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With the advent of the space age, was established at Houston, Texas, as
the Congress adopted the National was a component installation, the
Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 White Sands Test Facility at Las Cruces,
creating NASA. The Agency was New Mexico. Additionally, under the
directed to "provide for research into cognizance of Marshall Space Flight
the problems of flight within and out- Center, the Michoud (La.) Assembly
side the Earth's atmosphere:' The Con- Facility and the Mississippi Test Facil-
gress further stipulated that "activities ity at Bay St. Louis were put into
in space should be devoted to peace- operation. A Joint Atomic Energy Com-
ful purposes for the benefit of all mission—NASA Space Nuclear Propul-
mankind." sion Office was established at Ger-
The new Agency was built around mantown, Maryland. The most recent
a nucleus of existing facilities and ex- addition is the Electronics Research
perienced people. The personnel and Center being developed at Cambridge,
the laboratories of the National Ad- Massachusetts.
visory Committee for Aeronautics Such is the physical plant—the wind
(NACA) which had made vital contri- tunnels, the laboratories, the assembly
butions to aeronautical development plants, the test stands and the launch
were brought under NASA's roof. complexes. With the addition of the
With NACA came its field installations: communications net and a global track-
the Langley Research Center at Hamp- ing system, they constitute the instru-
ton, Virginia; Ames Research Center, ments of the national effort in aero-
Moffett Field, California; Lewis Re- nautics and space. They are put to
search Center, Cleveland, Ohio; Flight use by a staff of more than 33,000
Research Center, Edwards, California; people attached to NASA—more than
and Wallops Station at Wallops Island, a third of these scientists and engi-
Virginia. The Naval Research Labora- neers—and also by the specialists and
tory's Project Vanguard was shifted to craftsmen of the industries with which
NASA as was the Army's Jet Propulsion NASA contracts for design and fea-
Laboratory contract operation, man- sibility studies, and for the fabrication
aged by the California Institute of and testing of flight hardware. In-
Technology, and the Development cluded as well are the many univer-
Operations Divsion of the Army Ballis- sities across the nation with which
tic Missile Agency at Huntsville, Ala- NASA has established a working rela-
bama. The latter developed into the tionship so as to bring the talents of
George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. their faculties to bear on space ex-
As the space effort broadened, new ploration.
facilities were added. The Goddard Together NASA, industry and the
Space Flight Center was built at Green- universities comprise a team that has
belt, Maryland. A launch operations pushed the upper limit of atmospheric
complex was constructed at Cape Ca- flight to 4250 miles per hour, and, at
naveral, Florida, and was subsequently the other end of the speed spectrum,
named the John F. Kennedy Space has developed fixed-wing prototypes
Center. A Manned Spacecraft Center that can rise vertically from the ground
and hover at zero forward speed. This Even as NACA supplied the first and
combine has increased payloads in core organization of the Space Agency,
low-Earth orbit from the 30 pound the first "A" in NASA stands for aero-
Vanguard to the 240,000 pounds put nautics. The most dramatic aspect of
into space by the giant Saturn V. In the Agency's research in aeronautics
its work, it has greatly improved exist- has been in the regime of hypersonic
ing structural materials as well as de- flight. The experimental tool has been
veloping new ones. It has contributed the stubby-winged X-15 aircraft, de-
substantially to major advances in new scribed by a prominent aeronautical
technologies, in work with extremes scientist as perhaps the finest research
of cold and heat, microminiaturization, tool ever built by man. Carried by a
guidance and sensors. It has enhanced B-52 to 45,000 feet and released, the
the state of the art of unconventional X-15 has achieved speeds in excess of
sources of energy, of telemetry, and of six times the speed of sound and
high energy fuels. It has set high levels reached an altitude of over 300,000
of reliability and quality control, and feet. Typically, free flights of the X-15
has refined techniques for the manage- last roughly eleven minutes, less than
ment of big systems. In these processes, two minutes of which is powered
it has multiplied knowledge about the flight. The instruments it carries pro-
Sun, the planets, and the forces at vide data on structural heating—which
work in the solar system. It has also can reach 2,000°F at certain points on
contributed to new understandings of the airframe, a temperature that ex-
the terrestrial environment and of ceeds the tolerance of the conven-
Earth itself. In sum, this organization tional alloys usually found in airframe
has been a major factor in the scienti- construction. The instruments also pro-
fic and technological revolution that is vide important information on stress,
now in progress. stability and other flight characteristics.
This is NASA. The X-15 flights have built a base of
knowledge essential to the designing
flight of tomorrow's high-performance air-
craft, and the spacecraft of the future
In the atmosphere as well.
"Wilbur, having used his turn in the
NASA is also assisting in the devel-
unsuccessful attempt on the 14th, the
opment of the Supersonic Transport
right to the first trial now belonged to
(SST) and is pioneering with the
me. Wilbur ran at the side, holding
"Lifting Body" design—a craft without
the wings to balance it on the track.
wings that gets lift from its body shape.
The machine, facing a 27-mile wind,
When this design is perfected, the Lift-
started very slowly. Wilbur was able
ing Body can be placed in orbit and,
to stay with it until it lifted from the
at the end of its flight, reenter the
track after a forty-foot run."
atmosphere and be flown to an air-
Orville Wright, December 17, 1903 strip and landed. Thus it may be pos-
Kitty Hawk, North Carolina sible- to -eliminate the cumbersome
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and costly technique of recovery at manned
sea, and the craft will be available for
reuse. Right
On May 5, 1961, Astronaut Alan B.
The Agency's inquiries explore the
Shepard made a brief suborbital flight
less exotic flight regimes—the Vertical
in a Mercury capsule followed by the
Take-off and Landing (V/TOL), and the
late Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom on July
Vertical or Short Take-off and Land-
21, 1962. Early in 1962 John Glenn
ing (VISTOL) designs. As these reach
made his three-orbit flight. With the
operational status, they may provide a
completion of Project Mercury, Scott
valuable supplement to the i:Jomestic
Carpenter, Walter M. Schirra and L.
air transport system. Short-haul inter-
Gordon Cooper joined the illustrious
city transport will be easier and quick-
company of Americans who had pene-
er, and rural areas will have high speed
trated the realm of space.
economical links with urban centers.
While Project Mercury, and the
NASA specialists in aeronautics are Gemini Program that followed, carried
investigating ways of dealing with a number of scientific experiments,
sonic boom, and of reducing aircraft their purpose was primarily engineer-
noise in the vicinity of airports. They ing and biological—a learning exer-
are, further, making important contri- cise with a multiple purpose. In addi-
butions to flight safety in subsonic tion to validating the-spacecraft, the
operations. heat shield, and the onboard systems,
it was essential to determine in detail
the effect of the hostile spatial environ-
ment on the human metabolism and
exolonne to discover the limitations space im-
poses on human capacities. It was also
space necessary to gain experience in per-
forming the maneuvers that were re-
NASA's space work is divided into quired in the execution of advanced
four major program sectors: manned missions.
space flight, space science and ap- Thus, with the knowledge accumu-
plications, advanced research and lated from the Mercury flights, NASA
technology, and tracking and data ac- proceeded with the more ambitious
quisition. These subdivisions describe and sophisticated Gemini program.
areas of concentration but are, by no Gemini Ill, the first manned mission
means, mutually exclusive. The sup- of the program saw Gus Grissom and
porting relationships are numerous John Young experiment with the orbi-
and cross-feeding is continuous. With- tal maneuvering system and adjust the
out the tracking network, manned reentry flight path by means of the
flights would not be feasible. The find- variable spacecraft lift. Gemini IV went
ings of the unmanned scientific mis- 62 revolutions in a little more than
sions permit manned flight to proceed four days. During this flight, Ed White
