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Micro Miniatures

Battle Manual
Micro Miniatures
Battle Manual
sofhlare copyright o 199; Ed$ad Gabo\\'ski communications / lnpressions

All righrs.cscncd \\'oddNide

This Manualcop) rlght o I9 95 I nrp.cssions

A.lriqh(. rr.n n \J h\lo. \'p^don. h rr.urt..ltr.r LJ" oprcd. cp

dL d rf
uanslarLd or rcd rceo L.'..r\ ele u. r,.. n.(d,rnr L I r | ,dd lF
tbrn \\,ithout rhe pior \$tten conien! ollnlprcssions Soft\vale lnc.
Table of Contents
. .E

H $ --' J* f,'Ff f F
VV re^h ^t" 5 b
ins!ructions lor sorking
only d1c Micro
Miniatures baitle sccrioI
.ldris same. Il]ou are
looking for instlxctions
an olen ie\! oldre cam
paign lcvcl ol Lhis ganc
(\vher€ you gulde dre
course oi th€ entire ci\'11
il'a0, then l,ou are looli
ing in thc \!ronE book.
Turn to rhc booklcL Lirlcd
campaign Manual lor

llvon arc lookins lor a

q ick smfi fbr lha endre
game. or lor inst ctions

gane. dien take a look a!

T€chnical supplemeni

Il ) ou plan !o tr') dre historical battle Nhidr is in.luded \ ith the s hich
sFirsLBullRun.\o,r'fllrl r'.r , ._ .,b., r r ,- r,lr^.rr'\!rlo

rlrsl lqllr'\r1 'r\ 1'I"r ,r,br1r I ,


So, illou rc rcad) lor a batllc. read on.

$'hat follo\ s is a brlel overview ol rsiis the l\,lic.o rUiniatures batlle st st€n.:

Goal ofthe Game ln this battle ststen, )ou issue orders Lo a miniaLurcs
sl)le almy on a
sclolling traulefr€ld.
Each ol) our "piec€s'
can bc controlled i.di
fldrLi'li), or n qro!ps.
rrF\ :lc. r:\ e i.reii-
seice ol their o\\,r and
sonelifies coLrn!er ) oul

dangers. lvhen plaring

a Micro Minialures Lra!
dc,I our goal is o
amrY to less rhan 500/0
of ia's original
strengh. \t hen thjs
has happencd, thc ryin
ner \rillb€ declared.

Additionall), dre com

puter player mat dccidc

losses ioo great.

l he llkelihood oithis

climinat more than 2590 oljts onginalsn€ngth

SequenceofPlay He.e,. .-r-o[ireoll {!toLl-lrro\r'r

\1 rr,.c b.r" . '.o,1..,'. r.cltl ed. \4. ro.\4rn..r.-c!"r -tr1o .\o,.
nr") b'L,l, I ur \.rl or''^r \r.o(!,I .€r.,ionedheF lo{L\F.) r

.,r. e..rn..b.r.. h-r a,. lh tr' l|rIr.rrh, .,. .l' l.r.ul.h. ..,r.r,
1) I ec'. cDrLs s rh .ne ba rl' paused. rrrd ir Serup -node. { h:le ir
rl n oop yol rrserrlPlo.drio15o[]ou rroops only.rl )o.,r rdo'
rhe bdrLlefielo Scroll o\ er.r.e o.,.rletPld o sPe rhe lo.d iols o ] ol.r
ur ir ar'd rdose of rl e en'mt. or Ls rle Overview n op ro do rlF sJrr'":
re\ie\ rle S_a,rs .s lor e.r.t rr'ro-lbr. re d_rny u- nq Lhe Stats
2) Se cr d D e.e .u co_rro b) ..i' kine on ils headr dependir.g o he
conLrolitrode)ou hare "el'Lled. )ou;rrenos Drepdr€d oser Lperfer
rrar nlece lts srouD ol lh€ endre armv,
5a) ! |-;qe,1. pr;:. s lo r.ionrandar) drh1, b€.ng qele rdbl.onrrol
mod.l b! cli(kinq on a oc"r'on on lhe brrrl.leid ,/
tb) cld_qe ihe piece ; orde"s .and an) ollers bPrng.ommrndcd b\ con ro
rnooej ror li nq dr o" Lhe c1' -n). by , n\o orders

30 .. ii e'roup rod' crDrg^ he grolp s formation r1o\ iL is anrne d 01

rl- b;r,lefi-ld) ol .lckiis on .he .nr€e formarion contlols o/
3d) I sF .1e change group number \it 1 S'rg e Vodel. (opy group
number \.r in\19ForgroipmodPs orrhellsl groups sren ro
,\\ircl u_irs berr\ee qoLps (.o rhd. you Lrn crrale _F\ lormJt.orls dnd
movement as fir vour Dlansr.
4) Reoear sre!,s 2ll'roueh Jd ar nrany rinc. ds yoJ liNe A ary I ne du _

'.lsi h, pr;Le* rou'anpre\s ll'e Move Pieces biror drd all oi rh€
serup ord,s iou rare qi,en wilo..ur immediately
5) \!l'e. loL ha\ e fin-hed ."I,r g Lp ) oLI uoop<. prF . End Setup lo
ocg n I he eare \^rl rP'n.riir pau.Pd. bul no\t .he orde s vou gve
\ ili bp. Jrried oui 'n ral-,ime ,insreao olall ar ollle). d-d you hdte
to rhp 'c.r ol . re odulelild r'or tuq )o.,r end of rr.
6) R€p€dr sr.D' 2 .1roush Jd ar -1dnl Lmes as )ou I kF. $ herr ) oL ".\'
finis- o ei\ ire ordera, p-c.. Play ro Irpdusc rhe bar.le: yodr ordF's $ dl
bF cdrreo oLLlrreal-time. he nouse \.houqh lhe'c r' .o poirrl
oL mo!F. a.ld..ick lhe l.fl Toure b rrLorr
er) o ,h:n vorr ue\\ \\hile \ ^4o\e
\ ll€r. vou ivd r ro pduse lhi g" re ard or gir e rew'onmano,
7) Con irueplayineuiui'ih. srde loses )0%orrr'orgnrls(relg'h o-
un r on" ro *rrear. Al h)ponl .rFcompLle-wilde.ldrP
" \'nr'er Atan!r1lP\h'r,.heqdT' .. pausPd lr.r i"1 a so sele t
Autoplay to lct the compuler resolve the conflic! lor you, oI Reteat !o
conced€ the battle and escape.
As describcd abovc, a Micro baltle begins in Setup mode.
s '.lode a lo\. you rpyorr'"oop.orrherlarnonlydrIou.dor
tlre bJnlefield., r-arirs r re lormrronr. order' dnd Brort assiBnrer. .har$.ll
Iet you prepare the best tactics ior lacirg the enemy.

ln qerup modF. you L.e rhe.dTF con n;rnd. -h;I you do rvt.r a, u;rl y lqh-ire
.lre ball e: rl e or lJ d. Teren.e .
hdr rr e resulr. La {e pld.e immedialely,\\\p r
) oL pPss rle -pprolridF t'LIon) .rNrerdoloeirga.tfdouro\er.rm..

Time svqp.l r, a psFudo -Fd {_1e ba1 F sysr.n).

Vr. ro Minrarures
Afr1 ,enrp b"llle stanr paused. a iowrrg yor ro .sl.e.o1ndrds.
You then press the PLAY button !o unpause the game and see the amy act out
\olr ord€6 in redl L:me t!hen ro r $ sh Lo:..s1€ ir€sh.ommrnd\ !o .dr'
.1, k rhe lFi mou'e bu|on ro fi.elc rh, odrlcdqd1.

Pieces and scale In this sysi€n, your troops are represented with small
graphic images olsoldiers called pieces. Each side has up to 125 pieces in a
given battler each pi€ce represents several men on Lhe batrlcncld.

The number olmen in each piece depends on the numberolmen fighting in a

ghien battle; men are divided so tha! all the infantry and cavalry soldiers on lhe
larger.rde ft irro I 5p .cc;rnd_hc.r;rn l.4.o1nonftirro 0p"Le -l
sdp w rh tewp sill rhen lrdve leser bL d I pre.F ord q r.r Ip. s I
stat $'ith the same number olmen.

Pi€ce Types There are three basic types olpieces: inlanrry, ca\,alry and
- are footsoldierc ihat carry one ola variety olweapon types.
aftiliery. hfantry
cavalry are soldieF on horseback lhat can figh! using sabres orguns.
Artillery are soldiers manning one ol a vadely ol cannon types. (For more
inb-maron on rl' sr'Flg hs a rd \?al ne.., q or.a h rlp. q.r rl Tipsand
Tactics chapler rr rhe end olthis booldet.)

Arny Control- To help you move your picccs more quicldy, j'ou can give
molp1en .omrardsdr rhre€ efF.. crrele p'oupdrdal. rli s\t|l
-l.o{ ) oL .o rn""e mJlor, h,nse, ro,h' e;.ire;rni or "nvFdk' a s rsh pie, F
into position both s'ith lhe same movement commands.
. !+rPi+lr

Tffain - The bartlefield is a rectangle otSO by 80 squares. Each square - can

hod onll one pieceata
on€ Di€ce at a iime. "sqJa'c
ume. A "square
"souare" olthe
ol lne battlefield
ld reples€nts
Daltleltelo represeirs approxl
rcpresents aDproxi
m,rch lo.]
maleh I 00 virdc
lo0 vx lno hor erer _he siTe
vard,, h.trelerrhe ola.
-le ol a pie(e ir d squdre d'lends or
hor iir"r! ren .t iepresenE Al horrgh lhe bdlileleld oo^s Lller .han I is
wide, it is actualLy square.

the ,er.rin oled.1 bar.le srned ir ''rc gane . campaign lerel r gener-led b\
rl-e comDut.r oa.edonrhe erranI'hi,qrrreo rh..rlpaign nap $'l'€i
Lhe barli o--LIs. ,Nole: T_is r- nol l|e (ase lor inv hlslorical ba!lP"
d""rened .or The dlue & The cray rhcc are-hjrd..aleo ford..uu,).,
The'tenain yolr pieces encounter dn the batllefield rvillaffect ho$' they move
and figh!.

Whcn vou snn .r barlc ourr_g c ' qimF. yo u vi'l o. rr'l all)
pld. ed;r .ne end or rle b"r.lelleld { h'ch ic mosr appropr:are Io rle d'e, r.orr
from $hrch rhe atla.k orginared.
Here are some rctes on the inteface used in thisgame:
. whenever this manual instructs you !o 'tlick, "Left-cLick, "press" or
'sel..r" a'r ilem .rom the qame s. cen, ir medn Lh.rl you stould rolF
rhe rouse poinler ro har ipm ard pre", .he lefi mousc bu1on.

