). When rapid changes occur, or
and interglacial periods resulted in relatively conditions are pushed outside the environ-
small changes over much longer periods of mental envelope in which corals normally
time. As a consequence, the world’s largest exist, the symbiosis begins the breakdown
continuous reef system, the Great Barrier (Glynn 1993, 2012; Hoegh-Guldberg 1999;
Reef, has waxed and waned over thousands Hoegh-Guldberg and Smith 1989). This
of years as sea levels have risen and fallen. results in mass exodus of the brown di-
These changes are not directly comparable noflagellates out of the coral host’s tissues,
to the changes we are seeing today because leaving the coral host alive but bleached
they occurred over much longer periods of white in appearance (hence the term “coral
time, whereas current change is thought to bleaching”; see Plate 2).
be occurring faster than at any other time Around 1980, populations of corals be-
in the past 65 million years, if not 300 mil- gan to bleach across large areas of the world’s
lion years (Hönisch et al. 2012; IPCC 2013; tropical regions, with no precedent in the
Pachauri et al. 2014). These observations go scientific literature. Over time, information
for both local (e.g., pollution, overexploi- began to accumulate that suggested that
tation of key organisms; Burke et al. 2011) these large-scale changes to coral reefs are
and global (e.g., ocean warming and acidi- associated with short periods of time when
fication) sources (Hoegh-Guldberg 2014; sea temperatures were 1°C–2°C above the
Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2014). long-term summer maxima for a particular
As human populations have increased, region (Hoegh-Guldberg 1999). Since that
coastal areas have been modified, and the time, the frequency and intensity of coral
demand for local resources has grown ex- bleaching has increased, with the phenom-
ponentially. As much as 75 percent of coral enon being reported in most tropical and
reefs are threatened, with as much as 95 subtropical regions of the world. Although
percent in danger of being lost by 2050 some coral reefs have recovered from mass
(Burke et al. 2011; Hoegh-Guldberg 1999; coral bleaching and mortality, many reefs

have not (Baker et al. 2008). These types of the Great Barrier Reef can probably take a
studies have confirmed the conclusions of few heavy punches, but if the ability of its
modeling studies based on the thermal sen- corals to calcify and grow is compromised,
sitivity of coral reefs and underlying mech- then it is not surprising that the impact of
anisms (Donner et al. 2007; Donner et al. disturbances (i.e., loss of corals) will grow
2005; Frieler et al. 2013; Hoegh-Guldberg over time. These negative trends are occur-
1999). Studies of bleaching and recovery ring even though the Great Barrier Reef is
show that even with aggressive action on considered to have very low human pres-
CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil sures on it as compared to reefs in other
fuels and deforestation (e.g., the Paris Agree- regions, and it has been managed by a well-
ment in December 2015; Davenport 2015; resourced and modern marine park system
Schellnhuber et al. 2016), only 10 percent that has often been held up as the bastion of
of today’s corals will survive (Donner et al. good practice.
2005; Frieler et al. 2013; Hoegh-Guldberg These heavy punches keep coming,
1999; Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2014). How- though. As 2015 finished—the warmest
ever, given the importance of coral reefs year on record—tropical waters across the
in terms of biological diversity, ecosystem planet began to exhibit exceptional warm-
services, and human well-being, saving the ing trends once again. This included the
remaining 10 percent of coral reefs will de- Great Barrier Reef, which exhibited sea
liver benefits in terms of the regeneration surface temperatures between 1°C and 3°C
of coral reefs under a stabilized climate, and higher than the long-term summer av-
hence should be a priority of leaders and erage in the first few months of 2016. By
policy makers (Pachauri et al. 2014). late March, large sections of the northern
It is very important to appreciate the Great Barrier Reef were exhibiting mass
challenge ahead. In 2012, a group of sci- coral bleaching on a scale never seen be-
entists at the Australian Institute of Marine fore (Hoegh-Guldberg and Ridgway 2016;
Science published the results of a long-term Hughes et al. 2016). In some cases, more
study that rigorously investigated changes than 90 percent of corals on reefs were
in the distribution and abundance of reef- bleached; in another case, less bleaching
building corals on the Great Barrier Reef. was reported. There was a clear gradient
Their conclusions were startling. Not only in heat stress and the extent of mass coral
had the growth rates of at least one group bleaching over the 2,300 km range of the
of reef-building corals across the Great Bar- Great Barrier Reef, with reefs in the south-
rier Reef decreased significantly since 1990 ern third seeing much lower temperatures
(De’ath et al. 2009); the amount of coral on and hence less mass coral bleaching. The
the Great Barrier Reef had declined by 50 resulting mortality of corals was also ex-
percent since 1983 (De’ath et al. 2012). A ceptional. By October and November, the
range of factors were included, but it is clear northern sector of the Great Barrier Reef
when considering the three main factors (about 800 km) was exhibiting an average
(i.e., cyclones, starfish predation, and ocean loss of 67 percent of coral cover on sample
warming) that the demise of the Great Bar- of 60 reefs (Hughes et al. 2016).
rier Reef is a complex combination of both These results indicate that projections
local and global factors. Central to this ob- made by scientists almost two decades ago
servation is that the ecological changes un- are coming to pass, with the clear likeli-
der way on the Great Barrier Reef probably hood that more frequent and more intense
involve synergies and antagonisms that in- bleaching events not only are a reality but
teract to produce an ecosystem that is losing also clearly threaten the very existence of
resilience even while experiencing a greater the world’s largest continuous coral reef.
number of impacts. Like any prizefighter, Following on from events in Pacific, this
coral bleaching has affected a wide range of conditions sufficiently for megadiverse
other regions, including the Maldives, Ha- ecosystems such as coral reefs to meet this
waii, Japan, Southeast Asia, and many other challenge, atmospheric CO2 must be con-
countries, resembling the events associated strained well below the 450 ppm/2°C limit
with the 1998 El Niño (Hoegh-Guldberg (Frieler et al. 2013), which requires meeting
1999; Hoegh-Guldberg and Ridgway 2016), the goals of the Paris Agreement as quickly
albeit with greater intensity and mortality. as possible (Davenport 2015; Schellnhuber
et al. 2016). As emphasized by the events
of 2016 on the Great Barrier Reef and the
CONC LUSION: R E DUC I NG T H E R AT E world’s other coral reefs, we have prob-
OF GLOBA L C H A NGE TO Z E RO A N D ably underestimated the sensitivity of the
ACTI NG DE C ISI V E LY ON LO C A L world’s biological diversity and ecosystems
FACTOR S to climate change, further emphasizing the
need for us to move even more rapidly to
There is no doubt about the importance the goals of the Paris Agreement.
and interconnectedness of the ocean to all The second major action that we need
aspects of life on our planet. Without the is to rapidly reduce the influence of local
ocean functioning as it does today, life stresses such as declining water quality,
would be very different, if not impossible. overexploitation, pollution, and the physi-
Nonetheless, we are in the process of play- cal destruction of marine ecosystems such
ing catchup in terms of understanding the as coral reefs. In addition to the direct ef-
impacts of global change on the ocean, fects of these factors on the distribution and
whether from local or global sources. With abundance of healthy coral reefs, there is
the latest scientific consensus revealing that the significant contribution that these lo-
the ocean is undergoing changes that are cal factors make to reducing the resilience
unprecedented in 65 million years, if not of coral-dominated ecosystems to impacts
300 million years (Hönisch et al. 2012; IPCC and disturbances. Therefore, it is very im-
2013), there must be equally unprecedented portant that we confront and solve issues
action at a global level to solve the serious such as unsustainable coastal deforestation
problems that face our watery world. In and agriculture, as well as reforming the
many ways, we know what the solutions management of other stressors from the
are; it is a pathway to action that we now physical destruction of coral reefs to the
need to define and act on, and quickly. management and reduction of overexploi-
In terms of strong action on this issue, it tation of fisheries and other reef uses. Direct
comes down to two major issues. The first action of this type has the potential to build
is that we need to rapidly stabilize global the resilience of coral reefs and to buy im-
conditions, whether they be rising temper- portant time for the global community as it
ature, changing ocean chemistry, or other struggles to rapidly reduce emissions of CO2
aspects of climate. Without stabilization, and other dangerous greenhouse gases.
the ability of organisms and ecosystems to
adapt will be severely compromised, if not
entirely impossible. As has been discussed R E FE R E NCE S
elsewhere, the ability for adaptation to play
a role in minimizing the impacts of a rap- Baker, Andrew C., Peter W. Glynn, and Bernhard Riegl.
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CHAPTER SIX Biologists have long been interested in the
responses of lineages and biotas to grand
Genetic Signatures changes in climates. Wallace (1880) asso-
ciated the cold and warm cycles of “gla-
of Historical and cial epochs” to patterns of distributional
change and the extinction of mammals in
Contemporary Europe and North America. Adams (1905)
expanded on this theme by envisioning
Responses to whole biotas in North America expanding
their distributions from five ice-age “biotic
Climate Change preserves” (“refugia” in modern terminol-
ogy) as continental glaciers receded. Haffer
BR ETT R. RIDDLE (1969) envisioned avian diversification in
the Amazonian region during Pleistocene
cycles of forest expansion and contraction.
Of course, we now know that climate
change is the “norm” at different tempo-
ral and spatial scales, including multiple
glacial-interglacial cycles over the past 2.5
million years (Ma) and a progressive shift
from a generally warmer to cooler Earth
beginning about 12 mya associated with
Antarctic reglaciation (Zachos et al. 2001).
Extant populations, species, and higher taxa
represent the survivors of a long history of
distributional, diversification, and adaptive
responses to shifting climates—and the sig-
natures of any or all of these histories are
conceptually decipherable in the genetic
variation recorded in different partitions of
a genome.
Whereas the earliest attempts to decipher
genetic variation within and among natu-
ral populations relied on sampling varia-
tion in the nuclear genome with techniques
such as variation in chromosome morphol-
ogy (Dobzhansky et al. 1966) and protein
electrophoresis (e.g., Lewontin and Hubby
1966), the ability to reconstruct the genetic
signatures of historical responses increased
markedly over three decades ago, when
phylogeography was introduced as a disci-

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ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

pline that bridged a theoretical and empiri- tions on contemporary landscapes, influ-
cal gap between phylogenetics above the enced more by ecological attributes such
species level and population genetics below as habitat connectivity or fragmentation,
it (Avise 2000). The sorts of responses that metapopulation structure, and recent adap-
subsequently have been documented in- tive evolution than by historical dynamics.
clude distributional dynamics (range con- This recognition generated the discipline
traction and expansion, range shifting) and of landscape genetics (Manel et al. 2003)
population subdivision, resulting in restric- and has expanded subsequently with access
tions in gene flow (genetically differenti- to genetic markers that evolve much more
ated populations) or cessation of gene flow quickly than even the organelle markers
(diversification of a single ancestral lineage that motivated the growth of phylogeog-
into two or more evolutionarily distinct lin- raphy (e.g., microsatellites; restriction site
eages). Phylogeography originally sampled associated DNA sequencing, or RADSeq;
genetic variation in natural populations and other single nucleotide polymorphisms
by bypassing the complex mixture of se- [SNPs] methods). It is not uncommon to
lected, neutral, and relatively slowly evolv- recognize that one must understand popu-
ing variation in the nuclear genome in fa- lation structure in terms of both historical
vor of much smaller and simpler organelle and contemporary forces (Epps and Keyg-
genomes—mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hobadi 2015; Rissler 2016), yet differences
in animals and fungi and chloroplast DNA between phylogeography and landscape ge-
(cpDNA) in plants (Avise 2000). Organelle netics have not been obvious in all studies,
genomes sampled mostly sex-biased (ma- although attempts have been made to de-
ternal) gene flow, and ancestral lineages lineate the two in terms of spatiotemporal
could be “captured” through interspecific scales (Figure 6.1), optimal genetic markers,
gene flow, but these disadvantages were analytical approaches, and ecological versus
somewhat countered by the advantageous evolutionary arenas (Epps and Keyghobadi
quality of evolving and “fixing” new mu- 2015; Rissler 2016).
tations in populations more rapidly than Phylogeography and landscape genet-
did much of the nuclear genome. Although ics alike have entered new phases with in-
early studies tended to be ad hoc and not corporation of next-generation sequencing
statistically rigorous, changes in these at- (NGS) platforms (Thomson et al. 2010).
tributes elevated the discipline to one that On the one hand, these approaches offer
tested alternative hypotheses (e.g., zero, new opportunities for phylogeographers
one, or multiple Pleistocene refugia) within to add a nuclear DNA component to stud-
a statistically defensible context (Hickerson ies in the form of phylogenomics (DeSalle
et al. 2010). A smaller set of phylogeogra- and Rosenfeld 2013) that matches in reso-
phy studies are concerned with responses lution that of organelle DNA and to fish
of groups of codistributed species, whether out genes involved with divergence and a
they simply occur together in a community history of adaptive evolution (e.g., Brewer
or region or form more intimate biological et al. 2014; Jezkova et al. 2015; Schield et
and ecological associations (e.g., pollinators al. 2015). On the other hand, perhaps the
and plant hosts). These kinds of studies fall most interesting form of contemporary re-
under the umbrella of comparative phylo- sponse, adaptive evolution to current land-
geography (Avise et al. 2016), and they offer scapes and climates, can now be investi-
the potential to track the responses of par- gated at a candidate gene level through the
tial or whole biotas to climate change. emerging potential of landscape genomics
Biologists have recognized that genetic (e.g., Sork et al. 2016). Additionally, several
diversity could be a product of gene flow newer techniques are increasing capacity to
and selection within and among popula- add an ancient DNA component to studies

Figure 6.1. A depiction of the generally perceived rela- 2015). I close with several additional obser-
tionship between phylogeography or comparative phy- vations regarding the potential of landscape
logeography and landscape genetics within the over-
arching realm of biogeographic research along three
genomics, perhaps in combination with
scales—temporal, spatial, and organismal. (From Rissler phylogeography, to address the potential of
2016.) populations and species to respond to cli-
mate change through ongoing population-
by broadly sampling across the mitochon- level processes, including adaptive evolu-
drial and nuclear genomes of fecal samples tion. I concentrate primarily on nonmarine
and museum specimens (McCormack et al. biodiversity, although a number of the is-
2016; van der Valk et al. 2017). sues discussed are relevant in the marine
Rissler (2016) argued that with the in- realm as well (e.g., Bowen 2016).
creasing power of genetics to blur lines be-
tween spatiotemporal scales, nonadaptive
versus adaptive variation, and ecological T H E R E L E VA NC E OF A
versus evolutionary contexts, phylogeog- PH Y LO GE O GR A PH IC PE R SPE CTI V E
raphy and landscape genetics represents
a continuum of questions within bioge- Phylogeographic studies increasingly have
ography (Table 6.1). Nevertheless, in the incorporated data from nDNA for good
remainder of this chapter I concentrate theoretical and empirical reasons (e.g., Ed-
largely on the phylogeographic component wards and Bensch 2009)—often along with
of this continuum because it is the approach organelle DNA, for a multiple genome per-
that captures an integrated signature of re- spective. Organelle-DNA-based studies are
sponses to a history of responses to climate still employed frequently, to good advan-
change, both within species and among tage, in many phylogeography studies, for
closely related species—at spatial and tem- reasons including ease of preparation and
poral scales that often are commensurate analysis and relatively low cost, which al-
with delineation of biotic reserves, biodi- lows for the maximization of numbers of
versity hotspots, and large-scale range dy- populations and individuals that can be
namics. This scale is receiving increasing sampled (Riddle 2016); although techni-
recognition as critical for establishing a cal advances continue to lower the cost of
spatial and temporal evolutionary frame- nDNA approaches such as RADSeq (An-
work within which to design studies at drews et al. 2016) and other SNPs methods
the landscape scale (Epps and Keyghobadi (Leaché et al. 2017). Moreover, the signal
Table 6.1. Temporally scaled continua among several topics and questions associated with historical biotic
responses to climate change, addressed with genetic approaches

Time frame
(years before Dominant geo- Biogeographic Analytical Overarching
present) Forcing events graphic processes context realm question
10,000– Multiple glacial- Inter- and Phylogeography Inter- and How do species
1,000,000 interglacial intraspecific intraspecific and assem-
cycles range dynam- phylogenetics blages of species
ics; refugia; become isolated,
community or connected, and
biota assembly- interact at con-
disassembly tact zones; what
patterns of biotic
result from gla-
climate cycles?
1,000–10,000 Holocene Intraspecific range Phylogeography; Intraspecific How do recent
warming- dynamics; landscape phylogenet- landscapes
cooling community genetics ics; popula- interact with
episodes; assembly-disas- tion genetics paleoclimates
anthropogeni- sembly to isolate
cally modified populations and
landscapes facilitate or re-
strict gene flow
among them?
0–1,000 Ongoing warm- Shifting popula- Landscape Population How do current
cool phases; tion structure; genetics genetics and recent land-
anthropogeni- gene flow scapes interact
cally modified dynamics with climate,
climates and etc., to facilitate
landscapes or restrict gene
flow among

(at least in animal mtDNA) of variation is Within the broader purview of conserva-
usually stronger than it is for most nDNA tion genetics, phylogeography is one com-
data sets, allowing for establishment of a ponent of a triad of past, present, and fu-
first approximation of genetic architecture ture priorities that have different objectives
that can be treated as an hypothesis to be and use different approaches (Bowen 2016).
addressed with nDNA for concordance Under Bowen’s (2016) framework, the past
across genomes, episodes of past hybrid- is explored in a phylogenetic context—how
ization, and so on (Barrowclough and Zink many species or lineages, how different they
2009). However, increasing access to NGS are from one another, and the like (often the
approaches to sampling the nuclear ge- units that conservation biology has used,
nome could motivate the transition of phy- rather contentiously, to delineate evolution-
logeography from predominantly mtDNA arily significant units; Casacci et al. 2014);
and cpDNA to a more inclusive genomic the present is concerned with the ecology
framework in the foreseeable future (Ed- of population genetic variation, herein dis-
wards et al. 2015). cussed as “landscape genetics” (again, often

considered in conservation biology as man- the latest transition from glacial to intergla-
agement units); and the future is the realm cial climates (Riddle 2016), often referenc-
of topics such as dispersal potential among ing the latest Quaternary—that is, since the
geographically distributed populations and Late Glacial Maximum, LGM, about 25 kya
range shifting under changing climates, ex- (thousands of years ago). However, a focus
plored within a phylogeographic context. only on this single episode of climate tran-
Although I agree in general with Bowen’s sition, though pronounced, would be an
(2016) perspective, I view the role of phy- oversimplification in considering the influ-
logeography in conservation genetics as ence of historical climate change on patterns
incorporating an historical framework in of distribution, diversification, and adaptive
two ways. First, this is an approach that of- evolution. For example, in a review of com-
ten has revealed “cryptic lineages” that are parative phylogeography in continental bio-
the product of past divergence, unknow- tas (Riddle 2016), a substantial portion of
able prior to phylogeographic-scale studies studies focused on Neogene, or both Neo-
that are then made available for assessment gene and Quaternary time frames, thereby
through phylogenetics analyses (Riddle not only covering that portion of Earth his-
and Hafner 2006). Second, much of em- tory trending from generally warmer to
pirical phylogeographic research has been cooler climates over the past few millions
concerned with the reconstruction of past of years (Zachos et al. 2001) but also within
range dynamics, for example, into and out that expanded time frame, requiring atten-
of refugia, which forms an important basis tion to Neogene geological transformations
for trying to predict responses to future cli- (e.g., plateau and mountain uplift, closure
mate change (Sanchez-Ramirez et al. 2015). of the Isthmus of Panama) that are coupled
How relevant has phylogeography been with large-scale climate changes.
within the context of climate change and Even a relatively short interval of time,
biodiversity research? A topics search of the the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, should
Web of Science database on June 12, 2016, not be interpreted as a single event with sta-
using “phylogeograph*” returned 21,036 ble climates before and after. The Younger
citations, confirming the overall popularity Dryas represented an episode of recooling
of this approach; while a search using both following several thousand years of warm-
“phylogeograph*” and “climate change*” ing, starting about 12.9 kya (Renssen et al.
returned 1,131; another using “phylogeo- 2015) and ending about 11.5 kya. Other
graph*” and “biodiversity” returned 1,475; Holocene anomalies include a cooling
and another using “phylogeograph*,” “bio- event 8.2 kya (Morrill and Jacobsen 2005)
diversity,” and “climate change*” yielded and Mid-Holocene “warm period” in the
235 citations. In the same search sequence Northern Hemisphere about 6 kya (Bartlein
as above, if “phylogeograph*” is replaced et al. 2011). Smaller and more recent events
with “comparative phylogeograph*” the such as the Medieval Warm Period of the
numbers returned are 151, 171, and 36, re- ninth to thirteenth centuries and the Little
spectively, indicating a detectable interest in Ice Age of the fifteenth to nineteenth cen-
the topic at a codistributed lineages scale. turies illustrate the point that lineages and
biotas must frequently respond to vari-
able climates, although responses to these
GE O GR A PH IC R E SPONSE S TO smaller and temporally much more recent
PAST C L IM AT E C H A NGE events likely would be different in kind
and at smaller spatial scales and therefore
A large body of phylogeographic work is are not likely to register through a typical
focused temporally on the responses of lin- phylogeographic approach. Rather, land-
eages and biotas to climate change during scape genetics (Epps and Keyghobadi 2015;
Rissler 2016) might become a more useful include, for example, montane habitat is-
framework for measuring response within lands (Toussaint et al. 2013), land-bridge
these more recent time frames and typically islands (Papadopoulou and Knowles 2015),
smaller spatial scales. and deserts (Riddle and Hafner 2006). In-
Frequently, populations and species have deed, the same contact zone investigated in
avoided extinction through changes in geo- detail for western diamondback rattlesnake
graphic distribution that tracked shifting dynamics is also a point of contact for multi-
habitats. Often, this sort of geographic dy- ple arid-adapted species (Riddle 2016), sug-
namic is envisioned as a range contraction gesting a biota-wide pattern of responses to
into a refugial phase (Haffer 1969; Arenas historical climate change with the potential
et al. 2012), followed by range expansion as to elucidate taxonomic, phylogenetic, and
preferred habitats expand within a different ecological attributes contributing to how a
climatic regime (Hewitt 2004; Mona et al. particular lineage has responded in the past
2014). Should an ancestral lineage be sub- (Pyron and Burbrink 2007).
divided into more than a single refuge, the Nevertheless, the most immediate im-
microevolutionary processes of genetic drift pacts from current and future climate
and selection could act as drivers of diver- change likely will occur over shorter time
sification, from the production of genetic frames than generally thought to be neces-
structure among populations to the genera- sary to foster generation of new evolution-
tion of evolutionarily distinct lineages and ary lineages and species. Therefore, it seems
perhaps even new species (Damasceno et appropriate to emphasize the lessons from
al. 2014). Genes may be exchanged again history that focus more directly on impacts
once previously isolated populations come from the redistribution of populations,
into contact at contact zones (if envisioned species, and assemblages of species on the
as happening between multiple taxa, called landscape (range contraction, perhaps into
suture zones; Remington 1968). Contact refugia, and expansion; range shifting).
zones are places that have been investigated Indeed, these sorts of responses have been
for evidence that complete reproductive popular topics for investigation—a topics
isolation was established during refugial search of the Web of Science database on
isolation. For example, Schield et al. (2015) June 28, 2016, using “phylogeograph*,”
used a combination of mtDNA and nDNA “pleistocene,” and “refug*” returned 1,250
RADSeq in the western diamondback rat- studies. A search replacing the first term
tlesnake (Crotalus atrox) to corroborate earlier with “comparative phylogeograph*” re-
findings that populations were historically turned 185 studies, suggesting interest in
isolated into eastern and western popula- the question of whether codistributed lin-
tions long enough to be recognizable as eages respond in a concerted fashion by
distinct mtDNA evolutionary lineages. By sharing refugia (Hewitt 2004), which does
contrast, whereas the nDNA data supported not always occur in a simple way (Stewart
an episode of historical isolation, they dem- et al. 2010; Pelletier et al. 2015).
onstrated ongoing gene flow following sec- Variants of this common theme are pos-
ondary contact. Should such a process of tulated refugial distribution during the Last
refugial isolation or range expansion occur Interglacial (LIG) rather than glacial (LGM)
across multiple glacial-interglacial cycles, stage, predicted by habitat preferences
it has the potential to be Pleistocene “spe- (Stewart et al. 2010; Latinne et al. 2015);
cies pumps,” generators of new biodiversity consequences of microrefugia on popula-
detectable at the level of distinct evolution- tion structure, diversification, and range
ary lineages, an idea that harkens back to dynamics under climate change (Hannah
the tropical forest refugia model of Haffer et al. 2014; Mee et al. 2014); relative dis-
(1969) but was subsequently expanded to tributional stasis during the LGM (Jezkova

et al. 2011); and predictions that stable re- and invertebrates into the western Great Ba-
fugial areas represent genetic diversity sin, United States, from historically late gla-
hotspots, perhaps worthy of focal attention cial “stable” (or refugial) populations to the
as high-priority conservation management south in the Mojave Desert. They contrasted
areas (Wood et al. 2013). Most of the recent mtDNA and RADseq sequencing to produce
such studies employ a species distribution nDNA SNP data sets for two codistributed
modeling (SDM) procedure to create an kangaroo rat species, one a sand substrate
independent model of predicted range dy- specialist with patchy distributions (Dipodo-
namics that is then available for evaluation mys deserti) and the other a substrate gener-
through phylogeographic analysis. For ex- alist with more connected populations (D.
ample, Pelletier et al. (2015) used hindcast merriami). On the basis of well-established
models of predicted species distribution at models that predicted that there would be
21 kya in three congeneric species of sala- a loss of genetic diversity in recently ex-
mander from northwestern North America panded populations (Hewitt 2004), with
to support an inference that the geographic loss more extreme in D. deserti due to smaller
range of only one of the three species likely effective populations with less gene flow
contracted into multiple glacial-age refugia, between them. First, SDM modeling sup-
driving evolution of distinct lineages detect- ported the prediction that the ranges of
able genetically among extant populations. both species were contracted into a south-
Scaling up of such studies could be used at a ern (Mojave Desert) distribution during the
codistributed species scale to identify range LGM (perhaps not surprising given that
dynamics associated with putative biodi- much of their expanded ranges were part
versity hotspots. of a large Pleistocene lake at that time). Sec-
A generalized consensus on historical ond, the more rapid and extreme loss of ge-
distributional responses to climate change netic diversity in the substrate specialist was
has not appeared, but it is entirely possible confirmed for mtDNA. Third, loss of nDNA
that each “system” (e.g., lineage or codis- variation mirrored mtDNA qualitatively but
tributed lineages, biome, landscape, biogeo- was quantitatively not as extreme, perhaps
graphic region) requires independent eval- because either effective population sizes of
uation to establish a baseline for predicting organelle DNA are smaller or because of
future distributional responses. Neverthe- sex-biased dispersal. Thus, organelle DNA
less, refined analytical tools are demonstrat- may be a more sensitive marker recording
ing promise in the ongoing growth of ap- range expansions out of Pleistocene refugia,
proaches to modeling the historical ranges but it may not accurately reflect adaptive
of intraspecific populations and locations of niche evolution in the nuclear genome.
refugia (Rosauer et al. 2015).
In what ways does ecology matter in
determining a particular response to past N IC H E E VOLU T ION U N DE R
climate change and in explaining idiosyn- C L I M AT E C H A NGE
cratic responses to the same underlying
climatic transitions? Angert and Schemske Do niches evolve as populations and spe-
(2005) addressed this question experimen- cies respond to climate change? Tradition-
tally with reciprocal transplants of two ally, biogeographers and evolutionary bi-
species of monkey flower (Mimulus cardinalis ologists have framed this question through
and M. lewisii) and presented evidence for re- the dichotomy of “stay at home and evolve
duced fitness in each species at range mar- new niches” or “move and retain niches”
gins. Jezkova et al. (2015) took advantage of as habitats shift across space (Weeks et al.
a postulated post-LGM route of northward 2014). Further, much thinking about cli-
range expansion of arid-adapted vertebrates matically driven niche evolution has fo-
cused on an interspecific or higher taxon and respiratory conditions along elevation
scale, often at time frames deeper than gradients (Lemay et al. 2013).
the latest Pleistocene to Holocene shifts
(Cooney et al. 2016). However, of greater
relevance to the issue of responses to ongo- R E SPONSE S TO CON T E M POR A RY
ing and future climate change would be a C L I M AT E C H A NGE
focus on niche evolution, or stasis, as in-
traspecific populations shift distributions Climate change during the Anthropocene
(Wüest et al. 2015; Lancaster et al. 2016). A is the broad time frame of focal interest
relevant question here is this: how rapidly in attempting to predict consequences of
might we expect populations to undergo human-mediated activities for biodiversity.
adaptive evolutionary responses to newly Yet developing an empirical context for the
encountered climatic regimes, whether role of contemporary landscapes on genetic
they stay at home or move? Modeling can structure within and between populations
contribute to establishing a theoretical can be challenging owing to the inherent
framework, exploring parameters includ- lag between the time of a relatively recent
ing landscape structure (smooth gradient but historical change in landscape con-
vs. patchy), genetic architecture (many loci figuration—either through climate change
with small phenotypic effect vs. few with alone or with some combination of physi-
large effect), average dispersal distances, cal habitat alteration. Given the recency of
and interactions among all these variables many of these changes, extant measures of
(Schiffers et al. 2014). genetic diversity across a landscape may not
Empirical evidence will continue to reflect current configurations but rather re-
come from genomic studies that can iden- tain a time-lag signature of past conditions.
tify genes under selection, but if focused on One important emphasis in the ongoing
the last major glacial (LGM) to interglacial development of a landscape genetics that
transition, we may not expect to have suf- has relevance for conservation management
ficient resolution in traditional Sanger DNA (Keller et al. 2015) is the development of
sequencing techniques to be able to find ways to sort historical from contemporary
that gene or suite of genes driven to muta- influences on genetic structure and gene
tion and fixation of new genotypes under flow, and the building of a cross-referenc-
selection across such a short time frame. ing conceptual and analytical environment
New opportunities arise, however, through between phylogeography and landscape ge-
the use of NGS approaches as applied to netics will be important for doing so (Epps
both DNA and RNA (transcriptome) as- and Keyghobadi 2015; Rissler 2016).
sessments of genome evolution (Brewer et As landscape genetics progresses into an
al. 2014). Focusing on a phylogeographic NGS genomics framework, opportunities
context, larger amounts of genome-wide to investigate more explicitly the relation-
data than provided through popular sub- ship between adaptive evolution and local
sampling procedures such as RADSeq might selection regimes should increase. Sork et
be required to detect selection in natural al. (2016) summarize work on climate-as-
populations, particularly if linkage disequi- sociated candidate genes in the California
librium is low (Edwards et al. 2015). One endemic oak Quercus lobata, including those
such study identified SNPs from transcrip- associated with bud burst and flowering,
tome data and the mtDNA NADH gene in growth, osmotic stress, and temperature
the American pika (Ochotona princeps), a focal stress; 10 out of 40 candidate genes indi-
taxon for investigating the effects of climate cated spatially divergent selection. Exten-
change in western North America, suggest- sions of this work should include much
ing local adaptation to different thermal larger samples of SNPs drawn from NGS

approaches to sampling the genome (Sork the elevation ranges of Mimulus cardinalis and M. lewisii.”
et al. 2016). Evolution 59 (8): 1671–1684.
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gree of accuracy can inferences about his- 113 (29): 7957–7961.
torical and contemporary responses to cli- Barrowclough, George F., and Robert M. Zink. 2009.
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veloped capacity to decipher genetic sig- A. Henderson, O. Peyron, I. C. Prentice, M. Scholze,
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Climate Change and Salmon Populations

Donald J. Noakes

Natural populations of salmon (Oncorhychus and Salmo) are widely distributed throughout the
Northern Hemisphere. In addition to their ecological, social, and cultural importance, a
number of Atlantic and Pacific salmon stocks support significant commercial, recreational,
and Aboriginal (First Nation) fisheries. Consequently, reasonable long-term records of catch
or abundance exist for many salmon populations, and these provide convincing evidence
that most populations have fluctuated between periods of high and low abundance for hun-
dreds and perhaps thousands of years. Although some geographic differences are evident,
the widespread synchronous changes in salmon abundance between periods of low and
high productivity appear to be closely associated with regional or global changes in climate
(Noakes and Beamish 2011). However, each species has exhibited distinct responses to cli-
mate change, with some species thriving while others struggle to survive and avoid extinc-
tion within the same climate regime. This apparent paradox highlights the unique nature
of salmon, as they are available in almost unlimited numbers through aquaculture or via
hatchery production while at the same time listed as an endangered species within the same
geographic region or even within the same river system. The current state of global warm-
ing is no different, with some species and stocks of salmon in the North Pacific exhibiting
very high abundance and other stocks threatened with extinction.

Salmon are anadromous, so climate productivity or sea surface temperature as

change could affect survival and/or growth a measure of ocean warming (Noakes and
or other factors (biological or ecological) in Beamish 2011). Regionally, the various cli-
either the freshwater or the marine stages of mate indexes tend to be significantly cor-
their life cycle. While large-scale hatchery related, but the correlation is less between
programs for many species of salmon have the Atlantic and the Pacific. In the Pacific,
made it more difficult to assess and quan- regime shifts (changes in the climate and
tify the effects of climate change on salmon associated changes in salmon abundance)
populations, there is convincing evidence were identified in 1925, 1947, 1977, 1989,
that climate change has affected both wild and 2000. Similar regime shifts are evident
and hatchery salmon (Noakes and Beamish in the Atlantic about 1925 and 1977, as well
2011). Hatchery programs have also caused as a change in the late 1980s or early 1990s.
unanticipated consequences, both bio- These regime shifts represent changes in the
logical and ecological, and the additional physical environment in which the salmon
complexity associated with climate change live, and although the direction (positive
means that more risk-averse approaches to or negative) of the change is suggestive of
salmon management and conservation will how salmon populations will respond, the
be required to address the goals, objectives, magnitude of the environmental change is
and expectations of various competing user not necessarily proportional to the change
groups and stakeholders. observed in salmon abundance or survival.
A number of regional indexes have been The six commercial species of salmon
developed to examine the impact of cli- are all anadromous, and each species has
mate change on salmon. Typically, these
involve either sea-level pressure as an in- Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.
dex of ocean mixing and/or upwelling ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


been affected differently by climate change. could influence production for these spe-
Pink (O. gorbuscha) and chum (O. keta) salmon cies, the large number of hatchery fish pro-
spend relatively little time in freshwater, duced and released for these species should
and wild populations of each are heavily (and is argued or assumed to) compensate
supplemented by extensive hatchery pro- for any such losses. There is some evidence
grams throughout the Pacific. Coho (O. to support a decrease in marine survival for
kisutch), Chinook (O. tshawytscha), and Atlantic these species as the reason for their decline
(S. salar) typically spend two or more years in abundance, although factors associated
in their natal rivers or streams (or hatch- with the fitness and survival of hatchery-
ery) before migrating to the ocean, where produced fish may also contribute to the
they will rear for another year or more be- observed decline.
fore returning to spawn. Sockeye (O. nerka)
typically spend two years in rearing lakes
or streams before migrating to sea to live DISC US SION
for another two years. While spawning
channels are occasionally used to enhance Some salmon species and populations (par-
sockeye production, there are very few ticularly more northerly stocks) have thrived
hatcheries releasing artificially reared sock- as a result of the recent changes in climate.
eye, which is a significant difference from
the other commercially harvested salmon
species. Figure CS2.1. All-nation abundance of sockeye, pink, and
There are many factors affecting the sur- chum salmon in the North Pacific recent catches are
nearly 1 million tons. Prefishery abundance of North
vival and growth of salmon. A substantial American 2SW (sea winter) Atlantic salmon (solid
increase in Pacific salmon production oc- line) and Chinook salmon catches in the Strait of Geor-
curred in 1977, coincident with a shift in gia, British Columbia. Atlantic salmon abundance and
regional climate indexes reflective of higher Strait of Georgia Chinook salmon catches have each de-
productivity (Figure CS2.1). The increase creased from several hundred thousand fish in the late
1970s to about 100,000 and 25,000 fish, respectively,
was especially apparent for pink and chum in 2013. Sources: ICES (2007) Report of the Working
salmon, although some of the increase Group on North Atlantic Salmon (WGNAS), 11–20 April
could be attributed to large-scale enhance- 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark. ICES CM 2007/ACFM-13,
ment efforts for these species. The increase 378p and the Pacific Salmon Commission (2014) Joint
for sockeye was more modest, with larger Chinook Technical Committee Annual Report of Catch
and Escapement for 2013, TCCHINOOK (14)-2: 239p.
increases in production associated with North  Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission, http://
more northerly stocks. Production for these (Courtesy
three species has remained at high levels of Donald Noakes.)
(nearly 1 million tons) since 1977 (per-
haps due to hatchery production for pink
and chum), although sockeye salmon pro-
duction has decreased since the early 1990s
(Figure CS2.1). The same is not true for
Atlantic, Chinook, and Coho salmon. The
abundance (and/or survival) of Atlantic and
Chinook has declined almost steadily since
the late 1970s, from about 900,000 Atlan-
tic and 700,000 Chinook to about 100,000
Atlantic and 25,000 Chinook salmon (Fig-
ure CS2.1), despite very significant salmon
enhancement efforts, including the use
of hatchery fish. While freshwater factors
Others have undergone very significant important species worthy of protection for
declines and remain at low levels of abun- future generations.
dance. With our limited understanding of
complex ecosystem-level changes, a more
careful approach to fisheries management R E FE R E NCE
and conservation will be required in the
future. There is a higher public expectation Noakes, Donald J., and Richard J. Beamish. 2011. “Shift-
ing the balance: Towards sustainable salmon popula-
with respect to salmon, because important
tions and fisheries of the future.” In Sustainable Fisheries:
stocks are often located in close proxim- Multi-Level Approaches to a Global Problem, ed. W. W. Taylor,
ity to large population centers. Salmon are A. J. Lynch, and M. G. Schechter, 23–50. Bethesda,
an iconic and ecological and economically MD: American Fisheries Society.

Rapid Broad- Biodiversity contributes to and depends

on ecosystem structure and associated
Scale Ecosystem function. Ecosystem structure, such as
the amount and type of tree cover, influ-
Changes and Their ences fundamental abiotic variables such
as near-ground incoming solar radiation
Consequences for (e.g., Royer et al. 2011; Villegas et al. 2017),
which in turn affects species and associated
Biodiversity biodiversity (e.g., Trotter et al. 2008). In
many systems, foundational, dominant, or
DAVID D. BRE SHEARS, JASON P. FIELD, keystone species (or species groups) are im-
DARIN J. LAW, JUAN C. VILLEGAS, portant in determining biodiversity, often
CR AIG D. ALLEN, NEIL S. COBB, AND because of their role in determining ecosys-
JOHN B. BR ADFOR D tem structure. At spatial scales ranging from
ecosystems to regions and larger, structural
characteristics of vegetation or other struc-
turally dominant organisms such as corals
can influence species diversity, whether
focused on alpha diversity (mean species
diversity at the habitat level), beta diversity
(differentiation among habitats), or gamma
diversity (total species diversity across a
landscape; Whittaker 1960).
Climate change is already fundamen-
tally altering ecosystems at broad scales,
and these changes are projected to increase
(IPCC 2014). Such ecosystem changes
can occur rapidly in response to extreme
events such as droughts, floods, and hur-
ricanes (IPCC 2012). Consequently, rapid
broad-scale changes in ecosystems are of
increasing concern. Several rapid ecologi-
cal changes have occurred at spatial scales
that are sufficiently broad to represent bi-
ome changes (Gonzalez et al. 2010, Settele
et al. 2014; Figure 7.1). Rapid broad-scale
changes differ from other patterns of veg-
etation dynamics in that they result in a
“crash” in one or more populations (Bres-
hears et al. 2008) over large areas of the

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

affected region. Rapid broad-scale changes cate that up to one-half of the global land
triggered by climate can include megafires, area could be highly vulnerable to biome
drought-triggered tree die-off, and associ- change (Gonzalez et al. 2010; Settele et al.
ated pest and pathogen outbreaks (Logan 2014). Projected vegetation changes suggest
et al. 2003; Breshears et al. 2005; Safranyik the following: the temperate mixed forest
et al. 2007; Berner et al. 2017), and hurri- biome and the boreal conifer forest biome
canes and wind-throw events (IPCC 2012, show the highest vulnerability as a fraction
2014). These rapid broad-scale changes can of total biome area; the tundra and alpine
rapidly alter other factors such as microcli- biome and the boreal conifer forest biome
mate (Royer et al. 2011; Villegas et al. 2017; are most vulnerable in total land area; and
Zemp et al. 2017), which in turn can af- tropical evergreen broadleaf forest and des-
fect numerous other species and associated ert biomes show the lowest vulnerability in
biodiversity. Many examples of broad-scale most cases (Gonzalez et al. 2010).
changes are documented in the paleoecol- Many types of rapid broad-scale changes
ogy literature (Settele et al. 2014), although of sufficient magnitude to affect biome
the temporal resolution at which those boundaries have already occurred recently
events can be resolved is relatively coarse across the globe (Figure 7.1; Gonzalez et
(often centuries or longer). Contemporary al. 2010; Settele et al. 2014). For terres-
events have highlighted that broad-scale trial ecosystems, the combined effects of
changes can occur rapidly (years or less; drought and heat and their associated ef-
Figure 7.1; see Breshears et al. 2005, Gonza- fects on pests and pathogens (e.g., Logan
lez et al. 2010; Stephens et al. 2014; Settele et et al. 2003) have resulted in some of the
al. 2014; Hartmann et al. 2018). These rapid most pronounced broad-scale ecosystem
broad-scale changes will have important changes. Regional drought, which periodi-
consequences for biodiversity beyond the cally affects most systems, under the hotter
more commonly considered direct impacts conditions associated with climate change
of climate change (e.g., species physiology, (together referred to as “global-change-type
phenology, and distribution; see Chapters drought” [Breshears et al. 2005] or more
1, 3, and 4) or indirect effects, by which simply “hotter drought” [Allen et al. 2015]),
changes in one species can also affect other can result in increased plant water stress
species (Cahill et al. 2013) up to the point that leads to widespread mortality, par-
of causing species coextinctions (Koh et al. ticularly for trees (Allen et al. 2010; Figure
2004). The focus of this chapter is to alert 7.1). The time to mortality during drought
readers to recent and projected rapid eco- for tree species continues to increase with
system changes that are expected to have temperature, with lethal drought events be-
potential consequences for biodiversity at coming ever more frequent (Adams et al.
ecosystem, landscape, and regional scales. 2017). Increased water stress in trees, espe-
cially in dominant and codominant species,
can result in greater vulnerability to mega-
E X A M PL E SYST E MS W IT H fires (Millar and Stephenson 2015), as well
V U L N E R A BIL IT Y TO R A PI D BROA D - as increasing probability of pest and patho-
SC A L E C H A NGE gen outbreaks (e.g., bark beetles; Logan et
al. 2003) and of mortality directly from the
Climate change is already shifting the dis- drought itself (Breshears et al. 2005; Allen
tribution of biomes across elevations and et al. 2015). Such regional-scale droughts
latitudes throughout the world, especially are of particular concern in the Amazon,
in temperate, tropical, and boreal areas where tree die-off and fire feedbacks, if
(IPCC 2014). Predicted changes in climate sufficient in magnitude, could have pro-
and modeled vegetation projections indi- found impacts on biodiversity (Brando et

Figure 7.1. Climate-driven projected changes in vegeta- fog-belt locations and characteristics, put-
tion often are represented as maps of spatial change (A, ting fog-dependent species at risk and leav-
B). Implicit and potentially overlooked in such presen-
tations is the underlying widespread tree mortality (C,
ing them with limited migration options
D) that necessarily would occur with many such pro- (Foster 2001). Warming is altering funda-
jected changes to produce biome-level shifts in vegeta- mental structural characteristics in boreal
tion. Left panels of projected vegetation shifts are from and tundra systems, where loss of perma-
Gonzalez et al. (2010), using the MC1 dynamic global frost changes ecosystem structure (Settele
vegetation model. (A) Modeled potential vegetation un-
der observed 1961–1990 climate. (B) Modeled potential
et al. 2014). Presented here are examples of
vegetation under projected 2071–2100 climate, where systems that are vulnerable to rapid broad-
any of nine climate scenario combinations of general scale changes triggered by climate change.
circulation model and emissions pathway drives pro-
jected vegetation change. Displayed biomes, in panels A
and B, from poles to equator: ice (IC), tundra and al- Evergreen Temperate, Semiarid,
pine (UA), boreal conifer forest (BC), temperate conifer Coniferous Woodlands
forest (TC), temperate broadleaf forest (TB), temperate
mixed forest (TM), temperate shrubland (TS), temper- Piñon pine (Pinus edulis) mortality occurred
ate grassland (TG), desert (DE), tropical grassland (RG), across the US Southwest in response to a
tropical woodland (RW), tropical deciduous broadleaf
forest (RD), tropical evergreen broadleaf forest (RE).
hot drought and concomitant bark beetle
Right panel photographs show (C) Pinus edulis mortality (Ips confusus) outbreaks at the start of the
under way in a southwestern US woodland (October millennium (2002–2004; Breshears et al.
2002), and (D) the same view after dead P. edulis trees 2005; Figure 7.1 and Plate 3). Piñon pine
have dropped needles but trunks remain standing (May is a foundational species that provides re-
2004). (Photos by C. D. Allen from Breshears et al. 2009.)
sources either directly or indirectly to a di-
verse set of individual species, populations,
al. 2014). Megafires—crown fires at scales and communities (e.g., Trotter et al. 2008).
unprecedented historically (and perhaps Biodiversity at multiple scales is likely to be
largely unprecedented prehistorically)— greatly reduced in conjunction with major
can kill trees within hours to days and reductions in such foundational species. Ex-
can drastically alter landscape structure at periments with potted plants in glasshouses
broad scales (Stephens et al. 2014). In up- or in the field with in situ plants, as well
land tropical systems where biodiversity as correlations between climate conditions
is still high, warming climate can change and tree mortality, all highlight the vul-
nerability of piñon pine to warmer tem- less susceptible to beetle invasion (Kula-
perature and associated increases in vapor kowski et al. 2012) and in which stands ex-
pressure deficit during drought (Allen et al. periencing substantial mortality due to bee-
2015). Even though piñon-juniper (Juniperus tles are less likely to experience crown fires
monosperma) woodlands can have a relatively (Simard et al. 2010). However, although pa-
sparse amount of tree cover premortality, leoecological evidence suggests disturbance
loss of just one of the two codominant tree influences lodgepole pine ranges, patterns
species is sufficient to greatly alter site mi- of moisture availability also play a key role
croclimate (Royer et al. 2011). Piñon mor- (Minckley et al. 2011) and are likely to shift
tality across the southwestern United States in response to climate change (Bradford et
in 2002 led to conversion of piñon-juniper al. 2014).
woodland to a juniper woodland savanna
(Clifford et al. 2011), and for the 12 years
Boreal-Tundra Ecosystems
after that mortality event, piñon recruit-
ment has been low enough to suggest that Boreal and tundra ecosystems are vast, and
the woodland vegetation could be replaced although their biodiversity can be relatively
by savanna or grassland vegetation (Red- low, they are potentially vulnerable to rapid
mond et al. 2015). broad-scale changes triggered by climate.
Climate models predict that boreal and tun-
dra ecosystems will change dramatically
Evergreen Temperate, Coniferous,
and rapidly as temperatures rise via changes
Montane Forests
in permafrost thaw rates, increased fire fre-
A mountain pine beetle outbreak, which quency, and increased shrub cover (IPCC
began in the mid-1990s, caused widespread 2012, 2014). Interactions among permafrost
mortality in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) thaw, wildfires, and shrub expansion are
stands throughout the western United States expected to collectively trigger rapid broad-
and Canada (Raffa et al. 2008). Lodgepole scale changes (Figure 7.2; Settele et al. 2014).
pine, which is broadly distributed in west- Reductions in biodiversity are expected in
ern North America from the Yukon Ter- at least some cases for tundra (Callaghan,
ritory to Baja, California (Safranyik et al. Tweedie, et al. 2011). For example, warmer
2007), is a classic fire-dependent species temperatures on Disko Island, Central West
with high levels of cone serotiny (Minck- Greenland were associated with net species
ley et al. 2011). Mountain pine beetles (Den- loss at a fell-field, even though warmer tem-
droctonus ponderosae) are a well-recognized and peratures had little effect on species losses
pervasive disturbance agent in lodgepole and gains in a nearby herb-slope commu-
pine forests (Safranyik et al. 2007). The nity (Callaghan, Christensen, et al. 2011).
mid-1990s outbreak appears to be unprec- Boreal species diversity increased in Yukon,
edented over at least the past century (Raffa Canada during a 42-year period over which
et al. 2008), likely due to unusually hot and temperatures increased by 2°C (Danby et al.
dry conditions that induce stress in the host 2011), highlighting the potential for rapid
trees, similar to the stress driving change changes as temperatures continue to warm.
in piñon-juniper woodlands (Allen et al. Mosses and lichens may be replaced by
2015). The severity of the recent outbreak vascular plants and their litter (Callaghan,
may have also been influenced by abnor- Tweedie, et al. 2011), although some stud-
mally high and extensive host abundance, ies suggest they may not respond to warm-
possibly as a result of several decades of fire ing and under some conditions bryophyte
suppression (Raffa et al. 2008). Fire and in- biomass could actually increase (Hudson
sect outbreaks can drive negative feedbacks and Henry 2009). Projected climate change
in which young, recently burned stands are scenarios raise concern that transitions in

Figure 7.2. Tundra-boreal biome shift. Earth-system mod- lated to climate and global change, such as
els predict a northward shift of Arctic vegetation with drought, fire, and land use (Brando et al.
climate warming, as the boreal biome migrates into what
is currently tundra. Observations of shrub expansion in
2014). Experimental results indicate that
tundra, increased tree growth at the tundra-forest tran- the interaction between drought and fire
sition, and tree mortality at the southern extent of the could lead to a near-future dieback of the
boreal forest in recent decades are consistent with model Amazon Region forest, with associated bio-
projections. Vegetation changes associated with a biome diversity loss in one of the most species-
shift, which is facilitated by intensification of the fire re-
gime, will modify surface energy budgets, and net eco-
rich areas on the planet (see Case Study 6,
system carbon balance, permafrost thawing, and meth- Figure CS6.1). Hot droughts in association
ane emissions, with net feedbacks to additional climate with human-caused fires are predicted to
change. (Figure 4-10 and figure 4-8 from IPCC 2014.) significantly reduce Amazon forest area in
this century (Bush et al. 2008), possibly
boreal-tundra ecosystems and decline in even in coming decades (Settele et al. 2014).
their associated biodiversity will accelerate Projected changes to climate are expected
as conditions continue to warm, potentially to exacerbate forests already degraded by
triggering changes even more rapidly than land-use change, which has already had a
have occurred to date (Settele et al. 2014). significant impact on biodiversity. These
changes include grasses replacing woody
plants and potentially a rapid transition to a
Lowland Tropical Forests—The
savanna state that supports significantly less
Amazon Region
species (Silvério et al. 2013). Feedbacks be-
Large areas of wet tropical forests, includ- tween vegetation and the atmosphere sug-
ing the Amazon Region, have undergone gest frequent extreme drought events could
significant changes linked to processes re- potentially destabilize significant parts of
forest in the Amazon region (Zemp et al. climate conditions, or “climate velocity,”
2017). in rates of reproduction, dispersal area, and
establishment to take advantage of transient
windows of suitable habitat (IPCC 2014; Fig-
Tropical Montane Ecosystems
ure 7.3). Tracking climate velocity depends
Tropical montane ecosystems are uniquely on reproduction, dispersal, germination,
diverse, containing extremes in topogra- and/or establishment rates, which them-
phy with pronounced climatic gradients selves depend on species-specific character-
(Bruijnzeel 2004). Steep climatic gradients istics such as generation intervals and seed
in tropical montane ecosystems typically size. Many plant species and communities
constrain species distribution; numerous are unlikely to be able to track the climate
species occur within relatively narrow al- velocity (Settele et al. 2014), particularly, for
titudinal bands. Sensitive to small changes example, in flatter—rather than steeper—
in climate, tropical montane ecosystems are terrains, where the dispersal rate needed to
prone to rapid broad-scale changes. Spe- track changes in climate is higher than ex-
cies within narrow elevational bands are pected for many species. Gradients in eleva-
vulnerable to changes in land use that in- tion (mountains) have been used as a proxy
clude transformation of natural ecosystems for expected changes over long latitudinal
into, for example, agricultural lands. These distances of flat terrain (Jump et al. 2009;
changes can lead to shifts in species distri- Settele et al. 2014), although larger distances
butions, constrain migration, and exacer- make this proxy problematic (Jump et al.
bate biodiversity loss (Magrin et al. 2014). 2009).
For example, many species thrive in cloud The impacts on biodiversity are poten-
forests, depend on fog interception, and are tially greater when ecosystem changes are
particularly vulnerable to climate change. broad scale because species’ abilities to track
Permanent or seasonal contact with fog is climate can be overwhelmed. Consequently,
necessary for survival, and small changes in rapid broad-scale ecosystem changes re-
temperature can dramatically alter humid- quire consideration of not only local im-
ity, fog, and cloud density threatening sur- pacts of climate change but also broad-scale
vival (Villegas et al. 2008). Consequently, impacts across a region. The consequences
climate change and related disturbances to biodiversity and associated ecosystem
to hydroclimatic variables that determine services also depend on how patchy the
the presence of fog can have significant remnant areas of an impacted ecosystem
implications for biodiversity in these sys- are in response to changing climate (López-
tems (Bruijnzeel 2004); and consequently, Hoffman et al. 2013). Additionally, biodi-
increased rates of species extinction are ex- versity in one region could potentially be
pected (Magrin et al. 2014). affected by broad-scale ecosystem changes
in another, nonadjacent region through
“ecoclimatic teleconnections,” whereby lo-
I NSIGH TS , R E SE A RC H N E E DS , A N D cal vegetation change in one location, such
M A NAGE M E N T C H A L L E NGE S as drought-induced tree die-off, results in
climatic effects not only locally but also as
Of the many ways in which climate change transmitted through atmospheric circula-
can and will have an impact on biodiversity, tion, potentially affecting vegetation else-
rapid, broad-scale changes in ecosystems where (Garcia et al. 2016; Stark et al. 2016;
pose a particular challenge as to whether Swann et al. 2018). The scope of types of
species can track changes in climate. Spe- impacts also needs to be expanded when
cies that cannot adapt to local changes will considering the biodiversity consequences
be required to track the pace of changing of rapid broad-scale changes in ecosystems.

Figure 7.3. Maximum speeds at which species can move some cases to avoid substantial loss of spe-
across landscapes (based on observations and models; cies and ecosystem services at broad scales
vertical axis on left), compared with speeds at which
(Settele et al. 2014; Allen et al. 2015; Mil-
temperatures are projected to move across landscapes
(climate velocities for temperature; vertical axis on lar and Stephenson 2015). Management
right). Human interventions, such as transport or habitat actions, such as assisted migration, can in-
fragmentation, can greatly increase or decrease speeds of crease the inherent capacity of ecosystems
movement. White boxes with black bars indicate ranges and their constituent organisms to adapt to
and medians of maximum movement speeds for trees,
a different climate and can reduce the risk
plants, mammals, plant-feeding insects (median not es-
timated), and freshwater mollusks. For RCP2.6, 4.5, 6.0, of local extinctions and undesirable im-
and 8.5 for 2050–2090, horizontal lines show climate pacts on ecosystem function (Settele et al.
velocity for the global-land-area average and for large 2014). In many cases, species will have to
flat regions. Species with maximum speeds below each migrate across unfavorable habitats to reach
line are expected to be unable to track warming in the
suitable climates or areas of lower land-use
absence of human intervention. (Figure SPM from IPCC
2014.) pressure, including protected areas (IPCC
2014). When habitat fragmentation affects
When species groups that greatly influ- the migration of key species or when the
ence ecosystem structure are negatively af- rate of climate change is faster than natural
fected, other factors such as consequences migration rates, management actions such
of changing microclimate must be consid- as assisted migration may increase the abil-
ered in addition to the direct impacts of a ity of the system to maintain its structure
climate event or trend. and function by tolerating such changes
Management of biodiversity will be (Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2008). Manage-
challenged given that the capacity for ment actions for assisted migration include
ecosystems to adapt to the projected rates maintaining or improving existing habitat,
and magnitudes of climate change in the maintaining or improving migration corri-
twenty-first century may be insufficient in dors, and directly translocating species or
genetically distinct populations within a sequoias (Sequoiadendron gigantean) in western
species (Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2008). Key- US national parks might become a prior-
stone species such as pollinators and other ity under extreme drought even though
dominant species such as trees are impor- current land management practices would
tant to manage under changing climate to generally preclude that option (Grant et al.
preserve biodiversity and to maintain the 2013). In conclusion, land managers and
provision of ecosystem services (Zarnetske policy makers should consider the suite of
et al. 2012). Climate change will present potential impacts on biodiversity and asso-
many natural resource management chal- ciated ecosystem services, rather than single
lenges that will require land managers and species-by-species cases, when attempting
policy makers to work together to combat to preserve biodiversity and maintain the
the impacts of a changing climate on eco- provision of ecosystem services, especially
system function and biodiversity. under rapid broad-scale climate-driven
The ability to anticipate, predict, and changes that have already begun to occur
manage biodiversity under rapid broad- and are expected to increase in the future.
scale ecological change overlaps with more
general considerations about biodiversity
responses to climate change and requires ACK NOWLE DGME NTS
considering the following. First, there is
need for greater recognition of the risks of This publication was supported by the Na-
rapid broad-scale change and their associ- tional Science Foundation through Mac-
ated consequences. For example, western rosystems Biology (NSF EF-1340624, EF-
US forests were generally not viewed as 1550756 and EF-1550756) and Critical Zone
highly vulnerable in the early 1990s, but Observatories (Santa Catalina Mountains
within the past two decades have under- and Jemez River Basin; NSF EAR-1331408),
gone enormous broad-scale rapid change Philecology Foundation, Fort Worth for Bio-
through forest die-off and wildfire (Allen et sphere 2, Arizona Agricultural Experiment
al. 2015). Second, an improved understand- Station, the U.S. Geological Survey’s Eco-
ing is needed of the secondary impacts of systems and Climate and Land Use Change
broad-scale ecosystem change, such as for- mission areas, through the USGS Western
est die-off effects on microclimate change Mountain Initiative project; and Colciencias
being propagated elsewhere through eco- (Programa de investigación en gestión del
climatic teleconnections (Garcia et al. 2016; riesgo asociado a cambio climático y am-
Stark et al. 2016; Swann et al. 2018). Third, biental en cuencas hidrográficas—convoca-
to account for these impacts, conservation toria 543/2011). Any use of trade, product,
strategies are needed that allow for “bet or firm names is for descriptive purposes
hedging” for protected areas (Davison et only and does not imply endorsement by
al. 2011). Fourth, improved methods of the U.S. Government.
assessing broad-scale change are needed
during early stages to enable feasible rapid
responses (Hartmann et al. 2018). Fifth, R E FE R E NCE S
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Synthesis of Biology, Management, and Impacts on Lodgepole Pine, Breshears. 2008. “Fog interception by non-vascular
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ence 336 (6088): 1516–1518. Nature Communications 8: 14681.

Rapidly Diverging Population Trends of Adélie Penguins Reveal Limits to a Flexible

Species’ Adaptability to Anthropogenic Climate Change
Grant Ballard and David Ainley

Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) thrive in some of the most dramatically variable habitats
and weather on Earth. They spend much of their life at sea, more than 40 m underwater,
often under sea ice, where they find their food. They also spend roughly 3 months per
year mostly on land, living in dense colonies for breeding. They regularly contend with the
transition between open and frozen ocean, and with terrain alternately blanketed in snow
and ice, then swept clear by high winds. Adélie penguins are one of only a handful of spe-
cies to be able to survive extended periods in subzero air temperatures, out of the relatively
warm water that harbors most of the biodiversity to be found at the highest latitudes of the
Southern Ocean. They require both ice-free terrain to nest and nearby open water to forage.
The combination of these two things is rare in Antarctica, but where they are found, so, too,
are Adélies.

Over the past 12 million–15 million the Antarctic Peninsula region. This change
years, Adélie penguins have contended with in persistence coincides with dramatic re-
a wide range of climates and consequent ductions in the overall extent of sea ice in
impacts to their habitat. Ice sheets have re- both those regions. The opposite is true in
peatedly expanded and retreated hundreds East Antarctica and in the Ross Sea region,
of kilometers, destroying or creating nesting where the sea-ice season has extended by
habitat, and Adélie populations have grown two months over the same period. These
and shrunk corresponding to interglacial and changes are among the largest phenological
glacial periods, respectively (Li et al. 2014). shifts so far associated with anthropogenic
The comings and goings of Adélies through climate change, and along with warming
geologic time, as determined by dating sub- temperatures and increasing precipitation,
fossil bones, have been used to validate the they have profound implications for sea-ice
dates of ice-sheet advances and retreats. A ecosystems (Sailley et al. 2013). In response,
warm period 2,000–4,000 years BP is even breeding populations of Adélie penguins
known as the “penguin optimum” for the are retreating southward from much of the
widespread extent of ancient penguin colo- Antarctic Peninsula—a place continuously
nies found from this time period—includ- occupied by Adélies for 500–800 years
ing places where they have not yet reoccu- (Emslie 2001)—but they are slowly increas-
pied (Baroni and Orombelli 1997). ing as sea ice loosens farther south in that
As a result of recent and ongoing region (Lynch et al. 2012). Concomitantly,
changes in climate and sea ice, Adélies are Adélie populations in the southern Ross Sea
now encountering changes of magnitudes are expanding rapidly (Lyver et al. 2014; see
previously inferred from the geologic and Plate 5), in some cases exploiting nesting
genetic record, but at a faster pace. Be- habitat recently exposed by retreating ice
tween 1979 and 2010, the period of time sheets (LaRue et al. 2013).
during which the sea-ice field in Antarc-
tica expands, known as the sea-ice season
(Stammerjohn et al. 2012; see Plate 5), has Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.
declined by 3 months in the Arctic and in ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


The mechanisms driving these changes have sufficient time to raise young, given
also relate to the specific adaptations of the short breeding season of high-latitude
Adélie penguins to the sea-ice environment. ecosystems. In this way, Adélies are caught
During summer months, the presence of 6 between astronomically imposed limits and
percent–15 percent sea-ice cover is optimal; anthropogenic climate change.
more or less ice and foraging trips grow lon- The diverging Adélie penguin popula-
ger, with less food delivered to chicks (Bal- tion trends described here are projected to
lard, Dugger, et al. 2010). The sea ice itself continue during the next few decades, af-
is a substrate for diatom growth and subse- ter which sea ice, as warming reaches 2°C
quent grazing by krill and copepods, which above preindustrial levels, is predicted to
in turn are food for small fish (especially decrease everywhere in the Southern Ocean
sea-ice-dwelling silverfish—Pleuragramma (Ainley et al. 2010). With the retreat of sea
antarcticum) and penguins. Silverfish are also ice, Adélie penguins and the other three
major prey for Adélie penguins, particularly truly ice-obligate seabird species (Antarctic
in the Ross Sea (Ainley et al. 2003). It is pos- petrel—Thalassoica antarctica; snow petrel—
sibly the loss of silverfish that explains the Pagodrama nivea; and emperor penguin—Ap-
decrease in Adélie penguins in the northern tenodytes forsteri) will eventually disappear
Antarctic Peninsula. Without sea ice, the (Ainley et al. 2010; Jenouvrier et al. 2014),
food web in the Southern Ocean is far less to be replaced by ice-tolerant and ice-avoid-
complex and less suited to higher trophic ing species.
level predators like penguins, as it is domi-
nated by algae (Phaeocystis antarctica) with lim-
ited grazing by pteropods, which penguins ACK NOWLE DGME NTS
and fish do not appear to consume. Sea ice
is also a platform for Adélies to rest upon, We are grateful for support from the Na-
molt, and seek shelter from predators, and tional Science Foundation Grants OPP-
can provide a source of freshwater when 0944411 and 1543498, and to Ian Gaffney
snow accumulates on its surface. for production of Plate 5. Point Blue Conser-
Sea-ice variability has also substantially vation Science Contribution #2113.
impacted Adélie penguins’ migratory pat-
terns through time, with today’s popula-
tions ranging from essentially nonmigratory R E FE R E NCE S
at the more northerly parts of their range
to long-distance migratory at the southern- Ainley, David, Joellen Russell, Stephanie Jenouvrier,
Eric Woehler, Philip O’B. Lyver, William R. Fraser,
most portions—with annual journeys of up
and Gerald L. Kooyman. 2010. “Antarctic penguin
to ~18,000 km (round trip)—an astound- response to habitat change as Earth’s troposphere
ing feat for a flightless animal (Ballard, To- reaches 2ºC above preindustrial levels.” Ecological Mono-
niolo, et al. 2010). Their apparent need for graphs 80 (1): 49–66.
some amount of daylight during all phases Ballard, Grant, Katie M. Dugger, Nadav Nur, and David
G. Ainley. 2010. “Foraging strategies of Adélie pen-
of their annual cycle appears to limit the po-
guins: Adjusting body condition to cope with envi-
tential range of wintering and migration to ronmental variability.” Marine Ecology Progress Series 405:
north of 72.7°S—the latitude of zero mid- 287–302.
winter twilight. It is likely that, as a result Ballard, Grant, Viola Toniolo, David G. Ainley, Claire L.
of climate change, more suitable breeding Parkinson, Kevin R. Arrigo, and Phil N. Trathan. 2010.
“Responding to climate change: Adélie penguins con-
habitat will become available farther south
front astronomical and ocean boundaries.” Ecology 91
than it currently exists (as glaciers retreat (7): 2056–2069.
and free up more coastline for nesting), but Baroni, Carlo, and Giuseppe Orombelli. 1994. “Aban-
it may not be possible for Adélies to migrate doned penguin rookeries as Holocene paleoclimatic
much farther than they already do and still indicators in Antarctica.” Geology 22 (1): 23–26.
Emslie, Steven D. 2001. “Radiocarbon dates from aban- lations on the Antarctic Peninsula.” Ecology 93 (6):
doned penguin colonies in the Antarctic Peninsula 1367–1377.
region.” Antarctic Science 13 (3): 289–295. Lyver, Phil O’B., Mandy Barron, Kerry J. Barton, David
Jenouvrier, Stéphanie, Marika Holland, Julienne Stroeve, G. Ainley, Annie Pollard, Shulamit Gordon, Stephen
Mark Serreze, Christophe Barbraud, Henri Weimer- McNeill, Grant Ballard, and Peter R. Wilson. 2014.
skirch, and Hal Caswell. 2014. “Projected continent- “Trends in the breeding population of Adélie pen-
wide declines of the emperor penguin under climate guins in the Ross Sea, 1981–2012: A coincidence of
change.” Nature Climate Change 4 (8): 715–718. https:// climate and resource extraction effects.” PLOS One 9 (3): e91188.
LaRue, Michelle A., David G. Ainley, Matt Swanson, Ka- Sailley, Sévrine F., Hugh W. Ducklow, Holly V. Moeller,
tie M. Dugger, O. Phil, B. Lyver, Kerry Barton, and William R. Fraser, Oscar M. E. Schofield, Deborah K.
Grant Ballard. 2013. “Climate change winners: Reced- Steinberg, Lori M. Garzio, and Scott C. Doney. 2013.
ing ice fields facilitate colony expansion and altered “Carbon fluxes and pelagic ecosystem dynamics near
dynamics in an Adélie penguin metapopulation.” PLOS two western Antarctic Peninsula Adélie penguin
One 8 (4): e60568. colonies: An inverse model approach.” Marine Ecology
.pone.0060568. Progress Series 492: 253–272.
Li, Cai, Yong Zhang, Jianwen Li, Lesheng Kong, Haofu meps10534.
Hu, Hailin Pan, Luohao Xu, et al. 2014. “Two Antarc- Stammerjohn, Sharon, Robert Massom, David Rind,
tic penguin genomes reveal insights into their evolu- and Douglas Martinson. 2012. “Regions of rapid
tionary history and molecular changes related to the sea ice change: An inter-hemispheric seasonal com-
Antarctic environment.” GigaScience 3 (1): 27. parison.” Geophysical Research Letters 39 (6). https://doi
Lynch, Heather J., Ron Naveen, Philip N. Trathan, and .org/10.1029/2012GL050874.
William F. Fagan. 2012. “Spatially integrated assess-
ment reveals widespread changes in penguin popu-
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What Does the

Past Tell Us?
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A Paleoecological Understanding past climate change is cen-

tral to understanding possible future im-
Perspective on Sudden pacts on biodiversity. Future environmental
change will differ from past disruptions in
Climate Change and the Earth system, but the biosphere will re-
spond with mechanisms familiar from the
Biodiversity Crises geologic past. Potential rates of future envi-
ronmental responses can be inferred from
JEFFREY PARK the study of past changes.
Sepkoski (1996) argued for five “mass-
extinction” events in Earth’s preserved fos-
sil record, based on a threshold percentage
(39 percent) of marine genera disappearing
from Earth’s sediments nearly simultane-
ously. Barnosky et al. (2011) recalibrated the
mass-extinction threshold to 75 percent of
all species in order to compare these past
events with modern extinction rates. They
found that, at least for terrestrial verte-
brates, present-day rates of biodiversity loss
are comparable to past crises, if extrapo-
lated for several centuries. It is reasonable to
ask whether human activity is generating a
sixth mass extinction (e.g., Dirzo et al. 2014).
For many people, especially nonscientists,
it is difficult to credit our species with the
power to destroy the biosphere as we know
it. Against this comfortable skepticism,
however, Zeebe et al. (2016) estimate that
humans contribute carbon-based green-
house gases (carbon dioxide and methane)
into Earth’s atmosphere at 10 times the rate
of any natural source since the extinction
of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago (Fig-
ure 8.1). More ominously, Bond and Grasby
(2017) argue that most global “biotic cri-
ses” in Earth history correlate with sudden
changes in atmospheric CO2. The famous
mass extinction of the dinosaurs (Schulte et

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


Figure 8.1. Compilation of atmospheric CO2 levels esti-

mated from a variety of geologic proxy data, from the
data set of Park and Royer (2011). Individual proxy data
were log-averaged within 10 Ma intervals of estimated
geologic age. The error bars are computed from the
sample variances of these sums. For reference purposes,
horizontal dashed lines mark the preindustrial and
present-day concentrations of atmospheric CO2.

al. 2010) is the only mass-extinction event

that correlates persuasively with a meteor
strike. Are we unwittingly replicating the
conditions for past biodiversity crises?
Nineteenth-century geologists divided
Earth history into discrete intervals, often
based on correlated changes in the types of
sediments, but more often based on abrupt
changes in the mix of fossil species within
the sediments (Rudwick 1985; Figure 8.2).
The best-documented biotic transitions in
Earth history mark the boundaries of three
eras within the Phanerozoic Eon, the Paleo-
Figure 8.2. Geologic time scale, after Gradstein and Ogg
zoic (541.0 Ma–252.2 Ma; Figure 8.3),1 Me- (2012), covering the first ~4 billion years of Earth his-
sozoic (252.2 Ma–66.0 Ma), and Cenozoic tory. Within this broad time interval known as the Pre-
(66.0 Ma–present; Figure 8.4). Smaller sub- cambrian, evidence for biologic activity spans both the
divisions of time within the geologic time Proterozoic and Archean eons, primarily via layered
scale (Gradstein and Ogg 2012) include stromatolites and trace fossils, as well as chemical and
isotopic signatures. Within the Neoproterozoic era,
periods, such as the Cambrian (541.0 Ma– heavy dashed lines border the Cryogenic period, an in-
485.4 Ma) and the Cretaceous (145.0 Ma– terval of extreme cold climates during which molecular
66.0 Ma); epochs, such as the Eocene (56.0 clocks place the basal diversification of all metazoan life
Ma–33.9 Ma) and the Pennsylvanian (323.2 forms.
Ma–298.9 Ma); and age or stage, such as the
Danian (66.0 Ma–61.6 Ma) and the Frasnian cies often occurs more gradually (D’Hondt
(382.7 Ma–372.2 Ma). At each boundary be- 2005; Hull et al. 2011).
tween time intervals, multiple fossil species Stratigraphers have identified a new ep-
may go extinct; the appearance of new spe- och of geologic history, called the Anthro-
Figure 8.3. Geologic time scale, after Gradstein and
Ogg (2012), covering the Paleozoic Era of Earth history
(541.0–252.2 Ma). Life with hard parts evolved rapidly in
the Cambrian, leaving an abundant fossil record. Within
the Paleozoic lie most of the severe biodiversity crises in
the history of life. Heavy dashed lines mark such crises
that have been identified by McGhee et al. (2013), culmi-
nating in the end-Permian mass extinction at 252.2 Ma,
associated with the volcanic degassing associated with
the Siberian Traps (Cui and Kump 2015).

pocene (Steffen et al. 2011; Zalasiewicz et

al. 2011), which spans the impact of human
activity on the sedimentary record from the
start of the Industrial Revolution. Sediment-
accumulation patterns of the previous Holo-
cene (11.8 ka to 0.25 ka)2 and Pleistocene (2.6
Ma to 11.8 ka) epochs have been disrupted
by the land-use practices of human societ-
ies, as have chemical compositions, isotopic
tracers, and fossil assemblages within the
sediments. We can compare Anthropocene
climate projections with the natural cli-
mate variations of the Holocene and Pleis-
tocene, through which Earth’s species had
sufficient evolutionary resilience to produce
our present-day biodiversity (Svenning et al.
2015). How likely are anthropogenic climate
changes to exceed the natural climate varia-
tions and possibly threaten this resilience?


What can we gain from knowledge of

Earth’s climate history? The first lessons are
conceptual. Geologists view Earth as a sys-
tem of interlocking processes, dominated
by geochemical cycles (e.g., Berner et al.
1983; Raymo et al. 1988; White and Blum
1995). Every chemical element essential
to life follows a loop-transit around, and
within, our planet. Earth is habitable be-
cause plate tectonics recycles water, carbon,
sulfur, and other elements from its surface
into its interior and back out again. Atmo-
spheric carbon dioxide (CO2) forms a tiny
portion of Earth’s carbon budget. However,
the CO2 greenhouse effect controls Earth’s

Figure 8.4. Geologic time scale, after Gradstein and

Ogg (2012), covering the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras
of Earth history (252.2 Ma to present). Terrestrial ver-
tebrates and carbonate-secreting plankton evolved and
diversified during this interval. Although the former
species group is more entertaining in museum displays,
the latter group may be responsible for buffering the
impacts of extreme greenhouse gas fluctuations. Heavy
dashed lines mark three mass extinctions of the five
listed by Sepkoski (1996) and Barnosky et al. (2011): the
end-Permian, end-Triassic, and end-Cretaceous events.
Light-dashed lines mark environmental crises that have
been associated with ocean anoxic events (OAEs) by Jen-
kyns (2010), as well as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal
Maximum (PETM) at 56.0 Ma and key transitions into
sustained glacial conditions at 33.9 Ma (Oligocene gla-
ciation) and at 0.781 Ma (large-amplitude 100 kyr Pleis-
tocene glacial cycles).

average surface temperature, as well as the

vigor of Earth’s climate system (Alley 2012;
Houghton 2015). By contrast, water va-
por has a powerful greenhouse effect, but
H2O quickly condenses and precipitates in
the form of rain or snow. A warmer atmo-
sphere can maintain a higher steady-state
humidity, so water vapor is properly treated
as a CO2 feedback (Lacis et al. 2010; Stevens
et al. 2016).
Reconstructions from the deep past sug-
gest that the most sudden shifts in Earth’s
past climate have left fingerprints of green-
house gas disruption, such as ocean anoxia
or acidification (Kidder and Worsley 2010;
McGhee et al. 2013; Self et al. 2014; Mo-
lina 2015). Methane (CH4) is both a green-
house gas and an important by-product
of the biosphere and carbon cycle, and it
has been identified as a potential trigger
for abrupt climate change in Earth’s past
(e.g., Zeebe et al. 2009). However, methane
rapidly oxidizes to carbon dioxide in the
ocean or in the atmosphere (Dickens 2011).
Even if CH4 pulls the trigger of abrupt cli-
mate change, it is CO2 that empties the am-
munition clip.
The Earth-system paradigm is relevant to
efforts to shield biodiversity from anthro-
pogenic climate change. The climate that
we were once familiar with, characteristic
of the mid-twentieth century, was at best
a steady-state balance of interactions be-
tween competing geological and biological BIODI V E R SIT Y C R ISE S I N
processes. It was not a stable equilibrium E A RT H H ISTORY
point. If we could somehow “geo-engi-
neer” the climate system to the global-av- The biotic catastrophes that mark mass ex-
erage temperature of either 1950 or 1750, tinctions arose from extreme conditions
the details of the steady-state would be new. that are challenging to reconstruct mil-
Geographic shifts in heat absorption and lions of years afterward. Even the meteor
emission would alter the regional patterns strike that ended the Cretaceous period
of climate (Robock et al. 2009; Irvine et al. needed some unlucky feedbacks to elevate
2010). its lethality (D’Hondt 2005; Schulte et al.
Biodiversity is key to climate resiliency. 2010). Because greenhouse gasses are key
Earth’s ultimate buffer against a runaway environmental factors, it is not surprising
greenhouse effect, such as occurs on our that sudden CO2 extremes play important
sister planet Venus, is the consumption roles in most mass extinctions (Bond and
of CO2 by chemical weathering of silicate Grasby 2017; Ernst and Youbi 2017). Geolo-
rocks (Gislason et al. 2009; Beaulieu et al. gists are developing narratives of past bio-
2010). During 4.54 billion years of Earth’s diversity crises that uncomfortably parallel
history, extreme climate states, and the some of the geologic processes that human
biodiversity crises associated with them, civilization has unleashed (Figure 8.5). We
have become less common as the tree of describe the unique features of three such
life grew more branches. This suggests crises—Snowball Earth (Hoffman et al.
that biological processes have evolved that 1998), as well as the end-Permian and the
can react either more quickly, or more ef- end-Cretaceous events—and seek common
ficiently, to environmental changes. There features and trends among the others.
is no need to invoke a Gaia superorganism Life as we know it roots its evolution
to explain such adaptation (Levin 1998) if in the most sustained climate extremes of
the segments of DNA that facilitate climate Earth history. DNA clocks place the origin
resilience, if not the species themselves, and diversification of most multicellular life
survive to face the next disruption. The key forms (metazoans) during the climate crises
adaptive gene for mitigating human-made of the Cryogenian period (850 Ma–635 Ma)
climate change could be lurking in an un- of the Neoproterozoic Era (Erwin 2015).
appreciated organism. There were two so-called Snowball Earth
The following sections of this chapter episodes of sustained glacial conditions at
elaborate on the above concepts. The chap- both high and low latitudes. The Sturtian
ter first outlines several of the many tools glaciation (ca. 700 Ma) was longer, with
that geologists use to reconstruct past envi- duration estimated to be 57 Myr (Rooney et
ronments and offers a synoptic view of cli- al. 2015), and was followed by the shorter
mate history to place anthropogenic global Marinoan glaciation (ca. 650 Ma) with du-
warming in proper context. The chapter ration >4 Myr (Prave et al. 2016). These
then discusses the successes and shortcom- two extreme events lasted at least 10 times
ings of the Earth-system concept in ex- longer than any global-scale glaciation since
plaining the diverse stable environments in 635 Ma (e.g., Finnegan et al. 2011).
Earth’s past and the often-disruptive tran- We do not know the scope of whatever
sitions between them. Finally, the chapter DNA diversity was lost in the biotic crises of
focuses more directly on environmental the Cryogenian. The microbial metabolisms
changes that can be projected as the climate and life strategies of its extinct biodiversity
system catches up to the CO2 concentrations did not generate climate feedbacks to buf-
that mankind has imposed, or will soon fer the Earth system sufficiently to prevent
impose, on it. near-permanent glaciation. Persistent Snow-
Figure 8.5. (A) Climate change since 114 Ma, as recorded record the cyclic advance and retreat of continental ice
by the oxygen-isotope ratio į18O recorded in the carbon- sheets, largely correlated with the timing of Earth’s orbital
ate tests of benthic foraminifera, microfauna of the deep- cycles. (B) Climate changes from the end-Cretaceous mass
ocean (Zachos et al. 2008; Friedrich et al. 2012). Variations extinction (high variability reflecting climate and envi-
in į18O depend on ambient water temperature and global ronmental instability), then warming to the peak Eocene
ice volume. Both cooling temperatures and increased ice warmth, punctuated by transient episodes of warmth,
volumes cause į18O to become “heavier,” so the y-axis is such as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM),
reversed to match the sense of temperature change. From then gradual cooling until an abrupt cooling at the Eo-
a plateau during the warm ice-free conditions of the mid- cene-Oligocene transition. (C) Fluctuations in benthic
Cretaceous period, values of į18O decline as the deep wa- į18O associated largely with Pleistocene glacial-interglacial
ters of the global ocean become cool from “greenhouse” cycles. Initially paced by the 41-kyr obliquity cycle, the
to “icehouse” climate conditions. Near the start of the Oli- glacial cycles since ~0.8 Ma have been larger and longer,
gocene epoch (33.9 Ma), short-term fluctuations of į18O reflecting nonlinear feedbacks in the Earth system.
ball Earth conditions have not developed in tal flood-basalt event of the Phanerozoic, is
the more diverse ecosystems of the Pha- coupled with extreme fluctuations in į13C,
nerozoic, although several extinction events pointing to a massive degasing of carbon
are marked by severe but more transient dioxide from Earth’s mantle, as well as the
glaciations. Metazoans evolved to consume volatilization of carbon-rich sediments in
photosynthesizing organisms for food, per- contact with magmas that intruded into
haps limiting the ability of plants, phyto- subsurface sills (Burgess et al. 2017). From
plankton, and algae to extract CO2 from the į18O measurements from apatite within
atmosphere. At greenhouse extremes, in- fossil conodonts, Joachimski et al. (2012)
novations afforded by plant evolution may and Sun et al. (2012) infer rapid tempera-
have increased the buffering resilience of ture increases of 8°C and more during the
photosynthesis. Franks et al. (2014) argue end-Permian extinction interval. Cui and
from leaf fossils that sustained atmospheric Kump (2015) review evidence from differ-
CO2 levels above 1,000 ppm have not oc- ent studies to conclude that CO2 levels in-
curred since the evolution of forests in the creased by roughly three times, consistent
Devonian (419.2 Ma–358.9 Ma). with a climate sensitivity of 5°C–6°C for
McGhee et al. (2013) identify 11 distinct doubled CO2 during the end Permian.
biodiversity crises in the Phanerozoic Eon, Knoll et al. (2007) compared an array
a set that includes the big-five mass extinc- of environmental impacts from rapid CO2
tions of Sepkoski (1996). With few excep- release. Oxygen depletion in warm waters
tions, these crises correlate with the erup- led to asphyxiation. Hydrogen-sulfide in-
tion of large igneous provinces (LIPs) on flux from volcanism poisoned eukaryotic
land (Bond and Wignall 2014), usually in microbes. A shift of primary production to
the form of flood basalts. The end-Perm- prokaryotic cyanobacteria would render the
ian event was extreme partly because the base of the food chain less nutritious for ma-
coeval Siberian Traps were the largest of rine vertebrates. Anoxia persisted over wide
these LIPs. Environmental stresses associ- areas as microbial photosynthesis contin-
ated with massive disruptions of the carbon ued, even as higher organisms went extinct.
cycle lie behind most “rebuilding episodes” Ocean acidification from dissolved CO2
of the biosphere, including many extinc- would increase the extinction rate of species
tion events too small to qualify for the list that secreted calcium carbonate, particularly
compiled by McGhee et al. (2013). LIPs species that secreted CaCO3 in open seawater
can cause extremes of both hot and cold to form reefs. Suffocation by dissolved CO2,
climates. Eruptions release CO2 that is dis- known as hypercapnia, is less spectacular as
solved in the magma, sometimes adding to a kill agent. Nevertheless, Knoll et al. (2007)
the greenhouse release by volatilizing car- argued that hypercapnia explains best the
bon-rich strata near the surface. Extensive extreme lethality of the end-Permian event.
fresh exposures of flood basalt, however, Nearly all past biotic crises are coinci-
will consume CO2 via chemical weathering dent with a transient drop in į13C consistent
in a delayed feedback and can overcompen- with a release of carbon of some kind, but
sate for the CO2 release, diminishing green- their kill factors are not uniform. Evidence
house warming enough to induce wide- for widespread hypercapnia is unique to the
spread glaciation. end-Permian event. Oxygen isotopes from
The largest extinction event occurred at biodiversity-crisis carbonates often display
the close of the Permian period, in a process evidence of extreme global warming as an
that spans the time between dated strata at ecosystem disruptor. For biodiversity crises
251.941 ±0.037 Ma and 251.880 ±0.031 Ma that terminated the Ordovician (485.4 Ma–
(Burgess et al. 2014). The coeval eruption 443.6 Ma) and Devonian (419.2 Ma–358.9
of the Siberian Traps, the largest continen- Ma) periods, geologic evidence points to

widespread glaciation following LIP erup- mass extinctions required a severe shock of
tion (Isaacson et al. 2008; Finnegan et al. a different kind. A hopeful interpretation,
2011; Retallack 2015; Jones et al. 2017). At at least as far as a potential Anthropocene
least one major kill factor for marine eco- mass extinction is concerned, is that the
systems, at the end of the Givetian epoch gradual diversification of life into new eco-
(387.7 Ma–382.7 Ma) of the Devonian pe- logical niches has made Earth’s biosphere
riod, has been associated with rapid sea- more resilient to exogenous carbon-cycle
level rise, possibly an indirect effect of disruption. Several of the biodiversity crises
greenhouse warming, which drowned of the Paleozoic, for instance, are notable
reefs and opened marine passageways for for the extinction of whole classes of reef-
invasive species (McGhee et al. 2013). building organisms (McGhee et al. 2013).
The possible exception to this rule is the This suggests that reefs, which formed large
well-known end-Cretaceous mass extinc- test beds for evolutionary innovation and
tion. The Deccan Traps LIP eruption in In- also were among Earth’s principal sinks for
dia was roughly coeval with the Chicxulub carbonate, lacked resiliency to carbon-cycle
impact and has fueled controversy over the shocks in the Paleozoic and early Meso-
meteor hypothesis for decades (e.g., Chenet zoic. Either the evolution of corals provided
et al. 2007). Henehan et al. (2016) compares better resiliency, or the evolution of other
the lethal impacts of the Deccan Traps erup- carbonate-secreting organisms created an
tion with those of the meteor strike, using effective “crumple zone” for reef ecosys-
both sedimentary markers and a carbon- tems, similar to how a well-engineered au-
cycle model. Improvements in radiometric tomobile can absorb the impact of a traffic
dating now place the largest Deccan erup- collision.
tion roughly 250 kyr prior to the Chicxulub Large-scale environmental disruptions
bolide impact and end-Cretaceous mass ex- and sudden biotic turnover did not cease
tinction (Schoene et al. 2015; but see Renne in the later Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras.
et al. 2015). During the preimpact interval, Many marine environments in the Meso-
carbonate microfossils accumulated at the zoic experienced episodic anoxia, often
seafloor in poor condition, suggesting deg- paced by Earth’s orbital cycles (Lanci et al.
radation by added acidity from CO2 emit- 2010; Eldrett et al. 2015). These cyclic varia-
ted from the Deccan Traps. However, only tions have scarce impact on overall extinc-
2°C–3°C greenhouse warming is estimated tion rates, although preserved microfossil
from isotopic data, along with disruption in abundances varied. These regular cycles are
species habitat ranges, but not widespread punctuated at intervals of 10 Myr to 60 Myr
preimpact extinction (Thibault and Gardin with clusters of orbital layers that contain
2010). Henehan et al. (2016) hypothesize greatly elevated levels of organic carbon
that widespread carbonate dissolution on (Jenkyns 2010; Laurin et al. 2016). When
the seafloor, sourced from carbonate plank- the sedimentary evidence can be correlated
ton in the photic zone, acted to buffer the globally, geologists term these clusters of
CO2-induced acidity of the ocean. orbital cycles the ocean anoxic events, or
OAEs (Erba 2004). Jenkyns (2010) reviews
global OAEs in detail at 183 Ma (Toarcian
H AS BIODI V E R SIT Y E VOLV E D stage of the Jurassic period), 120 Ma (Selli
R E SISTA NC E TO C L IM AT E event), 111 Ma (Paquier event), and 93 Ma
DISRU P TION? (Bonarelli event), and suggests extending
the OAE classification to the Early Ceno-
The end-Cretaceous extinction began as zoic Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
a volcanism-related carbon-cycle disrup- (PETM) at 56.0 Ma. In some cases the OAEs
tion, but its status as the last of Sepkoski’s are correlated with large igneous-province
(LIP) eruptions, such as the Karoo-Farrar curred. A dramatic greenhouse “hyperther-
LIP for the Toarcian OAE (Caruthers et al. mal” that marks the stratigraphic boundary
2013) and the undersea eruption of the On- between the Paleocene and Eocene epochs
tong Java Plateau with the Selli event (Bot- has been proposed as an analogue for the
tini et al. 2012). The associated ecosystem Anthropocene by Zeebe and Zachos (2013).
disruption of the Toarcian OAE (183 Ma) The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
has been described as a “mass extinction” (PETM) elevated Earth’s surface tempera-
by some (Gomez and Goy 2011; Caruthers tures by 5°C–8°C for 170 kyr–200 kyr via
et al. 2013; Krencker et al. 2014), but its im- an injection of either CH4 or CO2 at rates
pact was significantly smaller than the bio- that are sudden (e.g., 3,000 petagrams of
diversity crises reviewed by McGhee et al. carbon in 5 kyr–10 kyr) relative to baseline
(2013). geologic processes, but far slower than at-
Jenkyns (2010) notes that all OAEs of this mospheric change since the Industrial Rev-
time period share evidence for a sudden olution (perhaps 3,500–5,000 petagrams of
injection of CO2 or CH4 into Earth’s atmo- carbon in 500 years). Several hyperthermal
sphere. Oxygen isotopes within carbonate events have been identified in the isotope
fossils typically suggest increases to ocean fluctuations of benthic foraminifera of the
temperatures of 5°C–7°C (see also Gomez early Cenozoic, with repeat timing that cor-
and Goy 2011; Krencker et al. 2014) but related with 100-kyr orbital eccentricity
also evidence from strontium or osmium cycles (Nicolo et al. 2007; Sexton et al. 2011;
isotopes that continental weathering ac- Laurin et al. 2016).
celerated to limit the CO2 at least partially. An abrupt cooling at 34 Ma (Liu et al.
The clustering of orbital cycles within OAEs 2009; Hren et al. 2013) accompanied the
indicates that enhanced-greenhouse condi- extinction of many planktonic marine fora-
tions persisted for 50 kyr–400 kyr, during minifera species at the Eocene-Oligocene
which marine biologic activity is strong and epoch transition (Zachos et al. 1999; Ivany
the relative absence of carbonate microfos- et al. 2000; Pearson et al. 2008), after which
sils suggest an acidic deep ocean. Positive the Antarctic ice sheet becomes an impor-
excursions in the carbon-isotope ratio į13C tant factor in climate. After this transition
of marine carbonates are consistent with Earth’s orbital cycles modulated the growth
enhanced burial of organic carbon. Nega- of ice sheets in an icehouse climate, rather
tive shifts in į13C also occur within the than governed the release of buried carbon
duration of most OAEs, which suggests the in a greenhouse climate. Waxing and wan-
injection of isotopically-light carbon from ing of the ice sheets before the mid-Pleis-
volcanism, methane emissions, or other tocene (0.8 Ma) appear to have responded
mechanisms for volatizing organic-carbon in a simple linear manner to high-latitude
deposits. The detailed stratigraphy of geo- insolation (Imbrie et al. 1992), but the most
chemical markers within OAEs suggests recent ice-age cycles have the time scale of
complex feedbacks within the Earth system Earth’s eccentricity cycle (100 kyr), the in-
over 100-kyr intervals. OAEs typically con- solation signal of which is too small to gov-
clude with a return to the previous climate ern ice volume directly (Imbrie et al. 1993).
conditions. Extinctions impact biodiversity Ambient air preserved in ice cores indicates
during OAEs, but ecosystem functions ap- that during the glacial periods atmospheric
pear to recover quickly, at least from the CO2 was at least 100 ppm lower than dur-
proxy studies thus far. ing warm interglacial times (Jouzel 2013).
During the Cenozoic, Earth’s carbon cy- The CO2 variations validate dramatically the
cle has been tested multiple times by sudden greenhouse gas control of Earth’s climate
inputs or extractions of atmospheric CO2 change but pose a problem that is not yet
or CH4, but no biodiversity crises have oc- solved. What caused 100-kyr cycles in at-

