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Fluid Assignment 1

1.0 Introduction

Pump, a device that expends energy in order to raise, transport, or compress fluids. The
earliest pumps were devices for raising water, such as the Persian and Roman waterwheels and
the more sophisticated Archimedes screw (q.v.). Pumps are classified according to the way in
which energy is imparted to the fluid. The basic methods are (1) volumetric displacement, (2)
addition of kinetic energy, and (3) use of electromagnetic force. A fluid can be displaced either
mechanically or by the use of another fluid. Kinetic energy may be added to a fluid either by
rotating it at high speed or by providing an impulse in the direction of flow. In order to use
electromagnetic force, the fluid being pumped must be a good electrical conductor. Pumps used
to transport or pressurize gases are called compressors, blowers, or fans. Pumps in which
displacement is accomplished mechanically are called positive displacement pumps. Kinetic
pumps impart kinetic energy to the fluid by means of a rapidly rotating impeller.
Broadly speaking, positive displacement pumps move relatively low volumes of fluid at
high pressure, and kinetic pumps impel high volumes at low pressure. A certain amount of
pressure is required to get the fluid to flow into the pump before additional pressure or velocity
can be added. If the inlet pressure is too small, cavitation (the formation of a vacuous space in
the pump, which is normally occupied by liquid) will occur. Vaporization of liquid in the suction
line is a common cause of cavitation. Vapor bubbles carried into the pump with the liquid
collapse when they enter a region of higher pressure, resulting in excessive noise, vibration,
corrosion, and erosion. The important characteristics of a pump are the required inlet pressure,
the capacity against a given total head (energy per pound due to pressure, velocity, or elevation),
and the percentage efficiency for pumping a particular fluid. Pumping efficiency is much higher
for mobile liquids such as water than for viscous fluids such as molasses. Since the viscosity of a
liquid normally decreases as the temperature is increased, it is common industrial practice to heat
very viscous liquids in order to pump them more efficiently.

Fluid Assignment 1

2.0 Theory
Basic pump theory:
The system curve describes the resistance that exists in the pipe system, i.e. all losses in the pipe
work. Since a circulation system is usually a closed loop system, there is no geodetic head to
overcome, only friction losses. The friction losses in a pipe increase as the square of the velocity
increases. This is why it is important to choose the right pipe, with the right dimensions relative
to the flow.
In a loop system, the weight of liquid on the way up is balanced by the liquid on the way down.
Therefore, when the system is filled, the geodetics head for the building is zero, regardless of the
height of the building. The required pump capacity is determined instead by the total length,
diameter and routing of the pump system. See the Ferris wheel illustration below.

Ferris wheel

The principle can be illustrated with a Ferris wheel. When the wheel rotates, the ascending
baskets are balanced by those on the way down, and the motor only needs to overcome the

Capacity of pump:
The mass flow rate of fluid through the pump is an obvious primary pump performance
parameter. For incompressible flow, it is more common to use volume flow rate rather than mass
flow rate. In the turbomachinery industry, volume flow rate is called capacity and is simply mass
flow rate divided by fluid density,

Fluid Assignment 1

Pump performance:
The performance of a pump is characterized additionally by its net head H, defined as the change
in Bernoulli head between the inlet and outlet of the pump:

The net head of a pump, H, is defined as the change in Bernoulli head from inlet to outlet; for a
liquid, this is equivalent to the change in the energy grade line, H = EGLout - EGLin, relative to
some arbitrary datum plane; bhp is the brake horsepower, the external power supplied to the
Free delivery: The maximum volume flow rate through a pump occurs when its net head is zero,
H = 0; this flow rate is called the pump’s free delivery.
Shutoff head: The net head that occurs when the volume flow rate is zero, and is achieved when
the outlet port of the pump is blocked off. Under these conditions, H is large but V is zero; the
pump’s efficiency is again zero, because the pump is doing no useful work.
Best Efficiency Point (BEP): The pump’s efficiency reaches its maximum value somewhere
between the shutoff condition and the free delivery condition. It is notated by an asterisk (H*,
bhp*, etc.).
Pump Performance Curves: Curves of H, pump, and bhp as functions of volume flow rate are
called pump performance curves (or characteristic curves).
Operating point or duty point of the system: In a typical application, Hrequired and Havailable match
at one unique value of flow rate—this is the operating point or duty point of the system. For
steady conditions, a pump can operate only along its performance curve.