. Addirionallv, you rrn repealedl) selecl an ilem s thol.r hd!ing Lo (I'ck

repea,edly by po nljng Lo i.. then cllk 19 IhF right -nol5€ buLlol and
hotding the button doivn.
. ln,ome pans ol rhe gare. you $illn€ed ro eller lexl rusudlly loi a
namel us ne Ihe ke\ bodrd. u h€ne\'er lh c o..ur:, a,mdll arca ol-he
screF_ s ll ;e b.ank"ed ouL and d srall bla, k cursor appPar. \oL . dn
then type. The Backspace, D€lete and hsert kevs can be used to
iaiiiti.'t"'t' preiJ *'e'n't.t' key or cltck the lelt fiouse button when

. Somc mFlu op.ions.rir L,e lo*qled bFrue.n n\o dillercnL serirgs:

rhFse dre mdrked $;rh an arrow graphil. when one ol*ese opdon, is
displd\ ed:n a me'u,ll'" sFrting sho\tn is its current serring: illot
oniha option the menu wifl disappear and the option willslvitch to its
other setting.
. some parts of the game will call up a query panel, which is a small
gray ractangle which lets you quickly answer yes/no quesdons. This
tanel will ganerally appear directly under your mouse pointer, t\'ith the
poirr".Frrer.don the _delauk arsrv.r. lo lesoond lo _h . panel. si-n-
pLy click on the Yes" or 'No option.

The soldiers on yourbattlefield arc called pieces; each one actually represents
several men, fighting as one unit. You control the baltle by giving ordels to
these pi€ces, eilher indilidually or in groups.

Eacl iac.evFral hdra.'prisri.s rl-"r.onuols the \va) I mores. lgh s.

and respor ds ro ordprs. I l-e) are ljsred belo$. in lhe order in wh ch llre}
aDDear on rhe A,licro Miniatures control Parel:

Ea.h p e.F o.l bo,h srde" is ass:Bned - rrr nber. lnNumbe(

genF";|. l,jle t nion rroops hr\e umberJ lrom I ro arorrd l2q
:nd .ne conleder.Ie pie(es hare nLrmbprs lon
2o ro noour

Piece Type This id€ntifies the piece as infantry, cavalry or arfillery. For
inlonnation on these types, see the overview, Tips and
Tactlcs and How the System works chapters.

Each picce is assigned at least one weapon. For infantry, this

is a t}?e olgun. Ca\,alry pieces have both a gun (lor regllar
distance fighiing) and a sabre (i.e. sword, ior flerce hand to
hand combat) i ho$,ever they can only use one at a iime. For
aftillery. lhis is a type olcannon.

Each weapon t)'pe causes its o\!n amounl ofdamage, based on

ir des.nrr.jre po$er and hc ime .r ral.e. _o reload.
In a campaign battl€, weapons willbe based on the gun b/p€s
and cannon t] pes arailable !o your lorces a! the lime olthe
barde. ln a histoical battle, they will be based on historical

Ouality Fd.h prF.e _a.. qd"liD r"ring rll-t me-sLres irs erperience
dno,ra nirei 'h.. dererrines r pie.e i abil.r' in hdnd o'dld
combat and firing weapons. This can be one olnve bvels:
poor, average, good, very good, and €lire. Naturally pieces ol
higherqualiq, lvillp€rfom better on the baulefi€ld.
Each piece has a morale raiing, that m€asures its desirc to
fight. l! affects a piece s lvillingness to engage in hand_to-
h;nd combat. and its success lihen [ehting hand to-hand.
There are five levels ofmorale: very lo!v, low, ffne, high, \'ery

ca(h oe.e'Fprererrsse\eralr' n. A p.eLe Jles Men 'ddm-

aec f-on arkks b} deplerg so-ne oliLs men: \'her all.he
r-en ki.led, rl'e p ce dei.- .Nore:
"re acr"allt refe's ro rhe nr mber of . dn.lo|s. 1en hougt
'I rrber
€Jch Lannon actualh L'es more rl d_ on'ooerJlor lo I c l.
whela;rnilFrl min isloq. hp.dnion indal IqopF'd.ors
are iost.)

Group tJch piece is a..rgr.o .o o e ol fil'v a\a ldole Number g'oup\.

.he5e group< allou ) ou lo mo\ c sPvFral piecer \.ll. onc

This rates lhe damage caused by a piece rvhen it attack in

hand to hand combat.

D€fense This m€asurcs the ability of a piece to d€iend itsellin hand'to

Firepo$'er This rales the damage caused by a piece $'hen it fires a long_
rnnee NFapon, be it:r qun o a.dn.lor Ho{e\e lhe dmolll
ofd;maqe cJLsed by IhF exr Jdoi.iondlll o) .he
qipe ollveapon fircd and oiher iactors.

Order: Fire This defines lvhere and when a piece should fire ils gun oI can'

order: This defines when a piece should engage in hand

Special Characteristics: Cavalry
Th€ fblloNing h{o cha.actcristjcs onlt appb lo caralry picccsl

cavalry pieces can eirhcr nlounL or dismount dr€ir horscsr dis

mounted pieces novc at regular infuntry speed, buL arc beltet
at frring thcir guns.

cavalry pi€ces can s$'rtch be!\\ ccn using dreil guns

choice (tbr dismn.e fishring) and thc sabres (lirr fierce ha.d to hand

Special Characteristics: Artillery

'I r" lol.L \.ng

ser TargeL Lal, I'i.. "rb. il.r'':( . rror.1

| \: I oor b" d hdr "re" a-..o) n". L'r:d(. brffr. "de.
. ".e
n 'olo r rhd. "lpe.I n r1.., ., ed.
when you are fighting a Micro Miniatures battle, the main screen can be in one
ofrwo modes: cbmmand mode, where you give orders while the Iighting is
par sed;and barrle node. where )ou scrollorer rhe ba,iefF.d a.ld walch )oul
:o, e. tghr Almo,r al conuols in rl'e gane a-F a..F(ed fuom .ornmand

The main screen in command mode can be broken down into loursections:
Menu Bar, Information Bar, Dlsplay window and control Panel. These are
each described below.

ll"4:1! l


1. I4enu Bar, 2. lnlomation Bar, 3- Display window, 4. Grid Bulton,

5. Micro Miniatures Control Panel
Menu Bar
'lri. rl.en.?lpro rf r\"\ u.,rr ' Inr'ir.,r ,lur.: ll.e cfofrL . rFe.l.rr'.lo{s
or 'c n..' . ,r)o rh'e...e. r(.UrPi ronr. rr pull-down r.l. rs lle
simpb dick on its nane on thc bar ard the menu $'ill appear below.
lKeiboard Note: \'ou can also access a menu b) typing thc und€rlined l€ttel

You can select an opiion ironr an) nlcru simpl) b) clicking on it, o. b) typing
the fiISt letrer in the nanc olthc optilru.
For reterencc. the lbur nrenus and theiroptions arc lisled belo\v. See the lol
lo\!ing chapt€F tirr intbmution on cach option.

Sares the curlen! game.
Loads a previously sarcd game
. Restart Game
. Exit to Dos ShuLs do$'n the prosran.

. Map scroll chrrscs rhe s.roll ng sp€ed $hen d spla)

. came sp€ed ch_anges the speed at \fhich battl€s oc r.

. Display Derail- Togqles high and lou, gEphic detail.
'lb*qlcs rhe optional Yisibility rules.
. Sound FX Togqles sound effects.
Togqles nusic.
Togqles die usc oldiftelent unilorm
t) pes lbr inianrry pieres
This menu has no options, but selecting this menu automatically
accesses the STATS screen.

. Attack Displays Attack statistics for every piece on screen.
. Defense
- Displays Delense statistics for every piece on screen.
Filepower - Displays Firepori'er slatistics lor every piece on
' - screen
. Croup Number- Displa)q Croup Numbers for evPru pretr on screen.
. Morale Displ") , Mor ale sLar is_ics lor e\ eD pie. e on sc reen.
. M€n in -Piece Displays the number ol men each piece represents
- lor every piece on the screen.
. overvlew Accesses the oven'ie\v map.

FinaUy, the dat€ of the batde is displayed a! the r€ht end ol the Menlr Bar.

Information Bar
The bar below ihe Menlr Bar displays fi\'o pieces of irlomation on the current
batde: the name of fte battle is lisied to the left, and the weather on lhe bat-
defield is listed to !h€ right.

Note You can change the name ol the cunent battle by clicking on it,
then B/ping a new name and pressing the ENTER key.

Display Window
The left hand side ol the screen contains a Display window u,hich can be
scrolled to view anv area of the batdefield- The terrain ol the baitlefield
r lc uoing h:lls. ueis ri\ersand slructurFs) are displaled he'e. and each piece
rs drsplayed as a smali soldier.

Ilihe currently selected piece {rhc one you to rhich you give orde6) is
located $'i!hi! the Display lvindou,, it will be surrounded silh a white rectan-
gle. lilhar piec€ cunenrly has movement instructions, and its cuff€nl destina-
aion is locatad $'ithin th€ Display windoN, then it \i'ill be narked wiih a white

llyou are in group mode (where you give orders !o a group olpicces instead of
onc) ;rl ol r+ o lrer meml ers (n€ se eced pie. P - group \il bF s rroL.ld'd
N rl gray recraneles. olrhos,"rFrr\ hd,emo'emen.
nsLru lions. rh€ir de"r ."rio1s ( f re) dpppar in .le Displ.r) \:ndo$) $ ill b.
marked with a gray "x".
Yoll can use the sciollbals along dre right and bottom sides olthe lvindow io
. lineF rLs \ ?w. 5, roll o:rr...hdnqe lle lo.d-io- .hosr n tl e $indoq
whei \oL n,o\e $e nh Le scroll box nsne olea-h bar IoL-eJscrollb.ll do
one things:

1) click on the scroll box inside the scroll bar, mo\,e the mouse in
e:rher oire- ion and cli.k arain ro release rhe bo\.
-) clik ir'\e gray spales ro'.llr er'jde olr.e s!ro.l bor (o more ir
tolr'ards where you clicked.
3) click on dre arrow buttons on either end olthe ba[,lo move the
scroll box towards thenl.

There are olher rvays to shilt lhe Display Windoi{ see lhe chapter lilled
vie\ring rhe Batttefi€ld for details.
one final oplion on the Display window is the Grid butron, located at lhe cor
ner where the tlvo scroll bars meet. ftess this button to display a gid across
.he d,splat uindorv. \rrlersloL nprsre r|e drr.rn(es be Neel p.pc, . dnd
oLh€r rlems on the bartlefield.