mospheric CO2 during the late Pleistocene (Allen et al. 2015; Howe et al. 2016; Yu et al.
epoch? 2016; Jaccard et al. 2016) focus on changes
A popular Earth-system paradigm for in the relative volumes of NADW and Ant-
the 100-kyr ice-age cycle is the oceanic arctic bottom water (AABW) in the abyssal
“conveyor belt for salt,” which is facilitated ocean, with CO2 storage in glacial periods
by the production of deep-ocean water in associated with the Antarctic water mass.
the high-latitude North Atlantic (Broecker There is observational evidence that dis-
1990). North Atlantic deep water (NADW) solved CO2 trapped in the deep Southern
balances the transport of salt against the Ocean was vented to the atmosphere during
transport of water, via the atmosphere, the last transition out of glacial conditions,
from the net-evaporative Atlantic to the at roughly 12 ka (Skinner et al. 2010; Basak
net-precipitative Pacific. In the conveyor- et al. 2018).
belt model, the NADW supplies the deep An emphasis on the physical transport
ocean with greenhouse gasses absorbed of CO2 by water masses, however, ignores
from Earth’s atmosphere at the sea surface key chemical and biological carbon-cycle
(Thornalley et al. 2011). Fluctuations in į13C interactions in the ocean. A stockpile of dis-
within deep-sea sediment cores indicate solved CO2 in the deep ocean would lead
that NADW formation is unstable, strong to acidification. Although ocean acidifica-
during interglacial intervals similar to the tion impedes carbonate secretion by ma-
present day and weak during glacial inter- rine organisms (Doney et al. 2009, 2014),
vals. Maasch and Saltzmann (1990) pro- the long coexistence of high CO2 levels
posed a simple nonlinear ice-age climate and carbonate deposition in Earth history
model in which NADW formation stock- tells us that the biosphere has strategies to
piles atmospheric CO2 in the deep ocean, compensate, if given enough time to adjust.
decreasing greenhouse gas concentrations Broecker and Peng (1987) hypothesized the
in the shallow ocean and atmosphere, and carbonate compensation mechanism to ex-
leading to glacial conditions worldwide. plain glacial-to-interglacial transitions. It
Given the estimated time scales of chemical buffers the deep ocean, after a time delay
transport in the ocean (Broecker and Peng of a few millennia, via a reorganization of
1987), this nonlinear model predicted an dissolved-nutrient transport and ecosystem
alternation between glacial and interglacial function. Geologic proxies for carbonate-
states, which is consistent with paleocli- anion (CO3–2) in the world ocean suggest
mate data. that the glacial and interglacial states in the
Subsequent research has revised the deep Pacific and Indian Oceans had similar
original conveyor-belt model significantly. values (Honisch et al. 2008; Yu et al. 2014),
Keeling and Stephens (2001) proposed that in contrast to strong differences in the sur-
deepwater sources in the Antarctic, not in face-water proxies. These studies indicate
the North Atlantic, govern the supply of that global patterns of biological carbon
cold dense deep water to the world ocean. consumption, either through photosynthe-
Motivated by strong late-Pleistocene corre- sis or CaCO3 secretion, differed greatly dur-
lations between atmospheric CO2 and Ant- ing glacial times, relative to the Holocene.
arctic temperature proxies, Stephens and Gottschalk et al. (2016) isolated transient
Keeling (2000) argued that fluctuations in upward fluctuations in atmospheric CO2
the sea ice bordering Antarctica, not the during the most-recent interval of glacial
glacial meltwater from the North American climate, which occurred at irregular in-
ice sheet, govern the principal drawdown tervals of 5–10 kyr between 25 ka and 65
mechanism of CO2 from Earth’s atmosphere ka, and correlated these with indicators of
into the deep ocean. Recent oceanographic decreased primary biological production in
models for glacial-interglacial variability the Southern Ocean. These fluctuations are
strong evidence of a biological carbon pump 3,000 Pg C from the climate system in a far-
during glacial periods, which helps the deep shorter time. Their modeling experiments
ocean store dissolved CO2 without excessive suggest that a persistent input of carbon
acidification. Despite its importance, the to the atmosphere maintained the PETM
precise biological actors for this buffering warmth. Zeebe et al. (2009) model this
are not yet certain (Marchitto et al. 2005; Yu steady input as exogenous, but it could also
et al. 2010, 2013, 2014). The glacial and in- arise from a new balance of carbon utiliza-
terglacial extremes of the late Pleistocene ice tion within the existing range of biodiver-
ages are maintained by biochemical steady sity. The same species assemblage (for the
states, as well as by dynamic ocean-circula- most part), but with different abundances,
tion and ice-sheet balances (e.g., Brovkin et might recycle atmospheric CO2 to maintain
al. 2007; Buchanan et al. 2016). elevated concentrations. As the Anthropo-
Extinction rates in the marine realm cene proceeds, a global ecological reorga-
have been low overall during the “ice- nization could create a new, warmer “nor-
house” Earth climate interval since the Eo- mal” that will persist longer than simple
cene-Oligocene boundary (Thomas 2007; nonbiotic models predict.
Moritz and Agudo 2013). Interestingly, sub-
dued extinction rates characterized the late-
Paleozoic icehouse-climate interval as well. L E S S T H A N C ATAST ROPH E :
After the Serpukhovian biodiversity crisis, BIODI V E R SIT Y I N A C H A NGE A BL E
caused by sudden global cooling (McGhee C L I M AT E
et al. 2014), both extinction and speciation
occurred at subdued rates through the later Extinction is only one of the potential im-
Carboniferous period (Stanley and Powell pacts to biodiversity by ice-age cycles or an
2003). Milankovitch cycles have been iden- enhanced-greenhouse excursion. Human
tified in organic-rich cyclothems (Fielding civilization has developed within a stable
et al. 2008; Davydov et al. 2010) deposited Holocene climate, tempting us to interpret
by swampy Carboniferous forests, suggest- modern-day ecosystems as stable and ma-
ing that excessive carbon burial periodically ture. Both DNA evidence and comparisons
depleted Earth’s greenhouse blanket and led between theoretical and real ecosystems
to glaciation. The geographical pattern of have revealed that many modern ecosys-
glaciation changed over the 50-My duration tems had not reached a stable state before
of the late-Paleozoic ice ages (Montanez the impacts of modern civilization could
and Poulsen 2013), suggesting, as with be felt. Terrestrial ecosystems disappear
the Pleistocene, multiple steady-state bal- or transform as ice sheets wax and wane,
ances in Earth’s past carbon cycle between but biodiversity at the species and genus
ocean circulation, surface weathering, plant level is preserved in climate refugia, iso-
growth, and marine calcification. lated locations where warm-adapted or-
The concept of multiple steady climate ganisms can survive a glacial interval, or
states, mediated by separate biological in- where cold-adapted species can survive a
teractions with Earth’s carbon cycle, might interglacial interval (Svenning et al. 2008;
apply to enhanced-greenhouse episodes as Woodruff 2010). Using DNA to separate
well. Zeebe et al. (2009) argue from mod- species lineages, Hewitt (2004) argues
eling experiments that the initial burst of that many modern high-latitude Northern
greenhouse gases that started the Paleo- Hemisphere ecosystems were tethered to
cene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) specific refugia during the past glacial in-
were insufficient to explain the 170–200 tervals and have remained distinct during
kyr duration of the event. Natural sinks for the interglacials. Sandel et al. (2011) defines
atmospheric CO2 would have scrubbed even climate-change velocity as the rate at which

a climate-specialized organism must mi- In some cases evidence for widespread gla-
grate to follow the environmental condi- ciation is found instead, consistent with CO2
tions to which it has adapted. Ordonez and consumption via chemical weathering of the
Svenning (2015) argue from distributions exposed LIP eruption, which in some cases
of plant species in Europe that many spe- can overcompensate for the released CO2.
cies cannot migrate quickly enough for Over geologic time the extinction events
some ecosystems to stabilize during a typi- associated with LIP volcanism and other
cal 10–20 kyr interglacial interval. Ordonez methods of rapid carbon release have weak-
and Svenning (2016) argue that cyclic or in- ened, although impacts often were substan-
termittent climate transitions impair “func- tial in particular ecosystems. The ocean an-
tional diversity,” a metric of how efficiently oxic events (OAEs) of the Mesozoic era and
an ecosystem utilizes the trophic opportu- the hyperthermal events of the Eocene ep-
nities of its ambient environment. och elevated temperatures and CO2 levels for
The lesson offered by cyclic ice-age bio- 20–200 kyr, longer than one might expect
diversity disruptions is that we should not a single CO2 emission to persist in the at-
expect natural ecosystems to adjust quickly mosphere. We hypothesize that the climate
and completely to the Anthropocene green- system found steady-state balances between
house excursion, at least not within centu- carbon fluxes, ocean circulations, and radia-
ries or millennia. Ordonez et al. (2016) use tion balances during these enhanced green-
species information and climate projections house intervals, possibly containing biotic
to identify locations that will experience feedbacks that buffered the severity of the
novel climate conditions, regions where climate change on overall biodiversity. The
environmental gradients will migrate most glacial and interglacial climate extremes of
rapidly, and locations where temperature the recent late-Pleistocene ice ages have been
and precipitation trends will diverge, so that modeled to represent two separate such cli-
an existing species has no migration path mate-biosphere steady-state balances.
that could follow its optimal environment. In the Anthropocene, the environmental
The bumpy path that ecosystems must fol- impacts of anthropogenic greenhouse gas
low to their new locations is reflected in release are exacerbated by other ecosystem
the sedimentary record of fires during the disruptions from humans, such as chemi-
most recent glacial-to-interglacial transition cal pollution and habitat reduction and
(Marlon et al. 2009, 2013). Intervals of rapid fragmentation. We cannot feel assured that
climate change, such as near the onset and the apparent resilience of biodiversity dur-
conclusion of the Younger Dryas cooling ing the Cenozoic to sudden climate changes
interval (12.9–11.7 ka), are marked by large will prevail in the context of these addi-
increases of fire activity. tional impacts. Anthropogenic greenhouse
Nearly all the large biodiversity crises in gases are playing the role of the Large Igne-
last 541 million years of Phanerozoic Earth ous Provinces in past crises, but we humans
history have involved a severe transient dis- may also be playing the role of the end-Cre-
ruption to the carbon cycle and to the atmo- taceous meteor. There is much we still do
spheric concentration of carbon dioxide, the not understand about the detailed balances
most important terrestrial greenhouse gas. within Earth’s carbon cycle. We had better
Most large biodiversity crises correlate in learn them quickly.
time with surface eruptions of large igneous
provinces (LIPs), which release large volumes
of CO2 that were dissolved in their magma. NOTE S
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Climate Change, Climate change is surpassing overharvest-

ing as the greatest threat to marine life.
Conservation, and Rising temperatures and ocean acidifica-
tion—both consequences of artificially
the Metaphor high atmospheric levels of carbon diox-
ide—are acting at scales from the global to
of Deep Time the local in the marine environment. There
is as yet no evidence of elevated extinc-
RICHARD B. ARONSON tion rates in marine systems as a result of
contemporary climate change, but climate
change is clearly altering ecological struc-
ture and function by driving shifts in the
behaviors, phenologies, and geographic
and bathymetric ranges of species (Walther
et al. 2002; Norris et al. 2013; Molinos et
al. 2015). The fossil record in deep time—
geological time spanning millions to hun-
dreds of millions of years—displays the
evolutionary and biogeographic impacts of
past climatic changes, providing a baseline
for evaluating extinction risk (Finnegan et
al. 2015). Moreover, the history of marine
systems in deep time makes it possible to
link current and future climate change with
community structure and function.
The goal of this chapter is to develop a
paleobiological framework for characteriz-
ing marine communities in a biosphere in-
creasingly afflicted by human activities. This
framework is built on the metaphor of the
time stamp: characterizing a living commu-
nity as structurally and functionally resem-
bling a community from another geologic
interval. Climate change, overharvesting,
and other anthropic insults are interpreted
as driving marine communities in one tem-
poral direction or another, with the goal of
formulating effective management strate-
gies. The destruction of coral reefs and the
impacts of overfishing in temperate marine

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

C L I M AT E C H A N G E , C O N S E RVAT I O N , A N D T H E M E TA P H O R O F D E E P T I M E 115
environments illustrate the heuristic value which multicellular life as we know it has
of the time stamp. Climate change is also dominated the global biota. The Phanero-
shifting the time stamp of benthic com- zoic succeeded the Proterozoic eon (the
munities in Antarctica. Because Antarctica “Precambrian”), which ran from 2,500–541
is one of the last places on Earth to remain Ma. This brief summary of the Phanerozoic
in near-pristine condition, the time-shifting history of marine life draws from reviews
impacts of climate and the policy options by Sepkoski (1991) and Sheehan (2001). The
available are instructive and cautionary. focus is on nearshore, shallow-marine, soft-
bottom habitats, which have a fossil record
that is abundant, detailed, and well studied.
M A R I N E COM M U N ITIE S I N DE E P TIM E Sepkoski partitioned marine diversity
into three broad groups, or “evolutionary
The Phanerozoic eon, which extends from faunas,” that were globally dominant at
about 541 Ma (millions of years ago) to successive times during the Phanerozoic:
the present (Box 9.1), is the interval during a Cambrian fauna, a Paleozoic fauna, and

Box 9.1 The Geologic Time Scale

Geologic time is divided hierarchically into eons, eras, periods, epochs, and ages. The
abridged table below lists the names and time spans of the divisions relevant to this
chapter. Ma denotes millions of years ago, with dates based on the US Geological Sur-
vey’s 2012 stratigraphic chart. The Anthropocene, a developing concept for an epoch of
geologically discernible human influence, began in the nineteenth century or earlier.

Eon Era Period Epoch Time span (Ma)

Phanerozoic 540–0
Cenozoic 66.0–0
Neogene 23.0–0
Anthropocene ~0–?
Holocene 0.01–0
Pleistocene 2.6–0.01
Pliocene 5.3–2.6
Miocene 23.0–5.3
Paleogene 66.0–23.0
Oligocene 33.9–23.0
Eocene 56.0–33.9
Paleocene 66.0–56.0
Mesozoic 252–66
Cretaceous 145–66
Jurassic 201–145
Triassic 252–201
Paleozoic 540–252
Permian 299–252
Carboniferous 359–299
Devonian 419–359
Silurian 444–419
Ordovician 485–444
Cambrian 541–485
Proterozoic 2500–540

Modern fauna. The Cambrian fauna diversi- Evolutionary novelties, notably includ-
fied during the Cambrian period (541–485 ing the modern, durophagous predators,
Ma) and was dominated by trilobites, which evolved primarily in nearshore, coastal hab-
consumed organic matter at the sedimentary itats and then expanded offshore to outer-
surface. Other important elements included shelf and bathyal (upper-deep-sea) environ-
low-lying suspension feeders, such as inar- ments (Jablonski et al. 1983). The Modern
ticulate brachiopods (lamp shells) (suspen- fauna progressively displaced many taxa of
sion feeders are animals that feed on organic the Paleozoic fauna, especially stalked cri-
particles, including plankton, bacteria, and noids and other epifaunal suspension feed-
detritus, in the water column). By the end of ers, to offshore, deepwater environments.
the Paleozoic, 252 Ma, the Cambrian fauna Today, the deep sea is the refuge of Paleo-
was reduced to a minor component of ma- zoic-type communities and “living fossils”
rine diversity, and trilobites were extinct. such as the coelacanth Latimeria, the nauti-
The Paleozoic fauna initially diversified lus, and stalked crinoids. Dense populations
in the Ordovician Period (485–444 Ma) of epifaunal ophiuroids occur in outer-shelf
and was dominated by epifaunal suspen- and bathyal environments (Metaxas and
sion-feeders that fed higher above the sea- Griffin 2004; Aronson 2017). “Brittlestar
floor. Particularly abundant were articulate beds” also persist in a few coastal locations
brachiopods (lamp shells designated as characterized by low levels of durophagous
rhynchonelliforms), stalked crinoids (sea predation, either because predators are
lilies), stromatoporoids (an archaic group naturally absent or as a likely consequence
of sponges), rugose and tabulate corals (the of centuries of overfishing (Aronson 1989).
extinct horn and table corals), bryozoans The most prevalent predators within those
(moss animals), and ophiuroids (brittle- ophiuroid populations are seastars and
stars). The primary predators were asteroids other Paleozoic-grade invertebrates.
(sea stars), polychaetes (marine worms), The increase in predation that began in
shelled cephalopods (similar to today’s nau- the Mesozoic modernized benthic com-
tilus), placoderms (ancient armored fish), munities in nearshore environments. New,
and primitive cartilaginous fish (relatives of durophagous predators were the primary
modern sharks and rays). Burrowing organ- drivers of several important trends: (1) the
isms, or bioturbators, expanded downward evolution of increased defensive architec-
into the sediments. ture in mollusks and other skeletonized
The Modern fauna diversified during the invertebrates; (2) the loss of dense popula-
Mesozoic (252–66 Ma) and Cenozoic (66 tions of epifaunal suspension feeders from
Ma–present). Gastropods (snails), infaunal nearshore, shallow, soft-bottom environ-
bivalves (burrowing clams), and echinoids ments; and (3) the transition from epifau-
(sea urchins and sand dollars) are promi- nal to infaunal life modes in bivalves. This
nent constituents. Skeleton-crushing preda- “Mesozoic marine revolution” (Vermeij
tors diversified and became the trophic 1977) transcended the mass extinction at
dominants. These “durophagous” predators the end of the Cretaceous and accelerated
include teleosts (modern bony fish), neose- during the Cenozoic. Although it is a top-
lachians (modern sharks and rays), reptant down construct, its macroevolutionary dy-
decapods (large, walking crustaceans such namics were fueled from the bottom up by
as crabs and lobsters), coleoids (shell-less an increased supply of energy from plank-
cephalopods, including octopus and squid), ton in the water column (Knoll and Follows
marine mammals, and now-extinct marine 2016). These trends are expressed to vary-
reptiles such as mosasaurs. Bioturbators ing degrees and at different times in dif-
burrowed deeper and more actively than ferent geographic regions (Monarrez et al.
their Paleozoic counterparts. 2017; Whittle et al. 2018).
C L I M AT E C H A N G E , C O N S E RVAT I O N , A N D T H E M E TA P H O R O F D E E P T I M E 117
C L IM AT E A N D BIODI V E R SIT Y different times reflect the temporal scales
I N DE E P TI M E over which the temperature changes oc-
curred (along with the associated changes
Direct impacts of climate change on marine in sea level, acidification, and other factors),
biodiversity have been difficult to discern the departures of the thermal shifts from
over deep time. Some episodes of elevated background conditions, the temporal reso-
extinction have been causally linked to lution of the fossil record in different time
trends of heating or cooling. Examples, in frames, the prevailing composition of the
temporal order, include cooling in the Late biosphere, and other events at the time. The
Ordovician mass extinction, circa 450 Ma; variability of climatic impacts in the past
the late Paleozoic ice age, which began in notwithstanding, contemporary climate
the Mississippian, circa 330 Ma; high-tem- change is altering living communities in
perature conditions 252–250 Ma associated ways the fossil record can illuminate.
with the end-Permian mass extinction;
cooling at the Eocene–Oligocene transition,
34 Ma; and cooling at the Pliocene–Pleisto- T H E M E TA PHOR IC A L TIM E STA M P
cene transition, 2.6 Ma. At other times, bio-
logical patterns have been driven by other The idea of time stamping marine commu-
physical changes or have been complicated nities is founded on three broad generaliza-
by the ecology of the taxa on which climate tions. The first is the primacy of top-down
is acting. Ocean acidification, for example, control of marine food webs. Strong, cas-
has played a critical role in the history of cading, predatory impacts are readily ap-
marine biodiversity (Norris et al. 2013). parent in many or most nearshore marine
Glaciations that occurred 850–635 Ma, ecosystems (Estes et al. 2011). The second is
near the end of the Proterozoic, were the that top predators, being the largest, most
most intense in Earth’s history. These Va- energetic, and least abundant members of
rangian glaciations, which were followed marine communities, are more vulner-
by climatic warming, may have delayed— able to direct exploitation by humans than
or perhaps accelerated!—the diversification are lower-level consumers and producers
of animal life in the Cambrian by causing (Pauly et al. 1998; Estes et al. 2011). The
mass extinctions of the existing faunas, al- third is that trophic levels have been added
though rising oxygen levels, burial of or- sequentially to marine-benthic communi-
ganic carbon, and tectonic shifts probably ties through Phanerozoic time, as we have
played a more central role in the timing of already seen. Combining these generaliza-
the “Cambrian explosion.” In contrast, the tions, we can view the cascading impacts
Pleistocene glaciations did not drive mass of predation through the lens of paleobiol-
extinctions in the ocean, but they altered ogy. Artificially reducing the abundance of
the geographic ranges of marine species top predators through exploitation, climate
and, therefore, changed the composition change, and other impacts can metaphori-
of marine communities (Roy and Pandolfi cally force a community back in time to an
2005). Likewise, although benthic forami- anachronistic state with a retrograde struc-
niferans (bottom-dwelling, shelled amoe- ture. Alternatively, perturbation can create
bas) experienced high rates of extinction new, no-analogue communities (Williams
during the warming trend of the Paleo- and Jackson 2007; Jackson 2008), which,
cene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; maintaining the metaphor, could be con-
ca. 56 Ma), other groups of small marine sidered in some sense futuristic as opposed
organisms responded primarily by shift- to anachronistic. The metaphor can be
ing their geographic ranges (Norris et al. extended to changes in the abundance of
2013). The different responses of biotas at strongly interacting consumers at lower tro-

phic levels, as well as to nontrophic classes which were the basis of the earliest living
of strong interactors such as foundation reefs until they were outmoded by the rapid
species, or ecosystem engineers. diversification of mobile consumers in the
Stamping a living community with Cambrian. Modern, stromatolite-dominated
its time equivalent from the fossil record seascapes are likewise characterized by low
should not be taken to mean that the liv- levels of grazing. Moreover, anachronistic
ing community fully replicates a particu- communities dominated by microbially
lar paleocommunity from the distant past. built structures reappeared at various times
That would be impossible after millions to in the Phanerozoic following the clearance
hundreds of millions of years of change in of ecospace by extinction events (Sheehan
the ocean. Rather, the time stamp denotes and Harris 2004). Whether coral reefs are
some commonality of pattern and process, degrading to a Proterozoic state and on what
yielding clues to anthropogenic causation schedule remain contentious issues. The
and suggesting remedial actions. The intent complementary prediction for pelagic sys-
is to draw a revealing caricature, not one tems is that gelatinous zooplankton will in-
that is overly exaggerated. As in politics and herit the water column after all the fish are
life generally, absurd caricatures are not so gone. The hypothesis of retrogradation to a
useful for identifying the features that need Proterozoic-style “ocean of jelly” has found
improvement. only partial support (Condon et al. 2012).
The time stamp is implicit in interpret-
ing the Pleistocene extinctions of terres-
trial megafauna. Neotropical fruiting plants OV E R F ISH I NG A N D POST-MODE R N
with large seeds, bereft of the megafaunal COM M U N ITIE S
dispersers with which they coevolved, now
live in a no-analogue world but find some The increased abundance of epifaunal
temporal redress in the form of large, do- ophiuroids in overfished coastal habitats il-
mesticated animals such as cattle and horses lustrates how removing top predators can
(Janzen and Martin 1982; Guimarães et al. drive benthic communities in a Paleozoic
2008). Levin et al. (2002) likewise argued direction. Human exploitation of predators
that grazing by feral horses at least partially such as fish and sea otters can also lead to
re-creates the impacts of Pleistocene mega- explosive increases in sea urchins. Sea ur-
herbivores in North American salt marshes. chins, which belong to Sepkoski’s Modern
Rewilding (Donlan et al. 2006) is an explicit fauna, are potent herbivores. When released
management proposal to restore North from predation pressure they can defoliate
American ecosystems to some semblance of expansive beds of seagrasses and macroal-
their prehuman states by importing living gae in shallow-water environments. Aron-
megafauna from other continents. son (1990) distinguished modern, temper-
The degradation of coral reefs provides ate-zone communities, which are naturally
an example from the marine realm. Cli- dominated by predators and macroalgae,
mate change, overharvesting, and nutri- from overfished, “post-modern” communi-
ent loading all kill corals and promote the ties dominated by humans and sea urchins.
growth of macroalgae (seaweeds) on reefs. On tropical reefs, in contrast, cultivating ar-
Some ecologists predict that reef commu- tificially dense, post-modern populations of
nities will ultimately degrade to a “seabed sea urchins might be a useful management
of slime,” dominated by expansive mats of tool to combat the displacement of corals by
cyanobacteria (i.e., blue-green algae) remi- macroalgae and cyanobacterial mats (Precht
niscent of the Proterozoic seas (Pandolfi et and Aronson 2006).
al. 2003; Jackson 2008). Cyanobacterial mats Aronson (1990) broadened the onshore-
formed hardened, layered stromatolites, offshore model to incorporate human ex-
C L I M AT E C H A N G E , C O N S E RVAT I O N , A N D T H E M E TA P H O R O F D E E P T I M E 119
ploitation. Fishing activity by Homo sapiens, climate change (Aronson et al. 2011; Chown
an evolutionary novelty that originated in et al. 2015). Apart from endemism per se,
nearshore environments, sequentially alters marine-benthic communities on the con-
community structure along the onshore-to- tinental shelves surrounding Antarctica
offshore gradient. Food webs progressively are unique in their structure and function.
become depleted from their top predators Declining temperatures over the last 40
downward (Pauly et al. 1998) and from million years have placed a Paleozoic time
coastal habitats to the edge of the conti- stamp on the living benthic communities,
nental shelf and into the bathyal zone. The but now rapidly warming seas are poised to
onshore-offshore trend is reflected in pro- reverse that dynamic.
jections that bottom fisheries will continue The living bottom-fauna in Antarctica
to expand to the slow-growing, highly vul- lacks the durophagous teleosts, neoselachi-
nerable stocks that live in deep-sea environ- ans, and reptant decapods that generally ex-
ments, with obvious implications for ma- ert top-down control at temperate, tropical,
rine policy and conservation planning. and Arctic latitudes. As a result, shallow-
The post-modern time stamp also ap- benthic communities in Antarctica resem-
plies to overfished demersal and pelagic ble benthic communities of the Paleozoic
assemblages in which coleoid cephalopods marine world, as well as contemporary off-
are increasing. Like sea urchins, coleoids are shore or deep-sea communities (Aronson et
components of the Modern fauna, and they al. 2007; Aronson 2017). Living macrofau-
are remarkably convergent on fish in their nal assemblages on soft bottoms in Antarc-
structure, function, and ecology (Packard tica are dominated by ophiuroids, crinoids,
1972). Catches of octopus, squid, and cut- anthozoans (sea anemones and their rela-
tlefish have increased recently, in large part tives), sponges, and other epifaunal suspen-
because the teleosts that are their predators sion feeders. Brachiopods are common on
and competitors have been overfished by rocky outcrops in some localities. The pri-
humans (Doubleday et al. 2016). mary predators are slow moving, Paleozoic-
Jackson (2008) expressed the same dark grade invertebrates, including asteroids, gi-
sentiment that marine communities have ant nemerteans (ribbon worms), and giant
entered post-modern times with his dys- pycnogonids (sea spiders). The thin, unde-
topian reference to the brave new ocean. fended shells of Antarctic gastropods are
Whether we view perturbed marine com- more vulnerable to shell-crushing predators
munities as retrograde fragments or tempo- than their counterparts in the temperate
ral chimeras, we can best understand the zones and the tropics, a latitudinal analogue
bleak future of life in the sea as a warped of the Mesozoic marine revolution (Vermeij
and shattered reflection of the distant past. 1978; Watson et al. 2017). Other retrograde,
Antarctica provides a vivid case study of Paleozoic features include a phylogeneti-
the value of the metaphorical time stamp cally archaic bivalve fauna and, related, an
for managing a highly vulnerable marine impoverished infauna (Crame 2014).
ecosystem that is being altered by climate Climatic cooling began in Antarctica in
change. the late Eocene with the opening of the
Drake Passage and establishment of the
Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). The
E O C E N E C L I M AT E C H A NGE A N D cold and isolation created by the ACC drove
A N TA RCTIC M A R I N E COM M U N ITIE S the trend toward anachronistic community
structure in the Antarctic shelf fauna. Geo-
Antarctic ecosystems are extraordinarily chemical analysis of bivalve shells from the
sensitive to human impacts, and a high de- Eocene La Meseta Formation at Seymour
gree of endemism aggravates the threat of Island, in the Weddell Sea off the eastern

coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, suggest a remodernizing the Antarctic benthos by re-
temperature drop around 41 Ma (Douglas admitting durophagous predators.
et al. 2014). That event was the first pulse
of the long-term trend that led to glaciation
of the continent and its polar climate as we T H E F U T U R E OF A N TA RCTIC
know it today. MARINE LIFE
The La Meseta Formation, which spans
~55 Ma to 33.5 Ma—most of the Eocene— Much has been written about the ecologi-
is a highly fossiliferous, uplifted channel- cal impacts of ocean acidification at polar
fill that preserves faunas from nearshore, latitudes, but warming seas pose a more
shallow-marine environments. The ben- immediate threat to the continued survival
thic communities were dominated by gas- of benthic species in Antarctica (Gutt et
tropods and bivalves, typical of Cenozoic al. 2015). Because water temperatures are
nearshore communities worldwide. Far virtually aseasonal, marine ectotherms in
from typical, however, was the abrupt ap- Antarctica have evolved physiologies that
pearance of dense populations of epifaunal are cold stenothermal: they tolerate a nar-
ophiuroids and crinoids following the cool- row range of low temperatures. Warming
ing pulse 41 Ma. Other changes across the directly threatens Antarctic ectotherms
cooling event included a decline of sharks, with extinction through physiological
a decline of defensive architecture in gas- stress (Pörtner 2006; see also Griffiths et
tropods, and an increase of epifaunal, sus- al. 2017). Rising temperatures also act in-
pension-feeding bivalves (Long 1992; Stil- directly, accelerating biological invasions
well and Zinsmeister 1992). Durophagous and range expansions from warmer envi-
teleosts, sharks, and decapods went extinct ronments (e.g., Walther et al. 2002). As a
in Antarctica after the Eocene-Oligocene consequence, durophagous crustaceans ap-
boundary. The notothenioid fish, which pear to be on the verge of returning to shelf
survive in Antarctica by producing anti- communities off the western Antarctic Pen-
freeze glycoproteins, radiated as early as the insula (WAP).
late Eocene in response to cooling (Near et The continental shelf of the WAP is the
al. 2012). They are the only remaining te- marine region of Antarctica most suscep-
leosts in shelf environments in Antarctica, tible to biological invasion for several rea-
and they never evolved to feed on hard- sons. First, the WAP is close to source popu-
shelled prey. This functional idiosyncrasy is lations of potential invaders from southern
an accident of phylogeny not shared with South America. A vagrant crab from South
Arctic teleosts, many of which produce America, likely transported in the ballast
antifreeze compounds and are also shell of a tourist ship, was recently discovered at
crushers (Aronson et al. 2007). Deception Island, and crab larvae are drift-
The faunal response to cooling 41 Ma— ing southward into the Southern Ocean in
retrogradation to a quasi-Paleozoic state— eddies coming off the ACC (Aronson, Fred-
was an initial exemplar of later, widespread erich, et al. 2015). Second, sea surface tem-
ecological changes to the Antarctic benthos. peratures over the shelf adjacent to the WAP
Fossil evidence suggests that subsequent have risen approximately 1.5°C during the
warming and cooling were accompanied by past 50 years, which is considerably more
fluctuations in the time stamp of commu- rapid than the global average (Schmidtko
nity structure. At some point, however, sea et al. 2014). Third, the near-bottom waters
temperatures were uniformly cold enough over the continental slope of the WAP are
that retrograde communities became the slightly warmer than the shallow waters
norm. Rapidly warming seas now appear over the inner shelf. This oceanographic
to be erasing the Paleozoic time stamp and peculiarity arises from downwelling within
C L I M AT E C H A N G E , C O N S E RVAT I O N , A N D T H E M E TA P H O R O F D E E P T I M E 121
Lithodids prey on invertebrates, includ-
ing echinoderms and mollusks. They and
their prey exhibit complementary depth
distributions in Palmer Deep and on the
continental slope where they occur at high
abundance (C. Smith et al. 2012; K. Smith
et al. 2017). Nearshore waters are still too
cold for lithodids to survive, but the outer
shelf, at 400–600 m depth, is already warm
enough. At current rates of warming, no
physiological barriers will prevent lithodids
from expanding shoreward across the shelf
over the next few decades. The abundant,
Figure 9.1. Annual temperature range within shallow-
marine habitats as a function of latitude. The lack of
naïve, undefended echinoderms, mollusks,
thermal seasonality has driven the evolution of cold and other invertebrates will be easy pick-
stenothermy in Antarctic ectotherms. Ectotherms living ings, compromising the Paleozoic character
near the equator tend to be warm stenothermal, again of the Antarctic shelf faunas.
because of reduced seasonality. Temperate-marine ecto-
therms are eurythermal in comparison. Extinction risks
are elevated in Antarctica from the physiological stresses
of climate change. (Modified from Aronson et al. 2011.) SU M M A RY A N D CONC LUSIONS

Deep time provides a framework for under-

the ACC and upwelling off the WAP. Preda- standing the structure of marine-benthic
tory king crabs (anomurans in the family communities under varying levels of hu-
Lithodidae) are already living on the conti- man exploitation. Overexploitation of top
nental slope but are excluded from colder, predators has tended to reconfigure benthic
nearshore habitats. They have the potential assemblages so they come to resemble Pa-
to expand shoreward as temperatures rise. leozoic communities, or alternatively “post-
Lithodids are among the most cold toler- modern” communities if humans are added
ant of the reptant decapods (Hall and Thatje to the scenario. This metaphorical retrogra-
2011), and they are widespread along the dation (or progradation) has generally pro-
slope off the WAP (Figure 9.1). Large, re- ceeded from nearshore habitats to offshore
productively viable populations of one spe- and deep-sea environments. The value of
cies, Paralomis birsteini, are currently living at a the temporal metaphor lies beyond mere
minimum temperature of ~0.4°C, centered academic interest: the time stamp of a com-
in a depth range of 1100–1500 m (Aronson, munity can provide concrete direction to
Smith, et al. 2015) and extending as shallow the formulation of policies and action plans
as 721 m. In 2010, C. Smith et al. (2012) in a world increasingly driven by climate
documented a viable population of another change. In Antarctica, climatic warming, by
lithodid, Neolithodes yaldwyni, at slope depths altering benthic food webs, is on the verge
in Palmer Deep, a glacially carved trough in of remodernizing the anachronistic com-
the shelf. Like Paralomis, Neolithodes are nor- munities living on the continental shelf.
mally found on the continental slope, so at One need look no further than Antarc-
some point they presumably came over the tica’s iconic penguins to see the danger of
shelf break at 500 m—as either adults or climate change. Warming along the WAP is
demersal (bottom-associated) larvae—to reducing sea ice, which is reducing the pro-
migrate into the trough. When lithodids ductivity of krill, a primary food source of
initially established populations in Antarc- penguins. The penguins are declining. The
tica is unknown. story is more complicated than that (Trivel-

piece et al. 2011), but climatically induced ACK NOWLE DGME NTS
reductions in krill are having a significant
impact on the abundance of penguins. I thank J. Eastman, K. Heck, L. Ivany, J. Mc-
There is only so far south along the WAP Clintock, R. Moody, W. Precht, K. Smith,
that penguins and other marine species can and S. Thatje for helpful advice and dis-
shift their ranges before running into the cussion. Comments from the editors and
continent and facing extinction. several anonymous reviewers greatly im-
The direct climatic threat to marine bio- proved the manuscript. Contribution 140
diversity on a regional level within Antarc- from the Institute for Research on Global
tica is magnified by the prospect of inter- Climate Change at Florida Tech, this work
continental homogenization of community was supported by the National Science
structure: the loss of diversity among bio- Foundation through Grants ANT-1141877
geographic provinces (Aronson et al. 2007; and OCE-1535007.
Aronson, Frederich, et al. 2015; Aronson,
Smith, et al. 2015). Warming seas and in-
creasing ship traffic are placing the Antarc- R E FE R E NCE S
tic fauna at risk from climatically mediated
biological invasions and range expansions Aronson, R. B. 1990. “Onshore-offshore patterns of hu-
of marine taxa that include durophagous man fishing activity.” Palaios 5: 88–93.
Aronson, R. B. 2017. “Metaphor, inference, and predic-
predators. Crabs will be the first shell- tion in paleoecology: Climate change and the Antarc-
crushing predators to arrive in benthic- tic bottom fauna.” In Conservation Paleobiology: Science and
shelf communities, but durophagous fish Practice, ed. G. P. Dietl and K. W. Flessa, 183–200. Uni-
will follow (Aronson et al. 2007). Remod- versity of Chicago Press.
ernization of the shelf benthos would de- Aronson, R. B., M. Frederich, R. Price, and S. Thatje.
2015. “Prospects for the return of shell-crushing crabs
stroy the endemic, retrograde character of to Antarctica.” Journal of Biogeography 42: 1–7.
Antarctic marine life. Aronson, R. B., K. E. Smith, S. C. Vos, J. B. McClintock,
Apart from limiting direct environmen- M. O. Amsler, P.-O. Moksnes, D. S. Ellis, et al. 2015.
tal damage from pollution and fishing, two “No barrier to emergence of bathyal king crabs on
clear prescriptions are to control carbon the Antarctic shelf.” Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences 112: 12997–13002.
emissions globally and regulate ship traf- Aronson, R. B., S. Thatje, A. Clarke, L. S. Peck, D. B.
fic in the Southern Ocean (Aronson et al. Blake, C. D. Wilga, and B. A. Siebel. 2007. “Climate
2011). The Ross Sea Marine Protected Area, change and invasibility of the Antarctic benthos.” An-
which was created in 2016, will protect nual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 38: 129–154.
Antarctic fish stocks and other resources. Aronson, R. B., S. Thatje, J. B. McClintock, and K. A.
Hughes. 2011. “Anthropogenic impacts on marine
Like many other marine protected areas, ecosystems in Antarctica: The Yearbook in Ecology
however, this MPA—the world’s largest at and Conservation Biology.” Annals of the New York Academy
1.57 million km2—will rapidly be rendered of Sciences 1223: 82–107.
obsolete if climate change is not halted and Chown, S. L., A. Clarke, C. I. Fraser, S. C. Cary, K. L.
reversed. As with the broader environ- Moon, and M. A. McGeoch. 2015. “The changing
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The Effects of Sea-Level Rise on Habitats and Species

Céline Bellard, Camille Leclerc, and Franck Courchamp

Based on “Impact of sea level rise on the 10 insular biodiversity hotspots,” Bellard et al. (2014). All the
sources cited here, if not listed at the end of the case study, can be found in this key reference.

Sea-level rise is one of the main components of climate change. In agreement with climate
models, projections showed that sea level will likely continue to rise in more than 95 percent
of the ocean area during the coming decades. The current estimates give an increase of 0.26
to 0.98 m for the period 2081–2100 (Stocker et al. 2013). Small islands and other low-lying
coastal regions are expected to be the most affected by sea-level rise. There are about 180,000
islands worldwide that are often characterized by a high proportion of endemic species, par-
ticularly vulnerable to threats. Several studies have investigated how sea-level rise may affect
biodiversity. For instance, sea-level rise may affect marine ecosystems by inducing changes
of parameters such as available light, salinity, and temperature. The long-term persistence of
freshwater-dependent ecosystems can also be affected by the increase of sea level (Traill et
al. 2011). In addition, species in terrestrial ecosystems that might be permanently inundated
could be locally extinct as a result of sea-level rise. Besides, the economic cost of sea-level rise
is also important. For example, the average global flood losses are estimated to be approxi-
mately 5 percent of global gross domestic product in 2005 across all cities (Hanson et al.
2010). As a result, sea-level change will cause habitat change and loss of coastal areas, both of
which will have important consequences for society and biodiversity. Because sea-level rise is
predicted to continue to increase in the next decades, a number of studies have investigated
its future effects on insular biodiversity. For example, Bellard et al. (2014) investigated the
potential effects of sea-level rise on the 10 insular biodiversity hotspots following an increase
in sea level by 1 m to 6 m. These hotspots contain more than 50,000 endemic plant species
and about 670 endemic mammals. Because insular hotspots are densely populated islands
(31.8 percent of all humanity) the implications of sea-level rise could be considerable for
human societies. In this study, they estimated the number of islands partially and entirely
submerged (Figure CS4.1) following sea-level rise. They showed that 6 percent–19 percent of
the 4,447 islands studied could be submerged under an increase of sea-level rise of 1 m–6 m.

In particular, three biodiversity hotspots Consequently, about 20 to 300 vascular plant

were identified as the most vulnerable to species have been predicted at risk of extinc-
sea-level rise. The Caribbean Islands hotspot tion due to sea-level rise. In addition, spe-
was the most threatened, with 63 of its is- cies already listed as threatened by the Inter-
lands entirely submerged under a scenario national Union for Conservation of Nature
of sea-level rise by 1 m. Sundaland and the (i.e., endemic plants and reptiles from New
Philippines were also predicted to be par- Caledonia) were more vulnerable to sea-
ticularly affected, with a potential loss of 61 level rise. Focusing on the Pacific and South-
and 48 islands, respectively (Figure CS4.1). east Asia (over 12,900 islands), Wetzel et al.
In addition, 11.4 percent of all islands may (2012) found similar results (i.e., between
lose at least 50 percent of their habitat with 15 percent and 62 percent of islands would
an increase of sea level of 1 m. These islands
harbor a high number of endemic species Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.
that are of high concern for conservation. ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.



Proportion of islands
submerged by a sea
level rise of:
1 Meter Meters Area stable
[Number of islands entirely submerged by a sea level rise of (1m:6m)]

Figure CS4.1. Percentage of islands included in the 10 in- annual losses of 0.3 percent–9.3 percent to
sular biodiversity hotspots predicted to be submerged global gross domestic product.
from 1 m to 6 m by sea-level rise scenarios.
It should be noted that the majority of
the studies that investigated the effect of
be completely inundated under scenarios of sea-level rise at a regional or global scale
sea-level rise by 1 m to 6 m), highlighting used simplified scenarios. For instance, they
the extinction risk for 54 mammals of the simulated a uniform increase in sea-level
Indo-Malaysian islands. Using the hotspot of rise worldwide. In addition, most of them
the forest of East Australia as a case study, did not consider the potential effects of
Bellard et al. (2016) also illustrate that nearly lateral erosion, intrusion of saline waters,
860 km2 could be entirely submerged with decadal and centennial tides, and eventu-
an increase of sea level by 1 m, with water ally secondary impacts like displacement of
intrusion reaching up to 35 km inland. This human populations and agricultural lands.
inundated area mainly includes natural areas Besides, they do not include the dynamic
such as national parks that harbor high spe- response of islands. Yet Webb and Kench
cies richness (about 150 species per pixel) (2010) highlighted the dynamic nature of
and low protected areas. They also demon- sea-level rise response of islets in four atolls
strated that inundated areas might lead to the of the Central Pacific. Over periods of 19
displacement of 20,600 people, especially to 61 years, 43 percent of islands showed
around Graton, Port Macquarie, and Taree an increase (and stability), whereas only 14
cities in Australia. Consequently, the future percent showed a decrease.
cost of sea-level rise for society is expected Finally, there are a variety of models,
to be important. Hallegatte et al. (2013) cal- from a simple drowning model to a pro-
culated that average global flood losses could cess-based model, that have been recently
reach US$52 billion by 2050 in the 136 developed with their own strengths and
largest coastal cities. Without adaptation to weaknesses to investigate the effect of sea-
mitigate the effect of rising sea levels, Hin- level rise. These techniques are suited for
kel et al. (2014) estimate that 0.2 percent–4.6 different management objectives regarding
percent of global population is expected to sea-level rise (Runting, Wilson, and Rhodes
be flooded annually in 2100, with expected 2013). Therefore, there is much room to
improve the current techniques and knowl- Forests of East Australia.” Environmental Conservation 43:
edge of the likely effects of sea-level rise. 79–89.
Hallegatte, S., C. Green, R. J. Nicholls, and J. Corfee-
To conclude, although the magnitude Morlot. 2013. “Future flood losses in major coastal
of sea-level rise and its potential effects are cities.” Nature Climate Change 3: 802–806. https://doi.
difficult to predict with certainty, it is es- org/10.1038/nclimate1979.
tablished that sea-level rise will occur and Hinkel, J., D. Lincke, A. T. Vafeidis, M. Perrette, R. J.
threaten a large and unique part of biodi- Nicholls, R. S. J. Tol, et al. 2014. “Coastal flood dam-
age and adaptation costs under 21st century sea-level
versity. Therefore, vulnerability assessments rise.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111:
and current conservation programs should 3293–3297.
include this threat among others criteria of Runting, R. K., K. A. Wilson, and J. R. Rhodes. 2013.
prioritization schemes. “Does more mean less? The value of information for
conservation planning under sea level rise.” Global
Change Biology 19: 352–363.
R E FE R E NCE S Stocker, T. F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, L. V. Alexander, S. K.
Allen, N. L. Bindoff, F.-M. Bréon, et al. 2013. “Techni-
Bellard, C., C. Leclerc, and F. Courchamp. 2014. “Im- cal summary.” In Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science
pact of sea level rise on the 10 insular biodiversity Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment
hotspots.” Global Ecology and Biogeography 23: 203–212. Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, ed. T. F. Stocker, D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S. K. Al-
Bellard, C., C. Leclerc, B. D. Hoffmann, and F. Cour- len, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex, and P. M.
champ. 2016. “Vulnerability to climate change and Midgley, 33–115. Cambridge University Press. https://
sea-level rise of the 35th biodiversity hotspot, the

Past Abrupt Managing ecosystems in a quickly chang-

ing world can be distilled to the challenge
Changes in Climate of managing rates of change. We must slow
the rates of processes deemed harmful to
and Terrestrial species of concern, ecosystem health, or
ecosystem services. Via adaption, we seek
Ecosystems to accelerate adaptive processes and, via car-
bon-mitigation strategies, buy time for spe-
JOHN W. WILLIAMS AND KEVIN D. BURKE cies to adapt. We must prepare for abrupt
ecological responses triggered by climatic
extreme events and by nonlinear responses
and feedbacks of ecological systems to more
gradual forcings (National Research Coun-
cil 2013) and for the ecological surprises
caused by the rapid transition of the climate
system to a state potentially without prec-
edent in human history.
Ecological processes operate across a
wide range of timescales, and the ecologi-
cal effects of recent climatic trends may not
manifest for years or even centuries (Sven-
ning and Sandel 2013). Hence, the geologi-
cal record is essential to understand how
abrupt dynamics manifest in both climate
and ecological systems (National Research
Council 2013). Past climate changes were
often large and abrupt (Chapter 8), with
some rates of change occurring as fast or
even faster than those expected for this cen-
tury (Table 10.1). Paleoclimatic and paleo-
ecological proxies offer a rich record of past
climatic changes and the population, spe-
cies, community, and ecosystem responses
and feedbacks to those changes. High-res-
olution records enable annual- to decadal-
scale studies of past ecological dynamics
(Tinner and Lotter 2001), while networks
of paleoecological records enable study of
climate-driven range shifts and other spa-
tiotemporal processes at timescales of cen-

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

turies to millennia (Williams et al. 2004), climates were characterized by en-
as well as ecological responses to large but hanced hydrological variability, with
infrequent climatic extreme events. Thus, widespread ecological and societal
the resilience of ecological systems to rapid impacts.
climate change and rates of ecological re-
sponse can be studied. Species have four op- “Abrupt” has several definitions and
tions in a changing climate—move, adapt, application across many time scales (Wil-
persist, or die—and all four have happened liams et al. 2011, National Research Council
in the past. 2013). We focus on climatic and ecological
No geological event is a perfect analog changes large and fast enough to challenge
for the climatic and ecological changes climate adaptation (i.e., over years to de-
expected for this century, but many offer cades) or where an ecological tipping point
instructive model systems (Williams et al. is indicated by an ecological response much
2013). Here we review several such events, faster than the climatic forcing.
each illuminating a different aspect of bio-
logical dynamics during periods of rapid
change. We focus on terrestrial vegetation, PA L E O C E N E -E O C E N E T H E R M A L
because plants are well documented in the M A X IM U M (PE T M)
fossil record, are fundamental to terrestrial
ecosystem function, and are at risk of both During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal
abrupt threshold-type responses and adap- Maximum, 56.1 million years ago (McIn-
tive lags (Aitken et al. 2008; Williams et al. erney and Wing 2011), vast amounts of or-
2011; Svenning and Sandel 2013; Scheffer ganic carbon from geobiological reservoirs
et al. 2012): were released rapidly into the atmosphere
and ocean. This release is unequivocally
1. The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal signaled by a negative excursion in carbon
Maximum (Chapter 8), 56.1 million isotopes (~4.6‰) in multiple marine and
years ago, is a model system to study terrestrial records (McInerney and Wing
the transient and equilibrium re- 2011): a carbon pulse (ca. 5,000 to 10,000
sponses of terrestrial ecosystems to gigatons carbon [GtC]) equivalent to or
a massive release of organic carbon greater than all contemporary reserves of
into the atmosphere and ocean and fossil fuels. Ocean acidification and carbon-
consequent changes in temperature ate undersaturation are indicated by de-
and ocean biogeochemistry. creased preservation of calcium carbonate
in marine sediments (Zachos et al. 2005).
2. The last deglaciation, 19,000 to Carbon release was on the order of thou-
8,000 years ago, is a model sys- sands of years and less than 20,000 years
tem to study the ability of species (McInerney and Wing 2011). The pertur-
to track temperature changes that bation and reequilibration of the carbon
were, at least regionally, comparable cycle and climate system lasted 150,000 to
to those expected for this century. 200,000 years (McInerney and Wing 2011).
The favored explanation for the PETM
3. The middle to late Holocene, 8,000 until recently was degasing of methane
years ago to ~1800 AD, is a model from shallow-marine clathrates. However,
system for the effects of hydrologi- the amount of carbon stored in Paleocene
cal variability and extreme events clathrates (~1000 GtC, Buffett and Archer
in a warmer world. Sometimes 2004) is insufficient to explain the mag-
misperceived as stable, Holocene nitude of carbon isotopic excursions and
Table 10.1. Abrupt climatic and ecological events in the geological record
Event What happened? When? Rapidity of event Ecological effects Rapidity of response References
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Release of 5–10 Gt organic PETM: 56.1 Ma ETM2: 53.7 <20,000 years Intercontinental species im- Rapid response, lags McInerney and Wing
Maximum (PETM), carbon; ocean acidifica- Ma ETM3: 52.4 Ma migration; community unclear 2011; DeConto et
ETM2, ETM3 tion; 4°C–5°C warming turnover; dwarfing al. 2012
of tropics
Glacial Terminations Global temperature rise of 9 terminations over the 5,000–10,000 Range shifts over 102 to Rapid response, lags Lüthi et al. 2008
3°C–5°C, GHG rise, ice past 800,000 years years 103 km, community unclear
sheets melt turnover
Dansgaard-Oeschger Events 5°C warming in Greenland 20 events between 10,000 <30 years Europe: afforestation from Rapid—lags likely Bond et al. 1993; Al-
and 80,000 years ago grasslands to wooded but not yet len et al. 1999
steppe measured
Bølling Warming 9°C–14°C warming in 14,700 years ago 1–3 years Rapid afforestation of tun- Initial response: Ammann et al. 2013
Greenland dra, expansion of species 8–16 years; Pinus
from glacial refugia expansion delayed
800 years
Younger Dryas Initiation 5°C–9°C cooling in Green- 12,700 years ago 1 year? Rapid plant community <40 years, i.e. Brauer et al. 2008;
land, 2°C cooling in turnover, declines of within sampling Buizert et al.
Western Europe thermophilous species resolution 2014; Rach et al.
Younger Dryas Termination, 8°C–12°C warming in 11,700 years ago <60 years Similar to Bølling Warming Synchronous with Birks 2015
Start of Holocene Greenland, 3°C in warming; tree
Northern Europe Betula arrival de-
layed 650 years
8.2 ka Event 5°C–7°C cooling in 8,400 years ago 5 years Similar to YD Initiation 0 to 40 years Tinner and Lotter
Greenland 2001; Alley and
Ágústsdóttir 2005
Holocene Aridification Waning of Northern Hemi- 11,000 to 5,000 years ago, Thousands of Collapse of North African Locally abrupt Kuper and Kröpelin
sphere monsoons and timing varies regionally years grasslands, retreat of for- (101–102 years) 2008
declines in subtropical est ecotones, activation shifts embedded
precipitation of dunes, C3/C4 shifts, within slower
altered fire regime aridification
Holocene Megadroughts Well documented by den- 1–10 years Slowed tree growth rates, Tree population Cook et al. 2010a;
droclimatic records for mortality of mesic tree collapses as fast as Cook et al. 2010c;
last 2000 years; height- species, abandonment of <10 years Williams et al.
ened variability 5,500 to early agricultural sites 2011; Shuman
4,000 years ago 2012
carbonate undersaturation (Higgins and by 4°C to 5°C (Higgins and Schrag 2006).
Schrag 2006). Consequently, other mecha- Biological responses varied strongly among
nisms for the PETM carbon release have taxonomic groups. The PETM event was
been proposed (Higgins and Schrag 2006; most severe for benthic foraminifera, 30
McInerney and Wing 2011). percent to 50 percent of which went ex-
Of these, the recent Antarctic perma- tinct. It also profoundly affected the ecol-
frost hypothesis (DeConto et al. 2012) el- ogy and evolution of terrestrial species
egantly unifies several lines of evidence. (McInerney and Wing 2011). Mammal
In this hypothesis, organic carbon was re- body sizes rapidly decreased, perhaps as a
leased by thawing of Antarctic reservoirs result of higher temperatures or reduced
of permafrost and peat. Antarctica was forage quality (Gingerich 2006; McInerney
unglaciated during the Paleocene, creating and Wing 2011). The duration of dwarfed
a large polar land area (~12 million km2) body size is limited to the PETM inter-
available for carbon sequestration in peat- val, suggesting highly plastic responses of
land and permafrost. The PETM was fol- mammalian body size to environmental
lowed by thermal maxima and releases of change. Connectivity and intercontinental
organic carbon into the atmosphere-ocean dispersal increased among North America,
system (ETM2 and ETM3) at 53.7 mil- Europe, and Asia, with long-lasting impacts
lion years ago and 52.4 million years ago. on faunal distributions and evolution (Gin-
These carbon releases align with past con- gerich 2006).
figurations of the earth’s slowly wobbling Although there was no increase in global
orbit that favor higher incoming sunlight terrestrial extinctions during the PETM,
at the poles (DeConto et al. 2012), suggest- turnover in plant communities was rapid
ing that permafrost thawing was triggered (<10,000 years) and implies the local extir-
by orbitally driven variations in incoming pation of some taxa and range expansions
sunlight over the South Pole. The Antarctic of others across distances up to 1,000 km
peatland hypothesis can explain both the (Wing et al. 2005; McInerney and Wing
magnitude and rate of carbon release and 2011). Interestingly, plants experienced few
the multiple thermal maxima. It also ex- long-lasting impacts: pre-PETM and post-
plains why thermal events are absent after PETM floral assemblages are closely similar.
Antarctica glaciated approximately 35 mil- Herbivory-damage analyses of PETM leaves
lion years ago and why the amount of car- suggest intensified and more specialized
bon released declined between subsequent types of insect feeding under conditions
events: each thermal maximum depleted of higher temperatures and atmospheric
the organic carbon reserves in Antarc- CO2 (Currano et al. 2008). Several orders of
tic permafrost and peatlands, leaving less modern mammals, including primates, first
available for release in subsequent thermal appear after the PETM (Gingerich 2006).
events (DeConto et al. 2012). The Antarctic The magnitude of carbon cycle disrup-
peatland hypothesis underscores the sensi- tion during the PETM is similar to the high-
tivity of terrestrial carbon reserves to thaw- end emission scenarios for the coming cen-
ing and the potential of high-latitude soil turies, but the PETM onset is slower than
carbon and vegetation feedbacks to acceler- Anthropocene onset by one to two orders
ate warming. of magnitude (i.e., a PETM carbon pulse and
The climatic, biogeochemical, and bio- temperature rise over 103 to 104 years vs.
logical effects of the PETM were profound. an Anthropocene rise over 102 to 103 years).
Surface air temperatures rose by 4°C to 5°C Hence, the ecological and evolutionary ef-
in the tropics and 6°C to 8°C in the high fects of the PETM should be conservative
latitudes, while the deep ocean warmed relative to those of the coming century.

T H E L AST DE GL AC I ATION: A BRU PT of abrupt global climate reversals that man-

T E M PE R AT U R E C H A NGE A N D R A PI D ifested differently among regions. These re-
V E GE TATION R E SPONSE versals were triggered by rapid melting of
ice sheets, meltwater pulses into the North
How quickly can population, species, and Atlantic, and perturbations to global oce-
ecosystems adjust to current rates of tem- anic circulation, carbon cycle, and atmo-
perature rise? How long are the time lags spheric transport of heat and moisture (Al-
between climatic forcing and ecologi- ley 2000; Alley and Ágústsdóttir 2005; Clark
cal responses, and how long are ecologi- et al. 2012). The magnitude and rapidity of
cal and evolutionary adaptive lags (Aitken these events in Greenland and Western Eu-
et al. 2008)? Do slow responses enhance rope (Figure 10.1) is remarkable:
extinction risk, thus requiring adaptation
interventions such as managed relocation? r During the Bølling-Allerød onset,
Are species distributions already in disequi- 14,700 years ago, temperatures rose
librium with twentieth- and early twenty- in Greenland by 9°C to 14°C (Buiz-
first-century temperature trends (Svenning ert et al. 2014) over 1 to 3 years
and Sandel 2013; Goring and Williams (Steffensen et al. 2008). Monsoons
2017)? Concerns about adaptive lags and strengthened in India and East Asia
extinction risk are acute for species with (Clark et al. 2012).
long generation times, low fecundity, small
ranges, low genetic diversity, or limited dis- r During the Younger Dryas onset,
persal capabilities. 12,700 years ago, temperatures
The abrupt temperature rises during past dropped 5°C to 9°C over Greenland
glacial terminations and Dansgaard-Oesch- perhaps within a single year (Stef-
ger events (Table 10.1; see also Chapter 8) fensen et al. 2008; Buizert et al. 2014),
offer a replicated series of model systems marking a temporary return to near-
useful to study the response of biological glacial cold and dry conditions in the
systems to changes that were, at least re- Northern Hemisphere (Alley 2000).
gionally, as fast or faster than any expected Wind strength and atmospheric circu-
for this century. Of these, the last deglacia- lation in Western Europe apparently
tion has received the most attention because shifted within one year (Brauer et al.
it contains several abrupt temperature rises 2008). Monsoons weakened in India
and reversals, occurred in the midst of— and East Asia (Clark et al. 2012). In
and likely contributed to—a global wave Antarctica and circumpolar southern
of extinctions of large-bodied vertebrates, landmasses, temperatures rose as
and is the best-dated and -documented by ocean circulation weakened and heat
proxies. transport slowed from the South to
The last deglaciation (19,000 to 8,000 North Atlantic.
years ago) combines the Pleistocene-to-Ho-
locene glacial-to-interglacial transition with r During the Younger Dryas termina-
several abrupt, decadal-scale flickers. Long- tion (also the Holocene start), 11,700
term trends include global temperature rise years ago, temperatures rose by 8°C
(3°C to 5°C), melting ice and rising sea level to 12°C (Buizert et al. 2014) within
(120 m to 130 m), rising greenhouse gas 60 years at Greenland (Steffensen
concentrations (e.g., CO2 from 190 ppm to et al. 2008).
265 ppm; Clark et al. 2012), and plant dis-
tribution shifts of hundreds to thousands of r During the 8.2 ka event, from 8,400
kilometers (Williams et al. 2004). Superim- to 8,200 years ago, Greenland temper-
posed on these longer-term trends is a series atures dropped by 5°C to 7°C over five
years (Alley and Ágústsdóttir 2005). In tion responses to abrupt climate change.
Western Europe, the cooling is weaker First, multiple ecological and climatic prox-
(~1°C to 2°C). The 8.2 ka event marks ies from the same sediment cores permit
one final flicker of the glacial climate the precise establishment of the relative
system as the Laurentide Ice Sheet timing of events, thereby avoiding uncer-
collapsed, sending a pulse of cold tainties in absolute age estimates from ra-
meltwater into the North Atlantic. diometric dating. Second, lake sediments
Monsoons were weaker in North Af- include fossils from multiple terrestrial and
rica and southeastern Asia, producing aquatic taxonomic groups, differing in fe-
regionally drier conditions (Alley and cundity, dispersal capabilities, and genera-
Ágústsdóttir 2005). tion times, enabling study of these traits
on ecological rates of response. Third,
Multiproxy studies of lake sediments lake sediments include both fossil pollen
are critical for studying terrestrial vegeta- and (sometimes) plant macrofossils. Fossil

Figure 10.1. Fast and slow vegetation responses to the tundra is summarized by Pinus, Betula, Artemisia, Cypera-
abrupt climate changes during the last deglaciation, ceae, and Poaceae pollen abundances. (C) Lake Kråkenes
based on four high-resolution multiproxy records from (Norway), where abrupt warming at start of Holocene
Western Europe. (A) Lake Gerzensee (Switzerland), (highlighted by gray band) is inferred from chirono-
where rapid warming at Bølling onset (14,700 years mid assemblages (Birks 2015). This warming triggered
ago, dashed line) is captured by δ18O. Rapid woodland immediate losses of some Arctic and alpine species and
expansion and delayed Pinus migration are summarized multiple stages of vegetation turnover, culminating 700
by relative pollen abundances for Artemisia, Cyperaceae, years later with the immigration of tree birch (Betula pu-
Juniperus, Betula, and Pinus and stomatal counts for Pinus bescens). (D) Soppensee Lake (Switzerland), where forest
and Juniperus (Ammann et al. 2013). (B) Meerfelder Maar community composition responded within 0–40 years
(Germany), where abrupt cooling and increased wind to the abrupt cooling at 8.2 ka (dashed line), in turn trig-
strength at the start of the Younger Dryas are indicated gered by Laurentide Ice Sheet collapse (Tinner and Lotter
by hydrogen isotopes from terrestrially sourced or- 2001). Gains or losses were transitory for some tree taxa
ganic compounds, varve thickness, and varve mineral- (Pinus, Betula, Tilia) and long lasting for others (e.g., Corylus
ogy (Rach et al. 2014). Rapid conversion from forest to avellana, Fagus sylvatica).

pollen is ubiquitous and a good proxy for away or migration occurred in a series of
plant abundance, although weighted to- rapid jumps) or slower (if cryptic refugia
ward wind-dispersed pollen types. Plant were <500 km or if migration began prior
macrofossils are less common but definitive to Bølling onset).
indicators of the presence of a source plant. Meerfelder Maar in western Germany
Here we present four examples (Figure (Figure 10.1B) captures the effect of the
10.1), from different sites and time periods rapid return to cold and dry conditions in
in Western Europe, where the climatic sig- Europe at the onset of the Younger Dryas
nal of abrupt climate change is particularly (YD). At Meerfelder, the YD began with a
strong. These records demonstrate a mix- gradual cooling at 12,850 years ago (based
ture of fast (near instantaneous) and slow on hydrogen isotopes in plant biomarkers),
(century scale) response rates by terrestrial followed by an abrupt shift (1 to 3 years)
plant communities. Forest composition and 170 years later to drier and windier cli-
many tree species abundances are sensi- mates (Rach et al. 2014). The initial cool-
tive to climate change, with rapid climatic ing correlates closely to Greenland isotopic
tracking by some components. Often the lag records but took several centuries to mani-
between climatic forcing and initial vegeta- fest, whereas the second shift was extraor-
tion response is statistically indistinguish- dinarily rapid (perhaps within a single
able from zero. Other taxa have century- year) and likely caused by expansion of sea
scale response times, presumably due to ice over the North Atlantic, rapid atmo-
successional dynamics and migration rates. spheric reorganization, and reduced mois-
At Lake Gerzensee in Switzerland (Fig- ture advection to Western Europe (Brauer
ure 10.1A), initial biotic responses to rapid et al. 2008; Rach et al. 2014). Changes in
warming 14,685 years BP, at the start of the vegetation composition were synchronous
Bølling, occurred within 8 to 16 years (Am- with both events: declines in Pinus and Betula
mann et al. 2013). Terrestrial and aquatic and rises in Artemisia, Cyperaceae, and Poa-
communities responded simultaneously, ceae closely parallel the initial cooling and
suggesting that intertaxonomic differences quickly accelerated with the second shift.
in generation time or climatic sensitivity The pollen sampling resolution at Meer-
had no effect. However, the complex se- felder is 8 to 40 years, indicating short
quence of vegetation changes triggered by (at most, decadal-scale) time lags between
the Bølling-Allerød warming lasted nearly regional cooling and aridification, mortal-
1,000 years. Juniperus and Betula were fast re- ity of Pinus and Betula, and replacement of
sponders, with near-instantaneous expan- woodlands with tundra. Meerfelder offers
sion into shrub tundra. These woodlands a cautionary note against assessing past
persisted for 180 years, until replacement rates of ecological response based on high-
by Betula forests. Pinus arrived at Gerzensee resolution but geographically dispersed re-
by about 13,850 years ago, based on Pinus cords; a comparison of Meerfelder pollen to
stomata and rapidly rising Pinus pollen Greenland isotopic records would suggest
abundances. The closest known glacial re- an approximate 150-year vegetation lag af-
fugia for Pinus are in the southeastern Alps, ter the Younger Dryas onset, when in fact
500 km from Gerzensee (Ammann et al. any lag is at most a few decades.
2013) If we assume that Pinus was initially Kråkenes Lake, in coastal Norway (Fig-
500 km distant and that climates became ure 10.1C), has a rich plant macrofossil
locally suitable for Pinus at the start of the record, which enables precise estimates of
Bølling warming, then we can calculate an local turnover in plant community compo-
average migration rate for Pinus of 0.6 km/ sition and the relative timing of immigra-
year. Actual migration rates could have been tion and extirpation events. July tempera-
faster (if source populations were >500 km tures rose from 8°C to 11°C at Kråkenes
at the start of the Holocene (Birks 2015). tirpations of plant populations at the trail-
This rise began 11,630 years ago and lasted ing edge of species ranges and presumably
until 11,550 years BP, for an average of caused species to move among microcli-
3.75°C/century. Vegetation composition at mates within their established range. De-
Kråkenes abruptly changed between 11,600 spite these large shifts, extinctions of plant
and 11,550 years ago, synchronous with species were rare. One extinction, Picea
the temperature rise. Many Arctic and al- critchfieldii (Jackson and Weng 1999), is well
pine plants were locally extirpated (e.g., Koe- documented. This contrasts with the global
nigia islandica) or reduced to trace presences wave of megafaunal extinctions that began
(e.g., Saxifraga rivularis, S. cespitosa). This rapid 40,000 years ago and continued through the
response was followed by a succession of late Holocene (Koch and Barnosky 2006).
vegetation communities over the next 700 However megafaunal populations on re-
years. High abundances of Salix herbacea per- mote islands (Madagascar, New Zealand,
sisted for 150 years (until 11,400 years BP), Fiji, Mediterranean islands) did not suf-
followed by increases in grassland and fen fer widespread extinctions during the last
taxa, then Empetrum heathlands. Betula pu- deglaciation, despite major environmental
bescens (tree birch) apparently arrived at change and sea-level rise (but see Graham
Kråkenes by 10,940 years BP, roughly 650 et al. 2016), suggesting that late-Holocene
years after the initial event. The initial rise human arrival was the critical driver.
to 11°C should have been sufficient for B.
pubescens survival, suggesting that dispersal
limitation was the primary reason for the H Y DROLO GIC A L VA R I A BI L IT Y A N D
600-year lag. During the Younger Dryas, E COLO GIC A L TIPPI NG POI N TS
the nearest known B. pubescens refugia are DU R I NG T H E HOLO C E N E
in Denmark and southern Sweden (Birks
2015), roughly 600 km away, suggesting a Hydrological variability and the frequency
migration rate of ~1 km/year. In northern of extreme events is expected to increase
Norway, expansion of B. pubescens wood- over this century because a warmer atmo-
lands kept pace with temperature velocities sphere can hold more water vapor and be-
(Birks 2015). cause enhanced evaporation rates will de-
At Soppensee Lake, Switzerland, forest liver more water to the atmosphere while
composition responded quickly to 8.2 ka locally drying out land surfaces. Similarly,
cooling, with no time lags for several tree a defining characteristic of the Holocene is
taxa (Figure 10.1D). The varved Soppensee its heightened hydrological variability and
sediments enable annual-scale analyses, the profound consequences of this variabil-
and the pollen record at Soppensee was ity for terrestrial ecosystems (Figure 10.2)
analyzed at decadal resolution (Tinner and and early agricultural societies (deMenocal
Lotter 2001). Corylus avellana abundances col- 2001).
lapsed, while Pinus, Betula, Fagus sylvatica, and There is a persistent myth that the Ho-
Tilia all expanded. Time lags are short, rang- locene was climatically stable and benign,
ing from 0 to 40 years, suggesting that for- because of the muted temperature variabil-
est composition turned over within a single ity over the last 11,000 years. For example,
tree (and human) generation. Most forest global mean temperatures variations were
responses to the 8.2 ka event were tempo- on the order of <1°C to 2°C from the early to
rary, but the event ended the early Holo- late Holocene (Marcott et al. 2013; Marsicek
cene dominance of Corylus avellana and began et al. 2018), which is small relative to the
the rise of Fagus sylvatica. temperature swings discussed above. This
The large changes in abundances and myth of Holocene stability, however, over-
geographic distributions often caused ex- looks profound variations in hydrological,

Figure 10.2. During the Holocene, slow and progressive ecological, and societal systems during the
regional aridification produced locally abrupt collapses Holocene. Hence, the Pleistocene-Holocene
of forest cover and precipitation. (A) Insolation trends at
6.5°N and a north-south transect of hydrogen isotopic
transition should be viewed instead as a
records from North Africa, showing locally abrupt and fundamental shift in the type and drivers of
regionally time-transgressive collapses in monsoonal climate variability, from a cold glacial world
rainfall, highlighted by dashed line (Shanahan et al. characterized by large temperature swings
2015). (B) Insolation trends at 47°N and an east-west and positive feedbacks strongly governed by
transect of pollen records from the eastern Great Plains,
showing locally abrupt and regionally time-transgressive
ice-sheet dynamics and cryosphere-ocean-
collapses in forest cover (Williams et al. 2009). (C) Map atmosphere feedbacks to a warm intergla-
showing early drying of northern Sahara and later dry- cial world characterized by a wetter and
ing in south (Shanahan et al. 2015). (D) Map showing more energetic atmosphere and governed
earlier drying of sites in interior Great Plains and later by vegetation-atmosphere and ocean-atmo-
drying of sites nearer the prairie-forest ecotone, based
on a compilation of eolian, carbon isotopic, pollen, and
sphere feedbacks.
paleohydrological records (Williams et al. 2010). High hydrological variability during the
Holocene triggered major ecological and
societal effects at regional to subcontinen- ability (Liu et al. 2007), positive surface-
tal scales, often abrupt, particularly in sub- atmosphere feedbacks (Claussen 2009), or
tropical, semiarid, and temperate regions. simply internal dynamics with no climatic
Grasslands in North Africa collapsed during trigger (Williams et al. 2011; Booth et al.
the middle Holocene and were replaced by 2012; Seddon et al. 2015). Holocene hydro-
the Sahara Desert (Figure 10.2), causing re- logical variability and ecological response
treat of pastoral societies (Kuper and Kröpe- are spatially and temporally complex; rarely
lin 2008). In the Great Plains, the Nebraska are events globally or even regionally syn-
Sand Hills repeatedly flipped between active chronous. Rather, hydrological and veg-
dunes and stabilized grasslands (Miao et al. etation variability occurred as a temporal
2007). Forests in the eastern Great Plains mosaic (Williams et al. 2011), with epi-
converted to prairie in the early Holocene, sodes of heightened hydrological variability
reverting to forest in the middle to late Ho- or reduced variability but few individual
locene (Williams et al. 2010). Mesophilic events that can be confidently correlated
trees in the temperate deciduous forests of across sites. For example, the mid-Holocene
the eastern United States (e.g., Tsuga canaden- collapse of Tsuga canadensis in eastern North
sis, Fagus grandifolia) experienced repeated America was once thought to have been a
population crashes, likely tied to decadal- unique and synchronous event, caused by
to centennial-scale hydrological variability a single pest outbreak, but newly resolved
(Foster et al. 2006; Booth et al. 2012; Shu- records show multiple collapses, varying
man 2012). The Holocene expansion of Pinus in timing across sites and regions, and the
edulis (piñon pine) and Juniperus osteosperma in collapses have been linked to hydrological
the western United States was controlled by variability (Shuman 2012). Hydrological
a hydrological ratchet (Jackson et al. 2009), variability appears to have been particularly
with recruitment and range expansion dur- high between 5,500 and 4,000 years ago,
ing wet periods and persistence during dry for unclear reasons, with global effects on
periods. The strength of El Niño–Southern societies and ecosystems (deMenocal 2001;
Oscillation has strongly varied during the Shuman 2012).
Holocene (Cobb et al. 2013), with profound Case studies from North Africa and the
effects globally on precipitation patterns, US Great Plains illustrate the abrupt re-
flood risk, rates of tree growth, and fire sponses of terrestrial vegetation to Holo-
regime. Severe megadroughts, lasting de- cene hydrological variability. Progressive
cades, were common in the western United aridification caused large-scale shifts in bi-
States (Cook et al. 2010b) and eastern and ome extent, decreases in tree density, and
southern Asia (Cook et al. 2010a) over the replacement of grasslands with savanna in
past several millennia, the latter tied to semiarid regions (Figure 10.2). In North
shifts in monsoonal precipitation (Zhang Africa, moisture availability peaked dur-
et al. 2008). Early agricultural societies in ing the early Holocene during the African
India, the Fertile Crescent, Egypt, Central Humid Period, caused by orbitally driven
America, and western and central United shifts in summer solar radiation and en-
States were destabilized by drought and hanced monsoonal strength in the North-
floods (deMenocal 2001; Munoz et al. 2015). ern Hemisphere subtropics (Figure 10.2A).
A major research question is to disentan- North African aridification proceeded
gle when these abrupt vegetation changes as the withdrawal of a monsoonal front,
were caused by similarly abrupt extrinsic with northern locations first losing access
forcings (e.g., megadroughts) (Williams et to monsoonal precipitation and southern
al. 2011; Seddon et al. 2015), intrinsic tip- locations later (Shanahan et al. 2015). The
ping points within ecological systems that southward withdrawal took thousands of
cause abrupt responses to hydrological vari- years, but, at any given location, the decline

in rainfall often was abrupt (decades to cen- Regardless of exact mechanism, the Ho-
turies) (Kuper and Kröpelin 2008; Shana- locene pattern is clear: semiarid systems
han et al. 2015). At Lake Yoa, tropical trees are highly sensitive to moisture availability
disappeared, followed by grasslands, and and can quickly shift to new states when
then deserts established (Kröpelin et al. moisture availability changes. The Holo-
2008). Collapses of individual taxa or taxo- cene history of abrupt vegetation change in
nomic groups at individual sites occurred North Africa and Great Plains is consistent
quickly—on time scales of decades—but with contemporary observations of a forest-
multiple collapses of multiple taxonomic grassland bistability along precipitation gra-
groups played out over centuries for any dients, with savannas a relatively uncom-
given site (Kröpelin et al. 2008), and over a mon intermediate state. It is also consistent
3,000-year window across a transect of sites with current concerns about globally en-
in North Africa (Shanahan et al. 2015). hanced rates of tree mortality due to warm-
The Great Plains also show gradual re- ing and drought (Allen et al. 2010).
gional aridification combined with locally
abrupt declines in tree densities (Figure
10.2B). The timing differs from North SU M M A RY
Africa, which was wet in the early Holo-
cene, whereas the Great Plains were dry The geological record is replete with ex-
(Figure 10.2), likely because of regional amples with abrupt climatic and ecological
atmospheric subsidence linked to intensi- change (Table 10.1). We can use the past
fied monsoons in the southwestern United to identify tipping points and tipping ele-
States and enhanced evapotranspiration. ments in the climate system and biologi-
Great Plains proxies consistently indicate cal systems, identify governing processes,
aridification in the early Holocene and in- measure rates of ecological processes oper-
creasing moisture availability during the ating at decadal and longer timescales, and
middle to late Holocene. For example, the assess the adaptive capacity of organisms
prairie-forest ecotone shifted eastward dur- when confronted by abrupt environmental
ing the early Holocene (prairie replacing change. Just as some animals and ecosys-
forest) then westward during the middle tems make better model systems for par-
to late Holocene (forest replacing prairie). ticular questions in medical and ecological
At individual sites, rates of tree-grassland research, some geological events offer par-
shifts are asymmetrical, with rapid defor- ticularly useful insights into contemporary
estation (decades to centuries) and gradual questions in global change ecology.
reforestation (centuries to millennia). On Of the three model systems reviewed here,
the basis of close correspondences among the PETM highlights the potential sensitivity
proxies of vegetation, fire regime, and lake of high-latitude peatlands and reservoirs of
water balance, Nelson and Hu (2008) ar- soil carbon to externally forced warming
gued that these abrupt local vegetation and the ability of soil-carbon feedbacks to
changes were direct responses to locally rapidly accelerate global warming. Terrestrial
rapid declines in water availability and veg- ecosystems responded rapidly to the PETM,
etation-climate-fire feedbacks. Williams et with some effects limited to the PETM itself
al. (2010) argued that locally abrupt vegeta- (high rates of plant community turnover,
tion responses with a regionally time-trans- mammalian body size dwarfing), others
gressive pattern spanning multiple ecotones permanent (intercontinental immigration of
(grassland to desert, C4 to C3 grasses, forest species across land corridors made available
to prairie) (Figure 10.2) indicate that site- through climate). Unlike the marine realm,
specific ecological tipping points were the there is no evidence for enhanced rates of
primary cause of locally abrupt responses. terrestrial extinction during the PETM.
The last deglaciation shows that rapid Willy Tinner, and Willem van der Knaap
climate change can have near-immediate for contributing data. This work benefited
effects on tree abundances and forest com- from discussions with University of Wis-
position. Forest response times were con- consin–Madison graduate seminar partici-
sistently less than 20 to 40 years and often pants in the spring of 2015, and was sup-
had no detectable time lag. There is no obvi- ported by the National Science Foundation
ous difference in the initial response time (EF-1241868, DEB-1353896).
between short-lived herbaceous and long-
lived arboreal species, or between aquatic
and terrestrial organisms. Nevertheless, at R E FE R E NCE S
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We gratefully thank Matt McGlone for dis-
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André Lotter, Oliver Rach, Tim Shanahan, ings of the National Academy of Sciences 109: E1134–E1142.

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CHAPTER ELEVEN In this chapter we explore the effects of
climate change on Amazonian and Andean
A Neotropical ecosystems. Rather than documenting sim-
ple upslope and downslope range changes,
Perspective on Past we consider the heterogeneity of both
modern and past events. Layers of complex-
Human-Climate ity are added as biotic and abiotic factors are
considered. Last, we add human influence
Interactions and into the mix, emphasizing that fire, which
is almost uniquely associated with human
Biodiversity activity in these forests, will accelerate and
amplify the effects of climate change.
MARK B. BUSH Tropical landscapes are hugely var-
ied, ranging from ice-capped mountains
to lowland tropical rainforest. Even low-
land tropical rainforests are ecologically
highly heterogeneous, often varying as a
result of edaphic, hydrological, historical,
or climatic factors. Heterogeneity of spe-
cies composition and structure across many
spatial scales is the natural state of tropical
systems. At local scales, a single hectare of
mature forest may support more than 350
species of tree, plus a wealth of treelets,
vines, and epiphytes. This diversity has led
to a widely held misconception is that all
species are relatively rare in these forests.
Certainly, the near monodominance seen in
boreal forest trees is absent from neotropi-
cal systems, but tropical tree species are not
all equally rare. Among the approximately
16,000 tree species in Amazonia, about 230
species routinely account for 50 percent of
the stems (ter Steege et al. 2013). The rea-
son for the abundance of these so-called
hyperdominant species may be related to
niche and competition success (Pitman
et al. 2001), neutrality (Hubbell 2001), or
past human activity (Roosevelt 2013). Few
studies of the historical patterns leading to
hyperdominance have been conducted in
Amazonia, but the abundance of the palm

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ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

Mauritia may have been enhanced by human free-draining white-sand soil may be vul-
activity (Rull and Montoya 2014). Contrast- nerable to drought.
ingly, Iriartea, another hyperdominant palm, Tropical climates have varied substan-
showed an overall increase in abundance tially over time. Within the past 2 million
in the past 3,000 years but probably as a years there have been at least 22 ice ages,
result of wetter conditions rather than hu- the last five of which were more extreme
man activity (Bush and McMichael 2016). and lasted longer than previous ones.
These data suggest that membership in the During ice ages, ice caps expanded in the
hyperdominant class of trees may be labile. mountains, with glaciers often extending
Whatever the cause of the success of these about 1500 m–2000 m downslope, leaving
most abundant species, their traits (canopy terminal moraines at about 3200 m–3800
architecture, fruit production, phenology, m elevation (wetter locations supported
leaf palatability, and flammability) play an longer glaciers). Estimates of temperature
important role in shaping current niche change in the high Andes reveal a cooling
availability for other forest organisms. of approximately 7°C–9°C during the last
Many factors contribute to fine-scale ice age (Hooghiemstra 1984; Van ‘t Veer
heterogeneity in forests, including micro- and Hooghiemstra 2000). In the lowlands,
climatic conditions, history, soil moisture the cooling was not as extreme, with many
gradients, flood regimes, time since last locations 2°C–4°C cooler than present for
disturbance, soil type, and frugivore popu- much of the ice age. Brief intervals, lasting
lation size and type. In mountainous areas, a few thousand years, cooled the lowlands
the strongest predictor of species presence is by about 5°C–6°C (Bush, de Oliveira, et al.
temperature, which is negatively correlated 2004; Bush, Silman, et al. 2004. Changes in
with elevation (Richards 1996). Indeed, the precipitation were highly variable in space
most predictable temperature gradients in and time but probably just as influential in
the tropics are associated not with latitude reshaping communities as temperature.
but with elevation. On the flank of the An- Haffer (1969) proposed the refugial hy-
des, temperatures decrease approximately pothesis as a means to account for modern
–5.5°C per 1000 m of vertical ascent. The biogeographic patterns in birds. Haffer’s
steep slopes cause localities just 3 km apart hypothesis that glacial-age aridity caused
to have temperatures differing by >5°C grasslands to replace most Amazonian rain-
(Bush 2002). forest is completely unsupported by paleo-
Regional heterogeneity is also influ- ecological or molecular data (Colinvaux
enced by climatic differences, especially in et al. 2001; Miller et al. 2008; Wang et al.
total amount and seasonality of precipita- 2017). The switching between wet and dry
tion. Within lowland Amazonia there are episodes was faster and not as profound
evergreen forests receiving in excess of as that implied by the refugial hypothesis.
10,000 mm of rain per year, whereas oth- At the risk of oversimplifying the pattern,
ers may receive only 1,500 mm. If the rain- there was a tendency toward alternating
fall is evenly spread through the year less periods of drier and wetter average condi-
is needed to maintain an evergreen forest tions, each lasting approximately 10,000
than in one that experiences a 3-, 4-, or years due to Earth’s precessional variability
5-month-long dry season (Silman 2011). in its orbit around the Sun (Bush et al. 2002;
Soils, too, play a critical role in determining Cruz et al. 2005). This relationship was not
the effects of rainfall. For example, plants invariant, and outside factors, such as the
growing on a slow-draining clay soil will oceanic circulation of the Atlantic Ocean,
be prone to waterlogging, while under the periodically trumped the precessional sig-
same rainfall regime plants growing on a nature (Mosblech et al. 2012; Stríkis et al.

