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Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76 (2008) 418e430

Water quality variability and eutrophic trends in karstic tropical

coastal lagoons of the Yucatán Peninsula
Fedro U. Tapia González, Jorge A. Herrera-Silveira*, Maria L. Aguirre-Macedo
Departamento de Recursos del Mar, CINVESTAV-IPN, Unidad Mérida, Carretera Antigua a Progreso km. 6,
Mérida, Yucatán C.P. 97310, Mexico
Received 27 April 2006; accepted 19 July 2007
Available online 15 August 2007


Coastal lagoon ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to eutrophication due to often restricted water exchange with the adjacent ocean, lead-
ing to an accumulation of nutrients from the surrounding watershed. The coastal areas of the northern Yucatán (SE Mexico) show similar geo-
logical characteristics: carbonate soils, and strong groundwater discharges (SGD), which are a source of fresh water and dissolved inorganic
nutrients. However, due to differences in land use and human impact, these coastal lagoons have different water quality characteristics. To de-
termine the variables and processes that influence water quality and eutrophic status of these tropical coastal lagoons with different hydrological
regimes and human impacts, bimonthly samplings were carried for a year at 11 stations in Celestún and Chelem lagoons. The results indicate
that Celestún is influenced by bioturbation (resuspension and nutrients inputs from waterfowl) and SGD with high concentrations of nitrate and
silicate, leading to oligo-mesotrophic conditions. Chelem had high ammonium and phosphate concentrations, reflecting impacts by wastewaters
from the surrounding urban area, resulting in meso-eutrophic conditions. Forcing functions such as climatic patterns, water residence time and
local aquifer pollution are probably the main variables that explain the observed patterns.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: water quality; eutrophication; tropical coastal lagoons; karst; submarine groundwater

1. Introduction and estuaries, submarine groundwater discharge (SGD)

contaminated by urban or agricultural wastes are a source of
Coastal ecosystems of karst regions are particularly vulner- contaminants that can impact these ecosystems.
able to eutrophication because freshwater enters these areas Nutrients entering via SGD have been shown to be a factor in
via groundwater which is highly susceptible to pollution algal growth dynamics (Johannes, 1980; Sewell, 1982; Kinney
from urban and industrial wastewater, septic tanks, and open and Roman, 1998), harmful algal blooms (LaRoche et al., 1997;
sanitary landfills (Fetter, 1994). Eutrophication of coastal wa- Gobler and Sa~nudo-Wilhemy, 2001), and hydrological modifica-
ters can have a number of adverse impacts on ecosystems, in- tion of these ecosystems (Valiela et al., 1992; Short and Burdick,
cluding algal growth, hypoxia, and substantial loss of marine 1996; McClelland et al., 1997). Water filtration to the aquifer is
life and habitat (De Jonge et al., 2002). Traditionally, studies enhanced in karst coastal areas, as observed in the water quality
on coastal eutrophication have focused on point sources of nu- of coastal springs carrying nutrients from human activities. Nitro-
trients, such as rivers and wastewater treatment plants (Ri- gen has been particularly important among these nutrients, be-
chardson and Jorgensen, 1996). However, in coastal lagoons cause it is considered a limiting nutrient for primary production
in marine ecosystems (Nixon and Pilson, 1983; Borum, 1996).
However, in karst areas, phosphorus is generally the limiting
* Corresponding author. element due to its affinity to calcium carbonate and its rapid pre-
E-mail address: (J.A. Herrera-Silveira). cipitation in the form of apatite (Fourqurean et al., 1993).

0272-7714/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.U. Tapia González et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76 (2008) 418e430 419

