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Oral Presentation

Question 1 : Salam, good morning. I am Zamri Bin Ismail from ‘Perspective

I’ve been assigned by my boos to interview you on the topic “The
importance of speaking well in the English Language”. Before that, could
you tell me some information about yourself ?

Pn. Malathi : Good morning, Encik Zamri. My name is Puan Malathi Kunjuraman. I am
married with two two school going children. I graduated from the Sultan
Abdul Hamid Teachers Training College in the year 1989. Then, I
obtained my degree from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in the year
2008. This is my second school in my teaching career and I have been
teaching here for the past eight years.

Question 2 : From your observation, what do you think about the level of English
proficiency among Malaysians ? Can they speak well?

Pn. Malathi : In the fifties and sixties, English Language was the medium of instruction
in the primary, secondary and university. Therefore , the students had a
good knowledge , understanding and effective usage of English
Language. But as the era changed in the seventies and Bahasa Melayu was
made the medium of instruction, English Language has been badly and
downgraded by the government. As a result , only a certain percentage of
student in the education line are able to speak and write in proper English.
Nevertheless , there are still good English speaking employees in the
labour market and in the professional line of work. But as for the general
Malaysians I must admit that many of them are still struggling to
converse, write and communicate effectively with correct use and usage of
English grammar and functions.
Question 3 : In your opinion, do you think Malaysia should master the English
Language at the same time we have our own national language that we
should be proud of?

Pn. Malathi : As our country’s national language Bahasa Melayu is definitely of utmost
importance to every Malaysians. Every single citizen must acquire the
knowledge of listerning , speaking , reading and writing effectively in
Bahasa Melayu and be pround of our national language that has been
accepted as lingua franca among south-east Asia countries . In addition to
this, the other ethnic races of Malaysia too have the freedom to learn and
use their mother tongue such as the Mandarin , Tamil , Punjabi and other.
But, Malaysians also need to be good in the study skills of English
Language because English Language has been accepted as the universal
language throughout the world. To excel in the field of education ,
science , technology , industrialization , tourism and economy , every
individual must make the effect to master the English Language.

Question 4 : Why you think so ? Why Malaysian should master English , maybe you
can explain the importance of English in our daily life especially
involving your own profession ?

Pn. Malathi : Let me stress one point. Different people throughout the world use
different languages as the medium of instructions in the field of
communication, labour market, consumerism, education and other related
field. English Language, being one of the most spoken language in the
world , has been the unifying factor when all these people cross against
each other. English Language as been used as the yardstick in
communication where new thing are learnt, latest information on
education and research are inseminated, business deals are signed and
world friendship are forged. So, to enable Malaysians to complete in
global economy activities, businesses and world matters, we have to
master the language and communicate effectively. As for the teaching line,
I have to use English Language daily to teach my students the study skills,
effective communication in English and effective usage of English in
performing all the given tasks to them, especially in performing well in
their major examinations.

Question 5 : How about the importance of speaking well in English language for
education ?

Pn. Malathi : “Speaking well” is the essence of expression and effective

It is one of the important study skill of English Language. Speaking well
in English language has great importance in the line of education. First, it
helps us to express ourselves more effectively and meaningfully. Second,
it helps us to convey our ideas, opinions and thoughts with a better
understanding and clear meanings. Third, it helps to enchance our
communication with our teachers and friend relation with the learnt
subject matter. Fourth, it helps us to delever our oral work and
assignments with greater impact and value. Fifth, it enables us to
participate in debates, forums and seminars with confidence and
effectiveness. Sixth, it helps us to score better in oral examinations or in
the quest to get a scholarship for further education.

Question 6 : How can a non-speaker of English language build up his confidence to

speak ?

