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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirenments for

Getting Bachelor Degree of Education in English Department









Approved to be examined by Consultant

School of Teacher Training and Education
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta


Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M.Hum

NIP: 948





Accepted and Approved by the Board of Examiners

School of Teacher Training and Education
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
On May 2018

Team of Examiner:
1. Titis Setyabudi, S.S M.Hum ( )
(First Examiner)

2. Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum, M. Ed. ( )

(Second Examiner)

3. Yeny Prastiwi, S.Pd., M.Hum., Ph.D. ( )

(Third Examiner)


Prof. Dr. Harun Djoko Prayitno, M.Hum

NIP. 1965042813199303 1001


I am the researcher, signed on the statement below:

NIM : A320140211
Department : English Department
Title : Tyranny on Women in Nawal El-Saadawi’s The Fall of the

Imam Novel (1987): A Marxist Approach

Herewith, I testify that in this research paper there is no plagiarism of the

previous literary work which has been raised to obtain bachelor degrees of
university, not there are opinion or masterpieces which have been written or
published by others, except those in which writing are reffered in the manuscript
and mentioned in the literary review and bibliography.

If later, the result of this study is proven as plagiarism, I will be fully

responsible and willing to accept sanction in accordance with applicable

Surakarta, March 26th 2018

The Writer

Nono Setiyo


      

    
       
        
     

Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your spouses, your kindred, the
wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the
dwellings in which you delight are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger,
and striving hard and fighting in His cause, then wait until Allah brings about His
decision (torment). And Allah guides not the people who are rebellious. (9:24)


This research paper is dedicated for:

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.

My lovely mother and father.
My dear brother.
My friends and teacher.
And all people who help to finish this research paper.


   

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin. The writer would thanks to Allah Subhanahu
wa Ta’ala having given the writer His mercy, blessing and opportunity to conduct
getting bachelor degree.

On this opportunity, the writer would like to express his sincerest gratitude
to all people who have helped him to write this research paper. They are:

1. Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno, M.Hum. as Dean of School of Teacher

Training and Education in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
2. Mauly Halwat Hikmat, S.Pd., M.Hum., Ph.D., as the Head of English
Education Department, who has given permission to the researcher for
conducting this research paper.
3. Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M.Hum as the Consultant, who has helped the
researcher to increase the researcher of the research paper in order that this
research paper becomes better.
4. The Lecturers of English Department of Muhammadiyah University
of Surakarta who has given knowledge to the researcher.
5. My Lovely Parent, mother Mamak Wagiyem and my father, Bos
Sarmin who always support me.
6. My brother, Arif Marsudi who has always support me too.
7. My Amazing Friends, Mirza Akmal and Muhammad Afad al-Husna.
8. My great partner of “Kambing Jantan”
9. My close friends, Bos Ary, Pakdhe Agung, Mr. Indro, Pak Hands, Mr.
Endra, Mr. Bagas, Mr. Denis.



TABLE OF CONTENT.................................................................................viii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION..................................................................1
1.1. Background of the Study...........................................................1
1.2. Limitation of the Study.............................................................5
1.3. Problem Statement....................................................................5
1.4. Objectives of the Study.............................................................5
1.5. Benefit of the Study..................................................................6
1.6. Paper Organization....................................................................6
CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................8
2.0. Underlying Theory....................................................................8
2.1. Notion of Marxist Approach to Literature................................8
2.1.1 Dialectical Materialism....................................................9
2.1.2 Historical Materialism......................................................10
2.1.3 Class Struggle...................................................................10
2.1.4 Alienation.........................................................................10
2.1.5 Revolution........................................................................11
2.2. Type of Marxist Approach to Literature...................................11
2.2.1 Classical Marxism............................................................11
2.2.2 Marxist Leninism.............................................................11
2.2.3 Libertarian Marxism.........................................................11
2.2.4 Structural Marxism..........................................................11
2.2.5 Analytical Marxism..........................................................12
2.2.6 Marxist Feminism............................................................12
2.3. Notion of Tyranny.....................................................................12
2.4. Previous Study..........................................................................14

2.5 Novelty.......................................................................................15
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD.....................................................16
3.1. Type of the Study......................................................................16
3.2. Object of the Study....................................................................16
3.3. Type of Data and Data Source..................................................17
3.4. Technique of Collecting Data...................................................17
3.5. Technique of Analysis Data......................................................17
3.6. Technique for Checking Credibility of Data.............................18
FIRST CENTURY..........................................................................................19
4.1. Language Aspect.......................................................................19
4.2. Economic Aspect......................................................................19
4.3. Political Aspect.........................................................................20
4.4. Cultural Aspect..........................................................................21
4.5. Religious Aspect.......................................................................22
CHAPTER V: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION.........................................24
5.1 Marxist Analysis........................................................................24
5.1.1 Dialectical Materialism.................................................24
5.1.2 Historical Materialism...................................................25
5.1.3 Class Struggle................................................................26
5.1.4 Revolution.....................................................................28
5.2 Discussion.................................................................................29
5.2.1 Tyranny ........................................................................29
5.2.2 Character the Imam.......................................................32
5.2.3 The reason of the Author ..............................................33
6.1 Conclusion.................................................................................38
6.2 Suggestion.................................................................................39
6.3 Pedagogical Implication............................................................39


Nono Setiyo. A320140211



RESEARCH PAPER.2018.Muhammadiyah Surakarta University


This research aims to reveal tyranny in The Fall of the Imam (1987) novel by
Nawal El Saadawi. The objective of the research is to describe tyranny based
on the Marxist Approach. The writer uses qualitative research. The writer
uses two data resource: primary and secondary data source. The primary data
source is The Fall of the Imam (1987) novel. Then the secondary takes the
data source that related to this research such as literary books, biography of
the author, journal, article, and internet. The technique of collecting data is
library research. The technique of analyzing data is descriptive analysis.
Based on the research, the researcher concludes based on the Marxist
Approach: Dialectical Materialism, Historical Materialism, Class Struggle,
and the last one, Revolution in this novel all points found in The Fall of the
Imam (1987).

Key word: Tyranny, Women, Marxist Approach

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap tirani pada novel The Fall of the
Imam (1987) karya Nawal El Saadawi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah
untuk mendeskripsikan tirani berdasarkan Pendekatan Marxis. Penulis
menggunakan penelitian kualitatif. Penulis menggunakan dua data yaitu data
primer dan sekunder. Sumber data primer yaitu novel The Fall of the Imam
(1987). Data sekunder diambil dari sumber lain yang berhubungan dengan
penelitian seperti buku sastra, biografi penulis, jurnal, artikel, dan internet.
Teknik pengumpulan data melalui perpustakaan. Teknik menganalisa data
penelitian yaitu analisa deskriptif. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut, peneliti
dapat menyimpulkan berdasarkan pada pendekatan Marxis yaitu materialisme
dialektis, sejarah materialism, perjuangan kelas, dan yang terakhir yaitu
revolusi, dalam novel ini semua poin ditemukan dalam The Fall of the Imam
Kata kunci: Tirani, Wanita, Pendekatan Marxis