Coastal development, including urbanization, intensive ag- in length. Connection with the sea occurs via a 410 m wide in-
riculture, aquaculture, and coastal engineering such as artifi- let at the southern end. It is surrounded by healthy mangrove
cial inlets, promotes some undesirable changes in lagoon swamps. The hydrology is characterized by an estuarine salin-
systems. These problems are increasing in developing coun- ity gradient due to numerous springs located mainly in its in-
tries that, lacking the appropriate technology for the imple- ner area (Herrera-Silveira, 1994). The main human activities
mentation of wastewater treatment systems, promote an are fishing and tourism. Chelem lagoon is located in the north-
increase in nutrients discharges to the coastal ecosystems, gen- west zone of the Peninsula (21 150 and 21 170 ;89 390 and
erating eutrophication conditions. 89 480 ), covering a total area of 13.6 km2. It is connected to
Given the explosive population growth in the Yucatán Pen- the sea through an artificial inlet (100 m wide) in its central
insula (SE, Mexico), its karst soil, and the increment in urban portion. There is urban development and industrial facilities
development and industrial and tourism activities, among for the region’s major fishing harbor (Yucalpeten) on its north-
others, it is urgent to determine the water quality condition ern border. Its southern border is a mangrove area impacted by
and eutrophic status of the coastal ecosystems, since the lack hydrological changes induced by the artificial inlet of the
of wastewater treatment systems puts the ecological stability Yucalpeten harbor (Herrera-Silveira et al., 2000).
and environmental services of these ecosystems at risk. The There are three climate seasons: rainy, dry and ‘‘nortes’’.
aim of this study was to determine the water quality conditions The rainy season (July to October) has 400e700 mm of pre-
and eutrophic status of two coastal lagoons located in the same cipitation and high air temperatures (30e35  C). The ‘‘nortes’’
region, with different hydrological regimes and human impact, (November to February) is characterized by the influence of
in order to advance in the understanding of the processes that cold fronts accompanied by strong winds (80 km h1), low
promote eutrophication in karstic tropical coastal lagoons. air temperatures (20e23  C) and scarce rainfall (<50 mm).
The dry season (March to June) is characterized by low rain-
2. Study area fall (0e100 mm) and high air temperatures (36e40  C) pro-
moting high rates of evaporation (Herrera-Silveira, 1994).
The Celestún and Chelem coastal lagoons are located Table 1 includes a description of the different land uses and
northeast and north of Mérida, capital city of the state of main hydrological characteristics of each lagoon.
Yucatán (SE Mexico) (Fig. 1). Both have similar geological
characteristics in terms of morphology and depth of <1 m to 3. Materials and methods
3 m. Celestún is located in a National Protected Area in the
northwest part of the Peninsula (20 450 and 20 580 ; 90 150 Eleven stations were sampled at each lagoon twice during
and 90 250 ). It has a total area of 28.1 km2 and is 22.5 km each season, between August 2001 and June 2002. In each

Gulf of Mexico

Celestun Caribbean
U. S. A.
Gulf of Mexico


Fig. 1. Location of Celestún and Chelem lagoons, indicating sampling stations.

420 F.U. Tapia González et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76 (2008) 418e430

Table 1
Hydrobiological characteristics and land uses of the coastal lagoon Celestún and Chelem (SE, México). t, residence time of water. Range calculated according to
LOICZ model (Smith et al., 1999)
Lagoon Characteristic
Surface (km2) t (days) Salinity Population (inhabitants) Land uses Environmental impacts
Celestún 28 3e150 5e38 6065 Nature conservancy Stability of water flows and quality, sea and air
storm protection and improved biological productivity
(e.g. fisheries)
Integrated tourism Increasing evaluation of natural resources and territory
Food harvesting Weak habitat disturbance
Chelem 14 3e200 28e44 48798 Conventional road construction Loss of mangrove and sand dune habitats and water
flow disturbances
Industrial harbor Waste water and solid discharges and coastal transport
Unregulated housing Beach erosion and loss sand dune habitat
Massive tourism Loss habitats, point source pollution, increased storm
hazards and water flow disturbances

station, in situ temperature ( C), salinity and dissolved oxygen 3.1. Data analysis
(mg L1) were measured with an YSI-85 multiprobe. Due
to the lack of water column stratification in both lagoons With the objective of evaluating significant differences be-
(Herrera-Silveira et al., 1998), surface samples were collected tween the lagoons for all water quality variables, data were an-
with a Dataflow IV system (Madden and Day, 1992). The sam- alyzed using a one-way non-parametric ANOVA, with the
pled water was stored and refrigerated at 4  C for later labora- lagoons and seasons as main factors (Zar, 1997) (Table 2).
tory analysis. All samples were collected between 08:00 and Several multivariate classification and ordination analytical
12:00 h, local time. Water quality analysis included ammo- tools were used to extract, interpret or reveal structures that
nium (NH4) using the phenol-hypochlorite method (Solórzano, otherwise would be overlooked or misinterpreted (Green and
1972), nitrite (NO2) with the sulfanilamide method, and reduc- Vascotto, 1978). A Principal Component Analysis was per-
tion of nitrate (NO3) to nitrite using a cadmiumecopper col- formed to extract the main variables that explained the hydro-
umn. Phosphorus, as soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), was logical behavior of each lagoon. This analysis was chosen
measured with the mixture of reagents technique (Solórzano because it reduces the dimensions of the data matrix by pro-
and Sharp, 1980), and soluble reactive silica (SRSi) was mea- ducing a small number of abstract variables, which are linear
sured using the blue-molybdenum method (Strickland and combinations of the original variables. The results are dis-
Parsons, 1972). Chlorophyll a (Chl-a) was determined by played in a two-dimensional plot that uses the components
filtering 250 ml of water through a Millipore membrane filter as axes (James and McCulloch, 1990).
(0.45 mm). Pigments were extracted with 90% acetone and As coastal lagoons often show environmental gradients,
calculated using the equations of Jeffry and Humphrey (1975) a classification analysis was performed to distinguish areas
using a spectrophotometer wavelength scale. with similar water quality conditions, by placing the objects