Pn. Malathi : A non-speaking English language person can build his confidence to speak
through many ways. First, he has to show a genuine interest and hard work
to learn and speak well in English language. Second, he has to have a good
grasp of the vocabularies in English. Third, he has to learn the basic
grammar correctly especially the subject-verb agreement, tenses and
sentence structures in English. Next, he has to converse as mush as
possible in English. Fifth, get your friends who are good in English to
detect and correct your errors. Sixth, listen to more English speaking
programmes. Next, he can join classes to learn up proper speaking and
pronunciation in English.

Question 7 : What is the short term and long term effect if an individual cannot master
the English language ?

Pn. Malathi : The inability to master English language does have some short term and
long term effects. The short term effects are as follows. First, the
individual could not learn the subject matters taught in English effectively.
Second, the individual could not learn and grasp the contents of books
written in English effectively. Third, the individual cannot get involved in
the communications in English language with peers and public. The long
term effect has a wider impact to the particular individual who cannot
master the English language. First, he would struggle to achieve
excellence in his totiary education for most of the reference books,
contents of internet and research papers were produced of internet and
research papers were produced in English language. Second, the
individual would not be able to work effectively in the private sectors that
give importance to English language. Third, the individuals quest to enter
the business line would be hampered because most of the business
dealings locally and internationally are conducted in English.

Question 8 : What step should we take to improve the usage of English ?

Pn. Malathi : There are several ways on how we can improve the usage of English.
English is a living language. It need to be used consistently in our daily
lives to make us a knowledgeable and competent user. First, English
should be widely used and spoken at home, with interest and confidence.
Second, each home must buy an English newspaper and family members
are encouraged to read it. Third, more programmes in English should be
watched and special attention must be given on how the words are
pronounced, the usage or the vocabulary and the construction of the
sentences. Fourth, storybooks of interest in English should be bought and
read. In addition to this, one must possess a good dictionary to find out the
meanings of difficult words. Maybe a Malay-English or English-Malay
dictionary. Find more opportunities to listen, speak, read and write in

Question 9 : What other avenues that can a person try to improve himself ?

Pn. Malathi : There are other available avenues where a person can try to improve
himself. First, he can be a member of the British Council and attend
English classes conducted there and at the same time read the available
reading materials there. Second, he can attend public talks, seminars and
workshops regarding public issues, health matters and religious talks that
are usually conducted by academicians and professionals with good
command of English,. Third, he can enroll in the internet cyber talk
programmer that would enable him to corresponds and converse with
English narrative speakers thoughout the world.

Question 10 : In your opinion, are they any other importance uses English ?

Pn. Malathi : Definitely yes. First, you will have a wider circle of friends and not those
only who speak your mother tongue. Second, it will be as great advantage
and assistance to you when you are at travels a foreign country . Third , it
will help you greatly when you want to pursue your masters or Phd’s at
foreign countries, such as the UK or Great Britian. Fourth, it would be of
great help to you if you are in the business line to expand your expand
your business links especially throughout the world. In addition to this, it
will your company with the research and development programmes that
are so important to the future of your business.
Question 11 : What is the adeptness that a person needs to be efficient in public
speaking ?

Pn. Malathi : Public speaking is an event that requires good use and usage of English
language. To be a good public speaker a person need to adapt many
First, he has to have a lot of confidence in facing the audience and
eliminate the stage fright. Second, he has to gather enough information,
facts and figure about the subject matter of the public speaking, to make
an effective and meaningful speech. Third, he has to rehears the speech
many times and ask someone to detect and correct his mistakes. Fourth, he
has to work on his voice modulation so that his speech will have the right
tempo, spirit and charisma to attract the audience.

Question 12 : Final question, can you please summarize briefly in your own view “the
importance of speaking well in the English language”.

Pn. Malathi : Every Malaysians must realize the importance of mastering English
language. It is an important tool of communication regardless one’s
culture, background and status. Second, it is an effective way of acquiring
knowledge, informations and ideas that cover various aspects of lives.
Third, it has a significant importance in the field of science, technology,
tourism,consumerism and the private sectors. Next, it is a must for future
graduates to listen, spook, read and write effectively in English to achieve
excellence in tertiary education locally and abroad.

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