with greater assurance. walked in space while James McDivitt
piloted the capsule. This Extra Vehi- private industry who were engaged in
cular Activity (EVA) was the first per- the program. Its achievement would
formed by an American. In the follow- demonstrate a U.S. capability to travel
ing flight, Cooper and Charles Con- anywhere in space out to a radius of
rad set an endurance record of 190 250,000 miles in large and sophisti-
hours in orbit which demonstrated cated spacecraft on flights of two
the feasibility of a round trip lunar weeks or longer.
mission. The next two Gemini flights The complexity of the lunar mis-
performed rendezvous and flew for- sion far exceeds any space mission ever
mation for five hours. One of them, attempted. The first and then the sec-
Gemini VII, carrying Frank Borman ond stage of the Saturn drive the
and James A. Lovell, remained in orbit rocket to suborbital altitude and speed,
for fourteen days. Subsequent Gemini and are separated when their fuel is
missions performed rendezvous and exhausted. A two-minute burn of the
docking maneuvers—essential ele- third stage places the Apollo com-
ments in the lunar mission. Extended plex in a parking orbit for a final
EVA was carried out and valuable engineering checkout. Later, the third
information accumulated on an as- stage will re-ignite for another six-
tronaut's ability to work in space out- minute burn until escape velocity
side the spacecraft. (24,900 MPH) has been achieved and
The Gemini series also validated the the spacecraft has entered the lunar
fuel cell as an onboard power source. corridor. After mid-course trajectory
As planned, the Gemini series set corrections are made, the Apollo will
the stage for the next giant step in continue its coast until it is time to
manned flight—Saturn/Apollo. slow the spacecraft enough to enter a
lunar orbit. Two crewmen will then
crawl into the Lunar Module (LM),
separate from the mother ship and
using the retro- and vernier rockets of
to the moon
the Lunar Module make a controlled
and hack descent to the surface of the Moon.
After completing their tasks on the
In 1961, President John F. Kennedy lunar surface, the two astronauts will
set a goal for the manned flight pro- reenter the Lunar Module. At the right
gram—the landing of men on the instant, relative to the orbital position
lunar surface and their safe return to of the mother ship, they will ignite the
Earth. Although of itself scientifically ascent engine of the Lunar Module,
and technologically significant, the using the lower half of the vehicle as
lunar mission had broader implica- a lau p ch platform. Then they will
tions. It provided an easily identifiable launch, rendezvous and dock with the
target as a focus for the energies of Command and Service Module. They
hundreds of thousands of scientists, will then crawl back into the Com-
engineers, technicians, craftsmen and mand Module to rejoin the Command
administrators in both government and Module pilot and jettison the Lunar
Module, which will be left circling the light. They have plotted the direction
Moon. and speed of the solar wind, studied
The Service Module's engine will be the white light corona effect, reported
fired to boost the three astronauts out on solar flares and many other aspects
of lunar orbit and into the return cor- of solar activity through much of the
ridor to Earth. Before re-entering the eleven-year solar cycle.
Earth's atmosphere, the Service Module The Orbiting Geophysical Observa-
will be separated and the Command tories (OGO) and related spacecraft
Module, with its crew of three as- direct their attention to Earth itself
tronauts, will proced on the last leg and its environment. The OGOs mea-
of their historic journey. sure the geophysical characteristics of
the planet on which we live—its
shape, consistency, density and gravi-
sun, olanels tational fields. The magnetosphere and
the ionosphere also come in for their
and stars
attention as does the composition of
The ability to fly in space has offered the extreme upper atmosphere.
the scientist unique experimental ad- A series of Orbiting Astronomical
vantages. An instrumented capsule free Observatories (OAO) will make photo-
of the opacity of the Earth's atmos- metric and spectroscopic evaluations
phere and the Earth's electromagnetic of individual stars, groups and clusters.
shield can take readings of the solar The Pioneers, the IMPs (for Inter-
system, the galaxy and the universe planetary Monitoring Platform) the
which are foreclosed to Earth-bound Ariels, the San Marcos, the Alouettes,
laboratories. From the beginning, since the follow-on Explorers, and a multi-
Explorer I, the experimenters have plicity of probes (that investigate that
employed a rich variety of unmanned band of the atmosphere too high for
spacecraft to broaden their compre- balloons and too low for satellites)
hension of phenomena about which are returning a flood of data on this
little was known; and to open up planet's environment and the forces
whole new areas of knowledge. New at work therein.
understandings of the solar system, the
stars and interplanetary and interstellar
space are being reached.
Explorer I set a high standard when to explorethe
it discovered the Van Allen radiation
belts—bands of intense radiation that moon and the planets
encircle the Earth. Orbiting Solar Ob- Before plans for the manned lunar
servatories (OSO) have trained their mission could be made final, extensive
instruments on the Sun—the source lunar reconnaissance was needed. A
of Earth's light and heat, without number of landing sites smooth
which there would be no life as we enough for the Lunar Module touch-
know it. OSOs have mapped the Sun's down had to be identified and the
emissions of X-rays and ultraviolet bearing strength of the Moon's sur-
face established. In addition, there manipulated -by Surveyor's surface
was keen interest in such lunar prop- sampler, crumbled like a clod of dirt
erties as its soil composition and the while another appeared as hard as a
nature of lunar rocks that would pro- terrestrial rock. The surface appeared
vide evidence about the origin and to correspond to terrestrial basalt. No
history of this Earth satellite. evidence of a magnetic field or radi-
The Rangers were the first of a ation belt was found.
three-stage program. In the brief mo- Ranger, Orbiter and Surveyor not
ments before its planned crash landing, only established that the lunar surface
a Ranger spacecraft snapped hundreds was suitable for manned landings and
of useful pictures of the Moon's sur- pin-pointed where; but added greatly
face, the last taken but a fraction of a to the scientific knowledge of Earth's
second before impact. A series of Lu- only natural satellite.
nar Orbiters circled the Moon at an In addition to the Moon, the neigh-
altitude of between 25 and 30 miles. boring planets of Venus and Mars were
The Orbiters took thousands of ex- investigated by automated spacecraft.
cellent photos—both verticals and ob- In the fall of 1962, Mariner II flew
liques—with the medium and high behind Venus coming to within rough-
resolution cameras that they carried, ly 20,000 miles of the planet. In Sep-
and gathered data, with their sensors, tember 1967, Mariner executed a
on the lunar environment. The Sur- Venus flyby coming within 6,000 miles
veyors landed softly on the Moon's of the planet. The data returned from
surface—of itself an unprecedented these flights disclosed that although
technical feat— and took close-ups of Venus resembles the Earth in size and
surrounding features, dug into the mass, there are few other similarities.
lunar surface, and subjected the Venus' atmosphere is preponderantly
Moon's soil to chemical analysis. carbon dioxide, much denser and more
Until the Rangers flew, no one had opaque than Earth's. The planet's sur-
ever seen a lunar rock. Until Surveyor, face is very hot—perhaps 800°F. The
no one had ever dug one. Orbiter, Venutian ionosphere on the day side is
while photo-mapping the Moon's sur- one-half as dense as Earth's and falls to
face, provided photographic studies of ten percent or less on the night side.
the side that is always hidden from It is much lower in altitude and ap-
Earth. Surprisingly, the relatively parently compressed into a very thin
smooth maria that dominate the layer. No magnetic field was detected.
Moon's visible face are rare on the In late 1964, Mariner IV made the
ruggedly structured dark side. long journey to Mars. After a flight of
These flights located eight potential more than six months—during which
landing sites. They established that the its systems functioned without a signif-
bearing strength of the surface would icant failure of any component—the
support the LM and the astronauts. spacecraft came within 6,118 miles of
Lunar soil was revealed to be granular, the red planet and snapped 22 pic-
with a thin fracturable crust overlaying tures of the Martian surface. To trans-
darker soil beneath. A small sample, mit these over a distance of more than