Table 2
Average values of water quality variables calculated annual and seasonally in Celestún and Chelem lagoons. *Significant differences S.D. ( p < 0.05, one way
ANOVA). % Contribution: Contributions of each variable to the dissimilarity between lagoons. þMost important
Season Lagoon Temp.( C) Salinity D.O NO2 NO3 NH4 SRP SRSi Chl-a
(mg L1) (mM) (mM) (mM) (mM) (mM) (mg m3)
Annual Celestún 29.4 21.3 4.8 3.9 9.6 7.0 0.5 154.5 6.3
Chelem 29.8 33.9 3.9 2.4 9.5 13.5 0.7 41.5 4.1
S.D. O Lagoons * * * * * * *
Rainy Celestún 31.9 22.5 4.5 0.8 5.2 6.4 0.7 112.1 6.1
Chelem 30.9 33.2 3.2 1.5 7.6 10.6 0.6 47.5 2.8
S.D. O Lagoons * * * *
Nortes Celestún 25.6 17.0 6.3 5.8 15.3 2.5 0.4 236.4 7.4
Chelem 26.1 32.7 3.7 2.9 12.2 21.2 0.4 39.8 4.5
S.D. O Lagoons * * * * * * *
Dry Celestún 30.9 24.3 3.5 5.1 8.2 12.1 0.6 114.9 5.5
Chelem 32.5 35.8 4.8 2.9 8.7 8.7 1.1 37.2 5.0
S.D. O Lagoons * * * * * *
SIMPER % Contribution 9.53 14.81þ 10.48 8.72 10.03 9.84 11.62þ 13.31þ 11.62þ
F.U. Tapia González et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76 (2008) 418e430 421