2018). The most extreme drying may have apparent that it is very difficult to predict
occurred during interglacials rather than actual climatic outcomes for given locations
glacials. (Marengo et al. 2008; Marengo et al. 2011).
A potential pitfall in thinking about This uncertainty of outcome increases the
climate is to use the current interglacial greater the distance from the event. A com-
as a representative example of other inter- mon theme, however, is the importance of
glacials. Rather than being warm and wet abrupt climate change in contributing to
like the modern Holocene, analysis of long spatial and temporal climatic heterogene-
sedimentary records has shown that the last ity. It may well be that larger phenomena,
interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 5e) was such as Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles (Bond
the driest time in the Bolivian Altiplano et al. 1993), were climatically far more vari-
in the past half million years (Baker et al. able within each event than is generally
2001; Fritz et al. 2007). Multimillennial believed.
dry events also occurred within glacial pe- Although the Holocene has been por-
riods, but the relatively low temperatures trayed as a period of climatic stability,
may have reduced evapotranspirative stress some parts of the Andes, Amazonia, and
and thus had a relatively modest impact on southeastern Brazil experienced profound
vegetation in contrast to the refugial model droughts between 9,000 and 5,000 years
(Sato and Cowling 2017). ago (Mayle et al. 2000; Abbott et al. 2003;
During the last ice age, millennial-scale Raczka et al. 2013). Lake Titicaca shrank to
climate events, called Dansgaard-Oeschger half its modern size (Seltzer et al. 1998),
cycles, had the capacity to cause approxi- many shallower lakes dried out completely,
mate 5°C–10°C swings in average tempera- and the proportion of grasses in the Cara-
ture in Greenland. These events often started jas pollen record is higher than at any time
with a very abrupt warming of ~5°C oc- in the past 100,000 years (Absy et al. 1991;
curring in the space of 10–30 years (North Hermanowski et al. 2013). Humans who
Greenland Ice-Core Project [NGRIP] 2004), had only occupied the high Andes about
followed by 3,000–7,000 years of cooling. 12,800 years ago (Rademaker et al. 2014)
These same events affected the tropics but abandoned large areas, and instead of a
generally as changes in precipitation rather signal of exponentially increasing human
than temperature. The effect of these events impact, there is a zone of archaeological
was location specific, with eastern and “silence” (Núñez et al. 2001). More detailed
western Amazonia responding in opposite investigations of this period show—prob-
ways (Cruz et al. 2009). In general, cold ably like many previous dry events—a
events in the Atlantic caused western Ama- highly heterogeneous climate with intense
zonia to become wetter while the eastern wet events punctuating a time of overall
Amazon became drier. More locally, if the lower precipitation (Hillyer et al. 2009).
modern response to anomalously high tem- Indeed, we should be cautious about
peratures in the Atlantic in 2010 is a guide, simplifying complex climatic histories to
climatic responses would have been very infer millennial-scale wet or dry events. Bi-
heterogeneous (Aragão and Shimabukuro ologically, wet interludes within an overall
2010). In 2010, anomalously warm tem- dry event make a huge difference, as wa-
peratures in the northern tropical Atlantic ter tables and root zones can be recharged
caused profound drought in some areas of with water, alleviating some of the effects
western Amazonia while other areas were of the drying. Similarly, as we think about
largely unchanged. As climatic impacts of biological impacts of dry events in the past
phenomena such as the El Niño–Southern or the future, the timing of those events
Oscillation or the Atlantic Multidecadal Os- is critically important. If wet-season rains
cillation become more familiar, it becomes are diminished but the length of the wet
season is not affected, there would be a under continuous but different adaptive
minimal biological response in that forest, or evolutionary pressures (Overpeck et al.
as water is not limiting in the wet season. 1985). Ecological disequilibrium was the
Such a change, however, does not preclude norm and played a key role in maintaining
larger ecosystem effects as reduced flood- species richness through time. Responses to
water could alter downstream hydrological climate change would have varied greatly
regimes. If, by contrast, the dry season be- according to landscape and the mobility
comes longer, or the number of consecutive of species; that is, birds can migrate much
days without rain increases, the drought more freely than trees. Temperate system re-
deficit and increased fire probability could sponses to ongoing warming cause upslope
reshape forests (Bush and Silman 2004). or poleward range shifts (Chapter 3). In the
Fire is a great game changer for bio- tropics, the species that live at high eleva-
diversity. In wet forests that do not burn tions have only an upslope route to escape
naturally, a single fire will cause complete warmth as there is little appreciable benefit
turnover in ground nesting bird species, in terms of cooling to migrate from 0° lati-
and repeated fires quickly reduce forest bio- tude to 10° latitude. On mountain flanks,
mass, simplify physical structure, and cause tropical lowland taxa may be able to mi-
almost complete species turnover among grate upslope relatively short migrational
trees (Barlow 2002; Barlow et al. 2003). In distances to maintain a given temperature
much of western lowland Amazonia, fire (Bush 2002). Upslope and downslope re-
was not a natural component of Holocene sponses to past warming and cooling are
ecosystems, but it did accompany human readily documented in the Central Ameri-
occupation. A 4,000-year sediment his- can Isthmus and the flank of the Andes. An
tory from Lake Werth in southeastern Peru asymmetry exists, however, in the capacity
contained no sign of human occupation or of species to migrate in response to warm-
fire in that catchment (Bush et al. 2007). By ing (upslope) versus cooling (downslope).
contrast, just a few kilometers away, Lakes Downslope migration during cold events
Gentry, Parker, and Vargas all showed peri- can be relatively rapid for fluvially dispersed
ods of human occupation and have complex species, with seeds that can withstand im-
fire histories (McMichael et al. 2013). Fires mersion in water for days or weeks. Seeds of
are difficult to ignite in these wet forests, so many species are spread downslope by riv-
it is probable that humans took advantage of ers and their ranges could expand quickly
seasonal droughts to burn and clear forests. through a form of jump dispersal (Pielou
Human impacts on Amazonian and high 1979), but only as conditions cool suffi-
Andean (>3000 m elevation) systems were ciently can cold-adapted species compete in
probably very localized until approximately the lowlands. In contrast, animal-dispersed
10,000 years ago (Dillehay 2009). The areal species expand their ranges incrementally
extent and temporal trajectory of human (Figure 11.1). During cooling events, many
impacts in lowland Amazonia continues low-elevation species see no benefit, as they
to be actively debated, but it is clear that, are not cold requiring, although some bi-
through fire, human action had the capacity otic interactions would be altered, creating
to completely alter occupied landscapes. a different competitive balance of “win-
ners” and “losers.” Consequently, past cool-
ing enabled some montane species (e.g.,
BIOTIC M E C H A N ISMS OF Hedyosmum, Podocarpus, Myrsine) to expand
H E T E RO GE N E IT Y their presence in the lowlands (Colinvaux
et al. 2000), but the real “winners” during
Past climate fluctuations caused re-assort- these times were probably lowland species
ments of species into novel assemblages, favored by the new conditions. In other

Figure 11.1. Selected factors influencing rates of plant mi- Amazon plain is so flat (Bush and Colinvaux
gration following climate change. An elevational profile 1990). As species ranges contracted upslope
of the Andes and Amazon lowlands. Arrows represent
the probable speed of seed transport. Microrefugia can
during warming, pockets of outlying indi-
increase the capacity of species or genotypes to expand viduals were left behind in climatic micro-
rapidly. As temperature change is the strongest driver refugia (e.g., where a cool spring created a
of migration in montane areas, the microrefugia would cool microclimate). Where greater ranges
reflect unusual thermal microclimates. In the lowlands in topography existed, such as in the high
where soil moisture availability is more likely to in-
fluence the success of species, microrefugia would be
Andes, steep slopes may have been a key
primarily edaphically or hydrologically driven. Seeds predictor of microrefugial locations as they
of thermally inhibited (cold tolerant) species are trans- trapped moisture and inhibited the spread
ported by rivers downslope continuously, but establish of fire (Valencia et al. 2016).
only during cool periods. Fluvial upslope transport is not In lowland Amazonia, there is currently
available, and therefore species cannot migrate upslope
or must be moved by animals. Lowland taxa have the
no evidence showing that trees migrated to
same dispersal constraints as the upslope counterparts warmer areas during glacial cooling. Cer-
but lack strong, directional abiotic gradients to facilitate tainly, forests were enriched by the cool-
migration. The net effect is that species with different tolerant taxa, but there is no evidence of
dispersal traits have differential probabilities of disper- species loss due to cooling. Probably the
sal, and downslope migration akin to jump dispersal in
response to cooling is more likely than rapid upslope
temperature changes were within the range
migration in response to warming. of evolutionary experience and hence not
unduly threatening. Responses to moisture
words, the hyperdominants of the glacial changes may have been more pressing. Am-
forest were probably still lowland species, azonia almost certainly remained forested
but not necessarily the same ones as today. during Quaternary ice ages and intergla-
During warm events, upslope migration cials, although the forest was composition-
relies heavily on mammals and birds, and is ally, and perhaps structurally, different from
probably much slower than downslope ex- those of today (Mayle et al. 2004). Species
pansions. For the great majority of trees in stressed by the glacial cooling, or by wet
the lowlands of Amazonia there is no escape or dry events within the past, may simply
from changing temperature. An insufficient have become rarer or more range restricted.
gradient of temperature exists to favor sur- For example, during times of drought,
vival at one edge of a range, and there is no when low CO2 concentrations would have
escape using macrotopography, as the vast increased drought stress, the most sensitive
species may have been restricted to micro- Forests are emptied of wildlife by hunting,
refugia in low-lying wet areas or along wa- which reduces the dispersal ability of large-
tercourses (Rull 2009). Such microrefugia seeded plants and ultimately leads to altered
are increasingly being seen as vitally impor- forest composition and structure (Terborgh
tant to maintaining high biodiversity (Mc- 2001; Peres et al. 2016).
Glone and Clark 2005; Collins et al. 2013). A classic example of a synergistic cli-
As a consequence of local migration, mi- mate-human mediated simplification of
crorefugia may have supported population systems is the replacement of the Pleisto-
fragmentation, local selection, and survival cene megafauna. About 57 genera of mega-
of particular genotypes. Population genet- fauna went extinct at the end of the last ice
ics shows that the legacies of microrefugia age in South America (Barnosky and Lind-
persist in genetically identifiable subpopu- sey 2010). Recent research in the Andes in-
lations for thousands of years after the ame- dicates that at least some of the extinctions
lioration of climatic conditions enabled the were initiated by climate change (Rozas-
species to expand its range (McLachlan and Davila et al. 2016), although the final blows
Clark 2005). Estimates of range expansion were by humans. The timing of apparent
for many tree species provide unrealistically extinction differs between sites, ranging
high required rates of migration unless mi- from ~16,000 years ago in the Peruvian
crorefugia are invoked to reduce migratory Andes (Rozas-Davila et al. 2016) to 12,800
distances (Clark et al. 1998; Correa-Metrio years ago in southeastern Brazil (Raczka
et al. 2013). Under more extreme isola- et al. 2018) and about 12,500 years ago in
tion and selection, fragmented populations Patagonia (Metcalf et al. 2016). The role of
could evolve in isolation to become a sepa- seed dispersers, grazers, and browsers—a
rate species. Thus, microrefugia contribute role once performed by those megafauna—
to patchiness of species abundances and to is now filled by people, horses, and cows.
heterogeneity at both long and short tem- North America lost slightly fewer genera
poral scales (Mosblech et al. 2011). of megafauna than South America, but the
Colwell (2008) has suggested that be- species were for the most part quite differ-
cause the temperature range in the past 2 ent. Yet the replacement animals that today
million years was effectively +1°C–2°C and fulfill their roles are again humans, horses,
–5°C relative to modern in Amazonia, the and cows. The same story can be told of
upper temperature threshold of prior evo- Australia, and even of Europe. Plants did not
lutionary experience is approaching. With experience such a cataclysmic extinction at
more warming and limited options for mi- the end of the last ice age, but the homog-
gration, there may well be a temperature enization of floras is evident worldwide as
threshold beyond which there could be a a result of human activity. On the once en-
wave of plant extinctions. The more imme- demic-dominated Galapagos Islands, exotic
diate threat will come from climate desta- plant species now outnumber native ones
bilization as well as increased probability of (Toral-Granda et al. 2017). In the Andes,
drought and forest-changing fire, coupled unique montane forests have been replaced
with human land use. by planted stands of Pinus and Eucalyptus. In
both the uplands and lowlands of South
America, European and African grasses are
T H E PAT H TO HOMO GE N I Z ATION replacing neotropical grasses. At continen-
tal and regional scales, humans continue to
People tend to simplify landscapes, intro- simplify and homogenize ecosystems.
ducing domesticated plants and animals, A recent debate has focused on the role
promoting fire, and altering soils and drain- of pre-Columbian peoples in altering Ama-
age to suit their needs (Kareiva et al. 2007). zonian landscapes. Some archaeologists and

historical ecologists have argued that Ama- if it is incorrect, then the forest would be
zonian ecosystems were so modified that used and lost through misunderstanding. If
they should be regarded as manufactured the more conservative view of disturbance
landscapes (e.g., Heckenberger et al. 2003; being inimical to forest persistence is cor-
Erickson 2008; Roosevelt 2013; Levis et al. rect, then the forest should be conserved.
2017). However, empirical data from >400 Should this view prove incorrect, the worst
randomly distributed soil pits in western that could happen is that the forest be con-
Amazonia did not produce a single example served for later use when an informed deci-
of a modified soil or a human artifact (Mc- sion could be made regarding its loss (Bush
Michael et al. 2012). In light of the archae- and Silman 2007; Bush et al. 2015).
ological and paleoecological data it seems
likely that while major river channels sup-
ported substantial but patchy human popu- L I N E A R A N D NON L I N E A R R E SPONSE S
lations, the inferred disturbance should not TO C L IM AT E C H A NGE
be extrapolated to include areas much more
than a day’s walk from those centers of oc- Cascading ecological change is a natural
cupation (Piperno et al. 2015; McMichael et state following any disturbance, whether
al. 2017). climatic or human-induced (the severity
The debate has generated two very dif- of which often determines the scale of the
ferent conclusions about the resilience response). In general, recovery from a dis-
of Amazonian forests (Bush and Silman turbance is broadly predictable, with spe-
2007). On the one hand, if the forests are cies going through a recognizable succes-
a manufactured landscape and are essen- sion. Similarly, response to climate change
tially a product of human disturbance, then is highly predictable when the response is
they should be expected to be resilient to driven by abiotic factors, such as tempera-
modern disturbance. Past human activi- ture gradients. Where responses become
ties included forest clearance and burning, less predictable is when the primary control
which would have opened the system to on the niche of the species is biotic rather
nutrient loss and extensive hunting. If hu- than abiotic (Schemske et al. 2009). In natu-
mans occupied these forests in the past at ral tropical systems, the importance of biotic
the high densities advocated by some, then factors influencing local diversity often ex-
the forests would have been game poor. The ceeds that of abiotic factors. Consequently,
empty-forest syndrome in which the trees for tropical species, the realized niche of a
remained but the animals were hunted out species may be much smaller than its fun-
(Redford 1992) could easily have prevailed. damental niche. If that is the case, then the
According to this view, the forests will re- potential for counterintuitive responses to
grow to their present diversity even if their climate change would be greatly increased;
food webs are shattered and trees cut down. that is, the realized niche could be reshaped
The more conservative view is that resil- in any direction as a competitor or predator
ience in these systems comes from a closed responds to climate forcing or to an altera-
nutrient system and relatively intact faunas tion in its own biotic controls. The forma-
that are sensitive to, and altered by, fire and tion of no-analogue assemblages in which
human disturbance. novel combinations of species co-occur has
The dichotomy extends to the policy and been shown to have occurred during past
conservation implications of these views. climate change and can be expected in the
In the former, where resilience is assumed, future.
it could lead to a policy advocating forest Positive feedback mechanisms can ac-
clearance in the expectation of regrowth. celerate change, inducing disproportion-
If this view is correct, all would be well; ately large responses to a forcing. An ex-
ample may be the Bolivian Altiplano where ment, which promotes more road build-
warming during the last interglacial caused ing and yet more change (Nepstad et al.
abiotic factors to operate in a nonlinear 2001; Barber et al. 2014). People introduce
manner through the positive feedback of fire either accidentally or deliberately, and
lake shrinkage and changing microclimates during times of drought, those fires trans-
(Bush et al. 2010). With the onset of the in- form forest ecology. Thus, the biodiversity
terglacial, warming initially caused a retreat risk to Amazonia comes from both govern-
of ice caps and an upslope expansion of tree ment policies that encourage occupation
species. Instead of trees continuing to move of forest areas and periodic drought rather
upslope as the warming progressed, how- than from a simple protracted reduction in
ever, a tipping point was reached, when precipitation.
evaporative loss progressively lowered the
lake level. As the lake shrank, it no longer
supported evaporation-driven convective CONC LUSIONS
rains and a moist microclimate. The drier
conditions halted the upslope march of For almost half a century a discussion has
trees, and the landscape became saltbush centered on whether temperature, atmo-
dominated. spheric CO2 fluctuations, or precipitation
Another example of positive feedbacks shapes Amazonian forests during climatic
fueled modeled projections of an “Amazo- cycles. More recently, a focus on micro-
nian dieback” in which 80 percent of Ama- refugia has emphasized the individualis-
zonian forests were replaced with savanna tic nature of species’ responses. While the
or bare ground in the coming 50–100 years species driven upslope and downslope by
(Betts et al. 2004). More recent papers have glacial-interglacial temperature changes
recognized a weakness in the precipitation would have thermal microrefugia, low-
estimates of the initial model, and the dire land taxa would probably have been chal-
projections have been retracted (Hunting- lenged to survive changes in soil moisture
ford et al. 2013). While the original model, availability rather than temperature. Not all
sensu stricto, may have exaggerated impacts taxa are equally able to migrate, with water-
of reduced precipitation, the possibility that borne tree taxa able to disperse faster than
a combination of human-mediated land animal-dispersed taxa. The expansion of
clearance and fire activity coupled with a species during periods of cool (downslope)
destabilized climate could induce the pre- migration would be expected to be faster
dicted pattern is very real. The potential of than during warm (upslope) migrations be-
deforestation to degrade the hydrological cause rivers flow downslope.
cycle could induce feedbacks that increase The standard response of migrations
the likelihood of regional fires (Salati and poleward or upslope in response to future
Vose 1984; De Faria et al. 2017). Even if the warming may have limited applicability to
result is not savannization of the landscape, the tropics. Migration is certainly possible
the dispersal of humans ever deeper into in mountainous areas, where maintaining
Amazonian landscapes produces a differ- vertical corridors to facilitate that move-
ent modification to landscape than any pro- ment should be a conservation priority.
duced by pre-Columbian societies. Grazing Microrefugia are probably important to the
animals, African grasses, and weeds from long-term survival of many species in both
all over the world, paired with defaunation mountainous and lowland landscapes, and
of forests, will homogenize systems and re- to the extent that these settings are iden-
duce biodiversity (Solar et al. 2015). Here tifiable, they, too, should be priorities for
the positive feedback mechanism is one conservation. In the great flatlands of the
of new means of access begetting settle- Amazon Basin, microrefugia are probably

more important than migration in species gating effect of protected areas in the Amazon.” Bio-
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What Does the

Future Hold?
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CHAPTER TWELVE Biodiversity responses to climate change in-
clude range changes, phenological changes,
Modeling Species and genetic selection of traits to match
new conditions (Bellard et al. 2012). Bio-
and Vegetation geographic approaches, usually based on
modeling the biophysical envelope suitable
Distribution under for a species, are widely used for exploring
impacts on range distributions. Dynamic
Climate Change vegetation modeling (DVM) provides in-
sights into biogeochemical-physical re-
PABLO IMBACH, PEP SER R A-DIA Z, sponses, including carbon, water, nutrient
LEE HANNAH, EMILY FUNG, AND cycling, and vegetation changes (Bellard et
ELIZABETH H. T. HIROYASU al. 2012). Earth-system modeling couples
atmospheric, oceanic, and ecological pro-
cesses at global scales. More recently, ap-
proaches based on functional traits have
been proposed that transcend species-based
biogeography (Violle et al. 2014).


Species and vegetation are key compo-

nents of the biosphere, with climate-driven
changes in their distributions affecting
biodiversity, water provision, carbon se-
questration, and many other ecosystems
services. Species are expected to move in-
dependently with climate change (Parme-
san 1996), so to fully understand ecosystem
change, the range changes of individual
species need to be understood. Movement
of species’ ranges will alter plant and ani-
mal assemblages—the species that compose
ecosystems will disassemble and reassem-
ble in novel combinations in response to fu-
ture climate change. Modeling of species is
therefore key to understanding both species
and ecosystem responses to climate change.
The general structure of ecosystems
will change as result of aggregated spe-

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


cies responses. Plant functional types— survive and reproduce (the “fundamental
for example, evergreen needleleaf forest, niche”), and few directly address competi-
deciduous shrub land, C3 grassland—are tive interactions or other limitations that
determined by availability of water, spe- create the realized niche of a species (Pear-
cies tolerances, temperature, and other man et al. 2008).
environmental factors. These structural Among the earliest of such models is
and functional attributes can be simulated BioClim (Nix 1986), a bioclimatic enve-
without resolving individual species. Many lope approach that uses simple correlative
ecosystem service changes can be approxi- methods to assess the range of conditions
mated by understanding vegetation and suitable for a species. Other, more recent
plant functional type responses to climate additions to the species modeling quiver
change, thus providing further insights into include tools with more sophisticated statis-
climate-driven change. tical treatment of species-climate relation-
Therefore, species and vegetation mod- ships. These include modeling tools such as
eling together can provide a more complete GARP (genetic algorithm for rule set pro-
view of biotic impacts that can help address duction) and MaxEnt (a machine learning
specific climate change questions. Both model based on maximum entropy theory),
types of models are useful in impact studies and statistical tools such as GLM (general-
to understand the sensitivity of biodiversity ized linear modeling), GDM (generalized
to changes in climate, for example, by pro- dissimilarity modeling), GAM (generalized
viding insights into changes in species lo- additive modeling), and others. MaxEnt is
cation and into changes in ecosystems and the most widely used SDM and has per-
their functioning. Modeling results can be formed relatively well in comparative tests
incorporated into land use and conserva- (Elith et al. 2011).
tion planning tools, such as Marxan, to aid
in local or regional adaptation planning.
Dealing with uncertainty is a major issue
There are a wide variety of species model- in SDM applications. Tests have shown that
ing tools available to researchers and im- SDM uncertainty may be greater than gen-
pact practitioners. These models are known eral circulation model (GCM) uncertainty
as species distribution models (SDMs) or for future climate scenarios. Sources of
ecological niche models, but they are also uncertainty include incomplete or biased
referred to as bioclimatic envelope models. species observation data and variation in
All of them simulate species distributions number or type of climate variables used in
under current or changed climates (hence model parameterization.
“species distribution models”), and species One technique that has been shown to
distributions are determined by the fun- reduce uncertainty in biodiversity impact
damental climatic tolerances, or niche of studies is ensemble modeling. Ensemble ap-
species (hence “ecological niche models” proaches use a large number of combina-
[ENM]). The term SDM is used in this chap- tions of GCMs and SDM algorithms to as-
ter, but ENM is generally synonymous. sess the impacts of climate change (Araújo
All SDMs are based on the assumption and New 2007; Figure 12.1). To achieve a
that current distributions of species provide sound result, it is important to drive each
information about the climatic conditions SDM with each individual GCM, rather than
under which the species’ populations can averaging the GCM outputs and using that

Box 12.1 Modeling Species Distribution Ranges: Practical Issues

Data availability and sampling size: A large pro- efforts should include systematic surveys
portion of the world’s biodiversity has along the entire species range distribu-
not been correctly identified, increasing tions to capture the full environmental
uncertainty in model outputs (Cayuela gradient. Absence data are not always
et al. 2009). Limited availability of spe- available, but they are highly desirable
cies occurrence records also affects model for better describing the range of condi-
performance and output applications tions suitable for a species. However, al-
(Cayuela et al. 2009). In some cases data gorithms exist that can fit models by gen-
paucity occurs for rare or endemic species erating pseudoabsences or comparing the
as a result of sampling difficulties; in oth- presence distribution to the background
ers, data are not yet electronically avail- environment (Jarnevich et al. 2015).
able (Graham et al. 2004). In general, a Threshold selection: Many SDM studies
small sample size (<30 occurrence points) provide outputs in binary formats (0 or
may affect model performance due to 1 values) depicting suitable (potentially
poor representation of the environmental present) or unsuitable (potentially ab-
complexity of the species range distribu- sent) areas for a species. Binary outputs
tion and a limited capacity to detect out- are estimated from suitability maps of
lier values (Wisz et al. 2008). There is no continuous values using a threshold value
agreement on minimum sampling size. to define presence and absence (Bean et
Some authors suggest that a sampling al. 2012). Many threshold selection ap-
size of fewer than 70 observations de- proaches exist and have been evaluated
creases model performance (Kadmon et under biased and limited occurrence
al. 2003), whereas others propose using data (Liu et al. 2005; Bean et al. 2012);
no fewer than 30–40 species occurrences however, the selection of an appropriate
(Wisz et al. 2008). threshold is finally case specific and de-
Data quality (time and space bias): Many stud- pends on the objective of the study (Liu
ies rely on herbaria collections and natu- et al. 2005).
ral history data sets to obtain observation Finally, some SDM methods require
records; nonetheless, in many cases spe- considerable data preparation, model pa-
cies occurrence points are time and space rameterization, and evaluation to obtain
biased with reference to the real species accurate results. Tools have been devel-
range distribution (Bean et al. 2012). For oped to simplify their implementation;
example, occurrence points cover a par- for example, the SDM toolbox (Brown
ticular area of the total range or species, 2014) and ensemble modeling packages
or sampling covers particular periods of (Warren et al. 2010; Ranjitkar et al. 2014)
their life cycle (i.e., reproductive or dis- facilitate data processing and intermodel
persal) with smaller range distributions comparisons (Thuiller et al. 2014).
(Cayuela et al. 2009). Ideally, sampling

to drive the SDMs. This is because change then subsequently the SDM outputs are
in climate parameters such as temperature combined to create an ensemble.
and precipitation are not independent in a Ensemble approaches are most suitable
specific GCM simulation. The combined ef- when there is no evidence that any one
fects of multiple climate variables must be model performs better than others. How-
maintained when driving the SDMs, and ever, model intercomparison has shown

Figure 12.1. Different options to analyze the distribution discriminate sets of input variables would
range of a species under future climate as a result of an be used.
ensemble modeling approach (based on artificial data
for Africa and hypothetical models). (A) results from
each bioclimatic model output are represented by each
line, (B) mapping areas suitable for at least one model W H AT H AV E W E L E A R N E D
(larger polygon), all models (smaller polygon) and areas F ROM SDMS I N T H E CON T E XT
where at least half of the models indicate suitable areas OF GLOBA L C H A NGE ?
(medium polygon), (C) map indicating the number of
models simulating suitable areas for a species, and (D)
the likelihood of species presence in the future based on Species distribution models have provided
a probability density function. (From Araújo and New a wide range of projections of future range
2007.) shifts under global change. Maps of poten-
tial species distributions have been pro-
that MaxEnt and GDM perform better than duced for plants, vertebrates, invertebrates,
other models in standard species modeling and freshwater and marine species. SDM
tasks (Elith et al. 2006). Where data suggest projections in the terrestrial realm have
that some models have stronger perfor- generally emphasized poleward and up-
mance, it is preferable to limit the ensemble ward range shifts—the predicted finger-
to those stronger-performing models. This print of climate change on species distri-
is particularly true if using all available butions in a warming world. Insights from
models means that default settings and in- SDMs have also highlighted counterintuitive
range dynamics. In Australia, an analysis of repositories, especially the Global Biodiver-
464 bird species showed equatorward and sity Information Facility (GBIF). As the data
multidirectional shifts in addition to pole- on species, global circulation models, and
ward shifts (VanDerWal et al. 2013). Wisz new algorithms for SDMs are growing, so
et al. (2015) described a potential intercon- are the multiple potential projections that
nection of marine fish species through the can be derived.
Arctic. Their simulation indicated that 41 SDM climate change projections face
and 44 new species might enter the Pacific limitations. Dispersal capacity is not ac-
and the Atlantic, respectively, predomi- counted for, yet varies widely among spe-
nantly east-west range expansions due to cies and is critical in determining species’
the breakdown of a northern (cold) thermal ability to occupy newly suitable range. To
barrier. Thus, SDMs have helped identify account for dispersal effects, studies using
potential novel species assemblages. SDM projections have often used no-dis-
Extinction risk from climate change has persal and full-dispersal scenarios. That is,
been estimated using suites of SDM simula- scenarios assuming either that the species is
tions representing multiple taxa and mul- not able to disperse to new suitable climate
tiple geographic regions (Thomas et al. (no dispersal) or that the species is able to
2004; see Midgley and Hannah in this vol- colonize any new suitable climate regard-
ume). These estimates show major extinc- less of the distance to current suitable habi-
tion risk vulnerability associated with cli- tat (full dispersal). These two contrasting
mate change and have been influential in scenarios can provide a bounding box to
national and international climate change gauge the importance of species dispersal
policy discussions. Initial estimates that on range shifts. More sophisticated meth-
18 percent–34 percent of all species (mid- ods have been proposed in which SDM suit-
range) might be at risk of extinction due ability maps are produced at different time
to climate change have been criticized on steps, and are combined with a dispersal
methodological grounds. However, subse- algorithms (Engler and Guisan 2009; Midg-
quent analyses incorporating the improved ley et al. 2010). Approaches incorporating
methods have largely confirmed these ball- dispersal have shown the importance of
park figures, both using SDMs (Malcolm et assembling climatic requirements to other
al. 2006) and non-SDM modeling (Sinervo species features to derive realistic projec-
et al. 2010). tions of species distributions under global
Conservation outcomes have been ex- change. Recent approaches also explicitly
plored using SDMs, including the effective- consider the effects of land-use change on
ness of protected areas and protected areas the output of SDMs (Beltrán et al. 2014).
networks. Climate-driven range shifts have New SDM approaches derive metrics re-
been found to cause some species to move lated to species exposure to climate change.
out of reserves, effectively reducing species Several metrics can be used to characterize
representation in protected areas (Araújo different features of the effects of climate
2011). Additions of new protected areas change to species distribution and conser-
have been found to be useful in counteract- vation (Figure 12.2): area metrics, popu-
ing this effect, with area increases of as lit- lation metrics, and velocity metrics (see
tle as 5 percent–10 percent in national pro- Serra-Diaz et al. 2014).
tected areas networks restoring the losses
due to climate change (Hannah et al. 2007).
Area Metrics
Large-scale analyses of biodiversity have
multiplied in response to improving species Area metrics are calculated using the rela-
occurrence data in museum and global data tionship between current and future areas

Figure 12.2. The community weighted mean (CWM) of projected suitable climate. Net area
trait values, of 127 old-growth forest plots in northern change (also called species range change) is
Costa Rica, are ordered across two dimensions resulting
from a principal component analysis (PCA). PCA dimen-
by far the most commonly used, in which
sions reflect climatic features related to precipitation: (i) the amount of future suitable habitat is
higher/lower values in PCA Axis 1 indicate higher pre- compared to the present suitable habitat.
cipitation seasonality/higher annual precipitation, and This metric reflects potential shrinkage,
(ii) higher or lower values in PCA Axis 2 reflect higher maintenance, or expansion of a given spe-
seasonal precipitation and precipitation during the wet-
test month/higher annual temperature and temperature
cies under climate change. Less commonly
seasonality. CWM trait values were calculated for leaf applied but useful metrics from landscape
area (LA), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry-matter con- ecology can be used to understand poten-
tent (LDMC), leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) con- tial shifts in the fragmentation of suitable
tent, and wood basic specific gravity (WSG). No-filled areas.
and gray symbols represent forest plots under current
and future climate, respectively. Black and gray contour
lines represent the probability density function of for- Population-Level Metrics
est plots across the PCA dimensions under current and
future climate respectively. Arrows in (A) show the re- Population-level metrics assess the expo-
lationship between each trait across each PCA dimen- sure to climate change of currently known
sion. Arrows in (B, C, D) indicate shifts in CWM values
induced by climate change for each plot by forest type:
populations of a species. Indexes include
foothill forests (B) and two different lowland forests (C, the number of populations with increasing
D). (From Chain-Guadarrama et al. 2017.)
or decreasing suitability or the number of has attracted critiques. The relative ease of
populations for which suitability is lost. use of the algorithms and the increasing
data availability on species occurrence have
boosted its use, often without full consid-
Velocity Metrics
eration of the array of initial necessary
Velocity metrics are a set of metrics that quality control in data or with poor un-
aim at quantifying the pace of suitability derstanding of model assumptions (Araújo
changes with reference to species sensitiv- and Peterson 2012). One of the most dis-
ity. These metrics are reported in units of cussed assumptions of this modeling ap-
space per units of time (e.g., km/decade, m/ proach is that the current distribution of
year). Bioclimatic velocity is a local index the species is in equilibrium with climate.
that informs, for each grid cell, the velocity We know, however, that species are still
needed to encounter the same probability responding to climatic rebound from the
of species occurrence within a local neigh- last glacial period and that the long-term
borhood distance (Serra-Diaz et al. 2014; effects of land-use change may not yet be
Figure 12.3). This metric is similar to ve- fully manifested in species’ current distri-
locity of climate change, except that prob-
ability of occurrence is substituted for cli-
Figure 12.3. Maps show the averaged bioclimatic veloc-
matic similarity. Thus, bioclimatic velocity
ity of climate change for endemic tree species in Cali-
integrates both climate aspects and species- fornia. The bioclimatic velocity indicates a measure of
specific sensitivities to climate. This metric the changes in climatic suitability (toward increased or
has been shown to improve the estimates of decreased suitability) for a species within its potential
range shift (Comte and Grenouillet 2015). suitable range and was estimated as the ratio of temporal
to spatial gradients (magnitude of change over time and
The biotic velocity (Ordoñez and Williams
space, respectively) under climate change. The velocity
2013) is an analogue-climate based met- was averaged for two GCMs. The inset figure shows that
ric that measures the distance needed by a different velocities can occur within short distances.
population to reach its nearest suitable site. PIBA = Pinus balfouriana, PICO = Pinus coulteri, PIMU = Pinus
The use of SDM to provide estimates of muricata, PISA = Pinus sabiniana, QUDO = Quercus douglasii,
QUEN = Quercus engelmannii, QULO = Quercus lobata, QUWI =
species range change under climate change Quercus wislizeni. (From Serra-Diaz et al. 2014.)

butions (Svenning and Sandel 2013). These Landscape Models

factors limit the reliability of response
Landscape models simulate different pro-
curves derived from species distributions
cesses—typically succession and distur-
under current climate. Another critique
bance—and the interaction between them.
is that SDMs are correlative rather than
A widely used model is LANDIS-II, a model
mechanistic, and therefore cannot resolve
that integrates natural spatial processes,
the effects of competition and other biotic
such as seed dispersal, and disturbances in-
interactions. Further, CO2 fertilization ef-
cluding fire, harvest, and wind (Mladenoff
fect may reduce water stress, making SDM
2004), adapting the simulation time steps
projections for plants overly pessimistic
to the ecological processes, especially eco-
(Keenan et al. 2011), or thermoregulatory
physiological processes related to growth
behavior in ectotherms may potentially
(Scheller et al. 2007). Climate change may
buffer species from a warmer climate (Ke-
be simulated in LANDIS and other land-
arney, Shine, and Porter 2009).
scape models by using SDM outputs as
habitat suitability values. BIOMOVE is a
landscape model developed specifically to
address dispersal and disturbance processes
associated with climate change (Midgley et
al. 2010).
There are an increasing number of model-
ing tools capable of moving beyond species
modeling, to simulate biological dynamics Adding Information on
at landscape or larger scales. These tools al- Population Processes
low for consideration of competition, dis- SDM outputs may be combined with pop-
turbance, dispersal and population dynam- ulation models for studies of population
ics. Below we briefly highlight some of the dynamics under climate change. In this
modeling approaches available to climate approach, SDM outputs are used to define
change biologists. habitat patches in a population model that
simulates effects of habitat disturbance, life
Gap Models history, and distributions (Keith et al. 2008).
Integral projection models (IPMs) analyze
Gap models are used at a very fine spatial individual population states over time to
scale (0.1 ha) to examine species interac- project population dynamics (Merow et al.
tions and vegetation change (Shugart 2002). 2014).
The gap model projects growth, death, and
regeneration of individual trees, allowing
Species to Functional Traits
for the investigation of how individual tree
changes can impact whole-forest composi- Buckley et al. (2011) have found that using
tion. Gap models have been used in a va- functional and physiological traits of a spe-
riety of ecosystems, though first and most cies may be more powerful for predicting
notably in forest systems, where they can change under global warming than SDMs
simulate compostion and change in for- alone. Coupling species-specific trait physi-
est landscapes in response to climate step ology with SDMs, using fully mechanistic
function or glacial-interglacial changes or approaches or using outputs from mechanis-
simulate dynamic mosaic patterns (Shugart tic models as predictors in correlative models
2002). Gap models may be tiled together (Buckley and Kingsolver 2012), may provide
to simulate change at landscape or larger more robust insights into species’ response
scales. to climate change (Buckley et al. 2011). Iden-
tifying functional and phylogenetic traits and their feedbacks on regional and global
that affect dispersal and response to cli- scale biogeochemical-physical processes.
mate change will be key to simulating more Plant functional types are now com-
complex processes (Buckley and Kingsolver monly used to represent groups of species
2012). An alternative method for incorporat- with similar characteristics (morphologi-
ing life-history traits is to couple a suitabil- cal, phenological, and physiological), an
ity model with an age–life stage model, to improvement over predetermined biome-
assess the relative impact of climate change based approaches (Peng 2000), that can be
and disturbance on the persistence of a pop- used to represent vegetation of a site under
ulation (Swab et al. 2012). In species that are a range of historical, present, or future cli-
facing significant impacts from both climate mates (Levis 2010). PFTs are usually rep-
change and altered disturbance regimes, this resented by leaf and stem area, height and
can be a powerful tool for managers to com- vegetation cover that allows simulation of
pare threats and how they interact to pro- photosynthesis, and respiration and tran-
duce novel outcomes for species of interest spiration given physiological plant traits.
(Swab et al. 2012). BIOMOVE is one platform Simulating these processes helps estimate
for such analyses (Midgley 2010). primary productivity and distribution of
carbon pools in leaves, stems, roots, litter,
and the soil (Levis 2010).
M AC ROSC A L E MODE LING: However, Earth-system models and
F ROM BIO GE O GR A PH Y DGVMs are often limited by oversimplifi-
A PPROAC H E S TO GLOBA L cation of vegetation types (PFTs and their
DY NA M IC V E GE TATION MODE L I NG parameterizations) and competition of in-
dividual plants (Yang et al. 2015). PFTs are
Earth-system models address effects of the usually parameterized with traits with con-
land surface on climate, including inter- stant values and assuming constant relation-
actions between atmosphere, ocean, land, ship between form and function under cur-
ice, and biosphere, through land surface rent and change climates (Wullschleger et
models (Levis 2010). Increasingly, dynamic al. 2015). Traits, however, have been found
global vegetation models (DGVMs) are be- to have great variation within PFTs (van
ing incorporated into Earth-system models, Bodegom et al. 2012). These approaches are
effectively coupling DGVMs and GCMs, re- also limited in their simulation of competi-
placing the older practice of driving DGVMs tion, as competition is simulated between
with GCM simulations. PFTs rather than among individuals (Yang
Climate is affected by land surface char- et al. 2015). Representation of processes is
acteristics influenced by vegetation. Albedo being improved by developing individual-
and roughness are affected by vegetation based (i.e., tree) frameworks (Scheiter and
type, and these surface characteristics in Higgins 2009) and by more sophisticated
turn have effects on plant transpiration and simulation of seed dispersal and plant
biosphere interactions with greenhouse migration processes (Higgins and Harte
gases (Levis 2010). Thus, the understanding 2006). Improving representation of veg-
generated by coupling DGVMs and GCMs etation structure and functions could help
in Earth-system models is important to our reduce current uncertainties in simulations
evolving understanding of climate dynam- of surface processes at regional and global
ics. Earth-system models allow for contin- scales related to water, carbon, and nutri-
ued inquiries begun with DGVMs, includ- ent cycling, as well as litter decomposition,
ing efforts to understand climate change, tree-line advancement at high latitudes, and
CO2 fertilization, fires, and land-use change others (Wullschleger et al. 2014).

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namics in space and time.” Trends in Ecology and Evolution Wullschleger, Stan D., Howard E. Epstein, Elgene O. Box,
23 (3): 149–158. Eugénie S. Euskirchen, Santonu Goswami, Colleen M.
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Peng, Changhui. 2000. “From static biogeographical Bodegom, and Xiaofeng Xu. 2014. “Plant functional
model to dynamic global vegetation model: A global types in earth system models: Past experiences and fu-
perspective on modelling vegetation dynamics.” Eco- ture directions for application of dynamic vegetation
logical Modelling 135 (1): 33–54. models in high-latitude ecosystems.” Annals of Botany
Scheiter, Simon, and Steven Higgins. 2009. “Impacts of 114 (1): 1–16.
climate change on the vegetation of Africa: An adap- Yang, Yanzheng, Qiuan Zhu, Changhui Peng, Han Wang,
tive dynamic vegetation modelling approach.” Global and Huai Chen. 2015. “From plant functional types
Change Biology 15 (9): 2224–2246. to plant functional traits: A new paradigm in mod-
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Scheller, Robert M., James B. Domingo, Brian R. Stur- Geography 39 (4): 514–535.
tevant, Jeremy S. Williams, Arnold Rudy, Eric J. 0309133315582018.

Climate Change and The ocean covers 71 percent of Earth’s sur-

face and is home to 226,000 described eu-
Marine Biodiversity karyotic species, including 35 animal phyla,
14 of which are exclusively marine. Marine
WILLIAM W. L. CHEUNG AND biodiversity is important for a range of
MIR ANDA C. JONE S ecosystem services, such as fisheries yield,
carbon sequestration, and recreation, and
it further supports traditional culture and
values (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
2005). Despite this importance, marine
biodiversity is threatened by human activi-
ties such as overfishing, habitat destruction,
and pollution (Dulvy, Sadovy, and Reynolds
2003; Pitcher and Cheung 2013; United Na-
tions 2017). There is also growing concern
over the impact of climate change on ma-
rine systems, with longer-term shifts in the
conditions caused by increasing CO2 emis-
sions, such as altered temperature, oxy-
gen levels, and acidity, moving outside the
bounds of previous climatic variability with
which changes and adaptations in marine
communities have been associated (Pört-
ner et al. 2014; Gattuso et al. 2015). Climate
change is likely to further interact with
other human stressors, such as the removal
by fisheries of predators or prey, the release
of substances that disrupt organisms’ physi-
ology into the ecosystem, and the degrada-
tion of essential marine habitats.
The effects of atmospheric climate
change manifest themselves through fac-
tors such as temperature, ocean circulation,
acidity, salinity, and the density structure of
the water column (IPCC 2014). Globally av-
eraged ocean temperature in the upper 75
m increased at a rate of over 0.1°C per de-
cade between 1971 and 2010 over the mean
of this period (IPCC 2014). Simultaneously,
surface ocean acidity has increased by ap-

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

proximately 30 percent since preindustrial within their natural environment (Pörtner
levels (Doney et al. 2009), while oxygen 2001). Organism physiology performs op-
concentration in the open ocean decreased timally at a certain temperature range; per-
by 3–5 μmol kg-1 per decade (IPCC 2014). formance decreases when environmental
Global oxygen content has decreased by temperature increases or decreases from
more than 2 percent since 1960 (Schmidtko that range with upper and lower tempera-
et al. 2017) and is projected to continue to ture limits at which body functions that are
decrease in the twenty-first century (Bopp necessary for survival are halted. Such a re-
et al. 2013) as a result of increase in stratifi- lationship between temperature and physi-
cation and decrease in mix-layer depth. ological performance of organisms applies
Marine biodiversity responds to chang- to a wide range of organismal groups, from
ing temperature and other ocean conditions plants to vertebrates. For marine water-
manifested through physiology, population breathing ectotherms, theories suggest that
dynamics, distributions, and phenology the characteristic window of optimal physi-
(Poloczanska et al. 2013; Pörtner et al. 2014). ological performance is largely determined
These responses to ocean and atmospheric by the relationship between oxygen avail-
changes have been projected to lead to al- ability for metabolism and growth, and the
tered patterns of species richness (Cheung level of available oxygen for such purposes
et al. 2009), changes in community struc- is referred to as aerobic scope (Pauly 2010a;
ture (MacNeil et al. 2010), ecosystem func- Pörtner et al. 2017).
tions (Petchey et al. 1999), and consequen- An organism’s temperature tolerance
tial changes in marine goods and services limits are dependent on its organization
(Cheung and Sumaila 2008; Sumaila et al. complexity, the temperature stability that
2011; Madin et al. 2012). the species is adapted to, its life stage, and
This chapter aims to provide an overview the existence of other physiological stress-
of marine biodiversity under climate change ors (Figure 13.1). For example, some polar
and ocean acidification. First, we describe species have adapted to stable cold polar
overarching theories and hypotheses of how environments, leading to fewer red blood
changing ocean conditions affect marine cells, oxygen-binding proteins (Nikinmaa
organisms. Second, we discuss observed 2002), and enzymes that are especially
and projected effects of climate change and sensitive to temperature. Such physiologi-
ocean acidification on major marine taxa. cal adaptations render these polar species
We then examine the potential interactions particularly sensitive to ocean warming.
of climate impacts on marine biodiversity Larval and spawning fishes also have higher
with other non-CO2-related human stress- temperature sensitivity. Moreover, aerobic
ors. Finally, we discuss the key challenges scope (and temperature tolerance) decreases
and opportunities for marine biodiversity with limitation in food supply, increase in
conservation under climate change. Topics acidity, or decrease in oxygen level (Pörtner
related to ocean acidification and coral reefs et al. 2017). Evaluating the effect of rapidly
under climate change are covered in sepa- changing climate on species’ survival and
rate chapters (Chapters 5 and 14). distributions therefore requires linking the
geographic pattern of climatic change to
the physiological sensitivity of study organ-
M E C H A N ISMS OF C L IM AT E C H A NGE isms (Deutsch et al. 2008).
E F F E CTS ON M A R I N E BIODI V E R SIT Y Organisms can sustain physiological
processes in low-oxygen areas only un-
Marine organisms are adapted to and de- der certain environmental and biological
pendent on the maintenance of a character- conditions. Low temperatures reduce en-
istic window of environmental conditions ergetic demands and the need for oxygen.

Figure 13.1. Relationship between temperature and et al. 2013; Poloczanska et al. 2013) or a ver-
physiological performance of marine water-breathing
ectotherms. (A) Temperature tolerance decreases with tical temperature gradient to deeper waters
multiple environmental stressors, and (B) temperature (Dulvy et al. 2008; Pauly 2010b).
sensitivity is dependent on the characteristics of the en- Temperature may also act indirectly on
vironmental the organisms are adapted to. (Redrawn a species’ survival and distribution by in-
from Pörtner and Knust 2007.)
fluencing phenology, dispersal, predation
Organisms with small body size are also pressure, and available food supply. Change
better adapted to low-oxygen areas be- in the distribution and abundance of prey
cause of their morphology (e.g., surface and predators affects growth and mortality
area to volume ratio) and reduced energy of other species. As temperature affects the
demands (Childress and Seibel 1998; Levin rate of egg and larval development, warmer
et al. 2009; Pauly 2010b). As only species temperatures will also decrease the chance
with specialized adaptations can survive, of predation at this phase in the life cycle. In
biodiversity is therefore frequently low in addition, as the duration of the larval stage
an area with low oxygen levels, which may will determine the length of time they are
further become a “dead zone” in extreme subjected to movement by ocean currents,
cases (Levin 2003; Breitburg et al. 2018). increased temperatures will indirectly af-
Understanding organisms’ thermal tol- fect population connectivity, community
erances and the geographic pattern of cli- structure, and regional to global patterns of
mate change helps explain and predict the biodiversity (O’Connor et al. 2007).
survival and distributions of marine organ-
isms under changing climate (Cheung and
Pauly 2017). The theory of optimal foraging R E PONSE S OF M A R I N E BIODI V E R SIT Y
predicts that organisms tend to be distrib- TO C L IM AT E C H A NGE
uted in environments that maximize their
growth and reproduction, thereby provid- Global patterns of species richness of ma-
ing a pathway through which the thermal rine animals are related to habitats (e.g.,
window of an organism may affect its bio- coastal vs. open ocean), temperature, and
geography. Thus, as the ocean warms, ma- historical geographic factors (Tittensor
rine organisms respond by shifting their et al. 2010). Marine animals include zoo-
distributions and/or seasonality to main- plankton, invertebrates, fish, reptiles, birds,
tain themselves in habitats that lie within and mammals, with species richness being
their preferred temperature limits. Shifted highest in coastal and shelf seas. Although
species distribution ranges follow tempera- the richness of coastal species is highest in
ture clines from high to low, reflecting a the western Pacific, that for oceanic species
lateral gradient at the basin scale (Pinsky is highest in regions along mid-latitudinal
zones. As temperature is one of the most Macroinvertebrates and Fishes
important environmental predictors for
The extant number of marine fishes and
marine animals’ species richness, ocean
marcoinvertebrates that have been de-
warming is expected to have large impli-
scribed amount to approximately 15,000
cations for the global pattern of oceanic
species and 200,000 species, respectively
biodiversity. Thus, biological responses to
(Cheung, Pitcher, and Pauly 2005). As de-
ocean-atmospheric changes have been pro-
scribed above, marine invertebrates and
jected to lead to altered future patterns of
fishes, as water-breathing ectotherms, are
species richness (Cheung et al. 2009; Jones
physiologically and ecologically sensitive
and Cheung 2015), resulting in changes in
to changes in ocean properties. Their re-
community structure (MacNeil et al. 2010),
sponses to changes in ocean temperature,
ecosystem function (Petchey et al. 1999),
oxygen level, and acidity can therefore gen-
and marine goods and services (Cheung
erally be predicted from their physiology
and Sumaila 2008; Sumaila et al. 2011; Ma-
of thermal tolerance, oxygen capacity, and
din et al. 2012).
acid-base regulation, as well as changes in
ocean productivity.
Phytoplanktons, Macroalgae, and Seagrasses Overall, climate change and ocean acidi-
fication lead to alteration of population dy-
Ocean warming affects the growth, abun-
namics, shifts in biogeography and season-
dance, distribution, phenology, and com-
ality, and changes in species’ morphologies,
munity structure of phytoplankton. In-
such as body size and behavior. These re-
creases in temperature initially increase
sponses are potentially linked to altered ge-
the metabolic rates, and thus productivity,
netic frequencies (Thomas et al. 2001; Par-
of many phytoplankton species. However,
mesan and Yohe 2003), although evidence
when temperature at a particular location
from Pleistocene glaciations has shown that
exceeds a species’ thermal window, its
species are more likely to exhibit ecological
abundance will decrease, and it will even-
responses to climate change, such as shifts
tually be replaced by species with a higher
in range distributions, than evolutionary
thermal tolerance (Thomas et al. 2012).
responses, through local adaptation (Brad-
Thus, on the basis of the thermal windows
shaw and Holzapfel 2006).
of phytoplankton, their distributions are
Observations and theory have indicated
projected to shift poleward, with a large
that marine fish and invertebrates fre-
decline in tropical diversity (Thomas et al.
quently undergo shifts in distribution in
2012). Also, ocean warming favors smaller
response to changing environmental fac-
species, resulting in a decrease in size struc-
tors, to areas within their physiological
ture of phytoplankton community (Flom-
limits. Shifts are therefore most commonly
baum et al. 2013). The species-specific ther-
toward higher latitudes (Perry et al. 2005;
mal tolerances of macroalgae and seagrasses
Hiddink and ter Hofstede 2008; Doney et
lead to similar types of responses to ocean
al. 2012; Poloczanska et al. 2013), deeper
warming as phytoplankton, such as distri-
waters (Dulvy et al. 2008), and, in general,
bution shifts (Lima et al. 2007). Increases in
following temperature velocity (Pinsky et
CO2 levels appear to have positive effects on
al. 2013). Overall, marine examples of shift-
primary producers as a result of increased
ing distributions due to climate change are
rate of photosynthesis and productivity,
more striking than their terrestrial coun-
although some calcifying algae will be
terparts because of their greater rapidity
vulnerable to ocean acidification, and the
(Edwards and Richardson 2004; Parmesan
indirect trophic impacts from changes in
and Yohe 2003; Cheung et al. 2009). Meta-
primary production are uncertain (Martin
analyses of observed range shift in the past
and Gattuso 2009; Arnold et al. 2012).

decades have shown that zooplanktons and invertebrates and fishes in North American
fishes are moving poleward, on average, shelf seas are in directions consistent with
at rates of tens to hundreds of kilometers gradients of temperature changes (Pinsky et
per decade (Poloczanska et al. 2013) (see al. 2013).
Chapter 5, Figure 5.2A). For example, Beau- Observed changes in the species com-
grand et al. (2009) described northward position of catches from 1970 to 2006 that
movement in calanoid copepod zooplank- are partly attributed to long-term ocean
ton assemblages in the North Atlantic at a warming suggest increasing dominance of
mean rate of up to 23.16 km per year over warmer-water species in subtropical and
48 years. These changes in planktonic com- higher-latitude regions, concurrent with
munities were paralleled by a northward a reduction in the abundance of subtropi-
migration of both commercial and non- cal species in equatorial waters (Cheung
commercial fish species (Brander 2003; et al. 2013a), with implications for fisher-
Beare et al. 2004; Perry et al. 2005). In the ies. Using global fisheries catch data, an in-
European continental shelf, a response to dex called the mean temperature of catch
warming has been demonstrated in the (MTC), computed from the average pre-
abundances of 72 percent of the 50 most ferred temperature of each species reported
common species inhabiting UK waters
(Simpson et al. 2011). These shifts reflect
the influx of warmer-water-adapted marine Figure 13.2. Average mean temperature of catch (MTC)
species to regions with colder waters that and sea-surface temperature (SST) from (upper) non-
tropical and (lower) tropical large marine ecosystems
have been observed elsewhere (Arvedlund
(left panels). The right panels are schematic representation
2009; Fodrie et al. 2010). Analysis of sur- of hypotheses explaining the change in MTC over time.
vey data further shows that range shifts for (From Cheung et al. 2013.)
in fisheries data weighted by their annual phases remain synchronized with climatic
catches, was calculated for all the large ma- alterations. For example, phenophases of
rine ecosystems (LMEs) of the world from the spawning season have been shown to be
1970 to 2006. After accounting for the ef- negatively correlated with mean sea-surface
fects of fishing and large-scale oceano- temperature (SST) the preceding winter for
graphic variability, global MTC increased at 27 species in the North Sea (Greve et al.
a rate of 0.19ºC per decade between 1970 2005), and earlier spring migrations have
and 2006, whereas MTC in nontropical also been noted (Sims et al. 2001; Clarke
areas increased at a rate of 0.23ºC per de- et al. 2003). Phenological responses are
cade (Figure 13.2). In tropical areas, MTC highly taxon or species specific, resulting
increased initially because of the reduction from sensitivity to climatic fluctuations as
in the proportion of subtropical species well as factors such as temperature, light, or
catches but subsequently stabilized as scope food availability (Edwards and Richardson
for further tropicalization of communities 2004). Meta-analysis of observed phono-
became limited (Figure 13.2). logical shifts suggests that seasonal events
Range shifts for fishes and invertebrates of marine species have advanced by an av-
are projected to continue in the twenty- erage of 4.4 days per decade (Poloczanska
first century under climate change (Jones et al. 2013). Altered phenology and timing
and Cheung 2015; Cheung et al. 2009). of development may also lead to altered
Although in temperate climates, local ex- dispersal. For species whose offspring de-
tinctions may be compensated by local velop in the water column, for example, the
invasions as species move into newly suit- duration of the larval stage will determine
able habitat, thereby leading to an overall the length of time that larvae are subject to
change in community structure, tropical movement by ocean currents (O’Connor et
regions may see declines in species richness al. 2007).
as the scope for community tropicalization Both theory and empirical observations
is reached. For example, projections of dis- further support the hypothesis that warm-
tributions for over 800 exploited fishes and ing and reduced oxygen will reduce the
invertebrates using multiple species distri- body size of marine fishes and invertebrates
bution models result in a predicted average (Pauly and Cheung 2018). The preferred
poleward latitudinal range shift of 15.5– minimum oxygen tolerance threshold of an
25.6 km per decade under low and high organism varies across species, body size,
emission scenarios (Representative Concen- and life stage, and is highest for large or-
tration Pathways 2.6 and 8.0, respectively) ganisms. As fish increase in size (weight),
(Jones and Cheung 2015). This rate of shift mass-specific oxygen demand increases
is consistent with observed rates of shift in more rapidly than oxygen supply (Pauly
the twentieth century (Dulvy et al. 2008; 1997). Thus, fish reach a maximum body
Perry et al. 2005). Predicted distribution size when oxygen supply is balanced by
shifts resulted in large-scale changes in pat- oxygen demand. Moreover, the scope for
terns of species richness through species in- aerobic respiration and growth decreases
vasions (occurring in new areas) and local when size increases, with oxygen supply
extinctions (disappearing from previously per unit body weight therefore decreasing.
occurring areas) (Figure 13.3). Hotspots of The decrease in food conversion efficiency
high local invasion are common in high- that this implies, all else being equal, de-
latitude regions, whereas local extinctions creases the biomass production of fish and
are concentrated near the equator. invertebrate populations.
Climate change modifies phenology, Simulation model projections suggest
periodic biological phenomena, of ma- decreases in the maximum body size of
rine fishes and invertebrates so that critical fishes under scenarios of ocean warming,

Figure 13.3. Projected intensity of (A) local extinction

and (B) species invasion between 2000 and 2050 under
the RCP 8.5 scenario. Shading shows areas of high (three body size were examined, on the basis of
models) and moderate (two models) agreement. (From explicit representations of ecophysiology,
Jones and Cheung 2014.) dispersal, distribution, and population dy-
namics (Cheung et al. 2013b). The result was
as well as decreases in oxygen levels. Spe- that assemblage-averaged maximum body
cifically, the integrated biological responses weight is expected to shrink by 14 per-
of over 600 species of marine fishes due to cent–24 percent globally from 2000 to 2050
changes in distribution, abundance, and under a high-emission scenario. The pro-
Color plates

Plate 1.  Observed and simulated future climate change. Observed change in surface temperature 1901–2012 (top). Simu-
lated future change in temperature for two different emissions (radiative forcing) scenarios—RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5
(middle). Simulated future change in precipitation and model agreement for our RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5 (bottom). RCP 8.5
approximates a business-as-usual global emissions trajectory, whereas RCP 2.6 approximates a world in which there is
moderate to strong global policy to restrict climate change. (Figure SPM.7; Figure SPM.1 (b) from Climate Change 2014:
Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.)
Plate 2.  Coral bleaching. Corals have bleached in every major reef system on the planet due to climate change. When
regional surface water temperatures exceed a fixed threshold, corals expel their symbiotic zooxanothellae, resulting in
coral bleaching over large areas (top). Bleached corals (bottom) suffer high mortality, but some corals may recover follow-
ing bleaching. (Photographs by Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Global Change Institute, University of Queensland.)
Plate 3.  Bark beetle-killed trees (top). Warming temperatures have moved bark beetles into temperature bands in which
synchronous outbreaks occur, destroying millions of trees across huge areas of North America (bottom; red indicates
area affected by bark beetle outbreak). (Used with permission of National Geographic. Martin Gamache, NGM Staff;
Shelley Sperry. Sources: Canadian Forest Service; Barbara Bentz and Jeanne Paschke, U.S. Forest Service; Aaron McGill,
Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development; Tim Ebata, British Columbia MFLNRO, University of
British Columbia; Brian Aukema, University of Minnesota.)
Plate 4.  Predicted impact of warming on the thermal performance of ectotherms in 2100. (A) Impact versus latitude
for insects using thermal performance curves fit to intrinsic population growth rates measured for each species and
for a global model (red line) in which performance curves at each location are interpolated from empirical linear
relationships between seasonality and both warming tolerance and thermal safety margin. (B and C) Results from the
simplified conceptual model are shown globally for insects (B) for which performance data are most complete, and
versus latitude for three additional taxa of terrestrial ectotherms: frogs and toads, lizards, and turtles (C), for which
only warming tolerance was available. On the basis of patterns in warming tolerance, climate change is predicted to
be most deleterious for tropical representatives of all four taxonomic groups. Performance is predicted to increase in
mid- and high latitudes because of the thermal safety margins observed there for insects, and provisionally attributed
to other taxa. Note that blue denotes negative impact on performance, while performance is enhanced by temperature
change. (Redrawn from Deutsch et al. 2008.)
Plate 5.  Penguin population responses to climate change. Some penguin populations in Antarctica are declining due
to warming temperatures and declining sea ice. Other penguin populations are increasing as climate change-driven
winds bring more cold water to the surface, resulting in increases in ice cover. (Courtesy of I. Gaffney.)
Plate 6.  Projected climate-driven movements for 2,903 vertebrate species. Range movements from species distribution
models are averaged across 10 future climate projections. Arrows represent the direction of modeled movements from
unsuitable climates to suitable climates via routes that avoid human land uses. The sizes of the arrows represent the
number of projected species movements as a proportion of current species richness. The colors of the arrows reflect
the level of agreement in the direction of movement across species and routes. The insets are maps of (A) a high con-
centration of movements through southeastern North America and into the Appalachian Mountains and (B) areas of
movement through the Sierras de Córdoba and into the Andes and the southern Pampas. Lighter blue shading in these
topographical overlays indicates more intensive human activity. (From Lawler et al. 2013.)
Plate 7.  Dynamic ocean management for Australian tuna fishery. Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) (upper left) are
the target of a high-value fishery in southeast Australia. The fishery is managed using a model of tuna response to ocean
temperature that is updated every 2 weeks. This management system provides adaptation to climate change because it
responds to evolving ocean conditions. The modeling process (green arrows) begins with tagging tuna with pop-up
tags that record water temperature and depth (upper right). Based on tuna water temperature preferences, a model is con-
structed of tuna habitat. Model simulations are run every two weeks using sea surface temperature information from
satellites and near-real-time temperature recording at depth (middle). Based on the model simulations, a management
zone is defined that is accessible only to fishing vessels that hold permits for southern bluefin tuna. Fishing vessels use
GPS to ensure that they are respecting the management boundaries. Boundaries could be any shape, but for simplicity
are usually a straight line (lower right). (Figure supplied by CSIRO.)
Plate 8.  Conservation planning for climate change. Models of species’ current and future ranges can be used to select
priority areas for new protection that conserve species both in their present ranges and in their likely future range.
Conservation planning software can suggest optimal solutions across hundreds or thousands of species’ present and
future ranges. In this example, 4,000 species in the northern tropical Andes are used to suggest new areas for protec-
tion that will improve representation of species’ future ranges in protected area systems of the region. The results for
the Zonation conservation planning software and Network Flow algorithm (purple areas) are compared. Note the high
level of agreement on priority areas for additional protection. (Courtesy of ­Patrick R. Roehrdanz.)
jected magnitude of decrease in body size is of nesting (Weishampel, Bagley, and Eh-
consistent with experimental (Forster et al. rhart 2004; Mazaris et al. 2008), whereas
2012; Cheung et al. 2013b) and field obser- increases in extreme weather events, such
vations (Baudron et al. 2014). About half of as flooding, increase nest damage and fur-
this shrinkage is due to change in distribu- ther negatively affect reproductive success
tion and abundance, and the remainder to (Van Houtan and Bass 2007). Using SST as
changes in physiological performance. The a predictor, the distribution of loggerhead
tropical and intermediate latitudinal areas turtles is projected to expand poleward
will be heavily affected, with an average re- in the Atlantic Ocean by the end of the
duction of more than 20 percent. Decreases twenty-first century relative to 1970–1989
in growth and body size are likely to reduce (Witt et al. 2010). In contrast, leatherback
the biomass production of fish populations, turtles are projected to decrease in abun-
and hence fishery catches, and potentially dance because of reduced hatching success
alter trophic interactions. with warming (Saba et al. 2012).
Ocean acidification is also expected to Climate change affects seabird popula-
affect marine animals, although the sen- tions indirectly through changes in the
sitivity varies largely between taxonomic distribution and productivity of prey and
groups. Available studies suggest that sen- directly through impacts on vulnerable
sitivity is high for organisms that form life stages. Seabirds’ foraging grounds and
calcium carbonate exoskeletons or shells their food supply are strongly affected by
(Kroeker et al. 2013; Wittman and Pörtner the distribution and availability of mid-
2013). Also, elevated CO2 levels lead to re- trophic-level prey that are in turn affected
duced tolerance to warming (Wittman and by climate change and resulting changes
Pörtner 2013). Sensitivity to ocean acidifica- in ocean productivity (Hoegh-Guldberg
tion appears to be highest for tropical coral and Bruno 2010; Trathan et al. 2014). For
reefs and mollusks, followed by crustacean example, Cassin’s auklet in the California
and cold-water corals. Their ecological re- Current ecosystem is projected to decline
sponses may become more unpredictable by 11 percent–45 percent by the end of the
when trophic interactions are considered twenty-first century due to ocean warming
(Busch et al. 2013) (see Chapter 14). (~2°C), with consideration of changes in
upwelling intensity (Wolf et al. 2010). Dis-
tributions of some seabirds are also affected
Reptiles, Mammals, and Birds
by changing habitat structure, such as sea
Some species of seabirds, marine mam- ice in the case of the emperor penguin (Je-
mals, and sea turtles are affected by nouvrier et al. 2012). Increased frequency
changes in temperature and other ocean of extreme weather events also affects
conditions. Marine reptiles, including sea penguin populations. For example, storms
turtles, sea snakes, saltwater crocodile, and are a major source of mortality of Magel-
marine iguanas (from the Galapagos Is- lanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) chicks
lands), are ectotherms and thus inherently at Punta Tombo, Argentina, with storm
sensitive to ocean warming. All sea turtles intensity being positively related to chick
have demonstrated poleward distribution mortality. As storm frequency and intensity
shifts that are correlated with ocean warm- are projected to increase in the region un-
ing (Pörtner et al. 2014). As the gender of der climate change, populations of Magel-
sea turtles is also temperature dependent, lanic penguin are therefore expected to be
warming alters their sex ratio toward an negatively affected (Boersma and Rebstock
increased number of females. In addition, 2014). Warming also affects the phenol-
warming increases eggs and hatchling ogy of seabirds, frequently leading to ear-
mortality and influences the phenology lier breeding and the extension of breeding

seasons in high-latitude species (Sydeman of pollution impact on marine organisms is

and Bograd 2009). also through nutrient enrichment from the
Mechanisms driving the responses of discharge of sewage, and agricultural and
marine mammal population to climate industrial waste into the ocean, ultimately
change are similar to those for seabirds, leading to oxygen depletion (Diaz and
with changes in marine mammal distribu- Rosenberg 2008), thereby rendering ma-
tions further being observed to influence rine organisms more vulnerable to ocean
shifts in the distributions of their prey spe- warming. The combination of multiple hu-
cies (Salvadeo et al. 2010; Moore and Bar- man stressors thus reduces the resilience
low 2011). Changes in sea-ice structure also of marine biodiversity to impacts from
affect the foraging and breeding grounds climate change and ocean acidification, as
of polar marine mammals such as walrus well as reducing their predictability, mak-
(Odobenus rosmarus). Overall, in a study that ing detection, mitigation, and adaptation to
includes all extant (115 species) of cetacean climate-related effects on marine biodiver-
and pinnipeds, species richness of cetaceans sity more difficult.
is projected to increase in mid-latitude re-
gions, while that of pinnipeds and cetaceans
is projected to decrease at low latitudes by IM PL IC ATIONS F OR M A R I N E
the mid-twenty-first century relative to the BIODI V E R SIT Y CONSE RVATION
late 1990s under the SRES A1B scenario
(Kaschner et al. 2011). Effective management of ecosystems un-
der climate change increases the resilience
of ecosystems and the adaptive capacity of
I N T E R ACT IONS W IT H OT H E R management systems, for example, by re-
H U M A N DR I V E R S ducing other human perturbations. Impacts
of climate change on marine biodiversity
Climate change and ocean acidification can be moderated by reducing stresses from
add to the list of anthropogenic stressors overfishing, habitat degradation, pollution
affecting marine biodiversity. The main runoff, land-use transformation, and inva-
nonclimate anthropogenic stressors include sive species. As such, effective implementa-
overfishing, pollution, and habitat destruc- tion of ecosystem-based management that
tion. These drives will interact with and considers a much wider range of environ-
confound marine biodiversity changes that mental and human stressors as well as ob-
are related to climate change and ocean jectives is important to increase the adap-
acidification (Planque et al. 2010), increas- tive capacity of marine social-ecological
ing the sensitivity of marine organisms to systems and biodiversity to climate change
climate stressors. For example, intensive and ocean acidification.
fishing leads to the depletion of large preda- Adaptive marine conservation and man-
tory species and the truncated age structure agement are also important in uncertain fu-
in targeted populations, with an increased ture ocean ecosystems (Walters and Martell
dominance of juveniles and small-bodied, 2004). The reduced predictability of marine
fast-turnover species. Such communities ecosystems due to climate change will make
tend to track changes in ocean conditions it more difficult to provide accurate assess-
more closely (Perry, Barange, and Ommer ments of the current and future status of
2010). Also, in Tasmania, biological com- marine biodiversity. Also, changing base-
munities in exploited areas are shown to line oceanographic and ecological condi-
be more sensitive to ocean changes relative tions may affect the effectiveness of existing
to areas protected from fishing (Bates et al. conservation and management measures
2013). One of the most important pathways such as marine protected areas. The appli-
cation of adaptive management approach fisheries were believed to be sustainable as
through the incorporation of monitoring evidenced by its certification by the Marine
programs that are designed for a changing Stewardship Council. However, follow-
ocean, and the subsequent usage of the data ing the species’ northward shift to waters
to improve monitoring is thus important. around Iceland and the Faroe Islands, these
Monitoring will include data for indicators countries unilaterally increased their quota,
at the pressure, state, and response levels, leading to international dispute in quota al-
thereby promoting fast decision responses location with countries sharing the strad-
to changing and uncertain conditions and dling mackerel stock. This results in desta-
allowing a suite of possible responses to be bilization of management of the mackerel
maintained. fisheries and the suspension of its Marine
Marine protected areas (MPAs), for exam- Stewardship Council certification (Miller et
ple, are a major tool to conserve marine bio- al. 2013; Sumaila et al. 2011). Such disputes
diversity and have been shown to enhance are projected to increase as ocean warming
population resilience to climate-driven dis- increases with climate change.
turbance (Micheli et al. 2012). However, cli-
mate change–induced changes in environ-
mental suitability and consequential species’ K E Y C H A L L E NGE S
distribution shifts may lead to both emigra-
tion and immigration of species from or The observed and projected impacts of cli-
into an MPA. This will alter the specific mate change on marine biodiversity and
species assemblage being conserved, poten- socio-ecological systems discussed here
tially losing species of conservation value highlight the fact that changing ocean con-
and reducing the efficacy of the MPA. There ditions associated with climate change will
is therefore a need to increase the robust- bring increased challenges to efforts to con-
ness and enhance the resilience of protected serve biodiversity and manage fisheries al-
areas themselves to climate change. For ex- ready struggling to cope with the impacts
ample, by assessing the degree of future en- of overexploitation and economic under-
vironmental change in proposed protected performance. Although these challenges
areas, conservation planning may be used may be reduced by methodologies to assess
to protect against biodiversity loss (Levy and likely responses and the possible ways of
Ban 2013). Implementing networks of MPAs mitigating or adapting to them, limitations
may also increase the likelihood of effec- in prediction methodologies contribute
tively conserving species following climate uncertainties and present additional chal-
change–induced range shifts (McLeod et al. lenges in their application and use.
2009; Gaines et al. 2010). Long-term observation data and moni-
Climate change may also affect the effec- toring programs, essential to detection and
tiveness of conservation and management, attribution of the responses of marine bio-
thus increasing the risk to marine biodiver- diversity to climate change and ocean acidi-
sity. In particular, the increased likelihood fication, are limited globally. It is suggested
of abrupt and unpredictable changes in the that time series that span at least multiple
productive potential and migratory behav- decades are needed to detect long-term
ior of exploited fish stocks may threaten to trends in the ocean from natural variability
disrupt cooperative management arrange- (e.g., for net primary production; Henson et
ments. For example, the distribution of al. 2010). Also, analysis explicitly linking bi-
Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the ological responses to environmental change
northeastern Atlantic Ocean recently shifted between levels of organization (from in-
northward, believed to be driven by chang- dividual to ecosystem) is also needed to
ing ocean conditions. The Atlantic mackerel provide integrated multiscale understand-

ing of climate change effects on marine bio- systematic integration of environmental,

diversity. The role of evolutionary and phe- biophysical, and socioeconomic scenarios to
notypic responses to determining climate explore opportunities for adaptation and re-
change impacts on marine biodiversity is silience to climate change impacts.
still uncertain. The interaction of multiple
anthropogenic threats and predator-prey
interactions further contributes uncertainty SU M M A RY
to predicting the likely impact of climate
change on specific populations and species. Marine biodiversity is being affected by cli-
For example, both fisheries and warming mate change and ocean acidification. The
waters are thought to have caused the de- main biological responses to ocean warm-
cline in sandeel and consequential decline ing and deoxygenation can be predicted
in breeding success of black-legged kitti- from physiological principles of tempera-
wakes and common guillemot (Pinnegar, ture tolerance that agree with observations
Watt, and Kennedy 2012). Disentangling and simulation modeling. Poleward shifts
the impact of these threats and projecting in species distribution are generally con-
possible scenarios of change into the future sistent across organism groups, from phy-
therefore remains a challenge despite recent toplanktons and invertebrates to fishes and
advances in this area (Ainsworth et al. 2011). marine mammals. Hotspots of change in
The resolution of climate model projec- species richness are projected to occur in
tions may not match with scales that are high latitudinal regions (species gains) and
relevant to regional or local marine biodi- in the tropics (species loss) under climate
versity. For example, coastal processes of change. Projected ocean acidification nega-
coupled ocean-atmosphere global climate tively affects biological processes across
models included in the Fifth Assessment taxonomic groups, with mollusks and trop-
Report of the IPCC are not well resolved ical corals being particularly sensitive. The
for many coastal oceanographic processes, combination of these multiple CO2-related
such as eastern boundary coastal upwell- stressors and other human drivers will ex-
ings. This limits the application of these acerbate the impacts directly on the biology
projections to study local-scale marine bio- of the organisms or indirectly through the
diversity. Furthermore, climate model er- food web. Climate change further impacts
ror is not evenly distributed over different the effectiveness of marine conservation
depths and also varies geographically. and management measures. This highlights
The inherent mistrust of uncertainty and the need for ecosystem-based management
skepticism toward necessarily uncertain fore- that is adaptive to climate change and ocean
casts also needs to be overcome to promote acidification. However, improved manage-
adaptive capacity in marine conservation and ment is not expected to fully compensate
management. A range of options from dif- for impacts from climate change, particu-
ferent climatic and socioeconomic scenarios larly for sensitive ecosystems. Thus, mitiga-
could therefore be viewed as a suite of pos- tion of greenhouse gas emission, in addi-
sible scenarios (Jones et al. 2014; Haward et tion to adaptation measures, is necessary for
al. 2013), consideration of which will mini- effective marine biodiversity conservation.
mize the surprises and risks climate change
may impose on the marine ecosystem and
the people who depend on it. Methodologies R E FE R E NCE S
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Anticipating Climate-Driven Movement Routes

Joshua J. Lawler

There is clear evidence that the distributions of many species have been changing in ways
that correspond with recent changes in climate (Chen et al. 2011; Pinsky et al. 2013). As
climates continue to change, the ranges of many species will very likely continue to shift to
track suitable climates. Some species will be able to keep pace with changing climatic condi-
tions and others will not (Nathan et al. 2011; Schloss, Nuñez, and Lawler 2012). A species’
ability to track suitable climates will depend not only on the nature of the climatic changes
but also on the species’ ability to move across landscapes—many of which are dominated
by human activity.

A recent study explored how species cies were assigned according to the values
might move across the landscapes of the of the HII, with areas of higher human in-
Western Hemisphere to track projected fluence receiving higher resistance values.
changes in climate (Lawler et al. 2013). Movement was then modeled from each
The study drew on the projections of cli- grid cell in a digital map that represented
matic niche models built for 2,903 spe- the area projected to become climatically
cies of birds, mammals, and amphibians unsuitable to the area of the map that was
(Lawler et al. 2009). The authors used the projected to be climatically suitable in the
models to identify areas that might become future. Likewise, movement was modeled
newly climatically suitable and those that from the area that is currently suitable into
might become climatically unsuitable for each of the grid cells in areas projected to
each species by the end of the twenty-first become newly climatically suitable. When
century under 10 different future climate the results from the individual species anal-
projections. They then mapped potential yses were combined and averaged across
movement routes that individuals of each the 10 climate change projections, clear
species might follow to either move into ar- patterns of potential climate-driven move-
eas projected to become newly climatically ments emerged.
suitable or out of areas projected to become There are likely to be several places in
climatically unsuitable. North and South America that will act as
To model the potential effects of patterns critical conduits for species movements in
of human activity on movement routes, the a changing climate (see Plate 6). Two ar-
authors used the Human Influence Index eas with pronounced, consistent, projected
(HII; Sanderson et al. 2002). The HII maps movements of species are in southeastern
patterns of human impact using estimates North America where species are projected
of human population densities, distance to move northeast, up into the Appalachian
to roads, land cover, and nighttime lights. Mountains and along their length to the
Movement routes were mapped using Cir- north, and in central Argentina, where spe-
cuitscape, a modeling tool that maps land- cies are projected to move southward into
scape connectivity on the basis of electri- the southern Pampas and up in the Sierras
cal circuit theory (McRae et al. 2008). de Córdoba and Andes. These are places
Circuitscape treats a landscape as a circuit
board in which each grid cell in a digital
map is a resistor with an assigned resistance Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.
value. Resistance values for the 2,903 spe- ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


where the projected changes in climate are connectivity mapping efforts, it may be
likely to force species movements poleward possible to identify specific areas in which
and upward in elevation. They are also focused conservation actions will facilitate
places where the human presence on the climate-driven species movements.
landscape is likely to channel movements
in a specific way.
In general, the tundra, boreal forest and R E FE R E NCE S
taiga, north temperate broadleaf and mixed
forests, and the tropical and subtropical Brost, B., and P. Beier. 2012. “Use of land facets to de-
sign linkages for climate change.” Ecological Applications
moist broadleaf forest ecoregions are pro-
22 (1): 87–103.
jected to experience the largest number of Chen, I. C., J. K. Hill, R. Ohlemueller, D. B. Roy, and C.
movements (controlling for current species D. Thomas. 2011. “Rapid range shifts of species as-
richness). The far northern latitudes, the sociated with high levels of climate warming.” Science
Amazon Basin, and northern Paraguay and 333 (6045): 1024–1026.
Heller, N. E., and E. S. Zavaleta. 2009. “Biodiversity man-
southeastern Bolivia are projected to expe-
agement in the face of climate change: A review of 22
rience many movements and are generally years of recommendations.” Biological Conservation 142
less affected by human activity. Thus, these (1): 14–32.
areas, as well as the areas of intense antici- Lawler, J. J., S. L. Shafer, D. White, P. Kareiva, E. P. Mau-
pated movement in central Argentina and rer, A. R. Blaustein, and P. J. Bartlein. 2009. “Projected
climate-induced faunal change in the Western Hemi-
the southern Appalachians, may be ones
sphere.” Ecology 90 (3): 588–597.
where conservation efforts to protect con- Lawler, J. J., Aaron S. Ruesch, J. D. Olden, and B. H.
nectivity may serve moving species well. McRae. 2013. “Projected climate-driven faunal move-
Protecting and enhancing connectivity ment routes.” Ecology Letters 16 (8): 1014–1022.
to allow species to track changes in cli- McRae, B. H., B. G. Dickson, T. H. Keitt, and V. B. Shah.
2008. “Using circuit theory to model connectivity
mate are often-cited adaptation strategies
in ecology, evolution, and conservation.” Ecology 89:
for conserving biodiversity in the face of 2712–2724.
climate change (Heller and Zavaleta 2009). Nathan, R., N. Horvitz, Y. P. He, A. Kuparinen, F. M. Sch-
Targeting connectivity efforts at areas iden- urr, and G. G. Katul. 2011. “Spread of North American
tified to be critical for facilitating species wind-dispersed trees in future environments.” Ecology
Letters 14 (3): 211–219.
movements is a first step in planning for cli-
Nuñez, T. A., J. J. Lawler, B. H. McRae, D. J. Pierce, M.
mate-driven species movements. However, B. Krosby, D. M. Kavanagh, P. H. Singleton, and J. J.
the hemispheric-scale study described here Tewksbury. 2013. “Connectivity planning to address
was conducted at a coarse spatial resolution climate change.” Conservation Biology 27 (2): 407–416.
and thus does not provide the fine-scale https:/
Pinsky, M. L., B. Worm, M. J. Fogarty, J. L. Sarmiento,
analyses needed to target specific sites for
S. A. Levin. 2013. “Marine taxa track local climate ve-
on-the-ground conservation efforts. Sev- locities.” Science 341 (6151): 1239–1242.
eral studies have begun to explore how to Sanderson, E. W., M. Jaiteh, M. A. Levy, K. H. Red-
identify specific locations that, if protected ford, A. V. Wannebo, and G. Woolmer. 2002. “The
or restored, have the potential to facilitate human footprint and the last of the wild the hu-
man footprint is a global map of human influ-
climate-driven species movements. These
ence on the land surface, which suggests that hu-
studies have focused on linking snapshots man beings are stewards of nature, whether we like
of potentially climatically suitable habitat it or not.” BioScience 52 (10): 891–904. https://doi
through time, mapping routes that follow .org/10.1641/0006-3568(2002)052[0891:THFATL]2.0
climatic gradients (Nuñez et al. 2013), and .CO;2.
Schloss, C. A., T. A. Nuñez, and J. J. Lawler. 2012. “Dis-
connecting similar (and diverse sets of) to-
persal will limit ability of mammals to track climate
pographically defined zones (e.g., Brost and change in the Western Hemisphere.” Proceedings of the
Beier 2012). By combining projections from National Academy of Science 109: 8606–8611.
coarser resolution studies with fine-scale

Impacts of Ocean Rising concentrations of CO2 in the at-

mosphere cause ocean pH to decline.
Acidification on This fact has been known for some time,
but the impacts of declining pH on ma-
Marine Biodiversity rine organisms and ecosystems became
widely recognized only about 10–15 years
JOAN A. KLEYPAS ago (Kleypas et al. 2006). Ocean acidifi-
cation has the same root cause as climate
change—that is, increases in atmospheric
CO2 concentration—but climate change
and ocean acidification present different
challenges to life on Earth. Acidification is
primarily a marine phenomenon (although
freshwater systems may also be affected).
Wherever the ocean is in contact with the
atmosphere, Henry’s law dictates that the
concentration of CO2 in seawater come to
equilibrium with that of the atmosphere.
Thus, as atmospheric CO2 increases, so
does the concentration of CO2 in seawater.
Inorganic carbon exists in multiple forms
in seawater: CO2aq, H2CO3 (carbonic acid),
HCO3– (bicarbonate) and CO32– (carbon-
ate). An increase in CO2 in seawater causes
a shift in the equilibrium CO2 chemistry
so that the first three compounds (CO2aq,
carbonic acid, and bicarbonate) increase
while carbonate decreases (Figure 14.1).
Ocean pH also decreases, and collectively
these are referred to as “changes in the CO2
system in seawater.” Ocean acidification
technically refers to a reduction in ocean
pH regardless of the process causing it (e.g.,
respiration, addition of acids), but it most
commonly refers to the global aspect of
how rising atmospheric CO2 impacts the
suite of ocean carbon chemistry proper-
ties. The chemistry of ocean acidification is
well established, and the decrease in ocean
pH in response to rising atmospheric CO2 is

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


Figure 14.1. CO2 equilibrium in seawater, showing how Even though ocean acidification and its
the increase in hydrogen ion concentration (due to the impacts constitute a relatively new field of
dissociation of carbonic acid, H2CO3) leads to the con-
version of carbonate (CO32–) to bicarbonate (HCO3–).
study, the exponential growth in research
This results in a shift in relative concentrations of the provides a large body of evidence from
inorganic carbon compounds as atmospheric forcing which the question “How will ocean acidi-
increases from a CO2 concentration of 280 μatm (the fication affect marine biodiversity?” can be
preindustrial level) through a doubling (560 μatm) and addressed. This chapter first summarizes
tripling (840 μatm).
the effects of ocean acidification from a
geochemical, physiological and behavioral,
well documented. But at local scales, ocean
and biogeochemical perspective, and then
acidification occurs against a backdrop of
addresses how those effects ultimately have
many processes that can affect the CO2
an impact on marine biodiversity.
system in seawater and that operate from
hourly to seasonal and longer time scales.
Ocean acidification was originally de-
scribed in terms of geochemical effects,
that is, how changes in the CO2 system in
seawater affect the formation and dissolu-
tion of the biomineral calcium carbonate
(CaCO3). Initially it was thought that ocean The most widely recognized consequence
acidification was primarily a problem for of ocean acidification is its effects on the
marine calcifiers, particularly those organ- precipitation and dissolution of CaCO3.
isms with only weak control over their Previous studies illustrate that the rates
skeletal-building process, such as algae, of precipitation and dissolution of abiotic
corals, and foraminifera. It is now widely CaCO3 are a function of the ion concen-
recognized that the full suite of chemical trations of calcium and carbonate. This
changes in the CO2 system impact not only relationship is demonstrated by the dis-
CaCO3 formation and dissolution, but also tribution of CaCO3 on the seafloor; CaCO3
biogeochemistry, physiology, and behav- sediments are absent where the overlying
ior (Figure 14.2), and across a wide group waters are undersaturated with respect to
of organisms, from protists to fish. Thus, aragonite and calcite. In fact, the most re-
the challenge of understanding how ocean cent analogue for a global ocean acidifica-
acidification will affect marine biodiversity tion event—the Paleocene-Eocene Ther-
is perhaps as complicated as understand- mal Maximum 55 million years ago—was
ing how temperature increases will affect identified in the geologic record as the
biodiversity. sudden disappearance of CaCO3 sediments

Figure 14.2. Simplified representation of how the various Physiological and Behavioral
components of the CO2 system in seawater (gray boxes)
impact marine organisms, which collectively affect Ocean acidification is known to have both
biodiversity. favorable and unfavorable impacts on the
physiology of marine organisms. The
from much of the ocean floor (Zachos et most common theme in any summary of
al. 2005). Most CaCO3 production in the ocean acidification impacts on physiol-
ocean is not abiotic, however, but bio- ogy is the high degree of variability in the
logically mediated. Almost all calcifying responses. Physiologically, organisms re-
organisms exert some control over their spond to acidification with alterations in
calcification by isolating seawater and el- photosynthesis, calcification, growth, and
evating its ionic concentrations of calcium reproduction. The wide range of responses
and carbonate. Nonetheless, the rates of to ocean acidification largely reflects both
biotic precipitation in many (but not all) how an organism obtains energy and how
organisms reflect the saturation state of the it allocates it to each one of these processes.
surrounding seawater. Thus, biotic calci- If ocean acidification leads to greater en-
fication has both geochemical and physi- ergy uptake, then the organism may ben-
ological components. The physiological efit physiologically. If ocean acidification
aspects of biotic calcification are further presents an energetic demand, then the
addressed below. organism must respond with a reallocation
The geochemical impacts of ocean acidi- of energy from other processes. To com-
fication are considered a particular threat plicate matters, the responses vary within
to marine biodiversity within ecosystems single species with genotypic plasticity and
where calcium carbonate production pro- genetic diversity, with physiological state,
vides the substrate that supports biodiver- and in the presence of other environmen-
sity. Coral reefs, cold-water reefs, and oyster tal stressors.
reefs form where CaCO3 production exceeds
its dissolution (Plate 2). Dissolution is often
overlooked in its importance, but when dis-
solution rates increase, the ability to grow Photosynthetic rates of marine primary pro-
or maintain reef structures is compromised ducers that are carbon limited should bene-
even if the reef-building organisms are able fit, for example, from an increase in concen-
to maintain calcification rates. The loss of trations of CO2 and/or HCO3–, at least when
reef substrate is exacerbated by the fact that other nutrients are not limiting. Carbon fix-
ocean acidification enhances the biological ation rates in marine phytoplankton do tend
breakdown and dissolution of CaCO3 (An- to increase with ocean acidification, but
dersson and Gledhill 2013). only slightly. The genetic diversity of many

phytoplankton groups seems to explain the within the genus Acropora. Within mollusks,
wide range of results in experiments testing calcification rates of most pteropod species
the responses of phytoplankton species to are consistently reduced, but in the adults of
ocean acidification. A comprehensive study many marine gastropods and bivalves the
of 16 ecotypes of the picoplankton Ostreococ- calcification responses vary strongly. Even
cus tauri revealed that although all ecotypes within the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi,
experienced increases in photosynthesis the calcification response to ocean acidifica-
and growth, the responses ranged by a fac- tion varies widely among genotypes (Raven
tor of two (Schaum et al. 2013). Such stud- and Crawfurd 2012).
ies are important because they reveal the
potential of genetic variation in maintain-
ing phytoplankton populations into the fu-
ture. For marine macroalgae and seagrasses, Many marine organisms invest a large
Koch et  al. (2013) surmised that because amount of energy in reproduction, either
most are C3 photosynthesizers and carbon through asexual means or in the produc-
limited, their photosynthesis and growth tion of sexual gametes. Ocean acidification
rates are also likely to benefit from increases has been found to affect the fecundity and
in CO2 and HCO3– concentrations. Increases quality of gametes that are produced, fertil-
in production can alter food-web dynamics, ization success, larval survival, and recruit-
and in some species it appears that increases ment, but these impacts are certainly not
in primary production are accompanied by universal. Some species, such as copepods,
changes in carbon to nutrient stoichiom- allocate more energy toward reproduction
etry, which reduces their nutritional value with ocean acidification (Fitzer et al. 2012).
for herbivores (e.g., Verspagen et al. 2014). Reproduction in most fish species appears
For at least three species of seagrasses (Cy- to remain robust to the projected decrease
modocea nodosa, Rupia maritima, and Potamogeton in ocean pH, but the responses are ex-
perfoliatus), the benefits of increased growth tremely varied (Secretariat of the Conven-
appear to be compromised by a loss in phe- tion on Biological Diversity 2014).
nolic acid concentrations that act to deter
grazing (Arnold et al. 2012).

Changes in animal behavior are a rather

surprising effect of ocean acidification.
Calcification rates of many species are likely Ocean acidification impairs the chemosen-
to decline. Some marine calcifiers have the sory response in a number of fish species,
capacity to internally buffer the chemistry with consequences for their ability to learn
of their internal CaCO3-precipitating fluids, (Chivers et al. 2014), locate suitable habitat
but within many taxa, such as corals, coral- or food, and avoid predation (Munday et al.
line algae, foraminifera, and echinoderms, 2014). When ocean acidification has an im-
that capacity is weak or has energetic costs. pact on an organism’s fitness, it can lead to
Sometimes those costs can be supplemented a compensatory behavioral change. In the
through increases in photosynthesis or feed- gastropod Littorina littorea for example, ocean
ing, but there is considerable variation in acidification caused reduced shell thick-
calcification responses, even within a taxo- ness, which did not affect the organism
nomic group. Massive species of the reef- physiologically but did result in enhanced
building coral genus Porites, for example, escape activity when a predator was pres-
appear to be more tolerant of low satura- ent (Bibby et al. 2007). Foraging rate of a
tion states than are branching coral species deep-sea urchin increased under lowered
pH conditions, presumably to compensate ation within the genetic pool, and it seems
for an altered ability to detect food (Barry logical that species that thrive in a variable
et al. 2014). environment, such as coastal regions, may
have a greater standing variation than those
from more stable environments (Sunday et
al. 2014).
Ocean acidification is well known for its
differential impacts on marine life stages.
Many studies show, for example, that the
nonadult stages of marine species are more The direct biogeochemical impacts of ocean
vulnerable to ocean acidification than are acidification typically refer to the effects of
the adults. This ranges from decreased sur- pH on the speciation of metals such as iron
vivorship to delayed development to re- and copper, which can be limiting to car-
duced post-settlement survival, often creat- bon and nitrogen fixation in phytoplankton
ing bottlenecks in the population dynamics. communities. Far more is known, however,
In some cases, this could prevent the over- about the indirect effects of ocean acidifica-
population of nuisance species, such as tion on ocean biogeochemistry. One rather
the corallivorous crown-of-thorns starfish, robust biogeochemical response is that ni-
Acanthaster planci (Uthicke et al. 2013), but for trogen fixation in some diazotrophs species
other groups an increased vulnerability of (e.g., Trichodesmium) increases under elevated
early life stages could result in reduced re- pCO2 conditions (Hutchins, Mulholland,
cruitment rates unless those rates remain and Fu 2009), with potential impacts on
oversaturated at recruitment sites (Russell the availability of nitrogen and on marine
et al. 2012). Successful recruitment of some phytoplankton community composition,
calcifying species appears to be hindered by although this certainly requires more re-
inadequate calcification during shell forma- search before extrapolating to the global
tion or early growth. scale. The responses of other functional
groups within microbial systems have been
highly varied but could have strong biogeo-
chemical feedbacks that could in turn af-
The capacity for species to cope with ocean fect biodiversity. Most heterotrophic bacte-
acidification builds on a trove of mecha- rial studies have found very little effect on
nisms from acclimation, genetic adapta- respiration, carbon demand, or growth ef-
tion, mobility, and behavioral changes. Two ficiency (Motegi et al. 2013), although the
excellent reviews of this topic present evi- benthic bacterial community near CO2 vent
dence that both acclimation and genetic ad- sites in the Mediterranean is more diverse
aptation to acidification are ongoing (Kelly than those in nearby lower-CO2 conditions
and Hofmann 2013; Sunday et al. 2014). (Kerfahi et al. 2014).
This is a large, emerging frontier that of- Another interesting biogeochemical as-
fers many tools for predicting the ability of pect of ocean acidification is how it affects
species to cope with the changing environ- the production of organic compounds that
ment, but several generalizations are worth are used as behavioral cues in other species.
mentioning here. Genetic evolution in re- Coral larvae, for example, detect organic
sponse to acidification is more likely within compounds produced by coralline algae as
species with large population sizes and a cue for settlement, but coralline algae pro-
rapid generation times (Lohbeck, Riebesell, duce fewer of those compounds under low-
and Reusch 2012). For species with longer pH conditions and coral larval settlement
generation times, adaptation is more likely is reduced (Doropoulos and Diaz-Pulido
to result from selection in the standing vari- 2013).