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200 million miles was a slow process, same point on the hub as it turns). A
some eight and a half hours a pic- truly synchronous orbit offers a num-
ture. The area photographed was a ber of advantages. One advantage is
barren, moon-like surface heavily that once the spacecraft position is
pocked with craters. The spacecraft precisely known, tracking is no longer
reported that Mars had a very tenuous needed.
atmosphere with an atmospheric pres- With the basic concepts proved out,
sure only a small fraction of that of NASA launched a series of the Early
Earth. Bird spacecraft (now officially desig-
nated Intelsat) for the Communica-
tions Satellite Corporation, a quasi-
private entity formed to operate the
In the service satellite communications net. The 240-
channel lntelsats are now at work
01 man handling the trans-Atlantic and trans-
The "Applications" class of satellite Pacific telephone, teletype and tele-
works directly for the benefit of man. graph, radio and television traffic.
Two types in this category—ommuni-
cations and weather spacecraft—are weather eve
already operational; providing fast,
economical and highly reliable long- in space
distance communications- and assist- The operational weather satellites,
ing the weather forecasters with photo- which are basically TIROS (Television
graphs, taken from space, of the and Infra-Red Observation Satellite)
weather systems of the globe. models, are designated ESSAs (Envi-
The development of the present ronmental Survey SAtellite) when taken
satellite communications system was over by the Environmental Science
a sequence of experimental craft that Service Administration (also called
validated the technology. Several pas- ESSA). The Environmental Science Serv-
sive satellites (very large aluminum- ice Administration assumes responsi-
coated balloons named Echo), that bility for systems operation after NASA
simply reflected radio signals, were has launched and checked out the
flown. These were followed with a spacecraft. ESSAs are advanced, first-
series of active-repeater spacecraft that generation spacecraft in a cartwheel
carried both receiving and transmit- configuration. Typically they are
ting equipment and were flown at placed in a near-polar, Sun-synchro-
medium altitude—up to 12,000 miles. nous orbit that keeps them always in
Score, Telstar and Relay were among daylight. They roll along in their orbit
them. The last of the experimental with their advanced vidicon cameras,
group was SYNCOM, a spacecraft which are rim-mounted, snapping a
placed in synchronous orbit and re- photo of a 4,000,000 square mile area
maining over a fixed point on the of weather every six minutes.
Earth's surface (much as a dent on the Linked with the TIROS system are
rim of a wheel stays opposite to the relatively inexpensive ground based fa-