(in this study, the sampling sites of each lagoon) in groups, line of each box corresponds to the median, and the mean is
first by the similarity measure (Euclidian distance), and then symbolized by a cross. The upper and lower portions of
by the grouping algorithm (furthest neighbor) (Legendre and each box represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, while the
Legendre, 1998). ends of the bars are the 5th and 95th percentiles. The lateral
To investigate if the lagoons were similar regarding their notch in the boxes corresponds to 95% confidence interval
water quality characteristics, a non-metric multidimensional for the median, therefore, when the notches are overlapped,
scaling (MDS) was carried out with standardized log- it is assumed that the medians do not show significant differ-
transformed data to produce a two-dimensional ordination ences among treatments (Zar, 1997).
plot of the similarities among the stations of each locality. Sig-
nificant differences between lagoons were determined using
a one-way analysis of similarities test (ANOSIM) (Clarke, 4. Results
1993). This test assesses significant differences between
groups of replicates against a series of random simulations, 4.1. Spatial and temporal variation of water quality
resulting in the calculation of a test statistic (R). The test sta- conditions
tistic R will be close to 0 when no differences between data
sets are apparent, and will increase to a maximum of 1 as The average values of water quality characteristics in both
data matrix of both lagoons become dissimilar. As a comple- lagoons are presented in Table 2. The variance analysis
ment, in order to explore the variables that most contribute to showed significant differences ( p > 0.05) between the two la-
the observed differences between lagoons, the SIMPER goons and among the different seasons.
procedure was applied. This procedure analyzes similarity/ Water temperature behavior was related to the seasonal pat-
dissimilarity between pairs or groups of samples and calcu- tern. In Celestún, the highest mean temperature was 33.4  C
lates the contribution of each water quality variable to that during the dry season (June, station 11), while the lowest
similarity/dissimilarity. This information indicates which (24.6  C) was during the ‘‘nortes’’ period (December, station
water characteristics are most important in terms of the ob- 1). In Chelem, the highest mean temperature occurred during
served differences between samples or, in our case, between the dry season (36.1  C, April, station 6), and the lowest dur-
lagoons. The MDS, ANOSIM and SIMPER analyses were ing nortes (25.5  C, December, station 1) (Fig. 2a and b). The
performed using the PRIMER software package developed ANOVA showed significant differences ( p < 0.05) between
at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (Clarke and Warwick, nortes and dry seasons, and between lagoons (Table 2).
1994). Salinity showed an estuarine gradient in Celestún (mean
salinity range was 13e27), while Chelem was marine (mean
3.2. Eutrophic status salinity range was 31e36) (Fig. 2c). The highest mean value
in Celestún occurred during the dry season (27.2, June, station
The sampling sites of each lagoon are enriched with nutri- 11), and the lowest during the rainy season (13.6 October,
ents from natural and anthropogenic sources; therefore, to station 1). In Chelem, a similar pattern was observed of high av-
evaluate water quality in this context in both lagoons, it was erage salinity during dry season (36.2, April, station 1), and low
necessary to use an indicator, the Trophic Index (TI), for values during rainy season (31.5, October, station 3) (Fig. 2d).
each nutrient and Chl-a. This non-dimensional index was The ANOVA showed significant differences ( p < 0.05) annu-
designed to work in a specific manner for each nutrient, ally, seasonally and between lagoons (Table 2).
with application for several types of waters; it is sensitive to Dissolved oxygen showed a slight state of hypoxia
eutrophication stress and simple data is obtained from the cal- (<2 mg L1) in station 1 of Chelem; however, the mean values
culations (Karydis et al., 1983). (Table 2) indicate general healthy conditions of the water col-
Trophic Index (TI) calculations were performed with data umn. Both lagoons showed similar season patterns with the
grouped by zones according to the Classification Analysis highest average during nortes season (>6.5 mg L1) while
(Fig. 6). the lowest was registered during dry season (<3 mg L1).
The ANOVA showed significant differences ( p < 0.05) annu-
C ally, seasonally and between lagoons (Table 2).
TI ¼ þ log A
C  logx Annual mean NO2 was greater in Celestún than in Chelem
(Table 1). In Celestún, the highest NO2 concentrations was
where C is the log of the total nutrient load, x is the nutrient registered during the rainy season (9.9 mM, October, station 5),
total concentration in a certain station, and A is the number and the lowest during the dry season (0.3 mM, June, station 11).
of stations. The TI generates a continuous evaluation of the In Chelem, the highest mean value was registered during the
water quality and gives a value for the degree eutrophication. nortes period (4 mM, February, station 2), and the lowest during
The scale is: oligotrophic <3; oligo-mesotrophic >3 < 3.5; the dry season (1 mM, June, station 10) (Fig. 3a and b). The
mesotrophic >3.5 < 4.5; meso-eutrophic >4.5 < 5; and eutro- ANOVA showed no significant differences ( p < 0.05) during
phic >5. The variability and the differences between areas and the rainy season between lagoons.
times were represented in box-and-whiskers diagrams of sev- The annual mean NO3 concentrations were similar in both
eral water quality variables. In these diagrams, the horizontal lagoons (Table 2), and showed the same temporal pattern with
422 F.U. Tapia González et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76 (2008) 418e430

(a) (b)

Temperature, ºC
Temperature, ºC
32 32

30 30

28 28

26 26

24 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A O D F A J
Station Month

(c) CE CH (d) CE CH




20 Salinity 20

10 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A O D F A J
Station Month

(e) 8 (f) 8

6 6
D.O, mg/l

D.O, mg/l

4 4

2 2

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A O D F A J
Station Month

Fig. 2. Spatial and temporal variation of mean concentration of temperature (a,b), salinity (c,d) and dissolved oxygen (e,f), in Celestún (CE) and Chelem (CH)

high mean concentration during nortes (>12 mM, December), Although mean annual SRP was similar between lagoons
and the lowest during the dry season (1.4 mM Celestún; (Table 2), the high values in Chelem during late nortes and
4.3 mM Chelem). The ANOVA showed no significant differ- early dry season yielded significant differences between la-
ences ( p < 0.05) (Fig. 3c and d), neither annually nor season- goons ( p < 0.05). In Celestún, the highest mean annual SRP
ally, between lagoons (Table 2). occurred during the dry season (0.9 mM, June, station 8), while
The annual mean NH4 concentration was different between the lowest was observed during the rainy season in both la-
lagoons (Table 2). In Celestún, the highest average value oc- goons (>0.4 mM, October). In Chelem, the highest average
curred during the nortes period (15.1 mM, February, stations concentration was observed during nortes (1.2 mM, February,
1 and 2), while the lowest occurred during the rainy season station 7) (Fig. 4a and b). The ANOVA showed annual signif-
(1 mM, October, station 11). In Chelem, the highest mean icant differences ( p < 0.05).
value was observed during the rainy season (21.5 mM, Octo- The annual mean concentration of SRSi was different be-
ber, station 1), while the lowest during the dry season tween lagoons (Table 2); however, there were similar seasonal
(4.5 mM, June, station 8) (Fig. 3e and f). The ANOVA showed patterns of high values during rainy season (335.9 mM Celes-
significant differences ( p < 0.05), annually, during the nortes tún; 58.8 mM Chelem) and lower in the dry season (69.8 mM
season and between lagoons. Celestún; 18.9 mM Chelem) (Fig. 4c and d). In both cases,
F.U. Tapia González et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76 (2008) 418e430 423