T H E CONSE QU E NC E S F OR M A R I N E disturbance. Few studies, however, have

BIODI V E R SIT Y directly measured changes in biodiversity
under ocean acidification conditions. Most
These geochemical, physiological, and bio- of the information about future biodiversity
geochemical effects of ocean acidification within planktonic systems is derived from
illustrate that the title of the Kroeker et al. large mesocosm experiments, in which
(2010) review holds true today: “Meta-anal- the CO2 system chemistry is manipulated
ysis reveals negative yet variable effects of to simulate future conditions. Within ben-
ocean acidification on marine organisms.” thic systems, most of the information on
As described in the preceding section, the community response to ocean acidification
sheer number of ways that ocean acidifica- has been derived from natural CO2 vents
tion affects species leads to the compelling that create gradients in the CO2 system in
conclusion that ocean acidification will re- seawater.
sult in changes in marine biodiversity (Fig-
ure 14.2), but predicting the nature of those
Microbial and Planktonic Systems
changes is a big challenge. Ocean acidifica-
tion will affect marine biodiversity when Studies of the long-term effects of ocean
it leads to a net change in the number of acidification on planktonic biodiversity are
species and/or their relative dominance few, and the results have been inconsistent.
within a community. This can happen ei- Mesocosm experiments on the responses of
ther directly or indirectly. The fitness of heterotrophic microbial communities have
some species may simply be so compro- so far revealed no consistent patterns (Wein-
mised by ocean acidification that they can- bauer, Mari, and Gattuso 2011), although
not survive within a particular community. when combined with the effects of future
The indirect impacts of acidification are temperature, acidification often seems to
many and entail the complex interactions amplify those effects (Lindh et al. 2013).
of symbiosis, competition, predator-prey The responses of phytoplankton com-
relationships, availability of substrate, and munities may reflect the local adaptation of
changes in species functionality. How these the communities to natural variability. The
interactions will play out in terms of bio- community compositions of phytoplankton
diversity are perhaps best demonstrated by communities in polar regions—Southern
observations. Ocean (Tortell et al. 2008) and Arctic Ocean
(Schulz et al. 2013)—showed shifts in spe-
cies compositions at elevated CO2; but the
PR E SE N T-DAY OBSE RVATIONS OF compositions of two coastal plankton com-
O C E A N AC I DIF IC ATION E F F E CTS munities were largely unaffected by acidi-
ON BIODI V E R SIT Y fication (Nielsen, Jakobsen, and Hansen
2010). For calcifying plankton (including
We need to understand how the diversity foraminifers, coccolithophores, mollusks,
of marine ecosystems will respond to ocean and echinoderms), an analysis of North
acidification, as diversity is known to en- Atlantic assemblages for the period 1960–
hance ecosystem stability and complemen- 2009 revealed that the largest changes were
tarity and provide resistance to invasive due to temperature rather than acidification
species. As reviewed by Duffy and Stacho- (Beaugrand et al. 2013).
wicz (2006), the diversity of both produc-
ers and consumers can strongly affect eco-
Benthic Systems
system processes, while genetic and species
diversity impart a stabilizing effect to com- Some of the most compelling evidence of
munities and increase their resilience to marine biodiversity changes comes from
benthic systems located near shallow sub- common theme in this chapter is the vari-
marine CO2 vents. Although caution should ability in the impacts of ocean acidification
be used when interpreting the results from on species. This in itself is a driver of bio-
these sites, the responses of various taxa diversity loss because of how the variable
reflect the expected geochemical, physi- impacts translate to changes in predation
ological, and biogeochemical impacts of and competition (Hale et al. 2011). Several
elevated CO2, providing confidence that the experiments have highlighted how changes
observed changes in biodiversity are rep- in substrate, competition, predator-prey in-
resentative of a future state. Studies of the teractions, and functional roles have led to
communities near CO2 vents in the Medi- changes in biodiversity.
terranean Sea were the first to document
significant changes in communities along
Habitat Complexity
pH gradients from ambient (8.2) to as low
as 7.4 (Hall-Spencer et al. 2008). The den- Habitat complexity, particularly where there
sity and diversity of calcifying organisms is a heterogeneous mix of large and small
declined; sea anemones, seagrasses, and spaces (St. Pierre and Kovalenko 2014), is
macroalgae increased (including invasive an important factor determining species
species); and larval settlement of inverte- richness across a variety of habitats, such
brates declined. The loss of calcifying spe- as reefs, coralline turfs, and mangroves.
cies reflects the direct impact of low pH on The architectural complexity of reef CaCO3
their ability to produce their CaCO3 skel- buildups, for example, provides habitats for
etons. The increase in seagrasses and algae a wide variety of organisms. As ocean acidi-
is likely to reflect both an enhancement of fication acts to break down that complexity,
growth and an increased ability to compete biodiversity declines (Fabricius et al. 2014).
with slower-growing calcifiers for space. The biodiversity of deepwater coral banks
Similar shifts occur at CO2 vents within also appears to be correlated with prox-
coral reef habitats in Japan (Inoue et al. imity to the aragonite saturation horizon,
2013) and Papua New Guinea (Fabricius et where the CaCO3 sediments remains stable
al. 2011). In Japan, the ecosystem shifted (Cairns 2007).
from domination by hard corals to soft cor-
als. In Papua New Guinea, the biodiversity
Species Competition
of the coral community declined as pH de-
creased from 8.2 to 7.8, at which point a Changes in competition have been docu-
single coral type dominated. Below 7.8, car- mented in several marine systems, particu-
bonate accretion ceased, and seagrasses be- larly for competition between benthic algal
came dominant (Fabricius et al. 2011). The species. Some taxa that respond positively
associated decline in biodiversity has been to ocean acidification, such as matt-forming
attributed to the loss of habitat complexity algae, can gain the competitive edge in kelp
(Fabricius et al. 2014). and reef environments (Connell et al. 2013),
eliminating the availability of bare space for
other species and leading to homogeniza-
M E C H A N ISMS OF BIODI V E R SIT Y tion of the benthic community (Kroeker,
C H A NGE Micheli, and Gambi 2013). Despite the in-
creased ability of noncalcifying benthic
These field studies often confirm results algae to compete with calcifying algae,
from benthic mesocosm studies. Mesocosm however, increased growth of benthic algae
and field manipulation experiments provide (which can elevate pH locally via photosyn-
insights into the mechanisms of how ocean thetic removal of CO2) can at the same time
acidification is acting to alter biodiversity. A enhance increased calcification rates in cal-

cifying algae. Ocean acidification’s effect Multiple Stressors

on competition between animals has been
Decoupling the competition and predator-
rarely investigated, but one study illustrated
prey linkages from field data is challenging,
a reversal in dominance between two dam-
particularly because even weak interactions
selfish species (McCormick, Watson, and
among species have stabilizing effects on
Munday 2013). The increased competitive-
food webs and ecosystems (O’Gorman and
ness of invasive species, particularly marine
Emmerson 2009). This becomes ever more
algae, has been a major concern with ocean
challenging given that multiple stressors
acidification, as many invasive species share
are acting simultaneously. Rising tempera-
traits such as rapid dispersal and ability to
ture, decreasing oxygen, and a host of local
tolerate a wide range of conditions that en-
to regional impacts can interact either an-
able them to outcompete native species in a
tagonistically or synergistically with ocean
changing environment (Dukes and Mooney
acidification, and the ability of an organism
to maintain normal functioning within a
suite of changing environmental variables
Predator-Prey Interactions is extremely difficult to predict. Following
the concept of oxygen and capacity-limited
The outcomes of predator-prey relation-
thermal tolerance (OCLTT), ocean acidifica-
ships depend on the relative responses of
tion may reduce an organism’s tolerance to
both prey and predator (Allan et al. 2013).
other variables (Pörtner 2012). OCLTT has
Many important functional groups, such as
been supported by experimental studies
grazers, play key roles in maintaining eco-
with invertebrates, but less so in studies of
system structure, such as algae-grazing sea
temperature tolerance in fish. At the com-
urchins in reef, rocky intertidal, and kelp
munity level, the concept of co-tolerance
habitats. Many studies in the lab and field
described by Vinebrooke (2004) suggests
suggest that sea urchins will be affected by
that biodiversity (and ecosystem function-
ocean acidification and, along with that,
ing) will be less impacted when the toler-
their functional role as grazers. Thus, the
ance to two stressors (e.g., temperature and
expected ecological shift would be toward
ocean acidification) is positively correlated
macroalgae-dominated systems. Yet indi-
than if they are negatively correlated or not
rect impacts can override the direct impacts
correlated. If acidification leads to smaller
of ocean acidification. Asnaghi et al. (2013)
calcifying plankton, for example, and that
found that the urchins in their ocean acidi-
shift imparts a higher degree of tempera-
fication experiments were more strongly
ture tolerance, then natural selection will
affected by the elimination of coralline al-
lead to long-term co-tolerance to the two
gae in their diet, which led to weaker tests
stressors. There are likely to be complica-
and increased vulnerability to predation,
tions, however, due to ecological feedbacks;
than by a direct impact of ocean acidifica-
the function of a smaller calcifying phyto-
tion on urchin calcification. And even in
plankton within the community, for exam-
simple systems, the impacts of ocean acidi-
ple, may also change.
fication on a key species such as a sea ur-
chin can lead to an increase or a decrease
in biodiversity. In macroalgae-dominated
systems, reduced grazing would lead to a SU M M A RY
reduction in biodiversity, but in rocky bar-
rens, reduced grazing would lead to an in- The past decade of research has moved us
crease in biodiversity by allowing macroal- far from the simple assumption that ocean
gae to become reestablished (Asnaghi et al. acidification is a problem primarily for ma-
2013). rine calcifiers. Ocean acidification causes a
suite of changes in the CO2 system in seawa- ACK NOWLE DGME NTS
ter, and there is ample evidence that each of
these changes can affect marine organisms The author greatly acknowledges the many
in different ways. Increases in CO2 and bi- researchers whose work could not be prop-
carbonate ion concentrations can stimulate erly cited here. This chapter originally in-
primary production, decreases in carbon- cluded nearly 120 cited references, which
ate ion concentration disrupt the balance of had to be pared down to a mere 40. The
production and dissolution of calcium car- author welcomes requests to provide an
bonate, and decreasing pH presents physi- amended list of references that support the
ological challenges. We now know that not statements provided herein. The author’s
all calcifiers will be directly affected by institution, the National Center for Atmo-
ocean acidification. We also know that the spheric Research, is supported by the Na-
impacts of ocean acidification on organ- tional Science Foundation.
isms vary widely between and within taxo-
nomic groups, within species, and within
the life-history stages of species. Marine R E FE R E NCE S
biodiversity is most directly impacted by
the simple loss of species that can no longer Allan, B. J. M., P. Domenici, M. I. McCormick, S. A.
Watson, and P. L. Munday. 2013. “Elevated CO2 af-
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Tropical Forests in a Tropical forest landscapes are the most bio-

diverse terrestrial biomes on the planet,
Changing Climate supporting 50 percent of described species
and an even larger number of undescribed
JAME S E. M. WATSON, DANIEL B. SEGAN, species (Dirzo and Raven 2003). Thermo-
AND JOSHUA TEWKSBURY philic forests similar to today’s tropical
forests first appeared in the early Ceno-
zoic (50–65 Mya), and today they span five
distinct biogeographical regions: tropical
Americas, Africa, Southeast Asia, Madagas-
car, and New Guinea, with small outliers
in Australia, South Asia, and many tropical
islands (Corlett and Primack 2006) (Box
15.1). The exceptional species richness at a
global scale is produced by two commonly
shared complementary patterns: excep-
tionally high local diversity, with species
richness in many tropical forests sites 20
times greater than richness in comparable
temperate forest sites, and greater levels
of species turnover along environmental
gradients (Dirzo and Raven 2003). In addi-
tion, genetic divergence between popula-
tions is much higher in the tropics, which
makes them globally important ecosystems
when considering long-term evolutionary
Tropical forests play a critical role in
regulating global climate, accounting for
one-third of land-surface productivity and
evapotranspiration (Malhi 2012). Although
debates still rage about how much carbon
tropical forests contain relative to other
ecosystems, there is no doubt that tropical
forest ecosystems play an important role
in safeguarding the world against human-
forced climate change and that efforts to
Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and
Forest Degradation (REDD+) need to be
financed (IPCC 2013; Watson et al. 2018).

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


Box 15.1 Are Tropical Forests Climatically Stable?

One way of broadly ascertaining how America and Southeast Asia are less stable
vulnerable tropical forests are going to than climates in tropical forest ecoregions
be with future climate change is to assess in Africa and Oceania (Figures 15.1 and
their “stability” at the ecoregional scale. 15.2B). When tropical forest climate sta-
Climate stability has been defined as the bility is integrated with the ecoregion’s
similarity between current and future cli- “natural integrity” (defined as the pro-
mate (in the 2050s) using a six-variable portion of intact natural vegetation found
envelope-based gauge to represent gen- in each ecoregion, and thus a function of
eral climate patterns and seasonality past land use), a measure of global ecosys-
(Watson et al. 2013). This gauge combines tem vulnerability emerges that comprises
patterns of annual mean temperature, elements of exposure to climate change
mean diurnal temperature range, mean and an ecoregions adaptive capacity (Fig-
annual temperature range, annual pre- ures 15.1 and 15.2C). It is clear that some
cipitation, precipitation seasonality, and tropical ecoregions are very vulnerable
precipitation of the driest quarter, and it to a changing climate, with East African,
assesses the degree to which regions are southeastern South American, and north-
likely to shift outside of their current cli- ern Southeast Asian forests standing out
mate envelopes. By this measure, climates as areas of particular concern.
in tropical forest ecoregions in South

If a formal carbon market for REDD+ does followed by the Americas (0.45 percent per
eventuate, it will have significant financial year) and Africa (0.28 percent per year)
implications. A recent broad global analy- (Malhi et al. 2014). Remaining tropical for-
sis also showed that between 2000 and ests not severely affected by land clearance
2005, reduced carbon emissions from the have been subject to pervasive disturbances
17.2 million ha (19.6 percent) of protected from logging, defaunation, wildfire, and
humid tropical forests were worth approxi- fragmentation. Their separate and combined
mately US$6.2–7.4 billion (Scharlemann et effects have resulted in marked forest degra-
al. 2010). Tropical forests bolster national dation, loss of biodiversity, and impairment
economies through tourism and timber of ecological processes (Figure 15.1). Many
revenues and provide essential ecosystem human-modified tropical forest landscapes
services to many thousands of local com- exist as complex mosaics of primary- and
munities (de Groot et al. 2012). second-growth forest, with a patchwork of
The level of recent tropical forest loss regenerating areas on fallow or abandoned
has been enormous. In 2000, tropical for- agricultural land. Importantly, though of-
ests covered 10 percent–13 percent of the ten ignored, tropical forested ecosystems
terrestrial surface of the earth; today, intact around the world are already experienc-
tropical forests make up less than 5 per- ing the impacts of human-forced climate
cent of the terrestrial surface of the earth change.
(Mackey et al. 2014; Watson et al. 2018). Ab- In this chapter, we briefly outline the
solute loss rates for dense forests between magnitude of impact human activities
2000 and 2012 were highest in the tropical have had on tropical forests to date. We
Americas (39,900 km2 per year), followed then describe likely responses of species
by tropical Asia (22,300 km2 per year), and and ecosystems across the tropical forest
Africa (11,000 km2 per year). Relative rates biome under climate change forecasts, fo-
were highest in Asia (0.62 percent per year), cusing on vulnerabilities of individuals and
Figure 15.1. The relationship between climate stability the average over the results from the seven GCMs (see
and mean intactness in tropical forested ecoregions by Iwamura et al. 2013 for additional details). Vegetation
different region (n = 308). Tropical forested ecoregions intactness was calculated using the GlobCover V2 data
are defined broadly as those containing a tropical or sub- set, as 1 minus the proportion of the ecoregional area
tropical moist broadleaf forests, dry broadleaf forests, where native vegetation has been transformed through
coniferous forests, and mangroves. Climate stability was agricultural development and urbanization. The intact-
defined as a measure of similarity between forecasted ness axis has been transformed to a normal distribution
climatic conditions in 2050 and the current climate for presentation purposes by taking the square root val-
of the ecoregion. The climate stability shown here is ues. (Figure and data adopted from Watson et al. 2013.)
population, communities, and ecosystem. atmospheric circulation, changes in tropi-
Although these direct impacts will be im- cal forest cover almost certainly have global
portant, we argue that the human response consequences for temperature and precipi-
to climate change in tropical forest land- tation patterns (Figure 15.2).
scapes are going to significantly increase
the vulnerability of already highly modi-
What Does the Future Look Like
fied tropical forest systems, and we describe
for Tropical Forests?
some of the likely major consequences. We
conclude with some suggested strategies Atmospheric CO2 has risen from preindus-
for conservation of tropical forests that take trial concentrations of 280 parts per million
into account both the biological and hu- (ppm) to 400 ppm in 2014, and it could to
man response to current and future climate rise to 600–1,000 ppm by 2100 under some
change. emissions scenarios (IPCC 2013). Anthro-
pogenic greenhouse gas emissions have
committed tropical forests to increased
IM PACTS OF A N T H ROPO GE N IC temperatures, altered rainfall patterns, and
C L IM AT E C H A NGE TO DAT E resulted in increases in the frequency and
severity of extreme events (Collins 2013).
Since the mid-1970s land-surface tempera- The speed and magnitude of these changes
tures in tropical rainforest regions have will have large-scale impacts on tropical
been increasing by ~0.25°C per decade as forest biodiversity, as the climates through-
a result of increases in the concentration out the tropics will fall outside of the his-
of atmospheric greenhouse gases (Malhi et toric range of variability for tropical forest
al. 2009). In regions that have been highly regions up to a decade faster than any other
deforested, this warming has been exacer- major terrestrial ecosystem and depend-
bated by the direct loss of tree cover, which ing on emission scenarios, possibly within
decreases land-surface evapotranspiration the next 25–45 years (Mora et al. 2013).
and alters cloud formation patterns (Davin This extremely rapid departure from nine-
and de Noblet-Ducoudré 2010). Observa- teenth- and twentieth-century climates will
tional studies in tropical forest mountain affect tropical forest communities in a wide
transects suggest that there has been an range of ways, and our capacity to predict
upward shift in mean species distributions those impacts is uneven.
of species (Colwell et al. 2008). There is Predicted changes in the physical climate
already direct, observational evidence of can be broken into three broad categories—
changes in the hydrological cycle; over the changes in temperature, precipitation, and
past 70 years, many tropical regions have CO2. Mean land-surface temperatures in
seen a steady increase in the seasonality of tropical forest regions are expected to in-
rainfall and a steady decrease in rainfall crease by 3°C–6°C this century (Zelazowski
predictability (Feng, Porporato, and Rodri- et al. 2011). The warming predicted is simi-
guez-Iturbe 2013). Two large-scale rainfall lar in extent to the warming of the Paleo-
exclusion experiments in Brazil have dem- cene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM),
onstrated that large trees are particularly but the speed of the warming is unprec-
vulnerable to drought (da Costa et al. 2010), edented, perhaps two orders of magnitude
and field surveys across Amazonia following faster than previous periods of rapid tropi-
an intense drought in 2005 demonstrated a cal warming (Jaramillo et al. 2010). Global
widespread increase in tree mortality and precipitation is positively linked to global
a decrease in rates of carbon sequestration temperature increase, but in tropical re-
(Phillips et al. 2009). Because the tropics gions the most robust signal is for changes
play an important role in regulating global to, and increases in, rainfall seasonal-
Figure 15.2. Global distribution of tropical forest ecoregional vegetation intactness (A), climate stability (B), and an overlay of climate
stability and vegetation intactness (C). Ecoregions that have high relative climate stability and high vegetation intactness are depicted in
black. Ecoregions that have low relative climate stability but high vegetation intactness are depicted in dark gray. Ecoregions that have
both low relative climate stability and low levels of vegetation intactness are depicted in light gray. The tropical forested ecoregions of
Asia are more climatically stable but less intact, relative to the tropical forests of the Amazon and Congo Basins. The darker colors on
panel A indicate higher ecoregional intactness, while darker colors on panel B represent more relative stable climates. (Adapted from
Watson et al. 2013.)
ity. This is characterized by more intense climation capacities than their temperate
dry seasons, stronger and more frequent counterparts (Somero 2010).
droughts, and stronger, longer-lasting heat A fundamental point of concern for
waves (Malhi et al. 2014). This pattern is tropical biodiversity focuses on the rela-
particularly clear in eastern Amazonia (Col- tively narrow thermal niches of tropical
lins 2013). The latest IPCC report predicted organisms that have evolved in climates ex-
that the only tropical forest regions that will hibiting low levels of variation across sea-
experience significant declines in total rain- sonal to millennial time scales (Ghalambor
fall are Central America and northern and et al. 2006). This narrow thermal tolerance,
eastern Amazonia. coupled with the fact that current tempera-
tures in the tropics are already near or at
thermally optimal conditions for many
organisms (Deutsch et al. 2008), creates a
situation in which a moderate increase in
temperature could lead to a marked decline
Tolerance, Adaptation, and Acclimation
in fitness for many tropical organisms. The
Species at all latitudes will respond to warm- debate around this issue is a major source
ing through a combination of physiologi- of uncertainty in predicting how tropical
cal tolerance and acclimation, evolution- forest biodiversity will respond to different
ary adaptation, migration, and dispersal. scenarios of warming (Corlett 2011), and
Our understanding of individual species’ sources of uncertainty come from the de-
resilience to rapid climate change, created gree to which shifts in mean temperature
through these different response mecha- versus extreme temperatures will drive
nisms, is far from complete, and it is now changes in population fitness, and the im-
clear that it varies considerably across taxa portance of microclimatic refugia in buff-
(Corlett 2011; Malhi et al. 2014). In plants, ering populations from climate change (see
substantial evidence is emerging that tropi- Chapter 7 in this volume).
cal trees have significantly narrower ther-
mal niches than temperate trees (Araújo et
al. 2013), and there is some evidence that
tropical trees have lower temperature ac- Although many temperate species have ac-
climation capacities compared to temperate cess to both latitudinal and elevational tem-
trees (Corlett 2011). There is also broad- perature gradients, it is thought that more
based evidence for warming-induced slow- than 50 percent of animal and plant species
downs in tropical tree growth rates (Way in tropical regions have ranges so restricted
and Oren 2010). Projecting these impacts that they lack contact with a latitudinal
into the future is complicated by uncertain- temperature gradient (Wright, Muller-Lan-
ties surrounding the degree to which CO2 dau, and Schipper 2009). The narrow ther-
fertilization may increase tropical forest mal tolerance of tropical species, combined
productivity and potentially make up for with the lack of latitudinal temperature
heat-induced growth reductions (Pan et al. gradients, suggests that a primary response
2011). In animals, narrower thermal toler- for tropical species should be elevational
ances are well established in the scientific migration (Colwell et al. 2008). Some em-
literature, with increasingly strong links pirical evidence confirms this, with upslope
between thermal tolerance and elevational migration in response to climate change
range sizes (Sheldon and Tewksbury 2014). already more common in tropical than in
Evidence on acclimation is less strong for temperate communities (Freeman and Class
animals, but there is some suggestion that Freeman 2014). This pattern is likely to
tropical animal species may have lower ac- strengthen through time as climate change

intensifies, and yet there are multiple fac- ties, low tolerance to changing tempera-
tors that may limit the positive effects of tures, and the rapid pace of warming are
mountains as buffers against the loss of spe- predicted to lead to large tropical areas in
cies under climate change. which greater than 30 percent of mammals
First, high-elevation habitat is not exten- are unable to keep pace with climate change
sive across the tropics. Even in mountain- and will find themselves in very different
ous areas, the amount of area inevitably climate envelopes over the next 75 years
declines as altitude increases. As a result, from what they experience today (Schloss,
extrapolations of species-area relationships Nuñez, and Lawler 2012).
suggest a limited capacity for mountains to The degree to which microrefugia, be-
act as refugia for the many lower-elevation havior modification, adaptation, acclima-
species seeking to take advantage of eleva- tion, and tolerance can collectively ward off
tional gradients to escape the negative ef- attrition or outright loss of lowland tropical
fects of rising temperatures. Greater than 70 species is still a matter of debate. Past re-
percent of the terrestrial surface of the earth cords of high plant diversity during previous
is below 1,000 m, and thus the amount of warming periods suggest considerable resil-
land available at higher elevations is rela- ience, but the fact that the current warming
tively small. is orders of magnitude faster than previous
Second, in tropical regions, there is a warming events (Jaramillo et al. 2010), and
greater potential for biotic attrition (Col- is coming after a prolonged period of cooler
well et. al. 2008). In temperate zones, as tropical temperatures with little evolution-
species migrate to higher elevations, lower ary selection for extreme warm tolerance
elevations presumably become available for (Corlett 2011), suggests significant risk of
colonization by species from lower lati- large scale losses in biodiversity.
tudes, but in the tropics, there are no flo-
ral and faunal assemblage preadapted to
landscapes warmer than the current tem-
peratures in lowland tropical areas (Feeley Multiple lines of evidence highlight the im-
and Silman 2010; Colwell et al. 2008). This portance of biotic interactions in creating
has led some researchers to conclude that and sustaining biodiversity across the trop-
large-scale migration upslope will lead to ics (Schemske et al. 2009). Understanding
a significant reduction in species in lower- these interactions and how they are affected
elevation landscapes (Colwell et al. 2008). by the different components of climate
Finally, in many lowland tropical ar- change will be critical for accurate pre-
eas, upslope migration may simply not be dictions of the impacts on biodiversity as
feasible because of the distance that tropi- whole (Gilman et al. 2010). Direct changes
cal fauna would need to travel. The pace of in biotic interactions will occur as a result
climate change suggests that many tropical of changes in direct temperature, precipita-
species—particularly those with limited tion, and CO2-dependent dominance rela-
dispersal capacities or difficulties cross- tionships, shifts in phenology, and changes
ing gaps—will be unable to migrate rap- in rainfall and temperature-dependent
idly enough to keep pace with the change mutualisms and in community-level inter-
(Schloss et al. 2012). Plant populations ap- actions. Movement in the face of climate
pear to track changes in climate less well change as described above will also create
than animal populations, as they frequently changes in biotic interactions. Because el-
display longer time lags and lack of response evational migration in response to climate
compared to animals (Corlett and Westcott change will be highly variable among spe-
2013). Even in more mobile animal groups, cies, and because tropical species have both
such as mammals, limited dispersal capaci- narrower thermal tolerances and narrower
elevational ranges than their temperate by climate change across tropical forest eco-
counterparts, it is believed that upslope systems in the ways outlined above, human
movement will result in significantly higher populations that occupy and are in many
rates of community disruption, loss of spe- cases dependent on them, are also adapting
cies interactions, and species extinction to the changing climatic conditions (Max-
in tropical communities than in subtropi- well et al. 2016). Whether planned or un-
cal and temperate communities (Urban, planned, these indirect impacts of climate
Tewksbury, and Sheldon 2012). change are thought to be increasingly af-
fecting many species and ecosystems (Segan
et al. 2015). Although there are many pos-
sible human responses to climate change
It is well established that vegetation cover that could lead to indirect impacts, two
change in tropical forests affects both re- stand out as very likely to occur and have
gional and global precipitation patterns significant ramifications for tropical forest
by altering the amount of water returned ecosystems across the world.
to the atmosphere via evapotranspiration.
Therefore, tropical forest loss to date is
Increased Agriculture Movement into
thought to have already affected precipita-
Tropical Forests
tion patterns, with severe drought a sig-
nificant concern in many tropical areas. The conversion of natural ecosystems is the
This feedback, coupled with increases in greatest driver of biodiversity decline glob-
drought length and severity, particularly in ally, largely because tropical forest ecosys-
the eastern Amazon, can lead to increased tems are being rapidly replaced with crop-
fire risk and reduced forest cover. Because lands that support few species (Laurance,
few tropical plant species are adapted to Sayer, and Cassman 2014). Human popula-
fire, and most tropical rainforests are in fact tion growth and increased global demand
fire sensitive (Barlow and Peres 2008), the for tropical agricultural commodities are
synergy between droughts and more fre- trends that are likely to continue in many
quent fires significantly increases the risk regions and the dynamics of each are being
of a tropical forest dieback scenario, charac- affected by climate change. For example,
terized by large-scale replacement of forest increasingly severe dry seasons in tropical
with savanna or shrub (Brando et al. 2014). forest ecosystems are likely to exacerbate
The probability of such large-scale change, the impacts of changes in land use on tropi-
especially in the Amazon forests, has been cal forest biodiversity, as prolonged or more
the subject of considerable debate in the sci- intense dry periods may allow for increased
entific literature over the past decade. High accessibility, thus removing a current bar-
levels of uncertainty surround the potential rier to resource development (Brodie, Post,
role of CO2 fertilization, which could buf- and Laurance 2012). As a consequence of
fer tropical systems from droughts through this, the economic feasibility of forest colo-
increased productivity, but there is increas- nization and logging could increase, and
ing evidence for tipping points brought on many of the last remaining “remote” for-
by heat, drought, and fire (Wright, Muller- ests could become accessible to large-scale
Landau, and Schipper 2009). exploitation. There is evidence that sever-
ity of the dry season is already a strong,
positive predictor of deforestation pressure
I N DI R E CT T H R E ATS in the Amazon (Laurance et al. 2002), im-
plying that drying trends in certain tropi-
As the dominant conditions that drive spe- cal forests could increase their vulnerabil-
cies presence and abundance are reshaped ity. While increased drought frequency in

tropical forests may create economic op- example, as human populations increase
portunities for some, past droughts have and land use changes, drought cycles in In-
also had adverse impacts on local com- donesia become increasingly coupled with
munities through impaired water quality, fire cycles (Field, van der Werf, and Shen
fish die-offs, and hindered riverine trans- 2009). Moreover, logged and fragmented
port that local communities rely on to stay tropical forests are far more vulnerable to
connected to markets. All these lead to ad- fire than intact forests, because canopy loss
ditional changes as local communities at- leads to desiccation, which allows fire to
tempt to cope with their new environment penetrate more deeply into forest remnants.
(Marengo et al. 2008). The synergies between human activities
Societal responses to climate change are and their impact on tropical forests can also
also magnifying agricultural pressures on take surprising and unexpected forms. For
tropical forests. Driven by the need to miti- instance, research from the Amazon sug-
gate greenhouse gas emissions, crop-based gests that as humans vacate rural areas, the
biofuel production has increased rapidly in ability to control fires decreases, resulting
recent years, especially in Southeast Asia in overall increased fire risk (Schwartz et
(Fargione et al. 2008). Accompanied by in- al. 2015). The complex feedback loops be-
creased demand for food, this has led to a tween human activity and physical climate
substantial expansion of agricultural lands changes necessitate that planners directly
in all tropical forested regions to create new account for their interactions when assess-
areas for biofuel production or to provide ing risk or designing interventions.
replacement sites for food production when
existing croplands are switched to biofuel
production. Recent analysis of drivers of CONC LUSIONS: CONSE QU E NC E S
deforestation globally suggest that at least F OR CONSE RVATION
half of deforestation in the past decade was
the result of agricultural pressure (Lawson Climate change will directly influence
et al. 2014). Rising demands for land to biodiversity in tropical regions in myriad
grow biofuels is likely to increase oppor- ways. The narrow thermal niches of many
tunity costs for conservation, reducing the tropical species, combined with a general
competitiveness of carbon offsets and other lack of latitudinal temperature gradients,
payment for ecosystem service programs means that uphill movement is likely to
designed to slow forest destruction. be a common adaptive response in tropi-
cal forests. For those species that lack the
evolutionary adaptive response enabling
Increasing Threats from Changing
them to track a climate gradient, rapid cli-
Fire Regimes
mate change will clearly be a serious threat.
Synergies between climate change and hu- Even for those species that are able to track
man-lit fires represent another severe threat their climate via movement, their response
to tropical forest ecosystems that is likely to over time will lead to novel ecological in-
increase in importance with future warm- teractions that are likely to reshape tropical
ing. As substantial expanses of the tropics forest ecosystems. However, it is important
could become both warmer and drier in the that we recognize that the direct impacts of
future, there is likely to be an increase in climate change are particularly challenging
the incidence, magnitude, and duration of to predict and come with huge uncertainty
human-lit fires (Nepstad et al. 2008). Im- around how individual species will adapt
portantly, human changes to land use also to a changing climate, what this is likely
increases forest vulnerability to fire, mag- to mean for community composition and
nifying the impacts of climatic drying. For ecological interactions in different tropi-
cal regions, and the synergy between these R E FE R E NCE S
changes and other important ecological
processes that drive tropical forest function Araújo, Miguel B., Francisco Ferri-Yáñez, Francisco
Bozinovic, Pablo A. Marquet, Fernando Valladares,
(Scheffers et al. 2016). This lack of knowl- and Steven L. Chown. 2013. “Heat freezes niche evolu-
edge significantly affects our ability to as- tion.” Ecology Letters 16 (9): 1206–1219.
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and identify suitable conservation strate- T. Johns, G. Krinner, M. Shongwe, C. Tebaldi, A. J.
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Postponing the Amazon Tipping Point

Daniel Nepstad

The Amazon forest is a giant from any perspective. It is the planet’s largest tropical for-
est drained by the largest river—the source of one-fifth of all freshwater that reaches the
oceans. It is the greatest cornucopia of biological and indigenous cultural diversity.

The Amazon forest is also a giant in Amazon rainfall system itself depends
shaping the Earth’s climate. Like an enor- on the forest. The same year-round forest
mous planetary cooling system, it influ- evapotranspiration that shapes global circu-
ences the global circulation of air and vapor lation patterns sustains rainfall patterns in
by evaporating vast amounts of water into the Amazon region (Salati and Vose 1984).
the atmosphere—converting the equato- Simply stated, the large-scale conversion
rial Sun’s intense radiant energy into latent of forest to pasture and cropland along the
heat. Even where long dry seasons are the eastern flank of the Amazon forest means
norm, the deep root systems of Amazon that there is less vapor to supply rainfall sys-
trees allow the forest to absorb soil water tems to the west and southwest. A potential
stored many meters beneath the soil surface “tipping point” could be reached if forest
to supply the leaf canopy high above the clearing becomes extensive enough to sup-
ground (Nepstad et al. 1994). When patches press rainfall below the minimum amount
of Amazon forest are replaced by cattle pas- that is necessary to sustain closed-canopy
ture, the amount of vapor pumped into the forests (Lovejoy and Nobre 2018).
atmosphere declines. A second positive feedback is between
The wood of Amazon forest trees is an- forest degradation and forest fire: once a
other reason this ecosystem shapes global forest burns, the chances of subsequent
climate. An amount of carbon equivalent to fires increase. In pre-Columbian times,
nearly a decade’s worth of global emissions Amazon forests appear to have caught fire
from human activities is stored in Amazon a few times every millennium, when se-
wood—that is, outside of the atmosphere, vere droughts occurred. Then, as now, dur-
where it would contribute to global warm- ing years of normal rainfall, most of the
ing. This biological carbon leaks into the forests of the Amazon extended like giant
atmosphere during and after droughts that firebreaks across the landscape; the dense
are severe enough to kill big Amazon trees, shade of the lofty tree canopies supplied
such as the droughts of 2005, 2007, 2010, with water by deep root systems kept the
and 2016. It also leaks out when humans forest floor too damp to carry a fire. Today,
deliberately fell the forest to grow crops or forest fire is a frequent occurrence along the
livestock, when they degrade the forest to agricultural and livestock frontiers partly
harvest timber, or when the fires they set because forests have become more suscep-
to manage the land escape into neighboring tible to fire, either because they were al-
forests, killing trees (Nepstad et al. 2008). ready subjected to an earlier fire or through
Positive feedbacks in the Amazon forest- logging operations that punch holes in the
rainfall-fire system could be important in forest canopy, allowing light to penetrate to
determining the future of this ecosystem
in the face of climate change and further Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.
expansion of land-use activities. First, the ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

the forest floor. They have also increased in fire increases. Major droughts continue to
frequency because there are more ignition become more frequent and severe, increas-
sources—more people using fire to clear ing the occurrence of forest fires in vast
the land and kill shrubs and trees that in- swaths of primary and degraded forests.
vade cattle pastures. If Amazon forests burn The expansion of forage grasses, crop fields,
repeatedly, they can eventually be invaded and scrub vegetation further inhibits rain-
by flammable grasses and herbs, further in- fall. The “scrubification” of Amazon forests
creasing the likelihood of recurring fire— that have been degraded by drought, log-
in a second tipping point (Balch et al. 2015). ging, repeated burning, and invasion by
With our knowledge of Amazon forest highly flammable grasses and fires begins to
feedbacks and tipping points we can assem- appear across the eastern and southern Am-
ble two plausible scenarios for the future of azon regions (Figure CS6.1)—this is accel-
this globally significant ecosystem—one in erated when deforestation frontiers expand
which the Amazon forest becomes a major along the newly paved highways from Porto
source of added carbon emissions to the at-
mosphere as the forest-rainfall-fire system Figure CS6.1. The forests of the Amazon Basin are being
drives regional degradation. In a second, altered through severe droughts, land use deforestation,
the Amazon forest becomes a major sink of logging, and increased frequencies of forest fire. Some
atmospheric carbon, figuring prominently of these processes are self-reinforcing through positive
feedbacks and create the potential for a large-scale tip-
in our success in keeping the planet below ping point. For example, forest fire kills trees, increas-
a 1.5°C average temperature increase, as ex- ing the likelihood of subsequent burning. This effect is
pressed in the 2015 Paris Agreement. magnified when tree death allows forests to be invaded
In the first “business as usual” future by flammable grasses. Deforestation provides ignition
scenario, deforestation accelerates, revers- sources to flammable forests, contributing to this die-
back. Climate change contributes to this tipping point by
ing the recent slowdown in deforestation of increasing drought severity, reducing rainfall and rais-
the Brazilian Amazon (Nepstad et al. 2014), ing air temperatures, particularly in the eastern Amazon
as forest degradation through logging and Basin. (Figure 4-8 from Settele et al. 2014.)

Velho to Manaus, Brazil; from Santarem to cieties secure and deepen the innovations
Cachimbo, Brazil; and from Pucallpa, Peru, in public policies, law enforcement, and
to Cruzeiro do Sul, Brazil. agricultural innovation that already avoided
In a scenario of “managed resilience,” more than 6 billion tons of carbon dioxide
the slowdown in deforestation that has been emissions from deforestation in Brazil. In
taking place in the Brazilian Amazon con- the long term, however, the ecological in-
tinues to deepen and spreads to the other tegrity of this giant ecosystem will depend
Amazon forest nations. Logging continues on humanity’s success in slowing climate
but through reduced-impact practices; for- change.
est fire–control programs established across
the Amazon region successfully extinguish
forest fires soon after they ignite, and the R E FE R E NCE S
number of fires needing extinguishing de-
clines through better fire management. This Balch, J., P. Brando, D. Nepstad, et al. 2015. “Suscepti-
bility of southeastern Amazon forests to fire: Insights
fire prevention program has also allowed
from a large-scale burn experiment.” Bioscience 65 (9):
forest recovery to take place on nearly half 893–905.
of the forestlands that had been cleared for Griscom, B. W., J. Adams, P. Ellis, R. A. Houghton, G.
livestock and crops but were then aban- Lomax, D. A. Miteva, W. H. Schlesinger, D. Shoch, J. V.
doned because of inadequate soils or infra- Siikamäki, P. Smith, and P. Woodbury. 2017. “Natural
climate solutions.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci-
structure. This regional forest recovery re-
ences 114 (44): 11645–11650.
moves carbon dioxide from the atmosphere Lovejoy, T. E., and C. Nobre. 2018. “Amazon tipping
as it reestablishes the year-round supply of point.” Science Advances 4 (2): eaat2340.
water vapor to the atmosphere that sustains Nepstad, D., G. Carvalho, A. C. Barros, A. Alencar, J. P.
the rainfall system of the Amazon and that Capobianco, J. Bishop, P. Moutinho, P. Lefebvre, and
U. L. Silva Jr. 2001. “Road paving, fire regime feed-
shapes global circulation patterns.
backs, and the future of Amazon forests.” Forest Ecology
The Amazon forest can be part of the and Management 154: 395–407.
problem of climate change—exacerbating Nepstad, D., C. Reis de Carvalho, E. Davidson, P. Jipp,
global warming—or it can be part of the P. Lefebvre, G. Hees Negreiros, E. Silva, T. Stone, S.
solution. Tropical forests could provide a Trumbore, and S. Vieira. 1994. “The role of deep roots
in the hydrologic and carbon cycles of Amazonian
quarter or more of the emissions reductions
forests and pastures.” Nature 372: 666–669.
needed by 2030 to avoid a 2°C increase in Nepstad, D, C. M. Stickler, B. Soares-Filho, and F. Merry.
global temperature (Griscom et al. 2017). 2008. “Interactions among Amazon land use, forests
What is remarkable is that the managed and climate: Prospects for a near-term forest tipping
resilience scenario is within reach—it is point.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B—Bio-
logical Sciences.
a viable choice that can be achieved with
Nepstad, D., D. McGrath, C. Stickler, et al. 2014. “Slow-
political will, the right market signals, and ing Amazon deforestation through public policies and
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equilibrium.” Science 225 (4648): 129–138.
be maintained for decades if Amazon so-

Temperate and Climates are seasonally and otherwise vari-

able in temperate and boreal regions, which
Boreal Responses to shapes the environmental sensitivities of
plants and animals and determines how
Climate Change they will respond to climate change (see
Figure 16.1). For example, the pronounced
LAUR EN B. BUCK LEY AND latitudinal temperature gradient in these
JANNEK E HILLERISLAMBERS regions will result in widespread poleward
range shifts, and the cool temperatures and
limited growing seasons that characterize
the region will generally result in increased
productivity with warming. We briefly out-
line the magnitude of climate change ex-
pected in temperate and boreal regions, and
review the sensitivity of organisms to the
climatic elements projected to change. We
then describe ongoing and potential future
responses of organisms and ecosystems to
these climate changes. Finally, we examine
ecological disturbances associated with cli-
mate change and how these stressors may
interact to affect biodiversity in temperate
and boreal regions.
Temperate and boreal ecosystems have
warmed more than tropical systems over
the history of temperature records (e.g.,
0.7°C–1.1°C in the United States since 1895;
Melillo, Richmond, and Yohe 2014), with
greater warming toward the poles expected
to continue in the future. There have not
been consistent changes to precipitation re-
gimes, although the proportion of precipi-
tation falling as snow has declined. Thus,
growing seasons have and will continue
to extend, as long as increasing tempera-
tures or declining snowpack do not result
in increased summer drought (in summer
dry and snow-dependent areas). Winter
extreme events (e.g., frosts) have generally
declined, whereas summer extreme heat

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


events have increased—these trends are temperature tolerances found in the studies
expected to continue (Melillo, Richmond, are likely overestimates, because they are
and Yohe 2014). based on thermal safety margins derived
from air temperatures, which do not reflect
the body temperatures actually experienced
by organisms. Indeed, an analysis based on
estimated ectotherm body temperatures re-
veals that thermal stress events can occur at
high latitudes largely as a result of radiation
Physiological Sensitivities
spikes, which provides an explanation for
to Climate Change
the latitudinal invariance of heat tolerance
Organisms in more poleward ecosystems (Sunday et al. 2014). Studies subsequent to
have generally been thought to be more Deutsch et al. (2008) have also pointed out
vulnerable to climate change because that the initial analysis based on mean ther-
they are expected to experience a greater mal conditions may have underestimated
magnitude of temperature change (Par- the fitness detriments associated with ther-
mesan 2006). However, recent studies mal stress events in temperate areas. King-
highlight the importance of considering solver et al. (2013) predicted that climate
how seasonality influences physiological change impacts would be most severe for
performance. These studies also illustrate insects at mid-latitudes (20°–40°) due to an
the complexities involved in predicting increased frequency of heat stress events,
vulnerability. For example, insects tend which reduce fitness. However, capitalizing
to evolve more specialized thermal physi- on an extended growing season may enable
ology in constant tropical environments organisms to counter some of the projected
relative to seasonally variable temperate fitness loss. Similarly, Vasseur et al. (2014)
(and boreal) environments (Deutsch et al. found that fitness detriments associated
2008). Compilations of thermal tolerance with anticipated increases in the incidence
data for both ectotherms (Sunday et al. of extreme events will outweigh fitness
2014) and endotherms (Khaliq et al. 2014) increases associated with shifts in mean
confirm that the breadth of thermal toler- temperatures and make temperate and bo-
ances increases with latitude. Declines in real organisms most vulnerable to climate
lower thermal limits with latitude and in- change. These results suggest that behav-
variant upper thermal limits tend to pro- ioral buffering will be essential to ectother-
duce this pattern, which yields increases mic organisms across latitudes to alleviate
in thermal safety margins (the difference the impacts of climate change (Sunday et al.
between heat tolerance and habitat air tem- 2014).
peratures) with latitude. An analysis based Studies on plants show some similar
on this relationship between temperature trends and complexities. A recent meta-
and fitness suggested that, as a result of analysis (Way and Oren 2010), for example,
these physiological differences, climate showed that warmer temperatures are ex-
change will decrease the fitness of tropical pected to increase plant performance (mea-
ectotherms while increasing the fitness of sured as growth or physiological responses)
temperate and boreal ectotherms (Deutsch to a greater extent in temperate and boreal
et al. 2008). ecosystems than in tropical forests, where
However, studies using similar ap- growth declines with increased warm-
proaches have cautioned against conclud- ing was often seen. Moreover, growth re-
ing that temperate and boreal organisms sponses to increased temperatures were less
are less sensitive to climate change. For one, variable for tropical than temperate trees,
the latitudinal gradients in the breadth of suggesting that tropical species have nar-
rower thermal tolerances. This meta-analy- pathogens (see the section “Interacting and
sis also suggested that deciduous trees were Indirect Stressors” below). A key response
more stimulated by increased temperatures among organisms that are dormant during
than are evergreen trees. Finally, other the winter will be shifts in energy use. For
studies demonstrate that water availabil- endothermic animals below their thermal
ity (influenced by temperature) will play a neutral zone, warm temperatures will re-
large role in determining the sensitivity of duce the energy required to maintain stable
tree species to increased temperatures, with body temperatures. Ectothermic animals
increases in growth primarily expected in will experience increased metabolic rates,
locations where water availability does not and the higher energy use may threaten
decline. depletion of overwintering energy reserves,

Seasonality Figure 16.1. Warming has occurred across seasons in the

continental United States between the past (dashed line)
The impacts of winters with warming tem- and current (solid lines) time period. (Data derive from
peratures and shorter durations will be US weather stations and global historical climatological
substantial for organisms but have been networks accessed via the National Climate Data Center, We depict potential
largely underappreciated by analyses fo-
shifts (+ = increase, – = decrease, Δ = shift in time) in
cused on activity seasons (reviewed in Wil- biological processes associated with warming across the
liams, Henry, and Sinclair 2014). Responses season (with arrows indicating the timing of relevant
to warming winters will be shaped by the temperature shifts) for an organism that uses tempera-
contrasting life cycles of temperate and bo- ture as a phenological cue. We assume that the winter
temperatures are below the thermal neutral zone of an
real organisms (Figure 16.1).
endotherm. Responses to increased winter temperatures
Organisms that remain active through will depend on whether the organism is active in winter
winter may be able to capitalize on pro- and will include shifts in rates of energy use and ac-
longed opportunities for activity and en- quisition. The growing season is expected to extend for
ergy acquisition associated with warmer an organism using temperature as a phenological cue,
resulting in increased exposure to the thermally variable
temperatures, although negative impacts
spring season. Although increased temperatures may ac-
may also result from the increased activity celerate growth and development, the organism may ex-
and duration of interacting species such as perience an increased incidence of thermal stress events.

ultimately decreasing overwintering sur- potentially even lower on mountain slopes.

vival or future fecundity (Williams, Henry, Movement in response to climate change
and Sinclair 2014). Some animals and plants may thus be a viable option for many tem-
will experience prolonged dormant periods perate organisms, which implies that bio-
as warm winters fail to meet their chilling diversity may be maintained by species re-
or vernalization requirements. The dura- placement—although montane organisms
tion of dormancy will be reduced for other may lose habitat and face declines in viabil-
organisms without such requirements. ity as their climatic niche moves upslope
Shifts in seasonality can have complex through climate change. Even mobile or-
effects, due to both temperature variabil- ganisms such as mammals will face disper-
ity and to differences among organisms sal limitations (Schloss, Nuñez, and Lawler
in responses to seasonality. For example, 2012). Temperate regions, with topographic
although a longer activity season can pro- variability and pronounced seasonality, of-
vide greater opportunities for development, fer the greatest opportunity for organisms
growth, and reproduction, earlier emer- to make a favorable move but also the great-
gence (e.g., tree budding) in the variable est potential detriments of a wrong move
spring season may also risk cold injury (Ait- (Buckley, Tewksbury, and Deutsch 2013).
ken et al. 2008). Those temperate organ- Many species have responded and will
isms that rely on photoperiod cues (more respond to climate change in temperate and
reliable than temperature cues in thermally boreal regions by shifting their distribu-
variable environments) can avoid cold in- tions as expected (Parmesan 2006)—pole-
jury, but at the same time, those organisms ward and upward. However, both histori-
could be prevented from capitalizing on an cal and recent distribution shifts have been
extended season. A failure to shift phenol- more variable than the baseline expectation.
ogy can be particularly problematic for spe- For example, a resurvey of montane mam-
cies that closely interact with other species; mals after a century found that only half
differential phenological shifts may result shifted upslope as expected in response to a
in mismatches that reduce resource avail- 3°C increase in mean temperature (Moritz
ability or otherwise limit essential inter- et al. 2008). Unexpected distribution shifts
actions (Visser and Both 2005; Buitenwerf have been particularly pronounced for
et al. 2015). plants because their distributions tend to
be constrained by multiple environmental
factors as well as dispersal limitations (par-
ticularly following glacial retreat; Aitken
et al. 2008). For example, a recent study in
California documented downward range
Organismal Responses
shifts, which were surprising but linked
Temperate and boreal areas are character- to changes in water availability (Crimmins
ized by steep latitudinal clines in tem- et al. 2011; Dobrowski et al. 2011). Unex-
perature and regions of high topographic pected plant range shifts may drive disrup-
variability. These properties are reflected tions of plant-animal interactions and addi-
in the velocity of climate change, or the tionally reassemble communities into novel
speed at which an organism would need configurations.
to move to keep pace with climate change. Other common responses temperate and
Values are low relative to other ecosystems boreal organisms are likely to exhibit (due
for temperate coniferous (0.11 km/yr over to pronounced seasonality) are shifts in
the twenty-first century) and broadleaf phenology (Parmesan 2006; Buitenwerf et
(0.35 km/yr) forests and boreal forests and al. 2015). For example, phenological shifts
taiga (0.43 km/yr) (Loarie et al. 2009), and along with enhanced rates of growth and
development have increased the number of Ecosystem Responses
generations that some insects with seasonal
How the diverse responses of individual
life cycles are able to complete (Altermatt
organisms will aggregate into biodiversity
2009), and many plant species are flower-
changes is difficult to forecast in temperate
ing earlier as a result of warming (Parme-
and boreal systems. Thus, the biodiversity
san 2006). However, much like observed
consequences of ecosystem changes may
range shifts, there is large species-to-spe-
be easier to predict and more pronounced.
cies variation in the extent and magnitude
Shifts in tree line provide a clear illustration
of phenological shifts (Parmesan 2007).
of ecosystem and biome shifts (Figure 16.2).
Of course, organisms unable spatially
For example, conifer forests have extended
or temporally to track shifts in suitable
their upper elevational limit at multiple
climate space with warming (i.e., climate
sites across the Sierra Nevada of California
velocity) can also persist through evolu-
(Millar et al. 2004). In fact, several recent
tionary adaption or acclimation (Aitken et
studies have suggested that tree growth is
al. 2008). Such responses may be particu-
most sensitive to climate at biome bound-
larly viable in temperate and boreal systems
aries (Ettinger, Ford, and HilleRisLambers
where consistent seasonality may enable
2011), implying even more rapid rates of bi-
selection for directional change, but the
ome shifts with future warming.
broad organismal thermal tolerances as-
sociated with seasonal environments may
Figure 16.2. Historical photos provide a key tool for as-
slow rates of physiological adaptation. Ex- sessing shifts in vegetation and tree line. For example,
isting within-species adaptation to local comparing this 2014 image (bottom; copyright 2014
thermal regimes may either constrain or fa- Ian Breckheimer) of Spray Park on Washington’s Mt.
cilitate species responses to climate change, Rainier taken from the slopes of Mt. Pleasant (46.927667
N, –121.838111 W) to historical photos (top; by W. P.
in terms of both phenological and range
Romans, courtesy of the Washington State Historical So-
shifts (Aitken et al. 2008). ciety) suggests vegetation changes.

Several factors complicate this simple and have been broadly observed as warm-
prediction and are likely to lead to com- ing extends the growing season (Boisvenue
plex biome shifts at tree line. First, the pri- and Running 2006). However, productivity
mary constraint on tree growth at some increases associated with the longer grow-
tree lines (both altitudinal and latitudinal) ing season may be countered by thermal
is likely to be water availability, not grow- and drought stress in the summer and in-
ing season length, which implies that bi- creased respiration in the fall. Similarly, cli-
ome shifts will depend on changes in both mate change impacts on disturbance (e.g.,
temperature and water availability (Littell, fire regimes, pests) may also limit the in-
Peterson, and Tjoelker 2008). Indeed, a re- creased productivity we would expect from
cent meta-analysis found only 52 percent of warming-induced increases in growing
monitored tree lines showed a significant season length (Kurz et al. 2008), although
advance, despite recent warming (Harsch the movement of less flammable temperate
et al. 2009). A second factor constraining species into boreal forests may offset poten-
tree-line shifts is dispersal limitation, espe- tial wildfire increases in response to warm-
cially latitudinally (Aitken et al. 2008). Tree ing (Terrier et al. 2013).
cover is likely to increase in grasslands and The effects of climate change on temper-
shrublands where moisture is not limit- ate and boreal biomes and disturbance re-
ing (Grimm et al. 2013). Other, moisture- gimes may also result in positive feedbacks
limited temperate woodlands may become to the climate system. Shifts in vegetation
grasslands (Breshears et al. 2005). types induced by climate change could am-
Temperate tree species are also expected plify local warming through albedo and
to shift their ranges poleward into boreal transpiration effects, as is predicted for
forests in response to warming. Increases boreal regions (Bonan and Pollard 1992).
in the recruitment of temperate seedlings Climate change–induced changes to dis-
and saplings and decreases in recruitment turbance regimes (e.g., fire, pests) may also
of boreal species have been observed as bo- have consequences for carbon dynamics
real forests warm (Fisichelli, Frelich, and (Running 2008). For example, warming-
Reich 2013), but altered trophic interactions induced changes to the life cycle of the
may constrain the expansion of temperate mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae
forests (Frelich et al. 2012). Shifts in the lati- caused a region in British Columbia to go
tude and elevation of temperate and boreal from being a carbon sink to a carbon source
forests are widely anticipated (Grimm et al. (Kurz et al. 2008).
2013; Melillo, Richmond, and Yohe 2014),
and the ecotone between temperate and
Interacting and Indirect Stressors
boreal forests has already shifted upward
and Feedbacks
in some regions (Beckage et al. 2008). Ex-
perimental warming conducted over three The responses to climate change discussed
growing seasons found that photosynthesis here will interact, often synergistically,
and growth were reduced for boreal tree with changing natural disturbance re-
species near their warm-edge range limit gimes. Climate change is expected to shift
but enhanced for temperate species near the frequency, intensity, duration, and tim-
their cold range limit (Reich et al. 2015). ing of natural disturbances, which shape
This study suggests that leaf-level responses temperate and boreal forests. These natu-
of photosynthesis and respiration will be ral disturbances include both abiotic (e.g.,
indicative of whole-plant responses. fire, drought, storms) and biotic (e.g., in-
Ecosystem changes associated with veg- troduced species, insect and pathogen out-
etation shifts will also likely affect biodi- breaks) factors and may be further exacer-
versity. Productivity increases are expected bated by human stressors such as changes
in land use (Dale et al. 2001). For example, this synchrony in many systems with var-
wildfire is central to the dynamics of tem- ied outcomes, as described below.
perate and boreal forests because it drives
tree mortality, successional dynamics, nu-
trient cycling, and hydrology (Dale et al.
2001). Warmer spring and summer temper- Increases in parasite growth and repro-
atures and earlier spring snowmelt are ex- duction may accelerate their transmission
pected to increase fire frequency and inten- cycles such that outbreaks occurring ev-
sity along with extending wildfire seasons ery several years may become an annual
(Westerling et al. 2006). Climate change is occurrence (Figure 16.3A). Mild winters
also likely to increase the severity and du- may enable overwinter survival of para-
ration of drought, which can combine, of- sites and extend the transmission season
ten synergistically, with other physiological (Figure 16.3B). However, warming may
stresses such as increased temperature to lead summer temperatures to exceed the
increase tree mortality above baseline lev- upper thermal tolerance of parasites and
els. This tree mortality can in turn facilitate depress transmission in summer (Figure
insect and pathogen outbreaks (Allen et al. 16.3C). Shifts in seasonality may also result
2010). Some widespread tree die-offs, such from shifts in host behavior. Milder win-
as pine mortality spanning over a million ters may drive organisms that previously
hectares in the southwestern United States, underwent long-distance migrations to re-
have already been linked to anomalous main resident, potentially elongating the
droughts associated with climate change transmission season and leading to parasite
(Breshears et al. 2005). accumulation. For example, monarch but-
Climate change can also have direct im-
pacts on diseases through the temperature Figure 16.3. The seasonal dynamics of disease transmis-
dependence of host immunity and pest sion may shift in numerous ways following warming
depending on thermal tolerance and phenological cues.
and parasite growth and reproduction (re- (A) Warming may increase rates of growth and develop-
viewed in Altizer et al. 2013). These two ment and accelerate semi-annual cycles to annual cycles.
processes may either increase or decrease (B) Warmed summer temperatures may exceed the
the incidence or severity of a disease de- thermal tolerance of pathogens, shifting the peak trans-
pending on how the thermal optimum of mission season to the spring and fall. (C) Warming may
enable overwinter survival, leading to year-round trans-
the parasites and their hosts compares to mission. (D) Warming may drive phenological shifts,
baseline environmental temperatures and which could disrupt synchrony with hosts and expose
those following climate change. The rela- more sensitive life stages to transmission.
tive shifts in host immunity and parasite
growth and reproduction will determine
disease dynamics. Rates will be influenced
both by shifts in mean environmental con-
ditions and increases in climate variability,
which will tend to decrease host immunity
as a result of climate warming (Altizer et
al. 2013).
Climate change will also alter the sea-
sonality of immunity and transmission
(Figure 16.3). Temperature seasonality in
temperate and boreal systems drives evolu-
tion to synchronize the population growth
and virulence of parasites with the suscep-
tibility of hosts. Climate change will disrupt

terfly (Danaus plexippus) populations that have r Broad thermal tolerances associated
become year-round residents of the United with seasonal climates are likely to
States as a result of milder winters exhibit allow many temperate and boreal
higher rates of parasite infection than mi- species to benefit from warming,
grating populations (reviewed in Altizer et especially if they are able to avoid
al. 2013). Conversely, augmented host mi- thermal or drought stress events (for
gration or range shifts may enable release animals and plants, respectively). In
from parasites. all, we expect fewer negative di-
rect responses to climate change for
temperate and boreal species than for
tropical species.
Hosts and parasites may differ in their phe-
nological responses to temperature and r Impacts on biodiversity in temper-
photoperiod, shifting synchrony following ate and boreal regions are likely to
climate change (Figure 16.3D). For example, be mediated by changes to season-
mild winters can increase the synchrony of ality and temperature variability.
Lyme disease vectors (ticks) and their hosts Additionally, negative biodiversity
(mice) and increase disease incidence (Ost- consequences resulting from direct
feld 2010). Another mechanism by which responses of species to climate change
climate change can increase disease trans- may stem primarily from the loss of
mission is exposing a more sensitive life synchrony with interacting species
stage to parasites. and the disruption of communities
An increased prevalence of insect pests rather than a decline in population
will be another important form of eco- viability.
logical disturbance. Recent temperature in-
creases have enabled bark beetles in North r Many climate change impacts driven
American temperate and boreal forests to by seasonality and temperature vari-
survive winter, complete additional gen- ability will occur in winter rather
erations in a season, and expand their dis- than the more thoroughly studied
tributions; these shifts have expanded the growing season.
areas of recent infestations beyond those
observed over the past 125 years (Raffa et r Impacts on diversity and ecosystem
al. 2008). Climate change will continue to processes will likely be driven by eco-
redistribute insect pests and enable them to logical disturbances associated with
invade new habitats and forest types (Lo- climate change and their interaction
gan, Regniere, and Powell 2003). with warming rather than warm-
ing directly. Specifically, increases in
the incidence of disease, insect pests,
CONC LUSIONS : BIODI V E R SIT Y and drought may lead to biodiversity
CONSE QU E NC E S declines and decreased productivity.
More prominent wildfires also have
Warming will directly influence biodi- the potential to diminish biodiversity,
versity in temperate and boreal regions but fire may alternately increase bio-
through altering energetics, rates of growth diversity by reverting forests to earlier
and development (including primary pro- successional stages.
ductivity), seasonal timing, and thermal
stress. Effects will likely be complex, but we r Biodiversity changes in temperate and
outline several generalizations here that we boreal systems will be particularly
believe are likely to occur: challenging to predict because they
will depend on the incidence of ex- in global leaf phenology.” Nature Climate Change 5:
treme and rare events. Seasonality and 364–368.
Crimmins, S. M., S. Z. Dobrowski, J. A. Greenberg, J.
thermal variability have led temper- T. Abatzoglou, and A. R. Mynsberge. 2011. “Changes
ate and boreal species to evolve broad in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in
environmental tolerances, which plant species’ optimum elevations.” Science 331 (6015):
may lessen the impacts of warming. 324–327.
However, climate change may push Dale, Virginia H., Linda A. Joyce, Steve McNulty, Ronald
P. Neilson, Matthew P. Ayres, Michael D. Flannigan,
rare events beyond the environmen- Paul J. Hanson, et al. 2001. “Climate change and for-
tal tolerance of species and result in est disturbances: Climate change can affect forests by
thermal stress. altering the frequency, intensity, duration, and timing
of fire, drought, introduced species, insect and patho-
gen outbreaks, hurricanes, windstorms, ice storms, or
landslides.” BioScience 51 (9): 723–734.
R E FE R E NCE S Deutsch, C. A., J. J. Tewksbury, R. B. Huey, K. S. Sheldon,
C. K. Ghalambor, D. C. Haak, and P. R. Martin. 2008.
Aitken, S. N., S. Yeaman, J. A. Holliday, T. Wang, and S. “Impacts of climate warming on terrestrial ecto-
Curtis-McLane. 2008. “Adaptation, migration or ex- therms across latitude.” Proceedings of the National Academy
tirpation: Climate change outcomes for tree popula- of Sciences 105 (18): 6668–6672.
tions.” Evolutionary Applications 1 (1): 95–111. Dobrowski, S. Z., S. M. Crimmins, J. A Greenberg, J. T
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Bioscience 58 (6): 501–517. sponses of terrestrial organisms to climate change.”
Biological Reviews 90: 214–235.
Climate Change Mountains cover 12.3 percent of the ter-
Impacts on restrial area outside Antarctica (Table 17.1;
Körner et al. 2011) and harbor a propor-
Mountain tionally higher amount of biodiversity
than lowlands, including several biodi-
Biodiversity versity hotspots, such as tropical cloud
forests (Dimitrov et al. 2012) or endemic-
ANTOINE A. GUISAN, OLIVIER rich alpine grasslands (Engler et al. 2011).
BROENNIMANN, ALINE BURI, High-elevation habitats present particular
CARMEN CIANFR ANI, MANUELA D’AMEN, ecological challenges for life (e.g., low tem-
VALERIA DI COLA, RUI FERNANDE S, peratures, short windows for reproduction,
SAR AH M. GR AY, RUBÉN G. MATEO, fluctuation in food availability, high solar
ERIC PINTO, JEAN-NICOL AS PR ADERVAND, radiation, hypoxia), restricting colonization
DANIEL SCHER RER, PASCAL VITTOZ, to adapted life forms (Scridel 2014). Moun-
ISALINE VON DÄNIK EN, AND tain regions seem also to be warming at a
ERIK A YASHIRO higher rate than other regions (Rangwala
et al. 2013), which makes these ecosystems
quite sensitive to natural and anthropo-
genic impacts (e.g., climate, fires, land-use
changes; Beniston 1994; Beniston et al.
Mountains were identified early as sensi-
tive to climate change (e.g., Beniston 1994;
Guisan et al. 1995) for being (1) climatically
sensitive areas (Nogués-Bravo et al. 2007);
(2) “islands” separated by lowland areas
(Pauchard et al. 2009); (3) sensitive high-
elevation ecosystems, with no escape for
species toward higher elevations (Theuril-
lat and Guisan 2001); and (4) prone to con-
flict between nature conservation and use
of mountains to provide services to humans
(Gret-Regamey et al. 2012).
According to the IPCC (Beniston et al.
1996 and following reports; see http://, mountains are already af-
fected by climate change, as shown in the
past decades by the following:

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


Table 17.1. Global area of bioclimatic mountain belts

Thermal belts (Mio km2) M (%) T (%)
Nival (<3.5°C, season <10d) 0.53 3.24 0.40
Upper alpine (<3.5°C, 10d< season <54d) 0.75 4.53 0.56
Lower alpine (<6.4°C, 54d< season <94d) 2.27 13.74 1.68
Tree line
Upper montane (>6.4°C ≤10°C) 3.29 20.53 2.51
Lower montane (>10°C ≤15°C) 3.74 22.64 2.78
Remaining mountain area with frost (<15°C) 1.34 8.11 0.99
Remaining mountain area without frost (>15°C) 4.49 27.22 3.34
Total 16.51 100.00 12.26

Note: See Temperatures refer to growth season mean air tempera-
tures: M (%) = percentage of total mountain area (100% = 16.5 Mio km2); T (%) = percentage of total
terrestrial area outside Antarctica (100% = 134.6 Mio km2). From Körner, Paulsen, and Spehn (2011).

r Shrinkage of most mountain glaciers, 2008), and these trends are expected to
with greatest ice losses in Patagonia, intensify in the future. Here, we review
Alaska, northwestern United States, the changes already observed and future
southwestern Canada, and the Euro- model-based projections in mountain re-
pean Alps (Arendt et al. 2012), and gions worldwide for many different groups
glaciers in mountains of tropical areas and ecosystems (Figure 17.1).
also particularly affected (Thompson
et al. 2006).
r Significant change in snow cover,
mainly toward overall reduction and About 78 percent of the world’s mountain
greater seasonal variations (Brown areas are below the natural tree line and
and Robinson 2011), resulting in therefore potentially forested (Paulsen and
greater snow-free growing seasons Körner 2014). In the past 100 years the vast
(~5 days per decade; Choi et al. 2010). majority of tree lines around the globe ad-
vanced upward (Harsch et al. 2009), corre-
Predictions of future climate change for lated with an increasing growth rate of es-
mountain ranges worldwide involve an av- tablished trees (Salzer et al. 2009). However,
erage temperature change of 2°C–3°C by the advance of the tree line is not necessarily
2070 and 3°C–5°C by the end of the century tracking the current warming rate, likely due
(Nogués-Bravo et al. 2007), with greater in- to the slow tree growth and very sensitive
creases for mountains in northern latitudes recruitment to climatic conditions. Hence,
than in temperate and tropical climates. An it may take a long time before a new equi-
additional threat is represented by invasive librium is reached between climate and tree
species (e.g., plants), which are predicted to line (Körner 2012). Despite such lag in tree-
increasingly invade mountains under cli- line advance, both mechanistic and correla-
mate change (Pauchard et al. 2009; Petitpi- tive modeling approaches predict an advance
erre et al. 2016). of the tree line and a consequent reduction of
Many mountain species are already re- the alpine and nival (i.e., higher than alpine,
sponding to the effects of ongoing climate where vegetation becomes patchy and scarce)
warming (Pounds et al. 1999; Lenoir et al. areas (Gehrig-Fasel et al. 2007; Körner 2012).
Figure 17.1. Summaries of the main observed (O) and
predicted (P) trends for the responses of the different
biodiversity groups to climate change in mountain areas.

Additionally, most models project strong duction of around 44 percent–50 percent

changes in composition and structure of for 150 high-mountain species, includ-
temperate and Mediterranean mountain ing several endemics, with possible lags in
forests, affecting biodiversity and ecosys- extinctions (extinction debt). Species that
tem services, such as protection against already occur near mountaintops with no
rockfalls and avalanches (Elkin et al. 2013). possibility to escape upward have a greater
Some of these changes are already visible: risk of extinction (e.g., Engler et al. 2011;
there is an elevational discrepancy between Dullinger et al. 2012). In some mountains,
adult trees and seedling distributions in an increasing frequency of drought events
mountain forests (Lenoir et al. 2009), as and fires is also expected to dramatically
well as elevational shifts of species (Lenoir homogenize species composition (Bendix
et al. 2008) and plant communities (Pe- et al. 2009). Nonetheless, mountain systems
ñuelas and Boada 2003). have pronounced microclimatic variation,
In tropical latitudes the highly diverse which may allow species to persist locally
montane cloud forests, which shelter an (Scherrer and Korner 2011). The melting of
exceptionally high biodiversity of plants permanent snow and ice may also provide
and bryophytes, are severely threatened by new potential habitats at higher elevations,
climate and land-use changes. These frag- although the formation of soils may take
mented tropical ecosystems depend on high several hundred years (Engler et al. 2011).
amounts of rainfall, humidity, and con-
densation from cloud formations. They are
therefore projected to be highly affected MOU N TA IN SOIL MIC ROORGA N ISMS
even by moderate changes in temperature
and rainfall regimes (Ponce-Reyes et al. Mountain soil microorganisms follow en-
2013). vironmental gradients in a similar way to
macroorganisms (Pellissier et al. 2014).
They play an essential role in ecosystem
A L PI N E A N D SU BA L PI N E GR AS SL A N DS functioning (Averill et al. 2014) and re-
sponse to climate change (Singh et al. 2010),
There is much evidence of upward shifts and influence plant distributions (Pellissier
of alpine plants toward higher elevations et al. 2013). Several studies examined the ef-
(Pauli et al. 2012). These shifts are usually fects of simulated climate change on alpine
associated with a shrinking of high-ele- microbial communities (e.g., Streit et al.
vation habitats (Gottfried et al. 2012). The 2014). Also experimental warming of 4°C
replacement of alpine grasslands by lower over four consecutive years had a smaller
elevation (e.g., forest) species has led to a effect on soil bacterial community compo-
loss of biodiversity and ecosystem func- sition than did seasonal variations, pH, and
tions (Elumeeva et al. 2013). Changes in salinity (Kuffner et al. 2012).
water availability in dry regions influence Despite a general increase in average
plant species richness as well, with a de- temperatures over 17 years in the Italian
crease already observed in Mediterranean Alps, no significant change in bacterial
mountains (Pauli et al. 2012). Twenty-first- community could be detected (Margesin et
century climate change scenarios predict a al. 2014). Other soil warming experiments
massive reduction of high-elevation grass- have shown an increase of certain fungal
land plant diversity and high community taxa (Fujimura et al. 2008), and precipita-
turnover, which possibly will change the tion treatments showed high resistance
structures of current natural ecosystems of fungi to drought (Barnard et al. 2015).
(Engler et al. 2011). In the European Alps, Temperature warming may also lead to in-
Dullinger et al. (2012) predicted a range re- creased emergence of fungal diseases and
associated biodiversity losses in mountain not have a sufficient dispersal rate to fol-
ecosystems (Fisher et al. 2012), causing am- low the temperature isocline modification.
phibian extinctions in tropical mountain Another limiting factor for migration of
ecosystems (see “Mountain Amphibians” species is the depth of soil organic matter.
section). Few projections of microbial spe- High-elevation soils have thin soil organic
cies responses to climate change exist for matter layers, which may restrict the pos-
mountain areas, which illustrates the press- sibility of vertical movement (Swift et al.
ing need for predictive models of fungi and 1998). Finally, invasion by exotic species is
bacteria under diverse climate change sce- predicted to occur more rapidly with cli-
narios in these systems. mate change, as already has been observed
for European earthworms invading Ameri-
can forests (Parkinson et al. 2004).

Belowground animals seem to be distrib- MOU N TA I N I NSE CTS

uted along elevational gradients similar
to aboveground animals, although details Climate impacts on mountain insect popu-
of their distribution and ecology remain lations have already been documented—for
poorly known (Decaëns 2010). Yet this dis- example, extinctions along the lower-eleva-
tribution seems more driven by physical tion boundaries for the Apollo butterfly in
factors, such as climate, soil structure, and France (Descimon et al. 2005). Loss of open
food resources, than by competition (Syl- grassland habitats due to forest expansion is
vain and Wall 2011). There is little reported expected to produce a significant decrease
about observed changes caused by climatic in mountain insect diversity (Menéndez
change. 2007). Butterflies species display a particu-
Climatic change is predicted to affect larly fast response to climate change by el-
soils through changing snow-cover dis- evation shifts, between 90 m and 300 m in
tribution and increased soil temperature a few decades (Wilson et al. 2007; Merrill
(Zinger et al. 2009). Poorly developed soils et al. 2008). This elevational shift, also re-
of mountain areas and their faunal com- ported for other insect taxa (e.g., Sheldon
munities are predicted to be more affected 2012), can cause alteration of community
than others by climate change (Hagvar diversity and biotic interactions (see Prader-
and Klanderud 2009). Field experiments in vand et al. 2014 on bumblebees). Morpho-
Norway testing the effect of soil fertiliza- logical and physiological adaptations to the
tion and warming on mountain soil bio- cold in mountain environments, such as
diversity reported an increased biomass of abundant hairs or muscles generating heat
microarthropods and a higher dominance in bumblebees (Hegland et al. 2009), could
of fast-growing species (Hagvar and Klan- make some species more sensitive to climate
derud 2009). Wu et al. (2014) highlighted change. Range contractions are expected in
shifts in microarthropod community com- some slow-growing species that require low
position due to climate change and identi- temperatures to induce diapause (Menén-
fied food availability to be more important dez 2007). Phenological changes were also
than abiotic factors (i.e., temperature and recorded in relation to earlier spring events,
water availability) in regulating microar- which can cause declines for larvae (more
thropod response to climate changes. Soil vulnerable to weather fluctuations) and fe-
organisms are predicted to disperse follow- males (reduced availability of trophic re-
ing thermal isocline changes (Berg et al. source; Boggs and Inouye 2012).
2010) and extinctions are mainly expected Studies forecasting the effect of cli-
to occur for small soil organisms that may mate change on insect species in mountain

environments are still scarce. Future projec- chian Mountains, with significant declines
tions of butterfly species suggest a potential in suitable habitat, especially for those spe-
altitudinal shift of 650 m by the year 2100 cies with southern and/or smaller ranges.
(Merrill et al. 2008). Pradervand et al. (2014) Taking a broader perspective, Lawler et al.
predicted community homogenization and (2010) projected a very high species turn-
species-specific responses of bumblebees over (exceeding 60 percent) in the Andes
to climate change along an elevation gra- under the 2071–2100 future scenarios.
dient, with the most affected species being Other studies predicting climate change risk
those currently restricted to high elevation. in European countries projected a potential
For the same mountain area, Descombes et high range contraction for many moun-
al. (2015) projected a potential reduction tain amphibians and mountain areas (e.g.,
between 37 percent and 50 percent of the D’Amen et al. 2011; Popescu et al. 2013).
suitable areas for butterflies, depending on
their faculty to broaden or not their diet to
new host plants. MOU N TA IN R E PTIL E S

Declines of mountain reptiles have also

MOU N TA I N A M PH I BI A NS been attributed to climate change (Popescu
et al. 2013). The latitude-dependent impacts
Climate change is expected to be a major of climate change reported by Cadby et al.
threat to amphibian biodiversity, because (2010) are also relevant along elevation.
the timing of the seasonal activities of hi- Many viviparous species of Sceloporus lizards
bernation, aestivation, and reproduction of in Mexico, confined to high-elevation “is-
amphibian species is tightly related to tem- lands” by thermal physiology and/or eco-
perature conditions (Di Rosa et al. 2007). logical interactions, face high extinction risk
Amphibians on tropical mountains are as a result of their restricted migration po-
particularly at risk (Pounds et al. 2006). tential, combined with upward migrations
In these ecosystems, species have experi- by low-elevation taxa (Sinervo et al. 2010). In
enced little temperature variation through the European Alps, an observed upward shift
geological time, so they may have little ac- of a lizard species (Podarcis muralis) has already
climation ability to rapid changes in the been observed (Vittoz et al. 2013). Global
thermal regimes (Wake and Vredenburg warming has also an impact on morphologi-
2008). Most species of montane, diurnal cal and phenological traits. For instance, the
frogs from South and Central America have observed increase in body size of the lizard
declined, often in relation to chytrid fungi species Lacerta vivipara in France appears re-
disease outbreaks (e.g., Pounds et al. 2006). lated to temperature rising in the past 20
Local extinctions and declines have also years (Chamaille-Jammes et al. 2006), and
been reported for nontropical mountains the birth date of viviparous lizard (Niveoscin-
(e.g., Di Rosa et al. 2007). cus ocellatus) offspring has been strongly influ-
Amphibian extinctions are projected to enced by the temperature increase in Austra-
accumulate with temperature warming in lian mountains (Cadby et al. 2010).
the coming decades, especially narrowly Future global warming is predicted to
distributed mountain species, such as cloud have a strong impact on mountain reptiles,
forest and mountaintop salamanders and with upward shifts or local reductions de-
frogs in Central and South America (Wake pending on the species (Guizado-Rodriguez
and Vredenburg 2008). For instance, Mi- et al. 2012). Climate change is predicted to
lanovich et al. (2010) projected short-term shift the lower distribution limit of Pata-
shifts in climatic distributions for plethod- gonian lizards Liolaemus, but not the upper
ontid salamanders in the southern Appala- limit due to topographic constraint, with
resulting range shrinkages (Bonino et al. mals, yet those studies do report impacts
2014). Most isolated populations of reptile (Vittoz et al. 2013). The distributions of
mountain species with low dispersal abili- several species have shifted toward higher
ties will typically be at higher risk of local elevations, at an estimated median rate of
extinction (Chamaille-Jammes et al. 2006). 11 m/decade, a rate almost two times faster
than previously reported (Chen et al. 2011).
Phenological changes have also been ob-
MOU N TA I N BI R DS served. Yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota
flaviventris) in the Rocky Mountains emerge
Mountain ecosystems maintain a wide di- from hibernation 38 days earlier than 23
versity of birds during breeding and post- years ago, due to warming spring air tem-
breeding seasons (Martin 2013). Birds are perature (Inouye et al. 2000). Some local
mobile species that are likely to respond extinctions have already been observed,
more easily than other organisms to cli- for instance, the American pika (Ochotona
mate change, by rapid latitudinal or el- princeps) lost 7 of its 25 populations in the
evational shifts (Chen et al. 2011). Yet land United States (Beever et al. 2011). Habitat
use has a particularly high importance for loss and fragmentation caused by climate
birds and the impact of climate change may change can also lead to decreased gene
largely be modulated by changes in land- flow and reduced genetic diversity in alpine
use management. In Europe, several species mammals (Rubidge et al. 2012). Differen-
have retreated from high human-populated tial range changes among mammal species
lowland areas toward suboptimal but still along elevation can further change food web
suitable mountain areas (Martin 2013). structures. Lurgi et al. (2012) observed a de-
Maggini et al. (2011) found an upward shift crease in predator-prey mass ratios at low
in at least a third of the studied breeding and intermediate elevations in the Pyrenees
species in Switzerland, estimated at a rate following migration of prey with differ-
of 102 m/decade (Vittoz et al. 2013). Birds ent body mass or ecological requirements.
are also shifting their distributions upslope The population dynamics of big mammals,
in other areas, as reported for New Guinea such as ungulates, seem also indirectly in-
(Freeman and Freeman 2014). fluenced by climate change–induced modi-
A further drastic reduction of breeding fications in plant phenology causing earlier
bird distribution, potentially leading in a spring onset (Pettorelli et al. 2007). A conse-
number of cases to extinction, is also pre- quence could be that current protected areas
dicted for Switzerland (Maggini et al. 2014). may not be able to protect mountain mam-
Where less suitable areas are available at mals effectively. The current extent of suit-
higher elevation, species face the disap- able areas for the giant panda in the Qinling
pearance of their specific habitats, as in the Mountains of China may shrink by up to
mountains of the Australian Wet Tropics 62 percent and shift farther north, outside
(Williams et al. 2003). As mountain tropi- the current network of nature reserves (Fan
cal and cloud forests get increasingly threat- et al. 2014). The alteration of connectivity
ened, the hundreds of bird species that they is predicted by Wasserman et al. (2013) for
shelter are of particularly great concern marten (Martes americana) populations in the
(Sekercioglu et al. 2008). US northern Rocky Mountains following an
increase of the fragmentation under climate
change. Also, 19 of the 31 American pika
MOU N TA I N M A M M A LS subspecies are predicted to lose more than
98 percent of their suitable habitat under a
Surprisingly few studies exist on observed 7˚C increase of the warmest months of the
climate change impacts on mountain mam- year (Calkins et al. 2012).

MOU N TA I N F R E SH WAT E R relationships are altered (MacDonald et al.

BIODI V E R SIT Y 2014), and when the likelihood of diseases
increases (Zimmerli et al. 2007). Range
Species in high-elevation lakes and ponds shifts are also occurring, for example, in
are considered sentinels of climate change the cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisii)
because they respond rapidly to environ- in the Upper Colorado River Basin (Rob-
mental alteration (Adrian et al. 2009) and erts et al. 2013). Change in precipitation is
are less likely to be influenced by confound- also affecting species assemblages by caus-
ing factors (e.g., increased nutrient input) ing drought-sensitive species to become lo-
than their lower-elevation counterparts cally extinct with decreased precipitation
(Füreder et al. 2006). Hobbs et al. (2010) (e.g., salamanders; Currinder et al. 2014)
found that climate change is directly and or increased sediment transportation with
indirectly altering food-web composition increased precipitation (e.g., fishes; Chen
and structure in these systems, with com- et al. 2015). Continued changes in climate
munity dynamics being affected by nutrient will further threaten these highly sensi-
enrichment (Thompson et al. 2008), reduc- tive ectotherm species, with, for instance,
tion in thermocline mixing (Winder et al. 63 percent of the cutthroat trout popula-
2009), and glacial melting (Slemmons et al. tions being predicted to disappear in the
2013). Remote sensing studies show alpine next 70 years (Isaak et al. 2012). However,
ponds reduced in size or disappearing from in some areas, like France, climate change
low elevations but increased toward higher may cause mountain fish species’ richness
elevations (Salerno et al. 2014). With glacial and trait diversity to increase (Buisson and
melting and increased vegetation growth Grenouillet 2009).
at high elevation, increased disruptions of
thermal stratification and nutrient inputs
are expected to lead to earlier spring phy- CONC LUSION
toplankton blooms and turnover in algae
and invertebrate composition (Smol et al. We have reviewed current evidences and
2005; Weidman et al. 2014). The distribu- projections of climate change impact on
tion of temperature specialists and general- biodiversity in mountain ecosystems, span-
ists is also predicted to change: 33 percent ning a large range of organisms and habitats,
of Odonata cold-water specialists may be at from soil microbes (and fauna) to plants,
risk of extinction, whereas 63 percent of insects, and several vertebrate groups. Cli-
warm-water specialists and generalists are mate change effects, observed in nature or
predicted to increase in abundance (Rosset based on experimental evidences, were re-
and Oertli 2011). ported for nearly all taxonomic groups but
In rivers and streams, an increase in wa- with various amplitudes. Model projections
ter flow, volume, and temperature was ob- were also reported for many groups but are
served as a result of increased glacial melt still missing for several key organisms, such
and decreased number of snow days, alter- as communities inhabiting soil and fresh-
ing river and stream biodiversity (Brown et water (except fish) systems. As a result, a
al. 2007; e.g., on fish species, see Scheurer proper overall synthesis and comparison
2009; on bacterial composition, see Wil- across taxa and ecosystems are still difficult
helm et al. 2013; on invertebrates, see Ja- for mountain regions. Large, multisite as-
cobsen et al. 2012). Ectotherms appear to sessment of climate change impact on most
be prone to local extinctions when water biodiversity components is lacking. Model
warms beyond a species’ maximal thermal projections that combine predictions for
limit (Eby et al. 2014), when the timing the different biodiversity groups and their
of developmental stages and predator-prey interactions within a given ecosystem type
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2010. “Erosion of lizard diversity by climate change Besemer. 2013. “Microbial biodiversity in glacier-fed
and altered thermal niches.” Science 328: 894–899. streams.” ISME Journal 7: 1651–1660.
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change in Australian tropical rainforests: an impend- temperate steppe.” Applied Soil Ecology 84: 200–207.
ing environmental catastrophe.” Proceedings of the Royal Zimmerli, S., D. Bernet, P. Burkhardt-Holm, H. Schmidt-
Society B: Biological Sciences 270: 1887–1892. Posthaus, P. Vonlanthen, T. Wahli, and H. Segner.
Wilson, R. J., D. Gutierrez, J. Gutierrez, and V. J. Mon- 2007. “Assessment of fish health status in four Swiss
serrat. 2007. “An elevational shift in butterfly species rivers showing a decline of brown trout catches.”
richness and composition accompanying recent cli- Aquatic Sciences 69: 11–25.
mate change.” Global Change Biology 13: 1873–1887. Zinger, L., B. Shahnavaz, F. Baptist, R. A. Geremia, and
Winder, M., J. E. Reuter, and S. G. Schladow. 2009. “Lake P. Choler. 2009. “Microbial diversity in alpine tundra
warming favours small-sized planktonic diatom spe- soils correlates with snow cover dynamics.” ISME Jour-
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Q. Wan. 2014. “Responses of soil microarthropods

Climate Change and Frost Effects in Rocky Mountain Plant Communities

David Inouye

High-altitude ecosystems, including the Rocky Mountains in North America, are experienc-
ing some of the strongest effects of climate change (Imtiaz, Sinsky, and Miller 2013; Ped-
erson, Betancourt, and McCabe 2013; Rangwala and Miller 2012), including both warming
of temperatures and changes in precipitation. At 2,900 m (9,500 ft) in the Colorado Rocky
Mountains, at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, the strongest trend for warming
has been in April minimum temperatures (3ºC change from 1973), which can influence
spring snowmelt. Winter snowfall (measured since 1975 and reconstructed from stream
runoff in the period 1935–1974) has been highly variable, but there is a declining trend
since 1935. The date of snowmelt is similarly variable, for example differing by 40 days
between 1980 and 1981, but also trending toward earlier dates, and the year-to-year varia-
tion (measured by the moving 3-year range) is increasing. The trends toward both warmer
springs and earlier snowmelt dates can have important consequences for the plant commu-
nity and animal species that interact with plants.