Fluid Assignment 1

How much energy lost in pipe work?

In order to calculate a system curve, you must first calculate the friction losses (hf) in the pipe
work. These occur at bends and in valves (known as point losses or hfp), as well as in straight
pipe sections (hfr). Point losses depend on the number of bends and valves in the pipe system,
and increase with liquid velocity. Losses in straight pipe sections depend on the liquid velocity
and the length, diameter and surface smoothness of the pipe.

The pump curve (QH curve) shows the pump's properties and indicates the flow that it produces
at a particular pressure.

Duty point

Fluid Assignment 1

The point at which the pump curve and the system curve intersect is called the duty point

Fluid Assignment 1

Efficiency and best efficiency point

The best efficiency point (BEP), or nominal point, is the point at which the maximum level of
efficiency is achieved. The efficiency curve shows how the efficiency varies at different flows.
When dimensioning the pump, two parameters are essential in order to achieve cost-effective
pumping: the power requirement and the duty point (see previous page). This is particularly true
when the pump is to be dimensioned for several different duty points, for example, a heating
system that is not used all year round.

The BEP is often indicated by a narrow angle on the QH curve.

Fluid Assignment 1

3.0 Calculation

H = Ho – aQ2 a = 0.0678 m/Lpm2

Ho = 24.4m

z 2−z 1= 10.85m H = 24.4 – 0.0678Q2

D = 2.03cm = 0.0203m

K L, entrance = 0.5

K L, valve = 17.5

K L, elbow = 0.92 × 5

K L, exit = 1.05

L = 176.5m

 = 0.25mm = 2.5 × 10-4


1. Flow is steady
2. Flow is incompressible

Fluid Assignment 1

By definition, at free delivery condition, the net head across the pump is zero. Thus, there is no
loss or gain of pressure across the pump, and we can essentially ignore it in the calculation here.

Bernoulli equation,

P 2 – P1 v 22−v 12
Hrequired – HL total = + + ( z 2−z 1)
ρg 2g

Where the pressure term vanishes since the free surface at location 1 and at the exit (location 2)
are both open to the atmosphere.The inlet velocity terms disapperas since V1 is negligibly small
at the free surface. Thus, equation reduces into potential energy head, kinetic energy and
irreversible head losses.

Hrequired = ( z 2−z 1) + HL total

The total head loss consist of major and minor losses. Thus, creating our first eq. 1:

L v2
Hrequired = ( z 2−z 1) + (f + ∑ K L) -------------------------------------------- eq. 1
D 2g

ṁ m
Where, Q = AV Q= ṁ=
ρ s

V= Re =
A μ

The expression given by the question is:

H = Ho – aQ2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- eq. 2

Q = 0 (shut-off head)

Havailable = Ho = 24.4m

Fluid Assignment 1

We find the Relative Roughness by substituting the given information into the formula:

❑ 2.5 ×10−4 -3
D = 20.3× 10−3 = 0.0123 = 12.3×10

From the Moody chart,

At relative rough roughness = 12.3x10-3,

We got friction factor, f = 0.04

Substitute into eq. 1

Fluid Assignment 1

From table of water properties at 20°C,

ρ = 998/m3

μ = 1.002×10-3 kg/m.s

∑ K L = 0.5 + 17.5 + (0.92×5) + 1.05

= 23.65

∴ Hrequired = Havailable

L v2
Hrequired = ( z 2−z 1) + (f + ∑ K L)
D 2g
176.5 v
24.4 = 10.85 + 0.04 [ ( 0.0203 )
+ 23.65
2(9.81) ]
24.4 = 10.85 + 18.931( v 2)

v 2 = 0.716

vπD 2
v = 0.846m/s Q=

Compared eq. 1 and eq. 2, to prove that Hrequired = Havailable:

0.846 × π × ( 0.02032 )
24.4 – (0.0678)
[ 4 ]
= 10.85 + 18.931(0.846)2

24.4 = 24.4 (proved)

Thus we find our pump operating point,

Based on v = 0.846m/s,

Q = v̇ =
0.846 × π × ( 0.02032 )
[ 4 ]
= 2.738 × 10−4 Lpm

Fluid Assignment 1

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