cilities capable of receiving pictures of vances, we move closer to realizing

cloud cover from the Automatic Pic- the capability for accurate, long-range
ture Transmission system carried by weather forecasts. This capability will
some of these satellites. When the mean savings of hundreds of millions
TIROS approaches within 2,100 miles of dollars annually to the farmer, the
of a ground station, it will transmit, on resort industry, transportation and
ground command, photos of the others, on whose operation weather
weather system within a 1,000 mile exerts a significant influence.
radius of the commanding station.
Since the satellite weather system was the Hung
instituted, 305 ground receivers have
been placed in operation; 89 of them torce
in foreign countries. Besides providing It is the rocket that lifts the payload
the weather forecaster with vital in- and places it in orbit. In its ten years
formation on cloud systems, the TIROS of operation, NASA has developed an
spacecraft have spotted and tracked a assortment of these launch vehicles
number of violent storms enabling the carefully scaled to execute various
broadcast of timely storm advisories to classes of missions. They vary in size,
threatened areas. volume Of thrust, and propellant—
NASA is now well along with the solid or liquid. If liquid fueled, they
development of an improved and more may employ different types. They also
versatile weather satellite. Experimental differ in the size of the payload they
Nimbus spacecraft have been flown as can put into space.
well as Applications Technology Satel- The smallest of the major launch
lites (ATS). The former carry infra-red vehicles is the solid-fueled, four-stage
sensors that measure cloud tempera- Scout. This vehicle can orbit a 240-
tures in both daylight and dark, and re- pound payload and is used for un-
port on the heat balance of the Earth. manned scientific flights. Next larger is
The latter are multi-purpose spacecraft; the Delta, a work horse with a long list
in addition to weather reporting equip- of successful launches to its credit. Delta
ment they carry communications and can orbit 880 pounds. In its thrust-
navigation facilities. They are also able augmented version (TAD), wherein
to photograph the Earth in color—in strap-on rockets increase its thrust
the case of ATS Ill spectacular color from 170,000 to 332,000 pounds, its
pictures of the full disc of the Earth payload capacity is raised to 1,195
were returned. Positioning an ATS in pounds.
synchronous orbit permits continuous The Thor-Agena, developed by the
observation of small, violent storms. It U.S. Air Force and adapted to civilian
warns us of tornadoes and thunder- launches by NASA, is a two-stage
storms that can do much damage. Be- vehicle with a payload capacity of
cause they have a life of only a few 1,600 pounds. Its thrust-augmented
hours, these storms might escape the version (TAT), with a trio of strap-on
notice of a non-synchronous satellite. engines, can lift a 2,200 pound pay-
As weather satellite technology ad- load.