(a) CE CH (b) CE CH
12 12

10 10
Nitrites, µM

Nitrites, µM
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A O D F A J
Station Month

(c) CE CH (d) CE CH
25 25

20 20
Nitrates, µM

Nitrates, µM
15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A O D F A J
Station Month

(e) 35 CE CH (f) CE CH

30 30
Ammonium, µM

Ammonium, µM

25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A O D F A J
Station Month

Fig. 3. Spatial and temporal variation of mean concentration of nitrites (a,b), nitrates (c,d) and ammonium (e,f), in Celestún and Chelem lagoons.

a decrease in SRSi concentrations was related to major marine these were log-transformed and standardized before the analy-
water influence during the dry period. The ANOVA showed sis (Zar, 1997).
significant differences ( p < 0.05) both annually and season- In Celestún, the first two components explained 62.3% of
ally between lagoons (Table 2). the hydrological variability (Fig. 5a). Component I was associ-
Chlorophyll a showed higher mean concentrations in Celes- ated with SRSi, temperature and salinity, suggesting a rela-
tún than in Chelem (Table 2). In both lagoons the highest tionship with SGD from springs. Component II was associated
average were registered during nortes period (Celestún with Chl-a and dissolved oxygen, and may be related to produc-
9.1 mg m3, Chelem 7.4 mg m3), and the lowest during the tion-consumption processes.
dry season (Celestún 6.5 mg m3, Chelem 2.8 mg m3). In Chelem, the first two components explained 60.6% of
(Fig. 4e and f). Significant differences were observed annually, the hydrological variability (Fig. 5b). Component I was asso-
during rainy and nortes period. (Table 2). ciated with SRSi and inorganic nitrogen (NO3 and NH4), indi-
cating a relationship with polluted ground water discharges.
4.2. Pattern analysis Component II was associated with dissolved oxygen and
Chl-a, and likely represent eutrophic symptoms.
An ordination analysis was performed with all water qual- Classification analysis shows that both lagoons are divided
ity variables measured; due to the different nature of data, into three zones (Fig. 6). In Celestún, the first zone includes
424 F.U. Tapia González et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76 (2008) 418e430

(a) 1.4 (b) 1.4

1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A O D F A J
Station Month

(c) 400 CE CH (d) CE CH


300 300
SRSi, µM

SRSi, µM
200 200

100 100

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A O D F A J
Station Month

(e) CE CH (f) CE CH
12 12

10 10
Chl-a, mg/m3

Chl-a, mg/m3

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A O D F A J
Station Month

Fig. 4. Spatial and temporal variation of mean concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) (a,b), soluble reactive silica (SRSi) (c,d) and chlorophyll-a
(Chl-a) (e,f) in Celestún and Chelem lagoons.

stations 1, 2, 3 and 4, and is called the inner zone (IZ); the sec- The two-dimensional plot from the non-metric multidimen-
ond zone includes stations 5, 6, 7 and 8, called the mixing sional scaling (MDS) using the hydrological matrix of Celes-
zone (MZ); the third group included stations 9 and 10, corre- tún and Chelem (Fig. 7), showed that the sampling stations of
sponding to the marine zone (SZ). Station 11 belongs to this each site are quite different. The ANOSIM test showed that
last group, although with low similarity, and could be a marine the water quality pattern of both areas differ significantly
reference station (Fig. 6a). (global R ¼ 0.577; p < 0.001). The exploratory analysis (SIM-
At Chelem, the inner zone (IZ) is formed by stations 1, PER) indicated that salinity, SRSi, Chl-a and SRP were vari-
2, 3 and 4. This area has been modified as a canoeing trail ables that contributed most to the differences between
and show higher differences than the other zones. The mix- lagoons (Table 2), suggesting that Chelem is impacted by cul-
ing zone (MZ) includes stations 5 and 6, while the area to- tural eutrophication.
ward the inlet, grouping stations 7, 8, 9 and 10, is the
harbor zone (HZ). As in Celestún, station 11 has high salin- 4.3. Eutrophic status
ity and as a consequence low similarity with other stations
and could be considered a marine reference location The trophic index (TI) regarding NO2 and NO3 showed dif-
(Fig. 6b). ferent behavior in each lagoon. In Celestún, the MZ was
F.U. Tapia González et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76 (2008) 418e430 425