Control Panel
The Micro Miriatures Confiol Panel on the ight side of lhe screen displays
information about th€ currently selected piece, and contains icons lor access-
ing no$ olthe controls olthe game. (lt is compietely differenl ftom th€ confiol
Panel used in the campaign l€vel olthis game.)
NOTE: rolre ;.orE irp on y rrd lat,,e lor L. € i- p;rnr. u.dr !oruol nrodes
dnd sjrh par icJlar lpFs o jn lh€sc dcl:. . 'he I ur ' $ ll disap_
pear or lheir names riill be grayed out to signal that they do no! ttork.

The function oleach icon and data display are descibed belo$':

NOI E: ll. rrn bF-s on .hii oirera_1 a c usPd rr roLghoJl (hF manuil
\vhc r Il-ese . ornJnos re nrrrrlonFo lorre.eren!e Thc) ir"alsodl-pl:
cated in the Reference Card included in vourgame package.

1) Micro-Map-lh'$hile.eclarqrr- \' g eerr .e.l-rrgle c\o\.' \'t1

dr'do'heb-llel€ldis \ow. nrfeD.phJ wildo\.. .l lrr4or-
o. drjoll on (nis rrdp \/ il sh fr .llF Displ-) \\.ndo\t o l'
2) Piece Sratisri.s L-s loll rLri. .irs lo lL sF Ffleo pieLe
5) -
Mornr/Dismount-.h.,,p€cd bl_rol . rol-rrs di,moLr 'd\d
pic..s. lr dlle.- sele. edp' . c n sI 3l' Urd Jll rodc<: r d IP rs . r.

piece s entir€ group in group mode.

4) ahanee weapon -h s "pF. Jl [,r tlon s$'r' t s.ard I rre's
- rsi
o-rr\eir rvr.loin{(L rd€<. llalT..r'lrF.Fe.edpie.. t-_9'
and a l rodec r alle !s rl,e piere .n rr" ero r!, i.. erorp mod,
5) ov€rview Displ-\jo1ed ,\'o "rdp ol rhe\hv(b;rl htelo .h'
odllle.r be\ieriedir "dl im.lorrrel..rr,. "dp
6) Selecr Nexr/Previous
- I n single or dl nod . rl.e". Ll-.rons :Lrllp
lrom piece to piece in your armyr iiirl group mode, the) iunp ftonl group

7) Nu-mbdr of Men .neroup rode. r.isdr!'l.rj. he_u_bF'o re|

a.ld r re number or p.n '. ii r.rF seiec.€d s oup ..pdrd Fo b) r do. lI
.irlele dfld mooe;, ,h. oispl-\, .he numbc o 'ner irr .he..1.. ed
8) List GrouDs A.lo$ tor ro -rd sl-pl ore qrorp inlo arrl\.- olP
chanse cioup Whcl rh . s rl-ll eo on . ick 19 o r p e.e" rdd hen
n . re sele(rld pic ceroup. !\orL"onlJ ins19'a.ldgrol-prnoder.
l0) croup Numbei- ln Srnqle \4ode. rl, updnodo$rrbtrlonLJIo\
, ou
-o, h.nee rre ero.rp a $'i.h I\' .rnerr.) sele.redpic.'Fdssgred
1t) view Bu(tons D:spdysLnl lore] 1.pie(eloca..d 1Lhe Display
window Brror n o der. .\rrdck. .roLt, \U-b r. DPl.r "e. ]\lo.dle
fireoo$ e( A4en in Piece.
r2) fbrings Displ"),. re oatlle raI_3' loI lle piece ltr_.ilg.e
TodF,'-+ ar.d " {il,hor la irgs !,o,ir.\ely r.d ncgir\ely"ll'L(ed
by terrain.
ll4th Cav
Qualitx : Poor
MdralE: Fine
oder lor thc pier€ and,
d.pcnding on s hi.h

Atta& : ++ 1

14) ordirr: Engage

DFfsncP:++ I
D -plr\s rhe e rgise

arros bLruon dunges

thc od.r tirr rhe piece
and, dependins or
\rhidr mode \ou art ir
irs grout o. Llir tlrlire

lal Halt - Slrrps lhe

mode ]oLr ar in .l the
group or the enrjre
S'r,ol" Etr
16l set In singlc nodr c"",," tal
r rc
-DL. nl L rLrr.n scls
' ai l.rr rrler t,r , .Alt tot
sel€ct€d anillell fi!.c.
t7) Fomation ln sroup
modc. thc ano\r biur.rns nerit tr. thc Lhi'cc gra) bo\es oldera gloLrp Lo
Dakc a lb narbn \!ith a certajn dir€ction. thickness and facing
(rrspecri\ el!).
l8l Mode Select onc ol Llntc bulLons isingle. Group, All) Lcr conlrol \\'hich
n.rde )ou arc irlr \\t(. receiles !,1ur rrl.1rcnlcnt (and ordelr conr
Retreat concede deleat and escape dre batile.
Auroplay calculate the rcst olthe battle automatically and give the

21) Play Enter batLle mode and unpause dre gane.

In Setup Mode
At lhc stan ola batLlc, fic Control Pancl is configured slightly diflcrcndy lor
Setup l\4ode B rtons 20 (Autopla)) and 21 (Pla)) are replaced rvith rh€ tbl-
loNing two buftons:

20A) Move
- This but- Single
ton immediately Move Pieces
2lA) End
Setup This bulton begins the ganre (\vhere all orders are no\! acted irl real

About the Following Chapters

The next ren chapters cover lhe diflerenr confiols arailabl€ in command mode:
Th€ chapters that lollow descdbe how you use the controls aft€r a battle has
beguni however when a baltle stans these instructions do not completely apply.
when you engage in ba le as part ol a campaign game, you mlIst go lhrough
Serup Mode betore rhe bar.le beg:ns. to place ) our I oops rlro ta. rr. d lv konh-
khrle pos tions and prepar€ rhem ior the fiqht

NOTE: This is unneccssary $,hen you play a Historical Battle (such as

''Firsr Buil Run, which is included with this game) . ln lhese batdes your
pieces are aheady set up lor you in histodcally aulhentic formations.

Before a battle actually stans, the Main scr€en appea$ in setup moder this is
ind.cared bya smal oispayor rhe nlor-ndrjon bJi. Add.rionally.ll'e \ulopay
120) and .2 ) bunons dre replJ.ed wi.h r\\o new burlons: Mov€ Pi€ces
t20A) and End Setup (2lA).
When in setup mode, you can do some or all of the following things to improve
your tactical silualion:

. Move pieces, groups or the enlire amy into new locations on fte map.
. Puigroups into nelv flormalions.
. Mount or dismount cavalry for their fust assaulls.
. select weapons lor calalry
. change fidng and engag€menr orde6
. A.n.ndi\idJalrn:ller) arspecifr localro's.
. combine o. reanange groups to best suit your lactical plans.

In shon, you can do anything lhatyou can do during a baitle.

You accomplish these lhings through the same commands and leatures that
)ou use during a batrle. Thcse commands work in rhe same \{ays that they do
drnlqabar'lc wrhore rey orTerFr,e: me doe, no. p-,s q hile ) oL od"tu
'I h s a lo\s oL ro mrneL\ er lroops in o rl'p| sc'up posirro_s
quicklyr they simply jump to their destinations rvhen you tell them.

NOTE: Naturally, il you were a devious commander, you migh! try to

us. rhrs ro rsrdr rlv ourlla rk fi e enem). l ll€refor€. $hen ) ou are ir
.erup rode lou can only pl-.e p.€!e, .n loca iols or your end ol ll e
whencyer you give orders ro move pieces or assign them !o ne\{' formarions.
"dupon. Whenlou{rn.LoaLrudl.y
rtesF ord, s are remembeied bur nora.
mo\e.1F ep'e.F. lrorheir n€s po. il ions. iusr press rhe Move Pieces .2 OA)
br.ron r. rhe bonon o''he aon rol Par,el: lhrs irned arpt) a.t. our all pendine
mo\ cmenL and lomar.on o'ders. YoI can press lhi5 JL Jr) .imF ou-rg.etup

When you have finished setting up lor a battle, you stan ir by pressing ihe End
Setup (2lA) at the bottom ol ihe Control Panel.

NoTE: Remember that you do not have to do an!, setling up at all; il

you n'ani, you can leave your troops the nay rhey are. And if lhe batde
se€ms inadusable.lou can dlso pre., .ne Rerrear \lo) bur_or a( Lhe bol
'om ol.he Conr-olPdnelf'or wirLin selLp mode

To use Setup Mode, you nahually need ro be larniliar with ho$' the many lea-
iures ofthe Confiol Panel rvorks. rve recommend you skim the lollowing chap-
ters olibis booklet belore you se! up your first baiileradditionally you ca:n usd
fe rurorolin(lJded in .he Technical Supplemenr and Tulorialboolder ro
beLomF td_1lar \L.lh some leJlrrres and conTirndr

1 e"m "crcen
,e s'o\rs o s|r-ll oon'on o. .he en. I bil lefi'ld \a|r ill)
"Ilv e olrhe tarl,f d rlurr .h., o l' ep r'",k ol tou lor'e5
i\ ll need o -€e'no
'oL r\o"e o. rlre cr r.1l.erea, n'or'q. ol
i_d 'i' \'rg rerei )tr\' orrrLe
lelo"!\rndo.\ rrdrl.rl er\1\.€{

MovinglheDisplaywindow _T_FrF"r'.€\!ral \tJIsro n,o\rrle'l tlr\

\v'; rhe fiBr s rhe kevboard:
. drros reli tot", *. t* tr'll. .he dir ''iJ ro .he l1oN
' pae€ up mo\es up halfa s.Ieen "'
'. p.,qe
-.|o\e" do\lr h rl .,s,r."r
mo\es left hallr scrern
. -
- moles dght halla screen
Se.n dh. \or ..,_. r.,, o. tl,eer'. r Micro Map,l) rn lF op le I'o1 er ol
'he.o rr,: P.n, l ro rL\e.he disp rt :.,. rele r.e I re slr.le, r"nql. sho{s
rne,,er Lh.t is,:JrLen..\ disoa\ed in.n. b;rr l' \irdo$ )Jr. \cn ro 5c ol
5 roo\h o\er .reba tir;etri.1o. .d-nddo'\rr.herighlI oFeourorrrd
.drag th€ mouse ovcr lll€ Miclo i\'lap.