In the middleweight class are the mission, the Saturn V can orbit 140
Atlas—which has been flown alone or tons or send 50 tons to the Moon. It
with one of several different upper has two upper stages that produce a
stages—and the Air Force-developed million and 200,000 pounds of thrust
Titan II. Technically, the Atlas D is respectively.
regarded as a 11/2 stage vehicle with
the outer two of three engines counted
as a half stage. All three engines ignite
at launch and the half-stage is jetti- Sky watch
soned at the end of its burn time. The
To track spacecraft, retrieve scienti-
inner engine, the sustainer, continues
fic and engineering data and support
firing until orbit is achieved. This
the manned missions, NASA has
vehicle can launch a payload of 3,000
built three networks of stations that
pounds. With an Agena as an upper
girdle the Earth:
stage, payload weight can be increased
STADAN (Space Tracking and Data
to nearly 6,000 pounds. In combina-
Acquisition Network) is a chain of
tion with the Centaur, a high energy
stations using radio and optical equip-
upper stage using liquid hydrogen
ment to track scientific payloads and
and oxygen as a fuel, payload ceiling
probes, and acquire the data that the
goes to 8,500 pounds in Earth orbit or
flights collect.
2,300 pounds for a lunar mission.
The Manned Space Flight Network
The Titan II generates a thrust of
supported the Mercury and Gemini
430,000 pounds and can lift a payload
missions and is equipped to support
of around 8,000 pounds into an Earth
the Apollo program.
orbit. This vehicle employs a storable
fuel that, unlike many other liquid DSIF (Deep Space Instrumentation
fuels, does not need to be kept at Facilities) is a series of major installa-
extremely low temperatures. Therefore, tions with great range and pointing
Titan's tanks can be filled well ahead accuracy. It was the DSIF that picked
of launch, and need not be drained in up the faint signals transmitted by
the event of a postponement. Mariner IV over a distance of more
The heavyweight boosters are the than 200 million miles. Some stations
Saturn lB, and its more muscular on this network will combine with the
brother, the giant Saturn V. The Manned Space Network to handle
Saturn lB has a first stage thrust of Apollo missions.
1.6 million pounds and a second stage
that develops 200,000 pounds. It can wiUenino
place 18 tons in Earth orbit. The mam-
moth Saturn V. which towers 363 feet the horizons
and weighs—loaded-3,000 tons, gen- A vital component of the U.S. effort
erates 7.5 million pounds of thrust in in aeronautics and space is the Office
its first stage. This is the energy equiva- of Advanced Research and Technology.
lent of approximately 160,000,000 In this office, and in the university
horsepower. Developed for the lunar and industrial laboratories with which

it has ties, the scientific and technol- In one instance, a titanium nozzle with
ogical base for the nation's work in a coating—or cladding as it is called—
aeronautics and space is built. Scienti- of hafnium was exposed to 4,000°F
fic and technological horizons have for more than an hour without ill
been widened and the nation's capa- effect. New, tough and exceptionally
bilities in atmospheric and space flight heat resistant plastics—notably the
vastly enhanced. pyrrone family, brought into being in
This forward movement is apparent the laboratories at the Langley Re-
throughout the spectrum of NASA search Center—have been fabricated.
activities. Sensor technology has ad- Constraints on weight and volume
vanced to a point where it is now imposed on instruments designed for
possible to detect a temperature differ- use in spacecraft have forced great
ence of two degrees at a distance of advances in microminiaturization.
more than a hundred miles. Guidance More than 200 electric circuits can
systems and techniques of space navi- now be printed on a wafer thinner than
gation have reached a level of develop- a piece of cardboard and less than a
ment that made it possible to put quarter of an inch on a side. Efficient
Surveyor VII on the lunar surface—a and unconventional sources of electric
scant 1.2 miles from the aiming point— power, such as the fuel cell, are ap-
after a flight of more than 250,000 proaching operational status. Cryo-
miles. The nature of fatigue and the genic technology—the use of extreme-
behavior of stress corrosion in metals ly low temperatures—has come out
is now better understood and this of the laboratory and into more gen-
understanding has pointed the way eral use. Improved lubricants, long-life
to corrective measures. The' versatility bearings, super insulation, tougher
and the capacity of computers has coatings and paints have been de-
been greatly increased—even to the veloped. This broad and balanced
extent of improving the- resolution of effort in basic and applied research
photographs and X-ray negatives. Re- has been a factor in many improve-
search On the molecular structure of ments, innovations and inventions,
materials has produced fresh insights that will exert a strong influence on
into the relationship between mole- the future of the space program and
cular structure and such characteristics on the nation's economy.
as strength, resistance to heat, and
conductivity. One result is the ability maximizing
to increase or reduce the frictional
coefficient of a metallic surface by al- spin-off
tering the shape of the molecules that The concept that invention is swift-
make up its surface. Fiber and plastic ly followed by application to general
composites have been developed that use is not borne out by experience.
are very light, very strong and easy to History is filled with instances where
mold. Alloys have been tailored to important developments have lain on
withstand extremely high temperatures the shelf, unused; sometimes for years.
without deforming or losing'strength. From its beginnings, NASA has been

