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In EGS_Application::initSimulation()

EGSnrc version 4 for linux64 Thu Mar 19 21:10:10 2020
user code...................................................tutor7pp
pegs file...................................................521icru on HEN_HOUSE
using host..................................................laneeey
input file..................................................Contoh
output file(s)..............................................Contoh

* *
* tutor7pp *
* *

This is Tutor7_Application based on


In initCrossSections(): spin effects = 1

===> Photonuclear flag: 0

Rayleigh data available for medium 1 in PEGS4 data set.

(Re)-initializing photon cross sections with files from the series: xcom

Compton cross sections: default

Using Compton cross sections from
Working on medium 1 ...
-> 100 atomic ff values computed!
preparing data for Rayleigh sampling ... done


Reading screened Rutherford MS data ............... done

Reading spin data base from

EGSnrc spin data, version 2.0
Data generated on a machine with 1234 endianess
The endianess of this CPU is 1234
Ranges: 1.00 100.00 0.30054 1.00000

medium 1 ..................... done

Medium 1 sige = 6.3784170227787529 6.1807995067678911

monotone = F F

Initializing tmxs for estepe = 0.25000000000000000 and ximax =


Bound Compton scattering requested, reading data ...... Done

Initializing Bound Compton scattering ......
Medium 1 has 5 shells:
1 1 1 0.20000 0.116E+03 0.014
2 17 1 0.20000 0.155E+02 0.543
3 18 2 0.20000 0.793E+02 0.024
4 19 3 0.20000 0.479E+02 0.014
5 20 4 0.20000 0.479E+02 0.014
...... Done.

Output from subroutine EDGSET:

Atomic relaxations requested!

Reading simplified photo-absorption data ..... Done

Reading simplified relaxation data ..... Done

Reading parametrized XCOM photo cross section data ..... Done

Reading EADL relaxation data ......

Z = 1 has 1 shells
Z = 8 has 4 shells
...... Done.


The following media are defined:


0 H2O521ICRU AE= 0.5210 AP= 0.0100 0

Transport parameter and cross section options:

Photon cross sections xcom
Compton cross sections default
Global Pcut 0.01
Pair cross sections BH
Pair angular sampling Simple
Triplet production Off
Bound Compton scattering norej
Radiative Compton corrections Off
Rayleigh scattering On
Atomic relaxations On
Photoelectron angular sampling On
Photonuclear attenuation Off
Photonuclear cross sections default

Global Ecut 0.521

Brems cross sections BH
Brems angular sampling KM
Spin effects On
Electron Impact Ionization Off
Global Smax 1e+10
Ximax 0.5
Boundary crossing algorithm Exact
Skin depth for BCA 3
Electron-step algorithm EGSnrc

======================== geometry =====================

type = EGS_NDGeometry
name = phantom
number of regions = 1
number of dimensions = 2
dimension 1 = the_planes (type EGS_Zplanes)
dimension 2 = the_cylinder (type EGS_ZCylinders)

The simulation uses the following source:

Point source with monoenergetic 0.1 MeV, photons

Random number generator:

type = ranmar
high resolution = no
initial seeds = 33 97
numbers used so far = 0

The following ausgab objects are included in the simulation


Dose Scoring Object (my_dose_scoring)

- Regions in dose calculator :1

medium rho/[g/cm**3]
H2O521ICRU 1.00


Starting simulation on Thu Mar 19 21:10:10 2020

Fresh simulation of 1000000 histories

Running 1000000 histories

Batch CPU time Result Uncertainty(%)
1 19.70 0.251241 0.54
2 39.54 0.251704 0.38
3 59.28 0.251314 0.31
4 78.80 0.250666 0.27
5 100.42 0.250936 0.24
6 120.85 0.250724 0.22
7 140.44 0.250978 0.21
8 160.20 0.251087 0.19
9 179.87 0.25098 0.18
10 199.41 0.251162 0.17

Finished simulation

Total cpu time for this run: 199.41 (sec.) 0.0554(hours)

Histories per hour: 1.80533e+07
Number of random numbers used: 5742453147
Number of electron CH steps: 2.1192e+06
Number of all electron steps: 2.13131e+06

last case = 1603451219 Etot = 100000

Energy fractions
The first and last items in the following list of energy fractions are the
reflected and transmitted energy, respectively. These two values are only
meaningful if the source is directed in the positive z-direction. The remaining
values are the deposited energy fractions in the regions of the geometry, but
notice that the identifying index is the region number offset by 1 (ir+1).

ir+1 | Reflected, deposited, or transmitted energy fraction for 1603451219


0 2.511631e-01 +/- 4.313979e-04

1 1.940798e-01 +/- 2.956268e-04
2 5.547571e-01 +/- 7.161810e-04

Dose Scoring Object(my_dose_scoring)
=> last case = 1603451219 fluence = 1.60345e+09

==> Summary of region dosimetry (per particle)

ir medium rho/[g/cm3] V/cm3 Edep/[MeV] D/[Gy]
0 H2O521ICRU 1.000 785.3982 1.2104e-05 +/- 0.152 % 2.4689e-18 +/- 0.152 %


Finished simulation

Elapsed time: 199.6 s ( 0.055 h)

CPU time: 199.6 s ( 0.055 h)
Ratio: 1.000

End of run Thu Mar 19 21:13:30 2020

finishSimulation(tutor7pp) 0

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