Thirdl), )'oll can also use lhe scroll bars as dcsclibed in the Main screen
LaYout chapter.

on rl. Overview L. br.rrcn I elo$ 'r' \r' rc

Overview Maos
- .1. N'r"-
or! <ho$_nQ heen.jr. bdl'lefield Bo(\ 'dp'drecon

rr.,ieo-Llrourha ser 'Jr.

bu ro.. bao{ rh,1 . r-..' b,r.on' ;rre rrJred ir' ral " rn
nre lollos n;paLagrrphs. The r\\o nlaps ale

small, fLicr" r.rl.m"pibo,r..$ne h s,'Folllelli o[lap

BJl.ons rl,e m,,p ro; \ I h o \c.r sro{irrt,1,"/.r or /.//.'r'or
.h( map. I he.UJelrry rrr.ron .I I 'Ps )o rr \ ie$ o r' ' lJree m,rp
Large: This large map filLs the righi hallofrhe screen, and shows both
terrain features and army pieces. A special option here, P1drv, allows you
ro war.t he barre in rcal imei press lhis b. Lor. .o unprlre lhe gJme.
rh-no"ecsrhe-S lFy ol rhe kcvboard ro s op pla) lhe s/,a,?,t br lro
ss'itches your view to lhe small map.

When you are done, press rore to shut dorvn eith€r Oven'iew map.
\ hen \'o . d oe re!e:\ ed bv o-., so-np or .rll ol
s re an orde- lo \our -o-c,... ir
'..le. 16r.'.: r.-n.hoosi' 1 h\el-'sllichtou(o-rro IoL'solder'b)
'oL ns one ol .hree control modes, -ll. tro.rp ano Lngh. lhe rhree rod.q
apply mainly to movemenl commands and the o[d€rs 'Fire and Engag€ :

. The highes! level is ALL: in ihis mode any nloYement commands

or orderj l or '.: \ e wil"ppll .o e\ eD pi(rFrr )JL anrrJ
. lhe ridd h\el,sGRoUP:irr h.Tod."rrJ ro!€nreJrl ro_1
nunds oL oders applied to a group nember $,ill also bc carded out
brir. ello'\ sro.,pi' nrber". Ar) irnL,Lr )lpic es \ol"n) rloe
'"rtepl-!Ld 1rle.alleqrol-p Jr.d(olrbdrrle L4nss rlr)cL
anny di\ rdcd nto groups loL )or,
. tLe lo\\es. .e!el L SlNGl E: - rl s |ode )or .on olr;r.t prF.e

In addition to movenrent and orders, drere ale sonre other conmands Nhich
\ yl, d fierelldr in dilr +
| rode . o. \lo :
I ore or r$o prrr ru ar
nooe\ lu€\e c rclm5.dnles..Le oL l:rrd \1 en r .on,nrJrds a1.. r|hF

Selectinq $hich cont.ol nlode )ou lvant to use is simpl€| click either on Single,
crouo or All n Lhc Mode.l8) r,o\ dl lhc bo ro_, o ,he Lor,Lrol P"1' .
.KeylioardNot€:"'e.i jrl.( nr ,{c\. rhroLqh rlec' ho.F-\.
When giving orders !o your troops, you must first select a padicular piece who
\!iJ recere rhose o'der". llyou drp ir single mode.,ee Jbore) Lhispiecewrl our rhe.le\roroer
be rhe on ) onc )ougile ll)'ouporall
nooe. orrer pre.F il no\'€ or re"pond wilh he sele.rcd p'e.F o.l.e d p.ece
is selF. rd
dll fu rure orders dre sen rh'ougl I unrl vou sF e.. dno.her.

There are two ways tr sel€ct a piece: by dght'clicking on a piece in lhe Display
Windolv. or by pr€ssing the Select NexvPre!'ious buttons. Both are explained

Righr -clicking on a Piece lhe ersiesr \!d) ro selecr a p:ece is lo.arF u ir
rl', d sp ay windorv. porn. .o i. wi.h rl,e mousc ard preq( rhF right rorse bur-
ron. Dbn r LSe rh€ lerr bu ro' as rFa_.on|ols rovemenr (dnd is.o\ered iare0.

lo se e( apoces rhrr.rorsF.)oLmr"rrighr (l:c! onlLecorrecLpa'rofa

p".c ThF oitlFrs lor diflereIL t)pei olpiec€s. a. expl" ncd belo\

Infantryr click on lhe picce s h€ad.

Cavalry: ci.ko_rhetop-lefl(ortrerolrhepie.e lh:s \t'l be Lrsl Lo
the left olth€ prece s head.
Aniilery: cl;-" on rn€ rop letl comer of_h, p ece. Depending on
$h.lrwr) lne p.ece s "cing rhF'F may or ndI 1(). be - head rhere
kdrr help lgxring out $ nere to .li.r. ) oL can acl ralp rhe Grid brlLon
lr you
aro'\ lere rne scroll bars nreer. a _he bot_on r glr . ornpl ol rhe djspla)
sirdo$) ro displa\ agridorpr_h, bdfilefield. Ca\alD dnd Anil]eq drer$o
map sqlrares across and t\rro map-squares do\vn, so it is easy to see where to
click 10 select them.

Select Nexr/Previous.o)
-TlesF ourn_s roLated neJr Lhe.opolrhe
Cont ol Ddr.l. \'ill,). h rl rolgh yo I lorLes in one oi rwo uavs. Il loL drF
single o" aU node ounon"s i mp t,or p ro pre p or rhe bdflJ'
'i:ll .s c1or
fie d. in oroer ol the:r Pie(e Numbers rhe About"cePieLes, ll)ou
are in group mode, lhe bultons jump you ftom group to groupi this is a conve
rrienr way o? quick ) scrnring s nar ed, n grorp is doing on (he ba_rlpf . d.
wr'r d pe.p:s -ele,red.I sil. b€come ed by a whit€ rectangle. llir
piece (see rhe statistics chaprer for delails).

l. \ ou are eroup node, .he other p . es rr iLs gro.,L' $ ill b, lrg_l ghred $:lh
griy rect;nslis, -nd .he d'sr.rarrons lor .nosP pie.Fs wi.l bP m.rrI €d $ rh
Erai "X s .-lhis allow. lou ro see. 'r d g arn . e\a.d) $hi.h p ece' !ou"
group commands Nill alte.t.

f-nrilv. I vou slr.n ro.r \ ieu Io d_orler !.rn ol \e bd_rlel'erd rrrd {"nt o
qr,.ckJy nore Lo .ne area suffolrd seleceo plF.e. )oL cJn do so bv
pressLng the c ke) on lhe ke)board
Commandirqa prF.e ro rno\e.n simp.:. rplt pojn..o lh€ deiir' d dFsrinarion
.i.e. \\h,'e r-\F iiF.e s feel should baj nrledlph}\.ndoNdrd'|.(.heleft
;ou'e ol on his locadon rv U 0e marked o\ a while "x .

l. ) or dre single nooe. on.) lrr€ sel€c Pd p'ce wr I be oroered lo fl orc ir) oJ
ra :n group iode nis lel.oiv qroup rerbFrs s jl, Jlso more rle "ane leldr.te
_x s". llloJ die.n
a_1oL r-i, .neir d€s.inal ora wrli be "nar^ed wi.h gray
all node, everyone u'ill mov€ (but only the selected piece s destination lvill be

Movement Rules
Here are some ruLes tha! affec! movement:

. (a\alry pie. es nove nvice rs lasl as infdrrD.

. An,leru more hallas lasl as rnlantn
.Note: 8e."use olll'ese 1\o'ules. group" made up oln-u Lple
piece rypes $rll mole une\enl).)
. Pieces aie slo\r'cd by rivers (not bridges), trees, hill crests and
. lla nie.e i, \rndin€ on r€rra n Lha. dllec., -rs Arta. k ano Delensp
irr sinsle mooe. lhen lfose eTe'rs \ti'l be
raLiries,,nd tou a
shoivn bv '++ or - markeis next to lhose latings (12) on the
conffolianel. A ++ means the mting is impro_ved b)r lhc rerlain;
.- means th€ ratirg is lowered. You can use this to make sure thal
your men are propidy located to get benefits (and avoid dra$'
irackr) I om bardaades and other terGin features.
. Each map squdF on .he map cd'hod on.) one pie(e
ar a rim.: so $nen allied p ece. colldF wi.h er.h o he-. or a"e
ordered .o more inro tre aame map sq!,are. rhc pre. es s ill lr) Lo
-\oio each orhe'. hhile pmdining as clos. ro heir des.inr.ion a.
po.sible. Tlisalso o-.LIs \rher ro ro'r'-te fofir'arions
(see a later chapter lor detaik).
Ilyou $,ani to srop a piec€, group or the enlire army ftom moving, press ih€
Hak .l!) burron;boie he .hree fom .on con. 01 rl-e.oruol PJnel. 1l (
X ia+, s for dll ol rr.e p:e(es .ntol''cd \rl drs.ppe"r .o.ign.rl thrl llcy
l'"re sroppeo lhl.ommdnd . d't. Fo b) control mode rsl I kc _hF -no\'_

Addironau\'. a dece \\rll

stop ir an)-oltire lo los
ing situadons:

. When it reaches its

. lnvoh,ed in
hand 6 hand comba! (bu!
in mos! cases, diey wjll
conrinue to lhcir desdna-
ron after. fight)
. Tlanother pie.e if rrs
group gers in\ol\ ed in
hand to lund conlbar.
and its cunent destination
Nould lake it too lar away
lrom the fighring piece.

one final noLe, Troops do

not leave rhe bartlefield.

roi gr e :o a pie.e ,,et belo$ '. .,rrrolar
i{hoiir it shoois. ll j,ou wanL io change the lacins ol a piece, you can use dre
Formation (l7) icons described in a later chapter. Alrcrnatively, you can
move the pi€ce at least one square in dle dircction you u'ant il to lace.
h addilion to commanding pjeces ro moye, you must also give them orders
$,hich detine when and $tere they shootat lhe enemy and engage h hand to
hand combat. Additionally, there are speciaL oders that apply specificalb !o
cavalry and adillery pieces. Allofthese are noted belolv.

cen€ral orders:
Fire and Engage

The llo orders butions. Fire

(13) and Engage (14) allo$r
you to tell your pieces $'hen and
$'here to fire at the enemy, and
$hen to engage dle enenrt iri
hand to hand combar. Th€se
orden alTecr the selected piece,
its group or the enlire almy,
depending on \!hat cont.ol mode
is acti!e.

