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Web Application and Technologies (COMP 334)
Second Semester 2019/2020
! " " # $ % & ' % ( ) * HTML and CSS Due Date 07/04/2020

This assignment involves the creation of some HTML pages. You are forbidden to use any
HTML editor for this assignment. You should do the entire thing by editing HTML files using
a text editor.
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• In your htdocs directory on the CS web server, create a subdirectory called

assOne, to which upload the task files

• In your htdocs directory on the CS web server, create a subdirectory called images, in
which add all of your images/photos.

• Also you must compressed (Zipped) all your files to a file name it as
and submitted to Ritaj by replaying to the message before the due date.

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In this task you will provide a stype to the given HTML filled titles as “chapter04-project02.html”
so it will look like Fig. 1 below


1. Use your chapter03-project02.html file from the previous task as a starting point.

2. Use the reset.css from Project 1 to reset all default styles.

3. Create an external style sheet named chapter04-project02.css.

4. Add styles to chapter04-project02.css so that it looks similar to that shown in Fig. 1 below.
Do not modify the markup within the <body> element. This means defining styles for the
header, footer, section, and other tags.

Fig1: Completed Project.

Hint: Use attribute selectors for the mail and telephone link icons as shown here:

a [href ^=“mailto”] {
background : url (images/email.png) no-repeat 0 3px;
padding-left: 1em;

a [href ^=“tel”] {
background : url (images/call.png) no-repeat 0 3px;
padding-left: 1em;


1. Visually compare your output to that shown in Fig. 1 above.

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