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Will Fettkether

Irene Metz

General Chemistry II

9 April 2020

Voltaic Cells Simulation Lab Report

Beginning Questions:

1. What is the voltage of a galvanic cells composed of 1 M ZnSO4 & 1 M AgNO3?

2. How is ΔG affected by concentration?

3. Initial predictions included: The original prediction for this lab was that a higher

concentration in both electrodes would lead to a greater electric potential difference

Safety Considerations: With only a computer in use, few safety considerations need to be

administered in this lab. However, caution with the electronics and liquids that could harm the

electronics used for the simulation is advised.

Procedures & Tests:

● Materials used in this experiment:

○ A computer with the Galvanic Cells simulation and Google Sheets

● To begin this lab, the Galvanic Cells simulation was launched in a web browser
● A reference image of the simulation is shown here:

● Using the tabs on the right of the simulation, a total of ten different cells were built using

this simulation utilizing the following process:

○ Two different metal solutions were chosen, taking note of the concentrations

selected for each

○ The solutions were transferred to separate dishes in the apparatus in the center of

the simulation

○ A strip of metal with the same identity as one of the electrodes was placed into its

corresponding solution
○ Using the paper strips selection in the bottom right, a salt bridge was formed on

the central apparatus by placing the strips to connect the two electrodes through

the central pool of KNO3

○ The red wire was connected to the cathode of the cell

○ The black wire was connected to the anode

○ The voltage of the cell was recorded as shown in the top right (if the voltage

appeared negative, the placement of the red and black clips were switched)

● Once ten tests had been performed in the simulation, Google Sheets was utilized to

compile results, check the % error of the program using the Nernst equation and literature

values found in the textbook, and answer any further Data Analysis questions

Data, Observations, Calculation & Graphs


● Full Results & Calculations Table

Cath Electri Equati
Anode ode c on % Gibbs Free Gibbs Free
Anode Cathode Soluti Soluti Half Potenti Value Erro Energy Energy
(Black) (Red) on on Reactions Full Reaction al (V) (V) r (Simulation) (Literature) % Error
1M 1M Zn(s) --> Zn(s) + 2Ag+
ZnSO AgN Zn2+(aq) + (aq) --> Zn2+
1 Zn Ag+ 4 O3 2e- (aq) + 2Ag(s) 1.56 1.56 0 -301080 -301080 0
Ag+(aq) +
e- --> Ag(s)
0.1 M 1 M Zn(s) --> Zn(s) + 2Ag+ 937
ZnSO AgN Zn2+(aq) + (aq) --> Zn2+ 1.589 091
2 Zn Ag+ 4 O3 2e- (aq) + 2Ag(s) 1.53 6 1 -295290 -306792.8 3.749370911
Ag+(aq) +
e- --> Ag(s)
3 Zn Ag+ 0.1 M 0.01 Zn(s) --> Zn(s) + 2Ag+ 1.59 1.530 3.89 -306870 -295367.2 3.894406691
ZnSO M Zn2+(aq) + (aq) --> Zn2+ 4 440
4 AgN 2e- (aq) + 2Ag(s) 669
Ag+(aq) +
e- --> Ag(s)

0.001 7.94
0.1 M M Zn(s) --> Zn(s) + 2Ag+ 243
ZnSO AgN Zn2+(aq) + (aq) --> Zn2+ 1.500 070
4 Zn Ag+ 4 O3 2e- (aq) + 2Ag(s) 1.62 8 4 -312660 -289654.4 7.942430704
Ag+(aq) +
e- --> Ag(s)
0.001 0.001
M M Zn(s) --> Zn(s) + 2Ag+
ZnSO AgN Zn2+(aq) + (aq) --> Zn2+
5 Zn Ag+ 4 O3 2e- (aq) + 2Ag(s) 1.56 1.56 0 -301080 -301080 0
Ag+(aq) +
e- --> Ag(s)
1 M Sn(s) --> Sn(s) + Cu2+
1M Cu(N Sn2+(aq) + (aq) --> Sn2+
6 Sn Cu2+ SnCl2 O3)2 2e- (aq) + Cu(s) 0.48 0.48 0 -92640 -92640 0
Cu2+(aq) +
2e- -->
Mg(s) +
1M 1M Mg(s) --> 2Ag+(aq) -->
Mg(N AgN Mg2+(aq) + Mg2+(aq) +
7 Mg Ag+ O3)2 O3 2e- 2Ag(s) 3.17 3.17 0 -611810 -611810 0
Ag+(aq) +
e- --> Ag(s)
1M 1 M Zn(s) --> Zn(s) + Sn2+
ZnSO SnCl Zn2+(aq) + (aq) --> Zn2+
8 Zn Sn2+ 4 2 2e- (aq) + Sn(s) 0.62 0.62 0 -119660 -119660 0
Sn2+(aq) +
2e- -->

