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Every year I, as well as other prophetic people, (and I hope you are one of them), pull

aside sometime in December as the Lord leads, to seek the mind and heart of the
Lord. "What would you have me know about 2011, Lord?"

Well, as God led, this year it did not happen in December but in the beginning days of January,
2011. I asked the Lord wisdom and discernment to release just what it is that He would have me
share with you.

This Year of 2011 there are several, strong focus points He wants me to share with you.
They may not be what you want to hear but they are very definite Words and well worth hearing,
this writer believes.

Please let everyone "who has an ear, hear what the spirit is saying." If you heed these loving
Words, all will go well as He brings you through this year and through the entire end-times
through to abundant prosperity in every area of your life.

Not every one of these "keywords or key phrases" may apply to every single one of you but if
you hear with the ear of the spirit, the witness of the Holy Spirit in your spirit will kick in.

The first series of "keywords or key phrases" is: holiness, baptism of fire and persecution.

The second series is: discerning, signposts, re-alignment, divine connections and angels on
assignment to watch the words of your mouth.

The third series is: financial collapse, safe shelters, sound investments and the restoration of
the dollar.


Today, I would like to touch upon the first series of "keywords or key phrases": holiness,
baptism of fire and persecution. It is primordial.

To the dishonor of the American church especially, there have been two subjects which have
been under taught or not taught over the years in favor of teachings about $$$.

They are the areas of "discipleship" and "holiness." This has not truly been the fault of the
average church going Christian but rather, that of the leadership of the church. They fear this
subject will drive the few tithe paying members away from the front doors of the building. Their
offerings will go down. Perhaps, they themselves do not know what discipleship truly is.

However, the fact remains that God never called us to build "buildings." Rather, to "go out and
make disciples of men." In Matthew 28:19, we read: "So wherever you go, make disciples of all
nations: baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

Holiness, is part of being discipled . It is being set apart by God. Yet, too many Christians still
frequent the Happy Hour lounges; have their arms and other body parts full of tattoos; spend
time at on-line porn sites and continue singing "Amazing Grace" while frustrating the Grace of
God at work in their lives.

They have been deceived into thinking if they continue to half heartily give offerings and "show
up" once in a while at the four walled church building, that God is going to pour forth the "wealth
of the wicked" into their even more wicked hands. Not so Beloved. Not so .

"But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation,
God's very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he
called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. I Peter 2:9

For a continuation of this article...

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