Although snowmelt dates are advanc- depend on, and consumers of seeds such as
ing, the date of the last spring frost has not insects and birds will also lose those sources
been changing, still occurring around June of nutrition. Animals attracted to disperse
10. If snowmelt is late, plants have not had seeds by the presence of the fruits contain-
much time to develop before the frost, so ing them will also lose access to those re-
there is little damage. But if snow melts in sources. Herbivores that have evolved to
April, as now sometimes happens, by June take advantage of early spring leaves, such
many plants have already expanded leaves as many species of caterpillars, may starve
and initiated flower buds, or even begun to to death before the trees releaf. Although
flower. In such years, plants that are sensi- in many cases these consequences are easy
tive to frost can suffer significant damage. to understand, in only a few instances have
In some cases, only new growth, such as they been quantified in an ecological con-
the young leaves on aspen trees or new nee- text. One example is the long-term study
dles on conifers, or reproductive parts, such of frost effects on flowers of Erigeron speciosus
as buds or fruits, are sensitive to frost. Some and on the butterfly species Speyeria mormonia,
species can develop new leaves to replace which is highly dependent on nectar from
the damaged ones, but short-term replace- those flowers in order to reproduce (Boggs
ment of reproductive parts does not seem and Inouye 2012). In this case 84 percent of
to be an option in this environment. So in the variation in population growth rate of
those years that do have early snowmelt and the butterfly was explained by how many
late frosts, there may be no flowers, fruits, flowers avoided frost damage.
or seeds produced by frost-sensitive plants. Flower buds of the aspen sunflower
In addition to the potential effects of loss (Helianthella quinquenervis) are highly sensitive
of flowers, fruits, and seeds for the affected to frost, and in many years close to 100
plants, the consequences of the loss of these percent of the buds die off (Figure CS7.1).
resources for consumers such as pollinators, Flower buds produce extrafloral nectar that
seed predators, and seed dispersers can be
significant (Inouye 2008). Pollinators will Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.
not have access to the pollen and nectar they ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

attracts ants, which defend them from flies (the coldest in 126 years; “South African
(two species of Tephritidae and one of Ag- frosts” 2013), and in 2014 in Argentina and
romyzidae) that lay eggs on the heads (In- Chile (Frank 2013).
ouye and Taylor 1979). The flowers are vis- These incidents of frost damage to wild-
ited by bumblebees and flies for nectar and flowers and crops may continue to increase
pollen, and the flower heads are popular in frequency unless the low temperatures in
food for large herbivores such as deer and late spring begin to warm significantly. But
sheep. Thus, the loss of flower heads to frost the fact that some models of climate change
affects a variety of consumer species as well predict increased variability suggests that
as their parasites and predators. The Erigeron perhaps frost will continue to influence
flower heads that are so important for but- ecological communities and agriculture for
terflies for nectar are also used by tephritid quite some time.
flies, whose larvae eat developing seeds, and
their populations probably also suffer from
the effects of frost on flower abundance. R E FE R E NCE S
The pattern of frost damage I have ob-
served in wildflowers in Colorado is also Ault, T. R., G. M. Henebry, K. M. de Beurs, M. D. Schwartz,
J. L. Betancourt, and D. Moore. 2013. “The false spring
occurring in agriculture there, where the
of 2012, earliest in North American record.” Eos,
loss of apricots and cherries, which flower
early, seems to be happening more fre-
quently. The phenomenon is global, too. Figure CS7.1. Aspen sunflower (Helianthella quinquenervis) is
For example, a warm spell in early spring a common wildflower near the Rocky Mountain Bio-
logical Laboratory, but flower abundance is extremely
2007 was followed by a hard freeze that variable. The plants themselves are long-lived (decades-
caused more than $2 billion in damage to long) perennials, but the flower buds are sensitive to
agriculture in the eastern United States (Gu frost. As snowmelt gets earlier (with the date of the
et al. 2008; NOAA/USDA 2008). A similar last frost still around June 10), the frequency of frost
2012 event in Michigan (Ault et al. 2013) kills of buds is becoming more common. These data
for counts of unfrosted flowers come from two per-
was responsible for $223 million in losses manent plots at RMBL. (Courtesy of David W. Inouye,
(Parker 2013). Wine grape harvests were data collected with funding from NSF grant DEB-
devastated by frost in South Africa in 2013 1354104.)

Transactions American Geophysical Union 94 (20): 181–182. Parker, R. 2013. “Michigan fruit losses documented in 2012 USDA report.” Michigan State University.
Boggs, Carol L., and David W. Inouye. 2012. “A single
climate driver has direct and indirect effects on insect .ssf/2013/02/michigan_fruit_losses_document.html.
population dynamics.” Ecology Letters 15 (5): 502–508. Pederson, Gregory T., Julio L. Betancourt, and Gregory J. McCabe. 2013. “Regional patterns and proximal
Frank, M. 2013. “Chilean wine producers hit by frost.” causes of the recent snowpack decline in the Rocky
Wine Spectator. Mountains, U.S.” Geophysical Research Letters 40 (9): 1811–
webfeature/show/id/49055. 1816.
Gu, Lianhong, Paul J. Hanson, W. Mac Post, Dale P. Kai- Rangwala, Imtiaz, and James R. Miller. 2012. “Cli-
ser, Bai Yang, Ramakrishna Nemani, Stephen G. Pal- mate change in mountains: A review of elevation-
lardy, and Tilden Meyers. 2008. “The 2007 eastern US dependent warming and its possible causes.” Climatic
spring freeze: Increased cold damage in a warming Change 114 (3–4): 527–547.
world?” BioScience 58: 253–262. s10584-012-0419-3.
Inouye, David W. 2008. “Effects of climate change on Rangwala, Imtiaz, E. Sinsky, and J. R. Miller. 2013.
phenology, frost damage, and floral abundance of “Amplified warming projections for high altitude re-
montane wildflowers.” Ecology 89 (2): 353–362. gions of the northern hemisphere mid-latitudes from
Inouye, David W., and Orley R. Taylor. 1979. “A tem- CMIP5 models.” Environmental Research Letters 8: 024040.
perate region plant-ant-seed predator system: Conse- “South African frosts mean job and volume loss for
quences of extrafloral nectar secretion by Helianthella grape sector.” 2013. https://
quinquenervis.” Ecology 60 (1): 1–7.
NOAA/USDA. 2008. “The Easter freeze of April 2007: A -african-frosts-mean-job-and-volume-loss-for-grape
climatological perspective and assessment of impacts -sector.
and services.”

Climate Change: Freshwater ecosystems and their constituent

species are exquisitely vulnerable to climate
Final Arbiter of the change. The reason is simple. Each of the
four horsemen of global climate change—
Mass Extinction of warming, volatility, sea-level rise, and
acidification—directly affects freshwater
Freshwater Fishes fishes in some profound way. With anthro-
pogenic climate change already in progress
LE S K AUFMAN we are seeing desiccation, warming, de-
oxygenation, and violent extremes of flood
and drought. Sea-level rise backs up estu-
aries and pushes salt water into freshwater
habitats that harbor unique species, such as
in the Everglades and coastal plain ponds.
These conditions eliminate some freshwa-
ter habitats, make others unlivable, and de-
couple still others from their marine coun-
terparts (Lin et al. 2017). Climate change
brings too much water to some places, or
too much within a short time. The elevated
violence of cyclonic storms and the concen-
tration of rainfall into extreme precipitation
events aggravate natural fluxes in flow and
water level, bringing them repeatedly out-
side the envelope of conditions that aquatic
species can deal with.
Hansen et al. (2013) and many others
have considered the impacts of climate
change on freshwater systems, but the re-
search required for a comprehensive treat-
ment is still under way. The magnitude of
expected freshwater fish extinctions that
are linked directly to climate change can be
estimated computationally by using tools
such as the diversity-flow relationship in
riverine systems (Xenopoulos et al. 2005)
and niche envelope models (Comte and
Grenouillet 2013). No matter the approach
taken, the data shout for themselves: the
global freshwater fish fauna is facing mass

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


extinction, with climate change a major out, and triggering floods, droughts, and
contributing factor. The signal is evident even earthquakes on a schedule dictated by
even if we exclude the loss in whole or human, not whole, systems. Hydropower
part of lacustrine fish species flocks such and irrigation projects have been com-
as those in Lakes Victoria (Africa), Lanao pleted for ages as the human population
(Philippines), and Tana (Ethiopia). For ex- and global economy mushroomed. Yet the
ample, using a flow model, Xenopoulos et key to understanding climate change im-
al. (2005) estimated that up to 75 percent pacts on freshwater fishes is to first grasp
of freshwater fish species are likely to be the ricochet dynamic of climate and society.
negatively affected, directly or indirectly, Climate change most obviously threatens
by climate change, with the lion’s share of biodiversity hotspots, a few of which have
species occurring in developing world na- been classified on every continent except
tions. Added to the freshwater extinctions Antarctica. According to a recent analysis
already under way due to dams, pollution, (Newbold et al. 2016), biodiversity hotspots
and other insults, the prospect from a mass harbor 55 percent of the world’s freshwater
extinction of freshwater species is all but fishes, 29 percent as endemics. A different
ensured (e.g., Winemiller et al. 2016). The analysis would be required to assess the
degree to which any particular species will conservation of evolutionary uniqueness,
be affected is a function of its evolutionary as many spots with high freshwater fish
history, the location and topography of the endemism are dominated by recent radia-
landscape in which it lives, its life history, tions (e.g., Lakes Victoria and Malawi, des-
and the degree of cumulative human im- ert springs). Hotspots aside, climate change
pacts within its range. also threatens species-poor but highly val-
There may be no freshwater fish that ued fish assemblages of high-latitude lakes
is threatened only by climate change, but and rivers.
likely no freshwater fish will escape at least Watersheds are broadly similar in func-
some impact from climate change. Climate tion and so are the ways in which they re-
change effects are superimposed on other spond to climate change. Differences arise
anthropogenic stressors, a situation similar from interactions among precipitation,
to that for coral reefs: climate change con- latitude, topography, and soils, interactions
stitutes an existential threat, but it acts by that determine vegetation patterns and so
amplifying the threats of pollution, over- fish habitats as structured by plants grow-
fishing, and habitat destruction. In fresh- ing both above and below the waterline.
water systems an added—and indeed, prin- The impacts of climate change on freshwa-
cipal—human impact is hydroengineering ter fishes in any one watershed cannot be
to stabilize and maximize water availability predicted accurately—it is difficult to down-
for human use and to optimize its distribu- scale climate models, and local processes,
tion in time and space to suit human needs. particularly species interactions, are fraught
We draw enormous quantities of water with stochasticity—but the kinds of climate-
from lakes, rivers, and aquifers for domes- related impact are generalizable (Table 18.1).
tic, agricultural, and industrial applications,
so much that water tables fall, rivers dry
before reaching the sea, and deep ancient T H R E E F ISH Y BR IE F S : A M E R IC A , E AST
stores of fossil water are depleted. As fresh- A F R IC A , A N D E AST ASI A
water becomes scarce, people arrest control
of what remains through technology— Freshwater fish diversity is distributed un-
damming or diverting it, fighting wars over evenly, but each of the world’s great land-
it, storing or releasing it, driving it into the masses hosts at least one area of high species
ground to squeeze the last bits of fossil fuel diversity. Most of these areas are home to
Table 18.1. Examples of climate change effects on freshwater habitats and fishes

1. Loss of alpine snowpack and glaciers. Reduced precipitation at high altitude and increased
melting and sublimation cause net loss of snowpack and glaciers. This reduces the
seasonal pulse flow on which migratory fishes key their upstream spawning runs,
reduces downstream drift important in delivering fry to first-feeding grounds,
and can cause intermittent to zero dry-season flow through all or portions of a
2. Changes in tundra ponds. Tundra ponds on permafrost are changing in size and connec-
tivity (mostly shrinking), altering Arctic fish communities.
3. Reduction in base flow. A product of reduced precipitation or fog capture anywhere in a
watershed but particularly in the headwaters. Effects similar to No. 1, especially in
causing ever-flowing streams to become seasonal, intermittent, or completely dry.
4. Reduction in maximum flood levels. All freshwater systems occupy some position along an
axis from zero to high flood-pulse amplitude. In classic flood-pulse systems like
the Mekong and Amazon Rivers, submerged basin at peak flood serves as a cru-
cial young-of-year nursery area, with a food web partially powered by bacterial
activity associated with decomposing terrestrial vegetation. If the seasonal floods
are reduced (as by regional drying and dams) and flow stabilized overall (as by
dams) the contribution of flood-pulse dynamics to fish recruitment and growth are
5. High-altitude habitat “squeeze.” Warming shifts habitat zones to higher elevations, elimi-
nating the highest as they run out of mountainside to be on. This will eliminate
low-latitude mountaintop refugia for high-latitude species and threatens distinctive
formations such as tropical cloud forest.
6. Mixing of historically isolated populations and species.
a. Lowering of mountain passes. These are famously “higher in the tropics” (i.e.,
the range in climate from valley to peak is greatest where valley climate is the
warmest). Climate warming may increase connectivity of adjacent freshwater
systems, reducing isolation.
b. Wets increasing connectivity in swamp systems, dries reconnecting island and
mainland populations. Extreme floods and droughts will drive rapid shifts in
population structure and species composition (e.g., spread of exotic species) in
subtropical and tropical watershed and lake systems.
7. Loss of habitat area.
a. Species compression: species interactions in shallow lakes and wetlands (and
some river systems) will be intensified in drought and relaxed in flood (Itz-
kowitz paper pupfish/gambusia, Lake Chapala), causing species shuffling and
potentiating extinctions.
b. Habitat reduction and loss. Fishes of ephemeral water bodies (e.g., “annual”
cyprinodontiforms) such as the rivuline killifishes will be threatened as the
size, abundance, and duration of seasonal ponds are reduced due to increased

Table 18.1. (continued)

8. Ecosystem phase shift.

a. Warming of lake surface waters will stabilize stratification and amplify deoxy-
genation of the hypolimnion, reducing habitable volume for fishes and elevating
wind-driven fish kills due to episodic turnover and suffocation.
9. Disrupted seasonal choreographies. Fishes are adapted to take advantage of temporal syner-
gies, such as the correlations linking spring flood, nutrient supply, and spring phy-
toplankton blooms near the pycnocline in estuarine headwaters. Climate change can
lead to inappropriate flow rates and thus decouple productivity drivers. For example,
spring flow that is too high or low can cause anadromous fish larvae to arrive on
first-feeding grounds too late or too early to coincide with the peak in food avail-
ability. Or, too-strong spring flows can purge a watershed of nutrients, leaving little
for when the sunlight arrives in force to power photosynthesis.
10. Increased storm intensity. Warm surface ocean waters strengthen cyclonic storms in some
areas, leading to more powerful flash floods. These can wash out riverine habitats
and increase sediment loads to rivers and lakes, affecting both water quality and
primary production. More powerful storms also generate higher storm surge, push-
ing salt water inland into normally freshwater coastal habitats.
11. Saline incursion into estuaries. Rising sea level and amplified storm surge will drown
estuaries, squeezing freshwater species into reduced upper estuary habitat. Modified
estuarine flow patterns will disrupt larval transport, delivery to nursery areas, year
class strength, and productivity of diadromous fishes.
12. Acidification. Acidification may alter behavior and survivorship of diadromous fishes,
influencing their abundance and role in freshwater systems. Continued burning of
fossil fuel fuels acid rain and lethal acidification of freshwater systems.

numerous threatened fishes (and some spe- side broadly distributed species (largely
cies are extinct already); about one-third of the Mississippi Basin fauna), yielding
of freshwater species are listed by the In- both high alpha (in any one spot) and beta
ternational Union for Conservation of Na- (across all habitats) diversity plus an unpar-
ture (IUCN) as vulnerable to critically en- alleled regional (γ) diversity for a temper-
dangered. Threat status aside, even species ate ecosystem: 493 fish species, or about 62
ranked as “least concern” may be at risk percent of the United States’ total. Bivalve
from climate change. mollusks are also phenomenally diverse in
this region, with about 269 species, consti-
tuting 91 percent of the US tally. Many of
North America
these bivalves are gravely endangered, and
Although it is mostly high-latitude and low- nearly all depend on fishes as hosts and dis-
species density, North America boasts three persal agents for their glochidia larvae (one
concentrations of freshwater fish diversity. species uses a large salamander, the mud-
One is in Mexico, a country that spans puppy Necturus maculosus, as its host). Species
the temperate-tropical divide, whereas the densities are lower on the vast southeastern
other two are a curious study in contrasts: coastal plain, although there is appreciably
the southern Appalachian temperate broad- high endemism (e.g., among pygmy sun-
leaf forests and the arid Southwest. In the fishes of the genus Elassoma and killifishes of
Appalachians, narrow endemics swim be- the Cyprinodontidae).
F I N A L A R B I T E R O F T H E M A S S E X T I N C T I O N O F F R E S H WAT E R F I S H E S 241
Climate change plays a role in what has freshwater fishes have been assessed; the
been called an “extinction vortex” in the IUCN Red List is woefully incomplete for
southeastern United States (Freeman et al. the entire continent.
2012). We know that the initial trigger for Loss of fish species in South America
the observed declines in freshwater species can be attributed to climate change of two
is the often-combined impacts of defores- sorts: regional (caused by mass deforesta-
tation, mining, sedimentation, hydroen- tion) and global. These act together and
gineering (chiefly dams), and pollution. are supercharged by strengthening climate
Climate change overlaid on these other fac- cycles such as that of El Niño–Southern Os-
tors is expected to include a warming of cillation. Global climate change will result
3°C–4°C. There may be an increase in pre- in warming and possibly drying of wa-
cipitation, mostly on the coastal plain, con- tercourses in the region. Regional climate
centrated into more intense and clustered change driven by deforestation and conse-
summer storms. Increased evapotranspira- quent loss of moisture recycling is particu-
tion will decrease runoff and stream flow, larly important in the Amazon.
except in Florida and along the Gulf Coast, The Amazon Basin exhibits an extreme
where precipitation may exceed evapo- annual cycle of hydrology; the entire basin
transpiration and perhaps increase stream is a massive flood-pulse system, and fish life
flow, some of which will present as surges histories are geared to it. Any change in the
and floods. Both spike against a lower base- timing and volume of available water, or in
line flow and extended droughts are likely. the rate of change in its availability, will af-
Warmer waters, reduced water quality, fect a large fraction of the more than 2,500
lower oxygen tensions during the summer, fish species that occur there. Such changes
and intense flushing add impetus to incipi- come naturally with every El Niño cycle,
ent mass extinctions in these areas, which but recent droughts have been of historic
host the most species-rich of all the world’s severity. Droughts were so bad in 2005,
temperate freshwater fish communities. 2010, and 2014 that the upper reaches of
many tributaries dried out completely—ob-
viously a problem for fishes, but also a cause
South America
of immense human suffering as lines of
Freshwater fishes in South America, and transportation and commerce disappeared,
Brazil in particular, are imperiled by dams, literally, into thin air. The entire region en-
pollution, deforestation, exotic intro- compassing the eastern Amazon and Mata
ductions, and rapid industrial and urban Atlântica (Atlantic Forest) is exquisitely
growth. In the west are the vulnerable (or sensitive to climate change. The severity of
extinct) fishes endemic to altiplano lakes recent droughts has been tied to the com-
and streams in Chile, Peru, and Bolivia, the bined effects of deforestation and warming
Galaxiids (southern smelts) of Argentina (Xenopoulos et al. 2005).
and Chile, and the poorly known fishes of Evapotranspiration from the Amazon
the western Andean slopes. To the east is forest is the wellspring of an aerial cur-
the Amazon, with the highest gamma di- rent of water vapor, or “flying river,” which
versity (regional species pool) of any fresh- contributes to life-giving precipitation in
water system; about 8 percent of all the fish other parts of South America (Arraut and
species on earth occur there. Even more at Nobre 2012). As trees fall, so do the levels
risk, the fishes of the Atlantic Forest, re- of reservoirs that feed São Paulo, Rio de Ja-
duced to 7 percent of its original extent, neiro, and other heavily populated south-
are poorly known as a result of incomplete eastern Brazilian cities, and agricultural
sampling, particularly in northern portions lands in Brazil and other nations to the west
of the forest domain. Few South American and the south. Unique assemblages of fish

species isolated in the last glacial period volumes are immense, yet these lakes and
have diversified through allopatric specia- their diverse fishes are varyingly vulnerable
tion in these watersheds, placing a wealth to climate change (Hecky et al. 2010). This
of endemic species at risk of extinction in variation in vulnerability owes much to the
the same mountains that provide the water way endemics evolved and to interactions
for the great cities of Brazil. It is important with nonclimate stressors, such as demands
to maintain forest cover in the Amazon to for freshwater by people seeking electric-
maintain regional climate stabilization of ity, food, and other economic returns. In
the Amazonian forest, which can reduce Lake Victoria, climate-related shifts in sur-
the likelihood of a downward spiral of dry- face temperature, seasonality, and winds
ing in response to global climate change. aggravate a history of overfishing, exotic
introductions, and eutrophication that col-
lectively have led to the mass extinction of
East Africa
at least half of the lake’s endemic species
East Africa’s Great Lakes boast the highest of 500–600 haplochromine cichlids. The
concentrations of endemic vertebrate spe- primary climate-related impacts to Africa’s
cies on earth; most of these endemics are Great Lakes are lake-level flux and stratifica-
fishes, with amphibians likely running a tion. Intensive rains can cause a rapid rise in
close second, and most of the endemic fishes lake level, or transgression, that submerges
are cichlids. The three largest lakes alone new habitats. Some of these habitats, such
host a species pool near equal to those of as rocky reefs, can harbor founder popula-
the whole of the Amazon Basin or Mekong tions of philopatric fishes that subsequently
Basin; with Tanganyika at 280, Malawi at speciate; mouth-brooding cichlids are fa-
approximately 1,000, and Victoria at about mous for this. Even so, rising waters may
600. Levels of endemism range from about drown shallow-water species, which may
80 percent to 95 percent. Lakes Turkana, lose important shallow-water habitat as
Albert, Edward, and George also claim ap- lake levels rise and spill over other kinds of
preciable diversity, as do the swamps, satel- bottom (e.g., Kaufman 1997, 2003; Sturm-
lite, and soda lakes associated with them. baur et al. 2000). Falling lake levels can also
The three greatest lakes sit atop three great pose a conservation challenge, leaving fish
watersheds, the Nile (Victoria), the Congo populations stranded in peripheral or satel-
(Tanganyika), and the Zambezi (Malawi); lite lakes (Greenwood 1965; Chapman et al.
each is home to endemic fishes and diverse 1996).
fish species assemblages. Miniradiations ex- In the Lake Kyoga Basin of central
ist in Lake Tana (the Blue Nile) and in hy- Uganda, a system of interconnected papy-
persaline soda lakes astride the Rift, such rus swamp lakes are the most important
as Lake Natron. Ironically, Africa is a high, refugium from the threat of mass extinc-
dry continent: arid conditions prevail over tion in Lake Victoria precipitated by climate
most it. Microendemic species occur in the change, habitat destruction, and invasive
tiny places where water is found, as in the species (Mwanja et al. 2001). A rise in Lake
deserts of North America, the Middle East, Kyoga caused it to merge with adjacent Lake
and Australia, complete with an endemic Nawampassa, exposing endangered cichlids
desert sinkhole cichlid (Tilapia guinasana) to the possibility of invasion and predation
and ephemeral pond rivulines (e.g., Notho- by the introduced Nile perch (Lates niloticus).
branchius spp.). All are at risk from changes in Connectivity was brief and Nawampassa
the frequency and intensity of precipitation. was has not been invaded . . . yet. Compari-
The African Great Lakes would seem to son between lakes in this system inhabited
be among those places least vulnerable to by, as compared to free of, perch show how
warming because their contained water the introduction of perch could result in the
F I N A L A R B I T E R O F T H E M A S S E X T I N C T I O N O F F R E S H WAT E R F I S H E S 243
extinction of endemic fishes (Chapman et possible to estimate, the two interact in
al. 1996; Schwartz et al. 2006). a nonadditive manner. This compounds
It is natural for lakes to stratify during systemic ills that arise from lack of atten-
warm periods and turn over in high winds tion to our dependence on natural systems.
or cooler weather, but global warming can Indeed, even if anthropogenic climate
heat surface waters and lock down strati- change were arrested immediately, fresh-
fication. If accompanied by eutrophication, water fishes would still be ailing. Hence (4)
the result will be a shallow, hyperproduc- the systemic nature of the problem chal-
tive epilimnion and a deadly, hypoxic hy- lenges species-centric conservation efforts,
polimnion, a recipe for fish die-offs from implying that the most realistic and prac-
the upwelling of deep, oxygen-poor water tical strategy for averting the global mass
to the shallows. Lake Victoria, not a rift extinction of freshwater fish species would
lake, comparatively shallow (87 m at most), be ecosystem based. That is, all proposed
and set in a broad, gradually sloping basin, developments must be reviewed in the
was dry as recently as 12,500 years ago, and context of an ecosystem-based manage-
even modest lake-level flux can shift shore- ment plan for human activities, rational
line position. In the deeper and steeper rift limits to growth, and most important, a
lakes, Tanganyika, Malawi, Edward, Albert, climate adaptation strategy, particularly for
and Turkana, the notion of an entire lake the freshwater supply.
drying up completely is unlikely, but these Freshwater fish conservation requires ac-
lakes have only modest inputs and outputs, tion at three scales—species, habitat, and
gaining water predominantly from rainfall ecosystem—but the ecosystem-level needs
and losing it mostly through evaporation. have been consistently ignored. Most cur-
Consequently, the fishes they harbor likely rent attention is directed toward the species
will respond to climate change, particularly level, ranging from protective legislation
species that occupy the littoral zone of lakes to breeding and reintroduction programs.
in shallow basins or lakes with shallow Examples of protective legislation include
shelf areas. the Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species, special requirements
for possession or distribution, and national
CONC LUSION and local endangered species acts. Legisla-
tion is useful in avoiding unintended harm
These three fishy stories exemplify four and in preventing trade from becoming a
conclusions that can be drawn regarding hindrance to recovery. Captive breeding
the role of anthropogenic climate change programs now exist for the desert fishes
in determining the conservation status of of North America, the Lake Victoria cich-
freshwater fishes: (1) Human demand for lids, Cambodia’s dragonfish, Appalachian
water for personal consumption, agricul- stream fishes, and quite a few others. We
ture, industry, and waste disposal by itself have learned that such programs can work
poses an existential threat to a large per- to reverse extinction from the wild, that
centage of surviving freshwater fish spe- they are immensely difficult and expensive
cies. (2) Anthropogenic climate change to complete from first captivity to final re-
is altering the distribution, quality, and lease, that they only make sense where in-
availability of surface freshwater habitats tact habitat remains in order to justify the
and by itself threatens a large percentage considerable expense of propagation and
of freshwater fish species. (3) Although the reintroduction, and that we need a great
percentage of threatened or endangered many such programs in play, way too many
freshwater fishes attributable to water use to make this a practical primary approach
versus climate change is difficult or im- to safeguarding freshwater fish diversity.

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The Asymmetrical All living organisms are thermally driven

entities vulnerable to changes in their ex-
Impacts of ternal environment via suites of tempera-
ture-dependent traits (Gillooly et al. 2001;
Climate Change Gilbert et al. 2014; Fussmann et al. 2014;
Kraemer et al. 2016). That climate change
on Food Webs affects a suite of organismal traits makes
the dynamic responses of individuals to
LAUREN JARVIS, K EVIN MCCANN, AND ecosystems contingent on how traits, col-
MARY O’CONNOR lectively, are affected. Interacting species
often experience a habitat differently by
virtue of their mobility. The aim of this
chapter is to explore the role of asymmetri-
cal thermal responses within food webs to
highlight potential ways to understand cli-
mate impacts on species in diverse ecosys-
tems. In what follows, temperature is the
primary focus, but these same principles
could be extended to other facets of climate
change (e.g., extreme weather events, ris-
ing CO2 levels). There are two asymmetries:
first is the asymmetrical trait response to
climate change, in which the response of
a consumer-resource (C-R) interaction is
driven by how temperature differentially
changes important suites of resource and
consumer traits, and second is the asym-
metrical compartment response, in which
the effects of climate warming are different
across connected habitat divisions (com-
partments or subwebs). Although webs are
amazingly complex, insight provided by
considering asymmetric thermal responses
may enable theory to predict the dynamic
consequences of climate warming on food

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

CONSU M E R-R E SOU RC E DY NA M IC S sion efficiency e) by the consumer, and the
A N D T H E CONSE QU E NC E S OF consumer mortality rate (m) (Figure 19.1).
ASY M M E T R IC A L-T R A IT R E SPONSE S Hereafter, these parameters are referred
to as functions of temperature to empha-
Temperature affects nearly every biologi- size that it is their response to tempera-
cal process. Scientists relate effects of tem- ture that collectively determines biomass
perature on the outcomes of cellular meta- and dynamic responses to climate warm-
bolic processes to whole animal functions ing. Individual trait performances manifest
using thermal performance curves (TPCs) in the overall expression of each aspect to
(Huey and Stevenson 1979). TPCs depict determine how energy and material flow
how biological traits respond across a range through the interaction and thus determine
of relevant temperatures, describing the dynamic outcomes of climate warming.
breadth of thermal tolerance and providing Climate-driven asymmetries make a trait-
estimates of “optimal” temperatures that based approach seem daunting; however,
yield maximal trait performance (Huey and the theoretical framework proposed by Gil-
Kingsolver 1989). Asymmetries arise at the bert et al. (2014) uses bioenergetic reason-
trait level when multiple traits differentially ing to aggregate these key traits to assess the
respond to temperature (Dell et al. 2013). temperature dependence of trophic interac-
For example, a study of experimental algae tions, and thus the structural (biomass ra-
(Chlorella vulgaris) populations found that the tios) and dynamic (stability) implications
intrinsic per capita growth rate (r) showed of change. An understanding of which dy-
a hump-shaped response to temperature, namics drive changes in abundance is es-
whereas carrying capacity (K) remained sential to incorporate temperature-depen-
unchanged across biologically relevant dent rates into estimates of how consumers
temperature ranges (Jarvis et al. 2016). In and resource abundance or biomass will be
this example, growth rate is the dominant altered by future climate.
trait to act on the population at any given Imagine that the biomass of the con-
temperature, although multiple traits, with sumer in Figure 19.1 is a balloon. The size of
various TPCs, may interact to yield a vari- this balloon (i.e., biomass of the consumer)
ety of population dynamics under changing depends on three things: how much air is
thermal stress. Other empirical studies have blown into the balloon; the elasticity of the
identified asymmetries in consumer and re- balloon (i.e., how easily it expands); and
source growth, activity rates, metabolism, the size of the leak in the balloon. Note that
ingestion, and feeding rates—asymmetries production (via growth rate r, or carrying
that shift interactions over a thermal gradi-
ent (Rall et al. 2010; O’Connor 2009; Rose
Figure 19.1. Three key components of production (R
and Caron 2007; Dell et al. 2011; Dell et al.
growth), energy transfer (from R to C) and loss (mortal-
2013; Monaco et al. 2017). Recognizing this ity or metabolic costs) contribute to the size of the con-
dynamic, Gilbert et al. (2014) developed a sumer biomass or the size of the consumer “balloon.”
simple theory to identify how asymmetri-
cal trait responses influence the dynamics
and composition of consumer-resource
In consumer-resource interactions,
warming affects the production of the re-
source (growth rate r and carrying capac-
ity K), the consumption and assimilation
of the resource (attack rate a and conver-

capacity K), energy transfer (via attack rate expect a priori that one parameter will al-
a or conversion efficiency e) and energy loss ways dominate; similarly, there is no reason
(i.e., mortality m) respectively govern each to expect all parameters to be affected iden-
of these attributes. As this chapter proceeds
to navigate the theory behind trait (r, K, a, e,
Figure 19.2. Hypothetical cases of trait responses to tem-
and m) responses to climate, keep in mind perature (left) and subsequent changes to C-R interac-
that if relatively more air is entering the tions (right). In (A), the thermal performances of ae
“consumer biomass” balloon than is leaving (solid line) and m (dotted line) are equal, thus the influx
it, the balloon will expand, and vice versa. of energy to the consumer (ae) is similar to the energy
Understanding the effects of production, lost (m) across increasing temperatures and temperature
has no impact on the C-R interaction. (B) is showing
energy transfer, and energy loss on con- a case where both ae and m have the same optimum
sumer biomass can help explain how the temperature, but warming has a stronger effect on ae
implications of climate warming ultimately than m such that higher temperatures increase the C-R
depend on whether the traits are affected interaction. In the final case (C), ae and m have differen-
symmetrically (Figure 19.2A) or asymmet- tial temperature responses in that they peak at different
temperatures, causing stronger interactions at interme-
rically (Figure 19.2B). There is no reason to diate temperatures and weaker interactions at relatively
high temperatures.
tically. Figure 19.2 outlines three different e[Temp]/m[Temp]) varies with temperature,
scenarios. and whether asymmetries are common
To put asymmetrical trait responses into in one direction or another, is poorly un-
context, a recent study by Bost et al. (2015) derstood. Increases in consumer standing
found that temperature had an impact on stocks may often be an early but not lasting
the population sizes of king penguins (Ap- signal of warming (Rose and Caron 2007;
tenodytes patagonicus) by altering their forag- O’Connor et al. 2011).
ing behavior (and thus their attack rate). The example in Figure 19.1 illustrates
Temperature shifts associated with tropical how understanding relative thermal per-
anomalies pushed prime foraging habitats formance of traits can explain how the
farther south and increased the depth of the abundance of a species in a C-R interaction
ocean’s thermocline (the depth at which responds to temperature. Abundance or bio-
temperature decreases rapidly). These shifts mass typically and tractably are measured
forced the penguins to travel farther and in experiments or in the field, and changes
dive deeper for food, consequently increas- through time are often used to infer future
ing the total time spent foraging. Though trajectories of persistence and extinction,
not part of the study, subsequent reductions although a dynamic approach reminds us
in attack rate and conversion efficiency (re- that temporal trajectories in abundance
call energy transfer) means less energy is alone are insufficient to predict the future.
available to be allocated to reproduction. For example, compare the patterns of rela-
Assuming that mortality rates remain con- tive abundance of consumers and resources
stant, warmer temperatures asymmetrically in Figures 19.2. The decrease in consumer
altered consumer traits (reduced attack biomass at high temperatures (Figure 19.2)
rates but not mortality) and, in this case, reflects the reversal in the temperature de-
decreased population sizes. pendence of the underlying ratio of ae/m,
This framework suggests that under- even though the C-R biomass ratio (C/R) at
standing the relationship between tempera- lower temperatures was indistinguishable
ture dependence of consumer traits, a(Temp) from the pattern in Figure 19.2. The bio-
and e(Temp), and consumer mortality rates, energetic framework outlined here, with
m(Temp), provides insight into how dynamic information on the thermal asymmetry
systems respond to warming, even with- of ae/m, could be used to predict temporal
out information on values (a, e, m, r, and trends in C/R with warming through time.
K) or thermal dependence of each param- So far the effects of temperature on in-
eter (a(Temp), e(Temp), m(Temp), r(Temp), and teractions have been considered without
K(Temp)). Broadly synthesized empirical evi- the consideration of temperature-depen-
dence suggests that across species, mortal- dent resource population growth (r and
ity and attack rates both increase similarly K), each of which may vary with tempera-
with temperature (McCoy and Gillooly ture; and there is little reason to think they
2008; Englund et al. 2011), although Dell are thermally symmetric with consumer
et al. (2011) suggest a moderate asymme- rates (a and m). For plant-grazer (or algal-
try in which mortality is less sensitive to grazer) C-R interactions, primary produc-
warming. For the outcome of dynamic sys- tion tends to be less sensitive to warming
tems, the relative temperature dependences than secondary production, which suggests
of these rates will reflect not only broad an asymmetry between consumer and re-
metabolic constraints but also species-spe- source rates (Allen et al. 2005; O’Connor
cific temperature performance curves for a et al. 2011). Another source of consumer-
given system (Englund et al. 2011; Dell et al. resource thermal asymmetry is an animal’s
2013). Within C-R systems, how the ratio velocity (Dell et al. 2011, 2013). Differences
of energy gain to energy loss (i.e., a[Temp] in the mobility of consumers and their prey

Max Eigenvalue λMAX

traits, Gilbert et al. (2014) aggregated key

Coefficient of Variation

Resource Log Ratio

ecological traits into consumer rates (ae/m)

and production (r, K) to form ratios that de-
termine biomass flux across temperature
gradients, thus enabling us to track the
C:R Biomass Ratio C:R Biomass Ratio
flow of energy between interacting species
Figure 19.3. In a simple C-R model (e.g., type I func- and the impact of change on relative abun-
tional response), the C:R biomass ratio correlates to in- dances and stability.
creased top-down control. Here, shown by measuring
the change in R density (called log ratio; see Shurin et al.
2002) with and without the consumer (A). A top-heavy
biomass ratio drives a large cascade. Similarly, high C:R C L I M AT E C H A NGE A N D ASY M M E T R IC
biomass ratios also tend to drive heightened instability COM PA RT M E N T R E SPONSE S
(B). For more details on these results in numerous mod-
els, see McCann (2012) and Gilbert et al. (2014). The theoretical exercise suggested a rela-
tively straightforward way to understand
can generate thermal asymmetries in the how a given C-R interaction can be affected
rates underlying consumption, and when by warming. To scale up to whole food
these differ from population growth rates webs is difficult. Certain properties inher-
the framework here suggests shifts in inter- ent in real food webs may allow an infor-
action outcomes. mative macroscopic glimpse of how climate
Several important ecological proper- warming ought to affect the energy flow of
ties are altered with biomass accumulation whole webs. However, different habitats of-
changes. First, increasing consumer bio- ten have unique characteristics (i.e., organ-
mass in simple C-R theory tends to equate ismal sizes, habitat conditions) that likely
with the strength of top-down control mediate the impacts of climate change dif-
(Figure 19.3A). That is, the larger the C:R ferently. If true, then climate change may
biomass ratio, the greater the release of fundamentally alter energy flow through
resource biomass (represented by the re- whole ecosystems.
source log ratio; Shurin et al. 2002) when Empirical results suggest that food webs
the consumer is removed. In other words, typically have a gross architecture in which
with increased C:R ratios, the strength of lower trophic level habitats are compart-
the trophic cascade and top-down control mentalized (species relatively isolated) and
grows (Gilbert et al. 2014; DeLong et al. ultimately are coupled through foraging to
2015). Such a change in consumer biomass higher-trophic-level predators, which tend
affects the stability of the interaction (Fig- to be more mobile (Figure 19.4). Mobile
ure 19.3B): there is a strong tendency for organisms tend to be generalist foragers
top-heavy interactions (i.e., high C:R bio- capable of consuming a variety of distinct
mass ratios) to be less stable (McCann 2012; prey types because, all else equal, mobil-
Gilbert et al. 2014). ity exposes consumers to a greater number
It is evident that specific impacts of of habitats and prey types (i.e., encounter
warming are context dependent; however, probability is positively related to mobil-
two important points are addressed here: ity; Pyke et al. 1977). This correlation be-
First, the relative response of entire suites tween size and generalism suggests that
of traits govern general dynamic outcomes each progressively higher trophic position
of climate change, and second, climate will increasingly use different habitats
change can alter the structure or architec- (Pimm and Lawton 1977). Increased gen-
tural framework of systems and subsystems eralism at higher trophic levels increases
via interacting traits. To simplify the vex- the likelihood for omnivory, defined here
ing problem of simultaneously responding as feeding at more than one trophic level

There are several reasons to believe that

these different habitat compartments may
be differentially affected by climate change
(e.g., one habitat altered more than another)
C1 C2 and so drive major changes to the energy
pathways that maintain food webs. “Food-
web compartments” may be differentially
affected by climate change because they
are compartmentalized by habitats with
different sensitivities to environmental
variability. Such differential impacts on
R1 R2 habitats are not confined to lakes. In gen-
eral different properties of different habi-
tat compartments (e.g., grassland vs. forest,
aboveground vs. belowground) suggest, if
anything, that climate change ought to af-
Pelagic Littoral
fect habitats asymmetrically. There is little
Figure 19.4. General schematic of gross food-web archi- reason to believe that they will be affected
tecture. Here, the top predator (P) is a generalist across identically.
habitat compartments and trophic levels. That is, the Habitat compartments can be expected,
predator couples distinct energy channels (subscripts 1
through evolution in different habitats, to
and 2), selectively feeding on consumers (C) and re-
sources (R) in either habitat. include organisms with unique or habitat-
dependent attributes. For example, at iden-
tical trophic levels the body sizes of littoral
(increasing omnivory is used to mean in- organisms tend to be much larger than the
creasing consumption of lower-trophic- body sizes of pelagic organisms (Rooney et
level prey). al. 2008). The littoral is a much more two-
Integration by upper trophic levels of dimensional habitat than the open-water
lower-level compartmentalization has pelagic—an environment that favors small
been demonstrated in aquatic and terres- primary producers that float (enabling
trial systems and at different habitat scales them to use the Sun’s energy). Such differ-
from microhabitat to ecosystem (McMeans ent attributes tend to cascade through the
et al. 2013; Rooney et al. 2008) (Figure ecosystem (Rooney et al. 2008) and so may
19.4). This energetic integration by tro- alter the way a whole compartment of or-
phic level is therefore a theoretically moti- ganisms respond to climate change, thus
vated and empirically appropriate charac- driving asymmetric responses at the whole
terization of major carbon-flow pathways energy pathway scale.
through food webs (McCann 2012). Energy Finally, generalists that couple across
integration across trophic levels is a fun- compartments or channels can be expected
damental component to the assessment of to alter their behavior under asymmetric
adaptive capacity of food webs in a variable habitat impacts. As an example, if a top
world. Climate change may fundamentally predator fish is a cold-water fish that cou-
alter this gross stabilizing structure and ples pelagic and littoral pathways, then the
in doing so threaten critical ecosystem differential heating of one pathway (i.e., the
functions. littoral) may dramatically affect the “cou-

pler’s” behavior. Altered behavior could creased the absolute temperature at each
fundamentally alter the flow of energy even elevation of the vegetation canopy and set
if things like compartmental productivity new spatial constraints, thus altering the
or energy transfers between trophic levels habitat domain of the thermally sensitive
do not change. active hunting spider (vulnerable to the in-
Taken together, climate change is ex- creased temperatures at higher elevations)
pected to have asymmetric impacts on dif- and causing overlap of the two species. This
ferent food web compartments that could resulted in intraguild predation and extinc-
drastically change energy flow. Below are tion of the active species (Figure 19.5B).
some simple empirical examples—one Climate warming drives asymmetries in
aquatic and one terrestrial—to show that compartmentalized food webs by differen-
some emerging data agree with this food- tially warming alternate habitats and affect-
web-scale perspective on climate change. ing trait-mediated responses of species at
both the physiological and the behavioral
levels. Warming can alter the architectural
E M E RGI NG E M PIR IC A L E X A M PL E S framework of food webs via changes in
OF ASY M M E T R IC W HOL E biomass production (e.g., increased growth
F O OD -W E B I M PAC TS rates, thermal refugia for prey species) and
top-down control.
In lake ecosystems, as air temperature in-
creases, shallow, near-shore (littoral)
habitats warm more quickly than deep, DIS C US SION
offshore (pelagic) habitats. Tunney et al.
(2014) found that cold-adapted predatory Context-dependent, TPC-driven response
lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) are increas- of C-R interactions to climate change can
ingly restricted from accessing the littoral yield complex outcomes (see Figure 19.2C).
carbon pool when temperatures exceed that This suggests that warming associated with
of optimal foraging. Across 50 boreal lake climate change acts on asymmetric thermal
ecosystems, warming had a “decoupling” responses of individual species traits to al-
effect, meaning that lake trout diet became ter whole “compartment” responses that
increasingly derived from pelagic habitats affect the gross architecture of entire food
in warmer lakes, independent of prey abun- webs due to habitat heterogeneity and the
dance in either habitat (Figure 19.5A; see physiology and behavior of resident species
Guzzo et al. 2017 for similar patterns found (Figure 19.4).
temporally). This differential warming and Empirical patterns in gross food-web
subsequent shifts in species behavior are energy flows suggest that webs are often
not confined to aquatic ecosystems. Barton compartmentalized at lower trophic levels
and Schmitz (2009) documented a similar and coupled by the behavior of higher-
behavioral shift for a predatory spider spe- order generalists. This structure is often
cies in a grassland food web with a vertical “adaptive” and stabilizing to changing con-
temperature differential in the vegetation ditions, as one compartment serves as a
canopy (temperatures increase from the buffer to the pressures that act on another
ground surface to the top of the canopy). (e.g., overconsumption, seasonal fluxes).
They examined two spider species that dif- Evolution has equipped species for habitat-
fered in foraging strategy (ambush sit-and- specific conditions, and this compartmen-
wait vs. active hunting) and principal habi- talized or channeled food web structure
tat (the ambush species, Pisaurina mira, resided sets up the possibility for food webs to be
lower in the canopy than the active hunter, affected asymmetrically by change and so
Phidippus rimator). Experimental warming in- potentially altered in terms of their gross

A Near-shore coupling (logit proportion)


Near-shore fish contribution to lake


trout diet (logit proportion )


−2 0


−6 −4
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Trophic position (mean and max)

7 1.0
(Proportion of total catch <6m)
Near-shore lake trout captures

6 0.8

5 0.6

4 0.4

3 0.2

2 0

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20
Summer air temperature ( C)

Figure 19.5. Empirical data from Tunney et al. (2014), gross architecture of many aquatic and ter-
showing the impacts of climate warming on food web restrial webs suggests that their inherently
structure. (A) shows that there is evidence for a decrease
in near- and offshore coupling by lake trout, (B) shows
spatial structuring can generate different re-
a decrease in the contribution of nearshore fish to lake sponses that completely reroute energy and
trout diet, (C) shows an increase in trophic position, and carbon flow in whole ecosystems.
(D) shows a decrease in lake trout presence in nearshore
habitats with increasing temperatures.
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for example, primary production or con- Allen, A. P., J. F. Gillooly, and H. Brown. 2005. “Link-
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Dynamic Spatial Management in an Australian Tuna Fishery

Jason R. Hartog and Alistair J. Hobday

Global oceans have warmed over the past 100 years by an average of approximately 0.6°C,
however, ocean temperatures are not increasing homogeneously, as some areas are warming
even more rapidly than the average (Hobday and Pecl 2014). These rapidly warming areas
are concentrated against coastal margins where western boundary currents move water
poleward. This long-term warming moves isotherms poleward and shifts ocean habitats—
as a result, many changes in species’ distribution have been reported from these regions. In
areas with a strong north-south current axis, this “climate scale” habitat shift also occurs
seasonally, with the advance and retreat of currents. For example, the seasonal variation in
the East Australian Current off southeastern Australia is superimposed on the long-term
southward extension, where warming is about four times the global average. Such dynamic
and fast-warming areas represent an obvious location for developing and testing climate-
proof management approaches (see Hobday et al. 2016).

In the ocean, spatial management con- whole-of-area management approach. Fish-

tinues to be an important tool for managing ers often target different species, such as
marine resource extraction, as well as for yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), bigeye (T. obe-
meeting conservation objectives. However, sus), and southern bluefin (T. maccoyii) tuna;
in regions with both short- and long-term striped marlin (Kajikia audax, formerly Tetrap-
change, static spatial management may not turus audax); and swordfish (Xiphias gladius),
represent the best solution when there are depending on seasonal availability and pre-
competing goals for ocean use (protection vailing ocean conditions. Fishers are also
or exploitation), as oceanic habitats are mo- subjected to management decisions that al-
bile, and static protection often requires ter their fishing behavior.
large areas to cover all the habitat locations In this fishery region, where a range of
over some time period. Instead, dynamic other activities also occurs, dynamic ocean
spatial management may be a suitable al- management has been used to reduce un-
ternative, provided that species movements wanted bycatch of southern bluefin tuna.
are predictable and suitable incentives exist. Southern bluefin tuna are managed by
Dynamic spatial management thus also rep- the Commission for the Conservation of
resents a climate-proof strategy that will be Southern Bluefin Tuna. As part of this man-
robust to shifting habitats and species under agement process there is an agreed global
climate change (see Hobday et al. 2016). quota of which Australia has an allocation
The Australian Eastern Tuna and Bill- (full details can be found at http://www
fish Fishery operates along much of the Managing the catch of south-
East Coast inside and beyond the exclusive ern bluefin tuna within these limits (while
economic zone with effort concentrated in still allowing capture of other species) is
the dynamic portion of the East Australian an important fisheries management goal
Current. This multispecies longline fish- for the Australian Fisheries Management
ery is managed by integrating single spe-
cies assessments, catch-limit trigger points, Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.
harvest strategies, and gear restrictions in a ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


Authority. The distribution of likely south- that underpin this dynamic management
ern bluefin tuna (SBT) habitat, which can approach are not mission-critical-supported
change rapidly with the movement of the products, and occasional failures have pre-
East Australian Current, has been used vented on-time delivery of southern bluefin
to dynamically regulate fisher access to tuna habitat reports. This risk is mitigated
East Coast fishing areas, by dividing the by close engagement with the authority
ocean into a series of zones based on the to ensure that, in the event of disruption,
expected distribution of southern bluefin historical patterns in the distribution of the
tuna. A habitat preference model was used habitat zones can be coupled with the sea-
to provide near-real-time advice to man- sonal forecasts and the management system
agement about likely tuna habitat, deliv- is not compromised.
ered in the form of regular reports (every In operational use by the Australian
1–2 weeks) to the authority during the Fisheries Management Authority from
fishing season (Hobday et al. 2010). Man- 2003 to 2015, this habitat model evolved
agers used these habitat preference reports from one based on surface temperature
to frequently update spatial restrictions to to an integrated surface and subsurface
fishing grounds. These restrictions limit model, before finally including a seasonal
unwanted interactions by fishers that do forecasting element to aid managers and
not hold SBT quota (SBT cannot be landed fishers in planning for future changes in
without quota and in that situation must the location of the habitat zones (Hob-
be discarded) and allow access to those day et al. 2016). The continual improve-
that do have SBT quota to operate effi- ment and adaptation of the system saw
ciently (Hobday et al. 2010), and they are new oceanographic products tested and
enforced by vessel monitoring systems and included in the operational model. Stake-
fisheries observers. holder engagement has been critical to the
The data requirements for this dynamic development, validation, and refinement
habitat prediction system are informa- of the system (Hobday et al. 2010). For ex-
tion on the temperature preference profile ample, incorporating a seasonal forecast-
from SBT in the study area provided from ing component was an important step in
electronic tags, near-real-time sea surface informing and encouraging managers and
temperature from satellites, and near-real- fishers to think about decisions on longer
time subsurface temperatures from an op- time scales (Hobday et al. 2016). The dy-
erational ocean model. Efficient computing namic approach reduced the need for clo-
systems support real-time delivery, for ex- sures of large areas while still meeting the
ample, with temperature preference profiles management goal, but required that more
obtained from a tagging database of up-to- flexible fishing strategies be developed,
date data from electronic tags deployed on including planning vessel movements,
southern bluefin tuna in the study area. The home-port selection, and quota purchase.
habitat prediction system integrates these From 2015, the authority has opted to use
components to produce a two-dimensional video monitoring of the fleet to ensure
map of the habitat preference in near real- accurate reporting of catch of all species,
time (see Plate 7). Following quality con- SBT included, and reliance on the habitat
trol, reports on the current southern bluefin model has declined.
tuna habitat prediction in the fishery area This example from Australia’s East Coast
are provided to fisheries managers (see Plate is one of a growing set of dynamic ocean
7), who make a decision about changing management applications for fisheries, con-
management zones within hours of receiv- servation, and shipping. Under dynamic
ing the reports. The ocean data products management, rather than closing off large
areas, managers can integrate information R E FE R E NCE S
from habitat models, recent interactions,
and historical knowledge to dynamically Hobday, A. J., J. R. Hartog, T. Timmis, and J. Fielding.
2010. “Dynamic spatial zoning to manage southern
close smaller areas for shorter periods of bluefin tuna capture in a multi-species longline fish-
time. At longer time scales, similar strate- ery.” Fisheries Oceanography 19 (3): 243–253.
gies can be implemented to minimize over- Hobday, A. J., and G. T. Pecl. 2014. “Identification of
laps of protected and desired fish species. global marine hotspots: Sentinels for change and
Climate-aware conservation planners may vanguards for adaptation action.” Reviews in Fish Biol-
ogy and Fisheries 24: 415–425.
also consider the use of mobile protected s11160-11013-19326-11166.
areas, defined by dynamic habitat models, Hobday, A. J., C. M. Spillman, J. P. Eveson, and J. R. Har-
to afford protection to species changing tog. 2016. “Seasonal forecasting for decision support
their distribution in response to long-term in marine fisheries and aquaculture.” Fisheries Oceanog-
ocean change. raphy 25 (S1): 45–56.

Invasive Species and Invasive species have been identified as a

major threat to ecosystem integrity (e.g.,
Climate Change Bailie et al. 2004; Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment 2005). Coupled with the im-
ELIZABETH H. T. HIROYASU pacts of climate change, invasive species are
AND JE SSICA J. HELLMANN a major driver of biodiversity change (Sala
et al. 2000; Early et al. 2016). Evidence sug-
gests that climate change undermines the
resilience of ecosystems and exacerbates
disturbance, thus creating favorable condi-
tions of invasive species. However, it is dif-
ficult to predict how species will respond
to changes in disturbance regimes, weather
events, and novel species assemblages. We
expect climate change to alter current dis-
tributions, survivorship, and life-history
traits of species. This information is crucial
for effective invasive species management
and control.


Invasive species often possess traits that al-

low them to persist and succeed in a chang-
ing environment, including broad environ-
mental tolerance, short juvenile periods,
and the ability to disperse long distances
(Hellmann et al. 2008). These biological
traits suggest that many invasive species
may be more likely to be successful un-
der climate change. We see in a variety of
cases that invasive species are often better
equipped to be successful under chang-
ing conditions than their native competi-
tors. With changes in precipitation levels,
for example, introduced cheatgrass (Bromus
tectorum) range is expected to expand by up

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

I N VA S I V E S P E C I E S A N D C L I M AT E C H A N G E 259
to 45 percent in the western United States, the distribution of existing populations of
increasing the risk of wildfires across the invasive species, (4) altering the impacts of
continent and reducing native biodiversity existing populations of invasive species, and
(Bradley 2009). In India, the geographi- (5) altering the effectiveness of manage-
cal distribution of the invasion range of ment of invasive species. We explore each
the giant African snail (Achatina fulica) is not of five dimensions proposed by Hellmann
expected to change, but already-invaded et al. (2008) in turn, with an eye to litera-
areas are expected to be more prone to fu- ture emerging since 2008. Specifically, we
ture invasions (Sarma et al. 2015). In the explore new evidence, counterexamples,
oceans, international shipping has been an and more nuanced expectations that have
important vector for invasive species, with arisen for each dimension since Hellmann
84 percent of marine ecoregions report- et al. (2008) was published. This chapter is
ing marine invasions (Molnar et al. 2008). intended to provide readers with an intro-
Climate change impacts on global shipping duction to the impacts of invasive species
routes may increase the propagule pressure and climate change on biodiversity; it is not
in the oceans, exacerbating current inva- a comprehensive review. We conclude the
sion problems. chapter with some possible solutions for
Although these impacts have been clearly mitigating the climate change–related im-
documented for select invasive species, the pacts of invasive species.
impacts of climate change for others are less
clear. Invasive ant populations are expected
to respond in a variety of ways to climate A LT E R E D I N T RODUCTION
change, with climate suitability models A N D T R A NSPORT
predicting that some species will expand
their ranges and others will contract (Ber- Climate change may alter the way that
telsmeier et al. 2014; Figure 20.1). Ecologi- invasive species are introduced to novel
cal niche models predict that the potential environments through changes in trans-
of weedy European plant species to invade port patterns or novel geographic linkages
new areas will increase across the Southern (Hellmann et al. 2008). As climate change
Hemisphere but decrease in the Northern alters local weather patterns, changes to
Hemisphere across four emissions scenar- commerce and tourism routes may change
ios (Peterson et al. 2008), suggesting that both the introduction rate and the local sur-
climate change will not necessarily work vival probabilities of invasive species.
synergistically with invasive species ev- In their global assessment of marine in-
erywhere. These variable responses to cli- vaders, Molnar et al. (2008) found that in-
mate change mean that management strate- ternational shipping was the major means
gies will have to be flexible, adaptive, and of introduction of marine invaders. Sev-
largely region-specific in order to respond eral recent studies have revealed new trade
to changing invasion pressures. routes that may emerge under climate
In this chapter, we present possible con- change. For example, Smith and Stephen-
sequences of climate change for invasive son (2013) found that historic lows in Arctic
species impacts, using the stages of inva- summer sea ice will allow for increased and
sion as a guide to evaluate invasion risk. Ac- new routes across the North Pole for ves-
cording to Hellmann et al. (2008), climate sel shipping. This new route will increase
change is expected to impact the success of ship traffic, increasing the introduction
invasive species in a variety of ways, includ- rates of nonnative species to novel habitats
ing (1) altering the mechanisms of trans- through ballast water and on hulls of ships.
port and introduction, (2) altering climatic Further, Ware et al. (2016) found that cur-
constraints on invasive species, (3) altering rent ballast water management practices in

Figure 20.1. Spatial shift of suitable areas for five different temperature and environmental similar-
ant species. Darkest gray: suitable currently, but not in ity to more ports. Increasing tempera-
the future. Lighter gray: suitable currently and in the fu-
ture (to 2080). Medium gray: suitable only in the future.
tures and temperature oscillations have
(Reproduced from Bertelsmeier et al. 2014.) allowed for the range expansion of previ-
ously extant species in the Arctic (Berge
et al. 2005), suggesting that conditions
the Arctic do not prevent the introduction are becoming more favorable for warmer
of nonindigenous zooplankton and marine adapted species.
invertebrates. In Europe, nonnative spider Intentional introductions for recreation
introduction has been shown to track with or conservation purposes may also facili-
shipping routes, with the highest introduc- tate the transfer of invasive species in novel
tions coming from the areas with the high- habitats. With the increased ability to ship
est amounts of trade (Kobelt and Nentwig plants and animals in the global pet trade,
2008). there is an increased probability of intro-
Increased propagule pressure and ductions through intentional releases. Car-
warming temperatures may also make rete and Tella (2008) found a link between
these novel environments more hospitable increasing demand for exotic birds in the
for nonnatives. Ware et al. (2014) found pet trade and increased invasion risk of
that the Arctic ecosystem is at greater risk wild-caught bird species. Similarly, Strecker
for invasion due to increased sea surface et al. (2011) found that approximately 2,500
I N VA S I V E S P E C I E S A N D C L I M AT E C H A N G E 261
exotic fish are released into Puget Sound, a temperate species into higher latitudes
temperate aquatic system, annually. (Walther et al. 2009; Chen et al. 2011), thus
Invasive species proliferation may also leading to range expansions. Additionally,
be an unintended consequence of other increased extreme weather events may fa-
policies aimed at mitigating the effects of cilitate disturbance—a process that creates
climate change. Recent studies suggest that openings for invaders.
plants meeting the criteria for ideal biofuels In countries with a high Human Devel-
often also have traits that can be classified as opment Index (HDI), invasion threat was
“weedy” (Mainka and Howard 2010); with found to coincide with areas where climate-
the increased demand for biofuels, we may driven biome shifts are projected (Early et
be inadvertently introducing new invaders al. 2016). Invasive cheatgrass (Bromus tecto-
into our agricultural systems. California’s rum) growth and success has been found to
low carbon fuel standard (LCFS), part of the increase with temperature (Blumenthal et
state’s Assembly Bill 32, provides benefits al. 2016), with implications for the success
to the transportation industry through the of native semiarid grasslands as tempera-
use of biofuel blends but does not provide tures rise. Bertelsmeier et al. (2014) found
guidelines for mitigating potential inva- that 5 of 15 invasive ant populations are
sive species issues from biofuel production expected to expand their ranges up to 35.8
(Pyke et al. 2008; Chapman et al. 2016). percent. Sanders et al. (2003) have shown
Finally, climate change may allow for that the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema
extended recreational seasons or open humile) has the potential to disassemble na-
new areas to recreational activities. These tive ant communities in northern California
changes in recreation patterns may lead to by reducing species aggregations and shift-
an increase in introduction opportunities ing the community from structured to ran-
for invasive species. Zebra mussels (Dreissena dom, consequently reducing biodiversity
polymorpha) have been introduced to novel and altering total community structure. If
freshwater environments via recreational Argentine ants or cheatgrass expand with
boaters, resulting in costly damage and climate change, their disruption of com-
mitigation programs. A recent meta-anal- munity dynamics can drive larger losses in
ysis found that abundance and richness of biodiversity.
nonnative species are higher in sites with Extreme weather events—predicted to
high tourist activity (Anderson et al. 2015), worsen under climate change scenarios—
suggesting that sites where people from di- may reduce the ability of native species to
verse areas congregate can also be impor- resist establishment of and compete with
tant introduction sites for invasive species. invaders. Through direct physiological
stress as well as indirect mechanisms, cli-
mate change has been shown to undermine
A LT E R E D C L I M ATIC CONST R A I N TS the resilience of aquatic systems to invaders.
In their meta-analysis on different systems,
Climate change can facilitate invasion in Sorte et al. (2013) found that increases in
the colonization, establishment, and spread temperature and CO2 inhibited native spe-
phases of the invasion process. In addition cies in aquatic systems. In some cases, cli-
to changes in transport pathways discussed mate change is expected to work in tandem
earlier, altered climatic constraints may with the invasion process, with positive
provide more hospitable environments for feedbacks for invasive species, which are
introduced propagules or allow currently driven by extreme weather events. This ap-
rare species to establish and colonize an pears to be the case for salt cedar (Tamarix
area (Sorte et al. 2013). Milder winter tem- spp.). The species is better able to withstand
peratures can increase survival for many drought conditions than native flora and is

outcompeting natives in areas expressing advantage over their native counterparts to

increased drought (Mainka and Howard take advantage of expanded ranges.
2010). As droughts become more severe, As ocean temperatures rise, organisms
salt cedar is expected to continue to expand with broader thermal limits may be able
its range. The establishment of large, mono- to expand their range. For example, in the
culture stands of salt cedar significantly re- Antarctic and sub-Antarctic, Byrne et al.
duces water table levels, further reducing (2016) found that the carnivorous Arctic sea
biodiversity (Chapin et al. 2000). star (Asterias amurensis) has the potential to
Changes to dispersal abilities and rates invade as ocean temperatures warm, with
of spread may also occur. Here again, new potential cascading effects for native biodi-
examples suggest that this mechanism is versity in lower trophic levels. It has been
occurring under climate change. Increased suggested that as native species shift their
temperatures increase flight activity and ranges, they too may become invasive. Un-
therefore dispersal ability of the pine pro- like traditional invasive species, which are
cessionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) transplanted away from their native ranges,
(Battisti et al. 2006). Recent studies show these species would be invading habitat at
that ornamental, garden-variety plants are the edges of their current ranges. In Europe
shifting in latitude approximately 1,000 and North America, the deer tick Ixodes scap-
km beyond the range of their native coun- ularis has expanded its range northward as
terparts as the climate warms (Van der temperatures warm, with important impli-
Veken et al. 2008). In China, Huang et al. cations for the expansion of Lyme disease
(2011) found a positive relationship be- (Brownstein, Holford, and Fish 2005; Jore
tween the establishment of invasive alien et al. 2014). Invasive purple loosestrife has
insects and change in temperature over been found to undergo rapid evolution to
a 100-year period. As the dispersal abili- expand its current invaded range even fur-
ties of species shift with climate change, ther across the United States (Colautti and
so, too, will their impacts on associated Barrett 2013).
biodiversity. Current conservation measures to move
species to mitigate the impacts of climate
change, known as “managed relocation”
A LT E R E D DIST R I BU TION I N (or “assisted migration”) have the poten-
E STA BL ISH E D POPU L ATIONS tial to establish native species as pest spe-
cies (Hellmann et al. 2008; Mueller and
Climate change has been linked to range Hellmann 2008; Richardson et al. 2009).
shifts (see Chapter 3 in this volume), and Alternatively, moving near natives can in-
invasive species are no exception to this pat- tentionally fill open niches and thus set a
tern. In particular, warming conditions are strategy for mitigating the spread of harm-
expected to result in expansion of invasive ful or undesirable pests that spread and es-
species poleward and could also increase tablish on their own (Lunt et al. 2013). The
reproductive output with longer growing debate about managed relocation contin-
seasons. Described in Chapter 7, pine bark ues (e.g., Hewitt et al. 2011; Schwartz et al.
beetles have expanded their range in the 2012; Vitt et al. 2016), but the development
western United States, but the beetles are of new modeling techniques such as bio-
expanding ahead of tree species, with im- climatic envelope models, species distribu-
pacts on trees that have not previously been tion models, and trait-based models can be
affected by the beetle (Thuiller, Richardson, used to help forecast the dynamics and ex-
and Midgley 2007). Because invasive species pansion of introduced populations (Barbet-
are already well suited to rapid spread and Massin et al. 2018; Vitt et al. 2016; Jeschke
establishment, they may have a competitive and Strayer 2008).
I N VA S I V E S P E C I E S A N D C L I M AT E C H A N G E 263
A LT E R E D IM PACTS OF E X ISTI NG As environmental stressors become more
I N VASI V E SPE C IE S pronounced, invasive species may exac-
erbate these stresses or their impacts may
It is difficult to predict how invasive spe- become more severe relative to the climate
cies impacts will be affected by climate change impact.
change, because both climate change and
invasive species impacts occur on many
different ecological scales and properties. A LT E R E D M A NAGE M E N T
Total impact of an invasive species is mea- E F F E CTI V E N E S S
sured across three axes: spatial extent, av-
erage abundance within its current range, Climate change will undoubtedly alter the
and per unit biomass impact on the lo- effectiveness of management strategies used
cal environment (Parker et al. 1999). We to prevent establishment and spread of in-
have discussed how we might expect the vasive species. Climate change may require
first axis, spatial extent, to change. Along more vigilant and increased monitoring
the second axis, it seems likely that inva- for invasive species, because it is unknown
sive species will be able to increase their exactly where or how invasive species may
abundance as the climate warms given the relocate due to climate change. Changes to
biological qualities that allow an organ- temperature fluctuations may also lead to
ism to be a successful invader. In Thore- differential effectiveness and nontarget im-
au’s woods, Willis et al. (2010) identified pacts from chemical control (Maino et al.
earlier flowering times in nonnative and 2017). Therefore, strategies used for miti-
invasive species, over their native coun- gating and reducing invasive species may be
terparts. This suggests that climate change ineffective as the climate warms. Consider-
can facilitate community invasion, as non- ation of location of invasion is important;
natives are able to respond more quickly. recent meta-analyses have found that areas
As species expand their spatial extent, they at risk of biological invasion are often bio-
will also increase their local abundance. In diversity hotspots (Bertelsmeier et al. 2014;
addition, climate change may impact the Li et al. 2016). Adaptive management will
population dynamics of species such that be increasingly important as biocontrols
they increase either survival or reproduc- change in effectiveness. Current biocon-
tive output (Ogden and Radojevic 2014). trols that are in place are likely to be re-
The generalist tendencies of invasives are duced or could become invasive themselves
likely to enable them to outcompete native (Lu et al. 2015; Selvaraj, Ganeshamoorthi,
species as they become decoupled from the and Pandiaraj 2013). Long-term invasive
environments that they are best adapted to species management plans will need to in-
(Hellmann et al. 2008). Along the third clude climate change as an important factor
axis, climate change is expected to alter when determining the sustainability and
the relative impact of an invasive species in effectiveness of biocontrols and reliance on
a variety of ways. For example, invasion of natural disturbance regimes to control in-
nonnative grasses in grassland ecosystems vasive species. Accounting for sea-level rise
has altered fire regimes, creating a positive will be important for predicting how inva-
feedback loop of increasing the abundance sive species might impact ecosystems; for
of nonnative grasses and fire frequency example, changes in tidal height can deter-
(Brooks et al. 2010; Mack and D’Antonio mine whether invasive cordgrass (Spartina)
1998). Increasing temperatures as a result will alter the state of tidal mudflats (Gro-
of climate change can also increase the sholz et al. 2009). This may alter how man-
probability of extreme fire events, further agement strategies or restoration locations
promoting the success of invasive species. are prioritized.

S OLU TIONS on biodiversity conservation can help buf-

fer communities from the impacts of both
In addition to shedding new light on the climate change and invasive species. Resto-
invasion mechanisms proposed by Hell- ration that incorporates seeds from more
mann et al. (2008), several new ideas re- southerly locations or lower elevations
lated to species invasion and climate change might be an increasing successful strategy
solutions have appeared in the literature in a warming climate as well (Aitken et al.
in recent years. Courchamp et al. (2017) 2008; Bower et al. 2014; Havens et al. 2014).
recently outlined the problems associated
with invasive species management and the
Coordinated Research and Policy Efforts
discipline of invasion biology as a whole.
The authors identified four major categories To reduce the impacts of invasive species,
of problems and solutions: understanding, more cohesive international, national, and
alerting, supporting, and implementation. regional policies and research programs are
By identifying these categories of problems, needed. To effectively prevent introductions
scientists can work in each of these catego- of invasive species in the first place, efforts
ries to identify solutions. Some examples of will have to be coordinated across intro-
more concrete solutions include more co- duction pathways, sectors of policy and
ordinated research and restoration, better law (e.g., international trade agreements,
assessment techniques and policy-driven national health and safety standards), and
solutions to go along with them, and pro- geographic scale (Burgiel 2015). Packer et
posed impact classification frameworks. al. (2017) proposed a framework for global
The following sections highlight some of network science to coordinate large-scale
the proposed methods for reducing the im- biogeographic research related to invasive
pacts of invasive species on biodiversity as species. Networks such as these are impor-
the climate warms. tant for providing insights to our bigger-
picture understanding of both the invasion
Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration
process and how to best manage invasions.
Given that many countries have a lim-
Community ecology theory predicts de- ited ability to respond to invasions, global
creased success of invasion establishment if efforts will be necessary to reduce the im-
all niches of an ecosystem are filled; as a pacts of invasive species (Early et al. 2016).
result, restoration efforts often focus on fill- Box 20.1 outlines the gaps and inconsisten-
ing niches with native species that invasive cies in the international legal framework for
species might otherwise exploit (Lunt et al. managing invasive species. One of the first
2013). Restoration projects that focus on international lines of defense is through
managing native species in restored or al- strengthening the World Trade Organiza-
tered landscapes may mitigate the presence tion’s (WTO) General Agreement on the
and impacts of invasive species (Funk et al. Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary
2008). Increasing diversity and maturity Measures (SPS), which sets a framework
may help reduce the invasion risk of a com- for countries to protect the health of plants,
munity (Levine and D’Antonio 1999; Naeem animals, humans, and the environment
et al. 2000; Knops et al. 1999), thereby al- without large impacts on trade. Regulation
lowing a community to better withstand a through the WTO SPS would provide the
release from climatic constraints or changes broadest control for prevention of introduc-
in extreme weather events. Conversely, tions of invasive species at the international
overall reductions in biodiversity may lead level (Burgiel 2015). Increasing informa-
to decreased resistance to invaders (Bel- tion exchange and collaborations between
lard et al. 2012). Management that focuses the WTO and countries will help increase
I N VA S I V E S P E C I E S A N D C L I M AT E C H A N G E 265

Box 20.1 Gaps and Inconsistencies in the Legal Framework

for Managing Invasive Species

r Animals (not plant pests), including r Aquaculture/mariculture (FAO)

pets, live bait, live food fish (World
Organization for Animal Health r Conveyances (IPPC sea and air
[OIE], International Plant Protection containers)
Convention [IPPC], World Trade Or-
ganization Sanitary and Phytosanitary r Interbasin water transfers and
Measures [WTO/SPS] Agreement, UN canals
Food and Agriculture Organization
[FAO]) r Emergency relief

r Marine biofouling (International r Development assistance

Maritime Organization—IMO)
r Military activities
r Civil air transport (International Civil
Aviation Organization—ICAO) (From Shimura et al. 2010.)

the effectiveness of these policies. Keller et al. 2017). One of the most fascinating
and Springborn (2014) found that imper- things about climate change is how it calls
fect screening is still a better method than into question the very definition of native
an open-door policy to invasive species. and invasive. As species reorganize under a
Latombe et al. (2016) outlined a modular changing climate—when they can—new
approach to monitoring invasive species species will appear in new areas, and land
globally through information transfer at the managers will have to decide whether they
country level. Overall, coordinated policies are welcome arrivals.
at the international, national, and regional
level are needed to protect biodiversity
from invasive species. CONC LUSION

Following on a paper published nearly

Classifying Invasive Species
a decade ago, we find that emerging evi-
Blackburn et al. (2014; see also Hawkins et dence supports earlier claims about emerg-
al. 2015) recently developed a framework ing pathways and mechanisms of invasion
for classifying invasive species on the basis under climate change. Like all other spe-
of their impacts. The Environmental Im- cies, invasive species and their impacts are
pact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) expected to be strongly influenced by cli-
has been adopted by the IUCN to classify mate change. Overall, invasive species are
invasive species according to their pre- likely to expand their ranges and increase
dicted impact on the environment. The EI- their impacts as the climate warms and
CAT scheme has already been applied to a species are reorganized. Increasing losses
variety of taxa and will be used to assess in biodiversity and the increasing prob-
and compare the impacts of known in- ability of extreme weather events suggest
vasive species by the IUCN (Evans, Kum- that climate change opens niche space and
schick, and Blackburn 2016; Kumschick creates disturbed habitats for generalist,

disturbance-driven species to thrive. This Berge, Jørgen, Geir Johnsen, Frank Nilsen, Bjørn Gul-
suggests that climate change may act as a liksen, and Dag Slagstad. 2005. “Ocean temperature
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CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Rumination about biological implications
began soon after the realization that green-
Climate Change house gases were increasing in the atmo-
sphere; a prominent element was that disease
and Disease transmission would increase (e.g., Epstein et
al. 1998). A 1995 Intergovernmental Panel
LINDSAY P. CAMPBELL, A. TOWNSEND on Climate Change (IPCC) report (Watson
PETERSON, ABDALLAH M. SAMY, AND et al. 1996) speculated that the potential
CARLOS YAÑEZ-ARENAS geographic distribution of malaria could
increase “from approximately 45 percent of
the world population to 60 percent by the
latter half of the next century,” although
subsequent IPCC reports became more mea-
sured in their disease projections and em-
phasized human socioeconomic dimensions
more clearly (McCarthy et al. 2001).
Considering disease transmission as the
product of interactions among suites of
species and the environmental landscapes
where they are distributed (Peterson 2014),
basic implications of warming climate for
disease transmission are clear: ranges will
generally shift to higher latitudes and el-
evations, and transmission phenomena will
likely occur earlier in spring and later in
fall. There are different geographic and en-
vironmental dimensions of climate change
effects on species. Many of these expecta-
tions are already being fulfilled (see other
contributions in this volume). Still, evidence
needed to pinpoint climate change causally
is difficult to assemble, such that climate
change effects may often go unappreciated.
Here, we review models that have been
used to explore climate change effects on
disease. These distinct approaches offer
some possibility of anticipation of poten-
tial changes in disease transmission across
landscapes. We explore a case study—ma-
laria in highland East Africa—to illustrate
complexities inherent in the question.

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

T R A NSM IS SION MODE LS cally. Martens et al. (1999) analyzed effects
of temperature and precipitation on biting
Disease transmission models were devel- rates and adult emergence in Anopheles un-
oped to understand and predict disease der scenarios derived from HadCM2 and
dynamics. Transmission models are math- HadCM3 climate models and concluded
ematical models that mimic circulation of that a 1ºC increase could increase malaria
pathogens at the population level (Keeling transmission in low-temperature regions.
and Rohani 2007). SIR models, which parti- Ogden et al. (2014) evaluated climate
tion populations into classes of susceptible change effects on R0 for Lyme disease and
(S), infected (I), and recovered (R), have projected increases of 150 percent–500 per-
seen considerable development (Hethcote cent in North America.
2000). These models are used to predict and Other transmission models have focused
explain changes in disease transmission. on climate change effects on vectorial capac-
Ronald Ross and George MacDonald ity, the integration of feeding rate, survival,
were pioneers in this field. Ross (1904) de- and incubation period. Kearney et al. (2009)
veloped a first mathematical model to de- evaluated how climate change may expand
scribe adult mosquito movements and the distributional potential of the mosquito Aedes
spatial scale of larval control that would best aegypti in Australia (Figure 21.1); Liu-Helm-
reduce mosquito populations, thus contrib- ersson et al. (2014) examined effects of cli-
uting to elimination of disease transmis- mate change on Aedes aegypti vectorial capac-
sion. Ross’s first model did not address the ity in dengue transmission. In both, mean
question of malaria transmission directly, temperature and diurnal temperature range
but it certainly earned him a place in his- were key factors. Another example com-
tory. Later, he developed malaria models pared development of Plasmodium falciparum at
incorporating differential equations. In forested and deforested sites (Afrane et al.
1950–1956, MacDonald used field-collected 2008): increased temperature and solar ra-
data to test Ross’s models on infant malaria diation at deforested sites elevates infection
rates and sporozoite prevalences; finally, in rate and vectorial capacity of the mosquito
1957, he published a book Epidemiology and Anopheles gambiae, and Plasmodium sporozoites
Control of Malaria (MacDonald 1957), sum- developed more rapidly than at forested sites,
marizing factors limiting malaria transmis- suggesting combined effects of deforestation
sion. MacDonald proposed expression of and climate change on malaria dynamics.
the basic reproductive rate (R0) for malaria Transmission models are thus power-
as the mean number of secondary infec- ful in permitting “experimentation” with
tions produced when an infected individual specific effects of particular parameters,
is introduced into a host population, as- though not without limitations. Keeling and
suming that every other individual in the Rohani (2007) noted frequent information
population is susceptible; Keeling and Ro- gaps for specific model parameter values:
hani (2007) estimated R0 for several diseases full model implementation requires esti-
and found values ranging from ~5 (polio) mates of all parameters, but population- or
to ~100 (malaria). species-specific estimates are frequently un-
Such models incorporated environmen- available or imprecise. Even when detailed
tal drivers in malaria transmission. Lindsay estimates are available, interactions among
and Birley (1996) used a simple mathemati- parameters may be poorly understood; as-
cal framework to study temperature ef- sumptions of independence can bias results
fects on vectorial capacity of Anopheles macu- substantially. Models do not necessarily
lipennis in transmitting Plasmodium vivax; they reconstruct reality; rather, they should be
found that small changes in temperature used as heuristics that instruct about the
can change malaria transmission dramati- behavior of complex systems.