These two oders arc located

halfr{ay do\Yn the controL Panel.
The cunendy selected orders are
displayed ill gray boxcsr to
.hanse rhem clirk on rhe arrow
butto-n to rhe rie rr ol the disp a).
; r: lili:d

The-options fbr Fire arel

Hold Do not llrr. This improrcs the chances ol picces ensaging

in hand-to-lund combat
Arrarper freonlv nu.d'r.,r.'rrr',. lFpr'.rs Lr.enl.\ 1, n! lrL
" Fr..t'le.'.rrrroledl'r' ot,oL\1 rF'dro.r|r'lr1 fdcingu
\o..' pi'. s \'L rr'€ MovingTroops!l..ror".
AL wi'l -i - d t djr ..i" ri r\rh no, \ h r rrrSF
!\'en o.r. ' Isinalemode.rh dr plr) l"r -rr \\11 '
r.r.Iojr r_r'r' erangeolr_F .r errl\ 'Plc r'dpFe'$ po'r
(ilhc is usirg a gun or nunring a canno'1).

The options lbr Engage arc,

on Do not tngage ir hand to hand conrba! lrnlcss an en€nr) picce k

comnand !er! clos€ itwo map squales asa) or closea.
Ai itiil-
Eil \.; ;;i';";nir;i'iilii loiarca il.,e *rap-dquares arvay or closer.

NolL: lr.erlr i.t.r .- Iorrr pie.e'r I dpper ir.,.ri'eo rn" lrn"-\ tc. '.r "ra erll,e\ f ,\', oeF. orde.droooso lnii
0..,.:s {hen. .ri, . r... poor .flo jrh ..,r"irrg j. (o dF cs"rd i, eng.,qe
n err, rdd ihr'r ..\aredi-d u Iirr. re How the Syslem works

picc€s a|oid hand to hand colnba! ar all costs, due to

NoTE: Anillery'-i''Iel.r'
I er snr. .l ri . .he' {1 ignore .'n) old s ro en€.,':e rL
enem\ Lr 1 L ss rhe\ ire dreLr \' atrncked firs!.

Special Cavalry Orders

\\her,..c"\dn L_e.e ., L(1,. .o. n'c.rddirard .orn:Lds"1 dlaiuble.,r \'
.,:1, rr edr.e i,.ihe Cc rro Ddn'l: Mount/DismounI .) J_d change
weapon.{ ' tr't ,ppFdr 6atroworr|ol|osoi ds lbllo$
Mounr/Dismount lri\orl lns\i.,h(. c.r'alO Ir. '" L'e \t ,. ror n.jr,e
..r,ad n"rr.irsrheir \. 'fc D.r o,ir 'l.irdr nr\! r ' errl.r 'rrlJrir'
spccd, bur are n!.re successtul$'hen nring a gun.
charge weapon Ihis bLr.Lon .o",gles cr\ alry pieces bcrvee r usirg rt-r
+ns and .hejr sabrcs Caralry piecesarP pa-iculddy.Te.'hF rvih ll"eIs.b'es
{ter on hor."bar k: simia'ly rlpy drF berrer -shor- when rte} rre dismouIr

llyou are in single orall mode s hen yoJ use lhese bu1o1s, rhpy w ll affecr
onl) pjece. lfyou a e n group mode. hey wlldl';. erery.d\al-
Lhe selecred
ry piece in the selected piece sgroup.

Special Artillery Order

1l you have selected an artlllery piece and are in single mode, a button called
set ( I 6) will appear below the Fire and Engage order displays. It is explained

set (Target) t indi' idual anilleq piece ro

se .his command .o order dn
bombard J -
lo.aLion wiLh cannon l]e
Th€ D ece rvill fi€n bombard
rha. square. hil ing a'y or all oi rhe pre.pq u hhir one ro rwo .quares ol rhe
target. The bombardment wi also destroy any bardcades or bridges that it

tl no target is set, dre adillery piece qiill choose its own targets like any other
piece rvielding a gun. l[ a piece moves, it loses its target s€tting.

ll you n'ant to
cLear an adilery piece's target setting, yolr can change its firing
orders, or move dre target.
_F i:Fllit*m

since )ou control se\,eral picces at once that arc collected inlo one group, th€
I ormi io,.o-lT;rno. dl oi\' I oU ro mo\ e I oLr qrorp r-o.isr )
.r r.s.dpdrF'r.\ikFrne..rnoiqrdre.). Tl.s, frrndrors.]l Lhen b€
ar.,.eedirraLr..,.h Lserr..lpo ilorconrl.lelo lor d \lrielr o[purposes lo
'1Fd.a r',d r or.:r. del.rF \c n.c for blo.kinS rdn ir-,rr!e (o dr arpa. o n|d.\
said lines, !o flank ftc en€my, oreven to cross bddges in the quick€st$,ay pos-
sible. Basical\', lormations should be dre building block olyoul tactical plans.

The tlnee Formation (17) icons appear beloN rhe ordels dlsplays on thc
.or.rolP-nel lhe) orll tu1.ror n group mode r.orherrod,.I\Fwo-d
"romrrtior' erdrcd or.r drd rhe b rr.orD do no' e po1d. fa.\ r.on rel re
senl aodtreniLhJrd r€ris.[ ol.r lor'1ar.on. direcdon. thickness-nd fa(
ing. use the h\o aros buttons ncxt to each icon to change lhe settings lor

Each ollhe dlree characteistics ola lormalion are cxplained belo\':

Direction: This detemjnes ho$,pieces $,ill line up oler lhe battle-

field: as a hodzonral row, \'erticaL column or diagonal.

Thickness: this deremin€< hok clos, \ rrp

dffa re'd irr .he .urmrio lr 'r;r" l!F sF'r rq.

single tight {onc solid line)

double tight ln\,o solid lines) sh;ulder ro shoulder.

single skirmish (one dofted line) spread out, single row

double skirmish (fi{'o dotted lines) -
lolm a perimeler square.

Facing: This dctcrmines in which direction dle pieces lace. Generally

this icon is only useful4E rihe pieces halc leach€d their locations in lhe
fomaioni dunging lhis icon ihen rotates the pieces in the group !o thc
proper facins.
llyou change eilher the direction or thickn€ss icons, the group \!illassume a
rr\l .]ation li) or clu|ge onl) rle facing r. on.. you w ll, ia_qe he dire.
rionorelFrypiccei|heqoup o!,..he\ \rilliro. dssumF lnp forrrior
Th. s
useful when you $ant to direc! your pieces to fire in a specific direction.

After you change a folmalion, you can r€vie!\'fic ne\\'iacings and destinations
rtdr \Lcre assigned Lo }odr by left-rlicking o1 d_v n;r4 r. pan ol \e
s.rFen ,i.F. rhc a ea lh€ . ormJ.ion nons)

wheD you order a group to assume a fbrmation, it chooses lhe location of the
currently selected piece lor the rop'leftnost corner ol the lonnaLion. The
.\.'p rons ro'h s are d.dgorul lormJ.ions s hi.l tur lroT bolon lct o rop
righr n rlesp. dse. _h;r locdrior L,e.orn€\ lhe borrom leftmosr. or..r or ihe
lonnation. The selecred piece will not nccessarily fill that location, since the
pieiei lir,e up :n ord.l br.ed herr pie " nun b -

Specific Uses for Formations

Tight Lines 'hese dre eood ior leepi.rg r .e enerl tio pk{. ng 1r ou3l
o..e r:gh..i I'onr J lo\a
a rn
you to prepare flanking naneu\.ers, aftillery and other plans
behind it, \t'ithout \r,orrying abouL cnenry encroachmen!.

skirmish These are good lor scouting large areas olunseen

Lines ,.-ra n. d_d rtercrore pani.rldrl) \ell rriLed or Fog of wdr
(see a later chaprer ol th s nrirual).

Double These decrease the chances olenemy pieces breaking

Thickn€ss through a deiensile line, but also lorce the line

Vertical These are good lorsending nankinsgroups alons

Lin€s lhe sides oi dre battlefield, lor "punchnrg throush a defcnsi\'c
line, or for crossing bddges.

Squares These are good for defending against a Cavalry charge, since it
lTrrsrle rLmbe ols:oesapie.eonwh''h) o.
are p"ni!Jldrly bJd r3-inr Ani len.
atu.l.Fd. Horvcrc . rhel
since neighbodng picces are likelv ro be hinvhen a cannon
Ar .h( urn o,r I, nol l,( ar;rngeo n gro.rps wti, t bFr
ro.r pir" es r'3lu
sLi vou|a. .a. plrns I mil
occ d rring r ba_rlP a1d $an.
.ifise. Io.,
ro.orso ioJLe t\esu^ tcr'lnloleqe grolrpq. To li-ndl€ ll'se q tual on,
rhere Jre .hree \v"ts ro mo\€ p.!.es ben(peh g oLps changing ind.\id.ral
erorp numbers. (opying g oLrp -L-nber rnd transl€rring erolp( Ea.l' ol
drern is explained belolv.

NoTEr For each ollhese methods, you can use up to fffty goup num
bers. Union piayers use group numbes from 0 to 49; conledelates use
qolpnrrrters irom50ioi
Lr moslba lc. llFrF$i.l beplplrvo-
unused sroup rumbers arailatl€

Chanqinq Group Numbers Tl s'n-nees lhe group numbl olan irdr\ d_

.,;l praeio oo rlri< rou n uq be . i single mode. he proress.s cin pe: 'elec.
ip;r- JIdrher pt. heGroupNurnber\'O\'.ro\ o.rtlor''Fd h',opol
rn; r ornrol Panrl ro .elF r rhe approp ,dre groJ! r,.rnrber

coDvins crouo Numbers I rL cooies hc qrolp n rmber

- h 'ele led o
p.ei: onic .rn. trcr p .. ' I ou .I'oose r'.ar biedone:nerhc'singleo gloup
.od€ rir.r, 1 e.r .hF pie.e or eroup s I osp €.ror p n,rn bF- )ou \..h lo cop).
'I llen. pr .. r1F changa Croup
.o) burton \nrr""d croup on lhe Co.r'ol
P,rflo rurn on change Group rode. thi< \Lil bF rrd''aLed b) d le\. parrPl
ird"! o|hc i1ornJ.jon brr. \ou. nplJ left (li(korrighl click.r
dn\ ol\or Drencor rh'b-rtl€lled, drd rhe\ $ill beaddcd,odesi edsro.rp
.N;re: lllou "re in group mode. see lher o n lre gro ro.r< ll'e!
beconrc hrghhght€d \LIh gray re.tanges.l

w_F r)oJ Lserh. rerhod. n:rhe<rP lopressrheChangeGroupbrrLorrlL

ru ir offbcfore ) ou t[ to Lc\uc olherorders.