1.1 Background of the Study

God creates the sky, the earth, the sea and all living things that exist
on earth. All of his creations are so beautiful. One of God's most beautiful
creation is a woman. Women are one of God's most beautiful creations. From
her beauty, it can be an appeal for a man to love and marry her. The woman is
created from the ribs of a man. The rib shape is crooked. It means that a
woman is weak. The beauty of women is not because of her face, hair or
body, but the beauty of women lies in the nature of weakness. Because a
woman is a weak person, so in her life should be happy. Happiness is the
right of everyone, including the rights of a women. Women always want to be
happy, from young to old. There are times when women feel unhappiness
because of oppression from a man.
Men's oppression of women is often occurred to housewife or career
women. Usually, men who oppress women are bad people. He may hurt the
physically and psychologists of woman. In the family, the oppression of a
husband againsts a wife is a crime. In general, the oppression of women in the
family is caused by some differences. Differences of opinion or it could be a
difference in choosing something. This will become a debate and eventually
become a dispute in the household. Because women are weak people, men
with strong characters will abuse or oppress women.
Tyranny is a government that is controlled by one person and does not
make the people prosperous. It means a government acts arbitrarily to the
people. Tyrannical government is a government that is very detrimental to the
people. The people are always oppressed for the interests of the government.
Tyranny is goverment by a ruler or small group of people who have unlimited
power over the people in their country or state and use it unfairly and cruelly
(Cambridge Dictionary, 2017). The tyranny can not be kept away from the
political power of a country. A country that controls the country's greatest


politics will easily oppress others. The nature of tyranny is cruel. Rulers do
not hesitate to oppress people for self-interest.
The examples of tyrannical figures who ever existed in the world for
example, Emperor Nero, He is the fifth Roman emperor. He is a very cruel
king. One of his atrocities is when he wants to build a new Rome city. He
deliberately burns the city of Rome. The inhabitants believe that he
deliberately burns the city of Rome and blams the Christians. Among other
atrocities are when in a race arena, some of the Christians are covered with
animal skins so they can not see. He orders his men to release many dogs that
bite the Christians. He orders his men to look for straw and collect it to burn
the Christians as entertainment for the king. Another cruelty of Emperor Nero
is he kills all his wives. His first wife is killed while pregnant. The second
wife is murdered for complaining to the king who is too late at night. The
third wife is murdered for killing her ex-husband (Muhammad, 2015).
The next tyrant is Adolf Hitler. He is a German, a Jew. Hitler is a very
cruel ruler. Whoever fights his Nazi party, he will kill him no matter how
many people. In fact he has a desire to destroy Jews in Germany. Hitler wants
to settle the Jews and the communists by attacking and killing him. This
action because they are the cause of the economic decline in Germany. With
great military support, Hitler also controls some of Germany's neighboring
countries. (Swadaya, 2015). The cruel government againsts own people is the
president of Syria, Bashar Al Assad. It has been six years since the Syrian
conflict has not ended. The president of Syria is a very barbaric and cruel.
This cruelty is a descendant of his father, Hafiz al-Assad. It descended from
his grandfather, Sulaiman al-Assad. Rape and murder are committed by
Assad's regime. Children, parents, women and men are all oppressed by their
government. This conflict occurs because the president of Syria oppresses the
people who are Muslims. The president of Syria is a Shia, while Islam and
Shi'ism are opposites. The population of Syria is Muslim while their president
is Shia and he often oppress the Muslims. There was rebellion since 2011
until now.

Novel The Fall of The Imam is a novel by Nawal El-Sadaawi.

Published in Cairo in 1987. The English translation by the author's husband
Sherif Hetata was published in 1988. This novel tells the real life of a society.
Where there is a leader and people. This novel tells a leader who has a cruel
behavior and oppress his people. His name is the Imam. He claims to lead the
earth as the representative of god. Every decision that he takes is always
based on the law of God, so that no one will be against the law decided. Time
by time in his power, the Imam who has always been praised, evidently the
Imam has children outside marriage. A girl is named Bint Allah. She is a
beautiful girl. At the beginning of the story this girl is looking for a father,
because when born, this girl's mother has no father and the mother is
considered an adulteress woman. From this curiosity, Bint Allah seeks his
father, until she slowly know that the Imam is his father.
One of the Imam oppression the Imam considered a woman like a
buffalo. The price of a woman is not cheaper than a buffalo. It means that
buffalo price is more expensive than the price of a woman. “The price of a
buffalo is more than that of a woman, I said, and a man will have only one
buffalo and yet will marry four wives”. (Saadawi’s The Fall of The Imam,
p.124 - 125)
Nawal El-Sadaawi is born in Kafr Tahla, Egypt. Born October 27,
1931. A prominent senior Egyptian figure. She is also a sociologist, doctor
and feminist writer. She is a first Egyptian woman who dares to oppose the
oppression of the Arab world especially Egypt. She becomes a controversial
figure since Anwar Sadat's leadership and has been jailed for criticizing the
regime that is considered oppressive of women. She attended Cairo
University and graduated in 1955. She studies at Columbia University, New
York, and graduated in 1966. After completing his studies she works in
psychiatry and eventually becomes Egyptian Public Health Director. By
working in this place, she observes the problem of women with a culture of
oppression. In 1969 she publishes his first book entitled Al-mar'a wa-al-jeans
or Women and Sex which tells of sex and religion. Because of this book, in

1972 she is fired from his job as Egyptian Public Health Director. She studies
the case of women in prisons and hospitals. (Qomarudin’s Jatuhnya Sang
Imam, p. 265)
Then in 1981, she fights for the rights of women in Egypt. According
to her, women at that time is very oppressed with leader. As a result of her
struggle, she is imprisoned by the Sadat regime for two months on charges of
crimes against the state. She puts in a women's prison, the Egyptian Qanatir.
This is not surprising to her because she had previously studied women's
prisons before. Eventhough. she is in prison she does not give up. She uses
his time in prison to do research and write a paper.
In writing her book, she always uses Arabic language. Until now,
many of her books are widely translated in various languages, English,
French, German, Spain, Italy, Dutch, Indonesia, Japan and others. In 1977,
She publishes a book called The Hidden Face of Eve. Books that talk about
girls, female genital mutilation, marriage, divorce and sexual intercourse
when she was in prison. She does not give up with the circumstances. She
still writes with makeshift tools. She writes with a black eyebrow pencil and
uses very old and torn papers. In 1982. she is released from prison. In 1983,
she publishes a work entitled Memoirs from the Women's Prison. It is used to
attack or criticize Egyptian government again.
The other books of Nawal El-Sadaawi are Women isthe Origin (Cairo,
1971), The Naked Face of Arab Women (Cairo, 1974), On Women (Cairo,
1986), A New Battle in Arab Women Liberation (Cairo, 1992), Collection of
Essays (Cairo, 1998), Collection of Essays (Cairo, 2001), Breaking Down
Barriers (Cairo, 2004).
The writer will analyze the novel The Fall of The Imam, because the
novel is very interesting and good story. The characters in this novel really
reflect the life around us. The women are always oppressed and men always
oppress women in various ways. For example, domestic violence, women
always become victims of crime, rape, sexual harassment. The characterfistic
of Imam is familiar. From the conflict, this story is very interesting, because

the conflict is about a woman named Bint Allah . She struggles to find her
father. The story tells the oppression of a man who oppresses a woman. Many
events that describe the imam's oppression in this story. There is more
interesting thing in this novel in terms of themes, plot, point of view, problem
solving in this story. The terms of language in this novel is very good in the
selection of words, so readers will be interested and go deeper into this story.
Based on the points above, the researcher will anayze the Nawal El-
Saadawi’s novel entitle The Fall of The Imam. The researcher will analyze the
novel by using marxist approach. This approach uses to analyze and revolves
this issue of Tyranny. Therefore, the reseacher arranges the title of the
research paper as TYRANNY ON WOMEN IN NAWAL EL-

1.2 Limitation of the Study

This research only focus on analyzing the Tyranny on Women in
Nawal El-Saadawi’s novel The fall of the Imam, using A Marxist Approach.