Figure 21.1. Predictions of number of consecutive life- niche estimates onto future climate scenar-
cycle completions per year that could emerge from two
ios allows for estimating future potential
simulated breeding containers (rainwater tanks, buck-
ets) under different levels of shade. The model assumes distributions of disease-related phenomena.
that urbanized areas with containers that could sustain Early examples applying ecological niche
Aedes aegypti are present. (A) The historical distribution is models (ENMs) to questions of climate
imposed, (B) the present distribution is imposed, and change and disease include Rogers and Ran-
(C) and (D) the locations of recent (since 1990) dengue
dolph (2000), who assessed climate effects
outbreaks are imposed. (From Kearney et al. 2009.)
on human malaria cases and future expan-
COR R E L ATIV E MODE LS sions in some areas being offset by contrac-
tions elsewhere (Figure 21.2). Peterson and
Another approach to understanding climate Shaw (2003) focused on climate change
change effects on disease transmission has effects on distributions of Lutzomyia sandfly
been correlative ecological niche modeling species (vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis)
(Peterson et al. 2011); these approaches are in Brazil and anticipated southward ex-
also referred to as species distribution mod- pansion of distributions. Many subsequent
els. The approach relates occurrences of a studies have used ENMs to assess potential
species or disease to raster data sets summa- effects of climate change on disease geogra-
rizing environmental variables to identify phy, and many have found significant dis-
environments under which transmission tributional implications.
occurs (or under which a species can main- Recent studies have refined techniques in
tain populations). These putatively suitable model calibration to deal with limited dis-
environments (i.e., ecological niches) can persal and uneven sampling, which affect
be used to identify regions where the spe- model results (Peterson et al. 2011). Costa
cies can maintain populations. Transferring et al. (2014) included explicit consideration
Figure 21.2. Early example of application of correlative between predicted distributions in (A) and (B), showing
ecological niche modeling to questions of disease trans- areas where malaria is predicted to disappear (i.e., prob-
mission risk and climate change. (A) Current global map ability of occurrence decreases from >0.5 to <0.5) (in
of malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum (hatching) and medium gray) or invade (i.e., probability of occurrence
predicted distribution (light gray areas indicate no pre- increases from <0.5 to >0.5) (in dark gray) by the 2050s
diction). (B) Discriminating criteria from the current sit- in relation to the present situation. The hatching is the
uation were applied to equivalent climate surfaces from current global malaria map shown in hatching in (A).
the high scenario from HadCM2: hatching and the prob- (From Rogers and Randolph 2000.)
ability scale are the same as in (A). (C) The difference

of accessible areas in model calibration to in broad use. ENMs associate occurrences

characterize future potential distributions with environmental characteristics; these
of species in the Triatoma brasiliensis species “models” therefore must be interpreted
complex (Chagas disease vectors). Campbell with caution because occurrence-environ-
et al. (2015) summarized overall sampling ment associations manifest fundamental
of Aedes mosquitoes to characterize environ- ecological niches only after effects of lim-
mental variation across the calibration area. ited dispersal (the “existing fundamental
These methodological steps affect model niche”) and biotic interactions (Peterson
outcomes; ignoring them compromises et al. 2011). The latter point is important
model quality seriously (Peterson 2014). as regards disease studies because biotic
Another recent improvement is use of mul- effects may be pronounced in disease sys-
tiple general circulation models to under- tems (realized niche; Peterson et al. 2011).
stand uncertainty in future predictions, as Accessibility and movement effects often
exemplified by Roy-Dufresne et al. (2013) place disease-relevant taxa outside of their
in an assessment of the future potential dis- long-term geographic ranges. Finally, ENMs
tribution of the mouse Peromyscus leucopus, a have been criticized for their correlational
Lyme disease reservoir. nature, linking geographic occurrences and
ENMs are a practical option for assess- environmental parameters without ponder-
ment of climate change effects on disease ing underlying mechanisms explicitly.
geography for several reasons. First, data
required are commonly available via online
digital databases. Second, the conceptual E X A M PL E S
framework of ecological niche modeling
can incorporate diverse processes of abiotic, Given the analytical frameworks described
biotic, accessibility, and sampling variables here, we explore examples linking dis-
(Peterson et al. 2011). Third, numerous op- ease transmission to weather and climate.
tions in model development and selection These examples are invariably partial and
permit powerful steps in model calibration incomplete, as warming trends are only a
to meet diverse inferential challenges. Fi- few decades old, causation is almost always
nally, new generations of ENMs cross di- multifactorial, and data are invariably in-
verse spatial and temporal scales to incor- complete. Still, these examples are sugges-
porate multiscalar phenomena (Kearney et tive and exploration is informative.
al. 2009). Several studies have linked variation in
However, despite these strengths, sev- disease transmission to extreme weather,
eral limitations must be taken into account. in particular to El Niño events. Perhaps best
ENMs depend strongly on amounts, quality, documented is Sin Nombre virus (a hanta-
and relevance of input data. The data used in virus) in the southwestern United States
ENMs are often “found” data not collected (Yates et al. 2002): elevated rainfall and
directly for the purpose of the study, which mild winters may lead to high rodent popu-
adds biases. Data documenting absences of lations, and rodents spill over into anthro-
species, specifically absences directly rel- pogenic habitats when resources become
evant to estimating niche dimensions, are scarce again in subsequent years. Similar
frequently lacking. ENMs have generally linkages have been documented for plague
ignored spatial autocorrelation, both in the (Stapp, Antolin, and Ball 2004) and Rift Val-
sampling process and in the structure of en- ley fever (Anyamba et al. 2009). These stud-
vironmental landscapes, notwithstanding ies, however, are linked to weather patterns
the fundamental effects of such processes; rather than longer-term climate change.
spatially explicit approaches incorporating Siraj et al. (2014) examined distribution
spatial autocorrelation exist but are not yet of malaria cases in highland Ethiopia and
Colombia in relation to long-term tempera- al. 2012). Although opinion has long held
ture change. They derived median elevation that some species may have high-elevation
values from yearly cumulative distributions strongholds above the elevational range of
of malaria incidence across elevational the vector mosquitoes, individual dispersal
gradients and assessed elevational shifts and movement patterns may nonetheless
through time. The spatial distribution of expose much of even those refugial popula-
malaria cases extended to higher elevations tions (Guillaumet et al. 2017). Garamszegi
with higher temperatures. (2011) conducted a meta-analysis of avian
Another study that examined spatial malaria prevalence among bird species in
and temporal trends of disease transmis- relation to temperature anomalies over the
sion examined tularemia and plague trans- past 70 years: controlling for species-spe-
mission in North America over the late cific effects, Plasmodium prevalence in birds
twentieth century and tested hypotheses was strongly related to positive tempera-
of climate causation of those shifts (Na- ture anomalies, with a 1°C increase cor-
kazawa et al. 2007). Specifically, this study responding to two- to threefold increases
tested whether spatial pattern of distribu- in prevalence; effects varied by continent,
tional shifts in these diseases was consistent with Africa and Europe exhibiting the most
with known climate changes. Both dis- pronounced increases.
eases showed shifts consistent with climate Climate change has been implicated in
change expectations, although other causal driving shifts or potentially driving future
factors probably were acting. shifts in several other wildlife diseases
Vibrio cholaerae, which occurs in coastal (Harvell et al. 2002; Lips et al. 2008; Des-
and estuarine waters, causes human chol- camps et al. 2016). By a similar token, cli-
era (Lipp, Huq, and Colwell 2002). Cholera mate change has been implicated in driving
is seasonal, with detection and cases con- emergence of several crop diseases, such
centrated in months when water tempera- as coffee leaf rust (Bebber et al. 2016), rice
tures are warmest (Lipp, Huq, and Colwell leaf blast and sheath blight (Kim and Cho
2002). Warming temperatures may affect 2016), and wheat leaf rust (Junk et al. 2016),
transmission to humans directly by ac- among others. Quite simply, global climate
celerating bacteria production, expanding change affects any species that has a signifi-
the host plankton species’ range, and sea- cant portion of its life history under condi-
level rise could introduce estuarine bacte- tions tied to climate conditions, which will
ria farther inland (Lipp, Huq, and Colwell involve many disease systems.
2002). Correlations between cholera cases
and warming temperatures have already
Highland Malaria in East Africa
been found in endemic countries in Asia
and Africa (Vezzulli, Colwell, and Pruzzo Perhaps the best-studied example of climate
2013). Cholera epidemics in South America change effects on disease transmission is
and Asia have been associated with El Niño the apparent resurgence of malaria in the
events that produce unseasonal and variable highlands of East Africa in recent decades.
weather patterns (Cash et al. 2014). Complex interactions among vectors, hosts,
Wildlife diseases have also begun to un- environments, landscapes, and anthropo-
dergo climate-related shifts. Plasmodium spe- genic factors (e.g., public health interven-
cies represent threats not only to humans tions, socioeconomic factors) have made
but also to wildlife, particularly birds na- direct linkages between climate change and
tive to Hawaii and New Zealand. Avian ma- disease risk challenging to document, lead-
laria has rather minor effects on most wild ing to debate among researchers regarding
birds, but island bird populations appear a causal role of climate change in recent
to be particularly vulnerable (LaPointe et malaria epidemics. We present this case in

detail to illustrate these complexities and to that significant changes in mean precipita-
emphasize the interconnected, interdepen- tion or temperature had not occurred in
dent nature of the panoply of factors influ- the region and thus could not be a causal
encing disease transmission. factor in increasing case rates. Shanks et al.
Highland malaria regions are areas near (2002) also argued that climate change was
the maximum elevational limit of malaria not a significant factor in increased malaria
transmission, where transmission is un- incidence in the 1990s because significant
stable, resulting in epidemic or episodic changes in mean ambient temperature and
outbreaks. Endemic malaria is not gener- mean precipitation were not found across
ally present above 1,500 m in East Africa, 1965–1995.
although cases have been recorded above Alternatively, Githeko (2001) investi-
2,000 m; a minimum temperature thresh- gated effects of temperature and precipi-
old of <18°C exists at which Plasmodium falci- tation anomalies on incubation periods of
parum transmission is not stable, which was Plasmodium falciparum in Anopheles gambiae s.s.,
the mean temperature at ~2,000 m in East and A. funestus, creating an epidemic pre-
Africa in 2006 (Githeko et al. 2006). Peri- diction model based on their results. Posi-
odically, human and environmental con- tive temperature anomalies from mean
ditions become suitable for malaria trans- monthly climate trends were, they found, a
mission in these regions, often following precursor to malaria epidemics when mean
anomalous weather events. monthly precipitation was above 150 mm;
Malaria transmission in the western the authors suggested that monthly temper-
highlands of Kenya can be traced to comple- ature data are too general to detect impor-
tion of a railway system in 1901 that moved tant malaria risk signals.
infected mosquitoes and laborers into the As studies became more sophisticated,
region; epidemics began around 1918, last- the debate grew. A series of analyses of ma-
ing until widespread mosquito control and laria incidence at four high-elevation sites
antimalarial programs were implemented in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi
in the 1950s, particularly as regards the highlight differences in inferences that can
dominant vector species, Anopheles gambiae. In be obtained from a single climate data set.
the late 1980s, however, epidemic malaria Hay et al. (2002) investigated meteorologi-
reappeared in this region, with outbreaks cal trends, with results indicating no signif-
occurring nearly every year. Understand- icant changes in mean temperature or va-
ing how disturbances of different duration por pressure during 1911–1995 at any of the
could affect transmission equilibrium be- study locations, despite warmer and wetter
gan to define scientific research in this area: seasonal trends. A separate analysis of the
the following is a summary of the ongoing same data set (Patz et al. 2002) found that
dialogue and debate. warming trends did, in fact, correspond to
A major factor in the debate is differences increased malaria incidence at specific sites,
in how climate change was characterized in noting methods used to downscale the cli-
analyses. Although several studies analyzed mate data by the original authors as a likely
changes in mean values, others focused on driver of the incongruity in results. Addi-
variability and emphasized that climate tionally, malaria incidence corresponded
change is not restricted to simple, general more closely to climate anomalies, so the
warming trends (Patz et al. 2002). For ex- authors emphasized that mean warming
ample, Malakooti, Biomndo, and Shanks trends were not sufficient as indicators
(1998) analyzed temporal relationships be- of climate change, echoing the results of
tween malaria epidemics and temperature Githeko (2001).
and precipitation in 1990–1997; results sug- A third analysis added 5 years of daily
gested that disease incidence fluctuated but climate data to the data set (Pascual et al.
2006). The authors used a nonparametric found statistically significant signals relat-
singular spectrum analysis and a paramet- ing climate factors and their interactions to
ric seasonal autoregressive moving average recent increases in malaria incidence in the
(SARMA) model to examine data for signif- region. These findings do not negate effects
icant warming trends. A significant warm- of population movements, drug resistance,
ing trend of 0.5°C was identified, contra- land-use change, population immunity, or
dicting Hay et al. (2002). The warming other factors, but changing climate appears
trend began in 1980, coinciding with the to make a significant contribution.
rise in malaria incidence at these locations;
although other factors (e.g., drug resistance,
land-cover change, their interactions) CONC LUSIONS
could not be excluded as important factors,
changing climate could not be excluded as Links between climate change and shifts
a contributing factor. in the distribution, timing, and intensity of
Zhou et al. (2004) analyzed climate vari- disease transmission are complex. The early
able interactions and their effects on malaria IPCC reports painted a dark picture in which
incidence at highland locations in Ethiopia, climate change would somehow “activate”
Kenya, and Uganda. Whereas only two of diseases and create a wave of new problems.
seven sites exhibited statistically significant Twenty or so years later, the picture is more
increases in mean temperature (1989–1998 nuanced: whereas some diseases are indeed
vs. 1978–1988), variance in maximum beginning to shift distributionally, those
monthly temperature increased signifi- shifts are invariably subtle and multifactorial.
cantly at five of seven sites, and all seven What is more, increases and expansions in
sites showed significant positive effects of transmission may be balanced in other re-
interactions on malaria transmission. gions, where transmission may be reduced.
Results from more recent analyses con- In sum, then, climate change will indeed
tinue to support significant climate change change disease transmission patterns, region-
impacts on malaria incidence in the region. ally and for particular disease systems, but it
Alonso, Bouma, and Pascual (2011) created may not augment or reduce the overall mag-
a coupled human-malaria model that incor- nitude of disease transmission worldwide.
porated temperature and precipitation time Two points are worth highlighting. First,
series data, again using malaria data from as diseases are the product of interactions
the Kericho tea estate, and identified a non- among biological species (e.g., pathogens,
linear positive relationship between mean vectors, hosts), their transmission areas
warmer temperatures and more cases from and intensities depend on the ecological
the 1970s to the 1990s. Pascual et al. (2006) niches of those species and their interac-
implemented a stage-structured biological tions, which will make for considerable
model for Anopheles gambiae, incorporating complexity in responses to climate change.
climate data from the 1980s to the pres- Second, is more of a comment on human
ent and found amplification of mosquito perspectives: early commentaries on effects
population dynamics of a magnitude much of climate change on disease were written
greater than changes in the environmental from a very “developed world” or “north-
variables, such that subtle climatic changes ern” perspective, such that transformation
can have major biological implications. of temperate zone climates to subtropical
Clearly, the relationship between malaria climates at the southern borders of those
and climate change in the highland East Af- regions and consequent arrival of “tropi-
rica is complex, with multiple human, bio- cal” diseases might seem a dominant ex-
logical, and environmental factors affecting pectation of warming climates. The reality,
transmission. However, several studies have of course, is that people the world over are

experiencing these changes, so a more var- tion: CONACyT for support of CYR, the
ied suite of responses will be experienced: C-CHANGE IGERT program for support of
in some areas, disease transmission will in- LPC, the Egyptian Fulbright Mission Pro-
crease, whereas in others it may decrease. gram (EFMP) for support of AMS, and a
As can be appreciated from the discus- grant from the Inter-American Institute to
sions above, however, the picture of climate Tulane University, which supported (par-
change effects on disease transmission pat- tially) ATP’s work.
terns remains far from clear, and causal
chains have not been documented defini-
tively in any disease system. In terms of
tools with which to identify and anticipate
these changes, mechanistic and correlative Afrane, Y. A., T. J. Little, B. W. Lawson, A. K. Githeko, and
models offer complementary perspectives. G. Y. Yan. 2008. “Deforestation and vectorial capacity
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How Can Conservation

and Policy Respond?
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Protected-Area Protected-area networks aim to adequately

represent and protect biodiversity (Mar-
Management and gules and Pressey 2000; Possingham et al.
2006). This objective is seldom fulfilled in
Climate Change practice, as most protected-area networks
are inefficient in representing the full diver-
PABLO A. MARQUET, JANETH LE SSMANN, sity of species (e.g., Rodrigues et al. 2004;
AND M. R EBECCA SHAW Tognelli, de Arellano, and Marquet 2008).
The challenge is made greater in the context
of a changing climate, which decreases the
effectiveness of protected areas for biodiver-
sity conservation (Peters and Darling 1985;
Hannah et al. 2008). There is a very high
risk that representation in protected areas
will decrease under changing environmen-
tal conditions, as the expected response of
many species will be to either shift their
geographical distribution to track suitable
climates or perish if dispersal abilities or
other physical barriers impede their migra-
tion (e.g., Thomas and Gillingham 2015;
Thomas et al. 2004). Both responses will af-
fect the species’ representation within pro-
tected areas (Peters and Darling 1985; Han-
nah et al. 2005). With the high likelihood
of species extinction, it is imperative to ana-
lyze how existing protected areas networks
can be improved, enhanced, and managed
in the face of climate change (Plate 8).
We believe that robust protected area
design and management in an era of cli-
mate change depends on considering four

1. The magnitude, rate, timing, and

intensity of climate change and its
impact on conservation targets

2. Gaps in protected-area design and


Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

284 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

3. A simple theory that can effec- year (Loarie et al. 2009); that rate can be
tively accommodate the biophysi- much higher, depending on the latitude,
cal dynamics important to species altitude, and topography of a given loca-
persistence tion. The velocity of change will be lowest
in mountainous biomes, as a result of topo-
4. Innovative protected area design and graphic variability, and higher in lowlands.
management approaches that trans- Lowland species will need to travel greater
late the theory into effective practice distances and at faster rates to track their
for conservation suitable climates than will their mountain-
dwelling counterparts. This suggests that
We discuss these components below and mountainous regions may be critically im-
provide an assessment of emerging ap- portant to maintaining biodiversity in some
proaches to address the adaptation of pro- regions by facilitating species movement to
tected areas to climate change. suitable climate.
Recent studies in paleoecology suggest
that species occupying discrete microcli-
T H E M AGN IT U DE , R AT E , TIM I NG, mates played an important role in species
A N D I N T E NSIT Y OF C L IM AT E C H A NGE responses to rapid climate change dur-
A N D PROT E CT E D A R E AS ing the Last Glacial Maximum (Stewart et
al. 2010). The effective role of microrefu-
In 2018, we passed an average of 1°C de- gia, holdouts, and stepping stones in spe-
grees of warming globally, and we expect cies-range shift dynamics depends on the
to reach an average of 2°C warming by magnitude and velocity of climate change
2050. With just 1°C warming, changes in (Hannah 2014), as well as direct and in-
species are documented across the globe direct impacts of extreme climatic events.
(e.g., Parmesan 2006), including distribu- Even so, it is possible that some species will
tional shifts, changes in timing of biologi- be able thrive in protected areas if they are
cal phenomena (e.g., flowering, breeding, able to find microenvironments that will al-
migration), and decoupling of coevolved low them to adapt to changing climate con-
species interactions. Species responses have ditions, even if only temporarily (Thomas
resulted in observed range shifts both pole- and Gillingham 2015), thus buying time for
ward and upward along elevational gradi- more significant management intervention.
ents (Parmesan 2006). The possibility for microrefugia or tempo-
Predicting species- and ecosystem-level rary stepping stones within and between
responses to future warming is difficult, existing protected areas will be very im-
as warming has not been, and will not be, portant in the successful adaptation of some
uniform across the globe. As we head to a species.
2°C increase in global average temperature Just as we are beginning to fully con-
by midcentury, we expect an increase of sider the potential conservation value of
more than 4°C in some geographies and microclimates for facilitating biodiversity
less than 0.5°C in others (IPCC 2014). In persistence, we are beginning to consider
general, we expect greater warming at the the potential consequences of the less pre-
poles than at the equator. This variation in dictable extreme events for the protection
the magnitude of change will manifest in of biodiversity. As is evident by the increas-
significant variations in the rate of change. ing frequency and magnitude of severe
On average, the velocity of the climate weather events worldwide, climate change
change (i.e., the instantaneous local veloc- is characterized not simply by shifts in
ity along Earth´s surface needed to maintain mean global temperature and precipitation
a constant temperature) is 0.42 km each alone but also by changes in the pattern
of extreme climatic and climate-induced city of information about the desirability,
events. To challenge the survival of spe- feasibility, and effectiveness of adaptation
cies even further, extreme climatic events and mitigation options (Lemieux et al.
will deliver punctuated impacts in time and 2011; Hannah 2008). In addition, much of
space that are likely to magnify the influ- this research aimed to solve ecological and
ence of average climatic trends and other biological problems (e.g., loss of species’
stressors. That is, the character and severity representation) caused by climate change in
of impacts from climate extremes depend protected areas, whereas impacts on local
not only on the extremes themselves but communities or their participation in the
also on the background exposure and vul- management solution are rarely discussed.
nerability of the species. It is the internal institutional publications,
or the “gray” literature, that are beginning
to deliver an integrated vision (i.e., includ-
GA PS I N PROT E CT E D -A R E A DE SIGN ing social and political aspects) of the role
A N D M A NAGE M E N T of protected areas under climate change
(e.g., Hansen et al. 2003; Dudley et al. 2010).
Effective policy, design, and management
of protected areas in the context of climate
The Geographic Gap
change require relevant science to inform
decision making. In the past decade there There are gaps in the geographic focus of
has been a surge in the number of scientific studies on the impact, vulnerability, and
articles focusing on the effects of climate adaptation of protected areas to climate
change on protected areas, which usually change, with a significant bias toward
provide recommendations for management North America and Europe (Heller and Za-
and design of protected areas to support ad- valeta 2009). The urgency to address the
aptation (Heller and Zavaleta 2009). Most impact of climate change on biodiversity
of these studies do not address the impli- is important worldwide, but the gap in in-
cations of the full range of direct and in- formation to support action is much higher
direct climate-induced impacts; therefore, in developing countries, where species ex-
they have not fully explored the range of tinction risk rates are high and financial
protected-area design and management ap- and technical capacities can be very low
proaches to facilitate species persistence in (Hannah et al. 2002). Although some of the
the future. The scientific literature has im- knowledge that is generated in the scientific
portant gaps, which limit the applicability literature is transferable to multiple regions,
of the design and management approaches it is necessary to address the geographic gap
into different situations and regions across and focus future research on less studied
the world. These gaps include the science- and more vulnerable regions to attend their
management gap, the geographic gap, and specific contexts and needs. For example,
the ecosystem gap. the consequences of climate change for
the representation of species in protected
areas in lowland tropical rainforest are
The Science-Management Gap
poorly documented (Thomas and Gilling-
Although many studies focus on basic sci- ham 2015). Furthermore, several strategies
entific issues emphasizing theoretical and/ developed for protected areas under cli-
or general principles of climate change mate change are “data hungry,” demanding
biology, only a few studies provide prac- high-quality information about geographi-
tical guidance for protected areas design cal distribution, vulnerability, and dispersal
and management and adaptation planning capacity of the target species. Clearly, these
(Heller and Zavaleta 2009). There is a pau- strategies are very difficult to implement in
286 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

protected areas located in regions of low new assemblage maintain key ecosystem
capacity where detailed information about services? The complexity of the answers to
species is scarce and species inventories are these simple questions illustrates the vexing
incomplete. nature of the issue at hand. First, we need
to explore which theories of species persis-
tence can inform our answer. There are two
The Ecosystem Gap
with which to begin, island biogeography
Finally, there are gaps in the type of the and metapopulation theory, complemented
ecosystems studied (e.g., terrestrial, marine, by a third emerging one, graph theory or
freshwater). Most of the research on climate network theory. These theories tell us that
change effects on biodiversity and their im- the expected number of species in the pro-
plications for conservation planning has tected area will depend on the rate at which
concentrated on the terrestrial and ma- species colonize (through in-migration or
rine systems, whereas studies that consider speciation) and leave (through emigration
freshwater diversity have been limited, or extinction) the protected areas. While
despite the high vulnerability of freshwa- the former rate depends on the size of the
ter diversity to climate change (Bush et al. pool and the degree of isolation of the pro-
2014). The combined species distribution- tected area or how reachable it is, the latter
climate models assessments for freshwater depends on area, shape, topography, and
needs to be improved rapidly to adequately condition of the surrounding agricultural,
address freshwater conservation planning urban, and natural land use matrix. In par-
that incorporates both biodiversity and hu- ticular, it will depend on whether the ma-
man needs in the face of climate change. To trix will allow for the species to leave the
do this, it will be important to understand protected area, as many species are very
the effects of climate change on the unique sensitive to movement across matrix habi-
properties of freshwater systems, such as re- tats, making it likely that they will become
gime flow and intercatchment connectivity increasingly isolated within protected ar-
(Bush et al. 2014). A broader analysis of all eas. This is, by no means, the whole story
ecosystems is needed because the effects of as rates will also depend on the number
climate change and requirements for bio- of species already present in the protected
diversity conservation differ across systems. area, their interaction, and the ability of
protected areas to support viable popula-
tions for different species.
T H E ORY OF C L IM AT E C H A NGE In Figure 22.1 we show the relationship
A N D PROT E CT E D -A R E A DE SIGN between body size and home-range size for
A N D M A NAGE M E N T marine and terrestrial species and, super-
imposed over it, the median size of marine
One of the pressing challenges to protect- and terrestrial protected areas. It is striking
ing biodiversity in the future is the extent that most protected areas are smaller than
to which protected-area networks will be the area required by an average individual
able to retain their biodiversity, provide of most marine and approximately 50 per-
connectivity for migrating species, and cent of the terrestrial vertebrate species
serve as refuges for new ones. In general, considered. Further, since the median size
this amounts to providing an answer to the of minimum viable populations (MVPs) is
following questions: If a given protected in the range of 1,000 to 4,000 individuals
area possesses S0 species today, how many (Brook, Traill, and Bradshaw 2006), Figure
species will it likely have by the end of the 22.1 implies that very few protected areas
century? How different will these species will be able to support species over the long
be from the original assemblage? Will this term unless connectivity is enhanced and

Figure 22.1. Relationship between the scale of habitat use should be borne in mind that it is very dif-
per individual in marine and terrestrial species. The dot- ficult to assess the number of species that
ted lines demarcate the current median size of all marine
(MPA) and terrestrial (TPA) protected areas. (Redrawn
have currently failed to expand because of
from McCauley et al. 2015.) The median in terrestrial lack of connectivity between protected ar-
PAs was calculated by considering all PAs described in eas and surrounding habitats, and so it is
the World Protected Area Data Base (IUCN and UNEP- difficult to assess its importance in com-
WCMC, 2015) that do not include marine habitats. parative terms, and improving connectivity
may not be the best option in all places and
the matrix in between protected areas be- times. Indeed, the usual strategy of restor-
comes more biodiversity friendly. This fig- ing or generating habitat corridors within
ure highlights the deep disconnect between landscapes may have unintended negative
the scale at which species interact with their effects associated with the spread of patho-
environments and how we manage land use gens, disturbances (e.g., fire), or increasing
to enhance species persistence (McCauley et synchrony in local population fluctuations
al. 2015). Thus, everything else being equal, (Simberloff and Cox 1987), thus leading to
even if a well-connected network of pro- metapopulation extinction due to regional
tected areas will do better than a small iso- stochasticity. Investments in connectivity
lated one, the average size of protected areas should be analyzed in the context of poten-
is so small that many species risk extinction tial positive and negative impacts as well as
if the hostility of the surrounding matrix the expected benefits that may be accrued
increases as a result of climate change. by investing in alternative actions to build
Available evidence shows that lack of resilience, such as increasing the number,
connectivity in fragmented landscapes has area, habitat quality, and heterogeneity of
negative impacts upon biodiversity con- protected areas.
servation and functioning and that species When it comes to the theoretical under-
do expand their ranges out of or into pro- standing of climate change impacts on spe-
tected areas while responding to climate cies, it is essential to bear in mind that the
change (Araújo et al. 2004; Thomas et al. problem of persistence is a problem of scale
2012). This suggests that connectivity is es- commensurability. That is, between the rate
sential in ensuring resilience. However, it
288 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

at which a landscape or habitat changes and and help buffer the impact of climate fluc-
the changes that a species can tolerate or tuation (Schindler et al. 2010).
adapt to, as the saying goes, it takes two to
tango. Habitats change because of changes
in their physical and chemical properties I N NOVAT I V E A PPROAC H E S TO A DA P T
but also because of changes in the biologi- PROT E CT E D A R E AS TO C L IM AT E
cal processes and species that are found in C H A NGE
those habitats; under climate change both
rates will increase. Unfortunately, little the- Several actions can be taken to improve
ory has been developed to understand the the role of protected area networks in pro-
issue of persistence under climate change, tecting biodiversity under climate change.
or in dynamic landscapes, and how it de- These range from maintaining current con-
pends on the climate change itself but in servation successes to innovative responses
interaction with the scale at which spe- specific to climate change.
cies perceive and interact with their en-
vironments (but see Marquet and Velasco
Ensure the Permanence and Quality
Hernandez 1997). Similarly, the impact of
of Existing Protected Areas
climate change on networks of interacting
species is similarly challenging and diffi- Protected areas are an important tool to
cult to tackle, first because interactions will conserve biodiversity and adapt to climate
likely change before species go extinct, and change. The current protected-area network
second because multiple anthropogenic provides a platform from which to build.
drivers affect them at the same time, which It is critical that the existing protected area
undermines the ability to make predictions. network be maintained and strengthened as
In recent years, simple static approaches current trends and future scenarios of land
(e.g., Araújo et al. 2011) and dynamic mod- use may threaten their persistence and vi-
els have been developed to make predic- ability. Probably most important, shifting
tions on the impact of climate change on climate conditions will affect where food
networks of interacting species. However, and energy crops can be grown to meet
the complexity of the issue still defies the the demands of a growing human popula-
identification of first principles (e.g., Mar- tion, thus creating the potential for land-use
quet et al. 2014) that can be translated conflicts. Hannah et al. (2013) studied the
into simple guidelines for management. In changing geographic suitability of regions
many ways, this is an empirical problem as for wine grape production under a chang-
most networks are not monitored in time or ing climate and highlighted the potential
at different locations in space, which hin- for a shift into existing protected areas and
ders our capacity to understand how they important matrix habitat for species of con-
change and how resilient they are. The chal- cern across the globe. Predicted shifts in ag-
lenge is also theoretical, as we do not fully ricultural suitability such as these can create
understand how richness, interaction type, competition between conservation and food
and interaction strengths affect stability and production for land and will have a signifi-
resilience; nor do we know how to include cant impact on protected areas and habitat
these principles in conservation planning connectivity for wide-ranging species.
and the design of protected-area networks.
Simple theory and empirical evidence show
Expand or Modify Protected Areas
that, in general, species diversity and popu-
and Networks
lation diversity can bring, through portfolio
effects, stability to ecosystems and the ser- As species ranges shift in response to
vices they provide (e.g., Hilborn et al. 2003) changes in climatic factors, many are pro-
jected to move outside the boundaries of ex- gests that protecting the “ecological stage”
isting protected lands and waters. There will for processes as well as preserving particu-
need to be the modification of boundaries of lar “actors” (species, ecosystems) may be
existing protected areas, or establishment of important in protecting species diversity
new protected areas to cover lands and wa- over time.
ters likely to be important to these species in
the future. Even with new protected areas,
Assist Migration
it is predicted that by 2050, 20 percent of
species will have disappeared from reserves Assisted migration is a strategy designed to
(Hannah et al. 2007); thus, it is important to help species overcome dispersal barriers
keep in mind that the function of protected associated with tracking climate shifts by
areas will not continue under business-as- physically relocating them outside their his-
usual emissions trajectories (Thomas and torical range to climatic zones considered
Gillingham 2015), and more innovative and suitable. The outcome of assisted migration
aggressive management of species and pro- is not qualitatively different from enhanc-
tected areas will be necessary. ing habitat connectivity (Lawler and Olden
2011), and although this may be the only
strategy that will be effective for achieving
Use Protected Areas to Enhance
the persistence of some species, many are
Connectivity between Present
opposed to it given the poor performance of
and Future Populations
past efforts (Ricciardi and Simberloff 2009).
Regardless of how large an individual pro-
tected area is, if it is an island of habitat sur-
Enhance Resilience
rounded by inhospitable habitat, it will be
difficult or impossible for species to migrate Resilience has emerged as perhaps the
as climate shifts. Enhancing connectivity dominant paradigm for addressing climate
with special attention to microclimate step- change impacts on protected areas. Resil-
ping stones among protected areas to enable ience can refer to the ability of a system to
species movements should be employed to return to its original state following a per-
ensure resilience of protected areas over time turbation, to maintain functionality during
(e.g., Belote et al. 2016). For climate change it the course of a transition, or to self-organize
is especially important to connect present and in maintaining basic system traits and func-
future populations of species, which will not tioning (Folke et al. 2004). In the practice
often be the same as connecting protected of biodiversity conservation, the concept
areas. Although connections between pro- emphasizes the notion that robust protected-
tected areas for large mammals may provide area networks will be better able to ensure
connectivity for climate change, connecting persistence of species across the landscape in
present and future populations of plants and the context of climate change. How to do
nonvertebrates may involve different areas this requires a multifaceted approach includ-
and be less area demanding. ing abating not only climate change but also
other global change drivers and fostering
legislation and education to better preserve
Protect Enduring Geophysical Features
the seminatural matrix or landscapes where
Protecting geophysical settings will be im- human uses coexist with protected areas.
portant for protecting species diversity in
the future (Anderson and Ferree 2010; Brost
Create Stepping Stones
and Beier 2012). The relationship between
species diversity and geophysical setting Existing conservation tools for creating
(elevation, slope, substrate, and aspect) sug- protected areas like purchase fee or ease-
290 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

ments, though valuable, are static and in- Enhance Synergies between Protected-Area
sufficient to maintain biodiversity over Design and Management for the Adaptation
time. To encourage investment at the size and Resilience of Human Communities to
and rate required, we must develop con- Climate Change
servation tools that are adaptive and dy-
Some of the impacts of climate change are
namic over time, in response to the chang-
unavoidable, but protected areas may offer
ing resource. New conservation tools such
options for biodiversity and society adapta-
as habitat exchange or bird return are de-
tion to these impacts (Heller and Zavaleta
signed to achieve spatially and temporally
2009; Welch 2005). By helping maintain
significant landscape-scale conservation
natural ecosystems and enhancing their re-
through participation from private land-
silience to climate change, protected areas
owners. The Habitat Exchange allows de-
can reduce the risk of disasters such as hur-
velopers to offset their impacts on habitat
ricanes, droughts, floods, and landslides,
and species by purchasing credits gener-
which will likely increase as a consequence
ated through conservation actions of pri-
of increasing temperature and deforesta-
vate landowners. The Birds Returns pro-
tion. In the same way, the protection of
gram typically pays farmers to flood their
natural ecosystems can contribute to secur-
fields at certain levels and certain times of
ing the supply of ecosystem services to local
the year to provide habitat for birds. Both
communities and providing additional in-
of these are dynamic, incentive-based ap-
surance against the predicted instability of
proaches that provide economic opportu-
agriculture, fisheries, and water resources.
nity for private landowners while deliver-
ing scientifically robust benefits to species
and habitat.

Enhance Synergies between

Climate change inspires us to rethink the
Protected-Area Design and
role of protected areas in biodiversity con-
Management to Mitigate Climate Change
servation and challenges us to systematically
Despite the described negative effects of think through their design and modification
climate change on natural reserve sys- in the context of realistic climate change
tems, protected areas may be an effective (Shaw et al. 2012). Many are doing just
response to climate change mitigation that. Several researchers have identified the
and adaptation (Thomas and Gillingham need for additional and connected reserves
2015; Hannah et al. 2007; Hole et al. 2009). to maintain current levels of representa-
Protected areas contribute directly to cli- tion and to compensate for future potential
mate change mitigation by avoiding de- losses (Araújo et al. 2004, 2011; Hannah et
forestation and thus reducing greenhouse al. 2007; Shaw et al. 2012). Some are be-
gas emissions into the atmosphere, by ginning to shift to thinking about process-
sequestering carbon and by offering op- oriented conservation goals, such as main-
portunities for restoration (Soares-Filho et taining ecological processes that sustain
al. 2010). Ecosystems represented within the ecosystem services, migration patterns,
global terrestrial protected areas store over species flow, and/or gene flow (Anderson
312 GtC, or 15 percent of the terrestrial and Ferree 2010; Stein and Shaw 2013),
carbon stock (Campbell et al. 2008). The which may promote species diversification
protection and management offered on the as well as the emergence of novel ecosys-
ground by these reserves will be essential tems. Novel ecosystems are combinations
to reduce carbon fluxes. and relative abundances of species that have
not previously occurred (Seastedt, Hobbs, Demonstrating proactive approaches for Australian
and Suding 2008). Although challenging for Odonata.” Journal of Applied Ecology 51 (5): 1273–1281.
managers under current conservation goals Campbell, Alison, Valerie Kapos, Igor Lysenko, Jorn
in which we attempt to restore such systems Scharlemann, Barney Dickson, Holly Gibbs, Matthew
back to natural conditions, novel ecosys- Hansen, and Lera Miles. 2008. Carbon Emissions from
tems can be managed to promote biodiver- Forest Loss in Protected Areas. UNEP World Conservation
sity and the delivery of key ecosystem ser- Monitoring Centre.
Dirzo, Rodolfo, Hillary S. Young, Mauro Galetti, Gerardo
vices (Jackson and Hobbs 2009). Given the Ceballos, Nick J. B. Isaac, and Ben Collen. 2014. “De-
magnitude, rate, timing, and intensity of faunation in the Anthropocene.” Science 345 (6195):
projected changes, some existing goals may 401–406.
no longer be relevant or attainable, and the Dudley, Nigel, Sue Stolton, Alexander Belokurov, Linda
role of protected areas may need to change. Krueger, Nik Lopoukhine, Kathy MacKinnon, Trevor
Sandwith, and Nik Sekhran. 2010. Natural Solutions: Protected
What will be needed is a commitment to Areas Helping People Cope with Climate Change. World Commis-
undertaking the challenging and psycho- sion of Protected Areas of the International Union for
logically demanding task of reconsidering Conservation of Nature (IUCN-WCPA), Nature Conser-
our conservation goals and the role of pro- vancy (TNC), UN Development Programme (UNDP),
tected areas in achieving them. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), World Bank, and
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
Folke, Carl, Steve Carpenter, Brian Walker, Marten
Scheffer, Thomas Elmqvist, Lance Gunderson, and C.
R E FE R E NCE S S. Holling. 2004. “Regime shifts, resilience, and bio-
diversity in ecosystem management.” Annual Review of
Anderson, Mark G., and Charles E. Ferree. 2010. “Con- Ecology Evolution and Systematics 35: 557–581. https://doi
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Extinction Risk from Climate Change

Guy Midgley and Lee Hannah

Extinction risk from climate change first made a major impact on international climate
change policy dialogue in 2004, following publication of the first global estimates of pos-
sible species losses due to climate change (Thomas et al. 2004). Following the publication of
these initial estimates, extinction risk was discussed in climate change debates in the House
of Lords and was the subject of US Senate hearings. While these and other, more multilateral
debates (as in the Convention for Biological Diversity and UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change) finally began to grapple with this issue, the concept of extinction risk itself
had much deeper roots in climate change biology.

One of the most important insights from preselected to cope with cooler conditions
paleoecology is that species’ ranges shift in and climate transitions. But all these Paleo
response to climate change. Such shifts have events offer at best hints of what the future
demonstrably been the overwhelming re- may hold. There is no exact past analog for
sponse of both plant and animal species to the warming that is now unfolding.
climate change for several millions of years. Beginning to quantify the possible scale
The process can even lead to speciation as of the extinction problem associated with
ranges are fragmented (e.g., Hewitt 2000). human-caused climate change was possible
However, these range shifts can also result only with the evolution of species distribu-
in extinction when species ranges run into tion models (ecological niche models) prior
barriers or are in competition with new to the 2004 landmark paper. Large-scale
species, or they can involve catastrophic modeling of thousands of species across
loss of range. In a corollary to this, regions continental or subcontinental domains
that experienced relatively less recent pa- emerged in the late 1990s, enabling authors
leoclimate change tend to have higher bio- to assess extinction risk and entire floras
diversity (Dynesius and Janssen 2013). and faunas. A group of these researchers
The lesson from paleoecology is that pooled several large-scale modeling efforts
context matters. Major extinction events in to produce the 2004 estimates.
the past 500 million years are associated, Although the first estimates of extinction
directly or indirectly, with climate change. risk from climate change attracted much
But some major climatic events are not as- public policy attention, they also garnered
sociated with megaextinction, although substantial scientific criticism. However,
they may have driven major shifts in domi- the general magnitude of extinction risk
nant taxa. The Paleocene-Eocene Ther- in these initial estimates has now been
mal Maxima (a rapid warming period), corroborated through several independent
for instance, is associated with the rise of studies (Malcolm et al. 2006; Sinervo 2010;
primates and many modern mammals but Urban 2015) and in theory (Deutsch et al.
with few global extinctions. More recently, 2008; see Plate 4). There is now little expert
there was a wave of extinctions as the world disagreement that climate change poses a
cooled into the ice ages but few extinctions major extinction risk, perhaps to hundreds
associated with the glacial and interglacial of thousands of species or more around the
transitions themselves. An explanation for
this is that the regime shift caused extinc- Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.
tions, but then the remaining species were ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

world, which appears to be strongly de- species extinction risk over the temperature
pendent on the rate of climate change (e.g., range of 2°C–3°C above preindustrial levels
O’Neill et al. 2017). but identified a logarithmic increase with
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate increasing temperature, indicating acceler-
Change (IPCC) published a consensus esti- ating risk of extinction. More detailed work
mate of species extinction (Fischlin et al. on several key taxonomic groupings and us-
2007) that used several of the studies in- ing even finer-grained species and climate
cluded in the 2004 Thomas study, together data (Warren et al. 2018) supports a finding
with several studies published subsequently. of an accelerating trend of projected species
It estimated that “approximately 20 to 30 geographic range loss. They report that the
percent of plant and animal species assessed number of species projected to lose over
so far (in an unbiased sample) are likely to half their range doubles between 1.5°C and
be at increasingly high risk of extinction as 2°C above the preindustrial baseline, an in-
global mean temperatures exceed a warm- crease of more than 8 times with 4.5°C of
ing of 2°C to 3°C above pre-industrial lev- warming.
els (medium confidence)” (Climate Change Whatever the proportional loss of spe-
2007, 213). This study was an advance on cies projected, it must be multiplied by the
Thomas et al. (2004) in the sense that the number of species in the world to estimate a
estimate was made after all local studies global extinction risk estimate. This is what
had been referenced to a global tempera- Thomas et al. did in the press release for the
ture increase, allowing for impacts to be 2004 study, to translate it for the media and
directly comparable on this temperature the public. With 6 million–10 million spe-
scale. This was a significant effort with the cies in the world, conservatively, 30 percent
tools of the day. IPCC authors deliberately risk translates to between 1.8 million and 3
steered away from the phrase “committed million species. The majority of these are
to extinction,” and the species area curve insects, so what happens to insects is criti-
technique, using rather the raw projections cal to these estimates. Few modeling stud-
of species losses due to projected total range ies have addressed large numbers of insects,
loss. The phrase “at increasingly high risk of but we know that most insect diversity is
extinction” was used to indicate a signifi- narrowly distributed in tropical forests,
cant threat to biodiversity. It was possible to where recent upticks in drought and fire as-
focus on a policy relevant global warming sociate with or are compounded by climate
range of 1.5°C–2.5°C above a 1980–1999 change, are of great concern.
average baseline (2°C–3°C above preindus- This risk of extinction is further intensi-
trial average baseline) temperatures because fied because of extensive human modifica-
of a concentration of studies in that range, tion of landscapes. The combination of spe-
allowing the authors to average a number cies ranges moving in response to climate
of studies. A simple linear regression on the change and human-dominated landscapes
results revealed a possible linear response full of hard edges is what the late Stephen
of extinction risk with warming, a trend Schneider referred to as “a no-brainer for an
that was described in a subsequent CBD re- extinction spasm.” In its most recent report,
port as a “roughly 10 percent increase with IPCC (Settele et al. 2015) concluded that “a
every degree C warming” (Convention on large fraction of species faces increased ex-
Biological Diversity 2009). tinction risk due to climate change during
Urban (2015) published a revised es- and beyond the 21st century, especially as
timate of extinction risk that used more climate change interacts with other pres-
studies and employed a superior weighting sures . . . (high confidence)” (Climate
system based on numbers of species per Change 2014, 275). This study explicitly
study. This study reduced the estimate of quantified how most plant species would
296 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

be unable to naturally shift their geograph- R E FE R E NCE S

ical ranges fast enough to keep pace with
projected rates of climate change in most Deutsch, Curtis A., Joshua J. Tewksbury, Raymond B.
Huey, Kimberly S. Sheldon, Cameron K. Ghalambor,
landscapes. Most small mammals and fresh- David C. Haak, and Paul R. Martin. 2008. “Impacts
water mollusks would also not be able to of climate warming on terrestrial ectotherms across
keep pace at rates projected under a RCP4.5 latitude.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105
emissions scenario in flat landscapes. (18): 6668–6672.
The question now is not so much Fischlin, A., G. F. Midgley, J. T. Price, R. Leemans, B.
Gopal, C. Turley, M. D. A. Rounsevell, O. P. Dube, J.
whether there is major extinction risk Tarazona, A. A. Velichko. 2007. “Ecosystems, their
from climate change, but rather how to go properties, goods, and services.” Climate Change 2007:
about addressing it. Cash-strapped conser- Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working
vation agencies in the tropics, where much Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental
of global biodiversity resides, are often Panel on Climate Change, ed. M. L. Parry, O. F. Canziani,
J. P. Palutikof, P. J. van der Linden, and C. E. Hanson,
too busy fighting urgent deforestation and 211–272. Cambridge University Press.
habitat loss to battle the long-term effects of Hewitt G. 2000. “The genetic legacy of the Quaternary
climate change. People living around pro- ice ages.” Nature 22: 907.
tected areas may suffer when local land-use Malcolm, Jay R., Canran Liu, Ronald P. Neilson, Lara
practices are overturned by climate change, Hansen, and Lee Hannah. 2006. “Global warming
and extinctions of endemic species from biodiversity
bringing them into conflict with protected hotspots.” Conservation Biology 20 (2): 538–548.
areas. People benefiting from tourism in Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
protected areas may see incomes and job 2009. Connecting Biodiversity and Climate Change Mitigation and
opportunities erode as habitat quality and Adaptation: Report of the Second Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group
species compositions are affected by cli- on Biodiversity and Climate Change. Technical Series No. 41.
Montreal: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological
mate change. For all these reasons, and for Diversity.
all these beneficiaries, it is important that Settele, J., R. Scholes, R. Betts, S. Bunn, P. Leadley, D.
the Global Climate Fund prioritize adapta- Nepstad, J. T. Overpeck, and M. A. Taboada. 2014.
tion of biodiversity and prevention of ex- “Terrestrial and inland water systems.” In Climate
tinctions due to climate change. Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A:
Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to
Fully understanding extinction risk from the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli-
climate change nonetheless presents a rich mate Change, ed. C. B. Field, V. R. Barros, D. J. Dokken,
and important research challenge. An accel- K. J. Mach, M. D. Mastrandrea, T. E. Bilir, M. Chatter-
erating increase in risk (e.g., Urban 2015) jee, et al., 271–359. Cambridge University Press.
should theoretically result because faunas Sinervo, Barry, Fausto Mendez-De-La-Cruz, Donald B.
Miles, Benoit Heulin, Elizabeth Bastiaans, Maricela
and floras have evolved under the relative Villagrán-Santa Cruz, Rafael Lara-Resendiz, et al.
cool conditions of the Pleistocene. Global 2010. “Erosion of lizard diversity by climate change
biodiversity has for several million years not and altered thermal niches.” Science 328 (5980):
been exposed to levels of warmth approach- 894–899.
ing that projected for the next few decades. Thomas, Chris D., Alison Cameron, Rhys E. Green, Mi-
chel Bakkenes, Linda J. Beaumont, Yvonne C. Colling-
It might be expected that concentrations ham, Malcolm, Guy Midgley, Lee Hannah, et al. 2004.
of biodiversity of relatively recent origin “Extinction risk from climate change.” Nature 427
would show the highest susceptibility. (6970): 148.
Fully integrated effects resulting from Urban, Mark C. 2015. “Accelerating extinction risk from
shifts in disturbance regimes, and the direct climate change.” Science 348 (6234): 571–573.
Warren, R., J. Price, J. VanDerWal, S. Cornelius, and H.
effects of rising CO2 especially on plants, Sohl. 2018. “The implications of the United Nations
are not accounted for in niche-based mod- Paris Agreement on climate change for globally sig-
els, but they may also represent a signifi- nificant biodiversity areas.” Climatic Change 147 (3–4):
cant shock to biodiversity (e.g., Midgley and 395–409.
Bond 2015). The potential of such effects for Warren, R., J. Price, J. VanDerWal, E. Graham, and N.
Forstenhauesler. (in press). Science.
extinction risk has not yet been calculated.
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Human well-being is inextricably linked
to ecosystem processes. The success of so-
Ecosystem-Based cieties is predicated on past, current, and
future states of the natural environment,
Adaptation and humans have struggled to adapt their
systems to changes in ecosystem processes
CAITLIN LITTLEFIELD, ERIK NELSON, for millennia. Periods of unsuccessful ad-
BENJAMIN J. DITTBRENNER, aptation have led to societal distress (Parker
JOHN WITHEY, K ATIE K. ARKEMA, 2013). Functioning ecosystems and the ser-
AND JOSHUA J. LAWLER vices they provide may, in many cases, sup-
ply humans with the best opportunities to
adapt under climate change.
Ecosystem services are the benefits that
people obtain from ecosystems. Although
any classification scheme belies the inter-
connectedness of these services, they are
most frequently identified as supporting
services that underpin all others (e.g., pri-
mary production, nutrient cycling), provi-
sioning services (e.g., providing food, fibers,
natural medicines), regulating services (e.g.,
climate regulation, water purification), and
cultural services (e.g., recreational oppor-
tunities, spiritual importance; Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment 2003). Some services
can be replaced by technology at low cost,
whereas other large-scale services have no
feasible substitutes. Biodiversity is a con-
tributing factor to sustainable delivery of
these services, and redundancy in ecosys-
tem functionality that accompanies healthy,
biodiverse ecosystems further ensures both
natural and human system stability.
Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) strat-
egies “harness the capacity of nature to
buffer human communities against the ad-
verse impacts of climate change through
the sustainable delivery of ecosystem ser-
vices” (Jones et al. 2012). EbA leverages and
aims to protect ecosystem services to build
adaptive capacity, resistance, and resilience
into human systems (Box 23.1). EbA can

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ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

Box 23.1 Glossary

Agroecosystem: A holistic agricultural mate change that primarily relate to

system that is typically small scale and social systems, knowledge transfer,
that leverages natural ecosystem pro- and human behavior (e.g., liveli-
cesses (e.g., nutrient cycling, energy hood diversification, establishment
flows, biotic interactions between of early warning systems).
diverse species) in management Soil organic carbon (SOC): The pool
practices in a way that minimizes of carbon occurring in organic
synthetic inputs. form in the soil, usually contained
Carbon sequestration: The removal in soil organic matter (e.g., dead
and storage of carbon dioxide from plant and animal tissue, decompo-
the atmosphere and into carbon sinks sition by-products, soil microbial
(e.g., oceans, vegetation, geologic for- biomass). It is the primary source
mations deep underground) through of energy for soil microorganisms
physical or biological processes. and serves as a good proxy for soil
Green infrastructure: Any of a variety biodiversity.
of stormwater-management tech- Sea-level rise (SLR): The global
niques, installations, or systems that and local rise in sea level due to a
use vegetation, soils, and natural change in ocean volume. A volume
processes as compared to engineered change can result from an increase
water collection systems of storm in the amount (i.e., mass) of water
drains and pipes. in the oceans (e.g., due to melt-
Hard adaptation approaches: Strate- ing ice caps) and from the thermal
gies for adapting to climate change expansion of ocean water as its
that tend to use specific technologies, temperature rises. Changes in salin-
infrastructure, and actions that may ity may also have an impact on sea
require more capital goods and be level.
more permanent than other adapta- Urban greenspace: Lands in urban
tion approaches (e.g., sea walls to areas that are primarily covered
ward against sea-level rise). by vegetation. Greenspaces can be
Resilience: The capacity of a human or publically or privately owned, and
natural system to regain the essen- include a variety of maintenance
tial components and processes that and management regimes from golf
characterize the system after a per- courses and cemeteries to protected
turbation or various stressors. Thresh- natural forests.
olds or tipping points are crossed Urban heat island (UHI): The com-
when a system does not return to mon phenomenon of warmer air
its characteristic state following a and surface temperatures in urban
perturbation. areas compared to nearby rural
Resistance: The capacity of a human or areas. The pavement and dark build-
natural system to maintain its essen- ing materials of urban areas have
tial components and processes despite lower albedo—they do not reflect as
a perturbation or various stressors. much solar energy. The temperature
differential, typically 1°C–3°C on an
Soft adaptation approaches: Strategies annual basis for a city of 1 million,
for helping communities adapt to cli- can be as high as 12°C at night.
complement “soft” adaptation approaches of climate change, for example, by increas-
such as livelihood diversification or replace ing soil biodiversity, maintaining pollina-
“hard” adaptation approaches, which use tor habitat, and ensuring sustainable water
specific technologies and capital goods and provisioning.
are often engineered, infrastructure-based Farmers can improve yields by increas-
interventions (Jones et al. 2012; Morris ing biodiversity in their soils. For example,
et al. 2018). wheat yield in the Scania region of Sweden
Like ecosystem services, EbA approaches increased by 3.2 Mg ha-1 when soil organic
transcend rigid categorization; many over- carbon (SOC) content—a proxy indicator
lap and reinforce one another. Here, for of soil biodiversity (de Vries et al. 2013)—
illustrative purposes, we focus on five was increased from 7.9 g kg-1 of soil to 19 g
broadly defined environments: agricul- kg-1 of soil (Brady et al. 2015). An examina-
tural landscapes, urban areas, coastal zones, tion of the relationship between 2009 crop
freshwater, and forests. We identify several yield, growing season weather, and SOC
ecosystem services generated in each en- across all of Europe for multiple crops cor-
vironment, how climate change has and roborates the positive impact SOC can have
will affect these services, and potential EbA on yields at the margin, especially when
strategies to maintain them. We also iden- growing season weather is not ideal (see
tify related EbA co-benefits and alternative shaded leaf nodes in Figure 23.1).
interventions. We conclude with a discus- Activities that increase SOC, such as add-
sion of both the opportunities and potential ing manure to the soil and including cover
pitfalls of EbA. crops in rotations (Alvarez 2005), generate
both direct and opportunity costs (e.g., a ro-
tation of cover crops means no marketable
M A I N TA I N I NG AGR IC U LT U R A L yield that season or year). If, however, the
PRODUCTIV IT Y increase in yield from enhanced SOC out-
weighs costs, farmers will have an incentive
Climate change is expected to lengthen to increase SOC. Furthermore, the societal
growing seasons, alter rainfall patterns, co-benefits generated by greater SOC lev-
increase the frequency of extreme weather els, including reduced need for chemical
events, and shift both pest and pest-preda- fertilizers (and therefore reduced eutrophi-
tor ranges (Wheeler and von Braun 2013). cation) and reduced atmospheric CO2 con-
Given current agricultural production tech- centrations, may make it optimal for gov-
nology, these changes are expected to make ernments to subsidize SOC investments.
global agricultural production more vari- Increasing pollination capacity is an-
able over space and time (Asseng et al. 2015) other EbA strategy to buttress food produc-
and apply downward pressure on average tion from adverse climate change impacts
yields around the world (Rosenzweig et al. (Hannah et al. 2017). Globally, 75 percent
2014). Technological improvements in agri- of all human-consumed crops require in-
cultural production will ameliorate some of sect pollination (Klein et al. 2007), yet
climate change’s negative impacts on yields widespread declines in pollinator abun-
(Abberton et al. 2016). In addition, produc- dance, mostly due to habitat conversion, are
tion farmers (as opposed to subsistence compromising the quality and quantity of
farmers) may change seed varieties, adjust food production. Ensuring pollination ser-
irrigation and fertilizer amounts, and mod- vices requires coordinated action across ag-
ify planting and harvesting dates to better ricultural landscapes, as ecosystem services
adapt production to the changing climate.1 mediated by mobile organisms like pollina-
Finally, farmers may also leverage ecosys- tors are affected by management at scales
tem services to maintain yields in the face larger than individual farms (Cong et al.
300 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

Figure 23.1. Classification tree for 2009 crop yields in For example, the higher-yield “8/10” leaf (with dashed
Europe as explained by growing season weather and black border at bottom) indicates that eight Western
SOC. The tree represents the partitioning of 2009 crop- Europe yield observations with higher yields did not
specific growing season weather and SOC across Europe experience very extreme growing season weather and
that best explains a sample of observed 2009 yields. Ob- had an SOC of 25 g kg-1 or more. In contrast, only two
served yields are either placed in the lower-yield bin (a lower Western European yields had similar weather and
bottom 50th percentile yield observation for the given soil conditions. In other words, observations on this
crop) or the higher-yield bin (a top 50th percentile yield branch are predicted to have a top half yield. The other
observation for the given crop). At each node a yes to the SOC node, SOC ≥ 23, indicates that observations with
weather or soil characteristic means a move to the left that branch’s growing season weather profile are much
best fits the data and a no means a move to the right best more likely to have a top half yield if SOC < 23 g kg-1.
fits the data (Loh 2011; Varian 2014). A yes on the East- In other words, in this leaf’s particular growing season
ern Europe nodes indicates that the observation is from weather profile, too much SOC is associated with lower
Eastern Europe. Eastern European farms tend to use less yields. All in all, SOC impacts yield at the margin while
chemical inputs and are less capitalized than their West- growing season weather and agricultural investment
ern European counterparts. At the end of each branch, (crudely represented by Eastern vs. Western European
called a leaf, the first number gives the count of observa- observations) are the main drivers of observed yields.
tions on that branch that are in the given yield bin and See for
the second is the number of observations on that branch. more details on this analysis.

2014). Economists have demonstrated that is projected to become drier while southern
small payments encourage farmers to pro- China gets wetter (Piao et al. 2010). Such
vide pollinator habitat when accompanied changes will force northern farmers to
by larger fines for any subsequent habitat adopt more drought-tolerant crops or, less
destruction (Cong et al. 2014). likely, devise ways to transport water from
As global demand for food grows and south to north (Piao et al. 2010). In other
rainfall patterns change, farmers will in- places, climate change may cause increased
creasingly look to irrigation as an adapta- precipitation in the winter and decreased
tion measure. For example, northern China precipitation during the growing season.
Storing non-growing-season precipitation cities, sea-level rise (SLR) and storm surge
in networks of constructed retention ponds are direct consequences of climate change
and restored wetlands could ensure water that require management. (We address SLR
availability during increasingly dry grow- management specifically in the coastal-zone
ing seasons (Baker et al. 2012) while also section.) Green infrastructure and urban
reducing flood risk and providing wildlife greenspace are two related EbA approaches
habitat. that can be used to address many of these is-
Farmers of agroecosystems, subsistence sues related to heat and water management.
farmers, and small-scale farmers generally Green infrastructure alternatives to the
tend to rely much more heavily on ecosys- hard or “gray” infrastructure typically used
tem services to manage uncertainty and for stormwater management (e.g., drains,
environmental variability than do large- pipes) include green roofs, bioswales, rain
scale production farmers (Tengö and Bel- gardens, and constructed retention ponds
frage 2004). Grazing animals on crop fields and wetlands. The vegetation and soils as-
and including grasses in crop rotations are sociated with green infrastructure intercept
two tactics still widely used by subsistence precipitation and reduce the rate and vol-
farmers to maintain SOC and biodiversity. ume of runoff (Gill et al. 2007; Pappalardo
Intercropping and maintenance of pollina- et al. 2017). For example, a project in Seattle,
tor and natural pest habitat also help main- Washington, that included bioswales, re-
tain acceptable yields. Although these agri- tention ponds, and a series of stepped pools
cultural systems are much more sustainable retained 99 percent of wet-season runoff
than the high-yield systems described (Horner et al. 2004). Similarly, a review of
above, their low productivity means that green roofs in German cities showed that
they will not contribute significantly to intensive green roofs (with substrate >150
global food supplies. Instead, if the global mm) could retain 75 percent of annual run-
agriculture system is to become more re- off (Mentens et al. 2006). In other words,
silient to climate change, the more input- green infrastructure can mitigate urban
intensive farmers will have to adopt agro- flooding by storing some of the excess
ecosystem techniques that are compatible water created by a storm. Further, any ur-
with high-yield farming. ban drought after an extreme precipitation
event can be alleviated by the slow release
of this excess water.
M A K I NG U R BA N L I V I NG MOR E Ground and rooftop plantings in lieu of
SUSTA I NA BL E conventional dark materials and pavement
reduces the UHI in general and may reduce
According to the United Nations (2014), mortality impact of a heat wave specifically
66 percent of the world’s population will (Li et al. 2014). Alternatively, “white” and
live in urban areas by 2050, which means “cool” roofs, or even lighter-colored pave-
that the majority of the world’s people will ments that have higher albedo, can reduce
directly experience climate change and at- the UHI and the effects of heat waves, al-
tempt to adapt to it in the urban environ- though these approaches do not moderate
ment. Warmer temperatures will exacer- stormwater runoff. Co-benefits of green in-
bate the urban heat island (UHI) effect and frastructure include water-quality improve-
the frequencies of extreme weather events ments due to filtration of natural pollutants
are expected to increase in urban areas. Ex- and a reduction of water temperatures, aes-
treme heat and precipitation events in cities thetic values of plantings, the potential for
increase human mortality rates and ham- wildlife and pollinator habitat provision-
per the ability of infrastructure to perform ing, and opportunities for small-scale urban
adequately (IPCC 2014). In many coastal agriculture.
302 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

Expanding and conserving existing ur- (IPCC 2014). Conserving existing ecosys-
ban greenspaces in and around cities— tems, restoring degraded ones, and pursu-
from pocket parks to vegetated corridors ing integrated management to reduce the
to protected forests—provide myriad eco- cumulative risks from local stressors all
system services and inherently entail EbA. have the potential to enhance and main-
Forested lands and street trees increase tain the functioning of coastal and marine
evaporative cooling and shade pavement, ecosystems and the benefits they provide
which help reduce the magnitude of the (Ruckelshaus et al. 2014; Morris et al. 2018).
UHI, the impacts of heat waves, and energy Below we discuss these EbA strategies in
consumption (e.g., for air conditioning; light of two important services: coastal
Parmova et al. 2012). For example, adding storm protection and fisheries production.
just 10 percent green cover to urbanized Rising seas and potential increases in the
parts of Greater Manchester, in the United intensity and frequency of storms pose risks
Kingdom, is projected to keep maximum to the 200 million people living in coastal
summer surface temperatures at 29°C in regions worldwide (IPCC 2014). By attenu-
the 2080s, compared to 32°C with current ating waves and storm surge, coastal and
cover and 35°C with a 10 percent loss of marine ecosystems such as wetlands, coral
green cover (Gill et al. 2007). reefs, and coastal forests can help reduce
Restoring native species or planting the impacts of such hazards (Shepard et al.
drought-resistant species or hybrids can 2011; Arkema et al. 2013). Conserving ex-
help ensure urban tree health while also isting habitats and restoring degraded ones
promoting biodiversity in plantings, which in regions with low-lying sandy and muddy
helps prevent outbreaks of species-specific coastlines (e.g., the US east and gulf coasts)
diseases and pests (Alvey 2006; Paap et al. may effectively halve the number of people
2017), particularly if urban trees are al- at high risk under climate change (Arkema
ready experiencing climate-related stress. et al. 2013) (Figure 23.2). Funded by the US
Co-benefits of increased greenspaces, espe- federal government in the wake of the 2012
cially urban forests, include carbon seques- storm Hurricane Sandy, several innovative
tration, improved air quality, psychological projects involve building reefs to serve as
benefits, and opportunities for recreation, “natural breakwaters” to attenuate waves
in addition to other benefits enumerated and reduce erosion while providing habi-
above and in the forest discussion below. tat for fish, shellfish, and lobsters.2 Leverag-
ing ecosystems for coastal defense is often
less costly to implement and maintain than
COASTA L STOR M PROT E CTION hard infrastructure approaches including
A N D F ISH E R IE S PRODUCTION seawalls and levees (Morris et al. 2018).
Increasing ocean temperatures and
Coastal and marine ecosystems provide changing water chemistry are disrupting
a diversity of benefits. Fish and shellfish the delivery of marine food and the live-
are important sources of sustenance and lihoods that facilitate this service (Pinsky
protein, and many coastal habitats protect and Mantua 2014; Weatherdon et al. 2016).
infrastructure from storm surge and offer For example, in the northwestern Atlantic,
opportunities for recreation and aesthetic 24 out of 36 commercially exploited fish
enjoyment. However, ocean acidification showed significant range (latitudinal and
and warming are leading to shifts in the depth) shifts between 1968 and 2007 due to
distribution of economically and ecologi- warming water (Nye et al. 2009). Changes
cally important ecosystems and species, in water chemistry affect the calcification
while more frequent and intense storms rates of marine organisms (IPCC 2014),
increase the threat to coastal infrastructure many of which are an important food

Figure 23.2. Exposure of the US coastline and coastal and marine protected areas (MPAs) to safe-
populations to sea-level rise in 2100 (A2 scenario) and guard biodiverse sites and sustain fish stocks
storms. Darker colors indicate regions with more ex-
posure to coastal hazards (index >3.36). The bar graph
to ensure food security in coastal areas.3
shows the population living in areas most exposed to Although alternative approaches to marine
hazards (darkest 1 km2 coastal segments in the map) food production such as aquaculture may
with protection provided by habitats (dotted bars) and offset some climate impacts on natural sys-
the increase in population exposed to hazards if habitats tems, these alternatives come with risks of
were lost owing to climate change or human impacts
(white bars). Letters on the x-axis represent US state ab-
disease, habitat destruction, and pollution
breviations. This figure first appeared in the journal Na- (Ruckelshaus et al. 2014).
ture Climate Change (Arkema et al. 2013). Conservation, restoration, and integrated
management of coastal and marine ecosys-
source (e.g., oysters) or provide important tems have numerous co-benefits. Seagrasses
nursery and adult habitats for fishes (e.g., and mangroves sequester carbon, such that
corals). Coral conservation is particularly degradation and conversion of these sys-
challenging in tropical systems where pol- tems globally release 0.15–1.02 Pg CO2 an-
lution, sedimentation, and unsustainable nually and result in damages of US$6–$42
fishing stressors have not been addressed as billion annually (Pendleton et al. 2012).
successfully as in other parts of the world Healthy coastal and marine ecosystems also
(Ruckelshaus et al. 2014). Efforts such as the provide tourism opportunities and support
multilateral Coral Triangle Initiative draw livelihoods in this sector. Given these addi-
on ecosystem-based fisheries management tional co-benefits, EbA approaches are often
304 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

superior to other options, but they do have bucco et al. 2008). These approaches also
their challenges. In the case of coastal pro- increase soil moisture and groundwater
tection services, perceptions of risk can be recharge, thereby providing direct benefits
higher with green infrastructure than with for agriculture, facilitating downstream
built systems, and thus challenging to im- groundwater withdrawals, and reducing
plement. Likewise, fisheries management fire risk (Ellison et al. 2017), among other
can require coordination among many en- forest-related co-benefits identified in the
tities, making it particularly challenging. forest discussion below.
It is likely that climate change will fur-
ther reduce water availability in areas cur-
M A I N TA I N I NG F R E SH WAT E R rently suffering from water scarcity (Gos-
R E SOU RC E S ling and Arnell 2016). Indeed, 1.3 billion
people already live in water-scarce regions,
Climate change is projected to substantially and global warming of 2°C, 3.5°C, and
and nonlinearly affect surface water and 5°C are projected to expose an additional 8
groundwater resources. These impacts are percent, 11 percent, and 13 percent of the
likely to progress more quickly in heavily world population to greater water scarcity,
populated areas (Gerten et al. 2013). Geo- respectively (Gerten et al. 2013). Beyond
graphic and temporal shifts in precipitation the problem of limited water for direct
regimes will interact with changing tem- human consumption and agricultural pur-
peratures to create more prolonged drought poses, water shortages may result in habi-
or, conversely, flooding associated with ex- tat loss for pollinators and other species of
treme weather events (IPCC 2014), impacts economic importance, increased threat of
that will be felt most acutely in heavily pop- forest fires, and saltwater intrusion into
ulated areas (Gerten et al. 2013). overdrawn aquifers. Substantial efficiencies
Traditional flood management strategies, can be achieved in water use by adopting
such as straightening river channels and practices such as upgrading leaky water-
building dikes and levees, are vulnerable delivery systems, recycling wastewater, and
to failure and largely pass potential flood- implementing more efficient agricultural
ing problems downstream. EbA strategies practices (IPCC 2014).
for reducing the impact of floods enable Some of these solutions, however, may
excess water to spread into side channels be prohibitively expensive and will of-
and beyond riverbanks, where it slows and fer little benefit if natural ecosystems and
infiltrates soils, thereby reconnecting rivers processes that augment or ensure water
with floodplains, and holding excess water provisioning are not protected. As noted in
in natural areas above population centers the forest discussion, forest ecosystems are
(Palmer et al. 2009). Stream and riparian critical for the sustainable water delivery
restoration that increases large woody de- to over a third of the world’s largest cities
bris, structural habitat, and channel com- (Dudley and Stolten 2003). The protection
plexity encourages incised channels to ag- of high-elevation wetlands and peatlands—
grade (Palmer et al. 2009) and improves such as the Andean bofedales—may be criti-
overall ecosystem health (Thompson et al. cal for the persistence of pastoral native
2018). Beyond the stream channel, affor- communities in otherwise inhospitable
estation and reforestation increase evapo- environments; these fragile ecosystems
transpiration and can prolong snow cover, are extremely sensitive to climatic changes
thereby reducing downstream flooding by (Squeo et al. 2006). Elsewhere, natural
up to 54 percent in drier areas and 15 per- and constructed wetlands have been effec-
cent in more humid areas, as demonstrated tively used to retain surface water, recharge
in four South American case studies (Tra- groundwater, and filter out pollutants; these
systems can be more cost-effective and per- stream large woody debris, riparian forests
manent than treatment facilities (Jones et maintain thermal refugia for temperature-
al. 2012). Natural ecosystem engineers like sensitive species, such as spawning salmon
beavers (Castor canadensis) have been used to (Palmer et al. 2009). Although conservation
increase water retention and hydrologic and restoration of these natural coastal and
stability through their creation of wetland inland buffering systems can require mul-
complexes where wetlands would other- tiscale and cross-sector coordination for
wise not exist (Dittbrenner et al. 2018). Al- successful maintenance, the co-benefits and
though these EbA strategies are promising, cost savings compared to dams, levees, and
realization of large-scale adaptation goals other shoreline defense approaches can be
will require watershed assessments, long- considerable (Jones et al. 2012).
term planning, synchronization of multiple As described above, changes in precipi-
cross-watershed entities, and close coor- tation regimes may necessitate greater wa-
dination with local populations to ensure ter storage capacity and filtration—services
stakeholder buy-in. that forest vegetation and soils afford. Al-
ready many municipalities have realized
significant cost savings from investing in
M A I N TA I N I NG T H E BE N E F ITS T H AT the forested watershed conservation (e.g.,
F OR E STS PROV I DE the Catskill-Delaware watershed north of
New York City) instead of water purification
Humans derive many benefits from forests, infrastructure, which requires initial capi-
from local to global scales. For example, tal and continued maintenance. Elsewhere,
one-third of the world’s largest cities obtain tropical montane cloud forests are prime
a significant proportion of their drinking candidates for continued conservation in a
water directly from protected forests (Dud- changing climate, as they play an important
ley and Stolten 2003). Conserving the bio- role in water supplies: water vapor con-
diversity and processes of forest ecosystems denses on foliage and flows into streams,
and restoring the integrity and resilience significantly augmenting water availability
of degraded ones are primary strategies from rainfall in drier, low-elevation areas
for leveraging forests for climate change (Ellison et al. 2017). By contrast, deforesta-
adaptation. tion throughout Amazonia increases runoff
Restoration of coastal forests can mini- and water discharge at local scales and—as
mize inland flooding and coastal storm- demonstrated with simulations—affects
surge events, which are projected to the water balance, hydrology, and surface
become more frequent and greater in mag- temperatures across the entire Amazon Ba-
nitude (IPCC 2014). From riparian forests sin and likely globally (Foley et al. 2007).
to coastal mangroves, vegetation structure Along with deforestation and degrada-
physically slows water flow, attenuates wave tion, a major threat to ecosystem services
and tidal energy, and stores water through from forests is forest fires. From Australia
plant uptake, thus minimizing the threat to North America, synergistic effects of
of flooding. Indeed, fewer lives were lost climate change–related drivers are fueling
in coastal communities with healthy man- more catastrophic forest fires. For example,
grove forests than those without during earlier snowmelt and drought conditions
the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami (Das and in the western United States are interact-
Vincent 2009). Mangroves additionally cap- ing with increasingly widespread mountain
ture nutrient-rich sediments in their root pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreaks
structures and maintain important habitat as the species’ range expands (Loehman et
for birds, fish, and other marine species. al. 2016). Combined with a management
Similarly, through shading and inputs of in- legacy of fire suppression and selective
306 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

harvesting, these climate-related stressors CONC LUSION

may contribute to larger fires and longer
fire seasons (Westerling et al. 2006). Man- From agricultural lands to cities, from rivers
agers in fire-prone areas can ameliorate this and oceans to forests, the EbA approaches
stress and reestablish system resilience by discussed above create a deep, diverse suite
restoring the patterns and processes typi- of co-benefits that technological adaptation
cal of healthy, fire-prone forests—for ex- measures do not. Whether the values of
ample, through thinning and prescribed these co-benefits are high enough to make
burning to reduce fuel loads and minimize EbA strategies preferable to technological
the threat of catastrophic fires (Calkin et al. adaptations is an ongoing question. EbA
2014). This ecosystem-based approach in approaches are usually more holistic and
turn decreases the tremendous costs associ- proactive in design than conventional inter-
ated with firefighting, both in dollars and ventions, which may be more reactive and
in lives. focused on singular goals (e.g., levees for
Beyond the ways in which forest con- flood control; Jones et al. 2012). However,
servation—particularly in the tropics—can quantifying the future benefits of EbA can
help communities and society adapt to cli- be challenging given the difficulty of ac-
mate change, co-benefits associated with curately modeling ecosystems and a lack of
these adaptation strategies are innumerable. consensus on how to place values on non-
For example, non-timber-forest products marketed ecosystem services for compari-
including food, fiber, and fuel are especially son purposes. These methodological dif-
important for subsistence livelihoods. With ficulties can make engineered approaches
regard to human health, higher levels of more compelling because the costs and
tree cover in upstream watersheds are as- outcomes of such interventions are more
sociated with lower probabilities of child- easily quantified (Morris et al. 2018). Fur-
hood diarrheal disease in downstream rural thermore, the time frame over which the
communities across 35 developing nations primary benefits of EbA measures material-
(Herrera et al. 2017). It has also been found ize may not always coincide with more im-
that tropical forest cover can moderate the mediate adaptation needs. Thus, successful
spread of infectious disease through regu- selection of adaptation measures requires
lating pathogen populations and their hosts. identifying the contexts in which a given
For example, in the Peruvian Amazon, the measure provides competitive adaptation
biting rates of mosquitoes that are the pri- options, even if primary services are not
mary malaria vector in South America were delivered for many years (Jones et al. 2012).
found to be 278 times higher in deforested Such accounting must also consider that
areas than in areas that remained forested EbA strategies—especially conservation and
(Vittor et al. 2006). Furthermore, biodiver- restoration ones—may be self-renewing
sity within these systems has yielded myr- and are inherently plastic whereas hard in-
iad medicinal natural products (Foley et al. frastructure and engineering solutions may
2007). Finally, the climate change mitiga- end up mismatched to future conditions.
tion potential of forests is immense. The In the best of circumstances, EbA ap-
global forest carbon sink rate is estimated proaches coincide with and reinforce hu-
to be 2.4 Pg C/yr (Pan et al. 2011), although man health and poverty alleviation goals.
emissions from tropical deforestation and For example, global health experts have
degradation effectively halve this rate. In hypothesized that climate change, defores-
terms of climate change adaptation strate- tation, poverty, and civil unrest interacted
gies, there are no fathomable human-built to set the stage for the 2014 West African
alternatives to tropical forest conservation Ebola outbreak (Bausch and Schwarz 2014).
that deliver comparable co-benefits. A prolonged dry season, linked to extreme
deforestation and climate trends, may have subsidize maize or sugar production may incentivize farmers
to continue planting crops not best suited for the emerging cli-
driven the rural poor deeper into remain- mate. Unless subsidy policies are sensitive to climate change,
ing forests in search of food and wood. As regulatory inflexibility is likely to make global agriculture less
they expanded their geographic range and resilient to climate change.
2. See
the variety of species they hunted, their risk -projects. In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in 2012, President
of exposure to Ebola and other zoonotic Obama launched Rebuild by Design, a design competition, to
pathogens increased. As exemplified in this stimulate the development of innovative solutions for address-
ing the affected region’s most complex needs. Funded projects
case, strategies for poverty alleviation and are showcased at this webpage.
forest restoration for EbA may reinforce 3. See The Coral
one another, although the danger remains Triangle Initiative is a multilateral partnership of six countries
working together to sustain marine and coastal resources by ad-
that such EbA efforts may unintentionally dressing crucial issues including food security, climate change,
undermine development efforts (e.g., con- and marine biodiversity.
servation schemes that disenfranchise or
exclude local peoples; Tallis et al. 2008).
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (28):

Climate Change To reduce the effects of climate change

on humans and biodiversity, there is a
Mitigation need not only to adapt to climate change
impacts that cannot be avoided but also
Using Terrestrial to mitigate climate change, that is, to re-
duce the sources and enhance the sinks of
Ecosystems: Options greenhouse gases (GHGs). Mitigation can
be undertaken in a wide variety of ways,
and Biodiversity targeting all the different sources of GHG
emissions. Land-use change is one of the
Impacts largest sources of GHGs. Land manage-
ment for climate change mitigation, here
MONIK A BERTZK Y, REBECCA C. BROCK, referred to as ecosystem-based mitigation,
LER A MILE S, AND VALERIE K APOS can substantially reduce carbon emissions,
and thus provides an important tool for
countries’ contributions to achieving the
objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement
(Griscom et al. 2017). Some mitigation op-
tions, such as protecting forests, retain and
enhance carbon stocks and make a positive
contribution to biodiversity conservation.
However, some mitigation practices can
affect biodiversity in ways that may com-
pound the more direct impacts of climate
change on biodiversity and ecosystem ser-
vices (outlined in previous chapters). This
chapter explores the role of ecosystems in
climate change mitigation, the impacts of
mitigation policies on ecosystems and bio-
diversity, and the importance of safeguards
in the endeavor to balance different policy


The degradation or destruction of eco-

systems can cause carbon stored in their
biomass and soils to be released as GHGs,
such as carbon dioxide (CO2). The quantity

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

of GHGs emitted depends on the original developing countries, and some funders are
and the “new” use of the land as well as making resources available to support this.
on longer-term land management. Some Such incentives would cover five activities,
ecosystems have particularly high potential collectively referred to as REDD+: (1) re-
to contribute to climate change mitigation. ducing emissions from deforestation and
These include forests, wetlands, coastal (2) from forest degradation, plus (3)  con-
ecosystems, and drylands. Management of servation of forest carbon stocks, (4)  sus-
agricultural ecosystems offers great poten- tainable management of forest, and (5) en-
tial for mitigation. hancement of forest carbon stocks.
REDD+ has the potential to contribute
substantially to climate change mitigation
Mitigation Measures Targeting
and thus to achievement of the goals in
Forest: REDD+
the Paris Agreement and to help meet the
The largest emissions from land-use change objectives of the New York Declaration on
result from conversion of mature tropi- Forests (halving natural forest loss by 2020,
cal forest to agricultural land to produce and striving to end it by 2030), endorsed by
both food and bioenergy crops, and from world leaders at the UN Secretary-General’s
the burning and drainage of tropical peat- Climate Summit in 2014. Although the five
swamp forests and soils (van der Werf et REDD+ activities are not further defined,
al. 2009). In 2015, about 30.6 percent of they are widely interpreted as applying to
the world’s terrestrial surface (just under (1) forests under direct deforestation pres-
4 billion ha) was covered by forests, stor- sure, (2) forests under direct degradation
ing about 296 gigatons of biomass carbon pressure, (3) forests not under direct pres-
(Food and Agriculture Organization of the sure but acting as important carbon sinks,
United Nations [FAO] 2016). The global rate (4) forests used for their resources, and
of net annual forest loss more than halved (5) areas that provide opportunities for for-
from 7.2 million ha in the 1990s, and the est restoration (including degraded forest),
current net annual decrease in forest area reforestation, or afforestation. REDD+ thus
is still very large: about 3.3 million ha, av- addresses the different sources of GHG emis-
eraged over the period 2010–2015 (FAO sions, and opportunities for sequestration,
2016). In addition, roughly 20 percent of the in the forest sector and from deforestation.
world’s remaining forests are degraded (Po- Ecosystems and biodiversity play a role in
tapov, Laestadius, and Minnemeyer 2011), each of the REDD+ activities. Intact natural
often through selective timber harvesting forests are more resilient to climate change
and damage caused to surrounding vegeta- than degraded, often less biodiverse forests
tion (Pearson, Brown, and Casarim 2014). (Miles et al. 2010). Conserving these areas
Over the decade 2007–2016, CO2 emissions thus helps maintain not only important for-
from land use change (including deforesta- est carbon reservoirs but also the ecosys-
tion, afforestation, logging and associated tem’s natural resilience and biodiversity.
forest degradation, shifting cultivation, and
regrowth of forests following wood harvest
or abandonment of agriculture) accounted
for about 12 percent of the world’s total
carbon emissions (Le Quéré et al. 2018; see
also Figure 24.1).
Management of Non-Forest Ecosystems
The UN Framework Convention on Cli-
mate Change (UNFCCC) has agreed on key Ecosystems such as peatlands, littoral zones,
components to provide financial incentives and dryland ecosystems have great potential
to reduce forest-related GHG emissions in to contribute to climate change mitigation.
312 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

Figure 24.1. Forest cover loss in Paraguay between 2000 much larger than that in its aboveground
and 2012 (map) and emissions/removals of CO2 equiva- biomass (Scharlemann et al. 2014). Peat
lents associated with net forest change over the same pe-
riod of time (graph). Sources: Walcott et al. 2015 (using data
soils and coastal sediments are particularly
from PNC-ONU REDD+ Paraguay 2011, The Global Land rich in carbon given their density, depth,
Cover Facility 2006) by permission of UNEP-WCMC; and anaerobic conditions, so CO2 emissions
Hansen et al. 2013 (map), and FAOSTAT 2014 (graph). from soil and sediment are of particular
concern in these ecosystems. The world’s
Whereas their aboveground biomass may be wetlands are also the largest natural source
lower than that of forests, the carbon stored of methane (Turetsky et al. 2014), a GHG
in their belowground biomass (roots, soils, that has a much stronger global warming
and sediment) can be substantial. Overall, potential than CO2, at least for the first six
the carbon stored in the world’s soils is or seven decades after its emission.

Figure 24.1. (continued)

and sequestration have global significance.
Drylands include most of the temperate,
Peatlands occur on all continents from subtropical, and tropical grasslands, savan-
the tropics to the Arctic, and from low-lying nas, shrublands, and deserts (UN Conven-
to high alpine locations. They are being con- tion to Combat Desertification, UNCCD,
verted at large scale for agriculture, forestry, definition). Their soil organic carbon stocks
and grazing, and in some parts of the world, account for 27 percent of global soil carbon
peat is harvested for fuel. Some of the most reserves (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
carbon-dense peatland areas are tropical 2005). They have suffered considerably from
peat-swamp forests, where improved man- degradation and conversion, with more than
agement may be supported under REDD+. 90 percent of the world’s drylands converted
Nevertheless, peatland outside of forest de- to pasture and croplands (Safriel et al. 2005).
serves attention. Whereas emissions from Around 0.3 Gt C is estimated to be lost from
forest clearance are largely instantaneous, dryland soils every year as a result of unsus-
those from peatland drainage and from sub- tainable agricultural and pastoral practices
surface fire continue for as long as the land (Joosten 2015a). In these ecosystems, avoid-
remains drained and the peat can continue ance of further destruction and degradation,
to oxidize (Joosten 2015b). restoration of degraded areas, and sustain-
The role of coastal ecosystems in climate able management of those areas in produc-
change mitigation, including mangroves, tive use can help to avoid or reduce GHG
salt marshes, and seagrass beds, has received emissions and enhance their removals.
growing attention of late. These habitats
cover an area one to two orders of magni-
tude smaller than that covered by terrestrial Agricultural Practices
forests, but their potential contribution per In 2009, about 37 percent of the terres-
unit area to long-term carbon sequestration trial area of the world was used for agri-
is much greater (Mcleod et al. 2011). Con- culture, and this percentage continues to
versely, drylands have relatively low bio- increase (FAO 2013). How agriculture is
mass carbon density, but because of their managed and the resulting impacts on soils
large surface area, dryland carbon storage can influence emissions. In addition to CO2
314 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

emissions from agricultural soils, crop and displacement of conversion or degradation

livestock production account for half of the either to other ecosystems in that coun-
anthropogenic emissions of methane and try or to countries that do not participate
two-thirds of those of nitrous oxide. The in REDD+ (“leakage”), (2) afforestation
technical mitigation potential from global is undertaken in nonforest areas that are
agriculture (except fossil-fuel offsets from highly biodiverse, (3) REDD+ leads to the
biomass), including climate-smart agricul- conversion of naturally regenerating forests
tural practices, is estimated at 5.5–6 giga- or nonforest systems to plantations, and (4)
tons of CO2 equivalents per year by 2030 REDD+ activities are not designed with due
(Smith 2012). consideration of biodiversity and conserva-
tion targets. For example, in Vietnam defor-
estation is much reduced and tropical forest
IM PACT OF MITIGATION ON cover increasing. Yet about 39 percent of
E COSYST E MS A N D BIODIV E R SIT Y the regrowth that occurred between 1987
and 2006 was achieved by displacement
Ecosystem-based and other types of mitiga- of forest extraction to other countries, and
tion can have large impacts, both positive about half of the wood imports in the same
and negative, on biodiversity. A complete period were illegal (Meyfroidt and Lambin
understanding of all impacts of mitiga- 2009). Biodiversity impacts depend on the
tion options on biodiversity requires a full exact location of the displaced deforesta-
life-cycle analysis that considers all stages tion, which are difficult to identify but are
entailed in implementing the respective assumed to be substantial.
measures, including their immediate and Degraded lands, which in some countries
long-term, direct and indirect, and on- and include degraded forests, may host biodi-
off-site effects. Such analyses are not yet versity of importance for grazing animals,
available for most mitigation options, and wild foods, medicines, artisanal products,
it is beyond the scope of this chapter to de- and wildlife but could be perceived as suit-
tail all possible impacts on ecosystems and able areas for forest plantations, resulting
biodiversity of the range of different miti- in establishment of ecosystems that are
gation options. Instead, examples are pro- less biodiverse and unable to provide simi-
vided to highlight key biodiversity impacts lar functions. In general, forest restoration
of ecosystem-based mitigation measures, using a range of native species to enhance
and the role of emerging safeguards and connectivity between protected areas will
standards is discussed. have larger biodiversity benefits than refor-
estation using monoculture plantations of
fast-growing exotic species (Lamb, Erskine,
Forest and Nonforest Ecosystems
and Parrotta 2005).
By reducing deforestation and degradation, The “Cancún Agreements” of the
strengthening efforts to conserve forest car- UNFCCC formally recognize the concerns
bon, establishing and improving sustain- over potential environmental harm from
able management of forests, and restoring REDD+ by including guidance and safe-
and reforesting areas where appropriate, guards for policy approaches and positive
there is great potential for REDD+ to ben- incentives (Appendix I of Decision 1/CP.16
efit forest biodiversity (Miles and Kapos in UNFCCC 2011). The Cancún safeguards
2008; Harvey, Dickson, and Kormos 2010). cover both social and environmental issues.
However, there is also potential for REDD+ The inclusion of social issues is essential—
to cause harm (Gardner et al. 2012; Harvey, without addressing potential social harm,
Dickson, and Kormos 2010; Miles and Ka- governance, acceptance of local and indig-
pos 2008), including where (1) it causes the enous peoples rights and needs, REDD+ is
unlikely to achieve either environmental or cal both to improve their effectiveness (e.g.,
social benefits. The main reference to biodi- through amendments to close loopholes)
versity is in safeguard (e), which stipulates and to avoid harm.
that REDD+ “actions are consistent with
the conservation of natural forests and bio-
Agriculture and Biofuels
logical diversity, ensuring that the [REDD+
actions] are not used for the conversion of The climate change mitigation potential of
natural forests, but are instead used to in- adjusting agricultural practices has only in
centivize the protection and conservation of recent years gained attention in interna-
natural forests and their ecosystem services, tional climate talks. Mitigation measures
and to enhance other social and environ- discussed include reducing soil erosion,
mental benefits.” To support the implemen- reducing leaching of nitrogen and phos-
tation of these safeguards, additional guid- phorous from fertilizer, conserving soil
ance has been produced by a number of moisture, increasing the diversity of crop
organizations, such as the UN-REDD Pro- rotations, and establishing agroforestry sys-
gramme (the United Nations’ collaborative tems where appropriate. These measures,
initiative on REDD+). which can also help to conserve biodiver-
REDD+ is only one policy mechanism sity, overlap with those of conservation
that targets ecosystem-based climate change agriculture, which aims to reduce negative
mitigation in forest areas and focuses on environmental impacts. The development
developing countries. Land-use change of specific policies that address climate
emissions are included within the GHG change mitigation on agricultural land is
emissions inventories that Annex 1 (devel- still in its infancy, and an understanding of
oped) country parties submit annually to how these measures will affect biodiversity
the UNFCCC. Categories of climate change is still developing.
mitigation activities for all ecosystems are One area that has received more atten-
similar to those identified as part of REDD+, tion is the cultivation of biofuel feedstocks.
in that they include conversion avoided, res- Biofuels, produced from living organisms
toration, and sustainable management, and such as plants and algae, have been pro-
thus have high potential to provide biodi- moted as a key option to mitigate climate
versity benefits. For example, rewetting of change. Many national emission reduc-
peatlands reduces emissions but also is used tion policies include mandates to increase
by several Nordic and Baltic countries and the share of biofuels in their energy mix.
the United Kingdom as a strategy to restore Estimates suggest that between 44 million
biodiversity (Joosten 2015b; Peh et al. 2014). and 118 million ha of additional cropland
It is likely that there will be more spe- will be required for biofuel production by
cific climate change mitigation policies 2030 (Lambin and Meyfroidt 2011). Most
that target wetlands, drylands, and coastal governments, however, fail to account
ecosystems in the future. For example, de- correctly for the emissions from clearing
veloping countries have agreed to establish land for biofuel feedstock cultivation or for
nationally appropriate mitigation actions burning biofuels. Some 60 percent of re-
(NAMAs), which may include avoided con- newable energy in the European Union is
version as well as conservation and resto- from bioenergy that is subsidized the same
ration activities in these habitats. As differ- as zero-emission sources such as wind and
ent mitigation approaches expand, there solar because it is erroneously considered
may be a need for specific biodiversity “carbon neutral” (Brack 2017). In fact, for-
safeguards, similar to those developed for est bioenergy (wood) for producing elec-
REDD+. Additionally, monitoring to assess tricity is a growing source of forest loss. In
the impacts of mitigation policies is criti- the United States and Canada the attempt to
316 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

meet demand for wood pellets that are re- in Southeast Asia and Africa. Models indi-
placing coal for electric power generation cate that between 1999 and 2015 half the
has caused significant deforestation. population of the Bornean orangutan (Pongo
In some tropical areas of the world, such pygmaeus) was affected by logging, deforesta-
as Brazil and Indonesia, biofuel expansion tion, or industrialized plantations (Voigt et
is a major emerging threat to biodiversity al. 2018). More than half the oil palm con-
(Stromberg et al. 2010). Biodiversity im- cessions for which data were available in
pacts are feedstock specific. For example, Africa overlap with great ape distributions,
oil palm (mainly Elaeis guineensis but also Elaeis and about 42 percent of the geographic dis-
oleifera and Attalea maripa) cultivation often tribution of great apes overlaps with areas
entails conversion of virgin forest, whereas suitable for oil palm production (Wich et
cassava (Manihot esculenta) and Jatropha (Jatro- al. 2014). Studies have found that orang-
pha curcas) can be cultivated on grassland or utans disperse into mature oil palm planta-
land already used for agriculture. A com- tions only where natural forest patches are
parison of studies from Indonesia suggests nearby (Ancrenaz et al. 2014). Large-scale
that total vertebrate species richness in oil conversion for monoculture oil palm plan-
palm plantations is less than half that of tations both in Southeast Asia and Africa,
tropical forests, with great differences in which is likely to be increased by demand
community composition (Figure 24.2). for biofuel, could severely affect the distri-
Some of the main components of tropical bution and the conservation status of great
forests, such as forest trees, lianas, epiphytic apes.
orchids, and indigenous palms, are absent, Although difficult to trace, it can be as-
so the flora in plantations is impoverished sumed that indirect land-use change from
(Danielsen et al. 2009). biofuel production occurs at substantial ex-
There is increasing concern about the tent. For example, in Brazil, area for both
impact of oil palm cultivation on great apes biofuel production and cattle ranches has
expanded over recent years. In the Amazon
region more than 90 percent of soybean
Figure 24.2. Impact on fauna of replacing forest with oil
palms. Mean number of invertebrate species (patterned plantations planted after 2006 replaced cat-
bar) and mammal, bird, and reptile species (solid bar) tle ranches (Lapola et al. 2010), which in
recorded in oil palm (including new colonists of oil turn were displaced into areas of forest and
palm) as a proportion of those recorded in forest. Meta- cerrado (tropical savanna ecoregion of Bra-
analysis sample sizes are provided in parentheses; error
zil). Land-use change scenarios for Europe
bars are 95% confidence intervals. (Redrawn from Dan-
ielsen et al. 2009.) for the period 2000–2030 have shown that
indirect effects of the European Union’s ergy, and wind, is continuously increasing,
biofuel directive on land use and biodiver- spurred by government policies and subsi-
sity in Europe are much larger than the di- dies, the decreasing cost of renewable en-
rect effects (Hellmann and Verburg 2010). ergy technologies, and other factors (IPCC
Ways to reduce the impact of biofuel 2011). Such options presumably can have
production on ecosystems and biodiversity large impacts on ecosystems and biodiver-
are being explored. For example, growing sity, although knowledge of these impacts is
low-input, high-diversity mixtures of na- limited for some options.
tive grassland perennials on degraded ag- In general, impacts fall into five main
ricultural land could provide more usable groups: (1) direct environmental foot-
energy, greater GHG reductions, and less print of the hard structures (including
agrichemical pollution than conventional habitat alteration, fragmentation, isolation
biofuel crop cultivation without displacing of protected areas, and loss); (2) noise of
food production or harming biodiversity construction, decommissioning, and dis-
(Tilman, Hill, and Lehman 2006; Verdade, turbance by human presence; (3) collision
Piña, and Rosalino 2015). Agricultural in- with operating infrastructure; (4) pollution
tensification has been suggested as another and disturbance from operating infrastruc-
alternative to continued growth in land use ture; and (5) provision of new substrate for
by the biofuels sector. establishment of new communities, includ-
The known risks to biodiversity of bio- ing invasive species (amended from Bertzky
fuel production have triggered the devel- et al. 2010; Hoetker, Thomsen, and Jeromin
opment of safeguards and standards for 2006).
this sector. The EU Renewable Energy Di- Wind farms can harm biodiversity
rective (RED), for example, includes com- through enhanced collision risks for birds
prehensive sustainability criteria that aim and bats as well as disturbance leading to
to prevent the conversion of areas of high displacement, for example, of waders nest-
biodiversity and high carbon stock for the ing on open ground. However, impacts are
production of biofuel feedstocks. Biofuels species specific, and some species seem to
must comply with these criteria if they are benefit from wind farms, possibly because
to be counted toward the 10 percent renew- the agricultural use of land in the immedi-
able energy target for the transport sector ate vicinity often is suspended. Limitations
or to receive state financial support. Given to fishing in the vicinity of offshore wind
the limited contribution of the EU to global farms can have similar positive impacts
biofuel consumption, only a small share of (Bergström et al. 2014). The species affected
global biofuel production is directly subject depend on the location, such as near to
to these targets and standards. Nonethe- shore, on mountain ridges, or close to for-
less, concerns about biofuels impacts have est (Hoetker, Thomsen, and Jeromin 2006).
prompted development of relevant volun- Appropriate siting and the use of blinking
tary safeguards and standards initiatives lights have reduced collisions of birds with
that may be more widely applied, including wind towers.
the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials, Hydropower is a major renewable energy
the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, source for a number of countries world-
and the Better Sugarcane Initiative. wide. Environmental impacts of dam con-
struction include the destruction of habitat
and altered water-flow patterns, sedimen-
Other Renewable Energy Options
tation, discharge change, and heavy metal
The use of non-ecosystem-based renew- pollution. It is anticipated that the hundreds
able energy options, such as direct solar en- of new dams planned for construction in
ergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean en- the major tropical rivers will disrupt fish
318 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

migration and thus endanger a large num- Other Mitigation Options

ber of endemic species, as well as harm lo-
Mitigation can also be achieved through
cal livelihoods (Winemiller et al. 2016). The
increased energy efficiency and geoen-
impacts of renewables such as dams are not
gineering. Increased energy efficiency is
always instantaneous. A life-cycle impact
considered to be of relatively low ecologi-
assessment of the dam construction on the
cal risk, although the production and dis-
upper Mekong River suggests that the initial
posal of some energy-saving material, such
impact accounts for only about 30 percent
as mercury (used in compact fluorescent
of the total environmental impact (Chen,
bulbs), can have negative environmental
Chen, and Fath 2015). Existing dams in the
impacts (Cusack et al. 2014). These lamps
Amazon region have already fragmented
are being replaced with even more efficient
the networks of six of eight major Andean
mercury-free light-emitting diodes. Climate
Amazon river basins, while another 160
geoengineering proposals include solar ra-
dams are proposed. Such development not
diation management and engineered car-
only threatens biodiversity; over time it is
bon capture and storage (the removal of at-
also likely to drastically alter river channel
mospheric CO2 and its storage in long-lived
and floodplain geomorphology and associ-
reservoirs). Many questions persist on the
ated ecosystem services due to changes in
impacts of such endeavors on ecosystems
sediment deposition (Anderson et al. 2018).
and biodiversity. However, because they
Biodiversity effects of wave and tidal en-
can involve purposeful alteration of eco-
ergy installations largely depend on the site
logical processes, such as the transfer of the
selection for placing the energy converters.
Sun’s energy, at unprecedented scales, con-
In certain areas, such as fish-spawning ar-
sideration of possible environmental im-
eas or highly biodiverse sites, their place-
pacts is vital (Russell et al. 2012). An inter-
ment may harm marine habitats and species
disciplinary assessment of different climate
(Witt et al. 2012). Similarly, possible direct
engineering strategies concluded that both
impacts on biodiversity of solar power can
solar radiation management and carbon
be expected, especially where the above-
capture and storage carry ecological risks of
ground vegetation is cleared for construc-
potentially serious magnitude and duration
tion and landscapes are fragmented. In-
(Cusack et al. 2014). For example, acciden-
direct impacts may also occur in a wide
tal leakage of concentrated liquid CO2 from
variety of ways including from changes in
deep-ocean reservoirs could cause extreme
microclimate and local hydrology, electro-
ocean acidification, with serious effects on
magnetic field effects, erosion, water, and
marine species and ecosystem services (Cu-
soil contamination (Hernandez et al. 2014).
sack et al. 2014). A further concern is that
Governments and funding agencies often
implementation and termination of some
require strategic environmental assessments
forms of geoengineering may lead to rapid
at the planning stage of renewable energy
shifts in climatic conditions. Sudden ter-
development. Results of such assessments
mination of solar geoengineering, for ex-
can be used to identify ways to reduce nega-
ample, would increase the threats to bio-
tive environmental impacts, where feasible,
diversity from climate change considerably
even if the stringency of assessment varies
(Trisos et al. 2018).
between countries and the negative impacts
identified by assessments do not alter the
implementation of plans. Increasingly, con-
servation organizations (e.g., BirdLife Inter- CONC LUSIONS
national) advocate for strong biodiversity
and social safeguards to be included in lend- Different ecosystems can play an important
ing decisions and development priorities. role in climate change mitigation. Mitiga-
tion policies targeting these ecosystems the extra effort may nonetheless help avoid
are partly in place and increasingly under implementation of conflicting measures
development, but their potential as a con- and thus increase overall policy efficiency
tribution to delivering on the Paris Climate and effectiveness.
Agreement is far from fully realized. Such The role of ecosystems and biodiver-
policies not only can use ecosystems to help sity in mitigation as well as the success of
mitigate the climate but also help protect climate change mitigation policies and
biodiversity and ecosystem services. The their environmental impacts depend on
benefits and costs of these policies depend one more fundamental influence: climate
on the translation of the policies to action change itself. Each of the ecosystems high-
on the ground as well as on the interpreta- lighted here as having potential to contrib-
tion and application of safeguards. Where ute to mitigation can be affected by climate
mitigation policies are implemented with- change (see previous chapters) and may
out due consideration of ecosystems and lose some capacity for carbon sequestration
biodiversity, the risk of harm is high and and storage. For mitigation policies that tar-
the potential to achieve multiple benefits, get these ecosystems, it will be important to
for the climate as well as for biodiversity, monitor changes and adapt mitigation mea-
may not be realized. Biodiversity safeguards sures according to site-specific conditions
are a crucial tool to help avoid negative im- to be able to achieve their objectives.
pacts on biodiversity and increase synergies
between mitigation and conservation poli-
cies. Nevertheless, safeguards are not yet in ACK NOWLE DGME NTS
place for all of the discussed mitigation op-
tions. Their application is often voluntary, The authors are particularly grateful to
and they leave a lot of room for interpreta- Corinna Ravilious and Xavier de Lamo for
tion or do not provide comprehensive geo- reproducing the map as part of Figure 24.1,
graphical coverage. However, if the goal is to Finn Danielsen for his help with Figure
forest ecosystem restoration, a full menu of 24.2, to Neil Burgess and William Moomaw
ecosystem services may be achieved (e.g., for their input, and to all anonymous re-
Ren et al. 2017). The regenerative system viewers for their comments.
of forests and related ecosystems that has
kept carbon dioxide in balance for the past
300 million years can be restored and ex- R E FE R E NCE S
panded to absorb and store carbon in plants
and soils, while contributing to conserving Ancrenaz, Marc, Felicity Oram, Laurentius Ambu,
Isabelle Lackman, Eddie Ahmad, Hamisah Elahan,
systems that support the greatest amount
Harjinder Kler, Nicola K. Abram, and Erik Meijaard.
of terrestrial biodiversity. Further work on 2015. “Of Pongo, palms and perceptions: A multidis-
implementation of safeguards and how to ciplinary assessment of Bornean orang-utans Pongo pyg-
ensure environmental risks are reduced and maeus in an oil palm context.” Oryx 49: 465–472.
benefits maximized will therefore be cru- Anderson, Elizabeth P., Clinton N. Jenkins, Sebastian
Heilpern, Javier A Maldonado-Ocampo, Fernando
cial in the coming years.
M. Carvajal-Vallejos, Andrea C. Encalada, and Juan
Apart from the existing synergies be- Francisco Rivadeneira. 2018. “Fragmentation of An-
tween climate change mitigation and con- des-to-Amazon connectivity by hydropower dams.”
servation policies, more such synergies can Science Advances 4: 1–8.
be identified, such as with climate change .aao1642.
Bergström, Lena, Lena Kautsky, Torleif Malm, Rutger
adaptation policies (see previous chapter).
Rosenberg, Magnus Wahlberg, Nastassja Åstrand
While in the planning phase, consideration Capetillo, and Dan Wilhelmsson. 2014. “Effects of
of a range of synergies between policies offshore wind farms on marine wildlife: A general-
may appear to complicate implementation, ized impact assessment.” Environmental Research Letters 9
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al. 2010. Impacts of Climate Change and Selected Renewable En- Hellmann, Fritz, and Peter H. Verburg. 2010. “Impact
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Connectivity by Design: A Multiobjective Ecological Network for Biodiversity

That Is Robust to Land Use and Regional Climate Change
Andrew Gonzalez, Cecile Albert, Bronwyn Rayfield, and Maria Dumitru

The accelerated pace of both land use and climate change is closing the window of op-
portunity to design and manage landscapes for biodiversity. The paradigm of connectivity
conservation emphasizes that biodiversity and ecosystem services can be maintained by
optimizing the spatial composition and configuration of ecosystem and habitat types in the
landscape. Hundreds of habitat-network projects that implement this paradigm are being
established around the world, but the application of connectivity concepts for biodiversity
in changing landscapes remains a challenge.