Transferrlng croups alloNs you to m€rge an enlire group into anoth

err jr or- a1I,on -This
r ol mode. You sLnn bI pre<s.ns
_h' Lisl Groups
b lLonncJ rr. Jp ol .ne r(onr'o q
Pdnel. . h nccc)r' IhF I is. trroups scr'c1
" irrb"ma on. I ron hc I F'
\\rc\ al o$s ll-n.lers and d..o d.-ph)! sro'p
Groups Scrcen:
1) Press NEXT and PREI,IOUS to move through the groups unlil rhe
one )oL wanr ro appears the selecied groip < ocaro. is
alwals d:splayed on lhe small Overvieu map neai lh,- Lenter olrlF

2) Pr€ss TRANSFER.
3a) Use NEXT and PREI4OUS to select the group to \i,hich you wani
to transfer; click on YES to transfer lhe group.
5b) lfyou change ),our mind, click on CANCEL at any time to exit the
TRANSFER procedurc.

You can repeat these sreps as -rdny n.les a< yoL like Cli.nonFIN|SHED
lnere rhree \rafs yoLr. dn lies s-a.istjls on )our Iorces by looking on th'
"rePanel: by us..lq r're si\ vlew Statistics con-nanos. dnd b) 1(e\s:ng
rF srats s.rFen. trch merhod i< e\pa ned bFlow:
NoTE: Deflnilions lor the statistics mentioned belo$,are located in the
chapler ti ed About Pieces.

controlPanel The corrrolpdrelshous Lhe lollo{ ing star'$ .s lo lle.dF

renrlJ'selecred prece. lLst€d ftom rop lo boffom:

Pi€ce statisiics (2) Piece Nunber and TYpe


Number of Men (A llinsinsle or all rnode, this shoss rh€ nunlber ol

men rn ihe selecred piece liinqroupmode.this
shows the nunber olmen and pieces in the selected
group, sepaGted by a dor.

Group Nunber (10)

Rartngs (12) Artack (including tefiain effecls)
Delense (including lerrain effects)

orders: Fire (13) llrnsrngle mode, also weapon Range

orders: Engage (14) Engag€menr (hand ro hand) Olders

view stats commands

- Ilyou wish to see lnformation on all ol the pieces
,oo.h you15.rdrq, F_Fm]\) d-pldled.n rhebar"eNirdow.)oL.dnd..ess
.he loilo$ irs six .ormards lro'n ure view nrerL .or -he venu Ba4. or b)
pres.irg rl e appropriare view Burbn .l I ) near rn" rop ol.he conuol Panel:

colunn 1, Rorv 1 Attack

Column 1, Row 2 Defense
Column 1, Row 3
Column 2, Row 1 Group Number
column 2, Row 2
Collrmn 2, Rorv 3

Each olthese options displays ihe apprcpriate slaristics in arrowheads floating

abo\p ea,n pece Arff^. D€lense dnd t:repo!\er rar rgc run f"on 0 ro oo
croJp Numoers run fio-n 0 ro ao lor Fcd, 'al p av.-s. (0 ro oo ior
Morale tuns from 0 {\,ery lo$ ) to 4 (very high) .

stats screen selecting this option ftom tbe Menu Bar displays a screen
that shows the cowse olthe batlle. This screen Lists the number olmen and
pieces cudendy active and lost dudngbattle, soted by pi€ce type, lor bolh

NoTEi The statisrics lor the enerny $iill only include those Active men
that you can cunently sec; if Fog of war is active (see a Later chapter ol
this manual). ihen these numb€rs will noi necessanly represent all o[!he

Viewing Enemy Statistics

Ilanenemy piece is visible on the map, then you can vierv its statistics by
right cllcklng on it.This displays a gray panel ol statistics over the contrcl
panel. when you are done. click either mouse button to close the paneland

Ih s iedrure .eL you kno$ era(tly { ha k1do'_rooo.vouare'a.ine.drdcdn

b', ru.i"1 $hen haUng tac lalp ars Fore\arph. ili,or knou wh"dl rifles
rhe arc us ne you.a. look up rhF r range ln the b".k ol rhis manral
and trv rc sDy out ofrt.
: t.ift#


\\'-F jF\er \L.r-r(in.o_r anonrod!.rh -1a'.l'! pausedso tou "ne.\e
oroers. l_re lot o\'ll e \o -.rd. "l Jf !o ro. e€ r).r ordFrs. "r ded c!' . o
simply hare the conputer conlplcte the baftle lol !on:

Plav- Pe.iuJLncPlav.2i)o.rrlcr"l r'Fr,ol orr ol l" aorllo Prnelr''l,r'

bdtile node. : lr" nrie. o' ar ol. e.rl."barrr' lFdano\.rrc"\otu
'roopi ca_n oL )oL Lr0(r. ll_:- __----
',, real-rme rl,i\ rrodc is ll
t"tt"."'"* ''ili l
lifflild'"'t" ll;-o-"., ii',"i_,,, ;: rR.
Rear-rime overview
- rr lli-j.:.ii7:.,::;'!:r;!!-::4a4,.:'7:',' t, :.-::: :.

i*i*,$:i#l ll',=,'*'ii"dfud*x

:t w#ir,::Iri::*
i"ilir'i;gi" t"i,,Ir,
olw,.ffiAWffi ,',:',
t]1li. ll ldEN,#.w?-4'J..ff6*8K1.:.,:,,.,
;i;'i; pi;i'".ri k;i;;; .
Autoplay ftessing the Autoplay (20) butlon at dre boftom olrh€ Conffol
P-nel lFrs rhe.orpurer. d L dreq rF! resll(j ot - bJn.e r l o I JLrurl ) fiq1t-
ing.r o.rr. bJsedor.hF.orposllonso'_h, n\o.dpi tl $ill q,i.r.) rerot\e
the battle lor ) ou and gi|e you rh€ result. This feature is uselul in Iong cam
paign games, $rhere you ma) no! Nant !o fight every skimish rhar ads€s.

NOTE: Remember rhat a bartlc \\,ill€nd autonaticalh $4ren eithersid€ has

05 more rhrn so pe(ent clrler." gndl su'r lg lcirc€. Al ern.r.:r€.\ ei,
sidc may retreat b€lore dris happens (s€e below).

Retreat Pe.sirg rte RetreaL .ro) bu ro. al th€ boltom ollhe Con.rol Panel
lers vou $ithdra\! !our ior .lrF od rle dr l|-le: yo.r ma) Lse .hr
'$rhen a stafting or continuing
a battle seems inadvisable or

The compuler may call lor a

reir€ar when ir loses too
many meni this becom€s
likely after it loses 25
percent olits origiral
\ he'vou enrer baule mooe rby pressirg rhe Play \21) bul or d ne borom ol
LheconLrol P-nelr. I1F s.reen is lll"d \\ rr d s.rolline r Pw ol he ba llPl eld
yo.I Dicce. rnd tho,€ or _hF e.l.mI b€eln lo .a-ry oLL Lheir order5 r.l Pal
Borh 'ln
_ti. 1ode. you .a.l do L scroll lle dr pldy lnd pausP ll e grm€
rhe lean,res oiBaule"1.Mode are e\Dlained belo\v:

s(rolljne the Disolav - YorrsLrollrhc displa) 'vi.herrherrhP ke)board o- ll-e

m.rFe ihe kevboaid -ommand. drF rdFrr!i.alLo rlosF r.l Lommald mode:
mov€s one nap square h the direction of the arfolv
. pase moves uD halla screen
'.lp mo!es dbwn hall a screen
moves leli hall a screen
moves dght hali a scle€n
o rh€ mouse. . nplv r.1o\ e lh- nou.e nrrrd|e(ion)oI$isl
'-'ollurilg o
s. rcl To srop sLrolli g. mo\ e :hc fl ouse br.k ro jts o-rsird poslio;r
'l eirher crsp. a .-rdl . qrcer. : qL. e L-lled a View t,ldicaror L drsp arpd i1 lhe
(orner olfie.,re.r Tre $hi.e re, u|Sle 1!de i nd.L-rF. $i.a.pir or
the battlefield is curcntly displayed.

l'!ev tacations vou lkf yo, .rr la\e hF.oror et lemembet uD ro nin€
pe r;rl lolqrions -ol rhe ba'I. ae d. so rhar t o..r.a-,r-rrp ro llrt oIF ol ri.m
bIprF nngdkeJ on,heffybodrd. odoih.",s.rotro" a
nimberkevton I to9 Il-en.$1e-vou$"nllo\i-s onFo.rhcsesiec:r.
lo' ore .,he dppropn.r'e fu n(lion key ton Fl .o F9. \vrF. d ba tte
begins rh€se lo.Jr or. dr' se ro lornr - .hr.e-bv rh ec gr jd,prero d. "o* -hp
hifiFfi. d

Ballle Animdlions Ar a ba(.le progr"sqe". Iou $.ll see somF o- at or lte

walking Pieces Piec€s wili be animaled as they move from map square io
1;ro sor.,re. Add lona'v. iIlhe\ 'he) {i.l
"re n \\d_.r
be ihoivn submersed in warer iD ro rheiL wajsr.
Clashing Arms When nvo preces are engaqed in hand to hand
.o nba. you \, ll <ee lhen ri irs a-d fa.line each
orher i nie rl rs rs o..llr:nq. trie) arFddrae,rqe,.n
orher depler nq .1F n rmbcr ot men in ea. L piete.

Pece elripped s.rh eun. firea_'ccrlar .n(enJl.,i.ldr-

.ar€d b) DuTs ofeu1smoke ar rheend. ol \e.r rine,
Howe\ ei, .h- doF. ror r_d ca e $ he.hF- or nor lhe h.l

NOTEr .a\aln"'e h, e'.ept.o .orhs. h,Idono.sno smoke.

bur srlL fire ar fheir rirpers

Cannon Fire A"r l.qp !.e" fire -r resxl;I ltenals.ius..ikeeunTel;

and srmiladl rhe\ dre Nirh e!nsmoke-at
tlre mouth ofrhe cannon. Ho$,ever, rhe impact oflhe
hlarr is also nErked b\ smokc. lollo\\ed b\ a black
crdter (o.non ll e n-r;.c"s a'e un -. detdly o rrr€.1
unlonunat€ \i.lims as a slrrreht on hrr AllilleD is
much morc powerful than regular guns.

corpses Whell i o.,r . k,.led ,'vhen allolrl.e ".n I 'e!,re

.-n.s ar'lrlFoj. -.orps; wil rpte" o_ 'he b"tl.efie'd Io
nurk its Passing.

Pausinq rhe Game - To pd rse .he qdm' sirrrpl) . i'l rr e lefl mouc'b rrLorr
or tlTe L're E-(') on ll:P r'evtor'o rLr< f-eezes
dme 01 rle bar.lefie d a rd ren-nrj !ou ro Commrnd
The lollowing game options are available lrom the FILE Menu on the Menu

save saves the curent game using the Direclory

Load Lrads a previousL) saved game using rhe Directory

window (see below). saved gam€ may be in eiiher
campaign or baitie mode.
Restart Game Stafts the battle over.
Exit ro Dos shuts down the progam.