0.000 47.5
1M 1 M Zn(s) --> Zn(s) + 2Ag+ 279
ZnSO SnCl Zn2+(aq) + (aq) --> Zn2+ 0.501 106
9 Zn Sn2+ 4 2 2e- (aq) + 2Ag(s) 0.74 6 9 -142820 -96808.8 47.52791069
Ag+(aq) +
e- --> Ag(s)

0.000 33.6
0.1 M 1 M Zn(s) --> Zn(s) + 2Ag+ 596
ZnSO SnCl Zn2+(aq) + (aq) --> Zn2+ 0.531 385
10 Zn Sn2+ 4 2 2e- (aq) + 2Ag(s) 0.71 2 5 -137030 -102521.6 33.65963855
Ag+(aq) +
e- --> Ag(s)

● Class Data

● Formulas

○ Nernst Equation in Standard Conditions: Ecell = E°cell - (0.0592/n)log(Q)

○ Gibbs Free Energy Equation: ΔG° = -nFE°

○ Percent Error: |literature value - calculated value|/literature value * 100 = % error

Claims: With the simulation complete and data gathered, we can now claim to answer our

beginning questions. The electric potential difference for a cell composed of 1 M ZnSO4 & 1 M

AgNO3 solutions is 1.56 volts. A relationship between electrode concentration and Gibbs Free

Energy exists: greater differences between solution concentrations create a larger change in

Gibbs Free Energy, & when the anode possesses the higher solution concentration, the voltage

drops, and the inverse occurs when the cathode possesses the larger concentration.

Evidence and Analysis: The evidence for the above claims comes from the data personally

gathered from this simulation as well the other data & calculations performed by classmates. The

simulation provided the evidence for the tested reaction between zinc and silver. The evidence

for the relationship between Gibbs Free Energy and concentration was based upon values

calculated from the Nernst Equation. Due to issues discussed in the error analysis, the calculated

values were used for these claims instead of directly referencing the listed voltages from the

simulation. Analyzing the reactions between two of the electrodes, Zn and Ag, a pattern exists

against the standard 1:1 M voltage of 1.56 V. When the anode zinc’s concentration is lowered to

1/10th of silver’s, the voltage increases by 0.03. Likewise, when the concentrations are zinc 0.1

M and silver 0.01 M, the voltage drops by 0.03 from the 1.56 V standard. This behavior is

rigorous within the context of the Nernst equation that is used to calculate it: when the reaction

quotient Q is greater than 1, the log(Q) is greater than 0, thus increasing the Ecell from the

standard voltage. Likewise, when Q < 1, the log(Q) is negative, decreasing the voltage. The

value of Q is determing by the concentrations of products over reactants, or, in this case,
anode/cathode. Thus, an anode:cathode ratio > 1 produces a positive log(Q), raising the voltage,

and the opposite applies to the inverse.

Reading and Post-Lab Reflections:

a. Error Analysis: The most important point of error in this simulation occurred with the

simulation’s Nernst equation calculation. As shown in both personal calculations and

other class data calculations, the simulation’s voltage readings for cells of equivalent

concentrations had 0% error from the calculated values. However, any calculations that

were made with solutions of differing concentrations were inaccurate from the actual

calculated value using the Nernst equation. Some errors were small--less than 10%--but

some voltage readings saw percent errors near 50%. This is a critical error because the

voltage readings given by the simulation are in direct contradiction to this report’s claims

on the relationship between free energy and concentration, indicating the reverse.

b. Changed Ideas, New Questions: Looking at my original predictions, I would say that

my notion on the impact concentration has on ΔG was different from what this simulation

indicates. I was under the assumption more ions in the solution would lead to more

reactions, thus a higher voltage. However, this simulation’s finding, that greater

differences in concentration impact the magnitude of ΔG, does make sense when put into

the context of the Nernst equation. Since the Nernst equation was the cornerstone formula

for the evidence and analysis of this lab, I would like to repeat this lab with a simulation

that does not have as many apparent issues with handling the equations. If this simulation

worked correctly, all calculations made by hand or in Microsoft Excel should have a

percent error of 0%.

c. Real-Life Applications: This simulation was done in conjunction with our classwork

over electrochemistry and voltaic cells. Outside of the lab, the uses of batteries, cells, and

electricity is incredibly hard to miss. Batteries are utilized to power devices such as cell

phones, tablets, or even the computer this simulation was run on. On a wider scale,

scientists and engineers are also looking to electrochemistry to develop new types of

electric cars and large-scale energy storage solutions.

d. Post-lab Questions/Data Analysis: See Data & Calculations

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