In 2009 we received a request from the the persistence of metapopulations within

Ministry of Sustainable Development, Envi- the networks and long-range connectiv-
ronment, and Parks of the Quebec govern- ity relevant to climate-driven range shifts
ment to identify a robust habitat network across the networks. Third, habitat net-
for the long-term conservation of forest works must be robust to habitat loss and
biodiversity for the region surrounding changing connectivity. Future land-use and
the city of Montreal in southern Quebec, climate change scenarios are uncertain, so
Canada (27,500 km2 centered on 45°40ƍN, network design should allow for the broad-
73°15ƍW). Extending from the Appalachian est range of future conditions.
Mountains in the southeast to the Lau- Here we adopt a multiobjective spatial op-
rentian Mountains in the northwest, the timization approach to the design of a habitat
study area encompasses ~40 percent forest, network that meets the movement needs of
which is heavily fragmented due to the pre- multiple species at several spatial scales and
dominance of productive agroecosystems that is robust to land use and climate change
in the St. Lawrence lowlands. Ongoing ur- (Albert et al. 2017). Our methodology (see
ban sprawl to the north and south of the Figure CS10.1) produces a spatial prioritiza-
city alters forest patch area, isolation, shape, tion of forest habitats that maintains meta-
quality, and connectivity. Projections of fu- population connectivity and regional tra-
ture forest fragmentation, derived from the versability to aid migration across the St.
current rate, and scenarios of potential cli- Lawrence central lowlands. Here we provide
mate change, derived from regional climate an example for five focal species. The inclu-
models, make conservation of ecological sion of scenarios for future land use and
connectivity an imperative. climate change out to 2050 ensures that the
conservation priorities reflect projected habi-
tat and connectivity loss for the region.

Three aspects are crucial to the effective R E SU LTS

design of habitat networks. First, they must
meet the distinct habitat requirements of a Different elements of the forest network
wide array of species throughout their life promote different types of movement, from
cycles. Second, habitat networks must ac-
commodate different movement types, in- Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.
cluding short-range connectivity relevant to ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

324 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

Figure CS10.1. The six sequential and parallel steps (struc- the period 2041–2070 (type 1, decrease; 2, no change;
tured as a loop) of the general framework to identify 3, increase; gray layer over map = climatically suitable
spatial conservation priorities: 1) In this example, we se- areas); model changes in regional climate suitability. 5)
lected five focal species based on their dispersal ability— Spatial prioritization: We used the software Zonation
as a proxy for vulnerability to fragmentation—among v3.1 to produce a spatial ranking of forest conservation
birds (Seiurus aurocapilla, Strix varia), amphibians (Plethodon priorities (grayscale with darkest tones = highest prior-
cinereus), and mammals (Odocoileus virginianus, Martes ameri- ity) based on habitat quality and complementary mea-
cana). 2) Assess species-specific habitat quality and resis- sures of short- and long-range connectivity. 6) Land-
tance layers (quality shown by tone of gray). 3) Habitat use change simulations: We simulated land-use change
network: Each species network is composed of nodes over the period 2000–2050 with a model combining a
and links with higher to lower (grayscale) probabilities top-down demand for new urban and agricultural ar-
of being used. Habitat nodes are connected from edge- eas, bottom-up constraints (e.g., slope, soil quality),
to-edge via least-cost links into a stepping-stone struc- and spatial processes (e.g., diffusion). Land-use change
ture. 4) Climate suitability was derived for each species simulations involved probabilistic transitions from for-
from an ensemble forecasting approach. Models were est to agricultural lands or urban land cover. (For further
calibrated for the period 1971–2000 and projected for methodological details, see Albert et al. 2017.)

short to long range, such as well-connected was derived from connectivity and habitat-
large patches, matrix areas that channel quality maps in the years 2000, 2025, and
flow from one forest patch to another, and 2050 under land-use and climate change
strategically positioned patches that form a scenarios.
stepping-stone pathway between the Lau- Highest conservation priority is given to
rentian and Appalachian Mountains. The the series of stepping-stone patches to the
spatial ranking of conservation priorities north that promotes traversability between
the mountain ranges (Figure CS10.1). Many the investment required to acquire, restore,
small forest fragments in the agriculturally and protect habitat within a network, it is
intensive zone are also of high conservation important for the network to be robust to as
value, providing connectivity within the many likely scenarios of change as possible.
St. Lawrence lowlands, particularly in the The strong stakeholder relationships we
southwestern and northeastern portions. developed with government ministries,
municipalities, nongovernmental organiza-
tions, and landowners mean that our results
CONC LUSIONS are being used in the design of Montreal’s
greenbelt project; measures for the imple-
We quantified and ranked the contribution mentation of the habitat network include
of all forest fragments to the region’s forest new protected areas, large-scale tree plant-
network. Our approach to network design ing, and conservation easements for land-
stresses the value of different dimensions owners. Ongoing work involves strength-
of habitat connectivity needed to mitigate ening the economic argument for investing
the impacts of land use and climate change in the greenbelt for the range of ecosystem
on the region’s biodiversity. Networks op- services the forest delivers to the people
timized for multiple movement objectives that inhabit the region.
can allow a diverse set of species to move
among habitat patches in the short term and
adjust their distributions in the longer term R E FE R E NCE S
as climate and land use change. We recom-
mend the use of realistic scenario-based Albert, C., B. Rayfield, M. Dumitru, and A. Gonzalez.
2017. “Applying network theory to prioritize multi-
projections of climate and land-use change
species habitat networks that are robust to climate and
so as to future-proof the structure of the land-use change.” Conservation Biology 31: 1383–1396.
habitat network being prioritized. Given
CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE It is clear from the preceding chapters that
the biosphere and biological diversity are
Regreening the more sensitive to climate change than had
previously been imagined, and that it is im-
Emerald Planet:The portant to try to limit climate change and
impacts to a manageable level. With the
Role of Ecosystem 1.0°C increase in global temperature, there
already are some ecosystems beyond the
Restoration in point of adapting naturally (Box 25.1).
That conclusion leads quite naturally
Reducing Climate to the question of whether there are ways
to reduce the amount of impending cli-
Change mate change. There are two ways to do it:
increase the albedo of the planet so that
THOMAS E. LOVEJOY more incoming radiation is reflected back
to space, or reduce the atmospheric CO2
concentrations so that less radiant heat is
trapped to warm the planet.
Reducing albedo can include modest
changes to the built environment such as
painting roofs white as well as schemes,
often called geoengineering. An example
would be the introduction of sulfates into
the atmosphere to reflect incoming radia-
tion, mimicking the known effects from
major volcanic eruptions such as that of Mt.
Pinatubo in 1991. Those kinds of schemes
have the serious disadvantage that they ad-
dress temperature (the symptom) but not
elevated greenhouse gas levels (the cause).
Also, the moment such an intervention
ceases, planetary temperature jumps back
to what it would have been without the in-
tervention. In addition, they do nothing to
address ocean acidification.
Because most of such geoengineer-
ing schemes are planetary in scale, what-
ever downsides they have will similarly be
planetary in scale. In addition, the National
Academy of Sciences deemed “geoengi-
neering” an inappropriate term because it
is only possible to engineer systems that are

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.


Box 25.1 Two Degrees Is Too Much

For a long time much of the international sure that food production is not
negotiation and discussion has been threatened, and to enable economic
around not exceeding a target of 2°C of development to proceed in a sus-
warming. This was largely based on the tainable manner.”
perception that it was achievable from The impacts already observed of
an energy perspective rather than hav- coral bleaching events and pervasive
ing intrinsic merit. At the Paris COP 21, mortality of coniferous forests (be-
1.5°C, long championed by James Han- cause the balance has been tipped
sen (Hansen et al. 2013), emerged as an in favor of pine bark beetles) cannot
important topic largely at the behest of be viewed as “adapting naturally.”
indigenous peoples and small island de- In both cases what is occurring was
veloping states. not predictable with climate mod-
That 2°C is too much should have els and vegetation models because
emerged far earlier for the simple reason both come down to specific bio-
that the last time the world was two de- logical relationships: between the
grees warmer, the oceans were four to coral animals and algae species in
six meters higher (Kopp et al. 2009). That the case of the reefs, and the trees
would imply the elimination of low-lying and native beetles in the second.
nations and huge coastal areas involving It can be argued that some spe-
the considerable human populations clus- cies of corals are more resilient in
tered on them. In a sense the planet has the face of higher temperatures and
already done “the experiment,” and the that even the sensitive ones may
only questions are about rates of rise, not switch to a more resistant symbiont.
about the endpoint. Nonetheless bleaching events will
Impacts on biodiversity also point to occur with greater and greater fre-
1.5° being far preferable to 2°C (Midgley quency before such adaptations can
2018; Warren et al. 2018). As this book take place. There is the additional
reveals, the impacts of climate change on factor of increasing acidity that will
biodiversity are essentially ubiquitous. The surely play a stressful role.
actual language of the convention reads: These are effects observed at
0.9°C, and it is logical to assume
The ultimate objective of the Con- there will be many more as the
vention is to stabilize greenhouse planet warms to 1.5°C. The conclu-
gas concentrations “at a level that sion is the biology of the planet is
would prevent dangerous anthro- very sensitive to climate change.
pogenic (human induced) interfer- The more that climate change
ence with the climate system.” It can be limited, the easier it will
states that “such a level should be be to manage the consequences,
achieved within a time-frame suf- and beyond 1.5°C the biology of
ficient to allow ecosystems to adapt the planet basically will become
naturally to climate change, to en- unmanageable.

understood (National Academy of Sciences lem directly. CO2 injection into oil wells is
2015). a time-tested technique of the oil industry
To the extent that it is possible, reduc- that extends the productive lifetime of the
ing atmospheric CO2 can reduce the prob- wells. Carbon capture and storage are still
328 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

in early experimental phases. Localized quent warming, because it takes time for
iron fertilization of the ocean replicates a the CO2 to trap the corresponding amount
natural phenomenon that stimulates phy- of radiant heat. Reducing the atmospheric
toplankton blooms; what is still unclear is CO2 concentration before that heat is
whether the CO2 remains sequestered for trapped can therefore reduce the amount of
long periods of time. global warming.
Largely overlooked until recent decades Reducing the atmospheric CO2 burden by
is the substantial amount of CO2 in the at- 1 ppm is equivalent to removing 7.7 Pg of
mosphere from degradation and destruc- carbon. To lower global CO2 concentrations
tion of modern ecosystems, mostly in the to close to 350 ppm from the current level
past two centuries. Although there has cor- of 400 ppm would mean removal of 388.5
rectly been a strong effort to reduce emis- Pg of carbon (Shukla, personal communica-
sions from fossil fuel use, limiting emis- tion). That is at the same order of magni-
sions especially from deforestation has also tude as the estimated loss (450+ Pg) from
been a justified part of the global environ- ecosystem destruction and degradation
mental (carbon cycle management) agenda. The magnitude of the potential to reduce
Indeed, the gross figure for deforestation is CO2 concentrations and associated global
about 30 percent of all emissions (bigger warming focusing on tropical forests alone
than the transportation sector) (Houghton is considerable. Elimination of current de-
et al. 2015), a hidden number when the net forestation and degradation of forests and
emissions (about 10 percent) are reported, reforesting 500 million ha could together
as is usually the case. reduce annual emissions by 4.4 Pg/yr
The amount of carbon lost to the atmo- (Houghton et al. 2015). A further complica-
sphere from terrestrial ecosystems has long tion is that removing one gigaton does not
been estimated to be 200–300 Pg (1 pet- lower CO2 concentration by exactly 1 ppm
agram = 1 trillion kilograms = 1 gigaton) because of a very slow release back from the
(Houghton 2012). A more conservative es- oceans, which of course produces a small
timate is about 150 Pg (Shevliakova et al. reduction of acidity.
2009). Part of the range of uncertainty re- This kind of carbon dynamic is not new
flects inadequate knowledge of soil carbon in the history of life on Earth. Twice there
(belowground carbon). Soil carbon is prob- have been extremely high atmospheric con-
ably distributed patchily in any given soil centrations of CO2. In both instances they
type, and knowledge about that distribution were brought down to preindustrial levels
is sketchy. Even with this imprecision it has by natural processes (Figure 25.1) (Royer
been clear for some time that the number is 2006; Beerling 2008). In the Cretaceous the
large (Lal et al. 2012). Recently Sanderman et arrival of plants on land and a major op-
al. (2017) have estimated the amount of soil portunity for additional photosynthesis re-
carbon lost to the atmosphere from human sulted in a major CO2 sequestration. There
landuse to be on the order of 133 Pg C itself. was also a significant CO2 drawdown con-
The most recent estimate of the loss of tribution from soil creation. Although soil
CO2 from ecosystem destruction and degra- formation is essentially an abiotic process,
dation is that only 450 Pg remain in extant soil biota also contribute significantly. My-
ecosystems out of the 913 Pg prior to human corrhizal processes played a magnifying
impact (Erb et al. 2018). In other words the role.
amount of carbon in the atmosphere from The second major drawdown occurred
destroyed and degraded ecosystems is es- in the Paleogene and the Neogene because
sentially equal to what remains. of major engagement of modern flowering
Reaching a given atmospheric CO2 con- plants. In both cases the process took tens
centration does not result in instant conse- of millions of years—a luxury we do not
tion. There are obviously places where the
potential is limited (e.g., urban centers), but
there is an enormous area of degraded land
where ecosystem restoration would be of
value in itself.
Reforestation has an important role to
play because forests hold so much carbon
per unit area, but there are other benefits
as well, including biodiversity conservation
and watershed functions. Reforestation in
the Amazon would secure the important
hydrological cycle that maintains that forest
and provides moisture south of the Amazon
Figure 25.1. During prior geological periods there were
two times when very high CO2 concentrations were
even as far as northern Argentina (Martinez
brought down to preindustrial levels by natural pro- and Dominguez 2014; Lovejoy and Nobre
cesses (mostly terrestrial photosynthesis and soil forma- 2018). Worldwide, reforestation is impor-
tion, both physical and biological). The first reduction tant in restoration of watershed function.
coincided with the arrival of higher plants on land and These forests need not all be natural, but
the second with the arrival of modern flowering plants.
(From Royer 2006.)
they could include production forests of
various kinds as well. The carbon and eco-
system service values are not substantially
have. We can, however, proactively restore affected by harvest of minor forest products
ecosystems (Lal et al. 2012; Lovejoy 2014; (e.g., rattan), which can provide additional
Griscom et al. 2017) as part of a global ef- economic return.
fort to recarbonize the biosphere by pro- Degraded grasslands and grazing lands
moting ecological restoration. represent considerable potential for carbon
A particularly important source of an- sequestration, not just in the plant systems
thropogenic carbon emissions from natural but also in the soils. Beyond the carbon
ecosystems is from peatlands. When peat- value, restoration would result in better
lands are drained, the peat oxidizes and grazing or other uses of grasslands, simul-
burns readily. In Southeast Asia there are taneously improving productivity.
extensive peat forests, which if deforested Degraded lands encompass abandoned
render the underlying peat deposits very agricultural lands and grazing lands that
vulnerable to burning, especially in the dry were originally grasslands or former for-
El Niño years. During those years, fires have ested lands. Globally degraded lands are
been so extensive in Indonesia and Borneo between 1 billion and 6 billion ha in ex-
as to cause health-threatening air pollution tent because of considerable uncertainty in
even in adjacent mainland (South) Asia. many instances (Gibbs and Salmon 2014).
There should be a concerted effort glob- Whatever the number, the potential to se-
ally to maintain all peatland as wet environ- quester carbon and simultaneously restore
ments. Carbon accretes slowly in peatlands, productivity is substantial.
so they do not have a major role to play in Agroecosystems also have tremendous
carbon sequestration through restoration, potential to sequester carbon instead of leak-
but it is important that their integrity as ing carbon, as is so often the case in current
carbon stocks be protected. agricultural practice. An important benefit
The Woods Hole Research Center, a of sequestering carbon is improvement in
world authority on the role of forests in soil fertility. Interestingly, even though in-
the carbon cycle, is currently preparing a dustrial agriculture practices would seem
global map of potential ecosystem restora- counter to that, there are places in the
330 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

American Midwest where no-till and low- lost if climate change causes Amazon dieback
till practices have taken hold spontaneously. (transformation to a savanna vegetation) in
An important aspect is to restore riparian the eastern and southeastern Amazon (No-
vegetation that improves water quality and bre et al. 2016). Southern edges of North-
prevents soil erosion. That in turn adds nat- ern Hemisphere boreal forest could also die
ural connectivity in the landscape—so im- back, although they might be offset by new
portant for normal dispersal of plants and boreal forests on the northern edge of the
animals, and even more so under climate current distribution. With more warming,
change, which will drive many organisms there could be massive release of methane as
to move and track their climatic envelope. permafrost melts. Basically, the ability to use
Only relatively recently has it been rec- ecosystem restoration to sequester carbon
ognized that coastal wetlands, which to- depends on not straying too far from cur-
tal 49 million ha worldwide, have an im- rent climatic regimes, or at least understand-
portant role to play in the carbon cycle ing the dynamics of possible climatic change
(Pendleton et al. 2012). Mangroves, coastal and integrating it into planning.
marshes, and seagrasses have experienced The success of ecosystem restoration for
considerable destruction and degradation climate management will require a more
but are being recognized as important buf- integrated and sustainable approach to de-
fers against storm surge. The Mississippi velopment, especially in the face of addi-
Delta, where such ecosystems have been de- tional billions of people and the need to
graded and destroyed, is undergoing prior- feed and provide for them adequately. That
ity restoration for those reasons alone, but can occur only with a more coordinated
there are significant carbon sequestration approach to development (see Chapter 28):
benefits as well. one that avoids isolated decision making
Ecosystem restoration has yet to emerge and puts a premium on sustainable infra-
as the global priority it deserves. Still, the structure and protection or conservation of
2015 New Climate Economy report pro- natural ecosystems. It is a vision congruent
duced for the United Nations concluded with Edward O. Wilson’s (2016) Half-Earth,
there can be healthy economic growth which argues for half of the planet to be set
while rapidly reducing emissions, if there is aside primarily for nature.
a strong land use component and all three At a finer and more local scale, manage-
“Rio conventions” (i.e., UN Framework ment of ecosystems can have important car-
Convention of Climate Change, Conven- bon value implications. Changes in trophic
tion on Biological Diversity, and UN Con- structure can directly affect carbon values,
vention to Combat Desertification) include as in the example of old fields and different
restoration as part of their core agendas. dominant species of predators (Case Study
Many of the independently determined na- 11). In blue-carbon ecosystems, predators
tional commitments made at the 2015 Paris are important for maintaining high carbon
Climate Change Conference of the Par- stocks (Atwood et al. 2015).
ties focused not only on forest protection The term “Anthropocene” was coined
but also on forest restoration. The Nature to recognize a new geological age in which
Conservancy has developed a major port- human impacts became planetary and geo-
folio around land management for climate logical in scale, like the giant meteor that
change mitigation. ushered out the dinosaurs. It could also
Extensive restoration is not simple to come to mean a new age in which we learn
achieve on a planet already experiencing cli- to manage ourselves for better outcomes for
mate change and a large, still-growing hu- humans and other forms of life.
man population. The large amount of carbon When ecosystem restoration and man-
sequestered in the Amazon forest could be agement attain their rightful place in the
climate change agenda, it will transform tems and the Global Carbon Cycle, ed. R. Lal, K. Lorenz, R.
public perception of the planet on which F. Hüttl, B. U. Schneider, and J. von Braun, 59–82.
we live. It will require recognition that the _4.
Earth functions not just as a physical sys- Houghton, R. A., B. Byers, and A. A. Nassikas. 2015. “A
tem but also as a combined biological and role for tropical forests in stabilizing atmospheric
physical system—and that we in fact live CO2.” Nature Climate Change 5: 1022–1023.
on, and are part of, a living planet. Such a Kopp, R. E., F. J. Simons, J. X. Mitrovica, A. C. Maloof,
and M. Oppenheimer. 2009. “Probabilistic assessment
view would profoundly alter our sense of of sea level during the last interglacial stage.” Nature
our place in nature and what is appropriate 462: 863–867.
behavior. Lal, R., K. Lorenz, R. F. Huttle, B. U. Schneider, and J.
Similarly, it can empower individuals von Braun, eds. 2012. Recarbonization of the Biosphere: Eco-
who previously could see no way in which systems and the Global Carbon Cycle. Springer. https://doi
they individually can make a difference Lovejoy. T. E. 2014. “A natural proposal for address-
about climate change because it is such a ing climate change.” Ethics and International Affairs 28:
gigantic problem. In a simplistic way every 359–363.
individual can plant a tree or help restore Lovejoy, T. E., and C. Nobre. 2018. “Amazon tipping
a coastal wetland, much as people of all point.” Science Advances 4: eaat2340.
Martinez, J., and F. Dominguez. 2014. “Sources of atmo-
walks of life were widely involved in vic- spheric moisture for the La Plata River basin.” Journal of
tory gardens during World War II. Climate 27: 6737–6753.
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Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth. National Acad-
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and P. I. Macreadie. 2015. “Predators help protect car-
Nobre, C. A., G. Sampaio, L. Borma, J. C. Castilla-Rubio,
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world’s degraded lands.” Applied Geography 57: 12–21.
bon debt of 12,000 years of human land use.” Proceed-
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Enlisting Ecological Interactions among Animals to Balance the Carbon Budget

Oswald J. Schmitz

Efforts to mitigate climate change have tended to focus on managing human activities like
fossil-fuel burning and land clearing, and on innovating technologically, to reduce CO2
emissions to the atmosphere (Pacala and Socolow 2004). But this particular focus on con-
trolling atmospheric inputs represents only one side of the equation for balancing the carbon
budget. A potentially important yet largely untapped opportunity is to actively enlist natural
ecological processes to recapture carbon within terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, thereby
offsetting atmospheric buildup. Indeed, ecosystems globally are removing as much as half
of the CO2 emitted to the atmosphere each year from anthropogenic activities (Schmitz
et al. 2014). But it may be possible to do more through strategic management of the func-
tional composition of living organisms—especially animals—and their interactions within
ecosystems, thereby enhancing the nature and magnitude of carbon exchange and storage
(Schmitz et al. 2014). Recent estimates suggest that the magnitudes of animal effects can be
profound, holding much promise in protecting and managing biodiversity as a way to help
manage the global carbon budget.

Animals can determine the fate of car- cies composition of the plant community as
bon in ecosystems through trophic interac- well as the amount of carbon in senescent
tions that directly and indirectly influence plant matter entering the soil storage pool
the abundance and chemical composition (Schmitz et al. 2017). Whether predator ef-
of plant and animal biomass and its fate as fects on herbivores are largely consumptive
soil organic matter. Top predators especially or nonconsumptive generally depends on
can trigger knock-on effects that modulate their hunting mode: active-hunting preda-
the amount of carbon exchanged between tors generally have consumptive effects,
ecosystem reservoirs (e.g., soils and plants) whereas sit-and-wait predators have non-
and the atmosphere (Schmitz et al. 2014). consumptive effects.
Predators do this in at least two ways. They Demonstration of these two predation
may have consumptive effects that reduce effects at play come from empirical analy-
herbivore density (and hence herbivory), in ses examining the link among spider pred-
turn enabling more plant-based carbon to ators, grasshopper prey, and grasses and
enter soil organic matter storage pools as herbs among old-field ecosystems in Con-
uneaten senescent plant biomass, relative necticut, United States. The important play-
to conditions where predators are absent ers in these ecosystems are three functional
(Schmitz et al. 2014). Their presence within groups of plants represented by the herb
ecosystems may also cause nonconsumptive Solidago rugosa (hereafter Solidago), a variety of
fear effects that cause herbivores to shift other old-field herb species, and grasses; a
their foraging preferences from nitrogen- dominant generalist grasshopper herbivore
rich plants that support growth and high Melanoplus femurrubrum; and the sit-and-wait
reproduction to plants with higher con- spider predator Pisaurina mira and active-
tent of soluble carbon to support height- hunting predator Phidippus clarus. In these sys-
ened metabolic costs caused by chronic
stress from fear of predation (Schmitz et al. Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.
2017). Such a diet shift can alter the spe- ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

tems, the plant functional groups compete tion. This relationship improves when ac-
asymmetrically (see Figure CS11.1), with counting for the strength of the ecological
Solidago competitively dominating the other interactions of predators on the plant com-
two functional groups of plants (Schmitz et munity (Schmitz et al. 2017). Most striking
al. 2017). is that shifting from a dominance of sit-
Solidago competitive dominance is altered, and-wait predators to a dominance of ac-
however, by hunting-mode-dependent ef- tive-hunting predators can result in a dou-
fects of predators on grasshoppers, which bling of soil carbon retention. This range in
in turn shape the composition of the plant per unit area of carbon retained in soils ri-
community predominantly through chang- vals or exceeds the range achieved through
ing effects on Solidago and grasses (Figure conventional management of soil carbon
CS11.1). In the absence of predators, grass- and land use (Post and Kwan 2000; Guo
hoppers prefer nitrogen-rich grasses to and Gifford 2002). More important, several
maximize survival and reproduction. Sit- other candidate factors, such as live plant
and-wait spiders are persistently present biomass, insect diversity, soil arthropod
and thus trigger grasshoppers to modify decomposers, degree of land-use develop-
foraging in favor of Solidago because it is a ment around the fields, field age, and soil
key source of dietary soluble carbohydrate texture, did not significantly explain soil
to fuel heightened grasshopper respiration carbon retention among the fields (Schmitz
caused by chronic stress from perceived et al. 2017).
predation risk (Schmitz et al. 2017). The These ecological principles are also scal-
potential for predator-prey encounter is less able. The loss of important predators—from
frequent with widely roaming active-hunt- wolves in boreal forests to sharks in seagrass
ing spiders. Consequently risk of predation meadows—can lead to growing popula-
is episodic for any individual grasshop- tions of terrestrial and marine herbivores,
per, making it energetically inefficient for whose widespread grazing can and does re-
grasshoppers facing active-hunting spiders duce the ability of ecosystems to absorb and
to be chronically stressed. Hence, grasshop- protect hundreds of years of built-up soil
pers facing active-hunting predators favor and sediment carbon (Atwood et al. 2015;
grasses over Solidago (Figure CS11.1). Wilmers and Schmitz 2016). These encour-
As a consequence, when active-hunting aging new insights support expanding con-
spiders dominate, Solidago, along with its sideration of biodiversity management to
relatively higher carbon content, flour- balance carbon budgets. Humans already
ishes and dominates the plant community. manage populations of many animals for
When sit-and-wait predators dominate, other purposes. So, while representing a
Solidago is suppressed, favoring a more eq- shift in management goals, this would not
uitable representation of the three func- involve a radical shift in management ap-
tional plant groups in the plant community proach. But individual animal species tend
with less total carbon. Intermediate com- to occur regionally, not globally. This re-
binations of the two spiders should result quires shying away from finding the single,
in intermediate levels of plant functional global-scale, home-run solution to seek
group abundances. Sampling among 15 old more regionally nuanced alternatives. Ani-
fields across Connecticut revealed that the mal management has the advantage that it
amount of carbon retained in soils among can take into account the values and prefer-
these old fields is related to the relative ences of local societies and would allow for
abundance of active-hunting and sit-and- regional players to reconcile their particular
wait predators within the fields, mediated concerns and values with broader climate
via changes in plant community composi- solutions. The many local and regional
animal management strategies could then Pacala, S., and R. Socolow. 2004. “Stabilization wedges:
add up globally to create a portfolio of so- Solving the climate problem for the next 50 years with
current technologies.” Science 305: 968–972.
lutions that, together with other mitiga- Post, W. M., and K. C. Kwan. 2000. “Soil carbon seques-
tion efforts (Pacala and Socolow 2004), can tration and land use change: Processes and potential.”
meaningfully help slow climate change. Global Change Biology 6: 317–327.
Schmitz, O. J., R. W. Buchkowski, J. R. Smith, M. Telt-
horst, and A. E. Rosenblatt. 2017. “Predator com-
munity composition is linked to soil carbon reten-
R E FE R E NCE S tion across a human land use gradient.” Ecology 98:
Atwood, T. B., R. M. Connolly, E. G. Ritchie, C. Schmitz, O. J., P. A. Raymond, J. A. Estes, W. A. Kurz,
E. Lovelock, M. R. Heithaus, G. C. Hays, J. W. G. W. Holtgrieve, M. E. Ritchie, D. E. Schindler, et
Fourqurean, and P. I. Macreadie. 2015. “Predators help al. 2014. “Animating the carbon cycle.” Ecosystems 7:
protect carbon stocks in blue carbon ecosystems.” Na- 344–359.
ture Geoscience 5: 1038–1045. Wilmers, C. C., and O. J. Schmitz. 2016. “Effects of
Guo, L. B., and R. M. Gifford. 2002. “Soil carbon stocks wolf-induced trophic cascades on ecosystem carbon
and land use change: A meta-analysis.” Global Change cycling.” Ecosphere 7: e01501.
Biology 8: 345–360.

Figure CS11.1. Case example of how spider predators with dago, thereby suppressing Solidago competitive dominance
different hunting modes influence food-web interactions (negative indirect effect of effect of predators on Solidago).
in old-field ecosystems, with attendant effects on plant Plant community composition: When sit-and-wait spiders domi-
community composition and soil carbon retention. Trophic nate, the plant community is equitably comprised of the
interactions: Depiction of direct (solid arrows) and indirect three plant functional groups. When active-hunting spi-
(dashed arrows) interactions among hunting spiders, ders dominate, Solidago dominates the plant community.
grasshopper herbivores, and three functional groups of Mixed communities of active-hunting and sit-and-wait
plants (left to right: carbon-rich Solidago, less carbon-rich spiders result in intermediate levels of the three plant
herbs and grasses). The strength of grasshopper direct ef- functional groups. Hence sit-and-wait spider dominance
fects on a plant functional group, via diet selection (de- leads to lower biomass density of carbon in the plant
picted as arrow thickness), depends on which hunting community than when active-hunting spiders domi-
mode of spider predator dominates and thus mediates nate. Soil carbon retention: Sampling of soil carbon among 15
competition among the plant functional groups. Domi- old-field ecosystems reveals that the knock-on effects of
nance of active-hunting predators like Phidippus clarus leads spiders on carbon density of the plant community carry
to grasshopper preference for grasses, thereby abetting further to determine the amount of carbon retained in
Solidago competitive dominance (positive indirect effect of soils, which is related to the relative abundance of active-
predators on Solidago). Dominance of sit-and-wait predators hunting and sit-and-wait predators within an ecosystem.
like Pisaurina mira leads to grasshopper preference for Soli- (Courtesy of Oswald Schmitz, Yale University.)
CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX Everything should be made as simple as possible,
but no simpler.
Increasing Public —Quote commonly attributed to Albert Einstein

Awareness and If there is a single aspiration that unifies the

professionals who work on the challenges
Facilitating Behavior associated with climate change and biodi-
versity, it is likely their desire to see policy
Change:Two makers, business managers, and members
of the public make decisions that are bet-
Guiding Heuristics ter informed by the realities of what we
know about how to stabilize the climate,
EDWAR D MAIBACH conserve biodiversity, and prevent need-
less harm to people and ecosystems. If there
is a single emotion that unifies them, it
is likely angst—as a result of feeling that,
collectively, we are falling far short of our
This calls out an obvious question: What
can we do to more effectively promote
wise decision making and actions by deci-
sion makers? Many excellent books (Hornik
2002; Moser and Dilling 2007; Whitmarsh
et al. 2011; McKenzie-Mohr 2011; Crow and
Boykoff 2014; Marshall 2014) and articles
(Maibach et al. 2007; Holmes and Clark
2008; Ryder et al. 2010) offer important in-
sights and partial answers to the question,
but none offers a simple, clear answer that
working scientists—and science institu-
tions—will find to be practical.
In this chapter I offer my best shot at a
practical answer. It is by no means the only
answer, or the definitive answer, but it is—
by design—the simplest answer I can offer
while still staying true to the best available
evidence on the science of science commu-
nication. Moreover, my answer is intended
to be equally helpful both to individual sci-
entists—in any relevant discipline, at any
stage in her or his career—and to the full

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.
Note: This essay builds on a previously published essay by
the author (Maibach and Covello 2016).

range of science and science-based institu- everything we can to make the behaviors
tions that strive to share current scientific we are promoting easy, fun, and popular. I
insights about the physical world with deci- refer to each of these as “heuristics,” in the
sion makers and the public (e.g., National sense that they organize a relatively large
Academy of Science, National Science Foun- amount of prescriptive information into a
dation, professional societies, science muse- relatively easy-to-use method or process.
ums, media producers). In the remainder of this chapter, I un-
My answer also aims to be useful regard- pack these two heuristics, with the aim of
less of which category of decision makers making them practical for all readers. I as-
is most relevant in a given situation—com- sume that most readers of this chapter will
munity leaders, national leaders, business be scientists and allied professionals—and
leaders, people in a specific profession (e.g., I therefore tailor my comments to them—
building contractors), or even individu- but the recommendations are equally rel-
als and families who are trying to manage evant to anyone seeking to improve climate
their own lives in the best possible manner. change and biodiversity outcomes in ways
All of these people have important climate- that are grounded in scientific evidence.
and biodiversity-related decisions to make,
whether they currently know it or not. Indi-
vidual scientists and the scientific commu- SH A R I NG W H AT W E K NOW
nity can be of value in helping these people
make wise decisions and take wise actions. Scientists are highly trained to share what
The question posed above includes two they know, but primarily to colleagues in
related yet distinct challenges. The first their own scientific discipline. Typically,
challenge is helping decision makers make this process begins with our research,
wise decisions; the second challenge is where we develop and test ideas. If an idea
helping them take wise actions. To help proves to have merit, we take steps to share
people make wise decisions, we must effec- it with our colleagues—at professional
tively bring the issue to their attention, sug- meetings, in journal articles, and in books.
gest the need to make decisions, clarify the Perhaps if we are really excited by the idea,
nature of the problems and opportunities, we might make extra efforts to share it more
and make available the best science-based broadly—possibly with scientists in other
information—in appropriate formats—for disciplines (e.g., by giving talks at their
decision makers to consider. In short, we meetings) or with the general public (e.g.,
must effectively share what we know. by working with our institution’s press of-
Helping people take wise actions in- fice to issue a press release), although these
volves a different set of activities. If it were efforts tend to be fleeting. These approaches
easy for people to convert their good deci- to sharing what we know work reasonably
sions (i.e., their good intentions) into effec- well with colleagues in our own discipline,
tive actions, the proverb “the road to hell is less well with scientists in other disciplines,
paved with good intentions” would never and not well enough with policy makers,
have arisen. Fortunately, steps can be taken business leaders, and members of the pub-
to help people convert their good inten- lic. Metaphorically, these approaches are
tions into effective actions. akin to tossing what we know “over the
My answer to the question, therefore, transom” or out the window of our lab, and
has two parts. To effectively share what we into the outside world, expecting relevant
know, we need simple clear messages, re- people to pick up our knowledge, consider
peated often, by a variety of trusted sources. it, and know what to do with it.
To help people convert their good inten- There is a better way: simple clear mes-
tions into effective actions, we need to do sages, repeated often, by a variety of trusted
338 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

sources. This is not a “magic bullet,” and it manner, we stand a much better chance of
will not solve our biodiversity and climate designing messages that illuminate, rather
challenges overnight (or anytime soon), than messages that alienate. Admittedly,
but the approach is evidence based (based conducting audience research is not always
in the science of science communication), feasible (perhaps because of lack of time,
reasonably easy (once you understand it, funds, or expertise), but that is not an ex-
it is no harder than what you are already cuse for failure to seriously consider how
doing), and ethical (it involves providing members of the target audience are likely
people with information they are likely to to understand the information we wish to
find helpful). The heuristic itself has three share with them. Making the effort to con-
elements—simple messages, message rep- sider our audience members’ views—and
etition, and trusted messengers—each of values—is helpful in that it forces us as
which is based on empirical evidence and communicators to look beyond ourselves
offers practical guidance. and to think carefully about both what is
most worth saying and how best to say it.
An approach that all science communi-
The Importance of Message Simplicity
cators can use to improve their messages in-
Most people, in most situations, do not deal volves anticipating the questions that people
well with complex information; complex are likely to ask, and drafting messages that
information is cognitively taxing, and most attempt to proactively answer those ques-
people (even very bright people), in most tions. For example, when the issue pertains
situations, are unwilling to make the effort. to a risk, people are likely to ask some varia-
Instead, people typically use mental short- tion of the following questions: What is the
cuts to avoid cognitively difficult tasks, and problem? How will it affect me (and my
when they do, they often end up reaching people)? How serious is it? Who or what is
conclusions that differ from those intended causing the problem? What are the options
by the information provider (Kahneman for dealing with it? What, if anything, can
2011). The risk communication expert Ba- I do about it?
ruch Fischhoff (1989) trenchantly summa- To test your success in drafting simple,
rized the situation—and his prescription clear messages in response to likely audi-
about how best to manage it—in the fol- ence questions, share the messages with a
lowing manner: “People simplify.” Our job few members of your target audience, one
(as risk and science communicators) is to person at a time. After each person has had
help people simplify appropriately. a chance to consider your messages, ask
So, what can we—as communicators— each one to explain—in his or her own
do to help people simplify appropriately? words—what the messages mean and how
We can develop “messages” about the in- he or she would explain them to a friend.
formation we wish to share that are specifi- Also ask, “What questions, if any, do you
cally intended to help people simplify com- have for me about this information?” When
plex information appropriately. (For readers members of your audience can adequately
who disfavor the term “messages”—equat- explain your messages in their own words,
ing it to persuasive intent—the term “brief and when your messages help them ask
statements” is an acceptable synonym.) Au- good questions, you have succeeded in
dience research is a powerful tool for de- writing simple, clear messages.
veloping such messages. Through audience The Third U.S. National Climate Assess-
research, we can systematically collect data ment (NCA3) provides a useful example of
to assess audience members’ preexisting simple clear messages (Melillo et al. 2014).
knowledge, attitudes, and values, and test Although the full report is more than 1,000
their responses to draft messages. In this pages, for the NCA3 each set of chapter au-
thors was asked to identify key messages ness cognitively (by increasing salience
for their chapter. In addition, the federal and availability of the information) and
advisory committee that oversaw the de- affectively (by increasing positive feelings
velopment of NCA3 developed key mes- about the message) (Batra and Ray 1986;
sages for the report as a whole. Authors and Pechman and Stewart 1988; Chong and
advisory committee members were well Druckman 2013). Although truthfulness is
aware of audience research showing that of paramount importance in science com-
most Americans understand that climate munication, truthful messages amount to
change is happening but see it as a distant little without adequate message repetition,
threat—distant in space (i.e., the problems a point nicely illustrated by this quote from
will primarily manifest elsewhere, not in a political consultant: “You take the truth,
the United States), distant in time (i.e., the and I’ll take repetition; I’ll beat you every
problems will start in the future and are time” (Castellanos, personal communica-
not happening yet), and distant from hu- tion, 2010).
mans (i.e., the problems will be primarily The importance of message repetition is
felt by plants, penguins, and polar bears— something that every politician learns in
not people; Leiserowitz 2005; Leiserowitz her first political campaign, and every busi-
et al. 2017). As a result, NCA3 authors de- ness executive learns in his first marketing
veloped key messages intended to correct course, but it is a lesson rarely taught to sci-
the misperception of climate change as a entists. Admittedly, repetition is boring to
distant threat. The opening words on the most communicators, especially scientists.
NCA3 report website are the following: As scientists, novelty, innovation, and con-
“The National Climate Assessment provides troversy are what excite us—and what we
an in-depth look at climate change impacts like to talk about—but what excites us is
on the U.S. It details the multitude of ways not a relevant consideration in determin-
climate change is already affecting and will ing how best to share what we know with
increasingly affect the lives of Americans. decision makers. Moreover, like all people,
Explore how climate change affects you scientists suffer the “curse of knowledge”
and your family” (Melillo et al. 2014). This (Heath and Heath 2007); we forget that
theme is also clearly in evidence in the re- most people do not know what we know,
port’s introduction. These opening words, and as a result we end up making assump-
key messages, and even chapter names (e.g., tions in our communication that inad-
extreme weather, human health, water, ag- vertently excludes the very people we are
riculture, oceans) were all intended to help seeking to share our knowledge with. The
all readers—even those giving the informa- discipline of message repetition—repeating
tion only a quick glance—to understand the the messages that we have designed for the
most important, overarching, finding of the express purpose of helping audience mem-
assessment: climate change is happening bers simplify appropriately—forces us to
here, now, in every region of America. stay true to our plan for sharing the infor-
mation that is most helpful to members of
our target audience (rather than sharing the
The Importance of Message Repetition
information that most interests us).
One of the most robust findings to have Fortunately, message repetition is not
ever emerged from communication re- the sole burden of any one individual or
search is that “repetition is the mother of organization; message repetition works best
all learning” (Lang 2013)—an expression when many different messengers repeat
that comes to us originally from an ancient the same set of messages, consistently, over
Latin proverb (repetitio est mater studiorum). time. Individuals and organizations work-
Repetition increases message persuasive- ing on climate change and biodiversity
340 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

issues should develop the discipline to work Climate change and biodiversity com-
together to design, use, and repeat—at ev- municators can earn the trust of their
ery communication opportunity—a shared target, and leverage the impact of their
set of messages specifically intended to help communication, by recruiting additional
audience members reach appropriate con- trusted voices—people who are known by
clusions about the complex problems they the target audience, personally or by repu-
are urging them to engage with. tation—to embrace, repeat, and thereby
Reach—that is, reaching members of validate their simple clear messages. These
your intended target—is an important con- additional trusted voices need not necessar-
sideration, too. Messages that are repeated ily be from the science community. Indeed,
often but fail to reach their intended audi- we can and should cultivate communica-
ence will have no benefit for that audience. tion partnerships with individuals and or-
Consumer brands typically strive to achieve ganizations outside the realm of climate
both message reach and frequency with a change and biodiversity who are highly
combination of paid advertising, earned trusted by members of our audience—for
media (i.e., outreach to news media and example, leaders in the faith community
bloggers), social media, endorsements, or in the business community—because
paid placements, and other means. Climate doing so is a way of demonstrating one’s
change and biodiversity professionals and trustworthiness, and of maximizing one’s
organizations rarely have the opportunity message reach and frequency.
to achieve reach through paid placements The most effective endorsements come
(e.g., advertising), but through the kind of from people that our target audience trusts
collaboration suggested in the paragraph the most, regardless of their level of ex-
above, they can strive to maximize both pertise. On the issue of climate change, for
message reach and frequency (i.e., repeti- example, people typically trust most the
tion), especially to the extent that they suc- people they know the best—their family
ceed in bringing other trusted messengers members, friends, and coworkers (Figure
into the communication mix. For further 26.1; Leiserowitz et al. 2009). Scientists are
elaboration of this important idea, read on. highly trusted, too, but it is the rare indi-
vidual who places greater trust in a scientist
(whom he or she has never met) than in
The Importance of Trusted Messengers
his or her own family and friends. This is
Quite simply, where there is no trust, there precisely why the best test of the simplic-
can be no learning. As a group, scientists ity and clarity of a science-based message
are highly trusted. For example, scientists is whether members of the target audience
are trusted “a lot” by two-thirds of Ameri- are willing and able to convey the message
can adults—tied with medical doctors and to their family, friends, and coworkers.
second only to members of the military and Ultimately, that should be the aim of our
teachers (Pew Research Center 2013). How- communication—to motivate and enable
ever, when target audience members do not members of our target audience to share
know the specific scientist who is attempt- our messages with one another.
ing to communicate with them—person- Feeling overwhelmed at the prospect
ally or by reputation—their trust in that of designing and communicating simple,
messenger is likely to be superficial, provi- clear messages, repeated often, by a variety
sional, and vulnerable, and communication of trusted sources? Don’t be. In his article
mistakes (e.g., unclear messages, seemingly “Communicating about Matters of Greatest
evasive answers, lack of empathy) can rap- Urgency: Climate Change,” Baruch Fischhoff
idly undermine trust (Maibach and Covello (2007) made a strong case for improving the
2016). effectiveness of science communication by

Figure 26.1. Americans’ trust in various possible sources By way of example, I (as a social scientist)
of information about global warming. Data from Yale/ helped organize a team of climate scien-
George Mason University Climate Change in the Ameri-
can Mind surveys conducted between 2008 and 2012
tists, social scientists, and communications
(Leiserowitz et al. 2012). practitioners at various universities (George
Mason and Yale), nonprofit organizations
approaching it as a team sport rather than (Climate Central, American Meteorologi-
as solo sport in which every scientist is ex- cal Society), and government agencies (Na-
pected to be master of the art and science of tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
communication. Specifically, Fischhoff en- istration, National Aeronautics and Space
courages the development of science com- Adminstration) to develop and distribute to
munication teams that include three distinct TV weathercasters broadcast-quality mate-
types of expertise, which can be provided by rials to help them report on the local im-
a minimum of three people: a content scien- pacts of climate change in their area. Called
tist (i.e., a person with expertise on the risk Climate Matters, the collaboration started with
or the issue), a social scientist (i.e., a person a successful pilot test at a single TV sta-
with expertise on how people interpret in- tion in Columbia, South Carolina (Zhao et
formation), and a communications practitio- al. 2014), and has expanded to a national
ner (i.e., a person with expertise in creating network with more than 500 participating
communications opportunities). These three weathercasters, and growing (Placky et al.
types of professionals each bring unique 2016; Maibach et al. 2016).
knowledge and skills to the process of devel- In addition to sustained collaborations,
oping simple, clear messages and in working as described in the Climate Matters example,
to ensure that those messages are conveyed this team-based approach to science com-
often, by a variety of trusted sources. munication is also practical for ad hoc
342 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

communications opportunities. For exam- (e.g., “I’ll have the cheeseburger and fries,
ple, climate scientists—who will soon be please”). One of the most effective means
publishing findings with important impli- of reducing this attitude-behavior gap is to
cations for decision makers—can ask a so- make the recommended behavior easier to
cial science colleague and a member of the perform (e.g., “Would you like carrot sticks,
media relations team at their institution to an apple, or fries with your burger?”).
help them craft messages and develop and People are likely to perform easy behav-
implement a communication plan through iors that they believe to be in their best in-
which to communicate the messages. terest, but they often defer—and never get
around to—behaviors they find more dif-
ficult. To save money on utility bills, for ex-
I N F LU E NC I NG BE H AV IOR ample, a homeowner may switch her lights
over time from incandescent bulbs to LEDs
Effective communication is important, al- (because doing so is relatively easy), but she
though it is often not sufficient to change may not take steps to weatherize her home
people’s behavior (Hornik 2002; McKen- (because doing so is harder), despite the
zie-Mohr 2011). Even after people decide fact that the cost savings from the latter are
to take action, many will not, or they will considerably larger.
not persevere long enough to succeed. Con- Many important actions are not easy to
sider, for example, your most recent New perform. Steps can be taken, however, to
Year’s resolution. make them easier to perform. In his excel-
Social marketing—the use of marketing lent book Fostering Sustainable Behavior, Doug
methods to promote behaviors that benefit McKenzie-Mohr (2011) recommends taking
society—is a method developed specifically an engineering-like approach to the task of
to help address this problem (Maibach et making behaviors easier. The first step in
al. 2002). Many excellent texts lay bare the the process is to conduct audience research
principles of social marketing, including for the purpose of identifying the barriers
two that specifically explore its application that impede people’s performance of a be-
to environmental challenges (McKenzie- havior of whose value they are already con-
Mohr 2011; McKenzie-Mohr et al. 2012). vinced. These barriers might include a lack
I particularly encourage readers of this of knowledge about how to perform the ac-
chapter, however, to watch a TED Talk by tion (e.g., “I can’t remember which kinds of
Bill Smith (2011)—one of social market- fish are sustainable”), a lack of skills neces-
ing’s pioneers. In his talk, Smith lays out a sary to perform the behavior well (e.g., “I
simple heuristic to guide the implementa- don’t know how to cook that kind of fish”),
tion of social marketing programs: make a lack of necessary resources (e.g., “Sustain-
the behavior you are promoting easy, fun, ably caught fish is too expensive”), concern
and popular. Although it sounds cheeky, the about the negative consequences of per-
heuristic is based on a large body of empiri- forming the behavior incorrectly (e.g., “My
cal research, and it offers important, practi- kids won’t eat it if they don’t like it”), and
cal guidance. so on.
The next step in McKenzie-Mohr’s ap-
proach is to develop and pilot test ways of
The Importance of Making
reducing—or ideally eliminating—the bar-
the Behavior Easy
riers found to be particularly common. The
Social scientists have long known that there Seafood Watch app developed by the Mon-
is often a large gap between people’s at- terey Bay Aquarium is a good example of
titudes toward a behavior (e.g., vegetables a program intended to reduce at least one
are very good for you) and their behavior barrier to purchasing sustainably caught
fish—not knowing which fish are sus- climate change impacts stories, including
tainably caught. If the pilot-test results are lack of time to prepare stories, lack of ac-
promising, efforts can be made to encour- cess to data on local impacts, and lack of
age widespread adoption of the approach. access to appropriate graphics and visuals
The Marine Stewardship Council’s Certified to support their reporting. In response, to
Sustainable Seafood program is an example make the recommended behavior easier
of a program that has achieved consider- for weathercasters, each week our team
able success through adoption by large food produces and distributes broadcast-quality
companies and retailers. graphics, customized to each participating
Another important way to make behav- weathercasters’ media market, which often
iors easier is to have members of the tar- feature data on the local impacts of climate
get audience demonstrate to other audience change in their area; see Figure 26.2 for
members how they perform the behavior, an example. (All current and past Climate
live or on video (Bandura 2004). Modeling Matters materials are available online at the
demonstrations of this type are particularly website
effective when the models make explicit climate-matters.) To model use of these
the necessary steps to perform the behavior materials, and thereby increase participat-
successfully, the pitfalls to avoid, and the ing weathercasters’ sense of self-efficacy in
benefits of performing the behavior. Both using the materials on-air, the Climate Matters
of these approaches—reducing barriers and Facebook page includes examples of how
modeling the behavior—will increase peo- other weathercasters have used the materi-
ple’s sense of self-efficacy (self-confidence) als (see
to perform the recommended action, which .matters/videos).
increases the odds that people will try, per-
severe, and eventually succeed in perform-
The Importance of Making
ing the behavior (Bandura 2004).
the Behavior Fun
In their terrific book Switch, Chip and
Dan Health (2010) lay out a host of practical Climate change and biodiversity experts
ways to make behavior change easier and recommend behaviors not because the be-
to make behavior change programs more haviors are fun, but because they offer im-
successful. Drawing on the metaphor of a portant benefits. Regardless, experts should
rider (to represent people’s thoughts), an not lose sight of two important facts: people
elephant (to represent people’s emotions), are more likely to perform behaviors that
and their path (to represent the social and are fun than behaviors that are not; and
physical environment in which people are receiving benefits is fun, while incurring
operating), the Heaths recommend setting costs is not.
a clear (i.e., unambiguous) goal, charting People are often willing to incur costs to
milestones so that progress made toward secure benefits that they value (including
the goal will be positively reinforcing, and but certainly not limited to fun). The most
“tweaking the environment” (i.e., modify- attractive offers, however, are those that de-
ing or removing personal, social, or envi- liver valued benefits to people at the same
ronmental barriers to performance of the time as—or even before—they are required
behavior). to incur the costs (e.g., “No money down
The Climate Matters program provides an . . . take the car today”). Conversely, the
example of how my colleagues and I have least attractive offers are those that require
sought to make behavior change easier for incurring costs up front and receiving the
TV weathercasters. Our audience research benefits only much later (Rothschild 1999).
with weathercasters identified several key Many actions recommended to prevent cli-
barriers to their ability to report on local mate change and species loss are seen as
344 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

Figure 26.2. An example of broadcast-ready Climate Mat- by current practices. This iconic species
ters graphics that are produced by Climate Central and becomes the mascot of their campaign, a
distributed to TV weathercasters. (Courtesy of Climate
campaign that embraces and embodies fun,
and offers people immediate benefits in the
requiring costs up front while delivering form of positive reinforcement for partici-
benefits only in the future, possibly the dis- pating and the satisfaction of contributing
tant future. to something of value to entire community.
To enhance the odds that people will
adopt behaviors they have already decided
The Importance of Making the Behavior (at
are in their best interest, climate change
Least Seem) Popular
and biodiversity professionals should con-
sider two important questions: What can I People are highly sensitive to social norms.
do to make the behavior easier to perform? The more common (or normative) a behav-
And what can I do to help decision makers ior is perceived to be, the more likely people
get immediate benefits from the behavior, are to perform it (Cialdini 2006). There are
especially benefits they care most about? two distinct types of social norms, both of
Rare, a biodiversity conservation and be- which exert subtle but powerful influences
havior change organization—based in the on people’s behavior. Descriptive norms
United States but working worldwide—pro- are people’s perceptions of how common
vides a great example. Rare has developed a a behavior (or attitude) is among people
highly successful model for enhancing fun, like themselves (e.g., friends in their social
making recommended behaviors easier, and network, members of their “tribe,” and/
delivering valued benefits immediately— or citizens of their community). Injunc-
called “pride campaigns” (Boss 2008; Butler tive norms, conversely, are people’s percep-
et al. 2013). Pride can be a powerful motiva- tions of the degree to which other relevant
tor (Patrick et al. 2009). Rare’s approach cen- people (friends, “tribal” members, citizens)
ters on cultivating local pride in a commu- approve or disapprove approve of the be-
nity or in a nation—in their land, in their havior or attitude.
culture, and in their willingness to rally be- The most useful way to harness the in-
hind a local iconic species that is threatened fluence of social norms depends, in part, on
the degree to which a behavior being pro- average households subsequently decreased
moted is currently normative. When seek- their energy use, and below-average house-
ing to promote a behavior that is currently holds subsequently increased their energy
uncommon among members of the target use, thereby demonstrating the power of
audience, one can draw attention to specific descriptive norms. The boomerang effect
notable people who are already performing among below-average households was pre-
the behavior, to their reasons for perform- vented, however, by adding a smiley-face
ing the behavior, and to the benefits they image on the utility bill to signal the util-
are enjoying as a result. Shining a light on ity company’s approval of energy conser-
these behavioral models makes the behavior vation—thereby demonstrating the power
appear more descriptively normative than of injunctive norms. This simple insight
it might otherwise seem, and as described about the power of social norms has led to
above, it can also highlight the behavior’s a thriving business that is helping utility
benefits and promote self-efficacy among companies in a half dozen nations reduce
decision makers who see the modeling. their need to generate electricity.
Uncommon behaviors can quickly be- In conclusion, communications efforts
come popular when opinion leaders within that use simple, clear messages, repeated of-
a target audience embrace and endorse the ten by a variety of trusted sources, and be-
behavior, thereby exerting their powerful havior change efforts that strive to make the
social influence through injunctive norms. behavior you are promoting easy, fun, and
Sustainability professionals can seek out popular hold considerable promise in help-
and recruit opinion leaders in their target ing translate the insights of environmental
population as a strategy for accelerating up- science into more sustainable civilizations
take of behaviors they are recommending across the globe.
(Valente 2012).
If the recommended behavior is gaining
in popularity but is not yet normative, ef- ACK NOWLE DGME NTS
forts can be made to highlight its growing
popularity—in the news, in entertainment This material is based on work supported
media, and in social media—as a means of by the National Science Foundation under
reinforcing the growing norm. Such efforts Grant Numbers DRL-1422431 and DRL-
are particularly likely to be effective when 1713450. Any opinions, findings, and con-
they highlight notable respected individu- clusions or recommendations expressed in
als who are embracing the behavior (e.g., this material are those of the author(s) and
Warren Buffett), especially if most people do not necessarily reflect the views of the
would not expect those individuals to em- National Science Foundation.
brace the behavior.
Opower provides an excellent ex-
ample. Opower is an American corpora-
tion that harnesses social science research
on the power of social norms to help Bandura, Albert. 2004. “Health promotion by social cog-
utility companies reduce consumer de- nitive means.” Health Education and Behavior 31: 143–164.
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Maibach, Edward, Michael Rothschild, and William No- Earthscan.
velli. 2002. “Social marketing.” In Health Behavior and

Climate Change, Most human nutrition is derived from do-

mesticated plants. Significant factors con-
Food, and trolling the productivity of agricultural
crops are under human control; funda-
Biodiversity mentally their evolution is in our hands. As
Sir Otto Frankel once remarked, we have
CARY FOWLER AND acquired “evolutionary responsibility” for
OL A TVEITER EID WE STENGEN them. A discussion about the impact of cli-
mate change on agriculture cannot, there-
fore, be about climate’s effects on only
plants and agricultural ecosystems. It must
also concern how we discharge our evolu-
tionary responsibility and assist agriculture
in adapting to dramatically new conditions.
Agriculture—plant and animal domesti-
cation—arose in multiple locations around
the world in the early and middle Holocene
and thereafter spread globally (Larson et al.
2014). As a consequence of the transition
from hunting and gathering to agriculture,
human beings became increasingly depen-
dent on the vagaries of weather, as seden-
tary farmers’ livelihoods are more sensitive
to fluctuations in temperature and rainfall
than those of nomadic hunter-gatherers.
Over time, exposure to different envi-
ronments, climates, and human cultures
helped generate and sustain enormous ge-
netic diversity within the gene pools of the
different domesticated crops. According to
the statistics of the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, wheat,
which originated in the Near East as a crop,
is now grown in 124 countries, and maize,
domesticated in the Americas, is cultivated
in 166 countries (FAO 2014). Thus, the eco-
logical niche of agricultural subsistence is
wide, but climate change is about to alter
the climatic parameters of that niche in
an unprecedented way in many parts of

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

348 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

the world. There is evidence that agricul- ture crop yield: statistical models relying on
tural production is already being substan- historical yield and weather data, and bio-
tially and negatively affected by changes in physical or process-based models relying on
climate, and projections based on climate data from experimental crop trials (Porter
models indicate that later in this century et al. 2014; Lobell and Burke 2010). A recent
many farming areas will have climates not global meta-level study that synthesized
experienced during the entire history of ag- projections from more than 1,700 pub-
riculture. We are seeing an increasing mis- lished simulations to evaluate yield impacts
match between our crops and the human- of climate change concluded: “There is a
altered environment (Carroll et al. 2014). majority consensus that yield changes will
One in eight persons on Earth today, or be negative from the 2030s onwards. More
more than 795 million in total, are already than 70 percent of the projections indicate
considered food insecure (FAO, IFAD, and yield decreases for the 2040s and 2050s, and
WFP 2016). Most undernourished people more than 45 percent of all projections for
live in South and East Asia and Sub-Saharan the second half of the century indicate yield
Africa. Although the challenge of adapting decreases greater than 10 percent” (Challi-
agriculture to new environmental circum- nor et al. 2014, 289). The picture emerging
stances will be global, posing an obstacle to from these models is dire. At a global aggre-
development goals at all levels, it will take gate level, yields of maize and wheat begin
on a particularly urgent humanitarian as- to decline with 1°C–2°C of warming in the
pect where the poor and food insecure are tropics, while temperate maize and tropi-
concentrated, where the impacts of climate cal rice yields are significantly affected with
change on food production tragically will warming of 3°C–5°C (Porter et al. 2014).
be most severe. These global estimates mask considerable
regional differences, however. Studies pro-
jecting positive effects on crop production
IM PACTS in temperate regions buffer some of the an-
ticipated decreases in yields in tropical re-
Crop yield is the most studied aspect of the gions for which there is strong consensus
impacts of climate change on food security. (Challinor et al. 2014). But the latest report
A large number of studies document that ef- from the International Panel of Climate
fects are already evident in several regions Change (IPCC) (Porter et al. 2014) says it is
and project increasingly negative effects on now less likely that moderate warming will
yield. Climate extremes including unusually raise crop yields at mid- to high latitudes
hot night- and daytime temperatures as well than projected in their previous assessment.
as natural disasters attributed to anthropo- Instead, the IPPC projects that there will be
genic activity have already negatively affected more yield decreases than increases even
overall crop production (Porter et al. 2014). A under moderate warming.
study at the International Rice Research Insti- Sub-Saharan Africa is emerging as a re-
tute (IRRI) found that a 1°C increase in min- gion that will be particularly hard hit by
imum temperature during the dry growing climate change. On the basis of national
season had the effect of reducing rice yields historical climate and crop production data,
by 10 percent (Peng et al. 2004). Lobell et Schlenker and Lobell (2010) projected ag-
al. (2011) found that global maize production gregate production losses of 17 percent for
declined 3.8 percent and wheat declined 5.5 sorghum and 22 percent for maize in the re-
percent between 1980 and 2008 compared gion by midcentury (Schlenker and Lobell
to a counterfactual without climate change. 2010). Lobell et al. (2011) analyzed experi-
There are two principal types of studies mental yield data from 20,000 maize trials
estimating effects of climate change on fu- across South and East Africa and projected
that 1°C warming will lead to yield losses precedented climate territory. New cli-
in 65 percent–100 percent of the regions’ mates will generate combinations of con-
maize growing areas. They found signifi- ditions and biological assemblages with
cant varietal differences depending on the no current analogues (Burke, Lobell, and
maturity period of the varieties and on Guarino 2009). Changes in climate ex-
whether the variety is hybrid or open pol- tremes can have more adverse impacts on
linated (Lobell et al. 2011). At a local level crop production than changes in means.
in this region, Thornton et al. (2009) used Moreover, today’s extremes might become
a biophysical crop model to estimate effects tomorrow’s normal—today’s hot growing
in grids corresponding to ~18 km by 18 km seasons, which often result in large de-
in the landscape and found that between 9 clines in food production, could become
percent and 33 percent of the assessed grids the cool and “best” growing seasons of
across East Africa are likely to see a potential the future (Figure 27.1). The damage done
yield loss of more than 20 percent for maize by short-run events could become long-
by 2050. term trends without sufficient invest-
Impact studies generally agree that the ments in adaptation (Battisti and Naylor
effect of temperature increase will be more 2009). A recent statistical study of global
important than changes in precipitation crop production and extreme weather
and that the benefits of increased CO2 in events found that droughts and extreme
the atmosphere for photosynthesis will be heat have reduced national cereal produc-
outweighed by the negative effects of tem- tion by 9 percent–10 percent and 8 per-
perature increase (Lobell and Gourdji 2012; cent–11 percent more damage in devel-
Thornton et al. 2009). Excessive heat can oped countries than in developing ones
harm virtually all plant parts and affect plant (Lesk, Rowhani, and Ramankutty 2016).
growth at every stage in the life cycle. The This is dire evidence in light of the esti-
life cycle and growth period are shortened. mate that by 2050, the majority of African
Leaves curl and wither, reducing light inter- countries will experience climates over at
ception. Partial closure of stomata to reduce least half their current crop area that lie
transpiration increases canopy temperature outside the range currently experienced
and reduces photosynthesis effectiveness. within the country (Burke, Lobell, and
The quantity, quality, and timing of growth Guarino 2009).
in reproductive tissue are reduced (Cairns et Evidence presented in previous chapters
al. 2013; Cossani and Reynolds 2012). Thus, of this book suggests substantial risks to
negative effects of heat both cause and com- wild plant biodiversity due to range shifts
pound already existing moisture deficien- and contraction in habitats with suitable
cies. Most yield projections omit consid- climates. In a seminal study, Thomas et al.
eration of pest, weed, and disease impacts (2004) predicted that 15 percent–37 per-
on crop yields, but several studies conclude cent of wild plant biodiversity is threatened
that changes in climate and CO2 concentra- with extinction due to climate change by
tion will alter the distribution and probably 2050. Similar projections have been made
increase the competitiveness of nematodes, for crop wild relatives. Jarvis et al. (2008)
insects, fungal diseases, and weeds in many estimates that up to 61 percent of wild pea-
areas (Ziska et al. 2011; Porter et al. 2014). nut (Arachis) species, 12 percent of potato
Effects on other biotic factors important for (Solanum) species, and 8 percent of cowpea
crop production such as on soil communi- (Vigna) species could become extinct within
ties are underresearched but also represent 50 years due to climate change. Other eco-
potential threats to agricultural production. logical niche modeling studies have pro-
At 2°C of global warming, many crops jected large contractions in distribution
will begin to enter a new, historically un- areas for wild relatives in the Cucurbitacea
350 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

Peru South Africa

Number of Summers 40 1900-2006 40 1900-2006

Number of Summers
2080-2100 2080-2100
30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
-5 0 5 10 -5 0 5 10
Temperature Anomaly (ºC) Temperature Anomaly (ºC)

Figure 27.1. Historic and future average growing condi- wheat and maize caused by already evident
tions in Peru and South Africa. (Data from Battisti and climate change between 1980 and 2008 re-
Naylor 2009.)
sulted in an estimated average commodity
price increase of 6.9 percent compared to
family (to which pumpkins and squashes a counterfactual with no climate change in
belong) in Mexico (Lira, Téllez, and Dávila the period (Lobell, Schlenker, and Costa-
2009), on wild relatives of maize (Zea) in Roberts 2011). Projecting this trend into the
Mexico (Ureta et al. 2012), and wild Arabica future, the IPCC finds that changes in tem-
coffee (Coffea arabica) in Ethiopia (Davis et al. perature and precipitation, without con-
2012). Like wild plant biodiversity, crop sidering effects of CO2, will contribute to
wild relatives will face many compounding increased global food prices in the range of
influences such as habitat degradation due 3 percent–84 percent by 2050 (Porter et al.
to agriculture and human infrastructure, 2014).
and shifts in pests and disease stress. Periods of abnormally hot weather in
the past provide an imperfect but important
glimpse of how we might expect agricul-
C L I M AT E C H A NGE A N D F O OD tural and social systems to react in the fu-
SE CU R IT Y ture unless food production keeps pace with
the growing demand. Significant climate
Future food security will be affected not events due primarily, it is argued, to their
only by crop production levels but also by a impact on food production have been posi-
host of socioeconomic factors that make it tively correlated with increased incidents
difficult to link climate change unambigu- of war and civil strife over the past 2,000
ously to impacts on food security (Lobell years (Büntgen et al. 2011; Hsiang, Burke,
and Gourdji 2012; HLPE 2012). Neverthe- and Miguel 2013). As for food security, the
less, the IPCC highlights that climate change effect of climate change on human security
is likely to affect all aspects of food security, will heavily depend on political and eco-
not only food availability, but also food ac- nomic pathways taken (Theisen, Gleditsch,
cess, utilization, and price stability (Porter and Buhaug 2013), but the link between cli-
et al. 2014). Nutritional quality of food and mate-caused food scarcity and social insta-
fodder (important for the utilization aspect bility is arguably an underlying trend in hu-
of food security) is negatively affected by man history. Analyzing new conflict event
elevated CO2 (Myers et al. 2014; Porter et data covering Asia and Africa in the period
al. 2014). Climate extremes have, together 1989–2014, von Uexkull et al. (2016) found
with other factors, played a role in peri- that for groups depending on agriculture
ods of rapid food and cereal price increases living in poor countries and experiencing
(important for access and stability aspects of political exclusion, droughts significantly
food security) in recent years. Yield losses in increased the likelihood of violence.
PR E PA R I NG F OR C L IM AT E C H A NGE aptation as they are “based on long experi-
T H ROUGH C ROP A DA P TATION ence in dealing with a highly variable en-
vironment” (Vermeulen et al. 2013), while
As the twenty-first century progresses, a those involving improved varieties are
central question becomes whether, to what classified either as incremental or systemic
extent, and through which means agri- change, depending on whether the variet-
culture will successfully adapt to climate ies are available off the shelves or are devel-
change. This question is critical to food oped through targeted breeding programs.
security, to global peace, and to the envi- The cardinal question is whether farmers
ronment, because agricultural systems that and breeders will be able to adapt based
function poorly are a threat to all. on the genetic variability in traditional and
Challinor et al. (2014) assess several improved varieties. Early research into this
common adaptation strategies in agricul- question indicates that although there is
ture: cultivar adjustment, planting date ad- great genetic potential in available genetic
justment, and irrigation and fertilizer opti- resources, there are challenges regarding
mization. Cultivar adjustment is estimated access to the appropriate genetic resources,
to be the most effective measure with a me- both for farmers and for breeders (Burke,
dian potential to increase yield by 23 per- Lobell, and Guarino 2009; Bellon, Hod-
cent compared with situations where farm- son, and Hellin 2011; Bjørnstad, Tekle, and
ers do not change cultivars (Figure 27.2). Göransson 2013).
Cultivar adjustment refers to switching Adaptation of crops to warmer new cli-
to a presumably better adapted variety, be mates will not be reliably—and certainly not
it a local or an improved variety and can
involve both formal and informal seed sup- Figure 27.2. The percentage benefit (yield difference be-
tween cases with and without the adaptation) for differ-
ply systems (Westengen and Brysting 2014). ent crop management adaptations: cultivar adjustment
Recent typologies of adaptation distinguish (CA); planting date adjustment (PDA); adjusting plant-
between incremental, systemic, and trans- ing date in combination with cultivar adjustment (PDA,
formative adaptation options (Vermeulen CA); irrigation optimization (IO); fertilizer optimiza-
et al. 2013; Porter et al. 2014; Rippke et al. tion (FO); other management adaptations (Other). The
simulated median benefit is marked with a solid, dark
2016) In this typology, cultivar adjustment gray, horizontal line and the whiskers indicate the 25th
involving local varieties and informal seed and 75th percentile. (Based on data from Challinor et al.
supply systems exemplifies incremental ad- 2014; Porter et al. 2014.)
352 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

always—achieved by shifting production of The alternative to adaptation on existing

current varieties to cooler climates. Such farmland will often be expansion of agri-
shifts involve changes in photoperiod, rain- culture into nearby natural habitats. A re-
fall timing, pests and diseases, and involve- cent study modeling climate change effects
ment of other flora and soil types, making on global wine-grape production shows
adaptation a nontrivial event. Incremental how agricultural adaptation may affect eco-
crop adaptation to environmental change systems negatively if farmers respond to
by on-farm selection of local populations declining climate suitability in traditional
has dominated the 10,000-year history of wine-growing areas by expanding into
agriculture; this is still the major pathway to wildlife habitats (Hannah et al. 2013). Such
crop adaptation for many crops in develop- indirect effects of climate change on biodi-
ing countries where informal seed systems versity exacerbate direct impacts described
dominate. Local varieties called landraces in previous chapters of this book.
typically have a long history in their par- In addition to the five agricultural adap-
ticular, often limited human and ecologi- tation strategies described above, there are
cal communities and are adapted to those also a range of other adaptation strategies
specific niches. But given the rapidity and used by farmers around the world, some
scale of the projected climate change, land- on-farm and some off-farm strategies. The
races may experience a loss of the adaptive options are widely different for a large
advantages they currently have. We cannot corn farmer in Iowa, in the United States,
assume that landraces will routinely “evolve compared to those available to a small-scale
their way” into new climate regimes. Sci- farmer in Morogoro, in Tanzania. Cultivar
entific plant breeders typically have access adjustment alone is unlikely to be a suffi-
to a larger gene pool than farmers working cient response, but without it other mea-
with landraces, and therefore have a larger sures cannot succeed.
toolbox of genetic traits as well as tech-
nologies to draw on when developing new
varieties. Integration of formal and infor- INSTIT U TIONA L PR E PA R E DN E S S:
mal seed system institutions and collabora- GA PS A N D PRO GR E S S
tion between farmers and breeders will be
needed to harness the strengths of local and Because new crop varieties typically take a
scientific knowledge (McGuire and Sperling decade or for some crops much longer to
2013; Challinor et al. 2016; Westengen and develop and deploy, the impact of climate
Brysting 2014). change on agriculture and food becomes,
Because farmers and their crops are to some extent, a question of how well pre-
headed into uncharted territory, the em- pared we are to begin to produce these new
ployment not just of the primary but also adapted varieties for the expected climate of
of the secondary and tertiary gene pools of 2025 and beyond. In other words, do we
crops will likely be useful in deploying im- have access to the needed raw material?
portant adaptive traits. Crop wild relatives Collecting of economic plants dates to
are increasingly recognized as a key re- 4500 BP. From the sixteenth century, bo-
source for adapting crop species to climate tanical gardens were heavily involved. The
change (McCouch et al. 2013). Successful geneticist N. I. Vavilov in the former So-
utilization of genetic resources from other viet Union organized the first systematic
countries and from crop wild relatives in large-scale collections of crop diversity in
plant breeding relies on functioning poli- the 1920s, which were conserved in St.
cies, economic and scientific factors on the Petersburg (then Leningrad) and used for
supply side as well as policies and socioeco- plant breeding and research (Plucknett et
nomic factors on the demand side. al. 1987). The United States established its
national genebank in 1954. Today, FAO re- by default are the sole plant breeders for
cords some 1,750 genetic resource collec- many crops.
tions housing more than 7 million samples. Although plant genetic resource collec-
There is currently much duplication of con- tions are numerically large globally, there
servation efforts, with the same samples are questions about the adequacy of collec-
held by several genebanks, and the FAO tions for many individual crops (Fowler and
estimates that only 25 percent–30 percent Hodgkin 2004); moreover, no country is
of the total number of samples are unique even remotely independent or self-reliant in
(FAO 2010). This duplication of conserva- terms of the resources they will need in the
tion efforts and proliferation of genebanks future for plant breeding. Every country is
would not be a concern were it not for the in some way dependent on others (Khoury
fact that only a few of them actually offer et al. 2016). Figure 27.1 shows how dramati-
secure long-term conservation and access cally the growing climates might change in
(FAO 2010). A partial solution—an op- individual countries, a reminder of coun-
portunity to solve this problem—is pro- tries’ interdependency in terms of crop ge-
vided by the legal framework provided by netic resources needed to sustain breeding
the International Treaty on Plant Genetic and production. Recognizing this interde-
Resources (ITPGRFA) and the institutional pendency, the ITPGRFA mandates “facili-
support provided by the Global Crop Diver- tated access” among its member states, but a
sity Trust, both crucial instruments for the recent survey shows that fewer than 40 per-
development of an efficient and sustainable cent are providing access; many genebanks
system of ex situ conservation called for by do not respond to requests or deny them
the FAO (2010). outright. Political obstacles cripple imple-
Plant-breeding expertise and investment mentation of this key provision and even
is focused on a small number of commer- deter open acknowledgment of the problem
cial crops, with maize at the top of the list. by countries (Bjørnstad, Tekle, and Görans-
Perhaps half of all domesticated crops have son 2013). This lack of access to genetic re-
never had a single Mendelian-trained plant sources can be an impediment to develop-
breeder working with them (Fowler and ment and deployment of traits needed for
Hodgkin 2004). Even crops of tremendous crop adaptation to climate change.
importance (e.g., banana, yam) have fewer In recent years there has, however, been
than 10 plant breeders (Fowler and Hodg- progress in securing the conservation of
kin 2004). This would indicate a severe lack plant genetic resources. The Global Crop
of capacity to develop adapted new varieties Diversity Trust established an endowment
quickly. Furthermore, as many as a billion to provide ongoing funding to important
people live in farm families that are largely collections. Norway constructed and—to-
self-provisioning in terms of seeds; these gether with the Nordic Genetic Resource
are families mainly in developing countries Centre and the Global Crop Diversity
with limited access to the genetic resources Trust—oversees the Svalbard Global Seed
outside their own communities that might Vault, which functions as a safety net for the
be needed for crop adaptation to significant emerging international ex situ conservation
climate change through on-farm selection system for seed crops (Westengen, Jeppson,
and breeding. Genetic diversity and the dif- and Guarino 2013; Fowler 2008). By the end
fusion of diversity such as took place with of 2017, nearly 1,000,000 safety duplicates
the massive government seed distribution of accessions (varieties or populations) held
in the United States in the 1800s (Fowler in more than 60 genebanks were conserved
1994) have heretofore enabled wide adap- at Svalbard.
tion, but no large-scale programs exist to- Successful adaptation of crops to climate
day to provide this diversity to farmers who change will be required for the world to
354 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

avoid significant increases in hunger, mal- Challinor, Andrew J., A.-K. Koehler, Julian Ramirez-Vil-
nutrition, political instability, and environ- legas, S. Whitfield, and B. Das. 2016. “Current warm-
ing will reduce yields unless maize breeding and seed
mental destruction. Additional investments systems adapt immediately.” Nature Climate Change 6
will need to be made in crop diversity col- (10): 954–958.
lection and conservation, in the screening Cossani, C. Mariano, and Matthew P. Reynolds. 2012.
of collections for useful traits, and particu- “Physiological traits for improving heat tolerance in
larly in plant-breeding programs, including wheat.” Plant Physiology 160 (4): 1710–1718.
Davis, Aaron P., Tadesse Woldemariam Gole, Susana
for those crops for which there is little or Baena, and Justin Moat. 2012. “The impact of climate
no effort under way presently. Such efforts change on indigenous arabica coffee (Coffea arabica):
are a basic prerequisite for crop adaptation. Predicting future trends and identifying priorities.”
If crops do not successfully adapt to climate PLOS One 7 (11): e47981.
change, neither will agriculture and neither FAO. 2010. The Second Report on the State of the World’s Plant Ge-
netic Resources. FAO.
will we. FAO. 2014. “FAOSTAT.”
FAO, IFAD, and WFP. 2016. The State of Food Insecurity in the
R E FE R E NCE S World: Meeting the 2015 International Hunger Targets: Taking
Stock of Uneven Progress. Food and Agriculture Organi-
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Saving Biodiversity The most unique feature of Earth is the ex-

istence of life, and the most amazing feature
in the Era of of this life is its immense diversity. This
biodiversity, which is the result of 3 bil-
Human-Dominated lion years of evolution, is threatened by the
explosive growth in the extent and inten-
Ecosystems sity of human-caused habitat destruction,
habitat fragmentation, pollution, hunting,
G. DAVID TILMAN, NIKO HARTLINE, overharvesting, and climate change. Each
AND MICHAEL A. CLARK of these threats is, in its own right, a po-
tentially major cause of extinctions. The
combined impacts on biodiversity of these
multiple threats are as yet poorly under-
stood, but they are reasonably assumed to
pose a large threat to biodiversity, perhaps
similar in scale to the great mass extinction
events that are evident in the fossil record
(Barnosky et al. 2011). This chapter explores
ways that the risks of extinction could be
greatly decreased while still meeting cur-
rent and future global food needs and while
reducing the impacts of agriculture on
greenhouse gas emissions.
Biodiversity loss matters for both ethical
and pragmatic reasons. The ethics behind
extinction prevention are clear. Pragmati-
cally, biodiversity is a dominant factor deter-
mining the productivity, nutrient dynam-
ics, invasibility, and stability of ecosystems
(Cardinale et al. 2012; Tilman, Isbell, and
Cowles 2014). More than a hundred biodi-
versity experiments and related theory have
shown that biodiversity impacts ecosystem
functioning precisely because species have
different functional traits. In essence, each
species performs best in certain environ-
mental conditions or situations.
Higher biodiversity thus improves com-
munity and ecosystem functioning because

Copyright © 2019 by Yale University. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-300-20611-1.

S AV I N G B I O D I V E R S I T Y I N T H E E R A O F H U M A N - D O M I N AT E D E C O S Y S T E M S 357
a larger suite of species increases the pro- ricultural land clearing and land clearing
ductivity, stability, and carbon capture and for logging, as well as hunting and climate
storage abilities of ecosystems. It is for these change (Figure 28.2).
reasons that the loss of biodiversity threat- Moreover, global demands for food and
ens the ability of ecosystems to provide hu- energy seem likely to continue increasing
manity with valued services. until the end of this century, though at a
Most of humanity’s threats to biodiver- much slower rate than in the last century.
sity, and most of our other negative envi- The UN projects that global population
ronmental impacts, are the inadvertent af- will reach 9.7 billion people by 2050 and
fects of how we meet the food and energy will then level off at about 11.2 billion by
demands of the global population (Matson 2100. Although economic growth is slow-
et al. 1997). These environmental impacts ing in richer nations, the vast majority of
have been dramatically escalating since the global population lives in nations that
about 1900 because of massive growth in currently are poor but have economies that
both global population and per capita con- are growing rapidly. When projections of
sumption. From 1900 to 2015 global popu- global economic growth and population
lation increased from 1.7 billion to 7.3 bil- growth are combined, total global eco-
lion and global per capita purchasing power nomic activity may be about four times
increased from about $700 to $8,500. This higher in 2050, and eight times higher in
50-fold increase in the global human econ- 2100, than it was in 2015. Unless policies
omy (i.e., [7.3 × 8,500]/[1.7 × 700] = 52) are implemented that decrease agricultural
has greatly increased global demand for land clearing, logging, excessive hunting,
food and energy. and fossil-fuel combustion, the extinction
The net effect of providing food and en- risks faced by animal and plant species
ergy to the global population is that more are likely to greatly increase throughout
than 4,200 vertebrate species are now the rest of this century. Such policies, and
highly threatened with extinction (Figure their scientific bases, are the focus of this
28.1A). In particular, according to analy- chapter.
ses done by the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 16 percent
of all bird and mammal species are either Figure 28.1. (A) The number of vertebrate animal species
endangered or critically endangered with that have been driven extinct by human actions, or that
extinction, as are 7 percent of amphib- are classified as critically endangered with extinction or
as endangered, by the IUCN Red List. (B) The percentage
ians and reptiles (Figure 28.1B). The ma- of all known species that are extinct or threatened in
jor causes of these extinction risks are ag- each the four groups, based on the IUCN Red List.