Directory Window
This $,indo!v appears \r'hen you save or load files. lts leatures arc:

File window Clickon a file in lhis rvindow io sel€ct it for loading

ll nre.e are more nLes than can he sho$n rn lhe lrle

window, prcss lhese arrow buttons to vie$'the rest,
Filename Click here io edit the clrrent seleclion lo! saving or
save/Load Press fiis buttonto save or load the selected file
name You ma! he asked to confim this action.
cancel Exit without sai'ing or loadiig.
As a batde progresses, the game willbe silently
saved ar reqnar rnreruals as AIJTOSA\IF. SAV lhrs
can be swiiihed off lrom rhe Dir€ctoD wjndo$, by
clicking on iB arrow button.
j jr;rt,G4a-

Th€ folloi{ing configuration options ale alailable from the options menu on
the Menu Bar:

Map Scroll 'I h',peed ar whi r rhe map wirl .' rol . l 0 is lasresr'
Ga,ne Speed 'tl'e soe.d ar \rhich a barrl. proqresses O i( ldsresL
On fd;r -na,h.nes.p;rnr.u.arD uith lo.d -bls graphks'
ro\lerine rl,is -p'.d $il gi\e )oJ r'-le 'o te"rlr .o ll.

Display Detail contr6ls the level oldetail sholvn lor baltleneh scenery.
At Low level, same time and scrolling are faster. This
only applies to Micro Miniatures banles.
Fogofwar See the chaprcr tded Eogofwar.
sound FX Toqeies sodnd ellecls on and ofl
Tlnes ToRqles musrc on and oll
Uniforms Conffols the use olnruk ple ufiform t\p€s on the
bafflefield. see below.

lhe h,rran pL\er io1 hdve up Lo lhr', r)pes s on I re b:r'llelerd, rh '
oor'on e- rbutl'oo.e rna. .ne se.ond di.i th:rd urilor r r) pes "re .Un lo'-n I
,ahravs rhe.are L,ndrrd lr"d o.,al u ilonn). Wr Fr' )o.r see. rhs ooLion.
_hr.e unjlomr rypc' . rck orr he affo\' .le\'
d orneiaoDca's sho\tir'e the "
rvoes z aib ; Lo.har eir-"m. \ ou.jre dJoiv;o'o cl.oo'e L-rronr' olo her
,;lors as s'eLlas AftrAn-American sold ers.

Fach Die.e . dsssned J urilor'n b"seo or $h h se"pon il l,rs, a DiF.e $ill'

rne fir.r rv"apon assrened ro . rl"nrD eel' ulrlorn Dp€ lid prP.e sjlh .he s .
ond rveapor ee- rri-f3rr I p' 2 rnd hc hro $eJpon qcl" urrlomr llp.

rTlF ordi. ilivrich rhF.e i\arpon. are a

igu€o .
d -lrrned on rhP cam-
paign level.)

NoTEi Unilom Lypes only affecL inlantry.

T\'s gdme oprjon adds rhe.hallenge ol visibility Io rle gdmF. h ndkes the
rv:,ro \4:nir ies s) sLem even 1o"e a. ncd'ly.\allengirg and€. and
gready increases rhe diffrculry olthe game.

when this opnon is nrmed on, the lollowing effects occur,

. Enemy pieces $,iu only appear on the battlefieid if they are in sight
ot your piecps. Tle drtanrp you sill be ro see will vary wi,h lhF
wearh€r. SFe rhe How rfte Systen works "ble chaplcr'o. der:rrls or
visibility langes.
. Enemy uni! data will not appear on the overview map or view Stats

. The stats screen will only include the enemy troops thal you can see

' Tle campdign lp\ pl ol Lhe game :s ahoaileaed by Fogolwar. seF L.

manual lor deails

Before settingup your almy, as youBelflhese questions about the upcoming

. What is the enemy s size, quaLity and location? (some ofth€se can be
onl! iound our as the battte u lolds )
. whir ls rhe batrlefield remin like?
. Is lhe weath€r goingto effect the batd€?
. whar is my realisli intcntion to hold this ground or to push tlre
enemy r\va)'?
r D. h,!erhr menror.-r^ oltm\ intcnLionrl
. ls the cost olmy plan too:qrea!, clther in lives or in other stlategic

. whar do I believe the cnemv wiLl do?

. considedng lhose plans, wiele shor.rld I place my men io gain maxi_
mdm ad\anLqce our ollhe lenairr belor.'.le:
. Shou d I lFors; rile r€ ojqan zar on olBojpi o bpllcr tu ll. TI
. Should larb(k fiar. and ifso $'here?
' Iimy inilialplan fails, N'illl be prepared? Hate I got sumcient
reseNes to cover any gaps tha! may appear?
. Have I got the dght troops in the right locations?

t hese ouFqron\ rdn oror de you \\irr rdn! d:llcrPn dr q\er. dependirg o_
rhcn.iaro-rhand H.*";e ome een( ;l lor rsillgyoJi roopJro Ll-
fiI your plans:
The Three Types of Soldier
Infantry are your average gunmen, with avemge ability in hand !o hand. If
your.nfunrry re goirg i_ro d gun ba tle .or "fire-figh. ). rd{e sure yoI
enem! isr'l belrer .unpd rna.l \ oL. o_helvise the\ r\i.l hJ\ e .he dd\'anue€ and
.he fig'r rniqhr be, bit one sd;o. A hdrd ro hani as,)rh soulo bp bdtei

Cavalry {ere gFr Flally uldPr u.ed iu Lhe u dr. where re_air .he\ are
ex.dle1l ar or. flanling rhe eneny. U)e ll,eir ,peed advanEiF: don' be alraid
ro d smourr rhem Jnd r se rl-em a5 sld.p shooleB .,in.- lhey a-e bF'ter chors
wler or foor) re nounr.nq ano -"'rea'irq r'drac\ld .nn;
bal lhe)\e\.h€I ihJrg.rg hoBebrc"gi\e5
them increased Atlack ratings and speed. So cha€e in ,nd le! lhe fight,occurj
but dontbe afraid to pull your horsenlen back, regroup and thengo again.

Aniilery.hou d bc'reld bJck and rsFo ro pould tl-e enem) .ines: dn ioFd p ar
.s.o Jse .hpn .o \\eal, r ar area 'oiowrfroLgh{ihrour
,rlanr^. lt - sonh sudrdrls theT s:lI s6me men. thev dre;oor aL h;nd Lo
hdro. ambat dr e ro:nerr sr-al -ze o-h a landtuI o. mi'n pei pr". ej. aro
therefore avord it unless rracke.l

Attack Sequences
h is n. Dtu to I'rink \ oLr orRle Dlan- m rerln" ol Lh€ s€ouence oiarl,. k,
\or {i.l i1i.iare. fo .xanple a l)?:-r. .equFrrF o'dflack n.eht be
. Begin Anillery a.ld lnldrrru fi re Lnr:l )or I numerical sup€rioriry.s
. 8egnafeinra acko Drno.rheenenvI1e,alu(konepdnoll1e
enemy rrne, to d!\'erl rhe €ne'ny s lorces).
. Beqin lhe mair dd|an.p ard (harge rsrn a hanoro hand auack) on

. IlsuccesStul, the fiIst line should hold irs ground while a fresh s€cond
lin€ pushes torvards th€ enemy.
. lfunsuccessful, ihe firs! line shouLd entera close range fire fight and
rvait ior the second line ro nrn past and hand-ro-hand attack rhi

lhere are ndn) vir.arons rn afl.r.k

vou r glr lihe lo .D l e onp
Uplon did dl SpoLsyha.lrd, \\Le he lronr ljne haene-yposi.ion.i.

oLJ[ left ana riehl allo\tine'resh se(ond dnd third I .o Lonc 'hrough
l"Jii", **"' ,:s knosr a-q rre ".rrd a- RLrr "$hcrerherrorr l.lF, plr Ir
Lhe niddle One.rall,rdvin. e. r sf nr d. Lrn.e \+rle'he ol' r hdl,Brrd ard
f,re\ whenlnead\an. 1ehr.l isr- poidon,rhet Lnfil_gwhle heoller
sioe Jdrances.o ioi hpii"nd ' brri.he inc h, l(l ngrr'progr'sson
..,ir nues uriL:lh"nd-to-hJnd Jrbdl l.rkc' pla'e llisrerhodalot 'oni"1I
firing ar the enemy.

Maintaining a Battle
oLL I oU par.urbvuringserupmode ogerloJr
Ird\,'lq \orrrpo pi"'s
_e essrrv co lllal $h,1ln'
n o pos.r.on. ' goup organ Lation il
o-r(lab'gir")oLoll hdt€lo.rueLonlnrald o olle ^r nro qloups ar o tlnle
when mr"ins dn assaJh. feeo \ouJ ren irrlo he td.dsgradually: r, L're bar_
rl. .ropress€s"\ou l- eel ;r bFnei lee '^r'trerEl's dr d w€akn.ssP' on th' lhld
.o iou'iin t'"n sn.rir". en,oharc o' rn cl ne. Lhe nc1 )oJ \ e held ra.l'

we rh€relore recommend having youl n]ain attack lorce in a series ol llnes

rdLher rndn o.F c-FJ. bL_chl lnljln.u a'. ) oL <'ould rD .o \' ep d,lror3
fron line, bv keiD:ne _hF p.lem\ inf-orrrollhshe )ouI'a\e'helreedo-r.o
no.iLion and oreoire"n"r benird ir ror .re r rdr e rters \ldkP iclicd use ol
iqral' ana.o.Lrr brmdlio.s. ds des.ibed rr Lhe Formalions 'hdDr'r
Make good use ofyour resenes tu lhe lollowing lvays:

. .nen\ i. a \L."kne,s 'n h s L.' l:c ippears

dLta.k rlre
. .ounterau,kti'epnerl uhel\Fe\ploils;r\\eaknessir )oL ta. i's
. reinforce vour linc{s)
. rori a njnk ,sid. olroJr H rF'r' to cal \ hrm rndF+r ded
/rhis is called'n.
'roi. "flankine 1

. irorid. cor"r ill he rien. ol , La. i.dl r€ re"r t\\r'ere you lose erou rd
io regroup, but srill conti ue rhe batrl€)

Finah\. renr' 1rOer to r€inforce success b) \p o !ing your nrengLhs and he

enem! s r'eaknes"e.. \ ren do 19 \ii liming L.rll imporun
Here are some irsights into hoi!' die Micro Miniatures System calculates iis bat-
tles, lvhich will help you plan your bartle taclics:

Morale Each pi€ce\ rating in morale is based directly on its experiences in

rhe brrtlefield When Diece is snccL<.fu1 in ld'd ld.d .o_1bar, rr. [4o"dle
i "
in(reases; ur"u .,<<fu1 rr decreases. \o
on ) r1ar. bur rl is sr.ess or la -
J'e alTerLs pie.F sunounding trar one as rrell. lnrhis\!d).eJ!hjndi\:duJls
mo"dleand,r.rrd -re rtle..€d b)) rhe morrle and acLionsol('re
other. Additionally, the death ola nearby eneny piece raises the morale of

Morale affects the rlillingness ot a piece to engage h hand to hand batle, and
aff€cts ih€ abilities ofa piece in hand io hand baltle and Nhen firing a lveapon.