1.3 Problem Statement

Problem statement in this research that are:

1. How is the Tyranny on Women in Nawal El-Saadawi’s novel The fall of
the Imam?
2. How are the characteristics of The Imam in Nawal El-Saadawi’s novel,
The fall of the Imam based on the marxist approach?
3. Why does the author rise tyranny in Nawal El-Saadawi’s novel The fall
of the Imam ?
1.4 Objectives of the Study
Based on the question above, the objectives of the study are:
1. To describe the Tyranny on Women in Nawal El-Saadawi’s novel, The
fall of the Imam.

2. To identity the charateristic of The Imam in Nawal El-Saadawi’s novel,

The fall of the Imam based on the marxist approach. (Class Theory by
Karl Marx)
3. To find out the reason of the author wrote about tyranny in Nawal El-
Saadawi’s novel The fall of the Imam?

1.5 Benefit of the Study

This research is expexcted in order to have benefits as follow:
1. Theoretical Benefit
In this part, the researcher can give information and knowledge about
literary study in Nawal El-Saadawi’s The fall of the Imam.

2. Practical Benefit
The researcher hope that this study will give new information, for
Department of English Education Student, and the other that do same
research in analyzing this novel using marxist approach.

1.6 Paper Organization

The research paper of “Tyranny on Women in Nawal El-Saadawi’s
The fall of the Imam by Marxist Approach” is divided in five chapters.

The first is introduction. it consists of background of the study,

limitation of the study, problem statement, objectives of the study, benefit of
the study, and paper organization. The second is literature review. it consists
of previous study and underlying theory (the notion of marxist approach, type
of marxist approach, and the notion of tyranny) and novelty. The third is
research method. it consists of object of the research, types of the data and
data source, technique of data collection, and technique of data analysis. The
fourth is explaining social background of Egypt in the twenty firts century.
The fifth is analysis tyranny on women in nawal el-saadawi’s the fall of the

imam in novel. The last one is conclusion, suggestion and pedagogical

2.0 Underlying Theory
In this part, the researcher will analyze Nawal El-Saadawi’s Novel
(The fall of the Imam), the writer employs the theory of marxist approach. This
chapter divided into five parts, namely; (A) The Notion of Marxist Approach,
(B) Type of Marxist Approach, (C) The Notion of Tyranny, (D) Previous
Study, (E) Novelty.

2.1 The Notion of Marxist Approach to Literature

Marxist approach is an approach based on the ideology of Karl Marx.
Born in Trier, Germany in 1818. German philosopher who rejected the
tenets of Romanticism in favor of philosophy of dialectical materialism.
Marx critics European class or capitalist system of economics operating in
the 19th Century. Mark sees the economic system as an inter-class
struggle, the oppressor and the oppressed. He believed that capitalism
allowed the bourgeoisie to benefit at the expense of the workers.
According to Terry Eagleton, Marxist criticism is not merely a
'sociology of literature', concerned with how novels get published and
whether they mention the working class. Its aim is to explain the literary
work more fully and this means a sensitive attention to its forms, styles
and, meanings. But it also means grasping those forms, styles and
meanings as the product of a particular history.
Marxism is an economic and social system derived from the work
of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1829 - 1895). According to Marx, a
socialist revolution must occur, in order to establish a "dictatorship of the
proletariat" with the ultimate goal of public ownership of the means of
production, distribution, and exchange.
According to Karl Marx, the main actors in social change are not
certain individuals, but social classes. Not only what social classes are
found, but the power structures that exist within the social class.


According to Marx, in the classes there are powerful and ruled. In

capitalist society consists of two classes.
a. The proletariat or working class is a workforce that has only the
ability to work with their hands and minds. These workers must
seek income to the owners of capital.
b. The bourgeoisie or the capital-owner class is the owner of the
means of production, buying and exploiting labor and using the
surplus value of workers to accumulate or expand their capital.

In the capitalist system, the workers and the owners of capital do need
each other. The worker can only work if the owner of the capital opens
the workplace. The owner of the capital requires workers to do their
business. However, this dependency is not balanced. Workers can not
work if the owner of the capital does not provide jobs, but the owner of
the capital can still live without labor because he can sell his factory to
others. It can be said that the workers are a weak class, while the
capitalists are a strong class. The division of society in the upper and
lower classes is characteristic of capitalist society. Relationships between
classes, lower classes and upper classes create injustice in reality, where
the lower classes are considered to be the weak class of slaves of the
upper class, always treating the rudiment of the lower classes always
under pressure. While the upper class is a strong class that only pushes
the lower classes to work hard.

There are five principles of Marxist theory, those are

2.1.1 Dialectical Materialism

Dialectical is a concept that sees like conflict, antagonism
or contradiction is condition that needed to reach some certain
result (Elster, 2000:). Materialism is everything that related with
money or treasure in the world is understood by contricting it with
its own opposite, which calls idealism.

The main points in dialectical materialism may change the

social problem. Marx and Engels explain that dialectical
materialist is use to analysis of art and literature (Fokkema, 1998).
Artistic creation is the ways of related with reflection reality, and
the same time, of perceiving and apprehending it.

2.1.2 Historical Materialism

According to Karl Marx view, historical materialism is a

form that contains about society and history. Historical
materialism is Marxist approach that focuses on the economic
circumstance. “Historical Materialism is a human being creates
their material lives” (Selden, 1985: 24). The superstructure of
economy is reflected in superstructure of social politic and
ideology. The reality that determines structure of society and
history development of structure social classes. (Suseno, 1999:

2.1.2 Class Struggle

According to Sati Nurchotimah, Class struggle focuses on
the struggle of the oppressed class against the oppressor. The
reason is economic. Because economic can influent the society
class of level such as the bourgeois and the proletariat. All forms
of culture therefore, do not exist in an ideal, abstract form but are
in inseparable from the historical determinig social conditions.
(Carter, 2006:).

2.1.4 Alienation
Alienation is the systematic result of living in a socially
stratified society, because being a mechanistic part of a social
class alienates a person from his and her humanity. Alienation

happen because of world and human as oppressor which is

separated freom the oppressed (Fargaes, 1986:).

2.1.5 Revolution
The result from class struggle is revolution. That is the
struggle of the proletariat to change their condition and free from
the oppresed that did the bourgeoisie. Hornby (1995: 108) explains
that revolution as a final. Revolution is a way for proletariat to
throw the social class and to stop the exploration and make a new

2.2 Type of Marxist Approach to Literature

2.2.1 Classical Marxism  is a theory that was directly born by Karl
Marx. the basis of Marxism influenced by G.W.F Hegel who
developed a dialectical materialism, all progress achieved through
conflict and materialism.
2.2.2 Marxism-Leninism: the theory created by Lenin to Karl Marx's
thought. This theory is the theory that states should be organized
on the basis of collective ownership of all property and regulation
in politics carried out by the government which is also responsible
for the interests of society.
2.2.3 Libertarian Marxism: is a "bottom up" theory: directing
attention to activities seen by autonomists as the daily struggle of
the working class against capitalism. Contrary to other forms of
Marxism, the Autonomous theory emphasizes the ability of the
working class to impose changes to the organization of capitalist
systems free from the state, trade unions or political parties.
2.2.4 Structural Marxism: is a theory that asserts that the basic social
structures determine the action, even the human can be made as a
puppet of the social structure that has been moved by the actor or
the user of that structure. Structural Marxism comes from France.

Louis Althusser and Nicos Poulantzas are regarded as more

traditional and orthodox Marxism movers.
2.2.5 Analytical Marxism: A style of thinking about Marxism that was
prominent amongst English-speaking philosophers and social
scientists during the 1980s.
2.2.6 Marxist Feminism: theory that focuses on the struggle for how to
free women. This theory emphasizes private ownership that
generates economic inequality and ultimately the relationship
between unhealthy men and women.

