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Liceo Francisco Bilbao Barquín

Subject: English
Grade: 8° grade
Miss: Karen Rojas


Green issues and If Clauses
Zero conditional

Name: Grade: Date:

Eduardo Vidal 8°B

OA09: Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales e información explícita en textos adaptados y

auténticos simples
OA10: Demostrar comprensión relaciones de adición y secuencia entre ideas, diferencia hecho-
opinión y causa-efecto. Palabras y frases clave, expresiones de uso frecuente y vocabulario temático.
OA13: Escribir historias e información relevante, usando recursos multimodales que refuercen el
mensaje en forma creativa en textos variados acerca de temas como: Experiencias personales.
Contenidos interdisciplinarios. Problemas globales. Cultura de otros países. Textos leídos

Objective: In this lesson you will learn vocabulary and give opinion about environment

If clauses
Oraciones Condicionales

Las oraciones condicionales son aquellas en las que una acción solo puede cumplirse si o si se cumple otro
Si estamos en cuarentena, permanecemos en casa

Las oraciones condicionales están formadas por dos oraciones:

a) una causa (if clause, condition) si estamos en cuarentena

b) y un efecto (main clause, result) permanecemos en casa

En las oraciones condicionales, causa y efecto pueden cambiar de posición sin alterar la condición:

si estamos en cuarentena, permanecemos en casa

es igual que decir

Permanecemos en casa si estamos en cuarentena

Existen 3 tipos de oraciones condicionales, hoy aprenderemos la primera,”zero conditional”.

Zero conditional

En esta oración condicional, ambas oraciones, causa y efecto están en presente simple:

If simple present, simple present

If we are in quarantine, we stay at home


Zero conditional

1.- Complete the next sentences with the verbs in parenthesis and translate them into Spanish:

Before to start, remember:

The sentences are in simple present, so, remember write “S”, “ES”, “IES” if the subject is “he, she or
it” . Ex: it rains – she studies – he goes

a) If it rain , I use my new boots (Use – Rain)

Tr: si llueve uso mis nuevas botas

b) If we study , we get good marks (Study - get)

Tr: si estudiamos obtenemos buenas notas

c) Susan wash the dishes, if she eat spaghetti (Eat – Wash)

Tr: si ella come espagueti Susan lava los platos

d) My parents go to the restaurant if to day be their marriage anniversary (Go- Be)

Tr: si hoy es su aniversario de matrimonio mis padres van al restaurante

e) If my puppy be happy, it move the tail. (Move – Be)

Tr: si mi cachorro es feliz , mueve la cola

Zero conditional and green issues

Before to start, remember: there is/ there are

There is Singular
There are Plural

There is one pencil on the table There are six pencils on the table
Hay un lápiz sobre la mesa Hay seis lápices sobre la mesa
1.- Match the next two parts of the sentences (A and B) to build a Zero conditional sentence. Remember the
final sentences must be consist.


a If there is a the tsunami, c plants die

b If a Pandemic spreads, e It develops an eye at the center

c If there is a drought, b governments vaccinate people to minimize

risk d If there is a heavy rain for a long time, a the waves increase in size

e If a hurricane is very strong, d floods occur

2.- Read the next sentences and circle the “correct verb form”:

A) If there is/are a wildfire, the local fauna die/dies

B) If there is/are a tsunami, the land is/are seriously damaged.

C) If there is/are an earthquake, many people loses/lose their homes

D) If it rains/rain a lot, the rivers overflows/overflow

3.- Complete the next Zero Conditional sentences with your own ideas about green issues:

a) If we pollute the environment, it can be caused by reciycling

b) The air from the cities is polluted if we plant more trees the air Will be the same as before

c) If people breath polluted air, they breathe gases that can damage the lung

d) The fish die yes if the trash goes to the sea

e) If the cars emit less carbon dioxide, the air is less polluted

f) Sea animals are more affected by plastic bags and if we stop to use plastic bags

4- Answer the next personal question in English and then draw your answer

What can you do to take care the environment?

I can help the environment by separating the trash to create compost to help the soil and plants

Take care, stay home!!!

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