aware of this and has organized an quired in aerospace work to aid in the
aggressive effort to insure that the removal of these obstacles. Thus far,
scientific and technological advances 240 specific medical problems have
resulting from the space effort are been identified. A dozen have already
promptly brought to the attention of been solved using NASA generated
industries not involved in space work; technology.
and made available to them.
Contractors and Agency facilities
report specific innovations or inven- work with
tions and improved technological
the universities
processes to the Technology Utiliza-
tion Division. These are carefully From the first, NASA recognized that
screened and evaluated. Those ad- the universities of the nation, as cen-
judged worth processing are described ters of proven competence, would be
in one or more publications—for ex- the primary source of much of the
ample in Tech Briefs where the devel- fundamental knowledge required for
opment is summarized in one sheet. scientific and technological advance.
This information is also stored in a It was not enough that they provide
computer bank. More than 700 in- immediate assistance in specified
novations were announced during areas. There was need of them as
1968. participating members of a govern-
Dissemination is the responsibility ment-industry-university aerospace
of six regional centers that have been team. The plan aimed at giving uni-
set up for this purpose. Each of the versities throughout the nation a
Centers has a list of paying subscribers, chance to participate in space research
more than 250 for all Centers, who and to strengthen themselves in the
have provided the Center with a pro- process.
file of their interests. Where the de- Project-oriented research grants and
velopment falls within the area of the contracts arose directly from aerospace
subscriber's interest, he is so advised program needs. NASA also supported
and may make a detailed investigation special training and research in space-
with the help of the Center. The Cen- related sectors that were supplemental
ter facility also provides other services to the work linked to specific NASA
such as conducting a search of the projects. NASA supported students
computer bank for specific items at doing predoctoral graduate work in
the request of a client. areas of interest to the Agency. It also
Experiments are also being con- financed studies in space-related sub-
ducted with other transfer mechanisms. jects of the universities' own choosing
Three small, multidisciplinary Bio- that abetted the institution in develop-
medical Application Teams are work- ing its aademic and research strength.
ing with a number of research groups The space program has significantly
in medicine and biology to spot bar- benefited from university participation.
riers to progress in this research dis- University scientists have conceived
cipline. They apply knowledge ac- and developed satellite experiments

productive of new knowledge. Re- million pupils in assembly programs

search in university laboratories has and classroom visits.
supported manned flight operations. The educational programs also pro-
University scientists have served on vide schools and other groups with
advisory groups which plan and evalu- films and publications of an informa-
ate space activities. The universities tional/educational nature. Schools may
are also collaborating with industrial write for information to the Education-
and regional organizations to accel- al Officer at any of the NASA Centers
erate the application of space research listed in the back of this publication.
results to other public problems. In
the process, the institutions taking
part have acquired new knowledge international
and experience essential to their con-
cooperation in suace
tinued scientific, technical and aca-
demic progress. NASA initiatives have been fruitful
in promoting cooperation between
nations for the peaceful exploration
assistance to elementary of space. The broad and varied effort
ana seconaar y schools that has been mounted has involved
scientists in 73 nations and jurisdic-
The National Aeronautics and Space tions, including a modest exchange
Administration recognizes the impor- with the Soviet Union. Three basic
tance of the nation's elementary and criteria have been applied to these
secondary schools in the fulfillment of joint ventures.
its mission. NASA also has the respon-
sibility to inform Americans of its ac- 1. Scientific validity and mutual
tivities and the results of those activi-
ties. To provide teachers and students 2. Open conduct, with scientific
with understanding of its progress, results freely available to the
NASA has an active educational pro- world's scientific community.
gram with offices at the several NASA 3. Significant contributions and
Centers and a headquarters in Wash- independent funding by each
ington, D.C. participant.
Its purpose is to help teachers, sup- Sixteen international satellites have
ervisors, curriculum makers, and text- been agreed upon. Of these, ten have
book writers update their work with since been placed in orbit: three for
information and understandings of the the United Kingdom, two for Canada,
space program. two for Italy, one for France and two
Each year it assists, by invitation, for ESRO. These spacecraft were
400 to 500 teacher education courses equipped to investigate the ionosphere,
and workshops enrolling 25,000 to energetic particles and atmospheric
30,000 pre- and in-service teachers. structure.
Each year, through its Spacemobile NASA has agreements with 19 coun-
lectures, it addresses two to three tries for a variety of cooperative sound-