Auack lnitiatire (or "\^ihy won ( my pieces engage?") ll- pie.e jr h-,
Poor rno..rle. .r $ill no. enqJge - neJrbI o. Ar _h " loN
enem) e' en ilordered
morrle l€\el .he pie(e $oJld iarher be in.Lbo d nare h;rnis,{.rsllc\orli\es.
llsu.h a pipce s mo?lc s 'aFcd bI ncd-bv.!F_rs. rhen i sll rFrun ro rt.
,n,. oo". no, upply !o anillery pieces, ri,ho will never engage in
"oru,to hand combat unless direcdy attacked.

Hand to Hand Battles when n{o opposing pieces mee! a hand to hand
fight ensues. There is one calculation, bas€d on the follo$'ing factols:

. the advancing unifs afiack strenglh

. Cavalry only: how the piece is mounted and a(med (sabre wielding
pieces o1 ho sebark have ircrea."d aEack rd_irgs'
. the defendrng unrt s defens€ srrength
. the number ofmen in each piece
. the terrain the Fvo pieces ale on
. rhe qualiry of rhe n\o noops
. the ftorale olthe two trooDs
. he number eI"n y..ienol) lrcops rrmeoidlel) nearby
.'\herh(-rrep.e!ehasorde'rstol]le dsliishJnrpclcl.ard.ohird
corbir .not app ic;rb e ro t.r\d n cirf irrg srbr'
l,re resllL \\:ll eeuer,, lr. a r\e .he lors ol men in ool_ lqh.ine prc'F' llre
"lo*es \iil os ne,jdc'
sioe \rh fF$€r expel.n. e d galn in mordle { l,:le he
norale {illdrop. lh'\.llpullback rom rhc dqcdrlr ro reqoup
drd i. ir <uffF.s;Jm!;e|| da .ldqe .l sil keFl on going irL] r.r'-1.

c nfire Tateers
choosin€_ro.hoor _ 8". h oi€ce an,ed s.irh - eL1 nu- de.ide
\"h"rn€r ar +Pn ) I re ' and \nri.l rrgel oiF e'1 La.h o_ rhesF
is conlrolled by a diffe(ent set olrules.

Thc rules lor detemining whether or not a piec€ should fire ar€:

. A nie.e ordered to hold cannot fife.

. A ;ie.e cannot Iire \\hile movinc.
. A pie(e shi.p ensagei jn hand-to hand.ombat
ca rnor l're
. A nie.. in water cannot fl[e.

The rules lor detennining which target to select are:

' .. lh. pre e 5 order rc ro fi F at will l$ilfied o"'..arq"l I
.a. fiid in an\ drection.
. ll Lhe Die.e ) order i5lo fire ar tareet, I $ I lrF ar 'ne.loscq per,orr
in fronl of Lhem, looh rq lbn)'ll\e deqre' o ell er s de
. llLh€ D.ce N Anillerv. aio.l it o, ofi.ea {ll
,ao \ ou h1,€ Sel dlge. .or '1. rhen r. \:ll diT for rlrar .dreer lo'l or

Cuni'ire Al rcel a'inren"ls. ed \ p.eLe .h"rde' ioeslo firc,L gun sillsel'.r

irarpeL-ndaueiDtrol-irr,'eeabo\elordPldls) Cdku a irg rhe sLc', " ol
rhe aiuck is o-o\en oo{n r_r; n\o.ueas: hitting lhe 6rget dnd (ausing
damaee. Each is nrod fled b\ differenl fd.tors
f\e ch;nce Io hit a Lrrge.., b.."d o.l'e\errl laflor'
. distance ro the targ€t
. quality olfidng pi;ce
. morale oi ffring piece
. formation ordered lor the target s groupr note thal e\€n when a for
mdr:on ol p:eces is dispe1ed he mF.l srrl-in r p:€ce rema:n.n lorra_
Lion. Shirmisl' 'onra'iois a-p l-arder Lo hir. shil€ square fomarors

. terrain obstructions betrveen shooter and target, incLuding hils, bar

ncades and especially rrees
. weather on rhe barrlele d. Dry wFdlne- is oesl Jnd has no efect: as
qea he qPlswoie l\rougn rain rnd snow o fog. _he chan'F' ohir
are decreased.

ll the rargei is successfully hit, then damage is calculated based on tlrese lac

. ffr€power raung olthe shooter

. rhF numher df nen firinF
. weapon t)?e. Each typdollveapon causes iis own amount oldam
age, based on its destructive po$rer, and dre tlme it lakes to r€load.

Artillery Fire Basically, artillery operates identically to other pieces that fire
guns, except lor the following changes:

. Anillery can be ser to lire at a particular location (see choosing

cunfue Targets for rules) .
' when an anille^ D;ece misses. r a-ruaLlv niLs ln anorher lo(ar.on
near rhe inrerdpa ia€er. llano,her pre.e' s in .h.u locrrion. { sullerj
the full danraee lrom the attack.
. The dloremeniionpd misse, IDppen ir a sra l .i'c e- rkF dred arolno
the intended target, assauhing everything within it. This is therefore
known as bombardment.
. Can non fi re can decffoy brioBF . and brnicJdes. as q ell as men.
Bomh/dmenr .an Dun,h.r sizble hol€ in a banicade. or le\e- Lhe
walkwa) o. r bridsi
. S:nce Jou do no, conrolexaciy when your. drnons fire. rheir ope a
r.r< ire sxrc ro.nlv l',re when ha\ e r cleJr,hoL. Therelol€. Lhls
simulation does nol alow 'friendiy fire .

Eff€cts ofweather \\'cadrrr h.Llr tirn cllc.ts, .n ac.ulaq \$c. filu)g

r gLrn.r cannrrf (scc abn\ cl. a|d rrn \ isit ilit) $hen Fog of war is a.ti|al-

Basic Ratings rh c rLta.k. dclc nsc nnd Ulep.\'er r atlngs [r c.].h LJ Pc

.l piere alt as iinl\\s,

I 1

Cavalry (mounrcd w/sabre) 3 I 0

Ca!rlry idismotrnred s /sibre) I 1 0
cavalry (wcun) 1 I

Artillery I 3

Range olweapons I \r I. r 'r'r 1.I .

, ,l ,r .t ..,r'. ' :' rll .\ . '!!,., r r
ord€rs; Fire rll) distlrl ni.n tou ar. in sirgle nlnl.),
Range in
Map Squares
Sabre ! \hand lo hand)
Guns Range iII
Harpers Ferry 4
Springtield 5
Remington 6
Entield 5
Lorcnz 5
SharDs 7
Henry 6
Colt 5
Enfield Car. 4
Sharps Car. 5
SpenceL CaL. 4

Cannons Range in
12D Howitzer tl
240 Howitzer 13
6D Smoothbore 15
12p Smoothbore l7
10p Parrott 29
12p James 17
12p Blakely 17
l2p wllrlworlll aa
20p Panort 44

- l\e rerrdri you p.eces encoruer on rLre Ld,lefield $'il rTF. I how
rhe) mo\e and fighr. accord ng to rhe rules belo\r'
l: j -ii.E-

TvDe Move Eftect combat Ettect

Grass None Nonc
Ri\,er sloNs Decreases defense/attack
Trees Slo\!s hlcreases delense
Hill Crests lr.r€ases delensc/a!!ack

Wearher andVisibilirv-\\ re. -ri \, i. rFIn'' I \ri.l o'

pj'.( s,1 rr irPloirl.' 'rr,- nl ,r' ttel! \:

weather Range of
Dtt 16 maD sqllales
12 nap squales
Snow 8 map squares
Fog 4 nap-squarcs
This game includes the First BattleolBull Run as rhe first in our line of
Historical Battles. Imprcssions plan to release dara disks contairing odrer
hmous battles from dre civil War. Each historical battle is 'hand crailed
a..ordrg_orpLordsolrenair. r-oop.oroosiion J dpoqi.ior. ti.h (asund
ilone bditle afd is not pan ofa campargri.
-o pla\ a his,ori. dl ban e. .rnph selerr Hlsrori(dl Barrle tron lle sldrrup
opr'ons \eithei $nell hnirg i new g"me or resrnrnB). I I en selcc the ba.lle
hom t\e di.Fcrory b) .lick ng on ir. a1d p ess t oad t e stdt sr'.. ro. rl-e sran
olrhe barde k llappcar and the bartle \v ll begrn.

There is no setup mode when a battle besins. Allolrhe lorces haye been
pld.ed i1\rsrori(Jlly r Iherri. posrro_s the orftle'\.ll t \a\
iL oid in r.rl lhr. hrppens ftom rhprp supLo)o,r "rF'br' sran t\e

For your reference, below is a brieldescdption ol rhe Fi6t Bartle olBull Run.

luu 21, 1861.

nEf6! naiot bal'le oJth. wat !a1.5 pla, c at Eull Run brtwecn a Union
Atnf oJatotad ...aoo nn. '.d br Baeadi.t un al1 n tt.Daa.ll,
a,gainst a co4/'ederare AmJ a-faround 32,5AO, led br Ceneral.loseph E.

nt battle ended witll a Unlon rctrcat and victarv for the Sautll. WiLh BuI
Rm the Nal th recognized ahat ahe \rat woutd not end quicku, and Congress
soon agreed to iaise an atml oJ 5AO,OOO long tem voluntee$.

At thE l)artlc. rh.'ourh"ft Bngadiet u?ac al nDnds / tockoa dqu!ted Ul

t . de?ds ( nikaaa? aiston )oI DrnnA a pat!i.Ltary hod pon oftLa
batlle a [?Iah) @nna] 1.t, 8e?, t?ponnl rc ta.kson that rl..y aip b, diinp as
ba.k ia,kson. tFsp! t a! ionai .aurug.. ttphcd Sit.u( il qivc rhc; nt?
bn-yanet: . 8e? rcd( b,t.t ta ltis ttoops and po'nkd dr lo(kson sqting fom'
hn; rhete lands /a,k ott Lbe a stonc wall Rallv b?htnl .. Vlryniau,
rhe mops lid roly and th( nrhndnc stuck
Commilted to Excellence in Strategy Entertainn ent

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