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Ministerul Educa ționale

ţional de Evaluare
Centrul Na şi Examinare

Examenul de bacalaureat na 2019

Proba C
de evaluare a competen ă de circula
elor lingvistice într-o limb ţie interna
ă ăţă
studiat pe parcursul înv mântului liceal

ţelegere a unui text audiat la Limba englez

Proba de în ă

şi specializ
Toate filierele, profilurile ările/ calific
Varianta 6

• Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

• Timpul de lucru efectiv este de 20 de minute.

SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)

You will hear a man and a woman talking about their home. For questions 1 – 4 choose th
answer (A, B, C or D).

1. What is the first thing that the woman says she loves about their home?

A. the location
B. the bathroom
C. the garden
D. the quiet

2. Why is it easy for them to drive everywhere?

A. They have a very fast car.

B. Their house is close to the city.
C. The roads are good.
D. There is a motorway nearby.

3. What is their favourite room?

A. the bathroom
B. the kitchen
C. the living room
D. the bedroom

4. Who is their house NOT perfect for?

A. their family
B. their neighbours
C. their guests
D. their friends

Proba C – Limba englez Varianta 6
ţiei Na
Ministerul Educa ționale
ţional de Evaluare
Centrul Na şi Examinare

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)

You will hear a radio report on a Mandarin duck which has become an attraction in New
questions 5 – 10, choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

5. Where did the bird first appear?

A. on a lake
B. in Central Park
C. in a private home
D. in a zoo

6. Why do hundreds of people turn up to see the duck?

A. to get a glimpse of it
B. to see it flaunt its feathers
C. to feed it breadcrumbs
D. to show it to their children

7. What do the newspaper writers say about the mandarin duck and the common New

A. There are conflicts between them.

B. They get along peacefully.
C. They have built a nest together.
D. There is no contact between them.

8. Why did Leesa Beckmann come to see the duck?

A. A friend invited her to New York.

B. She wanted to take a picture of it to show her children.
C. She has always loved ducks.
D. Her mother had been talking about it.

9. What does bird expert Paul Sweet say about the mandarin duck?

A. There is nothing extraordinary about it.

B. It is a welcome addition to the city.
C. The people should be interested in other birds as well.
D. It will soon leave the city.

10. According to Paul Sweet, traditional bird watchers

A. do not show enthusiasm towards the mandarin duck.

B. are very excited about the possibility of more ducks appearing.
C. have been puzzled about the origin of the duck.
D. consider the duck to be an escapee.

Proba C – Limba englez Varianta 6

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