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ing rocket projects. Over a six year channel. A 1965 agreement provides
period, there have been more than 400 for the preparation and publication of
launches in this category. Of :particu- a joint review of research in space
lar interest is EXAMETNET—a north- biology and medicine in the two
south meteorological sounding rocket countries.
network—with Brazil, Argentina, and International cooperation in space
prospectively Canada and Mexico par- has produced scientific achievements
ticipating with the United States. Many of consequence. In addition, it has
foreign countries have built their own opened up a new area in which this
ground receiving stations so that they kind of cooperation can go forward
can take advantage of the weather to insure that space retains its essen-
read-outs from the TIROS APT system. tially international character and makes
Forty-two nations supply the U.S. with its contribution to the reduction of
conventional weather observations tension between nations.
that help with the interpretation of
cloud cover photographs. A number
of foreign countries are assisting in the the prospect
communications experimenfs being
conducted with the Applications Tech- As NASA moves into its second dec-
nology Satellites. ade, the potential seems almost with-
The 1962 agreement with tIie Soviet out limit. To a great degree, the experi-
Union has produced limited results. mental phase is past and the chief
There were one-way communications constraints on the operational future
demonstrations using Echo II; an ex- are the decisions as to which of the
change of ground-based magnetic many desirable options available shall
field data looking toward aó agreed be undertaken and the resources al-
exchange of satellite data; and an ex- located to carry out the selected mis-
change of conventional and some sions. The aphorism "What is past is
satellite weather data over a special prologue" speaks for the nation's fu-
Washington-Moscow communications ture in space.

NASA Headquarters formulates The Flight Research Center is
policy and coordinates the activi- concerned with manned flight
ties of the space flight centers, re- within and outside the atmosphere,
search centers, and other installa- including low-speed, supersonic,
tions which comprise the National hypersonic and reentry flight, and
Aeronautics and Space Administra- air operations and safety problems.
tion. Major programs include aeronau-
tics projects such as the X-15 and
AMES RESEARCH CENTER, supersonic transport. Space vehicle
MOFFETT FIELD, CALIFORNIA programs are typified by studies
The work of the Ames Research such as flight behavior of lifting
Center is concerned with labora- bodies. 16 biotechnology, man-
tory and flight research in unman- machine integration problems are
ned space flight projects and in studied.
aeronautics. The fields of interest
include atmosphere entry research, GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER,
fundamental physics, materials, GREENBELT,, MARYLAND
guidance and control, chemistry The Goddard Space Flight Cen-
and life sciences. Ames aeronauti- ter, named for the rocket pioneer,
cal projects include the supersonic Dr. Robert H. Goddard, is respon-
transport, V/STOL aircraft and op- sible •for' the development and
erations research. The space flight management of a broad variety of
projects involve management of unmanned Earth-orbiting satellite
scientific probes and satellites, and and sounding rocket projects.
payloads for flight experiments. Scientific, communications and
Projects Pioneer and Biosatellite meteorological satellites are in-
are managed by Ames. cluded. (Orbiting Observatories,
Explorers, TIROS, Nimbus, Relay,
ELECTRONICS RESEARCH CENTER, Syncom, and others). Goddard also
CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS is the nerve center for the world-
This Center was established to wide tracking and communications
stimulate research and advanced network for both manned and un-
development in electronics and re- manned satellites.
lated fields for application in space
and aeronautics. The Center organ- JET PROPULSION LABORATORY,
izes, sponsors and conducts pro- PASADENA, CALIFORNIA
grams in the basic disciplines of
guidance, control, navigation, com- The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is
munications, data processing, elec- operated under contract to NASA
tronic components, micro-wave by the California Institute of Tech-
and electromagnetic technology, nology. Its primary missions are the
and reliability. development of spacecraft for un-