1,500 A 20% B
Global Status Global Status
Percent of Total Group Diversity

Endangered Endangered
1,250 Critically Endangered Critically Endangered
Extinct Extinct
Number of Species


750 10%


0 0%
Mammals Birds Amphibians Reptiles Mammals Birds Amphibians Reptiles
358 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

Figure 28.2. Four of the major factors that threaten ver- but abandoned during the past half century.
tebrate species and the number of species threatened by
Moreover, because global crop demand is
each factor, based on the IUCN Red List.
increasing more rapidly than yields, about
E XTI NCTION F ROM F O OD A N D 400 million–700 million additional hect-
E N E RGY PRODUCTION ares of cropland may be needed in the next
40 years to meet global food demand (Til-
People need food and energy; with 7 bil- man et al. 2011; Tilman and Clark 2014). Be-
lion people now, heading toward 11 billion cause this land clearing is mainly occurring
richer people by the end of the century, in high-biodiversity tropical nations (Gibbs
global demand for both food and energy et al. 2009), large numbers of additional
will increase greatly. Global demand for species are likely to face risks of extinction.
agricultural crops is forecast to increase by Habitat destruction causes extinctions by
70 percent–110 percent from 2005 to 2050 two different mechanisms. First, as habitat
(Tilman et al. 2011). About a third of this is destroyed, there is the possibility that
increase is from population growth; two- the act of destruction will lead to the direct
thirds is from dietary changes associated death of the last living members of a spe-
with higher incomes, especially increased cies. Such direct extinction by habitat de-
per capita meat consumption, the animal struction is most likely to affect rare species
feeds needed to produce it, and increased and to cause the extinction of widespread
caloric consumption. and abundant species only as larger and
Agricultural land clearing is a major larger proportions of a region are destroyed.
threat to biodiversity, with 8,530 species of The potential direct impact of habitat de-
mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles struction on biodiversity is often modeled
listed by the IUCN as threatened by this by using the species-area relationship or its
activity. Logging is also important, and it derivatives (Rosenzweig 1995; He and Hub-
is often the initial step toward the conver- bell 2011).
sion of forests into agricultural lands. Cur- Second, the fragmentation that com-
rently 4.9 billion hectares of land, which monly results from habitat destruction can
is 40 percent of the ice-free land area of cause the time-delayed extinction of those
Earth, is in agriculture, with 1.5 billion species that survived (e.g., Gibson et al.
hectares in croplands and the remainder in 2013). This has been termed the “extinction
pastures. An additional 0.5 billion hectares debt” (Tilman et al. 1994) and can lead to
had been cleared and used for agriculture the eventual extinction of even those spe-
S AV I N G B I O D I V E R S I T Y I N T H E E R A O F H U M A N - D O M I N AT E D E C O S Y S T E M S 359
cies that were, at the time of destruction, America successfully migrated toward the
some of the most abundant species in the equator when the last glacial period started,
fragments (Kuussaari et al. 2009). In partic- and then to the north when glaciers re-
ular, the species most susceptible to time- treated. However, because of barriers to
delayed extinction from fragmentation are migration, the glacial cycles contributed to
predicted to be species that are good local tree extinctions in Europe, thus partially
competitors but poor dispersers. The ex- explaining its low tree diversity relative to
tinctions from destruction and from frag- Asia (Latham and Ricklefs 1993). Massive
mentation are each predicted to be sharply human-caused habitat fragmentation has
increasing functions the amount of habi- literally changed the landscapes of all con-
tat that is destroyed (Tilman et al. 1994). tinents, imposing numerous barriers to the
Current theory suggests that the numbers migration of plants and animals. The com-
of species lost by direct extinction and the bination of rapid of human-driven climate
numbers lost by fragmentation may be change and barriers to migration may pose
about equal, but the actual spatial pattern- a severe threat to biodiversity. Finally, two
ing of destruction would have great influ- other ways that people obtain food, hunt-
ence on each type of extinction. ing and fisheries, also pose extinction risks
Climate change is a looming threat to for some types of prey species and espe-
biodiversity, and many species are already cially for other species, called bycatch in
negatively impacted by climate change. The fisheries, that are not directly targeted but
IUCN Red List has a total of 1,880 species of are inadvertently killed.
mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles In total, increasing global demand for
threatened by climate change and severe food and energy are greatly increasing the
weather events (Figure 28.2). As climate extinction risks facing life on Earth. Because
change accelerates, so will these threats. agriculture and fossil energy use pose such
Because per capita energy demand is an major risks for biodiversity, the reduction
increasing function of per capita incomes, or elimination of these threats will require
global energy demand is forecast to increase changes in agricultural and energy systems
at a greater rate than population (Interna- worldwide. Fortunately, many such changes
tional Energy Agency 2015). Whether this offer multiple benefits for biodiversity pres-
demand will be met by combustion of fossil ervation, climate stabilization, and pollu-
fuels or by renewable energy will depend tion reduction, and they can be achieved
on the adoption of global greenhouse gas using current knowledge and technology.
policies. Moreover, the greenhouse gas re- These changes provide a pathway toward a
leases from agriculture, which currently more sustainable Earth that would provide
account for 30 percent of annual emissions the food, energy, and livable environments
via CO2 from land clearing and soil tillage, that all of us, and all future generations,
methane from ruminants and rice, and ni- need.
trous oxide from nitrogen fertilizer, are
also increasing.
Climate change can make ecosystems M I N I M I Z I NG E XT I NC T IONS ON A
become unsuitable to the species living in H U M A N-D OM I NAT E D PL A N E T
them. During glacial cycles, most species
successfully migrated so as to remain in re- What will determine how many species sur-
gions with suitable climate, but the ability vive in remnant habitats around the world
of species to do so depended on there be- in 2050 and beyond? The greatest factors
ing few barriers to such migration. Regions are how we obtain food and energy, and
with barriers suffered extinctions. For in- how much of each we demand. There are
stance, most tree species in Asia and North five pathways, all of them feasible because
360 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

they use existing knowledge and technolo- in some of the most diverse ecosystems on
gies, each of which would reduce the risk Earth.
of a massive wave of extinctions. These five Because some cropland is taken out of
actions are outlined below. production each year because of conver-
sion to urban, suburban, transit, or other
uses and because of loss of fertility, the net
Prevent Extinctions by Increasing Yields
increase in global cropland is likely to be
of Developing Nations
less than the amount of land that is cleared.
Because global demand for crops is grow- Tilman and Clark (2014) estimated that the
ing more rapidly than yields, from 1980 total amount of global cropland might in-
to 2000, about 30 million hectares of land crease by from 400 million to 700 million
were cleared annually for agriculture in hectares between 2010 and 2050 if yields
developing nations, at the same time that in yield-gap nations were to continue to in-
about 15 million hectares per year globally crease along their past trajectories.
were abandoned from agriculture (Gibbs et A variety of analyses suggest that closing
al. 2010). Future land clearing will depend the yield gap could provide healthy diets for
on how global per capita demand for crops 9 billion people while requiring little more
increases with income and on how rapidly than the existing amount of global agricul-
the yields of developing nations increase. tural lands (Foley et al. 2011; Tilman et al.
The past trends in both of these variables 2011; Mueller et al. 2012). As such, efforts
are not encouraging. Mainly because of to bring yields up to their potential in all
rapid increases in meat consumption as in- nations could not only help provide all the
comes increase, crop demand may double. people of the Earth with secure and nutri-
However, yield trends in developing nations tious diets but also greatly reduce, or per-
show that many of these nations have yields haps eliminate, land clearing that is a ma-
that are growing slowly and currently are jor threat to global biodiversity. However,
much below their potential, a phenomenon it is imperative that yields be increased via
called the yield gap (Cassman 1999; Lobell, a much more sustainable approach to agri-
Cassman, and Field 2009). cultural intensification, as described below.
In some of the least developed nations,
crop yields are 20 percent–25 percent of
Sustainable Intensification Raises Yields
the yields that could be obtained via in-
with Lower Environmental Impacts
tensification. In a large suite of additional
developing nations, current yields are less Agriculture is of central importance to hu-
than half of those that could be attained. manity, providing most of the 7 billion
Because demand for crops is rising rapidly people of Earth with secure and nutritious
in developing nations, most of which have supplies of food. However, as currently
such yield gaps, two to five times more land practiced, agriculture also has inadvertent
is being cleared every year that would be but globally significant harmful impacts. It
needed if these yield gaps were closed. creates 30 percent of total GHG emissions,
The net effect of current trends is that and pollutes aquifers, lakes, river, and near-
global land clearing could, for decades to shore marine ecosystems with agrochemi-
come, remain at about the 20 million ha cals such as nitrogen and phosphorus from
per year rate reported by Gibbs et al. (2009) fertilizers and various pesticides (Tilman et
for 1980–2000, which is similar to the 20 al. 2001; Foley et al. 2011). The GHG sources
million ha per year of deforestation for are carbon dioxide released as land is
2000–2005 reported by Hansen, Stehman, cleared and soils are tilled; the potent GHG,
and Potapov (2010). This land clearing nitrous oxide, released from nitrogen fer-
would cause large numbers of extinctions tilization; and methane released by cattle,
S AV I N G B I O D I V E R S I T Y I N T H E E R A O F H U M A N - D O M I N AT E D E C O S Y S T E M S 361
sheep, and goat production and during rice Prevent Extinctions with Healthier Diets
cultivation. Moreover, both the GHG and
Adoption of healthy diets could also pre-
the agrochemical impacts of agriculture are
vent future land clearing and resultant spe-
on trajectories to double within the next 40
cies extinctions (Tilman and Clark 2014;
years (Tilman et al. 2001, 2011). These im-
Tilman et al. 2017). The major reason why
pacts and trends mean that the methods of
a 30 percent increase in global population
agricultural intensification used to close the
is forecast to lead to a 70 percent–110 per-
yield gap must be much more sustainable
cent increase in crop demand it that diets
than are current methods of agriculture.
change as incomes rise (Figure 28.3). The
A variety of practices have been identi-
adoption of “Western diets,” which is espe-
fied that reduce the environmental impacts
cially common in urban areas as develop-
of intensive agriculture while still achiev-
ing nations industrialize, leads to increased
ing high yields (Cassman 1999; Snyder,
per capita caloric, meat, processed food
Bruulsema, and Fixen 2009; Robertson and
and sugar consumption, to great increases
Vitousek 2009; Vitousek et al. 2009). These
in production of crops for animal feeds,
practices are called sustainable intensifica-
and to detrimental health impacts caused
tion (Godfray et al. 2010; Tilman et al. 2011;
by this nutrition transition (Popkin 1994;
Godfray and Garnett 2014). Chief among
Drewnowski and Popkin 1997; Popkin,
these are methods to obtain high crop
Adair and Ng 2012).
yields that minimize the amount of nitro-
If people were to adopt healthy diets,
gen fertilizer applied, and thus its negative
rather than typical Western diets, the lower
environmental impacts (e.g., Robertson
demand for meat and thus animal feeds
and Vitousek 2009; Vitousek et al. 2009;
would greatly reduce the need for land
Hoben et al. 2011; Meuller et al. 2014). A
clearing (Tilman and Clark 2014; Figure
foundation of sustainable intensification
28.4). For instance, the traditional Mediter-
is the timely application of the amount of
ranean diet, which is an omnivorous diet
fertilizers needed at various points during
that has high consumption of vegetables
crop growth (Snyder, Bruulsema, and Fixen
and fruits, nuts, and whole grains, and low
2009). For instance, when all the nitrogen
consumption of red meat, could eliminate
fertilizer needed for a year is applied at
the need for about 400 million more hect-
once, often before the crop is planted, 30
ares of cropland by 2050. In general, diets
percent–40 percent of this nitrogen is lost
that have low consumption of meat, espe-
from the system as ammonia that vaporizes
cially beef and other ruminant meats, re-
into the air, as nitrous oxide, and as nitrate
quire less cropland and pasture per capita.
and nitrite that enter waters. In sustain-
In total, if per capita consumption of red
able intensification, because fertilizers are
meat were to decline in developed nations
applied several times during the growing
to healthier levels, and if the current income
season so as to meet current crop demands
dependence of increased meat consumption
for nitrogen and other nutrients, most nu-
were to stop in developing nations, much
trients are taken up by the crop, and there
less land would have to be cleared while
is a much smaller pool of unused nutrient
providing the world with healthy diets in
that can be lost from the system. Because
2050 (Figure 28.4).
of this, the same high yields have been at-
tained using about 30 percent less nitrogen
than in conventional intensive agriculture
Reduce Food Waste to Prevent Extinctions
(Robertson and Vitousek 2009; Vitousek et
al. 2009). Sustainable intensification thus Reduction in food waste could also reduce
offers large GHG and water-quality benefits future land clearing and decrease the other
(Godfray and Garnett 2014). environmental impacts of agriculture
362 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

Figure 28.3. Per capita demand for protein (A) and for wasted rather than eaten. If the proportion
calories (B) increase as a function of per capita income
(as estimated by per capita GDP). Each point is the aver-
of crop production that is wasted could be
age of 15 economically similar nations for a given year. cut in half, about 300 million hectares less
Years shown are 1961 through 2005. land would be needed to meet the cur-
rently projected 2050 global food demand.
(Godfray and Garnett 2014). The amounts This estimate is based on a simple calcu-
of crops and foods wasted and the rea- lation; 15 percent less crop production
sons for the wastage vary among nations would require 15 percent less cropland.
and regions (Gustavvsson, Cederberg, and With about 2 billion hectares of cropland
Sonesson. 2011). On average, in developing needed in 2050, the savings would be 300
nations, wastage occurs more from failure million hectares. A 15 percent reduction in
to fully harvest crops, or to preserve or ad- waste would also proportionately reduce
equately store them at the time of harvest, all of the other environmental impacts of
with less wasted once foods reach homes. agriculture.
In developed nations, wastage is often In total, increasing yields in low-yield-
small during crop harvesting, storage, and ing nations via sustainable intensification,
processing, but high for perishables in healthier diets, and reduced food waste
grocery stores, and even higher in homes would each decrease the cropland needed
and restaurants. Although the reasons for to feed the world of 2050. Because all three,
wastage differ among nations, on average in unison, would allow the world to be fed
about 30 percent of crop production is with less land than is currently used, partial
S AV I N G B I O D I V E R S I T Y I N T H E E R A O F H U M A N - D O M I N AT E D E C O S Y S T E M S 363

Figure 28.4. (A) Scenarios of additional global cropland sions could prevent a doubling of preindus-
that would be needed in 2050, relative to the amount of trial CO2 levels, and thus avoid some of the
2010. The BAU (business as usual) scenario uses fore-
casted food demand based on income-dependent global
worst climate scenarios and the extinctions
diets and current yield trends. The intensification sce- they would cause. The greatest emitter of
nario assumes the same food demand as BAU but as- GHG is electric power generation, mainly
sumes that yield gaps are closed via sustainable intensi- from coal, that creates 40 percent of total
fication. The Mediterranean diet scenario assumes global global GHG emissions. Renewable power
adoption of this diet current yield trends. The vegetar-
ian diet scenario assumes global adoption of this diet
from wind and solar could displace much
current yield trends. (Based on Tilman et al. 2011 and of current coal-based power and do more
Tilman and Clark 2014.) (B) Similar to part A but show- as power storage capabilities are increased.
ing the resultant changes in GHG emissions from crop Energy-efficient appliances, buildings,
production (but not land clearing) associated with BAU, and vehicles are another part of the Pacala
Mediterranean, and vegetarian scenarios.
and Socolow strategy. As discussed above,
sustainable intensification of agriculture,
adoption of each of these three approaches healthier diets, and reduced food waste
could still provide major biodiversity ben- also provide significant GHG benefits and
efits. Each of these actions would also de- should be part of a global strategy to ad-
crease nutrient pollution of aquifers, lakes, dress climate change.
rivers, and oceans and lead to lower agri-
cultural GHG emissions.

Prevent Extinctions by Reducing

With 7 billion people currently living on
Climate Change
Earth, and with global population expected
A sustainable world also requires imple- to reach about 11 billion by the end of this
mentation of policies and technologies that century, it is no longer possible to ignore
could first prevent any further increase in the massive, though inadvertent, environ-
the annual rate of global GHG emissions, mental impacts that humanity would cause
and then could progressively reduce GHG should our ways of meeting our food and
emissions below the current rate. Pacala energy demands remain on their current
and Socolow (2004) show that appropriate trajectories. Here we have outlined five fea-
deployment of existing technologies could sible steps that would change these trajecto-
stop any further increase in the annual rate ries and provide great long-term benefits for
of global fossil-fuel-based GHG emissions. all the peoples and nations of the world. Ef-
Such a stabilization of global GHG emis- ficient agricultural production, sustainable
364 H OW C A N C O N S E RVAT I O N A N D P O L I C Y R E S P O N D?

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Monika Bertzky
Contributors Independent Consultant
Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Environment
David Ainley John B. Bradford
Senior Ecologist Research Ecologist
H. T. Harvey & Associates Southwest Biological Science Center
United States Geological Survey
Cecile Albert
Research Officer David D. Breshears
Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Regents’ Professor
Marine Continental Ecology School of Natural Resources and the
Craig D. Allen Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Research Ecologist Biology
Fort Collins Science Center University of Arizona
New Mexico Landscapes Field Station
United States Geological Survey Rebecca C. Brock
Senior Programme Officer
Katie Arkema Climate Change and Biodiversity
Lead Scientist United Nations Environment Programme
Natural Capital Project World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Stanford Woods Institute for the (UNEP-WCMC)
Stanford University Olivier Broennimann
Staff Scientist
Richard B. Aronson Department of Ecology and Evolution
Professor and Head Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics
Department of Biological Sciences University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Florida Institute of Technology
Lauren B. Buckley
Michael Avery Associate Professor
PhD Candidate Department of Biology
Department of Biology University of Washington
Pennsylvania State University
Aline Buri
Grant Ballard Graduate Assistant
Chief Science Officer Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics
Point Blue Conservation Science University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Céline Bellard Kevin D. Burke
CNRS Researcher PhD Candidate
Université Paris-Sud Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
University of Wisconsin–Madison


Mark B. Bush Valeria Di Cola

Professor Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Biological Sciences Department of Ecology and Evolution
Florida Institute of Technology University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Lindsay P. Campbell, PhD Benjamin J. Dittbrenner

Biodiversity Institute PhD Candidate
University of Kansas School of Environmental and Forest
William W. L. Cheung University of Washington
Associate Professor
Institute for Oceans and Fisheries Maria Dumitru
University of British Columbia Research Assistant
Gonzalez Laboratory
Carmen Cianfrani Department of Biology
Postdoctoral Fellow McGill University
Department of Ecology and Evolution
University of Lausanne, Switzerland Rui Fernandes
PhD Student
Michael A. Clark Department of Ecology and Evolution
PhD Student University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Natural Resources Science and
Management Jason P. Field
University of Minnesota Research Associate
School of Natural Resources and the
Neil S. Cobb Environment
Research Professor University of Arizona
Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental
Research Cary Fowler
Northern Arizona University Chair, Board of Trustees
Rhodes College
Lee W. Cooper
Research Professor Emily Fung
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory MSc Ecosystem and Hydrological Modeling
University of Maryland Center for Environ- Unit
mental Science Forests, Biodiversity, and Climate Change
Franck Courchamp Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher
Director of Research Education Center (CATIE)
Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique Andrew Gonzalez
Université Paris-Sud Professor and Liber Ero Chair
Director Quebec Centre for Biodiversity
Manuela D’Amen Science
Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Biology
Parco del Mincio McGill University
Piazza Porta Giulia
Sarah M. Gray Alistair J. Hobday
Postdoctoral Fellow Senior Principal Research Scientist
Department of Biology–Ecology and Oceans and Atmosphere
Evolution The Commonwealth Scientific and Indus-
University of Fribourg, Switzerland trial Research Organization (CSIRO)

Antoine A. Guisan Ove Hoegh-Guldberg

Professor Professor of Marine Studies
Department of Ecology and Evolution Director, Global Change Institute
Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics University of Queensland
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Pablo Imbach
Lee Hannah Climate and Ecosystems Scientist
Senior Scientist Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food
Climate Change Biology Security (CCAFS)
The Moore Center for Science Conservation International Center for Tropical Agricul-
International ture (CIAT)

Niko Hartline David Inouye

Bren School of Environmental Science and Professor Emeritus
Management Department of Biology
University of California–Santa Barbara University of Maryland
Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
Jason R. Hartog
Research Scientist Lauren Jarvis
Oceans and Atmosphere MSc
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial University of Guelph
Research Organization (CSIRO)
Miranda C. Jones
Jessica J. Hellmann Post-Doctoral Researcher
Director and Professor Changing Ocean Research Unit
Institute for the Environment Institute for Oceans and Fisheries
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and University of British Columbia
University of Minnesota Valerie Kapos
Head of Programme
Janneke HilleRisLambers Climate Change and Biodiversity
Professor United Nations Environment Programme
Department of Biology World Conservation Monitoring Centre
University of Washington (UNEP-WCMC)

Elizabeth H. T. Hiroyasu Les Kaufman

PhD Candidate Professor
Bren School of Environmental Science and Boston University Marine Program
Management Department of Biology
University of California, Santa Barbara Boston University

Joan A. Kleypas Edward Maibach

Scientist III Director
Climate and Global Dynamics Center for Climate Change Communication
National Center for Atmospheric Research George Mason University

Darin J. Law Pablo A. Marquet

Research Specialist Professor
School of Natural Resources and the Departamento de Ecología
Environment Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas
University of Arizona Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad (IEB)
Joshua J. Lawler Laboratorio Internacional de Cambio
Professor Global (LINCGlobal)
School of Environmental and Forest Centro de Cambio Global UC
University of Washington Rubén G. Mateo
Postdoctoral Researcher
Camille Leclerc ETSI de Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural
PhD Student Technical University of Madrid
Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et
Evolution Kevin McCann
Université Paris-Sud Professor
Department of Integrative Biology
Janeth Lessmann University of Guelph
PhD Student
Departmento de Ecología Guy Midgley
Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas Professor
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Global Change Biology
Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad (IEB) Stellenbosch University

Caitlin Littlefield Lera Miles

PhD Student Senior Programme Officer
School of Environmental and Forest Climate Change and Biodiversity
Sciences United Nations Environment Programme
University of Washington World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Thomas E. Lovejoy
Professor Erik Nelson
Environmental Science and Policy Associate Professor
George Mason University Department of Economics
Bowdoin College
Michael C. MacCracken
Chief Scientist for Climate Change Daniel Nepstad
Programs Executive Director and Chief Scientist
Climate Institute Earth Innovation Institution
Donald J. Noakes Abdallah M. Samy
Dean Fulbright Fellow
Science and Technology Lecturer and Research Scientist
Vancouver Island University Department of Entomology
Faculty of Science
Mary O’Connor Ain Shams University
Associate Professor
Department of Zoology and Biodiversity Daniel Scherrer
Research Centre Postdoctoral Fellow
University of British Columbia Department of Ecology and Evolution
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Jeffrey Park
Professor Oswald J. Schmitz
Geology and Geophysics Director
Yale University Yale Institute for Biospheric Sciences
Yale University
Camille Parmesan
Professor Daniel B. Segan
School of Biological Sciences Principal Natural Resource Analyst
Plymouth University Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

A. Townsend Peterson Pep Serra-Diaz

University Distinguished Professor UMR Silva
Biodiversity Institute AgroParisTech, Université de la Lorraine
University of Kansas BIOCHANGE Center for Biodiversity Dy-
namics in a Changing World
Eric Pinto Aarhus University
Department of Ecology and Evolution
University of Lausanne, Switzerland M. Rebecca Shaw
Chief Scientist
Eric Post World Wildlife Fund
Professor, Climate Change Biology
Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conser- Joshua Tewksbury
vation Biology Global Hub Director
University of California, Davis Future Earth

Jean-Nicolas Pradervand G. David Tilman

Conservation Biologist Regents Professor
Swiss Ornithological Institute University of Minnesota
Bronwyn Rayfield University of California–Santa Barbara
Landscape Ecologist
Institut des sciences de la forêt tempérée Juan Camilo Villegas
Associate Professor
Brett R. Riddle Escuela Ambiental, Facultad de Ingeniería
Professor Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín,
School of Life Sciences Colombia
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Pascal Vittoz John (Jack) W. Williams

Faculty of Geosciences and Environment Professor
Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics Department of Geography and Center for
University of Lausanne, Switzerland Climatic Research
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Isaline von Däniken
Scientific Collaborator John Withey
Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics Faculty
University of Lausanne, Switzerland Graduate Program on the Environment
Evergreen State College
James E. M. Watson
Professor Carlos Yañez-Arenas
School of Earth and Environmental Associate Professor
Sciences Laboratory of Conservation Biology
University of Queensland Parque Científico Tecnológico de Yucatán
Director of Science and Research Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Wildlife Conservation Society Erika Yashiro
Staff Scientist
Ola Tveitereid Westengen Department of Chemistry and Bioscience,
Associate Professor Section of Biotechnology
Noragric / Department of International Aalborg University
Environmental and Development Studies
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
agriculture: conversion of forest to, 311, 358; crop adap-
Index tation, 351–352, 351f; crop wild relatives, 349–350;
crop yields, 348–349, 358–361; cultivar adjustment,
351, 351f; ecosystem-based adaptation, 299–301,
Page numbers followed by “f” or “t” indicate material in 300f; frost damage, 234–235; genebanks, 353; Holo-
figures or tables. “Pl.” refers to color plates. cene transition to, 347; nitrogen overuse, 4–5; policy
making and, 347–355; production losses, 348; ter-
8.2 ka event, 130t, 132–133 restrial mitigation practices, 313–314. See also food
abiotic conditions, 42–44, 52, 80, 328; neotropical per- agroecosystems, 298, 329–330
spectives, 142, 146, 148–149 albedo, 165, 301, 326
absence data, 159 algae, 118, 191–192; Chlorella vulgaris, 247; macroalgae,
abundance changes, 25–38, 67, 81, 294–296; inferen- 171, 188; Phaeocystis antarctica, 92; reef recovery and, 6–7
tial approach, 26; invasive species and distribution alpha and beta diversity, 80
of existing populations, 259, 262; land use and, 26; alpine snowpack and glaciers, 239t
long-term observations, 26, 27t, 28; marine, 170, Amazon and Andean regions, 142; aridification, 143–
171–172; meta-analyses, 25, 28, 30t; microrefugia, 144; dams, 318; fires, 142; hyperdominance, 142–143;
147, 149–150; observed changes in individual spe- refugia, 147; refugial hypothesis, 143. See also Amazon
cies and in  communities, 31–32; phenological asyn- region; Andean region
chrony, 32–33 Amazon region, 66, 84–85; carbon sequestration, 330;
acclimation, 201, 215 deforestation, 203; drought, 144, 199, 208, 209f; free-
acidification, 20, 40, 100, 106, 114; benthic systems and, air concentration enrichment (FACE) experiment, 9;
190–191, 193; biogeochemical impacts, 189; CO2 con- as planetary cooling system, 208; precipitation, 143,
centration as cause, 185; CO2 equilibrium, 185–186, 201, 208; tipping point, postponing, 208–210; tree
186f; freshwater fishes and, 240t; geochemical ef- die-off and fire feedbacks, 81, 147. See also Amazon and
fects, 186–187, 187f; Holocene, 130t; local and global, Andean regions
61–63; marine biodiversity and, 168–169, 171, 175, Amazon River, 239t, 241, 318
178, 185–195; mechanisms of biodiversity change, Americas, 196–197
191–192; multiple life stages and, 189; oxygen and ca- amphibians, 223f, 225–226, 242, 357
pacity-limited thermal tolerance (OCLTT), 192; physi- amplifying processes, 13
ological and behavioral effects, 187–189; present-day Andean region, 142, 183, pl. 8; amphibians, 226; aridifi-
observations, 190–191; primary production and, 187– cation, 144; bofedales, 304; Bolivian Altiplano, 144, 149;
188, 193; species competition and, 191–192 megafauna, 147; temperatures, 143. See also Amazon
adaptation, 5–6, 128; adaptive genes, 101; assisted colo- and Andean regions
nization of species, 34–35, 243; coral reefs and, 63; anoxia, 103, 104
crop, 351–352, 351f; ecosystem-based, 6–7, 297–309; Antarctica, 91–92, 105–106, 115; benthic communities,
four pillars of, 9; green-gray, 7, 301; hard approaches, 115; deepwater sources, 106; future of marine life,
298–299; human, 5–6, 297; to landscape, 67; marine 120–121; invasive species, 120–122; time stamp meta-
species, 189; as nontrivial event, 352; soft approaches, phor, 119–120; unglaciated, 131; western Antarctic
298–299; tropical forests, 201. See also ecosystem-based Peninsula (WAP), 120–121
adaptation (EbA); range and abundance changes Antarctic bottom water (AABW), 106
adaptive evolution, 67–68, 73 Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), 119
Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae), 91–92 Anthropocene, 15, 73, 98–99, 105–108, 131, 330; onset,
aerobic scope, 169, 173 speed of, 131
aerosol injections, 12–13, 17 anthropogenic climate change, 15, 25–26, 33–34;
afforestation, 20, 314, 329 broad-scale changes, 91–92; carbon dioxide, 57; ge-
Africa, 160f; disease transmission, 270, 275–277; East netic signatures and, 69, 73; in tropical forests, to
Africa, 242–243, 270–280, 349; food insecurity, 347– date, 199–201. See also carbon dioxide (CO2)
349; North Africa, 130f, 133, 136f, 137–139; South Af- ant species, 259, 261
rica, 235, 350f; tropical forests, 196, 197 Appalachian Mountains, 183–184, 323–325; amphib-
African Great Lakes, 242 ians, 226
African Humid Period, 137, 138 Aptenodytes forsteri, 92, 175
age–life stage model, 165 aragonite, 60, 191


aragonite saturation horizon, 191 biodiversity: in a changeable climate, 107–108; climate

Arctic air masses, 16 resilience and, 101, 103–104, 176, 289. See also invasive
Arctic ecosystem, 16: invasive species, 260; potential species
interconnection of Atlantic and Pacific species, 161, biodiversity/biotic crises, 97–98, 101–104
259 biodiversity hotspots, 68, 72, 125–127, 126f, 178, 221,
Arctic Ocean, 39, 190 238; invasive species and, 263
Arctic sea star (Asterias amurensis), 262 biofuel production, 204, 261, 315–317
Arctic tundra: boreal-tundra ecosystems, 83–84, 84f; biogeography, 32, 68f, 69t, 157, 165–166
scrub encroachment, 31 biomass, 173; animal, 332–335; Bering and Chukchi Sea
area metrics, 161–162 benthos, 39–40; consumer, 247–250, 247f; non-forest
Argentina, 183–184 ecosystems, 312
Argentine ant (Linepithema humile), 261 biomes: broad-scale changes, 80–85, 84f; shifting dis-
aridification, 130f, 134, 137–138, 143–144 tribution, 31, 81
aspen sunflower (Helianthella quinquenervis), 234–235, 235f BIOMOVE, 164, 165
assisted colonization, 34–35, 243 biophysical envelope, 157
assisted migration, 86–87, 262, 289 biosphere: changing, 3–11; human impacts on, 3; re-
Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica), 241 building episodes, 103
Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus), 177 biotas, 66, 67, 69t, 70
Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, 144 biotic attrition, 202
Atlantic Ocean, 143, 175, 177. See also North Atlantic “biotic preserves,” 66, 68
Ocean birds: Amazonian, 143; ice-obligate seabird species,
atmosphere, 134; aerosol injections into, 12–13; com- 91–92; invasive species, 260; migratory, 44; moun-
position of, 3, 4; ecoclimatic teleconnections, 85, 87; tain regions, 223, 227; seabird populations, 91–92,
Henry’s law, 185; stratosphere, 12–13; surface-atmo- 175–176
sphere feedbacks, 137; troposphere, 20 Birds Returns program, 290
atmospheric circulation, 4, 16–17, 18f, 199; tropical for- black carbon, 13, 20
ests and, 199 blue-carbon ecosystems, 330
atmospheric greenhouse effect, 13 boating, recreational, 261
attribution, 26 Bølling Warming, 130t, 132, 133f, 134
audience research, 338–339, 342 boreal regions. See temperate and boreal responses to cli-
Australia, 126, 161, 226; Australian Wet Tropics, 227; mate change
dengue modeling, 271, 272f; Eastern Tuna and Billfish boreal-tundra ecosystems, 83–84, 84f
Fishery, 255–257; Fisheries Management Authority, Borneo, 329
255–256; Institute of Marine Science, 62; tropical for- Brazil, 272, 316; deforestation, 209–210; drought, 144,
ests, 196; tuna fisheries, 255–257, pl. 7 199; freshwater fishes, 241–242; managed resilience,
awareness, 9, 336–346; audience research, 338–339, 210; Mata Atlantica, 241
342; easy, fun, and popular heuristic, 342; heuris- broad-scale ecosystem changes, rapid, 80–90; Adélie
tic for sharing, 338; influencing behavior, 342–345; penguins, 91–92; bark beetle, 81–83, 216–218; boreal-
professionals, types of, 341; repetition of message, tundra ecosystems, 83–84, 84f; evergreen temperate,
339–340; sharing knowledge, 337–342; simplicity of coniferous, montane forests, 83; evergreen temper-
message, 338–339; trusted messengers, 340–342 ate, semiarid, coniferous woodlands, 82–83; example
systems, 81–85; fog-belt locations, 81, 85; insights,
ballast water management practices, 259–260 research needs, and management challenges, 85–87;
bark beetles, 6, 81–83, 218, 262, pl. 3; mountain pine lowland tropical forests (Amazon Region), 84–85;
beetles (Dendroctonus ponderosae), 83, 216, 305 tropical montane ecosystems, 85; types, 80–81
beavers (Castor Canadensis), 305 Bromus tectorum, 258–259, 261
bees: Andrena, genus, 50; Bombus, genus, 50; bumblebees, Brookhaven Irradiated Forest, 9
45, 46, 49, 225, 226, 235; Colletes, 50; northeastern bumblebees, 45, 46, 49, 225, 226, 235
United States, 45; Osmia, 50 butterflies: Apollo, 225; E. editha quino, 33–35, 33f, 34f,
behavior change, 342–345 36f; Euphydryas editha, 26, 27–28t, 32–33; interpopula-
benefits transfer mechanisms, 7 tion variation, 33; mountain regions, 225; phenologi-
benthic systems, 39, 102f; acidification and, 190–191, cal asynchrony, 32–33; Speyeria mormonia, 234
193; Antarctica, 115; trophic levels, 117–118
Bering Sea, 39–41 calcification, 57f, 60, 107, 186–189, 191–193, 302–303
Bering Strait, 39 calcium carbonate (CaCO3), 103–104, 129, 175, 186–187,
Betula, 133f, 134 191
BioClim, 158 California, 12, 73, 214; ant species, 261; California Current
bioclimatic envelope models. See species distribution ecosystem, 175; Cassin’s auklet, 175; grasslands, 9; low
models (SDMs) carbon fuel standard (LCFS), 261; Sierra Nevada, 215
Cambrian period, 115–117 under, 72–73; physiological sensitivities to, 212–213;
Campbell, Lindsay P., 274 regional-scale fluctuations, 14; three decade period,
Canada, 49, 50f, 83, 222; Montreal, 323–325 12, 15, 16, 39, 66–67; velocity of climate change
Cancún Agreements, 314 (VoCC), 31, 85, 86f, 107–108, 215, 284. See also an-
captive breeding programs, 178 thropogenic climate change; economic costs of cli-
carbon, soil organic (SOC), 298, 299, 300f mate change; global warming; temperate and boreal
carbonate reef systems, 59–60 responses to climate change; temperature; terrestrial
carbon cycle, 99–100 ecosystems, climate change mitigation
carbon dioxide (CO2), 4, 7, 17, 98f, 99–100; 0.5°C in- climate change biology, 3–4, 9–10
crease limit, 20; amount needed to offset global climate-driven movement routes, 183–184, pl. 6
warming, 328; CO2 vents, 190–191; concentrated liq- Climate Matters program, 341, 343, 344f
uid, 318; fertilization effect, 9, 164, 201; fossil fuel use climate stability, 197, 198f, 200f
and, 13, 19f, 21f; gigatonnes of equivalents, 313f, 314; climate system: components of, 12, 17, 18f; computer
North Atlantic deep water (NADW) salt transport, models, 17–18; external factors, 12; internal variabil-
106; ocean absorption of, 55–57, 57f, 106–107; oil ity and interactions, 12–13
wells, injection into, 327; past two centuries of deg- climatic history, 13–14
radation, 328; reduction in Cretaceous and Paleocene, climatic sensitivity, 43
328–329; role of ecosystems in mitigation, 310–311; cloud forests, 6, 28, 85, 221, 224, 227
sequestering, 8, 199, 208, 290, 298, 311–312, 327– cloud formation patterns, 199
328, 330; in soils, 312, 328, 332, 334f, 335; tropical coal-fired power plants, 13
forests and, 199. See also acidification coastal areas, 61, 125, 255; deforestation, 63; ecosystem-
carbonic acid, 57, 185, 186f based adaptation, 299, 302–304, 303f; freshwater
Carboniferous period, 107 fishes, 237; reef recovery, 6–7; western Pacific species,
carbon markets, 197 170
carbon-mitigation strategies, 128 coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi, 188
“carbon neutral” energy, 315 cold injury, 214
carbon sinks, 104, 107, 298, 306, 310–311 coleoids, 119
carbon sources, 216 Colombia, 274–275
Caretta caretta, 175 colonization, 27, 35, 202–203, 221, 261; assisted, 34
Caribbean Islands, 125 Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin
carrying capacity (K), 247–248, 247f Tuna, 255
Cassin’s auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus), 175 “Communicating about Matters of Greatest Urgency:
Castor Canadensis, 305 Climate Change” (Fischhoff), 340–341
cattle pasture, 208, 209 communication research, 339
Cenozoic era, 104, 105, 116, 196 community ecology theory, 264
Census of Marine Life, 59 community weighted mean (CWM) trait values, 162f
Central America, 145, 201 comparative phylogeography, 67, 68f, 70
century-scale response times, 134 computer modeling. See modeling; modeling species and
cephalopods, 59, 116, 119 vegetation distribution
Certified Sustainable Seafood program (Marine Steward- condensation, 20–21, 224
ship Council), 343 Conference of the Parties (COP) UNFCCC, 20
cetaceans, 41f, 176 connectivity, 183–184, 227; conservation in chang-
cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), 258–259, 261 ing climate, 290–291; ecosystem gap, 286; enduring
chemical weathering of silicate rocks, 100, 103 geophysical features, 289; enhanced synergies, 290;
China, 20, 227, 262, 300 ensure permanence and quality of existing protected
chlorophyll, 39 areas, 288; expand or modify protected areas and net-
chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), 67, 69 works, 288–289; Montreal project, 323–325; between
Chukchi Sea, 39–41 present and future populations, 289; protected-area
Circuitscape, 183–184 management, 286–287
clam populations, 39, 40 conservation, 4, 290–291, pl. 8; habitat corridors, 287;
classification, 265, 297 innovative approaches to adapt protected areas to
clathrates, Paleocene, 129–130 climate change, 288–290; invasive species and, 262;
climate, defined, 12 magnitude, rate, timing, and intensity of climate
climate-biodiversity nexus, 3–5; global race to address, change and protected areas, 284–286; marine bio-
7–8 diversity and, 176–177; models, 288; neotropical
climate change: biodiversity, interaction with, 3–4; for perspectives, 148; scale commensurability, 287–288;
biologists, 21; definitions, 12; genetic responses to science-management gap, 285; SDM exploration of,
contemporary, 73–74; human-induced, 14–17; linear 161; stepping-stones, 289–290, 324–325, 324f; sur-
and nonlinear responses to, 148–149; niche evolution rounding matrix, 286–287, 288; theory of, 286–288;

conservation (continued) deserts, 137–138

tropical forests, 204–205. See also protected-area detection and attribution, 25, 26
management developing nations, crop yields, 359–361
conservation biology, 69–70 Devonian period, 103–104
consumer mortality rate (m), 247, 249 diagnostic patterns, 31
consumer-resource dynamics and consequences, 44–45, diapause, 225
246–250, 247f, 248f, 250f; trophic levels, 44, 92, 117, diet, healthy, 361
250–251, 253f dinoflagellate protists, 60, 61
consumptive and nonconsumptive effects, 332 dinosaur extinction, 97, 104
contact zones, 71 disease transmission, 217–218, 217f, 270–280, 306; Cha-
continents, shifting distribution, 13 gas disease, 274; correlative ecological niche model-
convective storms, 16, 20–21 ing, 272–274, 273f; crops, 275; cutaneous leishmani-
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Spe- asis, 272; dengue fever, 271; Ebola outbreak, West
cies, 243 Africa, 306–307; fungal, 224–225, 226; geographic
coral bleaching, 6–7, 61–62, 327, pl. 2 and environmental dimensions, 270; human so-
coral reefs, 26, 27–28t, 55–65, 104; 25 percent of ma- cioeconomic dimensions, 270; Lyme disease, 262;
rine species dependent on, 56; crumple zone, 104; malaria, 270, 271–280, 273f; nuanced perspective,
local and global warming and acidification, 61–63; 277–278; plague, 274, 275; reproductive rate (R0) for
megadiversity under pressure, 59–61; mutualistic malaria, 271; Sin Nombre virus, 274; susceptible (S),
interactions, 60, 61; oligotrophic waters, 60; Papua infected (I), and recovered (R) models, 271; transmis-
New Guinea, 191; reducing rate of global change, sion models, 271; tularemia, 275; Vibrio cholaerae (hu-
63; Scleractinian corals, 59–60; skeletal structures, man cholera), 275; to wildlife, 275
60–61; three-dimensional structure, 61; time stamp dispersal capacity, 70, 72, 73, 85, 118, 131–135, 161;
metaphor, 118. See also oceans jump dispersal, 145, 146f; temperate and boreal re-
corals: genus Porites, 188; larvae, 189 gions, 214, 216; tropical forests, 202. See also range and
Coral Triangle Initiative, 303 abundance changes
cordgrass (Spartina), 263 dissolved-nutrient transport, 106
Coriolis effect, 16 distributional dynamics, 67
correlative models, 164, 272–274 disturbances, 164–165
crabs, 120, 122 DNA: ancient component, 67–68; chloroplast (cpDNA),
Cretaceous, 15, 21f, 101, 328, 329f 67, 69; mitochondrial (mtDNA), 67, 68–69, 71, 72;
Cryogenian period, 101 nDNA, 68–69; origin during climate crises, 101; RAD
cryptic lineages, 70 sequencing, 67, 68, 71–73; Sanger sequencing tech-
cyanobacteria, 118 niques, 73; SNP methods, 68–69, 72–74
cyclones, tropical, 21 dormancy, 214
cyclothems, 107 dormancy responses, 32–33
Drake Passage, 119
dams, 5, 238, 239, 241, 305, 317–318 drought: Andes, Amazonia, and southeastern Brazil,
Dansgaard-Oeschger events, 130t, 132, 144 144, 199, 208, 209f; broad-scale ecosystem changes
dead zones, 4–5, 56, 170 and, 81, 84–85; dormancy responses and, 32–33; ex-
Deccan Traps LIP eruption, 104 periments, 199; Holocene, 137, 138; megadroughts,
Deception Island, 120 130t, 137, 150; South America, 241; tropical forests
decoupling of coevolved species, 237, 240, 252, 263, 284 and, 203, 208–209
deep-sea sediment cores, 106 drylands, 311, 313, 315
deep time, 114–124; Antarctica, 119–120; climate and dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs), 165–166
biodiversity in, 117; marine communities in, 115–116; dynamic vegetation modeling (DVM), 157
time stamp metaphor, 114–115, 117–118
deforestation, 4–5, 13, 358, 360; Amazon region, 203; Earth system, 4, 99–101; eccentricity cycle, 105; orbital
bark-beetle outbreaks, 6, 81, 82, 83, 218, 262; coastal, cycles, 104–105, 131, 137, 143
63; disease transmission and, 306; fires, 81–82, 87; East Africa: crop yield, 349; disease transmission, 270,
land clearing and burning, 7; managed resilience, 275–277
210; percent of emissions, 328; tropical forests, 199. East Australian Current, 255–256
See also forests Ebola outbreak, West Africa, 306–307
degasing, 99f, 103, 129–130 ecoclimatic teleconnections, 85, 87
deglaciation, 129, 132–135, 133f, 139 ecological niche models (ENM). See species distribution
Dendroctonus ponderosae, 83, 216, 305 models (SDMs)
dengue fever, 271 economic costs of climate change, 125–126, 197, 296, 357;
Dermochelys coriacea, 175 credits for protecting areas, 290; frost damage to agri-
descriptive norms, 344–345 cultural products, 235; tropical forests and, 203–204
ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA), 6–8, 297–309; agri- evapotranspiration, 20, 28, 138, 144, 196, 304; Amazon
cultural landscapes, 299–301, 300f; coastal areas, 299, forest, 241; tropical forests, 199, 203, 208
302–304, 303f; co-benefits, 306; disease prevention, Everglades, 237
306–307; fisheries, 302–303; five environments, 299; evergreen temperate, coniferous, montane forests, 83
forests, 299, 305–306; freshwater areas, 299, 304– evergreen temperate, semiarid, coniferous woodlands,
305; glossary, 298; green infrastructure, 298, 301; 82–83
resilience and, 298, 307; self-renewing, 306; services, evolution: abrupt changes, 262; adaptive, 67–68, 73; of
297–299; urban areas, 299, 301–302 forests, 103; niche, 72–73; Pleistocene, 296
ecosystem changes. See broad-scale ecosystem changes, evolutionary faunas, 115–116
rapid; past abrupt ecosystem changes evolutionary responsibility, 347
ecosystem experiments, 9 experiments, 27t, 356; acidification, 191; consumer-
ecosystem restoration, 326–331; agroecosystems, 329– resource dynamics, 247, 252; crop yield, 348–349;
330; animals and balancing of carbon budget, 330, disease transmission, 271; piñon pine, 82–83; rain-
332–335; background, 326–329; carbon capture and fall exclusion, 199; soil microorganisms, mountain
storage, 327–328; CO2 reduction in Cretaceous and Pa- regions, 224
leocene, 328–329; geoengineering concept, 326–327; extinction, 3–4, 9; avoidance of, 71, 74; coextinctions,
integrated and sustainable approach, 330; peatlands, 81; dinosaur, 97, 104; direct, 358–359; endangered
329; reforestation, 329; terrestrial ecosystem losses, species, percentages, 357, 357f; end-Cretaceous, 101;
328; two degrees too much, 327 end-Permian, 101, 103, 117; Euphydryas editha butterfly,
ecosystems: Bering Sea, 39; carbon loss from, 328; coral 32, 33; from food and energy production, 358–359;
reefs, 60; mitigation, role in, 310–311; restoration, 8. freshwater fish extinctions, 238, 243; glacial epochs
See also human-dominated ecosystems and, 66; mass-extinction events, 60, 97, 103–107, 117,
ecosystem services, 45, 52, 62, 85–87, 128, 158, 168, 356; megaextinction, 294–295; megafauna, 118, 135,
197–224, 290–291, 297–329 147; metapopulation, 287; minimizing, 359–363,
ecosystem structure, 80–90, 82 363f; PETM era, 131; range expansion and, 32; risk
ecotone, 138–139, 216 of, 294–296, 357; Snowball Earth, 101–102; time-de-
ectotherms, 120, 164, 171, 175; mountain regions, 228; layed, 32, 224, 358–359; wild plants, 349–350
thermal tolerance, 212, pl. 4 extinction debt, 32, 224, 358–359
efficiency of energy use, 20 extinction vortex, 241
elephants, 8
elevation, 143, 145–146, 146f, 149, 201–204 “false springs,” 33
El Niño–Southern Oscillation, 28t, 63, 137, 144, 241, Faroe Islands, 177
329; disease transmission and, 274, 275 fauna, marine, 115–116
Emiliania huxleyi, 188 feedbacks, 100–102, 102f, 148–149; chemical weather-
emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri), 92, 175 ing of silicate rocks, 100, 103; natural carbon feed-
endangered species: assisted colonization, 34–35, 243; E. back, 14, 100; snow- and ice-albedo feedbacks, 13;
editha quino, 33–34, 33f, 34f, 36f temperate and boreal responses, 216–218; tree die-off
endemism, 119, 125; freshwater fishes, 238, 242 and fire, 81, 147; water-vapor feedback, 13, 100
endotherms, 212, 213, 219 feedstock, 316
energy-efficient appliances, buildings, and vehicles, 363 fertilization effect, 9, 164, 201
Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EI- Ficedula hypoleuca, 44
CAT), 265 fingerprints, 27t, 29t, 35
Eocene epoch, 105; La Meseta Formation, 119–120 fire-dependent species, 83
Eocene-Oligocene epoch transition, 105, 107, 117, 120 fires, 81–82, 87, 108; Amazon and Andean regions,
Epidemiology and Control of Malaria (MacDonald), 271 142, 145; forest-rainfall-fire system, 208–209, 209f;
equator-pole temperature gradient, 16 human-lit, 204; invasive species and, 263; synergis-
Erigeron speciosus, 234–235 tic forces, 305–306; tipping points, 208–209; tropical
Erythronium grandiflorum, 49 forests, 203–204, 208–209
estuaries, 28, 237, 240, 240t, 275 fisheries, 63; Aboriginal (First Nation), 77; Australian
ethical issues, 356 tuna, 255–257, pl. 7; Bering Sea, 39, 40–41; ecosys-
Ethiopia, 274–275 tem-based adaptation, 302–303; fish body size and,
Euphydryas editha butterfly, 26, 27–28t, 32–33; ecotypes, 175; hatchery programs, 77, 78; mean temperature
33; E. editha quino, 33–35, 33f, 34f, 36f of catch (MTC), 172–173, 172f; overharvesting, 114,
EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED), 317 118–119, 121; parrotfish, 6–7
European Alps, 224, 226 fishes: anadromous, 30t, 77–78, 240t; Atlantic mackerel
European continental shelf, 172 (Scomber scombrus), 177; biodiversity, 171–175; chemo-
European Union, 315, 317 sensory response, 188; modeling body size, 173–175;
evaporation, 13, 16, 17, 106, 138; latitudinal differences, notothenioid, 120; parrotfish, 6–7; salmon popula-
20 tions, 77–79, 78f; southern bluefin tuna (SBT), 256;

fishes (continued) forests, tropical, 196–207; absolute loss, 197; agriculture

spawning, 78, 169, 173, 239, 305, 318; trout, cutthroat in, 203–204; climatic stability, 197, 198f, 200f; cloud
(Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisii), 228; trout, lake (Salvelinus na- forests, 6, 28, 85, 221, 224, 227; conservation, 204–
maycush), 252 205; direct impacts of climate change, 201–203; dis-
fishes, freshwater, 237–245; allopatric speciation, 242; tinct biogeographical regions, 196; dry seasons, 203;
connectivity, 239t; East Africa, 242–243; examples of forest-rainfall-fire system, 208–209, 209f; impacts of
climate change effects, 239–240t; habitat loss, 239t; anthropogenic climate change to date, 199–201; indi-
high-altitude habitat “squeeze,” 239t; lacustrine fish rect threats, 203–204; intactness, 200f; interactions,
species flocks, 238; landmasses and species diversity, 202–203; land surface, 196; movement, 201–202; as
238–239; North America, 240–241; storms and, 237, planetary cooling system, 208; reduction of CO2 and,
240; three levels of action required, 243; wind-driven 328; temperature of land surface, 199; tolerance, ad-
fish kills, 240t aptation, and acclimation, 201
fitness of species, 27, 32, 201, 212; individual level, 42, fossil fuel use, 4, 13–14, 19f, 21f; 4°C temperature rise
45; marine, 78, 188, 190 predicted, 18, 20; nutrient cycles, disruption of, 4–5
flood basalts, 103 fossil record, 59–60, 89, 97; in deep time, 114–124; geo-
flooding, 16, 17, 175, 301, 304–305; economic costs, logic time scale, 98–99; nearshore, shallow-marine,
125–126 softbottom habitats, 115, 120; pollen, 133–134
flood-pulse systems, 239t Fostering Sustainable Behavior (McKenzie-Mohr), 342
flowering plants. See pollinator-plant associations, phe- foundational, dominant, and keystone species, 80, 82–
nological dynamics in 83, 87, 118, 192
fog-belt locations, 81, 85 France, 228
Food and Agriculture Organization (United Nations), free-air concentration enrichment (FACE) experiment, 9
347, 353 freshwater ecosystems, 125, 223f, 228, 237; ecosys-
food conversion efficiency, 173 tem-based adaptation, 299, 304–305. See also fishes,
food security: climate change and future, 350; impacts of freshwater
climate change on, 348–350; institutional prepared- frost damage, 234–235
ness, 352–354; preparing for climate change through functional diversity, 108
crop adaptation, 351–352, 351f; price increases, 350 functional traits, 157, 164–165, 356
food waste, 361–362 fundamental niche, 158
food webs, 92, 117, 121, 178, 188, 192, 302–303; gross fungal disease, 224–225, 226
architecture, 250, 251f; mountain regions, 225, 228;
omnivory, 250–251 Gagea lutea, 49
food webs, asymmetrical thermal responses, 246–257; Galapagos Islands, 147, 175
asymmetrical food-web compartment responses to gamma diversity, 80
climate change, 251–252; climate change and asym- gardens, pollinator, 52
metric compartment responses, 250–252; consumer- GARP (genetic algorithm for rule set production), 158
resource dynamics and consequences, 247–250, 247f, gastropods and bivalves, 40, 116, 119, 120, 188, 240; Lit-
248f, 250f; “couplers,” 250–252; empirical examples torina littorea, 188; North America, 240
of asymmetric whole food-web impacts, 252; gen- GCM (general circulation model), 158–159, 163, 165,
eralists, 250–252; habitat compartments, 250–253; 198
primary and secondary production, 249; thermal per- genebanks, 353
formance curves (TPCs), 247, 252; top-heavy interac- gene flow, 68
tions, 250, 250f. See also predation generalists, 46–47, 49, 228, 250–252; invasive species,
forcings, 69t, 134, 137; human, 14–15; positive feedback 265–266
mechanisms, 148–149; radiative, 12, 13, 17, 20–21, 28t genetics: architecture, 69, 73; genetic diversity loss, 4;
forests, 7; afforestation, 20, 314, 329; Amazonian spe- genetic markers, 67; landscape, 67–71, 68f, 69t; popu-
cies, 142; boreal, 142; Carboniferous, 107; commu- lation, 67, 69t; variation, butterflies, 33
nity weighted mean (CWM) trait values, 162f; deg- genetic signatures, 66–76; extinction resilience and ex-
radation, 84, 149, 208–209, 305–306, 311–313, 314, tinction risk, 74; geographic responses to past climate
328; ecosystem-based adaptation, 299, 305–306; change, 70–72; niche evolution under climate change,
empty-forest syndrome, 148; evolution of, 103; leaf- 72–73; phylogeography, 66–67; responses to contem-
level responses, 216; loss of for bioenergy, 315–316; porary climate change, 73–74
malaria and, 271; minor forest products, 329; net genomes: organelle, 67, 68, 72
annual loss, 311; non-timber-forest products, 306; genotypes, responses to climate change, 188
Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Deg- geochemical cycles, 99
radation (REDD+), 196–197, 205, 311, 313, 314–315; geochemical effects, 186–187, 187f
thermophilic, 196; tree mortality, 81–83, 217. See also geoengineering, 326–327
deforestation; neotropical perspective geological processes, 13
geologic time scales, 98–99, 98f, 99f, 100f, 128–129; Hubbard Brook experiment, 9
chart, 115 human activities, 13; Amazonian region, 142–143; Andes
geophysical settings, 289 region, 144; climate-driven movement routes and, 183–
Givetian epoch, 103 184, pl. 6; coral reefs, dependence on, 56, 59; fresh-
glacial epochs, 117, 130t; Antarctic reglaciation, 66; water fish extinctions and, 238, 243; pre-Columbian
Marinoan glaciation, 101; North Atlantic deep water peoples, 147–148; in rural areas, 204; tropical forest
(NADW), 106; rebound from last, 164; Sturtian gla- loss, 197, 203; Yupik communities, Bering Sea area, 41
ciation, 101 Human Development Index (HDI), 261
glacial-interglacial cycling, 13–14, 61, 66, 69t, 71, 102f, human-dominated ecosystems, 356–365; extinction
105; Adélie penguins and, 91; deglaciation, 129, 132– from food and energy production, 358–359; food
135, 133f, 139; migration and, 359; Varangian glacia- waste, 361–362; healthier diets and extinction pre-
tion, 117; See also ice ages vention, 361, 363f; minimizing extinction, 359–363;
glacier lily (Erythronium grandiflorum), 49 reducing climate change, 363; sustainable intensifica-
glaciers and ice sheets, 12, 101, 102f, 222; alpine, 239t; tion for crop yield, 360–361
America, 106; Bering and Chukuchi Seas, 39–41, 40f, Human Influence Index (HII), 183
41f, 91–92; ice cover, 12, 39, 84f, 92; Laurentide Ice human resilience, 290; adaptation, 5–6, 297
Sheet, 133, 133f; northern (cold) thermal barrier, 161 human services, 297
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), 161 humidity, 85, 100
Global Climate Fund, 296 Hurricane Sandy, 300
Global Crop Diversity Trust, 353 hydroengineering, 238
global impacts of change, 3 hydrogeography, 17
global warming, 61–63: reptiles and, 226–227; speed of, hydrological cycle, 56, 199, 217
199. See also climate change; temperature hydrological variability, 135–138
grasshopper (Melanoplus femurrubrum), 332–335 hydropower, 317–318
grasslands, 13, 28, 82f, 130f, 216, 261; California, 9; de- hypercapnia, 103
graded, 329; mountain regions, 223f, 224–225; North hyperdominance, 142–143
Africa, 137–138
great apes, 316 ice ages, 21f, 61, 66, 70, 105–108, 143, 294; Little Ice
Greater Manchester (United Kingdom), 302 Age, 70; Paleozoic, 117; Pleistocene, 147; Quaternary,
Great Plains of North America, 16–17, 137, 138 144. See also glacial-interglacial cycling; glaciers and ice
Green Climate Fund, 9 sheets
greenhouse gases (GHGs), 3, 4, 99–101, 310, 315; agri- ice caps, 143, 149, 298
cultural releases, 359; atmospheric greenhouse effect, ice cover, 12, 39, 84f; Antarctica, 92, 105, pl. 5
13; electric power generation and, 363; increase due to icehouse climate, 105, 107
burning, 7; infrared (heat-related) gases, 13; longwave Iceland, 177
radiation and, 20; ocean absorption of effects, 55–56 India, 259
green infrastructure, 298, 301, 323–325 Indian Ocean, 106; tsunami (2004), 305
Greenland, 44, 132–134; Dansgaard-Oeschger events, indigenous peoples, 327
130t, 132, 144 Indo-Malaysian islands, 126
green roofs, 301 Indonesia, 204, 316, 329
greenspaces, 298, 301–302 Industrial Revolution, 55–56, 99, 105
growth chambers, 47 infrared (heat-related) gases, 13
infrared (heat) radiation, 17
habitat: compartments, 250–253; exchange, 290; reduc- injunctive norms, 344–345
tion, 7, 358 insects: larvae, 27t, 32–33, 225, 235, 271; mountain re-
Half-Earth (Wilson), 330 gions, 223f, 225–226; seasonality, 212. See also pollina-
halocarbons, 13, 20 tor-plant associations, phenological dynamics in
Hannah, Lee, 288 integrated responses, 3, 4, 9
Hansen, James, 327 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 14,
health effects, 18 18, 55, 221, 270; extinction risk study, 295–296; Fifth
heat waves, 301–302 Assessment Report, 178; on food security, 348, 350
Helianthella quinquenervis, 234–235, 235f interlocking processes, Earth as a system of, 99
Henry’s law, 185 international conventions and negotiations, 4, 9, 20,
herbivores, predator effects on, 332–333 177, 264, 265, 294
hibernation, 226, 227 International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources (ITP-
Holocene epoch, 14, 69t, 70, 99, 107, 129; agriculture, GRFA), 353
transition to, 347; human activity, 135; hydrological International Union for the Conservation of Nature
variability, 135–138 (IUCN), 125, 240, 265; Red List, 357, 357f, 358f, 359

invasive species, 120–122, 147, 172, 174f, 258–269; al- Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), 15, 70–73, 284
tered distribution of existing populations, 259, 262; Last Interglacial (LIG) stage, 71
ballast water management practices, 259–260; bio- Latimeria (coelacanth), 116
diversity conservation and restoration, 264; biofuel latitudinal temperature gradients, 201, 204, 211, 212, pl. 4
production and, 261; classifying, 265; climate change Laurentian Mountains, 323–325
and, 258–259; climatic constraints on, 259; coordi- Laurentide Ice Sheet, 133, 133f
nated research and policy efforts, 264–265; extreme leading edges, marine systems, 30–32
weather events and, 261; fish, exotic, 260–261; im- leatherback turtles, 175
pacts of existing populations, 259, 263; intentional life-history traits, 42–44, 165, 258
introduction, 260; Lake Victoria, 242; management lineages, 66–67, 70
effectiveness, 259, 263; marine, 173, 192, 259, 261; Linepithema humile, 261
mechanisms of transport and introduction, 259–261; lithodids, 121
modeling, 259, 262; in mountain regions, 222; or- Little Ice Age, 70
namental, garden-variety plants, 262; pet trade, 260, littoral organisms, 251, 252
265; propagule pressure, 259, 260; shipping and, lizards, Sceloporus, 226
259–260, 265; solutions, 264–265; three axes of im- local impacts of change, 3, 61–63, 174f, 306–307; crop
pact, 263 adaptation, 351–352; TV weathercaster coverage, 341,
Iriartea (palm), 143 343
iron fertilization, 328 lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), 83
irrigation, 300 loggerhead turtles, 175
islands, 120, 125–127, 126f, 147; 2°C too much, 327; long-term observations, 28; range and abundance
megafaunal populations, 135 changes, 26, 27t, 32–33
isotherms, 31 Lovejoy, Thomas, 188
Italian Alps, 224 low carbon fuel standard (LCFS), 261
Luquillo Forest (Puerto Rico), 9
Japan: CO2 vents, 191; flowering phenology, 49 Lyme disease, 262
jet stream, 16
jump dispersal, 145, 146f mackerel, 177
Juniperus, 133f, 134, 137 macroinvertebrates, marine, 171–175
Juniperus monosperma, 83 Madagascar, 196
Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus), 175
kangaroo rat species, 72 magmas, 103
Kangerlussuaq, Low Arctic Greenland, 44 maize, 347, 348–349, 350, 353
Keeling, M. J., 106, 271 malaria, 270, 271–280, 273f, 306; avian, 275; highland,
krill, 121–122 East Africa, 275–277
K-T extinction event, 15, 21f, 101, 328, 329f mammals, 357; body size, 131; marine, 176; megafauna,
118, 135, 147; mountain regions, 223, 227; uphill and
lakes: East Africa, 242; ecosystems, 251–252; eutrophi- poleward shifts, 214. See also individual species
cation, 242, 243; Gerzensee (Switzerland), 133f, 134; managed relocation, 262
high-latitude, 228, 238; Kråkenes (Norway), 133f, management-based actions, 4, 6–10, 86–87; Australian
134–135; Kyoga Basin (Uganda), 242; Malawi, 242; tuna fisheries, 255–257; marine biodiversity, 176–177;
Nawampassa, 242; papyrus swamp, 242; sediments, post-modern marine communities, 118–119; rewild-
133–134; Soppensee (Switzerland), 133f, 135; strati- ing, 118; spatial, 255–257. See also protected-area
fication, 240, 242, 24; Tana, 242; Tanganyika, 242; management
Titicaca, 144; Victoria, 238, 242; Yoa, 137 mangroves, 6, 191, 198f, 303, 305
La Meseta Formation, 119–120 manufactured landscapes, 147–148
land clearing, 7, 205, 308, 315, 332, 357 marine biodiversity, 168–182, 302–303; acidification
LANDIS-II, 164 and, 168–169, 171, 175, 178, 185–195; conservation,
landraces, 352 176–177; habitat complexity, 191; invasive species,
landscape genetics, 67–71, 68f, 69t, 70–71; contempo- 173, 192, 259, 261; key challenges, 177–178; mac-
rary time frame, 73–74 roinvertebrates and fishes, 171–175; mammals, 176;
landscape genomics, 67–68 mechanisms of climate change effects on, 169–170;
land-sharing approaches, 8 oxygen, need for, 169–170, 170f; phytoplanktons,
land-use change, 161, 163, 358 macroalgae, and seagrasses, 171, 188; poleward shifts,
large igneous provinces (LIPs), 103–104, 108 171, 172, 175; reproduction, 188; reptiles, mammals,
large marine ecosystems (LMEs), 173 and birds, 175–176; responses to climate change,
larvae: insect, 27t, 32–33, 225, 235, 271; marine, 120, 170–176; seabird populations, 91–92, 175–176; spe-
121, 169, 170, 173, 188, 189, 191, 240; mountain re- cies richness, 169, 170, 171, 173. See also acidification;
gions, 225 benthic systems; oceans
marine protected areas (MPAs), 62, 122, 177, 287f 165; extinction risk, 294; fish body size, 173–175; gap
Marine Stewardship Council, 177, 343 models, 164; general circulation model (GCM) uncer-
marine systems: Antarctica, future of, 120–121; climate tainty, 158–159, 165, 198f; generalized dissimilarity
and biodiversity in, 117; in deep time, 114–124; lead- modeling (GDM), 158, 160; habitat preference, 256;
ing edges, 30–32; mass-extinction events and, 97; HadCM2 and HadCM3 climate models, 271; invasive
overharvesting, 114, 118–119, 121; post-modern, 118– species, 259, 262; landscape genetics, 73; landscape
119; predation, 116, 117; teleosts, 116, 119, 120; three models, 164; last deglaciation, 132–135; MaxEnt
evolutionary faunas, 115–116 (maximum entropy theory model), 158, 160; niche
Marmota flaviventris, 227 envelope models, 237; niche evolution, 73; niche
marmots, yellow-bellied (Marmota flaviventris), 227 models, 183–184, 237; from paleoecological perspec-
marten (Martes americana), 227 tive, 106–107; protected-area management, 288; sea
Martes americana, 227 level rise, 126–127; spatial autocorrelation, 274; spe-
Marxan, 158 cies distribution models (SDMs), 160–164, 272–274;
Mauritia (palm), 142–143 susceptible (S), infected (I), and recovered (R) (SIR)
maximum entropy (MaxEnt) model, 158, 160 models, 271; tree line advance, 222–224. See also deep
mean temperature of catch (MTC), 172–173, 172f time; projections; time stamp metaphor
meat, per capita demand for, 361, 362f modeling species and vegetation distribution, 157–167;
mechanistic links, 26, 32 adding information on population processes, 164;
Medieval Warm Period, 70 area metrics, 161–162; Earth-system modeling, 157,
Mediterranean diet, 361, 363f 165; ensemble approaches, 158–160; gap models,
Mediterranean mountains, 224 164; general circulation model (GCM) uncertainty,
Mediterranean Sea, 14, 191 158–159, 165, 198f; landscape models, 164; lessons
Meerfelder Maar, 133f, 134 learned, 160–164; macroscale modeling, 165–166;
megadiversity, 59–61 population-level metrics, 162–163; reasons for, 157–
megadroughts, 130t, 137, 150 158; species distribution models (SDMs), 158–164;
megafauna, 118, 135, 147 velocity metrics, 163–164, 163f
megafires, 81–82 Modern fauna, 115–116
Mekong River, 239t; dam, 318 MODI S satellite observations, 43
Melanoplus femurrubrum, 332–335 Mojave Desert species, 72
Mesozoic era, 104 mollusks, 59, 86f, 188, 190, 240
“Mesozoic marine revolution,” 116 monkey flower species, 72
messages. See awareness monsoons, 132, 133, 137
meta-analyses, 25, 28, 30t, 212–213, 261 montane ecosystems, 83, 85, 201–202. See also mountain
metazoans, 101–102 biodiversity
meteor strikes, 98, 101 Monterey Bay Aquarium, 342–343
methane (CH4), 4, 13, 20, 100, 105, 312, 330, 360–361 Montreal, Canada, 323–325
Mexico, 240 mortality: consumer-resource dynamics, 247f, 248–249;
microarthropods, 225 trees, 81–83, 217
microclimates, 135, 146, 149, 284–285, 318; broad-scale mosquitos, 271–280, 306, 344f; Aedes aegypti, 271, 272f,
ecosystem changes and, 81, 83, 86, 87; connectivity 274; Anopheles gambiae, 271, 277; Anopheles maculipennis,
and, 289 271; Triatoma brasiliensis, 274
microrefugia, 147, 149–150 mountain avens (Dryas sp.), 46
migration: assisted, 86–87, 262, 289; upslope and mountain biodiversity, 221–233; alpine and nival areas,
downslope, 145, 146f, 149, 201–204 222, 222t, 239f; alpine and subalpine grasslands, 49,
migration rates, 134, 135, 139. See also velocity of climate 221, 223f, 224; amphibians, 226; birds, 223, 227; cli-
change (VoCC) mate change in mountain areas, 221–222; freshwater
Milankovitch cycles, 107 species, 228; global area of bioclimatic mountain belts,
Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment, and 222t; high-altitude habitat “squeeze,” 239t; insects,
Parks (Quebec), 323 225–226; mammals, 227; microclimatic variation, 224;
Mississippi Basin fauna, 240 mountain forests and tree lines, 222–224, 223f; percent
Mississippi Delta, 330 of land area, 221; reptiles, 226–227; soil microorgan-
mitigation. See ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA); terres- isms, 224–225; tropical montane ecosystems, 85, 224;
trial ecosystems, climate change mitigation warming rate, 221–222. See also montane ecosystems
mitochondrial (mtDNA), 67, 68–69, 71, 72 muscid flies, 46
mobility of species, 246, 249–250, 251f mutualistic interactions, 45, 50–52; coral reefs, 60, 61
modeling: climate system, 17–18, 21f; coral bleaching, mycorrhizal processes, 328
61–62; correlative, 164, 272–274, 273f; crop yield,
348–349; disease transmission, 271; diversity-flow National Academy of Sciences, 326–327
relationship, riverine systems, 237; Earth-system, 157, nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs), 315

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administra- tory role, 55–56; sea surface temperatures (SSTs), 57,
tion, 14 77, 173, 175; thermocline, 249; upwelling intensity,
natural breakwaters, 302 175, 178; volume of 1.3 billion km3, 56; water col-
natural disturbances, 216–217 umn, 59, 60, 116, 118, 168, 173. See also Bering Sea;
natural integrity, 197 Chukchi Sea; coral bleaching; coral reefs; marine bio-
Nature Conservancy, 330 diversity; sea level rise
Nebraska Sand Hills, 137 Ochotona princeps, 227
Neogene, 70, 328, 329f oil palm cultivation, 316, 316f
Neolithodes, 121 oil wells, 327
neotropical perspective, 142–153; path to homogeniza- omnivory, 250–251
tion, 147–148 Ontong Java Plateau eruption, 105
New Climate Economy report, 2015, 330 ophiuroids, 116
New Guinea, 196, 197, 227 optimal foraging theory, 170
New York Declaration on Forests (restoration), 311 orbital cycles, 14, 104–105, 131, 137, 143
next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms, 67, 69, Ordovician period, 103, 116
73–74 organelle genomes, 67, 68, 72
niche conservatism, 46, 52 organism physiology, 169
niche evolution, 72–73 Ostreococcus tauri, 188
niche models, 183–184, 237, 272–274, 273f oxygen, in waters, 56, 103
niches: invasive species and, 264; thermal, 201, 204, 214 oxygen and capacity-limited thermal tolerance (OCLTT),
Nile perch (Lates niloticus), 242–243 192
nitrogen deposition, 4–5, 13 ozone layer, 3, 20
nitrogen fertilizer, 360–361
nitrous oxide (N2O), 13, 360 Pacific Ocean, 39, 57, 60, 77–78, 106, 161
no-analogue communities, 117–118, 148 paleobiology, 117–118
non-forest ecosystems, 311–313 Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), 102f,
Nordic Genetic Resource Centre, 353 104–105, 107, 117, 129–131, 130t, 138, 199, 294; acid-
North America, 16, 26, 28, 30, 66, 72–73; freshwater ification and, 186
fishes, 240–241; ice sheet, 106; land bridge, 14 Paleocene epoch, 328, 329f; clathrates, 129–130
North Atlantic deep water (NADW), 106 paleoclimatic record, 14, 27t, 69t
North Atlantic Ocean, 132–134; “conveyor belt for salt,” paleoecological perspective, 97–113; biodiversity crises
106; northward movement of marine life, 172. See also in Earth history, 101–104; biodiversity in a change-
Atlantic Ocean able climate, 107–108; Earth system and carbon cycle,
Northern Hemisphere land areas: range and abundance 99–101; geologic time scale, 98–99, 98f, 99f, 128;
figures, 30; summer temperatures, 15–16, 16f modeling from, 106–107
North Pacific Fisheries Management Council, 40–41 paleoecology, 81, 294
North Sea, 173 Paleozoic era, 98, 99f, 104, 107, 115–116
Norway, 43, 133f, 134, 225; genebanks, 353 Palmer Deep, 121
Norway, High Arctic, 43 palms, 142–143
nutrient enrichment, 176, 228 panda, 227
Papua New Guinea, 191
oak, California (valley oak, Quercus lobata), 73 Paraguay, 312f
Oak Ridge experiments, 9 Paris Climate Agreement, 20, 62, 63, 209, 310, 319, 327
ocean anoxic events (OAEs), 104–105, 108 Paris Climate Change Conference of the Parties, 330
oceans, 12; absolute rate of temperature rise, 31; acidifi- parrotfish, 6–7
cation, 40, 61–63, 100, 103, 106, 114, 168–169, 171, past abrupt ecosystem changes, 128–141, 130t, 144;
175, 178, 185–195; asphyxiation, 103, 104; bathyal examples, 132–135, 133f; hydrological variability,
zone, 114, 116, 119; biological responses to rapid 135–138, 136f; Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maxi-
ocean change, 58–59, 58f; carbon dioxide (CO2) ab- mum (PETM), 129–131. See also broad-scale ecosystem
sorption, 55–57, 57f; chemistry, 57; CO2 equilibrium, changes, rapid
185–186, 186f; conveyor-belt model for salt, 106; pastoral societies, 137
dead zones, 4–5, 56, 170; deep sea “living fossils,” peatlands, 131, 304, 311, 313, 329
116; early studies, 56; heterogenous warming, 255; pelagic systems, 39, 118, 251
layers, 56–57; local and global warming and acidifica- penguin optimum, 91
tion, 61–63; mobility of organisms, 59; oxygen con- penguins, 121–122; Adélie (Pygoscelis adeliae), 91–92, pl.
tent, 56, 103, 169, 176; percentage of coverage, 55, 5; emperor (Aptenodytes forsteri), 92, 175; king (Apteno-
168; pH of waters, 20, 56, 57, 185–186; physical and dytes patagonicus), 249; Magellanic (Spheniscus magellanicus),
chemical changes in, 56–57; regime shifts, 77; regula- 175
per capita consumption and purchasing power, 357, 359, 44–45; implications of differential phenological ad-
362f vance in, 45–50; mutualistic interactions, 45, 50–52;
permafrost, 82, 131, 330 plant-flowering phenology, 46; pollen limitation in
Permian period, 101, 103 flowering plants, 46–47, 47f; recent trends, 43–44;
Peru, 350f snowmelt and frost damage, 234–235; species-spe-
pest and pathogen outbreaks, 6, 81 cific phenological dynamics, 49–50, 50f, 51f
Phanerozoic Eon, 103, 108, 115 pollution, 3–4, 61, 63, 108, 176, 317
phenology, 42–54, 173; community-averaged rates, 44; population genetics, 67, 69t
in consumer-resource interactions, 44–45; mountain population increase, 7, 8, 357, 358, 359, 363
biodiversity and, 225; multiannual studies, 44; mu- population-level metrics, 162–163
tualistic interactions, 45, 50–52; recent trends related post-modern marine communities, 118–119
to climate change, 43–44; seabirds, 175–176; shifts in poverty alleviation, 306–307
synchrony, 218; temperate and boreal regions, 214– precipitation, 16, 29, 33, 199, pl. 1; agricultural produc-
215; trophic match-mismatch, 44–52. See also pollina- tion and, 300–301; Amazon region, 143, 201, 208;
tor-plant associations, phenological dynamics in base flow reduction, 239t, 241; freshwater biodiver-
pH of ocean waters, 20, 56, 57, 185–186 sity and, 228; invasive species and, 258–259; link to
photoperiod cues, 214 temperature increase, 199–201; past abrupt changes,
photosynthesis, 106, 328; coral reefs and, 60; effect of 136f, 137–138; United States, 241
heat on vegetation, 349; leaf-level responses, 216; pre-Columbian peoples, 147–148
plankton, 188 predation, 116, 117, 170; acidification and, 192; carbon
photosynthesizing organisms, 103 effects of, 332–335; mountain regions, 227; spider
phylogenetics, 67, 70 species, 252; trophic levels, 44, 92, 117, 250–251.
phylogenomics, 67 See also food webs; food webs, asymmetrical thermal
phylogeography, 66–67, 68f; comparative, 67, 68f, 70; response
spatial and temporal scales, 68–70, 68f, 69t predators, 116, 122
physiological sensitivities to climate change, 212–213 “pride campaigns,” 344
Picea critchfieldii, 135 projections, 13; acidification of oceans, 190; Amazon Re-
picoplankton Ostreococcus tauri, 188 gion, 84; coral bleaching, 62–63; extinction resilience
pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), 44 and risk, 74; extreme weather changes, 19f; insects,
pika, American (Ochotona princeps), 227 mountain regions, 225–226; mass-extinction data,
pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae), 83, 216, 305 98, 98f; mountain regions, 228–229; temperate and
pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa), 262 boreal regions, 218–219; through the twenty-first cen-
pinnipeds, 41f, 176 tury, 17–20; vegetation change, 81, 82f. See also model-
piñon-juniper (Juniperus monosperma) woodlands, 83 ing; modeling species and vegetation distribution
piñon pine (Pinus edulis), 82–83, 137 prokaryotic cyanobacteria, 103
Pinus, 82–83, 133f, 134, 137 protected-area management, 7–8, 283–293; connectiv-
Pinus contorta, 83 ity, 286–287; connectivity between present and future
Pinus edulis, 82–83, 137 populations, 289; conservation in changing climate,
planetary boundaries, 4–5 290–291; ecosystem gap, 286; enduring geophysi-
plankton, 59, 116; acidification and, 187–188; picoplank- cal features, 289; enhanced synergies, 290; ensure
ton Ostreococcus tauri, 188; poleward shift, 171, 172 permanence and quality of existing protected areas,
plantations, 314, 316 288; expand or modify protected areas and networks,
plant functional types (PFTs), 165–166 288–289; first principles, 288; four components,
Plasmodium falciparum. See malaria 283–284; gaps in design and management, 285–286;
plate tectonics, 99, 117 geographic gap, 285–286; “gray” literature, 285; habi-
Pleistocene epoch, 66, 71–72, 99, 102f; evolution under, tat corridors, 287; innovative approaches to adapt pro-
296; glaciations, 117 tected areas to climate change, 288–290; magnitude,
Pleistocene-Holocene transition, 70 rate, timing, and intensity of climate change and pro-
policy making, 4, 9; agriculture and, 347–355; aware- tected areas, 284–286; models, 288; scale commen-
ness and, 9, 336–346; coral reefs, 62; freshwater fish surability, 287–288; science-management gap, 285;
management, 243–244; invasive species, 264–265; stepping-stones, 289–290, 324–325, 324f; surround-
range and abundance changes, 25; SDM simulations, ing matrix, 286–287, 288; theory of, 286–288. See also
161; terrestrial ecosystems, 318–319 conservation; management-based actions
pollen, 46–47, 133–134, 144 protected areas (PAs), 161, 205; marine (MPAs), 122,
pollination capacity, 299–300 176–177, 287f; mountain regions, 227; terrestrial pro-
pollinator-plant associations, phenological dynamics in, tected areas (TPAs), 287f, 290
42–54; abiotic conditions, 42, 43, 44, 52; conserva- Proterozoic eon, 115
tion strategies, 52; consumer-resource interactions, pteropod species, 92, 188

Ptychoramphus aleuticus, 175 resistance, 298

Puget Sound, 260–261 resource species, 44–45
purple loosestrife, 262 restoration. See ecosystem restoration
Pygoscelis adeliae, 91–92 retrogradation, 118, 119, 120
Pyrenees, 227 rewilding, 118
rice, 348
Qinling Mountains, 227 risk communication, 338
Quaternary time frame, 70 Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, 9, 48, 234–236
Rocky Mountains, 227, 234–236
radiation: atmospheric greenhouse effect, 13; longwave, rodents, 274
4; solar, 12–13, 17, 80, 318; spikes, 212 Ross Sea: Marine Protected Area, 122; region, 91–92
radiative forcings, 12, 13, 17, 20–21, 28t runoff, 5, 17
rainfall. See precipitation
rainforests, tropical, 142 Sahara Desert, 137
range shifts, 25–38, 67, 71, 81, 117, 294–296, pl. 8; cli- salamanders, plethodontid, 226
mate-driven movement routes, 183–184; climate scale salmon populations, 77–79, 78f
habitat shift, 255; climate “signal,” 25, 26, 35; con- salt, ocean transport of, 106
founding factors, 26; detection and attribution, 25, salt cedar (Tamarix spp.), 261–262
26; differentiating diagnostic patterns, 31; Euphydryas sandfly (Lutzomyia), 272
editha butterfly, 26, 27–28t, 32–35, 33f, 34f; experi- Sanger DNA sequencing techniques, 73
ments, 27t; fingerprints, 27t, 29t, 35; geographic and satellite imagery, 43
taxonomic differences in rates of response, 32; glob- savannas, 137, 138
ally coherent patterns of species distribution shifts, Schneider, Stephen, 295
26–31, 35; inferential approach, 26; invasive species Scleractinian corals, 59–60
and distribution of existing populations, 259, 262; Scomber scombrus, 177
land use and, 26; long-term observations, 26, 27t, 28; Seafood Watch, 342–343
marine, 170, 171–172; meta-analyses, 25, 28, 30t; mi- seagrasses, 171, 188, 191, 303
crorefugia, 147, 149–150; observed changes in indi- sea-ice cover, 91–92
vidual species and in communities, 31–32; phenologi- sea-level pressure, 77
cal asynchrony, 32–33; phytoplanktons, macroalgae, sea level rise, 6, 13, 20, 21, 125–127, 298, 302; freshwa-
and seagrasses, 171; poleward and uphill shifts, 26, ter fishes and, 237; invasive species and, 263
35, 171, 172, 175, 177, 183–184, 214; protected-area seasonal autoregressive moving average (SARMA)
management and, 288–289; radiative forcings and, model, 277
28t; species distribution modeling (SDM) procedure, seasonal environments, 42
72; synchrony, shifts in, 33, 37, 77, 134, 173, 217, seasonality, 4, 212, 213–214, 213f, 218; disease transmis-
217f, 218. See also modeling species and vegetation sion, 217–218, 217f; freshwater fishes and, 240t; shifts
distribution in, 217–218
rapid broad-scale ecosystem changes. See broad-scale sea surface temperatures (SSTs), 57, 77, 173, 175; invasive
ecosystem changes, rapid species and, 260. See also surface
RCP 4.5 emissions scenario, 296 sea turtles, 175
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Deg- sea urchins, 118, 188–189, 192
radation (REDD+), 196–197, 205, 311, 313, 314; limi- Second Assessment Report (IPCC), 14
tations, 314–315 sedimentary record, 98–99
reef gaps, 60 seed transport, 145–146, 146f
reefs, 187; habitat complexity, 191; recovery, 6–7. See also Selli event, 105
coral reefs semiarid systems, 137–138
refugia, 66, 67, 69t, 70, 107; Amazonian birds, 143; B. Sepkoski, J. J., 97, 100f, 103, 115–116
Pubscens, 135; management practices, 87; microrefugia, sequestering of carbon dioxide (CO2), 8, 199, 208, 290,
147, 149–150; mountains, 202; past abrupt climate 298, 327–328; Amazon region, 330; non-forest eco-
changes and, 134; range contraction, 71 systems, 311–312; in soils, 328, 332, 334f, 335
renewable energy sources, 17, 18, 20, 317–318. See also Serpukhovian biodiversity crisis, 107
biofuel production Seymour Island, 119–120
reproductive isolation, 71 shifts: globally coherent patterns of species distribution
reptiles, 175, 223, 226–227, 357 shifts, 26–31, 35; species range, 4, 5; timing of, 20;
reradiation, 20 whole biome, 31
reservoirs, 241 shipping, 122, 259–260, 265
resilience, 101, 103–104, 176, 289, 298, 307; of human Siberian Traps, 103
communities, 290, 298 Sierra Nevada (California), 33, 215
silicate rocks, chemical weathering of, 100, 103 stratigraphy, 98–99
snow: cover, 222; pollinator-plant associations and, stromatolites, 118
234–235; snowmelt, 17, 27, 33, 43, 48, 217, 305; subtropical air masses, 16
snowpack dynamics, 33 sulfur dioxide, SO2, 13
snow- and ice-albedo feedbacks, 13 summers, Northern Hemisphere land areas, 15–16, 16f
Snowball Earth, 101–102 Sundaland, 125
social marketing, 342 sunlight, absorption of, 13
social norms, 344–345 surface, 12; changes in global surface air temperature,
soil organic carbon (SOC), 298, 299, 300f 14–17, 16t, 21f; global average surface air tempera-
soils, 13, 143, 223f; carbon sequestration, 312, 328, 332, ture, 21f, 99–101; reflectivity, 13; temperature in-
334f, 335; microorganisms, 224–225, 298 crease of 1°C, 15; warming, 4. See also sea surface tem-
solar radiation, 12, 13, 17, 80; management, 318 peratures (SSTs)
Solidago rugosa, 332–335 suspension feeders, 116
sorghum, 348 suture zones, 71
South Africa, 235, 350f Svalbard archipelago, 43
South America, 120, 304; amphibians, 226; freshwater Svalbard Global Seed Vault, 353
fishes, 241–242; megafauna, 147; tropical forests, 197. Sweden, 299
See also Amazon and Andean regions; Amazon region; Switch (Health and Health), 343
Andean region Switzerland, 133f, 135, 227
Southeast Asia, 196, 197, 204, 329 Symbiodinium, 60, 61
Southern Hemisphere, 259 synchrony, shifts in, 33, 37, 77, 134, 173, 217, 217f, 218
Southern Ocean, 91–92, 106, 190 syrphid flies, 48, 48f
Spain, 43
spatial and temporal scales: broad ecosystem changes, teleconnections, 85, 87
80; phylogeography, 68–70, 68f, 69t teleosts, 116, 119, 120
spatial management, 255–257 temperate and boreal responses to climate change, 211–
species: climate change responses, 8; codistributed, 67, 220, 330; biodiversity consequences, 218–219; eco-
72; competition, 191–192; decoupling of coevolved, system responses, 215–216, 215f, 218; interacting and
237, 240, 252, 263, 284; diagnostic patterns, 31; fit- indirect stressors and feedbacks, 216–218; meta-anal-
ness, 27, 32, 42, 45, 78, 188, 190, 201, 212; foun- yses, 212–213, 216; organismal responses, 214–215;
dational, dominant, and keystone, 80, 82–83, 87; responses to climate change, 214–218; seasonality,
individual shifts, 4; morphology, 170, 171; observed 212, 213–214, 213f; sensitivity to climate change and
changes in individual species and in communities, variability, 212–214; tree line, 215–216, 215f; warm-
31–32; polar, 169; population subdivision, 67; re- ing statistics, 211
silience, 101, 103–104, 176, 289. See also endangered temperature, pl. 1; 4°C rise predicted, 18, 20; absolute
species; marine biodiversity; modeling species and rate of rise, 31; beyond global average, 20–21; changes
vegetation distribution; range and abundance changes in global surface air, 14–17, 16t, 21f, 99–100; degrees
species-area relationship, 358 of warming, 14–15, 18, 19f, 20, 21f, 173, 234, 271,
species distribution models (SDMs): ecological niche 284, 295, 326–327, 348–349, 350; elevation and, 143,
models (ENMs) and disease transmission, 272–274; in 145–146, 146f, 149; functions of, 247; global average,
context of global change, 160–164 15, 20, 21f, 99–101; isocline modification, 225; land-
species pumps, 71 surface, 199; latitudinal gradients, 201, 204, 211, 212;
species richness: marine biodiversity, 169, 170, 171, 173; oceans, 57, 77, 168; reducing rate of global change to
mountain biodiversity, 224 zero, 63; sea surface temperatures (SSTs), 57, 77, 173,
species sensitivity, 163 175; species sensitivity to, 169–170, 247; summers,
Spheniscus magellanicus, 175 Northern Hemisphere land areas, 15–16, 16f; tropi-
spider species, 260; Phidippus clarus, 332–335, 334f; Phidip- cal forests, 199; velocity of climate change (VoCC),
pus rimator, 252; Pisaurina mira, 252, 332–335, 334f 31, 85, 86f, 107–108, 215, 284. See also climate change;
SRES A1B scenario, 176 food webs, asymmetrical thermal responses; glacial-
star-of-Bethlehem (Gagea lutea), 49 interglacial cycling; global warming
steady-state balance, 100–101, 107, 129, 135 temporal transplants, 47
St. Lawrence Island, 39 tephritid flies, 235
St. Lawrence lowlands, 323–325 terrestrial ecosystems, climate change mitigation, 310–
St. Matthew Island, 39 322; agricultural land, 313–314; agriculture and bio-
storms: convective, 16, 20–21; extinctions and, 175; fuels, 315–317; connectivity and, 323–325; forest and
freshwater fishes and, 237, 240; surges, 6, 302, 330; nonforest ecosystems, 314–315; impact on ecosystems
west-to-east movement, 16 and biodiversity, 314–318; life-cycle impact assess-
stormwater-management techniques, 298, 302 ments, 314, 318; nationally appropriate mitigation

terrestrial ecosystems (continued) urban areas, 26, 301–302, 359

actions (NAMAs), 315; non-forest ecosystems, 311– urban greenspace, 52, 298
313; policy making, 318–319; REDD+, 311, 313, 314; urban heat island (UHI), 298, 301–302
renewable energy sources, 317–318; role of ecosys-
tems, 310–311; wider ecosystem-based, 311–314 vegetation, 80; alpine and subalpine grasslands, 49, 221,
terrestrial protected areas (TPAs), 287f, 290 223f, 224; climate velocity, 86f, 215; extinction risk,
Thaumetopoea pityocampa, 262 295–296; frost damage, 234–235; functional types,
thermal maximums, 131. See also Paleocene-Eocene Ther- 158; heat effects on, 349; lake sediments, 133–134;
mal Maximum (PETM) last deglaciation, 132–135, 133f, 139; mortality, 81–
thermal niches, 201, 204, 214 83; Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM),
thermal performance curves (TPCs), 247, 252 129–131; plant functional types (PFTs), 165–166; ri-
thermal tolerance, 170–171, 192, 201–202; radiation parian, restoration of, 330; transpiration, 165; upslope
spikes and, 212; temperate and boreal regions, 212, and downslope migration, 145–146, 215; wild plant
215, 218 biodiversity, 349. See also dynamic vegetation model-
Third U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA3), ing (DVM); modeling species and vegetation distri-
338–339 bution; pollinator-plant associations, phenological
tick, deer (Ixodes scapularis), 262 dynamics in
time stamp metaphor, 114–115, 117–118; Antarctica, velocity metrics, 163–164, 163f
119–120 velocity of climate change (VoCC), 31, 85, 86f, 107–108,
timing: of life-history traits, 42–43, 44; of shifts, 20 163, 215, 284
tipping points, 129, 135–138, 208–210 Venus, 101
Toarcian OAE, 105 Vibrio cholaerae, 275; to wildlife, 275
tourism, 6, 197, 261, 303 Vietnam, 314
trait-based biogeography, 166 volcanic eruptions, 12–13, 15f, 103; Deccan Traps LIP
tree lines, 222–224, 223f; temperate and boreal forests, eruption, 104; large igneous provinces (LIPs), 103–
215–216, 215f 104, 107; Mt. Pinatubo, 326; Ontong Java Plateau, 105
trilobites, 116 volcanic vents, submarine, 193
trophic levels, 44, 48, 92, 117–118, 250–251, 253f; inva- Vostok Ice Core data set, 57f
sive species and, 262; predator-prey interactions and,
333–334 walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), 39, 176
trophic match-mismatch, 44–52, 175 war and civil strife, 350
tropical forests. See forests, tropical water availability, 215, 216, 224; for human use, 238,
tropical habitat, 8, 84–85; landscapes, 142; montane 304; South America, 241
ecosystems, 85, 224 water stress in trees, 81
tropics, absolute temperature change and VoCC, 31 water table: invasive species and, 262
troposphere, 20 water vapor, 13, 100, 135, 241
trout, cutthroat (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisii), 228 wave and tidal energy installations, 318
trout, lake (Salvelinus namaycush), 252, 253f weather, defined, 12
trust, 340–342, 341f weather conditions, 12; extreme weather changes, 19f,
Tsuga canadensis, 137 20–21, 135, 199, 211–212, 261, 301; invasive species
tundra: boreal-tundra ecosystems, 83–84, 84f; ponds, and, 261–262; urban areas, 301
239t weather forecast models, 17
turtles, sea, 175 Webb, Arthur P., 126
TV weathercasters, 341, 343 Web of Science database, 70, 71
Weddell Sea, 119–120
United Kingdom, 46 Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), 120–121
United Nations, 301; Food and Agriculture Organiza- western diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox), 71
tion, 347, 353; Rio conventions, 330 western diets, 361
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Western Hemisphere, movement across landscapes,
Change (UNFCCC), 20, 311 183–184
United States: bark beetles, 81–83, 218, pl. 3; Colorado Western roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), 44–45
River Basin, 228; invasive species, 258–259; Mohonk wetlands, 304–305, 312, 330
Lake, New York, 43; mountain regions, 227; old fields, wet seasons, 144–145
Connecticut, 332–333; piñon pine mortality, 82–83; wheat, 347, 348, 350
southeastern, 240–241; subalpine meadows, Colo- Wilson, Edward O., 330
rado, 49 wind farms, 317
UN-REDD+ Programme, 315 wine grape production, 288, 352
UN Secretary-General’s Climate Summit (2014), 311 wood pellets, 315–316
upwelling, 175, 178, 243 Woods Hole Research Center, 329
World Trade Organization’s (WTO) General Agreement Zackenberg, High Arctic Greenland, 44
on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Mea- zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha), 261
sures (SPS), 264–265 zero-emission sources, 315
Zonation software, 324f, pl. 8
Yamal Peninsula, 43 zooplankton, 118
yan hu suo (Corydalis ambigua), 49 zooxanthellae, 60, 61
Younger Dryas cooling interval (YD), 70, 108, 130t, 132,
133f, 134

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