2.3 The Notion Of Tyranny

Tyranny is a ruler who oppresses his people. The tyranny is closely
related to oppression and oppression. The person who does the tyranny is
called the oppressor and the victim is called oppressed. In the Oxford
dictionary (2017), tyranny is defined as an invalid ruler, an unjust ruler, an
oppressive ruler. This term is usually given to a leader or dictatorial ruler. A
ruler who is not capable of leading well his people, so considered failing in
the lead.
A hard and cruel leader is not liked by his people. A tyrant is always
hated by his people. Tyranny always deals with injustice and cruelty. Injustice
in leading, harming many people so many people oppressed by the law he
made. The nature of a tyrant's sharpness can hurt many people and even kill
his people in order to uphold the law he makes.
Tyranny is goverment by a ruler or small group of people who have
unlimited power over the people in their country or state and use it unfairly
and cruelly (Cambridge Dictionary, 2017).
Tyranny according to the writer is divided into three points. The first,
cultural tyranny. The second, religion tyranny. The last, social tyranny.
Cultural tyranny is someone who commits injustice and cruelty due to
cultural factors. This tyranny can be done by a person who has power in
leading an area that has cultural or customary law. This tyranny arises

because of the cultural differences between oppressors and oppressed people.

Next, the tyranny of religion is violence by rulers due to religious factors.
Disagreements in religion can lead to violence and can even lead to injustice
in life. For example, tyranny of religion. The cruel government against own
people is the president of Syria, Bashar Al Assad. It has been six years since
the Syrian conflict has not ended. The president of Syria is a very barbaric
and cruel president. This cruelty is a descendant of his father, Hafiz al-Assad
also descended from his grandfather, Sulaiman al-Assad. Rape until murder
was committed by Assad's regime. Children, parents, women, men are all
oppressed by their government. This conflict occurs because the president of
Syria oppresses the people who are Muslims, because the president of Syria is
a Shiite, while Islam and Shi'ism are opposites. The population of Syria is
Muslim while presidan they are Shia and often oppress the Muslims then
there was rebellion in 2011 until now.
The last, social tyranny is a tyranny arising from social problems. In
this tyranny it is easy to cause injustice so that it can lead to disputes. For
example, Emperor Nero, He is the fifth Roman emperor, he is a very cruel
king. one of his atrocities was when he wanted to build a new Rome city, he
deliberately burned the city of Rome. The inhabitants believe that he
deliberately burned the city of Rome and blamed the Christians. Another
cruelty of Emperor Nero is he killed all his wives. His first wife was killed
while pregnant, then the second wife was murdered for complaining to the
king who was too late at night. The third wife was murdered for killing her
old husband (Muhammad, 2015).
Tyranny is a government that is controlled by one person and does not
make the people prosperous. It means a government where a ruler acts
arbitrarily to the people. Tyrannical government is a government that is very
detrimental to the people, where the people are always oppressed for the
interests of the ruler. The tyranny can not be kept away from the political
power of a country. A country that controls the country's greatest politics will

easily oppress others. The nature of a ruler like tyranny is cruel. Rulers do not
hesitate to oppress people for self-interest.

2.4 Previous Study

2.4.1 Khoirul Dwia Agustyawati (2011) wrote “A TRANSLATION
paper anayzes deixis in The Fall of The Imam and its translation using
by referring to Hurford and Brendan theory of deixis. The type of this
research is descriptive qualitative research. The object of the study is
the novel entitled The Fall of the Imam and its translation. The data of
this study is type of deixis found in The Fall of the Imam novel. Based
on the result of the analysed data, there are 184 data type of deixis and
the equivalence of translation of deixis can be divided into two, which
are equivalent translation and non equivalent translation.
2.4.2 Nurul Hidayah, (2011) wrote “IMAM’S DEVIATION IN NAWAL
PSYCHOANALYTIC APPROACH”  In analysing the data, the
researcher applies two approaches; they are structural and
psychoanalytic analysis approach. The research paper is a descriptive
qualitative research. The object of the study is the novel entitled The
Fall of the Imam. Based on the result of the analysed data, the writer
comes to the conclusion as follows.
a. Based on the structural analysis. Nawal El Saadawi want to deliver a
message that a leader should be wise, not authoritative. In this novel,
Saadawi creates the character of the Imam as a leader who has bad
characters. The thema of this novel is “The struggle does not always
finish in happy ending, it needs the sacrifice, even by sacrificing the
soul “The struggle is done by Bint Allah especially to the Imam who
has raped and sentenced her mother.

b. The other resulf from baseb psychoanalytic is evidance that the

deviation rises because of drives from system of personality. It is
caused by the conflict among id, ego, and superego.
1) The id happens when he want to control the throne on earth and
throne in heaven. He wants to get everything without paying
attention to the surrounding people.
2) Ego’s Imam that is his ambition is so great. So that his ego drives
him to do deviation. One od the deviations is he and his officials
rape the women, Gawaher. Then she bears the child, named Bint
3) The Imam’s superego can not control himself to do the bad thing.
He has tendency to ignore his superego that actually could save his
from the paint.

Considering the previous studies above, the writer decides to

analysis The fall of the Imam novel. They are having same the research, that
is using The fall of the Imam. The different from their research that is theory
that their used.

2.5 Novelty
The researcher will analyze the novel The fall of the Imam by Nawal El-
Saadawi by using marxist approach and the researcher focus on literature
studies. With the marxist approach the researcher analyze the tyranny in
women in Nawal’s novel, The fall of the Imam in society. In the novel, so
many tyranny that imam did to women, so the researcher, interest in
analysing this novel using marxist approach.

Research method of this research is divided into six points, there are: the
type of the study, the object of the study, data and data sources, technique of data
collection, technique of the data analysis, and technique for checking credibility
of data.

3.1 Type of the Study

In this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative method.

Qualitative research attempt to broaden and/or deepen our understanding of
how things came to be the way they are in our social world. It can be
conclude that the researchers analyze data using realities technique and don’t
emphasize the process of research. Qualitative research is a research strategy
that usually emphasizes words rather than quantification in the collection and
analysis of data (Bryman 2008a: 366).

3.2 Object of the Study

a. The material object of this study is novel Nawaal El-Sadaawi’s Novel The
Fall of The Imam, published  July 2009 by Telegram Books. Number of
the pages of this novel is 200 pages.

b. The formal object of the study is the main character or the people selected
the secon character, third character and another supporter some character
on the novel related to tyranny on women in Nawal El-Sadaawi’s novel
The Fall of The Imam. In this research, the novel analyzed by using a
marxist approach of consict social aspect, religious aspects, political
aspests and cultural aspects.


3.3 Type of Data and Data Source

The type of data source that the researcher needs to do analysis is
text,which includes narration, dialogues, quotes and other tragedy in this
The researcher has two data sources for conducting in this study, that
1. Primary data sources.
The sources of primary data is Nawal El-Sadaawi’s novel The Fall of
The Imam.
2. Secondary data sources
The sources of secondary data are taken from other sources that
related in this research, such as research paper, article, journal, blog, internet
and any other source that support in this research.

3.4 Technique of Collecting Data

In this part, to collect the data, the researcher uses the technique in
collecting the data that are:
1. Reading the novel The Fall of The Imam by Nawal El-Sadaawi.
2. Browsing to internet about previous research novel The Fall of The Imam
by Nawal El-Sadaawi
3. Identyfying the problem and finding the data so that the problem
statement and objective of the study in this research can be drawn clearly.
4. Taking important notes about the primary and secondary data.
5. Making notes of important parts in both primary data and secondary data.
6. Reading author biography.