(a) 0.8
chemical characteristics, and perhaps physical processes
such as water residence time, are factors that play an impor-
NO2 tant role in promoting changes in the trophic status. Human
Component II (22%)

0.4 NH4
SRP impacts and SGD have been recognized as sources of nutri-
0.2 Temp ents in shallow coastal ecosystems (Gobler and Boneillo,
0 2003), promoting space-time variations in water quality
-0.2 NO3 characteristics.
-0.4 D.O Sal In Celestún, SGD are important controllers of hydrological
Chl-a dynamics, inducing an estuarine salinity gradient. SGD is
a source of silica and nitrate and thus plays an important
-0.8 role in the water quality of these lagoons (Herrera-Silveira,
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
1994). Nitrate and silicate show peaks in Celestún in the inner
Component I (39%)
zone. In Chelem, the salt/fresh water balance promotes the la-
(b) 0.8 goon’s marine condition (Herrera-Silveira et al., 1998). How-
D.O ever, high ammonium, nitrate and SRP show that SGD is the
0.6 Chl-a
main source of nutrients to the system, suggesting that the
Component II (20%)

0.4 NO2 SRP

aquifer is polluted with municipal wastewaters because there
0.2 SRSi Sal
is no centralized wastewater treatment. Septic tanks provide
0 the only means of sewage treatment and these discharge di-
NH4 Temp rectly into the groundwater. A number of studies have shown

that septic tanks lead to pollution of groundwater and impair-
ment of water quality in coastal ecosystems (Persky, 1986; Gi-
blin and Gaines, 1990; Valiela et al., 1992; LaRoche et al.,
1997; Corbett et al., 2000).
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Celestún and Chelem have water quality variations on rel-
Component I (40%)
atively and spatial scales, and different behaviors in spite of
Fig. 5. Two-dimensional plot of water quality from the two Principal Compo- being in the same marine-coastal region, suggesting that local
nents of the PCA. (a) Celestún Lagoon; (b) Chelem Lagoon. forcing functions control this variability, and probably their
vulnerability to eutrophication.
mesotrophic while the IZ and the SZ were oligotrophic. In
Spatially, the gradients observed in each lagoon are related to
Chelem, a spatial gradient was observed from higher to lower
the balance of fresh/marine water inputs and the physical and
TI, from the IZ toward the HZ. Celestún was oligotrophic for
chemical characteristics of the groundwater. Biogeochemical
NO2 and oligo-mesotrophic for NO3, while Chelem lagoon
processes such as productivity, organic matter decomposition,
was mesotrophic for both nutrients (Fig. 8a and b).
and nitrification/denitrification in specific locations of each
In relation to NH4, the TI followed the same spatial pattern
system, which are related to water residence time, are also
in both lagoons, from higher to lower TI, going from the inner
important factors affecting water quality (Medina-Gómez and
area to the sea in each system (Fig. 8c). In Celestún, average
Herrera-Silveira, 2003).
TI was oligo-mesotrophic, while in Chelem it was mesotro-
The estuarine salinity gradient in Celestún results from
phic, with significant differences among areas.
freshwater springs in the inner area and strong mixing be-
For SRP, the TI in both lagoons was oligotrophic, without
tween middle and marine areas. Chelem is more marine, al-
significant differences among the areas of each lagoon. The
though the inner area (stations 1, 2, 3 and 4) receives SGD.
highest variability in Celestún occurred in the marine zone
However, high water residence time results in evaporation
(MZ), while in Chelem it was in the inner zone (IZ) (Fig. 8d).
and elevated salinity due to restricted water interchange
With respect to SRSi, the TI had similar spatial patterns in
with the middle zone (stations 5 and 6) due to the
both lagoons, higher in the inner areas and lower toward the
Mérida-Progreso highway (Valdés, 1999). Moreover, this
inlet of each lagoon. Variability among zones in each lagoon
condition can promote low dissolved oxygen concentrations
showed significant differences (Fig. 8e). TI average condition
in the inner zone, suggesting symptoms of eutrophication.
for this nutrient was mesotrophic in both lagoons.
Water circulation and residence times in coastal lagoons
Regarding Chl-a, Celestún was, on average, mesotrophic,
are dominated by tide cycles, morphology and fresh water
with significant differences between the SZ and the MZ. In Che-
inputs, and thus, structures that modify water flow, or those
lem, the TI average for Chl-a was oligo-mesotrophic and no sig-
affecting fresh/marine water balance, have been demon-
nificant differences were observed among areas (Fig. 8f).
strated to have effects on the hydrodynamics in these types
of ecosystems, impacting their water quality (Gomez et al.,
5. Discussion 1998; Arhonditsis et al., 2000). Furthermore, eutrophication
processes in these kinds of tropical karst systems are in-
The differences observed in water quality between Celes- duced through local forcing functions such as nutrient loads
tún and Chelem lagoons indicate that local SGD and from SGD and longer water residence times. Thus, the inner
426 F.U. Tapia González et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76 (2008) 418e430