manned lunar and planetary ex- Center conceives, develops and

ploration (Ranger, Mariner, Sur- operates simulators for the super-
veyor) and the operation of a sonic transport and lunar landing
world-wide deep space tracking projects, and conducts an exten-
and control network. There is a sive program of V/STOL flight
broad scale program of supporting research projects.
CENTER, FLORIDA The mission of this Center is
propulsion and space power gen-
The Nation's First Spaceport, the
eration. Fields of investigation are
John F. Kennedy Space Center,
materials and metallurgy, problems
makes preflight tests, prepares, and
concerned with the use of extreme-
launches manned and unmanned
ly high and low temperature ma-
space vehicles for NASA. New Ken-
terials, combustion and direct en-
nedy Space Center facilities have
ergy conversion, chemical, nuclear
been readied for the Apollo-Saturn
and electric rocket propulsion sys-
V space vehicle in the U.S. program
tems, advanced turbojet power
to land astronauts on the lunar
plants, fuels and lubricants, plas-
surface in this decade. Manned
mas and magnetohydrodynamics.
Apollo missions, unmanned lunar,
Lewis has technical management
planetary, interplanetary missions,
of a number of chemical, solid and
and scientific, meteorological, and
liquid rocket projects including the
communications satellites are
Agena and Centaur.
launched by Kennedy Space Cen-
Plum Brook Station at Sandusky,
Ohio, with facilities for propulsion
research and development, is
operated as an arm of Lewis.
Langley has the task of providing HOUSTON, TEXAS
technology for manned and un- The Manned Spacecraft Center
manned exploration of space and is a new NASA facility located 20
for improvement and extension of miles southeast of Houston, Tex.
performance and utility of aircraft. on the edge of Clear Lake. It has
The major technical areas of the responsibility for the design,
Langley are theoretical and experi- development, and testing of man-
mental dynamics of flight through ned spacecraft and associated sys-
the entire speed range, flight me- tems, for the selection and training
chanics, materials and structures, of astronauts, and for operation of
space mechanics, instrumentation, manned space flights. Mission Con-
solid rocket technology, and ad- trol for manned space flights,
vanced ramjet engine research. The formerly at Cape Kennedy, now is

20 Cover painting and drawings
by Mitchell Jamieson

based at the Manned Spacecraft major facility contains the labora-

Center. tories, test stands and equipment
The scientists and engineers who for development of reactor tech-
make up the technical staff of the nology and the nuclear engine and
Manned Spacecraft Center were rocket stage for the nuclear rocket.
responsible for placing the first The Station is the scene of many
American astronauts in space. Ex- tests for the nuclear rocket pro-
perience gained in Projects Mer- gram, which is in the advanced
cury and Gemini is now being phases of research for missions to
utilized in the Apollo follow after the Apollo lunar land-
ing project.
Launch vehicles essential to
Apollo and other major missions The NASA Pacific Launch Oper-
are designed and developed by the ations Office provides administra-
scientists and engineers of the tive, logistic, and technical support
General George C. Marshall Space for NASA programs and projects at
Flight Center. The Center is present- the Western Test Range.
ly concerned with launch vehicles WALLOPS STATION, WALLOPS
of the Saturn class, as well as pay- ISLAND, VA.
loads, related research and studies The rocket-borne experiments
of advanced space transportation flown from the Wallops Island
systems. Range are conceived, designed and
The Michoud Assembly Facility built, by scientists and engineers
at New Orleans, Louisiana has been in laboratories and research centers
established to manufacture Saturn throughout the U.S. and in many
and other large launch vehicle of the countries of the world. Func-
stages. tions of Wallops Station are pay-
The Mississippi Test Facility, load checkout, vehicle preparation
located in a sparsely settled area and launching, instrumentation and
about 40 miles east of New Or- data acquisition, processing and
leans, is a facility for static tests of reduction of data, and tracking of
launch vehicle stages by contrac- vehicles.
tors under the direction of the
Marshall Space Flight Center. NASA PASADENA OFFICE,
STATION, JACKSON FLATS, NEV. branch of NASA Headquarters. Pri-
This facility, located near Las mary mission of the Office is to
Vegas, Nev., is managed by the administer the Jet Propulsion La-
Space Nuclear Propulsion Office, boratory contract and the procure-
a joint operation of NASA and the ment of pressurants, propellants
Atomic Energy Commission. This and Delta launch vehicles.


A request for career information should he
sent to the Personnel Officer at the NASA
Center listed below, which is designated
10 serve your area.

A request for NASA educational publications

should be sent to the Educational Officer,
Division of Public Affairs, at the NASA Center
listed below, which is designated to serve
your area.

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Alaska NASA Ames Research Center

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Mono counties,
and North)

Connecticut NASA Electronics Research Center

Maine 575 Technology Square
Massachusetts Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
New Hampshire
New York
Rhode Island

Alabama NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center

Arkansas Huntsville, Alabama 35812

Delaware NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

District of Columbia Greenbelt, Maryland 70771
New Jersey
West Virginia

Florida NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center

Georgia Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899
Puerto Rico
Virgin Islands

Kentucky NASA Langley Research Center

North Carolina langley Station
South Carolina Hampton, Virginia 23365

Illinois NASA lewis Research Center

Indiana 2100 Brookpark Road

Iowa Cleveland, Ohio 44135

Colorado NASA Manned Spacecraft Center

Kansas Houston, Texas 77058
New Mexico
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South Dakota

Arizona NASA Pasadena Office
Hawaii 4800 Oak Grove Drive

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Southern California
(San Luis Obispo,
Kings, Kern,
Tulare, tnyo
Counties, and
Information concerning other educational
publications of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration may be obtained from the
Educational Programs Division, Code FE, Office of Public Affairs,
NASA, Washington, D.C., 20546.

December, 1968

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Washington, D.C. 20402- Price 45 cents



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.•• ,
Information concerning other educational
publications of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration may be obtained from the
Educational Programs Division, Code FE, Office of Public Affairs,
NASA, Washington, D.C., 20546.

December, 1968

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Washington, D.C. 20402- Price 45 cents


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