3.5 Technique of Analysis Data

The researcher uses descriptive qualitative analysis of the content, in
analyzing the data. There are some step to analysis data:
1. Collecting the data from the novel The Fall of the Imam that related with

2. After the data was collected, input the data into theory that suitable.
3. Discussing the data with the theory.
4. Giving understanding about the data after discussing.
5. After thar make conclusion.

3.6 Technique for Checking Credibility of Data

The aims this part that is technique for checking credibility of data is
to interpret the study. In this research, the researcher uses technique
triangulation that are data of triangulation, method of triangulation, and time
of triangulation to examine the credibility of data.
1. Data Triangluation
Data triangulation used by the researcher to test credibility of the data,
which made to check the data was obtained by some sources. Some
source used by researcher to collect the data such as document (notes,
textbook and others source).
2. Method Triangulation
Data triangulation used by the researcher to test credibility of the data,
which made to check the data with the same source but different method.
3. Time Triangulation
Time is often affect to the credibility of the data. The researcher use this
form because the researcher know that the truth is often change.

The fall of the Imam novel is written by Nawal El-Saadawi. The novel
is published in Egypt. The researcher will discuss the social background of Egypt
in the early twenty first century to get more information of to work. The
researcher will discuss the social background of Egypt through some points of
discussion. There are language aspect, economic aspect, political aspect, cultural
aspect and religious aspect.

4.1 Language Aspect

The Egyptian language is Afro-Asian language which is very closely
related to Berber, Semitic, and Beja languages. This language survived until
the 5th century AD (Anno Domini/Masehi) in the form of Demotic language
and until the 17th century AD in the form of Coptic. A written record in
Egyptian from 3200 BC, making it the oldest written language.
The national language of Egypt today is Arabic, which is replaced by
Coptic language gradually as a colloquial language for centuries after the
Islamic conquest of Egypt. Coptic is still used as a liturgical language by the
Coptic Orthodox Church and Coptic Catholic Church, and became the mother
tongue for a number of people. The main foreign languages is taught in
schools, in order of their popularity, are English, French, German and Italian.

4.2 Economic Aspect

Egypt is one of the most developed countries on the African continent.
The Egyptian economy is heavily dependent on agriculture, petroleum
exports, natural gas exports, and tourism, in addition, the country also gets
income from media, tourism and foreign exchange from foreign workers
working in Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf and Europe.


Egypt imports half of its food needs, due to the fertile soil to be used
for cotton production, where Egypt is the world's largest exporter. Agriculture
in Egypt produces corn, sugarcane, wheat, rice, onions, potatoes, vegetables,
mangoes, citrus fruits, figs or buah tin in Indonesin language, dates and
grapes. Fishing in Egypt plays a small role, but its importance has increased
in recent years. Tourism in Egypt is one of the economic support sectors in
Egypt. The Giza Necropolis of Egypt's most well-known tourist attractions,
where it became one of the wonders of the ancient world. Egyptian beaches in
the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, is also a popular tourist destination;
the beaches of Aqaba Bay, Safaga, Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada, Luxor,
Dahab, Ras Sidr, and Marsa Alam are popular places.

4.3 Political Aspect

Egypt is a republic since 18 June 1953, Egypt is the first country to
recognize Indonesian sovereignty. Muhammad Husni Mubarak has served as
President of Egypt for five periods, since October 14, 1981 after the
assassination of President Muhammad Anwar Sadat. In addition, he is also
the leader of the National Democratic Party. Prime Minister of Egypt, Dr.
Ahmad Nazhif was inaugurated on 9 July 2004 to replace Dr. Athaf Ubaid.
Power in Egypt is governed by a multiparty semi presidential system.
Theoretically, the executive power is shared between the president and prime
minister but in practice the power is centered on the president, who has been
elected in the election with a single candidate. Egypt also holds multiparty
parliamentary elections.
At the end of February 2005, President Mubarak announced the
change of presidential election rules to a multi-party election. For the first
time since 1952, the Egyptians have the opportunity to elect leaders from a
list of candidates. However, the new rules also impose various limitations so
that various figures, such as Aiman Nur, cannot compete in the election and
Mubarak has again won the election.

At the end of January 2011 the Egyptians demanded that President

now ruling Husni Mubarak to put his post. Up to 18 days of massive
demonstrations demanding President Husni Mubarak resign, finally on 11
February 2011 Hosni Mubarak officially resigned. Husni Mubarak's
resignation was welcomed by his people, and welcomed by the international
On July 4, 2013, Commander of the Egyptian Armed Forces General
Abdul Fattah as-Sisi announced a revolution to secure Egypt, which aims to
overthrow Muhammad Mursi. Mursi himself was Egypt's first democratically
elected president. On June 3, 2014, the Egyptian Electoral Commission
announced that former Egyptian general Abdul Fattah as-Sisi was elected
President after winning the Egyptian elections in May 2014.

4.4. Cultural Aspect

Egypt is a country with many cultures. With a mostly religious
background, Egypt is rapidly developing into a restructured culture,
combining the old culture with the new. The general picture shows a complex
structured culture built on many influences. Many Arabic cultures by
Egyptian literature, music, film and television.
4.4.1 Art
Ancient Egyptians produced art for various purposes. For 3500 years,
art forms and iconography developed during the time of the Old Kingdom.
Artistic standards-simple lines, shapes, and flat areas of colour. The
combination of text and images is beautifully interwoven in the tomb walls
and temples, coffins, and sculptures.
The famous example is the Pyramid Djoser designed by architects and
ancient engineers Imhotep, Sphinx, and the temple of Abu Simbel. Modern
and contemporary art, from the vernacular architecture of Hassan Fathy and
Ramses Wissa Wassef, to Mahmoud Mokhtar statues, with the distinctive
Isaac Fanous Coptic iconography.

4.4.2 Literature
Ancient Egyptian Literature was written in Egyptian from the period
of pharaohs, Ancient Egypt, until the end of Roman rule. Together with the
Sumerian literature, Ancient Egyptian literature is one of the oldest in the
world. Ancient Egyptian literature has been preserved through various media,
such as papyrus, stone, ceramics, wooden boards, monuments, and crates.
Text saved and rediscovered by modern archaeologists represents a small
fraction of Egyptian literary material.
Important cultural elements in Egyptian life are novels and poems.
The first modern Egyptian Egyptian novel by Muhammad Husayn Haykal
published in 1913 in Egyptian. Egyptian novelist Naguib Mahfouz was the
first Arabic writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. Egyptian female
writers include Nawal El Saadawi, renowned for his feminist activism, and
Alifa Rifaat who also writes about women and tradition.
4.4.3 Cuisine
Egyptian cuisine tends to not change for centuries; Modern Egyptian
cuisine has many similarities with Ancient Egyptian Cuisine. Daily food
usually contains bread, with vegetable side dishes such as onion and garlic,
and fruit-shaped seeds and figs. Wine and meat are usually only served at
certain celebrations, except among the rich who eat them more often. Fish,
meat and poultry can be salted or dried, and boiled or burned. Some people
consider kushari (a mixture of rice, lentils, and macaroni) to be national
vegetarians. Fried onions can also be added to kushari.
4.5 Religius Aspect
Egypt is a predominantly Sunni Muslim country with Islam as a state
religion. The percentage of followers of various religions is a controversial
topic in Egypt. It is estimated that 90% are identified as Muslims, 9% as
Coptic Christians, and 1% as other Christian denominations, although no
census cannot be known (Muhammad, 2012). According to the Egyptian
constitution, all laws must comply with Islamic law. The State recognizes the
Hanafi school through the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Priests are trained

in expertise schools for priests and at Al-Azhar University, which has a

committee to provide religious fatwas.
Egypt recognises only three religions: Islam, Christianity, and
Judaism. For Islamic religion promoted by the majority of scientists has the
same structure as Islamism. For christianity, Christianity in Egypt is
completely dominated by the Coptic Church, which is an indigenous church
to Egypt, with its own pope living in Alexandria. Other Christian groups in
Egypt are mainly located in the northern part of the country. For judaism,
The few communities that follow Judaism now have at least three

In this chapter, the reseearcher will deliver an analysis of Nawal El-

Saadawi novel entitled The Fall of the Imam using marxist approach. The
researcher will discuss the tyranny on women reflected by Nawal El-Saadawi’s
novel that is The Fall of the Imam.