6 IZ

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Fig. 6. Zonation of (a) Celestún Lagoon and (b) Chelem Lagoon from Classification analysis (clusters) according to water quality variables.

zones of both lagoons and the harbor of Chelem show vul- During dry seasons, high air and water temperatures, low
nerability to eutrophication. rainfall and reduced wind speed promote environmental stabil-
Nutrient inputs from SGD with little surface drainage to the ity stimulating organic matter decomposition reflected in high
costal ecosystems of the Yucatán Peninsula, could stimulate concentrations of SRP and NH4. During the rainy season, fresh
aquatic production, heterotrophic activity and oxygen con- water inputs from the aquifer to coastal ecosystems increases,
sumption in the water column. These, in turn, can lead to un- resulting in reduced salinity and high concentrations of nutri-
healthy ecosystem conditions as has been reported for other ents, mainly NO3 and SRSi that stimulate phytoplankton bio-
coastal areas (Boynton et al., 1982; Malone et al., 1986; Ver- mass. During the nortes season, there is continued aquifer
ity, 1987; Kemp and Boynton, 1992; Malone, 1992; Patrıcio discharge, as reflected by the high nutrient concentrations.
et al., 2004; Xu et al., 2005). Also, during this season, low air and water column tempera-
Seasonally, the changes in water quality of each lagoon are tures, and high wind speeds, promote sediment resuspension
related to nutrient inputs that stimulate productivity, organic and high water residence time (Herrera-Silveira and Comı́n,
decomposition, and sediment resuspension, resulting from 1995). Similar spatial and seasonal patterns have been
the mixed temperature conditions, rainfall, and winds that pre- observed in Dzilam lagoon, although this system is considered
vail in each season. These forcing functions play an important to have relative pristine conditions (Medina-Gómez and Herrera-
role in the residence time of water as demonstrated by Silveira, 2003).
Herrera-Silveira et al. (1999) who used the LOICZ model In Celestún, high nitrite, nitrate and silicate concentrations
approach. during the rainy season are related to SGD. While in Chelem,
F.U. Tapia González et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76 (2008) 418e430 427