5.1 Marxist Analysis

In this chapter, the researcher will analyze novel The Fall of the
Imam based a Marxist Theory. The researcher finds some findings. They
are the five principles of Karl Marx’s conception.
5.1.1 Dialectical Materialism
Dialectical materialism in the novel of The Fall of The Imam is
reflected by a character named Bint Allah. Bint Allah shows an early
story of violence committed by a person against a mother. It stated on the
dialogue below:

Before I fell, before letters and words had time to fade, I asked
them, ‘Why do you always let the criminal go free and punish the
victim? I am young. Mymother died a virgin and so will I.’ They
said, ‘You are the child of sin and your mother was stoned to
death.’But before the letters could fade from my mind, before my
mind became a blank, I said, ‘I am not the child of sin, I am Bint
Allah. That’s how they called me in the orphanage. Even if I lose
my memory, I cannot forget. I cannot forget my mother’s face.
After I was born, she went to fight the enemy. She is a martyr. (The
Fall of The Imam, 1987, p. 9)

Bint Allah sees the seal of all the early events with the eyes of his
head. From the above dialogue, that Bint Allah knows all the events that


have happened since childhood. When they say 'You are the child of sin
and your mother was stoned to death' this sentence makes Bint Allah
remember the events when he was young and will never be forgotten.
Bint Allah always gets pressure from the Imam. Not only the Imam
but also of the people around him who support the Imam. It stated on the
dialogue below:
They said, ‘Your mother never knew what loyalty meant neither to
our land, nor to the Imam Allah. She died an infidel, and is burning
in hell.’ (The Fall of The Imam, 1987, p. 9)

The dialogue above explains that Bint Bint's mother against her
country and the Imam. Anyone who does not follow the Imam's
command will be considered a infidel.

5.1.2 Historical Materialism

In this form, historical materialism relates with social and material
lives. In this novel The Fall of the Imam the high social classes reflected
by wife of the Imam. The low social class is mother of Bint Allah, Bint
Allah herself and the people who are weak. It is stated on the narration

Her neck, a slender column of the whitest marble surrounded by

five rows of the purest pearl, swayed ever so slightly. Over her
breast she wore the ribbon of the Order and the Medal in the form
of a brooch like a sun-disc radiating rays of light. On her fingers
were rings and precious stones shining like stars. (The Fall of The
Imam, 1987, p. 31)

From narration above, wife of the Imam is people that have more
material. She is rich women, because she is wife of the Imam. Imam’s
wife must look beautiful using much jewelry and expensive veil. In the

narration above, Imam’s wife uses rings that shining like the stars on her
fingers. It means that she uses the excessive jewelry. The other narration
that shows Imam’s wife always uses excessive jewelry.

The Advisory Council told me that the Imam has

the right to a new house, a new cloak of the best material, and
new wife, a woman blonde as honey, with eyes blues as the sea
and a tongue that speaks all language of the earth. (The Fall of
The Imam, 1987, p. 37)

5.1.3 Class Struggle

Novel The Fall of the Imam tells about different social between
low social and high social class. Also this novel tells about dictatorship
and tyranny. Because different social, it easy to appears a conflict
between low social and high social class. Class Struggle focuses on the
struggle of the oppressed class against the oppressor (Hartisekar and
Abadi, 2001).
The reason of conflict between the oppressed class and oppressor
can appear such as economic aspect between them, also political, and

I have never heard anything about them,’ I said, and he got into a
rage and said, ‘You are neither of this world, nor are you one of
us, and if you do not know the Imam then you have nothing to do
with this land of ours, and if you have no loyalty towards your
country, then you have no place for God in your heart. Have you
never heard the people when they shout, “Long live the Imam,
Long live our country, Glory be to God”?’ (The Fall of The Imam,
1987, p. 109)

Dialog above tells about the people around the Imam in the novel
includes into high social class consider to the people that do not know the
Imam, they are nothing to their land and if the people low social not loyal
to the Imam, they have no place for God. It means that they (low class)
not part of the high class (people that loyal or around the Imam).
When Bint Allah with the Imam, Bint Allah is order to kneel at feet
of the Imam, but Bint Allah do not want to do it. Bint Allah tells to the
Imam that she never kneel the feet anyone. It stated on the dialog below.

‘Why do you not kneel at my feet?’‘Throughout my life I have not

kneeled to anybody,’ I said. ‘But I am not anybody’, he said, ‘and
besides all women kneel.’‘I am not any woman,’ I said.‘And pray
who may you be?’ he said. ‘A woman without name, without father,
without mother, who can neither read nor write but does not love
you and who carries another love in her heart,’ I said. (The Fall of
The Imam, 1987, p. 110)

From the dialog above that all women kneel the feet of the Imam,
but when the Imam orders Bint Allah to kneel his feet, Bint Allah refused
it. It can be described that the high class like the Imam always wants to
be respect from the low class social that is Bint Allah, but Bint Allah
with angry face refused that.
It is not only oppressed to Bint Allah, but also the Imam oppresses
his wife. When the Imam goes home, the Imam in drunk condition then
his wife afraid to speak. On eyes of their people, the Imam always good
people but in the family, the Imam is bad person but his wife never talk
to the other people because afraid and the Imam always threatening if his
wife talk to the other people the Imam will divorce his wife. It is stated
on narration below.

The lips of his legal wives remained tightly closed and not one of
them dared to open her mouth, for if she did she risked hearing him
swear an oath of divorce, pronouncing it three times as he lay on
his back with his mouth half-open and his eyes half-closed, and
after that she would be seen carrying her bundle as she left the
house. (The Fall of The Imam, 1987, p. 145)

5.1.4 Revolution
Revolution is a way for low class social or proletariat to throw the
social class and to stop the exploration and make a new society, which is
Marxist is called a classes society. The result of revolution happened
after Bint Allah has experienced many events, difficulty and problems in
her life. In this story Bint Allah feels free after killing the Imam, because
there is no oppression again after the dead of the Imam. When Bint Allah
with the Imam in the room, with all anger that she hides in her heart. Bint
Allah shoots the Imam until death. The face of the Imam falls to the
ground. It is stated on narration below.

His belly was full, swollen like a goat skin, but she continued to
hand him one piece after the other until she heard the sound of an
explosion and his face fell to the ground. His eyes opened wide
with surprise as though he could not believe what was happening,
and she said to him in a bantering tone, ‘It begins as a game and
ends in ruin.’ Then she leapt away, light-footed as a doe, with her
dog running close behind her.(The Fall of The Imam, 1987, p. 111)

From the narration above that Bint Allah feels angry on the top
until shoot the Imam and death fall on the ground. It begins only just a
game but finally become ruin. After that, Bint Allah runs with her dog
like deer. So we can conclude that when the people feel on the top, they
will do everything like what they want.

What Bint Allah and the other low class social people do not feel
always the same with the Imam and the people that loyal to him. It is
stated on the narration below.