2D Stress: 0.08 for estimating the conservation status of these types of eco-
systems, and could be useful as a vulnerability indicator,
since the hypothesis has been that coastal ecosystems with
higher natural hydrological variability have higher resilience
CE-I CE-I capacity, at least to natural impacts such as hurricanes
CE-M (Herrera-Silveira, 1993; Comı́n et al., 2004). In this regard,
CH-M the distance matrix displayed as a two-dimensional multidi-
CE-M mensional scaling (MDS) ordination plot, showed clearly
that both lagoons are quite different reflecting the variability
of their hydrological matrix. The main variables, which
explain this dissimilarity, are related to specific characteris-
CE-S CH-H tics of SGD and pollution sources in each lagoon. However,
the distance among the sampling stations of each lagoon, in-
dicates that Celestún is more variable than Chelem, suggest-
ing that the latter is more vulnerable at least to natural
Fig. 7. MDS two-dimensional ordination plots. Celestún: inner zone (B CE-
I), mixing zone (: CE-M), sea zone (- CE-S). Chelem: inner zone (A CH-
I), mixing zone (, CH-M), sea harbor (* CH-H). The eutrophic status as a synthetic characteristic of these
coastal ecosystems (Karydis and Tsirtsis, 1996) indicates that
there are differences between the two lagoons that vary
spatially according to the zoning pattern. With respect to
high nitrites, nitrates and ammonium, mainly in the inner area, dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations, Celestún showed
could be related to high water residence time and SGD pol- an oligo-mesotrophic behavior, while Chelem was meso-
luted with municipal wastewaters, as indicated by high fecal eutrophic. The nutrient loadings from SGD and the higher
coliformes (Tapia-González, 2003). water residence time in Chelem promote these differences,
In both lagoons, the highest Chl-a concentrations occurred driving Chelem to short-term eutrophic conditions if no
during the nortes season, probably due to nutrient concentra- actions are taken soon to reduce wastewaters discharge
tions and microphytobenthos resuspended by turbulence in from the urban area to the aquifer. Several symptoms of
these shallow ecosystems. In coastal lagoons, the processes eutrophic conditions in Chelem have already been observed,
of controlling phytoplankton abundance are very complex, including the loss of seagrass coverage and changes in the
and are associated with nutrient inputs and turbulence induced phytoplankton community (Herrera-Silveira et al., 1999,
by winds and tides (Cloern, 1996). 2000).
Ordination multivariate analysis provided a better view of Regarding SRP, the status of both lagoons was oligotrophic,
the hydrological complexity and water quality of these la- being slightly higher in Chelem. The region’s karst soils pro-
goons through the definition of key variables. These are di- mote low SRP inputs from SGD. This is due to SRP affinity
rectly related with SGD, although their relative contributions for calcium carbonate, which makes it less available in the wa-
are not the same. ter column, turning it into a limiting element for phytoplank-
In Celestún, the key variables indicate a strong saline gra- ton growth. Slight increases in SRP concentrations modify
dient and contributions of SRSi (Component I), as well as significantly the N:P ratio in these ecosystems, and promote
a balance among the production, consumption and remineral- significant changes in aquatic productivity and phytoplankton
ization processes reflected in dissolved oxygen and Chl-a (as community composition (Phlips et al., 2002; Skogen et al.,
key variables in the Component II). 2004; Vuorio et al., 2005).
In Chelem, ammonium is a key variable (Component I), The higher trophic status in Chelem with respect to Celes-
and has been related to remineralization and wastewater dis- tún for nutrient concentrations is not reflected in the Chl-a tro-
charges (Liebeziet et al., 1980). The positive relationship be- phic index. However, the phytoplankton community structure
tween Chl-a, dissolved oxygen, and SRP with the second of both lagoons is different (Herrera-Silveira et al., 1999), sug-
component suggest SRP as a factor that stimulates phytoplank- gesting that, in these karst tropical ecosystems, phytoplankton
ton growth in this system, and also as a symptom of eutrophi- species composition could be in an early stage indicator of
cation (Cloern, 2001). eutrophication.
In spite of the spatial and temporal variability observed The methodological approach followed in this study to
in the water quality of both lagoons, it was possible to de- understand the processes related to water quality and eutro-
termine similarities and differences in the water’s physical phication trends in karst tropical coastal lagoons, through
and chemical characteristics among sampling stations that the simultaneous analyses of two ecosystems differing in
made lagoon zoning possible. Both lagoons were divided water quality due to differences in intensity and type of hu-
into three areas that included similar stations. The number man activities, represents a reference term for monitoring
of stations in each area can vary seasonally as a result of programs, and should not substitute for long-term data anal-
hydrological variability. This behavior of increasing and ysis. We believe that with this paper, we are providing
decreasing the size of these areas is a basic characteristic a sound basis for developing an integrated approach for
428 F.U. Tapia González et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76 (2008) 418e430

(a) Nitrites (b) Nitrates

6 6
5.5 E 5.5 E
5 5
Trophic Index

Trophic Index
4.5 4.5

4 M 4 M

3.5 3.5

3 3
2.5 O 2.5 O

2 2
Zones Zones

(c) Ammonium (d) SRP

6 6
5.5 E 5.5 E
5 5
Trophic Index

Trophic Index
4.5 4.5
4 M 4 M
3.5 3.5
3 3
2.5 O 2.5 O
2 2
Zones Zones

(e) SRSi (f) Chl-a

6 6
5.5 E 5.5 E
5 5
Trophic Index

Trophic Index

4.5 4.5
4 M 4 M

3.5 3.5
3 3
2.5 O 2.5 O

2 2
Zones Zones

Fig. 8. Box-and-whisker diagrams of the Trophic Index calculated by zone of the lagoons: inner zone (IZ), mixing zone (MZ), marine zone (SZ), harbor zone (HZ).
The dashed lines indicate the trophic status: oligotrophic (O), mesotrophic (M) and eutrophic (E).

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