I live in the House of Joy, but in my heart there is sadness. What is

day for you is night for me, and what is happiness for you is
sadness for me. Pleasure for you is pain to me, and victory for you
means defeat to me. Your Paradise is my hell and your honour is
my shame, whereas my shame is to you an honour. (The Fall of
The Imam, 1987, p. 155)

After killing the Imam, Bint Allah as the low-class society gets
punishment. It is death penalty from the court. It is stated on the narration

They decided to condemn her to death by a method that was more

rapid thanstoning to death so that she would not have the
opportunity to say anything further. They also decreed that her
trial should not be published in the newspapers and that her file
should be definitely closed and buried deep down in the earth for
ever. (The Fall of The Imam, 1987, p. 155)

5.2 Discussion
5.2.1 Tyranny On Women
Novel The fall of the Imam is a novel that tells of the oppression of
a ruler, the Imam against the women. The oppression in this novel is done
by one who has higher power. The Imam considers himself the
representative of God on earth. The Imam’s cruelty to the woman in this
novel is depicted when the Imam tortured a woman called Bint Allah.

They tied me with ropes, and threw me in a pit, then hurled stones
at me, one stone following another, day after day, one day

following another until fifty days had passed, or a hundred, or a

thousand. My body died, but my spirit would not give up. They
were worn out by so much stone-throwing, and I could see their
hands hanging limply at their sides, the blood dripping from their
fingers drop by drop, but my arteries were not emptied yet. (The
Fall of The Imam, 1987, p. 15)

From narration above, the Imam tortured Bint Allah by throwing

stones until she is almost death. This incident happened when Bint Allah
was young, then she told him that when she was young, she was tortured
by the Imam. He was tortured because the Imam had a stubborn
character. The Imam always quarrels with his wife and then makes the
child as an impingement for his anger. Then, the Imam also considers a
woman not going to heaven. This statement is said below.

‘What about our legal wives?’His lifelong friend pondered over the
matter for a long moment before he said, ‘Our legal wives will
never go to Paradise.’‘But what if one of them happens to slip in
somehow,’ asked the Imam insistently, ‘then what?’‘God will
replace her with a young maiden,’ affirmed the Great Writer. ‘In
Paradise there is no place for legal wives. For if it were not so,
what difference would there be between our life on earth and life in
Paradise?’ (The Fall of The Imam, 1987, p. 54)

From the above dialogue, the Imam oppresses his wife. He said
that his wife would not go to heaven. He said “Our legal wives will never
go to Paradise”this sentence is said when the Imam with his friends. The
Imam considers that in heaven, a wife will be replaced by a fairy that is
prettier than his wife in the world. The oppression of the Imam is not a
physical form but a statement that hurts a woman's heart.

The next event is the Chief of Security who does rude to his wife.
It is stated on narration below.

I beat her until she confessed, then I forgave her just as God does
with His creatures when they sin. I became her God. She
worshipped me, chose to be at my feet like a dog, and now I
possessed her completely but she had no hold over me at all. The
more I turned away from her, the greater her passion for me grew,
but I only desired those women who refused me. (The Fall of The
Imam, 1987, p. 30)

From the narration above, tyrant treatment to other people is not

only the Imam but also the Chief of Security that become security in his
country. The Chief of security is the one who protects the power of
government. He marries the daughter of a minister. After the marriage he
enters into Hezbollah or a supporter of the government. He is abusive to
his wife by hitting her in the face. He thinks a woman should know sin
and ask for forgiveness to her husband. Then a Great Writer also applies
roughly to his son. He also hit and forced his son to drink a glass of milk.

In the morning when we sat down to breakfast you gave me my

usual glass of milk, but I refused to drink it, so my father beat me
and told me to drink up my milk. When I continued to refuse he
caught hold of me and, opening my mouth by force, poured the
milk down my throat. (The Fall of The Imam, 1987, p. 77)

Based on the above narration, the Great Writer is a news writer in

the paper of the Imam. He is a friend of the imam's school. He IS
appointed the faith to be a daily writer in the newspapers to make the
Imam's good name. He is abusive to his son by beating and forcing to
obey his orders of drinking milk. The incident is in the morning when his

son caught his father cuddling with when Bint Allah with the Imam in the
room woman. The next morning, he hit his son.

5.2.2 Charateristic the Imam based on the Marxist Approach

According to Karl Marx, the main actors in social change are not
certain individuals, but social classes. Not only what social classes are
found, but also the power structures that exist within the social class.
According to Marx, in thesocial classes there are ruler and ruled class. In
capitalist society consists of two classes. The first is the proletariat and the
second is bourgeois.
In this novel is very interesting. The story of each event raises a
conflict of injustice. Injustice of leader named the Imam who treats badly
to his people.

A man walked behind her, switching his stick over her buttocks
every time she halted to take her breath. A gasp of surprise
escaped my lips. A woman turning a water-wheel while the buffalo
rests? They said, ‘Here we follow the laws of supply and demand.
A buffalo costs more on the market than a woman, so a man can
have four wives, but he can only afford one buffalo. (The Fall of
The Imam, 1987, p. 13)

Based on the above narration, a man that is the Imam abases a

woman by comparing a woman like a buffalo. The price of a buffalo is
more expensive than the price of a woman. It is also said a man can has 4
wives while women only have one husband.
Then the ruled of the Imam during lead his country, always uses
the ruled which extreme, he always gives a decision to punish the people
who makes mistake with Shari’s ruled. It stated on narration bellow.

For the Imam ruled according to the laws of God’s Shari’a. Stone
adulterous women to death. Cut off the hands of those who commit

a theft. Slash off the tongues of those who spread rumours about
irradiated milk. Pour all bottles, all casks, all barrels of alcoholic
drink, into the waters of the river (The Fall of The Imam, 1987, p.

After knowing the events and narration above from the character of
the Imam, we know that he is bourgeois or high class who in theory
Marxist those who have capital. In this novel, they have positions and
they apply arbitrarily to the proletariat. They have a crude character that
oppresses the proletariat. Do coercion if the order is not obeyed. While
the victim of oppression only subject of the bourgeois or capitalists that
is the proletariat or low class social. In this novel they get pressure from
the upper classes, by being beaten.

5.2.3 The Reason of Author rise Tyranny in this Novel

Nawal El-Sadaawi was born in the city of Kafr Tahla, Egypt. Born
October 27, 1931. A prominent senior Egyptian figure. She is also a
sociologist, doctor and feminist writer. She is the first Egyptian woman
who dared to oppose the oppression of the Arab world especially Egypt.
She has been a controversial figure since Anwar Sadat's leadership and
has been jailed for criticizing the regime that is considered oppressive of
The Fall of the Imam is a novel written by Nawal El Saadwi. This
novel describes the events that actually happened in Egypt. In this novel
found many events that oppress a woman. This novel is written by the
author namely Nawal El Saadwi when she was in prison. At that time the
government was led by Anwar Sadat. Nawaal El Saadawi in prison
because criticizing the government with the novels that she wrote.
(Hendry, Maggy, 1999). She criticises the government because not
respecting women's rights. She writes about a woman or a woman's
injustice. She sees majority unfair in the middle-east country in treating
woman. Women are denied the rights as men. Men are free to go out of

the house while women are not, men are free to work while women are
not. Many of the novels that she writes are about women. The problem of
gender injustice is a topic which is often written in her novel such as
Women at Point Zero, Women and Sex, Woman is the Origin.
(Foedy, 2011)
The writer discusses tyranny on women in Nawal El Saadawi’s
novel. The discussions focus on tyranny on women Nawal El Saadawi
novels. The novel entitled The Fall of The Imam is a novel that published
in 1987. Nawal El Saadawi novels is the reflection of women condition
of the Arab country especially Egypt. It is the images of the author and
other women who experience oppression. In this novel, Nawal El
Saadawi describes about oppression of women. Women become object of
oppression of men. They not respecting of women, always threats rude to
the women. A woman is lower than a man. In this novel, many events
that show women always get a bad treatment such as, the Imam
oppression. The Imam considers a woman like a buffalo. The price of a
woman is not cheaper than a buffalo. It means buffalo price is more
expensive than the price of a woman. The price of a buffalo is more than
that of a woman, I said, and a man will have only one buffalo and yet
will marry four wives. (Saadawi’s The Fall of The Imam, p.124 - 125)
As the social document, literature become a mirror of social
condition at the time (Wellek & Warren, 1949). It can be seen in this
novel The Fall of the Imam by Nawal El Saadawi. She is an Egypt author
and she has written some genre of novel, one of them that is The Fall of
the Imam. This novel is actually inspired by condition of women in Arab
country especially Egypt that women always get oppression from men.
Related with this novel, first, this novel is real story in some country of
Arab and this novel related with the author that Nawal El Saadawi ever
imprisoned by the Egyptian leader during the reign of Anwar Sadat.
After the murder of Anwar Sadat, a month later she was expelled from
prison by the next leader. He is Hosni Mubaraq. During his leadership of

Anwar Sadat, he captures many activists who is threatened or criticized

his leadership. One of them is Nawal El Saadawi, she was arrested
because criticizing the government that unfair about women's rights.
Women are always be underestimated and have no rights like men.
During in prison, she creates this novel that tells about oppression on
women and the others.
In this discussion, the researcher has three points to discuss. First,
the researcher wants to identify tyranny in this novel The Fall of the
Imam by Nawal El Saadawi. The tyranny is happened when mother of
Bint Allah killed by the Imam. She is accused by adultery with a man and
having a daughter named Bint Allah. Mother Bint Allah is also accused
by the Imam for not supporting his leadership, so she is considered
infidel by the Imam. Not only to execute those who commit adultery, the
Imam but also punishes the thief by cutting his hand. He also cut the
tongue of who deny the news of her death. The Imam does all this
because he considers himself the representative of God on earth. He
makes a decision based on the Shari'ah of Allah. The next tyranny is
when the Imam’s wife knows the badness of the Imam and they cannot
tell to anyone. If they tell him, they are threatened to be divorced and
expelled from home.
Based on principles of Marxist Approach by Karl Marx,
Dialectical Materialism in the novel of The Fall of the Imam is reflected
by a character named Bint Allah. Bint Allah shows an early story of
violence committed by a person against a mother. Historical materialism
relates with social and material lives. In this novel The Fall of The Imam,
the high social classes reflected by Imam and the Imam’s wife also the
people around the Imam. The low social class is mother of Bint Allah,
Bint Allah and the people who are weak. Wife of the Imam is people that
have more material. She is rich women. Imam’s wife must look beautiful
using much jewelry and using veil expensive. Novel The Fall of the
Imam tells about different social between low social and high social

class. Also this novel tells about dictatorship and tyranny. Because
different social, it easy to appears a conflict between low social and high
social class. Class Struggle focuses on the struggle of the oppressed class
against the oppressor (Hartisekar and Abadi, 2001:35). The reason of
conflict between the oppressed class and oppressor can appear such as
economic, politic, and ideologic. The people around the Imam are
included into high social class. They consider the people that do not
know the Imam, they are nothing to their land. If the people low social
not loyal to the Imam, they no place for God. It means that they (low
class) are not part of the high class (people that loyal or around the
Imam). When Bint Allah with the Imam, Bint Allah is ordered to kneel at
feet of the Imam, but Bint Allah do not want to do it. Bint Allah tells to
the Imam that she never kneels the feet anyone. The result of revolution
is happened after Bint Allah has experienced many events, difficulty and
problems in her life. In this story Bint Allah feels free after killing the
Imam, because there is nothing oppression again.
Second, character of the Imam, the Chief of Security and the
Great Writer then we know that they are bourgeois or high class who in
theory Marxist those who have capital. In this novel they have positions
and they apply arbitrarily to the proletariat. They have a crude character
that oppresses the proletariat. Do coercion if the order is not obeyed. The
victim of oppression a woman who is likened to a buffalo, the Chief of
Security’s wife, Great Writer’s son who struck his face. They all only
subject of the bourgeois or capitalists that is the proletariat or low class
Third, the reason of the author raises tyranny in this novel because
Nawal El Saadawi is an activist who struggle of women rights. She fights
for women's rights through her novel. She had been imprisoned because
her novel which she criticized the leadership of Anwar Sadat. (Hendry,
Maggy, 1999). She writes about a woman or a woman's injustice because
she sees majority unfair middle-east country treating woman. Women are

denied the rights as men. Men are free to go out of the house while
women are not, men are free to work while women are not.
The last chapter consists conclusion, suggestion and pedagogical
implication. After analyzing and discussing Nawal El Saadawi novels (The Fall of
The Imam) with a marxist approach, the writer concludes from the analysis
delivered in the previous chapter.

6.1 Conclusion
After analyzing the data that related in The Fall of The Imam novel (1987)
by Nawal El Sadaawi there are some conclusion that can be formulated and
presented as follows:
The researcher concludes based on Marxist Approach by Karl Marx, there
are four principles Marxist in The Fall of the Imam novel (1987) by Nawal El
Saadawi as follows:
Firstly, dialectical materialism in the novel of The Fall of the Imam is
reflected by a character named Bint Allah. Bint Allah shows an early story of
violence committed by a person against a mother. She gives all the
information what has been experienced, from child until adult. She explains
to us the oppression of the Imam and the people around him.
Secondly, historical materialism relates with material lives. In this novel
The Fall of the Imam the high social classes reflected by wife of the Imam
and the Imam also the people that around the Imam. Wife of the Imam is
people that have more material. She is rich women. Imam’s wife must look
beautiful using much jewelry and using veil expensive.
Third is class struggle; this happened when Bint Allah with the Imam, Bint
Allah is ordered to kneel at feet of the Imam, but Bint Allah do not want to do
it. Bint Allah tells to the Imam that she never kneels the feet anyone. Bint
Allah rebels to kiss the feet of the Imam.
Fourth is revolution. The result of revolution is happened after Bint Allah
has experienced many events, difficulty and problems in her life. In this story


Bint Allah feels free after killing the Imam, there are no oppression again
after the dead of the Imam.

6.2 Suggestion
In this form, after the writer makes conclusion, he gives some suggestion
that full of hope this research can be benefits and meaning for the reader. The
researcher knows that this research far away from perfect research because
the research have a limit about knowledge so the research suggest:
The Fall of the Imam is an interesting literary works. The research hopes
that the next research will complete this research that not perfect. This
research, researcher uses Marxist Approach about issue that is Tyranny on
women in Nawal El Saadawi The Fall of the Imam Novel’s. Nawal El
Sadaawi gives this novel many issues such as economic, political, social,
culture and many more. All issue can be analyzing use some approach such as
Psychological Approach, Behavior Approach, Feminist Approach and
another approach.

6.3 Pedagogical Implication

There are some pedagogical implications that the writer can deliver, there is:
1. The Fall of the Imam by Nawal El Saadawi can be used for referents
study for the next researcher who want analyze the same novel that is The
Fall of The Imam Nawal El Sadaawi.
2. For university lecture, this novel can be material to learn and to teach
because the content this novel gives the knowledge. Also can be used
example of how aspect is formed using the Marxist Approach.
3. The novel is meaningful to be read by adult because it delivers many
moral values such as about fighting, never give up and how to be good
4. The novel is suitable for object of research because in this novel is many
issue in the real life.

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